Battle of the Godfathers (1973) - full transcript

Mafia hot shot comes to Hamburg with the main intention of taking it over. However, the local German crime lord isn't particularly down with his plan and a bloody gang war ensues.

This is Hamburg, one of the most
beautiful cities in Europe...

But it's also home to many
international criminal organisations.

Its location makes it ideal for the
trafficking of all kinds of goods...

From all directions, in all directions,
and across every continent.

Its neighbourhoods infested,
the city becomes prey to a cancer...

... that will be hard to wipe out.

It's the battleground for the
fights between the different mobs...

The different gangs,
the different families...

All vying for supremacy...
Or rather, control of the city.

This film is based on real events surrounding
the rivalry between two camps...

Between two gangs...

And how they are formed,
and how they fall...

... the fortunes of the king
of the underworld.

These skyscrapers didn't exist
a few years ago...

Nor did the empire of a local
Caesar exist yet; Hans Werner.

His business dealings had slowly
infiltrated the Hamburg underworld...

And the respect,
that was created around him...

The unsuspectable Hans Werner...

... was due to the continued
success of his brilliant...

... and unsuspectable money
laundering activities.

We've come a long way...

But we still can't say the
city is entirely in our hands...

We still have to fight...

We need to get rid of a lot of
people who still haven't understood...

... that their time is over.

We must strike without mercy
in every sector...

... without facing up to anyone.

You'll learn that Hans Werner
is in charge here.

You go to Carl's nightclub,
him to the red light district...

We'll go to the gambling dens,
we must continue until dawn.

Werner is the boss, understand?

It's Werner.

You can survive on this for today,
tomorrow you're closed for good.

The roulette turns,
and life also turns.

- Who's in charge?
- 1 don't know.

1 don't know anything.

Then you'd better get this name
into your skull; Hans Werner.

You take orders from him,
no one else!

He doesn't want to pay?

We have to follow Werner's orders.

Werner will be pleased now.

Now Hans Werner could
celebrate his triumph...

He didn't have any rivals
in Hamburg anymore.

And he wouldn't have
any for quite some time...

So he thought, at least.

But a big ltalo-American boss,
Luke Messina...

... by now unwanted in America...

Had decided to make the city of
Hamburg his new base for his business.

Here comes Luke Messina,
the king of the underworld.

In New York, the other gangs breathed a sigh
of relief when they heard he was leaving.

He managed to arrive without
anyone knowing.

No one in Werner's gang.

The police had good reason to keep quiet.

This city will be mine.

Look at this beautiful car, mother,
I brought it from New York just for you...

- It's all yours.
- Nice! I like it!

- Welcome, boss.
- I'l sit in the back.

- Here are the keys.
- Thanks.

- Follow us in the other cars.
- Yes, I know, I know...

"The King Of The Underworld'

Damn, it's heavy.

Warner and his men need to
get something straight...

I'm in charge.

And anyone who doesn't
understand immediately...

.. won't live long enough for
a second explanation.

- Isn't it risky keeping it here?
- Nonsense, don't think about it.

Very soon, we will have the
entire city in our hands.

And now, take a good look at these
photos and memorise the faces...

As of tomorrow...

Make sure they all get our
calling card, with my regards.

Polite in form,
clear in its meaning.

Sergio, explain who these faces are.

We'll start with their boss;
Hans Werner...

Until now he controlled the city.

Willy Pretzel, Werner's bodyguard,
he handles the prostitution rackets...

Klaus Schulz, a former boxer,
he protects the nightclubs.

Gunther Muller, good old Gunther,
a thoroughbred homosexual...

Theo Schultz,
he looks after the racetracks...

The king of the gambling dens
is called Franz Kreuzer...

Pay attention,
because we're starting with him.

Finally, baby,
do a nice little job on me.

A babe with an ass like
that should know what I mean.

Perfectly, Mr. Franz.

You'll be so happy afterwards.

What are you doing?
Are you leaving?

Your new boss sends his regards...

He heard you're good with
the gambling rackets...

And he wants to show his

But he wants you to know,
that as of today...

You're working for him,
forget about Hans Werner...

Luke Messina is back,
he's the boss...

Make sure you don't forget it.

What is it, my love?
Why the serious face?

I'm worried about you, dear.
You're taking too many risks...

Why didn't you bring the others
with you from America?

Who can we trust?
You don't have friends here.

Many people in Hamburg are
going to be my friend...

Whether they want to or not.

Sure, but will you be able trust them?

You know I don't trust anyone.

I forgot something;
Luke Messina sends his regards.

And listen carefully, we'll be
back next Monday to take our cut...

' Okay,

Nobody move!

Empty the cash box.

Now pay attention everyone...

From now on, every week
we'll come to collect...

.. the percentage that's due
to Luke Messina.


Your friends are here,
shall I let them in?


You're getting a suntan,
with everything that's going on!

You stay here,
don't coms inside.

Let's go in.

Harold, why don't you do
something for me as well?

I'd do something to you,
but then the boss...

Have a seat.

Maid, bring drinks for everyone.

It was his calling card,
we must retaliate immediately.

He shouldn't have made it off the ship,
he has the advantage now...

So we'll let him think he's already won.

Won't it be too late to launch
a counter-attack?

It isn't his arsenal of
weapons that worries me...

Itisn't time to attack,
he uses his brain...

We need to be smart.

When he thinks he's safe we'll hit
him so hard he won't get up again...

And without losing any business.

Yes, but our people are dying,
what are you waiting for?

I'm waiting for him to
come out in the open...

The police will wake up...

And they'll end up fighting on
our side to exterminate them...

Saving us some of the effort.
It's a plan that absolutely cannot fail.

Do you prefer to get killed,
or win later? The choice is yours.

Yes, but in the meanwhile, Heinmann,
Tuborg, and David are already paying.

- And?
- They'll become too powerful.

Don't worry...

We will crush them...

We'll keep the situation under control
and we'll strike when it suits us.

- Well don't wait too long.
- Relax, they're all going to pay.

- We should have gone to Sicily.
- Will you cut it out, mother?

Don't get excited,
you know it isn't good for you.

Calm down.

We'll go back to Sicily,
but only when I have a lot of money!

A mountain of cash!
And it won't take long, you'll see.

- What will I do in Sicily?
- You'll be fine!

Well I certainly won't.

We're American, how can we get
used to living in a village?

Besides, I wouldn't go to Sicily
even if I were dead.

Betty, you're looking very pale.

Perhaps you're not well,
0 to your room, you should rest.

But I'm not tired.

Yes, you are tired,
go to bed...


Goodnight, dear.

- Why don't you send her back to America?
- That's impossible, she knows too much.

What does she know?

So, the results are in,
but it wasn't hard to guess...

Because it isn't the first time one of
Werner's horses has beaten the favourite...

... and sent the crowd into a frenzy!

And there's Polyander crossing the
finishing line taking first position.

We warned you but you're stubborn
and didn't want to understand.

- You were meant to lose.
- Perhaps he's a bit slow, he's German.

Tilly, my little angel,
I'have to speak to my son now...

Go next door and prepare a drink.
Leave us alone, okay.

Sometimes I don't understand if you
consider me your girlfriend or an intruder?

No, dear,
1 consider you my lovely toy...

But I don't have time to
play now, okay?

Don't eat too much, Carl,
think of your weight.

Eighty three kilos,
I'm in perfect shape.

If you worked harder and had more
ambition you'd already be a champion.

- And when he's a champion.
- He'll have to train more...

- Show more commitment.
- Carl has class.

His trainer says he's very
fast on his feet.

It's all about speed with you,
we're not talking about cars.

Speaking of which,
has the Ferrari arrived?

Of course it arrived,
and I might have found a buyer.

Forget about it,
leave that to me.

Hi, boss, it's all taken care of.

What about Werner's two kids?

One of them is a boxer,
the other one sells cars...

- They're out of the organisation.
- Yes.

- Tiger.
- Yes?

Aim higher with your left hook,
and reach in low for the stomach.

- Got it?
- Okay.

That Tiger is going to be world champion.

Werner hopes his son does too.

And do you know where this
little Werner trains?

At the Condor Club,
a gym with good coaches...

We could send Tiger to train
there as well.

I know what you'd like to do; show me
the city, dine at a famous restaurant...

... visit a few monuments,
and finish up in an hourly hots.

What's wrong with hourly hotels?
They're very convenient.

Let's see if the boss agrees.

- Luke.
- Are you crazy?

What is it?

Sergio wanted to know if you really
think Tiger will be a champion?

I'm betting on it.

Scared, dear?

The big eamings have
made your stomachs grow...

You've grown soft.

An organisation that doesn't fight
risks being paralysed...

You all have your incomes secured...

And when they strike you panic
instead of retaliating.

- Just get to the point.
- Exactly...

This problem with Luke Messina.

If we haven't made a move,
it's because you ordered us not to.

He's right, we need to hit them
before they become more powerful...

Otherwise we'll all end up
under their feet.

What are you suggesting?

Perhaps we should put together
a nice little group of killers...

... to do what you should have done?

You've grown so weak
you're letting them walk all over you!

- Okay, but what should we do?
- You don't know?


... and keep your hands up.

Good evening, Hans Werner.

You don't recognise me,
then let me refresh your memory...

I'm Luke Messina,
and I will always be your boss...

And also for these gentlemen.

Our boss.

So you haven't come here just
to collect the takings.

I was counting on your loyalty.

You're very kind.
You can lower your arms...

- It's a mating of friends.
- Put that away.

Has camival started already?

- Who is the new guy?
- A friend.

In that case...

- Carll
- Leave him Tiger!

Calm down, Werner.

Don't worry.

I'll forget you betrayed me,
I'll give you a chance to work for me...

... for forty percent.
As you can see, I'm very generous.

He's very generous,
I told you...

He's happy just to take sixty percent.

Take out life insurance
for all your men...

And insure yourself as well,
you have a daughter, right?



But I don't like tone you're using...

You need to work on it.

And I don't like people from outside
coming here to trample on my feet!

Be careful, Werner...

You underestimated me once,
and you messed up...

Don't do it a second time,
because it would be the last.

That goes for all of you.

So, if you think I'm not serious,
think again...

Is that understood?

Sixty percent of all your takings...

No exceptions...

Or it will mean war.

What did you say your man
in the ring was called?

Tiger, he's an American.

He won a lot of fitles,
his last fight was in New Orleans...

For the national title.


The kid has fast legs.

Good for you,
but I'm still not impressed.

This gentleman says he isn't impressed,
show him what you can do.

Come on, Tiger.

Keep your distance, Tiger.

Finish him.
Knock him out!


He's great.

And his opponent?


Smoking is bad for you.

- This is better.
- Are you a doctor?

And what are you doing here?

Are you a journalist?

No, I'm just limiting myself
to learning how to box.

You never know, it might prove
useful in some situations.

- Carl.
- Yes, coach?

I want you to go a few rounds with him.

With pleasure,
it will be child's play.

- But you haven't seen him fight.
- It doesn't matter, I can tell.

Good luck.

Up to now I never bet on you,
but! am now...

- Because you have to knock him out.
- Okay, boss.

Boxers to the middle of the ring.

- Professional?
- Are you an amateur?

- You'll find out very soon.
- We'll see.

- That's my brother.
- Really?

He's good.


For an American champion
he isn't very good.

He wants to destroy his opponent.

- Go on, Tiger, hit him!
- Keep your guard up, Carl.

I'm betting on the Negro,
my father is sponsoring him.

- Then we're adversaries.
- It would appear so.

Hey, Carl, punch harder,
and raise your guard.

Get back.

As I was saying...

Come on, Tiger.

Don't let me see you around
here again...

Or you'll regret it.
Don't show your face hers.

Wake up, Tiger.
Do something!

Don't give up, Carl.
Hit him.

You're phenomenal Carl.

1 feel sorry for you, sir,
but knew it...

Carl is a real champion!

- That was fantastic.
- Not for my father...

He wanted him to be world champion.

Clear the ring.

- Shall we get some fresh air?
- That's a good idea.

It's a magnificent idea.

I don't know the city,
I'haven't been here long.

You only really know a city
when you know the people.

- Itisn't just the city that interests me.
- I didn't plan on showing you the city.

- Then what?
- Me!

Well, introduce yourself.

Eric Werner,
son of Hans Werner...

- Single...
- That's enough, is your father rich?

Does it matter?

I want to know if your father spoils you,
or you have a job?

I sell used cars...

But, if things go badly,
my father helps me...

He has all sorts of dealings.
And you?

Mine too,
but he never talks about it...

I've spent a lot of my life in
boarding schools in America...

But since coming here,
I feel scared...

My father is very quiet and he's
always surrounded by strange people.

My father has his bodyguards, too.

He's scared of being robbed,
I couldn't live like that...

I'd feel like a prisoner,
I want to be fres, to fly!

I think the same.

- Will you come to my birthday party?
- Sure, when?

- Wednesday.
- How old?

Eighteen years!

You know, I never go to parties,
I don't like them...

I'm a quiet type.
I'm happy in my shack.

Your shack?
Don't you live with your folks?

Yes, but I've been fixing up my workplace,
you should see where I live.

Very interesting, I imagine you'll want
to show me your butterfly collection.

- And you're sure?
- A hundred percent...

And Luke Messina was backing him.

From now on, you don't leave home
without a gun, understood?

- I have my right hook.
- You keep that in your pocket!

Because, if you don't shoot back,
they'll nail you to the cross.

Always thinking the worst.

I have to chase him out of Hamburg,
it's either him or me.

He's playing it smart,
but he'll have to settle up with me.

A Mercedes from 1920,
a Fiat from 1921...

Quite a collection of vintage cars.
What's next?

I'l show you my butterfly collection.

- That's no doubt on the sofa.
- How did you guess?

Please, Eric, don't be trite.

Come on, darling, can't you
see I'm joking?

- I hardly know you.
- You'll find me very fascinating!

Welcome to my den.

Now where did I put my
butterfly collection?

But first we need to create
a little atmosphere.

You don't look like the quiet type!
Candles, champagne...

You Europeans are so romantic!

Only the orchestra is missing.

It's coming, don't worry.

Now I'l play a record
to complete the seduction.

Speaking of seduction, how do the other
women behave in a similar situation?

- What do you mean other women?
- Precisely that...

The other women.

1 don't know...

I live like a hermit.

Sylvia, you...


You're fantastic.

I like you Eric.

Is it a bad blow for the hermit?

Very bad.

You need to stop wandering around
the house like a ghost spying on me...

It's dangerous.

You know this antique might go off.

- What were you doing here?
- I couldn't sleep...

- I was looking for something to read.
- You read as well.

Wait for me in bed,
you could catch a cold.


You know very well I never catch a cold.

- Eric.
- Yes?

- 1 wish I could understand...
- What?

Who you really are, Eric.

You know, I'm very lonely.

- Don't you have a mother?
- My mother is dead.

And my father...

... frightens me!
- You're scared of your father.

- I've never understood his dealings.
- Is that what worries you?

But it's not just that...

Let's think about us now, Sylvia, it's
the first time I've ever felt really happy.

Smile, now.
We have so little time together.

No, I'm staying with you.

I also feel like I'm starting to
live my life today.

My father kept me away
from everyone...

But now I met you,
I realise how lonely I've been.

My love, perhaps it isn't
fashionable to say it anymore...

- But I love you.
- That's always in fashion!

I'm happy now.

And I'm not scared anymore.

Truth is, I'm scared as well.

Do you want an aperitif, daddy?

Thank you, Sylvia.

Just what I need.

Do you like it here in Germany?

I don't mind it,
but I don't feel relaxed...

- It's like an omen.
- A threat?

- To you.
- You don't think I can defend myself?

Don't worry about me, Sylvia...

You have to enjoy your youth.

You know I'm not one to pry, daddy...

But I'd like to know more
about you, so I can help you.

Really? But the world is a jungle,
and a girl would lose herself.

I'm not a girl anymore.

1 pray to God you fall in love with
someone worthy of you...

Your happiness means everything to me.

We'll retaliate on two fronts,

And we'll attack the various
nightclubs by surprise.

These are the false plates,
they match the ones on Luke's cars...

This way the police won't
understand what's going on...

They'll think it's an internal fight;
a lot of noise and few dead.

We'll use these as masks.

Smoke American cigarettes and
leave the butts well in sight...

This manoeuvre has to draw
out of all his men.

1 want his villa completely destroyed...

So, me, Rolly, and Prenzel can
take care of Luke once and for all.

It's a good plan,
but you must be careful...

Messina is very suspicious.

We wouldn't want any losses.

You want everything without
taking any risks...

I'm taking the biggest risk.

You have to make some
noise and defend yourselves...

When the others arrive,
you can leave.

Pull back,
as far as possible from the villa...

Give me time to take care of
Luke Messina and his gang...

And we'll never hear from them again.

- And no one else will try anything.
- Very well, Werner.

Our kingdom won't be under
siege anymore...

And we can think about expanding abroad.

Perhaps even in America,
to return the favour!

Have you tried contacting
my son in Switzerland?

About ten times,
but he wasn't there.

He's probably running around with
some girl, what do you say?

It's normal, anyway, he knows
how to handle himself.

- Yes, sure.
- It will all be fixed when you return.

‘A Hearty Welcome'

- Wait, I'l answer it.
- They even call you at dawn.

- What a pain.
- Hello?

Go back to sleep,
this doesn't concern you.

- Luke's men are all dead.
- Great work.

Now I'l finish him off.

You asked for it, Messina, you could have
gone back to New York in first class...

But you'll return in a coffin instead.

It's six fifteen, Werner will
get what's coming to him soon...

This will teach him for all those
stunts he played during the night...

I'l have him on his knees.

But how will he react if you
kill his son?

1 didn't say kill him
I never gave that order.

And you think Werner will
give in so easily?

What can he do?
He doesn't have prestige anymore.

Are you sure?

He managed to surprise
a lot of our own tonight.

They weren't our own...

It was just a group of traitors.

- Are you Carl Werner?
- Yes.

- Your brother was in an accident.
- My brother!

- He injured himself testing a new car.
- Wher is now?

I'l take you to him,
your father should be there too.

O'Brian and you in there,
and you Tiger...

Il lead him to the workshop,
then we'll throw him to the Chinese.

We'll show that pig.

- When do the guards change?
- Every two hours.

When he passes in front of me,
I'l take him out.

Here; Franz, with two men,
another two on the other side...

Me and the Swede will go in
through the front entrance.

- When?
- Now.

It's the right time.
Get the other men.

- Mother.
- Thank god you're here.

What's wrong?
Do you still feel sick?

1 can't stand the climate here.

Relax, I'l call a doctor.

It's my heart.

Eric, where are you?

They're all waiting for you.

He's trapped.

Don't let him get away,
look around the cars.

Itisn't serious.

We have to kill him.

Where are you?

Show yourself, asshole!

The doctor is on his way,
don't worry...

I'm here.

And so are we, Luke Messina!

Alovely reunion.

What do you want?
This isn't the time, my mother is sick.

Do you remember,
she's the one who saved you...

She protected you when
they wanted to arrest you.

It's because of her that you
could return to Germany.

Don't your remember?

Have some respect for her
in a moment like this...

Her life is at stake!

Let's wait for the doctor to arrive,
then we'll settle this.

Open match:
second round.

Naturally, you can only leave this
ring in a horizontal position...

But we'll play by the rules,
you're a good boxer, right?

Franz, you can go,
we still have some things to discuss.

We can leave our families out of this.

We've reached the last round.

All yours.


Pity, he wasn't a bad boxer.

... but I suggest you leave,
Hamburg is mine, understand?

Says who?


- Let him go.
- Too late.

You're leaving?

I have something to do.

That Luke Messina always
comes between us...

even when we're making love.

- Be careful of him, Hans.

Here, this is for you.

- Sometimes you treat me like a call-girl.
- No, it's your 21st birthday...

Buy yourself a nice dress.

Then what will I do with all
these nice dresses?

You'll wear them,
put on some make-up...

Show me, and then...
Then you'll take them off.

- What is it?
- It's Eric's, don't unwrap it.


- Who is it for?
- I don't know, probably a girl...

Sounds serious.

Christ, it's solid gold,
she must be good.

I agree, haven't you noticed
how he's changed?

Changed, you say?

She must be quite exceptional
to win Eric over like this.



Boss, in this time of sorrow, allow me,
on behalf of all your trusted friends...

To pay our condolences for the
tragic loss of your son.


Excuse me.

Friends, it was my fault...

I was too weak,

But now he's killed my boy,
that son of a bitch has started a war.

I want to crush him,
he must die like a dog.

Boss, it's hard to get to him,
he's well guarded.

- You useless fools!
- Boss, you'll have your revenge.

We'll make him pay dearly,
we'll settle the account once and for all.

No one must know about
Carl's death for a few days...

Not even Eric, if he happens to
return from Switzerland early.

The trap I have in mind
will be perfect...

And it will hit him the same
way he hit me...

An eye for an eye.

- Well, do you like it?
- It's great, it's a wonderful surprise.

Thank you so much father.

Don't forget about us, Sylvia!

It's such a great day,
your eighteenth birthday.

- You're a woman now.
- But I already am, grandma.

Happy birthday, Sylvia.

Miss. Sylvia,
there's a call for you.

Sit near me.

Let's drink to my daughter's happiness.

We'd know if something happened
to Eric, bad news travels fast.

He probably stopped in Frankfurt,
to sell the Ferrari.

I'm frightened of everything now.

I've already lost a son...

He's all I have left.

- Eric, it's so beautiful.
- Sylvia, it's a party...

- They're all waiting.
- Alittle while longer, I'm so happy.

Yes, but your friends came here to see
you and they want to celebrate with you.

But he also came to wish
me happy birthday.

Look what he gave me.

Very nice.

- But why trouble yourself so much?
- It's nothing.

I think we already know
each other...

- Yes, at the gym.
- His name is Eric Werner.

- Wemer!
- Wait, haven't seen this present yet.

Who is it from?

1 don't know,
I couldnt imagine.

A surprise from someone who loves me.

- Shall I open it now?
- Sure.

Never delay something that
you can accomplish now.

‘From Carl Werner to Sylvia Messina'

Who is Carl Werner?

My brother.

A joke in poor taste...

That I don't like one bit.

Daddy, what does it mean?

Get down on the ground.

This little joke was meant
to kill my daughter.

I don't understand.

Whoever is responsible, I assure
you they won't get off so easily.

Mr. Werner, the party is over.

Let him pass.

I must find out who is behind this.

- Eric.
- Sylvia.

You'll pay for this.

- Let him go.
- Boss...

He has no part in this...

1 know who was behind it.

Did you hear the explosion?

You did a good job.


Eric was at Messina's place,
are you crazy?

Why would he go there?
He doesn't know who Luke Messina is.

- Besides, he's in Frankfurt.
- No, I'm here.

Good morning.

Finally, you're back.

I made it back in time to watch
you try and blow up a girl.

What were you doing in
Luke Messina's house?

Why are you sticking your nose
into matters that don't concern you?

It does concern me...

Because Sylvia Messina is my girlfriend.

That's impossible.

If you two want to kill each other
then that's fine with me...

But leave us alone.

We love each other.

Are you out of your mind?
Her father is my worst enemy.

That's your business,
it has nothing to do with us.

- If something had happened to Sylvia...
- So nothing happened.

But something happened
to your brother...

We buried him this morning.

Carl is dead?

- But I don't know anything!
- Ask Luke Messina, he had him killed...

Like a dog!

I wanted to settle the score,
his daughter for Carl.

But it's horrendous.

1 understand your pain,
but, please...

It's pointless sacrificing another life.

You're right,
this is between me and him...

You said so yourself, just now.

This is absurd,
I know what I have to do.

You have to stay out of this.

- Not anymore
- She's his daughter.

It's not her fault.

She's different to him.

And you're different to me.

Yes, very.

I'm leaving with Eric,
and I'm never coming back...

Forgive me, but I love him,
and I don't want to give up my life...

... Sylvia.

- She's gone.
- Yes, what did you expect?

That she'd be on my side,
I'm her father.

What kind of father have you been?
She hardly saw you...

You sent her from one
boarding school to another...

She's always been alone.

What are you saying?

I kept her away from this life.

You don't know what it's like
to have a daughter...

I started outwith nothing,
and I had to fight to get where I am...

So loneliness doesn't scare me,
it will never scare me...

And I'l be the winner.

You're not the Kid you once were.

I was kidding myself.

- But we shouldn't kid ourselves.
- It's true, it might be dangerous.

You're brave coming to
the lions den...

- Hans wants to avenge his son's death.
- And I'm the victim!

- An eye for an eye.
- That's your law.

What's going on betwsen you two?

It must be serious if she came here.

The only serious thing here
is that my son is dead!

I thought your father was a human being,
but he's just a wild animal.

- But that isn't my fault.
- Yes...

I understand.

But I'm all alone now.

I kept Eric out of the business,
now he hates me...

That's my great reward.

One of those surprises life
throws at you.

Hello, Betty.

Did I frighten you?

The boss wanted me to keep
an eye on the house...

But what are you doing here?

I'd hate to cause you any bother...

- You're too pretty.
- You see these?

I see them,
and they worry me.

They can do a lot for a man like you.

Luke is finished, that story with
his daughter has destroyed him...

And Werner's vendetta will
catch up with him.

But you who served him so loyally...

What will you get out of it?

Probably nothing,
at most, a bullet in the brain.

Sergio, I need you.

Let's leave together.

Are you serious, Betty?
You want to be with me?

You make me crazy.

We'll go back to America with the money.

- When?
- Soon...

- You'll prepare everything.
- Sure, sure.

- Can I trust you?
- Of course.

You won't regret it, Sergio,
Ilike you a lot more than Luke.


Look, Betty, don't worry...

I'll take care of those
American magazines you asked for.

No, Sergio,
1 don't think you will...

A corpse never took care of anything.

- Boss, you won't believe...
- I'l believe what I heard...

And it was very, very, clear.

Goodbye, my friend.

I swear it's just a misunderstanding.

Are you upset with me?

No, I expected it...

And the things one expects,
become natural.

You see,
you're made in a certain way...

So it's not your fault.

The lady is leaving immediately...

If she stays here might he condition
might get considerably worse...

- Is the taking the car?
- Yes.

Make sure she heals fast.

I understand.

- Bye.
- Bon voyage, honey.

Hello, Messina?
It's your ex-partner...

Yes, it's Hans Werner.
I have some news for you...

Three of your men clashed with
mine and they got killed.

That's not all...

There's a pretty girl here ready
to sacrifice everything for love...

1think you know her well.

Hold on a second,
I'l put her on.

I'm with Werner...
Yes, I'm fine.


There's no escape!
You're lost for words, right?

Looks like you'll have to pack
your bags if you want to save her.

You're a coward, Werner,
I swear...

Look who's here.

Are you still there?

I also have a convincing argument.

Would you like to speak to Sylvia?
She's on the phone.

Who's speaking?
Is that you dad?

Sylvia's with you!
Then put her on.

One never has the last word.

We're even.

Not at all...

He came here alone,
I don't know why.

Okay, and you bring my
daughter here immediately.

But no tricks.


Your boyfriend is a real idiot!

Klaus, we have to pay Messina a visit.
Be on your guard, understand?

Come here immediately.

It's time to finish things
with the German...

As soon as we have Sylvia back.

We'll send him straight to hell.

Stay here...

1 want to make sure this isn't a trap.

- I want to see Eric first.
- Sure, boss.

- Hold on, the girl?
- The girl will be along later.

Well, here I am, Luke Messina...

Looks like we've got the
entire family here...

Unless you have another surprise?

I wouldn't dream of it, my friend.

You'll see, we'll find an agreement.
Would you like a drink?

Yes, as long as it isn't poisoned.

Quiet, you!
Great idea of yours, coming here!

... 0 you'd like me to disappear.

It's for the best,
listen to me...

Go back to America,
it's a big country.

- There's no room for both of us.
- Always on about business!

Shut t, you!

Why should I leave?
I could say the same thing to you.

- Shall we listen to my daughter?
- Sylvia's staying with me.

I'd like to hear it from her,
if you don't mind.

- Sure, let's ask her.
- Then call her.

Bring her here,
along with Klaus.

Bring Sylvia in.

Please send your goons home,
they're disturbing me...

We're among gentlemen.

- Go, Klaus.
- Isn't this hilarious...

Another two minutes and they'll
be at each other's throats...

If they don't already have their
pistols aimed at each other.

You kill one of my men,
Il kill one of yours...

You think you're Al Capone
and Lucky Luciano.

Human life means nothing to them...

And you don't realise that you'll
be the real victims in the end.

- Stop talking like that.
- Isn't what happened enough?

- You don't understand.
- With your hate and your rivalry...

You'll soon be in a coffin!
But console yourselves...

Everyone will be there
to pay their respects...

New York, Marseilles, Palermo...

And they'll continue their
vendettas and their massacres...

Leaving a long trail of blood and death.

And you will have been cause.

- But we want to live.
- Eric is right.

Yes, you're right...
But you've had a good life here.

- I ignored your shady deals.
- Let's see how you handle it alone!

We don't need your dirty money.

We love each other,
and that's enough.


- You're staying here.
- No, I'm going with him.

How will we leave now?

- The key's still in the lock.
- But it's my father's car.

- Who cares?
- You're right, let's go.

My father can get another one...

Or he can ask his old buddy Luke
to drive him around.

We're finally leaving.

Sylvia, come back.

Get out of that car.

Clive, stop them!

Stop them!

Accelerate, accelerate!

- Shoot!
- Do you want to kill them?

We have to stop them, get in!

- When will it detonate?
- In exactly 30 minutes.

- They're closing the gate.
- Drive through it.

Klaus, get in.

They're a hundred metres away.

I'l head for the airport.

- How much time?
- 26 minutes.

- Are you sure?
- More or less.

There's a short cut.

- What happened, boss?
- Damned asshole...

First he played the gentleman,
then he started shooting.

They're catching up.
Get back, shoot.

- Careful you don't hit the tyres.
- Okay.

And don't kill them.


Shoot that murderer!

If 1 could make him understand.

Stop, boss.

- Take the left.
- Okay, boss.

- Are you crazy?
- I'm taking a short cut.

We have less than ten minutes.

They're going to the airport.

- Why have we stopped?
- I have to make a call.


- Yes.
- Do you have any change?

Hurry, or someone else will
use the phone.

That was too close,
let's get away from this hell.

- Taxi.
- Come on.

Get in.

- There's the car.
- It's destroyed, my daughter!

There was a woman in the car,
where is she?

- Who are you?
- Where's my daughter?

Move along.
Keep the road clear.


I kill him,
Il kill that dog!

The fire brigade are on their way,
keep the road clear.

- What's wrong with the driver?
- Why?

- Why is he driving so fast?
- Because the flight leaves at nine.

What flight?


- And the tickets?
- Somewhere very far from hers.

- You really are a smart girl.
- I already planned our escape.

- But there's something you didn't plan.
- What?

On being my wife.

- Isn't that a bit old fashioned?
- It seems very modern with you!

Shoot their tyres.

Quick, get out.



Watch out!

‘Gangster Boss Messina Dead!"