Bondage Slut (1994) - full transcript


- Oh, hi!
- Betty! Hey, Betty, Betty!

Are you okay?
Is your name Betty?

I think somebody's
looking for you.

I'm so sorry.

Yeah, she's like having
a new toddler.

- Oh!
- Here you go, girls.

I'm Nina. Hi.


These are mine too.

This is Holly, and this is...

I'm Ivy.

They were wondering
who bought this place.

Uh, you mean
who would be so crazy.

It definitely
takes a fixer-upper,

of which I am not.

Are you new to the area?

Lifelong Wisconsinite,

but this is my first time
in Chippewa Falls.

Oh, okay. Well, I hope you're
taking on this giant project

with family and friends.

On my own.


Is your car full of books?

Yes, it is.

Books are my travel companion.

I'm never lonely
when I have a book.

And some of these I've had
since before I was your age.

- Are you a book lover too?
- Yeah.

I just got my master's
in library science,

so I could be a librarian.

A kids' librarian.

That's great, huh?
We need you.

Every branch we seem to go to
seems to be short-staffed.

Where are you gonna be working?

Well, I had a job at Lakeview,

but they had an unexpected
hiring freeze, so I'm looking.

But you know, I'd already signed
the papers on the house, so...

I'm happy to loan out
anything you like.

Betty, no!


I thought getting a new puppy
was a good idea.

It was great meeting you.
Right, Holl?

It was great meeting you. Bye.


Hi, I'm Melody Knapp.
Here's my resume.

- Hello, I'm Melody Knapp.
- Hi.

So I worked in local libraries
as a teenager,

got my master's at Madison.

Whoa. You have
a really impressive resume.

I've worked really hard.

I wish.

I'm sure you're
a wonderful candidate.

Graduating summa cum laude.

We don't have the budget

for another librarian here.

The state's slashing budgets
left and right.

We are going through
a hiring freeze right now.

Thank you.

Next, please.

Do you know this book?

Well, you're not
gonna believe this,

but that is one of
my all-time favorite books.

Me too. Do you have
any more like it? I can read.

Well, you're some kind
of a rock star.

Uh, I'm not in charge here,
but, um...

She's been racing through books.

Oh, I know just the thing.

I think you'll love this one.

And it's part of a series.

There's a lot more books
to read.

Oh, thank you so much.

- Yeah.
- Come on.


I know you!

Well, hi there!
What a great surprise.

Me and Holly are here, while
my mom gets more puppy food.

I'm looking for
a dog princess book.

Do you know any books like that?

- Actually, you know what?
- Holly, look who I found!

Melody can help too.

Melody the librarian.
Like you!

Uh, hi.
I just moved here.

I'm a graduate of Madison's
library science program.

Actually, I was hoping
to talk to you

about any job openings
you might have.

I'd be happy to start out
as a library assistant,

or if you need someone
to run a kids' program.

We just don't have the money.

Right now all we can support
are volunteers.

Well, I have a master's degree.
I'm looking for a job.

Well, with that kind
of a degree,

you should look into
data management

or information technologies.

- Yes, but...
- That's how people are using

their library science degrees
these days.

That's not my dream.

I want to be where the kids are,

where their love of reading
and storytelling starts,

and share the books
that changed my life.

I mean, without them,
when I was a kid...

What if I did a program
I developed at school for free?

If you liked it, you could pay
me to do it after... two weeks?

Melody's super fun.

Her whole car
is filled up with books.

It's free help, Patricia,
and it's Christmas.

This coming Sunday at 11 A.M.,

you can do one sample
holiday program,

and then we'll see.

Thank you.
You won't regret it.

Sometimes dreams just take
a little time, that's all.

Ed, I'm gonna need a lot more
materials for this site.

You know, you could take this
to the chain in Eau Claire,

who'd fix it faster.

Faster is not better.

Ed, we all know you're better.


There's gonna be
three restrooms per floor,

with six stalls in each.

Let me call my supplier,
see what their timeline is.

Yeah, I, I'm fond of that
venetian bronze finish.

Me too, but my budget's
fond of satin finish chrome.

You shouldn't let your budget
overpower you.

Says the man who's ordering
18 bathroom stalls a floor

for how many floors?

Didn't your parents teach you
it's rude to eavesdrop?

Well, I think the owner
was the loud one.

Shh! Ed has ears everywhere.

Uh, indoor or outdoor?

Because you want to make sure
that you're protected from rust.

And if you want a code...

Outdoor, no code.

I've got the borehole
and backset measurements.

I just don't see
a single cylinder deadbolt.

Okay, so I was just trying
to mansplain,

and you clearly know exactly
what you're doing.

I'm not sure "trying"
to mansplain is the right word.

Okay, you got me.

Apologies, apologies.

Um, if I may,

satin nickel finish,
single cylinder deadbolt.

On sale today.

Ah! Wait, do you work here?

No, no, I'm just a contractor
who's here 24/7.

Is your house okay? You didn't
get broken into, did you?

My house is
totally falling apart,

but that's the way I bought it.

Do you know Orchard Street?

- No! No!
- Yes.

You're the one who bought 584.

Okay, you must be
very determined.

- Or crazy or both.
- Or both.

Adam, I've got your numbers.

Ed, this is...

Uh, Melody Knapp.

She bought the house on Orchard.

Oh, well, I've got a feeling

we're gonna be seeing
a lot of each other.


Adam Yeager.
Good luck to you.

Uh, thank you,
and thanks for this.

Okay, let me show you
what we got here.


Dad, hey.
What are you doing here?

Councilwoman Richards and I
are meeting for coffee.

I am hoping for
her final sign-off

on the dealership expansion.

The Westlake location?

No, the one on Lorelai.
It's a great opportunity

for you to come run one
from the ground up.

I already have a job, Dad,
which you know.

Yes, but a family business...

- Needs family, yes.
- Right.

Hey, tell Mom I'll meet her
later at the benefit.

- You bet.
- Okay.

Hey, you need a hand?

Yes, please.


Hey, girls.

Wow. This is a beautiful tree.

There's a really terrific lot

not too far from here, actually.

Oh, yeah?
I would love the address.

Oh, are you okay?
You all right?

Yeah, yes.

Yeah, I-I'm fine.
I just...

Crazy day at work.

Both of the lawyers that I do
paralegal work for are in court,

and the next one's
just about to be,

and then we had the whole
tree-finding experience,

and Holly really wanted
a very specific book, so...

Of course, everywhere we went,
they didn't...

What book is it?

Uh, Dixie Belden,

the series that Holly
really wants to read,

but no one seems to know it.

Uh, could it be Trixie Belden,

the mystery series
that started in the late 1940s,

went up to the 80s?

Yes? Guess what.
I have one.

- You're kidding.
- No.

- What?
- I do.

Come on.

Trixie Belden
and the Secret of the Mansion.

You're like a bookmobile.

Well, I am.
Me and Susie, we, uh...

Who's Susie?

Susie is what I named my car.

So here you go.
All yours.

Maybe I shouldn't borrow
from someone I just met.

Okay, well, then don't
borrow it. Keep it.

What are books for?
For sharing.

I mean, you want it,
so it gets a new life,

instead of just
sitting in a box.

Jingle bells Jingle bells

Wow. Great turnout.

Adam, our donation
to Habitat for Humanity

is gonna be the biggest yet.

You ready to do our house?

Only if I get to do the door.

I do the door.
You can do the roof.

Uh, I would, if you didn't
always eat all the gumdrops.

I bought extra this year.

Your father mentioned
the Lorelai dealership?

Again. He is not subtle.

You can't be upset he wants
to work with his only child.

You know, you're not
that subtle either.

We just want to lay
the right foundation for you.

Speaking of, how goes business?

Uh, the building on 24th
is shaping up,

we're breaking ground
on a new house on Rampart,

and... I just finished that
side table for the Andersons.


It's your fault.

You just get me interested
in gingerbread houses

since I was six.

Sure, blame it all on me.

I will.

But you know how I feel.

You and Dad are
super passionate about cars

and giving back
to the community.

Help where help is needed.

Always, but I...

You know I love building things.

- Actually, Mom...
- Oh, wait.

We're running low on gumballs.

Look, I will try
to talk to your father

and get him to back off,

but you keep pushing forward
with the contracting business.

Now's the time to capitalize on
what's happening, not step back.

And don't do the door.

I'm coming back.

I'm totally doing the door.

I figured you probably didn't
have your kitchen set up yet,

but... actually,
I don't even know if you cook.

I do not cook at all.

I am a very good reheater,

and I hope someday to learn,
so thank you.

You're welcome.
And same with us.

I swear, we survive
on the grace of takeout

and on Ivy's baking skills.

Your girls are fantastic.

Oh, thank you.
Yeah, they're pretty amazing.

It was actually their suggestion
that I bring this over.

Oh, and... hold on...

A Christmas card from Ivy.

Oh, my gosh.

And a huge thank you from Holly
for the book.

- That is so sweet.
- Sure.

Can you stay for some tea?
I don't burn water, so far.

- Here comes some tea.
- That looks great.

Listen, Holly is
such an eager reader.

I can't even tell you
how grateful I am

to have somebody who gets it
just right next door.

Books were my savior growing up.


Are your parents big readers?

I found it myself.
What about you?

Was law in your family?

My mom was a legal secretary.

Well, she must be proud of you.

Actually, she passed away
when I was in college, so...

I'm so sorry, Nina.

It's totally okay.

Actually, she's the reason
why I push myself so hard.

Growing up,
it was just the two of us,

and she really did want
what was best for me.

It's funny. I usually
don't talk about my mom.

No one ever really asks.

Well, you can talk to me.

Right back at ya.

Well, this was wonderful.
Thank you.

Next time,
we'll do it at my house.

A very special takeout.

I would love that.

And I'm sure
I'll run into you again.

Yes, you will because
I know where you live.

I'm fine.

Drink it.
You're all flushed.

Is there somebody
that I can call for you?

No, really, I-I'm just...

I've got a lot of my plate
right now.

I don't want you to worry.

Well, you collapsed on
my kitchen floor. I'm worried.


I used to have this lovely woman
who helped me out

about three afternoons a week
in the neighborhood.

But she moved away,
so lately, it's just been me.

It's just a lot.

Well, let me help out with them.

Seriously, I'm only working
one day a week,

if you can even call it that,

and, well,
the library may decide

that I'm not worth it
after Sunday anyway.

And I've taken care of
lots of kids. Don't worry.

Nah, I just met you.
I can't ask you to do that.

You're not asking.
I'm offering.

Okay, but only if I can pay you.

- Nnn...
- You just got done telling me

that you were looking
for a job, right?

So maybe you could do this,

and it would allow you
enough time

to look for your dream job.

I don't like being indebted.

Good. I don't either.

Maybe we could just be grateful
to do this for each other.


I can do that.

I love winter, huh?

You have to
to live in Wisconsin.


The cold weather
forces you indoors.

There's more face-to-face.

Just feels like time moves
a little bit slower, huh?

Plus Christmas.

Plus Christmas.

Okay, so Wednesday
after school, 3:00?

Mm-hmm, you got it.
And make a doctor's appointment.

I'm serious. I want proof.

- You're hardcore, huh?
- Yeah, that's right.

See ya.

Now don't move.



Betty, no!

We make new ornaments each year.

Do you make your own ornaments?

You know what?
I'll be right back.

We're gonna need
cinnamon sticks.

- I know where to get those.
- Yeah?

How did you learn
to do this stuff?

Well, I didn't have a lot
growing up,

so I learned how to make
my own things

by checking out how-to books
at the local library.

You learned a lot
to fix a whole house.

Well, I still look at books,
and I talk to people who do it.

And later, I'm gonna go
to Crock's Hardware Store.

You are?

- You know the place?
- I love it.

I have my own tools.

Can we go with you?


I've made a birdhouse
and a toolbox,

and I watch as many DIY videos
online my mom lets me.

There's one I'm going to make
her for a Christmas present.

Is that a new look?

Doorknob girl.

- Melody.
- Melody!

Is that glitter?

I did it.
It's a makeover.

Oh, wow. You are
some sort of professional.

- No.
- Are you sure?

'Cause I'm pretty sure that
celebrities would hire you out.

- Not yet.
- Well, if you also decorate,

I might have a job for you.

- What do you think?
- I'm seven.

Right, right, so you should
maybe ask your mom first.

- That's not my mom.
- It's not?

- Can we go in?
- Of course.

- We'll meet you inside.
- Okay.

- How's the door?
- Opens and closes.

And the rest of the house?

Don't ask.

More stuff
for the office building?

No. I drop off overages.

Ed facilitates it
getting in the hands

of local builders
doing pro bono work.

And the boss drops it off
himself. Impressive!

I try to help
where help is needed.

I should get back to the girls.

I look after my neighbor's kids
a few times a week.

- It was good seeing you.
- Yeah.

Do you like hot chocolate?

Does anybody say no to that?

No, no.

Just if you're new in town,

you should probably
go down to Sycamore Street.

They have great shops,
and then there's this bakery

that sells just the world's
best hot chocolate,

so you should probably...

Would you wanna
try it out with me?

Well, I have to do
some Christmas shopping,

so could we combine the trip?

Absolutely, yeah.

Can you put your phone number
in here for...

- Yes, I can.
- Here.

- Here you go.
- Yeah.

- Okay.
- Success.

- Oh, look who's here.
- Hey, guys.

Mom, look what we made
for decorating tonight.

That's tonight?

Plus our dance number.

I'm sorry. Dance number?

Dinner and tree trimming?

And dance number, yes,
please, you bet.

All right, girls, come on.
Craft clean-up time.

This one will go here,
and this one...

- No, you can't.
- I can do it. Mom!

Store-bought brownies
to spoil our dinner.


Best way to settle an argument.

Just don't tell the dentist.

Okay, now, that's amazing.

Who's responsible for this?


Okay, does that mean
it's dance time?

Dance time!

- Okay, okay.
- Dance time!

- Okay.
- All right.

Now I think I'll leave to you

What to give the rest

Choose for me, dear Santa Claus

What you think is best

Choose for me, dear Santa Claus

What you think is best

Whoo-hoo! Whoo!

That was the best tree trimming
I've ever been to,

and my first with choreography.

Yeah, when the girls
were little,

they were both drafted
into a Christmas pageant.

They both got assigned
to be Christmas trees,

but one of them
was not too happy.

- Ivy.
- Mm-hmm.

She's not very good
at standing still.

So to make it up to them,
when we got home,

I choreographed a little routine
for them.

Well, the routine has changed
over the years.

It used to have more break
dancing and stuff like that,

but as I get older,
I have more pop than I do lock.

That is amazing.

You okay?

- Did you...
- No, I...

I made the doctor's appointment.

I just, uh...

I already know
what he's gonna say.

I've beaten lymphoma
twice in the past five years.

Oh, Nina.

But I've been clear
for the last two.

And the dizziness,
the flush, the fatigue,

it's, uh...

it's the exact symptoms I get
each time it comes back, so...

What can I do?

It's just... It's gonna be
so hard on the girls

if I have to fight
another round.

I don't even know
if I should tell them.

Let me watch them while
you go to the doctor, okay?

At the very least.

And then anything you need,
I'm here.

Plus, I'm sure it's just
all those things you said:

stress, overworking.

Yeah, I'm sure.

Okay, well, they're probably
working up an appetite.

Would you mind grabbing plates?

- Yeah.
- Okay.

A doll that has makeup
you can put on and wash off,

a real sled, and donuts.

Donuts for Christmas?

You can never have
enough donuts.


Holly, do you have a list?

Holly has been asking
for power tools.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

She's always doing these sort of
do-it-yourself projects.

Oh, Holly, tell Melody
about the one...

Oh, no, it's okay.

She doesn't have to.

- How is it?
- I finished it.

Already? Wow.

I love how Trixie thinks she's
gonna have a horrible season,

- and then...
- Then she finds a friend.

Someone she can be herself with
and learn new things from.


I have more books
from the series at my house.

Do you want to come grab one?

Okay, come on.


Wow. People live like this?

Well, not for long, hopefully.

Where'd you get all these?

I sort of collected them
throughout the years.

Hey, you want to see some of the
things I've been working on?

Okay, come with me.

So I painted this wall
last night.

It might still be wet.
Be careful. But...

I think I'm proudest of this.

This is my vision board.
Do you know what that is?

It's a way to put what you wish
out into the world.

To visualize it.

Do you have wishes?

You know, I haven't had
the easiest life,

and sometimes
things can be tough.

So if there was ever anything
that you needed to say out loud,

I'm a really good listener.

But that's what moms are for.

And my mom's
a really good listener.

The best.

Hey, your mom gave me
the address to your tree lots,

so maybe you could come
help me pick one out

next time I come over.

We could decorate another tree?


Why do you want a cat?

Dogs are so much better
than cats.

We can argue about that
some other time.

Let's go get you that book.

- Favorite tradition?
- Building a snowman!

Who's got a crazy one?

Making Santa beards.


We spray shaving cream
on our chins, without mirrors,

and then have a contest
to see whose is best.

Oh, that is my vote for favorite
tradition. Anyone agree?

Yeah? Okay.

So everyone made two snowflakes.
One goes home.

And the other one,
do you know where it goes?

I'm gonna take it
to decorate the rooms

of kids at the hospital.

They can have both of mine.

Thank you, Ivy.
That's so sweet.

I like these drawings.

Parents said
they'd tell their friends.

Maybe more kids
will come next time.

And more kids means
more attendance,

which would help, right?

It's more complicated.
Costs keep going up.

Materials, technology,

Families depend on us.

Everything you just said is
exactly why I wanted this job.

What if I keep volunteering

with kids about to be out of
school for Christmas vacation?

I could be open to that.


- Yes, right?
- So good.

There's just, there's so much
more that they could do.

The library has meeting rooms,

so organizations that need space
could rent it out.

Patricia mentioned technology,
so they could offer classes.

Or kids could teach

And if we can revive
this library,

it could be a model
for others in the area.

- You really love it.
- I do.

And you weren't kidding
about this hot chocolate.

- It is the world's best.
- I know.

I should've gotten the large,
like you said.

How's the remodel going?

I knew what I was taking on,

or I thought I did.

But I'm low on money
and resources,

so I'm obviously going to
live out my days without walls

or reliable electrical.

You know that I could
take a look at it.

Oh, no. It's not fit
for company.

I will be gentle.

You'd mock or close the door
and run away

with the look of horror
on your face.

I would scoff at first
and then run away.

But seriously, I'm happy to
offer a professional opinion.

No judgment. Scout's honor.

Were you really a scout?

Actually, yes, I was.


This is awful.

- You promised.
- I'm kidding! I'm kidding.

This is, actually
has incredible bones.

Wow. You don't you don't see
craftsmanship like this anymore.

- You see that?
- Yeah.


Well, this built-in
is really well put together.


Wait. You did that?

From scratch.


I'm doing the whole thing

You didn't ask anybody for help.

Well, I know like
three people in town.

Uh, four, if you include me.

Well, we don't know each other
that well.

Well, you know,
I'm working on it.

So how did you
pick up construction?

Hmm, what is that phrase?

"Necessity is
the mother of invention."

I had a lot of time on my hands
growing up,

and there were great books
out there.

Books again. The books!


Well, you know, I could, um...

I could build you a window seat.

You build furniture?

Ah, yes, it is my hobby.

Actually, no, no, it's...

it's... my overwhelming passion

and like the thing
that I would do 24/7

if only I wasn't already busy

building my contracting

Well, wait, I mean,
if you love making furniture,

then why are you building
a contracting business?

So I won't be
some struggling artisan

working out of my garage.

Well, you should
follow your heart

and do what's best for you.

You haven't met my parents.

You could do corporate work

and save up until
it's not just in your garage

and then make a go of it.

- That sounds, um...
- Great, right?

I worked the entire time
I was in school,

just to build a nest egg,

to make sure I could try
to be a librarian.

Yes, but you have more energy
than most humans.

If you're interested
in something,

no matter what it is,

go at it full speed ahead,

embrace it with both arms,
hug it, love it,

and above all,
become passionate.

Lukewarm is no good.
Hot is no good either.

White hot and passionate
is the only thing to be.

That's Roald Dahl.

- The kids' book guy.
- Uh-huh.

Wow. That quote.
You're quoting the...

Hey, kids' book authors
are geniuses.

I could quote you 50 more funny
and inspiring quotes from...

Okay, I'm going on
about books again, aren't I?

I kind of like it.

Look, you could do
what I'm doing.

We could be broke together,
living our dreams.

Uh, I'm sorry. I didn't...

Do you want to maybe quote me
some more kids' books

over another date?

You know, just for inspiration?

It's gonna snow this weekend.

I-I, um...

I make sleds.
Would you want to...

Sorry, you make sleds?

Could you teach me?

No, better yet. Could you come
to the library on Sunday

and teach the kids
how to make them?

And not just like a whole one,

but, you know,
like ornament-sized.

Yeah, I could... I could do that.

But then after...

Another date.

Look, Melody,
they have elves just like you.


Are all your ornaments elves?

Well, my five favorites are,

but I've got like
three dozen others.

Is that a problem?

Uh, it's a little weird.

Well, why fit in
when you were born to stand out?

- Dr. Seuss said that.
- Yes.

Do your favorites have names?

Mm-hmm. Dasher, Dancer,
Blitzen, Mickey,

and my favorite, Huckleberry.

That's the one.

That's your tree.

I think you're right.

Rockin' around
the Christmas tree

At the Christmas party hop

Mistletoe hung where you can see

Every couple tries to stop

Go, Betty!

Rockin' around
the Christmas tree

Wanna teach me the dance?

Ready? 5, 6, 7, 8.

Later we'll have
some pumpkin pie

And we'll do some caroling

Up high, that's right.

You will get
a sentimental feeling

When you hear

Voices singing Let's be jolly

Deck the halls
with boughs of holly

Rockin' around
the Christmas tree

- Can I ask you something?
- Hmm.

What's with the elves?

They seem kind of important.

I was surrendered
right before Christmas

and put into foster care,

and my birth mom tucked an elf
into my belongings.

It's pretty old, so I just,

I always imagined that it was
hers when she was younger.

In the first five years
of my life,

I was cared for
by this amazing couple.

They had taken in dozens of kids
in their lifetime,

and I was the last.

But when I was five,
the dad lost his job,

and so they couldn't afford
to keep me,

and I was put back
in the system,

and I just never found a family
like that again.

I'm so sorry.

Every year, they would give me
a new elf to hang on the tree,

something that was just mine.

Five elves for five years.

Plus, elves are the hardest
workers in the Christmas story,

and I just, I always
identified with them.

I may not have had
all the breaks,

but I'm a really hard worker.

I didn't mean to upset you.

- No, no.
- I turned out okay, you know?

Picked myself up,
got an education, scholarships.


You know, there was
this one librarian...

Ah, a librarian.

Who changed everything for me.

She's the reason
for all of this,

why I landed on my feet.

Don't be sad.

I'm not.

You are an inspiration.

I just, uh...

I'm worried that my girls
are gonna end up in the system.

I'm sorry. Just...
my parents are both gone,

and the father's
not really an option.

I got my test results finally.

The lymphoma is back.

It's fine. I just...

If I can't beat it this time,

I don't know what's
gonna happen to my kids.

Ooh! Ooh!

I would take them.

I'm sorry.
I don't know why I said that.

That's ridiculous, and
it's completely presumptuous.

I mean, you obviously
have people that...

No, I-I don't.

That's why I'm so afraid.

I mean, we don't even...
I adore you and the girls.

We feel the same exact way
about you.

Yeah, but we don't even...
We hardly know each other.

No, I-I know.

Look, this was just...
This whole thing is just crazy.

I'm going to pretend
we never brought it up.

And you're gonna fight this,

and you're gonna beat it
just like all the other times.


I mean...

Would you... be interested?

No, you were just...
You weren't thinking when you...

No, I wasn't, but...

I mean, what, you're 25?


And you're just starting
your whole life.

I don't even have
a home that's safe,

much less a job.



I mean, maybe we could just
talk to someone,

get some information.

I do work for lawyers.

I could talk to them and maybe
they could recommend someone

for us to talk to.

If it was the difference between
your girls having a real home

or being put into foster care,

I would do that.

I could never let a kid
go through what I went through,

not if I could help it.

I'll make a call.


I'd better start
looking for a job.

A giving tree.

Everyone brings coats
or hats and scarves

to hang as ornaments.

And then on Christmas Eve,
we give them away to communities

that need warm clothes
for the winter.

- And we do book adoptions.
- Book adoptions?

Either we have a wish list of
books to fill the library with,

to put online
for people to purchase

with book plates inside
with the adopter's name on it.

Or kids get to make
their own wish list,

and patrons of the library
fill it,

then we have a big giveaway day,

maybe with the hats
and the coats and the scarves.

Oh, we could have some hot
cocoa, maybe bring in a Santa.

Ah. One more. I had this idea
called "elf school."

Teach kids how to secretly help
people in their communities.

Melody, I'm going to think
about all these ideas.

Thank you.


- Adam.
- Hey, how's your day going?

Right now? Terrific.

You want to talk about it
at dinner?

Didn't we say Sunday?

Sunday is, uh, too far away.

You know, there's a new place
that opened up

right near my construction site,

and a Christmas concert
in the park

that's right next to it

- So I mean, I thought...
- Yes.

Okay. You want to meet me
at my construction site at 6:30?

I'm gonna text you the address.

Okay, see you then.

Okay, bye.


- I have a phone number for you.
- Dad, hi.

Charlie Case,
Director of Urban Planning.

The mayor has put Charlie

in charge of the new
charter school on Elm.

Your firm is about to go
to the top of the bid list.

Dad, I have way more work
than I can handle right now.

One city contract
opens up a host of doors.

- You could expand.
- Expand.

Your mother and I knew
the second it was time

to open a second dealership.

If I expand, I'm not gonna have
any time left for my furniture.

Oh, not that hobby again.

- Adam...
- Dad, Dad, listen me.

I've been selling pieces, okay?

Not just to friends and family.

Like I'm building up
a decent nest egg.

In fact, I was thinking
that I might scale back.

- Scale back?
- Yeah.

So you can sell another chair
here and there?

You run a business.
You're a salesman.

Listen, if you would just
come and see my shop...

You mean your garage.

It's great you have a way
to make money on the side,

but don't let that distract you
from a real job.

You don't want
to sell cars? Okay.

I've tried to make peace
with that.

But you have the beginnings
of a real business here.

Do you know what your mother
and I would have given

to have our first dealership
take off like this?

Why would you throw that away?

We just want
what's best for you.

I know.

Okay. Director
of Urban Planning.

Charlie Case. And don't forget
to mention you're my son.

And get that bid in
before Christmas,

so you don't lose out to
somebody before the New Year.

Sure thing.

Thank you so much
for meeting with me.

Nina said that you
might be able to help me.

So sad to hear about
Nina's recurrence.

I don't know if she mentioned,

but the process
is pretty involved.

I think that's why
she referred me.

Neither of us
really knows that much.

Here's the issue.
Because you're not related

by blood or marriage
to Holly and Ivy,

and because the children
have never been in your custody,

the state will have to weigh in

about your fitness
to be their guardian.

There'll be a background check,
an investigation.

The children may be appointed
their own attorney,

and if they have access
to assets,

your financial fitness
will be evaluated too.

Here. It all needs
to be filled out,

and it's not a short process,

so if you want to have
everything in place if Nina...

I'd just get started
as soon as possible.

This is a giant thing
you've offered to do,

and you need to decide
if it's right for your life too.

The state will go through your
whole life, even your house,

to make sure it's safe
to be a home for two minors.

My house?

There she is.


Is that her?
Are you her?

Um, am I?

Brian, this is Melody.
Melody, Brian.

- Hey, it's her!
- Okay.

Are you ready to go?
'Cause I'm starving. Bye!

We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas

And a Happy New Year

Good tidings we bring
to you and your kin

You know, it's possible I might
need the world's biggest favor.

I know it's insane,

but if I can't
get the house up to code,

then I can't do any of it.

And if Nina is very sick,
then I have to do it fast.

And, um, I just figured
you might know some shortcuts

to help get me up to speed.

- Hmm.
- I know.

It's a lot, and I'm sorry.

- Oh, it's a lot, a lot.
- Yeah.

I mean, are you sure that
this is the right thing for you?

Well, yeah. I mean, if Nina
doesn't have anybody else,

how could I not step up?

I adore those girls.

And so what if I don't want to
get a sensible job right now?

It's the right way to go
for now.

Wait, what?

I mean, if one of those
data management places

or academic firms, you know,
want somebody like me,

then I could bank the money now
and redo the house

and chase my dream later.

Right, but you said that you
worked and you saved already,

so that you could be
a librarian.

Yeah, but now everything
has changed.

Right, but I mean what about
all the Roald Dahl stuff?

Like you're just gonna
take a day job

and give up on what you want?

Like, well, was that
just words? I don't...

No. I meant everything
that I said.

I'm sorry. I don't understand.

Are you mad at me
for trying to help the girls?

No, no, of course
you should help.

Help where help is needed,
not just when it's easy, right?


Yeah, I just, I...


I do know some shortcuts,
uh, sure.

So I can send you
some website links.

And yeah, no, I really,
I do get it, you know?

I'm probably gonna put in
for this big city job myself.

There's no telling how much work
I might have lined up.

Might even expand.

Wait, expand? What about
your furniture building?

Yeah, I mean, I guess
it's like your library dream.

Gonna have to wait.

Oh, you know, listen, I got
a head's-up at the restaurant

that we're gonna get
a bad inspection report,

and it's gonna take me
all night to fix it.

Can I get a rain check
on the concert?


I'll walk you to your car.

No, it's okay.
I think I'll stay.

All right.

Hark, the herald angels sing

Glory to the newborn king

Peace on Earth and mercy mild

God and sinners reconciled

Joyful all ye nations rise

Join the triumph of the skies


Patricia, hi.

Aren't the musicians wonderful?
They're my grandkids.

I was gonna call you tomorrow.

- Do you have a moment?
- Yeah.

We heard from our director.

The city's cutting back
our hours again.

We'll be closed on Sundays now,

so I'm afraid we're not going
to be able to keep you on.

It's not that I haven't enjoyed

what you've brought
to the library.

I think you've made
a wonderful addition.

We just don't have
a place for you right now.

I'm sorry.

Is this Charlie Case?

Hi. Yeah, this is, uh, Adam.
Warren Yeager's son.


That's right.

Yeah, yeah, I've always told him

that he's a very good
press agent.

Listen, I would love
to hear about

the project that you're
accepting bids on.

Is it an okay time to...


That sounds great.

I'm sure that I could
put a bid together

before everybody bugs out
for Christmas.

We have the Mommy-and-Me
person in the morning,

Saturdays are filled
with technologies,

afternoons are homework helpers,

and I can't push out
the grandparent readers.

Can we sell it as an experiment?

Our director thinks
that people come to libraries

for the tried and true.

But tried and true
isn't working.

I know.

I've come to love your ideas,

but this is how it is.

I'm sorry.


Thank you.

Hi. Can I get a hot chocolate
and a donut, please?

- Hi. This is Melody.
- Hi.

This is Kimberly Dade
at Westminster Data Management.

You submitted
your resume online.

- Oh, yes, hi.
- Your background in education

seems like the right fit
for a job we have open.

Are you available
for an interview tomorrow?

- Tomorrow?
- I know it's fast,

but the woman we had
went on maternity leave

two months earlier
than we expected.

I can give you
all the information.

Yes, um, just...

You know what?
Let me get to my car.

I don't think I have a pen.

Okay, found a pen, so...

I'm so glad
we could catch up here.

They have the best hot chocolate
in literally in the world.

I'll be right back.
Just give me one second.

Are you still there?

Yeah, sorry, I'm here.

So 45 Augusta Street.

Okay, I think I got it all.
I'll see you tomorrow at 10 A.M.

Thank you.



Oh, yeah, it's...
The woman I was with...

Oh, you don't have
to explain anything.

I mean, you're free
to do whatever.

She's just the Director
of Urban Planning.

It's a potential client.

Well, like I said, you could
do whatever, you know.

We didn't have anything
that was...

We did.

We should probably talk about
what happened the other night.

Okay. What happened?

I freaked out,
and I left you hanging,

so I am sorry.

So, the Director
of Urban Planning?

Oh, yeah, uh,
she's my dad's contact.

I thought it'd be
a good opportunity for me,

so I who am I
to turn it down, right?

I get it.

They just want
what's best for you.

Good luck with the client.

- Dogs are friendlier.
- Kittens are easier.

Puppies are cuter.

Than kittens?

Have you seen Betty?

One exception.

No, seriously,
has anyone seen Betty?


See? Puppies are harder.

But neater!

Cats don't cause trouble.

These would be good guest rooms.

Maybe me and Holly
could sleep over,

wave between rooms.


Hey, if you two could choose
a color for a bedroom,

what would you choose?

- Light blue.
- Pink!


Wow. My grandma would love it.

She can't drive,
but she loves to read.

Can we drive
to Kayla's grandmother's?

Yeah. Let me text Kayla's mom
and find out.

This one's if you like romance.

That one if you like mysteries.

Yes. We brought you
thrillers, true crime,

history, biographies.

We didn't know what you'd like.

Oh, you have no idea
what this means.

I have friends who don't
get around so well anymore,

or they don't drive like me,
who are gonna be so jealous.

Or we could deliver to them too,
couldn't we?

Kid, you are
some kind of genius.


I think I just had an idea.

Sleep in heavenly

Sleep in heavenly

Sleep in heavenly peace

And there isn't a bookmobile
in the whole area.

And a library on wheels
could serve all kinds of places.

Not just individual homes,

but nursing homes,
shelters, schools,

and in lower-income

rural families,
people without Internet.

That sounds amazing.

Yeah, but is it crazy?


I mean, first you have
to think about your Wagoneer.

Is it gonna hold up?
You'll be driving it all over.

Maybe I could get the library
system to underwrite repairs

or get a grant from the state
for an actual van or...

I don't know, find some big
philanthropist who loves books.

Bigger things have started
in smaller ways.

I think it's
a really creative way

to pursue your dream
of being a librarian.

Uh, you got a text.


Is everything okay?

Melody, what is it?

They've set my home inspection.

December 28th.

Things just got really real,
didn't they?

It's just precautionary.

Have they figured out
a treatment?

I mean, is it...

Is it bad?

I mean, it's...

It's aggressive.

But listen,

I do not want you
to be my nursemaid.

You did not sign up for that.

- Yes, I did.
- No, you didn't.

Yes, I did.
I am your friend.

I'm the person that you asked
to be your children's guardian.

Yeah, but I'm just now realizing
how big this is to take on.

When I was your age, the biggest
thing I was worried about

was whether to spend New Year's
Eve in Colorado or Vermont.

Well, which one did you choose?


I think I, I danced on
one of those neon signs.

Oh, I could see Ivy doing that.

Yeah, me too.

It's funny. My girls both
have different sides of me.

The best parts.

Yeah. I'm glad
they have each other.


I am not gonna back out.

I'm saying it's okay if you do.

Nina, do you know why I bought
that house next door?

A house that's so much bigger
than I could ever need?

Because I wanted to fill it
with people.

I thought that if I could just
put it out into the universe,

like my vision board,

that it might actually
happen for me.

I mean, I didn't think
it would happen so fast,

but there will always be room
for anyone to be called family.


I mean, that's all
I ever wanted.

Thank you.

Oh, look at the time.

How'd it get to be
past 12 already?

- I have to get up in six hours.
- I have that interview.

Are you sure you want
to do that interview?

Especially when you're getting
your bookmobile off the ground.

Yeah, yeah.

At first, I thought a job
like that would be a compromise,

but, you know,
it's only six months.

I could save up, get the whole
thing up and running.

I mean, maybe it's a blessing.

Maybe it is.

The night has been full of them.


Wait, Diana was the woman

who left on maternity leave?


5'6", dark hair,
went to Madison?

Two years ahead of you.

She remembered you
coming to the program.

She was fantastic.

She said the same about you,

right as she was leaving
for the hospital

and heard your resume came in.

- How is she doing?
- Mother and baby are fine,

but she's gonna need
a little extra time,

so you'd be filling in
for about six months.

You'd have to start
right after the holiday.

The timing is perfect for me.

We'll have you come in
between now and then

for orientation and training,

but you can schedule that
around other commitments.

I can do that too, so...

So welcome aboard?

If that is an offer,
then yes, I will take the job.

Takeout on me tonight, Nina.

Yes, I start next Monday.


Finished it last night.

Background check,
copies of my financial records,

information on my new job,

and I confirmed
my home inspection

for the 28th of December.

Great. We'll get it all filed.

And I'll be in building mode
every second until then.

The smoke alarms
need hard wiring.

I've got the GFCis
for the bathroom

and kitchen electrical outlets.

I'd do the laundry room
and the garage too,

the kids are gonna be there.


I can recommend
a licensed electrician.

And the city,
they're gonna want to see

your air conditioning ductwork
is sealed.

Okay, no central air.

That's one thing
that'll save me time and money.

I know people that can do
this kind of work,

including Adam Yeager.

I'm okay.

You know the inspection's
in five days.

I don't have the budget
for anyone

other than that electrician.

Besides, Adam's not interested
in some falling-down house

that might be home
to an overnight family.

He's got a business of his own
that he's building.

He's building that business,
so he won't let his father down.

Warren Yeager.
Yeah, he's hard to disappoint,

if you know what I mean.

To the best team in Wisconsin.
Now go eat.

Ah, my boy.
I didn't think you'd show up.

What, and miss all this?

Let me walk you around.

Yeah, actually, I just
stopped by to tell you...

I put in the bid
for that city job.



Adam has put in
for the city job.

Let's take him someplace special
for dinner tonight to celebrate.

Let's do it up.

You okay?


We only want
what's best for you.

Uh, you know, actually,

can you tell Dad that I can't
make it to dinner?

What? You just got here.

Another time.
I'll see you later, Mom.

- Hi.
- Hey.

So there's fresh coat of snow.

You still wanna go sledding?

I do happen to know
the best hill in town.

You didn't have to come.

I wanted to.

Look, you moved on.
It's okay.

I didn't. Melody...

Look, Nina's waiting on tests.

I could become the guardian
of two girls soon,

and you didn't sign up
for an instant family

with a girl that you
don't even know if you like.

- I get it.
- I do know.

I like you.

Listen, I didn't back out
that night

because of the promise
you made to Nina.

I mean, the truth is,
I couldn't imagine how anyone

could take on an entire family
that wasn't her own

and just throw away
her life plan

until I realized that that's
exactly what you asked me to do

on our first date.

You know, to chase my passion.

And I didn't do that because...

I don't have your guts.

That's not true.


I lucked out in life.

I did.

And I didn't realize how much
until I met you.

And yeah, the whole instant
family thing is super daunting,

but when I'm with you,

all I know is that I am
the most myself,

and I am clear
about what I want.

And I don't want to own
a car lot,

and I don't want
to plan anything urban.

I just...

I want to go sledding with you.

That's all.

So what do you say?

I'll get my boots.

House is really coming together.
Do you want any help?

No, I'm good.

Aren't you on
like a tight deadline?

We could work after sledding.

No. Seriously, it's fine.
Got it.

Why don't you like
to accept help?

- What? I do.
- When?

You help people all the time.

When do you let
other people help you?

The way I grew up, asking for
help never got you anything.

Okay, fine. Don't ask.
I'll just offer.

You know, Holly, the older girl,

she likes to learn
about construction,

so do you want to maybe
knock on Nina's door

and see if they want
to come sledding,

and then after you could show
Holly some construction things?


I do have two sleds.

Just hear those
sleigh bells jingling

Ring-ting-tingling too

Come on, it's lovely weather

For a sleigh ride
together with you

Outside the snow is falling

And friends are calling yoo-hoo

Come on, it's lovely weather

For a sleigh ride together
with you

Giddy-up, giddy-up
Giddy-up, it's grand

Just holding your hand

This time, we'll go without him.

Hey, maybe when we're done,

we can all go back
to my wood shop

and make something
for Melody's house.

- Hey.
- Hi.

- Look.
- I know.

He's cute.

And he's really great
with the girls.

I know. I think so too.


Mom, do you want a turn?

Uh, not today, honey,
but have fun.

You all right?
Do you want to go home?

Never! You kidding?
I'm having way too much fun.

It's gonna blow your mind.

All right.

This is the best place ever.

This is amazing.

Are these sleds for babies?

No. I was gonna teach
some kids at the library

how to make them,
so I was practicing.

You can put some twine on them
and hang them as an ornament.

Hey, who wants to make
some shelves for Melody's house?

Yeah, you do.

Only if there's glitter.

Okay, all right.

- Can you cut it?
- Yeah.

- Adam.
- Wha...

Dad, wh...

Girls, it's getting kinda late.
Maybe we should get going.

- Yeah, it's been a long day.
- What about the shelves?

You guys can come back
and finish them tomorrow.

So what's going on here?

Dad, these are my friends.

This is Nina and her daughters,
Holly and Ivy.

- And this, um, is Melody.
- Hi.

Adam's teaching us
how to build Melody's house.

- To build her...
- No, not build.

I have some projects, and...

- So you're contracting.
- No, I'm just helping.

Adam had shelves for Melody
here in his workshop,

- so we came here.
- Oh.

- Let's go, girls.
- Okay.


- See you tomorrow.
- Okay.



Adam, this is beautiful.

I had no idea.

- Thank you.
- It is hot.

Yeah, Melody's house needs to be
ready for the inspection

in five days,

so that the proceedings
can move forward

in case the worst happens.

It's a big commitment
she's making,

for somebody so young.

Yeah, well, you know,
she was a foster kid.

She couldn't bear to see those
kids taken into the system.

It's the Christmas spirit
in a nutshell,

you know,
making your house a home

and your car into a bookmobile.

The Wagoneer out there?

Oh, yeah.
Yeah, she's very determined.

You like her.


- I like all of them.
- Hmm.

Hey, you never told me
why you came to see me.


I came to see your workshop.

Merry Christmas-Eve Eve, kiddo.

Thanks, Dad.

"He puzzled and puzzled
until his puzzler was sore,"

then the Grinch thought of
something he hadn't before.

'Maybe Christmas, ' he thought,
'doesn't come from a store.

"Maybe Christmas, perhaps,
means a little bit more.'"

- I love Dr. Seuss.
- Me too

You can have my book.
Books are for sharing.

You did that.

Dr. Seuss did that.

"And what happened then?"

Well, in Whoville, they say

that the Grinch's small heart

"grew three sizes that day."

Melody, before you go,
I got you something.

For me? Why?

You had a family once
that meant something to you,

and that's where
those elves came from.

I wanted you to know
that you have another one here

that you mean the world to.

- I'm sorry.
- It's okay.

I'm not sure that's supposed
to be my reaction.

It's okay.
You moving next door

was the best thing
that ever happened to us,

and I hope you know.

For me too.


Time to wake up!


Uh, it is customary
for a man to call first,

let a girl get dressed.

Well, that would ruin
the surprise.

Okay, help me out here.
What is happening?

If you're gonna get your house
up to code before the 28th,

you're gonna need some help.


So my crew and I,
we have Christmas Eve off,

so we decided that
we would be your present

and help you get your house up
to code before the deadline.

And then I mentioned it to
a few other people and, uh...

So go get dressed and leave

and then come back
at the end of the day.

No. This isn't
some makeover show,

where the family leaves

and then you yell, "Surprise!"
and they come back.

No, this is my house, and I have
the chops to work on it,

so I will get dressed,

but then I'm breaking out
my hammer and my nails.

Okay, you heard the lady.

Everybody, come on.
All right!

You better watch out
You better not cry

You better not pout
I'm telling you why

Santa Claus is coming to town

He's making a list
and checking it twice

He's gonna find out...

Okay, start picking wall colors.

You're our designer, right?

I really like pink.

You're really good with them,
you know that?

I had good parents.

It shows.

It does.

Thank you.

But I wouldn't leave Ivy alone
with that tablet.

- Oh, yep.
- Yeah.

All right, okay, okay.
What do you think?

Yeah, okay.

I'm telling you why

Santa Claus is coming...

- Careful.
- Ready?

- Easy, easy.
- Almost, almost.

Watch your toes!

- Good job.
- Okay.

Can we bring over Betty?

No, not to a construction site.

Plus, I'm more of a cat person.

What'd you just say?

Uh, yeah, I'm a cat person.

I have a pair at home,
Hickory and Dickory.

Hey, I have a special project.

Just you and me.
You in, kiddo?

Okay. I heard that they
need you in the kitchen,

so can you just get out of here?

Okay, grab that side.

- We can do this.
- Here you go.

Thank you.

So how you doing?

You seem a little bit

Oh, it's just, it's weird.

I spent my whole life accepting
that I would do it alone,

without ever expecting help.

And then you moved
to Chippewa Falls.

Then people show up,

open their hearts,
offer to help.


You have elves in your home.

I do! I have Santa's elves!

The Book Elf.

That's what I'll call
my bookmobile.

"The elf that brings a book
to your shelf."

Oh, that's perfect.

- Really?
- I love it, yeah.

I like it too.

Santa Claus is coming

To town

- Okay, okay.
- Okay.

- You ready?
- Mm-hmm.


It is 100% safe
and 100% up to code

before the 28th.

Oh, my gosh.

See that?

Oh, this is the best Christmas
present I've ever gotten.

I mean, you...
You've all just changed my life.

Actually, there is
one more present.

- What?
- Mm-hmm.


For reading books.

I don't know how I'm ever gonna
repay you for this.

You offered an incredible gift
to others.

Someone needed to do that
for you.

No payment necessary.

Thank you.

- Hello!
- Hmm?

Dad, hi.


- Hey, what, uh...
- Is it gift-giving time?

Hi. This is... You know my dad.
This is my mom, Catherine.


Our family has a tradition
of opening one present

on Christmas Eve,

so we brought you a present.

Who, me?

Is this something else?

No, I am as clueless as you are.

Grab coats. It's cold out.

- Okay.
- Okay, let's go.

So Adam told us what you were
trying to put together,

and that you were gonna
make a bookmobile

out of a '90s Wagoneer?

Uh, to start, anyway.

We thought
you should think bigger,

maybe with a fully equipped
Sprinter van.


Donated by a local dealership.

No, no. I...

I could not possibly
accept this. It's...

No, no, of course you can.

Help where help
is needed, right?

I bet you didn't think
you had a whole community

ready to step up.

It's too much.

Take a look inside.

This is amazing.

Maybe you could outfit
it with benches or shelves

or some of your other
incredible work.

It could be a showcase
for your new business.

Custom woodwork.

What are you...

We spent a long time pushing you

because we wanted you
to be practical,

and we knew you were
such a gifted salesman,

but what we forgot was
salespeople work best

when they sell what they love.

And you love building
beautiful things.

Which you're
already successful at.

How can we stand in the way?

I-I don't understand.
I mean, why would you do this?

We hardly know each other.

We don't, but we know our son,

and you have inspired him.

My parents have suggested that
I build some custom benches

and shelves for your books
and for your visitors,

start to expand
my woodworking business.

So I'll do
some data management...

And I'll do some corporate

- Until both of our passions...
- Get off the ground.

Because sometimes dreams
take a little time.

But sometimes Christmas
gives them a little extra push.

Knapp-Larson family, follow me.


That Christmas was
the best one of my life,

the first with a family I knew

would be a part of my life

All right, here we go.

- Hurry!
- Two...


Nina fought so hard,
but she passed before summer,

and I became
the girls' guardian.

And now with
Your Honor's approval,

I'm petitioning to adopt
Holly and Ivy permanently.

Is this what you want?

Yes, Your Honor.

Is there anything
you want to add?

We loved our mom so much,
and we miss her every day,

but Melody made a home for us,
and she's our family too.

She's our family now.

The adoption of
Holly and Ivy Larson

by Melody Knapp is approved.


- Betty!
- Betty?

- Hi.
- Aw...

We get to open one
on Christmas Eve.

This one's for you.



You guys...

- I built the frame myself.
- And I decorated it.

It's amazing, you guys.

I love it. Thank you.


I might have an early
Christmas present too tonight.

What do you think?

Yeah? Okay.

A toast?


Your mom may not be here
in all the ways that we wanted,

but she's here
in every other way possible

because she taught me
about love...

and family...

and giving and accepting help
where it's needed.

And I'm gonna do my best
to carry that forward with me,

everything she shared with me.

To Nina.

- To Nina.
- To Mom!


And now...

we dance.

5, 6, 7, 8!