Atlantis: The Future of Mankind (2021) - full transcript
Today, we are finding lost cities, strange structures and more with new technology that may also prove, once and for all that Atlantis might not be a myth, that in fact it may hold the ... - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
- When we
hear the word Atlantis,
our imagination
erupts into life.
Great sparkling cities,
tall elegant people
and amazing technology
of a once all powerful nation
that is now lost to us
in the mist of time.
Thousands of people have
spent their entire lives
searching for its truth,
hunting the remnants
of a race that
spawned civilization.
Others have disappeared into
the world of psychic phenomena
to seek out the secrets,
and even more have
looked towards the stars
and an alien answer.
The real truth about Atlantis
is actually very profound
and tells a tale that every
school child should be taught.
Yes, there are real
people in this tale.
Yes, there are real places,
but there are also
very real inner truths.
These truths
stretch back in time
to the origins of
civilization itself.
They answer a great
many questions we have
about a great many mysteries
from the Bible to angels,
from historical floods
to natural disasters
and from the evil in mankind
to the existence of aliens.
But tale of Atlantis
brings them all into light
from the dark depths of
an ancient sunken abyss.
For over 2000 years,
mankindhas grappled with the question,
what was Atlantis and
where did its people originate?
From great sea power
of ancient times
to idealistic utopia,
from pawn for Nazi propaganda
to home of the ancient aliens.
The full weight of
human imagination
has been brought to bear
on the mystery that is Atlantis.
Who do we believe,
what is the evidence?
Where did it all begin,
where and when will it end?
It's time to break
apart the myth
and reveal the hard
evidence and discover Atlantis.
So what does the
word itself mean
and where did it originate?
Two small dialogues
called Timaeus and Critias,
written by the Greek
philosopher, Plato,
in around 360 BC,
first mentioned Atlantis.
It is named after the
Greek Titan God Atlas,
who holds up the world
on his shoulders.
Atlantis is the island of Atlas.
According to Plato,
Atlantis was a great
land and a sea power
situated in front of
the Pillars of Hercules.
This great power had existed
9000 years before Plato,
that's about 11, 000 years ago.
It had conquered much
of Europe and Africa.
when they attempted to invade Athens,
the island sank into the ocean
in a single day and
night of misfortune.
From the moment Plato
put pen to paper,
Atlantis became a mystery
of debate on all levels,
from the idea that
it actually existed
to the concept of it
being a utopian dream.
In the Middle Ages
and later periods,
humanists and
renaissance writers
turned in Atlantis into an
allegorical heaven on earth.
By the 19th century,
it was turning back to
a very real possibility
that it had existed
and indeed still may.
One thing is sure,
the idea of Atlantis has
inspired the imagination
of countless individuals
throughout the centuries,
and still does.
To academics, the tale
is one of many myths
woven into Plato's works
for purely stylistic reasons.
He was conceptualizing
the ideal state,
just as he did so in his
book, "The Republic".
He introduces Atlantis
via an oldest story
to give it credence.
In Critias, Plato tells the
tale of Solon visiting Egypt.
There he met a
priest called Sais,
who relay the story of a war
between ancient
Athens and Atlantis.
Some say that real events
may have influenced Plato,
such as the eruption
of Santorini,
the invasion of the Sea
Peoplesand even the Trojan War.
Most however insist that
Plato created the story
with minor inspirations
such as the failed
Athenian invasion of Sicily.
Plato introduced Atlantis first in Timaeus,
which begins With the creation
and structure of the
universe as seen by Plato.
He discusses ancient
and muses about
the ideal society.
He asks whether his friends
might know of any such place.
Critias answers that he knows
of a supposedly historical
placeand events that surrounded.
Athens is the perfect state
with Atlantis in opposition,
it being the
opposite of perfect.
Critias states that the gods
divided the land
amongst themselves
and Poseidon, the God of the Sea,
was given Atlantis.
Larger than Libya and
Asia Minor combined,
it was in this tale to
be sunk by an earthquake
turning into an
impassable muddy show.
The Egyptians, he said,
described Atlantis
as having mountains in the north
being hundreds of miles across,
made up of numerous islands,
with the central island
being around a half
a mile in diameter.
It is probably important
to understand the layout
and description of the
islands of Atlantis
because one thing is certain,
Plato would never include
such details on a whim.
Like many other myths,
the details could point
to a real location
such as in the case of Troy,
or refer to something
like sacred geometry.
The real sight of Atlantis,
although probably an
ancient subtle allusion
to gnostic beliefs,
could in fact be based upon an
ancient folk memory of Mexico
which is variously called Itlan,
Otlan, Atlan, Autlan,
Mazatlan, Cacatlan and Tollan,
all sounding remarkably
similar to Atlantis.
Plato places Atlantis
beyond the Pillars of Hercules,
there are only the
Americas beyond the pillars.
He says it is larger than Libya,
which was seen as most
of Africa to Plato.
Any site of an atlas
will show that the Americas
match this description.
It was set to be a great empire,
stretching for miles,
and with each passing year,
ourarcheologists and scientists
are further uncovering
huge landscapes
previously thought
to be uninhabited
and which now reveal the
signs of having been lived in
and cultivated on
a massive scale.
Also we have seen
from the timeline
that Harappan culture of India,
the pre-Indian civilization
was a great seafaring society.
Surely there has been more proof
that these cultures
spread across the seas
and traded religious
ideas, if not more.
Well, there is a lot more.
The ancient boats
used by the Chinese,
Japanese and Indians
were Sampans.
This is interesting
because in South America,
the tribes of the coast call them Mayu,
Chan-pan, Sam-pan,
virtually the same terms
for vessels across
the ancient world.
This idea of common languages
would be easier to discover
had not the invading
European countries
virtually destroyed them.
However, there are plenty
of similarities in structure
and meaning to make the case.
You will notice from
the very names of places
such as Atlan and Autlan,
that the letters tlan are common.
In ancient myths,
the serpent race of
India known as the Nagas,
was said to reside in Patalan or Ptlan,
an interesting fact,
when we consider that
all these cultures
worshiped the serpent.
In fact, certain
known as Paria,
actually lived in the
area known as Atlan..
The Parias, according to
Braginein The Shadow of Atlantis,
were white-skinned
and possessed folklore
of a great Cataclysm
that destroyed their
original homeland.
In Sanskrit, which
is widely thought
to be the root of many
of the world's languages,
Tala is surface and the n
refersto the people living there.
So Talan is people
of the surface,
the A suffix denotes
below or no longer.
So Atalan is people
are below the surface,
just like Atlantis.
Amazingly, Tala is also
anepithet for the Hindu god Siva,
and therefore Talan
means the people of Siva.
Vera Cruz in the Americas
is said to be derived
from Ver la Cruz,
which is Spanish for
seeing the cross.
Not an unusual thought
considering this was a symbol
of the feathered serpent
savior Quetzalcoatl.
However in Sanskrit,
Vira Kurus means
simply Kurus the Hero,
a title for the tribe
which is said to have
disappeared from India
following the deluge,
indicatingthrough language alone,
that there must
have been contact,
especially when we
consider the rest of the data.
But how did they
transport themselves?
Possibly on Sampans which
we have seen are the same.
But also, the savior-deityQuetzalcoatl
and the god Vishnu,
are both said to have
traveled to Patala
via an eagle and
a raft of snakes.
Quetzalcoatl disappeared
back to Tlapallan,
the place of the people of Pala,
which is Bihar in India.
From this place
it was considered
that the world's greatest
architects and builders
emerged after the flood,
and they spread across the globe.
In all likelihood,
they are ultimately responsible
for the world's
stone megaliths
and monoliths such
as Avebury in England
and the serpent mounds
of North America.
The very word Atala,
means an abode of these serpents.
The Hindus mixed,
traded with and respected the Greeks.
As we can see in Taxila,
there were great cross-cultural mixing pots
and hives of religious
and philosophical debate,
and indeed it is highly likely
that the stories of Atlantis
evolved from Hindu myths
such as the story of
the city of Dvaraka,
in the Mahabharat,
the capital of Krishna, which sank.
The age of the serpent goes
back to and beyond the deluge
and was taken across the
seas to the Americas.
Even the architecture
of Atlantis,
with its many circular
banks and ditches,
brings to mind the thousands
of cup and ring marks,
spirals and other serpent
shapes seen on liths
or stones across the world.
Returning back to the
tale Plato gave us,
we must look at the
other parts of the tale
which may reveal a clue
to the reality of Atlantis.
Poseidon had five pairs of maletwins,
the eldest was Atlas,
and he was made the
king of the whole island
and ocean now
called the Atlantic.
His twin, Gadeirus,
was given a part of the island
near the Pillars of Hercules.
Poseidon carved the mountain
where his love
resided into a palace.
He created three modes
of increasing width.
These people, the Atlanteans,
then built a series of bridges
from the mountain
city for access.
A huge canal was
dug out to the sea
and tunnels into the rings
of land for ships to pass.
Docks were carved directly
into the massive rocks.
Each entrance had
gates and towers
and walls surrounded
each ring made from red,
white and black rocks.
These were covered in brass,
tin and Orichalcum.
Each of these things
have symbolic meaning.
Red for instance,
was a symbol for growth and decay,
Orichalcum is an unknown
metal used for honor.
There is an earlier
account of Atlantis
written by Hellanicus of Lesbos.
There is very little in
the fragment that exists
and this deals mainly
with genealogy.
There is however,
a linkbetween a place called Syracuse,
where Plato once lived,
and his account of Atlantis.
It has been shown to
have a number of parallels
and physical layout
and fortifications.
who studied under one of Plato's students,
and therefore from very
close to Plato's own time,
actually stated he believed
in Atlantis to be real.
He wrote a commentary on Timaeus,
which is now lost.
However, there is a
written report on it
from the fifth century,
this is what was written.
"Crantor also says that
Plato's contemporaries
"used to criticize him jokingly,
"for not being the
inventor of his Republic,
"but copying the
institutions of the Egyptians."
Plato took these
critics seriously enough
to assign to the
Egyptians this story
about the Athenians
and the Atlanteans,
so as to make them
say that the Athenians
really once lived according to that system.
Crantor adds that
this is testified
by the prophets
of the Egyptians,
who assert that
these particulars are
written on pillars
which are still preserved.
The writer Proclus also said,
"We must bear in mind
"concerning this whole
theme of the Athenians,
"that it is neither a mere
myth nor unadorned history,
"although some take it as
history and others as myth."
That an island of such
nature and size once existed
is evident from what is
said by certain authors
who investigated the
things around the outer sea.
For according to them,
there were seven islands
in that sea in their time,
sacred to Persephone,
and also three others
of enormous size,
one of which was sacred to Hades,
another to Amman,
and another one between
them and Poseidon,
the extent of which
was 1000 stadia,
and the inhabitants
of it, they add,
preserve the remembrance
from their ancestors
of the measurable large
island of Atlantis,
which had really existed
there and which for many ages,
had reigned over all
islands in the Atlantic sea,
and which itself had likewise
been sacred to Poseidon.
So it was or is a massive island,
sacred to the gods
and sits in the Atlantic,
somewhere between Europe
and America maybe.
Proclus was not alone in
believing Atlantis to be real,
so too did the historians
and philosophers,
Strabo and Posidonius.
A few decades after Plato,
another writer by the
name of Theopompus,
spoke of a land called Meropis.
Here, a race of men grew
twice the size of normal men
and inhabited two cities known
as Eusebes and Machimos,
the pious-town and
the fighting town.
Most scholars believe
that Theopompus
was in fact imitating
or copying Plato,
and thus much of the
detail has merged
with the mythology of Atlantis.
The next actual written
work about Atlantis
comes from the historian
Philo in the first century AD.
He claims that the
successor of Aristotle,
a man named Theophrastus said,
in the island of Atlantis
which was greater
than Africa and Asia,
as Plato says in The Timaeus,
"In one day and night,
was overwhelmed beneath the sea
"and consequences of
extraordinary earthquake
"and inundation and suddenly
disappeared becoming sea,
"not indeed navigable
but full of gulfs and hades."
The Christian
writer, Tertullian,
said that Atlantis was real
and that it was equal in
size to Libya or Asia,
showing that he was familiar
with Plato's description.
Another Christian,
Arnobius, not surprisingly,
said the destruction of Atlantis
was due to their pagan ways.
It is interesting that
Atlantiswas also being compared
with the great flood
from the Bible,
a sudden destruction
of populations way
back in antiquity
and only remembered
now as legend.
Scientific evidence
does show floods
around the globe
at various times,
and some have
compare the tsunamis
caused by the eruption
ofSantorini in the biblical flood.
In truth, it may be
that other cultures
wrote of this massive
destruction of an
entire civilization,
but with different
names and perspectives.
A Hebrew text from
the 14th century
discussing calculations
for longitude, states,
some say that they begin
at the beginning of the
Western ocean and beyond.
For in the earliest times,
there was an island in
the middle of the ocean,
there was scholars there
who isolated themselves
in the pursuit of philosophy.
In their day, that
was the beginning
of measuring the longitude
of the inhabited world.
Today, it has become
covered by the sea.
From the 16th century onwards,
speculation surrounding
Atlantis spread,
and with new
European discoveries
in the Americas and elsewhere,
there was a good
reason to suggest
there might just be traces of
these great islands somewhere.
It was in this era
of speculation that
Sir Thomas Moore,
first uttered the name utopia,
it was a work inspired
directlyby the tales of Atlantis
and accounts from
travelers too far off lands.
This utopia was situated in
the new world of the Americas
and indeed inspired many people
to venture across the
Atlantic themselves.
Plato's description of a
massivecontinent mirrored the size
and scope of the new world of
the Americas who were many.
So Francis Bacon continued
the theme in his work,
"The New Atlantis",
where his idealistic paradise
was situated off the
western coast of America.
It was becoming popular belief
that Atlantis had indeed
been based upon stories
of the Mayans and
Aztecs civilizations.
It was an era of
grand Christianity
and evidence for many of
the Old Testament tales
was being sought out.
Europeans saw most
indigenous people as inferior
and comforted themselves
with the notions
that white men had built
the massive structures
that were being found.
A common history between
thetribes of Israel and Europeans,
to those people who must have
built such pyramids in palaces
This was also being
brought into line
with the concepts of Atlantis,
and gave them a
satisfying explanation.
However, just because of
the racism of our ancestors,
does not mean there
could not be some truth
to the location and
origin of the Atlantis myth.
By the mid 19th century,
Mesoamerican scholars
were proposing officially,
that Atlantis must relate to
the Mayan and Aztec cultures.
It was stated that the Toltecs
were the surviving
remnant of the Atlanteans
and the Aztecs
descended from these.
Such ideas along with
romantic drawings,
fostered the popular imagination
and soon a mixture of
Egyptian, Greek, Mayan
and Aztec imagery
was being created
for fantasy world around
the legend of Atlantis.
It is difficult today to
understand the credence
that was given to such thoughts.
We have modern science,
geological surveys,
archeological digs,
post-Rosetta Stone
translationsof major historical texts,
a broad and yet fairly
detailedaccount of much of history.
Back in the 19th and
early 20th century,
scholars was still
developing a science
of historical research,
and this included use
of a lot of imagination
to fill in the gaps.
One man who successfully
used his imagination
and strong willpower to
unlock an age old mystery
was Heinrich Schliemann.
Ever since Homer had
written down the story of Troy,
mankind had wondered
how much of it was true.
When Schliemann discovered
Troy in modern day Turkey
which was believed
to have been legend,
the fire once again
ignited for Atlantis.
Scholars claimed to have
discovered a connection
between the Greek
and Mayan languages,
and suddenly the game
was opened for all to play.
The writer Ignatius
Donnelly, tried to prove
that all known civilizations
were descended from Atlantis.
He drew parallels between
the creation of stories
of various cultures,
and stated that the
true Garden of Eden
was really in Atlantis.
It was Donnelly who inspired
a 19th century Atlantis revival
and began a march towards
new age concepts of the ancients.
The world was about to be
givena whole new interpretation
of the Atlantis myth,
and an array of fanciful
and bizarre concepts
would merge into
the popular psyche.
The Theosophical Society
would take it all,
molded and repackage it
in the Secret Doctrine
by Madame Blavatsky.
The book she claimed
had been originally
dictated in Atlantis itself.
In the book, Blavatsky
completely ignored
Plato's statement
that Atlantis was the
opposite of pure and gold.
Instead, she described
them as cultural heroes.
They were part of what
she called a Route Race
succeeded by her own Aryan race,
and we all know where
that idea led us.
The theosophists claimed
that Atlantis reached
its peak of civilization
around one million years ago,
when it finally destroyed itself
through the dangerous
use of psychic
and supernatural powers.
There is absolutely no
evidencefor anything of the claims
other than their
ownself-professed psychic abilities
to communicate
with it Atlanteans.
Emerging of myths and
theretelling of the Atlantis legend
would eventually
provide the Nazis
with one of pretenses
for their Aryan philosophy,
which resulted in mass genocide.
In 1934, Julius Evola,
claimed the Atlanteans
were Nordic Superman,
who had originally come
from the North Pole
and others followed suit.
This creative surge
surrounding Atlantis
is now in the popular psyche.
People see it as a home
of advanced technology,
of superhuman abilities,
of perfection,
powerful energy crystals
and mystical magical ways
pushed aside any
of a real city state
inhabited by real people.
During the course of
the 1960s and beyond,
modern understanding
of plate tectonics
and continental drift haseroded
such New Age philosophies
and science took over.
Today, most scholars see
the story of Atlantis
as a method of teaching.
Breaking down Plato's writing
methods and Greek storytelling
reveals that he may in
fact have been asking us
to examine our own culture,
politics, government.
We have missed the point they say,
if we go around the world
attempting to discover
the lost continent.
Others still point to Schliemann
and how he actually found
acity of legend from Greek myth.
So where should we look,
where is this ancient place?
Is it in the realm of
thought and philosophy
or is there are possibility
that it may have once
existed like Troy?
There're literally are dozens
of hypothetical locations
put forward by the
modern day explorer.
Some completely
ignore Plato's words
and don't even look
to the Atlantic Ocean.
A lot of the locations
have similarities to
the Atlantis tale,
such as the Catastrophic End,
waterways that existed
close to the time frame.
Most of the proposed locations
fall within the Mediterranean Sea,
Sardinia, Creaked,
Sicily, Cyprus,
Malta and the most popular one, Santorini.
There are also ancient cities
that come under the spotlight
such as Troy and Tantalus.
Our first port of call is the most popular,
Located in the Aegean,
it is today known as Thira.
Many experts claim that
it was once the home
of an ancient Minoan
civilization from Crete.
Seen as a wise and
cultivated society,
it is easy to understand
how they may have been
seen as Atlanteans.
Like the people of Atlantis,
the Minoans worship the bull,
and this had been used
to link them together,
but the problem remains that
many cultures of the period
such as the Egyptians,
worshiped the bull as well.
It is also not beyond
the Pillars of Hercules
as Plato stated,
in and around the
16th century BC,
Santorini erupted destroying
the society completely.
It caused a massive tsunami
that also destroyed the
Minoan society on Crete
and spread disaster
far and wide,
with flooding as far as Egypt.
It is speculated
that this disaster
influenced Plato in
his storytelling,
but it is thousands
of years late
and in the wrong
location for it to be Atlantis.
Speculation, new age psychic ideas,
Nazi propaganda,
treasure hunters and more,
and yet no one has found
real, hard evidence.
That was until 2011.
A television team workingunder
Professor Richard Freund,
actually claimed to
have found evidence
for Atlantis in Andalusia.
It was their belief
that Atlantis had been
destroyed by a tsunami
in the area previously
discovered by
Spanish scientists.
The team used satellite imagery
of a suspected submerged
city north of Cadiz
and found what they believed
to be a multi-ring
ancient dominion.
They claim that
citizens of Atlantis
fled to other cities
in locations close by.
However, Spanish scientists
have completely dismissed the speculations,
calling the claims fanciful.
It is yet to be
proven beyond doubt
to be the location for Atlantis.
The team were not alone
in their claim however.
German researchers
and historians
have also stated the
area to be a likely location.
The claim center around
a place called Tartessos,
which is said to
have been a basis
for Plato's work on Atlantis
by some historians in the 1920s.
The writer, Heraclitus,
stated that it was situatedbeyond
the Pillars of Hercules,
a statement Plato also
used for Atlantis.
They traded widely and
seemed to have been wealthy,
a local port was built
now known as Cadiz.
And yet, apart from
the good professor,
no other scholars
except the claims.
Many look beyond the
Pillars of Hercules,
now known as the
Straits of Gibraltar,
and into the Atlantic Ocean.
It has been claimed
that Atlantis
was a northern
European sunken Island
such Doggerland
or Bergen Island,
which was flooded by a
tsunami in around 6100 BC.
Others have claimed
Ireland to be Atlantis,
with this mysterious
history of mighty warriors.
The canary in Madeira
Islands have also been claimed
due to their location just
beyond the Mediterranean,
but no evidence has
been forthcoming.
Various studies on the
islands including the Azores
and beneath the ocean waves,
have resulted in a
complete lack of evidence.
Several other locations
have been speculated upon,
and Arctica, the Caribbean,
an Island near Cuba,
the Bahamas and South America.
None of them have come anywhere
near the amount of
evidence required
to prove beyond doubt
that they are indeed Atlantis.
There are a number
of more modern claims
that we must look at such
as the idea that Atlantis
had something to do
with ancient aliens.
Before we do,
it's time to take a look
at a few of the problems
with the original
texts from Plato.
Doing so will help
us be clear sighted
when listening to claims
of aliens and such.
Atlantis is said to be
beyond the Pillars of Hercules
or modern day Gibraltar,
and the sea is said
to be impassable.
nowhere in any historical
texts is this stated.
The sea has always
been fine for shipping,
Atlantis is said to have sunk,
so does this rule on any islands
that are now viewable
above the waves?
Plato said his knowledge
came from Solon,
who himself learned of
it from the Egyptians.
For well over 100 years,
archeologists and historians
have been researching Egypt.
They have a lot of
knowledge and can even tell us
what a particular
Pharaoh ate for dinner.
And yet, not one
mention of Atlantis.
As there is no scientificbacking
for channeled messages,
we have to rule out anything
from those who use them,
including Edgar Casey
and Madame Blavatsky.
This destroys such claims oftall,
highly intelligent people
who glow or have psychic powers.
If they indeed exist,
then there would be
a lot more historical
and archeological
evidence for them,
and Plato might have found
such powers interesting enough
to include in his own tale.
What Plato did tell us is clear,
Atlantis was huge
and made up of concentric
rings of land and water
situated beyond Gibraltar.
There is no argument
with those statements
and yet,
no sunken domain the size of two countries
has been spotted beneath
the waves of the Atlantic yet.
Modern satellite technology
and geographical surveys
have revealed the
floor of the Atlantic
as can be seen on Google Earth,
and such a massive
and unusual shape
would have been spotted.
One of the most used
claims that is completely false
is that the Atlanteans were
technologically advanced.
Plato mentions
nothing of the sort.
These are all things psychics
and New Age philosophers
speculating or channeling.
There are no mentions of flyingmachines,
psychic powers,
pyramids, lasers or any
other kind of science fiction.
Again, if such things had existed 11,
000 years ago,
then other cultures
and trading partners
would have mentioned them,
the Egyptians
certainly would have.
It all makes for
great entertainment
and is indeed bad such
wonderful television shows
such as Stargate, but it
remains science fiction.
Many of those early writers
who made fanciful
claims for Atlantis
were radically oriented,
claiming that Mayans and Aztecs
were not capable of
creating their own pyramids
and grand structures.
Science moved forward
andevidence overcame such bigotry.
Today similar claims are made,
but instead of white Europeans
or clever Egyptians being
the minds behind the mystery,
it is said that the knowledge
came from the aliens.
However we dress it up,
it is still racist and bigoted
to assume ancient people
could not build such
large structures
without outside intervention.
What they neglect to remember
is that mankind spread
around the globe
from the same source,
that the sun,
moon and stars in the skies as deities,
were seen by all men,
all mankind have same needs,
the same evolutionary drives,
the same desire to meet
their gods and the afterlife.
Similarities around the
globe are all easily explained
through the similarities
and the biological
entity called human
and the environment
in which he lives.
And this brings us to
a very important point.
Plato when writing his
Republicor texts about Atlantis,
was passing on a
message to us all
about good and bad,
right and wrong.
About ways to set
up a strong society
that understands
the nature of man.
So many rules and regulations
are created by humans
that forget the
nature of the beast.
Atlantis and its downfall
is possibly just an allegory
of what comes to all
those who believe
they are more than they are.
Plato was a teacher of men.
Not all that is taught
is literal fact.
Some teaching is better
done through fables,
it has always been this way.
The problem arises
when we start to believe a
man really walked on water
and the virgin lady gave birth.
The same can be said of
Atlantis in many ways.
Do we believe the
writings of a man
who claimed psychic
connection to the souls of Atlantis?
Do we accept that they
had incredible technology?
Crystals of power, came
thousands of years ago
in a spaceship, spawned
mankind and on and on.
Or do we look at
what was written,
the surrounding archeological
discoveries for the period,
the contemporary writings,
in short, the facts.
So, if we understand that
Plato was creating a story
for the purpose of teaching,
could it be that there
was some kind of real story
upon which it is based?
Ignoring the timeline
of 11, 000 years ago,
was there a series of events
that Plato stole for
his teaching device?
The answer is maybe.
In the fifth century BC,
there existed a delicate
balance of power
between Athens and Sparta.
Much like that stated between
Athens and Atlantis by Plato.
A surprise earthquake
struck Sparta,
killing more than
20, 000 of them.
This demise in numbers
sparked Sparta's neighbors
and indeed subject to begin
what is known as
the Earthquake Wars.
Sparta refused aid from Athens
and hostilities
between them began.
In 426 BC,
one of the most destructive
earthquakes from antiquity,
struck Athens with the
followingtsunamis causing chaos.
The Spartan army camp
nearby and ready to attack
but more earthquakes
forced them to flee.
An island called Atlanti
was home to an Athenian fort.
Absolute chaotic destruction
came in the form of
a massive sea wave.
There were many deaths
and the coastline
was changed forever.
In the fourth century BC,
apeace treaty was finally struck
but was quickly followed
by yet another earthquake,
destroying the cities
of Helike and Boura.
Helike had been a wealthy city
and capital of a league
of cities states.
It had been a center for
the worship of Poseidon
and was revered by many.
It was a relatively
peaceful civilization
and inspired many to see
it as a perfect society.
The destructive power
of the earthquake
and the following tsunami
destroyed every building
and Pausanias wrote
that even the foundation
were lost for all time.
Following the disaster,
the remnants of this
once glorious city
were divided amongst
its neighbors.
legend emerged that Poseidon himself
had caused the destruction
for the defiling
of his sanctuary.
Writers started to say
that Helike's remains,
now lie deep below
the ocean flow.
It wasn't to this very
period that Plato was born
and all the news and
discussion of the events
would have been widespread.
Looking at the various real
historical events in the area
just before and at
the time of Plato,
it is clear to see where
he gained his inspiration
of political perfection
and ultimate demise.
And yet with every passingdecade,
a new discovery emerges
of ancient structures
on the ocean floor.
Pyramids, great walls,
strange man-made objects
seem to be everywhere.
Who knows, but one day
we may just discover
the remnants of that ancient
civilization called Atlantis.
In each age,
the story has undergone a metamorphosis,
from Greek deities to sacred
spirits of some unseen realm.
From Nazi propaganda
to Little Green Men.
Atlantis will continue
to be a mirror to society
and in many ways,
it points us towards
the beginning of
civilization itself.
Wherever we go and into
whatevercultural history we delve,
we discover a story similar
to the one we know
about Atlantis.
Why would this be?
Finding he key to
this strange conundrum
is something thousands of men
and women across the
globe have struggled to do.
But there are good reasons
for the lack of
concrete discovery.
They have all been
looking in the wrong place,
at the wrong people and
for the wrong thing.
For too long,
historians have focused on
a few words left to us by Plato
and misunderstood what
he was really telling us.
Could it be that even
Plato didn't understand
what had been told to him?
But what about joining the dots?
Across the world
there are remnants
and legends of a mystical past,
left undiscovered by
our misunderstanding.
The real Atlantis can
and will only be discovered
by seeing the bigger picture,
because Atlantis is all
around you right now.
From Lemuria to Avalon,
from Atlantis to Valhalla,
the real journey starts now.
Maybe it's time to forget
everything you've been told,
throw out the preconceptions
about an island of circles
that sank beneath the waves,
and open your mind to a
brand new possibility,
that Atlantis was much more
than you could ever imagine.
Could this be the story
of the real Atlantis?
Is this the real lost
history of mankind itself?
This is the tale of a
mass migration of people
such as the world
has never seen sense.
For just a moment,
let us consider something
very strange and bizarre.
Let's return to the
concept of Mexico
and let us imagine that
Atlantis, the name,
may have something
to do with it.
A Greek myth emerging from
the other side of the Atlantic?
Well, not quite.
You see,
it may in fact be those people in Mexico
had the same or similar
names and beliefs
as much of the ancient
world for a very good reason.
That ancient serpent-worshiping people
spread out across the globe
and took with them
these names and beliefs.
In all likelihood,
the original people we
vaguely call serpent-worshipers,
are ultimately responsible
for the world's
stone megaliths
and monoliths.
These people known
as the Watchers
or Shining Ones in the
Bible are responsible
of raising great stone
monuments across the world.
These are the people
of the idea of Atlantis
and the originator of this myth,
the ancient serpent God himself,
came from beneath the waters.
He came from the
place below, Atlantis.
Jeffrey Ash in the
Ancient Wisdom says,
"According to one theory,
all primordial serpents of myth
"are derived from a
Sumerian Arch-Serpent
"in subterranean waters
whose name was Zu."
Water is, by many
myths around the world,
the home of the serpent spirit.
There are many hundreds of
such myths across pagan Europe
changed and altered by
the later Christian church,
who by their meddling,
eroded the real history
of the Atlanteans
that spread their
serpent worship
and knowledge across the world.
Serpent water deities
were replaced with saints
such as Bridgette.
The Naga serpent
masters of ancient India
were also said to live
beneath the waters in Patella
and they were expert healers,
and springs such as
Ephca in Palmyra,
were named after the
serpent deity residing there.
In Greek myth,
the serpentine God, Poseidon,
and the serpent Typhon,
were water and spring deities
with many water replaces
taking on their names.
Even in the Temple of Asclepius,
we find a pools of healing,
a healing which is directly
associated with the serpent.
This element of the healing
serpent within the water
simply crossed over
into the water itself,
and thereafter the water
became the healing element.
Added to this,
the concept that water was seen
as the portal to the
other world, and we
have an association
of the water of the
gods healing mankind.
Beneath the temple in Jerusalem,
there is the Serpent Pool or Dragon Pool,
what is it for?
No one is quite sure.
It may be that here
lay the Hebrew secret
of the healing water
in the name serpent.
The gnostic Jews
known as the Essene,
were set to have
used pools to heal,
and they are connected to the
healing serpent in many ways.
Their original name, Ophites,
meant serpent worshipers.
It may indeed be
that the baptism
has its root in this idea
of the serpent healer,
being born again to
new and eternal life
by being submerged
into the waters
of a serpentine, other world,
by returning to Atlantis.
An indication that
this may be true
is bound in the fact
that baptism has its roots
in other ancient
societies such as India.
Here the initiate was
dipped three times
into the sacred waters.
In Greece, they even
kept the holy vessel
which carried the sacred
waters of the healing serpent.
The Egyptian Horus,
was baptized by Anu the Baptizer.
And so the origin of baptism
is much older than we
previously understood.
And as we can see it as
firmly rooted in civilizations
which are central
to the development
of the serpent-worshiping cult,
namely Egypt and India,
and the origins of
the myth of Atlantis.
A larger version
of this basic truth
is seen in the
Story of the Flood,
the deludes that sank Atlantis
and other fabled islands
across the world.
In Indian lore,
the many-headed serpent, Vishnu,
tells Manu about
the coming deluge
and so saved mankind
from certain death,
only to be symbolically
reborn again
after the deludes
and from the waters.
It is the serpent
which has the powers
to create the
chaos of the flood,
and the serpent which can save
in the same way that it
has the venom to kill
and the venom to cure.
And so we can see from language,
mythology, history and folklore
that the people we are
calling Atlanteans,
spread across the world,
possibly following
some cataclysmic event
and took with them knowledge
of the healing serpent,
astronomy, navigation and more.
And all of this goes
right back in time
to the origins of
civilization itself,
to the ancient gods themselves.
And we must remember
that to live beneath the waves
under the sacred waters
was fact the place of the gods,
to live where no human could.
To survive in the other world,
only the gods could live there.
This is the tale of
the Divine Alien,
like angelic beings the
Bible calls Watchers,
otherwise known as
the Sons of God.
The tale of these Watchers
is found in the
legends of Sumeria.
And even in the Old Testament,
Sumeria was the land
of the Watchers,
and it is from this land that
the Elohim or Shining Ones,
who govern the
Watchers also came.
This is the land of origins
and the governing gods.
The term Elohim,
used often in the Old
Testament as a word for God,
is an incorrect usage,
as the term is plural
and means Shining Ones.
The term in fact seems to
have spread around the globe
with man in his very language.
The Sumerian El means
simply bright or shining,
the old Irish Alel
means shining,
old Cornish EL means shining,
Elf means shining.
Hence Elves,
as Paul and mysterious angelic beings.
Inca Ala is bright or to shine,
Babylonian Ilu is to shine.
To name just a few that
have sprung up worldwide
from the same Sumerian source.
The stark fact of the matter
is that in the same way
a Pharaoh of Egypt
was a God on earth,
so to priest Elohim
were stars on Earth.
The Hebrew term these watchers
meaning those who watch.
In the Greek,
this is translatedas gigantes or giants,
a race that even
the writer, Hesiod,
featured as being monstrous.
Now we can understand
the role of the giants
that are seen across
the world of folklore
as the presence of the watchers,
and possibly why Atlanteans
were seen as tall by some.
These Watchers according
to the Book of Jubilees,
are the sons of God
spoken of in Genesis,
sent from their heavenly
abode to instruct men.
What seems to have occurred
is that they fell from grace
by mating with the daughters
of men and with us, outcast,
giving us the fallen angels
we are familiar with today.
However, not all these Watchers
descended from
the heavenly abode
and were termed Holy Watchers,
residing in the fifth heaven.
As Inuk himself had testified
against these fallen Watchers,
he was protected by
the ruling Shining Ones
and transported to
the Garden of Eden.
Eden itself means plateau
and is therefore a specific place.
According to Andrew Collins
in "From the Ashes of Angels:
"The Forbidden Legacy
of a Fallen Race",
the fallen Watchers
swear an oath
and bind themselves together.
The place of this
action is called Ardis,
the fable summit
of Mount Hermon,
which derives from the
Hebrew word for curse.
Following these actions
of the Fallen Watchers,
the Shining Ones called down
a great flood upon the earth
to destroy the offspring,
and Noah is one to
build a great ship
to escape the impending doom.
Here we have the origin
of the Great Cataclysm
which ultimately
destroyed the home
of these Atlanteans or Watchers.
It is the links to these ancient
watches and Atlanteans
that has spawned
much of the idea
that they were in fact, aliens.
They fell to earth,
did battle in the sky and more.
Much of this myth
of the Watchers
is found to be within
the tales of war
and merging of peoples
across the Middle East
between Canaanites,
Egyptians, Seminarians
and even Asian civilization.
But the underlying current
is a belief in the
Shining Ones as leaders,
with Watchers doing
their bidding.
In the Bible,
these became angels and God Himself.
In the Tales of Atlantis,
they became the Atlanteans,
lost in the mists of time.
What remains are tales
created to teach us
just as Plato was
trying to tell us
that mankind is doomed
to failure because
of his evil ways.
So to the Shiny Ones
as sons of gods,
were also doomed to
commit the same sins.
It is a tale as old as
man for a man is doomed
to repeat the same
cycles of self-destruction.
Atlantis is based on very
real places and events,
from the Aztec and
Mayan Atlantis,
to Santorini or Thira
in the Mediterranean,
these were real civilizations
that offered up
their ancient history
to the writers of the past and
became known as Atlantis.
They originated from
an ancient world
that was the real Atlantis.
It was a place inhabited
by the men of renown,
who had great knowledge
and a great civilization
that is only glimpsed through
the looking glass of history,
myth and legend.
They are spoken up in Sumerian legend,
biblical texts
and myths from around the globe.
Their way of life,
cities and cultures
were destroyed in a
massive worldwide Cataclysm
and only remnants
remained to tease us today.
Atlantis is now a concept
based loosely around
natural disasters
and lost civilizations,
but created to tell
us the ultimate truth
that we are not perfect.
It is a lesson from a
lost civilization for us all.
- When we
hear the word Atlantis,
our imagination
erupts into life.
Great sparkling cities,
tall elegant people
and amazing technology
of a once all powerful nation
that is now lost to us
in the mist of time.
Thousands of people have
spent their entire lives
searching for its truth,
hunting the remnants
of a race that
spawned civilization.
Others have disappeared into
the world of psychic phenomena
to seek out the secrets,
and even more have
looked towards the stars
and an alien answer.
The real truth about Atlantis
is actually very profound
and tells a tale that every
school child should be taught.
Yes, there are real
people in this tale.
Yes, there are real places,
but there are also
very real inner truths.
These truths
stretch back in time
to the origins of
civilization itself.
They answer a great
many questions we have
about a great many mysteries
from the Bible to angels,
from historical floods
to natural disasters
and from the evil in mankind
to the existence of aliens.
But tale of Atlantis
brings them all into light
from the dark depths of
an ancient sunken abyss.
For over 2000 years,
mankindhas grappled with the question,
what was Atlantis and
where did its people originate?
From great sea power
of ancient times
to idealistic utopia,
from pawn for Nazi propaganda
to home of the ancient aliens.
The full weight of
human imagination
has been brought to bear
on the mystery that is Atlantis.
Who do we believe,
what is the evidence?
Where did it all begin,
where and when will it end?
It's time to break
apart the myth
and reveal the hard
evidence and discover Atlantis.
So what does the
word itself mean
and where did it originate?
Two small dialogues
called Timaeus and Critias,
written by the Greek
philosopher, Plato,
in around 360 BC,
first mentioned Atlantis.
It is named after the
Greek Titan God Atlas,
who holds up the world
on his shoulders.
Atlantis is the island of Atlas.
According to Plato,
Atlantis was a great
land and a sea power
situated in front of
the Pillars of Hercules.
This great power had existed
9000 years before Plato,
that's about 11, 000 years ago.
It had conquered much
of Europe and Africa.
when they attempted to invade Athens,
the island sank into the ocean
in a single day and
night of misfortune.
From the moment Plato
put pen to paper,
Atlantis became a mystery
of debate on all levels,
from the idea that
it actually existed
to the concept of it
being a utopian dream.
In the Middle Ages
and later periods,
humanists and
renaissance writers
turned in Atlantis into an
allegorical heaven on earth.
By the 19th century,
it was turning back to
a very real possibility
that it had existed
and indeed still may.
One thing is sure,
the idea of Atlantis has
inspired the imagination
of countless individuals
throughout the centuries,
and still does.
To academics, the tale
is one of many myths
woven into Plato's works
for purely stylistic reasons.
He was conceptualizing
the ideal state,
just as he did so in his
book, "The Republic".
He introduces Atlantis
via an oldest story
to give it credence.
In Critias, Plato tells the
tale of Solon visiting Egypt.
There he met a
priest called Sais,
who relay the story of a war
between ancient
Athens and Atlantis.
Some say that real events
may have influenced Plato,
such as the eruption
of Santorini,
the invasion of the Sea
Peoplesand even the Trojan War.
Most however insist that
Plato created the story
with minor inspirations
such as the failed
Athenian invasion of Sicily.
Plato introduced Atlantis first in Timaeus,
which begins With the creation
and structure of the
universe as seen by Plato.
He discusses ancient
and muses about
the ideal society.
He asks whether his friends
might know of any such place.
Critias answers that he knows
of a supposedly historical
placeand events that surrounded.
Athens is the perfect state
with Atlantis in opposition,
it being the
opposite of perfect.
Critias states that the gods
divided the land
amongst themselves
and Poseidon, the God of the Sea,
was given Atlantis.
Larger than Libya and
Asia Minor combined,
it was in this tale to
be sunk by an earthquake
turning into an
impassable muddy show.
The Egyptians, he said,
described Atlantis
as having mountains in the north
being hundreds of miles across,
made up of numerous islands,
with the central island
being around a half
a mile in diameter.
It is probably important
to understand the layout
and description of the
islands of Atlantis
because one thing is certain,
Plato would never include
such details on a whim.
Like many other myths,
the details could point
to a real location
such as in the case of Troy,
or refer to something
like sacred geometry.
The real sight of Atlantis,
although probably an
ancient subtle allusion
to gnostic beliefs,
could in fact be based upon an
ancient folk memory of Mexico
which is variously called Itlan,
Otlan, Atlan, Autlan,
Mazatlan, Cacatlan and Tollan,
all sounding remarkably
similar to Atlantis.
Plato places Atlantis
beyond the Pillars of Hercules,
there are only the
Americas beyond the pillars.
He says it is larger than Libya,
which was seen as most
of Africa to Plato.
Any site of an atlas
will show that the Americas
match this description.
It was set to be a great empire,
stretching for miles,
and with each passing year,
ourarcheologists and scientists
are further uncovering
huge landscapes
previously thought
to be uninhabited
and which now reveal the
signs of having been lived in
and cultivated on
a massive scale.
Also we have seen
from the timeline
that Harappan culture of India,
the pre-Indian civilization
was a great seafaring society.
Surely there has been more proof
that these cultures
spread across the seas
and traded religious
ideas, if not more.
Well, there is a lot more.
The ancient boats
used by the Chinese,
Japanese and Indians
were Sampans.
This is interesting
because in South America,
the tribes of the coast call them Mayu,
Chan-pan, Sam-pan,
virtually the same terms
for vessels across
the ancient world.
This idea of common languages
would be easier to discover
had not the invading
European countries
virtually destroyed them.
However, there are plenty
of similarities in structure
and meaning to make the case.
You will notice from
the very names of places
such as Atlan and Autlan,
that the letters tlan are common.
In ancient myths,
the serpent race of
India known as the Nagas,
was said to reside in Patalan or Ptlan,
an interesting fact,
when we consider that
all these cultures
worshiped the serpent.
In fact, certain
known as Paria,
actually lived in the
area known as Atlan..
The Parias, according to
Braginein The Shadow of Atlantis,
were white-skinned
and possessed folklore
of a great Cataclysm
that destroyed their
original homeland.
In Sanskrit, which
is widely thought
to be the root of many
of the world's languages,
Tala is surface and the n
refersto the people living there.
So Talan is people
of the surface,
the A suffix denotes
below or no longer.
So Atalan is people
are below the surface,
just like Atlantis.
Amazingly, Tala is also
anepithet for the Hindu god Siva,
and therefore Talan
means the people of Siva.
Vera Cruz in the Americas
is said to be derived
from Ver la Cruz,
which is Spanish for
seeing the cross.
Not an unusual thought
considering this was a symbol
of the feathered serpent
savior Quetzalcoatl.
However in Sanskrit,
Vira Kurus means
simply Kurus the Hero,
a title for the tribe
which is said to have
disappeared from India
following the deluge,
indicatingthrough language alone,
that there must
have been contact,
especially when we
consider the rest of the data.
But how did they
transport themselves?
Possibly on Sampans which
we have seen are the same.
But also, the savior-deityQuetzalcoatl
and the god Vishnu,
are both said to have
traveled to Patala
via an eagle and
a raft of snakes.
Quetzalcoatl disappeared
back to Tlapallan,
the place of the people of Pala,
which is Bihar in India.
From this place
it was considered
that the world's greatest
architects and builders
emerged after the flood,
and they spread across the globe.
In all likelihood,
they are ultimately responsible
for the world's
stone megaliths
and monoliths such
as Avebury in England
and the serpent mounds
of North America.
The very word Atala,
means an abode of these serpents.
The Hindus mixed,
traded with and respected the Greeks.
As we can see in Taxila,
there were great cross-cultural mixing pots
and hives of religious
and philosophical debate,
and indeed it is highly likely
that the stories of Atlantis
evolved from Hindu myths
such as the story of
the city of Dvaraka,
in the Mahabharat,
the capital of Krishna, which sank.
The age of the serpent goes
back to and beyond the deluge
and was taken across the
seas to the Americas.
Even the architecture
of Atlantis,
with its many circular
banks and ditches,
brings to mind the thousands
of cup and ring marks,
spirals and other serpent
shapes seen on liths
or stones across the world.
Returning back to the
tale Plato gave us,
we must look at the
other parts of the tale
which may reveal a clue
to the reality of Atlantis.
Poseidon had five pairs of maletwins,
the eldest was Atlas,
and he was made the
king of the whole island
and ocean now
called the Atlantic.
His twin, Gadeirus,
was given a part of the island
near the Pillars of Hercules.
Poseidon carved the mountain
where his love
resided into a palace.
He created three modes
of increasing width.
These people, the Atlanteans,
then built a series of bridges
from the mountain
city for access.
A huge canal was
dug out to the sea
and tunnels into the rings
of land for ships to pass.
Docks were carved directly
into the massive rocks.
Each entrance had
gates and towers
and walls surrounded
each ring made from red,
white and black rocks.
These were covered in brass,
tin and Orichalcum.
Each of these things
have symbolic meaning.
Red for instance,
was a symbol for growth and decay,
Orichalcum is an unknown
metal used for honor.
There is an earlier
account of Atlantis
written by Hellanicus of Lesbos.
There is very little in
the fragment that exists
and this deals mainly
with genealogy.
There is however,
a linkbetween a place called Syracuse,
where Plato once lived,
and his account of Atlantis.
It has been shown to
have a number of parallels
and physical layout
and fortifications.
who studied under one of Plato's students,
and therefore from very
close to Plato's own time,
actually stated he believed
in Atlantis to be real.
He wrote a commentary on Timaeus,
which is now lost.
However, there is a
written report on it
from the fifth century,
this is what was written.
"Crantor also says that
Plato's contemporaries
"used to criticize him jokingly,
"for not being the
inventor of his Republic,
"but copying the
institutions of the Egyptians."
Plato took these
critics seriously enough
to assign to the
Egyptians this story
about the Athenians
and the Atlanteans,
so as to make them
say that the Athenians
really once lived according to that system.
Crantor adds that
this is testified
by the prophets
of the Egyptians,
who assert that
these particulars are
written on pillars
which are still preserved.
The writer Proclus also said,
"We must bear in mind
"concerning this whole
theme of the Athenians,
"that it is neither a mere
myth nor unadorned history,
"although some take it as
history and others as myth."
That an island of such
nature and size once existed
is evident from what is
said by certain authors
who investigated the
things around the outer sea.
For according to them,
there were seven islands
in that sea in their time,
sacred to Persephone,
and also three others
of enormous size,
one of which was sacred to Hades,
another to Amman,
and another one between
them and Poseidon,
the extent of which
was 1000 stadia,
and the inhabitants
of it, they add,
preserve the remembrance
from their ancestors
of the measurable large
island of Atlantis,
which had really existed
there and which for many ages,
had reigned over all
islands in the Atlantic sea,
and which itself had likewise
been sacred to Poseidon.
So it was or is a massive island,
sacred to the gods
and sits in the Atlantic,
somewhere between Europe
and America maybe.
Proclus was not alone in
believing Atlantis to be real,
so too did the historians
and philosophers,
Strabo and Posidonius.
A few decades after Plato,
another writer by the
name of Theopompus,
spoke of a land called Meropis.
Here, a race of men grew
twice the size of normal men
and inhabited two cities known
as Eusebes and Machimos,
the pious-town and
the fighting town.
Most scholars believe
that Theopompus
was in fact imitating
or copying Plato,
and thus much of the
detail has merged
with the mythology of Atlantis.
The next actual written
work about Atlantis
comes from the historian
Philo in the first century AD.
He claims that the
successor of Aristotle,
a man named Theophrastus said,
in the island of Atlantis
which was greater
than Africa and Asia,
as Plato says in The Timaeus,
"In one day and night,
was overwhelmed beneath the sea
"and consequences of
extraordinary earthquake
"and inundation and suddenly
disappeared becoming sea,
"not indeed navigable
but full of gulfs and hades."
The Christian
writer, Tertullian,
said that Atlantis was real
and that it was equal in
size to Libya or Asia,
showing that he was familiar
with Plato's description.
Another Christian,
Arnobius, not surprisingly,
said the destruction of Atlantis
was due to their pagan ways.
It is interesting that
Atlantiswas also being compared
with the great flood
from the Bible,
a sudden destruction
of populations way
back in antiquity
and only remembered
now as legend.
Scientific evidence
does show floods
around the globe
at various times,
and some have
compare the tsunamis
caused by the eruption
ofSantorini in the biblical flood.
In truth, it may be
that other cultures
wrote of this massive
destruction of an
entire civilization,
but with different
names and perspectives.
A Hebrew text from
the 14th century
discussing calculations
for longitude, states,
some say that they begin
at the beginning of the
Western ocean and beyond.
For in the earliest times,
there was an island in
the middle of the ocean,
there was scholars there
who isolated themselves
in the pursuit of philosophy.
In their day, that
was the beginning
of measuring the longitude
of the inhabited world.
Today, it has become
covered by the sea.
From the 16th century onwards,
speculation surrounding
Atlantis spread,
and with new
European discoveries
in the Americas and elsewhere,
there was a good
reason to suggest
there might just be traces of
these great islands somewhere.
It was in this era
of speculation that
Sir Thomas Moore,
first uttered the name utopia,
it was a work inspired
directlyby the tales of Atlantis
and accounts from
travelers too far off lands.
This utopia was situated in
the new world of the Americas
and indeed inspired many people
to venture across the
Atlantic themselves.
Plato's description of a
massivecontinent mirrored the size
and scope of the new world of
the Americas who were many.
So Francis Bacon continued
the theme in his work,
"The New Atlantis",
where his idealistic paradise
was situated off the
western coast of America.
It was becoming popular belief
that Atlantis had indeed
been based upon stories
of the Mayans and
Aztecs civilizations.
It was an era of
grand Christianity
and evidence for many of
the Old Testament tales
was being sought out.
Europeans saw most
indigenous people as inferior
and comforted themselves
with the notions
that white men had built
the massive structures
that were being found.
A common history between
thetribes of Israel and Europeans,
to those people who must have
built such pyramids in palaces
This was also being
brought into line
with the concepts of Atlantis,
and gave them a
satisfying explanation.
However, just because of
the racism of our ancestors,
does not mean there
could not be some truth
to the location and
origin of the Atlantis myth.
By the mid 19th century,
Mesoamerican scholars
were proposing officially,
that Atlantis must relate to
the Mayan and Aztec cultures.
It was stated that the Toltecs
were the surviving
remnant of the Atlanteans
and the Aztecs
descended from these.
Such ideas along with
romantic drawings,
fostered the popular imagination
and soon a mixture of
Egyptian, Greek, Mayan
and Aztec imagery
was being created
for fantasy world around
the legend of Atlantis.
It is difficult today to
understand the credence
that was given to such thoughts.
We have modern science,
geological surveys,
archeological digs,
post-Rosetta Stone
translationsof major historical texts,
a broad and yet fairly
detailedaccount of much of history.
Back in the 19th and
early 20th century,
scholars was still
developing a science
of historical research,
and this included use
of a lot of imagination
to fill in the gaps.
One man who successfully
used his imagination
and strong willpower to
unlock an age old mystery
was Heinrich Schliemann.
Ever since Homer had
written down the story of Troy,
mankind had wondered
how much of it was true.
When Schliemann discovered
Troy in modern day Turkey
which was believed
to have been legend,
the fire once again
ignited for Atlantis.
Scholars claimed to have
discovered a connection
between the Greek
and Mayan languages,
and suddenly the game
was opened for all to play.
The writer Ignatius
Donnelly, tried to prove
that all known civilizations
were descended from Atlantis.
He drew parallels between
the creation of stories
of various cultures,
and stated that the
true Garden of Eden
was really in Atlantis.
It was Donnelly who inspired
a 19th century Atlantis revival
and began a march towards
new age concepts of the ancients.
The world was about to be
givena whole new interpretation
of the Atlantis myth,
and an array of fanciful
and bizarre concepts
would merge into
the popular psyche.
The Theosophical Society
would take it all,
molded and repackage it
in the Secret Doctrine
by Madame Blavatsky.
The book she claimed
had been originally
dictated in Atlantis itself.
In the book, Blavatsky
completely ignored
Plato's statement
that Atlantis was the
opposite of pure and gold.
Instead, she described
them as cultural heroes.
They were part of what
she called a Route Race
succeeded by her own Aryan race,
and we all know where
that idea led us.
The theosophists claimed
that Atlantis reached
its peak of civilization
around one million years ago,
when it finally destroyed itself
through the dangerous
use of psychic
and supernatural powers.
There is absolutely no
evidencefor anything of the claims
other than their
ownself-professed psychic abilities
to communicate
with it Atlanteans.
Emerging of myths and
theretelling of the Atlantis legend
would eventually
provide the Nazis
with one of pretenses
for their Aryan philosophy,
which resulted in mass genocide.
In 1934, Julius Evola,
claimed the Atlanteans
were Nordic Superman,
who had originally come
from the North Pole
and others followed suit.
This creative surge
surrounding Atlantis
is now in the popular psyche.
People see it as a home
of advanced technology,
of superhuman abilities,
of perfection,
powerful energy crystals
and mystical magical ways
pushed aside any
of a real city state
inhabited by real people.
During the course of
the 1960s and beyond,
modern understanding
of plate tectonics
and continental drift haseroded
such New Age philosophies
and science took over.
Today, most scholars see
the story of Atlantis
as a method of teaching.
Breaking down Plato's writing
methods and Greek storytelling
reveals that he may in
fact have been asking us
to examine our own culture,
politics, government.
We have missed the point they say,
if we go around the world
attempting to discover
the lost continent.
Others still point to Schliemann
and how he actually found
acity of legend from Greek myth.
So where should we look,
where is this ancient place?
Is it in the realm of
thought and philosophy
or is there are possibility
that it may have once
existed like Troy?
There're literally are dozens
of hypothetical locations
put forward by the
modern day explorer.
Some completely
ignore Plato's words
and don't even look
to the Atlantic Ocean.
A lot of the locations
have similarities to
the Atlantis tale,
such as the Catastrophic End,
waterways that existed
close to the time frame.
Most of the proposed locations
fall within the Mediterranean Sea,
Sardinia, Creaked,
Sicily, Cyprus,
Malta and the most popular one, Santorini.
There are also ancient cities
that come under the spotlight
such as Troy and Tantalus.
Our first port of call is the most popular,
Located in the Aegean,
it is today known as Thira.
Many experts claim that
it was once the home
of an ancient Minoan
civilization from Crete.
Seen as a wise and
cultivated society,
it is easy to understand
how they may have been
seen as Atlanteans.
Like the people of Atlantis,
the Minoans worship the bull,
and this had been used
to link them together,
but the problem remains that
many cultures of the period
such as the Egyptians,
worshiped the bull as well.
It is also not beyond
the Pillars of Hercules
as Plato stated,
in and around the
16th century BC,
Santorini erupted destroying
the society completely.
It caused a massive tsunami
that also destroyed the
Minoan society on Crete
and spread disaster
far and wide,
with flooding as far as Egypt.
It is speculated
that this disaster
influenced Plato in
his storytelling,
but it is thousands
of years late
and in the wrong
location for it to be Atlantis.
Speculation, new age psychic ideas,
Nazi propaganda,
treasure hunters and more,
and yet no one has found
real, hard evidence.
That was until 2011.
A television team workingunder
Professor Richard Freund,
actually claimed to
have found evidence
for Atlantis in Andalusia.
It was their belief
that Atlantis had been
destroyed by a tsunami
in the area previously
discovered by
Spanish scientists.
The team used satellite imagery
of a suspected submerged
city north of Cadiz
and found what they believed
to be a multi-ring
ancient dominion.
They claim that
citizens of Atlantis
fled to other cities
in locations close by.
However, Spanish scientists
have completely dismissed the speculations,
calling the claims fanciful.
It is yet to be
proven beyond doubt
to be the location for Atlantis.
The team were not alone
in their claim however.
German researchers
and historians
have also stated the
area to be a likely location.
The claim center around
a place called Tartessos,
which is said to
have been a basis
for Plato's work on Atlantis
by some historians in the 1920s.
The writer, Heraclitus,
stated that it was situatedbeyond
the Pillars of Hercules,
a statement Plato also
used for Atlantis.
They traded widely and
seemed to have been wealthy,
a local port was built
now known as Cadiz.
And yet, apart from
the good professor,
no other scholars
except the claims.
Many look beyond the
Pillars of Hercules,
now known as the
Straits of Gibraltar,
and into the Atlantic Ocean.
It has been claimed
that Atlantis
was a northern
European sunken Island
such Doggerland
or Bergen Island,
which was flooded by a
tsunami in around 6100 BC.
Others have claimed
Ireland to be Atlantis,
with this mysterious
history of mighty warriors.
The canary in Madeira
Islands have also been claimed
due to their location just
beyond the Mediterranean,
but no evidence has
been forthcoming.
Various studies on the
islands including the Azores
and beneath the ocean waves,
have resulted in a
complete lack of evidence.
Several other locations
have been speculated upon,
and Arctica, the Caribbean,
an Island near Cuba,
the Bahamas and South America.
None of them have come anywhere
near the amount of
evidence required
to prove beyond doubt
that they are indeed Atlantis.
There are a number
of more modern claims
that we must look at such
as the idea that Atlantis
had something to do
with ancient aliens.
Before we do,
it's time to take a look
at a few of the problems
with the original
texts from Plato.
Doing so will help
us be clear sighted
when listening to claims
of aliens and such.
Atlantis is said to be
beyond the Pillars of Hercules
or modern day Gibraltar,
and the sea is said
to be impassable.
nowhere in any historical
texts is this stated.
The sea has always
been fine for shipping,
Atlantis is said to have sunk,
so does this rule on any islands
that are now viewable
above the waves?
Plato said his knowledge
came from Solon,
who himself learned of
it from the Egyptians.
For well over 100 years,
archeologists and historians
have been researching Egypt.
They have a lot of
knowledge and can even tell us
what a particular
Pharaoh ate for dinner.
And yet, not one
mention of Atlantis.
As there is no scientificbacking
for channeled messages,
we have to rule out anything
from those who use them,
including Edgar Casey
and Madame Blavatsky.
This destroys such claims oftall,
highly intelligent people
who glow or have psychic powers.
If they indeed exist,
then there would be
a lot more historical
and archeological
evidence for them,
and Plato might have found
such powers interesting enough
to include in his own tale.
What Plato did tell us is clear,
Atlantis was huge
and made up of concentric
rings of land and water
situated beyond Gibraltar.
There is no argument
with those statements
and yet,
no sunken domain the size of two countries
has been spotted beneath
the waves of the Atlantic yet.
Modern satellite technology
and geographical surveys
have revealed the
floor of the Atlantic
as can be seen on Google Earth,
and such a massive
and unusual shape
would have been spotted.
One of the most used
claims that is completely false
is that the Atlanteans were
technologically advanced.
Plato mentions
nothing of the sort.
These are all things psychics
and New Age philosophers
speculating or channeling.
There are no mentions of flyingmachines,
psychic powers,
pyramids, lasers or any
other kind of science fiction.
Again, if such things had existed 11,
000 years ago,
then other cultures
and trading partners
would have mentioned them,
the Egyptians
certainly would have.
It all makes for
great entertainment
and is indeed bad such
wonderful television shows
such as Stargate, but it
remains science fiction.
Many of those early writers
who made fanciful
claims for Atlantis
were radically oriented,
claiming that Mayans and Aztecs
were not capable of
creating their own pyramids
and grand structures.
Science moved forward
andevidence overcame such bigotry.
Today similar claims are made,
but instead of white Europeans
or clever Egyptians being
the minds behind the mystery,
it is said that the knowledge
came from the aliens.
However we dress it up,
it is still racist and bigoted
to assume ancient people
could not build such
large structures
without outside intervention.
What they neglect to remember
is that mankind spread
around the globe
from the same source,
that the sun,
moon and stars in the skies as deities,
were seen by all men,
all mankind have same needs,
the same evolutionary drives,
the same desire to meet
their gods and the afterlife.
Similarities around the
globe are all easily explained
through the similarities
and the biological
entity called human
and the environment
in which he lives.
And this brings us to
a very important point.
Plato when writing his
Republicor texts about Atlantis,
was passing on a
message to us all
about good and bad,
right and wrong.
About ways to set
up a strong society
that understands
the nature of man.
So many rules and regulations
are created by humans
that forget the
nature of the beast.
Atlantis and its downfall
is possibly just an allegory
of what comes to all
those who believe
they are more than they are.
Plato was a teacher of men.
Not all that is taught
is literal fact.
Some teaching is better
done through fables,
it has always been this way.
The problem arises
when we start to believe a
man really walked on water
and the virgin lady gave birth.
The same can be said of
Atlantis in many ways.
Do we believe the
writings of a man
who claimed psychic
connection to the souls of Atlantis?
Do we accept that they
had incredible technology?
Crystals of power, came
thousands of years ago
in a spaceship, spawned
mankind and on and on.
Or do we look at
what was written,
the surrounding archeological
discoveries for the period,
the contemporary writings,
in short, the facts.
So, if we understand that
Plato was creating a story
for the purpose of teaching,
could it be that there
was some kind of real story
upon which it is based?
Ignoring the timeline
of 11, 000 years ago,
was there a series of events
that Plato stole for
his teaching device?
The answer is maybe.
In the fifth century BC,
there existed a delicate
balance of power
between Athens and Sparta.
Much like that stated between
Athens and Atlantis by Plato.
A surprise earthquake
struck Sparta,
killing more than
20, 000 of them.
This demise in numbers
sparked Sparta's neighbors
and indeed subject to begin
what is known as
the Earthquake Wars.
Sparta refused aid from Athens
and hostilities
between them began.
In 426 BC,
one of the most destructive
earthquakes from antiquity,
struck Athens with the
followingtsunamis causing chaos.
The Spartan army camp
nearby and ready to attack
but more earthquakes
forced them to flee.
An island called Atlanti
was home to an Athenian fort.
Absolute chaotic destruction
came in the form of
a massive sea wave.
There were many deaths
and the coastline
was changed forever.
In the fourth century BC,
apeace treaty was finally struck
but was quickly followed
by yet another earthquake,
destroying the cities
of Helike and Boura.
Helike had been a wealthy city
and capital of a league
of cities states.
It had been a center for
the worship of Poseidon
and was revered by many.
It was a relatively
peaceful civilization
and inspired many to see
it as a perfect society.
The destructive power
of the earthquake
and the following tsunami
destroyed every building
and Pausanias wrote
that even the foundation
were lost for all time.
Following the disaster,
the remnants of this
once glorious city
were divided amongst
its neighbors.
legend emerged that Poseidon himself
had caused the destruction
for the defiling
of his sanctuary.
Writers started to say
that Helike's remains,
now lie deep below
the ocean flow.
It wasn't to this very
period that Plato was born
and all the news and
discussion of the events
would have been widespread.
Looking at the various real
historical events in the area
just before and at
the time of Plato,
it is clear to see where
he gained his inspiration
of political perfection
and ultimate demise.
And yet with every passingdecade,
a new discovery emerges
of ancient structures
on the ocean floor.
Pyramids, great walls,
strange man-made objects
seem to be everywhere.
Who knows, but one day
we may just discover
the remnants of that ancient
civilization called Atlantis.
In each age,
the story has undergone a metamorphosis,
from Greek deities to sacred
spirits of some unseen realm.
From Nazi propaganda
to Little Green Men.
Atlantis will continue
to be a mirror to society
and in many ways,
it points us towards
the beginning of
civilization itself.
Wherever we go and into
whatevercultural history we delve,
we discover a story similar
to the one we know
about Atlantis.
Why would this be?
Finding he key to
this strange conundrum
is something thousands of men
and women across the
globe have struggled to do.
But there are good reasons
for the lack of
concrete discovery.
They have all been
looking in the wrong place,
at the wrong people and
for the wrong thing.
For too long,
historians have focused on
a few words left to us by Plato
and misunderstood what
he was really telling us.
Could it be that even
Plato didn't understand
what had been told to him?
But what about joining the dots?
Across the world
there are remnants
and legends of a mystical past,
left undiscovered by
our misunderstanding.
The real Atlantis can
and will only be discovered
by seeing the bigger picture,
because Atlantis is all
around you right now.
From Lemuria to Avalon,
from Atlantis to Valhalla,
the real journey starts now.
Maybe it's time to forget
everything you've been told,
throw out the preconceptions
about an island of circles
that sank beneath the waves,
and open your mind to a
brand new possibility,
that Atlantis was much more
than you could ever imagine.
Could this be the story
of the real Atlantis?
Is this the real lost
history of mankind itself?
This is the tale of a
mass migration of people
such as the world
has never seen sense.
For just a moment,
let us consider something
very strange and bizarre.
Let's return to the
concept of Mexico
and let us imagine that
Atlantis, the name,
may have something
to do with it.
A Greek myth emerging from
the other side of the Atlantic?
Well, not quite.
You see,
it may in fact be those people in Mexico
had the same or similar
names and beliefs
as much of the ancient
world for a very good reason.
That ancient serpent-worshiping people
spread out across the globe
and took with them
these names and beliefs.
In all likelihood,
the original people we
vaguely call serpent-worshipers,
are ultimately responsible
for the world's
stone megaliths
and monoliths.
These people known
as the Watchers
or Shining Ones in the
Bible are responsible
of raising great stone
monuments across the world.
These are the people
of the idea of Atlantis
and the originator of this myth,
the ancient serpent God himself,
came from beneath the waters.
He came from the
place below, Atlantis.
Jeffrey Ash in the
Ancient Wisdom says,
"According to one theory,
all primordial serpents of myth
"are derived from a
Sumerian Arch-Serpent
"in subterranean waters
whose name was Zu."
Water is, by many
myths around the world,
the home of the serpent spirit.
There are many hundreds of
such myths across pagan Europe
changed and altered by
the later Christian church,
who by their meddling,
eroded the real history
of the Atlanteans
that spread their
serpent worship
and knowledge across the world.
Serpent water deities
were replaced with saints
such as Bridgette.
The Naga serpent
masters of ancient India
were also said to live
beneath the waters in Patella
and they were expert healers,
and springs such as
Ephca in Palmyra,
were named after the
serpent deity residing there.
In Greek myth,
the serpentine God, Poseidon,
and the serpent Typhon,
were water and spring deities
with many water replaces
taking on their names.
Even in the Temple of Asclepius,
we find a pools of healing,
a healing which is directly
associated with the serpent.
This element of the healing
serpent within the water
simply crossed over
into the water itself,
and thereafter the water
became the healing element.
Added to this,
the concept that water was seen
as the portal to the
other world, and we
have an association
of the water of the
gods healing mankind.
Beneath the temple in Jerusalem,
there is the Serpent Pool or Dragon Pool,
what is it for?
No one is quite sure.
It may be that here
lay the Hebrew secret
of the healing water
in the name serpent.
The gnostic Jews
known as the Essene,
were set to have
used pools to heal,
and they are connected to the
healing serpent in many ways.
Their original name, Ophites,
meant serpent worshipers.
It may indeed be
that the baptism
has its root in this idea
of the serpent healer,
being born again to
new and eternal life
by being submerged
into the waters
of a serpentine, other world,
by returning to Atlantis.
An indication that
this may be true
is bound in the fact
that baptism has its roots
in other ancient
societies such as India.
Here the initiate was
dipped three times
into the sacred waters.
In Greece, they even
kept the holy vessel
which carried the sacred
waters of the healing serpent.
The Egyptian Horus,
was baptized by Anu the Baptizer.
And so the origin of baptism
is much older than we
previously understood.
And as we can see it as
firmly rooted in civilizations
which are central
to the development
of the serpent-worshiping cult,
namely Egypt and India,
and the origins of
the myth of Atlantis.
A larger version
of this basic truth
is seen in the
Story of the Flood,
the deludes that sank Atlantis
and other fabled islands
across the world.
In Indian lore,
the many-headed serpent, Vishnu,
tells Manu about
the coming deluge
and so saved mankind
from certain death,
only to be symbolically
reborn again
after the deludes
and from the waters.
It is the serpent
which has the powers
to create the
chaos of the flood,
and the serpent which can save
in the same way that it
has the venom to kill
and the venom to cure.
And so we can see from language,
mythology, history and folklore
that the people we are
calling Atlanteans,
spread across the world,
possibly following
some cataclysmic event
and took with them knowledge
of the healing serpent,
astronomy, navigation and more.
And all of this goes
right back in time
to the origins of
civilization itself,
to the ancient gods themselves.
And we must remember
that to live beneath the waves
under the sacred waters
was fact the place of the gods,
to live where no human could.
To survive in the other world,
only the gods could live there.
This is the tale of
the Divine Alien,
like angelic beings the
Bible calls Watchers,
otherwise known as
the Sons of God.
The tale of these Watchers
is found in the
legends of Sumeria.
And even in the Old Testament,
Sumeria was the land
of the Watchers,
and it is from this land that
the Elohim or Shining Ones,
who govern the
Watchers also came.
This is the land of origins
and the governing gods.
The term Elohim,
used often in the Old
Testament as a word for God,
is an incorrect usage,
as the term is plural
and means Shining Ones.
The term in fact seems to
have spread around the globe
with man in his very language.
The Sumerian El means
simply bright or shining,
the old Irish Alel
means shining,
old Cornish EL means shining,
Elf means shining.
Hence Elves,
as Paul and mysterious angelic beings.
Inca Ala is bright or to shine,
Babylonian Ilu is to shine.
To name just a few that
have sprung up worldwide
from the same Sumerian source.
The stark fact of the matter
is that in the same way
a Pharaoh of Egypt
was a God on earth,
so to priest Elohim
were stars on Earth.
The Hebrew term these watchers
meaning those who watch.
In the Greek,
this is translatedas gigantes or giants,
a race that even
the writer, Hesiod,
featured as being monstrous.
Now we can understand
the role of the giants
that are seen across
the world of folklore
as the presence of the watchers,
and possibly why Atlanteans
were seen as tall by some.
These Watchers according
to the Book of Jubilees,
are the sons of God
spoken of in Genesis,
sent from their heavenly
abode to instruct men.
What seems to have occurred
is that they fell from grace
by mating with the daughters
of men and with us, outcast,
giving us the fallen angels
we are familiar with today.
However, not all these Watchers
descended from
the heavenly abode
and were termed Holy Watchers,
residing in the fifth heaven.
As Inuk himself had testified
against these fallen Watchers,
he was protected by
the ruling Shining Ones
and transported to
the Garden of Eden.
Eden itself means plateau
and is therefore a specific place.
According to Andrew Collins
in "From the Ashes of Angels:
"The Forbidden Legacy
of a Fallen Race",
the fallen Watchers
swear an oath
and bind themselves together.
The place of this
action is called Ardis,
the fable summit
of Mount Hermon,
which derives from the
Hebrew word for curse.
Following these actions
of the Fallen Watchers,
the Shining Ones called down
a great flood upon the earth
to destroy the offspring,
and Noah is one to
build a great ship
to escape the impending doom.
Here we have the origin
of the Great Cataclysm
which ultimately
destroyed the home
of these Atlanteans or Watchers.
It is the links to these ancient
watches and Atlanteans
that has spawned
much of the idea
that they were in fact, aliens.
They fell to earth,
did battle in the sky and more.
Much of this myth
of the Watchers
is found to be within
the tales of war
and merging of peoples
across the Middle East
between Canaanites,
Egyptians, Seminarians
and even Asian civilization.
But the underlying current
is a belief in the
Shining Ones as leaders,
with Watchers doing
their bidding.
In the Bible,
these became angels and God Himself.
In the Tales of Atlantis,
they became the Atlanteans,
lost in the mists of time.
What remains are tales
created to teach us
just as Plato was
trying to tell us
that mankind is doomed
to failure because
of his evil ways.
So to the Shiny Ones
as sons of gods,
were also doomed to
commit the same sins.
It is a tale as old as
man for a man is doomed
to repeat the same
cycles of self-destruction.
Atlantis is based on very
real places and events,
from the Aztec and
Mayan Atlantis,
to Santorini or Thira
in the Mediterranean,
these were real civilizations
that offered up
their ancient history
to the writers of the past and
became known as Atlantis.
They originated from
an ancient world
that was the real Atlantis.
It was a place inhabited
by the men of renown,
who had great knowledge
and a great civilization
that is only glimpsed through
the looking glass of history,
myth and legend.
They are spoken up in Sumerian legend,
biblical texts
and myths from around the globe.
Their way of life,
cities and cultures
were destroyed in a
massive worldwide Cataclysm
and only remnants
remained to tease us today.
Atlantis is now a concept
based loosely around
natural disasters
and lost civilizations,
but created to tell
us the ultimate truth
that we are not perfect.
It is a lesson from a
lost civilization for us all.