Bounty Hunter in Trinity (1972) - full transcript

The townsfolk of Trinity decide to hire a notorious bounty hunter to protect them from a fierce band of Mexican outlaws who are terrorizing the area. He discovers the true person behind the bandits is within the town. A bloody gunfight ends the control of the gang and returns control of the town to its people.

The Navajeros!

Let's go, and be quick about it!

Calm now, calm down and
stay, my beautiful horsy!

Open it up!

Gold, gold! Minted
gold! Ready to be used!!

Goo...good day, gents!

We'd need a loan ...

...and they told us that you are
the only person who can give one.

But we don't want to
pay too much interest...

But the information they
gave you is incorrect.

I'm only a notary, I'm sorry...

Ahh is that so? They were
probably mistaken then...

but we don't like to
leave with empty hands.

I repeat, I'm only a notary...

...I don't have money
to give out a loan.

You have to approach someon else...

Ah is that so?

I don't have any money!


You want to say that we
will have to serve ourselves.

Now he won't cause any
more difficulties, no?

Ah, there we are!

He doesn't have any money, ey?

They left town THAT way!!

Fucking bastards!!!

Either we eliminate those navajeros
or we leave town ourselves.

The army is fully involved
in the Indian wars.

It's up to us to resolve the problem.

We'd have already resolved
it in one strike...

...if only the sheriff knew
how to go about his job!

I do everything that's possible and
don't need to reproach myself of anything.

But here there's something
that doesn't feel right.

Every gold transport destined to arrive here
at Trinit? is attacked, on a regular basis.

What if someone here informed
the navajeros of those transports?

Mayor, if things are that way - and
I am firmly convinced of that - ...

it's clear that I'm no longer
capable of doing my job properly.

My hand are bound!

And then I can't endanger
human lives any longer!

Remember that only recently have
I lost already two deputies !

Sheriff, you are paid to make
sure that people respect the law...

...and in so doing, you run the
risks that form part of your salary.

Right, but I cannot continue -

This talking doesn't get us anywhere!

For me, the only solution is
to hire a bounty killer ...

... and clean up the place -

... once and for all!

Besides, the navajeros all have
a price set out on their heads...

... and when we can bring ourselves
to heighten the bounties, ...

... we'll find someone
who'll take the job.

No, no! I don't agree!

We have a right to be protected, ...

and so why do have to
spend money on that?


My funeral won't cost you a cent!

Be quiet, I want to
make a proposition.

I find it more reasonable to
contact the justice department ...

and that's why I'll have a telegraph sent
to Dallas to send us a federal sheriff.

- I'm all for it.

Pizarro's arriving!

What gave us the
pleasure of your visit?

Do you come to check on us?

Don't you trust us any longer?

Or is there something that
brings a change to our plans?

No, the federal sheriff
will pass by soon as planned.

No difficulty in that, it's like
he was already dead and buried.

Pedro will take care of that.

It's not going to be the
first sheriff he takes out.

You're mistaken. We will have to stop doing
business with each other for some time.

I have never left out ...
- Hey!!

He's coming!

Where are you going, doctor?

I am not a doctor, I
am a federal sheriff.

And I have to get to Trinit?.

It's a bloody crime with Trinit?, it's
no place for frightened people, sheriff!

Alright, I have to get
there before sunset.

Take care at what
you're doing, young man!

Oh no, Raya!

Don't frighten the sheriff, now...

Thank you.

And now let me pass!

Have a nice trip!

Go get yourself you heritage, Raya!

It has stopped!

Just like its owner.

Only that a watch is
something you can fix!

Let's go!

Hey, wake up!!

Is there noone in Trinit??

Where are you, sheriff??

Don't be afraid, we only kill men!

No mortal on this land...
Let's do some fireworks!

You sods!

Tell your boss that the
next time it'll be HIS turn!

And now we're ready to leave!

Hey, sheriff, see you soon!
- Arrivederci, sheriff!

Let go of me!

You want to save the
skin of your sons?

Then sign the farmstead over to me!

I will do as you will, but the
judge won't approve the deal.

We'll convince him, alright!

You sods, one day they
will make you pay for it!

Hand over the quill, the old
one has made his decision.

There, boss!

Fast, to the horses!

Be done with it! Let's go!

They're coming back!

Ah, look who's here:

It's our friend Pizarro!

So what d'ya say? Today we've
done a great job for you ...

It's not bad, Sancho.

I think they begin
to learn their lesson.

So everything's swell,
you'll be the boss in Trinit?!

Your saloon will turn
out to be a goldmine!

And all in all, we've have left a
good impression down there in town.

It's equally nice that they have
raised the rewards placed on your heads.

Now they amount to 10.000
$ for each one of you.

That's a nice sum!

No, we can't complain now, can we?

Tell the truth, now,
you envy us, don't you?

Yeah...but watch out, the thing might
raise the appetite of a bounty hunter.

Sure, 'cos it's a lot, 20.000 $...

What do YOU say to
that, my little brother?

...that this hunter will catch
himself 20.000 slugs in his ass!

What's your plan:
to return to Trinit??

Yep, it's the right time
for my horse to rest.

Alright, tomorrow
we'll come to find you -

Prepare a river of whisky,
for us and the boys!

We'll cut down the telegrapher's sons!

... after the ceremony
and the festivities.


The navajeros are coming!

Now! Everyone to their posts!

We'll welcome them
just like they deserve!

They arrive!
- You, go back there! You, stay here!

Venga, signor sheriff!

Bring the women in safety!

Let's set up those things!

Where's the father? -
Up there! - Quiet now!

Come and party with us!

Have they gone mad?

Seems they're serious
about it this time.

What's the plan, boss?

Let's leave!

They get away!

We've given them a good lesson now!

Good chances they'll
leave us in peace.

No reason to have illusions about it!

We have remained practically isolated.

Even if today we managed
to fight them off,

this does not turn
round things completely.

You should say: THEY
managed to fight them back.

'Cos during the time the others were
fighting, you stayed in hiding God knows where!

Could we quiet down now, gentlemen?

And let's try to find a solution.

And promptly!
- We can't place our trust in the government.

You've seen who they sent us.

A decrepit old man to
fight a band of navajeros.

Come on! ... The situation
calls for a hotshot!

A bounty killer!

Just follow me in this!

Let's send someone
to fetch us Adam Boyd!

According to me, there's
nothing else to do.

Okay, but a bounty killer's bills
will be steep, or what do you think?

We'll pay what we have to.

Let's go and call this man!
- Right.

So we're all okay with
that, we'll call him.

But we have to choose someone
whom the bandits won't suspect.

Of course.

Why don't we send the
son of Sam Geoffrey?

Why not?
- The bandits won't ever suspect that a mere boy was trusted with a mission as important as that.

What do you say?

I agree. - Okay. -
Yes, I agree as well.

Alright, it's been decided.

So, unexpectedly, they woke up...

Sons of dogs!

They have to arrange themselves with
us, haven't they grasped that yet?

It seems they haven't.

And they're about to send the
son of Sam Geoffrey to call ...

... for a bounty killer.

It's clear that he can't be
allowed to finish his journey.

He won't arrive, I can guarantee that.

And then ... we'll have to
prepare a heads-on confrontation.

Only when WE rule the roost
will order be able to return.

Just so! Does everyone agree?

Order and rule of the law...
- OUR way!

Listen to my advice,
sonny: Be careful!

Rest assured, daddy, tomorrow evening
I'll be home again safe and sound.

I have the fastest horse in the
country, nobody will be able to stop me.

Alright, go, sonny!

And may God be with you!

See you soon, daddy!
- See you soon!

Have a good trip, sonny!

Our move was premature.

We have sacrificed the
life of this boy in vain.

The sheriff is right:

Somebody tells them about our actions.

But if that's so, we don't
have any escape-route left.

Pent up in this city, we'll have to suffer
the assaults of the navajeros indefinitely!

No: I won't tell nobody when and how
I will go to meet the bounty killer.

I imagine you have calculated the risks you meet, advocate.
- Sure.

That's very generous on your part.

Be careful, and as far as the deal
is concerned, you have carte blanche.

I thank you. And as things are now:

The sooner I leave,
the better it will be.

Mm, okay.

Where were we?

You were just telling me
that you're very expensive.

Like all serious professionals.

Yes, I know, I know.

But that's not the problem, Mr. Boyd.

We'll pay just about any sum...

... to get rid of those bandits.

See, recently I've had many offers.

Right now, my fee is
20.000$ in advance...

...and 2.000 for each dead guy.
And then the bounties, of course.

Take it or leave it.

... forgot:

3 dead guys in advance.

I have some small expenses, too.

It's a deal.

There you go.

And what's that you have there?

That's a gun that never rusts.

But...'s deadlier than a Winchester.

And is it accurate?


What do you make of that?

Alright, it's a deal.

We'll be expecting you.

We'll meet again in Trinit?.
- Okay.

Come on, Willy, rise!

Each time I see you, I ask myself
how it fits you to joke about -

- with this damned job of yours!

Who knows.

Maybe it's because recently,
business is good. And then ...

Something tells me that from today
onwards, it'll be even better!

What exactly's the reason?

The fact that you have arrived here.

My visit is strictly business.

If you're a true friend, you have to tell me: Who in town
informs the navajeros of everything that happens in Trinit?.

You know, hereabouts, the more I
watch my breath, the longer I live.

I won't give away anybody. (?)

But there's a certain Pizarro...

He's the owner of the
saloon and of half the city.

... and if you ask me, he wants
to cash in the other half too.

However, let's tread lightly:
I never told you anything.

But Willy: You know you
make beautiful things?

It got better since
last time I was here.

One can see you had
a chance to practice.

Anyway ...

... get ready some
duplicates of these!

The next few days, you'll
have a whole lot of clients.

You want my advice, Alan?

Be on your watch, those
people are reckless.

They're not human, they're beasts!

And you never find them alone.
They're like a pack of wolves...

... ready to kill whoever
they meet on the streets.

I wouldn't like it if it had to
be I who'd make your last garment.

Even though for you...

... I'm sure I'd make my masterpiece.

So sorry to rob you
of a masterpiece -

But the guy who'll have to make
my coffin hasn't yet been born.

Do I disturb you?

Listen, even if I am your prisoner:

You knock first, before entering.

You're the boss of
the saloon, not mine.


If you wanted it, I'd be
even ready to marry you.

Since your father doesn't tell
me where he hides his gold ...

after marrying'd
become mine by right.

You're despicable, recklessly ambitious. Even
to thought of living with you makes me shudder.

You'll never have as much as the gold!

I always get what I want.

A glass of milk!

Did you say milk?
- Milk!


Hey, stranger, how
did you ever get here?

It's forbidden.

Don't you know that in these bars, children
need to be accompanied by their mother?

Forget about it, stranger.

You know how to play ...?
- Sure.

You'd play a game with me?
- I'd love to.

I like this piece of land, I
think I'll stay here for awhile.

I am one who loves
peace and tranquillity.

You know, I have so
often changed places...

...and this here seems to me just the right quiet spot.
- Quiet?

Nice for you!

Once it was a quiet spot.

But now ... Let's forget about it!

Now people are leaving because they now longer want to suffer
- And if you come down to it, they're right.

Why? What is it they no
longer want to suffer?

Can you tell me?

There's a rotten pack of bastards that
controls the whole territory around here.

A certain Pizarro has
bought up half the city ...

... and has brought everbody
else to rack and ruin.

Hold your beak, you old trollop!

I forbid you to talk
badly about my boss.

And Mr.Pizarro doesn't
harm a single person.

He's always obliging.

When he took over this saloon, he allowed
me to drink here as much as I want -

'Cos he's a real gentleman... And here things
have never been as good as they are now!

You, you talk in madness and rage...

... cos' he doesn't like you.

This man has the stuff to be the
boss, and he merits to be just that!

He always...

He's always informed of
everything that's going on...

He knows everything about everything.

He knows even who has
sent for Adam Boyd...

The fool! He thinks
he can frighten him...

But I tell you: This one is not
gonna arrive alive here in Trinit?.

Duh! No wonder, he's maybe a
guy a bit dum just like you.

I close my game.

You plan on staying long?

It's not up to me. Let's say it depends on the
collective conscience of the inhabitants of this land -

I am an insurance salesman, and
I specialize in the sector 'life'.

Do you think you have
need of me here in Trinit??

Here's your keys. I
wish you a pleasant rest.

You have not answer my question.

If you want my advice, don't
waste your time around here.

Leave tomorrow.
- What a shame! I was convinced I'd be in for some good profits.

A drink!

Yesterday at the hotel, a
respectable guest arrived...

He said he was an insurance man,
specialising in life insurances, above all.

Make him understand that there's
only one life in danger around here.


To our guest!

Get on with it!

A drink!

Bring another bottle
of this... Quick, drink!

Not now. I've got my hands full...

Leave her a bit to me, too!

Go home to momma!

Come on, share a tiny bit!

You're too small!

Aah, finally!

Stay a bit with us!

Just look at her!

Now it's my turn.
- Eh, scram!

This one's already booked.

Yes, by me.

She's mine! She's mine, mine...

Put away your hands! Don't
force me to use violence, now!

You've had it coming.

Sorry, would you hold this for me?
- You're welcome.

Mister, here's your table.

You rascal!

Go to your room. Get!

Hold yourself!
- I hold you, alright.

You know how to deal with those smaller than you.
- Yeah, sure I can deal with them too...

I'm larger. Now show me a bit...

There you go!

Come, little brother!

Quiet there, boys!
Entertain us a bit, too!

Let's go, now that they're all asleep!

Where are you going?

Blimey, come back!

Damned whores!

There he is. Get ready!

But that's a puppet!

You have let him make fun of you. - He's killed
three of our men. - It's Alan Boyd, alright.

Kill him!

Do you know where he's hiding out?

Just you search him in
the surrounding land.

We will wait for him here.
- Let's go!

That's 6.000$, mayor.

And I hope your
safe is well-filled -

- 'cos I think I'll bring back
a bunch of similar dear friends.


Personlly, I don't sympathise with bounty hunters,
but I must admit you do your job quite well.

Thank you.

Don't worry, I'm not here for you.

I have to leave for Dallas, I need
money, and I just can't wait any longer.

Where did your father hide the gold?

No chance. I have already
told you: You will never know.

Until now, I've played
the gentleman with you.

But I wouldn't like to be
forced to use other ways...

This one, for example!

No, I'll never talk, never!

Violence won't get you anywhere!

If I were you, I wouldn't
be so sure of that!

You'll talk, you'll talk...
- No!

No! I'd rather die!

You're no good to me dead.

The dead don't talk.

And I have to keep you alive.
- Bastard!

You cling desperately to your
money in your family. Listen!...

You've got 12 hours, and then I'll tell the navajeros to entertain
themselves a bit with you. I'm sure they'll change your ideas.

I won't talk. Nobody will be able
to force those words out of my mouth.

We'll see...

Till soon, my dear.


Why did I even bother.

I need some information,
and only you can help me.

Who's the father of the girl
held prisoner by Pizarro?

Hehe, why do you want to know?
You've decided to ask for her hand?

I've decided to see clear in this story
and to clear the environment as well.

Right. How many coffins should I prepare?
- Don't always think about your business!

Quick, tell me all you know!

The father of the girl
is the old Tom Massey.

He was a gold digger, and it seems
that years ago he actually found some.

He then became one of the
richest owners of this area.

Get yourself ready,
you'll have a lot to do.

Raya, Miguel, you two go!


Wait here!

Let's go, beauty! Put
something on and come with us!

Who are you? What do you want?

Put me down, you sob! Put me down!

You villains! Let go
of me! Let go of me!

Hold your beak!
- Help!

So... do you want to make
up your mind and talk?

Answer me! Where did your father hide the
gold? Tell me, or I'll lose my patience!

He asked you a question.
You don't want to answer?

Alright. Now I'll make you talk.

You don't want to talk?
I'll go visit your father.

Think about it! The more you keep your silence
obstinately, the worse it'll be for him!

Just continue to
squeeze it out of her!

If he gets tired, take turns.

If she talks, come tell me at
Tom Massey's. Hasta la vista!

So...let's continue our
lovely little conversation...

I won't bore you.

I always find convincing arguments.

You two, bind her!


You wanna talk, yes or no?

Your daughter is in our hands!

What's worth more to
you...her or the gold?

I'm talking to you, old one!

You've got to decide quickly, 'cos
it's Paco who's gone to work on her...

If you wait too long, you
might not recognize her anymore.

Just one word, and
we'll free both of you.

So...where did you hide the gold?

Okay. If you want it that way...

Didn't get him!


It's gonna be next time.

One moment ... and then I'll think
about how to free your daughter as well.

How can I thank you?
- I didn't do it for monetary purposes.

For me, it'll be a job like any other.

I know that you're a very rich man.

And'll be ready to
pay a bonus for what I've done for you.

After all, I think on earning it.

So...take it or leave it.

Everything you'd want.

But who are you?

I've never seen you before...

What's your name?

And what is your profession?

I help out the justice department...

... when there's a
recompensation, of course.

Stop where you are!

Up with your hands, and don't
get them out of my sight!

Bastard! Dismount and kneel!

It's time to die!

Ride with me until the crossroads.

Then, you will return to Trinit? alone

and I will pay a visit
to the brood of navajeros.

Paco arrives!

Has the girl talked?
- No chance.

She's more stubborn than a mule.

She's rather be killed.


Now we don't have
even the old one left.

This bounty killer freed him.

He took me by surprise, I
couldn't do anything about it.

But I swear I'm going to
make him pay badly for it!

Look! Look!

That must have been that
damned bounty killer!

Try to get him from behind. Fast!

Bastards! Stand still! Don't run away!

Where did you hide yourselves?

Are you afraid of a single man?

Come back right here!

You wretches!

I'll kill you like the dogs you are!

Ah, God! My eyes! My eyes! Help me!

Don't abandon me!

Help, Sancho! I can't see!

Help me! Help me!

An assassin for the law
is still an assassin.

You make me sick, jackal!

And now you'll quit, right?

I hope you are satisfied with my work.

The land would be in
need of a good cleanup.

I think you shouldn't
go anyplace else.

I don't think anyone would fancy
to be the smart one anymore.

But ... if you still
were in need of me,

I'm always at your disposal.

Your daughter is imprisoned
in the old mine ...

and she is well.

And now, if you'd like
to recall our agreement...

Thank you.

Who is Alan Boyd?
- What do you want from him?

The mayor of Carson City sent me. A
band of Mexicans has arrived there.

Only a bounty killer
can chase them away.

And how much are you willing to pay?

subs by ironmaster