...Aur Pyaar Ho Gaya (1997) - full transcript
Grandpa and Grandma Kapoor live a wealthy life-style with their only widower son, Kailashnath and his daughter Ashi who is of marriage-able age. Kailashnath arranges his daughter's marriage with his friend, the equally wealthy Mr. Malhotra's son, Rohit. Ashi approve of this match but would like to evaluate Rohit's personality before marrying him; she finds out that Rohit is in Switzerland and travels there to meet with him. At the airport she does meet with a male and takes him for Rohit and thus both started to get acquainted with each other only to find out that he is not the one she is looking for. Her efforts to locate Rohit are frustrated since every male she thinks is Rohit turns out to be someone else. Her first acquittance whose name turn out to be Bobby Oberoi continues to pursue her until both fall in love. Back in India; Bobby is introduce to the Kapoor family who approve of the couple's marriage. But calamity destructs them when some personal problems crop up between Ashi's dad, Kailashnath and Bobby's bank manager mother, Gayetri forcing Kailashnath to cancel the marriage which changes lives forever.
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I've maintained aII my accounts
in your bank, Mr Manager.
So pIease Iet me
have a safety-Iocker.
We don't have one right now. You'II
get it, the moment we have one.
Let me meet Madam, if you
can't arrange one for me.
I'm sorry, you can't meet her.
She's busy in an important meeting.
I have no probIems in giving
you a Ioan, Mr Kapoor.
Our bank has had aII
your accounts...
...from the times your father
managed your businesses.
But to invest 4 crore Rupees in
Is that an advisabIe decision?
I don't want to sound
boastfuI, Mrs. Gayatri...
...but you know very weII that
I don't invest in Iosing proposaIs.
Just sanction the Ioan... you can't
imagine what profits I'II make.
You'II have to provide some security
for a Ioan of this voIume.
I think you don't have any
faith in me, Mrs. Gayatri.
-I do have faith, but...
-PIease sanction the Ioan.
I'II deposit the shares of
M.S. FertiIisers with you...
...the moment I buy them.
Besides, I think I'm entitIed
to some advantages...
...for our Iong-standing
I'II have your documents prepared by
tomorrow. Let's have some tea now.
-What's wrong?
-It's aIready 4:30!
I had to take my parents
to the church at Mahim'
Now that I am Iate, I'm
going to get beaten up'
I mean... I'm in for a firing'
It's Iate... and the ass
stiII hasn't turned up'
I'II fix him today...
the son-of-a-gun'
Why must you caII yourseIf
so many names?
Listen... Iet's take
an auto-rickshaw.
ReaIIy? ' The auto-rickshaw wouId
crumbIe under your weight'
Fetch a taxi, watchman.
Let him come... I'II cut
those cursed pIaits of his'
This show of anger has
become a habit for you.
You're angry with KaiIash every
day... and forgive him, too.
I don't forgive the ass
because he's my son.
The onIy reason why
I forgive him is...
...because he has given me
a IovabIe grand-daughter'
There... you Ioose your Rook'
You've been pIaying chess with me
for 50 years'
I've toId you a hundred times
that this Knight...
...moves one bIock Ieft or right,
after every two bIocks.
But you're aIways picking
on my Queen'
The Knight beIongs to me'
It'II move just as I want it to'
But there are some
ruIes in the game'
You're a spoiI-sport'
You can never take defeat'
When have I been
a spoiI-sport? '
Why do I aIways
stumbIe here? '
-You're very Iate.
-I got heId up in a meeting...
...with the Iawyer, Mummy.
-Where's Aarshi?
-She's asIeep.
Why has she gone
to bed earIy today?
She was tired, after the musicaI
gathering she attended at Priya's.
Don't Iine-up any work for tomorrow,
because Priya's getting married.
We've got to attend
her wedding.
Aarshi's friends have
aII got married.
I think it's time we found
a suitor for Aarshi, too.
There she is...
sIeep-waIking again'
This disorder couId Iead
to serious compIications.
ShouId she sIeep-waIk even
after she's married...
...her poor husband wouId
have to turn a night-watchman'
-Not a word against my girI...
-She's my daughter, too'
I've toId her to get admitted to
the nature-cure centre at BangaIore.
She'II be okay, after just
a six-month course.
But she won't Iisten' And I don't
know what she'II end up doing'
This is no ordinary horse.
Its mother, Diana,
has even won the Derby.
This horse may win more chaIIenging
races in the days to come.
I decIare the auction open.
-I bid 4 Iakhs'
-four Iakhs... first caII'
-4 Iakhs' The second caII'
-I bid pay 5 Iakhs'
-5 Iakhs, sir'
-six Iakhs'
7 Iakhs'
-8 Iakhs'
-I bid 9 '
-10 Iakhs'
-EIeven Iakhs'
15 Iakh Rupees'
15 Iakhs indeed'
fifteen Iakhs... the first caII'
15 Iakhs... the second caII'
And the horse is soId
at 15 Iakhs'
Oh, no' You've gone crazy'
You've gone mad'
She's bought a horse
for 15 Iakh Rupees'
You'd get 15 horses in as many
Iakhs... with carriages, that is.
Not to forget the money we'd make
from having them pIy the city?
-But, dad, it's 15 Iakh...
-Stop the nonsense.
You're simpIy bothering
my IittIe girI.
LittIe girI indeed'
She buys a horse for 15 Iakhs...
You've spoiIt her with
aII that pampering, daddy'
Haven't I pampered you, too?
And what an iII-mannered brat
you've turned out to be'
Grandpa' You're the onIy one
who reaIIy understands me.
But, teII me, dear... what
did you buy the horse for?
It was onIy because...
Look at what Aarshi has brought'
PIease, dad... Iet us return'
-I won't go on the stage, dad.
-Why not?
Not after the scene Aarshi's
creating with the horse. No, sir'
When I can come with an ass in tow,
why can't she bring a horse?
It's you... KaiIash? '
My God' Isn't that MaIhotra? '
Your wife...? '
-It's ages since we Iast met.
-Must be about 15 years.
That's right. Let's sit down
somewhere and chat.
PIease come aIong, Mrs. MaIhotra.
What's that you've brought?
Mohini had toId me that
Kishore Ioves horses.
So, what couId have been a
better wedding-gift for them?
Ever since I've shifted to DeIhi,
I'm aIways busy with my work.
I just don't find time.
Didn't you have a daughter...
There she is... on the stage.
-She's so beautifuI'
-She has grown up, too.
You never know when kids grow up...
As for ourseIves, we're aIways aware.
-My son Rohit has grown up, too.
-I see.
He has started a garment-business
in Europe these days.
CouId you have thought of
finding a groom for Aarshi...
Yes... but I haven't
actuaIIy anyone one yet.
Something occurred to me just now.
-May I say it, if you don't mind?
-CertainIy' PIease go ahead'
We're Iooking for a bride
for Rohit.
-If the idea appeaIs to you...?
-That's wonderfuI'
For aII you know, God must have
got us to meet again...
...to convert our friendship
into a famiIy reIationship'
-Why are You sitting aIone?
-Just simpIy.
What's wrong with her? She was
the Iife of our group at coIIege?
She was aIways so
cheerfuI and fun-Ioving.
I don't know why she has turned
so quiet after marriage.
Why? Is this what marriage
does to women?
We'II know that onIy
after we are married.
It's your own refIection'
Do you know how oId your Mom was
when she got married to me?
She must have been about
the same age as you are.
So, I think... it's time
you got married now.
Why, dad? Am I aIready
a burden on you?
My IittIe darIing can
never be a burden on me'
Can anyone ever have a
daughter so IovabIe?
It's a custom for daughters...
...to stay with their parents
tiII they are married.
You have to move in with
your husband one day.
Which is why I wanted to know...
Is there someone you Iike?
No. There is no one.
-But I have someone in mind.
-Who is that?
Remember Mr MaIhotra whom we met
at the party Iast night?
He has a son caIIed Rohit.
He runs a thriving garment
business in Europe.
In fact, you knew him
as a chiId.
Do you remember the farm-house in
NainitaI which we used to visit...
...that one, where there was
this IittIe wooden-shack?
I don't remember.
MaIhotra was teIIing me that
Rohit stiII hasn't forgotten you.
He stiII remembers you.
God has perhaps made us meet
after aII these years...
...so we couId turn our friendship
into a Iasting reIationship.
May we consider this aIIiance
as seaIed then?
CertainIy' Why not?
It's okay with us.
I think it wouId be better if Aarshi
couId meet Rohit before that.
When is Rohit returning
from Singapore?
He's Ieaving for SwitzerIand
from Singapore tomorrow.
He has started a garment
manufacturing factory there.
I'II send him over to you, the
moment he returns to India.
Okay. But couId we have his
photograph in the meantime?
We'II send you a photograph
immediateIy after we reach DeIhi.
Aarshi's getting married. And
I can't ceIebrate with sweets? '
Hasn't the doctor forbidden you
from having anything sweet?
See that? ' He vaIues the doctor
more than he Ioves his mother'
I've fed him sweets with my
own hands, when he was a kid.
And he's snatching the sweet-meats
from my hands today'
Is this what I had
brought you up for?
Let her have some...
She's very upset.
She's a damn good actress'
That's nothing but a drama'
Don't Iet that worry you.
PIease have some sweets.
I'm not going to do
your pIaits ever again'
That's okay'
I'II do them for you'
What? '
How did it happen, Madhu?
You know Aarti and Ashok had
an arranged marriage, Aarshi.
That's okay. But...
Ashok was a very sweet person
before they were married.
But she discovered Iater
that he was a drunkard.
He was even into gambIing
and had a mistress, too.
When she couIdn't take it anymore,
she committed suicide.
You can't go to SwitzerIand
to meet Rohit MaIhotra'
I wiII not get married tiII I have
met Rohit and known him weII.
When have I forbidden you?
TaIk softIy... softIy.
So, okay... wait for him to return
to India. You can meet him then'
Why don't you understand, dad?
In an arranged marriage, when
the boy visits the girI's house...
...he'II aIways pretend
to be a very good man.
Even if he's a drunkard, he can't
waIk in with a bottIe in hand'
He won't deaI a hand of cards,
if he's a gambIer.
Neither wiII he bring the girI aIong,
if he's having an affair with her.
That's right'
Which is why I want to meet
Rohit in SwitzerIand.
Do you think he'II show himseIf
for what he is in SwitzerIand?
I won't reveaI my identity to him,
nor teII him why I am in SwitzerIand.
I'II meet him under
an assumed name...
...onIy then wiII I know
what he reaIIy is.
PIease have my tickets
for tomorrow ready.
Okay then... I wiII
accompany you, too'
He won't be himseIf, if
he knows who you are.
Besides, I'm not a kid who's going
out by herseIf for the first time.
It's necessary for
her to meet him.
Who Iistens to me in this house
anyway? Have it your way'
-How are you?
-I'm fine. TeII me about yourseIf.
-How was your fIight?
-AbsoIuteIy great'
-I'm terribIy angry with you.
You said we'd get married together.
And here you are... getting
married on your own'
Had I to wait for you, I'd
be a bacheIor aII my Iife'
That's my bag'
-When do I meet your fiance?
-Very soon.
Thief' Thief'
CaII the poIice'
-What's up, madam?
-Isn't he a cheeky guy?
He's openIy waIking away
with my Iuggage'
Even airports are
not safe anymore'
You onIy have to bIink...
and your stuff disappears'
You Iook as if you beIong
to a decent famiIy...
...but you're into thievery'
A bIoody thief'
There I was at the counter, with
my Iuggage Iying nearby...
''Was'' it Iying there...
or ''is'' it stiII there?
We have simiIar bags...
So, okay' I've made a mistake.
The thief'
She's cooIIy waIking away
with my bags'
Even airports are
not safe anymore'
You onIy have to bIink...
and your stuff disappears'
You Iook as if you beIong
to a decent famiIy.
But you're into thievery'
A bIoody thief'
Wait here, whiIe I go
and get the car.
You've sneezed' That's
bound to ruin my evening'
A singIe sneeze is considered
a curse; two are Iucky.
So, pIease sneeze again...
You won't Iose anything.
One sneeze deserves another'
I'm not going to Iet
you get away, Madam...
...even if I have to force you
to sneeze again'
Let's have another sneeze...
Come on'
You're second sneeze
was a Iife-saver'
How am I going to repay this debt?
Oh, how am I? '
-You? '
-Is that you? '
Aren't you ashamed to go
around in my cIothes? '
You must have deIiberateIy
swapped the bags'
DeIiberateIy, my foot' It has
changed my very appearance'
-Where is my Iuggage?
-It's in there.
Where are you going?
Where is my bag?
I want it right now...
-You're okay, aren't you?
-Yes. I'm fine.
-Have You met Rohit MaIhotra?
-I'm meeting him today.
Today? It's 8.30 Indian-time...
What's the time out there?
What's the time, dear?
-It's 3 p.m.
-3 p.m.?
It's 3 '
-I've got to meet Rohit MaIhotra.
-He's gone out just now.
-Where has He gone?
-I don't know. He didn't teII me.
It's important for me
to meet him.
I've come from India
speciaIIy for the purpose.
In that case, go over to
the restaurant tonight.
That is where he eats
every evening.
Know what? You Iook Iike an ass.
And you have the body of a pig'
-Thank you.
-Pardon me? '
-Thank you.
-T-h-a-n-k Y-o-u? '
HeIp me somebody'
Let's go to the hoteI together.
If you come across thugs again,
I won't be abIe to heIp you.
Let's go.
Let's go'
You didn't hire those thugs
did you?
Yes' You must've hired them, so you
couId beat them up and impress me.
You've been pestering me
since this morning'
With eyes... that Iook London
and go Tokyo'
WeII, aII right...
I'II be back soon.
Hey... where are you off to?
-To caII those thugs again.
-WeII, okay. I beIieve you.
I'm honoured, now that you
have trusted me'
I've mereIy beIieved you...
not trusted you.
How can this be true?
She runs into me and screams'
She takes on the thugs...
and asks for heIp'
And when I heIp her,
she suspects me'
And she beIieves me, when I ask
the thugs to come back'
Can't you shut up? I'm going crazy
Iistening to your nonsense'
Why must you Iisten to me?
I've been taIking to myseIf.
Then shut up and do the
taIking in your mind.
Why must you make me hear it?
You're boring me to death'
-What do You want, after aII?
-I just want you to get Iost'
-Here's a coin.
-What am I going to do with it?
Don't you know the powers
of this fountain?
Just cIose your eyes... and
toss this coin in the fountain.
Your wish wiII be fuIfiIIed.
I want him to disappear
from before me.
You didn't want me in front
of you; So, I waIked behind.
Listen... Iet me waIk ahead.
Or you might say I've
been foIIowing you.
ShouId I waIk behind, you'II
say I've been foIIowing you.
In that case, Iet's waIk together'
Aarshi... that's my room'
Your room...
In my room? ' That's fantastic'
What happened?
You now dare to
sIeep in my room? '
-I'II caII the manager right now'
-ReIax, Iady'
It's you who wiII get a bad name
if you caII the manager.
Because, I'm not in your room.
''You'' are in my room'
How couId I have sIeep-waIked
into his room? '
You know better... if you
did that deIiberateIy.
That's me'
How did my picture
Iand with you?
Indeed' You're in
the picture, too'
I Ioved the horse and
picked up the picture'
Hey' Listen...
Now Iook; I'm terribIy angry.
So don't provoke me'
Which is exactIy why
you don't need to jog.
You burn out aII the caIories
with your temper.
There you are... angry again'
Do you know that a singIe
second's anger...
...is equivaIent to
an hour's work-out?
-Can't you shut up?
-Okay... teII me this.
At what time are you
sIeep-waIking tonight?
I can keep my door open.
But I must teII you something
before I Ieave.
I Iove the way you exercise.
You can easiIy measure just
how much you have jogged.
-What does That mean?
-Measure it for yourseIf'
PIease have my documents
prepared quickIy, Mr Lad.
I have a consignment
Iying in the customs.
Don't worry, sir. I'II have
it ready in 15 minutes.
-Mr Kapoor'
-Mrs. Gayatri? Greetings'
Let's go to my cabin.
Did you read the articIe about M.S.
FertiIisers in the papers today?
-No, I haven't.
-The company's beset with probIems.
And you have aIready bought
many shares in it.
What happens if the shares
turn out to be bogus?
To begin with, such a thing
wiII never happen.
Besides, I'II worry when that
happens. Why Iose sIeep now?
Don't mind this... but you're
very careIess with your business.
I'm not careIess. It's just that
I don't have the time.
We Iose eight days a month
in the week-ends.
Another 4 days go in paying courtesy
caIIs for peopIe who are dead.
I Iose another 4 days
in the beauty-parIour...
Now, what can one do in
the rest of the 1 4 days?
Besides, I'm busy fixing
Aarshi's wedding these days.
Whom are you getting
Aarshi married with?
It's Rohit. He happens to be
an oId friend, MaIhotra's son.
Is that Aarshi?
How are you?
-I'm fine.
-Did You meet Rohit?
Grandpa' I'm tired of
searching for him.
We don't Iike it here
without you.
I'II teII you what to do.
It's fine, if you happen
to meet Rohit.
Or just return home.
I'II definiteIy return,
if I don't meet him today.
Okay... but do take care.
You... do you know Rohit MaIhotra?
Of course. He's a friend of mine.
-I've got to meet Rohit.
Leave some stuff?
What does that mean?
He toId me that your Iuggage
got mixed up the other day.
Is that... Rohit MaIhotra then? '
-Didn't you know?
-Not at aII'
This is great' You met
Rohit at the airport...
In fact, I've come here
onIy to meet him'
...and even fought with him.
You stay in the room next-door
and are stiII Iooking for Rohit? '
Where can I find Rohit?
Whom were you singing
the song for?
For the horse, of course.
For the horse?
That's a nice joke'
But it was my name
written on the picture.
-Your name?
-Of course'
The caption read,
''Aarshi and The Storm''.
The thought the horse was Aarshi;
you are the storm'
The storm? '
I'm a fooI' And grandpa's right...
I never use my brains'
I didn't ask for your name even
after meeting you so many times'
If onIy I had asked, I wouIdn't have
been put through these probIems.
TeII me... what makes you interested
in my name, aII of a sudden?
ActuaIIy, I've come aII the way
from India onIy to meet you.
Why? I hope I haven't
committed a mistake'
ActuaIIy, you and I...
It's necessary for me to have a
meeting with you, Rohit MaIhotra.
I'm a fashion-designer;
my company wants you...
...to stock the garments
I design.
This is no pIace to
discuss business, madam.
Let's have dinner together
and discuss the matter.
So you've met Rohit MaIhotra,
have you?
Yes, grandpa. He has even
invited me to dinner.
I hope you haven't toId him
anything about yourseIf?
No, grandpa. I want to
check him out first.
It's onIy after I am convinced that
he's not a gambIer and a drunkard...
...wiII I reveaI
my identity to him.
I'II await your teIephone caII.
I wiII caII you. Bye...
-are You gambIing?
-Yes. Join me'
AtIeast wait tiII
I finish these coins.
-How much are the coins worth?
-1 ,000 DoIIars.
Our marriage'
I'm KaiIashnath Kapoor's daughter...
I've faIIen in Iove with you, from
the moment I've set my eyes on you.
But I thought you were
a decent girI.
Thought so?
I was terribIy hurt, when I saw
what you reaIIy are, Iast night.
A woman who drinks and gambIes
can never be my wife.
You must forget me, Aarshi.
Just forget me.
Rohit' Wait'
Wait, Rohit'
I'm not the kind of girI
you think I am'
I was onIy testing you'
Don't create a scene...
Just Iet me go.
But Iisten to me'
But what's wrong with me?
Do I have sharp teeth,
that I might bite?
Do I have horns that
might strike you?
Teeth and horns can be taken care of.
But one can't change his ways.
Forgive me' I've made a mistake'
I'm not a gambIer and a drunkard'
Here... Iet me pay for it'
But do forgive me...
I'II never do it again...
But do forgive me'
PIease forgive me'
Ask him to Ieave me aIone'
Get him to
Ieave me aIone, Rohit'
Don't you know the powers
of this fountain?
Shut your eyes, make a wish,
and toss the coin...
...your wish wiII be fuIfiIIed'
Can't you give me a coin? '
PIease Iet me have a coin...
PIease' Just one...
MiserIy beggars'
Give me a coin... pIease'
PIease come back to me, Rohit'
Have you toId Jamie everything
about aII your oId affairs?
I've hidden nothing...
But have you toId Aarshi everything?
Now, Jamie' I know
everything about Rohit'
I've known him for many years.
We even used to pIay together
as kids...
And you mustn't try to
start a fight between us'
ShaII we Ieave, Rohit?
I've got to teIephone my Dad...
...and ask him to meet your parents
and finaIise a wedding date.
What is the matter?
I Iove you very much...
...but I have Iied to you.
-Lied to me?
I am not Rohit MaIhotra.
You're joking again'
I'm teIIing you the truth.
I am not Rohit MaIhotra.
My name is Bobby Oberoi.
What was that...?
Aren't you Rohit MaIhotra? '
Are you not Rohit MaIhotra? '
Everything I did...
-Hear me out, Aarshi...
-I wiII Iisten to nothing'
You Iied to me'
You're a Iiar, Rohit MaIhotra...
You're a Iiar, Bobby Oberoi'
A Iiar'
You're a Iiar'
Aarshi, my chiId'
What's wrong?
-What's wrong?
-She's crying'
What's wrong, dear?
Why are you crying?
-Did You meet him and taIk to him?
-does He drink?
-is He a gambIer?
-Is He having an affair then?
Then what are you crying for?
Neither is he a drinker,
nor does he gambIe...
...he's not even Rohit MaIhotra'
What? ' If Rohit MaIhotra is
not himseIf, then who is he?
He has betrayed me'
Who has betrayed you?
Rohit MaIhotra has'
But you just said that Rohit
MaIhotra is not Rohit MaIhotra'
It was the fake Rohit MaIhotra'
This is a bit too much, dear...
Just return now.
Yes. That wouId be right, I guess.
Forget it, dear...
Just forget it aII'
WeII, okay...
And teII me which fIight
you're taking.
Very weII, grandpa.
What's happening out there?
How can't Rohit MaIhotra
be Rohit MaIhotra?
Hows that possibIe?
Hear me out, Aarshi.
TeII me, sir, is it okay to punish
someone without knowing the truth?
A Iiar can onIy Iie...
He can never speak the truth'
I'II teII you the truth.
You don't need to...
Just Iisten to me.
It aII began when I feII
in Iove with her.
And this girI wouIdn't
even taIk to me'
I got to know then that she was
here in search of Rohit MaIhotra.
I thought the onIy way
to move cIoser to her...
...was by myseIf
posing as Rohit'
And teII you what?
She's feigning aII that anger'
-She Ioves me Very much, too.
-I hate him'
Wait there, darIing...
PIease don't Ieave me.
What are you punishing me for?
For being in Iove with you?
Or is it because I am
not Rohit MaIhotra?
-Yes. I'm a fashion-designer.
My company has sent me here
to meet you.
-You're returning to India.
-Not at aII.
Here at the airport? You're
even carrying your Iuggage.
I came here to receive my assistant,
who has fIown in from India.
It's important for me to discuss
something with you, Mr Rohit.
I'm very tired right now.
I'm staying at the HoIiday Inn;
Iet's meet for Iunch then.
I did go to the airport, grandpa.
But I met Rohit MaIhotra there.
Didn't you teII me that
he was not Rohit MaIhotra'
That was a fake;
This one is the reaI chap.
I'm meeting him at Iunch. I'II
caII you, after I've met him.
Isn't Aarshi returning?
She says sometimes that she
has found Rohit MaIhotra.
At yet other times, she says
that Rohit MaIhotra is a fake.
And now she says that she has
met the reaI Rohit MaIhotra'
I wonder how many Rohit MaIhotra's
she's going to meet'
Why have you come here?
You're going to meet Rohit
MaIhotra today, Aarshi.
...you're Iooking for in a husband.
My happiness Iies in
your happiness, after aII.
And I wish that when Rohit MaIhotra
sets his eyes on you today...
...he must feeI as if he is taIking
to a beauty from the heavens.
I've brought this dress for you.
You'II Iook beautifuI
when you wear it.
Strange' Don't you even
have champagne? '
But I'm fond of Iiquor...
Do you drink during
the daytime, too?
Who says you shouIdn't be
drinking at daytime?
But, stiII...
To be drinking during the day...
I don't care for aII that.
I drink, when I feeI Iike it.
It has Iost?
In that case, bet 2 Iakh DoIIars
on the fiIIy CIeopatra, okay?
-Do You aIso gambIe?
-GambIing is my passion.
How much couId you
have Iost?
-About a Iakh Of DoIIars.
-One Iakh DoIIars? '
What do I earn the money for?
And I am having a great time'
With the money you Iose in gambIing
in one singIe day, Rohit...
...a poor man couId
spend an entire Iifetime.
He couId feed his chiIdren
and Iead a comfortabIe Iife.
She wouIdn't want to see
Rohit MaIhotra's face again'
-That was a cIass act, wasn't it?
-Sure, It was.
Didn't I reaIIy
puII it off for you?
I'm very fond of acting.
You'II get me a break in
fiIms in Bombay, won't you?
You're a great actor.
Just come down to Bombay. I'II get
you a roIe in Subhash Ghai's fiIm.
I didn't want you
to return, Aarshi.
PIease Iisten to me'
Hear me out first... pIease'
Bobby is returning
after 8 years'
He'II be disappointed, if he
doesn't find me at the airport.
I know that. But we must submit this
report to the Reserve Bank today.
PIease go through it
and sign it.
You'd better go the airport
and bring Bobby home then.
I'II meet you there.
-Aarshi' My chiId'
Greetings, sir.
-Hasn't Mom come?
-She'II meet you at home.
Are you Gayatri Devi's son?
-Yes, sir.
-I see.
I know your mother very weII.
Do convey my regards to her.
CertainIy. I must Ieave now.
-Did You meet him on the fIight?
-I met him in SwitzerIand.
What are you up to? '
Have you gone mad?
Set me down... I might faII'
I'm gIad you've returned, too.
You wiII attend office from tomorrow
and take over the business.
In aII those years you've
spent abroad, Bobby...
...did you ever remember me?
It's memories of you, aII
through the day and night...
It's your name that
I even breathe...
Were you there for a management
course, or was it for singing?
-What is her name?
Daughter of KaiIashnath Kapoor,
of Kapoor Industries.
KaiIashnath Kapoor's daughter?
But wasn't she going to marry
an industriaIist of DeIhi...
...someone caIIed Rohit MaIhotra?
But I am Rohit MaIhotra'
What? ' You're Rohit MaIhotra? '
That's a Iong story, Mom.
To cut a Iong story short,
Aarshi and I Iove each other.
Good boy' I don't have to worry
about finding a daughter-in-Iaw'
WeII, then... when do
I get to meet Aarshi?
Okay... I'II be there
tomorrow morning.
You've had your way,
haven't you?
Rohit MaIhotra couId have come here'
But who Iistens to me?
-I tried to find him, Dad...
-I'II caII MaIhotra today...
...and have Rohit come
down here today itseIf.
I'm fed of the name, dad...
Good-night, Grandpa...
Good-night, grandma.
There... haven't you spoiIt her
with aII your pampering?
Does she obey anything
I say?
She's had a Iong fIight...
It must be the jet-Iag, you know.
I'II taIk to her
tomorrow morning.
Go and do your pIaits.
-Do my pIaits today, Mom.
-Very weII.
-Must I do It for you?
-Do it for yourseIf'
WeIcome, madam...
-What have You worn?
-Why? What's wrong with it?
You don't know my Mom...
She's very conservative.
-Ram Singh'
-Yes, sir?
-What are You doing?
-You're meeting Mom today.
You'd better have
your head covered.
You wouIdn't know this...
but she has a nasty temper.
-I'd better Ieave...
-Don't worry' Just come aIong.
The first thing you must do
is to faII at her feet.
Give her an answer smiIingIy,
shouId she ask you something.
And faII at her feet again.
Go on'
-What's wrong with Ram Singh?
-It's Aarshi... not Ram Singh'
Why is she wearing the turban?
How couId I have come
bare-headed to you?
Get up now... that's enough.
I've got just the daughter-in-Iaw
I aIways dreamed of.
-I onIy need your bIessings'
-get up.
My bIessings wiII aIways
remain with you.
Have you toId your father
about this?
I wondered if you couId
break the news to him...?
Get up, dear...
Come and sit down with me.
Go and teII your father that you've
faIIen in Iove with this rascaI'
He has introduced you to me and
is aIready puIIing your Ieg'
Don't you dare harass my
daughter-in-Iaw, Bobby'
-What have I done?
-That's enough'
Sit here, dear... I'II be back
in a moment.
-You've made a fooI out of me'
-What have I done? '
FaII at her feet when
I meet her, eh?
What's wrong with that?
You made me Iook Iike a fooI'
I won't Iet you escape today'
Don't stop... go ahead
and beat him up'
-Mother? '
-Oh, shut up'
You deserve it' I'm gIad there's
someone who can beat you up'
Let me see your hand, dear.
What is this bangIe for?
When my mother-in-Iaw saw me
for the first time...
...it was this very bangIe
that she made me wear.
-Have You asked Aarshi something?
-What couId I ask her?
She went out earIy this morning.
I'II ask her, when she returns.
Grandpa' Grandma'
Here are some sweets for you...
-What's up?
-I've got engaged.
-What? '
-Have you got engaged? '
-Whom have You got engaged to?
Didn't you meet Bobby Oberoi
at the airport? It's him.
That boy?
Why didn't you teII us
about him earIier?
I thought I'd teII you when Bobby's
mother approved of the match, too.
I've just met her...
...and Iook at the bangIe
she has given me.
My God' How the times
have changed'
Not onIy did she go
and fix her marriage...
...but she has even accepted
the token of aIIiance'
We must consider ourseIves Iucky.
There are girIs who first
have a honeymoon...
...and then teII their parents
that they are married.
But what happens of the word
KaiIash has given to the MaIhotra's?
I'II taIk to KaiIash.
It's the question of our
grand-daughter's Iife.
She must decide whom she
wants to spend her Iife with.
KaiIash might agree to turn down
Rohit, if you taIk to him.
But he wiII not agree to the wedding
unIess he has met Bobby.
That is the first sensibIe thing
you have ever spoken.
Very weII, then. I'II teII KaiIash
everything tonight.
But see that you bring Bobby
to meet KaiIash tomorrow.
I hope you are not
Iaughing at me?
It's just your...
What's so funny? Have you
never seen hair before?
Sure, I have.
But never on such a head'
May I give you a suggestion?
You ought to tie your hair
in a bun; not in a pIait'
A round head...
a moon-Iike baIdness and a bun'
Let me pIant this rose in his pIait;
it'II enhance his ''beauty''.
Come aIong... don't worry'
And don't forget to faII at my
father's feet, when you meet him'
-Here's Bobby, grandma.
-My respects, grandma.
May you have a Iong Iife'
Sit down, son.
I'II go and caII Dad.
-Hows your Mom?
-She's fine.
-Why hasn't she come, too?
-Dad wants to see me first.
How can anyone have
a name Iike that?
Looks good with that hair...
Why doesn't he have a pIait too?
-I've got to Ieave'
-Wait a minute'
-How are You, my boy?
-I'm fine.
The Iast time I saw you,
you were stiII a kid.
A kid'
I've known your Mom
for many years, son.
We have aII our accounts
in her bank.
I know that.
What are you hiding
your face for?
-I'm feeIing shy'
-Why feeI shy Of me?
Mustn't I see how
my son-in-Iaw Iooks?
Why must you, sir? Your daughter
has approved of me...
Take off your hands, son...
That's okay.
Let me see your face'
TerribIy shy chap, I must say'
I'II shut my eyes then, okay?
-May I open my eyes now?
Dad seems to have
Iiked you very much'
ReaIIy? Then what has he
gone inside for?
He must've gone to fetch
a souvenir for you.
What are you doing?
That's good' Or, I'd have
been a murderer today'
-is He dead?
-He's run away'
What about my marriage, Papa?
You can never marry that rascaI'
He poked fun at my pIaits
the other day, Mom'
You're not wrong, you know.
Mr KaiIashnath does Iook strange.
Buthow often have
I warned you...
...not to provoke peopIe
you meet everywhere?
How was I to know that he's Aarshi's
father? What am I going to do now?
What wiII you do now,
my friend?
Mr Bobby Oberoi is here
to see you, sir.
I don't know anyone
of that name'
If anyone cIaims to be Bobby Oberoi
just throw him out'
-What if He stiII comes inside?
-I'II shoot...
I've come to apoIogise, sir.
I reaIise my mistake now.
If anything, you have
an exceIIent hair-styIe'
No wonder then that I've tied
my hair in a pIait, too'
-It's smaIIer than yours though.
-Poking fun at my pIait again'
Just go away, or
I'II gun you down'
She'II be a spinster and an orphan,
too, after you're hanged'
What wiII happen of Aarshi,
if you kiII me?
I'm not about to go away
tiII you consent to it'
Very weII then... I'II go away'
But I wiII not toIerate
two pIaits in this house'
What am I going to do now?
Greetings, grandma.
It's you, Bobby?
I've made an offering here, grandma.
Have some...
-I can't have that.
-Why not?
I suffer from excess sugar.
Besides, KaiIash has made me promise
that I'II never touch sweets.
He has asked you not to
have sweets, grandma.
He couIdn't have asked you
not to have sacred offerings.
And that which is had in God's name
is neither sweet nor sour...
...it's just what it is;
God's own offering.
It's a sin to turn down
the hoIy offering.
You're a good boy.
-You Must do something for me.
-What is that?
Ask Aarshi not to caII me
at my house.
-She won't find me there anymore.
-Are You going somewhere then?
Where can I go?
This pIace shaII now be my home...
I'II spend the rest of my Iife
in the care of the Lord.
What are you saying? This is
no age to sound so dejected'
Aarshi and I cannot Iive
without each other, grandma.
Why can't you ask your son
to forget his anger...
...and agree to our marriage?
He's an eccentric chap, as it is.
And you had to provoke him'
And when wiII you heIp? There's
no one greater than a grandmother'
What can't you do,
if you make up your mind?
It's beyond me now.
My son has even caIIed the
MaIhotra's for dinner tonight.
They are aIready in Bombay.
He'II fix Aarshi's wedding
with Rohit today.
That can't be true, grandma'
I'd die, if that happens'
I promise to give you sweets...
I mean, offerings, aII my Iife'
You wiII have to somehow
staII this aIIiance'
Very weII then...
I'II do something about it.
You're worrying for no reason'
Here you are... it's finaI,
as far as I am concerned.
Once Aarshi has met Rohit,
it'II be taken care of'
I'II bIess you onIy after
I've seen your passport.
Why wouId he bring
his passport here?
In that case, I insist on
Iooking up your Ration Card.
-What's that you're saying, Mom?
-Shut up'
-a passport... ration-card...
-We don't understand.
It's important to confirm that
this boy is reaIIy Rohit MaIhotra
I confirm that, Mom...
He's reaIIy Rohit MaIhotra'
Just keep out of this.
ActuaIIy, Aarshi had been
to Europe some days ago.
She met a boy there who said
he was Rohit MaIhotra.
After they got together and had fun,
sang the customary songs, etc...
...she got to know that
he was not Rohit MaIhotra'
-What are you saying? '
-Shut up'
Aarshi then met another boy.
Just shut up'
He aIso cIaimed
to be Rohit MaIhotra.
They again went around together,
singing those romantic songs.
She once again got to know that
the chap was a fraud, too'
This is the third chap
in a row.
What if there are fourths
and fifths Iater?
-What are you saying, Mom? '
-What are You crying for, my son?
What worse can they do,
than to refuse the aIIiance...
...after they've heard
of aII this?
But we've got cIear the air,
don't we?
It's nice of you to have
toId us the truth.
-Anyone Can make a mistake.
-That's right.
We'II forgive her, even if she
makes a mistake after marriage.
My God' What a shameIess famiIy'
How couId you agree to the wedding,
even after knowing the truth?
I can't get my grand-daughter
married in such a shameIess famiIy'
Let's go, Aarshi'
PIease forgive me, MaIhotra.
I had to go out for two days and
you even severed the aIIiance'
-He poked fun at my hair-styIe'
-Poked fun, my foot'
What's wrong with pIanting
a rose in your pIait?
WouId you Iike it, if someone
did that to your hair?
I'II cut those cursed pIaits,
I teII you'
Aarshi, my chiId...
Don't worry'
It's Bobby you wiII marry'
I'II ring him up just now
and invite him for dinner.
Why are you messing with
your pIaits again? '
Just caII the priest'
Going by the horoscopes
of the coupIe...
...and the pIanetary positions
right now...
...it is indicated that...
-ReIax'What is indicated?
There is no auspicious day of
wedding for another 1 1 months.
Do you mean no one in India wiII
marry for another 1 1 months?
Didn't I say I can't come
at 4.30 to trim my hair?
Do get a hair-cut before
the marriage, okay?
HoId on'
See how the mother and son
are poking fun at my hair?
-This marriage cannot... '
-ReIax, Dad'
She's taIking about my hair'
In any case, I'II have my
head shaved after marriage.
No hair, no tensions'
-You're again ridicuIing...
-Shut up'
-He's making fun of...
-Shut up' This is important'
Why does my father
aIways scoId me? '
There couId be one auspicious day...
This Wednesday, that is.
-This Wednesday?
How does that concern you?
Wednesday is okay, isn't it?
Can you make aII the
arrangements so soon?
Get some sweetmeats
for the priest, Mary.
You're impossibIe' You're going
to have the sweets again'
You have no objections,
I hope?
What objections couId
I have, Mr Kapoor?
I want Aarshi to be my
daughter-in-Iaw at the earIiest.
How can we make aII the arrangements
in such a IittIe time, daddy?
What do you have to do? Just pick
up the phone and bark your orders'
As for invitation cards, it'II
aII be over in just 3 days'
Don't make the mistake of printing
Rohit MaIhotra's name in the card'
It's finaI then' The wedding
takes pIace on Wednesday.
Let's have the engagement
ceremony tomorrow.
You wiII personaIIy deIiver these
invitation cards, Mr Lad.
These wiII be maiIed;
and I wiII deIiver the rest.
PIease go over the Iist again;
I hope we haven't missed anyone.
I have onIy one son, after aII.
I don't want anyone to compIain.
And pIease don't forget
to invite the staff.
There are some officers
from the CBI to meet you.
Do you know about the bogus share
scam of M.S. FertiIisers?
Yes. I've heard of it.
We have information that
Mr KaiIashnath Kapoor...
...has bought shares worth 4 crores
in M.S. FertiIisers.
And that your bank advanced him
a Ioan for the purpose.
Yes. It is true.
We want aII detaiIs of
Mr Kapoor's Ioan-account, madam.
It's 6.30 now... and aII
the staffers have Ieft.
You can come tomorrow morning.
I'II Iet you have aII the detaiIs.
I'm getting my daughter married
in your famiIy, Mrs. Gayatri.
A daughter who means
the worId to me.
Do you think I couId
ever cheat you?
That's not what I'm getting at.
But pIease meet Mr Lad
before 10 a.m. Tomorrow...
...and have the Ioan amount
deposited in your account.
No matter how rich a man is...
...he doesn't keep so much
of money at home.
Besides, you don't have to show the
CBI any cash. You onIy need entries.
You can do that from the many
accounts you have at the bank.
Besides, it's onIy a matter
of a few days.
With a wedding at home,
there's so much to do.
I'II deposit the money, as
soon as the wedding is over.
Don't think so much...
PIease do it for me.
Anyway... have you distributed
the invitation cards aIready?
They are being distributed...
I must Ieave now.
-Where's Mom, Ram Singh?
-She's upstairs, sir.
-What is It, Bobby?
-Let's eat... Come on.
Go ahead and eat.
I'm not feeIing Iike it.
It's time for my fIight, Mr Lad.
What wiII I teII the CBI officiaIs
when they come here?
We must not hide the truth.
So pIease show them
Mr Kapoor's accounts.
Ask them to discuss the
menu for dinner with me.
We must have the best of food'
-There's someone to see you, sir.
-Who is it?
I have an arrest-warrant
in your name.
Just a minute, dad.
What's aII this about?
Nothing, dad... it was those
shares from the exchange that...
I'II make a caII to my Iawyer.
You'II have to accompany us
to the Headquarters right now.
What the heII? '
Can't we even caII our Iawyer? '
What do they think
they are up to? '
-PIease caIm down...
-How can I caIm down? '
-The Iawyer wiII...
-What wiII I say to the Iawyer?
They've taken my son away'
And what do they think
he has done? '
What has he done? Murdered someone?
Committed a robbery? '
I wiII fix you'
What's happening to you?
What's wrong?
TeII me' What's wrong?
CaII the doctor...
I know you are not
a fraud, Mr Kapoor.
Nor have you tried
to cheat anyone.
But we must abide by the Iaw.
I admit it happened on account
of my negIect, but...
Don't worry, Mr Kapoor.
AIthough the court is cIosed today...
...I'II go the magistrate's house
and have your baiI-orders signed.
PIease teII Mr KaiIashnath that
his father has had a heart-attack.
Your father has suffered
a heart-attack, Mr Kapoor.
Madam's fIight Iands in 30 minutes.
I'II go to the airport.
Very weII.
Hows my father?
Can I see him?
It's going to be okay, Dad.
ActuaIIy, it was the accountant
who made a mistake.
My Iawyer has gone to
the magistrate's house...
...I'm sure my baiI
wiII come through.
Stop worrying, grandpa...
It's going to be aII right.
I had aIways dreamed of weIcoming
the guests at your wedding.
I thought I'd sing and dance.
Don't be disheartened.
Aarshi's wedding wiII take pIace
onIy after you recover.
The priest says that if the wedding
does not take pIace this Wednesday...
...there's no auspicious date
for the next 1 1 months.
The wedding must take pIace
this Wednesday.
Very weII, dad. We wiII do
as you wish.
Aarshi wiII certainIy
be married on Wednesday.
PIease come...
-Greetings, Mom.
-Greetings, dear.
I had been to the hospitaI.
Your grandpa was asIeep.
Where are your father
and grandmother?
They are sitting there.
You both wait here.
I'II be back soon.
After Dad's heart-attack...
...we'II have to be carefuI
with every decision we take.
Look at the amount of bad pubIicity
we are getting in the press.
WeIcome, Gayatri.
I thought that since Mr Kapoor
is not keeping weII...
...Aarshi and Bobby's wedding...
-have You read the eveningers?
-No, I couIdn't...
Then you ought to read them'
It's because of you that I've
Iost aII respect in the city'
Look at the amount of shame
they've heaped on me'
But how am I to fauIt?
You couId have saved my honour
very easiIy, if you wished to.
But you didn't do that.
You didn't consider the consequences
my humiIiation wouId have...
...on the reputation
of my daughter.
My daughter... who is soon
to be your daughter-in-Iaw.
Do you think I'd deIiberateIy
subject my reIative to sIander?
It's because of you that
I have faced humiIiation.
Even my daughter couId be
humiIiated tomorrow...
...and you might cIaim
you're not responsibIe.
I might perhaps even overIook what
insuIts are heaped on me...
...but I wiII toIerate my daughter
being subjected to any humiIiation.
So, I can never have my daughter
married in a famiIy Iike yours.
What are you saying, KaiIash? '
Think of the bad name we'd get,
if the wedding does not take pIace.
I've got aII the bad name
I had to get.
There can be nothing worse.
But when peopIe
get to know...
...that I've refused to get my
daughter married to your son...
...you wiII know what
it means to be humiIiated.
Perhaps that is why I want you
to be the butt of jokes'
I want you to get a bad name, too.
So you suffer in the
way I have suffered'
What way is that of
taIking to my mother?
You ought to be thankfuI that
I've onIy taIked to her...
...and haven't driven her
out of my house'
Let's go, Mom.
Daddy' PIease stop them'
Grandma' Stop them...
CaIm down, my dear...
I couId have answered him for the
insoIent tone he had adopted'
But it was onIy because
of what you have taught me...
...that I was siIent.
WaIking out in a huff has onIy
worsened the situation, Bobby.
-If onIy You couId bear it...
-I can toIerate anything, mother'
But I just cannot toIerate
anyone insuIting you.
He must've been upset because of the
difficuIt times he has been through.
That doesn't mean he
can humiIiate you'
The way her father
spoke to you...
...I couId have...
TeII me something, mother.
Is it reaIIy your fauIt?
The onIy mistake I made was in
reveaIing the truth to the CBI.
But I didn't reaIise then...
...that you wouId
be punished for it.
Don't worry. I'II make KaiIashnath
come around, somehow or the other.
No, Mom. You wiII not taIk to him.
It was my decision
to marry Aarshi...
...and I wiII now decide
what is to be done.
KaiIash has indeed gone through
a very difficuIt time.
But stiII, there is a way
of taIking to someone.
He shouIdn't have been
so rude with her.
When I found it aII so offensive...
how must they have feIt?
But taIk to Bobby
over the phone...
I've tried so many times. But Bobby
doesn't want to taIk to me'
In that case, go over to
his pIace tomorrow morning.
TaIk it over with him...
He'II certainIy understand.
No. I won't be coming
to the office today.
I'II give you a caII Iater.
Miss Aarshi is here
to see you, sir.
TeII her, I'm not in.
It's okay, Ram Singh.
What happened, dear?
I am not the daughter-in-Iaw
you have dreamed of.
That's right, MaIhotra...
I have made up my mind.
We don't need to invite
a Iot of guests.
My Dad is not weII...
...we can have a reception
when he recovers.
We'II be taking the fIight
the day-after-tomorrow.
But the wedding must be heId
on Wednesday, MaIhotra.
No, Mom won't be coming with us.
Aarshi and I wiII be there.
You can arrange it in
any hoteI you wish.
I'II see you the day-after.
You know Dad is not weII.
And the doctor says...
...a by-pass surgery at
this age is not...
Dad aIways wished to
see you happiIy married.
I want his desire to be fuIfiIIed.
If he gets to know that Aarshi
has not married Bobby...
He had agreed to her
marriage with Bobby...
...onIy because Aarshi
was happy marrying him.
But if Aarshi teIIs him that
she's happy marrying Rohit...
...he wiII accept Rohit, too.
WouId it be okay to teII him this,
now that he is not weII?
We can teII him Iater.
The wedding is taking
pIace in DeIhi anyway.
When Dad is discharged
from the hospitaI...
We're going to DeIhi by the
Must you force me to...
What are you trying to teII me?
That you wiII not marry Rohit?
That you wiII marry
onIy Bobby Oberoi?
Whose mother has defamed me
in the city?
Whatever happened, dad,
how was Bobby's mother...
Do you mean to say that
I'm at fauIt?
No, Dad...
It's onIy a few days since
you met a stranger...
...and you've aIready compromised
my respect for his Iove? '
Shame on chiIdren Iike you'
I couId never imagine that
my daughter couId treat me...
I have come to reaIise today...
...that a man who does not get
respect from his own daughter...
...has no right to Iive'
What are you you doing? '
Don't ever do that... '
Okay... I wiII do
just as you say.
It was my desire to see you
take the vows.
But I can atIeast imagine it aII...
I can imagine how beautifuI you
wiII Iook in your bridaI fineries.
With the bridaI-neckIace
around your neck...
...vermiIIion in your hair
and a dot on the forehead...
...you wiII Iook beautifuI.
Very beautifuI indeed.
What is reaIIy disturbing
is that when I go home...
...I wiII not find you there.
But I'II have the consoIation
of knowing...
...that you are happy,
wherever you are.
You wiII be happy indeed.
Why are you crying?
A wedding is an occasion
of happiness and joy.
Besides, you're not
marrying a stranger...
...but someone you have
been in Iove with.
You're in Iove with each other.
Where is he, by the way?
Why hasn't he come to meet me?
-He was busy...
-So busy...
...that he can't even meet me?
Go and warn him' If he doesn't
come and see me by tomorrow...
...I'm going to beat him up'
BIack and bIue'
I'm going to dig a hoIe
between his ears'
Why have you come here?
You know my grandfather
is not keeping weII.
And he has been asking for you.
PIease meet him tomorrow,
if possibIe.
I'm going to DeIhi
tomorrow morning.
I'm getting married to Rohit
MaIhotra there, the day-after.
Grandpa doesn't know that.
He stiII thinks I'm marrying you.
PIease don't teII him
the truth, Bobby.
Aarshi's marriage is a
responsibiIity, after aII.
That wiII be over, too.
He's a nice boy
from a nice famiIy...
...onIy the fortunate
have such Iuck.
Besides, they make a great coupIe.
Greetings, grandpa.
You have a Iong Iife'
We were taIking about you.
You're Iucky to have come here.
Or I'd have punished you so...
How can you say that, grandpa?
Dare I not come to meet you?
I understand how busy you must've
been, with the preparations.
Keep quiet... the doctor has
forbidden you from taIking.
Do you know why she
doesn't want me to taIk?
-So it doesn't affect your heaIth.
She stops me, onIy because
I ask her not to have sweets'
Sweet-revenge' Eh, darIing?
WeII, never mind. But teII me...
How about the excitement at home?
What wiII we have, if not excitement
in a famiIy of wedding?
Have aII the guests arrived?
Guests? The pIace is
swarming with them'
You must have had a Iot of fun
aII night then, what say?
Yes, grandpa. They danced
aII through the night.
There you are' What are you
wearing at the wedding?
-A sherwani, grandpa.
-A sherwani'
A reaI bridegroom my Bobby
wiII Iook in the Sherwani'
I Iike you very much, son.
Just don't Iet my Aarshi
ever be sad.
Trust me, grandpa.
I'II aIways keep Aarshi happy.
I'II give her so much of Iove...
...that she'II never reaIise she has
Ieft you to settIe down with me.
I'II never give her any
cause for compIaint.
After aII, I'm in
Iove with her, too.
I can be happy onIy if
Aarshi is happy, right?
-What is the matter?
Your tears teII me that
there is something.
These are onIy
tears of joy.
SiIIy woman' I've spent 50 years
of my Iife with you.
Can't I stiII teII the difference
between sorrows and joy?
TeII me...
What is the matter?
Hurry up, Aarshi.
It's time for the fIight.
I see... Aarshi is getting
married to Rohit MaIhotra'
Bobby... do you reaIIy
Iove my Aarshi?
I Iove Aarshi very much, grandpa.
You're Iying.
She's getting married...
And here you are'
This is not Iove, young man.
Love is what the two of us
did for each other.
I'm not taIking about today.
I'm teIIing you about what
happened 50 years ago...
...when we were forbidden
from meeting each other.
Her parents had decided that
she wouIdn't marry me...
...even she had to remain
a spinster aII her Iife.
Yes. And I used to meet you, under
the pretext of going to the tempIe.
I used to cIimb the tree to get
into the baIcony of your house.
Remember the time when a branch
of the tree once gave way?
You were very seriousIy
hurt then, weren't you?
I was admitted in
the hospitaI.
My parents had used the opportunity
to fix my wedding with someone eIse.
When I got to know, I rushed to your
pIace, straight from the hospitaI.
The house was Iit up.
I was in bandages...
How couId I get in?
And there I was... tearfuIIy Ietting
them appIy henna on my hands.
It was then that I heard you
singing outside...
Let me go' Leave me aIone'
Let me go' Let go of me'
HoId it'
Give me the handcuff.
She ought to be handcuffed, too.
Because she is equaIIy responsibIe
for what has happened.
She's madIy in Iove with him, too.
You'd rather thank
Air India.
And stop puIIing at my pIait'
You're my son-in-Iaw now'