Bomba and the Hidden City (1950) - full transcript

Nature photographer Dennis Johnson is astounded to see a young white boy swinging through the jungle. His host, Hassan Emir of the Hidden City, tells him the continent is full of of stories of children being raised by wild animals. The Emir sends out his henchman to kill Bomba. Seriously wounded, Bomba floats down the river on a fallen tree and is rescued by a village girl, Leah. When he learns that Leah is a princess whose father was overthrown by Hassan, Bomba sets out to help her reclaim her title.

(orchestral music)

(birds calling)

(monkeys chittering)

(engine revving)

Wondering if Johnson got
plenty pictures monkey.

Not much film left.

We got plenty of film back at our base.

Film at base not help bwana catch
animal pictures for museum today.

I suppose you're right.

(monkeys chittering)

(orchestral music)

Hadji, do you see anything up
in those trees besides monkeys?

No, bwana, what do you see?

Thought I caught a glimpse of a man.

(laughs) a white man.

I've heard many stories about
jungle boy who live in tree vine.

But Hadji not believe it.

Start the car forward, slowly.

(orchestral music)

I'm afraid he's gone.

Not gone, bwana, never was there.

Don't be too sure.

(tense orchestral music)

Now what?

Bwana come here to take
animal pictures for museum.

Look, please.

(touching classical music)

Very fine specimen.

Come, bwana.

Lucky we're downwind.

(tense orchestral music)

The longer lens, Hadji.

(orchestral music)

(tense orchestral music)

(mimicking bird call)


Look, bwana.

(lighthearted orchestral music)

Get the car, Hadji, quickly.

(lighthearted orchestral music)

Faster, Hadji, faster.

Drive smoothly, Hadji, smoothly!

Bwana save drive fast,
bwana say drive smooth.

Which way bwana want?


Yes, bwana.

(orchestral music)

Where'd he go?

Gone under.

Well he can't stay under forever.

Maybe can do, bwana.

Them say him part devil.

You don't believe that, hey Hadji?

There he is, bwana.

No, it's too far away to mean
anything even with this long lens.

Let's go back and see if The Amir

can tell us anything
about this jungle boy.

(dramatic orchestral music)

[Man] Your lord, may, Abraham
Benghazi from the village of Renditi.

Ah, Johnson, effendi.

You do us a great honor
by making the Hidden City

the base for your photographic expedition.

A seat for our friend, quickly.

I just had, um, an amazing
experience, your excellency.

I hope that you can explain it for me.

I am of the village of Stanbul.

I have here our tribute and also orders

not to surrender it without an accounting.

What kind of an accounting, my friend?

What happens to all this?

You will have to go to
my superiors for that.

I am only the district Amir.

You are not even the true Amir.

You usurped the office when
Saud Farraza was killed.

Saud Farraza was a good
governor and my friend.

When he was killed, of
course I took his office.

I was his Lieutenant, next
in line to succeed him.

Your authority to rule
has never been confirmed.

Nor has anyone been sent to replace me.

Until such time, I must obey
my superiors and levy taxes

even though I may not believe in them.

You say that Saud was a good
governor yet he was killed,

surely not by his own people?

Oh no, effendi, by
the invaders in the war.

They reached even to this tiny
outpost of our motherland,

the Hidden City, as we call it.

Saud had a wife and child.

I begged him to flee
with them to the jungle,

with the Europeans, but he was
loyal to his people and remained.

But the articles of
war wouldn't permit the...

I saw it happen, effendi.

It wasn't very pleasant.

How did you manage to escape?

All is fair in war.

I let them believe that I
would collaborate with them.

Ah, Raschid, what brings you here?

Surely no village would
trust you to bring its taxes.

No excellency, that they wouldn't.

I mean no sire, I bring no taxes.

Come to the point, Raschid.

Well, it is rumored about
the bazaars and marketplaces

that one of the girls in your
excellency's household escaped

that this sheep fled from your protection.

That is just a rumor.

Oh yes, just a rumor.

Just, well.

I talked with her as she
passed through my village.

You saw her and didn't return her to me?

That's the favor I
would do your excellency,

I would substitute a girl who is
more beautiful and more loyal.

I can picture the
girl you might suggest.

Has your excellency every
heard of a girl named Zidah

of the village of Kampani?

Very well.

Who is her father, so that
I may ask his consent?

Raschid, your excellency,
at your service.

You, her father?

Tell the maidens of your
village that I will see them

two days from now.

Now, be off.

Your excellency will bless
this day and me with it.

I hope.

Getting back to my experience, Hassan.

Ah, yes.

Have you had any reports
of a half wild jungle boy

in the woods here abouts?

Jungle boy, effendi?

He seems to live with the animals.

The natives call him Bomba.

Say he's sort of a jungle demon.

Suppose we discuss it later
when I've finished here.

I have no idea who this Bomba,
as you call him, may be, Effendi.

I've heard stories about him,
but I assume they were merely folktales.

Naturally but now that we
know there is such a person

it doesn't seem right to let him
go running wild through the jungle.

I'd like your permission
to track him down.

Of course.

If you need any more men,
you have only to ask.

I have enough men for one party
but I was hoping your highness

might outfit a second
group to work with us.

Better still, I shall lead them myself.

When do you say we start?

Why not tomorrow?


You heard, Abdullah?

The party will be ready
by sunrise, excellency.

And now with your highness's permission,

I'll retire and begin my preparations.

Granted before you asked, Effendi.

It must be the same one, Abdullah, eh?

There could hardly be two alike.

Will your highness see if have
arranged our shares equitably?

If the American should capture
Bomba and learn the truth,

there would be no more
taxes to divide, Abdullah.

Have no fear, your highness.

He won't be captured alive.

I shall be with the party.

(tense orchestral music)

Go hide.

(tense orchestral music)

Hello, Hassan.

Greetings, Effendi.

Your party is heavily armed.

You're not intending to
kill the boy are you?

Of course not.

They're just a few
precautions against animals.

You found no sign of him, I suppose?


(tense orchestral music)

Are you quite sure you really
saw him or did your imagination...

Come quick, bwana.

I found tracks of jungle boy.

(tense orchestral music)

Right here, boss.

The grass is too heavy.

I don't see any tracks.

Bwana not have trackers eyes.

Look, go up tree.

See, bwana?

(uplifting orchestral music)

I see him.


You fool, you came to capture
the boy not to kill him.

I did not shoot him, Effendi,
I only cut the vine he was on.

And the fall may have killed him.

I see you're not to be trusted with this.

We have no time to waste in wrangling.


(tense orchestral music)

(monkeys hollering)

(tense orchestral music)

I'm certain he fell somewhere near here.

Scatter out and search under every bush.

And remember, the boy
is not to be harmed.

(tense orchestral music)

(tense orchestral music)


Where is the boy?

I saw him, what happened to him?

I think he saw me, Effendi,

and killed himself rather
than be taken alive.

If you had called to us,
this would not have happened.

I was afraid that he would hear
my shout and escape, excellency.

I guess there's no hope, my friend.

Wait, he can stay under there
an impossible length of time.

He did it yesterday.

(tense orchestral music)

- Good morning, Zidah.
- Good morning.

Aren't you going to join us?

No, no thank you.

Well you know that Hassan
is to visit our village today.

So I have heard.

Why don't you make ready then?

Bathe, perfume yourself.

I have seen the Amir.

He's a lizard.

(lighthearted orchestral music)

We mustn't let her
cheat herself, come on.

Oh no.


(all giggling)


You mustn't move,
please, I'll go for help.

(touching orchestral music)

Don't be frightened, I'm a friend.

Drink this, it will give you strength.

Who are you?

I am Zidah, of the house of Raschid.


And you?

I am Bomba.

Of what house?

No house.

Bomba live in cave.

What's this for?

To heal your wound.

It's not serious and I sealed
it against further bleeding.

How were you hurt?

Man try catch Bomba.

One throw knife.

But why?

Not know.

Bomba not hurt man.

What's that?

Nothing to be afraid of.

Lie still and I'll see.

It's nothing.

Only the villagers greeting
the visitors from the Hidden City.

In the name of our village, greetings
to his excellency, Hassan Amir.

You're over stepping yourself, Raschid.

I am head man of the village.

No offense, Mhekmed, no offense

but it is business with me
that has brought them here.

I'll go to fetch my daughter.

Not so fast, Raschid.

Your daughter hasn't been chosen yet.

First I must see the other
maidens of the village.

But there are no other
maidens, excellency.

Only hags, some as old as 19.

You speaking of my daughter Alita?

No, Mhekmed, no but at your advanced
age, you need her to care for you.

Suppose you call the other maidens

so that my decision will be a fair one?

(shouting in foreign language)

Come quickly.

So you're still tending
this boy you fished

from the river and moved into my tent?

Allah dropped him into my hands, father

and you know hospitality is
the first law of the prophet.

Yes, it's very easy to be generous
with someone else's property.

Hurry, Zidah, before his
excellency makes a bad choice

and I will lose my chance
at honors and riches.


You smell of medicine and goat's broth.

Here, my mother's wedding veil, put it on

and some rouge on your cheeks
and purple on your eyes.

As for you, I will be pleased
to have my bed once again

when you are finished with it.

Bomba not understand.

The Amir has come to choose
a new maiden for his household.

That not good?

[Zidah] For some maybe but not me.

Then better run away to jungle.

With you?


Well I couldn't live
in the jungle alone.

Then better go with Amir.

She's beautiful and almost entirely
recovered from sleeping sickness.

I don't think his excellency
will chose me for my beauty.

You try to sleep, I won't be gone long.

Charming, isn't she, excellency?

You're walking without a stick now, Alita,

rheumatism no longer
bothers you then, hey?


Oh there you are, my dear.

Zidah, where did you get these clothes?

Nevermind now, come on, come on.

Come on.

Your search is over, your highness.

Behold Zidah, Zidah my lovely one.

You see?

His highness is stupefied
by my daughter's beauty.

This is what you call beauty?

What have they done to you?

You would do that to me?

Make a fool of me before his excellency
and rob me of my place at court.

Your excellency must forgive
my daughter's little joke.

She only did it to entertain you.

Oh she's got a great talent
for entertaining, sire.

She dances and sings and
makes wonderful spice cakes.

What do you think, Abdullah?

Do think she'd be a wise
choice for my household?

As you say, sire.

It wouldn't take you long to
pack a few things, would it?

I don't...

Oh she doesn't have much
to pack, your excellency.

We have been poor up till now.

Run along, child, we mustn't
keep his excellency waiting.

Run along.

What do you think of my
choice, Johnson Effendi?

She didn't seem too happy about it.

She's very young.

Yes, very.

Wait, excellency.

You must, we have forgotten
to discuss the details

of our little bargain.

My father sold me to that
lizard but I swear I...



Zidah, his excellency is waiting.

You mustn't make him impatient or he...

Zidah, Zidah where have you hidden?



Sound the alarm, Mhekmed, my
daughter has gone, disappeared.

What nonsense.

How could she disappear?

Oh it must be that boy.

I knew from the first that he had
come to put a curse on my house.

Stop babbling, what is
this talk about a boy?

She fished him from the river.

I knew that he was a devil, I warned her

but no she had to give him
shelter, tend to his wound.

The jungle boy, it must be.

Send a runner back to Hidden City.

Bring some of my men, all of them armed.

Why the guns, your excellency?

You think the boy
should live after dragging

that child off into the jungle?

We don't know that
she was taken by force.

Perhaps, she wanted to go.

You think she would
prefer life in some cave

to the ease and comfort of Hidden City?

It's not impossible.

If that prove to be
the case, I assure you...

Men will be here by dawn, excellency.

Search will start
the moment they arrive.

You have sleeping quarters
available in the village?

My courthouse is at your
disposal, your excellency.

Maybe bwana think it's good
idea we start search now?

A very good idea but
where do we start to search?

You and I go this way, people say.

Must go by river.

We better separate
so no one will suspect.

We'll meet somewhere outside
the village and decide what to do.

(lighthearted orchestral music)



Why didn't you wait for me?

You must of heard me calling you.

Go home.

Why did you take off
the medicine I put on?

This better.

Let me help you.

Go home.

But I only did what you told me to do.

You said to run away.

Say run away to
jungle, not follow Bomba.

Well how am I gonna eat?

Same as Bomba.

Same as monkeys.

(monkeys screeching)

(lighthearted orchestral music)



Help me, I'm caught.

(tense orchestral music)

Bomba, help me, he'll kill me!

Bomba, Bomba!

(tense orchestral music)

Get vines, quick!

Tie feet.

Hurry, hurry.

Tie feet, I can't hold.

Go home.

Haven't you any gratitude?

Didn't I pull you out of the
river and save your life?

Bomba save Zidah's life, too.

Well won't it die if
you leave it this way?

Break loose, soon.


(lighthearted orchestral music)

Why do we have to go in here?

Lose tracks, men not follow.

But it's too muddy, I'll get all dirty.

Go home then.

Oh Bomba help me, I'm stuck.

You can't leave me here.



You look funny.

You think you look pretty?

Bomba, we mustn't go in the river,
it's very deep and I can't swim.

Zidah not swim?



(lighthearted tense orchestral music)

Cross over here, bwana, lose tracks.

Looks like the girls still with him.

Yes, bwana.

Well I suppose there's
only one thing to do.

See if you can find a log
we can float our gear on.

The sun is low.

It will be dark soon and I'll be afraid.

If Zidah afraid why she come to jungle?

Because I'm more afraid of Hassan

and because I like you very much.

Don't you like me just a little?


(lighthearted tense orchestral music)

You make Bomba much trouble.

Stand in hands.


Climb tree.

What for?


In that?

You like sleep on ground
with snakes and scorpions?

(soft orchestral music)

(apes chittering)

(tense orchestral music)

Sorry, bwana, sun up high.

So it is.

We should of been on our way an hour ago.

I found trail, bwana,
not very easy to see.

One consolation, it will be
just as hard for Hassan to find.

(soft tense orchestral music)



(touching orchestral music)

good morning.

Every morning a good morning.

You frightened me.

I thought you'd run away.

Bomba not run away, Bomba hungry.

Let me do this.

You go catch another.

For yourself.

Why you make smoke?

Men see, find Bomba.

These smoke in trees might be Bomba.

Zidah much trouble,
make smoke spoil fish.

You can catch another one.

Cannot catch smoke.

Someone see.

Maybe you want men find Bomba.

You want men find Bomba?

No, Bomba.

You're hurting my arm.

Bomba go now.

You stay.

Please, Bomba.

Would you send me back to Hassan?

No, go home to father.

The same thing, he'd send me to Hassan.

You not like father?

I don't know.

He's usually good to me
but he doesn't love me.

All father love child.

But he, he's not really my father.

Where father?

Bomba take you to him.

I don't know where he is.

You see, I don't even know who I am.

No really, Bomba.

One day I woke from a deep sleep.

I was in the jungle.

Who I was, where I came
from, I remembered nothing.

I only knew that I was afraid, as if
someone were chasing me to kill me.

So I ran and ran

and when I could run no
farther Raschid found me.

He took me into his house and
raised me as his own daughter.

You don't believe me?

Yes, Bomba believe.

Maybe Bomba know who you are.

What do you mean, Bomba?

How could you know who I am?

One day, long time ago, Bomba in jungle

hear many guns.

He swing through tree
to see why they shoot.

Men not hurt you.

Bomba go, come back soon, help Zidah.

Good morning, Zidah.

Good morning.

You gave us quite a chase
but I guess we found you in time.

Where's the jungle boy?

Jungle boy?

What would I know of a jungle boy?

I fled from Hassan and his men.

Listen, I know he was with you

and I know you want to protect
but you've go to trust me.

Hassan's men are looking for him

and if they find him I think
they intend to kill him.

Oh Effendi, they mustn't kill him.

He knows my true identity.

He was going to tell me when
he saw you and ran away.

You mean you don't know.

No, all I remember is...

Good morning.

You travel fast, Hassan.

I was several hours of ahead of you.

You followed a dim trail.

Your boot heels made
it simpler for my men.

Where's the boy?

Zidah says she hasn't seen him.

Look around, his
footprints are everywhere.

Scatter out.

Deal with him as you
would any other animal.

Just a minute, please.

What has he done to
deserve this treatment?

Did he not kidnap this poor child?

He did not.

He tried to send me
home but I wouldn't go.

Even so, it was you, Effendi,
who said that he should be captured.

I suggest you leave
his capture up to me.

It will be safer for everybody.

I don't think I understand.

The last time your men searched for him

he was almost killed, oh
by accident, of course.

Your real meaning is
still not clear, Effendi.

If another such accident should happen

I would be force to report
it to your superiors.

An investigation might prove awkward.

As you say.

It is of very little importance to me.

Abdullah, prepare a litter for Zidah.

With your excellency's permission,
I'll take up the trail.

I'll see you later at the Hidden City.

Girl says she not know who she is,
what that mean, bwana?

I'm not sure, Hadji, but
if it means what I suspect

both she and the boy are
in real danger from Hassan.

(low tense orchestral music)

Welcome to the Hidden City, my child.

What's the matter, Zidah, are you ill?

No I, I have the
strangest feeling that I've

been here before, your excellency

and yet I know I haven't.

I'm sure you haven't.

Or we would of known it.

Come, let me show you your new home.

It has some advantages
over your father's tent.

Oh its lovely, your excellency
but I am not used to such splendor.

If you please, I think I'd be
happier at home with my father.

But your father will be
here with you, my child.

[Raschid] In fact, he's
already here ready to welcome you

and pay his respects to his excellency.

You take strange liberties
with another's home

during his absence, Raschid.

Oh, thousands of pardons your sire,

I must have fallen asleep while
waiting for your excellency.

Waiting for me?


To discuss the office
to be assigned to me

in your household in
return for my consent.

Ah, and what office would
you be willing to accept?

Grand Vizier?

Oh your highness, you flatter me.

I hardly aspire...

The keeper of the
district purse, perhaps?

That would do admirably.

The keeper of...

Keeper of the gate,
that's what you will be.

The gate keeper...

Either that or you go back
to your goats and chickens.


I accept, oh yes, I accept,
your excellency, I accept.

Yes, yes.

Never will I forget your
excellency's generosity, never.

You're tired, my dear.

Follow these girls.

They will prepare your bath
and give you suitable clothes.

No, your excellency I...

There will be time for talk later.

And may the fleas of a thousand
camels nest in your beard.

It is not likely the firangi will be
able to capture the jungle boy.

Has it occurred to your highness
he may go back to the coast for help?

In that case, he will need his car.


So, might be wise to
remove some of its parts

as a temporary measure, of course.

Your highness thinks of everything.

Keeper of the gate.

May the fleas of two thousand
camels nest in his beard.

Abdullah is a man of many parts.

Firangi may return to the coast.

The engine must be in good order.

Oh oh.

And uh, will it run better
with that part missing?

I'm taking it with me to repair it.


Don't mention a thing to him.

I wish no offense.

(lighthearted tense orchestral music)

(lighthearted tense orchestral music)

(lighthearted orchestral music)


Quiet, night come soon, Bomba help.

How did you get in here?

No time talk.

Where Bomba hide?

There's no place to hide in here.

I know.

(knocking at door)

[Hassan] Zidah, may I come in?

Not yet, excellency, in one moment.

Storeroom at the end of the passage.

(knocking at door)

[Hassan] Zidah.

Coming, excellency.

We have come to escort you to...

Couldn't the girls find you
any better clothes than these?

Call them at once.

No, no please.

These other clothes they
brought were, they didn't fit.

I believe there are some
new clothes in the store room

that would fit her.

Are there not, Abdullah?

Yes, excellency.

Don't trouble yourself, sire.

Let me find them.

Show me the way.

The trunks are probably locked.

Storeroom is at the end of the passage.

I thought I heard a
muffled cry for help, sire.

I heard nothing but you
better have a look, anyway.

Ah, this is the one.

These are enough,
sire, more than enough.

Excellency, there is an intruder
hiding somewhere on the grounds.

No one could get past my guard.

The guard on the roof has been attacked
and left bound and gagged, sire.

Who would dare such an outrage?

Open it.

That's enough.

Please don't kill him, excellency.

I'll send him away, I promise.

Send him away, after all the trouble
we've been through to capture him?

What have you told the firangi, Johnson?

Aren't we wasting time, Sire?

Bullet through the head...

I must find out how much he told Johnson

so I will know how to proceed.

Tie him up.

Get out.

Welcome to the Hidden City, Effendi.

Thank you, Raschid.

I suppose Hassan has
returned with your daughter.

Yes, Effendi.

She's happily installed in
his excellency's household.

You mean you're happily installed.

Bad thing, bwana.

Make girl slave.

Very bad thing, Hadji.

If I could get out of there,
I'd take her to the coast.

Maybe find a way, bwana.

Better turn the car around, anyway,
in case we want to leave in a hurry.

Please, excellency, you will kill him.

I think not.

It is well for you to see what
happens to those who displease me.

He's very stubborn, sire.

I will leave him to you.

When he's ready to talk, call me.

Perhaps, I should tell
Effendi that Abdullah

removed a small part of
the engine to repair it.

That's very kind of Abdullah.

Very kind of you to tell us.

Effendi, Johnson Effendi.

They have the jungle boy in the storeroom.

They're killing him.

Where is it, how can I get to him?

The stairway from the roof.

I'll be waiting to show you.

Hold it, Abdullah.

Tie him up, Hadji.

Search him for that missing motor part.

Lie down, face on the floor, please.

Lie down!

They'll pay for this.

I don't know how but they'll pay.

Zidah says that you
know who she really is.

Part true.

Bomba see Hassan shoot man, shoot woman.

This girl run, Hassan
chase Bomba because he see.

Does that help you remember?

[Zidah] I seem to remember a
little and then it all goes again.

[Johnson] Well is any
of this familiar to you?

No but when they brought me here,

I felt sure that I had been here before.

This man and woman Hassan shoot.

That's the old governor
of the Hidden City.

Does the name Saud mean anything to you?

Saud Farraza?

Do you know these people?

Yes, I know them.

But I cannot remember.

And the girl?

Why it is I.

Yes, and your parents,
whom Hassan had murdered

so that he could become governor.

It is unfortunate that you
made this discovery, Effendi.




[Hadji] That shot will
bring the other guard.

We can escape by the roof.

We better march out front.

The guards know your father,
he can lead us out the gate.

(lighthearted tense orchestral music)

Guards, guards!

Guards, help!

I'm in the storeroom.

(lighthearted tense orchestral music)

Guards, guards!


(tense orchestral music)

I can't outrun them.

Forget me, look after yourselves.

Oh we can't do that.

We separate, make hard to follow.

Hadji, that way.

You, that way.

(lighthearted tense orchestral music)


(lighthearted tense orchestral music)

(tense orchestral music)

Drop rifle, don't make noise.

Drop rifle.

Go back Hidden City.

(tense orchestral music)

(man grunting)

(lighthearted music)
(Bomba laughs)

(lighthearted tense orchestral music)




(lighthearted tense orchestral music)


(gun clicks)

(lighthearted tense music)

(Bomba laughing)

(lighthearted tense music)


(tense orchestral music)


(crowd shouting)

As you all know, Hassan Amir
is dead and Abdullah is in chains.

I'm leaving the Hidden City for the coast

where I'll report the episode
in detail to the authorities.

If you agree, Zidah, the
daughter of the old governor,

will remain to rule temporarily, at least.

Where is Zidah?

And where is the jungle
boy so that we may thank him

for ridding us of the tyrant?

(crowd cheering)

They mean no harm, Bomba, they're
only grateful for what you've done.

Bomba go now.

This is your home now, Bomba.

Bomba's home in jungle.

You will come back to the
Hidden City someday, won't you?

Bomba come back, see all his friends.

But mostly you.

(touching orchestral music)

(adventurous tense music)