Blood Feast (2016) - full transcript

Fuad Ramses and his family have moved from the United States to France, where they run an American diner. Since business is not going too well, Fuad also works night shifts in a museum of ancient Egyptian culture. During these long, lonely nights he is repeatedly drawn to a statue representing the seductive ancient goddess ISHTAR. He becomes more and more allured by the goddess as she speaks to him in visions. Eventually he succumbs to her deadly charms. After this pivotal night, Fuad begins a new life, in which murder and cannibalism become his daily bread. He starts to prepare a ritual FEAST to honor his new mistress, a lavish affair dripping with BLOOD, organs, and intestines of human victims. As butchered bodies are heaped upon the Altar of Ishtar, Fuad slowly slips further into madness, until he is no more than the goddess's puppet; and she thirsts for the blood of Fuad's wife and daughter too...

Ladies and gentlemen,

you are about to
witness a motion picture,

that is violent and
extremely graphic in nature.

This motion picture is truly horrific

and contains sick and demented scenes.

This movie contains scenes

Which under no circumstances should be
viewed by anyone with a heart condition,

Or easily upset.

Anyone who suffers from anxiety
should leave the theatre.

We urgently recommend that
if you are such a person

or a person of an impressionable kind,

That you also leave
the theatre immediately.

We are not responsible
for your consequences,

your nightmares, your trauma,

Your accute nervousness or vomiting.

Remember you have been warned.

Enjoy the blood feast!

Here you go, sir.

- Merci.
- Can I get you anything else?

- Non, merci.
- Enjoy.


- Mornin' dad.
- Good morning.

- What are you doing here?
- What does it look like? I am helping.

Yes, but I made it very clearly to you

that your mother and I can
handle things here in the morning.

Ya. But I told you that I
know you're doing nightshifts

and I want you to get rest.


It's very important to your mother and
I that you make time for your studies.

We want you to get a good
education, get a good job.

I don't need to wind up
like your father. Struggling.

And you know I don't sleep so well anyway.

Dad. It's fine. My studying is great.

Don't worry.

- Un cafe s'il vous plait.
- I'll get that.

- Hi handsome.
- Good morning sweetie.

- How are you?
- Good. Good.

You look so cute today
you little squirrel.

My big pickle.

Oh, get a room you two.

Yeah, that's a very good idea.

- Hi honey.
- Mornin' mom.

You need not have come in. Does not
have a lot to get your dad out of bed.

- I can think of one thing.
- Two things.

No, I don't need to be part of this.

Ehm. Dad? What is this?

I don't understand what you mean.
This is the meat for today.

This meat is like two months old.

What do you expect me to do?
Throw away good food?

Mom, are we seriously selling old meat?

Keep your voice down, penny.

We have little financial difficulty.

Not enough costumers, not enough money.

This move was very very expensive.
That meat was frozen.

- It's alright.
- If people get sick

they are not coming back. This is Paris,
they have a higher quality food.

I haven't heard anybody complain yet.

We can't do this, this is not business.

It's not gonna help this situation.

Penny, I can not afford to buy
fresh meat every single day.

- You have a second job dad.
- Yes! I have a second job.

The nightshift at the museum is
just for that. To get out of debt.

Once we are out of debt,
then things may change.

- And why are we in debt?
- The move, the diner.

Oh this isn't even really Paris,
it's some ol' suburb.

Hey, watch your attidude!
You think your tuition is cheap?

Oh wait. So it's me?

- No.
- Did I say that?

No! We're trying to create a
better future for you. That's all.

So you screwing your business,
your lives, everything just for me?

You know your father and I getting
along really well right now.

Ok? Try to stop worrying about this.

Don't worry?

This isn't fair!

- Penny get back here!
- Honey?

- Penny!
- Hey! Hey!

Come on.

- God, damn it!
- Let her go!

Museum of the human being

God, damn it!

- Salad...
- It looks so great.

Oh good, you like it.

I wonder, is that low-fat dressing, penny?

Of course, Matilda.

- Here we go.
- Thank's, Mr. ramses.

You're very welcome.
Bon appetit.

Oh thanks.

Mathilda? I think you
could use a few calories.

Could I interest you in
a nice big juicy steak?

Thank you so much, Mr. ramses, but
I think I'll stick with the salad.

Of course you will.

Are you going to hang up with us this
weekend? We are going to San ausone.

Mathilda's father has a club
and we get the keys this weekend.

It's like this brilliant location.
I don't know why they keep it closed.

- I don't know.
- I think I'm going to stay here.

Of course you will. It's ok. You can go.

- I have things handled here.
- Dad...

Honey. Go! Have fun with
your friends. I insist.

That's great. We are gonna
pick up you on Friday. 2 pm?


Ok. Mathis, you be good.
My wife doesn't trust you.

- She is right.
- Ok, Mr. ramses

- is it really good?
- It's delicious, I swear.

How long has it been that you
stopped taking your medicine?

- What do you mean?
- Don't! The pills are gone.

We have talked about this.

You have to take your medicine.

I had an accident, Louise.

I was taking my pills out of the container

and they all spilled into the sink.

- That's what happened.
- Get some new ones.

I will.

I just figured, I'd
wait a month and then...

This is not about saving money,
I mean this is your health.

You go to the doctor!
You get new medicine!


- It will.
- Promise me.

I promise you.




Someone there?


My lover.

I want to be united with you.

I don't understand?

Have you forgotten me already, fuad?



- Hello?
- Fuad.

I long to be reunited with you.

You will live with me for all
of eternity and be my lover.

I will give you every pleasure
you have ever dreamed of.

- How do I accomplish this?
- You will find a way.

Fuad, bring me back!


Ishtar is the east semitic akkadian,
assyrian and babylonian

goddess of fertility, love, war, and sex.

As recent excavations have shown,

she was also worshipped in ancient Egypt.

Her symbols are the eight pointed star,

the lion,

and often the jackal.

Ishtar is known to have had many lovers.

She uses sex and seduction to
make people follow her will.

Internationally acknowledged expert in
this field is professor Lou hershell.

Professor Lou hershell,
university of Pennsylvania.

Good old uppen.

Before tammuz became a god,
the goddess ishtar laid eyes on him.

And ishtar was impressed with tammuz.

And she thought she must add
this young man to her collection.

He is after all, bright,
strong, young, beautiful.

And she told tammuz that
he could be with her.

So here is tammuz who is
burning with love and desire.

He captured some boys and girls.

He slaughtered seven
boys, and seven girls,

and cooked them in a dinner that
he served to the towns people.

Now here are the towns
people enjoying their dinner

not knowing where it came from.

They couldn't tell they were
eating their own children.

They thanked tammuz for
he feast he had prepared.

And in exchange ishtar
welcomed him as her lover.

- Hey! How'd it go?
- Fine.

- Medicine? You got it?
- Of course.

You look really happy.
Why are you so happy?

Perhaps it's you, darling.

You always know the right thing to say.

Thats why I fell in love with you.


Well I think I found a way
to help us out of our trouble.

- Tell!
- Not just yet.

In due time.

Ok. You are the man with the plan.


Oh, you shall see.

Reveal yourself!


- You are ishtar!
- Fuad.

I don't know what I have
done to deserve this honor.

But I will heed your call, my queen.

I will prepare a feast,

like no one has ever done before.

So that you and I may be united,

for all of eternity.



Don't go!


I am just glad he's alright.

- Mom would be upset.
- I take care of her. Don't worry.


Bonjour, Mrs. ramses.
I am officer Jean fatih.

I am here to inform you that there has
been a break in at the museum last night

- and your husband got attacked.
- Oh my god!

No no, mum it's allright,
he is ok.

- What happened?
- He's got a minor hit on his head.

But he'll be alright.
He is at the hospital right now.

When does he come home?

As soon as my partner has done
questioning him, you can pick him up.

- I can give you a ride, if you want.
- Yes, I will go.

Mom, I can go.

I mean, if you don't want, I can go.

- Sounds good?
- Alright.


- Thank you.
- Sure thing.

Don't worry. I'll take care of him.

Okay... be careful.

Ramses. Sounds Egyptian.

But you don't look that way.

I mean usually Egyptians look
a lot more darker, don't they?

You look more like ehm...
Australian? American?

Yeah, my granddad is half Egyptian,

so I don't really have
Egyptian genes left.

But my mom was born in France
and then she met my dad in DC.

And she always wanted to move back
and then a half a year ago we moved.

- So she came home.
- Yeah!

That's great.
So you like it here?

Yeah! I struggle with the language
a little bit, but I like the country.

- You don't sound like you're from here.
- Nah. I was born in Germany.

Though my father was French.
We lived there, probably around 10 years.

- When my mom died we came here.
- So you speak German?

So cool.

So what was exectly
stolen from the museum?

Some ancient statue, some urns,
some bracelets. Stuff like that.

It's weird though, because I
don't think it was worth that much.

Do you know who did it?

I can't get into more detail about
the investigation. I am sorry.

What about like security cameras
or something that you see?

Well. There was some but they
were turned off or something.

Stop putting me on this spot.

Sorry officer.

It's Jean.

Well it's nice to
meet you, officer Jean.

It's nice to meet you too,
mademoiselle ramses.

No! You don't have to call me that.
That sounds old.

Just call me penny.

You got it.

Hey wait!
Can I buy you a coffee someday?

Now you're putting me on the spot.

Is that a yes?

You know where to find me.

Say "hi" to your dad.

- Mom?
- Oh! Honey, you're home.

How do you feel?

Let me look. Let me look.

- It's not that bad.
- Yeah. Yeah.

- Oh sorry.
- It's just a little bump.

Ok, come sit. Come on.
Over here.

Sit down. Are you hungry?

- Yes. Actually I could eat a bit.
- Good. Honey go downstairs.

- Get one of those New York stips.
- Okay.

Do you have a key? The door is locked.

- A key?
- Yes, I did that yesterday.

- I put the lock on.
- Why?

Well. I have a little
surprise down there

and I don't want you
to see it quite yet.

What surprise?

If I told you, it
wouldn't be a surprise.

It's just a litte party
I have planned.

I show you Saturday night.
Mark it on your calenders.

- Okay.
- That is really cute, dad.

But how I'm gonna get
the drinks and meat now?

Well, I take care of that. I'll
keep the refrigerator nicely stocked,

why don't I take care of that, while
your mom makes me something to eat.

- Okay.
- Great idea.

So happy you're here.
So happy you're safe.

- I was worried about you.
- I love you.

- I love you.
- Thanks for coming to get your dad.

Of course. You feel better.

- Yes darling, I will.
- Okay.

You look like you could use
a nice hot cup of coffee!

- Yeah?
- Yeah!

I brewed it for myself, but
I'd rather give it to you.

Here you go.

- Merci.
- De rien.

Are you hungry?

I can fix you bacon and eggs, like that.


- 'Morning.
- 'Morning.

Louise? What's he doing here?

I'm gonna send him on his
way with a little breakfast,

cup of coffee, that's it.

Darling, I don't want him here.

I have had run-ins with him before.
You give his kind an inch,

they take a mile.

It's not good for business.


- What the fuck you doing here?
- C'mon man.

I just want a coffee.

I told you not to come to
my restaurant. Didn't I?

C'mon let's go.
You're outta here. C'mon.

Get your hands off me.

Who the fuck you think you're
talking to, you little punk?

Get the fuck outta here. Gol!

Suck my dick!


Be right back, darling.

Very cruel.

The painful for punishment
in ancient times...

Was whipping.

The lashes from a simple stick...

Would rip the victim's skin...

And expose their flesh.

You will not die today for nil.

You will be sacrificing
yourself for a great goddess.

A queen.


Goddess of love.

Goddess of lust.

Goddess of war.

Goddess of life.

No! No!

No! No! No!

What did you say to me the other night?

Suck my dick!

Let me go!


Hello Louise. Everything ok?

Mathilda, are you sure you
wouldn't something to eat?

I've already eaten.

- Lilou?
- Oh no, thanks.

Hm, big mistake.

- You gonna wanna try my new recipe.
- This is seriously, so amazing.

It's really good.
It's quite different.

Isn't it?

So happy to hear that
you're enjoying it, clement.

Hey guys. Am I late?

No, penny.
You're just in time to try my new recipe.

- Sorry dad, I'm not hungry.
- Try this, it's really good.

You're such an eating machine, Mathis.

Yeah. And you like everything
that's fat and meaty.


Penny. Where exactly are
you going in San ausone?

Why do you need to know
exactly where I'm going?

Come with me, I tell you
everything, Mr. ramses, ok?

Where you at the party,

where mathilda had puked
on someone else's dick?

- I guess not!
- Stop it!

Mathilda hooked up with this
guy, and she was so drunk,

that while she was giving
him head, she had to puke.

- Shut up!
- And how do you know that?

The guy came downstairs with
all her puke on his pants.

Shut up, you asshole!

That's gross.

He told everyone the story.

You're only fucking mad, because
you didn't get your cock sucked.

Was that necessary?

You know mathilda,
she always behaves like an idiot.

Yeah! And you're like a giant jerk.
I'm gonna see if she is ok.

It's fine, I'll go.

- What?
- I'll apologize. Don't worry.

- What the hell was that?
- I think he likes her.


- He was really mean to her.
- Exactly.

I was never mean to you, penny.

I don't know if I want be
part of this conversation.

I'll go for a walk.

I'm sorry, I had to say that.

No, it's ok. I appreciate it.

- It's just I...
- No, please don't say no.

Stay away from me please.

Mathilda, I am sorry I
didn't mean to hurt you.

Well you did. You embarrassed
me in front of my friends.

I really like you mathilda.

I always did. I just
didn't know how to tell you.

You know what?
Stop making fun of me.

Now you're not being fair.

For how long have we known each other?

Three? Four years? All this time
I was there for you, as a friend.

I had to watch all
these guys come and go.

Do you know how painful that was for me?

But that was the only
way I could be with you.

But all I really wanted is to be with you.

I mean, really be with you.


I love you.

I've always love you, I swear.

Is that one of your jokes? Again?

Why you are being like this?

I mean, I really love you.

I always thought you hated me.


Kiss me.

Mathis, listen.

I really like you.
You're a good guy.

- But you're my friend, that's it.
- Oh my god.

I'm sorry Mathis.
I just don't think we go down that path.

But why?

We make such a good couple.

Maybe, maybe not. But...

I just don't feel that
way about you, Mathis.

But that cop guy, you like him?

Fatih? What?

I knew it. I saw it all over
your face when you met him.

- Now you're being a jerk.
- You are!

I think this whole San
ausone thing was a bad idea.

You know what?
I think we go back to town.

I think you should go,
spend the weekend with him.

I don't have to listen to this.
Where are the others?


My queen... is coming to life.


Did you hear that?

- Yeah! But it's probably nothing.
- Let's go, check it out.

- It's probably just a bad joke.
- Yeah, I hope so. Let's go and see.

C'mon, move!

Call an ambulance!

I need an ambulance.
Something terrible's happened.

San ausone.

I appreciate that you
take your time, sir.

Yes, anything I can do to help.

Terrible what happened to
those kids out there yesterday.


So let me get this straight.
It was just five of them.

- Anyone else who you've known about?
- No, not that I can think of.

Shouldn't a detective be questioning me?

Well it's not Paris, Mr. ramses.
So please let me just do my job

than I be outta here in a minute.

Yes of course.
Didn't mean to offend you.

Naah, it's all good.

- How is she, dear?
- Asleep. Thank god.

I'm so sorry for what has
happened to penny last night.

Am I interrupting something here?

No. I think we were just
about finished. Right officer?

Well it got one more
question for you, Mr. ramses.

Where were you between
2 and 5 pm yesterday?

- Am I a suspect now?
- Nah, it's just protocol.

I've asked your wife the same
questions. Let's just get it over with.

In that case, I was here
with my wife all day.

- Can you confirm that, ma'am?
- Yes, he was here.

Are you sure?

I said yes.

Well alright then.

That'll be all. Thank you for
your cooperation. Have a good one.

Good night, officer.

So tell me, where were you yesterday?

Does that really mather, Louise?

Then I'm going to bed.

Good night, dear.

I'll clean up.

We're closed.

My car broke down.
Can you open up, please?

Please come in.

Thank you.

- May I get you some water?
- Yes please.

- Madame.
- Thank you.

May I call you a tow truck?

If you could do that, be amazing.


Ah... voila.

Yes, hello?

Yes, this is fuad
ramses from ramses diner.

Yes, that's the one.

I have a young lady here who
seems to having some car trouble.

That's correct.

Yes, please.

Sounds great. Appreciate it.

You too, bye bye.

They will be here in 45 minutes.

- Perfect. Thank you.
- You're very welcome.

Now I think...

Maybe I should repay you.

That wouln't be necessary.
It's my pleasure.

I mean you are very handsome.

And you helped me out.

I think I have something
in mind for you.

You have very pretty eyes.

I'm glad you like them.

Would you like to see them
with cum all over my face?

No I think...

I think I like to rip them out
and serve them in an tossed salad.

Fucking weirdo.

I get on the way to my car.

Unlock that door, please!

Unlock the fucking door!

I rather just wait for you to blackout.

You should be grateful, young lady.

You're going to be a
part of a great reunion.

Ishtar will be pleased by the sacrifice.


It's all for you my queen.

She's for you.


- Your meal sir.
- Merci.


Officer. Good morning.

Bonjour, Mr. ramses.

What brings you in?

I stopped by,
see if penny's holding up.

Thank you for asking.
Penny's doing well.

How is that bump on your head?

Much better now. Been icing it.

- You hungry?
- Sure. I want some bacon and eggs.

Sunny side up, coffee.

Great choice. Have a seat,
I'll take care of you.


- Mom?
- Hi honey.

- How late is it?
- It's 10 am.

You slept really deeply.

- I have go to get to work.
- No no no no.

I'll take care of business today. I
'm gonna make you breakfast. Alright?

I had the worst nightmares.

It's true.

Lilou and mathilda are dead?

I'm sorry.

- Mathis, clement?
- They are alright.

Clement could be out of
the hospital later on today.

But you're safe.

- You're safe.
- It was so scary.

I know.

You know that good looking
young police officer,

is downstairs in the diner
right now having breakfast.

- I should go talk to him.
- Very good idea.

Otherwise you have to spend all your time
today beeing taken cared by your mother.

Oh mom.

Ok, I say thank you.

Say thank you for me too.

Oh mom.

You're my baby!

You're my baby!

You're my baby!

- I should go.
- Yes.

I must look horrible.

Honey, even when you look
horrible, you look beautiful.

Get yourself together. Ok?


I thought you were still asleep.

Not anymore. I mean I was and
then I saw you go down the stairs.

How are you holding up?
It must have been horrible.

It was.
I don't really wanna talk about it.

It's hard, but...

Of course.
Is there anything I can do to help?

No. I really just came out to
say hello and say thank you.

Sure. You got it.
It's my job after all.




Would you go out for
dinner with me tonight?

- You and me. Just the two of us.
- Yeah.

Alright. Great.

- How about I pick you up at eight?
- Perfect.

- Good. I see you then.
- Ok.

- Bye.
- Bye.

I didn't realize you
were going out as well.

Yes I'm going out with Sally.
We are going to a restaurant.

I could use the break.


Do you have a breath mint or
something, I didn't brush my teeth?

Yeah, I have.

Oh perfect. Thanks. Good night.

Have fun.


I was taking my pills
out of the container

and they all spilled into the sink.

This is not about saving
money, this is your health.

You go to the doctor!
You get new medicine!

I willl

well, I think I found a way
to help us out of our trouble.


In due time.

Oh, you shall see.

- It's actually quite good.
- Yeah.

Thank you.

Thank you, sir.

So, how'd you like the movie?

Yeah, it was good.


Penny are you alright?

Sorry Jean.

It's just, I'm really freaked out.

I mean my friends were killed yesterday
and this is how I'm respecting them?

No offense, but...

You don't really help your friends
by just grieving and nothing else.

It's just it hasn't really hit me yet.

It's like a bad dream or...
A nightmare.

I keep expecting lilou and mathilda
to walk into the diner tomorrow

and it's not gonna happen.

I'm sorry, penny.

I only wish there is
something I can do about it.

You already have.

Just promise me you'll be
always honest with me, penny.

I promise.

- Hey, mom.
- Oh, hi.

Did you have fun last night?

I did actually.

How about you? Did you go out?

I did. It was nice.

Hey, don't forget, we've
got dad's big feast tonight.

Isn't dad working the diner?

He had to...

Leave early this morning...

To take care of some things.

Mom, is there something up with dad?

Don't worry about your father.

Thanks for picking me up
from the hospital, bro.

Sure thing, man.

I was getting lonely without you.

So, how are you doing anyway?

I'm alright.

I don't remember much, you know.

I just blacked out.

I woke up and there were
policemen and ambulance everywhere.

They wouldn't tell me
first what happened.


I just can't believe it, man.

You're so lucky to be alive.

Poor lilou came around
before he could kill you.

So she get killed instead of me.

I don't know, it's just damn luck.

That's how life is.
Some get killed, some don't.

You say it, man.

- Were ya going?
- Just gonna take a leak, man.

Be right back.

Hey, I talked to penny like you said.

Didn't work so well though.

Now she's seeing this cop asshole.

I really don't know how to deal with
him, I'd rough him up or something but...

He's a cop.


Hey, clement.

Listen man, I'm really
sorry about what I said, ok?

I don't know what's wrong
with me. It's just...


- What is going on with you?
- Nothing.

Oh, c'mon I can see you're
worried. What is it?

- Mom?
- How was your evening with Jean fatih?

- He is a very fine young man.
- It was good.

He's coming here later to get me.

- He is?
- Yeah.

That's great.

- That is very, very good.
- Mom?

Why are you unlocking the door?

So he can come into the diner
and pick you up in proper fashion.

Mom, you're really scaring me.
What is going on?

Here is king fuad,
returning to his castle.

Dad? What is going on?

You've got right Louise.

I'm so happy to I have my family here.

Together we will celebrate
this wonderful evening.

I'm sorry. Am I missing something?

Why is it such a wonderful evening?

Perhaps your father has a wonderful
new guest for us to meet tonight.

You filthy bastard.

What is going on?

Dad, why are you being weird?

More will be revealed, darling.



Let's have a drink.

Yeah, I could use that.

To the wonderful life you
have given me this far.

I'm so happy.

Dad, what is that?

It's horrible.


- What's in there?
- I feel weird.

Yes... now we are ready.

Join me.

Won't you?

- Right this way.
- I don't think I can walk.

What is this, could be?

Well here we are.
One big happy family.

I feel fucking good.

I, fuad ramses, have made a
very special meal for us tonight.

Yes, a feast to honor
the goddess ishtar.

After tonight we will
be together forever.

But you deserved to be honored as well.

My treasures.

My life enhancing bipeds.

So to ensure that you enjoy the value

of this magnificant occasion,

I've taken it upon myself
to slip you little drug cocktail.

Which I'm sure you're feeling right now.

It's designed to enhance
your dining experience.

Daddy, you're so cool.

No other dads do drugs
with their family.

Yes, your father is truly
magnificent, darling.

Yes, you are.

You are.

Soon you will be tired and
you will sleep very soundly.

After 8 hours or so,
you will awaken and I...

Will be gone.

So just know that I love
you both very very much.

I love you too, dad.

I love you. I love you.

I know.

Well, should we get to the first course?

It's a special creation,

that I like to call ishtar-salad.



Feel free to use your hands, ladies,
it's quite acceptable at this table.

For you, my darling.

It has a strange flavour.

Very strange.


The liquid of life.

I'm so drunk.

I'm so drunk now.

May I propose a toast?

To family.

I love you, dad.

Bon soir!

Mr. ramses?


Time for our next course, ladies.

- Oh, Louise.
- I am so drunk.


Thank you.


This tongue which you're about to
eat belonged to your friend lilo...

God knows where it has been though, dad.

I don't like tongue.
I don't eat it.

Ever. It's tongue.

Taste it!

Taste it like this?

It's good.

Now to the main course.


Show it! Do it!

I call this tartar de Mathis.


Oh wow, he is alive.

Hey, Mathis.

Are you cold?

I have paralyzed him and
he is fully conscious.

Do you want some coffee?


Now we dig in!

Penny? Would you do the honors?

- Of course, dad.
- Thank you.

Oh, he is in honors.


I've got a headrush.



Ishtar! My goddess!

Has my meal pleased you?

Fuad, my love.
You have done so well.

Thank you my queen!

May we be united now?

You have set me free.

Finally, I will regain my old strength.

But alas,
we will not be together.

What do you mean?

There is someone waiting
for me in the underworld.

Since I do not intend to go there,

I will send you there instead.

You've made it possible.

Thank you, my love.


Mr. ramses?


Penny. Look at me! Look at me!

Are you alright?

Fatih! No! Please no!

No! Please no!

Please no!