Cagney & Lacey: The Return (1994) - full transcript
Cagney, now a Lieutenant, re-teams with Lacey, who has left the force, to search for a cache of missing firearms.
(Multicom Jingle)
(soft dramatic music)
(engine idling)
(dramatic music)
- Keep whistling.
Don't fight, and you won't get hurt.
We want your boat.
- Why would anybody
wanna hijack a tugboat?
- Carmen.
- Good evening.
- Hello.
Oh, Carmen, will you put these on for me?
- Of course, Mrs. Burton.
- And would you check the ice?
I don't think we're gonna have enough.
Everything else looks lovely, Carmen.
The flowers are beautiful, thank you.
Well, Carmen.
Jimmy, come on, stop it,
you're making me crazy.
- That's the idea.
- You've gotta get dressed.
- Not if we hop a plane to Bora Bora.
I could make you crazy on the beach.
- I'd love to, but not tonight.
- Tropical breezes, moonlight.
You show me your sarong,
I'll show you mine.
- Jimmy, would you come
on and get dressed?
They're gonna be here soon.
- Okay.
- [Christine] Don't be nervous.
- Well how'd you like to face a party full
of my old friends stone-cold sober?
- I did, your Harvard reunion.
- That's different.
- Why, because my friends are blue collar?
My father was right, see,
you scratch a liberal,
underneath is a monarchist.
- They're all cops, Christine.
The only cops I knew
before ran me in for a DUI.
- Would you relax?
I'll make them check their
nightsticks at the door.
Now would you get dressed?
- Mary Beth, the babysitter's here.
- I'm surprised she bothered inviting us.
- What are you talking about?
It's Lieutenant Samuels' retirement.
Of course Chris would invite us.
- Since the wedding, you know
how many times I've seen her?
- I don't know, what, a half a dozen?
- Four times, exactly.
And only when she wanted
something from me.
- Come on, Mary Beth,
it's only natural you two
wouldn't get together so much anymore.
I mean, you're not on the force,
and she's married to this rich guy.
Come on, let's go, hon,
we're gonna miss the hors doeuvres.
(guests chattering)
- They finally put a woman in charge
of the squad at the
one-four, congratulations.
- Thank you, but what about Cagney?
Executive officer of
the district attorney's
police squad, honey, in
line for a captaincy.
- And always so dignified.
- Always.
- It's a glorified desk job but
it gives me more time
with my first husband.
Excuse me.
Hi, Corassa.
See, this isn't so terrible.
- Well, in the bad old days
with a couple of scotches
under my belt, I'd be
having a hell of a time.
- I hear you.
- How are you doing?
- I'm okay, I'm just
worried about Mary Beth.
- Well they're probably having
trouble finding parking.
- No, she's never late.
(traffic passing)
- Now, honey?
- A few minutes more.
- We're late already, Mary Beth.
- Well it's better than
looking too anxious.
Do I have too much lipstick?
(traffic passing)
- Better.
Let's go?
- Yeah.
(traffic passing)
- [Man] Taxi, taxi.
(passersby chattering)
- Honey, quit pulling on your collar.
- It's strangling me.
- Yeah.
This whole neighborhood makes you feel
like your clothes don't fit right.
(doorbell ringing)
- Excuse me.
(soft music)
Hi, Mary Beth.
- Christine, I hope we're not late.
- Mrs. Burton, may I speak
to you for a moment please?
- Um, yeah, just a minute.
- This is private stock.
Oh, Harvey's spaghetti sauce.
Everybody's here, come on in.
- She remembers.
(guests chattering)
- Hi.
- Hey.
- So tell me what it's like, retirement.
- Great, I get to see
my little girl grow up.
- Are you still living
in the house in Queens?
- No, you know, it's
only the three of us now.
With the boys gone, we really
didn't need all that room.
Where's Marcus?
- He'll be here soon, he's in charge
of loading weapons on
some barge for disposal.
- They're all junk, it's a publicity scam.
- No, there's a lotta
confiscated guns, too,
from robberies and stuff.
The thing is they're gonna
tow them out in the ocean,
they're gonna dump them all tomorrow.
- I thought they melted them down,
some place in Jersey, I thought.
- No, the transportation
strike, I heard they had to get
approval of the EPA, the whole schmear.
- Marcus said they're doing
some big publicity thing
tomorrow, television,
newspapers, the whole works.
- They're probably looking
to make a big splash.
- Victor.
- Come on.
- What I say?
(soft dramatic music)
- Okay, Sergeant, there you are.
4,200 weapons.
They're all yours till six AM tomorrow.
- Yes, sir, Lieutenant.
- Press'll probably be
here at the crack of dawn,
so try to keep everybody awake.
- No worries, sir, they're good men.
- Okay, I'll probably check
in with you later tonight.
- Don't you worry, sir,
and give my regards to Bert Samuels.
I remember him from, oh, 15, 16 years ago
when he was still a sergeant in the 79th.
- All right, I'll tell him.
Goodnight, Sergeant Nelson.
(soft dramatic music)
- I heard he was friends
with the president,
then he turned down the
ambassadorship to Ireland.
- He went to law school
with him, Cagney said,
and it was Iceland, not Ireland.
- Iceland?
- Yeah.
- The ambassador to Iceland?
I guess he isn't such a good friend.
- Excuse me please.
Sorry, pardon me.
- Chris.
- Harvey, one second, I
have to get something.
Be right back.
- Hi, thanks for the
sauce, that's all we get.
- Mary Beth, she's hosting a party.
She's spreading herself
around, give her a break.
- What's the matter?
- I don't know, I pulled
something this morning.
- Want me to rub that for you later?
- All right, everybody!
Can I have everyone's attention please?
May I have your--
(doorbell ringing)
Jim, get that, will you? Can
I have your attention please?
Everybody over to the staircase.
And, Lieutenant, would you join me please?
- James Burton.
- Marcus Petrie.
- We got a telegram this morning,
from his retirement villa in Calabria.
No looking.
Forgive my accent.
(speaking foreign language)
Which means welcome to paradise.
All the best, Paolo Laguardia!
♪ For he's a jolly good fellow ♪
♪ For he's a jolly good fellow ♪
♪ Which nobody can deny ♪
♪ Which nobody can deny ♪
- Would you excuse me
while I get some water?
- Nice party.
- Good, yeah, I think so.
- How you doing?
- Good, thanks.
You look great.
- You look better.
- Oh.
- Married life must agree with you.
- Yeah, it's nice.
- Mary Beth.
(soft dramatic music)
- Oh God, Harvey.
(soft dramatic music)
- Harvey.
- Harvey.
- Harvey, are you all right?
- Oh my God.
- Jim, call 911.
- Harv?
(crowd murmuring)
- [Christine] He's not breathing.
- Harvey?
(soft dramatic music)
Oh my God.
- [Christine] Come on, Harvey.
- Oh my God.
- [Christine] I'll breathe for you.
- Oh my God.
(soft dramatic music)
Harvey, oh my God.
Oh my God.
(soft dramatic music)
(siren blaring)
- Excuse me, I need to get in there, okay.
If I'm gonna help you, okay, just.
(siren blaring)
(dramatic music)
(engine idling)
(dramatic music)
- Hey, Sarge?
- Give me the loud hammer.
(dramatic music)
Ahoy there, this is a restricted area.
You have to turn back.
- [Korbutt] We have an emergency here.
- I said turn back.
- [Korbutt] I've got a
snapped steering cable.
We don't have complete control here.
- Radio for the Coast Guard, Sarge?
- No, we better play it safe.
Ring Hackett at the gate,
get everybody else over
on this side of the barge.
- Guys.
(dramatic music)
- Reverse your engines, Captain.
I can't let you come any closer.
Something wrong with your
ears, I said turn back.
- We're doing the best
we can, but we need help.
- [Matt] Reverse your engines, Captain.
I can't let you come any closer.
- [Korbutt] Before you decide that,
I might suggest you look behind you.
(guns cocking)
(dramatic music)
- He's real strong, Mary
Beth, he's gonna be okay.
- Dr. Binks, Dr. Jerry Binks, to the MRI
Suite Five, Southeast.
- How is he?
- Well he's stabilized.
I think he's gonna be all right.
- Oh God.
Oh thank you, God.
Oh thank you, Doctor.
God bless you, Doctor.
- It was a close call, but
it's a good thing that somebody knew CPR.
- I'll go tell the guys.
- Yeah.
(staff murmuring)
(staff murmuring)
(soft dramatic music)
(feet stepping)
(soft dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
- Hurry it up, we got five minutes.
(dramatic music)
Which one of you is in charge here?
- I, I, I.
- I said which one?
(muffled speaking)
(dramatic music)
- You're crazy, you
won't get away with this.
- You are coming with me.
(dramatic music)
- It's gonna be okay.
They'll take the guns, then
they'll go and it'll be okay.
(soft dramatic music)
(gun firing)
Oh my God.
Oh my God, I'm sorry
if I haven't been good.
- God, I was scared.
He didn't look like he
was gonna come back.
And all I could think about
was Mary Beth if I let him die.
Would she be pissed.
- You know, you were really
pretty impressive tonight?
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- I mean, I never saw
anybody do that before.
- Mm.
Last time I did CPR was on my dad.
Only I couldn't save him.
It's okay, it was a long time ago.
You smell good.
- Hmm, actually, I think
it's the lobster ravioli.
You ready for some solid food?
- Uh-huh.
We have tons of this stuff left over.
Nobody had a chance to eat anything.
Maybe I should have the gang over again.
You'd love that, wouldn't you?
- I could live with it.
- It was great seeing everybody.
Those were really good
times for me, Jimmy.
(drink pouring)
- And now you have a desk job and me.
Does that make you unhappy?
- No, I'm happy.
- Your nose is getting longer.
- I am, I've never been happier.
- Good.
- [PA] Dr. Ellen James, Dr.
Ellen James, please report--
- You sure look a lot better
than the last time I saw you.
- Thanks for coming, Chris.
No thanks, and what you did for me?
- Hey, Mary Beth never told me
what a great kisser you are.
- You want your bed up
a little bit, Harvey?
- No, honey, leave it, it's okay.
- So how are you feeling?
- Grateful, that's what
we're both feeling.
- Yeah, I bet you I haven't
even thought how grateful
we should be that the
construction business is so lousy.
I'm probably not missing
anything laying here
flat on my back.
- Harvey, you don't need to go stressing
yourself about work right now.
- Did you call the lawyer?
- Oh leave it go for now, Harv.
- I'm being sued, Chris.
- For what?
- My blood and a pound of flesh.
- You're getting upset, sweetheart.
- This rich ad guy and his
spoiled wife who have got
nothing more important in
their life to worry about
are suing because I can't take out
a supporting beam in their coop.
They don't believe their
ceiling's gonna fall in on them.
- No jury's gonna award them damages
for something like that.
- That is exactly what the lawyer said,
not to worry about it.
(man moaning)
- That's probably what
Ethel and Julius Rosenberg's
lawyers told them too.
- That's correct, there's
a basic increase of 12%
in felony filings in the
district attorney's office,
and then that's broken
down by specific crimes.
I'll have my secretary
send you the information.
- Thanks, Lieutenant, I really
appreciate the briefing.
- Sure, you're welcome, John.
Anytime I can be of help.
(people chattering)
- Oh, Lieutenant Cagney Hyphen Burton,
another late lunch with the media?
- Can it, Feldberg.
Public relations is part of my job here.
And could you quit it with the
Cagney Hyphen Burton routine?
It gets old.
The gun heist?
Why is the DA's office
investigating it already?
- Because it's possible
this was an inside job.
And the press will scream coverup
if the NYPD investigates itself.
- [Christine] Why is it an inside job?
- Well the thieves knew
everything about the operation.
They knew the time, the date,
the pier, the personnel.
- Anybody coulda known that,
it was all over the news.
- Oh, and one more thing,
and this is definitely not
for public consumption, there
was an electrified fence
and apparently the juice
had been turned off.
From the inside.
- Oh.
- A quick thumbnail.
One dead sergeant, leaving
behind a widow and three kids.
1,500 stolen weapons.
They left the junk, they
took only the good stuff,
mostly automatics, loaded
it onto a stolen tug,
then onto a truck 10 blocks away,
and then that's it, we
lose the trail from there.
- Any suspects?
- As far as we can tell,
there was only one person
who knew all the particulars
of the operation,
the commanding officer, someone you know.
- Marcus Petrie?
No way.
Hell, he was at a party
at my house last night.
- Convenient alibi.
- It wasn't Petrie.
- Well, one way or the other,
the DA and the commissioner
wants you to find out fast.
Now listen, the press is gonna
be crawling all over you,
so your only comment is
no comment, you got it?
Oh, and Cagney, I just want you to know,
I told my boss you used to be a hotshot.
(door closing)
- Celia Sanchez, Action News,
aren't you assigned to the DA's office?
- Excuse me, please.
(reporters shouting)
- Does you presence here
mean that the DA's office
is investigating the weapons hesit?
- Look, you're gonna have to talk
to Assistant District
Attorney Todd Feldberg
for any official comments, I'm sorry.
- Can't you just give me
one comment, just one?
- All right, back behind
the line here, folks.
- Petrie?
- Chris.
- [Christine] Thanks for meeting me here.
- Did I have a choice?
Look, Chris, this was my
command, my responsibility,
and I wanted to keep the case.
But that's okay, I understand.
Just nail them and I don't
care who gets the glory.
- You know those guns are probably
on their way to Ireland by now?
- Or Peru.
I've seen forensics.
One 32-caliber slug in Nelson's brain,
nothing usable in the way of prints.
- There's one interesting
item, that sample of hair.
- I saw.
Unprocessed, undyed short blond hair
from the barge captain's hat.
- Did you notice how much of it there was?
Looks like some guy's had
a haircut or something.
- Except for the follicles,
which means it fell out of his scalp.
- Look, Petrie, I need you to check--
- My men, I already did, no match.
All right, you wanna
talk about the elephant
in the living room now?
I'm under suspicion, aren't I?
- I'm not gonna lie to you.
There's reason to believe
that it's an inside job.
- Chris, I've got 20 years on the force.
No matter what they might
think of me downtown,
they can't believe I'm stupid.
- Nobody said that.
- What else, Lieutenant?
I was the one who had all the information.
This happened on my watch.
How obvious can it get?
- I know you didn't do it.
But somebody did, and I need your help.
- Yeah.
- Now have any of your men been flashing
around any extra cash lately?
(tires squealing)
- Nice car.
- Thanks.
- Must have set you back a bundle, huh?
- Who are you?
- Lieutenant Cagney-Burton.
I wanna ask you a few
questions about last night.
(horns honking)
- Thought they were gonna kill us all.
I was,
he was a great guy, Sergeant Nelson.
And I wanna help out in any way I can
to find the bastards who did it.
- Okay.
The man on the tug, the one who spoke,
is there anything you
remember, anything distinctive?
- I told Lieutenant Petrie, it was dark,
he had his face covered,
but I thought I heard
the trace of an accent.
My guess, Eastern European.
- Officer, what time is it?
- It's a quarter to five, ma'am.
- Whoo, oh, that's a beauty, Rolex.
Solid gold, huh?
15, 20 thou?
That'll go beautifully
with your $40,000 car.
At this time, Officer Santorini,
I think you should be
advised of your rights.
- My rights?
- Complicity in the theft of the guns.
- What?
What are you, crazy?
- You're wearing six months' salary.
You're driving another full year's.
Hey, call me a worrier,
but it does tend to make a person wonder.
You have the right to remain silent.
- I won the money in Atlantic City.
- Lucky guy.
- Yeah, I got hot at the craps table,
12 straight passes in a row, $50,000.
- Which the casinos make
you declare to the IRS,
so you don't mind me
checking that, do you,
to find if that's really
where the money came from?
- Okay, I didn't win the
money in Atlantic City.
- No kidding.
If you give up the right to remain silent,
anything you say can and
will be held against you.
- I know my rights, and
I don't want a lawyer.
I just don't wanna embarrass
her or get her in any trouble.
- Her who?
- A friend, she's married.
- Does your married friend have a name?
- Do I have to?
- Only if you want to stay out of jail
and hang on to your career.
- Laurie Bainbridge, remember?
They had that $20 million art collection,
someone broke in and stole
a couple of Picassos, right?
Well that's how she met her hot young cop.
He's the one who answered the call.
- And her husband?
- Worth about 500 mill, give or take.
- Whoa.
- Anyway, I interviewed her
about her affair with Santorini.
It's true.
It's true, she gave him the car.
She gave him the watch.
They both insist that this is not a fling.
They, quote, care very deeply
for each other, end quote.
Mary Beth, I'm so depressed.
- Jeopardizing a marriage
like that, you mean?
- That Santorini's older woman
is seven years younger than I am.
And she's so hard up
she's gotta pay for it?
- Mm.
- The way I calculate it,
it's about $5,000 a pop.
- [Doctor] Oh, Mrs. Lacey?
- [Mary Beth] How is
he? Tell me the truth.
- He's doing just fine.
But we're gonna keep him here
for a week or so, just to be safe.
- Doctor, could you do
anything about maybe
getting him a quieter room?
Do you have any private rooms?
- I believe all our doubles
are filled, but I could look
into the availability of a private room.
- No, that's okay, thank you, Doctor.
- If you have any questions, you call me.
I'll look at him later tonight.
- I wish you hadn't done that.
- Mary Beth, look, how is
Harvey supposed to recuperate
when he's in there with some moron
who keeps yelling his head off?
I mean, if it were my husband--
- Well it's not your husband.
- Mary Beth, wait a minute.
Look, if it's the money,
I can loan it to you.
- Oh I bet you could.
- Why are you so pissed at me?
- Christine.
- It's not charity.
- I mean, you can pay me
back when you get some money.
- And when will that be?
- When Harvey goes back to work.
Or don't pay it, I don't care.
- I appreciate your generosity, Christine,
but there is no problem here.
Retirement's not what
it's cracked up to be.
I'm going back to work.
- You didn't tell me.
- I have a lot of
interesting possibilities.
I'm weighing offers now.
But thanks anyhow.
(upbeat music)
- [Iris] So, basically,
your only job experience
is as a police officer?
- Detective.
- Whatever.
Truthfully, Mrs. Lacey, it
would make my job a lot easier
if you had some sort of sales experience
or secretarial skills.
- Oh, geez, I musta typed 30,000
police reports over the years.
- Touch typing on a computer?
- Hunt and peck on a manual.
Listen, I really need a
job, Miss Lewiston, so,
is it Miss or Mrs?
Well, whatever.
I'll do what's necessary,
and I'll work like a dog.
- Come on, Feldberg, I'm not even
supposed to be doing this job.
I gotta get some help here.
There's 3,500 gun dealers in this city,
and all you can spare are three men?
Give me a--
Yeah, I'm interviewing the heavyweights,
but I gotta have someone
help me with the scut work.
Well thank you for your
support, you're a real sport.
- Yes, we hire a lotta ex-cops.
I'll have to put you on the list.
It's eight bucks an hour in the beginning.
After your six months, I give you a bump.
- What about medical?
- No benefit.
We start the midnight-to-eight shift.
After you're here a while, I guarantee two
or three nights a week.
That's the best I can do.
(upbeat music)
- Pardon me.
(upbeat music)
- May I help you?
- I am here for the receptionist job.
- We're all here for the receptionist job.
(upbeat music)
(soft dramatic music)
(men chattering)
(machine humming)
- Excuse me, I'm looking
for an Alexander Nemaroff.
I was told--
- What a pleasant surprise.
My, my, all grown up.
But please call me Nemaroff,
Alexander Nemaroff.
Would you excuse us for a moment, please?
- You're Nemaroff?
- In the witness protection
program, they told me
I could have any name I wanted.
And then vetoed Cary Grant.
So I chose Alexander Nemaroff.
Has a poetic quality, don't you think?
Besides, it's very helpful
in helping me to exploit the new
capitalist frontiers of Eastern Europe.
- I can't believe you had the Jones
to come back to New York.
- Oh, Raphael Lopez is dead.
Nobody in the organization
cares that I helped convict him.
Fear, it seems, like fame, is fleeting.
So, I decided to come home
and remake my fortune.
(crowbar rattling)
Listen to me, you degenerates.
If one jar is broken in that crate,
I'll see you all deported back to whatever
godforsaken hellhole you came here from.
- [Christine] You're
importing guns from Russia?
- Absolutely not.
- Says here that you're
a weapons importer.
License issued to Alexander Nemaroff.
- The importation of certain
foreign automatic weapons
is now prohibited by our government.
You should know that Sergeant Cagney.
And it only hastens the
decision I'd come to anyway.
The unrestricted ownership
of guns is tearing
apart the fabric of our society.
- Lieutenant, you hypocrite.
- Oh congratulations.
Now I know there's nothing
I can say that will ever
convince you, Lieutenant, that I am not
the same man that I once was.
- I don't wanna hear this crap.
You did it, didn't you?
You stole those guns.
- I have absolutely no idea
what you're talking about.
- The guns from the barge.
You did it, didn't you?
- That sounds uncomfortably like libel.
I wouldn't be throwing around those
accusations if I were you.
- I'm just quaking in my shoes, Mansfield.
- Nemaroff, Alexander Nemaroff.
New man, new name.
I still have some
contacts from my old days.
I'll ask around.
If you'll leave me your card,
perhaps I'll hear something
that might be of help to you.
- Rot in hell, Mansfield.
Rot in hell.
(men chattering)
- Arms.
Aim, fire!
(guns firing)
Aim, fire!
(guns firing)
Aim, fire!
(guns firing)
Aim, fire!
(guns firing)
Aim, fire!
(guns firing)
Order, arms!
(bagpipes music playing)
- It was Mansfield, that son of a bitch.
I know he stole those guns.
- This is a funeral, Christine.
Sergeant Matthew Nelson of
the NYPD has passed away
in the line of duty, and we
are here to pay our respects.
- He says he's no longer
in the weapons business.
I know he is connected
to this, I know he is.
- What you know is you
want him connected to it.
Wasn't Marcus' eulogy touching?
- Yeah, it was great.
If you will remember,
Mansfield tried to kill me,
for God sake.
He is a murder and a drug dealer,
and he didn't even get his hand slapped.
No, he gets this cushy
little witness relocation.
- Enough, Christine.
You have to stop with this craziness.
- There was a cop connection, Mary Beth.
That slime ball turned a good cop dirty.
A good cop who was working the gun detail.
- What are you implying?
- He knew all the
details of the operation.
He had access to that electrified fence,
and last week, he put
an offer on a new coop.
- I didn't know that.
- Mm-hmm.
- I'm sure there's an explanation.
- I hope so.
- You never liked Marcus.
- For God sake, this is
not about like or dislike.
And I'm sick of defending myself.
- I'm gonna go and pay my respects.
Are you coming?
- No, you go ahead, I barely knew him.
- All right, give me a minute.
- Have you ordered Petrie to come in yet?
- This is a funeral, Feldberg.
I'm gonna do it afterwards.
- Well he's the only cop who
knew the whole operation.
(soft chattering)
- No he wasn't.
(traffic passing)
- Alice, drink your milk.
- Jennifer's mom lets her have diet soda.
She says it has less calories.
- Jennifer's mom also wears Spandex.
(door buzzing)
Milk please.
- Good morning.
- What are you doing here?
- How's Harvey feeling?
- He's doing okay, thank God.
- Good.
- Why are you here?
- I need your help on a case.
I know, you're not a cop
anymore, the only time I ever
come over is when I need your help,
and you're probably still
worried about Harvey.
Did I miss anything?
- Alice, do you remember
your Aunt Christine?
- I'm the one that sends
the birthday cards.
A dollar a year.
- Hello, Aunt Christine.
- Hi.
- You ready to go?
Get your lunch.
Yeah, you missed that I'm
about to walk Alice to school.
- You do this every day?
- The only mother who does.
- Oh.
Well, then, Alice, how would you like
to ride in a district attorney's car?
- Yeah.
- Yeah!
- Yeah.
(children chattering)
(brakes squealing)
- Be a good girl, now, you hear me?
Have a good time, give me a kiss.
What do you say?
- Bye, Aunt Christine,
thanks for the ride.
- You're very welcome, Alice.
- Mom says you live in a
fancy schmancy townhouse.
Can I come over and see it sometime?
- Absolutely, any time you want.
Thank you.
- Lunch.
Now hurry up now.
(school bell ringing)
(door closing)
Let me watch her go in.
- She's all right.
So grown up.
- Yeah, it goes fast.
Could we turn the air conditioner off?
- Aren't you hot?
I'm hot.
- I'm freezing.
What are you, sick?
- No, I'm fine.
This is great, huh?
This is just great, feels great.
- What does?
- This.
You know, riding around in the car and
talking things out.
Like the old days when we
were young and ambitious.
- You were ambitious.
All I wanted to do was
make my 20 years and adios.
- Yeah.
God, remember when I
thought I was gonna be
the first female police
commissioner someday?
- And now?
- Well.
- What happened?
- They say I have a bad
attitude, can you imagine?
A bad attitude.
The truth?
I think it's the glass ceiling.
- [Mary Beth] So push through it.
Glass breaks.
- Yeah, well, it's my choice too.
I'm gonna wanna spend more
time in my personal life.
- So that's okay, if it's your choice.
- Some of it.
I don't know.
It's just the whole thing.
I guess I let system beat me down.
What are you looking at
me with that evil eye for?
- Because I hate to hear you
talk like that, Christine.
You are the best, most talented
cop that I ever worked with.
New York City should be so lucky
as to have you for a commissioner.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- I still can't get anything on Mansfield.
- Christine, it is possible
that he didn't do it.
- If he is a legitimate
importer, then I am Dr. Quinn.
I got the DA and the press
crawling all over me.
- What do they expect,
miracles like always?
You'll do it, you know you will.
You always did.
- This is just great.
I really appreciate you
coming with me, Mary Beth.
Deborah Nelson's gonna
feel a lot more comfortable
talking to me with you there.
Can we turn on the air, just for a bit?
(air conditioner blowing)
(switch clicking)
- Would you run that Deborah Nelson thing
by me one more time?
- I hope we're not coming at a bad time.
- No, no, as a matter of
fact, it's a good time.
I made the kids go back
to school today, and I
didn't know what to do with myself.
- Listen, I could go to
the store with you later
if you need to go.
- Oh, no no no, I have a whole
refrigerator full of food
left over from the wake.
Do you want something?
Can I make you a sandwich or something?
- Oh no thank you.
- No thanks, Deborah.
- Actually, Mrs. Nelson,
I'm wondering if you
wouldn't mind if I asked
you a few questions.
- It's okay, Deb.
Matthew would want you
to help find his killer.
And, she only wants to
know if he ever talked
to you about any of his men.
- What do you mean?
- It's possible that one
of them was involved.
And anything that Matt might
have said could be useful.
Like if he ever talked about something
not being on the up and up with somebody.
- Oh, he never talked to me about work.
- [Christine] Never?
- No.
Matt knew that I hated that he was a cop.
When we first got married,
he was just doing it
to get through law school.
But then he never finished and
time went by and
oh God.
Oh God, I wish I had some of that time.
Oh God.
It's not supposed to just go by like that.
Is it, Mary Beth?
- No, no, it shouldn't.
Deb, let me get you some coffee.
- That's a good idea.
I'd like some myself, why
don't I get some for everybody?
- You know, last night
I was having the most,
most beautiful dream.
It was about Matt and me,
it was our last vacation.
We were lying on the beach.
It was warm, and the waves
were lapping at our feet.
When I woke up, the pain started again.
- [Mary Beth] Deborah, listen to me.
There's this thing they have,
it's called grief counseling.
And a neighbor of mine went
when she lost her sister.
She says it saved her life.
- [Deborah] No, I'm gonna be okay.
I will be okay, I have
to take care of the kids.
(soft dramatic music)
(Mary Beth and Deb chattering)
- I want you to call her later,
soon as she stops crying,
and ask her a few more questions.
- About what?
- I just found a full pound of Beluga
caviar in the refrigerator.
- What were you doing
snooping in her icebox?
- I wasn't snooping.
I was looking for milk for the coffee.
Anyway, I happened to find
almost $1,000 worth of fish eggs.
- Wait a minute.
You told me that Matt Nelson
was not under suspicion here.
- Well he wasn't, really,
until I found the caviar.
Now I'm having a hard time
figuring out how he can afford
Beluga caviar on a cop's salary.
- She said people brought
food for the wake.
- Well, sure, I always bring $1,000 worth
of gourmet food to wakes, don't you?
Anyway, I want you to ask
her if he was throwing around
money before his death, and
find out where they went
on that vacation she was talking about.
- No, I'm not gonna sandbag a friend.
- We are investigating a
potentially crooked cop.
- I'm not investigating
anybody, Lieutenant.
(horn honking)
(passersby chattering)
(train passing)
- So tell me, how's the job
search going, Mary Beth?
- What?
Fine, fine, I have some
very nice prospects.
- So, I suppose you wouldn't
consider being a cop again.
- Chris, I been off the force three years.
They can't take me back, you know that.
- You can be a DA's investigator.
We've got civilians, just
like we've got uniforms,
and you'd be doing exactly the same thing
that a police detective does,
only you do it as a civilian.
- I'm retired.
Nah, naw, it's been too long.
- I just saw you, you're great.
You still can play those
people like violins.
- I was not.
I'm not gonna play Deborah Nelson for you.
- God, I miss this, Mary Beth, come on.
Driving around together, you
know, throwing out ideas,
talking things over.
- Bickering.
- Whatever, it works.
I was getting nowhere on this case.
And now, look, things are
slowly starting to open.
Come on, say yes.
Come on.
Come work with me.
- With you?
- Yeah.
- You mean for you, don't
you, you'd be my boss?
- I was your sergeant.
It's just a title, it
doesn't mean anything.
Come on, Mary Beth, the money's great.
And the medical plan is excellent.
With Harvey being sick, I think
that would count for a lot.
- No, I got out.
I made my 20, I was lucky.
I only got shot at eight or nine times.
I only got hit once.
I swore I'd never pick up a gun again.
Poor Harvey was always worried
when I was on the street.
I can't get over Harvey,
laying there on your floor.
- Mm.
- You got an opening?
- We've got an opening.
- Well how do you know they'll take me?
- I can swing this, Mary Beth.
You tell me you want the job, you're in.
- And I'm forever in your debt.
- Would you cut the crap, Mary Beth?
Harvey's sick, you need a
job, this is a great job.
And I could use some help.
So say yes, okay?
(horn honking)
You'd hardly be in my debt at all.
(phone ringing)
- Why the hell not?
- She retired to take care
of her kids, as I remember.
You know what this is?
This is a scam to get
around the regulations
prohibiting her from rejoining
the police force, right?
- You have other ex-cops
who work as investigators.
- You know, I also
remember what it was like
when there were two of
you ganging up on me.
It was the cuckoo clock syndrome.
One steps back, the other
gets right in my face.
Then back again, no thanks.
- She was a great detective.
- Yeah, emphasis on was.
- Are you saying she's too old?
Because if you are, Mr. Feldberg,
you just bought yourself an
age discrimination lawsuit.
- Now wait a second, Cagney.
I never said that she was too old.
- My bet is, if her first name
were Manny instead of Mary--
- Will you hold on a second here?
- We wouldn't be having this discussion.
- God, you're a pain in the
ass, Cagney Hyphen Burton.
- Thank you.
Is that a yes?
- Lieutenant Cagney, is it
true that the investigation
is focusing on a member
of the police department
as a possible co-conspirator
in the theft from the barge?
- I'm sorry, I have no
comment at this time.
- You just missed yourself on TV.
You were even more articulate
than usual tonight.
- Cute.
Okay, uh, um.
All right, which one?
- They're both beautiful, we're late.
- Yeah.
- I thought that this job with the DA
was supposed to be nine to five.
- Well, actually, it's just this one case,
and I'm finally getting some help.
I always look dumpy in this one, don't I?
- You look fine.
- I'll wear the other.
You do know this case
is a total boondoggle?
- [Christine] No, actually, I do not.
- It's obvious, they've set
you up to be the scapegoat.
Those guns are long gone,
you're never gonna find them.
But at least the mayor and the DA'll have
someone else to blame.
- Sounds pretty paranoid to me.
- It's not paranoid, realistic.
- Purse, shoes, gun.
- What's the gun for?
- Mansfield tried to kill me once.
I'm not taking any chances.
- God, I hate your job.
- Why don't we just agree to disagree?
Oh God, this is even worse.
- Why would somebody wanna
work who doesn't have to?
- You just feel that way because
you're bored with your job.
- Honey, come on, you look fine.
- Fine?
- Gorgeous.
- Hey, troops.
- [Michael] Hi, Ma.
(dramatic music on TV)
- What are you watching?
- Basic Instinct.
- I don't want you watching that.
I don't want her watching that.
- We're right in the middle, Ma.
- Do you have any brains, Michael?
Your sister is eight years old.
- The movie's cool.
Did you see it, Mom?
When they're questioning Sharon Stone
at the police station?
- Hey, hey, your daddy
says hi, give you a kiss,
tell you it's bedtime,
go brush your teeth.
The doctor says he's doing good.
He's doing fine.
He should be home, couple, three days.
- That's good.
So anyway, I guess if I'm done
with my babysitting duties,
I'm gonna go, okay.
- Now I need you again tomorrow night.
And you cannot let her watch violent,
oversexy movies, Michael.
- Look, Mom, I'm sorry I screwed up.
But you know, maybe just once
you could thank me for what
I did right, like becoming
a monk so I could babysit
for you, instead of bitching at me
for what I did wrong, huh?
- You're right.
I thank you, Michael, for helping out.
- I love you, Mom.
I know you're going through a lot.
Oh, Mom, I got a problem.
Forget it, never mind, you got a--
- No, Michael, don't
do this to me, tell me.
- It's just, my rent's due and some bills.
- How much?
- $500.
- $500?
Michael, your father's in the hospital.
- Alice says that you're
going back to work, so.
- Yeah, I got a job.
And so could you.
- I mean, come on, it's
not like I'm not trying.
It's a hard economy out there.
Look, I shouldn't have mentioned it.
- What are you gonna do about your rent?
- It's not your problem, I
shouldn't have laid it on you.
- I can't cover the whole thing, Michael.
I'll give you $200, that's it.
(phone ringing)
- Want me to get it?
- Yeah.
No, just, hang on, hang
on for a few minutes.
I'll be right over.
Michael, I need you for a little while.
- Ma, I can't.
- Honey, an hour.
- I can't, Ma, honestly, I can't.
All right, thanks for the money.
(door closing)
- Alice?
- Honey, I need you to read
your book in here, okay?
And we're gonna be talking
in the next room, okay?
- Okay.
- I probably overreacted, I
should have waited till morning.
- No no, I said call me, I meant it.
- It's not like I'm suicidal
or anything like that.
It's nothing like that, it's just that I--
- Slow down, okay.
Tell me, okay.
- Okay.
I got around to the mail today.
Got myself together and
decided to pay some bills.
And I came across this
charge on the bank statement,
something I didn't understand.
It's for a, um, a second safe deposit box.
We already have a safe deposit box.
It has the insurance stuff and the wills.
- Did you find a key for this other box?
- No.
But I don't know why
Matthew would get a second
safe deposit box without telling me.
- There's a lot of possibilities, Deb,
but before you say anything more,
I have to tell you something.
I'm working for the DA's office now.
- So, what does that mean?
- That means that I have to
report this conversation,
and it means that they are trying
to figure out about the stolen guns.
- You think Matt was stealing guns?
- It's possible.
- I don't know.
I don't know what to do.
Why don't you just tell
me what to do, Mary Beth?
- As a DA investigator, I tell
you you should come with me
tomorrow to the bank, and
we'll see what's in the box.
As a friend, I don't know,
probably the same thing.
It'd be an awful big secret to live with.
(soft dramatic music)
(soft dramatic music)
- Thank you.
(soft dramatic music)
- Would you open it?
I'm afraid.
- Sure.
(soft dramatic music)
- Oh God.
I did this.
I did this to him.
- No, Deborah.
- I nagged him all the time.
What we had was never enough.
It's my fault he did it, my fault!
I killed him, I killed him, I killed him.
(soft dramatic music)
- Okay, come on.
Let me get your coat.
You know, Harvey, if
you're feeling too tired,
you could go right in and take a nap.
- For Pete sakes, Mary
Beth, you asked me three
times already, I'm okay.
Hey, wait a minute, what is this?
Hey, this is okay.
- Surprise!
- Pumpkin, come here.
Oh, sweetheart.
- Come on, just be careful.
- I missed you.
This is great, this is just terrific.
- How you feeling, Harv?
- Hey.
- Oh great, the doctors say great.
You know, he's out two
days sooner than usual
for what he had.
- Thanks, Chris.
- Hi.
- [Harvey] Thanks again for coming.
- [Christine] My pleasure.
- Hey.
Good to see you.
Your mom says you been
a big help these days.
Thank you, Michael.
- That's okay.
- Hey, you just missed Harv
Junior, he called from Quantico.
- Oh, what a shame.
- We'll try him again
in a couple of minutes.
Hey, this is okay.
Wow, this is great.
Hey, maybe I should have a
heart attack more often, huh?
- Hey, Chris, how you doing?
- Hey, Harvey, can I get you something?
- No thanks, I'm on a real strict diet.
All I can eat is rabbit food
and some bread baked outta
wood chips or something.
- This is good, Harvey,
listen, you take off a couple
of pounds, you'll lower your cholesterol,
you'll be good as new.
So how you feeling really?
- Well I hope the doctors
know what they're doing
letting me out this early.
- Harv, Harvey?
You're not supposed to be running around.
If you want something, let me know.
- I'm supposed to walk, I'm
just walking around my own home.
- Actually, Harvey, this is a conspiracy.
Mary Beth and I asked
them to let you out early
because we need you for day care (laughs).
- Day care?
Somebody wanna tell me
what's going on around here?
- [Mary Beth] That damn
Christine never could
keep her mouth shut.
- Not Christine's fault, Mary Beth.
She had every reason to
figure you woulda told me
something as big as taking a job.
- [Mary Beth] I knew you wouldn't like it.
I didn't want you to get upset.
- Mary Beth, would you come outta there
so we could talk please?
- [Mary Beth] I'll be out in 28 minutes.
- What the heck are you doing in there?
- Okay, don't get upset.
I'm coloring my hair.
- Oh, Mary Beth.
- Harvey, if you don't want
me to go back with Christine
and I have to take some
entry-level job at some
hamburger store, then I have to be 14.
- What are you talking about?
You are not gonna do
this again, Mary Beth.
- Honey, it's not like before.
It's a desk job almost.
Regular hours, no situations.
We need money, so I took
a job, it's no big deal.
- Yeah?
Then why didn't you tell
me if it's no big deal?
- Honey, it's temporary, I promise.
Just till you get back on your feet.
That's all.
Don't be mad at me, Harvey.
I missed you.
Lonely in this bed without you.
After I rinse this off,
you wanna fool around.
- Geez, Mary Beth, in case you forgot,
I just had a heart attack.
- You could just lay there,
I'll do all the work.
- Oh, Mary Beth, what's going on?
- Honey, I talked to the doctor.
He said that sex is really
very good for the heart.
- Maybe later, huh?
I'm just beat.
Feels so good to be in my
own bed, I just wanna sleep.
(soft piano music)
(knocking on door)
- Chris, I am so sorry to be late.
The traffic on the
expressway is even worse
than it used to be, I'll
start earlier tomorrow.
- That's okay, how's Harvey doing?
- You know, it's hard.
Getting used to the idea,
I mean I was the one
that was sick, Harvey was
always healthy as a horse.
I guess I never thought that anything
could ever happen to him.
- Doctor said he was gonna be fine.
- And he will be.
So, Lieutenant, what's
my first assignment?
You want me to start with
Sergeant Nelson's telephone log?
- No, you gotta go to personnel first.
They're gonna give you a desk
and some supplies, and then,
you've just a couple of
little tests you gotta take.
- Tests?
- Mm, you know, little
medical exam and then qualify
with a weapon and then there's some
physical fitness deal they do.
- The gun? I haven't fired
a gun in three years.
- So you practice.
- What kinda little physical fitness deal?
- You scale a 50-foot wall,
run a four-minute mile,
and then you swim the English Channel.
Ha ha.
No, it's some rinky dink little
test, you know, that they
make you do just so they can be assured
that you're not gonna have
this massive heart attack
the first time you walk from
your car to the doughnut stand.
Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking, sorry.
- Sensitivity never was your
strong point, Christine.
- Well thank you so much.
You know, I have missed having
my character defects pointed
out to me the first thing every morning.
Anyway, I'm scheduled to
interview Nelson's ex-partner,
his poker buddies and some kid
he went to grade school with,
so why don't you get yourself together,
and then I'll see you tomorrow, okay?
- Okay.
(passersby chattering)
Going to personnel, right?
- Right.
- [Mary Beth] Chris, is that this floor?
- Down the hall and to the
right, first door on your left.
- Uh-huh.
- Yes, sir, I'll be at the
firing range at two o'clock,
if that's the way you want
it, but I'm telling you,
I really think I could do better
if I had a chance to practice first.
Fine, that is the way you want it.
But I'm telling you, I haven't picked up
a weapon in three and a half years.
Yes, sir.
The guy's a little bit
of a horse's neck, huh?
(light music)
(guns firing)
(light music)
(guns firing)
(machine whirring)
(light music)
- I told you I was outta practice.
- All right, come back next week.
But remember, you only have
one more chance to qualify.
- Yes, sir.
(upbeat music)
- Jimmy, what are you doing here?
- Well, since you never come home anymore.
- Is it nine o'clock already?
- Mm-hmm.
- Aw, Jim, I'm so sorry.
It's just this stuff
is so damn frustrating.
I have got personnel files,
I've got bank records,
I've got telephone logs, I
have interviews with every
single person who ever
knew Matthew Nelson,
and I cannot find any
connection to Mansfield,
much less anybody else.
If I just could figure out
where the $50,000 came from,
then I would know who has the guns and
this isn't grabbing you at all, is it?
Yeah, you wanna go to dinner?
I haven't had one thing with
any vitamins in it all day.
- Bill called me.
- Bill who?
- Bill?
- He's offered me assistant
secretary of the treasury.
- Oh, honey, I'm sorry.
- No, no no, this isn't
like that last thing.
This is something I want.
- Oh, you,
you wanna move to
Washington and everything?
- Well, I told him we'd need
a day or two to talk it over.
What about it?
You like control, power.
There's no place in the
world that has more of it.
New York is a village
compared to Washington.
What do you say?
(soft music)
- I've been waiting for you, let's go.
- It's 8:02.
- There was a gang shooting
last night in the South Bronx.
The gun recovered off
the body of the victim
was one of the weapons
stolen from the barge.
- I thought you said they were shipping
those outta the country.
- So I was wrong.
- Oh, great.
- No, this is good for our side.
As long as the guns are in the country,
the easier it is to follow the trail.
- Well I'm sorry to disagree
with you, Lieutenant,
but this is not good for our side.
Any time that 1,500 more
guns are on the streets
of New York City.
- [Christine] Always the last word, huh?
- [Mary Beth] So?
Stop it.
(shutter clicking)
(officers chattering)
- Victor, what are you doing here?
- Gangs, gangs, I do this for a living.
What are you doing here?
- Working as a DA investigator now.
- Oh, that's terrific.
Is that why you dyed your hair?
Hey, I hear that Harvey's on the mend.
- Could you guys have this
little reunion some other time?
Isbecki, we need to know
the ID of the victim.
- I'm working on it.
From the look of his clothes,
he was in the local Nueves gang.
- What we really need to know
is where'd they get the gun.
- We saw you on TV, Cagney.
You think this was one of the
stolen guns from the barge?
- Where did he get his gun, Isbecki?
- Ginger said you looked great.
- Victor?
- All right.
You'll wanna talk to the
armor of the local Nueves.
Each gang buys from one particular dealer.
Until two months ago, Jamie
Ortiz was the supplier
for the local Nueves.
Unfortunately, he is now at Riker's.
- I don't care what
happened two months ago.
Who has the action now?
- I don't know, I'm trying to find out.
- When?
- When I find out, okay, Cagney?
- Sooner rather than later, okay, Isbecki?
- Thank you, Victor.
You behaved beautifully.
- This is stupid, we should have eaten
in the car and saved some time.
- No, we're gonna sit
down for a full 20 minutes
and eat like actual human beings
and get your blood sugar evened out.
Maybe you'll start acting a
little bit more civilized.
Oh, Chris, I'm sorry.
I know you hate personal criticism.
- I do not.
It's not that.
It's just,
I didn't get very much sleep last night.
Jim and I have some decisions to make.
- Oh Lord, Christine,
you're not talking divorce?
- No, no, not like that at all.
It's good, really, they're
high-class problems.
It's just that they're complicated.
- You wanna talk to me about it?
- Is it hot in here?
I think they have the
heat up to 100 degrees.
- I'm not hot, but
you're sweaty, Christine.
- I'm not sweaty.
My mother said that horses sweat.
And men perspire and women glow.
- Aw, I bet you're having
a little hot flash.
- Hot flash, what are you talking about?
- You know what I'm talking about.
Change of life.
- Change? Menopause?
Are you nuts?
I'm too young for that.
- Not really, Christine.
The average age is about 50.
- I am not 50.
My mother went through
it at 64, my aunt at 60,
and you can set your watch by my periods.
- A couple years before your mensies stop,
you start getting symptoms.
I'll bet that's why you
been so emotional lately.
- Would you stop?
It is not menopause, it's hot in here!
Yes, you, it's like a
frigging sauna in here.
Could you turn down the damn heat?
- Hey, Cagney, where's Lacey?
- What do I look like, her secretary?
She's taking her physical.
Hey, did you find the name of
that gun supplier for me yet?
- His name is Lewis Rashad.
The funny thing is he's
a licensed gun dealer.
Has a pawn shop on 113th Street.
- But he sells illegal guns on the side?
- Snitch who gave me his name said so.
But then again, he may need
50 bucks to stuff up his nose.
- No problem, he sounds
like a perfectly good
confidential reliable informant to me.
That should qualify for a search warrant.
We don't have a problem
with that, do we, Victor?
- [Christine] You have
quite a collection here.
- Lady, why are you rousting me?
I'm a registered dealer!
- Well if you have nothing
to hide, Mr. Rashad,
then the less interference you give us
the sooner we're gonna
be out of your hair.
I want the numbers checked on those.
- Now you tell me who says
I'm selling illegal guns,
because he's lying.
- Thank you for sharing that.
I want the numbers on those, too.
- Why you keep harassing us working men?
You know it's government interference
with the African American man that keeps
this neighborhood in permanent poverty.
You hear what I'm saying?
Every weapon you find in this
place is bought and paid for
and legal as an ice cream cone.
- What a terrifying thought.
- Lady, I don't keep
guns in no refrigerator.
- Mr. Rashad, why don't
you go get your paperwork
so we can check it against
the weapons we've found?
(officers chattering)
(soft dramatic music)
- So, honey, I'll pick you up at eight.
Listen, don't wear that perfume, though,
because I think I'm allergic.
I got a rash.
- I got it, I got our guy!
- Honey, let me call you back.
What, who, Rashad?
- He's the middle guy.
The big man is Bruce Mansfield,
aka Alexander Nemaroff.
Gangster, murderer, arms and drugs dealer.
Here's his rap sheet.
- Oh, great, what do we got here?
- I found an empty can of
caviar in Rashad's trash.
- Yeah, so?
- What's a guy named
Rashad doing with caviar?
- Oh this is gonna go over great in court.
On the witness stand, our sharp-eyed
Lieutenant Cagney-Burton
relates how she could understand
finding a watermelon on the
premises of the black man,
no problem, but caviar?
Well, what more did she need?
Book him for possession of fish eggs.
Oh, and while you're at it, hang him
because we suspect him
of selling illegal guns.
- Feldberg, I did my homework.
Bruce Mansfield is currently
the exclusive importer
of Empress Catherine Caviar,
the same stuff that both
Nelson and Rashad had at their places.
- Oh, well, now I'm impressed.
- Don't you see?
It is not a coincidence.
- And so what, so he passes
out caviar as a business perk?
- Maybe, I don't know, but it's him.
I'm sure of it.
- You know, according to
this file you've had some
pretty heavy dealings
with this guy before.
Are you sure you're not
letting your emotions
interfere with your investigation?
- Look, I know it looks a little thin,
but that is the connection,
I know that it is,
and I know that he did it.
- Yeah, well, even if you're
right, we're gonna need
a hell of a lot more for a conviction.
- Right.
So, I need you to authorize a gun buy
and find a judge who's
liberal about phone taps.
(light music)
- Other than walking my little
girl to and from school,
I haven't been getting much exercise.
- Don't be intimidated, Mrs. Lacey.
We recognize new DA investigators
do mostly mental gymnastics,
not a lotta run and gun.
All we require are 15 pushups, 25 situps
and a 12-minute mile.
- Hmm.
- [Trainer] Why don't we
get situps out of the way?
- Oh, yes.
(upbeat music)
You understand that I am on a case here?
I really don't have a lot of time.
- That's two, only 23 more.
(light music)
- See how nice it is when
you come home at night?
- Yes, Mr. Burton.
- Let's talk about how you wanna set up
housekeeping in Washington.
- Housekeeping?
Jimmy, these jobs have been
known to be kind of temporary,
you know, I mean, Clinton being reelected
isn't exactly a slam dunk.
- Honey, he's gonna be in
office at least a couple
of more years, and I
can't exactly commute.
You did put the confirmation
hearings in your calendar?
- Of course I put them in.
But I don't know--
- No buts.
There's some Republicans on the committee.
Having a cop in the family couldn't hurt.
(soft music)
- Jimmy?
Honey, remember I told you
about that case I'm working on,
the Mansfield one?
And I'm gonna try and
not have it conflict but,
if it does, I may not be able to go
to the confirmation hearing.
- You say may not be able to go there
like you might not be able
to pick up the dry cleaning.
- That's not fair.
- Fair?
We're talking about a
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
- God I hate this.
I just hate that it's the
'90s and we're still fighting
the same stupid fight.
(phone ringing)
Mary Beth?
Oh I'm sorry.
Oh, of course, yes, sir.
Yes, he's right here.
Yes, I'll get him for you.
- Yes, Mr. President.
No, of course it's not too late to call.
(upbeat music)
- Honey, I'm taking off.
- Hey, what about breakfast, babe?
- No, I don't wanna be late again.
- Mary Beth, you gotta have something.
That's what you kept telling me,
just a bagel and some juice.
Listen, don't let Alice forget her lunch.
- [Harvey] Don't worry, I won't.
- I'm gonna be late again.
The alarm went off, I
swear, I couldn't even move.
- Well it's hard, baby, you've
become a lady of leisure.
- No, honey, it's not that.
It's that physical test yesterday.
My belly still aches from
the situps, and my arms hurt
so much I could hardly
pick up my toothbrush.
I just, I didn't even pass, Harv.
I couldn't run that mile to save my life.
(upbeat music)
- Sorry to put you through
all this stuff, Mary Beth.
- Honey, that's not what I mean.
- I just feel like crap, I mean,
putting all this pressure on you.
- No, it's okay, Harvey.
Don't listen to me complain,
doesn't mean anything.
- I'm gonna start looking for a job.
I'm gonna make some
phone calls this morning.
- Harvey, that is crazy.
You've only been out of the
hospital less than a week.
You have to give yourself
some time to recover, please.
- Okay.
Won't be long I'll be back on my feet.
You won't have to work.
- Don't worry about anything, sweetheart.
All I want is enough
recovery so that you can
become my own personal sex slave again.
- Hey, your daughter's gonna
be out here any minute,
and I gotta get your
bagel before it burns.
(upbeat music)
- I don't want it, honey.
(knocking on door)
- Chris?
(light music)
(light music)
Is that you?
- Don't I get any damn privacy anywhere?
- Are you okay?
- I am fine.
- Well you don't look fine?
You look like you been crying?
- Don't you miss the old can at the 14th?
That was a really good
place to cry your eyes out.
This place is so damn clean.
It just isn't very satisfying.
- Menopausal mood swings--
- It is not menopausal mood swings.
It's Jim.
Bill called last night.
- Bill?
- As in Hillary and Bill?
- [Mary Beth] Bill the president?
- Yeah.
He's appointing Jimmy assistant
secretary to the treasury.
- Treasury?
Oh, Christine, that's wonderful.
It's not wonderful?
- I just n--
I just never thought I was ever gonna
get married, Mary Beth.
- Because you hadn't met the right guy.
The assistant secretary of the treasury.
- It's funny, you know, Jimmy and I
never had very much in common.
Except that we were both in AA, and
and I guess that we weren't
very good at relationships,
but we were looking at it and
we were gonna work on that.
- You're not happy with James?
- It's not his job to make me happy.
Anyway, I never said I was unhappy.
- Well what then?
- It's more like, beige.
- Beige?
- My life is, beige.
- President of the United
States Clinton calls you up
at home and your life is beige?
- For God sake, I'm not even a Democrat.
- Oh my God, Christine,
you're moving to Washington?
- I am not moving to Washington.
Jim's moving to Washington.
- Oh my God, Christine, I'm so sorry.
- Would you stop it, Mary
Beth? I'm not getting divorced.
It's only a plane ride away, one hour,
and I can see him on the weekends.
- Uh-huh.
- It's called a commuter
marriage, Mary Beth.
Millions of couples do it.
- Uh-huh.
- Anyway, I'm fine, really.
- Uh-huh.
So why are you crying?
- I don't know, you tell me.
God, please tell me that it's hot in here.
(knocking on door)
- [Todd] Your secretary told me you'd been
in there an hour.
- Yes.
- Female problems?
- Chris.
- I'm so sorry.
- For the record, that wasn't harassment.
That was an expression of concern.
I just wanted you to know I got you
the phone taps and the
money for the gun buy.
- Thank you.
- Gun buy, what gun buy?
- I would do it myself, but
Rashad's already seen me.
- It's okay, Christine, gee,
it's not the first time
I ever went undercover.
- What you gotta keep in
mind is that Lewis Rashad
is a very street smart and dangerous guy.
- I think we oughta put a wire on her.
- No, no wire.
This very street smart dangerous
guy finds a wire on me.
- Okay, okay, you're right,
I don't care about a wire.
Anyway, the purpose of this
exercise is not to catch Rashad.
- It's to catch Mansfield.
- No.
It's to find out who Rashad calls
whenever he wants an illegal weapon.
Whoever that is.
If it happened to be Mansfield,
then that would be fine.
- Gee, fine, okay, I get it.
So what's my cover?
- A Queens housewife.
- There's a stretch.
And what logical reason does
this Queens housewife have
for going all the way to
the South Bronx for a gun?
- This is pretty brilliant, all right.
You're a Queens housewife
who's looking for an illegal
and obviously unregistered assault weapon.
- To bring to PTA meetings?
- No, to blow away your
scumbag husband and make it
look like it happened in
a gang-related burglary.
- That's not bad.
I could wear sunglasses, you
know, sorta Married to the Mob.
Only except we paint a shiner underneath
that I accidentally let Rashad see.
The implication of course being
that I wanna blow him away
because he's been slugging me around.
- Oh, and also he's leaving
you for another woman.
- I don't think so, Christine.
- [Christine] Well it's logical.
I mean, he beats you and
he's cheating on you.
- No, he's not cheating on me.
- This is ridiculous, it's the
oldest reason in the world.
- No, Christine.
- Mary Beth, give me one
earthly reason why not.
- Because he isn't, no husband
of mine is gonna cheat on me.
- Mary Beth.
- End of discussion, Christine,
there is no girlfriend.
- Mary Beth, there is no husband.
The whole thing is made up.
All right, there's no girlfriend.
Moving on, the reason you're
not buying it in your own
neighborhood is because you're
afraid of being recognized.
And, um, you got Rashad's name from who?
- Chewy Gatto.
One of my snitches.
- Okay, you wanna practice?
- Yeah.
- All right, you come in the store,
I'll be Rashad.
- Okay, um.
Knock, knock, knock, I'm here.
- [Christine] Yeah, can I help you?
- Um, are you Mr. Rashad?
- Who's asking?
- Well I got your name
from a friend of a friend.
A Chewy Gatto.
He said that maybe you could
help me on a special order.
Is that too much?
- No.
- You want me to do it again?
- No.
(soft dramatic music)
(horn honking)
(traffic passing)
- She's been in there
too long, I'm going in.
- Just give her a few more minutes.
- She's one week back on the job.
Already I've got her
putting her life in danger.
- Look, she knows what she's
doing, don't blow it for her.
(soft dramatic music)
See, she did it.
- Why hasn't he called?
- Well he's not gonna
call from his own phone,
especially not after your raid.
Just be patient.
- Patient, hey look, Isbecki.
- I'm sorry, I forgot.
- What's that supposed to mean?
- Let's just say you're
the same Christine Cagney
that I always knew and adored.
- Lieutenant, he's leaving the shop.
(soft dramatic music)
- How many phones do
we have on the street?
- Just one in this direction.
- One?
- The phone by the alley.
If he calls for the weapons
from there, we've got him.
- Oh come on, stop.
- [Techi] He's passing it.
- Dammit!
Why wouldn't they let
us tap any more phones?
- [Victor] Oh come on.
Come on.
He's coming back.
- That's it, come on, pick up the phone.
- Yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah.
- Punch in that number, you bastard.
(soft dramatic music)
- We got it.
It's somewhere out on Staten Island.
- Yeah!
(dramatic music)
- Where are you going?
- I'm going with you.
- You don't even have a
gun yet, wait in the car.
(dramatic music)
- Cops.
- Damn.
(dramatic music)
- Sweet Jesus.
- There's somebody back there.
(soft dramatic music)
- [Officer] Freeze hold it right there!
(dramatic music)
- I've got one back here, hold it!
(gun firing)
Dammit, I'm not gonna warn you again.
(dramatic music)
- Hey, there's one up here!
(dramatic music)
- Stay here.
(dramatic music)
- Gee, it's lucky they
won't give me a gun yet.
Who knows where I mighta shot him?
(soft dramatic music)
- Let me share with you
my sincere belief that
despite all the media hoopla,
what you ladies actually
have with respect to my client is a case
of very small potatoes at best.
- We found 1,500 stolen
guns in a warehouse
rented in Mr. Korbutt's name.
- Small potatoes, like I said,
receiving stolen property.
- Not to mention a mountain
of other illegal weapons.
- So you wanna do the taxpayers a favor?
We'll plead right now,
probation and a $1,000 fine.
What do you say?
- Excuse me, I'm sorry, Mr. Korbutt,
I didn't mean to stare,
that's very rude of me.
I wondered, would you
mind removing your cap?
(siren in distance)
I just love that color.
I really should take you
with me to my hairdresser.
- Pardon me, Lieutenant, would you?
- Excuse me just one moment.
Well what do you know?
I don't need to take you
with me at all, look.
I already have a swatch.
- What is this?
- It's a hair sample.
That I'd be willing to bet matches
whatever hair is left
on your client's head.
- You know, with his condition,
he's lucky he has hair left at all.
- That's true, I've read about
this, it's called alopecia.
Isn't it, Korbutt?
Usually all falls out until
you look like a billiard ball.
- On second thoughts, Lieutenant,
maybe he's not so lucky
because that was found at the crime scene.
Next to Sergeant Nelson's dead body.
And this other hair was taken
from the tug captain's hat,
so that's a damn shame.
Because if he had lost it all,
at least he wouldn't be
leaving evidence laying around.
- Let me see those.
- Why did you kill Nelson?
Just trying to tie up all the loose ends?
Or were you trying to save a buck
by not paying him the rest of his bribe?
- Don't say a word.
Are you charging him with murder?
- This isn't small potatoes, Mr. Fradin.
- No.
Big potatoes.
- Very big potatoes.
Unless of course you'd
like to cooperate with us.
- Tell me what you've got in mind.
- He was working with someone.
We know who it is, but
we need confirmation.
And we need his testimony to convict him.
- I need some time to discuss this
with my client, if you don't mind.
- 24 hours.
Then we file for Murder One.
- That was good, Christine.
And it means you can be in Washington
tomorrow for the hearings.
- It's too late.
- No, get your stuff, get a cab.
You could catch the last shuttle.
- What about the--
- Go.
I'll take care of it.
Tell him good luck from me, huh?
- [Christine] Right.
(upbeat music)
- Taxi, taxi!
- Hey, we're broken for lunch.
Why don't you stay for lunch?
- I wouldn't be going back
it it weren't so important.
- Did you hate everything
about the hearings?
- I loved your joke.
- Were you embarrassed
by my beeper going off?
- I just hope that you're
not gonna wanna play
cops and robbers for
the rest of your life.
(horn honking)
- Just a minute.
- All right, you go.
Do what you have to do, and
I'll see you this weekend.
- Okay.
Think how turned on we'll be by then.
It'll be like a honeymoon every weekend.
- Yeah.
- National Airport please.
(light music)
- Geez, Chris, I didn't
mean for you to jump up
in the middle of a United
States Senate hearing.
- We're not taking Lainie Granier here.
They were lobbying creampuffs.
Confirmation's in the bag.
- Listen, Chris, it's not my business,
but don't you think you should
be there for your husband?
- You're right, Mary Beth,
it's none of your business.
Sorry, but this is what I'm good at,
you know, catching the bad guys.
And Jimmy understands, he
wanted me to come here.
He practically pushed me on the plane.
What is this crap about the DA
not cutting a deal with Korbutt?
- Lieutenant Cagney, more
than anything in life,
I hate to apologize, but
when I'm wrong, I'm wrong.
You see, I thought you'd
become a nine-to-fiver,
and Lacey, I guess I
underestimated you as well.
The two of you have done one hell of a job
on this gun thing, really.
- Thank you, sir.
- No no no, no, don't
thank me, I thank you.
I thank both of you.
You made me look good.
You made us all look good.
The DA told me to tell you he wants
you both at the press conference.
- What about Mansfield?
- Read it and weep.
(soft dramatic music)
- There's nothing they could do, Chris.
He fled the country.
- I can't believe they didn't pick
Mansfield up at the airport.
Belarus, who in the hell goes to Belarus?
Everybody there wants to come here.
- We wouldn't have got a conviction.
On the testimony of a co-conspirator,
never woulda happened.
- Don't try to cheer me
up, I wanted Mansfield.
I really did.
- We got 1,500 automatic
weapons off the street.
More, if you count that
junk in the warehouse.
And we got the guy that
pulled the trigger.
We did good.
Isn't that what we used to tell ourselves?
Well we did.
We did real good.
- Then why don't I feel any better?
- Chris, there's something
I gotta tell you.
I don't think I can do this job.
- Oh no you don't, don't you
give me that crap, Mary Beth.
I saw you, you were
grinning from ear to ear
when you came out of Rashad's pawn shop,
and you loved it when you nailed that
what's his face with the hair.
And to top it off, I need
you, so don't you talk
to me about quitting
because I won't allow it.
- I'm not quitting.
God knows I could use the
paycheck and the medical, but.
It's that damn mile run, Christine.
I finally qualify with the pistol,
I did the rotten situps and the pushups,
but I had enough trouble running the mile
when I was in shape.
I can't do it now, that's
all there is to it.
- That's it?
- Yeah.
- No problem.
(upbeat music)
- [Christine] You gotta pick up the pace.
- My shins are killing me.
- You can do it.
- No, Chris, it's the,
it's the rocking chair for me.
I just need a little crocheting.
- Come on, Mary Beth, do it for me.
- Oh.
- All right, do it for Harvey.
Well then, dammit, do it for yourself.
Come on, come on.
Come on, come on.
Okay, we got it going.
Okay, go!
Go, go, oh, yahoo!
Yes, 11 minutes and 53 seconds!
Yahoo, all right!
- Yes.
- No.
- Yes.
- No.
- You.
For you, Chris.
- What?
- You were right the first time.
- About what?
- I'm doing it for you.
(soft music)
I owe you, Cagney.
You saved Harvey's life.
(soft music)
I am
forever in your debt.
(hard breathing)
you'll just have to learn to live with it.
(soft music)
Oh my Lord.
Oh my Lord, Chris, I'm gonna have to,
I'm gonna have to do the whole thing
all over again when they're clocking me.
Oh, Chris, Christine.
Isn't there some kind of
an affidavit or something?
Something that you could sign
that they'd have to believe you?
- I will pull you the
whole way if I have to.
- Yeah, you will, won't you?
- Yes.
Damn straight.
Come on, let's go.
Let's go home.
- Oh, don't lean on me, Christine.
- Sorry.
(hard breathing)
(light music)
- Does that fan help you
with the hot flashes?
- It's not a hot flash,
I'm sweaty from running.
- [Mary Beth] I got the name
of a good doctor, Christine.
She'll give you this Chinese tea
that'll even you right out.
- [Christine] I don't
need any Chinese tea,
and I don't need evening right out.
- [Mary Beth] Well I'm not
convinced that hormones
are that good for you, Chris.
- [Christine] I don't need hormones.
I'm fine.
- [Mary Beth] Fine, whatever you say.
It's right next door to this great
Chinese health food store.
They got a tofu mushu.
- [Christine] I hate tofu.
- [Mary Beth] You can
hardly tell the difference.
- [Christine] Stop it.
(upbeat theme music)
(MultiCom Jingle)