Branded a Coward (1935) - full transcript

Safely from behind some shrubbery, Johnny Hume, a boy of 6 or 7, witnesses the slaughter of his mother, father and brother by the guns of a gang led by "the Cat". Twenty years later finds Johnny grown to manhood, an expert bronc rider and target shooter - but paralyzed with fearful memories in an actual gunfight. This is brought home to him when some outlaws stick up the local saloon and Johnny ends up cowering behind the bar. Accompanied by his sole pal, stuttering Oscar, Johnny hits the trail in shame. Along the way, he encounters a stage holdup and snaps out of his fear long enough to plug a couple of the highwaymen, chase the rest away, and wrest the runaway coach from a final thug. Aboard the coach is Ethel Carson, most grateful for Johnny's bravery. Johnny takes the stage on to Lawless, Arizona, where Ethel, the wounded stage driver and, worst of all, Oscar extol his prowess as a gunman. As a consequence, he's offered the job of marshal, which resurrects all his fears - until he learns that the stagerobbers, who have been terrorizing the area, are run by a new, unknown boss emulating (down to using his name) the viciousness of 'the Cat'. Complicating matters, Ethel's father despises Johnny whose father, a lawman, killed his brother during a ruckus...


We ought to find a place
to stop for the night.


There's a nice place there.

Alright, boys, you better
get out and help make camp.

There, now, let me help you.

Put 'em up and give me you gold.

Who do you think you are?

I'm Billy the Kid.

Yeah, I'm the sheriff.


Let go.

Let go!


Tell me what's wrong.

Johnny's hurting my wrist.

You boys stop that.

I'm sorry, Billy, I didn't
know that thing hurt.

That don't hurt.

That's a birthmark, silly.

You twisted my wrist.


Get down, boys.

There they are.


What's the matter?

Won't that work?



Mom, mom, look at Billy!




Hey, Johnny, help me load that thing.

[MOTHER]: Billy.


Put away your guns
and offer to surrender.

That wouldn't do any good.

He's never showed me
or mine any mercy.

What do you mean?

Why he's the cruelest
bandit in the southwest.

He hates me like he hates no one else.

Do... Do you mean?

Yes, Martha, it's
the cat and his gang.


Alright, boys, they're about done for.

Let's close in.

Get on your horse.


[INAUDBILE] Johnny Hume
attempting to ride Dynamite.

The one and only outlaw of the
range that has never before

been bested by man. [CHEERING]

From Cheyenne to Fort Worth, he is

the meanest, buckingest critter that

ever had a man sat across his back.


And now, ladies and
gentlemen, Johnny Hume

know will give you a sample
of real Texas sportsmanship.



Uhhh, wait!



Johnny makes the rest of us
look like a buncha screwbars.

He the reliantest, sh... shootinest,

son of a gu... gu... gu... gu...

He's nothing but a show cowboy.

He wouldn't be worth his [INAUDIBLE]

And his trigger finger gets buck
fever when the guns shoot back.

Let me tell you something.

I can't wait that long.

Tonight [INAUDIBLE] to
all winning contestants

at the Red Fort Saloon.

It give me great pleasure to
award this silver lined, two

ply, hand tailored,
bridlin' bit to the champion

of chamions, Johnny Hume.

Much obliged.

Now, fellas, this concludes
the awards for this evening

so let's give our esteemed
fellow citizen a big hand.


Alright, fellas, the drinks are on me.

Say, you fellas are in on this too.

Thanks, we've all sworn off.

Well, I wasn't tryin' to tempt you.

Just wanted you to
know you were welcome.

Well what will you have, Johnny?

I thinkin' I'll stick to sarsaparilla.

I reckon you can't
stomach a man's drink.

I haven't found out yet
what a man's drink is.

I'll have scotch and soda.

Me t... t... too.

Only no so... so... so...

He wants his scotch without soda.


What do you say, fellas?

Let's drink to the champion
tails us from the southwest.

Let's have at it.

I thought you were going to
say champion for pleasure.

Such as wearing notches on the handle

of the gun, when you
never even killed a snake.

That ain't ethical in these parts.

That gun belonged to my father.


That's all the more reason you
got no business carrying it.

Why, if there was anybody
more gun shy than you.

I mean when guns are needed.

It was...

Hey, wait a minute, you can
talk to my pal like that.

Stick 'em up, everybody.

Keep, your hands high.

No monkey business.

Get the horses, Tex.

The first one who reaches
for his gun goes down.

No one's going to get hurt, men,
all we want is the cash drawer.

Turn your faces to the bar
and keep you hands in the air.

Drag out your cash drawer, bartender,

and shove it across there.

And be careful, no monkey business.

Come on, hurry up with that drawer.

It won't pull out.

Well, hand out the cash, then.



Alright, fellas, get the
bartender to the doctor.


It's alright now, they're gone.

Nobody's going to hurt
mama's little champion now.

Do you mean to say you
were there all the time

and didn't shoot.


He's death on bottles, but
when it comes to real gun play

he's yellow.

Aren't you forgetting
your prizes, champion?

Wh... Where you headin' for?

I don't know.

Just going, that's all.

W... well just going
won't get you nowhere.

It'll get me somewhere else.

After what happened tonight I... I

can't face anybody here again.

Aw sh... sh... shucks, you don't
want to take it like that.

They're right, Oscar, I'm just
gun shy when guns are needed.

I've been thinking
maybe I'd get over it.

But I never will.

Just when I began to get
the nerve to do something

the picture of what happened to
me on that terrible night when

I was a kid pops up before me.

I guess some people
are just born yellow.

Now Johnny, listen...

It's no use.

Goodbye, Oscar.

You've been a darn fine pal
and I'll never forget you.

Mr. Johnny, listen.

Hey, Johnny, wait.



You don't me to tell me that you
came all the way out here just

to get a match.

We... we... we... we... well
I'm did ju... ju... ju...

about out of to... to... tobacco, too.


I'll p... p... pay it back
when we get to the next town.

I didn't ask anybody
to come along with me.

Well I gotta have so... so... so...
somebody to ab... ab... ab... ab...

a bartender no to put
soda in my sc... sc... sc...

sc-sc... sc... sc... sc... sc... sc...



Hey, Pat, get that stagecoach
and take it to the hideout.

We want the gold.


Are you hurt badly?

Not so much.

Just a little tuckered

Wh... wh... wh... should I d... d... do?

Help me get the driver
[INAUDIBLE] inside.

He's been shot up some.

Can I help some?

Ye... ye... ye... yeah, you mind
helpin' me get him in the co...

co... coach.

Come on.

Are you comfortable?

Do you want a handkerchief?

This will stop the bleeding
until we get to town.

You are wonderful.

If you hadn't come along when
you did, we'd all be killed.

It wa... wa... wasn't me la... lady.

It was m... my pal out
there on the dr... dr...

dr... driver's seat.

Le... le... let's go, Johnny.

I think you'd better
do the driving, Oscar.

Oh, sure.

Could you hand me that blanket please?

Is there anything I can do?

I don't think there's anything we

can do until we reach a doctor.

Meanwhile, you've done
enough already, Mr., uh.

They call me Johnny Hume, Miss, uh.

My name's Ethel Cochran.

Well I'm mighty pleased to meet you.

They must have
outnumbered you six to one.

I've never seen
anything so courageous.

Yes, I.

When we get back to Lawless they'll

probably want to make you Marshall


Let's get going, Oscar.


Ge... ge... ge... get!

What happened?

Attempted hold'em up.

The driver's been shot up some.

If you'll take care of him
right away he'll be alright.

Ethel, you alright?

Yes, I'm alright, father.

Thanks to Mr. Hume.

If it hadn't been for him I don't

know what would have happened.

Thanks a lot Mr. Hume.

I didn't do anything, I...

Here's the express
box, Mr. Carson.

I'll go home, Ethel, as soon as
I can take care of this stuff.

Hopefully we'll be seeing
a lot of you Mr. Hume.

He's the fightingest cuss I ever seen.

Every time his bean shooter
pops, someone drops.


Oscar, take care of our horses.


Well goodnight, Mr. Hume, and thanks.

Well, may I help you with your bags?

Where are we going, Mr.Hume?

I'm gonna take you home.

Well I think we better turn back,

we passed my house a half hour ago.

Well, gee, that's funny.

Well, I reckon I better let you
do the steering from now on.

You know, you're a funny person.

What do you mean?

Well, you route up a gang of
outlaws almost singlehanded

and then you attempt to deny it.

Well that's because my pal
Oscar did most of the shooting.

Oscar said you did it.

I wish one of you would
make up your mind.


The way to a man's heart.

This kind of cooking
would have a man's heart

hogtied and branded at first taste.


If I was staking out in these parts,

I'd be proposing permanent
partnership with the cook.

Just where are you heading for?

Well, I don't know.

I haven't made up my mind yet.

Just a maverick, I guess.

I imagine Lawless would
make you right welcome.

Anyone that can use a
gun as handy as you can...

Do you use sugar in your coffee?


Drink are on me.

Scotch and soda for everybody.

N... n... no s... so... so... so... so...

Well then, take some soda.

Give him some soda, bartender.

Bu... bu... bu... but I don't
know wa... wa... wa... want any.

Say, you always stutter?

N... No, only when I talk.

Joe, I'd like to see
you out here a minute.

No leave you drink there.

That's right.

I reckon you've had enough, Joe..

I know when I've had enough.

It ain't that.

I promised the Wells Fargo man I'd

keep you sober if he
let you keep your job.

Now, go home, Joe.

Well, here's to, uh... what'd
you say your friend's name was?

Johnny Hume, the fightinest
[INAUDIBLE] in Arizona.

Did you fellas ever hear
of Billy th... th... the Kid?

Sure, he was the toughest
gunslayer that ever drawed.

That's what you think.

The reason that Billy
the Kid moved to Arizona

was because he heard that
Johnny Hume was moving to Texas.

Is that on the level?

Say, he must be a
terror with a sixshooter.

That ain't all.

surrendered the minute

that Johnny set foot in California.

Well, goodbye Miss Carson.

Meeting you has been very pleasant.

Will I see you again?

Maybe some day.

But right now I'm thinking
about pulling out.





Must you be going so soon?

Yep, my partner and I are
thinking on pulling out.

Well that's funny, your partner just

said you were liable
to stay in Lawless,

Lawless would be right
glad to keep you.

I appreciate them
feeling that way about me.

I guess my partner got
our plans mixed up.

We're heading up into Utah.

Well I'm sorry to hear that.

Anyway I want to thank you
for saving my daughter's life.

And the express box.

I didn't do anything much,
just cleaned up the job

after the marshall had
almost finished it.

Where'd you get that gun?

It belonged to my father.

Your father?

You say your name was Hume?


I hope you like it over in Utah.

It's a good place for you to be going.

Dad, why did you act that way?

Did you see those notches on his gun?

Why yes.

One of them was put
there because his father

killed my brother.

You mean murdered him?

Well, that's what it amounted to.

He took advantage of the fact
that he was a law officer.

But it was murder just the same.

I know Bob was a reckless
kid when he was drinking,

liable to shoot up the place some.

But he wasn't hittin' anybody.

He [INAUDIBLE] him just the same.

And with the greatest
pleasure [INAUDIBLE] my p... pal

and fellow citizens, Johnny
Hume accept the great honor

that you have p...
p... p... p... paid him.

And furthermore, the same as he
ri... ri... ri... ride Jesse James

out of K... K... Kansas, He'll r... run

every outlaw out of
A... A... A... Arizona.

And th... th... third...
Congratulations m... m...


Come on boys, let's get three
chants for the new Marshall



Now wait a minute, there
must be some mistake.

There's no mistake at all.

In this room you see most of the
citizen in the city of Lawless.

By unanimous vote, they have decided

to ask the United States
government to make

you the new Marshall of Lawless.


This belonged to Dave, but
it'll give you the authority

you need until the government
can issue a new one.

Wait a minute, I'm not
qualified to be Marshall.

That's a good one.

A man good enough to
scare Billy the Kid

and not qualified to be Marshall
of Lawless How about that?

How bout the time you got all
the rustlers out of Oklahoma.

Listen, please.

That stuttering horn toad
that calls himself myself

pal is the biggest liar in six states.

If he ever told the truth, just once,

his tongue would start tying up.

Was the stage driver lying too when

he said you come down this afternoon

shootin' like nobody's business?

Hey, wait a minute.

Suppose you fellas give me
a chance to think this over.

I'll let you know the
first thing in the morning.

See you in the morning.

Hey what is all this
talk about Billy the Kid

and the rustlers of Oklahoma?

I ha... haven't the
l... l... least notion.

Well I have.

You lied 'em into trying
to make me marshall.

And knowing all the
time I have no business

with any shooting job.

J... j... Johnny,
you're alright n... now.

Maybe I am.

Likely as not the next time I
do just as I did in Redfront.

I b... b... bet you wouldn't.

Well maybe.

But I can't trust myself.

We've got to saddle up
and get out of here.

Wh... When?

Right now.

Oh but J... Johnny,
I'm all tuckered out.

I need some s... s...
s... s... s... s... s...



Alright, we'll rest
for a couple hours,

but we've got to get out
of here before morning.

It was the cat who killed my family.

What are you going to do?

Well, gentleman, if you still want me,

Lawless has a new Marshall.


Line up at the bar, boy.

The drinks are on the house
in honor of our new Marshall.


I reckon the cant
and his gang from now

will have their hand full.


Who is this Cat?

What does he look like?

Nobody knows.

Nobody's ever seen him.

As soon as we think
one cat is done for,

there's another to take his place.

All we know he's a cruel.

Ruthless killer.

I only hope that someday we'll meet.

He's the darndest
Marshall I ever knew.

Going out and taking these
bad men with his bare hands.

He claims there's only room
enough on his dad's gun for one

more notch, and he's saving
that for someone special.

I call it darn foolishness.

Ever since I can remember,
the shootinest guntoaters

in the government service
have tried to beat the cat.

And they're all under
the ground today.

Make it two blues.

But no Cat has put this boy there yet.

This time if I was making a bet,
it would be on the Marshall.

Well maybe so, maybe not.

He's come out all right so far.

But I'm not sure the Cat has
started to claw in earnest.

I guess I can afford to
look at another card.

Did you tell the boss?


So the new marshall is saving room

on his gun for a notch
for somebody special.

That's what they claim
down at Lawless, Capt. Maybe

they mean you.

Well that suits me fine.

Only he's putting too many
of you babies in his nursery.

A fine bunch of gunslingers you are.

Why don't you trade that
in for a peashooter?

Maybe it wouldn't be so
dangerous to play with.

Well I'm doing the best I can.

That's not good enough.

I want him out of the way.

And I'm not particular who does it.

I figure on pluggin him pronto, only

I can't do it right out in the open.

If I do something to
get the spyglass on me,

how am I gonna find out about
the next shipment of ore?

Yeah, that's right.

Sure, ain't that why me and
Dick are heading into town

tomorrow to feed old
Carson some booze?

He's right, boss.

We can't keep them thinking
we're a couple of gingerbreads

till we start throwing
lead at the Marshall.

But maybe after we get old
Carson drunk enough to spill us

what we want, We'll see a
chance to do some shooting.

And when we do, why...

Well, boys, I guess I've had enough.

Oh come on, be sociable.

Tex and I don't get to town
very often for having blowouts.

And you're good company.

Bottoms up.

Easy with that stuff.

Well, it's good.

That's good.

I wish your father
wasn't so unfriendly.

Is he?

You know he is.

He's all but forbidden
me to see you again.

Oh, he'll get over that.

But it would help if you
gave up your job as Marshall.

Look out, the little
dickens scratches.

What's the matter with
me being Marshall?

Well father figures
you're just a hired gunman

in pay of the government.

Somebody's got to keep law and order.

Yes, I suppose so.

But I wish it weren't you.

I hate to see you become a killer.

Shooting men just because
the law says it's alright.

Does it make so much
difference to you what I do?


I'll give it up, just as soon
as I finish one little job.

Must you wait to finish it?

I'd lose my self-respect if I didn't.

And you wouldn't as me
to do that, would you?


I knew you wouldn't.

And I don't mean to do any
killing I don't have to,



We're almost forgetting
our little family.

Shoot, little dickens.

I think he likes you best.

I always could get
along well with cats.

You know, they say dumb animal's

the best judge of human nature.

I don't know about that.

When you're through, I mean
with that job you spoke of,

are you going back to Utah then?

I've been figuring on
putting it to a vote.

Oh, you won't have to do that.

If you're leaving it up to Lawless,

they'll want you to stay.

Oh I don't mean they.

There's only one vote I care about.

Would it be yes or no?

Carson, I don't think you
know what you're talking about.

Nobody taking any gold out
of these diggings anymore.

Don't know what I'm talking about, eh?

I know where there's lots of
gold, make your eyes pop out.


Express office.

Bringing it in tomorrow
from [INAUDIBLE] mine.

You boys gotta keep that to yourself.

Nobody's supposed to know it but me.

How bout the marshall?

I ain't tellin him, neither.

Me and him aren't on speaking terms.

Come on, drink up.

I thought you and the marshall
were on good terms, Carson?

I reckoned so, too.

I hear he's been cavorting
around with your daughter.

My daughter, eh?

I'll show him.

I'll run him out of town.

You got a gun?

I don't need a gun
when I've got these.

Anyway, you better take
this along for protection.

You give me that gun, Carson,
you're liable to hurt yourself.

Leave me alone, I'm alright.

I'm going skull-cracking.

Wait a minute, Carson.

Leave him alone, he can't hurt nobody.

Well, maybe you're right.

Oh, there you are.

I'll show you how to get
sweet on my daughter.

You're letting a little whiskey do

a lot of talking, Mr. Carson.

Give me that gun.

Mr. Carson's gonna
murder the marshall,

I'm gonna help him out.

You're gonn get what your
father gave my brother.

Now just keep calm and everything...

Shoot the gun out of
his hand, marshall.

Hey if the find out
who done the shootin,

we ain't got a chance
to get out of here.

What the doctor's want.

Go get the doctor.

I was aiming at his
gun, I couldn't have...

him right in the heart.

The marshall just shot your dad, miss.

My dad?!


Down in front of the saloon.

Gotta get some water for him.


Alright, take him off
to the doctor's office.

If you'll listen I can explain.

I was standing here.

Now here's the saloon window.

And Carson was there.

Now can't you see a bullet
fired from this window

would come along this line.

But I ducked low to get a
better bead on Carson's gun.

And that must have been just
as the other fella fired.

So the bullet missed
me and hit Carson.

What makes you s... say that?

There doesn't seem
to be any reason why

someone would want to kill Carson.

But there's plenty why
they'd want to plug me.

Well, m... m... maybe you're right.

I'd gamble on it.

I've got to find out
who was in that saloon.

I don't want people going
around thinking I did it.

Come on, [INAUDIBLE], get going.




The robbed the express office.

Alright, men, get your horses.


I'll sneak of this
way, and the rest of you

lead them on a wild goose chase.

Come on, boys.


You fellas follow the shooting.

I'm going up this trail.

B... b... b...

Get going!


Drop that stuff on the table.

Put that in the safe.


You don't need to tell me
that's one of the bandits.

Looks like it, doesn't it.

Ever see him before?



Him and his partner was around here,

a couple or three days ago.

Could that be the day
Mr. Carson was killed?

Yeah, fact of the matter is
him and his partner and Carson

were drinking in the back room.

What does his partner look like?

I can't say exactly,
they all look alike to me.

What are you driving at, marshall?

We had nothing to do
with killing Carson.

We just pumped him some
about that gold there.

We left before he was shot.

Funny you'd start denying something

before you were accused.

Let's talk a walk over to jail.

T... t... t... take him, to the jail.

Well, did you get them all?

W... w... well I think I m...
m... missed a couple of them.

But we didn't find no
g... go... gold one them.

Well, don't worry, I tended to that.

So there was nothing for me
to do but get off my horse

and sneak through the brush.

Funny Tex isn't showing
up with that gold.

Took the shortcut up
through the ravine.

Should have been here an hour ago.

You didn't see this
new marshall, no place?


It was kind of dark.

But I'm pretty sure.

He's likely taking care of Tex, then.

You don't suppose...

I don't suppose anything., only
you're all a bunch of fools.

Letting one marshall outsmart you.

I suppose if I want this thing
done, I've got to do it myself.

What are you figuring on, Cat?

I'm going to send this
new marshall an invitation

to pay me a personal visit,
and all you've got to do

is deliver it.

He either killed Carson
or knows who did it.

But I haven't been able
to make him talk yet.

Now if we could get a line
on who the cat really is,

we'd get some place.


Like this or not, he could be walking

around right under our noses.


D... d... do you really think so?

See that fellow at the door?

Keep an eye on him, see where he goes.

You wouldn't mind my giving
you a little advice, would you?

I'll listen to anybody if it will

help me get to the bottom of things.

You'll never get to
the bottom unless you

take better care of your health.

What are you talking about?

I never felt better in my life.

I'm talking about the chances
you take with these outlaws.

You come out whole so far.

But you haven't met
the Cat, himself, yet.

That's just what worries
me, not getting a chance to.

All I'm waiting for is for
him to come out into the open.

That isn't the way the Cat does it.

If you want to beat him you've got

to draw cards in his kind of a game.

He never rattles before he strikes.

So that's the way you
keep your eye on him is it?

Come on, wake up, we go work to do.

Come on, start stuttering.

Go outside and keep
your eye open for him.

He should be getting here by now.

And as soon as you spot him,
come back and let me know.

Just drawn up the canyon, chief.

Are you sure he was alone?

Alright, hide your horse
and wait outside the house.

And when you get a chance, plug him.

Billy, you the Cat?


The doctor said I must keep you quiet.

I'm sorry I wouldn't listen when
you wanted to explain, dear,

but everything's arlight.

Before he died, the Cat told
who really killed my father.

The Cat, dead?

Yes, dear.

You can turn in your marshall's
badge now, you got the Cat.

Yeah, I got the Cat.