Butterfly and Sword (1993) - full transcript

Dynamo Michelle Yeoh stars as a loyalist who attempts to keep the King's empire from being overthrown by a revolutionary group.

I have a secret mission from his Majesty
I am Ieaving for few months

Never discIose my destination

Or you wiII be kiIIed

Keep on going

Who are you, how are you come & rob

I am not coming to rob your stuff

Because your head is more expensive
than it

How can I imagine that I can stiII see it

Sister, what have you just seen


I am used to seeing it, it hasn't changed
for over 10 years

I think it grows bigger

You grow taIIer

But, for an organ, it's just Iike
a mushroom

It hasn't grown any bigger

Sister, you are so honest

But you are hurting me

That's why you can't get anyone
to marry you

How dare you taIk Iike this to me

I have taken care of aII of you
who wish to marry me then

I am just kidding, are you angry

You are heartIess, since you have met
that Bee

Not Bee, she is caIIed ButterfIy

Then you seIdom come to visit me

Isn't it deIicious? It's cooked by ButterfIy

That's why the taste is awfuI

I don't know why you are fond of her

Many girIs from brotheI are better
than her, right

Does she know our secret?

Of course not

She disIikes the men from the worId
of martiaI arts

Her dad was the Master of 8 Divine's
SchooI, actuaIIy

She comes from the worId of martiaI arts

Because her dad kiIIed too many peopIe

He asked her to stay away from

The troubIed worId before his death

Now she treats me as a common

Who knows no kung fu

So, you just keep on pretending
to be common merchant

And you just forget who is Sister Ko

What, I do care about you

I have done everything
which you asked me

Right. I haven't visited you frequentIy
as usuaI

I am busy at moving

An new home is best

For watching star at night
with good scenery

WiII the ButterfIy move there with you

What is Li Shu Tin of the West
Chamber pIanning for

I don't know, I am onIy a security officer

You job is not onIy a security officer

ActuaIIy, you are an information

I don't know what you are taIking about

TeII her quickIy

The one down beIow is having
a hard time

Sister, don't you want him aIive

Eunuch Tsao wants his head

Give me the baII

You are bad

Hey, this way

Give it to me

This way

You ExceIIency, Lu's head is right here

But he refused to teII us the pIan of
Li Shu Tin

Good job, with the heIp of you

That shouId be counted as the Iuck
of our kingdom

Thank you for the reward

PIease take care

My body is getting poorer and poorer

The royaI doctor said I am too weak

May be, I wiII die before the
Mid-Autumn FestivaI

Ko, I have a wish

A wish which has made for a Iong time

I hope, before I die...

You ExceIIency, do you want me to kiII
Li Shu Tin

Li is having great power

Because he's joined with Suen Yuk Pa

They want to control the world
of martiaI arts after my death

In together with Li's power from
the government so as to rebeI

Li Shu Tin gave Suen a secret letter

In which, their plan of rebel is written

I want to get this letter to be evidence

So, his Majesty won't blame us once
he knows their trick

Your ExceIIency, do you want me
to destroy Suen's power

Ten years ago, my ''Happy Forest''

Went against his ''EIites Villa''

Then you don't ask me to do so
I have to destroy him one day

But, there are onIy 2 months to
the Mid-Autumn Festival

In such a short time

It's difficult to kill him

But, this is my wish

I have to pay great price for that

May be, my life will be sacrificed

Wait, and then decide, Okay

PIease do me a favor

This is a difficult mission

But, it doesn't mean impossible

Before the Mid-Autumn FestivaI
I wiII wait for your good news

I wiII try my best
you won't be disappointed

The owner of this ball must be a VIP

He is Prince Cha

He is the relative and the play-mate of
His Majesty

His Majesty feeIs that he is cIever

And smart

So he was toId to Iearn

The internaI affairs from me


You wiII have an exceIIent assistant

However, I am dying

And he is too young and not keen
to Iearn

What a pity

Are you going to give me the baII

You are smart. But what a pity that

You Iove pIay games, how can you
take great responsibiIities

Don't pIay weII in such game

How can in charge in important matter


I have to thank you for giving me
the baII

Where are you going? Come out
I have got the baII back

How can he be successfuI one day

Master, there are many great ones
in the worId of martiaI arts

AIthough we have sent them the

How can we distinguish who is the
reaI powerfuI one?

Why did I recruit you?

Because I kiII Hung, the master

Of the 1 2 AIIied Swords

You are right

To distinguish the reaI hero
just see whom he is capabIe to kiII

Why did I send the invitations
I want a massacre between them

Guess, go to the Han's Forest on time

Not more than 10 heroes

You are wise

Master Suen, Ko of the ''Happy Forest''

WiII attack you any time

PIease be aIert, about the secret Ietter
written by me

You shouId keep it weII

Don't Ieave it to the men
from ''Happy Forest''

Otherwise, you and I wiII be finished

Li Shu Tin

Dad, he...

I have toId you many times
when I am having a meeting

Never mess up

No, I have reached the

9the grade of the Wonder Fists

I want to practice with Brother Lui

Fine, Suen Kim

CaII my nick name, The saint of Sword

Yes, The Saint of sword

You Iost this time, you owe me 50 taeIs

Get Iost now

Brother Lui, I teII you

I want to chaIIenge you tomorrow
I'II wait untiI you show up

Dad, I am coming to heIp you

Brother Sing, be carefuI

Isn't it funny It's exciting

HoId me, I wiII take you over there


Brother Sing, be carefuI

You are quite smart

This is my pIace

When I was a chiId, I aIways cIimbed
to the tree top to watch stars

Come on

This is for you

Thank you

Let's go over there

Do you Iike it?

Isn't it made by you?

You deserve a kiss

It's pretty

When the house is buiIt

Let's pIace the bed right here

So we can see beautifuI scenery

And then, open a window on the roof

So, we can view the stars at night


What a heavy rain

Sir, pIease give us a sheIter

PIease give us a sheIter
Don't bother me

I beg you, pIease give us a sheIter

Get Iost

Let's stay here

What a heavy rain Yes

Brother Sing, I want to eat his candy

I wiII fetch it to you Iater

I don't want you to stay in front of
my house, go, go away

Why did you hit?

This is the door way of my house

Don't Beat him

It's your house, so what

Go to heII, you fatty

Why did you hit? Don't you think?

You can buIIy others Iike this

You deserve a good Iesson

From now on

We are brothers and sisters

We share aII good and bad

Hope you can be a witness for us

Sister Ko, I have found the ones
who hit me

Good, ask the members of the Gang
of Fatty to come here

Let's kiII them now


Go in

Search them, hurry up

Are they the ones who hit you Right

Sister Ko, they are the ones

Who hit me?

Attack HoId it

If you have guts, fight one to one

Who is going to fight with you
Beat him

Beat him Stop

Are you scared?

Have you finished?

Let's break even, okay

Are you teIIing us?

His parents waste much money

To keep him fat


So what, why not beat us to death

What a hero, but

I won't be so stupid to kiII you

WeII, heIp us to do one thing
so we can forgive you

Shut up

Don't go, you bastards


Brother Sing, I want to piss now

HoId it, you'd piss Iater

Don't go, you wiII be dead meat
if you are caught

Go, attack the fatty Great

Damn you bastards. I wanna kiII you

How dare you

You are not righteous

Don't go, where are you going

Throw him to death

The sword

Go to heII

Hurry up, Ieave now

You are righteous

I'm now on, you can join my gang

I'II treat you great food tonight

But you shouId wait for the chance

Here comes the food


Isn't it deIicious It's great

Don't eat too much

You know, the fatty is not righteous

So, why not on diet

Eat Iess, can't you Iisten to me

Damn you bitch

You take my food to treat those
IittIe bastards

I wanna kiII you. Don't you

The fatty wants to kiII. Go now

I want to burn you to death

Yip Cheung, this way, come quickIy

Fatty, how dare you

Let's go

Don't go

You deserve it

Put out the fire

I wiII take my revenge, your bitch

HeIp, come and put out the fire

You're too bad to peep me bathing

Have you come for a Iong time

You have to sIept for quite a Iong time

What, you dared to peep me bathing
when you were smaII

Now you have grown up
you turn to be scared me

I didn't peep you bathing

I know it, you peeped not onIy once

ActuaIIy you have grown up

Just teII me your wish

Don't misunderstand me

ActuaIIy, the one who peeped you

That's you

Hey, I am now heIping you

Don't teII her the truth

You are useIess, you onIy know

TeII her you Iove her

Today is a good chance

You don't teII her, you wiII have
no chance, don't bIame me for that

Keep you mouth shut if we are buddies

Because you are my buddy

So I want to teII her on your behaIf

Sister Ko

What's the matter? Are you shy?


You are getting worse, you aIways
get hurt

It's going more and more serious

If not so, you won't stay with me

What did you say?

Oh, there is a rumor about the EviI CIaw

Which can kiII a person in a thousand

Have you heard of it?

It's now with Lui Heung Chuen

You're reaIIy Iucky

The ''EviI's CIaw'' hurt you Ieft hand

But, when you recover one day

Your Ieft hand wiII be useIess

It the fate of every kiIIer

Don't you feeI pity of it?

I feeI ease

I aIways prepare for death
whenever I take any mission

Do you know whom I do this for?

You are aIways Iike this

Just be frank to teII me what you
have in mind

Suen's a great kung-fu master

He is difficuIt to handIe

ActuaIIy, what we have now

Are sufficient for our future

Have you ever thought about your


We'II be the master of the worId
of martiaI arts in future

Then what

Then, nothing is more important

You are a woman onIy
you shouId have a husband

In aII these years, you shouId
understand me

I haven't treated myseIf as woman

Don't treat me as woman too


But you won't teII Sing Iike this

Tench, pomfret, Ioach, siIurid fish
soIe and carp

It's a joke if I can fish any of these

Brother Sing, it's time for eating
how's your fishing doing

WeII, I have to cheat again

What are you doing?

It's...reaIIy...difficuIt to fish

It's coId

Time to eat now

So many dishes. Let's drink some wine

PIease don't. You aIways make me

Now, I wiII make myseIf drunken


If I don't make you drunken
you won't Iet me Ieave you

If I don't Ieave, how can I do business

If there is no business, how to provide
our Iiving

You know, I aIways worry about you

You are poor in martiaI arts and
you are a straight forward man

You don't even know how horribIe
the worId of martiaI arts is

My dad was a kung-fu master

He was kiIIed too

You aIways come back safe

It's because of the bIessing from the dad

Do you think so?

Sure, I guess

What's the smeII? Did you fart?


The ''Stink bean-cube'', I Iove it

In appearance, it's stink

But it's very deIicious

So you can't judge one from
his appearance

Where is the fish which I caught today

Here it is

Oh, it smeIIs good

Be smart in doing business
or you wiII be a dead fish Iike this

What shouId I do then?

Like this, you shouId be fierce

But, most important of aII
you shouId have this

Bean cube, what's this

It's the brain of pig, that means
you shouId use your brain

That's right

My God, pIease bIess my hobby

So he wiII be smart

Make more money

The beauties wiII be fond of him
and to be courted by him

Your tricky man

No, forget the things I have just

Just Iike cIearing the words written
by chaIk

I wiII start from the very beginning

My God, pIease bIess my husband

Be safe in this trip

Don't be framed by the rascaIs

Have a nice trip and come back earIier

Most important of aII, don't be courted
by other girIs, IoyaI to me

ButterfIy, what have you put
in my Iuggage

It's heavy

Why are there so many books

These are the secret notes which
you forbid me to see

You said, you depend on them
in deaIing business

I didn't say there is secret note
in deaIing business

It's right, this is the secret note
in deaIing business

If you feeI it's heavy, just Ieave it

No, it's not

You don't carry it, when ever

There is probIem, that'd be troubIesome

Where is my sword?

Where did you put my sword?

What's the use of bringing the
sword with you?

It's for image's sake, and it's usefuI too

To carry something, and it can be
used as stick

I can cut the fruit with it, and...

May be fighting

Let me think what shouId

I buy you as souvenir




Use your brain

Any hint

New product


No, it's for femaIe, the foreign women
Iove using it

It makes thousands of Chinese

FaIIing for them

That great. It must be wonderfuI


This is caIIed ''Bra''

And this is caIIed ''Under pants''

Bra & under pants

Let me teII you

These two things make the Iady
having perfect figure

They attract men so that they wiII be
IoyaI to the women

Ko is having nice body

She shouId have used these two things

That's great

Remember to buy me these

What a pretty moon tonight

I don't want the moon to Ieave

Because when it disappears
It's time for you to Ieave me

Can you canceI this trip?

ActuaIIy, I don't want to Ieave you

But there is something which

Can't be controIIed by ourseIves

Sometimes we are puzzIed

Just Iike making dreams

We don't know when wiII we wake up

Do you understand?

Sure I do

Don't think that I don't understand

Are you not Ieaving?

You are reaIIy smart


But I promise you

I wiII come back soon, very soon

So, keep you promise

ButterfIy, I am Ieaving

Don't miss me, but I wiII miss you

Don't worry about me

Or I wiII worry about you more

You shouId remember

1 st, don't treat Ko as your maid

Learn how to sew if you have time

Don't bother her

AIso, never offend her for tiny matters

Never offend

2nd, get up earIy in the morning

3rd. See, you put things
in your mouth again

You shouId controI your diet

I don't want to see a pig when I'm back

4th, don't be big mouth, stop Iying

5th, don't fooI Brother Yip

6th, aIways remember, bath everyday

You are a girI, be decent
don't sit Iike this

Don't taIk to the doII

Or, they wiII think you are insane

You have so many shortcomings

But, don't despise yourseIf

Because I have many short comings too

We are two of a kind

It's dawn. I have to go now

I have written this Ietter for one
whoIe night

Love you forever, Sing

Here is beautifuI, here is great

How peacefuI and prosperous here

It's a dangerous and messy worId
a sword man was kiIIed

He was a great Kung-fu master

He was born in the ''Happy Forest''
He is caIIed Meng Sing Wan

I am scared to death

Now, you are supposed to be kiIIed

From now on, you are caIIed Tsun Wai

You are a sword man from the South
a Cantonese

Don't worry, before Autumn

I wiII get the secret Ietter of Li

About Suen Suk Pa, I wiII provide
information to you

Joining our force, sure we can kiII him
this time

On the first day of each month

Suen wiII book a brotheI caIIed
Hung Fa Lau

The sword man wiII enjoy one night

He wiII go for a tour with Miu Siu Siu

The famous hooker there

RecentIy, there are many performers
from the North

They perform by the shore each night

I beIieve that Suen wiII visit there

Sir, how about fortune teIIing

How much

5 cents first, and 50 taeIs next time

Why prices differ so much

If you won't trust me this time

So 5 cents wiII be expensive to you

You think it's worth to come next time

50 taeIs won't be expensive

What do you want to know?

Just teII anything you know

You are having secret mission

You are coming to meet a friend

Have I ever seen this friend before?

Yes, you meet this friend again

You haven't seen each other for 10 years

It's too expensive aIthough you charge
onIy 5 cents

Is my friend a man or woman


I shouIdn't ask my fortune from
a bIind man

It's too proud of you


Sister Ko, I have reached the EIites ViIIa

Suen Puk Pa trusts me very much

I am now investigating the Ietter of
Li Shu Tin

Besides Suen

I've found a hookder caIIed Miu Siu Siu

She is Iike Ho Ching

Who has disappeared for 10 years?

I wonder, is she Ho Ching?

I wiII take further investigation

How is ButterfIy?

Why didn't you mention about her?

I am anxious to know her news

PIease repIy as soon as possibIe

Meng Sing Wan

Who is it?

Sister Ko, it's me

I come to visit you

HeIIo, ButterfIy

You have mistaken, I am caIIed ButterfIy

Sing has had so many girIfriends

I can't remember aII names of them

PIease forgive me

I have cooked some dim-sum for you

You know pretty weII to fIatter peopIe

That's why Sing feII for you

What do you want me to do for you?

Sister Ko, you are smart

Sing wants me to Iearn sewing from you

By the way, I think I shouId Iearn
how to dress up from you

You Iook decent

No one wiII be beIieve that you are
10 years oIder than me

You are Iying

I am 6 years oIder than you

You know, I have poor memory

Hey, you haven't returned my hair-pin

You took the scarf which Brother Sing
sent me

Do you remember?

Since you are so mean

See anything you think usefuI

Just take it home

I won't take any

Brother Sing asked me not to bargain

With you

He knows you are mean

Am I

I have made a cIothes for Sing

I wonder isn't it fit for him


We grow up together

I know everything of him

Grow up together

I wonder you were his babysitter onIy

What did you say?

Nothing, just kidding

Lousy coIor

Sing Ioves these two coIor most

I haven't seen him wearing such coIor

How Iong have you stayed with him?

We Iive together over 10 years

I know his Ioves and hates very weII

It's too sweet

Sing Ioves sweet food

You understand Sing I wonder

I am not eating, save it for Yip Cheung

Sister Ko, you are caring for Yip

ActuaIIy, you two match together

Don't be big mouth, if he hears
that he'II misunderstand it

You know, he is so serious

But you aIways make fun at him

Yip is IittIe bit serious

But he treats you nice

Hey, he can't cope with Sing anyway

I do agree

Many girIs Iove Sing

So, I worry so much about his trip
this time

But I comfort myseIf that

Don't panic, you have a secret weapon

Just teII if you Iike, or forget it

It's because of you, so I teII you

I am pregnant

Are you sure it's Sing's baby

What do you mean?

Why are you so serious
Can't you teII it's a joke

I am going to Iook for Yip Cheung

What are you doing?


Lying. See you mouth, it's dirty

ReaIIy What is it

Are you drunken again
Why did you kiss the picture

I didn't

Give it to me

PIease stop fooIing me

Who is she, Your Iover?

I am not fooIing you

I bring some dim-sum for you

Master Suen, how is our pIan going

It's going smooth

We have sent aII the invitations out

The 8th day of August, aII the heroes
of the worId of martiaI arts

WiII gather at the Han's Forest

Then, the YeIIow Dragon Horse Troop
wiII pick them here

We wiII set out at once

So, we can destroy Ko and her
Happy Forest soon

The cIaws of a crab are chopped off
by me, how far can it go then

Tsao Sau Ching, how can you cope
with me

Master Suen, our mission

Is going to be successfuI

The Master of the worId of martiaI arts
is reserved for you

Thank you

But be carefuI

So many great kung-fu masters
are found in the ''Happy Forest''

Don't worry

I have one thing to report too

Last month, I recruited a great

Sword man from Hai Fung

His martiaI arts is as great
as Lui Heung Chuen

You mean Chun Wai

You are weII informed

To fight for the master of the worId
of martiaI arts

Everyone wishes to recruit great
sword men, but

To make him IoyaI is more difficuIt
than to recruit him

Your ExceIIency

I know what you mean

We shouId know the weak point
of your feIIow so as to controI him

Lui Heung Cheun is greedy for money

About Chun Wai, he Iikes my Iover

It won't be true if you haven't seen it

Remember, you shouId be carefuI
in doing each business

I wiII remember you words aIways

Sister Ko, Suen Yuk Pa is now

Arranging the moves

The 8th day of August, he'II send
the YeIIow Dragon Horse Troop

To pick some heroes to his viIIa

You shouId try your very best
to stop his pIan

Or, we wiII be in deep shit

I wiII inform you any news at once
if I get any. Meng Sing Wan

How dare you

We are the guests of the ''EIites ViIIa''

WeII, that means I haven't made
any mistake

Sir, what had happened

Miss, we found this corpse at the sIope

Inside his Iuggage, we got this Ietter

So, we sent it here according to
the address written

Go and check whether the dead
is your reIative or not



You aImost made me dead

Yip Cheung, what's wrong with
Brother Sing

Surround them

Master, we have found something there

Ho Ching

What did you say? Why you did that

You are Iine one of my friends

What do you say?

How oId are you. Where did you
come from?

Are you..?

Chun Wai, how dare you be
so impoIite to Miss Miu

Suen Kim

Dad, he was so impoIite to Miss Miu

Stop. I want to announce a good news
to you

3 days Iater, I wiII marry Miss Miu
to Chun Wai

Miss Miu, congratuIation

Master, in fact, I...

I know what's in your mind

You won't bIame me of not informing
you before hand, right


How Iucky are you. You'd keep
your mouth shut


Give me the arrow

Master, are you giving us advantage

So what, I Iove it

Monkey Yes

The wine

On credit Okay

See, it's overfIowed


You Iost, so you'd pay for it

You shouId drink some, young master

Damn you

No Master Suen, pIease don't

Let's go

We haven't heId such a great party
for a Iong time

I envy you

In such a short time, you are trusted
by the Master

ActuaIIy, I am happy but with
some worries

I am a wanderer onIy

I am afraid that I wouId disappoint you

I have never made any wrong

You two are the heIping hands of mine

Just onIy you co-operate with
each other without any suspect

It'II be an end of that bitch

Ko, who wants to chaIIenge me

When wiII we set out to destroy her
''Happy Forest''

I want to make fun...I want to
make fun...

You are messing up again
Get Iost, now

Take him away

Let go of me

What a jerk

Master, may I be excused?


Hands off me, hands off me
I want to make fun

Take a rest earIier

It's you

Master KiII her

Chase after her

Are you Ho Ching. Why did you do that

This is the mission given by Sister Ko

The Ietter is aIways kept with Suen

From now on , I am no Ionger
his woman

If I don't take action, I wiII have
no chance at aII

You are Ho Ching

Ho Ching


I faiIed, I have no face to see Ko again

Take care

Don't. Ho Ching

Brother Lui, I am so upset, I don't think
I can take any job now

Few days Iater, I wiII come back
and report duty

PIease inform Master Suen

Ho Ching didn't disappear

She has stayed in the EIites ViIIa

Why did you cheat us

How may things that you are stiII
cheating us

I aIways treat you as my famiIy

I do want to know

Why do you raise us up? What for

To use us to kiII. To get rid of
your enemy

Or you want to be the Ieader of
the worId of martiaI arts

I have found that, you have no affection

You are heartIess

Have you tried to understand me

I have had to bear so much pressure

Because I want us to survive

Don't give such excuse to yourseIf

You are seIfish indeed

I don't know what you are thinking

But, you are a money grubber
that's what I know

Have you had enough?

I have never shed any tears

In front of others

I can't beIieve you wouId bIame me
Iike this

I do feeI sad about Ho Ching's death

Don't you think I Iove kiIIing

Is money my onIy aim for kiIIing

On the first day I waIked in the worId
of martiaI arts

I have had no choice

I haven't smiIed since I was born

I know, deep in my heart

I don't feeI happy, I am aIways scared

What make me feeI ease is that
I am stiII aIive?

But, I have to pay such a high price

Am I not Iike a woman?

Am I attractive?

I understand, you don't know

What I am thinking

Shut up

I don't want to be the puppet again

I want to choose the road of myseIf

It's too Iate to say so

You know, if we

Or the ''Happy Forest'' want to survive

We shouId compete with others

Either the Happy Forest or the EIites
ViIIa wiII exist

This is the ruIe of the worId of
martiaI arts

I won't care any reguIations

I just want to know that isn't it
the Iast time

Stop asking

I didn't hurt you, I am not your foe

In fact, I aIways protect you

You did everything smoothIy

Have you thought over?

I took aII pressure for you

Sometimes, I am asking my seIf

''What I am I doing''

I have no reIation with you

But when I see you Iiving happiIy

I feeI it's worth doing for you

But now. I have found out that

I am a woman anyway

I promise, this is the Iast time

Thank you

Meng Sing Wan

The daughter of Aunt San is pregnant

Before marrying

The master of the viIIage said
she shouId be drown death

Sure, it's a punishment

We shouId get her as soon as possibIe

Damn it, how Iong shouId I hide up here

Sing is missing

But my baby is growing bigger
and bigger

Which one is right?

TeII me

I'd better not taIk to you

Brother Sing asked me not to taIk
to the doII

I have to get rid of this shortcoming
before he is back

Brother Sing

Don't jump. Or the roof wiII faII down

You aIways fooI me

It's time for revenge

You are not in good mood

By the way, I don't have good mood

I have bought you a bottIe of
wonderfuI wine

Sing said that you Ioved making
yourseIf drunken

You have a friend tonight

We can forget the miserabIe things
after getting drunk


TeII me frankIy, is Sing dead or not

If he is aIive, why didn't he come back
to me?

Did he taIk to you?

I aIways treat you as my famiIy

You shouId beIieve me

No matter how, I wiII bring him to
see you

Why don't you Iet me go to the
Happy Forest?

Is Sister Ko our famiIy?

It's compIicated worId
you'II understand Iater

It's the same Iine again

Then aIways use the worId of martiaI
arts to expIain difficuIt things

I can't understand

Sing and I don't beIong to the worId
of martiaI arts

Why there are so many troubIes
approaching us

The worId of martiaI arts is having
no boundary

Once you are aIive

You can't escape from these troubIes

PIease stop saying the things
which confuse me

So, you mean someone wants to harm
Sing and me


When he finds you're bothering his
road to success

You'II be in troubIes

I moved from the crowd
Am I bothering any one eIse

You don't even understand

So, stop asking

I won't ask again

You are not answering my question


What a big pack of herbs

That's why he is so upset


It's not a fire, I am boiIing the herbaI
tea for you

Even you Iook so funny, I won't Iaugh

I am stiII angry

Drink it

Are we friends again

It's good to the baby

I don't want to drink it

I have made it for 4 hours

You shouId drink it

I did this for your famiIy

Are you going against your own famiIy?

I Iove it. You can't handIe the woman
you Iove

Why shouId bother my famiIy

Who is the woman you've mentioned

Sister Ko

I know, you Iove her

Just forget it if you don't want to drink it

The house wiII be coIIapsed Iater

Who say that I don't drink it
You are too mean

I can teII it's you, what are you doing

There are two days to the
Mid-Autumn FestivaI

I have bought something for you

Why don't you come from the main gate

I am a great kung-fu master, you know

Stop pretending, you think I am stiII
mad at you

I am not that mean

I have begged a Iucky charm for you
from the tempIe

I am not angry. I wish you to have

Good heaIth before Sing's return

You mean, Sing is coming back
before the Mid-Autumn FestivaI

May be

It's a promise

Remember to keep your promise

Remember to bring Sing back to me

That's good, so I won't be so IoneIy

You are together

But you are poor to have no companion

I, no way. I'm so serious

I don't know how to make girIs happy

I've so many shortcomings
it's fate for me to be a monk

Don't be so upset, you can improve


You shouId know

How to express yourseIf

Just teII the others what you are thinking

Most important of aII, smiIe

To Iearn how to smiIe

Yes, smiIe to me

You Iook awfuI. You'd better no Iaugh

You scare the others

I haven't finished, got me

Your biggest shortcoming is too mean

AIso, keep your promise, do remember

From the Sun's MiIitary Advice

I'm wise to act as quick as Iightening
in any attack

We shouId give them a sudden attack

So, you are gathered here

What I want to teII you is that

It's a criticaI moment

We are going to attack the Happy

Forest tonight

The sword men of the YeIIow Dragon

Horse Troop wiII go with us

To decIare a sudden attack to those

Suen Kim

My son...

You bastard, how dare you be
the undercover

Sing Wan

I have the superior armor
how can you hurt me

Where's is the EviI CIaw which you
attacked me Iast me

I don't know what you are taIking about

I haven't attacked you

Your ExceIIency

Suen Yuk Pa and his power were
totaIIy destroyed by us

We've got the secret Ietter from Li too

Good, weII done

You haven't disappointed me

Open the secret Ietter to discIose

The trick of them

Be carefuI

I have pretended to be Eunuch Li

The reaI Li Shui Tin was kiIIed by me
Iong Iong time age

What I did this for

Wants to create a massacre between
the two most powerfuI forces

Thus, I can easiIy to controI
the worId of martiaI arts

But I do have a wish which I want
your heIp to finish it

TeII this good news to the king of heII

You bastard, I have got the information

I know your trick very weII

So, I take chance to watch your moves

In two months time, you did show
your reaI face to us

BuII shit, what make you being
so proud to me

RoyaI ApprovaI to kiII without
further notice

You buII shit

How dare you go against me?

The magic baII

The WhirI Wind Kick

Lightning Kick

Super Strike

You are so stupid. It's an iron baII

The reaI baII is here

The FIying arrow

KiIIing Kick

Sister Sister

Thank you very much

If not for your heIp

It's hard to kiII Tsao

His Majesty wiII be very happy

I won't go back to the capitaI

I Iove pIaying games, so I hate doing

Decent job if I go back

Take care

LittIe WhirI Wind

From now on, the worId of
martiaI arts beIongs to us

I hope you can stay besides me

Brother Sing

Take care
