Boomerang! (1947) - full transcript

This dramatization of a factual incident opens in a quiet Connecticut town where a kindly priest is murdered while waiting at a street corner. The citizens are horrified and demand action from the police. All of the witnesses identify John Waldron, a nervous out-of-towner, as the killer. Although Waldron vehemently denies the crime, no one will believe him. District Attorney Henry Harvey is then put on the case and faces political opposition in his attempt to prove Waldron's innocence.

NARRATOR: Some wag
once remarked that
after New York

it's all Connecticut.

The intent was humorous,
but like many sarcasms,

it contained
the germ of truth,

for the small cities which
make up the backbone
of the nation

are all
in the same pattern.

That's why it doesn't
really make much difference

that we have brought you
to this town in Connecticut.

The basic facts
of our story
actually occurred

in a Connecticut community
much like this one

but they could've
happened anywhere,

in Oregon or Mississippi,
Georgia or Utah.

You may have other names
for your streets

but whether you call
them Center Street,
North Street or Main Street

they're not much
different from these.

And the people,
well, maybe they dress
a little differently

or talk a little
differently here

but underneath
they're the same as
your next-door neighbor,

and you probably
know them all,

the cop on the beat,
the kid selling papers,

shopkeepers, lawyers,
good people, bad people.

And if your town is lucky,
you may have a minister

who is as familiar to you
as Father Lambert
was to this town,

a man known
and loved by all.

You might find him almost
any evening on Main Street

taking his
after supper.

A cheerful, kindly figure
with a friendly word
for everyone.

Good evening, Father.
Give me a match,
will you?

There you are.
Good night.


Hello, Father.

Hello, my dear.


Stop that man!

Hey, stop that man!
Stop him!
Grab him! Grab him!

Is he dead?

Why, it's poor old
Father Lambert.

better do

Look out,
look out.

I seen the whole thing.

I was standing
over there.
Yeah, so did I.

I seen the whole thing.

We'd better
get the cops.

Where's the
nearest phone?

There's one over
at the drugstore.

Well, go,

MAN: I'll go.

Put down that pipe.
Don't touch a thing.

That's right.

Nobody touch anything
until the cops come.

NARRATOR: It seems incredible,
but in your town and my town

these things
actually happen.

Life is pleasant
and a little dull,

and night after night,
we yawn,

flick off the radio
and go to bed.

Then one morning,
black headlines
stare at us.

A war is declared,
the stock market crashes

or a kindly old man
is shot down on the street

and the quiet pool
of community life
is suddenly stirred up.

Its waters boil,
and its quiet currents

twist in new
and devious ways.

I can't believe it.

No one in town can.

That's right.
No one does.
Extra! Paper!



You better do this,


We took a vote, lady,
and, well, here.

He did us favors
from time to time.

Put it up close,
will you, ma'am?

Thank you, boys.
Thank you.

PRIEST: More than
any man I have ever known.

He gave his life

to the service
and to the welfare
of others.

He was simple
and unassuming

yet we who knew him
felt he wore the
mantle of greatness.

We will miss him.

NARRATOR: Yes, the death of
a man like Father Lambert

leaves a gap
in any community

for, unfortunately,
there are too few like him.

The old minister spent
most of his life here,

quietly building up
his parish

sharing the simple
life of his neighborhood

and, somehow,
imbuing his parishioners

with some of his own
kindliness and humanity.

Maybe he was luckier
than most pastors

for late in life
a Reform government
took over the city

ousting the machine

and bringing
fresh impetus
to city planning.

To such projects
as parks, playgrounds
and recreational centers

the old man gladly
contributed his own
wisdom and experience

and the dignity and
weight of his church.

Mr. Harris has kindly
pointed out this section.

I merely mentioned
its accessibility

and the fact that
the bank may be able to
arrange for its purchase.

Father Lambert?

Looks like
an excellent site.

I find bankers
always seem to
know these things.


Of course,
Mrs. Harvey, as chairman,
will have the final say.

Well, I think
it's just fine.
It's wonderful.

everyday work was with
the people of his parish

and especially
with those who sought
his advice and counsel.

Since he was a man of God,
his labors sometimes led him

into the strange
and secret places
of men's souls.

He was just and forgiving,
but he was also a man

and a stern
and uncompromising
judge of character.

Stop that.

Even if I had wanted
to forgive you,

I couldn't.
It's out of my hands.

Jim, you're
a sick man.
But, Father, I...

We've been
through it all before.
I can't help you.

A sanitarium,

No, I won't.

If people would...

It's not people, son.
It's you.

I've told you
that before.

This time, fortunately,
no great harm
has been done.

But the next time...

No, I can't let you
go any longer.

It's got to be
a sanitarium.

Have you spoken
to your mother
about this?

You wouldn't
tell her.

I haven't spoken
to anyone.

What about
Father Gardiner?

Oh, Jim,
you're starting
all over again.

This is just
between the two of us.

I prefer
that you make up
your own mind, son,

but if you can't,
I won't wait long.

For your own sake,
I can't wait long.

Services will be held
Tuesday at 11:00.

The body will lie
in state in the church.

In the honorable
office of a priest,
grant, we beseech thee,

that he may also
be joined with them

in a perpetual
fellowship through
Jesus Christ our Lord,

who, with thee and
the Holy Ghost, livest

ever a one-God
world without end.


Grant, we beseech
thee, O Lord,

that the soul
of thy servant,

the priest George,
whom, while dwelling
in this world

God has adorned
with holy gifts

may ever rejoice
with glory in the
heavenly mansions.

O God,
who has bidden us to honor
our father and our mother

of thy mercy
and compassion

on the souls of
my father and mother.

Forgive their sins.


For a moment,
I thought it was him.

The man thought
it was him,
but no luck.

What'd you expect?

It's a chance, Chief.

So is going over
Niagara Falls in a barrel.

Let's get out of here.

Don't anybody
know anything
about this case?


Come on, Dugan.
It's been five days...

Okay, four days,

and you mallet-heads
haven't even turned up
as much as a footprint.

People ain't gonna
like that, Dugan.

Why don't you
get lost?

And have you jokers
trying to find me?
Are you kidding?


Police department.
Sergeant Dugan.

No, lady.
No, the city pound
takes care of that.

Lost her husband, huh?

Oh, quiet.

Hi, Lieutenant.
What's the story?

Okay, this is
a tough case.

Don't tell me
your troubles.

All right, but I am
telling you the Chief

doesn't like those
stories of yours.

He's gonna get
a chance not to like

a lot more of them
if you guys don't...

Nothing, Chief.

Mr. Harvey called
about four times.

He says for you to
come over right away,
as soon as you get in.

Got an angle, Chief?

Mr. Harvey seems
awful anxious, Chief.

Maybe there's a break
in the story, huh.

Paper! Paper!
Read all about it!

Don't you ever
clean this place up?

Laughing boy.

Police are still
baffled at murder!

Paper, Chief?

Thank you.

How do you do,

Go right in.
He's been
expecting you.

Yeah, but I tell you,
they're doing all they can.

No, I haven't
heard anything

since the last time
I talked to you.

Certainly, I'm gonna
talk to Robinson.

Here he is now.
Hello, Robbie.

I'll call you
back later.

Yeah. Yeah.

Well, don't look
so happy, Robbie.

Anything break yet?

(SIGHS) You, too?

It's a bad case.

Well, it's not gonna
get any better with
everybody yapping at me.

Look, Robbie...
No, nothing's broken.

No leads,
no clues, no nothing.

We've got to get him.
This is not
a pool-room shooting.

It's a murder.
Mr. Harvey,

I was a rookie patrolman
on this beat

when Father Lambert
first came to town.

I wanna get
that guy, too!

I'm sorry, Robbie.
I should have
known better.

Forget it.

Only, we're in
trouble, Robbie.

Did you see The Record
this morning?

I don't like
the tone of it.

They're gonna make
a political issue
out of this.

They're just
blowing their tops.

Not this time.

We're in a tough
spot, Robbie.

Well, what am I
supposed to do?

Burst into tears?
I've got every
available man working.

If we get him, we get him.
If we don't, we don't.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
I'll get back to work.

Let your friends
over at City Hall
worry about it.

They're the ones
they're after,
not you and me.

They're already
after me, Robbie,

and they're
already after you.


Mr. Mayor, we are ready
to give our cooperation

in any way
that you can use.

I know that you
and your committee

ought to be
congratulated for...

WOMAN 1: Oh, Mr. Mayor,
you've got to do something.
This can't go on.

WOMAN 2: She's right.

That's right.

No clues,
for crying out loud.

Seven people seen him,
didn't they?

Yeah, but...

Yeah, but don't tell me
there ain't something
phony about this.

I know three guys
in City Hall,

great guys when
the going's good.

Just let them try
to get my vote.
That's all.

Say, are you going
to get a shave,

or are you running for
Police Commissioner?

It's 9:00 and news time.

And as we do
every morning,

we now bring you
the voice of
The Morning Record.

This morning's editorial
tells us that the police

are still at sea
in the Lambert case.

Ten days have passed
since this brutal murder

and still no suspect
has been found.

Just how long
the citizens
of this city

will stand for
this state of affairs

is a matter of
public indignation.

I see the police
continue in their grand
and glorious chase.

It goes 'round and 'round
like a merry-go-round

and gets just
about as far.


It ain't funny.
These boys are
civil service,

the same as you and me,
and they're not
getting anyplace.

I should think they
could grab somebody.

Where would
you look?

I don't know.
Then shut up.


Hey, Rachel, you seen
the papers this morning?

They picked up a fellow
on Center Street.

They don't know who
they are picking up.

The next thing you know,
they'll be picking you up.

Mrs. Jones,

does your Tom
know anything
about this case?

Well, Tom says they're
working on a new angle.

Tom says they think
the fellow must have known
Father Lambert pretty well.

Oh, go on. The police
couldn't pick up a pig
in an alley.


Maybe you ladies
think it's funny

to insult
the police force.

But the next time
you want my Tom
for anything,

I'll remember this.




WADE: Great, Mac. Great.

Another week of this
and we can write
our own ticket.

Dave, I might even
give you a bonus.

I doubt it.

I passed City Hall
on the way over.

They're running around
like chickens with
their heads cut off.

What would
your boys be doing
if they were in?

Running around
like chickens with
their heads cut off.

Why, Mac?
Oh, I don't know.

There's not much
you can do in
a case like this.

So what?

Well, it's a little
like kicking them
when they're down.

What's the matter
with you, MacDonald?
Don't you like your job?

Well, sure.

Then save your editorial
comment for the paper.

Now look,
Mr. Wade...

Take it easy, girls.
Take it easy.

Let's not make
an international
incident out of this.

It's the same
in all these towns.

Somebody's in,
somebody's out.

Now, let's get back
to that bonus,

if you haven't
forgotten about it.

Let's get back to
running a newspaper.

I need a new
lead, Dave.

Okay, what's the
angle this time?

I like that
stuff of yours

about amateur
politicians, Dave.

Which party are you
talking about?


Are they still
wearing stickpins?


Hey, Dave, when you
gonna take me out
on a story with you?

Go away. I'm busy.

Ah! "Police Commissioner
amateur golfer, too."

Hey, do you think
he'll like that, Dave?

He'll love it.
He'll probably come

looking for me
with a golf club.


Oh, what?

I don't know.

I hope you're saving
your money, Bill.



Is that you, dear?


How are you, hon?
Fine. Anything new?

Nothing special.

What's new with
the Lambert case?

Oh, it's coming
along, I guess.

Not much
breaking though.

No, not much.

Well, of course,
with all these
amateurs trying...

Now, listen,
don't you start.



Pretty smart,
aren't you?

I thought we weren't
taking The Record.

I read the Cook's.

it's on the radio.

Yeah, I know.

They're really
pouring it on us,
aren't they?

Seriously, though, Henry,
it's such a brutal thing.

Can't they find
anything at all?

No. No, but in
a case like this,

you might get
a break anytime.


I don't know.
I heard a fellow say it.


Come on.
Let's forget it.

Come and tell me
more about your
recreation center.

Well, it's really
coming along wonderfully.

Paul Harris has
a land all lined up.

It's all of a piece
from some real estate
agent or other,

and I think we're
even gonna be able
to put in a pool.

Well, you can't
ever say again

you haven't any kids
to fool with.

You'll have hundreds
hanging around...

Oh, I'm sorry, hon.

I don't know what
made me say that.
I guess I'm just...

Forgive me.

I've already
forgotten it.


I didn't ask anyone.


It's the mayor, ma'am,
and some other gentlemen.

MADGE: Ask them
to come in.

Yes, ma'am.
Will you come in,

MADGE: Come right in,
Mr. Mayor.
Hello, Madge.

Nice to see you.

Hello, Paul.
How are you?

Quite well,
thank you.

I hope we didn't
disturb you.

Oh, not at all.
Do make yourselves
at home.

Thank you.


Well, I'd hate
to be selling
The Record here.

It's not funny,

We're trying our best
to give the city
a decent government,

and Wade is
making us look like
a pack of fools.

Isn't that right, Mac?

You didn't expect them
just to pull out, did you?
This is politics.

All I know
is my office is full
of committees on this

and committees
on that all day.

I didn't run
a real estate
office like that,

and I can't run a city.
Can I, Mac?

TOM: What about me?
You think I like
a lot of reporters

trying to grab me
every time I stick my head
out of the office?

I wish you'd stick
your head out just once

to say something
besides "no clues."

My boys are
doing everything...
No clues? No clues?

MAC: Sit down, Tom.

Keep on fighting
among yourselves,

and you'll have
every department

in the city
at each other's

Wade would like that.

Let's get down to cases.

Henry, Mac and I have
decided this thing is too
big for us. We need help.

The FBI or...

The FBI?

What's the matter
with our own police?

What's the matter
with them? They're
floundering, that's all.

You can't call in the FBI.
This is not a federal case.

And we don't even know
who the murderer is.

Well, we've got
to do something.

Look, we've got
a good police force.

One of the best
in the country.

Why don't you back them up
instead of yelling for help?

That's what I say.

I don't know
if you've given this
any consideration, Henry,

but the election
depends on this case.

Well, Mac,
we promised them
a decent government.

If we can't
give it to them...
It's a matter of principle.

It's a matter
of the police
chasing their tails.

I resent that!
I don't care
whether you do or not.

As for this prattle
about backing up
our boys...

You're making
a lot of fuss

for a Commissioner
of Public Works.

Henry, I don't think
you ought to say that.
Stop it!

You sound like
a bunch of

And what's
your idea, Henry?

Suppose our boys
can't crack it?
Then what do we do?

Well, Mac, if they don't,
I don't see how
anyone else can.

It's that kind of a case.

So, why don't we give
them a fighting chance
and back them up?

I think he's right.
I don't.

Henry is closer
to this case
than any of us.

Mac, you told me not
over an hour ago...

I've changed my mind.
I respect Henry's judgment.

What about
two weeks, Henry?

Do you think
that's fair?

PAUL: And then what?

MAC: Then
we'll call in
somebody else.

I don't know who,
but somebody. Right?


A beer, gentlemen?

MAC: That's very nice.

If this thing
falls through,

I'm holding you personally
responsible, Henry.

You're holding me?

Beer, gentlemen.

I don't care
how you do it,

but you've got to
get more action.

Put more men on,
get the State Police,
get anybody,

but we've got to
get to the bottom
of this thing fast.

Is that clear?

Yeah, that's clear.

I was hoping
I'd catch you, Robbie,
I want to talk to you.

I saw the mayor...
You don't want
to talk to me.

The Lambert case,
talk to White.

Why should I talk
to White?

He's taking over.
I quit.

What's the matter,

I used to be able to
work one of these things.

Come on, Robbie.
What's the matter?

Matter? Nothing.

Except it's turning
into a political
three-ring circus.

And I'm no politician.
I'm a cop.

A cop with a case
that has no leads,
no angles.

Newspapers want action, okay,
let them get another boy.

Me, I'm through.

The newspapers
are chasing us all.

I told you that
two weeks ago.

But they've been taking
potshots at you for 20 years.

Not with country club
presidents chewing me out

every 20 minutes,
they haven't.

Thomas Benson James.


You're not quitting,

I'm not?
Who's gonna stop me?

You are.

You're out of your head.

No, I'm not.

You said it yourself,

You're a cop,
and an honest one.

And you're walking
out on honest men.

If you're talking about
Thomas Benson James...

Yes, him, too.

Well, they don't
know anything
about politics much.

They're worried
and they're excited,

but they are trying
to help the city.

Well, they can
do it without me.

I don't think
they can.

I was talking
to them last night,
Robbie, and I told them

that if anybody could
lick this case,
it would be you.

I even got them to promise
that they'd back you up

without interference
for two more weeks.

Two more weeks.
Then what?
Call in Nick Carter?

I'm busy.

I'm sorry, Chief,
but what about these?

I'm busy.
What are they?

Newspaper cartoonist.

The witnesses
all described the guy
they saw to him.

What are you
gonna do with them?

I don't know.
Circulate them,
I guess.

"Circulate them,
I guess?"

You've been
on the force
for 10 years,

you've been
a detective
for three,

you still don't
know what to do?

Get a composite
photo of these

and send them
to every editor
in the East.

Excuse me.
And get moving.

Yes, sir.

We'll get
4,000 suspects.

Maybe. One of them
could be the right one.

Well, keep punching,

Hey, I wanna
talk to you.

I thought you'd
see it my way, Robbie.



NARRATOR: The chief ofpolice
came close to the truth

when he talked of
the number of suspects
that would be picked up.

There weren't thousands,
of course,
but a trickle started

which swelled to
a steady stream

as the manhunt
fanned out

to include
neighboring cities,

the state and, finally,
all of New England.

Okay, okay,
I'll send a car.

The newspapers,
especially those
like The Record

which were trying to hold
the Reform administration up
to ridicule

kept public interest
at a fever pitch,

until every man
who wore a dark coat
or a light hat

became a suspect.

Mounting rewards
by angry civic groups
added to the incentive

until men were
being turned up from
every walk of life

who bore even
the faintest resemblance
to the supposed murderer.

Okay. Yeah.

All right.

And actually,
there was very little
for anyone to go on.

The clue of the dark coat
and light hat was slim enough

and the nebulous
figure conceived

in the minds of
the seven witnesses

and brought to life
by an artist's pen
was hardly much more.

And it became
increasingly apparent

that almost as
great a problem

for the police
as the capture
of the murderer

was to be
the overzealousness
of the public.

All right.
So he came out
of a pool room.

Who doesn't?

And still the phone rang with
ever-increasing frequency

at police headquarters,
and still the prowl cars

doggedly ran down every lead,
streaking across the city

in search of
a furtive figure seen here,
another seen there.

Something suspicious
about their actions,
something said

or the mere fact of
wearing a dark coat
and a light hat.

And still men poured
into police headquarters.

Angry men, indignant men,
beaten men and dazed men.

Men with long
criminal records

and simple men snatched
from peaceful pursuits

all to be
shoved into the glare
of the line-up platform

questioned and released

in the forlorn hope that one,

just one of all
these hundreds

might be the man
they sought.

Sure, lady, sure,
don't give it a thought.

We'll have a prowl car
there right away.

Here, don't say
I never did
nothing for you.

What, no pie?

Pie? What's
the score, Dugan?

against me.

These phones
keep ringing like
a three-alarm fire.

They're shaking suspects
out of their sleeves.


They even picked
up my Uncle Jerry
the other night,

64 years old.

Did he do it?


Police department.
Sergeant Dugan.
Go ahead, Long Distance.

I bet the guy who done
it is still walking
around very happy.

Now you're a detective.

Who? Oh, yeah.
Go ahead, Ohio.

Yeah. Yeah.

From here?
Yeah! Yeah! Wow!

Now listen,
Sarge, hang on.
Yeah, any charge.

And don't say
anything to him.

I'll call you back
in 10 minutes.

What's up?
Go away.

I'm not listening.

Chief, Dugan.
Listen, Chief.

Ohio State Police
say they got a guy that
tallies with our circular.

Yeah. Only this guy
admits he left here
three days ago

and he's packing
a.32 revolver.

Okay. Right.

Thanks, Dugan.
Next time you get pie.

All right, now stand
up straight, all of you.
Keep your heads up.

Come on.
Get your heads up.

I want you to look at
them again carefully.

I don't want any
mistakes about this.

You're all sure
that's the man?

All right,
let the rest
of them go.

That's all. Come on.
Get out of here.

That's all.
Thank you.

Here's his stuff, Chief.
Book it.

Get that gun to
a ballistics man.

No chance on that
till morning, Chief.

All right. Well,
get it there early.

Okay, take him away.

Well, how about it,

I don't know.
We'll have to see.

What do you mean?

We just got a guy,
that's all. What do
I know about him?

Seven people
recognized him.

Okay, seven people
recognized him. So what?

If you weren't
the bullheadedest
old goat...

Just a little
more experienced.
That's all.

Well, take
plenty of time.


Go ahead
and get started.


Now, Waldron
it's gonna be a lot
easier all around

if you just tell
us the whole story.

But I don't even
know what you're
holding me for.

Just because I was
carrying a gun...

No, it's not the gun.

Then what did you
bring me all the way
back from Ohio for?

I got a right to
travel, ain't I?

Well, what do you
want from me?

We're holding you
on a murder charge,


Sit down.
Sit down.

You're crazy.
I never murdered anybody.


Seven witnesses
identified you as the man
who shot Father Lambert

on the night
of September 29
on Main Street.

You're crazy,
I tell you!
POLICEMAN: Sit down!

Let go!
ROBINSON: Cut it out.

Take it easy, son.
Sit down.

If you didn't do it,
we'll find out.

If you did do it,
we'll find that out, too.

I want a lawyer.

You'll get one later.

Now, let's start
from the beginning.

You have plenty of time
and nowhere to go.

And you never
saw Father Lambert
in your life?

No. I never even heard
of him till I saw
his name in the paper.

You were just passing
through town, you were
never in the neighborhood

and you never
saw him before?

No, I tell you. I...

Did you ever see
that man before?

Yes, I have.

Why, it was
that week.

Before Father Lambert
was killed?

Yes, one afternoon.

Did he do it?

We don't know yet, ma'am.
Thank you. That's all, ma'am.

So, you never saw
him before, huh?

That dame is nuts.

No, she isn't.

All right. I saw him.
He gave me a lecture

and a pamphlet,
but that don't mean...

Why didn't you
tell us before?

I don't know.
I was afraid.

Afraid of what?

WALDRON: I don't know.
I was just afraid.

Afraid of what?
I don't know!

Chief, there's
an easier way
of doing this.


We're wasting
a lot of time.


you're the boss.

But it'll make it
much easier on him
in the long run.

We're losing
a lot of sleep.

WALDRON: I thought
maybe he'd give me
a line on a job.

POLICEMAN: Well, did he?

He said he didn't
know of anything.

Then he gave me
a lecture
and a pamphlet.

Is that what got
you sore at him?

No, of course not.

Then what did?

Nothing, I tell you.
I wasn't sore at him.

What are you
trying to make me say?

You say you came home
from the bowling alley.
Get his head up, Murph.

Washed up and
then had dinner
at the White Spot.

Andy's. Andy's,
I told you.

Then you rode over
to Main Street.

I didn't ride over.
I walked over.

You walked.
Then what?

I went to the movies.
The Plaza?

No. Yes.

What movie
did you see?

A Western.
What time did you go in?

7:00. A little after...

Double feature?

What was the
other picture?


You were just
passing through town?

Yes, I was just
passing through.

A fellow at the gas station
says you were working
for him two months ago!

I meant...

What are you
trying to do to me?

RAINSFORD: Why do you
keep lying, son?

You know they've got
your whole background.

They can trip you
every time.

Besides, you're
a dead giveaway.

Every time you lie,
you put your hand
up to your mouth.

You can't get away
with anything.

You're crazy.

Let's talk about
the gun again.

You say you bought it
just before you left town.

Yes, just before I left town.
I was going on
the road, and...

Oh, what's the use?

You bought it a week
before the murder.

The pawnbroker
you bought it from
told us that.

We have his own
statement to prove it.

What do we do, Chief?

Get him up.
Keep it going.

Let's start right
from the beginning.

Come on.
Stop stalling.

I got a 9:00 deadline.

It ain't gonna do
you guys no good
to hang around here.

I don't know nothing.

You can say
that again.

Always picking up
some cluck with

two dollars and seven
cents in his pocket.

Why don't you ever
grab a guy with white
piping on his vest?

I don't know.

Mr. Harvey,
what about it?
What do you think?

I'm trying to
find out myself.
See me later.

You know
what I think?

I think you guys
just got desperate and
picked up some tramp.

We wouldn't have gone
to Ohio for no tramp.

We got plenty
around here.

Right. And at least
one of them in a uniform.

Any luck, Robbie?

No, we've been
trying all night.
Wanna look at this stuff?

No. What do
you think?

Pretty hard to say.
You know Rainsford,
don't you?

Oh, yes.
You're the alienist,
aren't you?


What do you
think of him?

Pretty hard to tell.

He's under
a lot of stress.

Yes, I know.
But does he sound like
a murderer or not?

Well, he lies, of course,
but he's frightened,

and he seems to be
more than usually
bitter and resentful.

Is he bitter and
resentful enough
to commit murder?

I couldn't say.
He's just out
of the Army.

That might account
for his bitterness
a little.

The difficulty
of readjustment
or possibly...

Or possibly,
it's something else.

What I want to know,
Doctor, is whether he's
a homicidal type or not.

Well, I'm afraid
I can't answer that.

I'm not sure
there is such a thing.

Haven't you ever...

Well, maybe I'd
better not ask that.

Perhaps not.

But to get back
to a more exact science,
what about the gun, Robbie?

I don't know yet.
It's pretty early.

Do you suppose if
I went downstairs, I could
hurry him up a little bit?

Why don't you do that?
Tell him we're waiting
for his report.

You know
where his office is.

Hello, Mr. Harvey.
Good morning.

Tough night, huh?
You ain't kidding.

We're knocking off, Chief.

He's a tough
nut to crack.

Maloney and Herron
are with him now.

Boys need
a little sleep, huh?

What about you?

I'm all right.

A shave's as good
as a night's sleep.

MAN: Chief.


This young lady
claims she has
information for you.

Do you mind?
I came here of
my own free will.

All right, Charlie.

Monahan called me about you.
Miss Nelson, isn't it?


Are you ready?


Then you went home?

Then I went home
and took a shower.

Then you had dinner?
You had dinner?

I told you
a hundred times.

Tell us again.
Let me get some sleep.

You had dinner.

I had dinner at Andy's,
then I walked...

This the man?

Yeah, that's Tony.

Yeah, she knows me.
Tell them.

Now, the night
Father Lambert was shot,
shortly before the shooting

this man walked by
your restaurant, right?

Yeah. It was about 7:20.
He walked by and waved to me.

I remember it,
because just
afterwards, I...

But she couldn't have.
What's the matter with her?

Shut up.
Let her go.

A week or so later
he came to you and told
you he was leaving town.

Yeah. I thought it
was kind of funny.

We'd been going together
about a month or so,

and then one afternoon,
he came in and said
he was leaving town

just like that.

You know,
boys just don't do that
sort of thing to me.

What about it,

What about what?
She's lying.

What about
leaving town?

I wanted to
leave town.

A little sudden,
wasn't it?

No. I wasn't working.

I offered to get
him a job with me
in the café.

I didn't get out of
the Army to start pearl
diving in a crummy café.

Crummy? Ask him
how crummy it was!

Ask him about all
the free meals
he had in there!

And glad to get them, too,
till he got the wrinkles
out of his stomach!

Then he thinks
he can brush me off!

Get her out of here!
Get her out of here!

That'll be all, miss.

If you need any more help,
I'll leave my number
with the desk sergeant.

Dirty double-crossing...

You get in all kinds
of trouble, don't you?

She didn't help
his alibi much.

No, she didn't.

But I'd hate to be
in a spot where
I had to depend

on that little
girl's word.

It doesn't feel right.
It just doesn't feel...

Hey, Robbie,
we got it.


The bullet came
from his gun.

That's right, Chief.

Johnson says he'll
have the full report
for us within an hour.

That does it.

I'll stick right
on his neck until
he gets it out.

That does it.
He'll confess now.

Come on, Doctor.

told us before, you were
sick of the black market.

ROBINSON: Pick up his head.
You were tired of
being pushed around.

You were tired of
handouts and advice,
and you resented the people

that had good jobs and money
when you came out of
the Army with nothing.

You brooded on that.
I didn't brood.

You brooded over it
till you took that gun.

Let me sleep.

You took the gun
with the idea
of getting even.

I didn't take it.

When you saw
Lambert on
the street,

you made him the

of every handout,
every word of advice,
and in a rage you shot him.

Please let me sleep.

In a minute.
Isn't that
what happened?

No, I went...
Isn't that what happened?

Isn't that what happened?

All right, all right,
all right. All right.


What a way to
make a living.

NARRATOR: The case of
the People of the
State of Connecticut

versus John Waldron
moved rapidly.

Legal procedure in
this state calls for
a coroner's inquest,

the findings of which
are submitted to the
district court.

If the evidence warrants it,

the case is bound over
to the superior court

where the State's Attorney
examines the facts

and decides whether
or not the accused
shall be indicted.

You're Mr. Graham Rogers?
Yes, sir.

How much of this
murder did you see?

I was closing up my shop.

I must have turned
around just in time.

You were going away
from Father Lambert,
Mr. Cary.

I had passed him,
but I turned back
as the shot was fired.

And you were across
the street, Mr. Lukash?

My wife and I was
waiting for a bus
across the street.

We heard a shot.

And, Mr. Cartucci,
you made an attempt
to stop him?

A couple of seconds sooner,
and I'd have grabbed him.

I made a jump for him,
but he was just
a little too quick.

But I thought you crossed
the street immediately,
Mrs. Lukash?

We were so shocked,
we just stood there
for a moment.

Then as we started
to cross the street
toward Father Lambert...

And he passed close to you
as he ran, Mr. Callahan?

Why, he practically
knocked me over.

If I knew
why he'd been running,
I might have hung on to him.

And you were a little
frightened, Miss Neilson?

I was scared to death,
but I saw him
run down the street

till he disappeared
in the shadows.

Then on the basis
of your experience
in ballistics, Mr. Johnson,

and your experiments
with this weapon,

you would say that
this bullet came
from this weapon.

I would, positively.

Thank you, sir.
That's all.

Chief Robinson,
please tag these exhibits.

Chief Robinson, will you
certify that this is the
confession taken by your men?

I didn't do it!
I tell you, they
made me sign it!

Save that for the
court, young man.

Take him
out of here.

John Waldron is remanded
into the custody
of the police.

The case will be referred
to the district court.

Proceedings closed.
That's all.

Well, what
do you think?

That's as close
to a perfect case as
I've ever seen, Robbie.


As much a surprise
to me as anyone else.

He had me fooled.

Too bad.
Kid had a good
war record, too.

Yeah, that's a shame.

Great, Robbie.
We're all proud of you.


I'm going to see the
mayor and the others.

They'll be as happy
as a bunch of kids.

I wouldn't rub it
in too much, Mac.

No more than they need.
No, I'd push the
indictment, Henry.

You know,
get it going fast.

I'll push it along.

I only want a few days
to go over all the evidence.

You gonna talk
to the boy?

Who, Waldron?
What for?

You might get a line
on what he's gonna
use for a defense.

It's an idea.
Maybe you're right.

I'll bet Waldron
will be delighted
to see me.

Right down there,
Mr. Harvey.
Cell number three.

My name's Harvey, Waldron.
I'm the State's Attorney,

the man who'll
prosecute you.

What do you want?

I thought I'd like
to hear your side of it.
Might help clear things up.

My side of it?
Are you kidding?

My side of it is
that I didn't do it.

You know,
you did leave town
at a funny time.

I left town
when I wanted to and
because I wanted to.

You had a right
to do that, but in
a situation like this,

they have to know why.

I told them why.
I wanted a job.

After all,
you had jobs here.

That's right.
I had jobs here.

Gas station,
driving trucks.


Look, mister,
I put in five years
in the Army.

Five years.
That puts me five years
behind the parade.

I didn't wanna
pump gas
or hustle trucks.

I wanted to get moving.

I got a lot of
catching up to do.

You have to
start somewhere.

You get anxious.
You understand?

You gotta get moving.
You can't wait.

I'm no kid anymore,

What were you
going to do?

I don't know.

I thought I could
go someplace, maybe.

Start a small business.

Make something
out of myself.

I had an idea once.

What's the odds
I miss the boat?

Fly high, lie low.
It doesn't make
any difference now.

But it was your gun.

Yeah. My gun.

All them people saw me.

And that young lady
at the Coney Island Café.

Young lady.

That dame.
Would you take her
word against mine?

She said she knew you
and saw you pass the window.

She lies in her teeth.

I brushed her off.
She's trying to
get even with me.

Wait a minute.
You did confess.

Sure I confessed.
After two days
in that joint,

I'd have confessed
to anything.

What do you want?
Do you want to hear
it all over again?

All right.
Get out of here!

I know what you want!
You want to hang me!

That's what
you wanna do.

You wanna hear me
say I killed him?
All right!

I killed him!
Go ahead and hang me!
Hang me!

NARRATOR: To all intents
and purposes, the capture
of John Waldron

had silenced the attack
on the Reform government.

But good politicians,
like good boxers

never quit till
the final count.

This is Mr. O'Shea.

He's just been
appointed Public Defender
in the Waldron case.

He's gonna give me
an interview,

and I'm gonna show him
how to shoot a game of golf.

Delighted to meet you, sir.

Sit down, boys.
Sit down.

I needed some company.
Excuse me, Mabel.

O'Shea. O'Shea.
I know that name.

The League of
Women Voters, sir.

Hmm? League?

Women Voters.

Oh, yes, out in the
Lawnwood District.

Well, well, I'm always glad
to meet a good party man.

Well, I try
to be, sir.

Harry thinks
he can get Waldron off.

I'm working on the
"temporary insanity"
angle, sir.

I think I can
make it stick.

It won't work.

Pardon my abruptness,
but I think that you're
on the wrong track.

But there is a chance.


O'Shea, this boy
Waldron is a veteran.

They'll never hang
an ex-serviceman.

If he killed a man,
they will.


I think we're forgetting
something. Everyone is.

This boy
has served
his country.

He spent two years
in the cold and mud

on the battlefields
of Europe.

The South Pacific.
Well, that's worse.

But dig into that
war record. Find out
everyplace he's been,

what he did,
what ribbons
he won.

Maybe we ought
to have him in
uniform at the trial.

Oh, that would be nice.

All right. Forget that.
But dig into that war record.

That's wonderful,
Mr. Wade. I sure will.

All right,
but get going.

Why, I sure will.
And it's been a pleasure
meeting you, Mr. Wade.

I know.

I'll meet you
out on the tee.

He's a nice boy.
Shoots in the 80s.

Is that why you
had me bring up
that chowderhead?

I've been watching
Harvey all week.

He's got this thing
sewed up tight.

And besides that,
there's a small matter
of Waldron being guilty.

You don't think any
jury in the world

would convict a boy
that gave the best
years of his life

to serving
his country,
do you?

I don't care whether
he's guilty or not.

I've got to win
an election

and the only way I can
do it is to make
Harvey look bad.

And you can still
sleep nights, huh?

As long as there
aren't too many people
around like you, I can.

I'll be around.

That's the works,
huh, Stoney?

Gun, bullet,

I'm waiting for a couple
of blow-ups from the lab,
but that's about all.

Okay, let's go over
this stuff again.
Now, will we...

Look at that man work.
He's out for a record.

Hello, Mac, Paul.
That's all, Stoney.
We'll take it up later.

What do you do,
live here?

He looks
as if he just found out
there was an income tax.

I'm glad you
came in, Mac.

There's something
I wanted to talk
to you about.

Fire away.

It's about that kid
over in the jail.

He's a nice fellow, Paul.
He just worries too much.
Don't you think?

It's not that. It...

Say, what's the matter
with you two?

Shall I tell him, Paul?

Don't be so coy.
What is it?

How would you like
to be Governor?

That's it, Henry.

What's the matter?
Don't you want it?

Of course I do.
But I just don't...

Everybody in the state
will be watching you
tomorrow, Henry.

And I've been talking
to people all over,
Hartford, New Haven.

He can do it, Henry.
And we'll help him.


We don't get many good men,
many honest men in politics.

And when we do,
we like to push them.

Thanks, Mac, but there's
something very important...

Don't worry
about it tonight.

You've got
a job to do tomorrow.
Come on, Paul. Let's go.

And, for Pete's sake,
get some sleep.

This place looks
like a boar's nest.

Hey, Mac...
Relax, Henry.

Take it easy.
Let the muscles
sag naturally.

Just a minute, Mac.

I'll see you tomorrow
after the indictment.

Come on.
Good night, Governor.

I'll take you down
to Moriarity's
and buy you a steak.

I'll buy you a steak.



We're pulling
for you, Henry.

I'm so glad you're
going to prosecute.
We have confidence...

You may open court,
Mr. Sheriff.

SHERIFF: Oh, yea,
oh, yea, oh, yea.

The honorable superior
court within and for the
state of Connecticut

is now open
and in session
in this place.

All persons
having cause or action
then and therein

will give their attendance
according to law.


Be seated, please.

Mr. State's Attorney.

If Your Honor please,

I would like to call
to your attention
this afternoon

the case of
The State versus
John Waldron.

On the 22nd day of
October of this year

the accused
was bound over
to this court

by the city court
on a charge of murder
in the first degree

growing out
of the death of the
Reverend George A. Lambert,

the pastor of the
St. Christopher's Protestant
Episcopal Church of this city.

My assistants
have drawn up a chart
of the scene of the crime.

And the facts
in the case
disclose that,

on the evening of
29th of September,

Father Lambert was
taking his usual
walk along here.


Well, boys,
it's started.

How's it going?

Great. Henry's
carrying the ball.

Then it's not too
early for a little
celebration, eh?

It's never too early
to celebrate!

That's a load
off my mind.

Mine, too.
Here you are, boys.

The last of the pursuers
dropped out

and so the trail
of the murder was
lost about here.

John Waldron was
apprehended 18 days
later in Ohio

and was returned
to this city.

Under the circumstances,
there was no alternative
for Coroner Ryan

except to make
the finding
which he did

holding the accused
for the murder
of Father Lambert.

The coroner, very logically,
divided the case
into six points

which in substance
are as follows.

First, Waldron was seen
by an acquaintance,
Miss Irene Nelson

within a block
of the place
of the shooting

from five to 10 minutes
before the shooting.

the slayer wore a dark coat
and a light fedora hat.

Third, the witnesses,
Mr. Graham Rogers,

Mr. Thomas Callahan
and Mr. And Mrs. Paul Lukash

actually saw
the shot fired.

Fourth, these witnesses,
plus Romulo Cartucci,

Miss Greta Neilson
and Mr. Eugene Cary

all identified Waldron
at police headquarters

as the man they had seen
fleeing from the scene
of the shooting.

Fifth, Waldron made
a statement in writing

admitting the crime.

Sixth, a revolver
found on Waldron

was a.32-caliber weapon

and was the gun
from which a bullet

found in the head
of the deceased
was discharged.

The function of
the city court

and the coroner
having been discharged
in due course

it naturally fell
under my jurisdiction
for action.

The evidence
against the accused
seemed overwhelming.

Upon its face, at least,
it seemed like
a well-nigh perfect case

affording little difficulty
in the matter of successful

My own view,
necessarily, was that if
the facts above-stated

were subject
to verification

the accused was
undoubtedly guilty.

But there were

of an unusual
character involved

making it highly important

that all the facts
be scrutinized
with the utmost care

and in a most
impartial manner.

It goes without saying

that it is just as important
for the State's Attorney

to use the great
powers of his office

to protect
the innocent as it is
to convict the guilty.

Your Honor,
I have endeavored
to approach this case

without any
preconceived notion.

I have
personally interrogated
all the witnesses.

I've examined
all the evidence
with the utmost care.

If Your Honor please,
it is my belief

that the defendant
is innocent

and I intend to enter
a plea accordingly.


Order! Order! Order!

Are you out
of your mind?

Order in the court!

The court will be
recessed until 9:00
tomorrow morning.

And if there is any recurrence
of this outrageous conduct

the courtroom
will be cleared
by the sheriff

and the proceedings
will be conducted in private.

Mr. State's Attorney,
I'll see you in my chambers.

SHERIFF: Court is dismissed.


Oh, witnesses,
that's all.
You can go.

I figured he was
working on some angle.

Oh, he can't, huh?
He just did! That's
exactly what happened.

I'm telling you!
The whole place
is going nuts.

I'll tell you what I'll do.
I'll get a hold of Harvey,
and then I'll call you back.

How do I know?

Well, okay,
get a hold of John
and tell him, will you?

Yeah, that's right.
There's an awful
lot of noise here.

I can hardly
hear myself think.

I've known you
a long time, Henry,

and I've always
respected your ability.

But there's something
about this that
doesn't smell right.

Well, I think
I'm within my...

Now, don't tell me
about your legal rights!

I've been on the
bench long enough

to know what you can do
and what you can't do.

You represent
the two million
people of this state

in prosecuting
a particularly
brutal murder,

and I'm gonna see that
their rights are protected.

I don't pretend
to know your motives

in asking for a
nolle prosequi.

But if they're political,
I'll not only take steps
to have you disbarred

I'll also do my best
to have you prosecuted
for malfeasance in office.

It's quite possible
that my motives
are political.

It's also possible
that I think
the man's innocent.

Mr. Harvey, you'd better
do a great deal
more than think.

Why don't you turn
him loose, Whitey?

Cut it out, fellows.

Don't do it.
Lay off, do you hear?

We'll take good
care of him.

You knew Father
Lambert, Whitey.

I can't do it.
You're not gonna let him

get away with this!
Take your hands off!

Break it up!

You boys aren't
acting very smart.

MAN: We're friends
of Father Lambert's.

He's not gonna
get away with this.

I don't think Lambert
would have liked it this way.

Suppose we take him?

Quite a few of us
are gonna get hurt.
Wanna be first?

You don't have to
get tough about it.

That's right. I don't.

Excuse me.

All right, take him.

All right. Why don't
we all go on home, eh?

Break it up, every
one of you! Let's go!

Let's go! Let's go!
Let's go! Come on!


Come on! Move it!
You, too!

Get on your way!
Go ahead, all of you!

Come on! You, too!
What do you think,
it's the holidays here?

Get out of here!
Scram! Go ahead!

Thought for a minute
you were gonna have
trouble there, Robbie.

Nah. I don't have
trouble with that kind.
They're easy.

What's the matter, Robbie?
You sound bitter.

Bitter? Me?
Why should I be bitter?

I'm a cop, Mr. Harvey.

An honest cop
backing up honest men.

Now, listen,

No, not this time.
I'm through listening.

We've got our man,
and we'll convict him

if it takes
the next 10 years.

And I don't care what
shenanigans you and
the rest of your crowd

are trying to pull.

Never did like

Then why didn't you
let us in on it?
What are you trying to do?

Don't start anything, Mac.
I don't wanna discuss it.

Wade's talked
with you. Maybe...

That's the second time today
I've been accused of
political chicanery

and I'm getting
tired of it!
Then what is the story?

There's no story, Mac,
or any angles to it.

I just happen to believe
the boy's innocent.

Can you prove it?

I don't know.
I thought I had the case
going perfectly straight.

And, all of the sudden,
it comes back

and hits me right
between the eyes.

I just don't know.
Let's think about
you for a minute.

What are you going to do?

Destroy two years' work?
Throw your career
in the ash can?

It's the boy's life, Mac.

If he's innocent.

He can't be.
You said yourself
it was a perfect case.

And even if he were,
is it worth it?

We've cleaned
out the city,

we've thrown out
the crooks
and the grafters.

We've made this town
a decent place to live.

Is one man's life
worth more than
the community?

Yes, Mac, it is.

Good luck, Henry.

You'll have to fight
the whole town.

Hello, Madge.

Are you all right, dear?

A little the worse for wear,
but I guess I'll make it.

I held dinner.

Paul Harris is in
the living room.

He said he had
to see you.

Oh, no.
Now what does he want?

You run along and eat, dear.
I'm not particularly hungry

Now, Henry...
Maybe a sandwich later.

Now, run along.


Hello, Henry.

Hello, Paul.

Henry, I don't
like the way you're
handling this case.

You don't?

No. I suppose Mac
told you what you're
doing to the party.

It can't happen, Henry.
We've got to win an election.

We do?


And to do it,
we need a conviction.

You're going to
move an indictment
for murder, Henry.

I am?


I've had a pretty
trying day, Paul.

I'm gonna give you
just one minute
to get out of here.

And then, I'm gonna
throw you out.

I think you'd better
sit down until
I've finished.

Just don't take any
longer than a minute.

I'll see what I can do.

You remember our project
for a recreational center
for children?

We're to buy
some 10 acres

from the Sunset
Realty Company
for the project.

I'm still
not interested.

I'm the Sunset
Realty Company, Henry.


I own the Sunset
Realty Company.

And I've sunk every
cent I have into it.

If the city doesn't
buy that land
from me at my price,

I'm ruined.

And if we don't
win this election,
the city won't buy.

And you expect me to
be a party to this?
You're insane!

I wouldn't do that
if I were you, Henry.

Paul, you're crazy.

That's the way it is.

Well, I can make
this call anytime.


But I don't think
Madge would like it.

What's she got
to do with it?

Nothing much.

She's just chairman
of the project.

Why, you...
She doesn't know
anything about this.

No, but she gave me
$2,500 to help
buy the land.

That wouldn't look
very good in
the papers, Henry.

Think it over.


Good evening, ma'am...

I'm sorry, gentlemen.

Mr. Harvey...
Well, he's gone to bed.
He was very tired.

Oh, give us a break,
Mrs. Harvey.

I'm sorry.
Good night.
Good night.

Good night.

Well, why don't
she wake him up?

Hold it.
Well, what did I say?

Why don't she
wake him up?

It's my professional
opinion he's not asleep.




That's Paul Harris's car.

You mean, he's...

Don't say it.

He's in there.


Come on.
Let's wait for him.

And there's no way
for it to get out.

Nobody's going to
bother to look up
the incorporation papers.

I could even cut you
in for a block.
All right, let it go.

But I've got to have
that indictment.

I don't care how
you do it.
You're the lawyer.

But I'll be there
to see that you do.

Henry, you've put me
with my back against
the wall.

I've lived here
all my life.

I've got my name
and my family
to think of.

I've risked everything
I've got on this.

If I go under,
you're going with me.


Hello, Mr. Harris.


Hello, Woods.
How about a statement?

Not tonight, Dave.
Not tonight.
What'd he say?

Look out. Besides,
you're the opposition
paper, you know.

Yeah, but how
about the case,
Mr. Harris?

The case?

Mr. Harvey was having
a little fun this afternoon.
It'll be all right.

What'd he say, Dave?
What'd he say?

Mr. Harvey was having
a little fun this afternoon.

Bill, where's your car?
I want you to drive me
to Hartford.

Hartford? What for?

I know a fellow there that
makes very good coffee.

Oh, but I got a date, Dave.
Rosie's waiting for me.

What do you wanna be,
a reporter or a Romeo?

Well, a reporter,

Okay, then,
we'll go to Hartford.

And we'll bring
Rosie back some
hot coffee. Come on.

Madge, you didn't
need to do that.

You come along.

I suppose
I should have let you
starve gracefully.

Sit down there.

I'm not very hungry.

There's your milk.

Just don't sit
and look at it.
You drink that.

It's good for you.

Henry, the reporters
were here.

Deviled ham.

Do you remember that
flat around the corner
from law school

and those sandwiches
from Barney's?

I remember.

It would almost be
fun to do it again.
Wouldn't it?

We were both
a little younger,

Yeah, that's right.

Did you give Paul
some money on that
playground deal?

No, I didn't
give it to him.

He told me
they needed extra
cash to buy the land,

so I loaned that
$2,500 that
Father left...

Was that wrong, Henry?

No, it doesn't
make any difference.

Darling, is there
gonna be any trouble?

Trouble? Don't be silly.

And since I can't
interest you in
a one-room flat,

how about the
Governor's Mansion?


what about this man?

Is he innocent?

You didn't
answer my question.

You didn't answer mine.

I don't know, Madge.

I thought I had something,
but I'm just not sure.

I see.

You didn't
answer my question.

You ought to
know by now that I'll go
anywhere you go, darling.

But it's got to be
what you want.

That doesn't
give me much help.

I didn't intend it to.

I'll get you another
glass of milk.



Mr. Harvey...

sit down here.

I'm your attorney.
I'll handle
your defense.

That's all.
That's all. That's all.

What do you mean,
"that's all"?

Pardon me, Mr. Wade.

Come on, Mac.

That's all.

That's all. That's all.

Everybody rise, please.

You may open court,
Mr. Sheriff.

Oh, yea,
oh, yea, oh, yea.

The honorable superior
court within and for
the state of Connecticut

is now open and in
session in this place.

All persons having cause
or action then and therein

will give their attendance
according to law.

Be seated, please.

Mr. State's Attorney?

Your Honor,
at the close of
yesterday's session,

I announced that
I was going to enter
a plea of nolle prosequi

in the case of
the State versus
John Waldron.

You wish to
amend that statement,
Mr. State's Attorney?

I do, Your Honor.

There are so many
baffling aspects
to this case

that I wish
to reserve a plea

until I've laid
some of this evidence
before the court.

Very well.

Your Honor,
such was the strange
nature of this case,

that I and the gentlemen
of my office

made a detailed
investigation into it.

We felt that that
would be necessary

for any successful
prosecution of the case.

I realize that
it's not in order

to call witnesses
at this time,

but with the
court's permission,

I would like to
certain persons

who were present at
the coroner's inquest.

Sounds reasonable.

Thank you.

I would like
Mr. Graham Rogers
to take the stand, please.

Mr. O'Shea?

Your Honor, the accused
is adequately represented,

and I submit that
the presentation

of this evidence
is highly improper.

I regret to inform
defense counsel

that since this
is a preliminary

the State's Attorney
is perfectly within
his rights.

You may proceed,
Mr. State's Attorney.

Stand up.
Raise your right hand.

Do you swear the evidence
you're about to give to be
the truth,

the whole truth,
and nothing but the truth,
so help you God?

I do.
Your name?

Graham Rogers.
Sit down.

Mr. Rogers, you were
looking directly
across the street

at the murderer
at the time the
shot was fired?

Yes, sir. I was just
closing up my shop.

Your testimony says that
you saw the murderer
raise his arm,

something glittered
in his hand,

and it was then that
the shot was fired.

Yes, sir.

Are you certain
that's what you saw?

Yes, sir, absolutely.

I don't mean to question
your integrity, sir,

but I must ask you again.
Are you certain that it

Yes, sir, I'm certain.
It was shadowy,

but there was light enough
from the streetlight
so I could see it.

That's all, thank you.

Your Honor,
I'd like to show
you this gun.

Your Honor will
observe that it is
of a very dull finish,

a finish similar to
that used by the Army.

The purpose
of that being

that no reflection on
the barrel will reveal
the user's position.

Your Honor,
I submit that a gun

specifically designed
not to reflect sunlight

could hardly
glitter at night.

It was this
of testimony,

Your Honor,
which first struck me.

I believe
there are others.

With the court's permission,

I'll just question
the next few witnesses
in their seats.


Thank you.

Ladies and gentlemen,
the murder
which you witnessed

took place on
a particularly
dark night,

and the events which
followed were both
unexpected and swift.

Yet, you all
unhesitatingly identified
this man who now faces you.

I must ask you again.
Is this the man?

Mr. Rogers?

Yes, sir, I'm sure.

Mrs. Lukash?
Yes, sir.

Your Honor,
I don't want to imply

that this identification
is not in good faith,

but it was
a particularly
dark night,

and the basis for
the identification
seems to be

that the murderer
wore a dark coat
and a light hat,

a fairly common

There's one there.

There's another.

One of our distinguished
witnesses has one.

As a matter of fact,
if I'm not mistaken,

you wore such
a combination this morning
yourself, Your Honor.


There could be no mistake
in your identification?

The identification
seems to be unanimous
and conclusive, Your Honor.

But on the night
of October 25,

under approximately
the same conditions,

I and seven
of my assistants
reran the crime.

We reenacted it not once,
but seven times,

so that each of
us could see it from
a different point.

Herb? Phil?

Dan? How about
you, Smitty?

all right, Chief?

Anything wrong, Chief?


Well, let's try
it again, boys.
Switch positions.

Your Honor, I have here
the sworn statement
of each of my assistants

that not once during
all the reenactments

could any of them
definitely state

that he recognized
the man portraying
the murderer.

Although, in each case,
he knew him well.

Are you still certain
of your identification,
ladies and gentlemen?

You, Mrs. Lukash.

Well, I...

Thank you very much.

Well, I'm certain.

Would you take the stand,
please, Miss Nelson?


(WHISPERING) What's he
putting her up there for?


If he lets that dame...

Well, she's nothing but a...
All you're going to
do is hurt yourself!

HARVEY: Miss Nelson,
your testimony states

that on the evening
of the murder,

you stood in the window
of the Coney Island Café.


And that you could
definitely state

that the man you saw
through the window

at 7:20 on the evening
of September 29

was the accused,
John Waldron?

That's what I said.
HARVEY: I may be assuming,

but isn't it possible
that such an attractive
young lady as yourself

might have several
gentleman friends?


And isn't it possible
that these friends in
passing the restaurant,

might wave to you
through the window?


And isn't it also possible,
Miss Nelson,
that it was not John Waldron,

but another of your friends
who waved to you through
the window that night?


Your Honor,
in the course of examining
the evidence in this case,

I also visited
the Coney Island Café.

And upon her advice,
I stood behind the counter

in the exact spot
where Miss Nelson states
that she saw John Waldron

on the evening
of September 29.

From this point,
the window of the café
is obscured to a point

of four and a half
to five feet by steam.

It is possible,
however, to see dimly
through the window.

But one of my men
passed the window
while I watched,

and, although I know this
man well, it was impossible
for me to recognize him.

Miss Nelson,
did you know that
rewards for information

leading to the arrest
and conviction of the
murderer total $8,000?

I did not.

Your application
for the reward is
already on file.

Miss Nelson,
before you answer me,

please remember that not only
is a man's life in jeopardy,

but that you might
be sent to prison
for perjury!

Now, was it Waldron
you saw through that
window? Was this the man?

Well, I'm not
absolutely sure...

Thank you,
Miss Nelson.
That's all.

I would like
Miss Katherine Manion
to come to the stand, please.


What's Harvey
trying to do?

What's he doing?

Giving O'Shea
a lesson in
trial procedure.

MANION: Katherine Manion.
MAN: Sit down.

Miss Manion,
you are an employee
of the Plaza Theater?

Yes, sir.

And in your
capacity as cashier,

you naturally pride
yourself on your
memory for faces?

Yes, sir, I do.

And you can definitely
state that the accused,
John Waldron,

did not enter your
theater on the night
of September 29?

Yes, sir.

Thank you. Miss Manion,
this is my assistant,
Mr. Stone.

How do you do?

Was he in your theater
on Tuesday night
of last week?

Oh, no, sir.

Your Honor,
at 8: 13 on Tuesday
night of last week,

observed by two
reliable witnesses
and myself,

Mr. Stone bought a ticket
to the Plaza Theater
from Miss Manion.

Well, I...
We're all human,
Miss Manion.

That's all.
Thank you.

Your Honor,
I think we can state
at this point

that the evidence
of the eyewitnesses
is subject to question.

Very interesting,
but scarcely conclusive.

Well, I agree
with the court.

If I have shown that
the witnesses might
have been mistaken,

they might as easily
have been correct.

But as I've stated,
Your Honor,

there are certain
aspects of this case
which are confusing.

Do I have the court's
permission to continue?

Thank you.

I would like
Dr. William Rainsford
to take the stand, please.

MAN: Stand up.
Raise your right hand.

Do you swear the
evidence you are about
to give to be the truth

the whole truth,
and nothing but the truth,
so help you God?

Name, please?
Dr. William Rainsford.

Sit down.

Where you been, Dave?

What's the score?

Dr. Rainsford, I realize
that you were retained
by the police department

to examine John Waldron

and have, therefore,
already formed
an opinion of him.

But as a physician
and psychiatrist,

you will admit that
in a state of exhaustion
approaching hysteria,

a man is highly
to suggestion.

Certainly. Though,
I have some doubt as to its
application to the accused.

I didn't ask
you that, Doctor.

I asked you for your
professional opinion.

In that event,
I should have
to answer yes.

That's all, Doctor.
Thank you.

I would like Chief Robinson
to take the stand, please.

MAN: Raise
your right hand.

Do you swear that the
evidence you are about
to give to be the truth,

the whole truth,
and nothing but the truth,
so help you God?

Your name, please?
Harold F. Robinson.

Sit down.

Chief Robinson, you were
present during the entire
questioning of John Waldron,

and you state that
nothing was done to force a
confession from the accused.

He confessed of
his own free will.

There was no
physical violence.

But you did implant
the idea in his mind?

He confessed himself.

Yet, at 11:55 a.m.,
after hours of questioning,

Dr. Rainsford
said to the accused,

"You made him
the personification

"of every handout,
every word of advice,

"and in a rage,
you shot him."

Is that correct?
Yes, but...

That's all, Chief.

That's not all!

You're excused, sir.

Thank you.

Your Honor,
while I feel

that the validity
of the defendant's confession
may be challenged,

I'm forced to admit that it,
too, falls in the category
of the inconclusive.

Both the testimony
of the eyewitnesses

and the confession itself
would be subject to long
argument at a trial.

And there are even more
concrete pieces of
evidence in this case

that we have
already examined.

Your Honor, this is
the bullet taken from
the head of the deceased.

The police ballistics expert
has already stated

that it came from
the gun found on
the person of John Waldron.

My office has been
extremely interested
in this bullet,

and with the permission
of the police department,

we have conducted experiments
with the bullet and with the
accused's gun.

Now, it's not my intention
to go into the technicalities
of ballistics

or call in experts
to testify.

However, five independent
ballistics experts

have been retained
by my office

to make tests
in this case,

and with the
court's permission,

I would like to
briefly summarize
their findings.


Your Honor, in photograph "A"
is the bullet which
I hold in my hand.

This picture labeled
"B" is that of a bullet

fired from the gun
of John Waldron.

I won't pretend
that I can discuss
lands and grooves

with the authority
of an expert,

but to the untutored eye,
even to the eye of an expert,

these two bullets
would seem identical.

There is one minor
difference, however.

When this bullet was
removed from the head
of the deceased,

a small particle
was left in the brain.

Our police force
didn't feel that
it was important

to remove that particle
for their ballistics test.

But, Your Honor,
that particle was
highly important

to the ballistics experts
retained by my office.

They all agreed
that the two bullets
were remarkably similar,

but I have here
their sworn statements

that the two bullets
could not have been
fired from the same gun.


Order! Order
in the court!

I'm forced to admit
that this, too,

falls in the category
of the inconclusive.

If Mr. Johnson,
the police expert,

still insists that
these two bullets
were fired from the same gun,

the odds are
five-to-one against him
that they were not.

However, the odds
are still present.

Your Honor, this is
the gun that was taken

from the person
of John Waldron

on the night
of his capture.

Would Your Honor
kindly examine it,

The gun is
a.32-caliber weapon,

and these are the
bullets that go with it.

There are six bullets.

Would Your Honor
kindly examine them, also?

And now,
insert them in the gun.

And now, may I
have it, please?

Mr. Harvey,
that's a loaded gun.

I'll be extremely
careful, Your Honor.
Mr. Whitney, please.

In the reenactment
of the murder,

we found, through
the examination

of the trajectory
of the bullet,

that the murderer
had to hold the gun
in exactly this position

when the shot
was fired.

Through examination
of the powder burns,

we found that Father Lambert
must have been within
six inches of the gun,

or about here.



Mr. Whitney,
will you fire the gun?



I must apologize, Your Honor,
for the use of theatrics
in this presentation,

but there's a defect
in the firing pin
of this gun.

It's loose and faulty,
making it impossible

for the gun
to be fired
in this position.

We tried it 16 times.

That was the 17th.





MAN 1: He shot himself!

MAN 2: Let him alone.
Stand up there.
Get back there, please.

It's always the same.
You look around long

you'll find some guy
with his fingers
in the till.

I went to Hartford
last night.


I met Harris after
he left your house.
He said you were switching.

I didn't think
you were that
kind of a guy.

WADE: MacDonald,
I just made one mistake.

I should've known by now
that there's one thing
you can't beat in politics,

and that's
a completely honest man.

Well, I wonder how
Florida will be
for the winter.

I'm afraid people
get just as tired
of reform

as they do of
anything else.

You'll be back.
I know.

You'll be back.

You don't look
very happy, Henry.

I was just
thinking of Paul.

Yes, Paul.

Well, Paul more or less
passed judgment on himself.

I suppose so.

Mr. Harvey, that was
a good presentation.
Very good.

I called you
a politician

I was wrong.

Forget it, Robbie.
I know how you felt.

I'll bet that stubborn
old goat still doesn't
believe he's innocent.

It may take him
a little time.

After all,
it took him a long time
to decide he was guilty.

That's why I like him.

Oh, I like him, too,
but he's still a
stubborn, old goat.


Well, what are you
gonna do now?

I don't know.
I'll get something going.

It's about time,
don't you think?


Mr. Harvey, I don't know
how to thank you.

Don't try.


DUGAN: No kidding, Dave.
How did you peg
that corporation?

I never reveal
my methods.

What's that?

Say, don't you ever
read anything
but your own stuff?

The guy was killed
in a crack up.

Screwiest thing
you ever saw.

One of our boys
got on his tail
for speeding.

Chased him
for a mile or so,

and all of the sudden,
the guy swerved,
and that was that.

NARRATOR: This case
was never solved.

And within 24 hours,
John Waldron was
once again a free man.

The case is still open
on the police books
of a Connecticut city,

and it may
interest you to know
that there are those

who still believe
the accused man
was guilty.

It may interest you, too,
to know that the man
we have depicted for you

as State's Attorney Harvey

was actually
a Connecticut lawyer
named Homer Cummings.

He did not become
Governor of the state.

He rose, instead,
to one of the highest
legal positions in the land,

Attorney General
of the United States.