Believe in Me (2006) - full transcript

Girls? The thought of coaching them seems preposterous to Clay Driscoll (earnest newcomer Jeffrey Donovan), who travels to Middleton, Okla., in the 1960s prepared to coach the varsity boys' team. But that position is filled, so he's forced to coach the girls' team -- the Lady Cyclones. Faced with an under-performing crew of untrained players, the coach begins to treat the girls like boys. They run laps in a closed gym and practice shots and plays they've never tried before -- and eventually their "old-fashioned grit" leads them to a Cinderella season culminating with the state championships. Along their way, Driscoll and the girls overcome several obstacles, most of all, gaining a fan base. Meanwhile, big man in town Ellis Brawley (Bruce Dern) can't stand Driscoll and his newfangled idea of empowering female athletes. Of course, the Lady Cyclones are up to the task of proving Brawley wrong. Driven by their caring young coach, the girls determine to play as hard as the boys, even though they know they'll probably end up "farmers' and ranchers' wives." Can they achieve their winning moment at State? - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
I can't ask anything no coach good

nobody when you win and not because of

this because of who you are and how

special y'all especially are to me

you will win tonight because it's meant

to me



will appear on the South Dakota ballot

this fall Republican presidential

nominee Barry Goldwater is turbo-4 Alice


ka ba farmer brought to you by the wind

Bosch funeral home this lousy drought

that about says it all with hogs and

feeder cow prices down 8% go way down to

cents to 32 my low-end

staple gun averaging 33 cents each still

in the hundreds every day and boy that

humidity but hey look on the bright side

our ffv chapter was named winner in the

state farm safety contest

you know their local excitement

you boys be careful with that

now Noah's not as nice as I made it

Arion first home Gina you sure you're

gonna be okay with all this stop mean

it's not what you used to I'm sure yes


it's what you worked so hard for

I think it's gonna be lucky here




Clayton Driscoll from Fairfield miss

Rogers reporting for duty

how long does it take to find a budget I

got places to go

named miss Rogers B for budget now how

many times I'm gonna have to point this

out to you never again John has his own

system but he just give her a second

principal Marlin Clayton Driscoll the

new boys basketball coach oh here look

the first excuse me excuse me I'm

supposed to see mr. Bannister Ellis this

is play dress I know yes just sit down

son take a seat wait your turn like

everybody else and you're not the new

boys basketball coach job one somebody

better qualified fiscal John Bannister

had a heart attack yesterday but he's in

the hospital

two young kids we're all turned around

oh I'm sorry mr. Merlyn I didn't know

but that man in there he was I know I


it was wrong how he did that that's just

his way Ellis Brawley

he runs the school board most everything

else around here

his family has forever what's he mean

about me not coaching what you know big

Vern Hooper played at oh you

yeah well he's who Brawley hired to

coach boys hey he's a nephew George

brand president brawly's bank deacon at

his church brands on the school board

too he can't do that I got contracts

right nothing's changed

that's the good part you're still a

coach teaching history

same salary G's got a job over to the

county agent I'm still coaching that's


Oh who then you out of your mind no wait

no just wait are you kidding me no me

coach girls basketball clay not for a

million dollars mr. moral just check the

contract I'm sure it says history

teacher and boys basketball coach but

it's gotta say boys just plain coach

thanks Joe

ah me G me seven years second fiddle I

know no I know you and I know you'll

make this work I don't want to coach

girls I think mrs. Bannister and her

children got away worse deal than us

what's wrong with girls did not play

girls basketball not here you didn't

hear it's a joke I went around I asked

what did you Brody say go see master

when he gets better he hired me he'll

make it right it's good advice

what if he doesn't give better


is this girls basketball yes it is

now mr. Driscoll on the new coach go get


you only got now before lunch come on

now come on it's right to x over 2 times

1 - Oh Ellen Payton quit laughing



anything a relaxed coach I like this for

real or anything get out now nobody ever

sent me couldn't watch toughest was a

free country now from 11:00 to 12:00

come on come on


come on sometime today my daddy says

you're supposed to coach boys you don't

even want this job he says he'd never

been a head coach before your daddy has

a lot to say

he wants to mr. Brawley he runs his oil

company and likes me to shoot a lot well

that's good to know

I want baseline laps to 20 more

free-throws before lunch



well three more quit today all I gots

eight girls to start the season

mr. Marlon called me into his office the

daddies aren't happy and not others mr.

Brawley he made a point of it's this

droughts clay it's got everybody upset

yeah he said that to mr. Moreland knows

what you're up against it's a different

challenge with girls Jean I only know

one way to coach yeah well you know

there's only one color red but a whole

world of different shades stop being so

damn wise



okay I want patients on offense all

right now constant motion using those

screens and get the ball down low now on

defense we're gonna start man-to-man and

fall back to a zone I want two three you

don't depend on those matches I always

look for motion you always looking for

screens now we have no size that means

we have no depth we have no depth means

if you file your out I can't have that

so beat be tough but be smart about

files don't file questions questions

questions no questions

all right look look I know I've been

tough and probably a lot less forgiving

that you used to but that's that's

that's who I am

I never had a break in my whole life

and I wasn't born much town only will so

I had to work my tail off at

when it came hard but it sure felt

better than losing it's it's all I know

it's all I could sure coach you can't

yell loud enough to run me off I've

obtained three years and we never won


I stink and I know it but I like the way

you coach cuz even though we're not boys

you still care so play me or not but

don't worry yeah I'm saying me too me















the mall






we're done on the


coach control hey you did good last year

the sport 90 on us






let's go get on out here listen I want

to tell you something next


we got to work harder is that more car

you know good night good you're here why

not tell him yourself

I would you mother get in the car tell

me what you you can't coach worth a damn

hold on gone slow down whatever that

offense was our daughter

Portia is a scorer he's used to her

being a shooter since junior high

well that's not our system here come

will tell you one thing Raburn size was

right about you

these are small-town girls this is not

some big-time college program it was

just a first game uh-huh know what it

was her last Porsche

get in the car come on come on John I

don't want to hear back









I've always been so





Lichter try real hard to hold tentative

thinking too much I'm worried about

fouling out well they're doing what the

coach told him


Dean please don't tell me how to code

I'm not telling you how coach I'm just

askin take the jobs a problem

the girls are taking you to literally

you say don't file and what they hear is

don't file ever even if it means

conceding a basket you show the play

patterns got lots of variations but all

they remembers the diagram you drew and

run it every time automatically like

doing a box step they learned in the

dance class instead of you know rocking

and rolling with it rockin and rollin

yeah everybody can coach better than I


I think chubby Checker's is available we

could hire well thank goodness at least

I thought you lost your sense of humor


all over

it's not about kocha

it's about how boys and girls are

different especially country girls I

should know

we're like our mamas aiming to please


clay clay honk boys can do what they

want and always could you have that

freedom but not girls here unless you

give it

their mamas wash the clothes and cook

and help in the fields and sew and raise

the kids and never complain they're


clay and their daughters are tough they

won't break yeah I practiced them just

as hard as that practice boys let him

play by the same rules as the boys give

him permission to be who they are think

for themselves some girl bomb some let

him bump him right back hard

what are you doing you said to pass it

to live no she's not open I'm Gardner

now but you said - well you don't just

pass because I sense girls sit down what

I'm trying okay all right look who here

likes dancing

you mean like yeah yeah like dance

dancing you know um Elvis

it's the stroll you know rock things

okay we need a little more dancing on

this court or a little more rock and

roll okay let's try something okay

things like you dancing out there not

like you're doing some box step all

right come on come on work it in there

go ahead run it in there come on let's

move off that stream come on hey that

was a cute foot use doing that whatever


anyways clay banisters not coming back

spoke to his wife they're moving he

needs better hospitals don't tell me

look clay I know you're disappointed

that just just listen to me here if you

have it on you I think we have another

option here just look let me tell you

about the JB's at least walk to one game

here freshmen are eligible for the

district tournament once their season

ends that's 10 days before the varsity's

does so you could put up to four the

best players on your squads in junior

high these gals are super put them on

your team actually next year it's for

your next coach and won't be me now does

the losing girls coach you home

maybe assistant again but no way boy's

head coach at least not from here

mr. Brawley

made a hand

what couldn't wait until Monday my team

sir the girls there's only so much we

can accomplish practice in an hour

before lunch we we need a better time

and we need new balls and shoes sir

maybe new uniforms and warmups not those

old castoffs from the boys just for the

girls to be successful to have to have

pride in themselves

where'd you say you're from again for

Gibson it's just outside Muskogee

and then the Marines and then Norman

but not from here no not here you see

all this here yes sir

defend my family six generations of town

to lived on earth died on it so don't

try and tell me how it works I'm trying

to do that sir

well what I'm all all I'm asking you've

never laid the first brick to mortar

here boy

here's trangent as the wind we're

talking about the girls sir not me

well the Mamas and the daddies have

these girls they sure as hell know

there's a drought going on here I can't

understand why you don't I know there's

a drought sir well then whose post paid

for it off well

come on you aren't telling me that what

should we do I mean the only solution I

hear and the end and and and and hot

meals after games and boy this new

poster the boys make money yes sir

okay I'm just asking you to give the

girls a chance

yes sir

well I'll tell you what when you and

your girls start making money maybe

we'll see



you're all a bunch of losers


she's clear enough

you're gonna do him to set you down to

shut you up boy that's what I'm gonna do

want to take this outside princess out

there be pace


let's run back to your girlfriend



it's always like this here


oh you're not dancing out there find the

open man of running ragged with motion


alright enough it is listening let's see

how they like it

ginger move the ball over to the strong

side say it with one eye on the ref your

man just like they do Ruth would you be

so kind as a setter a pick girls do now

have the permission whatever they dish

out you get it back twice as far

twice one two three









we always said your natural inclination

sinful and that price boy being here

tonight is the proof of it no Danny you

that vulgar half-naked display we never

should have allowed each free coupon er

get in the truck just wait drunk now

hold on sir oh no no Betty this you Oh

Betty this sir that was you mr. bonner

like all these girls francis is and has

always been a fine and respectable young

lady you get on that bus don't bother

coming home hold on now sir she's still

my legal responsibility




King Solomon in Proverbs teaches us in

the mouth of the foolish is a rod of

pride remember friends pride goeth

before destruction and cometh crashing

before the fall hard times of the lords

test of character

mr. Jessica what you meet Frank and

Dorothy Thompson fans ears Hey

their daughter pets star the JV team

Frank and me we'd like to invite you and

mr. Driscoll for supper maybe come see

the little twisters Apothic all our

girls are tender now eligible for the

district tournament two month

those girls hair oh right how do well do

it did for water there is no that's good

you got any problems Frank you call

Brandon down at the bank you got his

number you know one thing we all got to

remember we are in this together we got

to stick together

fair enough y'all have a real nice

Sunday now

anyhow coach the twisters whatever man



goodness he's I'm sorry don't you

apologize it's them that should mister

prolly the pastor Francis Bonner run off

and married the price boy and they're

blaming your husband now the kids there

somewhere penniless

and I hear she's pregnant oh don't don't

blame yourself this place this place

this place it's a few

stupid people

hell with that

I'll let the jayvees play Melvin Johnson

Melvin Johnson

so teamwork out there use your heads

grit ball movement coughs emotion away

from the boats if we wouldn't tonight

where you stay

coach we're gonna be better next year




let's go get in come on in

all right before out you stay in little

twisters and they'll put you in you know

my offense move the ball around see if

they can unclog that middle bring it in

one two three




Saint Margaret is one of the best in the

county you play tough I'm gone I've seen

these but these girls if you quit now

it's gonna go back to the way it was

they need you

you'd be proud of yourself



it was a good season


if they let me next two years three tops

you assist with Joe hair you know Joe

but once he retires we try and make you

the boy's head coach the best I can do

you coming off a losing season that's

Jean with all this

it's nearly 700 less all wing offers a

one-bedroom she's fine with a Joe well I

can't promise anything but maybe

secretarial can't guarantee that


there you go no sir it's Johnny price

Francis fathers husband Johnny price did

I hear you're in Texas no sir we we live

here now have been placed out near Delhi

Francis wanted me to find you me why is

that well right now she's having a baby

sir and we don't really have much and

not no use so she said to call you


see Francis Joey I need you to go get my

wife at the county agents and tell her

to bring the doctor okay but Sir we

can't pay we don't have anyone now


that's a contraction all right it's

gonna go away in a sec okay so you're

gonna be just fine huh you're gonna be

just fine I need you to do something for

me Francis I need you to time between

when these happens all right I gotta go

outside and get some kindling you'll be

just fine


take that real good what it done better

with you though okay can I ask you


something personal sure

how come you don't have kids I mean

people say stuff but he'll be such a

good daddy no I want to wear bad Magina

I got something wrong

I did all these tests doctor says I


gene wants to adopt

tell you


they're both fine they're asleep you

might wanna check on Francis




I brought a corn casserole and she's got

some baby clothes hey you know mama was

about your age when she had Raymond jr.

in Iraq mama you 17 yes ma'am


why don't you look like on home who

looks worn out


I'm gonna leave you and far more

responsible company than me now well we

were just wondering if well if it would

be alright if we named him after you

placed his middle name

that'd be alright


thank you

you go on let her get some sleep


oh okay okay yeah okay okay okay okay

looks like outside my jinx it out from

New York's Monday it was strawberries

and catfish from the Thompsons you're

being bribed what's this it's from Joe

Brody I'm guessing

what's it say jobs mind if I want it

money is what I told you assistant two

years instead of three Joe hopes holy









maybe I'm just a girls basketball coach

after all






John Stovall Porsches dead I remember

she wants to play again but I don't want

her taken advantage of how so treated

unfairly because of last year wasn't

treated unfair look there's not any

reason to get all he says I'm a lawyer a

nut daddy

I apologize

she works hard she plays same as

everyone that's all I care about

good thank you thanks Danny can I go to

the team meeting she heard about it from

her friends well ask them they called it

now who said you could do that the

reason we did was to set training rules

training rules like boys have real teams

you know like what we need to do and do

without to win this year like what we

eat and what time you want us in bed at

night a team curfew and how many nights

for a game shouldn't we date or does it

matter what about cherry cokes you're

joking right if you're gonna treat us

like boys we want to prepare luck boys

so what we're



God it'll it'll last maybe a week but I

went along with it starting in November

no sodapoppin just one candy bar a week

bedtime they they voted with the 9:30

except on Saturday night I said get


girls softy

play it's time

I just need your signature

aren't you happy Jeanne oh no it's not

that simple


no sometimes there is no shame none

it's nobody's fault it's just biology so

what if it's not our blood if it is

meant to be that's just as good just as

right maybe maybe no no no maybe you

know part of why you coat the daddy in a

red and now there's a child out there

maybe right now that needs us as much as

we need him a son if your son


tonight we open with ideal who whipped

us twice last year flipped us good six

what's that number me how many wins we

have last year six wins that's the most

any girls team from Middleton's one out

of 22 regular season games six not even

a tournament win

now ask yourself I measure this against

who you think you are on this life is

six an acceptable moment easy






this is play Driscoll yes

Lucille Shumard state welfare department

your adoption application just one



surprise that's the idea

I'm Jean mrs. clay well shouldn't take

an hour look around take some pictures

and we'll visit

start trucking over to here little

Russian minute to put

excuse me

the stitches

just again

come on strong it's these damn old

uniforms candy hanging out of her pants

I gotta go get mama school board meeting

of October 19th in session public


next item approval of minutes for the

September regular meeting do I hear

motion some weeks I can wait it says in

the agenda public comment comes first

they're dead well the meetings call for

seven and yeah I have seven now a minute

till mine is different

come on Ella footer there six seven

people here let him have his second

question all my gerson from the mirror


motion passes next item proof of

district wants and claims you'll want to

see superintendents pain are about that

son he told me to come here you're

already dead next item no sir it was

just you I talked to last time knocked

down anyway that was last season and

this year it's worse our girls need new

uniforms and warmups bath rules

recommend two sets for home in a way and

all we got Swan that's maybe seven years

old and been handed so many times they

split on my to guard at Medfield Friday

warm-ups we don't even bother with their

boys hand-me-downs about two sizes too


half of them the zippers are broke we

look like hobos

now you said last year you couldn't on

account of the drought and girls don't

draw well the droughts over thank God

my people are paying to see us play now

Plus and no disrespect mr. Brandt our

team six and one while your nephews boys

two and five now you ask anyone these

girls are the finest hardest-working the

most unselfish kids in school and they

deserve what everybody takes for granted

in this county they've earned this Mr

Driscoll we will consider it when public

comments are just that you've had your

two minutes if their sport consensus

we'll put it on next month's conference

agenda general item three is up next

month less almost December it'll take at

least a month the killer of district

warrants and cly can't wait any longer

sit down you

you know

play clay No

I'll pay for them out of my own pocket

if that's what it takes but these girls

have gone without long enough item three

is approval of district warrants and

claims discussion fine threes knee can

afford to is we're the only district

generous enough and stupid enough to be

paying a boys salary to a girls coach

write it down scribed








who is it

dreaming of addy fast and liquid shows


she's got something to ask you

I sure like to play basketball again

come on just cuz your mama ain't no




have a crazy idea and I was wondering if

you could help me see there again here

with Brawley I should have seen it


Spain our that little here so they

compass policy up we're sending my bonus

cut my pay their way of firing me

knowing I wouldn't stand for it and your

wife well he's still at Wilson but they

won't renew her contract in June oh so

you're gone yeah both of us after 30

years feel awful about this

you've been so good to me you you've

been so good to the girls no they lucky

to have you old town is you've done a

heck of a job with you sitting right

next to me you'd be careful though

do they really after is you Rowley told

Spain our last September find away you

take him off play you and Jean both

since the day I showed up and what's it

about me that he so can't stand

hey you're young you're hard-headed you

won't kiss his ass like he's used to

times are changing not for him not for

Ellis and never here

I know what you're thinking

I bet you don't

but you thought that first day what a

mistake it was you coming here you're


what then


come on

winning district

maybe regionals even are coming close

but I couldn't ask right spit it out

when nine and five since candy got hurt

we could have one but two three four men

for those games but sparks missing now

with Francis Bona wanting to play again

she might be just what we need now I

know her rotten deal with classes but

you can you help me out with just one

last time after what I just told you son

are you out of your mind help me get

this girl back on the team

you know the ED code the policies the

technicalities I don't I don't know

nothing about that hey this is for you

or about Brawley


it's about win

that's what this is about

you want it that bad no you

what is this Frances barber business

what it says it is I won't be threatened

it's no threat

mr. spine our France that good student

she makes a zombies team parents no

situation they're okay with it

and all they're saying is they'll write

letters of support if the request is

denied Oh John Stovall in particular I

see well he's a pair there's always

Francis balm but there's no legal rule

stop when her playing and from the state

I mean board policy is clear aside from

board policy according to civil law the

education code you know that sort of

thing right mr. Steiner I'm not the

district counsel you can ask the legal

opinions cost money have the board do it

then you know very well mr. brawly's had

his place in Mexico mr. brand

I'm warning you Driscoll don't push it

fine in the meantime as long as it's not

on school property there is no

jurisdiction over Frances practicing

with team as I can endure as you can

interpret am I wrong


you can change

of an old song rearrange it I'll make it


I thought nothing could stop me from

loving you but time changes there


good luck to you may God bless you I

can't say I won't

you've gone away

my first


you want to see me mr. Spiner

I want no part of this any more too many

people are upset if I can't make the

ruling I'm leaving it up to you you can

play the bottle girl if you want you're

right there's no code violation involved

so I'm not gonna stop you I also won't

give you my permission

just the authority to decide

congratulations Driscoll it's your call

I do I do wish you the best but I wash

my hands of the whole thing mr. Brean

mr. Brian came by the office earlier

normally mr. scan tower has they place

all his phone calls but they made one

without me I feel terrible but I did and

they were calling mr. Brawley down in

Mexico here to play Frances so the board

can fire you mr. Brawley said you and

mr. Moreland troublemakers they had

gotten rid of him be careful mr. drew

school even might not be worth it thank

you miss Robin



Frances is inside you cumin powder

playing yeah well she just made some

call to come on in well no no thanks

giant either you tell her you come on in

their new teller


you tell her


you tell her she's going to the regional

she's playing in the turn come on tell

her no you go on and you tell her

yourself thanks coach


you've won more games than any Milton

girls female 13 what numbers accepted

than that 1 2 3 5


the ever thought our lady cyclones would

whip ideal thirsty Oh teen Friday and

win the district 2 tournament Saturday

stomping being 5751 now it's on to the

regionals with the big dawgs

go you ladies cyclones pride

oh my god I bet color TV no I am died

and gone to heaven


well now I have seen it all


they can even everyone from Lawton

Oklahoma most of the division to girls

high school basketball western regionals

tonight our final hits the 90 town at

Ridge Red Raider rats from over in

Cordele against the lady cyclones from

Middleton the Teva frankly up until now

not many folks had ever heard of there

are a number four seed in their own

district tournament and these Milton

kids with their second year head coach

played through school dove knocked off

five straight higher ranked teams now

here they are matched up against his

deep and talented Raider red squad for a

chance to go on to Oklahoma City's girls

summer that




melted down by only five


right now bitch now with the ball as

they bring the ball down


go away





grandpa another white anko it does not

look good for an 18.9 for tonight a big



now listen to me really tune everything

in forget everything you're here because

you're not there docket settle down get

in the in somehow militant play one two


from the ladies


well newspaper in Stillwater back in

Norman good lord everywhere seems to be

interested in the ladies tyke loans even

TV no it's not going to his head heads

already too big as it is

I will yeah you to Curtis by you know

you could answer once or twice calls are

all for you I'm too busy

Oh clay Driscoll basketball gene come


I was thinking Edward wait Driscoll you

know for my mom aside well maybe James

Dale Driscoll you know for you dad you

know not strong names for a boy I was

thinking more paul nemenyi Driscoll for










told me


then just hold me


coach this is for you thank you it's

from us thank you all

well the team wanted me to say something

especially the seniors

we know you never wanted us do you want

it boys

and we understand girls don't get

scholarships or playing the Olympics or

pros most of us won't even go to college

so for us this is it our one moment to

compete put on smart new uniforms and

represent Middleton be thought of as

more than just future farmers and

Rangers wives

those nothing wrong with that

but it's the other you gave us


the more than that

now open your gift





are you believing in us for this season

and last no matter what happens tomorrow

for the games we won

and lost for treating us the same estoy

expecting more and making a skip it from

all of us


well I'll always uh I'll always

I don't know rmally shit better than

yesterday coach I can play really show

me take me home come on come on

baby are you alright

I'm fine doggone it







but this he left he said he could really

explain to themself maybe a combination

of heart and love I call it

old-fashioned grit hard work and great

coaching folks but tonight these kids

will need something extra special with

their best forward Pat Thompson down

with an ankle injury that she got in

that hard-fought regional final against

Ridge High School in Cordele s Delaplane

coach RC fluid


program great go through it


so here we go


led by their 643 all mistakes entered

Lucille over later also paved our name

district scoring champ Tammy shot that

girl can run marvelous walls another

fall style of the week and six-foot

Delma Loftus in the low post a

powerhouse most indeed speak spring

break foot and the dellaplane flank

tempo says the we met Big Sandy came for

so funnier noses and pull up a chair get

ready for the oh my my muse the Abba

slow down these cells don't get rattled

when the bullying stars does it'll start

quick you just remember who you are out

there you're my girls

we're gonna

stay chance


high school girls final official

gentleman just about ready to tip it off

Lucille Overlander of Villa plane has

about six inches on the cyclone no but

Johnson gets the two princes price break

this both the procedure year when she

went off to give me a cruise to the boss

bitch port strife and Bullock's of all


now right now this devilry attractive

for Middleton


the pastel high-priced lasered off the

seventh on the white side eleven

settlement brings it back across right

the left















full steam cars heavy Shah brings it up

to the lady cornet number of backers

here for both teams would like the whole

town of Middleton - a grand I'm headed

here she'd have been the whole school

one two buses Fayetteville Hall

those in the game now bring smaller

segments bandpass pimply minor fixes


here are seafood for the state's best

record of the past decade and Bristol

the new kid on the block never play now

these eight the floor


down the bridge the ball rolling trying

to control the tempo this Middleton team

just over match this man's inside and

another turnover

Tammy Sean the corners of the inside


ghost driscoll sends into play but

there's a rumor steal

and another quick two more teleplay

caught his brains around for sure and I

think that cyclones are rattled they're

not used to this this moment or neck

deep in this endless levels Chinamen


just lost focus having a tough time

brother with these big girls from the

corn in


Court is still dominating for their

sizing witness the fact that they've

been here before definitely starting to

show and this point long down for pairs

and that winners picked off


the shooting can't be far behind on

bubbling flakes off the rim for Milton

until a plane is lakopolous all going

their way that we all seem to be coming

off of the Cyclops as the chordates

around spring their mind nearly 3 2 1

2810 dellaplane leads and this has been

a one-sided half a basketball that the

coordinates are running at all cylinders

will the Cyclones are one half away from

image their Cinderella season


well that was quite a first half

I listen up come on now

everybody knows how good airplane is and

they just showed it I'm not now maybe

nobody out there thinks you measure up

history teaches us there's no measure in

the human heart

people are capable anything if you have

the will you have that will buckets seen

in here Michael feel


about last night


what I didn't know till now

I didn't want boys it was you who I

wanted all along

no boys could ever deal what you have

I can't ask any more from you now coach

good nobody and you're winning not

because of this because of who you are

and how special you are especially


you will win an RV mamas and your

grandma and your sisters


and all girls in Middleton and

everywhere else who never got the chance


you will win


because it's meant to be








than what we saw in the first half very




after that



the greatest and therefore would not

compete put me in and let me go in for

portion you double up on the Senate you

get us back in this game with no more

than four or five minutes left in the

game of four down five down then we'll

go to a pass right now dad crafted feel

now yes psychics giving away as we come

to he in the birth order

let's do up by 12 if Middleton's gonna

make a run that's their signature they

can fish this little time to do it

that's not gonna help miss cha pulls up

by Dilla playing bacons freezes over


the last few minutes here's the Oklahoma

girls they finally threw it and crystal


full press portal is the Typhoon's go to



they line up for the free throw down I'm

gonna call that the other way that

definitely looks like a church to be

that they call elevated aligned with the

game on the line the story









after going down my feet

roll them all up for Middleton







the key


it's time to play a little star ball and

go for the last shot time going over

later right side back on the show tons

of bait







Thank You resignation in writing book is

poaching mr. teacher yeah

please a married girl without permission

which is a great board policy leaving me

absolutely no alternative bullshit what

these girls want morning service to

Spain our is going to write four letters

and those letters are gonna say Midland

in high school is gonna forfeit three

games including tonight's state

championship you can't do that I can't

do that





boom huh

hey John now that better not be what I

think it is it's the only way what he

wants is his meal even if I give him

this maybe he'll let the girls keep the

championship never happened it's my

decision you think so I don't a law

school buddy of mine works at the

Attorney General's Office nothing on the

phone with him Paul all night long a big

basketball fan nobody is taking the

state championship away from our girls

or this town nobody




you get back to your classroom what do

you think this is California miss Rogers

would you be good enough to call the

station check and be sure sheriff

blessing game is own I don't need a damn

sheriff you made it real easy mr.


you're fired no he didn't you have no

authority over mr. Driscoll here he did

nothing wrong

Francis bought a price is and always was

eligible says who

since the Attorney General of the state

of Oklahoma was granddaddy caddie for my

granddaddy you are away hold on now I

thought you said we were all in this

together those are your words that

Sunday in church when you tried to

humiliate me in front entire


I came out to your ranch and I asked you

if you needed any help you never asked

if I did

he said girls don't draw thousand showed

up you didn't believe when we went all

the way we want state champs and you

weren't part of it and that's why you

won't take this away from us this is a

great town he's all great people they

taught me a lot

we need each other but you you don't

need anybody and the pity is Ellis I

feel sorry for you all of you

my bank holds paper on your homes on

your farms on your tractor see who's

threatening who now whoever ace it as

you think you're playing there's no not

far bar or you can vouch mr. Brawley

where the hell have you been I've had

civil disobedience here since mr.

Brawley you're hereby enjoined from for

fitting state championship writs of

mandamus signed by the district judge

Lucy who knows what you judge oh I don't

think you need to worry about judges

these are from the attorney general's

office two separate opinions

you know what for once in your life

Ellis Brawley I believe you've been














Cley the state office cold they have our

baby in a Tulsa Hospital 200 miles from

here and I said we'd be there in an hour

there's this one thing




it's curl





ladies and gentlemen we're doing

something a little different during the

state gym yeah would you take this seat

right here

right here just sit right here Teresa

right there

and I think your uh your basketball

girls have something outside to you

we're the original team gym teeth and he

is a legend in our state and we want to

thank all of you particularly our coach

for letting us relive magical time in

our life we were young again

and we thought that anything was

possible and it's due to this man Jim

Keith he is a legend in the state of

Oklahoma and because of this film is

going to be a legend in the world in

girls basketball so mr. Keith has a

birthday this month and coach from all

of us we love you



