Bad Sister (2015) - full transcript

From the first time Zoe met her new teacher at St. Adeline's Catholic School she knew something wasn't right with Sister Sophia. Was it the red lipstick and refusal to recite the Morning Prayer? Or the way she eyed her brother he was dessert? As Zoe's suspicions grow so does the creepy bond between the "good" sister and her brother - a bond bordering on seduction. But who will believe her? After all, Sister Sophia is a woman of the cloth. Or is she?

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So, hey guys!

Um, found out the units

are shipping me off

to St. Adeline again.

Didn't matter what I said.

They didn't hear me.

Um, I'm sure

some of you know

what that's like,

not to be heard,

to feel like you're alone

in the world

and no one cares.

Um, that's why

I wrote this song,

for you guys,

and I hope you like it.

(soft guitar music)


* Up in the air

* You're always there

* And I'm alone

trying not to show

how much I care *

* And do you see

me trying to be *

* Everything I think

that you would want

or ever need *

* All the static in my mind


* I'm having trouble

trying to find *

(eerie music)


(indistinct chattering)


Ugh, Sara Croft.

I can't believe

they're making me

room with her again

this year.

Doesn't sound so bad to me.


I'm expecting you to be

on your best behavior

this fall.

Best behavior, got it.

I thought we decided

you'd leave that at home.

You decided that, not me.

I don't want you goofing off

with that thing.



Hey, after what you did

this summer,

you mess up again,

if I get one call

from the Sisters, that's it.

I'm sure he'll be fine.

(Sister Rebecca)

Zoe, Jason, welcome back.

-Hi, Sister Rebecca.



-Hi, Sister.

(Sister Rebecca)

I trust you all had

a wonderful summer?


It was great.




Don't worry.

We'll look after him.

Thank you.

(creepy music)


Sister Sophia?


It's lovely

to finally meet you.


So nice to meet you, too.

(Sister Rebecca)

Please, have a seat.

Sorry things have been

so hectic around here.

It always takes

a couple of days

for the kids to settle in

after the summer.

It's understandable.

(Sister Rebecca)

So, I see you spent

the last three years

teaching at a school

in Missoula, Montana.

How was that?

It was definitely colder.

(Sister Rebecca)

Well, the school had nothing

but glowing things

to say about you.


And I loved everything

about teaching

those young angels

the word of our Lord.

(Sister Rebecca)

Of course,

although I don't know

what the protocol

was at St. Val's,

but here we prefer

our teachers

wear no make-up,

of any kind.


Over there is

the instructional building.

Your classroom will be

on the second floor.

The building across campus

is the boys' dorm

and the girls' dorm

is right there.

Better to keep them

as far apart as possible.


-Ah, here's one

of your students now.

Jason Brady,

this is Sister Sophia,

your new homeroom teacher.


It's so nice to meet you.

(Sister Rebecca)

Jason is

our resident musician.

And a bit of a celebrity

from what I hear.



You must be quite good.

Uh, I'm okay.

I'll, uh, I'll see you in class.

(Sister Rebecca)

Oh, don't take offense

if Jason seems

a bit distant.

He's been having

a hard time.

-Why is that?

-Well, his grades

have been falling

and he got into a bit

of trouble this summer.




his father's car.

Thank God

no one was hurt.



This is your room.

It's not fancy

but we've never had

any complaints.

It's perfect.


Well, I'll leave you

to get settled in.

Sister, we're very happy

you're here.

Thank you, Sister.

(mysterious music)


(audible sigh)






Forgive me for not praying

as much as I should have

this summer.

I'm working really hard

to get into Whittendale.

And that's all

I'm really praying for.

That and my brother.

He's getting into

a lot of trouble.

He could really

use some guidance.

Thank you.


This is it, man,

my last year

to bag Sara Croft.


Pete, give it up already, man.


Come on, she's practically

bagged everyone else.

My chances have to be good.

So, Jay, how many

fans you got now?


I'm up to like 10,000.


Dude, that is

such a babe score.

You know that, right?

Hey, did I ever tell you

you sing like a girl?


That's not what

your sister thinks.

Hey, let's hit

the PS4.

You coming?

Maybe later, man.


* Up in the air

* You're always there

* And I'm alone

trying not to show

how much I care *

* And do you see


* Sky without the clouds


* You're the voice

that laughs too loud *


* You're the one face

in the crowd

I always want around *


* But I'm stuck

on the ground *




That was beautiful.

That was far better

than just okay.

You're really talented,


Your parents

must be very proud.


Yeah, right.

May I?


Do you play?




Not really.

You know, your lyrics,


...really speak

to you, don't they?

Yeah, yeah, I guess

you could say that.

You know, I get it, Jason.

I know what it's like

to be misunderstood.

If you ever need

to talk, I'm around.



I'll see you in class.


(bell ringing)

(indistinct chattering)


Hey, rock star.

You still in hot water

with your dad?


Yeah, something like that.


Well, we got the whole year

to get you into

even more trouble.

Looks like Sara

found someone else

she hasn't bagged.

Shut up.

Good morning, class.


Good morning.

I'm your new teacher,

Sister Sophia.


Good morning, Sister Sophia.


Can't get more grounded

than I am.


Yeah, you're always grounded,

I feel like.



One day I'll get

visiting rights.


Can't wait.



Toxic Tramp.


Now I understand

why you seem to have

difficulty focusing Miss--

Croft, Sara Croft.

Well, Sara, how about

I help you focus?



I trust that you'll

check your behavior.

After all, you don't want

to go to Hell, do you?



Where were we?

Oh, how about

we take a look

at your fancy

new textbooks?

Uh, chapter one looks like

a great place to start.

Uh, yes, Miss--

Brady, Zoe Brady.



Shouldn't we start

with the Morning Prayer?

Of course.

Zoe, why don't you lead us?

Give me, O Lord...


I pray Thee firm faith,

unwavering hope,

perfect charity.

Pour into my heart the spirit

of wisdom and understanding,

the spirit of counsel

and spiritual strength,

the spirit of knowledge--



Nice job getting in trouble

on your first day.

I didn't get

in trouble.


Do you know what's weird?

Our new teacher, she didn't

say the Morning Prayer.


So, that's like

sacrilege around here.

(cell phone beeping)

(gentle music)



The last thing you need

is a distraction

like Sara Croft.

God, Zoe, are you gonna

get on me like Dad now, too?

Dad's not getting on you,

he's trying to help you.

Well, then everybody

can stop trying to help.



-About this morning...

-Hey, look, I'm sorry, okay,

I didn't mean

to interrupt your--


No, it's okay,

you don't have to apologize.

I just wanted to make sure

that we got off

on the right foot,

because I want this

to be a good year for you...

and for me.



This Sara...

Is she your girlfriend?


I don't have a girlfriend.



I'm surprised.

I'd think you were

quite a catch.


Have a good night, Jason.


* Trying not to show

how much I care *

* And do you see

* Me trying to be


* I think that

you would want

or ever need *

(creepy music)








So, what do you think

about the new teacher?

She's okay,

I guess.

Well, I think

she's a bitch.

You know,

I bet one day,

you're going to be

even bigger than Bieber.

Yeah, we'll see.

Well, just in case,

I think I should

take my chance now.


Miss Croft!


I see you did not

heed my warning.

Jason, get to class.



You're new here so I doubt

you know who my dad is.

I mean, he like practically

pays for this school.

I don't care

who your daddy is.

Do not let me catch you

with that boy ever again.

Now go to class.



(bell ringing)


A minute please.

You didn't think you were

gonna get off the hook

that easy, did you?

Besides, I thought you said

that Sara wasn't

your girlfriend.

Come to my chambers

after your last class

and we'll have a word.

I thought students

weren't allowed

in the teacher's quarters.

Well, they are

if they're invited.




Sister Sophia?





(religious chanting)





You're a bad boy, Jason.

You didn't come to see me.

No, I'm sorry.

I--I totally forgot.

I'll let it slide.

This time.

(mysterious music)



Hi, you two.

How was your

first week back?








Hey, rock star.

Got big plans this weekend?




Well, if you

get out on parole,

you have my number.


Okay, I got it,

but let's see what happens.

You know,

Sister Sophia,

I know it's been

a change coming here.

And we may not do things

the same way as at St. Val's.

But if you ever

need anything--


(Sister Rebecca)

My door is always open.


Actually, Sister Rebecca,

there is something.

My Aunt Francis is ill

and in hospice

at Mount Cedar.

I'd like to go

visit her.

Of course.

Take as much time

as you need.

I'll be sure to pray

the rosary for her.

Just remember the kids

are back for mass on Sunday.



It's so weird,

our new teacher didn't give us

any homework,

and we should be studying

for the SAT, which I'm

gonna have to do anyway

if I want to get

into Whittendale.

* I'm an overachiever,

baby, baby, baby *


Well, that sounds

like a solid idea, Zoe.


Hi, honey.


Hey, babe.


And what about you,

Jason, any plans?


Well, I doubt I'm gonna get

into Whittendale.


We don't expect that, honey,

just that you, you know,

apply somewhere.


Actually I've been

thinking about that.

I want to take a year off,

work on my music.


Is it just me?

Now that doesn't sound

like such a good idea.

-I'll pay rent.

-So now you're talking

about getting a job...

you know, Jason,

once you quit school,

it makes it that much harder

to go back, at least

if you're in school,

you're working

towards something.

I know what I want

to work towards

it's just not what you want.


That's not what

I'm expecting.


Okay, then maybe

taking a year off

isn't such a bad idea

and if he's paying rent,

I think that's

very responsible.

-Yes, yes.



I just want him

to strive to be

something more than

just a starving artist.


What, so you don't think

I'll make it?

-I'm not saying that.

-That's what it sounds like.

And I'm gonna go be

a starving artist

out back, okay?

I'm gonna skip dinner.




(door closing)



* All I am

and all I'll be *

(indistinct singing)

(mysterious music)

* Take me home


* Even lovers forget

what beats in their chest *

* I am


* Home

(mysterious music)

(cell phone ringing)




Hey, Sara.


Yeah, I don't think I can,

I'm kind of still grounded.

Yeah, I'm really on thin ice.

So, I'm just gonna have

to see you at school, okay?


Oh, okay.





(cell phone beeping)












Sister Sophia.

What are you doing up here?

I thought I might

have heard some rustling.

Well, the kids

have been known

to try and sneak out before.

I trust you didn't

find anything.


No, nothing at all.

Everyone's sleeping.

(Sister Rebecca)

Good, just make sure

you report any inappropriate

behavior back to me.

We have a reputation

to uphold.

Of course.





(door opening and closing)



Give me, O Lord,

I pray thee firm faith,

unwavering hope,

perfect charity.

Pour into my heart the spirit

of wisdom and understanding,

the spirit of counsel

and spiritual strength,

the spirit of knowledge

and true godliness.


All right, everyone,

let's review the homework

that I gave you.

Open your textbooks

to page 34.


Sara Croft, what is that?

I can't believe this.



That's not mine.


Really, then what is it

doing in your textbook?

I don't know,

it's probably a joke,

I mean, is it even real?


Oh, it's real.


And you, Miss Croft,

are in very big trouble.




Well she's denied

any wrongdoing

and insists she has no idea

how she came to have it.

But still, we have

a very strict policy

on illegal drugs.

I've notified her parents

and she will be

indefinitely suspended.


Well, I'm concerned

that there may be

more than one person

involved in this mess.

These acts of wickedness

rarely happen in a vacuum.

It may be prudent to proceed

with a full inspection

of the school.

After all, Sister,

you want to ensure

that your school

is clean, right?


All right, in light

of the circumstances,

I don't think we have

any other choice.



Well, there goes

your only chance

at getting laid this year.

(Sister Rebecca)

Boys, if you don't mind

stepping into the hall.

-What's the problem?

-We're conducting

an inspection, this will

only take a minute.

Let's go.


-I don't have any--

I know.



(Father Macey)

Mr. Brady.

Would you like

to explain this, please?

-I've never seen that before.

-Then why was it found

under your mattress?


I don't know.


Dude, don't look at me,

you're the alcy.


Shut the hell up, man!

(Sister Rebecca)

Boys, that's enough!

Mr. Robertson, could you

step into the room, please?




This is such crap,

I don't know whose that is.

(Father Macey)

Listen, son,

all of us are tempted,

we understand that.

But the best thing to do here

is to tell the truth

and get it

off your conscience.

My conscience is clear.

(Sister Rebecca)

The evidence suggests otherwise

and we can't just look

the other way, Jason.

So you're gonna ruin my life

over something I didn't do?

You don't believe me.


Look, if my dad

hears about this,

he'll kill me.

Father, in light of this,

maybe we should give

Jason a second chance.

After all, it's alcohol,

it's not an illicit drug.

(Sister Rebecca)

Sister, the young man

has struggled

with this before.

We have to tell his parents.

May I speak from the heart?

Of course.


We have all

struggled with sin.

And we've all

been shown mercy.

Perhaps if Jason

was to stay the weekend,

and work around the school,

and help the sisters

tend to the grounds,

we could overlook

this little indiscretion,

and just keep it

to ourselves.

(Father Macey)

Jason, this sounds

like a proper penance.

What do you think, son?



Thank you, Sister.

(Father Macey)


You know, Sister Sophia,

it was a wonderful act

of mercy you showed

that young man.


Well, I am truly blessed

and I wanted to share

my happiness with everyone.

(Father Macey)

I must say,

I find it so refreshing

to see a young woman

like yourself

taking the cloth.

It's no secret that our

numbers are dwindling.

So tell me, Sister, when did

you hear your calling?


Well, it all started

with a song.

-A song?

-That's right.

I heard it one day

and it was if the songwriter

was singing just for me.


* Everything I think

that you would want

or ever need *

* All this started


(ominous music)


St. Adeline hires

Montana nun.



Sister Sophia?



Hi, Sister Sophia.

My name is Candace,

Candace Fullman.

I'm a member

of your congregation.

I'm just a stone's throw.

Oh, hello,

I haven't met you yet.


I heard that

you've been transferred

to a St. Adeline's School

in California?

(Sister Sophia)

I'm afraid so, yes.

I'm driving there right now.


Today, all by yourself?

(Sister Sophia)

Yes, I know it's crazy,

but God has His way

of moving us

around as He needs.

I'm sorry to see you go.

(Sister Sophia)

Oh, dear God.


(eerie music)





And that was it.

I knew what my calling was.

What's the name

of the song?

Ah, perhaps

we should have

the choir sing it

this Sunday.

Oh, well,

to be honest,

it's more like

a pop song.

It's one of my little

guilty pleasures.

Oh well,

if that's all,

I shouldn't feel

too guilty about that.


So what am I gonna

tell Mom and Dad?


Just tell them I volunteered

to stay the weekend

to work, you know,

to show my school

love and spirit.


Oh, yeah, 'cause they're

gonna believe that.

They will

if you say it.

I don't know,

if they have questions,

just have them call

Sister Sophia.



She fixed it.

Why did she do that?

She thinks I'm cool.

Actually I'm gonna stay

the weekend.


To keep an eye on you.


Zoe, come on.


Here, let me help you.




These flowers are so pretty

when they start to bloom.




So, tell me about your dad.


He thinks I'm throwing

away my future

because I want

to be a musician.

But it's the one thing

I'm good at, you know?

I'm never gonna be

a straight-A student

like my sister.

I'm just not.


Trust me, I know

what it's like

being something you're not.

And it really sucks.


It does really suck.


Wow, it is so hot out here.







Sister Sophia?




Sister Sophia.

No, please.

It's Sophia.

Just Sophia.

Remember how I said,

"It's hard being someone

that you're not."

I can't do it anymore.

Not tonight...

...because I didn't

choose this.

And I get you, Jason.

Just like I know

that you get me.





No, no, no, no, no,

I can't, I can't, I can't.

I can't, I can't.


This is wrong, this is wrong.

I can't, I can't.


It's okay.

Come here.










Mm, oh God.

(i(cell phone beeping))

(clearing throat)






Don't look so nervous.

It's okay.

No morning-after

regrets, all right?


It's not that easy,

you're a nun

and my teacher.


I told you last night.

I'm different.

I don't belong here.

Just like you.

We're both misunderstood,

which is why we can't say

anything to anyone,

especially your sister,

because if she finds out,

she'll go running to Daddy.

Am I right?

And then, well--


I should, um,

get to breakfast

before it's over.








What are you doing here?


Uh, looking for my brother.


Well, he's not here.

And you shouldn't be either.

Or did you forget

about the rules

about coming into

the boys dormitory?

No, I was just

worried about him.


Well, you should

go worry somewhere else.

Why are you in his room?

I'm conducting my rounds.

Now, scoot,

before I call the Father.







Are you okay?


Yeah, why?


I didn't see you

at breakfast.


Oh, I wasn't hungry.


I went to your room.

Sister Sophia was there.


-Yeah, she was,

like, going through

your stuff or something.


What's going on?

I don't know.

I--I don't know.



going on, okay?




All right, everyone,

that's it for today.

Uh, Zoe, a moment please.

Zoe, I know how important

getting into college

is to you, which is why

I was disappointed

in your test result.

Are you sure?

I mean, I thought

I knew everything.

Trust me, I'm sure.

But don't worry.

I want to give you

another chance.

Come by after your last class

and you can take it again.



Thank you.




So is it just me

or does anyone else think

-Sister Sophia's kind of hot?

-Hey, I'm already going to hell

-for what I'm thinking of her.

-That ship has long

-sailed, buddy.

-What the hell's

-that supposed to mean?

-It means you can't

have everything,

what do you want, Sara Croft,

do you want Sister Sophia?

What else do you want?


Sister Sophia?


What are you doing?


I would have never pegged

you as a cheater.


No, I'm not, I mean--


I think we need to go

see Sister Rebecca.

Let's go.


I caught her looking

at the test answers.

Even after I was gonna

give her a second chance.

(Sister Rebecca)

Zoe, is this true?

Honestly, I didn't mean to.

It was just there and--


And the temptation

was too great.

Remember, lead us not

into temptation,

but deliver us

from the evil one.

(Sister Rebecca)

Thank you, Sister Sophia.

That'll be all.


Well, I hope that this prompts

immediate suspension,

because quite frankly--

I said, that'll be all.


I am so sorry, Sister Rebecca.

I admit, I did look at the test,

but it was just there.

I couldn't help but see it.

Please, don't let

this affect my record.

Zoe, I know how focused

and driven you are

on your schooling,

but you must stop and think

before you act,

because Sister Sophia is right.

Temptation is everywhere,

and we need the resolve

to overcome it.

Now, Sister Sophia

may seem strict,

but she is very devout

in her ways.

Not really.

Excuse me?

There's just something

different about her.

She's not like

any of the teachers

I've had at this school.

Well, we're all different, Zoe.

And Sister Sophia is

a very well-respected teacher.


She doesn't say

the Morning Prayer.

I don't understand.

She asks someone in the class

to say it, and she doesn't.

Well, whether we mouth

the words or not,

God can still hear us as long

as it's spoken in our hearts.

I want you to pray every night

for the next three nights,

and ask for forgiveness.

I will.

(Sister Rebecca)


Thank you, Sister.

Of course.

(soft piano music)


(church choir music)




(approaching footsteps)

(door opening)


Forgive me, Father,

for I have sinned.

It's been, like,

a year since my last confession.


I engaged in fornication...

lust, whatever

you wanna call it.

The problem is,

I know what I did was wrong,

but I can't stop

thinking about it.

It's like a part of me knows

I'm probably going

to Hell for it,

and the other part

doesn't really care.

Is that bad?



(new age music)





(Bishop O'Reilly)

Well, well, well.

(Sister Rebecca)

Bishop O'Reilly,

always a pleasure.

It looks so beautiful, Sister.

We've been waiting for you.


(Bishop O'Reilly)

So how did Sister Sophia fit

into your illustrious staff?

Well, I think--

You know I met her while

I was on a tour of the north.


It was about 30 below,

and the school

that she was teaching at

had lost the power

to its heating.

Sister Sophia had the children

huddled in a circle

pretending to be penguins

to keep warm.

Really? Hm.

(Bishop O'Reilly)

You seem surprised.

It's just, she seems

stricter here,

more aloof.

(Bishop O'Reilly)

Well, the Sister Sophia I met

was truly a ray of sunshine.


Bishop, why don't you

make yourself

comfortable in the lounge,

and I'll ask her to join us.

Thank you, Sister.

All right.

(suspenseful music)


Sister Sophia?


Sister Sophia!

Where you off to

in such a hurry?

I'm so sorry.

I just got a phone call

that my aunt

has taken a turn for the worse.

I'm on my way to hospice.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Is there anything we can do?

No, it's in God's hands.

(Sister Rebecca)

Of course--I'm just sorry

you'll miss the chance

to visit with Bishop O'Reilly.

Yes, the Bishop, please,

send him my regards.

(Sister Rebecca)

Oh, I will.

And we'll both say

a prayer for your aunt.

Thank you, Sister.

(car starting)


(soft ominous music)


(cell phone beeping)



* We could fall

* Come crashing down


Here you go, sweetheart.


Don't forget the tomatoes.


You nut.


So, there's a party

at Sara Croft's later.

I was wondering if I could go.

It's probably a better idea if

you stay in, do some studying.

Maybe even look

at some colleges.

Pass the salt, please.

I already told you,

I want to take a year off.


Oh, then maybe

you can explain to me

exactly why we've

invested all this money

the past 17 years sending you

to the finest schools.


I didn't ask you to.

You could have sent me

to public school.

You did it so you could

show off to your friends.

(impersonating parents)

"My kids got into Whittendale."

I got in trouble.


Sister Sophia caught me

looking at test answers.


Yes, but Sister Rebecca


She didn't mean

any harm by it, David.


That's because she's part

of the good flock.

If I did it,

I would have been expelled.


That's not true.


No, Jason's right.

It is absolutely

all about track record.

And people will most assuredly

lose faith in you

if you continue

to make mistakes.

Pass the salad dressing, please.

Thank you.

No one gave you permission

to be excused.


You can chalk it up

on my bad track record.



* I'm stuck on the ground


Wait, Jason.

I'll talk to Dad.


What's the point, Zoe?

He's right--why should

he have any faith in me?

I'm just a screw-up.

Jason, no, don't!

(suspenseful music)

(door closing)


(funky party music)




You bring your guitar?



That's too bad.

I was hoping

you could serenade me.

I'll be back

at St. Adeline's, you know.

My dad's working on it

right now.

So that bitch Sister Sophia

can kiss my ass.


Come on.


(new age music)


Oh, God.


I can't.



Sorry, I got to go.





Wait, Jason!



(car rolling up)

(police siren)


Hey, you!

You got some ID for that?

I'll take that as a no.

Keep your hands

where I can see 'em,

step forward, please.


Got anything in your pockets?


I am so, so sorry, Officer.

This is all my fault.

I was left in charge

of watching him.

He has a medical condition.

He's making such great strides.

God willing, and with the good

faith of people like yourself,

we'll get him back

on the right path.

He just needs a chance, please.

All right, Sister.

You just make sure

you get him home safe.

And you, hey, that beer,

it stays here.


God bless you, Officer.


Good luck.

Hey, I can't go

home like this.

I promised my dad

I wouldn't drink

after the accident.

Then let's get you sober.


I've been thinking.

Would it be such a bad thing

if Jason took a year off?

Gosh, he's struggling.

Which is why a structured

environment like college

would be good for him.

Yeah, for some,

like you.

Maybe not for him.

David, he's so lost.

I mean, the boy we raised

wouldn't get in a car

and drive drunk.

So what's happened?

Where did we go wrong?


I'm gonna go look for him.

(dramatic music)



So, what happened tonight?

Nothing, just my dad.

It was a good thing

I was looking out for you.

Can you get this, please?

I get your frustration, Jason.

My father never really

understood me either.

Thought I was a blight

on the family name.

But that's okay.

We don't need them anymore,

because we have each other.

You were following me.

I had a premonition

that you might need my help.

-Listen, Sister Sophia--

-It's Sophia.


Sophia, what we're doing

is wrong.

No, it's not.

I have money.

I have lots of money.

And I can give you

everything that you need.

I'll take you away.

I'll take you to Paris.

I can be your muse.

You can write beautiful

love songs about me.

And then no one

can keep us apart anymore.

No, I can't do this.

I'm not going anywhere with you.

This is sick.


Jason, don't say that.

I want to be left alone.

This was a big mistake,

and it's over, okay?

Is it her?

Is it that tramp that you went

to go see tonight?

Jason, you've been drinking!


I don't care!

Jason, please don't leave me!

Please, Jason!

(eerie, dramatic music)




(tranquil music)

(cell phone ringing)

Where are you?

Hey, I'm on Riverside.

Look, do you think

you can come pick me up?

Just don't say anything

to Mom and Dad, please.

I can't, Dad took the car.

He's out looking for you.






What the heck

are ya doing out here?

Was out with

a couple of the guys

and just wanted

to be alone

to think, you know.

Okay, well,

I can appreciate that.

I've been doing

some thinking myself.

And I've decided...

*'re right,

I've been pushing you

in a direction

probably better suited

for me than for you.

And I'm sorry.

(guitar music)

What do you say

we figure out a plan,

one that you're happy with

and one that I can live with

knowing that

you're gonna be okay.




Just for the record,

I haven't lost

faith in you...

and I never will.

Thanks, Dad.


(door closing)



Well, why don't you

head on up to bed

and get some rest.


(door closing)


Come on, pick it up, sweetie.

We are late.

Come on, you can do it.

(eerie music)


Come on, Zoe.

I don't want to be late

getting you back to school.

Let's go.


(Father Macey)

Resist the Devil,

and he will flee from you.

Draw near to God,

and God will draw near to you.

Cleanse your hands,

purify your hearts,

you of two minds.

Begin to lament,

to mourn, to weep.

Let your laughter

be turned into mourning,

your joy into dejection.

Humble yourself

before the Lord,

and He will exalt you

to the highest mountain.

It is only when we stop

listening that we go astray.





(dramatic music)

Sister Sophia, hey, hey,

Sister Sophia, what did you--?

What did you--?

Hey, hey, wake up.

Wake up, wake up.

Hey, come on.

Oh, my God.

Hey, hey, come here.

Come, come here.

Come here.


Okay, okay.


Whoa, whoa, whoa.

I knew you would try to save me.

You do love me.

You were faking that?

After all the horrible

things you said,

I almost thought about

really killing myself.

But I know that

you didn't mean it.

Okay, I'm gonna report you

to Father Macey.

Do it.

Oh, the scandal, Jason.

You would forever be remembered

as the boy

who slept with the nun.

Somehow I doubt

that would go over well

with your father's friends

and colleagues.


See you in class.

Be a good boy.


(cell phone ringing)



It was Sister Sophia's car.



The car I saw

this morning, remember?

The car that was parked

down the street.


No, it wasn't,

just leave it alone.


I just checked

the license plate.

Are you trying

to protect her or something?

No, I'm not trying

to protect--

Just stop asking

stupid questions.

It wasn't her car, okay?

No, I'm not gonna stop.

I know when you're

hiding something.

Zoe, okay, okay, look,

you just gotta trust me.

It's not what you think.

I'm dealing with a situation,

and I just need

to figure it out.

Just don't tell

anybody about this,

especially not

Mom and Dad, okay?

Zoe, if you love me, you will

keep your mouth shut, okay?




I'll see you later.

(eerie music)


(bells ringing)


Good morning, class.


Good morning.


Who would like to start

the Morning Prayer?

Jason, why don't you lead us?


Give me, O Lord, I pray Thee...


Firm faith, unwavering hope,

perfect charity.

Pour into my heart the spirit

of wisdom and understanding,

the spirit of counsel

and spiritual strength,

the spirit of knowledge

and true godliness.

(Sister Rebecca)

Beautifully recited

this morning.


Sister Rebecca.

What do we owe the visit?

Sara will be

rejoining the class.

(ominous music)



Sister, how could

she be allowed back?

The decision of expulsion

is up to the board.

And in this case they felt

she had never been

in any serious trouble before.


That is ridiculous.

I thought you taught

values here.

We do,

but Sara's parents

happen to be generous donors

to the school.

The board will not

ignore that fact.

And Sister Sophia,

if we expect our students

to recite prayer,

then we should, too.


(school bell ringing)

So, where'd you run off

to Saturday night?

We were just starting

to have some fun.


Jason, please stay.



It is impossible

to run away from this,

from us.


I don't want you talking

to that girl.


You can't tell me what to do.

Sara's my friend.

Your friend?

What kind of friend?

None of your business.


It is my business.

You are my business.

I'm not anymore.




Hey, I'm sorry

about the other night.

I was just nervous.

Can we maybe try again sometime?



We'll just have to find a way

to get you to relax.

I know, why don't you play

your guitar for me later?



I'll meet you

in the common room.


-I know.

-Told you!


* Traveled miles,

followed heart *

* Lost my way,

found my start *

* Given up,

knowing now *

* My whole family

doesn't get me now *


* All I am is a fire

* I am here to inspire

* All I am is a fire


(intense music)

(soft guitar music)


* What is faith?

* What is grace?

(intense music)


* Ohhh


(intense music)


(water running)


What the hell?



Soap can be so slippery.





Oh, my God!

Help, help, someone help!

Sister Rebecca said

she just slipped

and hit her head

on the tile.

I mean, I've showered

hundreds of times in there.

I just--I can't believe it.

Neither can I.

(tranquil music)


(church choir music)




Jason, have you said

your prayers for Sara?

Please tell me that you

had nothing to do with this.

The police said

it was an accident.

And before you go around

making horrible accusations,

I suggest you take

a hard look in the mirror.

You're the one

who's been committing

all the mortal sins around here.


What about you?

Let me show you something.


Looks like you're

enjoying yourself.


Whoa, whoa, you recorded us?

I like watching you,

what can I say--here, listen.


No, no, no,

you have to erase that.

Maybe I'll put it online,

or maybe I won't,

if you act nice.


It would ruin you, too.

I'm already ruined,

and I don't care.

Jason, I don't want to quarrel.

I just want to get out of here,

and I want you to come with me.


I can't wait much longer.

(ominous music)


It's just crazy, I mean,

I was talking to her,

like, an hour before, and then

I just find her in the shower.

Come on, come on.

You've been through a lot.

Let's get you guys home.

(eerie music)



This has been a week

of great sorrow.

Yes, it has.

Even more so for me.

What do you mean?

My Aunt Francis

passed away this morning.


Lord, have mercy.

I am so sorry.

I'd like to go

to her funeral,

if that's okay with you.

Of course.

You have my blessing.

Thank you, Sister.


(ambient music)


So this is nice, huh?


Mr. Brady,

what a pleasure to have you

and your family

dining with us this evening.

Let me bring you out

something special

to get you started with.

Thank you, Morgan.

So, how are you two holding up?

Okay, I guess.


I can't imagine how

that poor girl's family

is doing right now.


Evening--may I help you?


Table for one.



Right this way.


How about you, son,

you all right?

Hello, Jason?


Yeah, I'm okay, I guess.


I do not believe this.


What, sweetheart?


I don't wanna bother you all,

but I'm Sister Sophia.

I'm Zoe and Jason's

homeroom teacher.


Oh, of course.

What a pleasure to meet you.


It's a pleasure

to meet you as well.

Oh, Mr. Brady,

you have quite the reputation

as a chiropractor.


You've done your homework.

You must be quite pleased with

your new position at the school.

I am pleased.

Although this week has proven

to be quite challenging.


Oh, of course.

It's just horrible

what happened.


Well, I should get

back to my table.

It was good seeing you.

I hope that you two find

some comfort this weekend.


Pardon me, are you dining alone

this evening?


Well, yes.

I just came

from my aunt's funeral.

She passed away

earlier this week.


Oh, Sister,

we're so sorry to hear that.

Well, we can't

let you dine alone.

Please, you should join us.


I don't think

that's a good idea.


No, it's, it's a family dinner.

You understand.

Its, it's a family thing.

Son, don't be rude.


I don't wanna intrude

on family dinner.


Please, we will not

take no for an answer.


In that case, thank you.


Morgan, can we get another

setting here, please?


Oh, of course.


There you are.


That's very kind of you.


Of course.



In case someone calls me.


So where did you teach

before St. Adeline?


I was at a school in Missoula.



Is that where you're from?

Born and raised.

I thought you were born

in Billings.

Well, yes, technically.

But Billings is

right next to Missoula, so--


So how do you like Los Angeles?


It's different.



That's for sure.


But I especially

like the people.

They're warmer, too.

(clearing throat)


Well, I suppose that depends

on where you go.


Missoula is not

next to Billings.

It's over 300 miles away.

In a state as big as Montana,

300 miles away

is right next door.



Can we talk

about something else?


Here we are.

-Oh, look at this.



Oh, wow, that looks fantastic.

Thank you, Morgan.


My pleasure.

(Sister Rebecca)

But, you must have had

a lady there

by the name of Francis.

Please check again.

I just want

the funeral information

so I can send flowers.


I'm sorry, we don't have

anyone here by that name.

But her niece, Sister Sophia,

has been visiting every weekend.

Surely you must know her.


There hasn't been any visitor

by that name either.

Okay, thank you.

(dramatic music)



Oh my God, Jason.

What's going on?

You have to swear

that you will not say this

to anybody.

I swear.

She, um...

she was flirting with me, right?

And oh, God, I was an idiot.

I let it happen.

You let what happen?


I slept with her, Zoe.

I didn't plan it.

It just happened.

And now it's gotten

way out of hand.

She won't leave me alone.

She wants me to, like,

run away with her

to Paris or something.

God, Jason, you have

to tell someone about this.

No, do you know

what this would do to Mom?

I slept with a nun.

And Dad, are you kidding me?

He'd never forgive me.


Plus, um,

she's got a video of us.

She's threatening to post it

online if I say anything.

You can't let her

get away with this.

You're the victim here.

What do I do?

I don't even think

she's a real nun.

I mean, what kind of nun

acts like this?

I don't even think

she's Sister Sophia.

What do you mean?

She doesn't know

where she was born,

she doesn't know how far

Billings is from Missoula.

Those are things that

the real Sophia would know.

So who is she?

I don't know.

Maybe we just...

take it to the police.


With what? A hunch?

She's a freak

who can't read maps?

Come on.

We're gonna need

more proof than that.


There's a laptop in her room.

Maybe if we could get into it,

we can find the proof we need.

And then what?

Turn the tables on her.

(Jason's song playing)


(Sister Rebecca)


You startled me.

A word, in my office.

(dramatic music)




Why are you lying?

What on Earth do you mean?

Since the day you arrived

there was something about you

I couldn't put my finger on.

And even one of my best students

voiced her concerns.

Of course I dismissed them.

Then, I found out

you were lying about your aunt.

I called the hospital.

There is no Aunt Francis.




My Aunt Francis

went by her first name, Mary.

That's why they don't

have a record of it.

Then why didn't they have

any record of you?

I mean, surely they would have

remembered a nun

coming there

every weekend to visit.


So, now you've lied to me again.

I wonder, Sister Sophia,

what else are you lying about?



It's really weird,

there are no pictures

of Sister Sophia on here,

but there are tons of photos

of this other nun.


Check this out.

She's has another laptop.



I'm not sure where you're

getting your information from,

but I'm not lying.


What are you doing?

Calling St. Val's.

I'm sure they can clear this

all up.


This is ridiculous.

What is St. Val's gonna tell you

that I can't?

Oh, I'm sure

quite a bit.

In fact, I'm sure the dean would

love to have a chat with you.


What's this?



Oh, my God.


She has hundreds

of pictures of you.


(Sister Rebecca)

Give me the phone.

Give me that phone!

I am going to get the Father.

Sister Rebecca,

I'll tell you the truth.



Laura Patterson?


Is that her real name?

She's not a nun.

You were right, she's been

pretending the whole time.

We gotta show this

to Sister Rebecca now.



Sister Rebecca?

Sister Rebecca.

Hey, it's Sunday.


Let's check the chapel.





Sister Rebecca?

(intense music)



What are you doing?


Where's Sister Rebecca?


I don't know.

But she did say that you've been

telling lies about me, Zoe.


I'm lying?

That's hilarious

coming from someone

who isn't even

who she says she is.


You recognize this?

I believe your name is Laura?

Laura Patterson.


You're not even

a real nun, are you?

I knew it.

Come on.


No, it was you, Jason.

You led me here.

You wrote those songs for me.


I didn't write

those songs for you.

I don't even know you.

You know me better than anyone.

Come on, it's time for us to go.


I'm not going

anywhere with you, ever.


You're really sick,

you know that?

Just leave my brother alone.

Don't listen to her.

She's trying to keep us apart.


There is no us,

Sophia, Laura,

whoever the hell you are.

You're just--you're just

some crazy stalker

who deserves to be locked up.





Now we can be together.



I am sick and tired of people

trying to keep us apart.

First that slut Sara,

and now your sister.

Well, I'm done.

This is for us, Jason.


Get out of here!












(church bells ringing)

(tranquil music)


Well, Sister,

if there ever was a year

to test our faith,

this was it.

It most definitely was.

I just thank God

He was looking out

for all of us.


Why don't we all

take a little road trip

out to Whittendale this weekend?




Yeah, check out your residence,

Zoe, see what you might need.


Yeah, that sounds great.


Why don't you drive,

seeing as your mom's car

is now yours.


For real?

Happy graduation,


Just be careful.

Got something

for you, too, Jason.



No way.


Well, if you're

gonna be the best,

you got to play

on the best.

Thanks, Dad.


I'm proud of you--

always will be.


Thank you,

thank you, thank you.


Well, how does it sound?


(playing guitar)


(ominous choir music)

