Breathing Fire (1991) - full transcript

Michael, a Vietnam vet with two kids, pulls off a bank heist with his gang, which includes the bank's manager. To ensure the loyalty of everyone involved, Mike makes a special set of keys, so that the hiding place for the loot can only be opened if all the members are present. The bank manager, however, gets cold feet and tries to back out, so Mike and his buddies kill him and his wife. His daughter, however, gets hold of the key and runs for help to David, one of her father's old friends who also happens to be a Vietnam vet and a former comrade of Michael's. Will David be able to protect his friend's daughter?

(tense music)

(finger smacks)

(tense music)

(birds chirp)

(tires rumble)

- Hey, hurry up, Dad.

We're late.

- Hey so, Dad, if we win this tournament,

you're gonna buy us a Porsche, right?

- Yeah, a convertible red one.

Come on, Dad, you can do it.

- What do you guys
think, I'm made of money?

Maybe I should just rob a bank.

- That doesn't sound like a bad idea.

- Yeah.

(horn honks)

- Take it easy now.

Listen, just do your best, okay?

Do me a favor, don't get hurt.

- All right, Dad.
- Sure thing.

See you later.
- Bye.

- Bye-bye.

- Guys.

(crowd chatters)

- Wow, I want to take one of these home!

- Me too.

(zipper clatters)

- Do you know who that belongs to?

- I don't know, I just found it here.

- Huh.

Are you from that country?

- I don't know.

- Well, that's mine, and you
shouldn't be touching it!

- Hey, don't pick on him.

Leave him alone.
- Hey, hey!

- It's okay, Tony.

It's okay, it's my fault.

Sorry, sorry.

- What's your problem?

You looking for trouble?

What's this, huh?

A good luck charm?

- Yeah, you're gonna need it!

(Charlie grunts)
- Hey, Charlie, calm down.

(Charlie grunts)

Come on, the necklace is important to him.

- It's not important to me.

What's important to me is I kick your ass!

- Yeah, let's do it now.

- Come on!

- Hey, Billy, you're up!
- Let's do it, come on!

- [Referee] Lets go!

- I'll take care of you out there.

(Charlie grunts)

(suspenseful music)

(dog barks)

(footsteps patter)

(engine revs)

(tires rumble)

(suspenseful music)

(Charlie grunts)
(opponent groans)

(crowd cheers)

(Charlie grunts)
(foot thumps)

(body thuds)

(crowd cheers)

(suspenseful music)

(bills slap)

(suspenseful music)

- Hi there, what can I do for you?

- Don't move.

I said don't move!

(cords pop)
(screens buzz)

- Hi, may I help you?

- Yes, I'm looking for Mr. Richardson.

- That's me.

(fist smashes)

- What are you doin'?

(leg thumps)
(woman screams)

(man groans)

(scalp tears)

(body thuds)

(cane whacks)

(legs thump)

(table crashes)
(woman screams)

(glass shatters)

(feet thump)

(glass shatters)

(gunshot blasts)

- Hurry up, get over here!

Right now!

(men shout)

Come on, let's go!

- Give me the combination number, now.

Or I'll blow your head off.

- Here's one number, the
manager has the other.

- Hey, lady, you're in the wrong restroom.


(hand whacks)
(man groans)

(glass shatters)

(man screams)
(body thuds)

(fingers rap)

(door slams)
(manager screams)

(fist pounds)
(manager groans)

(water splashes)

- Sorry about this, for
your own good. (laughs)

(foot thumps)
(body thuds)

(Tony groans)

- Hey!

(Tony grunts)

(foot thumps)

(leg thumps)

(fist pounds)

(foot thumps)
(body thuds)

- Charlie, I won, I won!

(crowd cheers)

(footsteps patter)

- Relax, Peter, everything's fine.

You'll be taken care of.

- Michael, I can't take this anymore.

- You'll do just fine.

(floor hums)

(footsteps patter)

(safe clicks)

(safe clangs)

(suspenseful music)

(Charlie grunts)
(foot thumps)

(crowd cheers)

(opponent grunts)

(foot thumps)
(body thuds)

(crowd cheers)

(hands clap)

- Ladies and gentlemen,

the winners are Charlie
Moore and Tony Moore

in the lightweight division.

They will represent California

in the upcoming National
Martial Arts Championship.

(crowd cheers)

(suspenseful music)

(safe rattles)

(footsteps clang)

(suspenseful music)

(gas hisses)

(heat hisses)

(heat hisses)

- What the hell is going on, Michael?

- And this way, my fellow partners,

we keep each other honest.

Everyone, including Peter,
will have a pizza piece

with the imprint of
the keys on the bottom.

Therefore, it will take all of
us together to open the safe.

All of you as witnesses
will see the keys destroyed.

That way, no one cheats any others.

(horns honk)

(tires rumble)

(suspenseful music)

(car door slams)

(car hums)

(car doors slam)

What took you so long, Peter?

Did you get lost?

- Damn it, Michael.

I didn't even want to come here tonight!

- I guess I didn't have a choice, did I?

- You know, I'm real proud of you Peter.

You kept up with your end of the bargain,

and now I'm gonna keep up with mine.

- I don't want this, you take it.

You guys can keep my share.

- Do you understand what you're saying?

You are the with us or against us!

It's up to you.

- Michael, come on.

You know I've got a
family to take care of.

Leave us alone.



Tank, you take it.

I don't want it.
- Don't be stupid!

You take this.

You're holding our whole
future in your hands!

(tires screech)

- Get in the car, Tank.

And Peter, give my regards to your family.

(car doors slam)

(tires screech)

♪ Happy birth ♪


Oh my God.



(typewriter clicks)


Peter, open the door.

Peter, please!

Open this door, Peter.

(fist bangs)

Peter, talk to me, don't do this.

Peter, please.

(typewriter clicks)

Who did this to you?

- [Peter] Something
happened at the bank today.

I'm sorry about this.

- [Wife] Did you call the police?

- [Peter] No police.

- [Wife] Oh, Peter, the
police can help you.

- I said, no police!

(wife cries)

Annie, I'm so sorry.

You forgive me?

- Yeah.

- Look, this is real important.

Could you take this letter down

to the mailbox for me right now?


When you get back, we'll
have a real birthday party.

- Okay.

- Thanks, Annie.

- Dad, I love you.

- Oh, love you too.

- Happy birthday.

- Thanks.

(suspenseful music)
(thunder cracks)

(geese quack)

(dramatic music)

(thunder cracks)

- Hello, Peter.

- What do you want, Michael?

- You know, we gave you
one hell of an offer.

You shoulda took it.

- Michael, let's talk about it, please.

- Now look what you're gonna

make me have to do to you, Peter.

- Michael, I got a family.

- It's too late!

- No, God, oh my God!

(fists pounds)
(wife screams)

- Let her go, let her go!

(body thuds)


(wife groans)
(fists pounds)

No, no, no!
- No!

(piano keys striking)
(Peter groaning)

(fist pounds)

(wife chokes)

(suspenseful music)

- Kill him!

(foot thuds)

(glass shatters)

(body thuds)

Go get the damn pizza, now!

(suspenseful music)

(paper rustles)

- Yeah.

(sneakers slip)

- [Tank] Thunder, let's go.

(gate creaks)

(birds chirp)

- Don't bother me, Harry,
I cleaned my room already!

Hey, I look pretty good.

- Charlie, your room is a mess!

I told you to clean it up
before your father arrives home.

- Hey, what about Tony's room?

How come he doesn't have to clean it, huh?

- I thought Tony was at practice.

I cleaned up his room for him.

- Oh, very nice.

Clean his room and not mine, huh?

(dart thuds)

- I'm gonna get you, you little runt!

(model plane rattles)

Come here, Charlie!

(men shout)

- Come get me, Harry, come on!

(lawn chairs rattle)

(Tony grunts)

- [Harry] Charlie, get over here!


(Tony groans)

(Tony grunts)
(foot thumps)

(fists pound)

Get over here now, Charlie!

Get over here!

Charlie, get over here now, Charlie!

Where's Charlie?

Where is Charlie?

- He's right there.

(fist thumps)
(Harry groans)

- Charlie!

(Harry groans)
(body thuds)

- I'm sorry, I didn't mean that.

- Charlie, I'm gonna get your ass!

(punching bag pounds)

- Morning, boys.

- Morning, Dad.

- Morning, Dad.

- Well, how'd you guys do
in the tournament last week?

Sorry I couldn't be there.

- It's all right, Dad.

We know you're busy and all.

Me and Charlie won in
both of our divisions.

- Hey.

- So does that mean we get our stereo?

- No, we don't get our stereo
until we win the finals.

- Tony, will you go along?

We could have had our stereos sooner.

- Sorry, Charlie.

By the way, how's your studies?

Remember, no grades, no car.

- But Dad, how can I
look like a stud if I'm

walking everywhere?

- Guys, I heard you were
annoying Harry again.

Now this is the fifth time this
month that I've warned you.

Maybe some extra painting
will help you guys

remember that Harry is
a part of his family.

- Oh, I don't know Dad, I
got three dates tonight.

- Yeah right, you mean
those three fat chicks, huh?

- I mean it.

- All right.

- Okay, dad.

(bright music)

- [Mickey] Hey, guys.

- What's up, Mickey?
- What's going on?

We were supposed to go to the beach.

- Yeah, but after this.

- Yeah.

- Hey Mickey, check this out.


- Hey, watch this.


- No, wait a minute.

Here, I'll show you how.

- Hey, yeah!

Hey, I bet you can't
do it with two brushes.

- I can do anything.

Of course I can do it with two brushes.

- [Tony] Man, you're just awesome.

- Unbelievable.

(pop music)

Hey, Mickey, I'll finish it for you.

(paintbrush scrapes)

It wasn't that hard, was it?

- All right, guys, let's go to the beach.

- To the beach.

- Beach.

The beach?

- What's wrong?

(tires rumble)
(tires screech)

- Excuse me.

I'm looking for a Mr. David Moore.

(sighs) Hey, wake up, you rummy.

Get on your feet!
(David coughs)

Well, good luck.

- Thank you.

Are you David Moore?

- Yeah, I'm David Moore.

What can I do for you?

- I'm Annie Stern, Peter Stern's daughter.

I have something from him.

- Oh, Pete! (laughs)

Oh, how is old Pete?

- He's dead.

This is for you.

(chair creaks)

(paper rips)

- What the hell is this?

- I have no idea.

He just gave it to me and said to mail it.

- Did you see them?

- There were five of
them, one was a woman too.

- (sighs) Why don't you
just go to the police?

- I heard my dad tell my
mom not to go the police.

There must've been a good reason.

(gentle music)

You can get cleaned up here.

I guess you can stay here for a while

till we figure out what's going on.

(gate clatters)

(footsteps patter)

- My dad was with you in Vietnam?

- Yeah, he was a good buddy.

(lights click)

(footsteps patter)

(door slams)

(footsteps patter)

- We're from the police department,

and we're here for the girl.

Her parents were killed last night,

and we need to take her
in for protective custody.

- I've seen you before.

- Just let us take her in
for her own protection.

- Look, I think you'd better leave.

- Fine, let's go, guys.

(fists pound)
(David groans)

(glass shatters)

(fist thumps)
(men grunt)

(foot thumps)

(David groans)

(foot whacks)
(man shouts)

(light bulb shatters)

(foot thumps)

(table bangs)
(objects crash)

- [Man] Get the girl!

- Annie!

- [Annie] David!

- Annie!

(foot thuds)

(body thuds)

(fists pound)

(elbow thumps)

(glass shatters)

(thrilling music)

(foot thumps)

(foot thumps)
(man groans)

(elbows pound)
(man grunts)

(tires crash)
(man groans)

(foot thumps)
(legs whoosh)

(feet thump)
(man groans)

(head pounds)
(man groans)

(foot thumps)

(fist whooshes)

(foot thumps)

(body thuds)

(man groans)

(dog paws patter)

- Let's get outta here.

(footsteps patter)

(car door slams)
(engine revs)

I think I know a place where
we can lay low for a while.

(birds chirp)

- I'll get Mr. Moore for you.

Please have a seat.

- Thanks.

- David, my God it's
good to see you brother!

- Mike, it's good to see you too.

Oh, this is Annie, Peter Stern's daughter.

- Hello, Annie.

Would you like a drink, Dave?

- Sure.

- This'll fix you up.

- Thanks, Mike.

- [Michael] So what
can I do for you, Dave?

- Actually, it's not me.

Did you know that Peter Stern and his wife

were murdered last night?

- Really?

- Now they're after his daughter.

I hope you don't mind her being here.

- Of course not.

Tell me, was she around
when they were killed?

- [Dave] Yeah.

- Poor kid.

You did the right thing, Dave.

She'll be taken care of here, don't worry.

(birds chirp)

- Annie, the guest house is over here.

This is where you're staying.

- Hey, Harry, who's this?

Don't tell me it's your daughter.

- Yeah, no family resemblance. (laughs)

- Boys, your father
wants you in the study,

to meet with your Uncle David.

- All right.

- [Dave] Is this the baby, Mike?

- Yeah, it is.

- You know, Nam seems just like yesterday.

- Sure does.

(helicopter propellers whip)

(gunshots whoosh)

- Come on out!

We're Americans, we're not gonna hurt you!

(gunshots blast)

Michael, don't shoot!

Michael, no!

Michael, what the hell you doin'?

- I don't think he's been seen!

- I don't know about you guys,

but I ain't waiting around to get killed.

I'm gonna kill them before they kill me!

(boots thud)

(infant cries)

(infant cries)

- [Dave] Damn, Michael, what did you do?


- [Soldier] Oh, we can't
leave this kid here.

He'll die for sure.

- Come on, let's get outta here.

- Check 'em out before
you shoot 'em, goddamn it!

- I ain't taking no chances.

I don't want to die here.

- You killed his mom, and
you're gonna leave him here?

He's your responsibility!

(tense music)

It's finally over.

- Is it really?

- [Tony] Hey, Dad!

- Tony, let me introduce
you to your Uncle Dave.

- Hey, Uncle Dave.

- Hey Tony, how you doing?

- Hey, Dad told me a lot about you, man.

So how's it been, huh?
- All right, all right.

- My boys made me real proud,

taking first place in the
karate tournament last week.

- Hey, keep it up, huh?

- Charlie, where you goin'?

Come over here, say
hello to your Uncle Dave.

- Hi, nice to meet you.

- Hey Charlie, how you doin'?

- Good.

- Got a couple of good looking
kids here, don't I, Dave?

- Michael, you really
done the right thing.

(door creaks)

- This is my room.

- You see, Annie, this is
not a room for a normal guy.

- What?

- I mean, this is a room for
a zombie, the living dead.

Look at this.

Do any of your friends
have rooms like this?

- It's very neat, Tony.

- Thank you.

- Too neat, sickening neat.

- Well, let's take a look at your room.

Come on, you gotta see this.
- Tony, Tony, wait a minute.

Tony, listen to me.

I was just kidding, Tony.

- This is Charlie's room.

Isn't it great?

- Well, this is it, nothing special.

Been kind of busy lately.

- Charlie, haven't you
heard of a trashcan before?

- Sure, it's right here.

It's full right now so
everything's on hold.

- Why don't you let me
help you, and I'll be back.

- Sure.

Tony, Tony, Tony, what
did I tell you, huh?

Girls always love the
rough old bachelor type.

- Yeah.

(Charlie laughs)

(upbeat music)

(water splashes)

(upbeat music)

(hands clap)

(upbeat music)

(suspenseful music)

- No!

- Annie.

Annie, I heard you
scream, are you all right?

- David, someone was just in here.

Trying to kill me!

- Look, I'm next door.

It's safe here.

No, one's gonna hurt you.

Mike's gonna see us through this, okay?

(suspenseful music)

(tires screech)

(tires screech)

(suspenseful music)

- Peggy, come here, come here.

(dog barks)

(man laughs)

(Annie screams)

- No!


(hand slaps)

No, no!



(feet thump)

(body thuds)

(man grunts)

(feet thump)
(body thuds)

(man grunts)

(fist whooshes)
(man grunts)

(water splashes)

- (laughs) Have a treat!

(man groans)

How do you like that, huh?

(man shouts)

- You're gonna pay for that! (grunts)

(feet thud)
(man groans)

- My turn.

- It's him!

- Annie!

(shirt whips)

(man grunts)
(body thuds)

(legs thump)

(hands thump)
(man grunts)

(leg whooshes)

(fists whoosh)

(David groans)

(man grunts)

(hose whooshes)

(man grunts)

(man grunts)

(foot thumps)
(man groans)

- Wow.

(David grunts)

(Annie screams)

(man groans)
- David!


(body thuds)

(feet thump)
(boys grunt)

(fists pound)

(bodies thud)

(Tony grunts)
(body thuds)

(birds chirp)

- I have an idea,

Take care of Annie.

(thrilling music)

(men grunt)

(horse neighs)

(men grunt)
(feet thump)

(glass shatters)

(tires screech)

Don't worry, Uncle David.

We got a plan to track them down.

(motor hums)

(tires screech)

- Hey, can you teach us
your style of martial arts?

- Come on.

If those guys come back
again, we can protect Annie.

(horns honk)

(hand thumps)

- Real smart, Tank!

- Hell, I didn't know!

- So they want to play games, huh?

Well, the playground's open.

(horns honk)

(solemn music)

- Great.

(staff whooshes)

(water trickles)

- [Tony] You leaving?

- [Charlie] Hey, where
you goin', Uncle David?

I thought we were supposed
to practice together.

- [Tony] Yeah.

We're ready now.

- Listen.

Annie's parents were killed
for a piece of plastic pizza.

I want you guys to just stay
at home and not get hurt.

- C'mon, you promised us.

- Yeah, I thought we were supposed

to take care of those guys together.

- If you really want to learn,

you're gonna have to
prove you're worth it.

- [Together] All right, yeah!

- Sure, anything, what do you want?

- We'll do anything.

- Get on your shins.

(boys groan)

No hands!

(staff tips)

(boys groan)

If you want to learn, this
is your chance to prove it.


(boys groan)

(staff whooshes)

(boys groan)

- Ah, this is painful, Uncle David!

- Yeah.

- But don't worry, we can take this.

- We're dedicated, Uncle David.

We can do it.

- We have to prove it to you. (groans)

(staff thumps)

Just put your shoes back on,

go back in the house
and take care of Annie.

- Nice move there.

Don't worry, I have an idea.

But first, let's take
Annie to Mickey's house.

- Yeah.

We gotta prove to Uncle
Dave that we're worth it.

Come on.

(upbeat pop music)

- Yeah.

- What's up, Alan?

- The guy in the bar, I had a
run in with him in the garage.

He's one hell of a fighter.

- I know this guy.

He's got the damn pizza from Peter.

- Our money.

- That's right.

We've gotta get that back from him.

If he goes to the police with
that, we're in deep trouble.

(upbeat pop music)

- Mickey, do your stuff.

- Okey dokey, let's do it.

Hi there.
- Hi, can I see your ID?

- You sure can.

Oh, I'm sorry, let me help you.

You have it?

(upbeat pop music)

- Guys, Uncle David.

- [Tony] How could he find
anybody just sitting there?

- Mickey, it's showtime!

- Fellas, any time is show time.

- Show 'em up, man.

(upbeat pop music)

- It's all set.

- Ladies and gentlemen,

make way as we introduce
the man with all the moves.

Let's hear it for Mickey.

Do it, Mickey!

(record scratches)

(upbeat pop music)

♪ There ain't no mercy,
the game's all played ♪

♪ I'm exceptional in every way ♪

♪ Number one is what I aspire ♪

♪ Better step back, I'm breathing fire ♪

(feet whoosh)

♪ Can't take the heat,
step out of the sun ♪

♪ You gotta be hard
just to be number one ♪

♪ Step up and bow your
head to the master ♪

♪ I'm on the scene and
ain't nobody faster ♪

♪ I'm the beast with the fire and desire ♪

♪ In the East, a skill to admire ♪

(Charlie laughs)

(crowd cheers)

- [Alan] That's enough, that's
enough, you had your fun.

(crowd chatters)

Show these kids the way out.

(men shout)

♪ I'm exceptional in every way ♪

♪ Number one is what I aspire ♪

(foot thumps)

(stools crash)

(legs thump)
(man groans)

(foot pounds)
(body thuds)

(crowd cheers)

(fists pound)

(Tony groans)

(elbow pounds)

(man grunts)

(men grunt)
(fists slap)

(fist pounds)

(boys grunt)

(feet pound)
(boys grunt)

(fists pound)

(foot pounds)

(Charlie groans)

(man grunts)

(men grunt)
(fists pound)

(David groans)

(women scream)

(David grunts)
(foot pounds)

(David groans)

(back thuds)

(glass shatters)

(stool crashes)

(David grunts)

(wood pounds)
(David grunts)

(fist pounds)

(foot pounds)
(David groans)

(body crashes)

(suspenseful music)

(man grunts)

(foot pounds)

(David grunts)

(leg pounds)
(men grunt)

(body thuds)

(men grunt)

(body thuds)

(elbow pounds)

(man grunts)
(legs thud)

(men grunt)

(men grunt)

(men grunt)
(leg pounds)

(glass shatters)

(fists pound)
(men grunt)

(foot pounds)
(body thuds)

(men grunt)

(feet pound)

(David screams)

- Uncle David!

- [Tony] Uncle Dave!

(David groans)

Uncle Dave, are you all right?

Take him outta here.

- The bone was not fractured.

However, the soft tissue and the ligament

were badly damaged.

- Just give it to me straight, Doc.

- Well, it's going to take at
least six months to a year.

to be completely healed.

If you were a dancer,

no more leaps and jumps, complications.

- In other words, my
dancing days are over?

- I'm sorry. Mr. Moore.

Here, let me help you.
- Here, let me help you.

- Thanks, doctor.

- Thanks, doctor, we'll take care of him.

- [Tony] Hey, thanks a lot, doc.

- We can't take Annie back to your house.

They probably got it staked out.

I know a few places around
town we can take her.

We keep moving.

I don't know what I'll be able
to do if they catch up to us.

- But Uncle Dave,

if you teach us your
style of martial arts.

(Dave grunts)
(fist bangs)

(crutch rattles)

(shoe scrapes)

(Dave sighs)

(Dave grunts)

(Dave groans)

(Dave grunts)

(Dave groans)
(body thuds)

(Dave groans)
(body crashes)

(Dave groans)
(crutch bangs)

- [Tony] You okay?

- [Charlie] Why don't you let us help you?

- I want you guys outta here.

I'm sick of your shit!

- Uncle David.

- Here, let me help you up.

(Dave groans)

- Uncle David, teach us what you know.

It's not for us or the tournament.

It's for you and Annie.

- Yeah, why don't you
show us how to fight?

We will work hard,

and we promise you, we won't let you down.

- You know nothing of hard
work, much less discipline.

I can't teach you, you're not worth it!

- Come on, Uncle Dave, please?

We could do it.

- This time, Uncle
David, we won't fail you.

- Yeah, we'll stay here
as long as you want us to.

- You guys can stay there
till you rot for all I care.

(boys groan)
(rain splashes)

(boys groan)

(solemn music)

You guys should get some rest,
it's gonna be a long day.

(seagulls caw)
(waves crash)

(somber music)

(boys grunt)

(boys grunt)
(fists pound)

Get your hands up!

(boys grunt)
(legs pound)

(boys grunt)
(legs pound)


(legs pound)

(Tony grunts)
(leg pounds)

(rings rattle)

(boys grunt)

(rings rattle)
(boys grunt)

(arms pound)

(bottles rattle)
(boys grunt)

(staff taps)

(boys grunt)

(somber music)

(boys grunt)

(ball thuds)

(Tony grunts)

(Charlie grunts)
(ball thuds)

(dog barks)

- Hi, Uncle David.

Tony and I have just finished a workout.

- [Tony] It's good.

- What are you looking at?

- Hey, that's the picture of you and Daddy

in the Vietnam War.

What was it like?

- The war was cruel.

It was a tragic experience.

- Yeah, I bet.

Hey, I heard the Viet
Cong were very sneaky.

Even the women and kids.

They could just kill you like that, huh?

- It's true, we had to watch
our backs all the time.

- So I guess you must
have met my mom then.

- Of course, I did she...

- What about her?

Come on, tell me.

- She helped us us out in camp.

She did laundry, cooking.

She'd tell stories about her village.

She was great.

Then one day she asked us
to take you back to America.

So I thought that--
- What?

She handed me to you guys.

I don't believe it.

I don't believe it.

How can that be possible?

- Charlie.

- Uncle David, I trusted you.

How can you lie to me?

Your story is completely
different from Dad's.

Come on, I want to know the truth.

Come on tell me?

What are you guys trying to hide from me?

- Charlie, come on.


(footsteps patter)


- Charlie.

Don't worry, I understand, but
you will find out the truth.

- Don't worry about it, man.

Look, we're still
brothers, no matter what.

(hands clap)
- Thanks.

(somber music)

(boys grunt)

(fists pound)
(boys grunt)

(fists pound)
(boys grunt)

(boys groan)

(legs thump)
(boys groan)

- The reason it won't break
is because you fear it.

As soon as you conquer your
fear, then it will break.

- But that's not gonna break.

- Our legs will!

- Just do it!

(legs smash)
(boys grunt)

(stick bangs)
(Tony groans)

(stick bangs)
(Charlie groans)

(feet pound)
(boys grunt)

(watermelon cracks)
(Tony grunts)

Striking objects will only
develop your strength.

The sparring will develop your reflexes.

(Tony grunts)

(somber music)

(Charlie grunts)

(Charlie grunts)
(hand slaps)

(Charlie grunts)

(leg thumps)
(Charlie groans)

(gong bangs)

(Charlie grunts)

(Tony grunts)

(boys grunt)

(body thuds)

(boys grunt)

(body thuds)

(boys grunt)

(body thuds)

(boys grunt)

(body thuds)

(boys grunt)

(body thuds)
(boys grunt)

(Tony groans)

(boys grunt)

(gong bangs)

(somber music)

(seagull caws)

(footsteps patter)

- [Tony] Whoa, Uncle Dave,
you really scared us.

- [Charlie] Yeah.

- Did you see a gray truck
following you up here?

- No, Uncle David.
- What gray truck?

- You know we're always
careful about that.

- I'm sure it's him who was trying

to tail us from the store last night.

I'm gonna take Annie to a new hideout.

You guys stay here.

- Charlie, we need to figure
out a way to help Uncle Dave.

I think we can take on all those guys.

- Hey, we'll start with the
guy with the pickup truck.

(children shout)

(car door slams)
(dog barks)

(suspenseful music)

(dog barks)

(footsteps patter)

(men shout)

(food sizzles)

- What you got cooking, Mom?

- Your favorite thing.

- I have a plan.

- So do I, follow me.

- Looks good, thank you, Mom.

- Oh, you're welcome, sweetheart.

Give Mom a kiss.
(lips smack)

(window shatters)

- Hey, you guys!

Don't you know how to throw
a damn basketball right?

- Well, why don't you come
down and show us, big guy!

- Oh yeah?

I'm on my way, I'm right down.

(door creaks)

(nails squelch)
(Tank groans)

(feet thud)

- What's that noise?

- Come on, big guy, come in.

- Quiet.

- You elephant ass, man,
get your butt down here!

- Oh, I'm gonna kill you!

(Charlie grunts)

(Tank grunts)

(Tank shouts)

(body crashes)
(Tank groans)

- Way to go, Charlie!

(Tank groans)

(Tank shouts)
(Charlie groans)

(Tony grunts)

(leg thumps)

(fists pound)

(Tank grunts)

(plank thuds)

Him, not me!

- Nobody's perfect.

(fist pounds)

- Okay, right now, I want you right now!

(men grunt)
(leg thumps)

(foot pounds)

(back thuds)

(hands clap)

(men grunt)
(feet pound)

(water splashes)

- What's going on out there?

Tank, who are these people?

- Oh, Mom, just a couple friends of mine.

- Yeah, Ma'am, we're friends.

- Very close friends.

(upbeat music)

- Tank thinks that because
I'm blind that I'm dumb too.

- Momma, what do you mean?

- I mean that these are not your friends.

You don't try to kill your friends.

- I did something terribly wrong, Momma!

- What, baby?

What, Tank?

You can tell me anything.

- I robbed a bank, Momma.

- Oh, child.

What are we gonna do?

- Don't worry, we have an idea.

But Tank, you need to
stay close to the gang

so we can find out what the
next plan is going to be.

- Don't worry, Tank.

It'll be all right.

But of course you have to help us.

- Whatever it takes, man.

Whatever it takes.

(water splashes)

(wind chimes chiming)
(birds chirping)

(water splashes)

- Ooh, baby.

I missed you.

(lips smack)

- Gee, I'm surprised you
even had time for me today.

- Honey, you know how busy I've been.

- Oh yeah.

How much longer are we gonna have to wait?

- Honey, now relax.

You're gonna have to be patient with this.

- Patient.

I have been patient, but try
telling that to the creditors.

- Now listen, when the time is
right, the bars will be sold.

But in the meantime,

you're gonna have to let
me handle this my way.

- In the meantime, what
am I supposed to do?

- Honey, just hang in there a bit longer.

Trust me, okay?

- This is driving me crazy.

- Honey, you know what?

(lips smack)

I think you drive me crazy.

(lips smack)

- Alan called a meeting yesterday.

Because everybody wants their gold bars.

But we can't do anything

until we find the missing piece of pizza.

- Hey, that could be the
pizza that Uncle Dave's got.

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

- Who's Alan?
- Yeah, who is this guy?

- Alan owns that bar by the beach.

And let me tell you, he's
not an easy guy to deal with.

- Thanks, Tank, we'll handle this.

- Yeah, keep us informed
about all the information

going around though.

- I will.

You guys be careful though, man.

- Pizza.

Alan's bar.

(seagulls caw)

(suspenseful music)

- Excuse me, we're looking
for a guy named Alan.

- Is he here?

- Excuse me, we're looking for Alan.

- Hey kids, you got your ID? (laughs)

Or did you bring your
mother with ya? (laughs)

- We have better things to do

than babysit a couple of squirts.

Now get lost!

- We're not kids, now where's Alan?

- Where is he?

- Hey, Nick.

We got a couple of small
problems over here.

- What can I do for you boys?

- We're looking for Alan.

- Alan, there's no Alan here.

And we don't serve milk and cookies.

- Well, if he's not here,
then we'll come back later.

- Not so fast, guys.

You don't mess around here and then leave.

- I think it's time for
a little rubdown boys.

- Yeah.

I think it's time for a
little physical education.

(man grunts)

- I think we have a little
problem too. (laughs)

- Piece of cake.

(body slams)

(body crashes)

(body slams)

(feet thump)

(table crashes)

(man laughs)

(cane taps)

(boys grunt)

(gauntlet thumps)

(thrilling music)

(man groans)

(boss shouts)

- Whoa, ah!

(glass shatters)

- Are you okay?


- You lookin' for me?

You messed up my place!

(footsteps patter)

(suspenseful music)

(wind howls)

Okay kids, cut the shit.

There's no place else to run.

(Alan grunts)

(boys grunt)
(feet pound)

(elbow pounds)

(leg whooshes)

(foot thumps)
(fist pounds)

- Don't waste time, give him the pizza.

- No, not yet.

I want to use some of Uncle David's moves.

Let's see how good we are.

- Let's go!

- Bowling ball.

(Alan grunts)

(Alan groans)

(Alan grunts)

(boys grunt)

(bowling pins rattle)

- Hey, pretty good move, huh?
- Hey!

- What the hell was that?

(foot thumps)

(feet thump)

(body thuds)

- Hold on, let's just give him the pizza.

- Okay.

(Alan grunts)

(leg whooshes)

(fists pound)
(feet thump)

(Alan grunts)

(fist pound)
(men grunt)

(body thuds)

(Alan groans)

(foot kicks)
(Alan groans)

(footsteps patter)

(Tony laughs)

(suspenseful music)

- Very good, Alan.

I'll have the mold made up.

- Well, I think we
should all stick together

until the safe is opened.

What do you guys think?

- I think it's a real good idea.

- They can all stay here
tonight, honey, right?

- I don't see any problem with it.

Well, Alan, will you do the honors?

- My pleasure.

(cork pops)

All right, send them in.

(Jenny cheers)
(Jenny laughs)

(water bubbles)

- Hey, it's late.

It's time to go to bed.

(lips smack)

- There's so much to take
care of for tomorrow.

- Michael, you've done
everything you can possibly do.

I mean, after tomorrow,

you won't have to think or
worry about this ever again.

(lips smack)

(suspenseful music)

(Tank chatters softly)

- I think someone's coming, I gotta go.

- Yes, I'd like to report
information about a bank robbery.

Yes, the people who robbed the bank

are picking up the gold bars
from the Sperry metal refinery.

(bird wings flap)

(tires skid)

(bird wings flap)

(tires rumble)

(suspenseful music)

(footsteps patter)

(water splashes)

(keys clang)

(keys clatter)

(helicopter propellers whip)


(helicopter propellers whip)

- Damn it, I knew it!

I know who snitched.

It was you, Tank!

- What are you talking about?

- You know damn well
what I'm talking about!

- Look, I didn't call the police!

- Bullshit!

I saw you on the phone at
Jenny's house last night!

- I didn't call 'em!

- I'll take care of this, Alan.

- Michael, I wouldn't do that.

(foot thumps)
(Tank groans)

(boxes crash)

Put it up, Michael, I
didn't call the police.

Please don't kill me, man!

- Goodbye, Tank.

(gunshot blasts)
(glass shatters)

- What the hell was that for?

- He wasn't worth it.

You guys take care of the
gold, I'll handle this.

(helicopter propellers whip)

(men grunt)
(vault creaks)

- The gold bars are gone!

That bastard!



Where the hell is he?

(car doors slam)

- [Charlie] Hey look, it's Alan!

Come on!

(suspenseful music)

(Alan grunts)
(foot thumps)

(boys grunt)

(boys grunt)
(feet thump)

(fists pound)
(feet thump)

(Charlie grunts)
(foot thumps)

(feet thump)
(men grunt)

(boys grunt)

(Alan grunts)

(boys grunt)

(foot scrapes)

(boys groan)

(feet thump)

(body thuds)

- Come on, you little shit!

Let's go, right now, get up!

(Charlie groans)

(suspenseful music)

(sneaker scrapes)

(sneaker scrapes)

(Alan laughs)

(Charlie grunts)
(Alan groans)

(boys grunt)
(feet pound)

(body thuds)
(Alan groans)

(suspenseful music)

- Look!

(footsteps patter)

(metal clangs)

Up there!

(suspenseful music)

(shoes thud)

(Charlie grunts)

(man grunts)
(Charlie groans)

(men grunt)
(fist pounds)

(Tony groans)

(body thuds)

(foot pounds)
(Charlie grunts)

(man grunts)

(Charlie crashes)

(Charlie grunts)
(man groans)

(Charlie grunts)
(man grunts)

(boxes crash)

- Oh no!

(men grunt)
(fists pound)

(knee pounds)
(Tony grunts)

(foot pounds)

(man grunts)

(boys grunt)

(foot pounds)
(Charlie grunts)

(body thuds)

(man grunts)

(boys grunt)
(feet thump)

(man groans)
(hands whack)

(foot pounds)
(man groans)

(sirens wail)

- Good, the police.
- Yeah.

(sirens wail)

- Look, Uncle David!

- Go ahead and follow him.

I'll keep an eye on this guy.

- [Officer] Attention in the building!

Throw down your weapons and come out

with your hands on your head.

- [Alan] Shit. (groans)

(gunshot blasts)

(gunshots blast)

(window cracks)
(gunshots blast)

(Alan grunts)

(radio dispatcher chatters)

(suspenseful music)

(men chatter)

- [Dave] What did you get yourself into?

- [Michael] Hey, I'm rich, I made it.

- [Dave] You call this success?

You're a damn murderer!

- [Michael] I just do what I have to!

If I'm doing something wrong,
you're as much to blame.

You were always too good to me.

You got me everything I wanted.

But I got out in the real world.

Nothing came easy anymore.

I had to struggle to get the money

that I wanted to buy me anything.

- Come on, Mike, turn yourself in.

You've got a chance if you do.

- Don't even try to stop me, Dave.

Think about it.

After 20 years in jail,
my life would be over.

Stay out of my way!

- I can't.

I'm not gonna let you go!

- I'd rather die than go to jail.

- Don't be ridiculous.

Let's just cut out the
small talk, we gotta get--

- Jenny!

- He's gonna turn us in!

- No!
(feet thump)

(gunshot blasts)

- Jenny, Jenny!

Honey, honey, honey, shit.


(fists pound)

What the hell do you think you're doing?

- I'm sorry, Dad.

I was just trying to protect Uncle David.

- You're nuts, man.

How can you do this to your own son?

- Don't try to get to me by
using Charlie, it won't work!

Stay out of my way!

- Have you lost your mind?

(Michael grunts)
(fists pound)

(foot thumps)
(Dave groans)

- Are you okay?
- I'm okay.

- Stop him!

- Dad.
(fists pound)

- How dare you turn against me?

You think you're real tough, huh?

Let's see how tough you are.

- I'm not turning against you.

You're my father.

(hand smacks)

- Don't try to soften me up.

- That's not what I mean, Dad.

- You son of a bitch!

How can you beat a kid who
doesn't even fight back?

Just like you killed his mother in Nam!

- What, my mother?

What are you talking about?

It's impossible!


Tell me it's not true.

Did you really kill her?

- I did it, so what?

I've got no time for regrets.

Now, if anyone tries to
stop me, I'll kill 'em.

(thrilling music)

(men grunt)
(fists pound)

(foot pounds)

(door creaks)

- Uncle David!

You okay?

- [Alan] Shit!

(Alan groans)

(handcuffs click)

(Alan groans)

(suspenseful music)

(machine hums)

- Michael!

- [Charlie] No, Dad!

(machine hums)

(material crashes)

(Michael shouts)

Dad, stop!

- Michael, that's enough!

(suspenseful music)

(forklift crashes)

(forklift hums)

(metal clangs)

(Michael shouts)

(men grunt)

(leg whooshes)
(foot pounds)

(Charlie groans)

- Dad.

- No, boy, don't call me, Dad.

Now get ready to meet
your mother, in hell.

(foot thumps)
(fists pound)

(Michael grunts)
(head slams)

(foot thumps)

(foot thuds)

(fists whoosh)

(Michael grunts)

(Charlie grunts)

(foot thumps)
(Michael groans)

- Dad!

(foot thumps)

(fists pound)

(body thuds)

(Michael grunts)

- Charlie!

(fists pound)

(feet thump)

(Charlie groans)
(table crashes)


(rod smashes)

(foot thumps)

(fists pound)

(Michael grunts)
(Dave groans)

- No!

(metal clangs)

(fists pound)

(Charlie grunts)
(feet thump)

(body thuds)
(Michael groans)

(fists pound)

(foot thumps)

(fists pound)

(Charlie grunts)

(knees pound)

(foot thumps)

(men grunt)

(feet thump)
(Michael groans)

(Dave groans)

(Charlie grunts)

(legs whoosh)

(foot thumps)
(Charlie grunts)

(back thuds)

(gas hisses)

(gas hisses)
(Dave groans)

(Michael grunts)

(men grunt)

(Michael groans)

- I'm sorry, Michael.

- To remain silent.

Anything you say can and
will be used against you--

- Dad, Dad!
- In a court of law.

- Dad, are you okay?

What happened, Dad?

Answer me!
- The kid's gotta go!

- [Tony] Let me stay here!

- [Officer] Sorry, kid.

He's a suspected criminal.

- Dad.

No, Dad!

(Tony cries)

- Charlie.

- Annie.

I'm sorry it turned out this way.

- Charlie!

How can you do that to my dad, man?

He gave you everything.

How can you ruin him?

Give me back my dad!

(gloves thump)

(foot thumps)
(body thuds)

(crowd boos)

(fists pound)

(foot thumps)

(foot thumps)
(legs whoosh)

(Tony grunts)

(crowd cheers)

- [Man] Come on, make some money!

(Charlie grunts)

(opponent grunts)
(feet thump)

(Charlie grunts)
(body thuds)

(opponent grunts)
(legs whoosh)

(Charlie grunts)
(foot thumps)

(crowd cheers)

(feet thump)
(men grunt)

(thrilling music)

(feet thump)
(men grunt)

(feet thump)
(men grunt)

(feet thump)
(men grunt)

(fists pound)

(feet thump)

(foot thumps)
(Charlie grunts)

(crowd cheers)

(fists pound)

(leg pounds)

(body thuds)

(foot thumps)

(fists pounds)

(Charlie grunts)
(body thuds)

(crowd cheers)

(fists pound)

(opponent grunts)

(foot thumps)

(foot thumps)

(fists bang)

(foot thumps)

(body thuds)

(crowd cheers)

(hands clap)

(man shouts)

(Tony grunts)

- Go!

(Tony grunts)
(foot thumps)

You cannot avoid fighting.

You must participate fully.

This is a warning.


(Tony grunts)

- Come on, Charlie, fight me!

What are you waiting for?

Are you afraid of me?

You thought you were so
good before, tough guy.

Well, fight me now!

Come on, come on!

(Tony grunts)
(leg whooshes)

(fist pounds)

- One point penalty for non-participation.

You want to be disqualified?

You're a disgrace to the martial arts.

We can ban you from
competition for two years.

Do you understand?

One point penalty.

(Tony grunts)

(Charlie grunts)

(foot thumps)
(boys grunt)

(foot thumps)

(leg whooshes)

(foot thumps)
(leg whooshes)

(fists pound)
(leg whooshes)

(Tony grunts)
(fists pound)

(foot thumps)
(Charlie grunts)

(foot thumps)

(crowd cheers)

(feet thump)

(thrilling music)

(Tony grunts)

(foot thumps)

(body thuds)

(crowd cheers)

(fists bang)

(Tony grunts)

(foot thumps)

(Charlie grunts)
(foot thumps)

(crowd cheers)

- Tony, you okay?

(fist pounds)

(crowd mutters)

(Tony grunts)

(foot pounds)

(body thuds)

- [Man] Is he all right?

(crowd chatters)

(suspenseful music)

- Charlie!

Charlie, wake up!

Wake up, Charlie, please!

Please, Charlie, wake up.

(gentle music)

(Charlie coughs)

I got this for you.

- Tony, congratulations.

You are the champ.

(Charlie coughs)

(crowd cheers)

(gentle music)

(bright music)