Becoming Burlesque (2017) - full transcript

Despite her uncle encouraging her to adopt a more traditional lifestyle, a young Muslim college student secretly joins a Toronto burlesque troupe. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Ripped, slightly corrected & synched
by Fingersmaster. Enjoy!


Catcha Foxx.


Lady of the Lake.


Texas Red Tempest.


Pressure Head.

How's Dad?

He's fine, a false alarm.

Is that the hijab you're wearing?

Yeah, I love this one,
it's pretty.

It's not supposed to
be pretty, Fatima.

It's supposed to modestly
remind your uncle

that his half-breed
niece is devout.

Your father doesn't
need any more stress.

Okay, okay,
okay, I'm sorry.

I'll, I'll just change it before
we swing by the hospital.

Good girl.

You go on,

I'll meet you there, okay?


Hey, girl, nice flower.

Give me your number.

Seriously, dude,

that's your A game?

Oh come on, you wouldn't
be dressed like that

if you didn't want it.

Right, I put this
whole outfit together

hoping to meet a loser
at the bus stop.

That's what motivates my life.

Hey, my car's at the shop,
all right?

Come here.

Back the fuck off!

What, I just think you
look sexy, that's all.


I'm Fatima.

Texas Red Tempest.

Nice name.

Yours too.

What's it mean?

Um, captivating, I think.

I Googled it once.

And he's drunk.

Hey, hey, I got vertigo,
all right?

Just-just give me your
number, all right?

My friend's here now,
I'm busy.

Fucking Muslims.


That was alarming.

Oh well, I can handle it, usually.

Well, wouldn't it be easier

to dress a little more,
you know.

Easy isn't a reason to do something.

I'm not gonna change who I am
for jerks like that.

And P.S...

You know what,

you should come see our show.

You're a stripper.

And you're a terrorist.

Excuse me?

Look, I'm just saying that
you shouldn't pass judgement

on something that you
know nothing about.

My chariot awaits.

Later, beautiful.

You know, you didn't have
to cancel your Khutbah

over a small trouble,
you always overreact.

Nonsense, you are my brother,

it is my duty.

But I think Allah
would forgive you

if you came one
hour later, no?

Where's your Nasrani
wife anyway?

Maybe your weak heart is proof
God doesn't always forgive.

Please, brother.

Your son should understand

what happens when you
go against the family.

Yousef, please.

All right, another time.

Eh, are you going
to come to mosque

before supper for
Salat Al Maghrib?

Uh, sure, Uncle,
sounds hype.

Praise be Allah,

there is hope for you yet.


- Baba.

How are you feeling?

A 100% since you
walked in the door.

Good news, I spoke
to the doctors,

and you get to come home.

Well, seriously I feel fine.

Mahmood, go and see if your
father can be discharged.

But he can,
Fatima was just told.

Go and check to be sure.

But I-

I'm gonna text Mom
to get dinner things

'cause she's freaking out.

Yeah, and tell her that, uh,

your uncle is of
course dining with us.


Your wife might be the
shame of the family,

but she makes excellent lamb.

I am merely suggesting
that women in Toronto

can be tempting for
a young man, huh?

Your wife should be
your spiritual equal

and not just a great cook.

These Toronto love stories,

uh, they cloud judgement.

This is why marriage should
be a family decision.

It makes sense.

And Masihin,

doesn't the Quran
speak of believers,

so it could be
anyone with faith?

This is your father speaking.

You know, the Quran
has one interpretation.

It is not for us, brother,

to make arguments to fit our
impulses within its pages.

Nor is it for us to justify
all traditions with its words.

This is a new time and place
and calls for new habits.

Chapter 5, verse 5-

Okay, enough religion talk.

I just want to enjoy
being back home.

Aw, Dad, but it's
so interesting.

Your father has spoken.

Fatima, a question,

come, sit next to your uncle.

I'm just in the middle of-

- Well, actually I
- will help Olivia.

You should be resting.

I rest my eyes on your mother.

Didn't the Prophet Muhammad
himself do the housework?

Yeah, let's talk.

What's wrong?


How do you know
something is wrong?

It is my job to notice,
I am an Imam,

and to guide.

Here, let's talk.

Well, um-

I've taken on the
hijab as you know.

I could not be more proud.

I thought it would
make my path more clear,

but it kind of makes
things tough at school.

Why should your
faith bother anyone

at a place of higher learning?

Maybe it's me,

it-it's just everyone
seems extra careful

around me now like,

I'm made of sugar
or something.

What about the
other Muslim girls,

birds of a feather?

It's fine, I mean,
it's just school.

You'd be happier with a
man to take care of you.

Then you could focus
on taking care of him.

No, I don't really
think that's it.

I could introduce you to a nice
young man from the mosque.

What's she
gonna offer a guy?

A conversation in
thermal dynamics?

Shut up, M,

I have stuff to offer,
I'm funnier than you.

Okay easy, cupid.

A woman is always
discontent alone.

It's a man's job to make her
happy by giving her purpose.

This is one of the
great pleasures

of being a man, Mahmood.

All washed up.

Sorry, Uncle,
but you're wrong.

Yousef, what are you
telling my daughter now?

Only the truth, she knows.

Oh sorry, Dad.

The young peoples like to
think they're different,

but humans are human.

Sorry, but how could you
even think that this is-


I forgot to pick up Baba's
prescription, do you mind?

Okay yeah, no problem.


And cover up.

Yes, Umi.

I don't need a man
to take care of me.

That everyone didn't
like in high school?

What's her name?

I don't remember her name.

Oh wait shit, come on.

You're going to both your
parents' hell for this.

Here you go, baby.

Hey, what can I get you?

Hey, beautiful,

I said can I get
you a cocktail?

I know that my
hand-knitted scoop neck

is a powerful distraction,
but I mean-

Oh, I don't drink.

I mean, you're cute and all.

I'm not-I'm not hitting on you,

I'm-I'm the bartender.

Right, sorry.

I'm also an entrepreneur
in the fashion industry.

I can custom knit anything
from shirts to bikinis,

hats, uh, socks, shoes,
onesies, plains.

I didn't think it
would be so...


Yeah, they don't mess around.

You're popping your
burlesque cherry, huh?

Uh, um, I'm gonna
get a little closer.


To the show.

Oh yeah, sure sure,
yeah the show.

Watch-watch out,
there's a chair.

Sorry, sorry.

What the hell happened?

She really went in and
it was fucking amazing.

Then a heel got in her eye.

My heel, I feel like shit.

Don't worry, honey, it missed
your eye by half an inch.

Hold still.
-I'm blind, I'm blind.

- I can't see in my eye.
- You're not blind.

It's just blood.
Here, here.

Bast, that scar's
gonna look hot.

If she needs to get stitches,
she can't dance tomorrow.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
-I'm all right.

Sinnamon, you know the choreo?

I've been here
for three years.

Well, you're on
for Bast tomorrow.

Hold on, who exactly
is gonna kitten then?

Tomorrow's my new solo.

Right, and she can't pick up
the clothes she just took off.


We'll find somebody.

Hey, bus girl,
you came, you came.


It was so powerful.

Oh, and someone dropped this.

It's mine, mine.

Catcha, why doesn't
she kitten?

I mean, she's got
a knack for it.

God says yes.

What's your name, sweetie?


Sorry, what did
you want me to do?

The stage kitten picks
up all the costume pieces

after each tease.

Normally it's my gig,

but tomorrow I'll be dancing.

Oh, yeah, I can't do that,

my folks are pretty,
uh, conservative.

We didn't ask them to do it.

Although, that
would be amazing.

It's easy, hon.

You'll be great.

No, I-

I should go, good show.

You want to kitten forever?

Fair enough, I get it.

Yeah, it just kind of makes
things tough, you know?

Yet here you are.

Well, I've just never seen
anything like this, I mean-

I know, it was all
over your face.

I mean, you guys feel
more comfortable naked

than I feel clothed.

The magic of burlesque.

Come on, I could
really use your help.

Kittening is so easy.

I can't, I can't, my family-

Doesn't have to know.

Why do you wear it anyway?

The hijab?

It's a cultural symbol of
my heritage and my faith.

Is that all?

I like it.

What was that?

I like the way it looks, okay?

I mean, it makes me feel good.

I knew it.

So, what would I do exactly?

Pick up the clothes,

glorify gender with
glitter instead of glory.

Okay, that sounds okay.

Cool, see you tomorrow,
the show is at 8:00.

You rock, love you, bye.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Did you get the prescription?

What no, I'll get it tomorrow.

Then why are you so late?

What's it to you?

Uh, I'm your brother,
it's my duty.

Oh yeah, did
Uncle Yousef tell you that?

Okay look, Mom was worried
that Dad would worry,

so I promised I'd wait up.

Okay, sorry.

It's important to be
there for people, Fatima.

So, if someone needs help,

I should be there
for them, right?

Yeah, zakat.

Is that a sparkle on your face?

Huh, no, I'm going to bed.

Good night.

- Do you want a smoke?
- Yes.

Seriously, that
Prof is so wack,

why even tell us that?

Yeah, so he went travelling
to figure out where he belongs.

Irrelevant to fluid mechanics,

but I get it.

Maybe I should quit school too.

Oh yeah, to go where exactly?

God, every effing
engineering Prof,

they think that their
class is the only one.

Do you remember sleep?

Remember having better
reasons for not sleeping?

Remember unicorns?

'Cause unicorns are
only seen by virgins?

You're so wack.

Oh my god.


I got to go, guys.

You okay?

Snap me.

Boom, drop, out,
take your time.


Sinnamon, sink more.

Drop it down.

I need to see you eat the
floor with your poom poom.

Not just the tip,

sit on the whole dick.

Mm, yeah.
- Got it.

You think this
chick's gonna show?

She'll be here, it's fine.

We'll find out in an hour.

Fatima, stop moving about.


Hey, why doesn't Mahmood ever
help out with anything anyway?

Fatima, my angel,

your future husband will
appreciate your efforts.

- Hmm?

What would you do if
someone asked for a favour

from someone that would
disappoint someone else?

That is a vague question,
my dear.

What is the favour?

Well, cleaning up.

How would cleaning up
disappoint anyone?

It wouldn't disappoint me.


You are too soft on
your children, Waleed.

Ah, the world is hard
enough, brother.

I got glue on a part of my eye
I didn't want it to go in.

Wait, how much glitter
is too much glitter?

There's no such thing.

Oh my gosh.

So, church, huh?

That's new, you know,

aside from the annual
guilty Christmas pilgrimage.

Praying every once
in a while helps.

Yeah well, us Muslims
pray five times a day.

You know that, right, Mom?

Just saying.
- Oh hush, you.

Wait, I thought Becca and
Wei Chen were coming over?

Yeah well, I-I just-

I thought, you know,
with Uncle-

Yousef can be,
well, bombastic.

But he means well,

he cares about you a lot.

He is in fact your father's
most liberal brother.

The others won't
even talk to him.

Oh, I have other uncles?


I didn't know that,
where are they?

They got to be here
somewhere, right?

Uncle, I don't, I can't
find them, where?

I know he likes to
ruffle your feathers,

but be good, okay?

Show your uncle that I
didn't ruin the children too.

Yeah, sure.

Thank you.

You like a little ass love?

- Ooze the glitter, Texas,
- I swear like a lumberjack.

Ooh yes, sexy lumberjack.

It's head, bum bum.

Ba ba.

Head, elbow, face, and chest.

Ooh, I'm not warm.

Okay, got it.

We'll flock each other
for that so we're together.

I'm gonna be flocking
this whole damn show.

Yes, you are.

Five bucks the
kitten doesn't show.

I'm in, 10 for the
no balls bail.

I know, why don't we get
the sexy bartender to kitten?

Yeah, I mean, he
already plays with yarn.

I got five bucks on
Pussy Galore, Catcha?

She'll be here.

Cha cha cha cha cha.

Cha cha cha cha cha.

It is our duty to Allah

to preserve our traditions
in this environment,

that is our test,
our challenge.

Why preserve them at all,
adapt, evolve.

Happiness is born out
of knowing your purpose.

Look at this city,

it is full of lost
and confused people.

Place and purpose.

You know, debating
with you has no tail.

Don't you have a
mosque full of people

who listen to you already?

Or your own offspring, huh?

My boys are busy
becoming doctors.

Speaking of which, what
are your plans, Mahmood?

Um, I'm just keeping my
options open, right.

See, that's the Toronto way.

No one makes decisions
about the future.

Hey, I'm in engineering.

Really, Mahmood,

you're going to let
your sister outshine you?

Thanks a lot, sis.

Sorry, M.

Well, what do you have
to say for yourself?

Answer me.

I don't know,
uh, med school.

Really, son, since when?

Since now.

I'll be done my PhD by
the time that happens.


but don't forget about
all my great nephews

while you're studying.

Oh, that young man I was
talking to you about-

No, thank you.

He has a good job.

I'm fine.

Brother, keep a
close eye on her.

Look, maybe I don't
even want to get married.

Habibti, my heart.

Sorry, I just said maybe.

Like maybe I don't want
to be as predictable

as Uncle seems to
think all women are.

Yes, predictability is the
essential beauty of tradition,

so each of us knows what
role we have to play.

You are sweet and
smart, habibti.

But surprising, hardly, hmm?

Fatima, help serve.

You know what,

actually I just remembered

I promised a friend I'd
pick up her clothes.

You can't leave before we eat.


Mom, this stew smells amazing.

Go after your sister please.

But I want-

Come on.

No, Sinnamon, I need
you to kitten the solo.

Trio tease is out.

What if I kitten that one?

No, you're helping
my quick change,

you can't do both.


- What if I help
- Texas quick change?

Or me.

No, I need you guys
in the audience.

Forget it, ladies.

Idea, Catcha, why don't
you do a second solo tease?

How's your back?

It's completely seized.

That's why I swapped
my solo for the trio.


You're fine.

Hey, I know it's late,

but I'm here if you still
need me to kitty or whatever.

Trio tease is back in.

Circle jerk.

Glad you made it.

Stay grounded,


feel each other.

Poom poom power!

Oh, coming through.

Okay, I'll let you go first.

I like your scarf.

Welcome back.

What colour bra
are you wearing?


Oooh, sexy.

Here's your outfit.

Where's the rest of it?

I can't make you
wear anything.

I just think that
this looks good.


Okay, well technically I
should at least cover my awrah.

Your what?

Uh, my, uh, my-my middle.

Okay, what if I
just cover my face?

Lady lesson number one.

Toe in, toe out.

Squeeze your butt in,
make it graceful.

Walking is hard.

Fatima, get out there
and clear the stage.


Knees together,
pull up, chin up,

stick your butt up,


Whiskey and ginger.

You got it, bro.

Is that worsted wool?

Yeah, I do custom knits.

Sweet, bro.

You waiting for someone?

Uh, I'm looking for my sister.

Strip joint's a
bit of a stretch,

but I like to
be thorough.


She a troublemaker, huh?

I don't see her though.

Well, my job here is done.

I'll stay to finish my drink,
keep the change.


Bad boy, pay attention.

What the fuck?

That's what you get.


I-I'm just helping.

What are you wearing?

Please don't tell Baba.

Are you kidding me,

I don't want to tell myself.

Please, M.

You're coming with me
right now and we're leaving.

No, no, no, no, what
are you, Uncle Yousef?

I'm your brother, you're
not gonna be a stripper.

I forbid it!

They're not strippers.

Okay yeah, they take
their clothes off,

but it's different,
it's art.

Whatever, you're
coming with me.

No, I'm not gonna
let them down.

Fine, then I'm
not your brother.

M, please.

I can't, I can't
see you like this.

Don't talk to me,

don't look at me.

I no longer have a sister.

Ow, ow, oh shit.

Oh shit.

Oh, I'm sorry,
I can come back out.

It's okay,
it's intermission.


I guess I had a
bit of a meltdown.

I saw that,

but we never
leave the stage.

What if there's a fire?

We burn.

How's your back?

I'm heavily medicated,
so it probably hurts.

Let's move, girl.

You still got to put
three chairs in a V.

Okay, it's the heels.

Yeah, chop, chop,
chop, chop, chop, chop.

I like.

She's still wearing
way too much clothing.

It's not the clothing,
it's the confidence.

She's got something,
you'll see.

You nailed it.

Not bad.

Uh, hello, I just
did my first show.

Can I get a little bit of love?

You were lovely dear.

No one doubted you would be.

Oooh, hot date tonight,
Lake Lady?

Don't rush, make him wait.

I can't help it.

He's all arms,
legs, freckles.

It's divine.

We will never
fight over a man.

- Rehearsal tomorrow with
- Sinnamon and Fatima in.

Tonight was a mess.

I'll see you ladies
up there for a drink.

See you.
-Oh, order me one.

So, think there'll
be a second date?

Hell no, she'll be lucky
if she makes it to last call.

What, why not?

She has a thing
for fuck boys.

That's a thing you can have?

So, who's boning
you these days?

Me? No one.

Oh, what a waste.

I saw Justin eye-banging
you all night.

You a night rider?



He's obsessed
with Catcha Foxx.

Oh, he's so sweet,

but when he talks about wool,

I get so sleepy.

I get awkward with guys, so.

You just have to look
them in the eyes.

It disarms them.

Hey, are you guys decent?

Oh, somebody's
ears are burning,

and by ears I mean.

Get your flirt on, girl.


No, next Tuesday.

Just look him in the eye,

don't look away until he does.

Come on in.

Hey, what's up ladies?

Beautiful show, Catcha Foxx,

honestly, they loved it.

Uh, you guys sticking
around for drinks?

The guy upstairs is buying.

Oh yeah.
-Hell yeah, shots from God.

He's just a super fan,

he really loved the show

and actually he ordered a
stitched rib silk yarn jumpsuit.

You okay?

I have something
on my face or...

We'll be up in five.

Okay cool, see you upstairs.

What is wrong with me?

It just takes practice,
it's okay.

Coming Catcha?

What'd I miss?

She wasn't kidding.

Do you have to go home?

Um, well there's either a shit
storm waiting for me at home

or there isn't, I wouldn't
know until I get there.

It's Schrodinger's cat,

so I might as well just
hang out for a bit.



Cheers, ladies,
well earned.

Thank you.

You know a shot would help.

I can't, I don't drink.

Hey, Justin,

get her a virgin
virgin Woolly Navel

on the fan tab.

You know, the, the
better looking he is,

the harder he is to look at.

Let's try it with
the super fan.

Now shoot him a look.

I don't want to distract him.

Yes, you want to.

Don't force it, don't.

Stop it. Ugh.

Okay, what's the difference
between stripping and burlesque?

Um, pasties?

Oh man.

In stripping, the observer
imposes their fantasy

on the performer.

In burlesque,

we impose our fantasies
on the crowd.

It's a preference.

Some people like men,

women, threesomes,

farm animals.

We fuck the audience.

Justin, another round
for the ladies please.

Oh my god.

I don't always have
so much sugar.

I am an asshole.


promise me you're gonna drink
some water before bed, okay?

Hey, look, look,
I'm standing by myself.


And I'm walking by myself, see?

Wow, you really
don't drink, do you?

I'm gonna look at you
until you look away.

You guys are so beautiful,

I love you guys.

beautiful too, Fatima.

Okay, are you okay to
get home from here?

I am home.

Okay, rehearsal tomorrow.

Be safe.

I chickened out.

Just don't go back.

Ah, we're having
songbird for breakfast?

Good morning, Baba.

Good morning.

Oh, angel pie,

these eggs look magnificent.

And the pinyo smells sublime.

I'll get my own.

Okay, I have a study date.

I will see you guys later, bye.

Okay, bye.

You know,

it's a treat for a dad to
see his daughter like that.

One day you'll know, Mahmood.

You're early.

I didn't know what
time rehearsal was, so.

Girl, never before noon.

Oh, sorry.

Don't apologize, come.


So, does your family know?

My mom comes to everything.

My dad doesn't,

but he knows burlesque
is my thing.


The glamour,

the freedom,

feeling alive in my own skin.

Come, give me your weight.

Oh, sorry, sorry.

It's okay.

Back to back.

Oh sorry, I'm, I mean,
I'm hurting you.

It's okay.



Where are you from?

My dad's from Syria
but studied in England

where he met my mom.

She was born in Thunder Bay

and her family is
Polish and Irish

with a hint of Ukrainian.

I'm just Toronto.

You're more than that.

Now look at me in the
face and try to mirror me.

You're a magical creature.

Now they go inside.


And back.

And now let's try keeping
the water droplet alive.



Come, close your eyes.

Just let it go.

It's hard to let it go.


No judgement.



This feeling,
that's the beginning.

I feel like I just
covered up everything.

I want to feel like
this all the time.

You need a burlesque name.

How about Wobbly?



Lousy Flirt?

Flirt Fail?

No, Flirt.

Let me think about it.


Too many Lenny's.

My body's not having me today.


That's why I drink gin.

Yeah, the drink of psychopaths.

Get it together,
rehearsal in 10.

Left, back, right, front.

Left, back, right.

What are you doing?

Can you knock?

Look, I have to tell Dad.

Yeah, you think
that's a good idea?

You're right, but...

Why, Fati?

I don't know, M,

being a girl here
is such a treat.

Oh please,

at least you're not supposed
to have it all together.

Just forget it.

I can't even stop my sister
from working at a strip club.

Honestly, I-I don't
want you to go back.


Shit, shit.

Oh, trouble in
paradise over there?

I just got fired over email.

From the reception gig?

I thought they loved you.

Well, apparently my boss saw
a photo on Insta and freaked.

Oh wait no, his wife did.

Well, at least you
still have this gig.

Ha, that's very funny.

Ten minutes ladies.

Maybe Justin will
put me back on bar.

No, I need you on stage.

Catcha, why doesn't
Fatima learn the-

No, she can't dance
like you yet.

Plus, we can't afford
another dancer.

I don't even have a name yet.


Strong, powerful,

decadent, immoral.

Go kiss someone.

Kiss, not kill.

Who was that?

("Of All the People Here"

by Freeman Dre and
the Kitchen Party)

Forget it, M,
I'm not leaving.

If you won't leave,
I'm staying.


I'm your bother,
I'll protect you.

What are you-

Ah, Babylon comes with
her own manservant, I like.

This is not a good idea.

Now you've been dancing
a record three days

we need someone
to kitten, hmm?


You stay, I stay.

Take off your shirt.

This is a bad idea.

Wait here to clear the stage.

I love.

This is a bad-

That's all of it, okay?

Do you mind?

You know, you're too beautiful

to be taking your clothes off.

Isn't that reason to?

Wow, you have a strong back.

Dudes are dogs.

You're tight.

You're too hard on yourself.

Uh, you-

You work hard,
I'm, I'm really lazy.

So stop.

("Let's Get this
Show on the Road"

by Freeman Dre and
the Kitchen Party)

Your brother looks hot.

This can't end well.

Catcha likes it when
we go and mingle.

You are not paid to watch.

I'm not paid at all.

So, what do we do?

Just go and stir it up.

Oh sorry.

Include us in your next round

and we might not
destroy your table.

I love you, Texas!

I love you too, Whiskey Neat.

They don't know a fuck up
unless we're apologetic.

They get what we give
them and that's it, okay?

Babylon, Catcha Foxx
lost a pastie, you're on.

Now you're part of the show.

Go get it.

Be cute.

It won't stick.

Press harder.

I am, her boob is squishy.

Okay, it's on.

Okay, come on.

Nice work, Babylon.

Nicely done, manservant.

I need a shot.

Hold on, you can drink
but your sister can't?

I'm a guy.

Oh, that's such donkey shit.

Hey, the Quran itself said
alcohol is good and bad,

so I guess I'm just
taking in the good.

Yeah, well the
Quran can kiss my-

You know what, let's
just have another shot.

Or five.

You know what
your problem is?

You're always trying
to control yourself.

Controlling myself
is necessary.

Why, what's gonna happen?

You want to kiss me?

Not anymore.

See, you're free to
do whatever you want,

but so are we.

Consent isn't enough anymore,

aim for enthusiasm.

Hey, great show ladies.

Thank you.

God, I miss getting
naked with you guys.

Hey yeah you do,
I just had a mini.


I saw her eyes glaze
over and I knew.


A mini?

Oh yeah, she's real
happy right now.

I'd be mortified if
that happened anywhere

let alone on stage.

What do you think it's
there for, honey?

I could use a good one.

Mr. Skinny Freckles from
Dublin was a bust, literally.

Anybody surprised?

You should try an
island boy next time.

Ireland's an island.

I meant Montreal.

I just like the Irish guys.

Their skin feels
like two-sided tape.

And on that note.

Hate to break up the party,

but ticket sales are crap,

so I had to cut your pay.

That's fine.

Thanks, girl.
- Don't sweat it.

I need you to promote,
promote, promote.

Don't be lazy.

Wait, this is what
you guys get paid?

We don't do it for the money.

But you work so hard.

Nobody's keeping you here.

You just did it for the cash?

Uh, no, I'm not, it's
just-just engineering brain.

My ex-boyfriend's
brother is an engineer.

I fucked an engineer
once and it was so boring.

Uh, so, tequila time.



It doesn't bother you
to see me ordered around?

I didn't ask you to follow me.

I'm your brother.

Don't pull that crap,

that's not why
you're doing this.

You think I'm here
for the women?

I can get my own women.


Besides, Catcha Foxx
isn't my type of girl.

Catcha Foxx, really?
-Don't, don't.


Yeah, bring her home
to Mom and Dad,

that'll be awesome.

And to Uncle, praise Allah.

I'm here for you, Fati.

Yeah, what does it do for me?

Well, it was either lose
respect for you completely

or try and figure out why.

How are you so dumb and
so smart at the same time?

It boggles the mind.

You been going to mosque?

I mean, I think about
the principles

still every day, but-

Why, aren't you?

Only when Uncle's around,
don't tell Mom.

I kind of miss it,
but I don't know now.

Allah will forgive you if
your heart's in the right place.

Is it?

Why, Fati, why,
why all this?

Look, I fit in for once.

Everywhere else
I'm pretending.

At least on stage I'm
not lying to anyone.

I mean, yeah I'm acting,
but I'm not lying.

It feels right.

Just tell Allah that.

Yeah maybe.

What are you gonna tell him?

That he can like
me best now

because my sister's
a stripper.


Get out of here.

Oh, I was worried
there for a hot minute,

bringing in a total stranger?

Is this about her learning
the show faster than you did?


You're lying.

Look, she was even accusing
you of exploiting us.

What do you suggest?

Get rid of her.

Just 'cause she got
promoted to dancer

does not mean that you
got promoted to producer.

Go home, Sinnamon.

Wait, is it foom,
hit, foom?

No, it's foom,
hit, wait, foom.


Everybody listen up.

Box office money is
missing from my desk.

That was from before, I swear.

All right.

Well if you took the
money then step forward.

Nobody gets paid until the
money is back on my desk.

Show is in an hour.

Where are you
sneaking off to?

Just out.

Shouldn't you be
prepping the MCAT?

Yousef called,
you missed prayer.

Can you make a bit
more effort please?

Fine, can I go now?


I got a job, okay?

But that's wonderful,

your father will be thrilled.

No, it's, no, Mom,
it's just not a good job.

Waleed, Mahmood has some news.

I got a job.

Oh, where?

It's nothing,
it's at a restaurant

just bussing or whatever.

You know I worry
about you, son.

I mean look at your sister,

she's going to university
with excellent marks

and you don't even try.

-Love, he has a job.

Yeah, but I just
don't understand

why he always let's
himself be outperformed

by his sister.

My son is bussing.

Well, guess what,

she's on stage at the
same shitty club.

So, she's not so
perfect after all.

Come back.

Come on.

Whatever you're feeling,

just leave it in
the change room.

You're magic.

And I don't care
about the money.

We'll have a fundraiser
and we'll move on, yeah?

Now let's go fuck
them in the heart.

Fatima is performing there?

Oh, just, uh, she's dancing.


You-you mean at the
club or on stage?

Look, they-they have
entertainment at the club,


So, she's just helping.

What do you mean dancing?

It's a-it's a cabaret lounge,

so they do dance shows.

You know, kind of
like vaudeville.

I see.

So she's...dancing.

Why didn't she tell us?

Look, it was a surprise,

and I screwed up, okay.

So maybe we just
don't mention it.

We should go and
see this dancing.

No, no, no, no, no,

you wouldn't like it.

It's, uh,

the-the music is terrible,

it's rock and roll, right?

It's not even,
it's not even,

uh, it's dimly lit.

No, no, we support.

Dear, no one just
dances at a club.

Maybe you should talk to her.

Or don't talk to her,
because I can talk to her.

What club, son, hmm?

I-I-I don't know.

What club?

You're set.

Damn, I want to be in this.

Mahmood, my man, what's up?

Rocking the range?

Sweet stitches, Pop.

What kind of place is this?

Do you have my glasses?

It's a cabaret lounge,
music, shows,

dancing, drinks,
you know, that stuff.

What are you doing?

It was an accident,

I didn't think they
were gonna come.


Let's go, Waleed,
you should be resting.


No, no, no, this is
their world, not ours,

uh, we should
give it a chance.





What are you doing here?

That is a question
to ask yourself.

Hi, I need an
ambulance to, uh, where?

1585 Dundas Street West.

1585 Dundas Street West.

My husband is having
a heart attack.

I'm going to get a coffee.

I have nothing
to say to you.

You always told me
to keep an open mind

about school, politics,
about people.

This is different.


It just is.

But how?

People pay to look
at your body,

think disgusting thoughts.

Dad, it's not like that.

If you can't see
it for what it is,

then this
conversation is over.

She's as stubborn
as you were.

I knew she'd test me,
but I never-

Call him.

You sure?

You told Uncle, seriously?

Well, better he
hear it from us.


Oh man, what do you
think he's gonna do?

He'll offer her guidance,
this is his calling.

Yeah, guidance.

Okay, you all right?

I got to go tell her.

Hey, Mom.

Where's the coriander?

I know it's around
here somewhere.

Mom, I just want
you to know that-

Oh, here it is of course.

It's not what you-


Or figure skating,

everyone in Thunder Bay

was quite happy on the ice,
maybe that-

-You never know until you try.

Okay, okay sure, but-but-

Or I could bring
you to my church.

No thanks, I'm not
changing religions, Mom.

Is this a bad time?

Not at all, just cooking.

Okay look, I just-

Oh wow, I forgot to
preheat the oven.

I'm a mess.

Okay, I'll-I'll catch
you later I guess.


use protection, okay?

Mom, it's theatre.

Of course, dear.

They don't get it.

Hello, lovers, we are
fundraising tonight.

Rhinestones are
very expensive.

So one lucky audience member

is going to have
a personal tease.

This is a once in a lifetime
opportunity, fuckers,

so who's gonna
give me $100?

Let them come,
I'll be gone anyway.

Very generous.

Looks like our woolly
handsome Justin

wants a break from
bartending with a bid of...


But think about how long

you're gonna be telling
this story for, people.



Will our star bartender
get back in the game?


Five bucks?


Going once.

Hope they take credit cards.

Going twice.


Are you single?

Maybe tonight.

Sold to the smooth ass
stylish person in the back.

Come on up here, sweetheart.

Everyone in the room

is completely jealous
of you right now.

You okay?

Nope, I need you to
do the finale for me.

What about this dance?
-Just go.

Just say goodbye already.

Oh fuck, her back.

You're killing it!


Look at this place.

Okay, just look for her.

Okay let's go, she's not here.


Who are those guys?

My cousins.

Come on.

Sit down, the show's started.

Excuse me, this is
family business. We-

Hi there, handsome.

No thanks, thank you.

Uh uh, you don't
want to piss me off.

She said sit the fuck down.

Yo, Amir, these
bitches are crazy.

Let go of me, you slut.

Out of my way.

Okay, move!

Get the fuck off my brother.

Show is happening,
you can leave now.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, what you are nuts?

I'm defending myself,
they attacked us.

Hey, what are you guys doing?

Mahmood, what are
you doing here?

These girls are
not hookers, man.

It's an artsy thing,
all right?

Just go.

No can do, cousin,

your family's too
weak to handle this.

Look, let us just take
her home, it's cool.

She's confused,
she'll come around.


Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, relax, relax.

She's my sister,

I see you guys twice a year.

That bitch fired!

Come on, he's not
gonna buy that.

I didn't do anything.

It doesn't really matter.



Oh now I can't even
help protect the new girl?

Oh, I'm not good
enough for that?

Fine, let them just take
what they came for, fuck her!

I've been here longer,

I would follow you anywhere.

I'm a better dancer,

I'm a better performer.

Why should I listen to
you any fucking more?

Stop it!

I'm causing all this trouble.

It's not your problem, Catcha.

Or yours, Amir.

I'm sorry you got involved.

Look I'm leaving,
okay, problem solved.

Sinnamon, Catcha loves you,

you're just too
dumb to see it.

And don't ever threaten
my family again.


Hey, you want me to
take a look at that?

I'm a pre-med.


You know, you really
screwed up this time.

There's no turning
back from this.

You don't exist.

What, come on, man.

What the fuck?

I was just protecting us,
you from all this bullshit.

I was-
-I don't want to hear it.

Too bad they had
to go so soon.

Yeah, but with showgirl
herpes though.

Yeah, they're gonna
sparkle for days.

It's over.

she can't keep dancing,

not with a family
that's involved.

You're her family.

Oh my god, I'm trying to be,
but she doesn't listen.

And I'm sitting
right alongside her,

so what type of man
does that make me?

A great one.

Look, I'm gonna
marry a Muslim.

Oh, when?

not wife material.


A wife is domestic,
she raises children.

Among other things.
-She fasts.

I used to fast,
then I got better.

Are you okay?

Look, a-a wife isn't
a half-naked dancer

covered in sparkles,
it's not an option.

Marry whoever.

Dammit, why are
you so perfect?


The term is mad.

But my cousins,
Uncle, really?

Why do you even
care so much?

You are my family.

Well, then support me.

You have turned
your back on Islam.

Okay, that's a
little dramatic.

There's more than one
way to be a Muslim.

There is one way,

the way written
in the Quran.

That's not the same thing.

It's not. Allah, I am an Imam.

So, are you telling me
I must submit to your will

as well as Allah's?

Show me, Fatima,

show me where in
the Quran it says,

what you do is not
haram and I will follow.

I don't need you to follow me.

Chapter 31 verse 24,
in the name of Allah

the most merciful and
the most gracious,

and tell the believing women
to guard their private parts

and not expose
their adornment.

Which pasties do.

You know that is
not the meaning.

Look, Uncle, my private self
cannot be hidden or revealed

with clothing because
I'm more than just skin.

And let them not stamp
their feet to make known

what they conceal
of their adornment.

Except what the
hand possesses.

I could argue I
possess the audience.

That is, you are
twisting the language

to fit your purpose.

So are you!

You are a spiritual guide,

but you've abandoned
my spirit.

If my own niece won't
listen to my words,

how can I lead prayer and
expect people to listen?

So, the problem is
your reputation?

No, it is you putting
your body on display.

Wake up, Uncle.

Look, men will gaze whether
a girl's wearing pasties

or a full on niqab,
men will look.

It's a primal
force of nature.

Look, burlesque releases me
from the fear of that gaze.

It-it's my art,

it let's be myself,

and men don't own it.

And you don't own me.

Look, I don't want
this to affect you.

I can cover my
awrah with scarves,

would that help?

I have a stage name,
no one needs to know.

They will find out.

What about your
connection to Allah?

Will you cover that too?

No, I believe Allah wants
me to stay truthful to myself.

And truthfully,

God's gaze is the only
one I care about.

Fatima, you are
like my daughter.


Please reconsider.

I'm so sorry, Uncle,

but I couldn't stop
if I wanted to.

A hijab pin?

Those things get
in everything.

Just like rhinestones.

Help me out here.

I dance, I lose my family.

I don't dance,
I lose myself.

What do I do?

That's up to you.

And this shouldn't be
such a big deal, right?

It's my body, why can't I
just do what I want with it

like everyone else
in this city?

Because it's not,

it belongs to your father
until you get married.

Traditionally anyways.

Tradition and faith
are not synonyms,

they can't be.

Then there's your answer.

I have to do it.

A burlesque tease.

It's the only way
I'll know for sure.

- Yes.
- Yes!

Heck yes!

Or don't.

So what's the secret?

No secret,

just make it your own.


How can I be angry with them

when the apple falls
so close to the tree?

Your undoing was love,
not lust.

Our father would argue that.

This was my fault,
your Baba was right.

My father was a bully,
may Allah rest his soul.

You inspired me to
hold onto my faith.

You're my light and my rock.

Still, think of
Fatima in that place.

Today I understand
my father better.

But I'm not going to
lose my children over it.

Yousef, I will not force her.

Will no one listen?

What am I supposed to do?

May God guide us all
to the right path.

-- English --