Canavar Gibi (2018) - full transcript
Gülbahar, what's wrong, honey? Huh?
Why do you pull a face?
-I'm wondering...
-About what?
Are you wasting my time?
Wasting your time?
I'd be blind if I looked at another woman.
No, I'm not talking about that.
I'm talking about our relationship.
What? Are you pregnant?
-No! I'm not talking about that.
We need to give a name
to our relationship.
Ah! Yeah, sure, darling.
Ekrem! What do you think?
It's my late father's name.
Don't tease me, Gürbüz.
Have you ever wondered why I'm hungry?
Gülbahar, you're eating too much.
You're all jiggly down there.
I'm not jiggly at all.
-Don't tease me.
I won't.
I don't have a lira left. You made me get
a loan from the bank, I can't pay for it.
We'll pay.
The fridge is empty.
At least buy some groceries.
We will.
Won't you give your Gürbüz
a kiss for luck, huh?
Come on.
We will.
Why, you...
-You kiss like an animal anyway.
-Where's that Gürbüz asshole?
He's here, there, everywhere.
Sabit, don't give me that bullshit.
This cucumber came out of
the mobile box that he sold me.
You're one of the lucky ones.
That's a special offer.
The mobile follows that.
Gürbüz! Where's Gürbüz?
Yes, ma'am. I can help you.
I'm his personal assistant, Sabit.
The phone number
he sold me has three other owners.
I became intimate with the strangers.
That's it? Just three?
Didn't you say you won't look at
any other women? What's this?
I won't look at any other women. I can't!
I'm importing lingerie from the Far East.
Let me see.
These are used!
I'm doing secondhand lingerie.
That's where the cash is.
Go away!
These are all filled with
secondhand lingerie.
-Open them if you like.
-I don't care.
I won't leave before I talk to Gürbüz!
Goddamn you, Sabit. Be useful, for once.
I'll go check.
The customers have gone crazy.
If you're cheating on me,
may bullets rain down on you,
you'll get buried in a grave
and won't rest in peace!
Go now!
Your corporate solution partner, Gürbüz.
How may I be of assistance?
There was a cucumber in this box.
We're just the victim of the supplier.
The electronics market relies on luck.
My number was registered to
three other people.
Ma'am, we need to pinch
every penny these days.
I know these three guys.
Just call me in case anything happens.
They're all nice kids.
I can vouch for them.
Come again, please. You're welcome.
We always have a corporate solution.
Yes, friend...
My regards, ma'am.
Listen to me, Gürbüz.
You can fool her but not me.
I won't leave before I get what's mine.
Why haven't you told Timur
about our new campaign?
Is Timur a stranger? Idiot!
Our new campaign?
A new mobile phone is being released
at the same time in Turkey
and around the world.
You give me 150 lira
and participate in the lottery.
OK? Give me the 150 lira! Give it to me!
Of course you'll win the lottery.
Say "Hello".
-Say it again!
-Say it again!
-He says it so beautifully. Say it again.
-You're going to win, don't worry.
Come on, gents. Come again.
We have corporate solutions,
communication support...
I'm going to bet on the horses.
Tidy up.
You're betting on horse racing
but the debts are piling up.
What are we going to do about Blonde
Kenan? How are we going to pay?
Who cares about Blonde Kenan?
I've seen Pink Polka Dot Kenans.
You don't know me. Watch and learn.
What can he do? Is he going to kill me?
Is he going to kill me?
-Was this necessary?
-You have the right to one answer, Gürbüz.
-What's the question?
Sir! You know
the electronics market relies on luck.
Then you're shit out of luck.
Dear students...
Thank you for your time and being here.
People rewriting medical history are
the ones searching for the mysteries.
Western medicine may have
produced a pacemaker.
a prosthesis, an antidepressant.
But they're nothing but
buying some time against death.
Well, is achieving more possible?
With my experiment
that I'm about to present to you today,
I'll show a revolutionary idea
to the world history of medicine.
Maybe Doctor Frankenstein
was an imaginary character,
but his dreams would come true.
Ladies and gentlemen...
Wait, calm down! Don't be scared!
There's nothing to be scared of.
That dog is calm as a lamb.
Give him to us!
Give him to us!
Give him to us!
Give him to us!
Get down here!
-Give him to us!
-You'll see what chopping animals is!
Some guy posted your presentation online.
They raided the school.
We'll burn you just like that!
What I am going to tell all these people?
Listen, don't ever go out.
They'll tear you to pieces.
It was obvious. They wanted to hang me.
Professor, you know the path
to revolution in science is rocky.
Fuck your revolution! Revolution...
I just asked for you to avoid meddling and
make a presentation about DNA structure.
What did you do, huh? What are these?
Are you fucking crazy?
Is it your job to raise the dead?
-I'm sorry but
we have to suspend you for a while.
The gods demand a sacrifice.
But, Professor!
This competition is my only chance
to announce my invention to the world.
-Give him to us!
-Get down here!
When that day comes, you'll all be sorry
when you see what a great thing I'll do.
Are you still talking? Fuck off!
No problem. No problem at all.
The Professor told me
to take some time off, rest.
I've had enough of you
and your stupid dreams. I see it now.
This isn't working.
-What are you talking about?
-I didn't ask for much.
You could open a clinic
and we could live happily ever after.
You became a researcher for chickenfeed.
Everyone's making fun of me.
No. Don't. Don't take it out.
Don't make this any harder.
But Selen... But...
But you're not listening to me.
I'm on the...
I'm on the verge of an amazing discovery.
Doctor, life is short.
It's not worth it for a girl.
You'll find someone else.
You should be upset about your career.
I don't care, Tintin.
One day, they'll put up my statue.
Tintin, can you scratch my back?
Right, Grandpa. Sure.
-Thanks, dear.
-Yeah, I've nothing else to do anyway.
I mean, I've had enough of
searching for dead animals.
You were supposed to be a doctor
and take care of me, look at me now.
I'm scratching him.
...towards the shoulder blades.
Shoulders, huh? Yeah, sure.
My scientist brother!
My Einstein brother!
Are you having tea? I had fruit for you.
-Give me the fruit.
Grandpa, you burned my hand. What is that?
Erol, who is this dude?
He's gone off the rails again. Jesus...
-Yes, dear?
-They kicked me out of the university.
Why is it great?
Decades of research went down the drain.
Selen left me, too.
Selen had a huge butt. And a tiny mouth.
Huge butt? It was like a peach.
I mean, a peachy person.
You know, it's peach season now.
That's why.
Eat your fruit before it gets cold.
Come on, Dad. Come on.
My sweet brother.
I'd die for you. Come on.
God, what kind of family is this?
-Come here.
Actually, you're right, Tintin.
We won't achieve anything unless
we take the experiments to the next level.
Are you ready to get a little hard,
-What do you mean by hard, Professor?
-Don't be stupid!
We'll participate in the international
science contest with a new experiment.
Listen, this is a risky one.
We might get in trouble.
I'll understand if you say,
"I don't have what it takes, I'm out."
I mean, when you say "trouble,"
I don't understand what you mean.
Have you ever heard
of Frankenstein, Tintin?
Of course, Professor.
I saw the movie on military service.
He stitches dead people up together
and brings them to life. That one, right?
Are we going to pirate movies
or something?
Tintin, why don't you get it? No!
I'll bring the dead back.
Repent, Professor.
You'll offend God.
Let's not go to hell over nothing.
My dear brothers, beloved Muslims...
Today we are gathered here
to send our brother Gürbüz
from the trivial world of matter
to the afterlife,
where it's abundant in its beauty.
While I pay my respects to this huge crowd
that came to say goodbye
to our brother Gürbüz,
I want to memorialize
the founder of our republic
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
Fatih Sultan Mehmet
Kazım Karabekir...
Wrap it up, I have to open the shop.
...and say a prayer for them.
Come on.
Gürbüz, my love!
Why did you leave me?
How could I have known that my curse
would come true so soon?
I swear I said "I don't mean it" later.
You don't believe me, do you?
Gülbahar, enough. Let's go.
He's gone.
Don't let yourself go.
You're at the prime of your youth.
-You're gorgeous.
-Go away, Sabit!
I didn't do him any good
while he was alive.
Let me perform my last duty properly.
I'm to blame!
I wish I had swallowed my tongue
and didn't say those words!
God take my speech away!
-Hello there.
-You need to take a number.
-What is that, bro?
-Gas poisoning.
What a strange place. I'd never
pictured it like this while I was alive.
-Can you give me your number?
-There you go.
What a nice number!
-You'll definitely go to heaven.
-I hope so.
Macit Biligen!
Is it heaven?
-You haven't even prayed in your life.
-I went to Quran school when I was little.
Come on, bro.
You won't get a makeup exam here.
Cover it completely. Don't half ass it.
Do it like you mean it. Right on top!
Goddamn you!
He just died
and you've already changed the name?
This is capitalism, Gülbahar.
Shame on you!
Come for a cup of tea to calm your nerves.
We'll check the tombstones and dig up
the ones who have died within three days.
-That's all.
-OK, Professor.
What the hell are you doing?
My folks are religious people.
-For the love of God...
Let's turn back while we still can.
We'll never cross the bridge
to heaven like this.
They'll sew our mouths to our asses!
What are you talking about?
We're in a cemetery. Don't be scared.
Think of it like that,
it'll calm you down.
We're not here if death's here.
If we're here, death is not. Easy.
Sure, Professor. How many times
have you died, asshole?
Watch your step, there's a grave.
Raise the dead
Trust the Doctor
He knows what to do
Turkish style monster
Blonde Kenan called
Where's the money, Gürbüz?
Raise the dead
Trust the Doctor
He knows what to do
Turkish style monster
Blonde Kenan called
Where's the money, Gürbüz?
Unorthodox scientist
This is the crazy doctor
Dig the grave, Tintin
Our job is hard
Bought a mobile
Got a cucumber
Sabit wants Gülbahar now
After Gürbüz's death
Torn to nine pieces
Stitch double
People say I'm a genius
Or doing fine
No spring for us or bed of roses
Whose is this arm?
Whose are these hands?
Raise the dead
Trust the Doctor
He knows what to do
Professor, easy, easy.
Professor, easy!
Esselamü aleyküm ve rahmetullah.
Esselamü aleyküm ve rahmetullah.
God bless you, kids.
Be careful!
-We dropped it because of you.
What are you doing this late?
Sister, we collected some corpses
from the cemetery.
-I'll electrocute it.
I'll bring it to life.
Well done!
Do it. Do it, my boy.
But the electricity bill was really high
last month, don't use too much.
-Sleep well.
-Good night.
-Yes, dear?
God bless you.
Hold that.
Raise the dead
Trust the Doctor
He knows what to do
Turkish style monster
Blonde Kenan called
Where's the money, Gürbüz?
Raise the dead
Trust the Doctor
He knows what to do
Turkish style monster
Blonde Kenan called
Where's the money, Gürbüz?
How beautifully God created you
How beautifully God created you
I see you got the hang of it.
I have to hand it to you,
you're sewing beautifully.
Thank you.
My father made me
work as an apprentice to a tailor
through elementary to middle school.
I'm familiar with sewing.
But we're missing a big part.
Yeah, we don't have a head.
You don't have even one decent friend.
All scatterbrains.
Professor, I mean, yeah, I haven't been to
university like you, but I have an idea.
Check it out.
What is that?
Shit, it's a woman.
Didn't you see that it was a woman?
Ayhan was written on the tomb stone.
But that won't do.
It'll stick out like a sore thumb.
Anyway, we can give it a try.
Bring it here.
-Let's go.
Oh, my God!
Goddamn you, Cengiz!
Nurten's husband got her a brand new car.
She invited me to take a ride.
I curse you every time
I see them passing by, Cengiz!
Özge's husband got her a ring
the size of dinosaur balls.
What did you get me?
A ring the size of a cock's dick.
My mother told me.
That you were no good.
Stop crying. You're a woman
who loves her husband no matter what.
I really loved Cengiz
I'm not lying
I won't have anyone but you, Cengiz
Anyone but you
-She's dead.
-Let her be dead. What the fuck?
Let her go, Professor. For God's sake!
Don't worry about it.
We'll find another one. Fuck it.
Where did I go wrong?
I'm starving over here.
Let's pump a little blood in our brains.
-Shouldn't we get something to eat?
-Eat shit.
What's taking so long?
There you go.
Tripe soup for you...
...and brain for you.
I mean, this is your order.
Anyway, enjoy!
Comedy in a soup shop.
-How can you eat that?
I highly recommend it.
Once you eat this, you'll say
"I've never eaten meat before.
I had wood, I chewed on stone."
I can do without it.
You have to taste a fresh one. Amazing.
You should eat the brain in three days.
You should eat it fresh.
And with lemon on it...
-How can you put that in your mouth?
-Come on, Doctor. For God's sake!
We took eight corpses out of their graves!
We sewed them together
like sewing a jacket. Right?
-Why don't you put an ad in the paper?
Get up! We're leaving.
-Get up, come on.
I apologize, I didn't mean to do it.
That's correct.
That's also correct.
All my calculations are correct.
Why didn't it work?
I made a mistake
but I don't know what it is.
Why didn't it work?
Where did I go wrong?
What could be the missing part?
You should eat the brain in three days.
You should eat it fresh.
You should eat it fresh.
-Holy mother of...
-Wake up! I've found it!
-What have you found? What's going on?
-I found the problem!
Here! Get up! Come on!
Take it.
Come here.
Praying at three in the morning?
Are you crazy?
I was watching TV the other night.
They said it's better to pray at night.
That's why.
Making fun of a police officer, huh?
God forbid, sir.
You know I can throw you in jail
for five days right now.
Then I'll get you out and throw you back
for another five.
Then to the district attorney.
I'll charge you with high treason
and threats to the integrity of the state.
I'll get you double life sentences.
You won't even have the time to beg me.
Do you understand?
I do.
Just kidding.
Come on, life sentence?
Where are we? In a banana republic?
Tell me now, what were you doing there?
So I can forgive you.
Inspector, I am...
I'm a researcher at medical school.
Here's my ID.
We needed cadavers at school,
for research.
I was trying to get some cadavers.
Well, if you needed cadavers
why didn't you go to the common grave?
Why are you bothering people?
Come closer. Come.
They shot Gürbüz a few days ago.
They destroyed him.
He was a dirt bag.
At least he'll be of some use now.
Go and dig up his grave.
Come on. Go.
Just kidding.
Boy, as if the inspector
has nothing better to do
than teach you
how to be a grave robber, huh?
Don't piss me off.
And stop what you're doing.
Don't make me bash your heads in.
Take your ID.
Come on.
-This common cemete...
-Fuck off!
Get out!
Why did you take the inspector seriously?
He was just kidding.
Professor, they must be following us.
Let's not ruin ourselves over a dream.
-My God!
We're asking for it! What's going on?
-What are you doing over there?
-I like the earth, Professor.
-Come here.
Pull me!
Look. The inspector wasn't kidding.
The stitches are perfect.
How was his hand? It was full of holes.
God forgive me, but he was really ugly.
It would look better
if I drew a pair of eyes on my ass.
Shut up, dumb ass!
Your ass is not the topic here.
What are you talking about?
We don't need his body anyway.
We need his head. Let's start.
Just a second.
Yes, Tintin!
Soon, you'll witness the history of
Western medicine rewrite itself.
This will change the course of history.
Are you ready to witness this moment?
-Ready, Professor.
-Then, I'll begin.
Let's go!
-What happened?
I think we blew a fuse.
I know that! Check him! Is he moving?
I can't look at that face! I'm scared!
Come check it out yourself!
Tintin, you had one job!
Be useful just once!
Wait, don't touch it.
Move away. Don't touch it.
Holy mother of...
No pulse.
It didn't work.
Everything is over.
What can you do, Professor?
It wasn't meant to be.
Something good came of it.
I mean, don't be sad.
You'll return to school.
Then we'll open up a clinic.
We'll take care of our business.
I'll do the accounting.
Raising the dead, fucking with corpses
is not for us, Professor.
We can make those millions in a halal way.
I've been calculating everything, Tintin.
I stitched properly.
I applied micro surgery.
I did everything right.
But it didn't work out.
So, you shouldn't mess with God's will.
God bless you, brother.
If God wanted us to fly,
he'd give us wings.
What can he do? Is he going to kill me?
You don't know me.
I can steal Kenan's pants standing up,
he won't notice a thing.
I'm the guarantee. Buy this phone. Buy it.
Sir! Kenan!
Sir... Kenan.
I swore I'd pay you back.
I just needed a little time.
Gürbüz Telecommunication.
Always your solution partner.
No credit card, no cash, no pre-payment.
Do you do installments?
12, 24, 36.
12, 24, 36.
Well, that's good. Yes.
Breathing! He's breathing!
Professor, I didn't understand
what he said.
It's normal. We put him together
from a number of people.
It's perfectly fine that he's gabbing.
What's important is keeping
his vitals stable until the contest.
-I'll start monitoring his vitals...
-Take me to the brothel.
Take me to the brothel.
It's urgent.
I think we've created a monster.
Professor, creation is unique to God.
I'm so ashamed, Doctor.
There's no sign of life.
Like it was dead and buried.
Don't look at me!
It's impossible to have a wedding night
with someone else's dick.
It's not moving.
Let's get out of here.
Listen, don't tell anyone.
Don't tell anyone.
Sabit, get a hold of yourself.
What are you doing?
-Hello, Gülbahar.
-Yes, Sabit?
I wanted to check if you need anything.
-Like what?
-Listen, I'll be frank with you.
This sudden demise of Gürbüz
made both you and me very lonely.
Little Gülbahar...
-So, I mean, you and me...
-...should have a cup of tea.
-Or Turkish coffee. Ormırra.
So you're saying
"Lechers love widows
like envelopes love stamps.
Gürbüz is dead, so come to me instead."
You took the words out of my mouth
and I didn't feel disgusted one bit.
All right. Can you wait a minute, dear?
Sabit, did you have to be
this good looking?
Fucking bastard!
-Are you scared? Don't be.
I really don't know what I'm doing.
Whose hand did you stitch on me?
I mean, thank you for getting me
out of the grave
but my ass and my head
are going in different directions.
Whose is this hand? Whose is this arm?
Whose is this cock? Who am I?
What's going on? Shame on you.
There might be some glitches at first,
That's normal. But I promise
I'll take care of them before the contest.
-What contest?
-There you go.
Listen, Gürbüz. In three weeks, the most
prestigious science contest in the world
will take place.
All extraordinary scientists will
take part with their inventions.
And I, with my Frankenstein, I mean you,
will beyond no doubt come first.
You get the pussy,
I live the drama. Right?
No fucking way!
Pay me first! Who did you ask
while you dug my grave? Huh? Who?
You have no fucking respect for science.
Have a little respect for the trouble
we've been through. You imgrate!
It's not "imgrate." The word is "ingrate."
Imgrate, ingrate, whatever!
For God's sake.
Besides, it pays a million dollars,
right, Professor?
One million dollars?
Well, that's a different story.
You'll get paid.
You'll be making history.
What about me?
Me... What about Gürbüz?
Who is Gürbüz?
Gürbüz the orphan.
Who is Gürbüz?
Who is Gürbüz?
-What about my share?
-OK, all right. Listen, Gürbüz.
You'll be making history, too.
And you'll get your share.
I need to know how much you'll give me.
You know, I'm like a joint stock company.
I have a lot of partners.
Look at that, he got all excited
when he heard about the money.
He's smarter than us all.
Besides, you'll be introducing me
to the world of science.
Won't you buy something nice to wear?
I'm still wearing the old man's clothes.
Tintin, I got no money. Do you have any?
Yeah, I do. Look.
Got it, you're broke.
Do you have a credit card?
Mommy, look! Frankenstein!
I'll speak with the agency, I'll quit!
Really. Who's that asshole?
-I don't know.
-Wait here.
What's going on here?
Sorry, I think there's a misunderstanding.
-This is our space.
-What the fuck are you saying?
They're beating up Feridun!
What the fuck?
An unbelievable event
took place in Istanbul today.
Even the police were unable to break up
the fight that took place between
an unidentified person
and entertainers in a shopping mall.
Here's the footage.
Wow, dude. They made an ass out of us.
Stop hitting me!
I'd beat them up, I'd kill them,
but you can't raise your hand to food.
That's why I didn't punch them.
Why did you slap the guy for no reason?
I don't know! You should've given me
a proper arm. I can't control it.
My seams are going to blow!
We need money, immediately!
Yeah, now you need money.
No one considers me.
I felt offended, OK? I feel bad about it.
I grew up in Fatih.
The guys from the neighborhood
must be all like
"Tintin got beaten up
by a strawberry and a banana."
You don't know my neighborhood.
They'll make so much fun of me.
What a cry baby you are! Such a cry baby!
You don't enjoy life.
You have to grab life, focus.
I had 50 bullets in me,
and still didn't complain as you did.
Blah blah blah! You're unpleasant!
I swear to God... Doctor, listen!
Don't be surprised if we get our asses
kicked because of this creature.
Enough! Fucking enough!
Shut up, for God's sake!
Look, I said "God." Please.
For God's sake, please shut up!
You're giving me a fucking headache!
You know, the chick beat him up.
I guess he took offense at that.
what a good looking man you were...
Look at you now, you look like
you've been put together in a chop shop.
I miss you so much.
Would you love me like that, too?
Huh, Gülbahar?
What kind of a hand is that?
God knows what they've done with it.
Where are you going so late?
I have a splitting headache.
I'm going to the drug store
to get some pain killers.
You'll catch a cold,
take this sweater with you.
What? No, I'm fine.
Gürbüz, while you're at the drug store,
can you get me some sunscreen?
I've been out in the sun too long.
Yeah, yeah.
What SPF?
50 SPF is enough, thanks.
Geez, am I a monster
or are these people really weird?
Where the hell am I?
Sabit, I'll fucking kill you now.
Don't be scared.
Oh, my God! Stop!
-What's going on in there?
-Don't move.
Has she fainted?
Gülbahar? Are you OK?
Break the door!
Gülbahar? Where are you?
Gülbahar, wake up!
Gülbahar. Cologne!
She lost her mind.
Mommy! Gürbüz!
I saw Gürbüz!
-Hello there.
-What happened to you, sir?
-Got hit by a train.
Give me two beers.
-What kind of a train was that?
-High-speed train.
Ah, do you have sunscreen?
Such a shame.
What the fuck have I done?
Let's go then.
I still didn't understand the genius idea.
Your IQ level is low. If it wasn't,
you'd be the doctor, not him.
Gürbüz says, "I'm not registered anywhere.
I'm not even alive.
If we find the money, we'll pay.
If not, it won't hurt the bank."
-Why don't we just rob it?
-That's what I said.
Shame on you. Are we bank robbers?
Come on.
Hello, ma'am. I'm Gürbüz.
Hello, sir.
So you want to take out a loan?
What kind of a loan?
With money.
No, I mean personal
or house loan or vehicle loan?
You know whenever we play football
they tell me I'm playing too personal.
I have personality issues like that.
How will you be paying?
Do you have a guarantor?
Ma'am, I'm the guarantee.
Listen, Gürbüz...
I can bring everyone I know here
and you can get a premium.
It's impossible for us to give you
a loan in these conditions.
You won't.
So you're not giving it
to anyone including me.
Doesn't your bank give loans?
Sister! Here's your guarantor.
Look at this lovely guarantor.
For this beautiful little girl,
please give it to me!
What about this boy?
Not for this one, either?
Shouldn't this miracle man get married?
Don't cry.
Hands up! This is a robbery!
-Hands up! This is a robbery!
Get the money out!
Move it! Come on!
I have epilepsy!
Science is important.
It's an essential part of what we do.
You can't depend on prayers and stuff.
I'll cure you with cutting edge
technology in medicine, with lasers.
I'll be taking your demon out beautifully.
Can I check the gold?
I feel free as a bird. I've never seen
a Hodja with a laser like that.
Ladies. Come on.
Some of you aren't wearing galoshes.
Don't you think I didn't notice.
You can't guess what we've been through.
She's having dreams, hallucinations...
No way! I'm not having halluminations.
I saw my boyfriend
who was shot and died recently.
He just came to me, stood in the
middle of the living room. He was alive.
Did you love him a lot?
Yes, Hodja.
You see? He knows.
There's still a bond between you two.
And your enemies took this opportunity
to cast a bonding spell on you.
I'm the solution. It's here.
I'll take it out.
If I say I'll do it, I do it.
-Take out what, Hodja?
-The demon.
Like a knife through butter.
Thank God!
Demons are like that.
They can go in and out.
If you don't want it to possess you again
I'll give you the platinum package.
Sorry, but how much is your budget?
-Can you give us a price?
-You're in luck.
I have "Bring your buddy, take away
your amulet" promotion this month.
I'll give you that.
Very good.
Gülbahar, you're so lucky.
Hodja gave you quite a discount.
How are you? A little better?
Meh, a little lighter maybe.
Zeynep, Hodja told me to keep this
with me at all times.
This is just a tea bag.
Tea or not, it's blessed.
-Put it in your pocket, don't be cursed.
-Repent, girl.
Come on.
You'll see! They're going to beg me
to take out a loan.
Come on, we're leaving.
We'll take care of ourselves.
I know what to do. Let's go.
Is this what savage capitalism is?
They kicked our asses.
Why are we here?
It's like asking a pilot why he's on a
plane or a doctor why he's in a hospital.
We're here for surgery, Doctor.
Not to pet parakeets.
Take it easy, Doctor.
We'll get the bird airborne.
Can I have a cigarette?
I left my pack at home.
Dude, you have to quit smoking right away.
You again?
Get a grip on your hands.
There you go. Come again.
You again?
-Come here!
I've never been beaten up like that.
Damn it!
We running away from fruit!
Take the corner!
You fucking idiot! Geez!
Erol, thank God
you finally got a nice job.
Did my brother get his paycheck?
He's working at the Parakeet Lovers
Association that he didn't like before.
What? Am I lying? Am I lying?
-Weren't you supposed to buy me ice cream?
-Of course, Grandpa. I did.
My dear.
Lick it, Grandpa. Enjoy!
-Double stitch?
-Who's that boy?
-Never mind.
Gürbo, bro!
Are you counting the live ones?
Can't you fire up 500 lira,
while the Doctor is away?
-500 lira?
Come on, Tintin.
-I'll give you 1,000.
-Thanks, bro.
It's all yours.
You're the man.
500. Wait... There's also some in here.
There you go, 1,000. OK?
Behave yourself, brother. That's a shame.
You don't care about anything.
We need this money for important stuff.
Tin... tin!
I'll be in the garden,
getting some fresh air.
Are you going to a woman? Jerk.
Good night, sir.
Can you take me to Sütlüce?
Good night, my dear brother.
With good manners like these,
I'll even take you to Mars.
Smoking is forbidden,
but I'll offer you one.
Gülbahar, hush!
You'll wake the whole neighborhood up!
Don't get close!
I have a blessed tea bag.
The Hodja gave it to me.
What Hodja are you talking about?
You're a ghoul. A ghoul!
-Kind of, yeah.
-Didn't you die?
God forbid!
Never mind the death part.
Aren't you happy to see me?
How can I be sure?
You don't look like my Gürbüz.
You're telling the truth! It's Gürbüz!
Of course I'm happy!
You knew me right away.
Let me hold you.
-You smell like dead people.
Wait a minute.
What is that?
You're all in bits and pieces.
-You look like Chucky.
-Really? Am I that ugly?
Don't get upset, baby. Poor sweetie.
I accept you like that, too. I love you.
-Will you ask for my hand?
Come on.
Gürbüz came back from the land of the
dead, you're still wanting to get married.
Kiss me, hold me.
But you always used to say,
"It's enough if it's breathing."
You're breathing, so it's enough.
You know, my late grandmother
always used to say,
"Doesn't matter if he's tiny as a bud,
you must have a husband."
Did you see my grandma there?
She used to love me.
Of course I have,
we were together night and day.
She sends her regards.
Enough of your grandma.
Why are we talking about the dead?
I'm scared of that. Let's talk about us.
What did you do while I was gone?
-Did you miss me?
-I did.
-Give me a kiss.
-My love.
Doctor, what kind of stomach is that?
-I'll tell you what...
That asshole Sabit changed the name
of the store the day we buried you.
Fuck Sabit! Geez. Fuck the store!
We're changing the world,
you're talking about the store.
Yes, but it turns out
he's a real low life, Gürbüz.
And he has his eye on me.
He's on my doorstep every day.
I'll be on his doorstep now.
Motherfucking Sabit.
Poor and inglorious!
This part is important.
This is not my tone. Tried and failed.
Anyway. Gülbahar is a widow now.
I can't let anyone take her before me.
-Come again tomorrow, Gürbüz.
-This is my new phone number.
Listen, don't call me
unless I call you first.
-Look, Gürbüz...
Are you stalling me again?
You know, my wishes come true.
And this is my old number.
Is that Gürbüz?
Um... I don't know any prayers.
Didn't you die right next to me?
Didn't I bury you with my own hands?
Didn't I plug your ass with cotton?
Where is the cotton?
Why don't you just die?
Why are you so at peace with life?
Why are you mocking the system?
Taking care of his loved one!
Gürbüz, where did you get all this money?
From now on, I have the money.
I smell something fishy.
I'll figure it out.
I guess this is not over.
Great. Don't move.
Let me get a selfie.
You'll see.
Gürbüz, you got better after death.
Dying suits me
Dying suits me
-Didn't I shoot this guy?
-You did, brother.
I did? If I had, he would have been dead.
You say "four."
You say "nine."
You add them together and say "49."
Are you egging me on?
Find that asshole!
Look at me, silly.
From now on, you'll call me
the minute you see him.
Don't take pictures like teen girls
and tell me the next day.
So, Gürbüz...
if you reveal where you fart
we'll find where you shit.
-Is that a good one?
-Yes, ma'am.
Thanks. Have a nice day.
Good day.
You again?
-Are you stalking me?
-Look, Gülbahar...
I saw everything that happened
at your place last night.
Blonde Kenan also knows that
Gürbüz is back.
But I didn't tell him about you
to protect you.
-So? So...
Stop protecting Gürbüz.
Don't put yourself in trouble.
Where is Gürbüz? Tell me where Gürbüz is!
Get your hands off me!
I don't know any Gürbüz.
Look, stop following me.
And if you show up at my door again
I'll shoot you in some place other than
your ass. So you know, fuck off now!
I know where to find Gürbüz. You'll see.
-Erol? What are you doing here?
I have big news. You'll be proud of me.
-I don't want to hear anything about you.
Can you let go of my arm?
What's up? Is something wrong?
I really like you, Erol.
But your life and your dreams don't match.
We'll get over it in time.
You should get a hold of yourself.
Don't beat yourself up.
There's plenty of fish in the sea.
Women are all alike.
Don't be upset, Erol.
Every man for himself.
You should've seen me in the past.
I was like a sewing machine.
Like a machine gun.
I was unstoppable. You should've seen me.
You're full of baloney.
Talk is cheap, Doctor.
Isn't it? Nope.
Let's go and feed some parakeets,
what do you say?
Don't even start on gambling, Gürbüz.
I'm still upset with you.
That's not for us. It's over.
Fine by me. I can sleep anywhere.
But remember this, Doctor.
Your girl picked the rich guy over you.
The asshole is right this time.
Everything is about the money.
Like one of you wasn't enough.
You're like anal fissures.
What's that?
Tintin. That's the asshole.
The asshole's nerve endings
get pinched like this.
Then what happens? It makes a bubble.
It looks like a bunch of grapes.
It hurts like hell. Seeps out like that.
I know, it's disgusting.
But that's what it means.
He has it, too.
Tintin, you can't enroll in the military
Because you have anal fissures
What the fuck? Get the fuck out of here!
"There's a fire." What fire?
Get the fuck out!
"You should love one another,
something in me blah blah..."
What are you asking for?
What fire do you have in you?
What fire?
You're having so much fucking fun!
You have the girl but you're still
talking about the fire inside.
A chop shop man stands before you!
Don't get me started on your fire.
-Fuck off!
-What's going on?
What's wrong with you?
What is it, little cicada?
Are you going to start swearing at me?
-Get the fuck out of here!
-Never mind, let's go.
He looks like he's been hit by a train.
-Are those stitches?
-Yes, they are.
-OK, bro. We're leaving.
-See you.
They're leaving. Leave the beers.
We'll leave those.
We have at least six bottles.
Get up.
Don't keep books away from a scholar,
and kings from a gambler.
I'm only warming up, Doctor.
Hello, Kenan.
OK, we're on our way.
Don't reveal your identity.
And leave the scene.
Keep him clueless.
You'll see, bastard.
Four aces and a king.
King. Let me have those.
Wait a second, there's another
two aces here. What gives?
No way! I'm a victim of the owner, too.
The asshole dealt a faulty deck.
What's with the stick?
Every moment that
this faggot Gürbüz lives,
Blonde Kenan is being mocked in our world.
Come off it. You're the one
and only Blonde Kenan.
How can a fraud mess with your resume?
I'm the fucking Blonde Kenan all right.
Not the Pink Panther.
Get up!
-Where's that zombie?
-He was here a minute ago.
He was playing poker, we found out
he was cheating so we beat him up.
So you don't know where he went.
We threw him out, we'd have kept him here
if we knew you were looking for him.
Listen to me!
If you see that motherfucker
and don't tell me...
you'll be the enemy of Blonde Kenan, OK?
You're always putting
the rotten ones at the bottom.
-Hello, gentlemen.
-Hello, sir.
Do you recognize this person?
Who's Blonde Kenan?
The asshole that killed me.
So he found out that I'm alive.
Geez, why does he want revenge?
What happened between you two?
-He can't get enough of killing you.
-Just a tiny debt.
He's making a big deal out of nothing.
Just a hill of beans.
Kenan had a tender.
Gürbüz, don't you own a mobile phone shop?
How will you set up the TV system
for a 150-room hotel?
Come on, Kenan. You don't know me at all.
We are not just limited
to telecommunications.
We also do display systems, printed
and visual media, Internet solutions
Maybe you don't recall
who was the founder
of the first private TV channel in Turkey?
-Yes, me.
But there was a fall out
between partners and we parted ways.
I can set up a private channel
just for you.
My solution partners are solid.
You have the job.
But of course
we'll need some capital up front.
Here comes the master of my heart.
Listen to me, Gürbüz.
I'll be brief and clear.
Not until this day
has anyone crossed Blonde Kenan
and lived to tell about it.
I have little and precious time.
So you know.
Do a good job.
I'll even launch a private satellite
for you.
I'll take care of this TV thing for you.
Don't you worry about it.
It's done.
Enjoy the show.
-Is that it?
Anyway, there's nothing we can do.
We can't have you around us.
It's not safe.
You'll have to stay at home for a while.
You're burying me alive, Doctor!
What am I going to do here all day?
You should've considered that
before you scammed people.
Stay out of it!
OK, we have to go shopping
for the contest.
Where did you get this cheese?
-Get up, come on.
-I'm coming, Professor.
Listen, behave yourself.
Don't drink too much.
Go buy a decent cheese.
-It tastes like chalk.
-It's industrial cheese.
Leave it! It's mine. Tintin!
I'm watching you.
Moron! Go!
Gürbüz, what an ugly thing you are!
I'd never make a housewife.
Take your shoes off there.
Who the hell are you?
I'm Tintin's sister.
He told me to wait for him here.
-Anyway, I don't want to be a bother.
-No way!
-We're having a party!
I don't know about that.
I'm so tired.
She's conservative. Open your veil, girl.
You'll eat more easily.
No, my brother gets mad.
Praise be!
Praise be!
Why don't you marry her to Erol?
Let me see.
Get the fu... Um...
What am I going to do with that shorty?
Has a sharp tongue, too.
Didn't you come here to dance?
Come on, play some music.
-What the hell is going on?
-There's a slipper party.
One of them reeks!
It's a man!
Stop! Wait!
Please don't!
I just had surgery!
You'll tear my stitches! Stop!
What the hell were you thinking?
What's wrong with you?
Why did you dress up like a woman?
Thanks to you,
we got beaten up by women, too.
-Don't marginalize me.
OK, I dressed up as a woman.
But first, ask me why.
-Why the fuck?
-Why the fuck?
Do we need to give up gambling
because of Blonde Kenan?
-I was practicing with the ladies.
-Oh, my God...
Not even the devil himself would think of
going gambling disguised as a woman.
Geez. Can't you walk without the swagger?
The dudes are staring.
-Are you jealous of me?
-Gürbüz! Look at me!
Take it easy!
Good night. What's going on? Out so late?
Let's see some identification.
Where's yours?
I was in such a hurry, I left it at home.
Officer, I need to go to the hospital.
I'll get my sutures taken out.
We'll call you an ambulance.
Kenan's men wait at the casino.
The police catch me
if I dress up like a woman.
Don't I have a right to live
in this country as a free man?
Don't I?
I mean, all my talents are going to waste.
That's what makes me sad.
If I lived somewhere other than here...
We'd have it made.
Pour a glass ofrakı, will you?
Two ice cubes. Tin... tin.
Low budget zombie,
playing for sympathy again.
You little weasel.
Actually he's a nice human being
but his IQ is too low.
Why don't you find him a brain, Doctor?
-No? Maybe he'll smarten up.
-He likes brain, he eats it.
I can't believe
that you'll guess this race, too.
I made enough money to buy ten flats
playing that.
What did you do with them?
Don't ask, Tintin.
I fed a lot of hungry people.
We were very crowded.
Alper Kağan is running.
No other horse will come near him.
The white flag will miss it.
Dear race enthusiasts,
the race has begun.
Alper Kağan is dominating the race
with his well-known style.
He's entering first to the last 800.
Suat Oğlum's in second place
and Şehrinaz is in third.
Alper Kağan is gaining on the others
in the last 200.
He is six or seven heads ahead.
And Alper Kağan finishes first.
Oh, my God!
Wow, Gürbüz,
if you'd played him you'd have won.
At least 100,000 lira.
-Sorry, I think I ripped a stitch.
-It's fine.
Özgür'ün Oğlu is running the last race.
If we had some money,
we could have bet on Özgür'ün Oğlu.
Then we could've made it rain.
Like how much?
Bet 50,000 and win a million.
What are you talking about?
Have you heard?
You can win a million.
-He says you bet 50,000
and win a million.
-What if you don't win?
-You will.
The asshole knows.
I swear he does.
I've seen a lot of men playing the horses,
but no one like him.
You know, he was dead for a while.
He must've gotten the sixth sense.
Let's find 50,000 lira.
Right? Bet it all.
Then we won't need the contest.
Then Selen will take you back, Doctor.
Yes, the mortgage is ready.
I'll get the money.
Thank you, Marsel.
This mortgage came up last minute.
You're responsible for it.
Don't worry, Doctor.
I got this. No worries.
The guy knows. It's fine.
Knows what?
Well, well.
What a different boy you are.
What do you mean by that?
So you screwed everyone and now
you're eyeing me? Wrong address.
OK, don't worry. We'll pay up.
I'm not worried about the money.
We'll have it one way or another.
It's OK. My body is borrowed anyway.
Look, Doctor! It's starting soon.
We'll be rich in two minutes.
Tintin, take it easy. Relax.
Come, have a glass of tea.
Özgür'ün Oğlu is in there.
This horse is the king.
Doctor, it's starting!
I'm a Doctor of horses
as you're a Doctor of people.
Yes, dear race enthusiasts
we have started for 1,000 meters.
Pertinova is leading while they're
entering the first 800 turn.
Behind him,
Özgür'ün Oğlu is in second place...
Come on!
Yiğit Alp enters the last 50.
Yiğit Alp is coming!
Özgür'ün Oğlu is passing him.
Yiğit Alp wins the race. Özgür'ün Oğlu
comes second and Can Kuzey is in third.
Goddamn it! Damn my luck!
-What happened?
-There'll be a protest.
-There will be an objection.
Damn it.
Horse racing is all about luck, guys.
I'm the victim of the rider.
The asshole threw us under the bus.
I'm not even talking about your evil eyes.
You started chanting before the horses
were even close to the finish line.
Here's your prize!
Am I responsible for everything?
I wish I were dead.
Fuck off!
-Look, I'll go.
-I don't want to see you.
What about the contest?
There's one day left.
Tintin, hush!
You can enter the contest with him.
-What are you talking about?
-What are you talking about?
I fucking hate you.
Get the fuck out of here!
Fuck off!
-Come here.
-Let me go!
Sabit! I'll kill you!
Don't worry, you'll be fine.
Take it easy.
-You're coming with us, silly.
It's a waste. Really.
All these years of research.
Isn't this contest your biggest dream?
What will happen now?
Yeah, Gürbüz.
I've lost your money at the races.
But I'll help you win the real contest.
So, let's put our differences aside
and be as one, be united, be stronger.
We'll discuss your cusswords to me
after the contest.
Gürbüz, you don't have anybody but us.
I really don't.
You're the man!
My buddy!
Come here!
We have to be as one, stand together.
-You reek!
-What's that smell?
Where did you sleep?
My girl.
My love, my life, my darling!
I came home but you weren't there.
You're right, Gürbüz.
You were right to fall in love with her.
Your loved one is waiting
to pay for your sins.
You owe me a life, Gürbüz.
We can trade yours with Gülbahar's
if you like.
Listen to me, Kenan!
If you lay a finger on Gülbahar
-I'll find your mother and...
If you want Gülbahar back,
you know where I am.
Gülbahar can leave once you're here.
Gürbüz! That son of a bitch Sabit
sold you out!
I'll pay you the money back.
Just give me 24 hours, OK?
Then we can talk, don't worry.
Thank you
for giving me 24 hours
to spend with this beauty, Gürbüz.
But on the 25th hour,
I'll shoot both of you.
I didn't want to bother you at all,
I'll marry your son off if we succeed.
All his furniture will be on me.
Come on, we're late.
-Sister, come here.
-See you.
If you get a question you can't answer
don't obsess over it, just pass.
If you have time left,
but generally no one does,
you'll come back to that question.
What are you talking about?
-Yeah, sister?
Buy yoghurt on the way back.
-OK, sister. Fine.
Tintin. Godspeed, son.
That was good.
Come on, let's go. Come on.
Come on, Tintin.
How can your invention
contribute to the world of science?
Look, I've spent
12 years on this invention.
The design is completely mine.
Tiredness and sleep deficiency
is a problem for everybody.
This invention lets them sleep while
standing when they're on the way to work.
We're meeting our next contestant
on the road to the Nobel Prize.
Ercüment Sınırlı is with us. Here he is.
All inventions are a product of need.
What mankind covets the most
is remembering their memories
as they see them.
I can record everything I see
with this contact lens.
This amuses me a lot.
Take the gag out.
She's giving me a headache.
What are you going to do? If even
one of you tries to lay a finger on me...
You've been watching too many movies.
Our problem is with your nine lives lover.
Take that girl. She's lovely.
The one with the floral dress.
Take her.
I told your sister I'd marry you.
Should we focus on the presentation?
You still haven't told me
how your presentation will be.
Just do your own job. Get up there,
talk about the science and stuff.
My area of expertise is
reaching out to people.
If they give me ten minutes to talk,
never mind the big prize,
I'll take the foreman's real estate.
-It's your turn.
-Yeah, OK.
-This way?
-Come on.
-Tintin, did you bring the cover?
Professor, shame on you. Here.
-What the hell is this?
-The cover.
Why, your cover...
-What the hell is this?
-But they're so cute.
Dad! It's on!
Dear distinguished jury members,
and my dear science loving people
as a citizen of this country
I'm proud to present my work that will
turn the world of science upside down.
After I present the preparatory work,
my invention will speak for itself.
That is what a revolution is.
I'll start if you're ready for the moment
that will be envied for centuries.
My intention is not to become
Doctor Frankenstein.
While I make this contribution
to the world of science
I also want to say, "We're all brothers
and sisters in a united body."
Because every person
deserves a second chance.
Parts of eight different people
have come alive in Gürbüz's body.
Now my invention will speak for himself.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I present...
Hello there.
I wish to express my deepest respect
and love for you.
As every new model,
I'm a little ugly.
But I'm sure that our good doctor
will have another version as
Gürbüz S Plus. Right, Doctor?
Fucking Frankenstein,
what the hell are you up to?
I'll bury you back in that hole
you crawled out of with my own two hands!
I won't talk about
the doctor's valuable contributions.
I won't talk about the afterlife, either.
It would be a waste of time.
I'll talk about my own life.
While I was alive like you,
I wasn't a good person.
I had no use for anything.
I had daily goals.
And to achieve those goals,
I used to lie all the time.
I did bad things. I was a foul person.
You're good people.
But if you had my set of skills,
you could have tried to be bad.
I hope they remember to get the yoghurt.
Yes, I died.
And now, I'm trying to live
in another body.
Two beautiful people
that dedicated themselves to their goals,
their friends and families...
They made me realize truth and beauty.
I had the best days of my life with them
while preparing for this contest.
I thank them in your presence.
Thank you very much.
Can I see the invitations?
Here's your invitation.
And that's the stamp.
I'm not the proof of immortality,
I'm the proof of a second and last chance.
You've wasted your
second chance too, Frankenstein!
My dear Gürbüz!
My dear Gürbüz!
Don't die! Don't die, Gürbüz!
I'm feeling cold, Doctor.
Am I going to die? You should know.
Easy, monster.
Gülbahar popped into my head
out of nowhere.
Am I going to hell, Doctor?
I'm scared. I'm really scared, Doctor.
Don't be scared, Gürbüz.
You will die now.
Maybe another doctor like me
may find you tomorrow.
You'll come back to life
with new legs, arms and heads.
Maybe that head
will be mine.
I have one final wish.
bury me in the common grave.
I... I'm not an outcast.
-I have you.
We're friends, right?
-Yes, we are, Gürbüz.
-We're friends.
At least,
I'll have a tombstone.
He was a nice kid.
I wish he didn't get shot.
How come you loved him so much?
How come he became your son?
-I'm so sorry.
-My condolences.
I hope he's in heaven now.
We will miss him.
Professor, it's Gürbüz's helva.
Have some, it's a good deed.
I don't want anything.
Wow, Doctor.
He was a nice guy.
He was a scoundrel
but he endeared himself to us.
Everybody deserves
a second chance, Tintin.
What the hell is going on there?
-Fucking hell!
-Oh my God!
Take the yoghurt.
Hasibe asked for it.
I was gone a long time.
They said "Gürbüz is dead."
Now they can say:
"The legend is back!"
Raise the dead
Trust the Doctor
He knows what to do
Turkish style monster
Blonde Kenan called
Where's the money, Gürbüz?
Raise the dead
Sabit, are you wasting my time,
Wasting your time?
We need to give a name
to our relationship.
Ah! Yeah, sure, darling.
Şevket! What do you think?
It's my late father's name.
Sabit, don't tease me.
Wait a minute, honey. I forgot about that.
Won't I ever be rid of you?
Wow! Such a romantic setting.
Don't be scared, babe. Sabit is with you.
Sabit, you will die
You'll go into the grave
When you're six feet under
How will you answer?
Why have you still not fixed
the AC in the car, Cengiz.
I'm sweating in there.
Nermin's got a new car again.
It's been 15 years, Cengiz!
We've been in the same
damn car for 15 years.
Even the car is complaining.
It wants to be driven a little bit faster.
Goddamn you, Cengiz!
Don't cry. No crying.
You're a strong woman, no matter what.
Yes, I'm a strong woman,
no matter what happens.
What a long drive! Are we there yet?
Yes, we're there.
For God's sake, shut up for once.
We're dead, you're still talking.
I had enough. I want a divorce!
I want to break up with you!
Let's get a divorce, Cengiz.
Then you'll go to other women, right?
Then you'll sleep with other women, right?
I'll never leave you, Cengiz.
Subtitle translation by
Batıkan Bahadır Ünsal