Brother Orchid (1940) - full transcript
Gang boss Little John Sarto returns from Europe where he was looking for "class" to find the new gang leader Jack Burns unwilling to relinquish his control. When Sarto puts together a rival gang he gets wounded and seeks refuge in a monastery. He is gradually transformed by the simple, sincere brothers and, after one last gangland appearance, decides he has found class at last in the monastery.
"Gangland guns slay
rival racketeer.
Big Tim O'Hara latest victim
of underworld war."
This is murder...
Just plain murder.
Besides, this is the first time
in the history
of this organization
a rod has had to be used.
You know, you guys,
by pulling this thing,
have made Little John
awful brokenhearted.
Aw, boss, you shouldn't take
that altitude towards us.
The guy was chiseling in on us.
Me and Philadelphia Powell
caught him red-handed.
Sure, boss. Everybody
thought you'd be glad
to have that guy eliminated.
That ain't it.
The job was pulled
at Molly madigan's.
The police have
closed up the joint.
Now where is a guy going to get
a plate of corned bee
and cabbage in New York?
Yeah. It was tough on Molly
using her establishment
for that there kind of work.
Yeah. A lot of people
are funny like that.
They don't want
to sit there eating
when that kind of merchandise
is being carried out.
Besides, why wasn't I
in on the know beforehand?
We're partners, ain't we?
Why wasn't I given no memo?
Lay off, will you, Johnny?
The guy's washed up, ain't he?
You bet he's washed up.
So is Molly Madigan's business.
So is our record, and so am I!
Man: What
do you mean?
You heard what I said.
I've been getting fed up
on this business,
and I've been thinking
of getting out.
This here latest transaction
convinces me.
Boss, you don't know
what you're saying.
I know exactly what I'm saying.
I'm fed up on this business.
I don't see no career
in it no more.
Besides, I'm too sensitive.
Johnny, what are you
going to do?
Plenty. I got my little bundle.
I'm going to retire, see?
From now on, I'm going
after the 2 things
I've always wanted most:
Good taste and refinement.
I'm going to get what
I was born to have: Class.
What kind of
conversation is this?
The guy's blown his roof off.
Cut the clowning, Johnny.
The guys ain't
in the mood for it.
I ain't clowning.
I'm on the level.
I'm through with
the rackets forever.
From now on,
the business is yours.
I'm stepping out.
Of course, without Little John,
you're practically
starting from scratch,
but you'll get along.
You mean that, Johnny?
This is a kiss-off.
You guys are no longer
looking at John Sarto,
boss of the rackets;
you're now looking
at John T. Sarto,
world sportsman, socialite,
and art student.
Where you going, boss?
First I'm going to tell Flo.
Then tomorrow I'm off
for London, Paris,
and St. Moritz...
And with all the class
that goes with them
there joints.
Oh, Willie,
come and help me pack.
So long, guys.
I won't be seeing you.
He's certainly going
a long way to get class.
The way he's going after it,
he'll probably come back
reeking with it.
Now, don't worry, pal.
He'll never come back.
Look, Johnny. Don't
it look elegant?
Yeah. It's got class,
all right.
You dumb cluck, you got it
pasted on the inside.
Sure. It gets scratched
on the outside.
Anybody's smart enough
to know that.
You know, Flo, sometimes
you got me guessing
whether you're even a nitwit.
Ok, Johnny. That's
the thanks I get
for dropping in
to help you pack.
Aw, I'm sorry, baby.
Look, I didn't mean
I should hurt your feelings.
You know, I keep forgetting
you don't catch on
to class as fast as I do.
Where do you want me
to tuck these
croquet mallets, boss?
See what I'm up against?
Not croquet, stupid;
Them's Polo clubs.
Won't they fit in the trunk?
Not a chance,
not even if I bend them.
I got an idea, Johnny.
Pinky Johnson over
at the cancan club
has got a black bow fiddle case
you could borrow.
No good. Hop over
to the cancan,
ask pinky if he
ain't got a brown one
he could let you have.
I want to match my luggage
so nobody can say
Little Johnny
ain't in good taste.
Aw, you're always in good taste.
That's what's gotten
me kind of jumpy--
I mean, you and me
tearing around Rome
and all them places
and me with a maiden name.
I don't get you.
I mean us taking this trip.
Us? Who said we're
taking the trip?
Well, ain't we?
Now, look, baby, I don't want
to hurt your feelings, see?
But Little Johnny's
going to take this trip alone.
But you and me--
just like you said,
it wouldn't be proper,
now, would it?
Besides, I'd kind of
like to get away by myself
for a little while.
Now, you understand, don't you?
I understand.
Aw, Flo.
Why don't you come
right out and say it?
Why don't you say
you're tired of me
and this is the blowoff?
Aw, baby, now,
how can you talk this way?
How can you even think this way?
Well, it is, ain't it?
Flo, when you say that, it's
like sticking a knife in me.
When you look like you mean it,
it's like breaking
the handle off.
Well, I can't help it, Johnny.
You and me been going together
for 5 years now.
Of course,
I know you been awful busy.
Say, has some woman
been talking to you?
It seems to me,
if a fella loved a girl enough,
he could take 5 minutes off
to hop over to the city hall
or to dig up some judge.
Now, stop mentioning judges.
I'm superstitious.
Ok, Johnny.
Forget it.
Anyway, we had some
good times together.
Aw, now, look, baby,
I'm still nuts about you.
The only reason we ain't married
is because we haven't
gotten around to it.
Now, when I come back
and I'm a gentleman,
we're going to have
a big wedding,
a church wedding.
Gee, and I ain't
been in a church
since the night
your brother was bumped off.
You're swell, kid.
You know, you deserve the best.
Aw, Johnny.
I ain't forgetting you either.
You know, I'm going to take
care of you before I go.
Are you?
Bet your life.
I always said I was going to do
something big for you, didn't I?
Now's the time.
Gee, Johnny!
You always wanted to be
in show business,
didn't you?
Do I?
Well, watch.
Get me Al royer
at the Crescent club.
I'll show you
how you stand with me.
The Crescent club?
That's the biggest
nightclub in town.
Hello, Al!
Little John Sarto.
Oh, fine, pal.
How's yourself?
Say, listen, you know
Flo Addams, don't you?
Uh, my fiancee.
That's right.
Well, look, I'm going
off to Europe, see?
And when I'm gone,
I want you to spot her
in your nightclub.
That's right.
You will? Well,
that's fine, Al.
I appreciate it.
Yeah, she'll be over
tomorrow afternoon
at 2:00.
Well, that's fine, pal.
Thanks, pal! So long, pal.
Well, do I get into the club?
You bet your life.
Tomorrow afternoon
you start right in as--
as a what?
Hatcheck girl.
Oh, gosh, Johnny!
See how Little John
takes care of the people
he likes, huh?
Oh, Johnny.
Good-bye, Johnny.
Good-bye, baby.
Flo: Bye.
I trust you had
good luck, monsieur.
Hmm? Oh.
Here, pal.
Better frame this.
This is the last one
for the biggest
sucker in the world.
Thank you, monsieur.
Oh, where's the nearest
cable office?
In the lobby of
the hotel, monsieur.
Do you read English?
Certainly, monsieur.
That is my business.
Then read that.
"To monsieur Jack buck,
Willie the kneef"--
Oh, yeah.
"Willie the knife,
French Frank, Mugsy O'Day,
Philadelphia Powell"--
yeah. Ok, ok.
Read the message.
"Good news, boys.
"I'm coming home
to be your boss again.
"With the class I got now,
"we'll all make
plenty of kopecks.
Love and kisses,
Little John Sarto."
Yeah. Cross out
the word kopecks.
Put in mazuma.
Oui, monsieur.
Yeah. That's
better English.
Oui, monsieur.
Oh, by the way,
where's the nearest hockshop?
Yeah, hockshop.
You know.
A pawnbroker.
Oh, pawnbroker.
Oui, monsieur.
Go to the head doorman
at the gambling casino.
He has the concession.
I should have known that.
What are your plans
in the United States?
Returning to business.
Some pressure was brung on me,
so I decided to skip over
to the states
and head my organization again.
My board of directors
is meeting me on the pier.
Man: A little
welcome-home party, huh?
That's right.
Pardon me, sir.
They're ready for
your baggage now, sir.
Thanks. Sorry, you guys,
but I have to skip now.
Thank you very
much, Mr. Sarto.
The pleasure's all mine.
Hiya, Johnny!
Boss, welcome home!
Johnny, you're a sight
for sore eyes.
Same goes for me.
Glad to be back.
Say, where's Willie the knife?
He had a little
business to attend to.
Here. Let me take
your baggage checks.
We got a car waiting.
Come on. Let me
take your arm.
Wait a minute, now.
Take your foot off the gas.
Where's Jack buck?
He's over at the joint
getting ready to welcome you.
Yeah. All the boys
are up there waiting.
Never mind about the customs.
I got that all fixed up already.
Where's the car?
We've got a limousine
parked right outside.
Come on. Let's
duck this crowd.
You don't mind all this
service, do you, boss?
Boy, I love it.
Push ahead there, will you,
and open up a path for me.
Gee, will the boys
be glad to see you!
Just like yesterday, huh, boss?
Oh, yeah. Oh, uh...
Say, why ain't my name on there?
We took it off
when you quit, boss.
Put it back on.
Without my name on there,
it ain't got no eclat.
That's a French word
we use in France.
It means "pretty nifty."
Come in, boss.
This is it.
Well, Johnny!
How are you?
Good to see you, Johnny.
Well! Pinky,
how are you?
How have you--well,
say, look at that.
Aw, this is grand.
I sure appreciate
the sentiment, boys.
Just like the good old days...
Everything just
the way I left it.
Yeah. Furniture,
books, everything.
Still there.
Same old private apartment.
Just the same.
Sure looks good.
Boy, do you remember
some of the parties
we held in here?
Hey, pal, huh?
Yes, sir, Johnny.
Those were the good old days.
Come on in here.
I want you to talk to the boys.
I want you to take
your old seat, too,
right up front.
Certainly nice to be
back with the old mob.
Jack: Mugsy,
show the boss to his old seat.
That's a pleasure.
Thanks, mugsy.
There you are, boss.
Oh, boy, oh, boy.
This is what I've been
looking forward--
[Loud laughter]
A hot seat, huh?
Who done it?
Who's the wise guy?
Come on, now. Speak up!
If you don't, I'll break
every guy's head in this room.
Relax. You ain't
scaring nobody.
Say, do you know
who you're talking to?
Sure. To Little
Johnny Sarto,
and you don't mean a thing.
You might as well get this
through your nut right now.
You walked out on us 5 years ago
and left us flat.
You give me the rackets
and made me the boss.
Do you think I'm going to be
chump enough to step down now?
So that's it.
Now I get it.
As far as the rackets
are concerned,
you're through, Johnny.
And let me give you
a little tip.
You can stay around this burg
as long as you want to,
but it will be
healthier if you leave.
Because from now on,
I ain't liking you,
and I'm liable to not like
anything you do, see?
A showdown, huh?
All right, wise guy.
Mugsy, Philadelphia, Frank,
who's it going to be?
Him or Little John?
Come on, now. Speak up!
Who's your boss?!
What is this?
What am I doing, dreaming?
No, you ain't dreaming.
The sooner you get it
through that puffed-up
little head of yours
that you're out of the
business, the better.
Now, get out of here.
Go on. Get him
out of here.
Throw him out in the street.
Johnny: Let me go!
I'll get out,
but I'm coming back.
And I'm organizing a new mob,
and someday I'm going
to blast you guys
right off the earth.
I'll show you yellow mugs--
don't stand there
taking his guff.
Throw him out.
Get your hands off me!
Get them off me!
[Men shouting]
All right, get out of here!
[Irish accent]
Here, now.
Where do you think you're going?
Up to miss Addams' apartment.
I'm Little John Sarto.
I don't care what size you are.
You ain't goin' up
to no miss Addams' apartment.
Why not?
Because about 8 months ago,
miss Addams up and
flew her fine feathers
over to the parkway biltmore.
The parkway biltmore?
What did she do?
Get a job as a maid there?
I don't know, but 'tis been said
she's doing real well.
Yeah? Well, thanks.
"Ackers, Addison,
Anderson, applebee,
bassett, bliss"--
no. There's no miss Addams
working here.
But her landlady said
she came with you 8 months ago.
I'm sorry, Buddy,
but we ain't got
no record of it.
Hey, Al, you better step on it.
Miss Addams says
she wants to see them
before she goes out.
Just a minute there.
Addams? Could
that be Flo Addams?
No. This is miss Florence
Addams, a guest here.
Couldn't be the one
you're looking for.
Yeah? Well, I'm
just crazy enough
to go up and see.
Here, wait up.
[Buzz buzz buzz]
Tell Albert
to drag them in, Fifi.
I ain't got much time.
Oui, madame.
Fifi: Oh, come in, Albert.
Ha ha!
Oh, Johnny!
Now, never mind the hysterics.
Get rid of the audience.
You can go now, Albert.
Fifi, take Napoleon and
Josephine out on the terrace.
Me and Mr. Sarto
wish to be alone.
Oh, Johnny. 5 years
you've been gone.
Gee, you don't know
how I've missed you.
Yeah. From the looks
of things,
it's good I come back.
What's the idea
of all this layout?
You always wanted me
to have class, didn't you?
Yeah, but this joint's
so full of it, it leaks.
Now, don't tell me you
got it selling cigarettes.
I ain't a cigarette girl
no more.
You ain't?
Why'd you quit
the Crescent club?
I didn't quit it.
You didn't?
I own it.
Are you kidding?
No, I ain't. I bought
Al royer out a year ago.
With what? Hay?
Alfalfa. That's what
Clarence raises.
Look, one of us is cuckoo.
Now, let's start
this over again.
Who's Clarence?
He's a big rancher
from out west.
He's interested in cows.
Oh, yeah?
Especially when they
wear petticoats, huh?
If you're insinuating
there's anything between us
outside of business,
you're mistaken.
Besides, I ain't worn
a petticoat in years.
Yeah? From now on,
this cowboy's out of
the picture, see?
You can tell him
he can pack up his wigwam,
go back to the wide open spaces.
You're jealous.
No, I ain't jealous.
I'm just a little suspicious
of a guy that looks
for pastureland
on 42nd street.
You ain't kissed me yet.
I'll get around to that.
First I got something
important to do.
Where's Willie the knife?
In Pattonsville.
That's a private sanitarium
over in Jersey
for mental disorders.
Say, he's got his nerve
going crazy
just when I need him.
He ain't really crazy.
He's just playing at it
to get away from Jack buck.
He quit him
a couple of weeks ago.
Jack buck's a bad guy, Johnny.
Yeah. I found out
about that, but don't worry.
He ain't going to be
much longer.
Hello, operator.
Get me the Pattonsville
That's right.
New Jersey.
All right, I'll hold on.
There's a rumor Jack buck
don't like you no more.
Yeah. I know.
I confirmed it.
That's why I got to act quick.
I don't think you'll get Willie.
They're kind of funny
about letting you
talk to guests.
I'll get him, all right.
This is Little John Sarto.
How long will it
take us to drive over
to where Willie is at?
40 minutes, the way you drive.
Good. I'll tell him
we'll be right over
to pick him up.
Maybe he won't want to leave.
He told me on a postcard
he's in a grand hideout
and having a swell time
with his mental disorder.
Whoever told you
that on a postcard,
maybe they ought to
keep him there.
Hello, Pattonsville.
Let met talk to Willie Corson.
Who am I?
His grandfather.
Who do you think?
Just a moment.
The phone, Willie.
Your grandfather
wants to talk to you.
Go on. The phone.
Don't keep grandpa waiting.
That's a nice boy.
Ok, I'll bite.
But sometimes I don't know
who's being
kept here--
you guys or me.
Johnny: Listen, flat head,
this is Little John Sarto.
Look, Willie,
I want you to pick up
a couple of roscoes
and grab a torpedo or two.
But, boss,
you forget where I am.
They're awful peculiar up here,
and they get kind of hurt
if you walk out on the joint.
Just leave a note
and say that you...
Well, went to the store.
That will take care
of everything.
Of course, I ain't really wacky.
I had meself put into the joint,
but the kiss-off
may not be so easy.
Now, listen, screwball,
you leave everything to me, see?
Now I'm back in business,
and I need you,
and I ain't got no time
for no red tape.
I'll be up to get you
in a couple of hours.
Now, you be ready.
All right, kid, put a hat on.
We're shoving off.
Well, I guess I don't.
Don't what?
Don't get kissed.
Well, all right.
It's broad daylight,
but come on.
Aw, Johnny!
This cowboy of yours.
You sure you haven't
been doing no rehearsaling?
What do you mean?
The way you come at me,
I don't know whether you're
going to hug me or saddle me.
Pardon, madame.
Monsieur Fletcher
is on the phone.
Oh. That's Clarence.
Wait a minute.
Hello, Clarence.
Say, where you at?
[Southern accent] I reckon
you're going to be
powerful mad at me,
for being so late
in phoning you.
This morning I got
so lonesome to see a cow,
I went over to Jersey
to the stockyards.
Whenever me and cows
get together,
time just don't mean nothing.
What about the curtain material?
Well, say, I'm having
mighty poor luck
trying to match
this here material for you.
It seems like
every store in town
is just plumb out of it.
Well, let it go, Clarence.
Say, where's your car?
I want to borrow it
for a friend of mine.
You'll do no such thing.
Tell him to pack up
and get out of town.
Wait a minute, Clarence.
Don't be a lug.
He can drive,
and you and me can sit
in the backseat and talk.
Say, who is this mug, anyway?
Can he be trusted?
Oh, sure, he can.
He's dumb but nice.
You'll feel sorry for him.
And he loaned me a lot of money.
All right. Tell him to get
over here quick
and have plenty
of gas in his car.
Ok. Clarence, you get
right over here quick
and put plenty of gas
in your car.
You know what?
You're going to drive
me and my boyfriend
out in the country.
You bet. That sure is
nice of you.
[Whistling bird calls]
Aw, gee, honey,
it's nice to have you back.
That's the third time
you've told me.
You don't have to oversell it.
What's that whistling I hear?
That's Clarence
making bird calls.
He's awful good.
[Imitates an owl]
You want to see him
impersonate a Robin?
What'll he do?
Eat a worm?
Aw, Johnny, you
just don't like him,
and he's awful nice.
You know what?
He loaned me $10,000
to buy out the club
and never asked for nothing.
How'd you meet him?
In a way any respectable lady
would meet a perfect gentleman.
He passed out
in the club one night.
What did you do?
Hold his head?
No. His wallet.
But I give it back
to him the next night.
So you had to prove
you was dumber than him, huh?
Aw, Johnny, you're jealous,
and you don't have to be.
He don't mean a thing.
You're the only one
who was ever in my life
and ever will be.
I'm sorry, baby.
I think I know how you feel,
and I'm going to give you
a chance to prove it.
Do you love me?
Oh, do I!
Put that robe around
my legs, will you?
My ankles are getting cold.
[Clarence imitates a cuckoo]
Who's the guy driving for them?
I don't know.
Do you know that guy
with them, Mugsy?
He's some guy who's
been hanging around
the Crescent club.
They say Flo is
the lull in his life.
Oh, yeah? We better
check up on him
when we get back.
You two wait here.
I'll only be a few minutes.
How do you like
Mr. Sarto, Clarence?
Oh, I like him fine.
Sure makes me feel awful
discouraged, though.
He's so nice and outspoken,
nothing put on.
That's what I like in him.
I reckon so do the ladies.
Well, they better not,
not while I'm around.
Gee, it must be swell.
For Mr. Sarto--having
a wonderful girl like you
in love with him.
Aw, now, Clarence.
I mean it.
I know how I'd be.
Well, you'll meet the right girl
someday, Clarence.
You just have to feel your way.
All I want to do is get Willie
out of here, see?
I'm his employer.
That won't be difficult.
This is a private institution.
Willie confined himself
here voluntarily.
He's free to leave
anytime he feels
that he's reacquired
his mental faculties.
Let me talk to him, see?
I'll tell him to get
them back right away.
Where is he?
Right down the hall.
I'll show you.
Am I glad to see you!
Welcome home.
Here! Sit down.
Wait a minute.
Take it easy.
That's what
the other guys told me,
and it was a foul ball.
Not with me, boss.
I'm 100 % for you.
You better be.
I got things to tell you.
Oh, excuse us, will you, pal?
I want to talk to Willie alone.
Certainly. I'll be
in the office.
That's a nice gent.
I can't get over
that you're back!
Now, button your lip
and listen, will you?
I got work for you to--
move over, will you?
I got work for you to do, see?
Now, here's
what I want you to do.
Don't say nothing
to them, Clarence.
They're bad medicine.
Shucks. I ain't afraid
of a few lunatics.
Hello, kid.
Good morning.
What's your boyfriend
doing up here?
Got something
up his sleeve, huh?
Just ignore him, Clarence.
He'll go away.
I reckon you boys better
go someplace else and play.
That's nice, fellas.
Now, come on. Come on.
That's a hot one.
Where'd your boyfriend
go, toots? Inside?
Don't pay him
no attention, Clarence.
Just play like they're not here.
Now, come on, fellas.
Be nice, boys.
Now, come on, fellas.
Come on.
First thing I got to do
is round up a new organization.
I'm going to put a mob together
that'll run Jack buck
right out of the country.
Now you're talking.
Who will we get?
I don't know. I've
been away for 5 years.
Times have changed.
Who do you know that's tough
and running around loose?
What month is this?
June. Why?
Handsome Harry
Edwards will be out.
I can grab him in Philly.
Now, who else?
A torpedo's what I'll need.
Turkey Malone
is the guy you want.
He just got back from fighting
in one of them foreign wars.
Is he any good?
Is he any good?!
They was paying him piece work.
Ok, now, here's what you do.
You take a powder out of
this joint tonight,
round up a mob, and
meet me Saturday night
at the crest hotel
over on Fulton street.
We'll work out of there.
Don't forget to remember this:
Don't do anything to Jack buck
or his mob beforehand
that'll tip them off.
[Flo screams]
What's that?
Sounds like a mutiny!
[Punches being thrown]
Nothing to worry about,
Mr. Sarto.
I'm just bringing in
a couple of nuts here
that was kind of bothering
Florence and me.
Look. Look, boss,
who they are!
Where's Flo?
In the car.
She fainted.
I'm going out and tell her
to move over.
What time is it?
20 after 11:00.
Maybe something happened
to Willie, huh?
I don't like this
whole setup, boss.
We're just conning ourself
if we think we can
knock over Jack buck.
What are you talking about?
Didn't I take the pushcart
peddlers away from him?
What about the fruit
peddlers in canarsie?
Who had them before Jack buck?
Who's got them now? Me.
Yeah. We done
a lot in 10 days,
but I still say
we got to be careful.
Yeah. So far
all we've grabbed
off this guy buck
has been peanuts,
but this is different.
Now, look, you mugs,
I'm getting tired of
this kind of conversation.
If any of you guys
are getting nervous
and want to drop out
of the picture,
there's the door.
You got us wrong, Johnny.
We ain't yellow.
We just think you're going
a little too far too soon
with Jack buck.
[Knock on door]
Now, shut up, everybody.
Open the door, Harry.
Come in, gentlemen.
Look, Johnny,
I don't know nothing.
I never did--oh!
Shut up.
I'll do the talking.
You answer when you're told to.
Put him in the chair.
I hear Jack buck's got
a date this afternoon
with the acme paving company
to sell them some protection.
Now, who is he meeting,
and where is it going to be?
Honest, Johnny, we ain't got
no date with the acme.
Then you're a liar.
We know all about it.
Now, are you going
to get smart and talk,
or do you need
a little working on?
I'm telling you the truth.
I don't know nothing.
Even if they have got a date,
I don't know about it.
Now, this is your last chance.
Are you going to spill it,
or do I start to work?
You're crazy. You can't
get away with this.
I'll talk, boss!
I'll talk.
Now you're getting smart.
Now, who is he going to see,
and where are they meeting?
They're seeing Tom Bailey
in his office on 8th Avenue
this afternoon at 3:00.
The fee is 2 gs a month.
Philadelphia Powell
and Al Muller will be present.
Now, that's all
I wanted to know.
See how easy it was
to talk, Mugsy?
Give him a cigar, dopey.
No, sir, Mr. Bailey,
you haven't got a thing
to worry about.
From now on, if any of the men
get out of line,
all you got to do is
reach for a telephone.
We'll only bite you once a month
for your dues.
That's all there is to it.
Naturally, I want to avoid
any more trouble.
I think
you know what--
[door opens]
Just got here in time, huh?
What do you care?
What do you want?
Harry: Hoist 'em.
Wait a minute, gentlemen.
What's this all about?
Now, just a minute,
Mr. Bailey.
I'm Little John Sarto.
What are these mugs
trying to do to you?
You're going to be
sorry for this, Johnny.
Shut up!
These gentlemen represent
a protective organization.
I was just on the point
of taking out
a policy with them.
You ain't, see?
You're taking it out with me.
These mugs couldn't
protect the nurse
in a baby parade.
Throw them out.
You heard him.
Come on.
Sit down,
Mr. Bailey.
Now you and me will get together
on some real protection.
I reckon it ain't
very important.
The newspapers have been making
a lot more of it.
I know, but sometimes
the littlest items
make the biggest funerals.
It just makes me sick
way down inside
to see you so worried.
If there was just
something I could do.
Monsieur Sarto
is on the telephone.
Oh. Ok, Fifi.
Hello, honey. I've just
been thinking about you.
Where you at?
I'm at the hotel.
Say, look, baby, I won't be able
to see you for dinner tonight.
Oh. You got to
lay low, huh?
No. It ain't that at all.
I got a new deal on the fire.
It means a lot to me,
and I want to close it quick.
Now, stop worrying, will you?
How can I help it, Johnny?
Every time the phone rings
or somebody knocks at the door,
I get the needles thinking
something's happened to you.
Aw, listen, baby,
we can't go on like this.
Why, yesterday afternoon
I couldn't sleep a wink.
I know how it is, baby,
but can't you see I'm doing
all this for us, see?
When I'm back there
up on top again,
you and me will be married, see?
We'll have a home life that
will be the talk of the town.
I'll tell you what.
You call me up later
and let me know
where you're at, hmm?
Everything all right?
Oh, sure,
everything's all right.
If it's a question
of money, Florence,
I'd be more than
happy to help out.
I wouldn't dare
offer Johnny money.
He'd knock me for a loop.
It's terrible, Clarence.
Really, it's terrible.
You want me
to tell you something?
You know why he's going
through all this?
Reckon he's broke.
No. That ain't it.
It's on account of me.
You know what he
just said on the phone?
He just said that
when he was on top,
we were going to be married.
Ain't that grand?
Yeah. It sure is.
And me, the dumb slug,
I ain't doing
nothing to help him.
Even right now he's on a spot,
and I ain't doing nothing
to take him off it.
Worrying about him ain't
gonna help matters none.
What you need is a vacation.
A couple of months on my ranch
would do you
a powerful lot of good.
If there was just
something I could do.
You'd make
a mighty pretty picture
coming through the willows
in the moonlight,
so peaceful and quiet.
Did you ever smell alfalfa?
No. Who makes it?
It's grass.
Sure smells sweet
after it's just been cut.
Me smelling alfalfa
and him cooped up
in a cheap hotel room,
fighting to make
a comeback for me.
I know you'd like it
on the ranch, Florence,
with all the horses
and the dogs.
I got a cute little
gentle pinto pony
you could have.
All the rest of them
buck, but he--
buck. You've
given me an idea.
Jack buck!
What about Jack buck?
I'm going right to
Jack Buck myself.
It's a lot of baloney,
him and Johnny being enemies.
They got too much on each other.
Guess who's outside.
Yeah? Who?
Flo Addams.
Anybody with her?
No. She's all by herself.
Says she's got
to see you right away.
Oh, she does, huh?
All right, let her come in.
Hey, Mike.
Mike: Yes, sir?
Johnny Sarto's girl is here.
Watch the front just in case.
Hello, kid.
Hello, Jack.
Come on in.
Glad to see you.
Sit down.
Listen, Jack,
before I say a word,
you've got to promise
me something.
What is it?
That you don't say nothing
to Johnny about this meeting.
He'd be awful sore
if he knew I was here.
I won't say a word.
What's on your mind?
You and Johnny shouldn't
be fighting each other.
This is all a lot of hooey.
Yeah. It ain't nice,
is it?
I mean, you and him
used to be partners once.
You ought to be again.
Yeah, but Johnny
don't like me no more.
It makes me feel bad, too.
Aw, it's no good,
you two being enemies.
You got too much on each other.
We have?
Sure. For instance,
the coppers still want to know
who knocked off big Tim O'Hara
in Molly Madigan's cafe
about 5 years ago.
Little John knows
all about that.
Yeah. That's right.
I forgot that entirely.
Thanks for reminding me.
Aw, you and Johnny
could sit down
and talk over your
differences easy, Jack.
I wish we could.
It makes me feel sick
then why don't you do it?
Why don't just you two get
together and chew the rag,
and I bet you end up
shaking hands?
I'd like to, but Johnny
wouldn't make no date
with me alone.
It wouldn't hurt
to try, would it?
Maybe I could arrange it.
You could?
Where do you want to meet him?
Well, let's see.
What about fat dutchy's
at, say, 10:00 tonight?
That's a little
far out, ain't it?
Don't worry, kid. I ain't
thinking what you're thinking.
I just want to get
away from the boys,
all the boys.
You know what I mean.
Sure, but couldn't you make it
some lawyer's office
here in town?
No. That's no good.
Right away we start off
distrusting each other.
What Johnny and me has got to do
is forget the rough stuff.
It's like you said.
Him and me
has got to sit down
alone together.
Then in 5 minutes, we're pals,
just like we used to be.
Am I right?
I'd do anything in the world
to see it like that.
Ok, then...
You have Johnny
at fat dutchy's
tonight at 10:00.
I'll be the first guy
to stick out my hand.
You're on the level?
You ain't kidding?
You got my word.
And no funny business?
my old-time pal.
I wouldn't hurt him
for the world.
Him and me just had
a business misunderstanding.
That's all.
Aw, thanks, Jack.
Oh, and by the way,
don't let him know
I'm going to be there.
I think it would be
better for us two guys
just to bump into each other.
You know what I mean?
Sure, sure. I'll
just get him there.
You got to do the rest.
Oh, Flo.
You're a swell dame.
Johnny's a pretty lucky guy.
What you're doing for him
makes me think this ain't
such a bad world after all.
You're not such a bad guy
yourself, Jack.
So long.
So long, kid.
Mike: Yes, boss?
Don't let them 2 gorillas
go back to Chicago.
Don't make any dates
for tonight, Clarence.
Are we going out?
Yeah. I'm taking you
someplace with me
for protection.
I ain't so dumb
as somebody thinks.
[Swing music playing]
Now, remember, Clarence,
park over there
and don't come in
unless I holler for you.
I still don't like
the idea of you
going in there alone, Florence.
Aw, forget it.
I've been in this joint before
and ain't even been
flirted with. Go on.
Thank you.
Hey, waiter.
Yes, lady?
Where's your telephone?
I'll bring you one.
Give me the phone.
Here it is.
Gee, class, huh?
Yeah. Fat dutchy's
seen them
do it up in the city.
Long distance,
Crescent 9-9499.
[Drunkenly] Hello, Johnny,
this is Flo.
Don't do that!
Can't you see I'm talking
to a friend of mine?
Don't mind him, Johnny.
He just thinks he's funny.
Who's getting funny?
Where you at?
You're going to be
awful mad at me, baby.
You sound like you're oiled.
Have you been drinking?
I'm as sober as you are,
but they won't let me
drive the car.
Will you come and get me, baby?
I'm at fat dutchy's.
Fat dutchy's?
That's 30 miles from here.
If you think
I'm coming out there
to get you tonight,
you're crazy.
I don't think
you love me anymore.
If you did,
you'd come and get me
before I pass out
all over the place.
Say, look, if you're
trying to get me nervous,
you're just drawing a blank.
I'm busy. I'm in conference.
Get yourself a cab
and let me alone, will you?
Ok, my friend,
if that's the way
you feel about it,
just forget I ever bothered you.
I'll phone Clarence.
He'll come and get me,
and I'll tell him
what I just heard
about Jack buck
and the independent
freight handlers association.
Wait a minute, Flo!
Now, don't hang up!
What's that you were
saying about Jack buck
and the freight
handlers association?
Never mind.
You're not interested.
You're in a big conference.
You're awful busy.
Oh, stop it, will you?
Don't be so playful!
Hello, Johnny.
Hang up, will you?
So's I can call Clarence.
No, I don't want you to come.
Just forget about me.
I'll see you around sometime.
Look, baby, will you
stop that talk?
I said I'd come out and get you.
Now, look, don't drink no more
and get them palookas
away from you.
I'll be right out.
Wait here.
Yes, sir.
Hey, Buddy, are you
miss Addams' chauffeur?
Miss Addams?
Yeah. Why?
She wanted me
to give you this note.
[Horn honking]
May I check your hat, sir?
No. I'll hold it.
I won't be here long.
What's the big idea?
Hello, honey.
Gee, I'm glad you come.
Sit down.
What are you kidding me for,
telling me you were stewed?
Well, I was, honey,
but it wore off.
Have you been thinking
about me lately?
You nuts? What's going on
here, anyway?
What do you mean,
what's going on?
What's the idea
coming down here?
Stop acting like you was making
a play for me, will you?
We know each other.
I was blue this afternoon
and went for a ride.
You must have been awful blue
to come down this far.
Listen, if I gave in
to all my worries,
I'd be in Omaha.
Come on. Get your things
together, will you?
We'll blow out of here.
Don't you want a drink first?
You ain't never seen me
take a drink in your life.
What's more,
I don't like the way
you're sportin' around.
You're hiding something.
Oh, honey, I've never seen you
so suspicious.
Now, come on.
All right,
but I'll powder my nose,
and then we'll go.
Hi, Flo.
Hello, Johnny.
Glad to see you, pal.
Hello, Jack.
What's the gag?
You're all alone.
This is a good time
for you and me to
have a little talk.
Take that rod out of my back.
I'll listen.
Warm in here.
How about you and me
stepping outside for
a few minutes, huh?
I'm comfortable here.
Yeah, but I'm not.
That music upsets me.
It makes me nervous.
My hands are shaking.
You know what I mean?
Come on.
Hiya, Herman.
Hi, Jack.
Hello, Dave.
How's the missis?
Fine, Jack.
Lovely people.
All right, pal.
Let's go.
Get in, Johnny.
Only one thing I want to know.
Sure, Johnny.
Speak right up.
Why did Flo
double-cross me?
Now, why don't you get smart?
She wanted the other guy.
You come back
and was in the way.
That makes sense, don't it?
That makes sense.
[Frogs croaking]
Ok, come on.
So this is it, huh?
Yeah, this is it.
Ok, red, get going.
Come on.
Start walking.
See what's on the radio,
will you, Mugsy?
Woman on radio:
Now, to drop off to sleep,
stretch legs out, toes in.
Everybody got
his little tootsies in?
Now, wait.
Say, listen, Buddy,
if I get back, you get 5 grand.
You got it on you, darling?
No, but I can
pick it up in a week.
Sorry, sweetheart.
We do a strictly cash business.
Keep going.
It's midnight, brother superior.
Our meeting has
lasted a long time.
Perhaps tomorrow things
will look better.
That's what we've
been telling ourselves
for the past 3 months.
With conditions in
the Flower market as they are,
I don't see how we're
going to continue our charities.
We must think
of some kind of plan.
[Knock on door]
Come in.
Brother superior,
will you please
come to the infirmary at once?
What has happened?
About 10 minutes ago,
I heard a groan outside
the wall by my window.
It was a man terribly hurt.
I carried him in.
I think he's dying.
I made it.
I'm in heaven.
Don't excite yourself, my son.
You've been badly hurt.
Then if I'm not
in heaven, where am I?
You're alive and
in a safe place.
Say, do you know who I am?
Ain't you never seen
my picture in the papers?
We don't see
the newspapers here,
and we don't ask
who a man is if he needs help.
How long am I in for?
Until you're well
and strong again.
Well, I ain't got no money.
Neither have we.
That makes you
one of us, doesn't it?
This is the monastery of the
little brothers of the Flowers.
I am brother superior.
This is brother wren,
your nurse.
If you wish us
to notify your friends--
I got no friends.
You have now.
Now you must try to rest.
I'll come on in later.
If you want anything,
ask brother wren.
Brother wren, huh?
Say, you was a fighter
once, wasn't you?
We don't ask
questions like that.
What we were, good or bad,
rich or poor, big or small,
doesn't matter here.
That's double-Jake by me.
I think I'm going
to like this place.
I hope so.
Hey, uh...
Tell me something.
What's the graft here?
It's been 15 years or more
since I've heard such talk.
We raise Flowers
and sell them in the city.
Oh. Say, there's
good gilt in that.
Bet you boys are cutting up
a nice profit, huh?
What we clear--
and lately it's been
very little--
we give to the poor.
Well, that's a nutsy way
to run an organization.
Oh, uh, brother.
Was the boss conning me
about newspapers,
that you guys never read them?
Brother superior is right.
We never read them.
How about visitors?
We very rarely have any.
Boy, oh, boy.
What a spot.
Say, uh, tell me, uh...
How does a guy join up
with this outfit?
Well, it's fairly easy.
If a man wants
to become a novice--
a which?
A novice.
They don't take holy vows.
They have few
religious duties--
chiefly, saying their prayers.
They're not permitted to go
outside the walls,
and they must obey
their superiors.
Well, what's the other catches?
As a novice,
a man must be on probation.
That means--
yeah. I know
all about probation.
When can I sign?
You'll have to talk
to brother superior.
Oh, and by the way,
would you care
to give us your name?
Well, while I'm here,
I think I'm going
to let you guys call me lucky.
Well, I'm afraid
that wouldn't be acceptable
in the Floracian order.
It wouldn't, huh?
I got it.
This spot's got something
to do with Flowers, huh?
I always was
a great guy for orchids.
That'll be
my new tag--
brother orchid.
That's fine. We'll tell
brother superior tomorrow.
Now, meanwhile,
you must try to sleep.
Say, look, brother,
could you slip me
that paper and a pencil?
Of course.
There you are.
And while you're writing,
I'll go for a stamp
and an envelope.
Oh, thanks.
[Door closes]
Dear Willie...
Uh... Beat it
for Kansas City...
And stay there...
For when I want to get you.
I'm ok...
And in a swell hideout...
Run by the biggest chumps
in the world.
[Bell ringing]
I'm sure you'll be
comfortable here.
If you want anything,
just call me.
I'll be nearby hoeing potatoes.
Hoeing potatoes?
Say, don't you never get tired?
You know, you've been
sitting up with me
3 or 4 nights in a row now.
That was because you needed me,
but like all the brothers,
I still have
my regular work to do.
You're a funny gee...
And so is the rest
of this mob around.
You know, I don't
get you birds at all.
Our lives hold no mystery.
We've merely learned that
in doing things for others,
it is we ourselves
who reap the richest reward.
Reward, huh?
I figured there was
a take somewhere.
Hey, uh...
Slip me the info.
How does the dough
actually get in here?
No. There's
no material gain.
The reward I mentioned
is the happiness
that comes to the heart
when a man knows
he has been of service
to another human.
I don't know whether you got
something there or not.
You make it sound right.
Yeah, but the rules in the world
I've been living in
ain't like that.
Perhaps you learned
the new rules,
and the old ones
are so much better.
You've talked enough.
You mustn't waste your strength.
If you need me, just call.
Are you feeling better now?
Oh, hello. Hello,
brother superior.
Grab yourself a chair
somewhere, will you?
I want to talk to you.
In just a few moments.
Brother William's cut
his foot with a rake.
I must see him right away.
But I'll hurry back.
We should have a little chat.
You're almost well enough
to leave for the outside world.
Hey, wait a minute.
Didn't brother wren tell you
I was thinking of
signing up with your league?
Brother wren did mention
that you were thinking
about becoming a novice.
Sure. I gave him
all the dope.
I thought I'd be all set by now.
You are.
I wanted to make certain
that your decision
came from your heart.
From the heart?
Hey, now, listen,
brother superior,
you know, I've been giving
this joint a double-o,
and I met a lot of
the inmates personally.
You're all ok guys.
Just you write your own ticket,
and I'll sign.
Ok, brother orchid.
Splendid, brother orchid.
Yeah. Say,
I always was one
who could wear a uniform.
Are your sandals
comfortable? Hmm?
Oh, pretty nifty.
Say, this is the first time
I've seen shoes
that are air-conditioned.
Your hat, brother orchid.
Oh, thanks.
Genuine Kansas Panama, huh?
Oh, ain't much,
but I'll fix it up.
I'll put a feather in it.
Well, thanks, pal.
Be seeing you.
Well, well, now.
I have a surprise
for the brothers.
What is it, brother superior?
The roses
brought $2.00 more
than we anticipated,
so as a reward,
I've decided to take the money
and give you all a treat.
A treat?
What's it gonna be?
On Thursday for lunch,
we shall have watermelon.
First brother:
Watermelon. Marvelous!
Second brother:
Why, we haven't had watermelon
for over 2 years.
Brother superior: It'll be
quite a delicacy for us.
What are you doing?
Shaving your head,
brother orchid.
No, you don't.
Do you have to?
No. It's
quite optional.
Well, nothing doing.
See, I got my looks
to think about.
Brother superior:
Oh, come in, Joseph.
Got a vibrator in the joint?
A what?
Oh, skip it.
I know you ain't.
Brother macewen will cut
your hair in just a moment.
Thank you, brother superior.
By the way, you ought
not to go barefooted.
Your mother tells me
you're just recovering
from a cold.
I haven't any shoes,
brother superior.
I was going to
get them this week,
but father was laid off.
Have you no shoes
at all, Joseph?
Here, Joseph.
Here are $2.00.
You run into town and get
yourself a pair of shoes.
Brother macewen will cut your
hair as soon as you get back.
Gee, thanks!
Come, my boy.
Say, what about the watermelon?
I never cared for it.
Me either. It always
distresses me.
I get it.
Nice mugs.
[Milk squirting in bucket]
How am I doing, pal?
It's a miracle, brother orchid.
No one else has ever
been able to get
as much milk from
hildegarde as you.
Just a certain touch
I got, that's all.
No. It must be
more than that,
brother orchid.
It must be.
Because you have been with us
such a short time,
yet whatever you attempt,
you do so much better
than we who have
been here for years.
Oh, well, you boys
don't want to get discouraged.
You know, I always was just
a bit better than the other guy.
The only reason
I ain't conceited about it
is because I found it out
when I was young.
That still doesn't explain
this milking of yours.
I milked hildegarde for years,
and do as I might,
she never yielded
more than 12 quarts a day.
Yet from the first
time you milked her,
she gave 16.
Well, that just sums up
to one thing, pal--
I put a little more into my work
and get a little more out.
We bear wonderful news,
brother orchid.
What about?
Thanks to you,
for the month just ended,
hildegarde has yielded
a total of 492 quarts.
It's beyond belief.
Brother superior asked us
to tell you of your reward.
Beginning tomorrow,
you're to be given
your own zinnia bed
to cultivate all by yourself.
Zinnia bed, huh?
Is that good?
Zinnias earn us most of our
money in the Flower market
this time of the year,
brother orchid.
You will have
a grave responsibility.
And I might add,
that is the highest award
our brotherhood
can bestow upon a novice.
No kidding, huh?
Well, say, I sure
appreciate that.
With your permission,
brother orchid,
we'll go at once and spread
the good tidings
to all the brothers.
Yeah, go ahead, pals.
I want to be alone.
Getting this honor
makes me feel a little dizzy.
[Brothers laughing]
You know, these guys
are so swell to me, hildegarde,
I just ain't got the heart.
Beginning right now,
I'm only going to spike it
2 quarts instead of 3.
It's not so much that they're
the best zinnias
we've ever grown,
but it's the thought
that brother orchid
has raised them all by himself.
It's remarkable,
to think of him when he arrived,
and then to realize
that after 3 months,
he's developed into
one of our best workers.
Yes, he is a changed man,
and his work reflects
the change, too.
Look. Look. Aren't
they beautiful?
Brother superior:
Congratulations, brother orchid.
These are lovely, very lovely.
Uh, thanks, brother superior.
I was just telling
brother superior
how hard you've worked
to raise them.
Yeah. I am kind of
tuckered out.
I don't mind it.
They're very beautiful,
but you mustn't work too hard.
Well, I can't help it.
Them zinnias
are just like my babies.
Would you believe it?
Sometimes in the middle
of the night,
I even catch myself
wanting to get up
and give them a drink of water.
We're very proud of
you, brother orchid.
You're setting us all
a splendid example.
Thank you, warden--
I mean, brother superior.
Guess I am giving you guys
something to shoot at, huh?
This being Wednesday,
tonight after supper,
I will deliver one
of my informal talks.
You shall be the subject.
Yeah? Well, say,
that's swell.
Say, I'm glad you tipped me off.
You know, I ain't taken
a bow in so long,
I'm afraid my back will creak.
Continue with your work,
brother orchid.
Yeah. Thanks.
Ok, kid, hop to it.
You got a couple
of more rows to hoe,
then you can knock off
for the day.
Brother orchid,
my father says I should ask you
when you're going to pay me
the 50 cents for last month.
Oh, well, tell your old man
not to worry, will you?
Maybe tomorrow
I'll slip you an i.O.U.
That'll do you as much good
as my check.
Now hop to it, will you?
As is customary,
tonight I had planned
one of my informal talks.
My subject was to
have been a brother
who has been with us
just a few months.
just before supper,
an incident took place
which makes it impossible
for me to deliver the talk
I had previously planned.
What I am about to say
pains me very deeply.
We have worked
together in Harmony
for a long, long time, but now,
for the first time
in more than 20 years,
I find I must publicly reprimand
a member of this order.
Brother orchid.
Just before this meal,
Joseph's father came to see me.
He tells me that his son
has been working
in your zinnia patch
and that you now
refuse to pay him.
Is that true?
Why, the little muzzler.
Brother orchid, you are not
answering the question.
Has Joseph been doing your work?
Well, no, not exactly.
I had him toss a pail or 2 of
fertilizer every now and then,
but I couldn't help it.
I'm allergic to it.
There are times, brother orchid,
when we appreciate
your earthy witticisms.
This is not such a time.
I'm sorry.
The fact remains
that you promised Joseph money
and you had no money
with which to pay him.
Yeah. Yeah, that's right.
We have 2 rules here, my friend.
One--we do not
hire others
to do our work.
2--we do not
make promises
we cannot fulfill.
You have hurt and shamed
every man in this room,
because, being brothers,
we must all share your disgrace.
That is all.
Good night.
Here. Wait a minute, now.
I got something to say, too.
You're all making me feel
like I was a heel,
and I don't like it.
You know, not so long ago,
I was out in the world
looking for class and society.
If anybody had told me then
I'd get myself upset
over a zinnia,
gee, I'd have thought
they was nuts.
Whether you believe it or not,
I worked hard over them Flowers,
and I did all the work myself.
I dug up that patch, I raked it,
planted the seeds, watered them,
pulled out the weeds,
and when the Flowers
started to grow,
gee, I got a kick
like I never had before,
but you can't change
a guy overnight.
You know, I'm such
a mug that was taught
to look for angles.
Take things easy,
and you live a little longer.
So a couple of weeks ago,
I asked this kid to work for me.
Well, I thought
I was being awful smart.
I guess... I guess
it wasn't so smart.
You may all retire.
When the heart speaks,
brother orchid,
other hearts must respond.
We're going to forget
everything that happened.
Are we?
Tomorrow morning,
this will be a closed incident.
By the way, how much
did you say you owe the boy?
50 cents.
The world moves on.
20 years ago,
for exactly the same work,
I paid only a quarter.
What's wrong, brother orchid?
Are you ill?
No. I'm all right.
I'm all right.
"Florence Addams,
popular night club owner,
"announced last night
"that she would marry
Clarence B. Fletcher,
"wealthy Midwestern rancher,
next week.
"Miss Addams was once reported
to be fiancee
"of little John Sarto, gang
leader, who was believed slain
but whose body has
never been discovered."
Oh, so I'm a dead pigeon, huh?
"Never in my life,
miss Addams told reporters,
have I been
so thrilled and happy."
Brother superior,
would you do me a favor?
Why, certainly, brother orchid.
What is it?
I've always wanted to know
how the selling part
of this business is run.
How's about taking me
to the market with you?
Let me see... Yes.
You've been with us long enough.
I think you've earned
a trip to the city.
Get in the other side.
[Cranking engine]
[Engine starts]
You've barely spoken
all the way in, brother orchid.
Is the trip thrilling you
as much as that?
No, I ain't thrilled.
[Whistle blows]
Look, brother superior,
I'm getting out here.
Wait, brother--
I can't tell you now.
I haven't got time.
I'll meet you right here
on the way back.
Then I'll tip you off
to everything.
But, brother orchid, wait.
[Rings buzzer]
Oui, monsieur?
Oui, yourself.
Let me in!
Don't stand there all gloomy.
Where's your boss?
Madame is at the beauty salon.
Whom shall I say called?
You don't have to
say anybody called.
I'm waiting.
Thank you very much.
Go on, now. Beat it.
Hey. What's
the matter with you?
It's me--
Little John!
Is it really you?
You ain't dead.
And if I am, I'm
the livest corpse
you ever seen.
Come on. Get up.
I got a lot of things
to say to you,
and I ain't gonna
waste much time.
Gee, Johnny,
it feels like a guy's
jumping rope in my stomach.
Sure. That's the way
all squealers feel
when they meet the guy
they put the finger on.
Look, Johnny, I don't know where
you been or what's happened,
but there's one thing I gotta
set you straight on right away.
I didn't double-cross you
that night at fat dutchy's.
I wanted Jack buck
to make up with you.
He promised me he would
if I got you up there,
and I was dumb enough
to believe him.
Yeah? What do you
think now?
I'm dumb enough
to believe you, huh?
No, Johnny. You
got to believe me.
It's the truth,
and I can prove it.
Here. Read this.
"The coppers ask any questions,
"keep your mouth
shut about Sarto.
"They won't believe
you got him up
"to fat dutchy's
to make up with me
get smart
and stay that way."
Jack bucks' handwriting,
all right. When did you get it?
Last month, when the cops
started looking for him.
For what?
The Tim O'Hara killing,
a couple of policy knockoffs,
and an income-tax rap.
If the cops nail him,
he'll get 100 years, maybe life.
Well, well, well.
So Jack buck's on the lam, huh?
Where's he at?
I don't know.
Nobody knows his hideout.
Yeah? Well, I might know
something about that.
Aw, Johnny, please
don't be mad at me.
I know I did a dizzy thing, but
I was only trying to help you.
I'm awful glad you're back.
You don't know
how I've missed you.
If you ain't a screwball,
there never was one.
You've missed me so much
that tomorrow you're
marrying another guy.
Wait a minute, Johnny.
When everybody said
you was rubbed out,
I went to pieces.
Honest. Right to pieces.
Clarence was swell.
I mean, really swell.
And later, when he
asked me to marry him,
I said ok, but I never
said I loved him.
I never said that
to nobody but you.
Now, look, will you call the
whole thing off with Clarence?
Of course, I don't know
how he'll feel about it.
He's got some friends here
from Montana for the wedding,
but I got a hunch
he'll understand.
Ok, then listen.
Slip Clarence the news,
and I'll be back
in a couple of hours.
We'll get married tonight,
and shove off for Kansas City,
where I already got
Willie the knife planted.
I'll get back in the harness
and take over that territory.
You with me?
Oh, am I!
All right. Now,
finish packing, will you?
I'll be right back.
Johnny, wait a minute.
What is it now?
That outfit you got on.
What did you do, join a convent?
Certainly not.
Then why are you
wearing a wrapper?
Oh. Hope I didn't
keep you
waiting long, brother superior.
No. That's
all right.
[Whistle blows]
I'm sorry I skipped
away like that,
but something happened
that I had to take
care of right away.
No apologies
are necessary, brother orchid.
Uh, look, um...
I got to get something
off my chest,
and I only hope
you won't be sore.
Well, first of all,
I got to tell you
that the last 6 months
of my life
were the happiest
I've ever known.
I'm very glad,
and I hope you'll continue
to be happy with us.
Well, that's what
I'm trying to tell you.
I won't be able
to stay with you--
what's this?
Ain't you sold the Flowers yet?
What happened?
That's why I'm so despondent.
Our market is gone.
They won't handle
our Flowers anymore.
Who won't?
The wholesalers.
As I understand it,
we don't belong
to the protective association.
did I hear you say
protective association?
Yes. I learned
in the city today
that not a Flower can be sold
unless it's grown in
their own nurseries.
I don't know what we're
going to do, brother orchid.
I really don't.
What protective
association is this?
I don't know. It's all so
confusing to me.
They did mention the name of
some man wanted by the police.
Buck? Jack buck?
Yes. Yes, that's it.
How did you know?
It come to me in a dream.
Hey, look, brother superior,
will you move over
to the curb for a minute?
Brother superior,
I'm gonna blab a little,
then I'm gonna blow. Don't
say nothing. Just let me talk.
First of all, stop worrying
about them Flowers.
You bring them
back to the market
tomorrow morning,
you'll find that nobody
ain't gonna bother you
never no more.
You got my word for that.
I accept your word,
my son, but you--
please, brother superior,
just let me finish.
I, uh... I can't
explain just why.
It wouldn't do
any good if I did.
But I got to quit the monastery.
My son--
now wait. You know,
like I said before,
I ain't never been so happy.
I never met people like you,
people who think
of the other guy
and forget about themselves.
I've been living in a new world,
and it's been awful swell,
but, you know, sometimes
with a mug like me,
your new world and my old world
just don't mix up proper,
and I wish I could
stay on forever, but I can't.
So all I can say is
so long and thanks.
I'll send you back these robes
as soon as I get
some new clothes.
Thanks for everything.
But, my brother--
* close your sleepy eyes,
my little buckaroo *
* while the light
of western skies *
* is shining down on you
[rings buzzer]
* don't you know
it's time for... *
where's the boss?
In the library with
monsieur Fletcher.
* So go to sleep,
my little buckaroo *
[men laughing]
I'd have been here sooner,
only I had a little trouble
promoting this suit
from an ex-friend.
Am I butting in?
That's all right,
Mr. Sarto.
We were just talking about you.
What we got to say
I reckon we can
say to your face.
You told him?
Why don't you let
me and him alone
just a few more minutes?
Florence has told me
everything, Mr. Sarto,
and I come to realize
you must have a powerful
wrong impression of me.
How's that?
I always believed you thought
I was a pretty good fellow.
Now I realize you also thought
I was awful dumb!
Now wait a minute, Clarence.
Johnny didn't never
say no such thing.
Certainly I didn't.
I never said anything about you.
Never even thought
anything about you.
You proved that,
Mr. Sarto,
when you walked in here
at the last minute
and expect me to
call off my marriage!
So that's it, huh? So you think
I'm cutting you out?
Let me tell you something.
Flo has been my girl for years.
We've always been
gonna get married,
only it wasn't in
the cards till now.
You was the one who come
along and butted in.
Am I right?
Is that right, Florence?
Is that the way you feel?
I've always loved
Johnny, Clarence.
I've got to call it
the way I see it.
I'm sorry I kicked up my heels
the way I did, Mr. Sarto.
I was just proud to believe I
could make Florence happy.
Now I'm just humble
enough to realize
you're the man to do it,
and I wish you both
all the good luck in the world.
Well, shake.
You're ok.
You've got class, too.
Can you imagine
what I could have done with him
in the organization, huh?
Hey, wait a minute.
What, Johnny?
I got an idea.
Uh, look, uh,
those guys outside,
are they your pals?
My closest.
They come in town
to see my wedding.
I don't know what
they're going to do now.
If they're here
looking for excitement,
I can dish them out plenty.
Come on. I want
a knockdown to them.
You wait here a minute.
[Men laughing]
Boys, I want you
to shake hands with Mr. Sarto.
This is Tex Pearson,
Curley Matthews.
This here coyote's
buffalo burns.
How do you do?
Glad to know you.
Mr. Sarto's
a good friend of mine.
Him and Florence are--
let me do the talking, will you?
I want to proposition
these mugs.
Look, it's like this, see?
I just come from a monastery.
I'm only in there
on a rain check.
Now I want to
take a powder, see,
but I can't because
they're in trouble,
and I don't want to leave them
that way, understand?
What particular
brand of trouble?
Well, it's like this, see?
These guys at the monastery
raise and sell Flowers.
The dough they make,
which you could put in your eye,
they give away to the poor.
That's mighty handsome.
I just found out
that some mugs here in town
are gonna make it tough for
them. They ain't gonna let them
sell Flowers anymore unless
they shell out a rake-off.
Maybe not even then.
Why don't the fellows
in the monastery
do something about it?
They can't, see?
They're quiet,
peaceful little guys
that wouldn't hurt a bug.
They can't fight,
and they ain't got the dough
to pull strings, understand?
Too bad we ain't got
these tough hombres to home.
We'd sure know what to do
with them in a minute.
We wouldn't even bother
the sheriff about them.
We'd just ride them
out of town on a rail.
Clarence: We don't
waste much time
with bad men, Mr. Sarto.
It takes almost half a day
to bring a man in to court,
and that's a powerful
waste of time.
Well, cheer up, then.
I'm gonna give you guys a chance
to settle this in your own way.
You mean we can run
those tough boys out of town?
You hit it right
on the button, pal.
I know where they're hiding out,
and I'm going right down there
to break them up.
Now, you guys with me?
[Men whooping]
I'm in a rush, honey. I've got
a little something to attend to.
I know. I heard you
talking inside.
You're headed for trouble,
Johnny, and I'm scared.
What kind of malarkey
is this all of a sudden?
It ain't no malarkey.
It's just that I don't
want nothing to spoil
what's maybe coming true
after all these years.
That's why
I'm scared, Johnny--
because I'm awful stuck on you.
Baby, when you speak like that,
you're knocking on
Johnny Sarto's heart
with a sledgehammer.
Now don't you worry.
I'll be back before you know it,
and then we'll be off.
How does that make you feel?
I'll tell you better when
we're on the train tonight.
Here's the elevator,
Mr. Sarto.
Johnny, wait a minute!
I want you to carry
this with you.
What is it?
It's a rabbit's foot,
a lucky charm.
My uncle wore it for 32 years.
It's good luck, huh?
Where'd you get it?
From my mother.
With her own hands,
she took it off my uncle
after they hung him.
Come on, Mr. Sarto!
Time's a-wasting!
[Knock on door]
Who is it?
Mr. Clarence Fletcher.
Name is Fletcher.
Anybody know him?
Not me.
We're closed for the night.
Come back in the morning.
I got an important message.
I reckon you'd like to
have it tonight.
What do you say?
Let him in.
What do we got to be afraid of?
Well, well, well.
Look who's here.
Remember him?
Pattonsville sanitarium.
Why, certainly.
Certainly I remember him.
You fellas look
kind of familiar, at that.
Sure we do.
Come right in, Mr. Fletcher.
Boy, are we glad to see you.
Remember what
you did to us the last time?
[Punches being thrown]
Keep punching them, cowboy!
Ok, buck, come on out.
Get 'em up.
You knew just where
I was hiding, didn't you?
Well, you made a mistake.
Not as big a mistake
as you're liable to make.
You were lucky last time,
but you ain't gonna be now.
[Alarm buzzing]
[Fire alarm ringing]
[Alarm ringing]
Right in there, boss.
All right!
Break it up here!
Come on, now! Hey!
Break it up, all right?!
Wait a minute!
Mr. Sarto!
He went in there!
You said someone came in here.
Mr. Sarto did.
He was after Jack buck.
Are you sure?
I saw him.
He came right--
hey, wait. Look!
If you want Jack buck,
come in and get him.
Are you all right,
Mr. Sarto?
Yeah, I'm all right.
You and me
have got to go and talk to Flo.
I don't think I better
go up there, Mr. Sarto.
After all, there isn't very much
that I can say
to Florence anymore.
Now wait a minute, Clarence.
Coming up here in the cab,
I've been thinking a lot.
You're the guy that's
going up to see Flo.
I'm breezing along.
Now look, pal.
You turned out
to be a real guy in my book,
so I'm going to
let down my hair.
I haven't been on the level
with Flo... Never.
What are you saying,
Mr. Sarto?
She's a good dame and all that,
but all the real
love I got for her
you could stick in your eye.
I don't get you at all.
I'm on the level.
All this talk
about me wanting to marry her
is a lot of canal water.
Man alive!
To such a guy like me,
love is like
a scratch on the back.
Sometimes it feels good,
but a guy can't go along
all his life with an itch.
Florence is going to
take this awful hard.
No, she ain't, because
you're going to be
the guy to tell her.
You know, between us,
I was going to take her
to Kansas City,
get a couple of
grand out of her,
and then ditch her.
That would be
a pretty cheap thing
to do, wouldn't it?
Yeah, sure.
That's why I changed my mind.
I'm going to hop a freight
and go away by myself.
I got a friend there.
I'll do all right.
If it's a question of money,
maybe I can help out.
You sure could, pal.
You could let me
have a couple of c's.
Sure, you bet.
How much is a couple of c's?
Here you are.
Thanks, pal.
Now go on up and do your stuff.
I've been thinking.
It might be easier on her
if you sent some little message,
something nice about her
I could say you said.
What are you trying to do,
coax me to be a hypocrite?
Now go on up there quick,
before I change my mind
and still clip her
for a couple of grand.
12th Floor.
Look, mom, you got any kids?
No. I ain't
got nothing.
Well, you got something now.
Brothers, there is good cause
to be thankful this morning.
I have just received
the good news
that there is no longer
a protective association
and that we may again
sell our Flowers in the city.
How this was accomplished
I cannot tell you.
All I know is that
brother orchid gave me his word
it would be done,
and it was done.
As you know, brother orchid
is no longer among us.
He has chosen the outside world,
and none of us
is wise enough to say
that we are right
and he is wrong.
All we can do in our humble way
is to wish him
the utmost in heaven
and happiness,
and throughout our--
brother orchid,
have you changed your mind?
Brother superior...
All my life, I'm such a guy
that was looking for class.
I once went halfway
around the world
trying to find it
because I thought
that class came in dough
and nice clothes and society.
Well, I was wrong.
I sure traveled a long way
to find out one thing.
This is the real class.