Cake Boss (2009) - full transcript

The staff of Carlo's Bakery in Hoboken, New Jersey, led by Buddy Valastro, shows how it prepares elaborate themed cakes for various occasions. Each episode typically features the preparation of two cakes for events including receptions, charity events and theme parties as well as weddings and birthdays.

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BUDD Y: On this episode
of "Cake Boss"...

We want it to look
like a real fire truck.

JOEY: This is all wrong.
Fire engine has water.

Fire truck has ladder on it.

BUDD Y: I'm thinking
maybe cheetah, leopard, zebra.

You know, something real sexy.

How the hell did it peel off?!

Listen to me!
How bad is it?

This is the anniversary week
of my father dying.

I wanted to maybe make
something special for him.

You got the chief in front,
giving everybody orders.

BUDD Y: That's right.

It was so phenomenal, it hurt.

This is Carlo's Bakery.

♪ Sugar ♪

Every week, thousands of cakes
and pastries go out these doors.

♪ Oh, sugar, sugar ♪

This is the crew.
Mia famiglia.

♪ Sugar ♪

We're gonna take this bakery
to the top.

They call me Buddy.
I'm the boss.

♪ Sugar ♪

♪ Oh, sugar, sugar ♪

All right, guys.
I got the cake of the week.

Team meeting.

This has got to be awesome.

It's for a retired fireman.
You know, it's a good thing.

I had this local fireman
come in.

And he wanted me
to make this cake

for this retirement home
for these fireman

who are sick, who are disabled,

you know, who put their lives
on the line for us.

We want it to look
like a real fire truck.

We want it to have the sirens
and the lights, if possible.

I don't know if you guys
can do that or not.

I'm gonna make the cake
look so real

that you're not gonna
want to the touch it.

You're gonna think it's on fire.
How's that?

[ Chuckling ] We'll see.

We need sirens, lights.

I'm gonna chainsaw this toy up.

We're gonna take the electrical
components out of it.

There's no textbook for this.
You can't read this.

You can't buy a "how to make
crazy fire-truck cake" book.

That's the fire truck?

Not only is Joey a baker here,

but he works two days a week
as a fireman.

This is all wrong.

We're talking about
doing a cake for firefighters.

And they're gonna say,

"Ah, it's a great cake,
but this is wrong. "

The hydrants over here --

They're flowing water,

and they don't even have
any water going into the engine.

What's the difference between
a fire truck and a fire engine?

Fire engine has water.
Fire truck has a ladder on it.

We definitely want an engine.

All right, do we know
what an engine looks like?

M y brother-in-law Joey, I think,
saw the frustration,

you know,
because the wheels were turning,

and I just wasn't getting
what I wanted.

-Wish I could see it.
-I'll get you a fire truck.

You want a fire truck,
I'll get you a fire truck.

I was like,
"Hey, that's not a bad idea.

Call them up. "

[ Siren wailing ]

You want a fire truck?
There's a fire truck.

This is a truck.
That's an engine.

All right, we want to look
at the engine.

We want to see the engine.

Let's look at the engine.

We start looking. I'm like,
"Frankie, photograph it. "

Shoot 'em up.

[ Camera shutter clicking ]

This is a steamer connection.

This was the one I was talking
about hooking to the hydrant.

BUDD Y: So we're gonna
pull up in front.

JOEY: Right, you'll pull up,
you hook to the hydrant.

This comes in.
This goes straight to the pumps.

The pump panel
is always on the driver's side.

Now, this is where
all the controls happen,

you get the water
out of the hoses and everything.

Everyone's gonna look
at this cake and dissect it.

They're firemen.

This is for real firemen.
It's got to be for real.

This is not a fire truck.
This is like a fire scene.

There's a fire truck
with a guy holding a hose

squirting water on the fire.

A screaming lady like this.

I'm gonna have smoke,
lights, sirens.

This thing is gonna be nuts.

I told Christine, Tony,
and Sunshine

to start making all the little
elements in the scenery.

We use modeling chocolate for
things that need to be sculpted.

It's really easy to work with.

You can make it any color,

so it's perfect for getting
all the right details.

Modeling chocolate is made
of chocolate and corn Syrup,

so it's all edible.

Project like this
usually takes six, seven days.

I only got three.

I n the meantime,

Joey's got to get moving
on making this pound cake.

Pound cake's definitely
the right cake to use

for the fire truck and the big
building Buddy has planned.

We use lots of butter...

Swear to God, it's fat-free.

... sugar...

... and Buddy's
secret ingredient, cream cheese,

which gives it great texture and
makes it perfect for carving.

BUDD Y: Joey's got
the pound cake baking,

but I got to get moving
on something else --

this fashionista cake.

This cake is for two girls
who are turning 30.

They're really into fashion.

Anything involving shoes,
designer ready-to-wear,

they're all about it.

So we wanted to surprise them
with a cake.

BUDD Y: You go from
lights, sirens, smoke

to, you know,
pocketbook, shoes --

Big transition.

I got to get in touch with my
feminine side to make this cake.

Let's get
the shoebox out first,

roll it out for the bottom.

I got to make
this fashionista cake

for these girls
who really know high fashion.

You know,
there's no room for error.

The fashionista cake
is basically

four separate elements.

You have a shoebox,
shopping bag.

You have a shoe.
You have a pocketbook.

All those things
are made of cake.

Then we cover them with fondant,
which is, like, a sugar dough.

I have this thing
called "quilting"

that I used on the pocketbook.

It kind of looked
real, real sexy.

So I took this quilting tool
and I made these lines,

and I did
this quilting pattern to it.

I mean,
makes the cake look awesome.

We started painting
the whole pocketbook.

And then I had to start
putting these pieces together.

I'm so happy to see everybody!
I'm back!

-MAN: Hello.
-[ Laughs ]

Everybody on line to kiss Mama.
How much youse miss me?

BUDD Y: That's my mama.

Mama always just tries
to bring joy and energy

and happiness to the bakery.

She tries to make the peace

between my sisters
and everybody else.

And then there's my son.

BUDD Y: We have a special bond,
me and my mom.

M y Buddy.
Very good.

This is the anniversary week
of my father dying 15 years ago.

I mean, I thought, being that
we always have dinner out,

I wanted to
maybe make something special.

You know what?
A cream-puff cake.

Oh, that was his signature cake!
Oh, you're right.

I can't believe
I didn't think of that.

The signature cake.

People really love that.

I wanted him to make
a special cake

for us to have for the dessert.

And the cream-puff cake
was the one cake that Buddy Sr.,

he created that.

It's 15 years.

I know.

15 years.
You're so much like him.

BUDD Y: M y mom wants me to do
this cream-puff cake.

It's for my dad.
How can I let him down?

MAMA: Absolutely.

Let's put this inside, Remy.

I got to get started
on this fire-truck cake.

We're gonna put this fogging
machine underneath the cake.

And I can make the smoke

come out of different parts
of the roof.

It's not really smoke.
It's water vapor.

It's not gonna harm the cake.

Next, we layer and stack
the pound cake

in the the shape
of the building.

And we started to dirty-ice it.

That's buttercream icing
in there.

What we got to do with that is

just got to get it
all perfectly smooth

so that, when we put
the walls on, they stick.

The walls are basically fondant.

We took this little
brick-impression thing

on all these sheets of fondant.

And I used a board
to kind of like guide it up.

'Cause if I would have picked up
that fondant and just put it on,

it would have cracked.

I want to cut it now.

We get the whole
front and back covered.

I got the girls cutting windows.
Then I start going to the roof.

So my roof trick
is taking black fondant,

sticking it in poppy seeds.

It's the best roof
you could ever build.

And then in the back of my head,
I'm like, "Uh-oh.

The fashionista cake. "

All right, Sunshine.
We got that shoe.

I'm thinking maybe
cheetah, leopard, zebra.

You know, something real sexy.

STEPHAN I E: Buddy asked me
to make a high-fashion shoe,

so I'm making a zebra shoe.

If I can do my job right,
the girls are gonna think

that the elements
that I put on this cake

came out of their closet.

And it's all edible.

This is all gum paste,

which is very similar
to fondant.

This is completely edible.

This tissue paper --

This is basically made...

This is the fondant,

and we roll it out real thin
on the machine there.

The hardest thing part
of making a fashionista cake

is the coloring.

Like, the colors all got to
complement each other, blend,

and still pop at the same time.

I look at the cake,
and I'm like,

"Hey, this is beautiful.
I am an artiste.

I'm a fashionista.

STEPHAN I E: Very sexy.

BUDD Y: I just finished
this fashionista cake.

Last delivery. End of the day.
I'm trying to wrap things up.

Where's Stretch?

-Come on, Stretch.
-Let's go!

BUDD Y: Last delivery, baby.
This is it.

Nice and easy.
Don't drop nothing.

Don't mess nothing up.

-I'll be careful.
-All right?

That's Stretch.
What can I say?

I don't know why
I keep him around.

I guess, you know, I got
a soft spot in my heart for him.

On time. The cake's got to
be put in the right place.

-Or you'll be in trouble.

At Carlo's right now,
I'm the delivery boy.

They tell me
I'm bad at everything,

but they keep me around.

I've been there
like a year and a half now.

[ Laughs ]

It's not really a hard job.

I mean, I just have to drive
and deliver cakes.

[ Thud ]

Then sometimes you hear weird
sounds come out of the car.

And that's when
the job gets hard.

Oh, man.

The cake seems
to have fallen apart.

I'm gonna call up Buddy now.

Oh, man.


Hey, um, the fondant
was still too soft.

It just completely peeled off.

-It peeled off.

How the hell did it peel off?!
You had to hit the brakes!

Listen to me!
How bad is it?

He can't even drive
around the friggin' corner

without screwing up a cake!

You had to hit the brakes!
How bad is it?

We're making progress
on this fire-truck cake.

Everybody's got to stop.
It's all off now.

Now we got to stop
what we're doing,

go fix his friggin' mistake.

-Give me an assessment!
-Okay, it's not bad at all.

You need to roll out
one more piece of fondant

and stick it back on
with more buttercream,

and it's gonna look fine again.

You send me a picture
on my phone right now!

The last time the you know what
told me it wasn't so bad,

I had to redo the whole cake.

I want to see how bad it is
before I go there and kill him.

All right, all right,
all right, all right.

We got more of that pink?

Remy, what was the length
of that wall?

Cut me another wall.
Let's go.

I don't think he meant to do it.

But, you know, either he had
to step on the brakes --

Okay, something had to happen.

I'm a little nervous.

Just 'cause you never know
how Buddy's temper is gonna be.

Don't think I'd get fired
over something like this.

But who knows?

I don't want to hear it.

Luckily, the cake was
so well put together

that it was fixable.

I just had to fix the back wall.

-Got it?
-BUDD Y: You get the door.

I put it into the memory bank.

I was like, "Post-it --
Get Stretch.

He's going to pay for today. "

Did anybody order
a birthday cake?

[ People cheering ]

MAN: Wow.
Look at this thing.

BUDD Y: The girls come over,
and they're floored.

They're like, "Oh, my God!

I never seen anything like it!
It's the most beautiful thing!"

Thank you so much.

Happy birthday from me.

All right?

-These are gonna go like this?
-JOEY: Exactly like that.

BUDD Y: Next morning, we got
the front of the truck finished.

So now we're gonna start wiring
this thing.

I'm gonna take it apart and try
to keep all the wiring together,

just take the components off.

I get the pieces and I'm like,

" I got to get
the electrical through. "

So, what I do
is I take a chopstick,

stick a hole through the cake
so that I have a nice hole.

Then I put a little straw,
kind of like a pipe,

so that we can
snake the wires through.

Give me those wires, Joey.

So we snake the wires through.

And then I got to
start soldering.

And I'm cutting wires
from the other fire truck,

I'm extending them.

It was a real pain in the neck.

So after two hours of this, we
finally get this thing wired up.

Joey runs it all to a switch
underneath the cake.


[ Siren wailing ]

And I press the button.

All the lights work
on the fire truck.

MAN: All right!

M y job is to make people happy.

Using real cake,
that's what we do.

All edible.
We got old-school cake in there.

As hard as we were working
with that fire-truck cake,

my team needed a laugh.

Your main objective is
to keep Stretch in the doorway.

I had planned Frankie and Danny
upstairs on the roof

with a 5-gallon bucket of water
and a 5-gallon bucket of flour.

All right.

Hey, Stretch?

What's up?

[ Laughter ]

Hey, next time,
you don't mess my cakes up!

This is a family business.

If you work here...

Stretch, I love you, baby.

... you get treated like family.

They fool around a lot, so...

Not normally to this extent,
but that's all right.

It's all right.
It's funny.

BUDD Y: I knew he was gonna be
a good sport, you know?

But at the same time,
I wanted to teach him a lesson.

And I think he learned it.

All right, get back to work.
Playtime is over.

So we got two things
to still do --

the fire-truck cake and a cake
for my dad's memorial.

I'm gonna do
my dad's memorial cake first.

Cream-puff cake is a cake that
my dad invented in like 1982.

One of his friends
came back from Italy

with a bottle of liquor
called San Marzano.

And my father flavored the cream
with the San Marzano liquor.

And then we use layers of French
pastry, then cream, then sponge.

Then we do more cream,
French pastry,

and then we put the icing
over it.

I get the cream puffs.
I put the cream puffs around.

I put the whipped cream on.

The strawberries, the kiwis.

I finish it
with the chocolate shaves.

And I'm like, "You know what?

I want to top it
with a picture of my dad. "

What we got
is a computer machine

where you scan a picture in.

But instead of ink,
it uses food coloring,

which is pretty cool, you know?

No matter how crazy things get,
my father is on my mind.

I still think about him
all the time.

I got to stop thinking
about that

and focus my energy
on the fire-truck cake.

That's actually a good thing.
Because you know what?

You don't want to be
down and somber

when you're making a cake
that's got to be awesome.

He looks like he's maybe
coming around the corner.

BUDD Y: So, you know, I get the
fire truck all done on the cake.

I start piping grass.
I start putting firemen.

We start putting
the finishing touches.

What else are we gonna do
on this board?

It's 9:00. It's 9:30.
It's 10:00.

I'm like, "Wow.
It's done. "

I'm like,
"All right, light it up.

Let's see this sucker smoke. "

[ Cheering ]

Oh, wow!

[ Siren wailing ]

We were just, like, in awe.
The cake was beyond wonderful.

It was so phenomenal, it hurt.

But it was also
1:30 in the morning.


BUDD Y: We had to
get the cake downstairs.

Careful, Joey.

Wait, wait, wait.
This has got to go in, Joey.

I measured for the elevator.

But I measured by the hair
of my chinny chin chin.

[ Grunts ]

Go ahead.

Watch the corner.

Hold it.
Hold it tight.

BUDD Y: Late last night,
we finished the firemen's cake.


But we had to get it down the
elevator and into the fridge.

What about the height
of this thing?

MAN: Watch the little lip.
Watch the little lip there.

BUDD Y: Nice and easy.

WOMAN: Ready?
Come down there.

We're in business.

It cleared by that much.


-Okay, get the lock.
-[ Laughter ]

BUDD Y: Next morning,
it's pouring rain, pouring rain.

We're about to put the cake
in the car, clears up.

Come out. Swing.
Joey, you and Remy in first.

It was the perfect second,
'cause cake and rain don't mix.

Joey, go in.
No, on the right.

Joey's dressed
in his fireman's dress clothes.

Push it in.
No, no, no. Wait.

Go in the back. Mauro, Mauro.
Go in the back over here.

Push it.

And me and Remy in our chef
coats, and we're pretty excited.

-Just stay back there.
-All right. I'm being punished?

All right.

And then we get in the car,
it starts downpouring.

-[ Rattling ]
-Whoa, whoa.

Take it easy in front, there!

BUDD Y: Soon as we pull up
to the place, the rain stops.

I'm like, "Oh, man. "
It's just my day. Thank God. "

I look at the cake.
Everything was 100%.


Joey, get the corners.

Step one.

Two. Three.

Okay, easy.


MAN: No, no, no.
I got it.

Push. That's it.
Now you're good.

Okay, you guys are gonna turn.

Two, three, up.

Okay, go up.
More in, guys.

All right.
Right there.

Thank you.

I just want to say thank you...

...for all the years of service.

We love you,
and we appreciate you.

I hit the smoke.

-I put the sirens on.
-[ Siren wailing ]

[ Laughs ]

Now, it's not a real fire,
all right, guys?

So nobody
jump out of their chairs.

-[ Applause ]
-Looked real nice.

The engine and the hydrant
and the man and the dog.

Got the chief in front
giving everybody orders.

That's right.

It was like a "tribute to
great men" day for me.

-How is the cake, guys?

You know, here I am
with these great firemen,

and now I'm gonna
go tribute to my dad,

who was, I think,
the greatest man ever.

-Hi, Ma.
-Oh, hi! How you doing?

Just to see the unity of my
whole family coming together,

with all the kids.

And you know what?
I know my dad was there.

And I couldn't have asked
for a better mother.

During that dinner, I had
a little surprise for my mom.

It was a tape of the 30th
anniversary of Carlo's Bakery.

At the time, I was probably,
like, 16 years old.


It was very touching for me.

How about you, Buddy?
Come up here and say something.

It brought back
a lot of good memories.

What am I gonna say?

The most important thing
with that tape

is to hear my father's voice.

I see all my friends here.
I really appreciate your coming.

How about me?

-M y wife.
-[ Laughter ]

Just being able to hear him,

it touched me.

Gone but definitely
not forgotten.

MAMA: Never.

I thought it would only be right

to make the cake
that Daddy invented.

That was his signature cake.

Let's hear it for Grandpa Buddy.

This week was kind of like
a real emotional week.

This is my Buddy's cake.

-WOMAN: You got a big piece.
-Oh, wow!

I'm so grateful for all my
family, especially my children.

They're all the best.

[ Applause ]

Just to bring him on like this,
we can carry the tradition.

I wouldn't have it
any other way.

[ Cheering ]

That's who we are.
We're family.
