Atlantis: The Lost Continent (1961) - full transcript
A Greek Fisherman brings an Atlantean Princess back to her homeland which is the mythical city of Atlantis. He is enslaved for his trouble. The King is being manipulated by an evil sorcerer who is bent on using a natural resource of Atlantis to take over the world. The Atlanteans, or rather the slaves of Atlantis, are forced to mine a crystalline material which absorbs the suns rays. These crystals can then be used for warmth. The misuse of science has created weapons out of the crystals that can fire a heat ray to destroy whatever it touches. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Subtitle created by,
Dandysubs and cryinoutloud.
When Columbus discovered America,
a series of mysteries arose to
confound the scholars of Europe.
Here, are two continents,
completely isolated from each other.
Yet they simultaneously
developed similar cultures.
For example;
The Mayans measured time, on the same
principle as the Gregorian calendar of Europe.
They used the same signs of the zodiac.
The same decimal, and mathematical system.
They valued silver and gold.
Using both for jewelry and barter.
Another mystery was the banana plant.
A native of Asia,
that cannot be grown from seed.
Yet, Columbus found it thriving,
in the New World.
Elephants at that time,
did not exist in the Americas.
Yet there likenesses were cleaved on
the walls of prehistoric caves in Peru.
The pyramids in Mexico, and in Egypt,
were built on identical architectural principles...
Then there was a striking resemblance
of a witch of Spain...
...and the witch
depicted in the New World.
But the most significant of all...
Mayan, and Aztec legends, shared with Greek,
and Hebrew and Assyrian literature...
... an account of a terrible deluge.
A deluge, many believe, had destroyed the link.
The mother empire...
...that had spread her civilization,
to both sides of the Atlantic.
The Greek scholar Plato,
recorded this theory first,
over two thousand years ago.
There was once, another continent.
I have a bite.
Look father, there.
Come back.
Demitrius, come back.
It's a trickery of sirens.
Be careful, don't touch her.
By the trident of Neptune.
A mermaid.
The flask.
Who are you?
Who can she be?
She's not one of our people.
I don't know, but no fisherman of our village,
ever came home with the catch like this?
Where is this miserable hovel,
and why do I wear the garb of slaves?
You are in Greece, this is our home.
The robe is mine.
You dressed me?
Someone had to.
Where are my robes?
This cloth offends my skin.
they were wet, I hung them to dry.
Our fare is simple, come.
Break bread with us, and tell us your story.
Your food tempts me not.
As you wish, my little mermaid.
I am not your little mermaid!
I'm a Princess.
Princess Antillia,
the daughter of King Kronos.
And where,
is this kingdom of yours, Princess?
In the great sea, beyond
the Pillars of Hercules.
Pillars of Hercules!
There is nothing beyond.
The world ends there.
You doubt my word, fisherman?
Have you ever been, beyond them?
Had we, we wouldn't be here.
Do not touch me!
You smell of fish.
We should...
We are fishermen.
Now listen.
And listen well, Princess.
In our land, we have no Kings...
No Kings daughters,
no slaves.
We are all free men.
Treating one another,
as we would be treated ourselves.
My son and I,
rescued you from the sea.
Deliver you to safety.
Our humble best you shared.
Yet we receive insults in return.
If our home is a hovel,
our weave to coarse,
Our food tempts you not Royal Princess,
bestow the honor of your
presents on someone else.
You may help me now.
You may help yourself.
Come, Demetrius.
There are fish to be caught.
Good evening, Petros.
You're right, Ant?lia?
Of course, why?
Your face, so pale you look sick.
Where is Demetrius?
Spreading the nets to dry.
I will help him.
She is sick.
Now neither you nor I,
have anything to hide.
Will you hand me my robe,
or shall I come aboard as I am.
Why, you...
Beyond the sunset, is Atlantis my home.
A land of wonders beyond compare.
Take me to it, Demetrius.
My father will shower you with riches.
Antillia, all the riches I desire,
I already possess.
All save one.
The one you will never possess, fisherman.
Stand back!
- Sit down!
- Oh!
You must be mad.
There a law against stealing a boat.
I'm going home,
and no law will hinder me.
Many men have tried.
Many good seamen have
sailed into the sunset.
But none has ever returned, Antillia.
Not one!
- Are you afraid?
- Yes!
And rightly so, endless terrors,
lurk beyond the great Pillars.
I would rather chance it and die,
than live in your village another day.
Ah, forget this foolishness.
I will not let you go.
Very well, take me back.
There are other men, braver ones, who would
beg for the privilege of doing my bidding.
Put me ashore, and watch me
choose my traveling companion.
Listen, Antillia.
I will take you,
but only on my terms.
Before the space of one moon,
I do not sight your land...
We will return to my land.
But wait that's not all.
And when we return...
You will become my beautiful wife,
forever more.
As you say, Demetrius.
I can no longer tell east from west,
north from south.
We must shore the sail and wait awhile.
No need for that.
This will guide us.
It points always to the north.
My father would call it sorcery.
It's not sorcery it's, science.
It's time we ate.
No food.
Just some wine.
'Twas only a fish.
Let me fill it.
These are cursed waters,
we're turning back.
A dolphin moans, and my
Captain regrets his bargain.
It's not the bargain,
it's not the dolphins, it's everything.
The fog, the silence when the wind goes.
It's voice, when it returns,
whispering to me...
Turn about.
Turn about,
or you'll never moor you're lonely ship.
Listen to my lips, Demetrius.
They too whispers.
But not of doom.
Tonight will bring the full moon,
and there's still nothing ahead but sea.
I shall hold you to your promise?
I will keep it.
We turn back then?
Not yet.
Our bargain is for one moon... more, no less.
Is the edge of the world
at the Pillars of Hercules?
And have you found unknown terrors,
lurking behind every wave?
Well, I did see King Neptune.
But you did not truly see him.
Perhaps not.
Have I then earned your trust?
Then believe me now, my love.
Before the full moon dies,
you shall gaze upon Atlantis. I promise.
No, Demetrius.
We're not in danger.
We rejoice, Princess.
Our Gods are kind.
They bring you safely home.
With his help, Sonoy.
A guard, take him aboard.
- The name is Demetrius?
- It is.
- Fisherman?
- I can handle the net.
Could it be then, that you were born
under the sign of Pisces?
- Sign?
- When were you born?
What stars control your destiny?
The stars are but for guiding
seamen across the seas.
A man who speaks with a
voice of a true seaman.
My name is Zaren.
This is Sonoy, who reads the stars.
With a ship like this, I would be
the greatest fisherman in Greece.
You have no ships
that sail under the sea?
Ah, Princess...
Your in time.
We're about to surface.
Why isn't my father here,
to meet to me?
Didn't you send word to him?
The moment we discovered you.
But he is not well...
...he's waiting for you at the palace.
- Pull him off!
- Into the dungeon!
What is this?
Let go of me!
Let me go!
Let go!
- Oh.
- Antillia.
My child.
They told me you were ill.
Ill, I have been my dear
with grief and worry.
Even though the stars foretold,
you're safe return.
Did the star also foretell,
that a stranger would return with me?
A stranger you say?
Yes father.
A wonderful stranger.
To whom will you give
my hand in marriage.
But, but I had hoped that,
you and Zaren...
I have never loved Zaren,
I never will.
But wait child.
We're forgetting the law.
For me, you will change it.
Don't worry my dear, It may take a little time.
Until then, it is best you not see each other.
But now...
Now I have a thousand questions.
Thank you.
Thank you for saving my life.
Your face...
I've not seen it before.
I'm Demetrius, the fisherman.
I'm Xandros, the sailor.
- From my homeland?
- Yes.
And the others?
All these strange men.
Where are they from?
From land I never knew existed.
Mostly seamen like you and I,
blown off course, ship wrecked,
washed a shore.
We sought sanctuary...
...but found instead, whips, and chains.
How long ago?
A lifetime of suffering ago.
One loses count, of time here.
I will not be here long enough to lose count.
Those were my very words,
when I was first brought here.
To your feet!
There's work to be done.
Once they were men,
young and strong like you.
But how could it be?
They are monsters.
How it is done, I do not know.
But in this fowl land,
there are cruelties beyond belief.
Time and again,
some of us are taken away without warning.
The house of fear.
Never seen again they are
the beasts of burden.
Show him what to do!
Learn well and learn soon!
Or you'll feel the bite of this!
What is that?
The crystals born in the crater,
capture the energy of the sun.
The little ones,
are used for heat, and light.
The big one,
could destroy the world.
- Fill it, I said!
- No, no, no, no, no...
One moment, your Highness.
Clear these slaves out of the way.
Into the ditch, all of you.
Get back, move along.
Forgive this your Highness, they'll have the filth,
cleared from your path in a moment.
A gift, for the Princess.
You insolent slave!
Release that chain!
Your trusted Zaren, has lied to us.
He put the man who
saved my life in chains.
I want him punished.
But was I, who gave the
order to enslave the Greek.
His Majesty, had no alternative.
By what right do you speak for your King.
What does he mean?
The law.
The law compels us to enslave foreigners.
And you my Princess, raised in the shadow
of the throne, must certainly respect the law.
But what of my promises?
And what of your word,
do they no longer mean anything?
But he is a foreigner,
and all foreigners are dangerous.
Indeed Princess, I've consulted the stars,
they do not favor him.
- You see my dear.
- In fact the Greek should have been put to death.
Yet I spared him.
Surely this is in no way to show gratitude,
to the man who not only saved my life...
...but risked his very own.
Princess, you are unduly alarmed...
... He can always gain his freedom,
through the ordeal of fire and water.
He wouldn't survive, you know it.
Father, please.
You enslaved him.
Free him now!
You have changed.
When I left, you were strong.
You were a King!
It's you, who have changed.
I wish I could help my child, I...
The law must be obeyed!
How dare you presume
to speak for your King!
One would think you wear his crown!
In deed you do.
Oh, Azor!
Tears are of little use, Centurion.
What has Zaren, done to my father.
And what have I done to Demetrius.
I know, little one.
Come with me,
your prayers are wasted here.
These Gods are false,
with hearts of stone.
Such talk is heresy.
It is the truth.
Up their my child,
there dwells the one true God,
who created all living things.
The true God is the moon?
No Antillia.
His hand, fashioned the moon...
And sent it spinning,
through the galaxy?s of stars.
That same hand, molded the earth,
with its high mountains, and deep seas.
He gave life to you, and to me.
Pray to him, Antillia.
He will listen to your prayers.
- The earth moved again last night.
- And gave us more work to do.
Remove his chains,
he will come with me.
Wait here.
My orders are not to
let him out of my sight.
Only nobles, may pass through these doors.
Well this Greek, is no noble.
Neither is he an Atlantean.
The Gods do not recognize the presence of
barbarians, and he is one, is he not?
- Yes, but I...
- Do you argue with your Gods?
No, holy one.
Wait, Demetrius.
You must listen to me.
I listened once, and awoke in chains.
Isn't that enough?
It wasn't my doing.
Zaren, told me you chose to
return to Greece, and I believed him.
Till I saw you yesterday.
Then set me free, now.
I can't.
Why not?
Your father is the King,
who will shower me with riches, remember?
He is not the same King I left here...
Zaren, has become the power in Atlantis.
Then ask Zaren.
He would have you killed,
if he knew I loved you.
Subtitle created by,
Dandysubs and cryinoutloud.
You lured me to this miserable country,
by lies and trickery.
You accepted my bargain, then made me believe
you loved me, to keep from turning back.
And all the time,
knowing I would soon be enslaved...
... is this love, Princess?
I thought my father was above the law.
You lie.
You do not think beyond
your own selfish desires.
At first, true.
But when you took me in your arms... heart was yours.
Your heart, comes dear Princess.
It is not worth the price I paid.
Give it to Zaren. Give him your love,
and buy back my freedom.
Even your words, smell like fish.
Stay, Demetrius!
I prefer the company slaves.
Now, you will close your eyes.
When you are commanded to open them again,
you will be a bull.
Every day, and every way,
you will become more and more, like one.
Strong, strong, strong.
Take him away.
Now bring me the Greek.
And what shall you be?
Part mule, with long ridiculous ears?
Or a...
...a buffalo, with great horns.
Here, here?
But you, unlike the others...
...will be able to remember who you are.
Perhaps this would be appropriate.
Think how it would amuse the Princess,
to see you as you really are.
A filthy pig.
I have orders my Lord, Zaren.
He allows the Greek,
a chance to gain his freedom.
Why do they always,
take my best specimens, away from me.
But he must face the ordeal,
of fire and water.
Take him.
I will enjoy,
seeing you slowly roasted alive.
What troubles you, Azor?
The doves, look at them.
In the past, they always circle the coliseum,
and then return to their cages.
Now the whole flock
is winging out toward the open sea.
Father it's Demetrius,
you must stop this.
I will, my dear.
But Your Majesty,
you can't disappoint your faithful subjects.
Of course.
I must not.
There's nothing we can do.
By his Majesty the King...
Demetrius, is a slave no more.
Here, in the middle of our vast ocean... Atlantis, our mighty empire.
But no ocean is vast enough to contain
our might, our power, our ambitions.
In the past, this one great crystal was
enough to supply energy for all our needs.
But we cannot live in the past.
If we are to survive,
we must live in the future.
And as a monument to
the future, I have cause... be readied another, a greater
crystal in the belly of the crater.
A weapon so powerful,
that with it, Governors of Atlantis,
we can become, masters of the world.
You speak of wicked things, Zaren.
Do not listen to these words of war.
It's the destiny of Atlantis,
to rule the world.
Do not the Gods themselves call us,
the race of masters?
And isn't it also written,
conquer or be conquered?
Conquered by whom?
I shall answer you.
One country alone,
may not be an enemy worth fearing.
But united with other countries,
could present...
...a strength that would
endanger our very existence.
Atlantis, can not take that chance.
We must attack them one by one.
Our only assurance of survival,
is to attack and attack soon.
No. No. No.
Let Azor, be heard.
You have arms,
that can repel any invasion.
Any imaginary invasion
you can conceive.
More important, we have erred, in deliberately
isolating Atlantis, from the rest of the world.
We should have shared,
our advancements with all mankind.
The mankind you speak of,
is good for one thing.
A country that depends upon slavery
for its existence... must perish.
Your Majesty.
Noble Governors of Atlantis.
Long before he came,
it was written in the stars...
...that a Greek fishermen
would reach our shores.
That prophecy has been fulfilled.
It was also written, that with his arrival,
the downfall of Atlantis would commence.
The fact, that a barbarian, was able to
survive the ordeal of fire and water... a warning nobleman,
that we will be conquered by barbarians.
Unless we conquer first.
I call for war.
We of the mountains, say war.
And for the sea.
War for the rivers.
And for science.
And the animals.
You, priest?
Let it be war.
Just as all the others.
The bees have deserted us.
Each morning of my life,
I have awakened to the singing birds.
Now only silence, greets the day.
Perhaps it is instinct,
call it what you will.
But they sense something, something evil.
A strange breeze now rises,
with every outgoing tide...
Blowing dead leaves,
out toward the open sea.
The humblest insects,
seem to know it carries them...
...not to destruction... but to survival.
Even the seeds,
forsake their mother soil.
All nature senses, that the end is near.
Man alone, turns deaf ears
to natures warnings.
The Princess would speak to you, Demetrius.
I have no wish to speak to her.
It is best that you do.
I'm here to repay the debt I owe you.
Tonight at moon rise, the fishing fleet
sets sail from the north harbor.
Be there.
One ship bears the Kings crest.
The captain will be waiting for you.
He will take you aboard, and set you
ashore, at the Pillars of Hercules.
You must find your own way from their.
If you suspect treachery,
set your mind at rest.
The words I spoke when last we met...
...they were words of anger.
Forgive me.
Thank you, Antillia.
You owe thanks to no one.
Your farewells, were said quickly.
She loves you.
I wish it were true.
I'm leaving.
Antillia, told me so in trust.
Do you want me to stay?
To remain in Atlantis, is to die.
None will be spared.
And doomsday is not far off.
But no one can foretell the future,
not even a holy man.
I was not always a priest my son.
In the days when Atlantis, was a just,
and noble land, I was well versed in sciences.
But I hid my eyes, when she began to
use her great knowledge for evil.
And fashioned Gods,
after her own scientific achievements.
For this, we will die.
The true God, will destroy Atlantis.
But why do you stay, Azor?
Because, guilt rests heavy on my heart.
We created wonders
for the good of mankind.
Then turned them into monsters.
The crystals capture the rays of the sun,
the base stores the energy.
They seem identical yet,
vary greatly in function.
Now, this is a model,
of the original invention.
It's purpose...
Provides warmth, and light, comfort.
Feel it.
Now see what they have done with it.
That urn...
Zaren, now builds one that has
a thousand times more power.
Within a moon, it will be ready,
and with it, he will subjugate the world.
Why are you telling me this?
You can warn the world,
your own people, when you reach home.
But what defense, have we?
And if I stay...
What can I do, to halt Zaren's, plan.
Nothing now,
but tomorrow may bring a chance.
I can not wait til tomorrow,
my ship leaves tonight.
Dawn this seamen's garb,
it will make your boarding easier.
Farewell, Azor.
God, shield you my son.
All my calculations,
add up to the same conclusion.
On the next full moon,
you must depart for conquest.
It'll give me little time,
to finish the crystal.
It is the only date, the stars favor.
It'll be ready.
One man, Demetrius,
wishes to see you my Lord.
Let him enter.
You need my help.
Why would I need the help of a slave?
Forgive my stumbling tongue,
a free man.
I'm also a fisherman, who knows the waters,
and lands you do not know.
I can lead your ship safely, through the
Pillars of Hercules, into the hidden sea.
I can add color,
to the darkness of your chart.
Why this change of heart?
Other slaves would rather face death,
than give us guidance.
I have tasted luxury,
and groomed an appetite for it.
Your friends in the dungeon,
will call you a traitor.
Let them.
I can find comfort in,
silver, and beaten gold.
Are we to bargain with the slaves?
He will bring us disaster.
You must excuse, our impetuous astrologer.
A bargain it is.
Proceed, Demetrius.
Let me see you change,
the face of the world.
What do you think, map maker?
Well my Lord is aware, that none of our ships
has ever returned, from the hidden sea.
They must have perished in the, treacherous reefs,
or in the shifting currents, of the Pillars of Hercules.
We therefore possess virtually,
no knowledge, only speculation.
The chance, favors this,
being a trustworthy guide.
I'll wager, not one detail is correct.
We'll soon see.
You, traitorous dog!
You traitor!
Remove him.
You stinking, filthy, traitor!
You filthy traitor! You swine!
You stinking traitor!
I'll take my pay now.
Of course, Demetrius.
This is only a sample, of my generosity,
I may have need of your services again.
I would never trust this Greek.
He lies with every breath
Dwell with your stars, Sonoy, and let
matters of importance, rest in my hands.
I Trust men, who put wealth, above honor.
Another warning.
I measure the lava, every day.
It rises steadily.
A sea of boiling devastation,
below Atlantis.
Straining at the throat
of this sleeping volcano.
Waiting for the beginning of the end.
When is the end, Azor?
Soon after the next full moon.
Soon after Zaren, and his warriors,
have set sail to, conquer the world.
But if Zaren, is delayed,
this conquest can never take place.
My Lord Zaren, waits impatiently.
You should have been here before this.
Another delay.
There's little time left,
and the slaves, grow lazier by the hour.
They can't help me.
You must help me.
What can you do?
But you, a man of wisdom,
must surely know a way.
There is a limit to mans endurance.
These men have reached that limit.
They must rest!
Our Priest, has a splendid remedy.
I have an even better one.
A score of them, to the gallows.
That will cure, the others.
The gallows, is not the answer, Zaren.
Listen to a man, that was once a slave.
What is your remedy?
Put me in charge here.
Then, what would you do?
Put up a camp near by,
the dungeon is far away.
The slaves weary,
before they begin their daily tasks.
Remove their chains, discard the whip,
give them decent food.
Ridiculous, why should I grant
such insane demands?
You have no choice.
Very well.
Of course, my services
are not without a fee.
You have sampled my generosity.
You can rely upon it again.
But if you fail...
I will succeed.
I'm awake, Xandros.
The others are waiting.
They believe as I, that Demetrius,
did not betray his friends.
We're all eager to help
you with your plan.
I've been thinking.
Wishing I could do
something to help you.
There's nothing you can do.
Nothing anyone can do.
It slowly eats its way,
through the will, of the mind...
Till I'm no longer human.
In the end, I must be locked up,
with the others.
Come, we must be on our way.
I want to help you, while I still can.
Remove the wedge.
Hurry, hurry!
- Set the bit deeper.
- Hurry, hurry!
- Volcano will wake!
- Hurry, hurry!
- Destroy the crystal.
- Hurry, hurry!
- Before the full moon.
- Hurry, hurry!
- Before Zaren, sees us.
- Hurry, hurry!
- Come up lava.
- Soon, soon!
- Crystal be damned.
- Damn, damn.
- Zaren, shall not conquer.
- No, no!.
Hurry, hurry!
Hurry, hurry, hurry...
I want to be your wife, Demetrius.
I love you.
Take me away.
I can't.
Your boat waits in the secret cove.
Let's leave Atlantis, and never return.
I have wronged you Demetrius, I know.
No that's not it Antillia, believe me.
What is it then?
I can't tell you.
Not yet.
Very well,
leave me behind if you will.
But you must leave Atlantis, at once.
As soon as you finish your task,
Zaren, will kill you.
That's a chance I must take.
Please Princess, leave now,
the sun will soon rise and he needs rest.
Trust me Antillia.
- Volcano will leak.
- Covering more, covering more.
- Come up lava.
- Covering more, covering more.
- Our days are numbered.
- Hurry more, hurry more.
- Destroy the crystal.
- Hurry more, hurry more.
- Before the full Moon.
- Hurry more, hurry...
- Come up lava.
- Now, now.
- Crystal be damned.
- Shh!
There, there!
No, this way.
Quick, cover the entrance!
They mustn't find the shaft.
There they are!
Go get them!
We'll, kill every last one of them!
- There!
- Don't let them get away.
Where is the Greek?
He can not be far.
Find him!
Free yourselves!
The end has come.
To the harbor!
Board the ships!
Insolent gravel!
Dare them, enter my palace.
Follow me!
No. No. No.
The water's rising, we are trapped!
No escape there, the harbor is sealed,
it's flooded with the lava!
Here, this way!
Damn you.
Atlantis is gone.
But free men, wiser men...
...carried the culture,
from the mother empire... the four corners, of the earth.
Subtitle created by,
Dandysubs and cryinoutloud.
Subtitle created by,
Dandysubs and cryinoutloud.
When Columbus discovered America,
a series of mysteries arose to
confound the scholars of Europe.
Here, are two continents,
completely isolated from each other.
Yet they simultaneously
developed similar cultures.
For example;
The Mayans measured time, on the same
principle as the Gregorian calendar of Europe.
They used the same signs of the zodiac.
The same decimal, and mathematical system.
They valued silver and gold.
Using both for jewelry and barter.
Another mystery was the banana plant.
A native of Asia,
that cannot be grown from seed.
Yet, Columbus found it thriving,
in the New World.
Elephants at that time,
did not exist in the Americas.
Yet there likenesses were cleaved on
the walls of prehistoric caves in Peru.
The pyramids in Mexico, and in Egypt,
were built on identical architectural principles...
Then there was a striking resemblance
of a witch of Spain...
...and the witch
depicted in the New World.
But the most significant of all...
Mayan, and Aztec legends, shared with Greek,
and Hebrew and Assyrian literature...
... an account of a terrible deluge.
A deluge, many believe, had destroyed the link.
The mother empire...
...that had spread her civilization,
to both sides of the Atlantic.
The Greek scholar Plato,
recorded this theory first,
over two thousand years ago.
There was once, another continent.
I have a bite.
Look father, there.
Come back.
Demitrius, come back.
It's a trickery of sirens.
Be careful, don't touch her.
By the trident of Neptune.
A mermaid.
The flask.
Who are you?
Who can she be?
She's not one of our people.
I don't know, but no fisherman of our village,
ever came home with the catch like this?
Where is this miserable hovel,
and why do I wear the garb of slaves?
You are in Greece, this is our home.
The robe is mine.
You dressed me?
Someone had to.
Where are my robes?
This cloth offends my skin.
they were wet, I hung them to dry.
Our fare is simple, come.
Break bread with us, and tell us your story.
Your food tempts me not.
As you wish, my little mermaid.
I am not your little mermaid!
I'm a Princess.
Princess Antillia,
the daughter of King Kronos.
And where,
is this kingdom of yours, Princess?
In the great sea, beyond
the Pillars of Hercules.
Pillars of Hercules!
There is nothing beyond.
The world ends there.
You doubt my word, fisherman?
Have you ever been, beyond them?
Had we, we wouldn't be here.
Do not touch me!
You smell of fish.
We should...
We are fishermen.
Now listen.
And listen well, Princess.
In our land, we have no Kings...
No Kings daughters,
no slaves.
We are all free men.
Treating one another,
as we would be treated ourselves.
My son and I,
rescued you from the sea.
Deliver you to safety.
Our humble best you shared.
Yet we receive insults in return.
If our home is a hovel,
our weave to coarse,
Our food tempts you not Royal Princess,
bestow the honor of your
presents on someone else.
You may help me now.
You may help yourself.
Come, Demetrius.
There are fish to be caught.
Good evening, Petros.
You're right, Ant?lia?
Of course, why?
Your face, so pale you look sick.
Where is Demetrius?
Spreading the nets to dry.
I will help him.
She is sick.
Now neither you nor I,
have anything to hide.
Will you hand me my robe,
or shall I come aboard as I am.
Why, you...
Beyond the sunset, is Atlantis my home.
A land of wonders beyond compare.
Take me to it, Demetrius.
My father will shower you with riches.
Antillia, all the riches I desire,
I already possess.
All save one.
The one you will never possess, fisherman.
Stand back!
- Sit down!
- Oh!
You must be mad.
There a law against stealing a boat.
I'm going home,
and no law will hinder me.
Many men have tried.
Many good seamen have
sailed into the sunset.
But none has ever returned, Antillia.
Not one!
- Are you afraid?
- Yes!
And rightly so, endless terrors,
lurk beyond the great Pillars.
I would rather chance it and die,
than live in your village another day.
Ah, forget this foolishness.
I will not let you go.
Very well, take me back.
There are other men, braver ones, who would
beg for the privilege of doing my bidding.
Put me ashore, and watch me
choose my traveling companion.
Listen, Antillia.
I will take you,
but only on my terms.
Before the space of one moon,
I do not sight your land...
We will return to my land.
But wait that's not all.
And when we return...
You will become my beautiful wife,
forever more.
As you say, Demetrius.
I can no longer tell east from west,
north from south.
We must shore the sail and wait awhile.
No need for that.
This will guide us.
It points always to the north.
My father would call it sorcery.
It's not sorcery it's, science.
It's time we ate.
No food.
Just some wine.
'Twas only a fish.
Let me fill it.
These are cursed waters,
we're turning back.
A dolphin moans, and my
Captain regrets his bargain.
It's not the bargain,
it's not the dolphins, it's everything.
The fog, the silence when the wind goes.
It's voice, when it returns,
whispering to me...
Turn about.
Turn about,
or you'll never moor you're lonely ship.
Listen to my lips, Demetrius.
They too whispers.
But not of doom.
Tonight will bring the full moon,
and there's still nothing ahead but sea.
I shall hold you to your promise?
I will keep it.
We turn back then?
Not yet.
Our bargain is for one moon... more, no less.
Is the edge of the world
at the Pillars of Hercules?
And have you found unknown terrors,
lurking behind every wave?
Well, I did see King Neptune.
But you did not truly see him.
Perhaps not.
Have I then earned your trust?
Then believe me now, my love.
Before the full moon dies,
you shall gaze upon Atlantis. I promise.
No, Demetrius.
We're not in danger.
We rejoice, Princess.
Our Gods are kind.
They bring you safely home.
With his help, Sonoy.
A guard, take him aboard.
- The name is Demetrius?
- It is.
- Fisherman?
- I can handle the net.
Could it be then, that you were born
under the sign of Pisces?
- Sign?
- When were you born?
What stars control your destiny?
The stars are but for guiding
seamen across the seas.
A man who speaks with a
voice of a true seaman.
My name is Zaren.
This is Sonoy, who reads the stars.
With a ship like this, I would be
the greatest fisherman in Greece.
You have no ships
that sail under the sea?
Ah, Princess...
Your in time.
We're about to surface.
Why isn't my father here,
to meet to me?
Didn't you send word to him?
The moment we discovered you.
But he is not well...
...he's waiting for you at the palace.
- Pull him off!
- Into the dungeon!
What is this?
Let go of me!
Let me go!
Let go!
- Oh.
- Antillia.
My child.
They told me you were ill.
Ill, I have been my dear
with grief and worry.
Even though the stars foretold,
you're safe return.
Did the star also foretell,
that a stranger would return with me?
A stranger you say?
Yes father.
A wonderful stranger.
To whom will you give
my hand in marriage.
But, but I had hoped that,
you and Zaren...
I have never loved Zaren,
I never will.
But wait child.
We're forgetting the law.
For me, you will change it.
Don't worry my dear, It may take a little time.
Until then, it is best you not see each other.
But now...
Now I have a thousand questions.
Thank you.
Thank you for saving my life.
Your face...
I've not seen it before.
I'm Demetrius, the fisherman.
I'm Xandros, the sailor.
- From my homeland?
- Yes.
And the others?
All these strange men.
Where are they from?
From land I never knew existed.
Mostly seamen like you and I,
blown off course, ship wrecked,
washed a shore.
We sought sanctuary...
...but found instead, whips, and chains.
How long ago?
A lifetime of suffering ago.
One loses count, of time here.
I will not be here long enough to lose count.
Those were my very words,
when I was first brought here.
To your feet!
There's work to be done.
Once they were men,
young and strong like you.
But how could it be?
They are monsters.
How it is done, I do not know.
But in this fowl land,
there are cruelties beyond belief.
Time and again,
some of us are taken away without warning.
The house of fear.
Never seen again they are
the beasts of burden.
Show him what to do!
Learn well and learn soon!
Or you'll feel the bite of this!
What is that?
The crystals born in the crater,
capture the energy of the sun.
The little ones,
are used for heat, and light.
The big one,
could destroy the world.
- Fill it, I said!
- No, no, no, no, no...
One moment, your Highness.
Clear these slaves out of the way.
Into the ditch, all of you.
Get back, move along.
Forgive this your Highness, they'll have the filth,
cleared from your path in a moment.
A gift, for the Princess.
You insolent slave!
Release that chain!
Your trusted Zaren, has lied to us.
He put the man who
saved my life in chains.
I want him punished.
But was I, who gave the
order to enslave the Greek.
His Majesty, had no alternative.
By what right do you speak for your King.
What does he mean?
The law.
The law compels us to enslave foreigners.
And you my Princess, raised in the shadow
of the throne, must certainly respect the law.
But what of my promises?
And what of your word,
do they no longer mean anything?
But he is a foreigner,
and all foreigners are dangerous.
Indeed Princess, I've consulted the stars,
they do not favor him.
- You see my dear.
- In fact the Greek should have been put to death.
Yet I spared him.
Surely this is in no way to show gratitude,
to the man who not only saved my life...
...but risked his very own.
Princess, you are unduly alarmed...
... He can always gain his freedom,
through the ordeal of fire and water.
He wouldn't survive, you know it.
Father, please.
You enslaved him.
Free him now!
You have changed.
When I left, you were strong.
You were a King!
It's you, who have changed.
I wish I could help my child, I...
The law must be obeyed!
How dare you presume
to speak for your King!
One would think you wear his crown!
In deed you do.
Oh, Azor!
Tears are of little use, Centurion.
What has Zaren, done to my father.
And what have I done to Demetrius.
I know, little one.
Come with me,
your prayers are wasted here.
These Gods are false,
with hearts of stone.
Such talk is heresy.
It is the truth.
Up their my child,
there dwells the one true God,
who created all living things.
The true God is the moon?
No Antillia.
His hand, fashioned the moon...
And sent it spinning,
through the galaxy?s of stars.
That same hand, molded the earth,
with its high mountains, and deep seas.
He gave life to you, and to me.
Pray to him, Antillia.
He will listen to your prayers.
- The earth moved again last night.
- And gave us more work to do.
Remove his chains,
he will come with me.
Wait here.
My orders are not to
let him out of my sight.
Only nobles, may pass through these doors.
Well this Greek, is no noble.
Neither is he an Atlantean.
The Gods do not recognize the presence of
barbarians, and he is one, is he not?
- Yes, but I...
- Do you argue with your Gods?
No, holy one.
Wait, Demetrius.
You must listen to me.
I listened once, and awoke in chains.
Isn't that enough?
It wasn't my doing.
Zaren, told me you chose to
return to Greece, and I believed him.
Till I saw you yesterday.
Then set me free, now.
I can't.
Why not?
Your father is the King,
who will shower me with riches, remember?
He is not the same King I left here...
Zaren, has become the power in Atlantis.
Then ask Zaren.
He would have you killed,
if he knew I loved you.
Subtitle created by,
Dandysubs and cryinoutloud.
You lured me to this miserable country,
by lies and trickery.
You accepted my bargain, then made me believe
you loved me, to keep from turning back.
And all the time,
knowing I would soon be enslaved...
... is this love, Princess?
I thought my father was above the law.
You lie.
You do not think beyond
your own selfish desires.
At first, true.
But when you took me in your arms... heart was yours.
Your heart, comes dear Princess.
It is not worth the price I paid.
Give it to Zaren. Give him your love,
and buy back my freedom.
Even your words, smell like fish.
Stay, Demetrius!
I prefer the company slaves.
Now, you will close your eyes.
When you are commanded to open them again,
you will be a bull.
Every day, and every way,
you will become more and more, like one.
Strong, strong, strong.
Take him away.
Now bring me the Greek.
And what shall you be?
Part mule, with long ridiculous ears?
Or a...
...a buffalo, with great horns.
Here, here?
But you, unlike the others...
...will be able to remember who you are.
Perhaps this would be appropriate.
Think how it would amuse the Princess,
to see you as you really are.
A filthy pig.
I have orders my Lord, Zaren.
He allows the Greek,
a chance to gain his freedom.
Why do they always,
take my best specimens, away from me.
But he must face the ordeal,
of fire and water.
Take him.
I will enjoy,
seeing you slowly roasted alive.
What troubles you, Azor?
The doves, look at them.
In the past, they always circle the coliseum,
and then return to their cages.
Now the whole flock
is winging out toward the open sea.
Father it's Demetrius,
you must stop this.
I will, my dear.
But Your Majesty,
you can't disappoint your faithful subjects.
Of course.
I must not.
There's nothing we can do.
By his Majesty the King...
Demetrius, is a slave no more.
Here, in the middle of our vast ocean... Atlantis, our mighty empire.
But no ocean is vast enough to contain
our might, our power, our ambitions.
In the past, this one great crystal was
enough to supply energy for all our needs.
But we cannot live in the past.
If we are to survive,
we must live in the future.
And as a monument to
the future, I have cause... be readied another, a greater
crystal in the belly of the crater.
A weapon so powerful,
that with it, Governors of Atlantis,
we can become, masters of the world.
You speak of wicked things, Zaren.
Do not listen to these words of war.
It's the destiny of Atlantis,
to rule the world.
Do not the Gods themselves call us,
the race of masters?
And isn't it also written,
conquer or be conquered?
Conquered by whom?
I shall answer you.
One country alone,
may not be an enemy worth fearing.
But united with other countries,
could present...
...a strength that would
endanger our very existence.
Atlantis, can not take that chance.
We must attack them one by one.
Our only assurance of survival,
is to attack and attack soon.
No. No. No.
Let Azor, be heard.
You have arms,
that can repel any invasion.
Any imaginary invasion
you can conceive.
More important, we have erred, in deliberately
isolating Atlantis, from the rest of the world.
We should have shared,
our advancements with all mankind.
The mankind you speak of,
is good for one thing.
A country that depends upon slavery
for its existence... must perish.
Your Majesty.
Noble Governors of Atlantis.
Long before he came,
it was written in the stars...
...that a Greek fishermen
would reach our shores.
That prophecy has been fulfilled.
It was also written, that with his arrival,
the downfall of Atlantis would commence.
The fact, that a barbarian, was able to
survive the ordeal of fire and water... a warning nobleman,
that we will be conquered by barbarians.
Unless we conquer first.
I call for war.
We of the mountains, say war.
And for the sea.
War for the rivers.
And for science.
And the animals.
You, priest?
Let it be war.
Just as all the others.
The bees have deserted us.
Each morning of my life,
I have awakened to the singing birds.
Now only silence, greets the day.
Perhaps it is instinct,
call it what you will.
But they sense something, something evil.
A strange breeze now rises,
with every outgoing tide...
Blowing dead leaves,
out toward the open sea.
The humblest insects,
seem to know it carries them...
...not to destruction... but to survival.
Even the seeds,
forsake their mother soil.
All nature senses, that the end is near.
Man alone, turns deaf ears
to natures warnings.
The Princess would speak to you, Demetrius.
I have no wish to speak to her.
It is best that you do.
I'm here to repay the debt I owe you.
Tonight at moon rise, the fishing fleet
sets sail from the north harbor.
Be there.
One ship bears the Kings crest.
The captain will be waiting for you.
He will take you aboard, and set you
ashore, at the Pillars of Hercules.
You must find your own way from their.
If you suspect treachery,
set your mind at rest.
The words I spoke when last we met...
...they were words of anger.
Forgive me.
Thank you, Antillia.
You owe thanks to no one.
Your farewells, were said quickly.
She loves you.
I wish it were true.
I'm leaving.
Antillia, told me so in trust.
Do you want me to stay?
To remain in Atlantis, is to die.
None will be spared.
And doomsday is not far off.
But no one can foretell the future,
not even a holy man.
I was not always a priest my son.
In the days when Atlantis, was a just,
and noble land, I was well versed in sciences.
But I hid my eyes, when she began to
use her great knowledge for evil.
And fashioned Gods,
after her own scientific achievements.
For this, we will die.
The true God, will destroy Atlantis.
But why do you stay, Azor?
Because, guilt rests heavy on my heart.
We created wonders
for the good of mankind.
Then turned them into monsters.
The crystals capture the rays of the sun,
the base stores the energy.
They seem identical yet,
vary greatly in function.
Now, this is a model,
of the original invention.
It's purpose...
Provides warmth, and light, comfort.
Feel it.
Now see what they have done with it.
That urn...
Zaren, now builds one that has
a thousand times more power.
Within a moon, it will be ready,
and with it, he will subjugate the world.
Why are you telling me this?
You can warn the world,
your own people, when you reach home.
But what defense, have we?
And if I stay...
What can I do, to halt Zaren's, plan.
Nothing now,
but tomorrow may bring a chance.
I can not wait til tomorrow,
my ship leaves tonight.
Dawn this seamen's garb,
it will make your boarding easier.
Farewell, Azor.
God, shield you my son.
All my calculations,
add up to the same conclusion.
On the next full moon,
you must depart for conquest.
It'll give me little time,
to finish the crystal.
It is the only date, the stars favor.
It'll be ready.
One man, Demetrius,
wishes to see you my Lord.
Let him enter.
You need my help.
Why would I need the help of a slave?
Forgive my stumbling tongue,
a free man.
I'm also a fisherman, who knows the waters,
and lands you do not know.
I can lead your ship safely, through the
Pillars of Hercules, into the hidden sea.
I can add color,
to the darkness of your chart.
Why this change of heart?
Other slaves would rather face death,
than give us guidance.
I have tasted luxury,
and groomed an appetite for it.
Your friends in the dungeon,
will call you a traitor.
Let them.
I can find comfort in,
silver, and beaten gold.
Are we to bargain with the slaves?
He will bring us disaster.
You must excuse, our impetuous astrologer.
A bargain it is.
Proceed, Demetrius.
Let me see you change,
the face of the world.
What do you think, map maker?
Well my Lord is aware, that none of our ships
has ever returned, from the hidden sea.
They must have perished in the, treacherous reefs,
or in the shifting currents, of the Pillars of Hercules.
We therefore possess virtually,
no knowledge, only speculation.
The chance, favors this,
being a trustworthy guide.
I'll wager, not one detail is correct.
We'll soon see.
You, traitorous dog!
You traitor!
Remove him.
You stinking, filthy, traitor!
You filthy traitor! You swine!
You stinking traitor!
I'll take my pay now.
Of course, Demetrius.
This is only a sample, of my generosity,
I may have need of your services again.
I would never trust this Greek.
He lies with every breath
Dwell with your stars, Sonoy, and let
matters of importance, rest in my hands.
I Trust men, who put wealth, above honor.
Another warning.
I measure the lava, every day.
It rises steadily.
A sea of boiling devastation,
below Atlantis.
Straining at the throat
of this sleeping volcano.
Waiting for the beginning of the end.
When is the end, Azor?
Soon after the next full moon.
Soon after Zaren, and his warriors,
have set sail to, conquer the world.
But if Zaren, is delayed,
this conquest can never take place.
My Lord Zaren, waits impatiently.
You should have been here before this.
Another delay.
There's little time left,
and the slaves, grow lazier by the hour.
They can't help me.
You must help me.
What can you do?
But you, a man of wisdom,
must surely know a way.
There is a limit to mans endurance.
These men have reached that limit.
They must rest!
Our Priest, has a splendid remedy.
I have an even better one.
A score of them, to the gallows.
That will cure, the others.
The gallows, is not the answer, Zaren.
Listen to a man, that was once a slave.
What is your remedy?
Put me in charge here.
Then, what would you do?
Put up a camp near by,
the dungeon is far away.
The slaves weary,
before they begin their daily tasks.
Remove their chains, discard the whip,
give them decent food.
Ridiculous, why should I grant
such insane demands?
You have no choice.
Very well.
Of course, my services
are not without a fee.
You have sampled my generosity.
You can rely upon it again.
But if you fail...
I will succeed.
I'm awake, Xandros.
The others are waiting.
They believe as I, that Demetrius,
did not betray his friends.
We're all eager to help
you with your plan.
I've been thinking.
Wishing I could do
something to help you.
There's nothing you can do.
Nothing anyone can do.
It slowly eats its way,
through the will, of the mind...
Till I'm no longer human.
In the end, I must be locked up,
with the others.
Come, we must be on our way.
I want to help you, while I still can.
Remove the wedge.
Hurry, hurry!
- Set the bit deeper.
- Hurry, hurry!
- Volcano will wake!
- Hurry, hurry!
- Destroy the crystal.
- Hurry, hurry!
- Before the full moon.
- Hurry, hurry!
- Before Zaren, sees us.
- Hurry, hurry!
- Come up lava.
- Soon, soon!
- Crystal be damned.
- Damn, damn.
- Zaren, shall not conquer.
- No, no!.
Hurry, hurry!
Hurry, hurry, hurry...
I want to be your wife, Demetrius.
I love you.
Take me away.
I can't.
Your boat waits in the secret cove.
Let's leave Atlantis, and never return.
I have wronged you Demetrius, I know.
No that's not it Antillia, believe me.
What is it then?
I can't tell you.
Not yet.
Very well,
leave me behind if you will.
But you must leave Atlantis, at once.
As soon as you finish your task,
Zaren, will kill you.
That's a chance I must take.
Please Princess, leave now,
the sun will soon rise and he needs rest.
Trust me Antillia.
- Volcano will leak.
- Covering more, covering more.
- Come up lava.
- Covering more, covering more.
- Our days are numbered.
- Hurry more, hurry more.
- Destroy the crystal.
- Hurry more, hurry more.
- Before the full Moon.
- Hurry more, hurry...
- Come up lava.
- Now, now.
- Crystal be damned.
- Shh!
There, there!
No, this way.
Quick, cover the entrance!
They mustn't find the shaft.
There they are!
Go get them!
We'll, kill every last one of them!
- There!
- Don't let them get away.
Where is the Greek?
He can not be far.
Find him!
Free yourselves!
The end has come.
To the harbor!
Board the ships!
Insolent gravel!
Dare them, enter my palace.
Follow me!
No. No. No.
The water's rising, we are trapped!
No escape there, the harbor is sealed,
it's flooded with the lava!
Here, this way!
Damn you.
Atlantis is gone.
But free men, wiser men...
...carried the culture,
from the mother empire... the four corners, of the earth.
Subtitle created by,
Dandysubs and cryinoutloud.