Az oroszlán ugrani készül (1969) - full transcript

Studio One presents


written by


music by

directed by

Part 1.

There is life in the old biddy yet


He was drunk and fell off the dump truck.

A Hungarian film has great success in Congo.

24 dead, 48 injured.

Dr. Otto Klauberg, the butcher of Einzgarten

concentration camp,

was released from prison after 20 years.

Let me see!

I always knew he was innocent.

- This news article says otherwise.

I knew it... I knew it!

The truth always comes out.

- You know this Klauberg?

He is my son-in-law.

Forgive me, Aranka, but I think it's all over

between us.

- Holy Mother, why is it over?

- The mother-in-law of a mass killer can never

be my wife.

Kalman, where are you rushing to?



As I said, he is innocent and not a mass killer.

- And how do you know that?

From my daughter. Wait!

Here is the evidence.

The notes. But they are sewn in.

- What?!

They've been sewn into my handbag!

I've kept them for twenty years.

- And what's in those notes?

- Unfortunately I don't know.

- Kalman!

- Goodbye, Aranka.

Kalman, where are you going?

Just go, you old fart.

Do you really think I will cry for you?

I could be anyone's bride,

I only have to pick a groom for myself.

Don't hurt me, please!

I was hired simply to kill you.

Part 2.

The ornamental fishes don't like almonds.

Peep Peep Peep Peep

- What's going on here?

- They didn't want give us the villa.

- In this case, the money is no object.

- They said that, too.

Take them elsewhere.

Part 3.

Here comes the famous Cool Dude!

One cognac, please.

- Hi! So, how are things in Budapest?

- It's already raining there.

- The old woman?

- She says the same thing.

- Klauberg's notes?

- We can't decipher them.

An old friend, Inspector Pecsar is our contact


His code number is Center3.

My code number is SA6, SA11 is yours.

I get it.

The distress signal: exactly 12 o'clock.

What did the guy in the sunglasses want from

the old man?

- Excuse me, Doctor.

- What do you want?

- Do you have a moment?

- I have no comment.

- Not all the rivers flow into the sea.

- I'm listening.

Helga will be waiting for you at five o'clock

this afternoon at Villa Folklore.

- I don't know any Helga.

- Then you'll know her.

- What are you doing here?

- I was following you, darling.

- That's not true. - You're the only one

for me. - No, not here.

Part 4.

It's better, if someone knows nursery rhymes.

Helga doesn't tolerate tardiness.

I'm never late, sir.

I either arrive on time or I am not going

at all.

So you go tell her that.

- You're gonna tell her yourself.

Come on.

- Sir, I do not follow anyone's command.

- But this is not my command, it's hers.

I have nothing to do with that bunch

any more.

Hold still, you old fool.

Let's go.


We just want to play a little bit with my

fianc?e, okay?

- Can I play too?

- What do you want?!

Do you know the nursery rhyme:

'Almost asleep,

mouth wide open, leave this little one be,

let him sleep.

Oh, look, a little fly!'?

Oh, thank you.

I have always been dreaming about meeting

the right girl

when I save her as a brave knight would


At the same time you let yourself be slapped

by other women.

- This all happened because of you.

- I am Eva.

I am Adam.

Oh, look, a little fly!

'The Birth of Christ', by Giovanni di Paolo.

'Madonna with Two Angels', by Matteo di


This is from the mid-15th century from Lombardy,

'Young Woman with Unicorn'.

Another painting from Lombardy from the

16th century.

- But we don't even know each other.

- You're the only one for me.

I've told you about my mother, and from her

I learned to speak Hungarian.

She also told me that my father is the

greatest person in the world.

Do you believe the things they say about

him in the papers?

- Well...

- It's all a lie.

Like what, for istance?

The concentration camp?

Yes, that too.

The conquerors may do as they wish

when it is about the vanquished.

My father will prove his innocence.

And how?

Who painted this?

'The Last Supper', by Austrian painter


from the 18th century.

This is a painting from the 19th century

from Felix Leicher.

And this is two scoundrels from the

20th century.

Don't hurt me, please!

Come and grab her!

Don't laugh, you moron.

Go get her!

Bring her over here.

Put me down!

Don't worry, little girl, Godo is a good


I learned that in jail.

Smile a little.

Don't be afraid...

What, you want some hair trim too,

sweet boy?

Oh, look, a little fly.

- Why don't you help?!

- Because you didn't say anything.

I'm saying it now!

Ouch, why you're helping him, you bastard?


Almost asleep, mouth wide open, leave

this little one be.

Put his head up.

Boys, let's get out of here!

You look good with shorter hair,

my sweetheart.

What are you doing here?

- You going somewhere?

- You get out of here.

Go away!

- The water is cold. - What is it to you

anyway?! - Let Godo help you.

Eh, turn off the...

Is it not too hot?

- The cold water calms your nerves.

- Turn off the water, you moron.


You idiot.

- Helga is waiting for you.

- Good, let her wait.

Oh, I almost forgot this.

- What's that?

- This is from your little girl.

This is her little hair.

I just cut off a small piece.

Godo really likes haircut.

- You bastard!

- It's my hobby.

Today I cut off her hair,

tomorrow I will cut her...


How long should Helga wait?

- All right, but I can't go like this.

- Well, you should have opened with that.


I'll wait for you outside, doctor.

Hi, little girl.

Eh, this fuckin' knife is stuck.

Oh, thank you, doctor.

Dad, this is the man who attacked us,

look what he did to my hair.

You are mistaken, I'm sure it's just a


This man is my friend.


My...My friend.

You just go, I'll be there in five minutes.

All right, doctor.

I'll wait by the car.

Five minutes.

Ciao, little girl.

- But Dad, what does all that mean?

- Nothing. I'll explain it to you later.


You just always want to explain the matter

since you got out of prison.

But that's enough, Dad!

You're right, my child.

Okay, it's time that you know the truth.

Your poor mother raised you to believe

unconditionally in my innocence,

and in the fact that I was wrongfully



It's true that I was innocent, but it was a

legal sentence.

Sit down, my child.

From among the charges against me,

only one is really true:

yes, I did conduct biochemical experiments.

On living persons?

The world doesn't condemn the experiments

performed on those who are sentenced to death,

especially if hundreds of thousands could

be saved.

- I don't understand.

- You'll understand in a moment.

I discovered the cancer serum.

Yes, you heard me right, I discovered the

serum of cancer,

and that's why I said I will prove my


But why didn't you tell this to the judge?

Because there was no time to make the


But this serum is just a poison.

And you know what kind of poison that is?

This is the plague of the twentieth century.

One vial is enough to kill one hundred

thousand people.

You could wipe out nations, species, countries

with this thing.

One touch and you're dead.

Whoever owns this poison will be the ruler

of the world...

...The God itself.

- But Dad...

Um, yes?

No one would have believed me at that


Now they tried to kill your grandma for

that notes,

but without me that notes are useless.

But they didn't know this and they were

always looking for them.

And the thing is,

I need to do this now.

My dad is not going anywhere.



Almost asleep, mouth wide open,

leave this little one be.

Part 5.

"If the mountain won't come to Muhammed,...

Good evening, doctor.

Do you remember me?

I am Helga.

I was an SS matron in Einzgarten.

I'm sorry about Kain, but he really likes


I've been waiting for you for two days,


- Well, madam, I waited for 20 years to

finally be free. - That was your fault.

We were not so naive to stop fighting.

But you were narrow enough to hope

for victory.

We still hope for victory.

We keep fighting and we will triumph in

the end,

with your help, doctor.

You're asking a bit much of me, madam.

I'm too old, there's nothing I can do to help you.

- And what about Plague XX? - What?

- The Plague XX, so don't try to deceive us,

we know everything.

- What do you know?

We know that the microbes are spread

through contact

and they can kill really quickly.

And we also know that you manufactured

more than a thousand ampoules.

- I destroyed all of them.

- You're lying.

The microbes are hidden not far from this town.

That's why you are here.

I'm just here to rest.

It's okay, you just rest.

But first you fulfill the command.

You'll give me the complete ampoule set


That's your duty.

I've already fulfilled my obligation.

But I'm gonna tell you now what I want.

- And what do you want?

- The whole world.

Oh, Klauberg, I almost forgot that Boger

is here.


How dare he come here?

He is a leading businessman.

He runs one of the biggest travel agency.

I see, so this travel agency is dealing with

microbes nowadays, right?

Yes, and it's not gonna leave without the


Tell me, they pay you a flat rate or

a daily allowance for this?

We are guided by our faith.

And as I told you, we're not leaving without

the microbes.

Then you'll stay here for a long time.


Someone is calling Miss Eva Klauberg.

Hello, this is Eva Klauberg.



Hello, is anyone there?

- Do you hear something?

- A strange humming noise.

- What happened?

- They wanted to deafen her.

- What?! - They wanted to deafen her with

an ultra-modern supersonic vibrator.

Come with me, my child.

- How do you feel, my child?

- I'm feeling much better.

It's all right now.

I'll be right back.

- Hello?

- I'm waiting for you, doctor.

- I'll be right there.

- Good.

- I have a favor to ask you, young man.

- I'm listening.

Don't leave my child alone tonight.

Would you do that?

- Of course, I will.

- Thank you.

Keep her save,

I'll be back as soon as I can.



This is SA6.

This is SA6.

This is SA11, over.

Follow the old man, I put a tracking device

on him.

It's not necessary, he is with my man.

- My dad?

- He's gone.

He said 'Don't worry', and put you under

my care.

I'm sure that's not what he meant.

Give me that.

No. This one, not that one.

Part 6.

The ornamental fishes don't like ink, either!

SA11 calling Center3.

This is Center3, over.

Inspector Pecsar!

Hello, this is Inspector Pecsar.



I can't hear you!

What the hell is wrong with this?!




Come on!

The old man put the gloved man to sleep.

I switched over to him but there is no signal.

I'm going to Villa Folklore.

All right, but wait till the others get there.

Where is Godo?

Godo is sleeping now.

I like you, doctor.

That's very flattering, Helga.

But I'd like to know how much money I will


After the victory, you'll get the highest rank

and post.

Hmm, well, I've heard these promises from

you before.

- 100,000 dollars?

- Per ampoule.

- You are crazy, Klauberg.

- Do you know how many people you can kill

with one ampoule?

One hundred thousand.

One man, one dollar.


So we're agreed then.

And now, we're gonna go to Boger.

- No, I don't want to meet Boger.

It's better if I draw the hiding place and then

you give it to him. - All right.


Go on, then, doctor.

This way, please.

Don't touch the paper, the ink is poisoned!

Don't get close to me, you are infected.

You bastard!

Put your hands up!

Come on!

Nobody move!

Turn your face to the wall!

Stop, doctor!

Don't move!

Keep your hands up!

Nobody move!

One wrong move and...

- Hepi, where are you going?

- To the hospital.

Kain and Piko, go get him!

He's gonna betray us. Kill him!

- And what about this guy?

- Just leave him to me.

Here's the key, drive to the hospital.

- The old man put me to sleep.

- Step on it! Come on!

Distress signal! SA11 is in danger!

SA11 is in danger!

Call SA6, quickly.

This is SA6.

This is Center3, I am Inspector Pecsar.

Where are you?

In the bed.

SA11 is in danger at Villa Folklore.

Okay, I'm on it.

Get him!

This way!

He's probably gone to the mosque.

Come on!

Oh, Hepi, you idiot.

He never wanted to wear gloves.

Come here!

How is he?

What is he saying?

Don't touch the sunglasses man, the microbes,...

the fishes,...



Part 7.

"You would not believe it!..."

Hello, doctor.

- Where is my daughter?

- Can't you say hello, doctor?

- Where is my daughter?!

- She's waiting for you.

- What's this smell?

- Ether.

- You bastards!

- Oh, come on, doctor.

- All right, you win.

- It sounds much better already.

Put your coat on.

You get into that vehicle, doctor.

Come on, get on your feet, doctor.

Put your hands up.

Don't touch me, I don't have anything.

Have you more of that cigar?

I have nothing.

What's this?

I don't know.

- Who is following you?!

- No one is following me.

- Then how did this get in your coat?!

- Stop yelling at me!

- Oh, I'm sorry, so where did you get this,

doctor? - There's one on your hat, too.


Park the van at the end of the bridge.

Throw these two gadgets over there.

- I brought you some cigarettes.

- What are you talking about?

Oh, look, a little fly.

Almost asleep, mouth wide open,

leave this little one be,

let him sleep.

Turn around!

- You're a good disciple of me, as I see.

- I'm the master, sweet boy,

not your disciple.

And I'm gonna teach you a real lesson now.

Wow, you really love the water.


Knock him out, Piko!

Come on!

Hey, Piko, pull yourself together!

Piko, what the hell are you doing?!


Piko, don't do this to me!

Please, no!



- Are you free tonight?

- Yes, I am.

- Good, then I'll wait for you at the dock.

- Okay, ciao!

Hey, doctor, here is your son-in-law.

The whole family together again.

Now the carpet.

You'll see what a pretty little package we'll

make out of him.

Boger, you're still the same stupid idiot you

always were.

Klauberg, you forget who is the commander


Stop it now.

Shouldn't we get to business?

Okay, let's get to business.

You can choose: your daughter or the


You want me to let the boys in?

You'll see what they will do to your daughter.

Old-school technique.

25 years and you couldn't think of anything new?


Shall I press the button?

Press the button, if you value your life.

You are threatening me?

What do you want?

Has it ever crossed your mind what your

clients would say,

should you return to them without the


- How much money do you want?

- Didn't Helga tell you?

Listen to me, Klauberg,

now if you take me to the hiding place and

you give me the microbes,

then you'll get 100,000 dollars and I'll give

you back your daughter.

I give you my word of honor.

Your word is worth nothing.

Let my daughter go free right now.

- You want her to report me to the police

at once?

If she reports you, I'd be in trouble too.

Don't you think?

All right, then.

Let the girl go.

Looks like we're starting to understand

each other.

You never understood me.

And you're surprised by this, Boger?

- Would you like a taxi?

- Oh, yes, I would.

Well, are you satisfied?

We can go now.

Let me out!

Help me!

- The girl is here. What do you want me to

do with her? - She is my gift to you.

Tell the helicopter pilot to follow me.

- And what about the guy?

- You can have him if you want.

Crocodile. Crocodile. Crocodile.

Here's Crocodile speaking.

Follow the yacht and cover the boss.

Okay, I get it.

- Bring that guy up here.

- All right.

Do you think he's still alive?

If he is lucky, he is already dead.

Helga is worse than death.

Let's get him out of here.

Look, a little fly.

Sleep, baby.

Come on!

Crawl here to me.

Come on!

Take off your clothes!

Do you want me to make your pretty face

a little uglier?

Come on!


Look at this.

It's showing wrong time.

Distress signal. SA6 is in danger!

SA6 is in danger!

- Where is that guy?

- I'm gonna go find him.

Oh, look, a little fly.

Almost asleep, mouth wide open,

leave this little one be,...

What, you're stealing watch now?

But I see you're a good boy.

You set the correct time.

Now you're gonna tell me where Klauberg is.

I don't miss the same target twice.

Where is Klauberg?

Only his daughter is here.

And where?

- She's in Boger's cabin with Helga.

- And where is that?

On deck two.

Keep moving!

- I'll try to get around behind him.

- You're not going anywhere.

Hey, we will freeze to death in here!

Kiss my hand!

Are you biting me?!

I hope I'm not interrupting you.

Put your clothes back on, my sweetheart,

I can't concentrate.

Now you're gonna tell me where Klauberg is.

You want to know, don't you? Huh?

No! No!

It's him!

My father went with him for the microbes.

You bitch!

You betrayed your father?!

- He is not my father anymore.

- Don't you know where the hiding place is?

- My father...

- Hey, easy!

I really love mad women like you,

but don't get carried away.

- So?

- My father, I mean, Dr. Klauberg

told me that some kind of a lion guards

the hiding place, but I think

this makes no sense.

You get almonds! You get almonds!

You get almonds!...


Oh, look, a little fly!

Look, a little fly.

Watch out!


- Take the gun! - But I don't know how

to use this thing. - Watch out!

Not bad.

SA6 calling Center3.

SA6 calling Center3.

What about you, Cool Dude? Huh?

Do you remember the island where we

went fishing last year?

Bravo, little girl.

What are you saying? Huh?

There is a rock there that resembles a jumping lion.

You told me, remember?


I don't understand you.

That's where Klauberg went with his gang.

The microbes are there too.


Part 8.

We can go home from the cinema, or maybe not?

- We need a light.

- There is no light.

- Bring the flashlight. - Okay.

- And bring the lead box, too.

It's good we were prepared for anything,


Turn right.

Well, there is nothing here.

You scare too easy, young man.

And behold, the gate of hell is open.

After you, gentlemen.

- Ew, it's smelly.

- I released poison gas in the lab before I left.

- Nonsense.

- That was on your command, Boger.

- This is not the time to reconnect with the past.

Give me a gas mask.

- Who are they?

- My colleagues. The gas preserved them.

Let me see.

Great. Give me the box.

- Here it is.

Thank you, Klauberg, our organization will

be grateful to you... Hey!

Hey, my gas mask!

Klauberg, where are you?

Show yourself!

Show yourself or I'll shoot you.


Klauberg, stop!

Klauberg, I said stop!

You cannot hide from me.

I'm not gonna hurt you.

- You get everything you want, Klauberg.

- Now everything will be mine, Boger.

- I command you to get me out of here.

- Everyone in the world is under my

command now!

Nooo! Klauberg, nooo...!

Let me out of here, you crazy man.

Can you here me?

Let me out.

Can you here me, Klauberg?

We didn't let your daughter go.

She is on the ship with Helga.

If I don't go back, she's gonna kill your


You know Helga, she's capable of anything.

Please, Otto, I'm begging you!

Let me out.

You can go.

- But you're not gonna shoot me, are you?

- It doesn't matter now. Look at your hand.

The thing that you wanted so much is

already there on your hands.

The microbes.



Now you are all in my hands.

Come out from the houses and the basements,

as nothing will protect you.

Pray to me!

Get on your knees, poor bastards!

Get on your knees!

Can't you hear me?!

Get on your knees!

The game is over, doctor!

You can go home now.