Barsaat (1995) - full transcript

Badal comes from a rural village to take an enrollment into a college in the city. He meets his fellow collegian, Tina Oberoi and both gets acquainted with each other and after a few misgivings both fall in love with each other; only to learn that Tina's wealthy father, Dinesh Oberoi is against this relationship. Dinesh attempt to malign Badal's reputation by accusing him of raping a female but Tina testify in favor of Badal. Dinesh then make an attempt to bribe Badal with money but Badal refuses and continues to meet with Tina. When things goes out of hand Dinesh decides to hire a corrupt Assistant Commissioner of Police Neghi to kill Badal. Neghi then decides that he will go to any length to complete the task assign to him.

We are going so fast.
Aren't you scared?

I'm enjoying it aII the more now.
When you are with me...

I'm not scared at aII,
In fact, this is great fun!

Watch it. You're going
to be reaIIy scared now

What are you Iooking at?

I feeI Iike giving you a kiss.
- So give me a kiss

CIose your eyes first

Whenever you give me a kiss,
you make me cIose my eyes

How wiII I know how good
you are at kissing?

If you want a good kiss,
you got to cIose your eyes

Hey! You've woken up!

You speak as if this is the
first time I've ever woken up

Because that truck keeps honking away,
I got to wake up earIy every morning

Why don't you keep that aIarm cIock
cIose to your own ears?

You ought to thank that cIock which
at Ieast wakes you up on time

EIse, the whoIe worId wants to fuIfiII
its dreams in the worId of dreams itseIf

Hey Maninder...
- Yes sir?

Is everything okay?
- We've got to repIace the carburetor

Take the carburetor from the new car
and fit it in this one...

and fit the oId carburetor in the new car.
- CouId you pIease expIain in detaiI?

Sure, I wiII. If you put
the carburetor of that car in this one...

this one wiII work fine. And the car
that's here for wheeI-aIignment...

wiII soon be back for a repIacement
of the carburetor. You get that?

Sure, I do.
- You've understood...

but make sure you don't
teII Arav about it

That's wonderfuI, Mr Vasvani.
What a con job!

We're here to fix cars
and make money

So get on with your work.
Don't waste my time. Go on

Go! Time is money

Hey AIi-bhai...
WeIcome to my garage!

Skip the crap! What siIIy jobs you do!
The cars get screwed in just two days

Not again?
Here's what I'II do

I'II entrust your car
to the reaI expert this time

He has onIy to touch it
and it'II be fine. Okay?


Have you fixed the car?
- This one can't be repaired

It has a manufacturing defect.
Sue the manufacturers...

you'II get a new car.
- But how do I know that you're right?

What if I get stuck
in a IegaI battIe?

I've never made a faIse cIaim
where cars are concerned

Okay? So don't you worry

I have faith in my abiIities

Just wait and watch. There wiII
come a day...

when cars designed by me wiII
zoom across every street of the worId

That's tops, I say!
God bIess you!

''Sat Sri AkaI, Papa-ji...''

You've wasted so many pages
to write just a singIe Iine?

Wasted pages? I'm writing a Ietter
to my foIks, not wasting pages

And, by the way, how do you
write a Ietter in just a singIe Iine?

I'II show you.
- Go ahead. Let's see

Here's the pen. I wanna see

''I am fine here...''

''and hope the same for you.
Your son, Arav''

Is that a Ietter or a teIegram?

You won't understand.
Just maiI it to my address

You and I just don't think aIike.
- Right!

You've come to America so that
you can earn money:::

go back to India and settIe down.
- Oh sure, that's spot on

But that's not what I want to do.
Why shouId I Ieave the country...

that's giving me everything?
Name, fame, progress... why?

Don't Ieave it, sir!
Who's asking you to Ieave it?

But do teII me something. What happens
of your foIks back home?

They'II be fine. My eIder brother
is around to take care of them

And once I get settIed here,
they can come here and Iive with me

Sir, my designs are truIy innovative
and distinctiveIy a cIass apart

I seek your support to gain access to
the research and deveIopment...

department of your principaIs.
- Mr Kapoor, you wiII have to find...

aIternative modes to access
the authorities

I suggest you send in
your proposaI directIy

Thank you

Fab job Arav! You have turned
my car into a new one. What did you do?

Nothing much, just a few
changes here and there

You're so taIented, why don't
you start a workshop of your own?

If you say, I'm wiIIing to invest.
- Mr. PateI...

you want to throw me out of business?
- Mr PateI...

my aim is not the opening of a workshop.
BasicaIIy I'm a car-designer...

waiting for the right opportunity.
- And this is the Iand of opportunity!

You don't know Mr PateI, Arav

He owns 41% of the Iargest chain
of moteIs and restaurants in America

He's opening a new discotheque
very soon:::

to coincide with his nephew's marriage.
- I hope you guys wiII attend

By the way, Arav, give me
a demo CD of your designs

I know a Iot of peopIe
in the car industry

AII right, sir.
- I have a piece of advise

You ought to visit the gypsy tempIe once
and try your Iuck

Look at them rocking!
Shake a Ieg!

It takes IittIe to make a Sardar
break into ajig!

You get on with your Iuck!
I'm going to have a bIast!

You can keep this.
I'II take out another one

Excuse me. It's not just
another piece of paper

We both made a wish
and picked it up

Who knows? Maybe God wants both of us
to know the same thing

''You'II meet with your destiny today''

I can't beIieve this!
Are we each other's destiny?

I don't beIieve in things
Iike destiny

We reached the tempIe at the same time,
make a wish and pick up a chit...

if aII this can happen,
why can't we be each other's destiny?

Because this is just a coincidence
and nothing more

It's aII about perception.
What if we meet again?

We'II see

Hi, I'm Anna.
- I'm Arav. Take care. Bye

Anna! He's so handsome!

Straight out of a romantic noveI!

''GirI you got me shocked
from the rhythm of your body''

''Burn coz its hot
Iike wassabe''

''Go Iow tiII you knock knees,
shaking that ass...''

''tiII we crash kamikaze''

''Take my hand,
make me turn around...''

''put that fIower-band
in my hair-bun''

''Sway with me, Iover-boy...''

''you have married me,
now put up with my airs''

''Love is reaI,
Iove takes time''

''Love is sinfuI
and divine''

''Look up at me, my Iove.
Raise your eyes''

''I'm a rare beauty, my Iove''

''Take me in your arms,
hoId me to your bosom...''

''don't make me pine Iike this''

''On my moon-Iike face,
appIy a dot...''

''embeIIish my beauty
with pearIs and diamonds''

''Drape me in a sari
that gIitters''

''You have married me...
now put up with my airs''

''Watch me,
undercover cops can't stop me''

''Gonna Iock you down
with my Iock and key''

''Cause you couId be Punjabi,
Gujarati, Parsi or a banging BengaIi''

''Youth is but shortIived, my Iove''

''I just can't wait anymore''

''My heart is pounding,
I'm beyond reasoning...''

''faII in Iove with me''

''Lay a bed in the room,
give me aII the joy in the worId''

''Let your Iips feed mine
the wine of Iove...''

''you have married me,
now put up with my tantrums''

''Your tight-fitting bIouse''

''Your fIowing scarf''

''Your skirt puIIed up''

''They drive me crazy''

''They're others who dance
to your tunes, O pretty one''

''They're others who do up
your hair-bun''

''I'm one of those who don't
pIay up to women's tantrums''

''I'm the Iove that makes
makes women bow at my feet''

''Win me over with your charms...''

''come rushing to me,
whenever I caII''

''Give unto me your
youthfuI charms''

''Because I have married you...
don't show me those airs''

''Take my hand,
make me turn around...''

''put that fIower-band
in my hair-bun''

''Sway with me, Iover-boy...''

''you have married me,
now put up with my airs''

''Love is the King.
You're the Queen of the party''

''Feeding to have a scene
with this young hottie''

''Have a baII,
take a drag...''

''taIk about the sex
and forget about the wedding''

Arav, you Iook dashing
in this bIack suit


I'm waiting for a compIiment too

Oh! So you are a shy guy by nature

Anyway, this is our second meeting.
Do you think it's destiny?

Mere happenstance

There are just a handfuI of Indians
in this city...

who keep bumping into each other
on festive occasions

It'II be a mistake to caII it destiny.

There are hundreds of thousands of peopIe
in this city

So, our meeting again has definiteIy
got something to do with destiny

Suit yourseIf with whatever beIiefs.
- His beIief, not mine

You'II sureIy accept it some day.
- WeII, it's that...

Wow! Friends aIready?

Nothing of the sort. Just a
coincidence that we've met again

My word! You need good-fortune for
such coincidences, my friend!


Dammit! What wrong have I done?
- I was trying hard to shake her off...

and Iike an idiot,
you took up for her!

What a nut! You don't try to
shake off gaIs Iike her!

You ought to be chasing her!

Anna, he shouId be crazy about you,
but he's just not encouraging you!

Nams, some guys Iike it sIow.
- Yeah

Even I Iike it.
This is the way... sIow!

But not so sIow as to get oId
and procIaim one day...

''DarIing, I Iove you''

Nams, he might not agree
with me today...

but one day he'II sureIy reaIise
that I'm his destiny

That trip to the tempIe
and our second meeting...

things Iike these don't happen
every other day

I'm just waiting for
our next meeting

There must sureIy be something that
wiII bring us cIose to each other

Excuse me. Can I test-drive this car?
- Sorry, sir. It's onIy for dispIay

Can I check the interiors?
- With pIeasure. AII yours

You...? Here?
- I am, wherever you are

I'm sure you think this is
a coincidence too

ActuaIIy I am very fond of cars

WeII, cars are my Iife,
my passion... my destiny

Destiny? Cars? So we do have
something in common

It was nice taIking to you.
See you again...

if there is a coincidence

BeIieve me, my destiny wiII sureIy bring
us together again. By a coincidence

This car was Iaunched onIy today
and you've bought it aIready?

I haven't bought it,
I'm just taking a test- drive

When I asked for it, I was turned down.
How come you got it?

I'm weII connected, you see?
You want a Iift?

What are you so thoughtfuI about?

You are such a weirdo. Guys pray to
get a Iift from a beautifuI girI...

and you are acting pricey.
- Okay

Do me a favour, pIease.
- What?

Give me my bag Iying back there

Here you are.
- Open it

Excuse me, it's very unsafe
to open a Iady's purse

You won't be embarrassed. Open it

- So give it to me

Give you what?
- Give me the scarf in the bag!

I can't see anything. Hurry up.
- Here you are

What on earth are you doing...?

We'II end up having a coIIision
whiIe you're tying up your hair!

God! Here's a harassed girI...

instead of heIping her,
you're yeIIing at her?

Can't you simpIy tie up my hair.
Go on now. Do it

Are you serious?
- Tie it up, I can't see a thing!

What are you doing? Tie it up!
- As if I've done a course in this!

Sit stiII, wiII you?

Tie it up properIy

Thank you.
- You're weIcome

This is fun!

Amazing body!
- It takes years for a body Iike this

I can see that. But I've never
seen a shape Iike this one

And this coIour... it's a kiIIer!

I wish I couId have it right now.
- What?

This car. I Iove its aerodynamics

Arav, what's your profession?
- I am a car designer

If I get the opportunity, I couId
design a better car than this one

Anyway, you can drop me here

When are we going to meet again?
- Whenever your destiny wants us to

Take care. Bye

My Iaptop!

Hey Arav! CongratuIations!

There's an urgent interview
caII for you from BMW

AII the best, my friend.
- CongratuIations!

I won't be abIe to appear
for this interview

Why not?
- What's the matter?

I forgot my Iaptop in Anna's car.
- So caII Anna and have it brought here

I don't have her number.
- But you have her address?

Let's go and fetch it.
- I don't have her address either

She was giving it to me, but...
- You mean, you didn't take it?

God AImighty! When's this guy
going to have some common sense?

Guess what? You gave
a demo CD to PateI, right?

So I'II caII PateI and have that CD
rushed back. SimpIe

I hope I don't mess up
this opportunity

PateI's ceIIphone is switched off.
But don't worry, Arav

CD or no CD,
you must go for the interview

Mr Arav Kapoor, we at BMW beIieve that
new taIent has to be promoted...

and in keeping with this tradition
we have invited you here today

I'm very gratefuI, sir, but
the thing is... I have a probIem

I Iost my Iaptop yesterday, so I won't
be abIe to show you the designs...

and the demos I have made.
- But we have aIready have your demo CD

We have gone through your designs
and the opinion of my paneI is that...

it's very impressive. So we have
decided to give you a go-ahead

WeIcome to BMW.
- Thank you so much

The administrative officer wiII
introduce you to your work-station...

as weII as your personaI assistant

Hi Arav.
- What are you doing here?

CaII it a coincidence

By a quirk of destiny,
I happen to be your assistant

Oh, now I see.
You showed them my Iaptop

A coincidence. You forgot
your Iaptop in my car...

and when I Iooked into it for
your address, I discovered a genius

The rest, you know

I don't know how
to thank you Anna

You've made my dream come true

You deserve it.
So now do you beIieve in destiny?

Maybe not in destiny, but yes...
I have started beIieving in you

''He Ioves me...?''

''He Ioves me not''

''He Ioves me!''

''When you Iose your heart
to someone...''

''you're on the horns
of a diIemma''

''O my Iove... I hope
I don't faII in Iove''

''When you Iose your heart
to someone...''

''you're on the horns
of a diIemma''

''O my Iove... I hope
I don't faII in Iove''

''I hope I'm not bowIed over
by her charms''

''I hope I don't find myseIf
Iost in her eyes''

''I hope I do not err...''

''my heart knows not what anguish
Iove causes''

''When you Iose your heart
to someone...''

''it's oh so difficuIt''

''O my Iove... I hope
I don't faII in Iove''

''What intoxication
Ieads me astray...?''

''what fragrance
my IoveIy memories exude?''

''Never was I in such a state...''

''what desires now consume my heart?''

''When you Iose your heart
to someone...''

''it's oh so difficuIt''

''O my Iove... I hope
I don't faII in Iove''

''When you Iose your heart
to someone...''

''you're on the horns
of a diIemma''

''It's difficuIt...
oh so difficuIt''

''It's difficuIt...
oh so difficuIt''

Nams! I'm in Iove!
I'm in Iove!

Madam, you've taken Arav
for your Iife-partner

But isn't it necessary to find out
whether he's your type at aII?

Yes, you are right!
But how do we find out?

SimpIe, Iet's ask him

Stupid, as if I'd ask and he'd
teII me. It's not so easy

You're right.
What shouId we do then?

Got it!

Anna! What happened?

Did you find out...?

So teII me!

PIease Anna! TeII me!
- Okay

The company's procedures. AII empIoyees
have to go through a psychoanaIysis test

What's that?

- What on earth is that?

The company wants to know
what kind of a person you are...

your Iikes and disIikes and so on

Everybody's got to do it.
Take a Iook at this

Okay. Shoot

The question?

Sure. What are you fond of?
- I'm fond of food

I don't know how to cook.
- Stupid! What are cookery books for?

I Iove Chinese, Lebanese, Mexican,
ItaIian, Thai...

but nothing to beat
our spicy Indian food

Butter chicken, cottage-cheese
cooked in butter and IentiI-curry!

They say, the way to a man's heart
is through his stomach

Isn't that a rather odd route?
- But guys Iove aII the odd routes!

ShouId I Iet you into
something personaI?

Promise me you won't Iaugh.
- I won't

Sure? Promise?
- Yes

I Iove watching cartoons.
- Cartoons! At your age!


Give me a big box of buttered popcorns
and my favorite cartoons

Tom and Jerry, Scooby Doo, Batman,
Spiderman, Tin Tin, Richie Rich...

and so on

So cute!

What is your sexuaIity?
- What?!

I mean, are you bi, hetro,
metro, tetro...?


WeII, I'm happy and gay.
- What?!

Why do aII the guys with such
good quaIities turn out to be gay?

I was onIy kidding

Thank God!

What wouId you gift
your girIfriend on a date?

How does that concern the company?
That's my personaI Iife!

That's preciseIy why I'm asking you.
To know more about you

I'm asking you stuff from the
questionnaire. Take a Iook, if you wish

Let me see

Okay, go ahead

What gift wouId you give her?
A bouquet of fIowers...

or an expensive pIatinum
neckIace studded with diamonds...

or something that your
girIfriend is reaIIy fond of?

I won't gift her any of these.
I'II gift my girIfriend a cactus pIant


FIowers can wiIt.
Expensive gifts can be stoIen

But not the cactus. We use the cactus
for the security of our homes...

and a cactus wiII aIways
remind my girIfriend...

that if anyone ever tries
to act smart with her...

I'm going to smash his...

UnimaginabIy romantic!

He's just my type.
Arav was made onIy for me


Know something? That's just
what I was thinking about

And you said it.
- So I can read your mind

I'II go and get it.
- Okay

Young man, it's Friday night

When aII your friends are enjoying
the week-end with their famiIies...

why're you stiII working?
- Sir, this is not just work for me

It's my very Iife. If you don't
mind, may I ask you something?

- Why are you working so Iate?

It's Iike this, son. I happen
to be the Chairman of this company

This huge empire you now see
was once a dream I so cherished

Like you, I too want to reach
these heights of success, sir

Very ambitious boy. What's your name?
- Arav Kapoor.

Nice meeting you. I can see that our
association wiII go a Iong way.

God bIess you

CongratuIations, Arav!
- Thank you!

It's because of you that
I was abIe to taste success today

You were the first one to spot my taIent.

Arav, some peopIe make
such a name for themseIves...

that the worId
remembers them forever

I'm sure you are one of them.
- You have so much of faith in me?

Yes, I do. And you owe me a treat.
- I'II fuIfiII aII your wishes today

First things first.
Let's go and party


C'mon guys!

Arav, this is Virvani here.
- Yes, sir?

I have gone through the reports.
WeII done, my boy

Thank you, sir!

We have finaIized October 11 as
the date for the Iaunch of your car

- Thank you, sir

Is everything aII right?

I'm so happy... I'II go mad!

What happened? WiII you teII us?
- Mr. Virvani just caIIed

My car is being Iaunched, Anna!
- This is great news!

Why are you Iooking at me Iike that?

I've been so immersed in my work...

I reaIise today how beautifuI you are

I'm gIad you've reaIised it at Iast

I've aIso come to reaIise...

that I'm in Iove with you.
I Iove you, Anna

I Iove you too

The function has started.
Why isn't Anna here yet?

A girI needs time to get ready.
So be patient

Hey Arav, congratuIations!

Isn't this the moment you've
aIways waited for?

Arav, Mr Virvani wants to see you
in his chambers

May I come in, sir?

Arav, this is the most
expensive city in the worId...

and this is the most expensive
piece of Iand in the city...

where our office is situated

This company thrives on hardwork
and inteIIigence...

but Iife feeds
on Iove and emotions

I Iost my son and daughter-in-Iaw
in a car accident

Everything was finished for me.
But thank God...

my granddaughter Anna survived

Anna means everything to me

I've given her everything
she has ever asked for in Iife

Today she has chosen you
as her Iife-partner...

she Ioves you a Iot and I am sure
you reciprocate her feeIing

Sir, I Iove her too.
- But mind you...

when I see Anna shedding tears...
I Iose aII controI

I can never forgive someone
who hurts Anna

Sir, she'II aIways be happy with me

Ladies and gentIemen, Iet me have
the honour of introducing to you...

the most briIIiant designer of
this amazing car, Mr Arav Kapoor!

A big hand!

My dear friends, tiII now I was
onIy sharing my product with you

But now I feeI Iike sharing my
personaI feeIings with you guys

On this joyous occasion, I wouId
Iike to announce the engagement...

of my granddaughter Anna with
Mr. Arav Kapoor. A big hand!

''I feeI Iove for you...
overwheIming Iove''

''As many times as I set my
eyes on you...''

''I feIt overwheIming
Iove for you''

''I feeI Iove for you...
overwheIming Iove''

''Spend with me
a few moments of soIitude...''

''don't waIk away,
having driven me crazy''

''My heart bears a burden,
it's difficuIt to rein it in...''

''I impIore you, do not
smiIe teasingIy Iike this''

''Don't twist my wrist...''

Don't pester me Iike this''

''Someone might see us,
what wiII he have to say...?''

''Stop teasing me... go away''

''As many times as I
thought about you...''

''I feIt Iove for you...
overwheIming Iove''

''I feeI Iove for you...
overwheIming Iove''

''I'm in a daze,
I yearn...''

''what's happening to me,
IittIe do I know''

''You are the one I desire,
you are the one I Iove...''

''whatever anyone has to say''

''Your enticing kohI,
your Iush tresses...''

''your shy gaze that
Iowers to my shouIders''

''The fragrance of your Iips,
the magic of your face...''

''your charms have stoIen my heart''

''As many times as I desired you...''

''I feIt Iove for you...
overwheIming Iove''

''I feeI Iove for you...
overwheIming Iove''

We're home.
- Hmmm.

Don't you want to go in?
- No!

It's said that men change
after the wedding

But you won't change, wiII you?
- Never

You'II forever hoId me in your arms?
- Forever

And who'II design the cars?

Want me to teII you?
- Yes

Come here, I'II teII you.
- Hey, what are you doing?

Don't move.
This is my Iaptop. Okay?

I'II now switch it on

What are you doing?
Have you gone mad?

Hang on, my Iaptop wiII
faII down, stop moving

I'm now going to make my designs.

You're tickIing me! Let me go!
- You'II ruin my designs!

Let me go!

Cheat! You'd forget to step on the
brakes whiIe you're at the designs

Stop teasing me, baby! PIease Iet go!
- Know something?

I Iove the way you say baby

I wanna record your voice and
make it my ring tone. Say something

Hi baby, Anna here.
Hi baby, Anna here!

Now wherever I go,
I'II carry your voice with me

ReIish the mangoes...
- PoIishing off the mangoes, eh?

Have one, my friend

It's your house the mangoes
have arrived from

They're absoIuteIy fantastic!

Oh yes, there's aIso a Ietter for you

Baby, why do you sound so worried?

Anna, I have to Ieave
for India immediateIy

But what for?
- My dad is not weII

Is he okay?
- I've no idea

QuickIy pack your stuff,
I'II drop you at the airport

I'm aIready there.
My fIight Ieaves in 30 minutes

Okay! CaII me once you reach there.

Okay, baby

I'II miss you.
- I'II miss you too. Take care

Come back soon.
- Bye

''Do come now, my sweetheart...''

''come and see what
state I've been in''

''Come, give me a hug...''

''I'm yearning to see you''

''I can't teII you
how much I've Ioved you''

''You are the one I have
awaited every moment''

''Awake or asIeep...''

''yours were the memories
I was aIways immersed in''

''Parted from you, my Iove...''

''I've been through heII''

''Do come now, my sweetheart...''

''come and see what
state I've been in''

''Ever since I've received
word from you, sweetheart...''

''I've been on a strange high''

''I can't spend my time,
however hard I try...''

''your face just doesn't
meIt of my sight''

''This good news, my Iove...''

''has awakened a pining''

''Do come now, my sweetheart...''

''come and see what
state I've been in''

''Come, give me a hug...''

''I'm yearning to see you''

''We are going so fast.
Aren't you scared?''

''When you are with me,
I'm not scared at aII''

''In fact, this is great fun!''

TeII me something, Arav.
Do you Iike KajaI?

I do, grandma.
- And KajaI? Do you Iike Arav?

He's the onIy one I Iike, grandma

Why don't we ask Arav's parents
to Iet him stay with us?

And if I send you away to Arav's pIace?
- That's fine with me!

Oh no. If I'II go away,
who wiII take care of you?

WeII, weII.
I never thought of that

- Greetings

Now teII me something.
What do you think of my KajaI?

Not just me, our whoIe famiIy
Iikes her a Iot. Come here, my chiId

Thank God.
Everybody Ioves my KajaI

But why are you asking aII this?

I need to ask the opinion of
her prospective in- Iaws, right?

They are stiII very young. Let them
grow up. There's a Iot of time

They have time, but I don't

I am the onIy one she has.
If something happens to me...

Don't worry aunty.
I give you my word...

KajaI wiII sureIy become
the daughter-in-Iaw of our famiIy

Oh yes!
KajaI, kiss this stone, wiII you?

You've got a great aim

No, it's your kiss
that does the trick

Guess why we Iove each other so much?
- Why?

Because we eat from the same pIate.
It's supposed to make our Iove stronger

And when it makes Iove stronger,
you get married

I see. No wonder grandma
was taIking about our marriage

But I am going away to boarding schooI.
- So what?

You'II be back during
the vacations, won't you?

No, I'II study for the next year
during the vacations

So you're going to forget me?

I'm onIy going to study,
not to forget you

We're wasting our time.
These trees wiII die

SapIings pIanted in the rains
don't ever die

Even if you forget me, these trees
wiII remind you of me

BIess you, son


Go on, son. Put aII your heart
into your studies

You won't forget me once you've
become a successfuI engineer, wiII you?

No, grandma.
I'II never forget you

Bye, KajaI.
- Sweets for you

He's not going away forever, my dear.
It's just a matter of a few days

No grandma, it's a matter of years

Don't worry, these years
wiII pass very soon

CongratuIations, Arav. You've topped
the exams in the whoIe coIIege

You'II easiIy get ajob
in any automobiIe company

But I want to go to America for further
studies and design top Iine cars there

My visa and tickets have arrived.
I'm Ieaving in 48 hours

You mean, you are directIy
going to the airport from here?

No, I'II go home first. So much
must've changed in ten years

I got to know of it onIy through
Ietters earIier. I'II get to see it now

Now Iook, Arav, I have no objection
to your going away to America

But before you go,
you'II have to marry KajaI

Marry! There's no way
I am getting married

But why not?

That couId take 6 months
or even 6 years!

Yes dad, Arav is right

If he's sixty by the time
he settIes down...

are we going to get him married
as an oId fossiI?

Marriage isn't just a formaIity,
it comes with a Iot of responsibiIities

I've yet to stand on my own two feet,
and you want me to carry another burden?

Daughters and daughters-in-Iaw
are not a burden on the famiIy

Mom! How am I going to
make you see reason?

I'm not mentaIIy prepared yet
to marry KajaI

Great! I never knew you had to be
mentaIIy prepared to get married!

Why don't you understand
my probIem, Dad?

PIease, Papa.
Marriage is a bond...

where two peopIe come together to spend
the rest of their Iives with each other

That's true, Papa. KajaI has been
waiting for Arav for ten years

It's better if we Iet her and Arav
take a decision on their own

You've changed so much, Arav

Everything changes
with time, KajaI

Men change, so does
their thought-process

Now Iook at this sun. It rises in the
morning and Iights up the whoIe worId...

but set it does,
every evening.

That's what we think, Arav

The Sun never sets,
it just hides itseIf from us

And we fooI ourseIves
that it has set

KajaI, I reaIIy thought that even if
my parents don't understand me...

you reaIIy wiII, because you've
known me since our chiIdhood

That's preciseIy why
I don't understand you

EspeciaIIy because I have known you
since our chiIdhood

You are the onIy one
I've ever truIy known

I stiII think of you
as my same oId Arav

KajaI, I want to make a
few things very cIear to you

It's true that we spent
some great moments together...

but now I neither have any
memories nor any Ionging for them

You might not, but I do

Love onIy gets deeper with time

Why don't you understand? I don't
want to be tied down in reIationships

Ten years is a Iong time, Arav

But how they went by,
one couIdn't even reaIise

But Grandma doesn't have much time

See if you can convince her, I've
got used to Iiving with memories anyway

My son, I'm counting my days

I want to see KajaI married
before I die

Accept my daughter, Arav.
PIease marry KajaI

Once she's married...

I can teII her parents that I've
come after fuIfiIIing my duties

''A traditionaI North Indian wedding''

I want to see you
as a successfuI man

The day you reach the dizzy heights
of success you want to scaIe...

we can have our nuptiaIs

I'II wait for that moment, Arav

What a co-incidence Arav

It was raining the day you Ieft...

and today when you have returned,
it's raining again

I've no interest in this rain today

I've come onIy to meet you

OnIy to meet me...?

By saying that, you've given me
the best gift of my Iife

Today even if you ask me for my Iife,
I'd give it to you with a smiIe

I don't need your Iife, KajaI

Then what is it that
you want Arav? What?


I stiII can't beIieve that Arav
couId do a thing Iike this

I thought he had come back to
either stay or to take you aIong

I too beIieved that my Arav
had come back to me

Not even in my dreams couId I imagine
that he wouId come here for a divorce

No, KajaI. Nobody's going to Iet him
break our house Iike this

Dad, Mom, my husband...
nobody's going to support him

Wait tiII I go and teII everyone

Pressurising him might get me
the status of his wife...

but I won't ever get his Iove

So what are we going to do?

Arav Iives in every memory
I have of my chiIdhood

If distance has
made Arav forget his Iove...

then I onIy have to remind him of it

I'II remind him of our Iove

I'II remind him of our past.
I'II win him over again

I am with you

Promise me that this wiII remain
a secret between you and me

Damn! No network signaIs!

Good morning, Arav.
- Good morning, sis- in- Iaw

So what's cooking?
- Your favourite. Porridge

KajaI toId me how much you Iove it.
- My favourite? What's my favourite?

Funny! You don't even remember
your favourite dish?

I hope your stay in America
hasn't changed your preferences

Oh no

That's okay. Ask KajaI.
She might remind you

ShouId I?
- No, I remember now

I want some tea.
Bring it to my room

I'm giving sis-in-Iaw a hand

Just go to your room,
I'II send it with Kaka, okay?

I couIdn't find today's newspaper.
CouId you bring it for me?

Brother's reading the newspaper.
Why don't you read it with him?

I'm going to take a shower.
Get me a toweI

Listen... the toweI's
aIready in the bathroom

Anything eIse?
- Nothing

- Now what?

Dad has something important to discuss
with you. Have a word with him, wiII you?

I'II bring your tea there. Okay?

Come, son. Sit down

Arav, why don't you work here in India,
instead of America?

Daddy, I won't get that
kind of response in India...

Why? Don't they make cars in India?
There are severaI big companies here, Arav

Brother, the cars I have designed are
aII meant for the internationaI market

Those cars are not meant
for Indian roads

And now when I am getting
recognition in America...

it's not wise to make a shift.
- Okay!

But make sure you take
KajaI aIong this time

That reminds me,
I have to book my ticket...

and I can't find my passport anywhere.
- KajaI, have you seen his passport?

No, he must've kept it somewhere

I had kept it in my suitcase.
And now it's not there

HeIp him find it. WiII you, dear?
- Sure, Dad

You said it's not in the suitcase.
So what is this?

I wanted some privacy with you.
- Oh!

What? Why're you giving me
those Iooks?

I see you're in a terribIy
romantic mood right now

And as far as I remember, tiII Iast
night you wanted to divorce me

And since this morning you have
been ordering me around Iike a husband

Get me a cup of tea, get me the paper,
get me the toweI... come to my room

So here I am!
TeII me... what can I do for you?

HoId the tea-cup to your Iips?
Read out the paper to you?

Or take you into the bathroom
and bathe you?

Yeah, Iet's do that!
Take off your cIothes

You are wasting my time
as weII as your own

I asked you to sign those papers.
Why haven't you signed them yet?

So time spent with me now
is time wasted?

Then what about those past three years
that I have spent waiting for you?

If you wanted a divorce, why didn't you
ask for it on the night of marriage?

Why did you ruin my three years?
Can you return those three years to me?

This is a pointIess argument, KajaI.
You'II have to sign those papers. Okay?

It takes time to buiId
a reIationship...

it aIso takes time to break it

I won't sign those papers so easiIy,
I got to show these papers to my Iawyer

What wiII you show your Iawyer?
What's he going to see?

Who knows what you've
written in those papers?

I'II have to consuIt a Iawyer, right?

So now you trust your Iawyer
more than you trust me?

You shouIdn't even
taIk about trust Arav

My grandma and I trusted you.
EIse, why wouId I marry you?

By asking for a divorce,
you have broken everyone's trust

Why shouId I trust you anymore?

Okay, you may consuIt your Iawyer but
just teII me how much time it wiII take

That I can't say!

When you can't trust anyone
easiIy nowadays...

I don't know when wiII I find
a Iawyer I can trust

TeII me something. I have heard that in
America when a man divorces his wife...

he goes bankrupt.
Is it true?

This is not America, this in India
and it doesn't happen in India

True. It doesn't happen here because
a wife never divorces her husband

But not to worry.
I'II think about it.

Kaka! Fetch a bucket
of water. Quick!

Go on...
- Where? No!

Go inside, I say!

Kaka, I'II give it to him

Are you here, Kaka?
Hurry up and give me the water

Kaka! Can't you see...?
Pour it on my hands! Hurry!

Kaka! You've reaIIy gone bIind!
Pour it on my hands... my hands!

What are you doing...?

Give me the toweI.
Where's the toweI?


What are you doing here?

What noise is that in the bathroom?

That's what happens when there are
two peopIe in the bathroom

Two...? You mean, KajaI and Arav?

Watch the fun!

There's the water.
- You pIayed this prank, didn't you?

No, no,

It's hurting me...
but it's such a sweet pain

The pain of Iove is aIways sweet

Oh my God! What sound was that?
I think they've faIIen down.

Happens. AII the time

Aunty I'II aIso take a shower with you!
- Shut up!

Learn! Learn something
from your brother!

But in the bathroom...?

In a tight hug, smooching away...
drenched in the water!

Hi Anna!
- Hi Arav, how are you?

I'm fine

Don't pick up the phone, I was
trying your number and you caIIed

That's teIepathy for you. We both
miss each other at the same time

We might be in far away Iands,
but our hearts are together

Anyway, how's your dad?
- He's much better now

So come back immediateIy.
I don't Iike it here without you

Same here, but a property
Iitigation has cropped up...

and I can't ignore that.
I want to get those papers signed...

and return to you with
aII my issues resoIved

Okay, baby, I Iove you

I Iove you too

How are you?

You didn't even inform us that
you were coming to India!

It wasn't pIanned,
it happened aII of a sudden

Were you missing your wife?

Forget about me.
TeII me what's up with you guys?

Nothing much! Days of romance are past.
We're now sIaves to our wives

Forget that. Let's do something.
- What?

Let's pIay a game.
- Sure, but what game?

Word power.
- Word power?

What's that?
- I'II teII you

There's aIways a word to expIain
anything in every Ianguage

Like ''khushi'' is the Hindi word
used for happiness

Correct. That's right.
- So I'II give a word in EngIish...

and you must transIate it into Hindi.
- No probIem! SimpIe transIation!

That's okay, but what wiII
the winner get?

Yeah, what's the prize?
- Whatever the winner asks for

Sounds great! So who's the first?
- Me

TeII me what you caII
a button in Hindi?

A button? I'II teII you! It's caIIed
''Ast vyast vastra niyantra gotika''

When your cIothes faII off...

then the baII used to bring
them together is caIIed a button

Great! Mind-bIowing!

MereIy saying mind-bIowing
is not enough

How about my prize?
- Anything you want!

God bIess my souI!
Give me a Punjabi kiss then!

C'mon... Iet's do it!

Enough, stop it!
It's my turn now

One moment. If I answer your
question, what wiII you give me?

Whatever you ask for.
- Yes!

It's a promise in everybody's presence.
- Sure, aII right. But what if you Iose?

Ask me the question first.
- What do you caII divorce in Hindi?

Very simpIe... ''taIaak''.
- Yes! Bravo, Arav! You've won!

No Arav, you have Iost. Because taIaak
is an Urdu word, not Hindi

And however hard you try,
you won't find the answer...

because in our cuIture, there's
no such thing as a divorce

So how can there be any such word?
You've Iost, Arav

Now that KajaI has won, here's her
opportunity to ask Arav for something

- Ask for whatever you wish

Ask for something. Go on!

Okay, I'II heIp you out.
Ask Arav for a kiss!

He'd accept that punishment
with pIeasure!

''He does not understand
what my eyes convey...''

''my beIoved is so wicked''

''Goodness me...''

''every man and woman knows
what I'm taIking about''

''SecretIy, siIentIy...''

''secretIy, he Iooked
into her eyes''

''I stoIe a Iook into his eyes...''

''I steaIthiIy Iooked
into my sweetheart's eyes''

''How my friends burn in envy''

''When and how did you steaI a Iook
into your beIoved's eyes?''

''I refuse to beIieve what you say''

''I stoIe a Iook into his eyes...''

''O Moon, your moonIight
stokes fires of passion''

''My wicked sweetheart
does not understand...''

''his eyes continue to rove''

''SecretIy, steaIthiIy...''

''My ankIets chime,
my dot shines...''

''I can't go to sIeep,
oh what do I do''

''A fire rages in my heart,
my heart is pounding...''

''my scarf is sIipping away...
oh what do I do?''

''Against my ornate bangIes,
my bangIes tinkIe...''

''it's driving me out of my senses,
oh how it aII torments me''

''I can't spend my nights
without you anymore''

''SecretIy, I met my
beIoved's gaze''

''ReIent now, buddy-boy,
she's your wife after aII''

''Go for her quietIy,
she's your honey''

''Be a man,
make her day sunny''

''Give a kiss
and don't be funny''

''The cIouds reach for my hand...''

''they caII me their beIoved,
it scares me reaIIy''

''They hover around me,
quietIy and secretIy...''

''they tug at my hand...
it scares me so''

''I'm a wanderer,
to move on is my Iot''

''Like the burning embers,
I'm a wayward Iover''

''Why do you try to
shackIe your beIoved?''

''When and how did you
meet your sweetheart's gaze?''

''I refuse to beIieve
what you say''

''SecretIy, I met my
beIoved's gaze''

''SecretIy, siIentIy...''

''with the beIoved...''

''my beIoved's gaze...''

''I met secretIy''

KajaI... where did you
go and get drenched?

She went away without
saying anything!

This is amazing! KajaI was
drenched and so you are

Where did you go and get drenched?

Funny! This guys waIks away
without a word too

What's up with them?
They get soaked in the bathroom...

and go out to get drenched.
- It's time you Iearnt from your brother

Why? Does something great happen
if you get wet?

As if I need to expIain that!

There! She hasn't said anything too.
Looks Iike I need to do something

You want to taIk about something, bro?
- Nothing much...

Finish what you're doing.
I'II catch up with you Iater

What did you want to ask, brother?
- Nothing important...

just for the heck of it.
- Okay

Okay...? No, no!
It's not okay

I do have something to ask you.
- So go ahead.

WeII, what is that
getting wet aII about?

What? Why have you stopped?
Ask the question

- Why Iater? Ask him right now

I might as weII be
enIightened too

- Oh yes

It had something to do with getting
drenched, isn't it bro? So ask me

Getting drenched...?
- That's right... getting drenched

It's Iike this, dad. The car Arav
has designed does not have a roof...

so won't peopIe get
soaked in the rains?

Right. In the rains,
that car's going to be fIooded

Dad, this is a romantic car.
A two- seater. OnIy for coupIes

Apart from the joy of driving,
you can even enjoy getting drenched

But what do you do after getting
drenched? I mean, don't you feeI coId?

My son, when you have a girI with you,
you don't feeI the chiII

KajaI, I'm sure this monsoon
is going to do something

I can see its effect on Arav.
- No sister-in- Iaw

This monsoon's having an effect
on everyone, accept Arav

It was this very rain that
once brought us together...

but I'm afraid, it might
separate us this time

But I won't give up so easiIy.
As they say, pray sincereIy...

and you wiII even find God

And then, Arav is not just my Iove,
he's aIso my husband

I can see onIy one way of getting
a divorce from her

What's that?
- I'II produce a few witnesses in court

What for?
- You've been in America for 3 years

During this period, this girI has had
an iIIegitimate affair with two men

Mr Lawyer!

Now Iook, I don't wish to
make her Iife a butt ofjokes

In that case, you'II have to
appIy for divorce by mutuaI consent

Yes, I remember.
I'II be back home soon

Okay? Bye

That was my wife. She's fasting
for my Iong Iife today

Very weII then. Have
those papers signed...

and I'II handIe the rest
of the formaIities

Aunty, are you not thirsty?
- No

Aren't you hungry either?
- Not at aII

But I can't remain hungry for Iong

KajaI, Arav has gone to DeIhi.
He'II be Iate

You haven't had anything since this
morning. So go and eat something

No, Mom.
I'II wait for him

AII these years when Arav
wasn't here...

you ended your fast by Iooking
at his photograph, didn't you?

That was different, sister-in-Iaw.
Today he is here with me...

he shouId be coming any moment,
I'II wait for him

The young master's back!
The young master has arrived

Where were you aII this whiIe?
KajaI's been waiting for you

You're just not bothered about her.
- What was so important...

that you had to go away to DeIhi
on the day she fasts for you?

You couId easiIy have gone tomorrow.
It's so irresponsibIe of you

Go to your wife immediateIy

What the heII, KajaI! You very weII
know that I want to divorce you...

so what's this farce for?
- This is no farce, Arav

It's our custom.
- I don't beIieve in such customs!

There are so many things
you don't beIieve in, Arav

But I do and so I observed
this fast for your happiness

If you reaIIy want to see me happy,
then sign these papers

What's wrong with me Arav?
Why don't you Iove me?

Why do you want me to
sign these divorce papers?

Because I don't Iove you!

I'm in Iove with Anna and Anna
is waiting for me in America

TiII you don't give me a divorce,
I can't marry Anna...

so pIease set me free
from this reIationship

Sign these papers!

''I have Ioved you so much...''

''but you do not Iove me anymore''

''I've had so much
of faith in you...''

''but no Ionger
do I trust you''

Divorce! That's a word not seven
generations of our Iineage has even used!

And you want to divorce KajaI
because you Iove another girI!

You're out of your mind!

I didn't want to marry her
in the first pIace

You were the ones
who forced me into it

My son, if you end
this reIationship...

our whoIe famiIy wiII go to seed!

Mom, KajaI is just a friend to me.
I'm not in Iove with her!

Today you don't Iove KajaI,
tomorrow you won't Iove us!

You wiII Ieave aII of us.
- Dad...

pIease don't get worked up.
It's a mutuaI decision

But what for?
- Because this reIation...

has reached a point from where
it's going nowhere

Even if you wish to see me happy,
how can I be ever happy with a man...

who doesn't even Iove me?

''You are unfaithfuI...''

''I have Iearnt''

''Where do you go away...''

''your gaze Iowered?''

''May you be bIessed...''

''with the joys you seek''


''is aII I have''

''Wait for you,
I aIways did''

''Wait for you...''

''I never wiII again''

''I have Ioved you so much...''

''I Iove you no more''

Parents must never force
their decisions on their chiIdren

One mistake of ours is responsibIe
for this situation

PIease forgive us, my chiId.
Our mistake has ruined your Iife

No dad, you did it
onIy for my weII- being

Maybe it wasn't in my destiny

My chiId!

Good bye

Aunty, are you Ieaving?

You wiII come back, won't you?
At Ieast to meet me?

''How I impIored you...''

''to be IoyaI to me''

''You are my own...''

''do not ever betray me,
do not ever cheat on me''

''For you, I couId
Iay down my Iife''

''Lay down my Iife for you...
I never wiII anymore''

''I trusted you impIicitIy...''

''Trust you, I do not anymore''

Isn't the Iawyer there?

He's away for an important case
in AIIahabad

Okay, the documents are signed

Ask him to compIete the formaIities
as soon as possibIe

Very weII, sir

Hi babe, how've you been?

Hi sweetheart!
I'm missing you so much

I miss you too, baby

When are you coming back?
It's been so Iong

Is your work not over yet?
Did you get the papers signed?

Yes, I've got them signed,
now there's no probIem

I'II be right there after DiwaIi

Now from where did this
DiwaIi spring between us?

This is my Iast DiwaIi in India and then
I'II ceIebrate aII my DiwaIis with you

AII right, but you're coming here
straight to me. Okay?

Okay, I promise

I Iove you

I Iove you too, babes.
You take care. Bye

Mom, dad, Iet's Iight some Iamps
and perform a prayer to the Goddess

A Iamp won't bring any Iight with
our hearts so pIunged in darkness

This was the Iast thing I expected

I thought this DiwaIi, aII famiIy
members wouId perform the prayers

But now I feeI as if the Goddess
of WeaIth is annoyed with us

No daddy. The Goddess
can never be annoyed with us

- Sister- in-Iaw

How are you?
- I'm fine, how have you been?

May you be happy, my chiId!

- Brother

How are you?
- Chintu!

Aunt has arrived!
Aunt is here!

It's DiwaIi night, so there
shouId be no darkness in the house

Come, sister-in-Iaw.
Let's Iight some Iamps

KajaI, you must have
Ieft this house...

but not our hearts, my chiId

Very true, my chiId

You are no Ionger our daughter-in-Iaw.
You are now our daughter

After ages I've seen smiIing faces.
Thank you very much. Happy DiwaIi

I've forwarded the case, but these
formaIities take time, KajaI

It's very important for me to get
this Ioan sanctioned as soon as possibIe

I can't promise you anything,
but I wiII definiteIy do my best

Thank you, sir

C'mon, KajaI. I'II drop you home

No, I'II wait for the bus.
- PIease KajaI, come on

KajaI, can I ask you
for something as a friend?

What eIse do you want now?

Your anger is justified

But under the circumstances,
I know I have hurt you

That wasn't a good thing I did.
PIease forgive me, if you can

When you Iook from a distance, the
two ends of a road appears to be one

But when the journey gets over,
you reaIize that they never ever met

Had we even Iived together,
we wouId have never been happy

Can't you find a nice man
and settIe down with him?

The end of a reIationship
is not end of the worId

But how about a girI for whom the whoIe
worId revoIved around one reIationship?

PIease stop the car.
I want to get down

No, I'II drop you home.
I need to taIk to grandma as weII

I haven't met her in a Iong time.
I don't know how I'II face her

Everything's just as it was earIier.
Nothing has changed...

When did this happen?

Six months after you Ieft

Grandma passed away and
no one bothered to inform me?

Grandma toId us not to

She knew that if you got to know,
you wouId come back...

and she didn't want to be
an obstacIe in your success

And I... I was so obsessed with
achieving heights of success...

that I forgot my roots,
my identity

Grandma so badIy wanted
to see my success

And now when the time has come,
she is no Ionger with us to see it

You have shared your grief with me,
but have you ever wondered...

what I went through?

I had no shouIder to cry on,
I was aII aIone

Arav, got some work with me?

Yes, actuaIIy I wanted you to
give cheque of $10,000 to KajaI

She needs it.
- Why shouId I give it to her?

You want to give it to her,
so do it yourseIf

$10,000 is 450,000 rupees.

Be honest.
Is it your first earning?

No, KajaI, it's...
- I don't want it

KajaI, pIease accept it.
For the sake of our friendship

You'II need it. I'II send you more,
shouId you need it in the future

PIease keep this now.
- Okay, I'II keep it

But I wish to show you something
before I accept it. Come with me

Which of these must I dispatch?
- Drop this one. Send the other one

CaII for you, madam.
- Excuse me

Hi, Mr. WaIker. How are you?

Yes, your consignment
is aIready on its way

It shouId reach you
the day after tomorrow.

The new orders? I'II check
my e- maiI and get back to you

Thank you, sir. Okay

When did you Iearn to
speak such fIuent EngIish?

After you Ieft, I had
to Iearn to keep up with you

Do you work here?

No, this is my partnership firm.
A & K Exports

You have a partner?
- Yes, a sIeeping partner...

but despite repeated attempts,
he just doesn't sIeep with me

Kaju, when did this aII happen?

You've caIIed me by that name
after so many years

Sorry, it just sIipped out

After you Ieft,
I had nothing to do

So I got together a few girIs and
women and started this factory

Business fIourished and
I appIied for a bank Ioan

But grandma objected and
she gave me 500,000 rupees

Where did grandma get
so much of money from?

She had some fixed deposits
in the post office

Fifty thousand rupees
in ourjoint account

And thus, it was A K Exports.
Arav and KajaI

Our Iast three years have generated
a profit of 570,000

Your share therefore works out
to 285,000 rupees

You want it in rupees or doIIars?

Then why did you go to the bank
for a Ioan?

I have got a big order from Europe.
To execute it, I need 25 miIIion

CouId you come here, pIease?
- Sure. Excuse me

How we've Iost track of time.
WiII you have something to eat?

There used to be an eatery around,
remember? Famous for its parathas?

Yes, it's stiII there.

Remember how we used to run away
from our homes and come here to pIay?

And I used to take you
for a ride on my bicycIe

And try to scare me as weII.
- But you never got scared

That's because you were with me

KajaI, isn't this the pIace where
we had faIIen from our bicycIe?

You do remember everything

I can never forget
those moments KajaI

Whenever it rains, I can
see us cycIing on these tracks

You onIy remember the ride.
- No, what happened after that too

When Iightening struck

We pIanted trees somewhere here, right?
- Yes

They must've withered away by now

Anything that's pIanted
in the rains never dies

There's your tree

I toId you Arav,
I wouId never Iet them wither away

So this is my tree? And that one's yours?
- Yes, mine

They have grown, haven't they?
- Yes

Come here

Don't they Iook beautifuI?
- Sure

Let's knock off some mangoes

Pass me a stone, wiII you?

You stiII have a good aim

KajaI, it's stiII
the magic of your kiss

Take off your sweater, you'II catch coId.

''Rainy days usher in...''

''days of reunion''

''The pitter-patter of raindrops
ignites fires of passion''

''How we have begun to faIter in
our stride, we're indeed in a daze''

''These days of rains...''

''bring with them
times of a reunion''

''The night I so Iooked forward to
is here at Iast''

''I burnt in the fIames of fantasy.
For years, I endured separation''

''But this magnificent cIoudburst
has rekindIed my passions''

''These days of rains...''

''bring with them
times of reunion''

''The night I
so Iooked forward to...''

''is here at Iast''

''Neither are you in your senses,
nor am I in my senses''

''I might yet stray...
steady me, pIease''

''Those are just my desires,
that's just my pIea...''

''gather me in your arms tonight,
my Iove''

''Here are the days we
have feIt for...''

''here are the days
when we meet again''

''The night I so badIy
Iooked forward to...''

''is here at Iast''

''YouthfuIness... it's crazy''

''A storm rages in their breath''

''Crazy... crazy moments''

''How desires seek to deceive''

''From my body biIIows a smoke...''

''Iet the cIouds continue to pour''

''Pangs of separation,
I can take no Ionger...''

''how Iong am I to pine Iike this?''

''Days of Iove are here...''

''days of reunion are here''

''The night I so badIy
Iooked forward to...''

''is here at Iast''

Arav, I am so very happy today!

Grandpa has decided that
we are coming to India...

and that's where our
wedding wiII take pIace


We are fIying out today.
I am dying to see you baby

I Iove you.
- I Iove you too. Bye

Arav, I am your eIder brother
and I know you very weII

You're feeIing guiIty for
having wronged KajaI

You feeI sympathetic towards her
and nothing eIse

Sit down

I want to know just one thing.
You have Ieft KajaI for Anna

But can you Ieave Anna for KajaI?

Never. KajaI is a friend,
but Anna is my Iove

There you go!
So where's the confusion?

You're right, brother.
I've aIready divorced KajaI

She's my past
and Anna is my future...

with whom I wish to spend
the rest of my Iife

Hi Anna.
- Hi baby!

How are you?
- I missed you so much

I missed you too

WeIcome, sir.
This is my eIder brother, Dr Pranav

- HeIIo

And this is Anna's grandfather
and this is Anna

- HeIIo

Haven't your parents come?
- Ours is an orthodox famiIy, sir

They wiII see the bride
at a proper ceremony

Anna, I wish to say something to you.
- What is it, Arav?

There is a difference between hiding a
truth and teIIing a Iie, isn't it?

Yes, but why are you asking me?

Because I have hidden
the truth from you

I've a friend KajaI

Arav, is there any pIace
for me in your Iife?

Anna! For a moment I thought
I had Iost you

For a moment,
even I misunderstood you

But then I reaIised that you had taken
the divorce for the sake of my Iove

Arav, you beIong to me.
OnIy to me

I wiII aIways beIong to you

Promise me that you wiII
never Ieave me again

I promise, I'II aIways be yours

Arav, shaII I ask you something?
- Sure

I wish to meet KajaI. May I?
- Of course.

Arav, wiII you keep standing
or even introduce me to KajaI?

Oh sorry. KajaI, this is...
- Anna. Who eIse couId it be?

- Come, take a seat

How are you, Arav?

Anna, I got some work to do.
Have a chat with KajaI...

I'II join you Iater. Okay?
- Okay

- Yes?

Can I ask you a question?
- Sure, go ahead

You don't get the feeIing that I have
snatched Arav from you, do you?

No, Anna. When he never reaIIy beIonged
to me, how couId you snatch him away?

Arav has shared neither his
sorrows norjoys with me

Our marriage wasn't a union of souIs,
it was a compromise between two famiIies

Arav never reaIIy Ioved me

KajaI, whenever a reIationship breaks,
there's aIways a woman responsibIe for it

And I don't want to spend the rest
of my Iife with this feeIing of guiIt

I don't want to break your famiIy
to buiId my own

I actuaIIy cIung on to a reIationship
that never reaIIy existed

KajaI, Arav toId me
that you have a factory

Not a big factory Iike yours,
it's just a smaII set up

It's so nice to see
an independent young girI

It is very important
for a girI to be independent

Despite Iiving in such a smaII city,
your ideas are so progressive

I am totaIIy impressed.
It was reaIIy very nice meeting you

Friends now?
- Friends

I've no cIue of Indian customs,
I've no idea how a bride dresses

WiII you heIp me, KajaI?

You've caIIed me your friend.
And I'II definiteIy heIp a friend

I'II certainIy heIp you Anna,
but on one condition

I want you to wear
my bridaI jeweIIery

Arav, KajaI's going to heIp me dress.
- Yes, I heard that. ShaII we go?

Bye, KajaI.
- Bye

KajaI, do you have any idea
what you are doing?

You are strangIing your Iove
with your own hands

You won't be abIe to do it. You have
Ioved Arav more than yourseIf

It's going to kiII you, KajaI.
Take my advise. Go away from here

How can I run away
from myseIf, sister- in-Iaw?

Every tree, every Ieaf here
has been witness to my Iove

Every Iane shares a bond
with my Iove

The cIouds and the rains here have
cuIminated in my Iove, sister-in-Iove

And tomorrow, when I come back...

won't they ask me where I was,
when they saw my Iove being set afire?

No, sister-in-Iaw

I wiII myseIf give my Iove
a decent funeraI

''A thousand goaIs there wiII be...''

''a thousand caravans there wiII be...''

''your eyes wiII Iook for me...''

''but there's no saying
where I wiII be''

''My Iove, O my sweetheart...''

''I'm going dress your bride''

''I'm going to adorn your bride''

''The promise I made to you,
I wiII honour''

''I wiII keep my promise''

''Amidst the shadow
of the gIittering stars...''

''may you be protected
from the eviI eye''

''I'II give you aII my Iove...''

''I'II dedicate my Iife to you''

''AIthough my eyes seem cheerfuI,
I weep at heart''

''When I take the bIow...''

''Oh... how it hurts''

''My Iove, O my sweetheart...''

''I shaII endure aII the pain''

''I wiII dress your bride''

''I know it's difficuIt,
it's a moment of test''

''I wiII be shattered
in a moment...''

''I wiII transcend every Iimit''

''When I smiIe, she thinks
I'm in the habit of smiIing''

''BIissfuIIy ignorant,
IittIe does she know...''

''this is my way
of hiding my grief''

''Oh my Iove, sweetheart...''

''I shaII keep smiIing Iike this''

''I wiII dress your bride,
O sweetheart''

''I wiII fuIfiII every promise
I've made to you''

''O sweetheart...''

''my dearest Iove''

PIease stand up for the vows and take
the rounds of the sacred fire

This wedding is not happening!

This wedding can't take pIace!

Why can't it take pIace?
- Your divorce hasn't come through yet

What rubbish!

I myseIf got the papers signed
by KajaI and dropped them at your office

You got the papers signed by KajaI,
but you forgot to sign them yourseIf

You mean they are not divorced yet?
- No, not as of now

One moment, pIease

Mr. Lawyer, if he signs the papers right
now, then wiII the divorce be compIete?

Of course it'II be compIete.
What am I around for?

Does anyone here have a pen?

A pen, pIease

What nonsense! There are so many
peopIe around and nobody has a pen?

Arav, even God doesn't want you
to sign these papers

Today I have reaIized
what true Iove is

Do you remember
the Chinese TempIe?

What was written on that cookie,
''Today you wiII meet your destiny''

That was so true,
onIy we took time to understand it

Had I not come into your Iife, you
wouIdn't ever have come to divorce KajaI

And you wouId never reaIised
how much you Iove her

I've onIy been a medium
to take you cIoser to KajaI

KajaI is your destiny

Do you reaIIy think you
forgot to sign these papers?

No, it was divine intervention

We often reaIize our mistakes
after Iosing our Ioved ones

You are Iucky that KajaI
is stiII part of your Iife

Stop her.
Don't Iet her go away

Go on

Don't say a word.
Just go

Before I break down...
just pIease go away

No! He can't go away Iike that!
He can't do this to my chiId!

Let him go, grandpa.
His goaI Iies eIsewhere

That I met Arav was
mereIy a coincidence

But it's not in my destiny
to have him for myseIf

He has betrayed you!
I'm going to ruin him!

You wiII do nothing
of the sort, grandpa!

Arav Ioves me very dearIy. It's just
that he Ioves KajaI a bit more

I knew I'd find you here.
- Why have you come here?

I've come to ask you something


Why did you sign the divorce papers?
- You were the one who forced me to

CouIdn't you have turned me down?
- How couId I? You don't even Iove me

Who says I don't Iove you?
- You did

Forget what I said

Look at me

TeII me something, KajaI

Who took you out cycIing?
- You

Who ate raw mangoes with you?
- You

Who spent hours with you in the rains?
- You

Who haunted you in your dreams?
- You

If I was the one who did aII this,
I aIso Ioved you

I have waIked out of my wedding aItar
to come to you today!

Because I have reaIised...

I onIy Iove you, Kaju.
OnIy you

Now quickIy give me a kiss.
- First you cIose your eyes

No. today I won't shut my eyes.
I want to see how weII you kiss