Bagdad (1949) - full transcript

A Bedouin princess returns to Bagdad after being educated in England, only to find that her father has been treacherously murdered by the head of the Black Robes, a group of renegades. She is hosted by the Pasha, who is the corrupt representative of the national government. She is also courted by Prince Hassan, who is falsely accused of the murder. The plot revolves around her attempts to bring the killer to justice while being courted by the Pasha.

Baghdad, the fabulous city of the

Scheherazade of "The Thousand and One Nights".

Fortress in the desert

for five thousand years,

crossroads between the

civilized world and the wild East.

Legend has it that Adam

and Eve founded Baghdad

when they were expelled

from the Garden of Eden.

Perhaps it is true, because in

Baghdad, the incredible is possible.

Baghdad, the bastion

of peace for the Arabs

where for seven centuries

there has been no peace.

Although the faithful pray

on their knees five times a

day, unfortunately, Allah

does not answer his prayers.

The Turkish military authorities

do not pray, of course.

Prayers are useless before the

rapacious tribes of the desert.

You forget, Pasha Ali Nadim, that

my people come from the desert.

I was not referring to the Bedouin

tribes, but to the Black Chilabas,

but growing up in England it is

logical that you do not know them.

- Black Djellabas! Q

- Less than an hour from Baghdad! Q

Do you realize you weren't

exaggerating, ma'am?

Curious Bedouin custom! Q

They know they are more

and we cannot fight them.

They stop to negotiate

before beginning the massacre.

I'll go see what I can do.

I wouldn't worry about Pasha.

He is not in danger.

Neither do you.

The black Djellabas only

want weapons and ammunition.

How do you know?

We camel drivers, sooner

or later, find out everything.

Do you learn to speak

English with a French accent?

- Who are you?

- They call me Hassan,

and the accent is Viennese, not French.

Our military governor

diligently fulfills his duty

but the Black Djellabas will

take what they want, as always.

In Constantinople

this is not going to like

anything, nor will I deal

with thieves and murderers.

- It's very dangerous?

- Do you think we're in England?

Those savages will

stop at nothing! Q

Except when they get what they want! Q

Apparently he considers me a coward! Q

No, the military governor

is a very sensible diplomat.

You would prefer him

to be a dead foolish hero.

- A very Bedouin look! Q

- That's what I am! Q

The soldiers will escort

you the rest of the way.

I must reach the citadel before

the mail leaves Constantinople.

I have to report the latest

outrage by the Djelabas Negras.

I will visit you later.

I'll be here for a short time, if my

father waits for me we'll leave tomorrow.

I will not lose hope.

It is written in the Qur'an:

"What will be, will be."

We weren't expecting you, ma'am.

We are full, but I will arrange for

you a satisfactory accommodation.

I'm sure they're waiting for me.

My father stays here.

There is no English

gentleman in the hotel.

My father is Sheikh Khasim Ibn Barak

of the Aremlak tribe of Bi-en-Naga.

- Are you Princess Marjan?

- Indeed.

A thousand pardons, princess, I

did not imagine that he was an Arab.

Well, she already knows.

Some of your subjects have come.

They said they

would camp outside.

- Go find them immediately.

- Yes, princess.


You camel driver! Q

Bedouin beggars and thieves! Q

Sir, these gentlemen are looking for you.

They say your cousin is in Baghdad

and wishes to see you immediately.

He waits in the citadel

of the Turkish governor.

-Since when is he in Baghdad?

- I don't know, sir.

- Since when?

- Mr. Raizul will inform you.

He must come right away.

Go back to your master and

tell him I'll come when I please.

It's not pretty but

it's not bad, I'll keep it.

Let's see this.

Princess, I beg you, I am poor

and my children are hungry.

-I want to know if his father will pay me.

- It will.

- But it is that...

- Silence, paunchy.

Yes, princess.

Muhammad Jad! Q

The veil! Q

Since you were a child I have

not seen his uncovered face.

Many people have seen it.

Your father would sink his

august beard into the earth.

I'll have to talk to him,

that's very unhygienic.

Where is he, why hasn't he come?

Allah forgive me, I

spoke without thinking.

My father said that it

was one of his weaknesses.

-Where is the?

-His father...

I can't speak in front of these people.

- Get your things and go right away.

- Waiting! Q

Now a servant of my

father gives orders for me?

Who will pay for all this?

They told me that the

great sheikh of the Aremlak.

-And he will.

- There is no money to pay anything.

The Aremlak is uninhabited,

jackals roam the

ruins of our oasis

and your father is dead! Q

- I don't believe you.

- Your father is dead.

They treacherously killed him

and his tribe was liquidated.

Quick, go away! Q

That dress is mine, I will

not allow it to be stolen.

I am a poor man with

many hungry children.

This is £200 in London,

no one is out to rip you off.

- Gather your things and go! Q

- Yes, princess.

Come on, come on, hurry up! Q

Run! Q

Muhammad Jad! Q

Tell me everything.

Prince Ahmed Khabar of El Jhazir,

mortal enemy of the Aromlak,

summoned your father to a

meeting to end the bloody fights.

Ahmed Khabar offered

his life to ensure his safety.

Your father, having no

son, wished to make peace.

Disregarding my advice, he

went to the indicated place,

an ambush by the Black Djellabas.

That night they entered Bir-en-Naga

and threw your father's head at us,

mocking everything as

they burned and killed.

Allah took mercy on me

and I survived the slaughter,

I saw his boss leave on

your father's white horse.

Was their leader

Prince Ahmed Khabar?

Only he knew about the meeting,

and only a prince would ride

a horse of the Burnaya breed.

So life for life, Ahmed

Khabar's for my father's.

You. He will avenge you?

A spoiled woman in England?

If you have friends there

she comes back with them,

if not, maybe a rich man from

Baghdad will buy you for his harem.

You can't do anything

for the Aremlak! Q

- We can't help you.

- We will appeal to the military governor.

How naive! Q They informed the

Pasha before leaving for Damascus.

So, did you know that my

father had been murdered?

Yes, and he will do nothing.

He called me crazy for accusing

Khabar of being with the Black Djellabas.

Even a cousin of Ahmed Khabar is

a guest of the Pasha in the citadel.

And do you suggest that we go

to the Pasha to demand justice?

We would be expelled from the city! Q

Remember that I am your princess.

You will follow me wherever I go.

The Pachá will attend

to us, I promise.

- Where are these people going?

- We want to see Pasha Ali Nadim.

Like all of Baghdad, but rests

and must not be disturbed.

He is already awake, so we

will not interrupt his sleep.

What happen?

Who has sounded the alarm?

I want to see the Pasha.

It is impossible! Q

Tell him that Princess Marjan of

Aremlak requests an immediate audience.

Her highness awaits you.

So Hassan the camel driver! Q

Your father the emir would

be proud if he could see you.

I doubt it, cousin,

although you seem to like it.

I've come to take you home.

Your relationship with the Djellabas

Negras is a disgrace to our people,

but your father offers you to

be judged by the elders of the

tribe, to which you are entitled

as the crown prince of El Jhazir.

This is what your father

has ordered me to tell you.

You have fulfilled it very

well and before witnesses.

But, between cousins, tell me Raizul,

Do you think I'm the

leader of the Black Djellabas?

What does it matter what I believe?

Can you come with us?

I cannot, to defend myself

against that accusation,

I need to know many things

about the Black Djellabas.

- Do you defy the emir?

- It's one way of interpreting it.

Then I'll give you some personal advice,

For your own safety and

the honor of our people, go

back to Europe where you

learned and forgot so much.

Stay there and let your

father think you're dead.

Cousin, your concern

touches me deeply.

You are very generous.

I thank you for making me the

richest camel driver in Baghdad,

which is what I

intend to be for a while.

Good to maintain the

figure and calm the nerves.

I just spoke with

Prince Ahmed Khabar.

Yes, I knew that already.

Did you also know that he

has come from Damascus in

your caravan, disguised

as Hassan, the camel driver?

So your cousin was present

at the Djelabas Negras attack.

Very interesting.

He refuses to leave Baghdad.

It is stupid on his part, in

Baghdad he is in great danger.

- And what do you plan to do?

- Whatever is needed.

Now, if you'll excuse me,

there's a lady waiting for me,

she very beautiful and very impatient.

- Find Hassan, the camel driver.

- Yes, Excellency.

- When you do, kill him.

- Yes, Excellency.

Sorry to keep you waiting,

she had urgent business.

- Are you angry, madam?

-Why didn't she tell me?

- The fact that? Oh, about her father.

- Yes, exactly.

Would he have given her life back?

I didn't want to tell

you such dire news,

she would have made me very sad.

You knew that my father was

murdered, and also who killed him.

That is not quite correct.

An accusation is not proof.

The government cannot

avenge bloody tribal disputes.

Prince Ahmed Khabar swore

to ensure my father's safety.

We have a right to claim that life! Q

Unfortunately, you have to

claim it from the Emir of El Jhazir,

Constantinople orders me

not to intervene in anything

that compels the emir to

denounce our treaty of alliance.

I already said that justice

would not be done to us here! Q

You seek revenge and not justice! Q

It's a Bedouin matter,

I can't do anything.

But sit down, let us

consider the matter sensibly.

Your people could work in the

citadel as servants

or even as soldiers,

if they swear allegiance to the

government and cease their bloody fights.

What do you think, respectable old man?

The Aremlak do not

accept charity from men.

Do you expect the lady to

wander with you in the desert?

I do not ask for anything, that she

follow her path and we follow ours.

The Aremlaks will go on

their way and the lady will stay,

as it should be.

She will not regret her

decision to stay in Baghdad.

With the Pasha's personal

protection, surely not.

There is an almost

European café, with excellent

food and French

champagne, the Café Ifrangi.

We will have dinner there

tonight to celebrate our agreement.

And to let all of Baghdad know

that I am under her protection.

You are not only charming,

but also intelligent.

The camel driver will

own numerous caravans.

He will go to Mecca three

times and wear a pilgrim's turban.

She will have many sons and no daughters.

Tonight, sir, at Cafe Ifrangi.

Sir, we're being watched.

Keep going, when

I stray, follow me.

Excellency, he has escaped! Q

- The outside.

Out of! Q Go away, I'm busy! Q

Yes, Excellency! Q

Your Highness, I tell you

quite frankly that you are

taking a great risk in Baghdad

disguised as a camel driver.

Totally agree with

your Excellency.

It's too dangerous,

I'll stop doing it.

Will he return with

Prince Raizul to El Jhazir?

No, I like living in Baghdad.

Your Highness, you make it

very difficult for me, I must insist...

I'm sure he won't deny

me hospitality from him.

I try to protect him,

many want to kill him.

I have already met some.

Others seek revenge

and they will find it,

They have sworn to take your life.

- The Aremlaks?

- Yes.

If they kill you in Baghdad,

I would be held accountable.

I have no intention of letting myself

be killed in Baghdad or anywhere.

Hassan the camel

driver is not safe, I admit,

but I don't think anything

unpleasant will happen to

say, Hassan, the rich

merchant from Cairo,

guest of the military

governor in the citadel.

He will not hint to continue

this childish game of dress-up! Q

It would be undignified, stop fantasizing.

His father would hold me responsible.

Not if I am under the

protection of the Pasha

which I do not think you

will refuse to grant me.


So I accept his

hospitable invitation.

We can have dinner together, Café

Ifrangi has been recommended to me.

I already had a commitment

to which I am late,

with a lady, you'll excuse me.

If I have to excuse you, I will.

- Excellency, me! Q

- You idiot, shut up! Q

Excellency, we are

honored by her presence! Q

Ms! Q

When you dine with Pasha Ali Nadim,

you should look at Pasha Ali Nadim.

Sorry, I wasn't looking

at anyone in particular.

An excellent idea.

Sir, the Arabs at that

table have covered

their faces but they

were with Raizul.

I'm more interested

in the man they're with.

Please, efendi, follow me.

Over here please.

- The Pachá wants me to accompany him.

-But, he is having dinner with a lady.

I can see that.

Good evening, Excellency, I

hope I haven't kept you waiting.


Since his excellence has fallen

silent before so much beauty,

let me.

I'm Hassan, a jewelry

dealer from Cairo.

Before Hassan, camel driver from Damascus,

if I'm not mistaken.

Princess Marjan is not wrong,

but there is a simple explanation.

With this, it was

smarter to take a camel,

especially with the

Djellabas Negras so active,

but being the Pasha's

guest and counting on his

protection, I can display

my treasures without fear.

The Pasha is very

generous in protecting him.

Thank you, both of you are

more so with your compliments,

but my duty is to provide protection

to whoever arrives in Baghdad.

Does that include the

gentleman sitting at that table?

To him in particular, it is Lavellar.

He represents the company that

sells ammunition to my government.

Does he also trade

with the desert tribes?

It is forbidden, they are

probably friends, Café Ifrangi is

very cosmopolitan, it brings

together very diverse people.

Which is very convenient, isn't it?

If I were governor, I would be

interested in Lavellar's friends.

It is surprising that the Black Djellabas

know which caravans carry weapons.

You prefer rubies, me too.

It is a perfect jewel... for you.

In that case, I'll buy it for her.

Put a price on it.

An impeccable beauty

is not bought, Excellency,

not even a Pasha.

What do you suggest for dinner?

His Excellency has already ordered.

- For two.

- Well, let it be for three.

- I've heard the food is excellent.

- Thank the Pasha,

it was he who wanted Baghdad

to have a Continental Café.

I'm surprised you didn't want

European entertainment too.

Unfortunately, European

artists don't come that far.

- I can offer my services.

- What do you say, Princess! Q

You will not pretend

to sing in a public cafe.

- Why not? I must earn my living.

- No way.

I think this is a good idea.

Since this place is

surely protected by the

Pasha, he will surely

fix it immediately.

I don't know, it's very irregular.

Excellency, give your consent.

It would be a great

honor if the lady sang.

Thank you.

For her to bring him luck, and because

she should only be worn by a princess.

Thank you, I accept the

compliment but not the jewel.

He came to me easily

and he must easily go.

Come. His Excellency will excuse us.

Excellency, I didn't know what to do.

- Beautiful and talented! Q

- You have been magnificent! Q

You haven't sang

since we left Damascus.

You deprived me of that great pleasure.

With His Excellency's permission,

If Princess Marjan would agree

to sing a little bit every night,

I'll pay you whatever you

ask, that is, if it's not too much.

Since she will sing for me, I will allow

it, but you will have to pay her very well.

You have pleased me tonight.

Excellence! Q

You cannot refuse a

gift from Pasha Ali Nadim.

-I hope that his Excellency sleeps well.

- I don't suffer from insomnia.

He will have a clear conscience.

By the way, she forgot to fire the car.

He may have to go out again

to examine the city's defenses.

The work of a military

governor has no end.

It's such a beautiful night

that I might join you if

it's finally necessary to

examine the city's defences.

Don't you think we've spent

enough time together already?

No, I enjoy every minute.

Fire the car.

- But...

- Go.

- Good evening, Highness.

- Good evening, Excellency.

Sir, I don't understand why he

plays cluelessness with the pasha.

It shouldn't be surprising,

Saleel, being a man of many wives.

I would like to be at

home with one of them.

Wait, my lord.

Doubts about the Pasha?

- And you, sir?

- As much as a sparrow from a leopard.

- I'll sleep at your door, sir.

- You'll be up for a while.

If you see that the Pachá

tries to leave, call me.

We don't want you to

wake up Princess Marjan.

Sir, that woman is Aremlak,

he will not weigh on her like...

She just like a smart woman,

and for that she should be watched.

We simply carry out

your father's orders.

Since you refuse to obey

him, I will take you by force.

No! Q

- Don't shoot!

H-He runs away again.

Go outside! Q

Fool, savage, I told

you to leave it to me! Q

You were with him and

the lady at Cafe Ifrangi.

He has returned as your guest of honor.

It's weird, suddenly

you're really good friends.

He is still the prince of El Jhazir.

- If I had killed him in the citadel...

- I wasn't going to kill him here.

They would have found him

in the street, a victim of thieves,

who would suspect that it

really was Prince Ahmed Khabar?

- Now we've lost him.

- Let them search and find him.

In Baghdad, I am the boss.

If you forget, I'll have to

stop intervening in this matter.

Do not even dream about it.

You broke your oath for

gold, so you're out of position.

Capture him while he's still

Hassan, the rich merchant.

Your Excellency, is Princess

Marjan not with you?

Do you see her? Where is she?

She left the dressing

room an hour ago.

You're late for the performance! Q

I warned you not to let

her go anywhere alone.

I swear I couldn't do anything.

The woman! Q Excuse me.

The Princess said that I would

be punished if she followed her.

In the week you've been

here I've aged a year.

She doesn't know how much I fear her.

- You should be afraid of me.

- It's a regrettable mistake.

-I told her, but she replied...

Her Excellency will not

want to hear what she said.

You will be punished at

dawn, 60 lashes on her

feet, if you don't find

her in less than an hour.

Yes, Excellency.

I have brought this.

With this you can buy food,

horses, weapons, whatever you need.

Devil's money,

thrown at your feet by

morons, in exchange

for a song or a smile.

Go back to the city where they

proclaim her name in the market

and take the damned treasures from her.

The old man talking like a child.

Everything that the Black

Djellabas do is known at Café Ifrangi.

I'll be there until I find

out who their leader is.

When the time comes,

I will need your help.

You will obey me as my father.

Quick, the city closes the gates.

Charity, for Allah's sake! Q

Charity, for Allah's sake! Q

Mister! Q

Charity for the holy

wanderer of Marrakech! Q

Don't go back to Cafe Ifrangi.

Stay at the consulate until

you can return to England! Q

Now you're a bum, who

are you, what do you want?

That doesn't matter, but it does

matter that you leave Baghdad.

The women who make fun of

Pachá appear floating in the Tigris.

I'm not going to leave Baghdad

and I'm not afraid of the Pasha.

So he feared the Black Djellabas.

They know you

checked out Cafe Ifrangi.

Why do you know so much

about the Black Djellabas?

Soldiers! Q

Hasan, wait! Q

Are you sure he doesn't have

any more jewelry in the hotel?

Yes, Excellency, he took them all.

You have been away for a long time.

Did it seem so much to you?

Prepare my dress,

the blue and silver one.

Excellent, it will

match your jewelry.

I handed over my jewelry to my men.

I will be able to dispose

of what is given to me! Q

And is this so precious

that you do not part with it?

I have never considered it mine.

I want to return it.

I understand that tonight

you could have done it.

I didn't think she would see him.

Have you made an appointment

with him to return the ruby?

I couldn't, your

soldiers prevented it.

And you are only interested in the

handsome Arab returning the jewel?

Well no.

I am interested to know why

you come one day as a guest,

then he disappears and

your soldiers try to kill him.

Against my wish, since

I gave him protection,

and just because

I deeply appreciate

it, I will break the

trust of my office.

Your friend Hassan,

the one in the costumes,

He is Prince Ahmed

Khabar, according to your

people, the chief of

the Black Djelabas.

And why was he your

guest in the citadel?

Women do not understand

the delicate affairs of state.

Arrest the crown

prince of El Jhazir

he would bring many

problems to my government.

Tonight I tried to prevent it by

eliminating a simple bum, a beggar.

Unfortunately, I failed.

- Are your men still after him?

- Naturally.

But there's a problem,

if he decided to return to the

citadel as Prince Ahmed Khabar,

I should offer you my hospitality.

What if the Aremlaks

found him first?

Interesting possibility.

Will you allow us to

take him to the desert?

To, according to your tradition, do

what the government does not dare?

Yes, his life for my father's.

After, of course,

a slow torture.

You Bedouin are

truly a wild people.

We also know how to be grateful.

If I made such a concession to

you, would I deserve your gratitude?

We Aremlak have a saying:

"Promise for promise".

It is, promise for promise.

Charity, for Allah's sake! Q

Allah rewards the charitable! Q

- Charity for Allah's sake! Q

- They want to see you, beggar.

I have done nothing,

I know nothing! Q

Shut up and follow me! Q

Don't let them kill

me, have mercy.

Your miserable life is

not in danger if you obey.

I must speak to the tramp

who was with you at the gates.

- The one who calls himself Hassan.

- I don't know him.

- You lie! Q

- You will die for it! Q

Kill me, I will not betray him.

Who speaks of treason?

Find Hassan, tell him I must

see him at my hotel when

I get back from Cafe Ifrangi.

He won't come, he doesn't trust anyone.

Give him this, he won't distrust me.

If you don't give it to him, we'll

look for you all over the streets.

and we will bury you in an anthill

with your head smeared with honey.

Let's go! Q

That woman is indefatigable! Q

He has been walking for an

hour, and faster and faster.

Not even my wives, who

adore me, would be so impatient.

My lord was wise

to suspect treachery.

But I'll be a big jerk if

I find out too late that

he was wrong, and that

his heart aches to see me.

Mister! Q

The princess will have to

rest after such a hectic night.

You'll return this

tomorrow with my respects.

Tell her that she couldn't come to her,

but that I won't be long in seeing her.

The English say that a false

penny always comes back.

Today I found out that

it also applies to rubies.

Especially this ruby.

The Pachá seems to

enjoy it, but it's not funny.

You guys are angry and nervous,

and that brings me to this question,

Is it due to the frustrated desire

to take revenge on an enemy

or wounded vanity because

instinct in the face of danger

made him forget your

undeniable charms?

Your song can wait.

Prince Ahmed Khabar

has informed his father,

the emir, that he

will defend himself

before a council of

tribal representatives.

The emir has assembled the

council at the Rock Oasis Khorasan,

where all men are bound

by an ancient oath of peace.

The emir asks us to ask

Pasha Ali Nadim to attend

so that everyone knows that his government

will support the ruling of the sheikhs.

We await your

decision, Excellency.

As everyone knows,

Baghdad is the seat of justice.

It pains me that the Grand Emir

of El Jhazir is suspicious of her.


Prince Ahmed Khabar

can only be judged by supreme sheikhs,

not by the Baghdad government.

But if he were forced to hand

him over to the desert tribes,

It would be like confessing that I

have failed as a military governor.

How would it be a confession

or a failure, if with his

help we discovered the

truth of the Black Djellabas?

In fact, Excellency, if you

refuse to support the council,

there will be those who interpret

it as a different kind of confession.

Is his Highness insinuating that

he protected the Black Djellabas?

I'm not implying anything.

Like these sages of El

Jhazir, I await your decision.

I will try to communicate

with Constantinople.

It is a very special case and

I do not know if I have the

authority to decide without

the approval of my superiors.

Your Excellency, we cannot wait

for instructions from Constantinople.

The council has already been convened

and the emir expects you to attend.

You have no alternative.

- Very well.

- Tomorrow we leave together.

Until then we will accept

your hospitality at the citadel.

Yes, of course, it is an honour.

Have rooms prepared

immediately for their excellencies.

I hope you rest, Excellency.

Princess Marjan, why didn't

they tell me you were waiting?

He was busy with

more important guests.

You can't imagine the

gravity of the moment.

I only know that the murderer you

promised to deliver to the Aremlak

he is in the citadel and

he is your honored guest.

He will leave tomorrow.

The emir has called

a council to judge him.

Look how good, he will

be judged by his own

father and of course

declared innocent! Q

It's possible, but I

can't do anything at all.

You just have to

keep your promise.

Let my people enter

the citadel and stop him.

The compound is infested with

Bedouins and I've had enough! Q

It's our business, the

prince belongs to us.

I'm sick of this Bedouin plague.

Let them eat hot sand

and die in their dirty desert.

I'll go back to Constantinople

where people live civilly,

and you'll come with me,

we're going out tonight.

Old man, go to the lady's

hotel and pack her luggage,

be ready when we arrive.

Didn't you hear me?

- I am not going anywhere.

- Me neither! Q

I'm sorry to inform you that

you shouldn't make me angry.

I no longer beg, I command.

You are not in a position to order.

The great Pasha Ali Nadim fleeing

Baghdad for fear of an assassin.

You're not just pathetic, you're ridiculous.

Wild Bedouin! Q

Excellency, Excellency! Q

How dare you bother

the Pasha right now?

I have heard noises.

And more you'll hear

if you bother him again.

Where is Ahmed Khabar? Join us.

Do as the princess commands.


Black djellabas in the citadel! Q

And in it is Ahmed Khabar!

Q Lead us to him, quickly! Q

Lord, Lord! Q

-She finds her Excellency.

- Yes, Highness.


That all the Black Djellabas

leave the citadel immediately.

Lord, we have found the Pasha! Q

Muhammad Jad, look! Q

Do you dare to look me in the face?

Why not? I'm going to

make you a great man.

Following the Black Djelabas to

Baghdad, to the citadel, charging

myself with the responsibility,

how am I going to explain it?

You will be able to testify

before the council that they

entered Baghdad to rescue

their boss who was your prisoner

but you did not allow him to escape.

You killed the chief of the Black

Djelabas with your own hands.

He lies unconscious

in your reception room.

Come on, Pasha Ali

Nadim, become a hero.

Come on, he shoots.

So you were going to

make me a great man! Q

Stupid, wild! Q

Ahmed Khabar lives and

will tell all this in the council.

We will arrive before him.

You will tell the emir that his son

escaped with the Black Chilabas.

- No, I'm going to Constantinople.

- You come with me.

Ahmed Khabar will

die before being tried.

You and I will make it so.

Why do you take so much trouble?

Leave me here a few more hours

and between the sun and the vultures

- You won't have to kill me.

- We don't want you to die yet.

We take you to Bir-en-Naga

for the Aremlak to see

the punishment of my father's murderer.

One noise and I will kill you! Q

The soldiers and the Pasha! Q

They go to council

anyway, of course.

They'll testify that

the assault justifies my

guilt, and thanks to you,

they'll get away with it.

My father's white colt! Q

- Who rides it?

- My cousin Raizul.

My father was on that horse

when the Djelabas killed him.

For the thousandth time, my cousin

is the chief of the Black Djellabas,

he always has been, and your friend

the Pachá is up to his neck in this.

- You lie! Q

- No, it's the honest truth.

I'll say it another way.

I speak as Prince

Ahmed Khabar of El

Jhazir to Princess

Marjan of the Aremlak.

In the name of Allah, I only

ask for time to prove the truth.

Let me attend the council.

If my enemies win, who

are also yours, I swear by

Allah that only your

dagger will pierce my heart.

Princess, he betrayed your

father, he will also betray you.

I swear it with my blood.

If you lie, you will suffer

even more for having done so.

But if he's telling the

truth, he'll need our help.

We'll go to council together.

Mercy great lords of the

desert, do not kill us! Q

We are poor and harmless gypsies! Q

We go to the meeting

of the sheikhs to tell

the fortune, shoe

horses and ask for alms.

We have nothing

worthwhile and women are

useless and old, and

as you can see very ugly.

Silence, women are worth

more than the men around them.

We'll trade our horses

for your mules, our

clothes for yours, and

this to close the deal.

Ruby is for women

as compensation for the misfortune

of being your wives and daughters.

One thing! Q Haven't

you got a dress to lend

me that makes old

men stroke their beards?

Yes, I will show it to you.

We will become gypsies

and you will become Bedouins.

May Allah witness

this great miracle! Q

The oasis is neutral ground.

Only sheikhs and their

entourage can enter.

And the Pasha's

soldiers are camped here.

Stop, if you take one

more step I'll open fire! Q

Who are you, where do you come from?

We neither come nor go

anywhere, we are gypsies.

Gypsies! Q

Men thieves and

liars and women...

The question is how

do I get to my father.

Be careful, I know the Pasha and

the sentinels will be looking for you.

Entertainment and a banquet

have been provided, as you ordered.

Now that you've arrived

I'll fire the dancers.

I don't want my guests

to share my sorrows,

- keep the fun going.

- As ordered by the Emir.

Gypsies? What are you doing here?

We come in peace, great

commander of heroes.

We only ask for food and water,

in return we will shoe

the horses, fix the pots

and we will read you fortune.

Take them to the

soldiers' camp! Q

But the soldiers have no

money, they won't pay us! Q

They'll feed you

if you earn it! Q

Do not leave the camp,

watch them at all times! Q

Yes captain. walking! Q

Hurry, let's go! Q

I see you have ridden

many terrible horses,

Your hand is hard and

callused, you did hard labor.

That's the past, tell

me the future! Q

Your wishes will be fulfilled.

Soon you will be captain, rich,

and you will have many women.

Tomorrow I will buy you,

gypsy, as my first wife.

But tomorrow you

won't be rich yet, soldier,

you still have a lot left.

You can't read the future! Q

Before the night is over, I'll

be able to buy many like you! Q

This is ugly, not me.

And since I'll be rich too, why

don't you choose me, gypsy?

Neither you, nor him, nor Pasha himself.

I'm tired of

reading the fortune.

And the song you promised, gypsy?

I'm going to look for the musicians.

Come back quickly or

I'll come looking for you.

The song for him, gypsy, me! Q

- They are not the soldiers of the city! Q

- They're not even soldiers. Look.

There's one of these

under every chair.

Black Djellabas! Q

That's why the Pasha

left Baghdad with 30

men and now he has

five times as many! Q

- But why?

- They are Raizú's men.

It's obvious they want to

assassinate the entire council.

And they will blame you, believing you

to be the chief of the Black Djellabas! Q

Forcing him to disappear

leaving Raizul owner of the desert.

There is an oasis of El

Jhazir six hours away.

May Allah we can

ask for help in time! Q

But there is no time left, they

talk about being rich in the morning.

Whatever the

plan is for tonight.

We will buy time.

Coloquinty pumpkins! Q

Horses eat them but if a

man does it he feels like dying,

and for hours he suffers so much

that he implores himself to death.

Collect all the

pumpkins you find.

I'll hold off the soldiers

while Prince Ahmed escapes.

I must not go, you.

He will warn my people.

Here you are in danger.

And how will you entertain them?

Dancing and singing for them?

Don't worry about the princess.

When they've

eaten, we can escape.

You gypsy! Q

To work, gypsy dogs! Q

You promised a song,

we are waiting! Q

I won't keep you waiting any longer! Q

But my people starve.

They will eat the leftovers

when their masters eat.

Show that you are grateful! Q

Take the food pans

to the soldiers! Q

- Do it carefully! Q

- With great care, noble soldier.

Go away, Prince Ahmed Khabar,

and may Allah be with you.

Also to you Mohamed Jad.

Hey gypsies, get back

to work until we're done!

You stay to keep me company!

The soldiers have

finished eating.

We can only wait a few minutes.

If the princess cannot escape

we will have to go looking for her.

My people are hungry, I'll

take this and I'll be right back.

I'll go with you, so you won't be in a hurry.

Gourd gourds, an

old Bedouin trick!

My men are useless, useless.

It could have been worse,

they will recover soon.

Yes, but not tonight!

Lady Marjan of the Aremlak

and the warriors of her dirty tribe!

No, friend, they are gypsies, nothing more.

It is important that you remember it.

- Where is Ahmed Khabar?

- I do not know.

Of course you know.

Witnesses describe a tall, young

Arab, very handsome for a gypsy.

He went and killed a

sentinel, where is he?

- I told you I don't know.

- What are you doing there?

Discover the chief

of the Black Djellabas.

- Well, it's a disgrace!

- No friend.

If I am not mistaken,

there is a method prescribed

by the law of the desert

to punish poisoners.

It consists of burying

them up to the neck,

then the spearmen inflict

a slow death on them.

One spear for each eye.

One for each ear.

It will be fun.

You don't want to see it.

Did England lose its

taste for desert sports?

I demand that I be brought before the Emir.

That is impossible, the emir

does not speak with gypsies.

He will talk to Princess

Marjan of the Aremlak.

You're just a gypsy

who tried to kill my men.

For that you will be punished.

Now it's the old

man's turn, unless

you tell me if Ahmed

Khabar is still alive.

Maybe you tell me, old man.

Bad manners even for a Bedouin.

Bring these two.

Wait, Your Highness.

I suggest you take

the woman first,

-May the old man enjoy her death.

- As you like.

They told me you were

dead, would Allah have it so.

This is my son, turn him on.

Sir, I'm here to be

judged by the council.

I demand my rights

as prince of El Jhazir.

This is my witness, Princess

Marjan of the Aremlak.

They accuse me of murdering her father.

I have sworn in blood,

that if I am found

guilty, my punishment

will rest in her hands.

There will be no punishment.

Great Emir, by Bedouin

law I must be heard.

Princess Marjan is present.


Yes sir.

The absence of my cousin,

Prince Raizul, speaks for itself.

I declare you guilty of the

crimes that were imputed to me

and accused Pasha Ali

Nadim of being his accomplice.

Where is Raizul, Excellency?

Has he abandoned You?

Has he left you alone before

the punishment of the spears?

Or has he gone to see if his

Black Djellabas have recovered?

to assassinate his father's brother

and the rest of the desert jeues?

Answer, Pasha Ali Nadim.

I think Raizul has answered for you.

This is my defense, Raizul

at the head of the Djelabas.

The El Jhazir await

my signal in the hills.


The veil!

I don't think he misses it.

Your father!

Pretend you don't see it.