Caller ID: Entity (2016) - full transcript

A sci-fi conspiracy thriller, based on real phone messages and testimonials from victims of mind control technology.

- I woke up to her
talking to my boyfriend

at, like, three in
the morning, um,

and it was, because
I had called him,

and I, I just, I don't even know

how I dialed his phone
number 'cause I was asleep,

or I was in this state.

And I, he, he doesn't
know what I said to him.

I just started talking
in, in tongues,

and, uh, after I woke up, I
didn't realize what I had done.

- Why
do you wanna hurt me so much?

Are you sick?

You, you're really strange.

I was like, it's like this
is some kind of addiction

that I've gotta break
away from and, uh,

he encouraged it and he
shoulda just left me alone

'cause I don't really
think he cares about me.

And I don't think
he'll ever understand

why I'm the way I, I am,

'cause sometimes I don't
understand it myself.

I don't even know, I, I
don't think he ever loved me.

I don't think he
meant it at all.

I wish he did.

I just wanna know.

- US military has
issued four million dollars

in grants to
university researchers

to study ways to read
people's thoughts,

but critics say such
mind reading technology

could be used during

The project's a corroboration
among researchers

at the University of California.

- Now arriving
Vermont/Santa Monica Station.

Exit here for Los
Angeles City College.

- You haven't
boarded already?

Why don't you stick, we
stick with Purple Line?

- Right, yeah.

You're not makin' it easy.

- Do you know where
this is that we're at ,

where the station is?

- Uh--

- I need
to get to Palmdale.

- No, uh, you're far
from that, buddy.

Are you OK?

You're sadistic and sick,

and I hate your guts.

- Buddy, what's your
fucking problem?

- It burns!

- Fucking asshole!

- It's not me.

You've got some kind of need

to play weird games,

and his games are
gettin' really dangerous.

- Will someone help me?

Hey, buddy, give
that back to me!


- I just
think I should pull myself,

I'm wasted like hell, you're
makin' me fuckin' sick!

- Hey, hey what's your problem?

- I
wanna punch your balls off!

- Call the police.

Hey, he's--

- The first
law of thermodynamics

energy cannot be
created or destroyed,

only changed into other forms.

It's one of the first things

they teach you in science class,

but sometimes, we have to
learn things the hard way.

Yeah, I know

you've got enough evidence,

and it doesn't matter
about these calls anymore

because I'm already in
way over my head anyway,

so I can just tell
you what I think.

If you're trying to
set me up to hurt me,

you can do it, so go ahead
and do it, get it over with.

I don't care anymore, you know,

'cause then I'll know for sure

that I could never
trust you anyway.

- Cruiser 10,

I need a medical crew and guide.

I've got one victim of interest.

- Copy.

Units responding
to the shooting,

be sure to remain on channel
two, channel function normal.

- I don't know how much
longer I have, man.

A lot of the time,

I just sound like
I'm fucking crazy.

They make you sound like
you're fucking crazy, arright?

You know what I'm
fucking talking about!

This is a warning, man,
you need to save it,

and you need to put
it somewhere safe, OK?

Look, my time has
come, your time is now,

because then your
time will come,

and it's time for
you to stand up,

and it's time for you to
make precautions, all right?

This isn't a fuckin'
diatribe, it's a eulogy,

and understand this is the
last image you're gonna see

and understand what
you need to do.

Upload everything you
have and preserve it, man.

Upload and run, upload
and run, run, run!

Upload and run!

- This is the part we
need to to back up.

I'm uploading offsite.

It, it's not safe here anymore!

- Hello, I am here to guide you

through the specialized
study program.

You will be developing
new technologies

for the study of the mind.

I hope you do well in
all your assignments.

- Yeah, it's, uh,
actually pretty cool.

You get to participate
in an independent study

and still, at the end of it all,

you get a masters degree
in psychopathology.

- I've just
always wanted to be part

of something groundbreaking,
and I think this could be it.

- Miles?

- Yes?

- Follow me, please.

- Thanks, man, see ya.

What's with all the
heavy screening?

- It's nothing to
stress out about.

Everyone has to go through
the same screening process

in order to be accepted
into the program.

It's a small, exclusive class.

OK, let me just get the system
dialed in to your reactions.

Currently in LA, there
are approximately 800

open murder cases
of young girls.

- God!

- Many of them were abused.

Our work here is to
prevent psychopathologies

that lead to suffering and
often to violent death.

Sometimes, we lose
people from the program

because it's just too
much for them to handle.

Are you prepared to become
involved in difficult situations

which could test
you emotionally?

- I'm on my way to becoming
a doctor, obviously.

Emotionally detach
myself from patients.

- I hope to be
able to help people

with mental handicaps
that have been cast aside.

- There's nothing more
in the world I wanna do

than dedicate my
life to this program.

- Anything I can do to help.

- Whatever you ask
me, I'll do it.

This is all I want.

- OK, Room 107
tomorrow at one p.m.

You'll be meeting with
our head of admissions.

- OK.

- I'm a
conscious dreamer myself.

I can set myself
and go somewhere,

and when I go there,
then I see everything.

I can fly around, I can
see papers on desks.

In top security places, they
put everything on tape now

'cause you can't
really go get a tape

and put in on a
machine and play it,

but you can look at a
desk with papers on it

and read those papers.

- I mean, these people
are a fucking cult!

I mean, do you understand
that they're using you?

I mean, everything
has gone haywire!

Tell me you understand that.

They took me in and made me
feel like I was somebody.

They understood me,
treated me like a family.

My mother died when I was five,

and my father doesn't
even know that I existed.

You're a bastard, an orphan.

Hey, save it for brunch!

Family week, that
guys an asshole!

He doesn't give
a fuck about you!

He used you, man!

Are you gonna let me talk?

He used you, don't
you understand that?

What I'm tryin' to say is--

What can I do to
make you understand?

What can you do to understand

that you grabbed onto
this fucking cult?


I'm so drained right
now, I can barely move.

Depending on how well

they take on that frequency,

that person may
direct that frequency,

and they could
start hallucinating,

it could start, um,
changing their, their,

their waveforms, they could
start fighting with themselves.

Then they'd have a
split personality,

then that just goes into a
whole nother snowball effect

of insanity to themselves, and
then they're uncontrollable.

- Miles, right?

- Yes.

- Thank you so much for coming.

- Thanks for seeing me.

- No problem, find the place OK?

- Yeah, yeah.

- Well, you weren't
waitin' long?

- No, no.

- Good, good, good, good.

Before we get started,

there's something
you've gotta understand.

If you become part
of this program,

you cannot talk about
this with anybody, Miles.

- I understand.

- They'll just get confused.

You just can't talk about it,

so I've got your word
as a fellow scientist?

- You have my word.

- Good, so, I ask
this to everybody.

Why, why are you interested
in psychopathology?

- Growing up, I was exposed

to a lot of violence
at a very young age.

I was, uh, raised in a home.

- Orphanage?

- Yeah.

- I lost my parents
when I was young.

- Growing up, I
wanted to be a part

of something that
made a difference,

and I think the research you're
doing here is incredible.

- There's nothing usual
about this program.

There's nothing like it on
this campus or anyplace else.

Everybody works at their
own pace, independently,

and Miles, I don't
see an end to this.

It's limitless.

The only limit to this
program is one's imagination.

You know?

I can count on you,
there's a lot of people

who aren't gonna
understand what we do here,

out of ignorance, fear, but--

- I wanna be a part
of it, I wanna help.

- You've got an old soul.

See it in your eyes.

I can't remember the
last time I said this,

but I got a good
feeling about you,

I really do.

I want you to take
this home, OK?

Look at it, your
first assignment.

- I wanna do a great job.

- Thanks, Miles.

You're gonna have to.

- Hello, I am Adam Whitney,
the director of this program.

Dale, you'll be
working to different

miniature camera technologies

to use for the study of
human behavior patterns.

Miles, you will be
creating sensors

to measure fluctuations in
the body's energy field.

Tristan, I want you to study

the relation between
bioplasma and the human DNA.

Noah, I want you to study
these images carefully

so that you will
remember the information

whenever I test you.

- Stop it, stop, stop!

I suppose you think

just 'cause I have an
illness, a mental illness,

that you can treat me like
I'm some kind of guinea pig.

I am a human being,
and you don't have

any right to treat me this way.

I don't know who you people are

or what you're doing this
for, I don't really care.

I never met such sick
human beings in my life.

You know what, your whole
fuckin' profession sucks.

All information

is on different
levels of energy.

There's already a
frequency up here

and it's coming off of
every television set,

computer system, telephone.

They're just
constantly coming out,

you can't get away from it.

They could just stimulate
your thoughts and feelings.

Make you love,
depressed, fear, hate,

move any part of your body.

They could have you
jump off an airplane.

They could have you
crash the airplane.

You may be struggling
with it the whole time,

but you would inevitably,
would have to surrender to it.

- You don't happen to
have any acetaminophen, do you?

- No, not on me.

- So, uh, what-what, what do
you think of these assignments?

- I think they're pretty
amazing, actually,

but we're not
supposed to be talking

about our specific assignments.

It's an independent
study, remember?

- I'm having a
difficult time, uh,

digesting these case studies.

They're kind of fucked
up to be honest with you.

- Come on, these
people need our help.

Just give yourself a
little bit of time, Noah,

you're just letting
it get to you.

Hey, do you know a
guy named Dale Wilton?

Wasn't he a friend of
yours from high school?

So I heard he enrolled
in the program, too.

- Unless he got in, I saw him
at the, uh, reunion, fucker!

Last got in touch with
each other years back.

We had this horrible fight.

- Ah, bury the hatchet.

- Yeah, a friend is a friend.

- I put cameras
everywhere, everywhere!

It was a sick game, it
kept getting sicker.

We were like fresh
blood transfusions

for a parasitic dictator who
was addicted to immortality.

- ID?

- Come on, drink up,
man, you all right?

- Yeah.

I'm OK.

- Forget about the program,
it's the end of the week.

Time to get out.

- All right, I'm good, I'm just,

you know, a little
tired, that's all.

- Yeah, you look tired.

- Life is
standing upright,

spinning around on
bullshit, here, cheers.

- Can I get a shot of something
real strong, uh, whiskey?

- Yeah, my favorite one, too.

- I'm gonna be in a very
awkward situation in a second.

But thank you, wow!

- No, wait, here
he comes, here he comes.

- Really?

This is way too
fucking confusing--

- Miles, Noah, hey.

- What's goin' on?

- I just wanted to
know if you fuckers

have put the past behind us.

- Well, why would
I hold resentment?

That's been such
a long time ago.

- You know that
bullshit that went down,

it's, like, I apologize,
and I'm sorry.

- Saw you and Bernice Hall.

Figured you'd become
a psych student.

- It's, uh, it's the only
thing that's inspired me.

- Obviously something, right?

- Don't hate me, man.

It's good to see you guys.

- Well, it's, uh,
good to see you.

- That guy over there ordered
you guys a couple of drinks.

- What guy?

- Your friend, Dale.

Two black devils.

- I am not
fuckin' drinkin' this.

- He's not being nice anyway.

Fuck that guy.

- I'm
writin' a letter here,

and I'm gonna get this off
my chest once and for all.

The letter is to the dean,

and I'm really sorry ,

but you ruined my
life, you know that?

I had a nervous breakdown, you
ruined my fuckin' life, man,

and you did it on purpose,
and, uh, you enjoyed it.

And you deserve for
me to turn you in,

I should've turned you
in a long time ago,

'cause what you did
to me was wrong.

You were sexually
harassing me, I'm sorry,

that's exactly what it was.

Regardless of whether
I went with it

or how I felt about you.

That's exactly what is was, OK,
but don't rub my nose in it,

because I covered up for
you, you fuckin' prick.

- Yeah, I think
the whole thing was a setup

'cause he's got some kind
of need to play weird games,

and his games would get
really dangerous, you know?

He'd better watch out.

I don't need this shit,
I need a normal person.

I may be schizophrenic or
whatever the hell I've got,

but I'm more normal
than you'll ever be.

They're, they're,

they're doin' studies
for the government.

Th-that's the, the reason
they're getting the funding

for all of this.

They wanna have weapons
that are undetectable

unless you know what
you're looking for.

Unless you know how to
interlace the waveforms,

break down the
synapses of the brain.

They know they can't kill
me because if they do,

I've clouded that
information somewhere

and someone will find it,

and unless they can get me
to tell them where that's at,

they may actually come out here.

- Oh, Noah, come on in,

Adam Whitney.

- Very nice to finally meet you.

- Sit down, please.

Sit down, you ought
to get off your feet.

- Well, thank you.

- How's your work, going along?

- Going well, I guess.

- I have a lot of
confidence in you, Noah.

Over the years, I have developed

a certain sensitivity
in reading people.

I know you will do well here.

Genesis 9:17,

God said to Noah, "This is
the token of the covenant

"which I have
established between me

"and all the flesh
upon this earth."

I know you will do
well here, Noah.

- Thanks.

- Very good.

- I don't know who
you people are,

and I don't really care.

I've never met such sick
human beings in my life.

You know what, your whole
fuckin' profession sucks!

- Yeah,
yeah, you rolling?

- Mm-hmm.

Right, so I was at USC,

and I was, I was a psych major.

I had a little job measuring
lie detector results.

My teacher had there in
the psych department,

he got me quote
"employed" out there,

actually, I was just,
like, the guinea pig

for early mind
control experiments,

but the government
were to cover that up

so the ones that were
whistleblowing, like myself,

we were under threat because
we were telling the truth

and exposing these
people, but, uh,

these people didn't
like to be exposed,

so we got threatened
as a result.

- Pleasure, sir.

- My pleasure, too.

- I'm a big
fan of your work.

- Huh, thank you.

This is a small
follow-through meeting

to find out how you are doing.

Is everything all right?

- Absolutely, I feel
like I'm finally

beginning to understand

how the neurotransmitters
of the brain actually work.

- If we could develop the tools

to map the psyche of
disturbed individuals,

I believe we could free
them from pain forever.

- That's
almost overwhelming.

- Are there questions?

- Not specifically.

- OK, then,
see you in two weeks.

- OK, thank you.

- By the way,

your friend, Noah,
missed his meeting.

You heard something?

You know something about that?

- I don't really know.

He stopped returning my
calls and emails days ago.

It's like
he just disappeared.

- Well, I'm sorry to hear that.

However, you are still here.

Miles, you have a great future.

- Thank you, sir.

- Call me Adam.

- Is it that you
just wanted to hurt me,

or are you just
the kind of person

that likes to hurt people?

You can always go work
at my web training,

I hear they like to sexually
harass their students, too.

- Most of our work is
done sitting at computers,

but the most challenging
is in the field.

- That's the part I
really wanna get into.

- Sexuality, Miles,
is the direct link

to the primal scream.

Orgasm is a little death.

It's only when we
are close to death

that our minds can be pure,

and we need that purity
for our experiments.

- I can see that.

- I believe you are
ready for the next level.

Make sure you follow
all the instructions

to the last detail.

- Hey.

- Hey.

- Haven't I
seen you around before?

What's your name?

- Gemini.

- Gemini,

please, come in.

So, Gemini, is that
your real name?

- We don't wanna talk about
our real names, now, do we?

- Of course not.

What are the pills for?

- You don't need to worry
about that right now.

- Give me just a second
to get this thing set up.

Do you ever get
nervous when you're doin' this?

- That's
another question,

you ask so many questions!

- Let's
just get to work.

- You'll do fine.

No, no, stop, stop!

- The fuck?


- Dale, it's me,

you've gotta come out
and meet me right away.

You remember the spot
where we used to hang out?

You've got to come out
right away , please.

- Fuck, man, it's
four in the morning!

- I need you to do me
this one last favor

if you were ever my fucking
friend, do you understand?


- This better be serious.

- There's no time
for explanations!

- All right, give
me half an hour.


What's goin' on with you,

why'd you wanna meet
all the way out here?

- Copper wiring in the walls.

The transmission
can't be traced here.

This entire place
is a dead zone.

Don't you remember from class?

- Why don't you come back,
finish, get your degree?

- Why?

So I can grow up
and be like you?

- So what have you been doing?

- Been collecting things.

people's testimony,

people who've been damaged.

- So what's so urgent, hmm?

- I intercepted this one
from the Victims Channel.

- What's that?

- It's a closed
circuit video blog.

Victims of psychological
torture use it

to communicate with each other.

People who have been
psychologically raped

are on that tape, Dale.

Do you understand how
important that is?

Thank you for coming.

- I could hear his voice.

It was almost like
about five to 10

people or something like that.

All of them kept telling me

a whole bunch of different
things, like how does it feel

to get fucked all the
way through your brains.

I didn't know whether I was
asleep with my eyes closed

and, and everybody
was talking to me,

but they were able to, like,

receive this information
and take it out

and they were also, I
felt like they were trying

to put in, uh, different,
uh, data inside of me

that would make
me destroy myself.

- I would have these
weird aura feelings,

like this real, really weird,

like warm, warmth come over me.

It would start with
the fingertips,

and it would, and
also I could feel it

go up through my veins all
the way up into my head

into the back of my eye.

I know there is something being
completely stolen from me.

- Our enemy is a blur.

I mean , assignments,
I don't trust anybody, really.

- Science is unpredictable,

but you're the one
who pushed it too far.

- You didn't tell me
she could die from it!

- She had AIDS.

Her time was limited.

I'm sorry about
what has happened,

but we have to take risks.

- No, I'm sorry.

I don't really feel
like I can be a part

of this project anymore.

- But you agreed.

- You can't prove that.

- Let me tell you something.

I have slept with
many of my students

with no risk of being
reported, no risk at all,

because I record the
girl telling me how
much she wants me.

So I have her
consent on the tape,

like I have yours
concerning our project.

Our future on this
planet is precarious,

and yet we have
to evolve somehow.

To capture the essence of
the human being, his mind,

his personality, come on, Miles!

You worked on the project, you
know what I'm talking about!

I can make this
situation go away.

But you have to help me.

Someone is making threats.

It's a former student of
mine who had some problems,

but I think I have a good
idea how to find her.

- There's one student,
she disappeared,

but we're gonna find her

using technology
we've developed here,

and trust me, we're
all fully committed.

- But
once, in the olden days,

they used to, um, cut one
arm and then cut one hand,

and then they could travel
and they could speak

to each other by
touching that wound.

When we actually
tested this again,

we took our college, uh, student

and we took some of his blood,

and we had him take a log,

what girlfriend,
what did he eat,

how did he feel, what
type of tests did he take,

what time did he go to sleep,

and for three months,
his blood reacted

to exactly what was going
on with him, exactly.

So in the same ways as blood

holds electricity and waveforms,

they could do the same
thing with another person.

- I knew for
me it was a new beginning.

I felt this power
that was nothing

like I'd ever felt before.

There was nothing that
I couldn't accomplish.

I could do anything.

It filled a hole, a void inside

that I had since I was a child,

but I still knew that I had to
do whatever was asked of me.

I was going to find Cheryl,

otherwise, who knows
what would happen.

- Another part
of the facility, huh?

- The way that you
see everything.

- Yeah, it's cool.

- Cameras everywhere.

- Yeah.

- So tell me, how's
your work, tell us.

- Yeah, they're very
good, I'm excited.

I think I'm breaking
through some barriers.

- Good.

Now, do you know what is
the meaning of theater?

- Uh, live theater, like plays?

- Yes.

- Entertainment?

- With theater
was born the mask.

It hides the face
of whoever wears it,

his identity, and
at the same time,

the vibration of the brain,

suddenly, this mask
reflects their power.

As a next assignment, Dale,

I want you to wear it.

Meet the divine.

- Uh, thank you, I'm, uh,

I'm lookin' forward to this.

- Good.

- All right,
yeah, thank you.

- Oh my God, he's on his way.

He looks
really cute, I'm excited.

I get tired of
talkin' to pigeons

all the time, you know, guys?

As cool as you are, no offense.

Be good, OK, watch the fort.

Bye, babies.

Hey, Dale?


- Hi, thanks for coming out.

- You're even better
looking in person.

- So are you, so, you
wanna go somewhere?

- Yeah, totally,
where do you wanna go?

- Um, oh, I figured
I'm just kind of a,

I'm stressed out, I'm
a, I'm a psych student.

I've been doin' a lot
of studying, you know,

so I'm just, uh, a
little overwhelmed.

- Yeah, man,
school's killing me.

I'm doing internet marketing.

- Wow, that sounds heavy.

- Yeah, it's a lotta
work, a lotta work.

- So you understand
what I'm sayin'?

- Totally, hey, do have
anything to get high?

- Uh, depends on
what you get high with.

- Uh, well, I'm feelin'
like a, a downer,

like, um, vikes or oxies
or somethin', you know?

Somethin' to just chill,
chill me out.

- Yeah, I've got
a bad back, so I,

I think I've got 30
milligram oxycodone.

- What?

- I do.

- Oh, man.
- I do.

- 30 milli, that's awesome, yes!

- It's better than 10.

- Yeah, it is!

Wow, they look real.

- They're real.

- Eh, I don't like
to take stuff that's,

you know, bad for me.

- Yeah, no, I understand.

- This is
cool, this'll just--

- Be careful
drinking, you know?

- Eh, gimme a minute.

- There you go.

So, do you like cam sex?

- Sometimes, yeah.

- Sometimes, I like
masks, you know?

Plays out your
subconscious, your id.

- Your id?

- Desire for love and sex,
controlled by your libido,

and then the desire for
death and aggression.

These two competing
instincts, you know,

build up in the id
causing tension,

and you gotta
release that tension.

- Wow!
- You feel me?

- I'm all about
releasing tension right now.

- Yeah, absolutely.

The journey begins.

- I'm excited.

So ready, I could fuckin'
use a cool change.

- Oh, it's gonna be cool.

All right, Jeanie, I have
something to ask you.

- Ask me.

- How would you feel

if you I wanted you
to be blindfolded?

- Uh--

- Would
that freak you out?

- No, man, that's kinda
kinky, I'm into it.

- You up for it.

- All right, I, I feel
like I gotta trust you.

You seem, like, you know, kinky.

Yeah, yeah!

Oh, yeah!

Yeah , yeah!

Yeah , yeah, oh yeah!

- Dale!

- I saw that tape,
it made me sick, man.

- C'mere.

Look at my eye.

Here, right by the pupil, look.

- There's nothing in your eye.

- I know.

- Just, what
are talking about?

- Shh, shh!

- All right.

- Just look, right there.

- All right,
listen, listen.

- Just look!

- Listen, you've
been awake too long.

Look, there's
nothing in your eye!

I promise you, there's
nothing in your eye.

- I am getting, like, tension,

tension headaches in the
frontal part of my lobe.

Shh, swelling pressure.

Yeah, yeah, uh ,

I found him.

- Hey, look, let me see
what I can find out, OK?

You're fine, all right?

It's all in your head.

- Thanks.

- They're
constantly making new things

to make the
cellphone invaluable,

that you can't do
anything without it.

I remember I was bleeding
from under my nails,

so I electrocuted myself.

I'd been on the phone a lot,

and I started thinking
these crazy thoughts

like is it, is it the phone

I've been holding to
this side of my head,

and is it doing
something to me, like.

- You're a victim.

You were his victim,
he's sick, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry for my sicknesses.

- Preview
and identification completed.

- Go on, keep working.

- OK.

- You found anything?

- No, there's been
a lotta action,

just, uh, none that you
might be looking for.

- Well, then work harder.

I'll come check
with you tomorrow.

- Listen, you don't have
to obsess so hard, sir.

I've got the data,

and I'm analyzing it with,
with all the records we have.

I mean, if I find a
match, I'll tell you.

- I don't like to repeat myself.

Good night, Tristan.

- Fuck!

- You've got the sensitivities
to psychological disorders.

It creates an obscenity

in electromagnetic
radiation, the EMR.

Concentrated exposure can, can
lead to heart irregularities

and cancer, brain
tumors, just look.

It can actually alter
your, your, your DNA.

I mean restructure,

essentially, uh, rewire
the human genome.

This information was to be
made available at any cost.

- These people are
like a family to me!

Don't you understand that,
don't you understand that?

They were like a family to me!

You know how important that is,

that's all I ever wanted!

Maybe you don't care,
maybe you don't,

but that's all I ever wanted!

Can't you guys
both respect that?

Shut up, shut up,

you pussy!

You'd be suckin' dick
if it wasn't for me,

wouldn't you, wouldn't you?

If it were up to you,
we'd be serial killers?

That's not the
point, you understand

what type of position
we're in right now, right?

Fuck you!

What, do you wanna hit me,
do you want me to hit you?

Don't touch him,
leave him alone.

Fuckin' put your finger on my
face, put me up one more time!

Stop it, just calm down.

Leave him alone, just calm down!

OK, do you agree that I'm
the voice of reason here?

I'm trying, didn't
I just try, right?

We have got an open
mind, all of us.

We've gotta listen to each other

and understand where
each one is coming from.

Everyone here is
trying to make sense.

If you just would listen to
him, I will listen to you,

and you listen to
me, we have a chance!

Help me out, man!

I understand, I respect you,
just help me out, man, please!

The funny thing is
I'm talkin' to nobody!

- Whitney
keeps classified files

of the students who've
been part of the program,

and the files go back for years.

He, he keeps old
cellphones around.

I mean, why would
he keep this old,

outdated technology
around, is, is,

I, I think it might
have something to do

with the frequency of the
phone, can't be duplicated

'cause it's a crystal and every
phone crystal is different.

- You find something?

- Not yet, nope.

I don't ,

I don't know what it is.

- And did you do
everything I told you?

- I injected them with the dye,

and then I did everything
the way you showed me.

- Well, then, I'll have to
come back again tomorrow.

Oh, by the way, did
you get the order?

- Oh, yeah, came
in this morning.

1000 pills of ketamine.

Enough to stop a herd
of elephants there.

- I'll see you tomorrow.

- Oh, hey, I was,
I was thinking,

could, could I maybe, could
I maybe get one of those?

- Accomplishment.

- Thanks.

I got you.

- That was a very intense
conversation in class.

I didn't wanna leave,
I wanted to stay.

- How can you swallow the shit

that they're
feeding us in there?

- What do you mean?

I think you've got it all wrong.

- I'm outta here,

for good.

- You can't leave.

- Yeah, right?

- Hey, Kamal!

- I'm out, you got
it under control.


- Hey, you people
just have this need

to manipulate and
control other people.

That's really sick.

Yeah, only you're
not any healthier

than anybody else, none of you.

I think you're all really
sicker than most human beings .

You're really sick people.

- Fuck!


- I got into a car accident,

and some people helped me
before the ambulance got there.

I don't know, they were, like,
some other kind of ambulance,

and once I, at the hospital,
I don't know exactly when,

what happened to me, I mean,

they say that they stick
their finger up your, uh,

anus to, for reflex, um,

but I don't know,
sometimes I wonder if maybe

they did stick
something, um, in there.

Some kind of, uh,
chip or something,

'cause after the car accident,

I felt like I had
to be reborn again.

- This is the
only place that's safe.

There's no wires
that are above me

that are not
grounded to the dirt.

The dirt keeps, keeps the arc

from coming off of
their power lines

and shooting through, I mean,

I've seen, I've seen the
television completely off.

right, right out and turn white.

It, it doesn't matter,

it doesn't even have
to be plugged in.

They can, they can,
they can make a,

a cellphone explode
next to your head.

If you're listening to this,

you know that I need your help.

They're trying to fucking kill
me with invisible waveforms.

Get all of the incriminating
data from the tests

and the people
who've been tested on

and the ones that
are still out there.

I have it all back
up into the cloud,

but if I were to die,
which is very likely,

I have it all encapsulated,
uh, titanium flash drive.

- You don't understand
anything about me, I mean,

you don't
understand how much you hurt me.

I know you don't want--

Genesis 9:17.

God said unto Noah,

"This is the token
of the covenant

"which I have
established between me

"and all the flesh that
is upon the earth."

- No, please!

- Fuck,!


It's not my, fuck!

- What's that on your head?

- Protects me from
the transmissions.

They're coming for me.

They're coming
for me, aren't they?

- I haven't heard
anything like that.

- No.

The great and glorious science,

are you proud of what
you've accomplished?

- What do you mean?

Somebody's gotta infiltrate,
see what's going on.

You're certainly
not doin' it, Noah.

Somebody's gotta
be on the inside.

- On the inside, they
are on the inside of you.

- What the fuck are
you talking about,

they're on the inside of me?

Let me ask you something.

Do you think you can take
them on on your own, huh?

You need me as
much as I need you.

- Did you find
out what it's like

when they're done using you?

They'll tell you what to do,

because there's no getting away.

Not in this pathetic life.

You gotta trust somebody.

If anything happens
to me, anything,

I'm gonna put a special
package for you right here.

- What are you
talking about, Noah?

- This is everything I've
collected so far, do you get it?

This is all the tapes, my
tapes, the victims' tapes,

this is my life, and
I am giving it to you.

- If something
happens to me,

what do you want me to do?

- If that time ever comes,

look inside
the briefcase.

You're gonna find
some information.

Follow the instructions exactly

then destroy any extra
copies to make sure

that the feds don't get them,
do you understand me, Dale?

- Yeah, if that time comes,

you can trust in me.

- How long have we
known each other?

- Long time, why?

- Remember I was so
idealistic that I,

now you're working
on secret patents

and I'm doing, well, this shit.

We're still friends, right?

- Yeah, of course we're friends.

We'll always be close.

- All right.

Just remember this spot, OK?

- Of course.

I'm scared.

I didn't realize that
Whitney was manipulating us.

I just want to stay
in control.

I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.

I can't take it back now.

- Who's out there?

Show your fucking self!

- I can't
show you who I am!

- I'm gonna fry your fucking
brain with waveforms!

Let me see your face!

- I'm
an administrator

for the Victims Channel.

I can't show you my face,
I have to be anonymous.

- Blog dude from the,
from the Victims Channel?

Show me that you're unarmed.

Turn your fucking
camera on all of this.

You, you need to
process all of this!

This is where, this is where
they test it on the victims,

all the tapes,
everything comes from here!

You gotta be quick,
though, we gotta hurry!

Are you ready to hear this?

Just tell your story.

- The test started off
with whenever we get a

person who came into the
psychiatric part of the school.

We would, um, first
inject them with this dye,

I thought it was a
dye, which later on,

I come to find out is a, some
kind of nanotechnology liquid

that's not even classified
to use on people,

but it makes it so we can see

how the synapses
of the brain are,

are communicating with that
part of the body at that moment.

The ultimate goal is
to create a weapon

that doesn't even
kill people but,

it can wipe out
massive amounts of,

of, of brain frequency
and basically turn
people into sheep.

- The day I
met you in the library.

I, I really did like you.


- Adam Whitney, I
wrote this book.

- Cheryl.

I was so stupid to think
you were a nice person.

You know, I thought
we could get along,

but if you didn't want me,
you should've just let me go.

- They've tapped into
the, the whole grid

where if she comes within

any of those cameras, and
we, we get glimpses of her,

and we can pick up on her
waveform, but then she's gone.

If somehow they're able
to, uh, find her frequency

or whatever it is that's
leaving the messages,

then more people are gonna die.

I mean, there's no evidence
the, that the woman is real.

She could just be some cloud

just drifting through the
wires, through the fiberoptics,

and, and, and theoretically,

she could be implanted
into someone else's mind,

and I think that that's what
he's the most afraid of.

If, if, if this doesn't get out,

more people will be
missing, you know?

More tests'll be done, but
people don't know that.

That's the--

- Who is that?

- Come on!

C'mon, c'mon, down here, down!

Get in here!

- Fuck!

Son of a bitch!

- Come on!

- I'm gonna take you to
the medical facility.

It's, it's close to here.


I'm gonna give you something.

During admissions, everyone
that was admitted to the school

signed a waiver
releasing their lives.

I cannot give this chip to you

without seeing your face,
I have to see your face!

I have to know who, who's,

who's hands these
peoples' lives are in.

Take it, their DNA
code, everything!

Their lives are on that.

See the light up there
on the third floor?

Up above this bridge?

- Yeah.

- You're gonna go
to the third floor.

Whitney's retina
scan is on that chip.

It'll give you complete access
to anywhere in the system.

- All
right, I'll get what I can.

- Use the code that I gave you.

There's somehow,
let everybody know

that there's machines
that are controlling, uh,

all of the synapses
in, in our minds.

Everything we do,

they know we're gonna
do it before we do it.

It's like he's waitin' behind
you at the gas station,

but what is he doin'?

He's not buying
anything, you know?

Heh, and then you go
and wait behind him.

He looks at you like you're
fuckin' crazy, but you're not!

- Now arriving
Vermont/Santa Monica Station.

Exit here for Los
Angeles City College.

Stand clear, the
doors are closing.

- I read this thing
recently about the dinosaurs

becoming extinct is because
they found this iridium

that was along the, it
was all along the fossils,

that it's not found,
like, on Earth.

It's, like, they find
it in outer space, yeah,

so they found that,
like, the earth,

there must've been these
meteorites or something

coming from outer
space that made the,

that eradicated the dinosaurs.

- Yeah, that's their
life, you know that.

- So, I really like this part
here that she has to say.

This chapter about how
to make experiments

with biological
transmutation successful.

Like, that's really interesting,

it's, like,
one-of-a-kind research.

- You know, it's just research.

Two plus two equals four.

- It's kind of cold in here.

Do you maybe wanna
get out of here,

maybe go to my
place for a drink?

- Very sweet, but
I can't, I can't.

I have to go back
to the project.

It takes all of my free time.

- Maybe I could come with you?

I'd really like to see what
you've been working on.

- You sure?

- Yeah, I'm totally
sure, I'd really like to go.

- OK, let's pick up my car.

- Mm-hmm.

- Preview
and identification completed.

- Wow, this
place is amazing!

- My lab, and I'm proud of it.

- So, Adam, do you
have any children?

- I always dream
of having a family,

but you know how it is
once you get married.

50 percent of your
time for the wife,

50 percent of your
time for the kids,

another 50 percent for
the career, what's left?

So I focus on my work,
and in some ways,

my students are my children.

What you are about to see I
shouldn't really show to nobody.

You understand that?

- Yeah, you make
me feel special.

- Here, here we see the cutting
edge of mind technology.

Nobody's authorized
to do this but me.

Everything here, all the labs,

the whole project is being
financed by the government.

There are special
parts of this program

that I have to do
separate from the school

so that there is
no interference.

- What is this place?

- It's OK, I'm the
only one to use it.

To tell you the truth,
I really need your help.

- What do you mean?

- I have to record
a human waveform.

- You mean the bioplasma?

- Yes, exactly!

And I need someone
as dedicated as I am

to be able to analyze
it completely.

- What do you need me to do?

- Trust me.

- If this gets in the wrong
people's hands, we're fucked!

Do you get it, fucked!

Chill out.

It's getting people's
mind, their souls!

Am I the only one here
who wants to live, guys?

I wanna live!

Come on, I know, we had
no father, I get it!

Where's all this
hate coming from?

We had nothing!

Where did this come from?

Talk to him!

Will you please let me talk?

I'm gonna end up killing myself,

can you please help
me out, Dale, please?

You're everything that I
never wanted to be, OK?

He fucking used you man!

Ask him when we talk.

That's the whole reason that
we're even in this mess!

Does anyone here understand me?

It's not about pers, Dale,

it's not about personal issues!

Can't you understand that?

Can't you understand that?

What the hell is wrong with you?

We all need each
other, you need me,

you need me, we need
each other, Dale!

Do you guys understand
right now, single-handedly,

we're the most powerful
group of people in the world,

and if you guys were with me,

we could be unstoppable!

OK, what do you want me to do?

Do you want me to be
somebody that I'm not?

What do you want me to do?

I want you to get every message,

every testimonial, every
bit of data, every CD,

every incriminating evidence
that we possible could have

and destroy it, now!

- I believe you are
ready for the next level.

- I'm so glad I could help you.

- I thank you, darling.


For all the women

that Whitney had abused,
she was the anomaly.

The second law of thermodynamics
says that entropy,

the random disorder of energy
and matter in a system,

always increases with time.

It's as if whenever she
goes through the wires,

her waveform is amplified,

and then could show up
anywhere at anytime.

- Seem to think because
you're a psychologist

that you know more about
how to live life than I do,

but I don't play these kinds
of sick, psychotic games

with other people's heads, do I?

No, see, you people just
have this need to manipulate

and control other people,
that's really sick.

You know, and you're not any
healthier than anybody else.

None of you, I think you're all

really sicker than
most human beings.

You're really sick people.

I call, suppose I
call the police,

and you deserve for
me to turn you in.

I shoulda turned you
in a long time ago

'cause what you did
to me was wrong.

You were sexually
harassing me, I'm sorry,

that's exactly what it was.

Regardless of whether
I went with it

or how I felt about you,
that's exactly what it was,

OK, but don't rub my nose in it,

'cause I covered up for
you, you fuckin' prick!

- No!

- You're coming with me.

Adopted children

and children in placements
are, uh, prime targets.

You can get a child
out of a placement,

mind control it, and
then bring it back.

Nobody knows the difference,

so later on in life, when they
need to fast-track somebody,

they use these people that
they've mind controlled

earlier in their life
when they were young.

- Do you guys realize
that if we get caught,

we're going to prison forever!

I'd rather be dead.

Fuckin' A, man, we gotta
pull this together!

I'd definitely
rather you be dead!

This should've been decided
an hour ago, am I right?

Listen, you listen,
everybody in the world,

every person is different.

Everybody has a
different purpose,

everyone has a different reason.

I'm already dead, guys!

OK, guys, let's come together!

You, you, let's come
together, look at me!

Look at me, look at me,
let's pull it together, OK?

Are you with me, huh?

We can do it, you
can do it, come on!

Yeah, it's the best idea
I've ever heard, let's go.

Right now, let's fuckin' do it!

- Look at who I
am, look at me now!

- Neither of us knew
what could happen.

- You were always the expert!

You knew this
could happen to me!

You didn't kill me,
'cause I'm already dead!

- You like
to torture people!

- What?

- You like to study pain!

- Hey, hey,
hey, I-I-I didn't,

I don't want to hurt nobody!

Stop, stop, stop it, stop it.

Come on, come on!
- And neither did I.

- Look, look, you
don't understand.

I was just trying to
purify their souls

for our experiment,
you know that!

I am not a bad person.

- Maybe I'm a bad person.

It's only when we're close
to death that our minds are--

- Please, please, please
don't, don't shoot!

I-I'm, please, no-no, please!
- Don't, don't what?

- No, no, no, no!

Wait , wait!

Wait , you
did it.

Cheryl did, it
worked, it worked!

They're gonna come after us,

they're gonna find out
everything about us!

They're gonna find
out everything!

- I burned all my files, Dale.

I suggest you do the same.

- What's the
matter with you?

What's the matter with you!

- See ya around.

- I was embarrassed in
front of a bunch of people.

I looked like a goddamn fool,

and I don't know why because
I didn't do anything to you.

Maybe you're just sadistic.

You ruined my life.

- Preserve it, man,
preserve it for us!

Preserve for it for
the fucking guinea pigs

who've been psychologically
raped, day in, day out.

My frequency's
unknown, man.


There is a theory

that there is an entity

that created all
field of information.

It could actually
create holograms,

become entities in
front of your face.

Call you up on the telephone,

replicate any voice pattern,

whether they be your
friends or parents.

They can have complete
control of all your computers.

You can't get away from it.

- Gotta
listen now, everybody!

They're stalking
us, Victims Channel!


I gotta get back up, OK.

It's not too late,
gotta listen to me!

Listen to me!

- My phone
is disconnected.

Did you want to see me, you
know where I am, goodbye.