Blue Movie (1978) - full transcript

A woman escapes from being raped only to find herself trapped by a sado-masochistic photographer who, among other nasty things, gets off on consuming fresh human excrement.

What a strange place...

It seems as if time has stopped.

There's just us here.
I like it.

It's a deserted village,
perhaps because of plague or war...

Or because they wanted
to leave and change their lives.

It's a lawless place
except for the ones we make.

Your body is
as soft as a feather pillow.

I love dipping my hands in it,

squeezing it until
I can feel its bones.

Come on, I've got no time.

- Please, don't hurt me!
- It's all lies!

- No.
- You'll like it too.

No, please!

- Stand up!
- Let me go!

You knew it would happen
when you accepted to come here.

I accepted to come to your house.

No, no... let's go to your place.

I want to do it now.
It's me who decides

- Don't move!
- Not here...

Get down!

- No, please...
- You don't need this! Get down!

Now the show begins.

No, please... let me go...

- You'll leave when everyihing is over.
- Let me go...

Then you'll regret me.

Not messages, but massages!

It's not true you hear
this music going into your head,

this music is caressing your ears!

Let it touch you,
touch it yourselves!

l'm not a voice,
I'm an electric arrow!

And I'm hitting you. Bach, Bach!

Yes! Johann Sebastian Bach!

This sound isn't culture, ifs life!

It's joy, revolution!

Stop! Help me!

Please, stop.

Don't leave me here.

- They're chasing me.
- Who?

- Take me away, please.
- Get in.

- Who are you?
- I don't know...

Well, I know who I was this morning...

but I think l must have changed
many times since then.

Take me away, I'm scared.

Come in.

Sit down.

Just relax.

Well, will you explain
what happened to you?

Some guys gave me a ride.

When I told them my destination...

they started laughing.
I couldn't understand why...

They went on giggling while
they were driving at full speed...

I was looking out of the window
and I realized...

I realized
they were driving out of town...

There was no one around,
the streets were empty...

Then we came to the countryside,
and that place in the end...

Go on.

It was then I started
getting very scared.

I tried to run away
but it was useless.

They dragged me out of the car

and threw me on the ground.

Two of them were holding me
while the other got on me...

with his body...
he had a mask on his face.

A haunting white mask.

I felt like I was in a nightmare.

Just a few moments before
I was happy...

and now that man was raping me.

Then I managed to free myself,

I don't even know how...

The man with the mask
stood up and chased me...

The other two just
stood there laughing...

l was running away but I heard
their laughter getting closer.

Closer than the gasping
of that masked man...

who was still chasing me.

Then you woke up and met me.

It's not a dream,
it really happened.

Ok, I believe you. Go on.

He managed to stop me,
but this time he was alone.

And I fought back.

I hit him with a rock.

I hit him many times until...

he fell on the ground
with his face covered in blood.

You don't look so strong.

Now I'm scared that the other two...

will take revenge.
Could you hide me someplace?

Why should l? Tell me.

Because I'm scared.
And besides you've already helped me.

- You'd better go to the police.
- No...

They won't believe me,
they'll think I'm the guilty one.

Sit down.

Nobody can find you here.

My name is Silvia.
What's your name?

My name's Claudio.


I killed a man,
I killed him with my hands.

I loved him.

and he loved me too in his own way.
That's the truth.

Ok. If you need rest,
the bedroom is upstairs.

Why don't you believe me?

We were alone and I killed him.

You're safe here,
don't worry.

Get some sleep
and clear up your mind.

Then you can tell me, ok?

Well, Daniela?

Ok, I'm ready in a minute.

Don't make me waste my time.

And stop looking at me
with those half-witted eyes. Come on!

You really don't know
what good manners are.

You're getting more and more
stupid and rude.

Stay there, don't move.

Or you'll screw up my shot
and we'll lose more time.

Hold it! Don't move!

Are you deaf too?

Can't you just stay still?

You don't only have a stupid face,
you are stupid.

Have some rest now.

Drink this,
so you'll wake up a bit.

It's over for today.
Now take your clothes off.

- I don't want to.
- Do it.

I'm so tired.

Lie down on the sofa.

I love you.

Daniela, you area real bitch.

You're a miserable bitch.

- Good morning, Claudio.
- Good morning.

- Is everything alright?
- Yes.

I put aside some empty cans for you.

Are they enough?

Can you see that girl sitting
at the table near the pinball?

She's been here since this morning.

I found her sitting on the sidewalk
when I opened the bar.

She looks like a mouse.

She has no money for her drinks,
she says she's waiting for a friend.

She's got a beautiful face:
a thief or a slutty face,

or both of them together.

She made me understand
she is an easy lay, if I'd like to.

But how can I with
my wife always on the watch?

I'll leave her to you.
Come on, Claudio.

I take this one.

Were you waiting for me?


Why? Someone has
to pay for what your drinks.

You know, my hometown
no longer exists.

It was destroyed by an earthquake.

Everything collapsed.

And we should've helped
fix what had fallen apart.

I hold myself it wasn't worth it

because everything remains as before.

And I don't want to live on charity.

That's why I came here.

No! Why?

Let me go! Leave me alone!

I don't want tol Leave me alone!

No! Leave me alone!

No! No!

- Don't touch me!
- Wake up, Silvia!

What's the matter with you?
That's me, don't worry.

Here it is.
I could find only this one.

If you need the bathroom,
it's there.

I'll wait for you downstairs.

No! Help me! Let me go!

Let me go!

Help me!
He wants to kill me!


- No, please!
- Silvia!

- What's going on?
- Please, don't kill me!

- I don't want to.
- Who is there with you?

Open the door!

You're hurting me!



Damn it, open the door!

Silvia, can you hearme?

Come on, let's gol

Hey, are you sleeping or what?

Sit there.

On that chair.

Excuse me,
can I come near you?

Do as you like.

Are you a photographer?


I'm a mechanic.

Photography is my hobby.

What do those cans mean?

They're just cans,
they have no meaning.

You can't expect anything from a can,
that's its beauty.

I haven't even thanked you for
the things you paid at the bar.

I didn't have any money left.

Listen, could you give me a hand?

I'll tidy up your studio and
you'll give me some money, ok?

Before the earthquake
I worked as a waitress in my hometown.

I'm not so good at it,
but I can manage.

My employers were satisfied
of my work.

They died beneath the rubble.

You'll teach me and I'll help you.

I'm not stupid

and I'm fed up
wandering about like a gypsy.

I want to get some rest,
lake it easy.

If you like, I can be your model.

You can even take
nude pictures of me.

I'm young,
I have a nice body.

I have no problems in doing it.

You can take photos of me
in any pose you wish.

You'll be satisfied.

I'm surely better than your cans.

Where are you going?
Did you get angry?

Don't worry, I'm leaving!

I can't breathe!



Don't rub me so hard!

You're rubbing my skin off!

What's your name?



Who' speaking?

Tell me your name.

Yes, that's me.


I don't want to!

"Give your evidence!'',
the King said.

"And sen tence afterwards."

“No”, said the Queen,
"Sentence first, evidence afterwards."

"Nonsense", said Alice

so loudly that everyone jumped.

'The idea of having
the sentence first!"

And after "Alice?
let's liven it up with some music!

ls that you, Silvia?


Claudio! Someone rang the bell!


Good morning.
I'm fine, and you?

What are you looking for?

What's going on?

- Hi. Are you Claudio Bastiani?
- Yes.

- Fine.
- Well, how can I help you?

Have you come hereto look
at this girl or to talk with me?

- Make up your mind.
- I've come to talk with you.

I'm looking for a friend of mine,
a strange blonde girl.

I've been told
she lives at your house.

I'm very sorry to disturb you
but it's a rather urgent matter.

There's only this girl in my house.

Are you definitely sure about it?

I've been hold someone saw her
go into your studio.

Listen, I don't know anything
about the girl you're looking for.

She didn't come in here.
Anyway, what's she like?

Can you give
more details about her?

She's completely mad...
and she's white.

Tryto be more precise.
What are her features like?

Well, I don't know.

I never look at
white people thoroughly.

Besides, I like men.
That girl and I were close friends.

Or that's what we thought at least.

Why are you looking for her?

They told me she needed help.
I thought I can gave her a hand.

I have to repay her
so that we are even.

You're not telling the truth,
I don't like your face.

- I'm not your type, am l?
- Right.

Besides I don't like
shillyshallying people

who hide behind their skin.

These cans are more truthful.

They've got nothing to hide,
they're empty.

- I crush them under my feet
to make them expressive. - Right.

Even people, if you crush them under
your feel, change their expression.

I know.

I began being a photographer

when I was working
as a printer for a war reporter.

Those photos of mangled people...
I could have snapped them.

It was then
I began to be fond of cans.

You too are bluffing, pal.

Shall we show our cards?

I'll lay my cans on the table
and you'll lay your Silvia.

Is it ok for you?
You have no answer?


I didn't tell her name is Silvia.

I'm leaving. Bye, pal.

Come back whenever you want.
But with a clear-head, ok?




Nobody allowed you
to open that closet.

Don't forget, you're a guest here.

You're not allowed to
rummage in my stuff.

It's not your house. Understand?

I decide what you can do.

You can't search my stuff
without my permission.

You can't spy on me,
behave like a thief...

and enter my life.
Nobody allowed you that!

I alone am the master of my past.

I decide if and when
I wantto reveal it.

I can't accept that
a stranger can even only think...

of taking possessions
of my belongings.

Put them back.

No, it's too easy that way.

Do it like an animal,
like a dog.

Open your mouth.

Open it!

Now go!

Do what your master has told you.

No! Get down!

What about my other stuff?

Let me go.

I don't want to play
this game any longer.

I don't like it any longer.

Bastard! Don't lock me in herel


Come onl

- Get in.
- I hate you.

So do I.

Don't be in a huff,
stop acting!

- Daniela.
- Leave me alone.

You know, you don't look
so bitchy now.

- You look better now.
- Do l?

You can bet on it.

You even have
a glimmer of intelligence.

But don't worry,
it's just a glimmer.


I like objects.

Their surface makes me feel calm.

But when the body wants
to turn into an object, I get mad

because it wants to escape reality

and takes refuge
into an unexisting world.

It rejects itself
without knowing itself.

I forgot you, you know.

I forgot your inexpressive face,

unable to reveal any emotion.

Well, I've tried many times
to meet you by chance...

I wanted to see you,
talk with you.

- I even phoned you but then...
- Then?

Then I got scared and hung up.

I didn't know what to tell you.

I felt I was ridiculous.

Have you cleared up
your mind now?

Did you find out
what you wanted to tell me

on the phone?

I feel bad, Claudio.

Do you feel you have
a headache, a bellyache?

Stop joking.

I don't know exactly how I feel.

I'm so sorry,
you've come to the wrong person.

I can't help you,
I'm not a doctor.

Every time I look myself in the mirror,
I see that you were right.

My face isn't worth anything.

I can no longer put up with myself.

Reality passes me by
and doesn't touch me.

I beg you, try and change me.

It's not easy.
You are absurdly beautiful.

I can't stand beauty.

I love fear and objection
painted on people's face.

Only then they'll become human.

I'm fed up being what I am.

Claudio, please, help me.

0k, I'll treat you like a can.

But you don't have
to change your mind,

you must be ready to anything,
even to forget your name.

Is that ok with you?
You are interested in it, right?

I will be a perfect
and diligent apprentice.

I promise you won't have
to struggle too much with me.

Give me something to eat,
I'm hungry!

I'm hungry!

No, please!

Stop it, please!
I'm hungry!

Oh, no.

You must earn your food.

Would you like some coffee?

I've just made it, it's hot.

You look like that doll's ass.

- What do you want from me?
- Don't be afraid.

I need another object.

Don't move and be quiet.

Let's put this one here.

And that one...
Open your mouth!

That's it.


I'm sorry, I really wanted
to make love to you...

but I can't do it.

You don't need to apologize.

Will you forgive me
for what I did today?

- For the photos I watched?
- It's all forgotten.

That was no big deal.

Those photos... one of these days
we'll watch them together.

And maybe you'll be able
to guess who I am.

You'll have
all the cards in your hands,

and you'll play in peace.

Prepare your currency of exchange.

Let me out of here.

Remember our agreement.

I can't stand it any longer.
I want to leave!

I give up!

You know...

- I feel better outside.
- You like fresh air, eh?

Come on, don't be so hesitant!
You look like a mannequin.

Be more natural, more real.

Don't you have anything inside?

Invent a new gesture.

Not that one.
Everybody's done that.

You even wantto imprison me
in your pictures.

- You won't manage it.
- Do you think so?

I'll escape.

It's ok...

Hold it. Don't move...

- Move a little bit.
- ls it ok here?



Silvia, just be a little more natural.

Just walk a little smoother.

Don't move.

Very good.
Let's go back home.

In prison.

- Have you already planned
your escape? - Yes.

First I'll kill you, then I'll leave.

Don't you think that's a bit excessive?

You need to kill people
like you to feel free.

Even if you don't know
them personally.

Without sugar, as usual?

- You could at least answer me.
- Why?

Did you remember the name
of the girl you were looking for7

I wasn't looking for any girl. I came
to see Leda, we're close friends.

You told you preferred men.

- Anyway, when are you leaving?
- I don't know.

I can't make up my mind.
Am I bothering you?

Just a little bit.

I see, I should have
asked your permission.

You know, black people
are so ill-mannered.

I don't care about being formal.

Anyway, the quicker you go,
the better it is.

Last time you forgot your bag.

What a bastard.

Just one cigarette
for two packets of shit.

He's a true exploiter.

You heard noises? Where?

In the last room.

Funny, that room is empty.

Probably I was wrong.

Stop drinking.

You don't have to
be drunk to guess it.

Think carefully.

Which one is the male?

It's easy.

Just turn them up.

Look at them.

Did you like it?

No one ever guesses it.

It seems easy but then...


I've seen the black guy.
Was he looking for me?

What did you tell him?

I just told him... I didn't know you.

But how did you get
into the studio? How?

Just relax.

Now you're the prisoner,
I've found the key.

Where did you find it?

I told you,
l just happened to find it.

Give it to me!


You silly bitch,
seen what you did to me?

I didn't do anything,
it's your fault.

Don't stand there like a fool!
Do something!

I don't want to be
your fool any longer!

- I'm not your slave, put it
in your head! - Cut it out!

I wasn't the one looking for you.

I just gave you a hand.

Do something!

What shall I do?

You shout and shout but
you don't even know what you want.

Go get the black guy
and bring him here.

Let me sleep.

- Come on, let's go!
- No...

- Go!
- Keep your hands off me.

Do go in!

Come on, go!

Here is your black friend.

You are always the same.

Drunken, flighty...

insecure and convinced
that everyone is at your command.

You fooled him this time, eh?

He saved my life.

Oh, did he?

Yes, someone wants to kill me.

He hid me in his house.

It was very kind of him.

Believe me.

But now he has changed.

And I'm afraid of him.

He doesn't let me out
and wants to rape me.

- And what have I to do with that?
- You must help me.

Can't you see what he's doing?

He saved my life, he pulled me
out of trouble, so what?

That is fine to me, but...

But now he thinks I belong to him.

I don't care about this story.

It's between you and him.

Please! We loved each other,
don't you remember?

Anyway, I can pay you.

I don't have much money.

Here. Take all I have.

You can keep it,
your belongings disgust me.

I don't want anything from you.

Thank you.

You can't take pictures of me.

Take it, don't let anything
go unnoticed.

This is for you.
Make good use of it.

You must die.

You must die.

Relieve me of your presence.

You don't exist anymore.

You have never existed.

Wake up!

Now I know everything about you.

I know your past. Stand up!

Now you are nobody.

Now we're even,
you're empty like me.

We're two nobodies.

I want to love you,
fuck with you.

No, you don't know anything at all.

Leave me alone.

You're just a slut.

And you're afraid to admit it.

Yes, I am a slut.

And you? Who are you?

Come on, tell me. At least
I'm a slut who wants to fuck.

Shut up!

You wish!
No, I won't shut up.

I'll talk as much as I like
and do whatever I want.

I want to go to bed with you,
it's me who decides!

No, I don't want to!

Don't touch me!

It's me who decides!

Let me go!
Don't you dare!

I'm the master of my body!

Keep your hands off my skin!


Silvia, what's the matter with you?

- Leave me alone!
- Silvia!

Take it easyl

Don't you recognize me?
It's me.

It's me, I'm Claudio.

Just relax.

- Calm downl
- Keep your hands off mel

You can't treat me this way.

I saved your life.

I saved your lifel

Do you understand?

Go away! Leave me alone!

- Don't touch me! Or I must kill you!
- Silvia!

- Let me go!
- Don't move.

Let me go!

You're dead.

You can't do anything to me.

I killed youl

I can kill you again.

I'll always kill you!

Every time you...








