Athiran (2019) - full transcript

In an isolated hospital in the high ranges of Kerala, an autistic patient with special skills piques the interest of a psychiatrist, whose investigation into her past leads to startling revelations.

Subtitles Exclusively Arranged By:-

Samaksh ~ Varsha ~ Pankaj Jain





Are you to the mental hospital for sure?

What job do you have there?

Or.. Is it for some treatment?

Is it so, Sir?


How does it look like?


From the looks you don't seem

to have any problems

To ask whether you are a doctor“

There is nothing of that kind there..



It is not a great place..

That is a Devil's fort

Oh My Saint Anthony! What a terrible cold.

That Toad is not to be seen either

Lord Bless..

His old ramshackle vehicle and Him...



Do you know the value of time?

Been standing there, I started to freeze

Doesn't this vehicle need travel that far!

What is there so much to move..

Isn't it the vehicle that is moving..

Not you, Right?

Ails m”


Usually it is five days, isn't it?

If it is five, so be it..

Who is there to read..

Here have your puff and leave...



Leave fast"

Othen/vise everything will go stale.

Oh.. There..

Sir.. Sir..

The destination is reached..

Get down here..


That Avarachan is to that place..

Go along with him...

I am going this way..


Sir. Go ahead..

Who knows what would be his fate?


"If the thoughts are right"

"Then it is said to be Time.."

"For no reason..."

"You do not put me in the

middle of this sorrow“

"As the net was flung on the shores..."


Who is this Westerner?

Don't vehicles go this way?

This way?

This is a deserted corner“.

Who is there to come!

All that is here, is a Mental Hospital..

Vehicles do reach that place

But its quite a round about.

This is a short-cut.

On the way there is a river..


Oh My Lord..

Come on..

After the river is crossed

there is one hill

Once you cross that

there is a second hill


Come ..Come..

The only difficulty is in reaching there..

Once you reach, then that is the end..

Even if you die no one will know..

Got scared?

Need not be afraid..

Just come along..

All this you see here

belonged to some old king..

That fraud Doctor got

it all done in his name

Is he that bad?

Is it!

They are all the representatives

of netherworld!

To take care of them,

there is a Goan Doctor

And his accomplice

A perfect b...


I am the only one

who gets to see the outside world

And that too once in a week,

Wandering through lands

buying all these stuff

And feeding those people is my job...!

My fate..

So then the salary must be quite good..

Of course...a good salary

First rate kicks and stabs"

Oh My NM-

And topped with that

is that swindler Doctor's,

Ear shaming vulgar abuses..

And since all that is in English

I don't get to understand any


Be careful not to slip..

I forgot to ask you something

Where are you going this way, Sir?



To the hospital?

I am from the Medical College

After knowing the developments here

The Government has send me to find out..

What you said your name is?

Av. . Av. .


Holy Mary..



What do you say about

the treatment methods there?

The treatment methods are really nice..


That's why patients often

commit suicide there

and skeletons turn up in the nearby farms..

Anyway it's good that

I met you before reaching there

I will need your help..

"This valley sings the

tune of swaying flowers"

"as the stars above cradle"

"The mountains are yellow and bright,"

"and in the bamboo thickets are the

nightbirds guarding their honey stores"

"Me, in myself"

"Me, in you"

"or the cosmic truth"

"Who ever it be"

"giving wings to births on land

and forgetting oneself."

"This valley sings the

tune of swaying flowers"

"as the stars above cradle"

"On the path's laid with embers,

pace fast on it,"

"beyond the boundaries

strived bravely He, the limitless."

"across the mountain heights

lit up like a glowing star,"

"Spreading radiance, and

the darkness abates"

"wandering as the clouds above,

and bringing down the rain"

"and adorn like flowers

across the mountains"

"Arising in the lives

is courage at war"

"flowing like streams

and flying like birds"

"Flapping the savage wings

slowly onto mountain peaks"

"Comes the Limitless

with caution and defence."

"Birds lining up on trees

singing like a flute,"

"Rising above the waves,

gradually moving into light."



Come close to me...

How long has it been since I saw you?

Listen..Last night I dreamt about you

Why are you locked up in this cell?

Whom did you kill?


Do you know

I've to evade many eyes to reach here

Come closer, dear..

Shall I apply this..

Who is it?

Dr. M K Nair

Mooledath Kannan Nair,

Psychiatry Dept, Trivandrum Medical College

I've been asked to inspect this place..

Under instructions from the Government

Oh! Don't need all this.

I do know you very well, Sir.

How, When and Where?

Who does not know you in this field?

Why do you speak this way, Sir?

I did not get you!..

In what reference do you know me, Madam?

I am Renuka..

I manage this..

Everywhere there is a person like this..

Where is the doctor?

Please seated in the office..

Mad am,

Kamala Aunty has been killed

Kamala Aunty been killed

a mun”




Pleasure meeting you, man.

Sorry..A patient.

Please allow me to handle this..

Shouldn't I be introduced?

Is he new?

- Who is it?

- Walk..

You didn't tell me..

Is he with me?

Why don't you say if a new person comes?

I must know who it is!

What do outsiders have to do here?

Leave today itself..

If not..

Will kill you..

Kill and bury you..

Make a note of this

Just three days..

Won't go beyond that.

I saw the sacrificial souls at the altar

Sun had darkened core black..

Moon turned like blood red..

Stars from sky will fall on the earth

Sorry Doctor"

Please com e..


A Palatial house

but with one and half inch pathway!



Like on every Friday

chickens getting restless"

ls my situation now

There... it is kept open..

Ah.. It is me who opened it..

By the way what I don't understand is

What is there so much to investigate?

Many came...Many left


Whoever comes, there is one benefit..

Will wallow the Goan Englishman's liquor

and eat sumptuous food and leave

There.. the door is left open

That too is done by me..

4-5 months later, another one will come

There see one has come now..

From Trivandrum Medical College..

Now what is he going to investigate

Only God knows..


One to be kept open is closed

And one to be kept closed is open.

Who is it who made me!

Let me leave the umbrella here..

By the way is he really a nuisance?

From his looks he doesn't appear straight

His sunken nose, crooked eyes..

That sly look like a thief

There is something off, really..

By the looks he seems to be a trouble

Oh.. Is he harmful?

If so, shouldn'tl inform madam

Oh...oh...Madam.. Madam“.

Where will she listen..

She must be flirting with

that white chap!



Where were you all the while?

What is point of me going anywhere!

A bloke from Trivandrum

Medical College has landed,

to evaluate us.

What is the point of me speaking silently"

That guy will land anytime"


Our boarding and lodging

here will end today"

He has come to close this lock,

stock and barrel.

He is inside..

- Who...

- That man is inside..

His newspaper!

Took the rig ht path

Jesus..Back stabbed

Let my tongue be cursed

Don't get misguided

by seeing all that, Doctor..

Those are not what we do here..

Benjamin Diaz..

Don't you give shock treatment here?

Actually I am not against ECT

But..l don't do that

My methods... are different

What are your methods?

Dr. Nair..

On facing some hard realities in life

People who have lost their mental balance

Are the inmates here

As the relatives being ashamed

of keeping them at home

They bring them and hand over to me

Of course they are filthy rich

They dump money on them


I build this

A Home for the Mind

Didn't get you!

Only an insane mind

can understand another insane mind..

Isn't it?

The inmate here

...are not patients

They are my family

Some aspects that cannot be removed

from their minds

are the main reason for their conditions.

If those aspects could be erased

Then the matter become easier

Sol erase the past!

Tell something probable..

Erase the past!

It works, Doctor..

Through hypno-therapy that can be done

Doctor, a 16th century illusionary

art started by Mesmer

was written off as unscientific then itself

A person by your name is the one

who put Mesmer into the dustbin



Yes I know

But in the 70s that was the most

acceptable method

Where Suggestibility

exists, hypnotism works

You can never hypnotize a person like me

I am someone who doesn't

even listen to his own father..

Are you attempting to hypnotizing me?


Two. .


I dozed off, didn't I?


I tried to prove you that it really works

lam not believing in

the methodology still..

- For you seeing would be believing.


That is why I cam e..

Don't think that I will fall

for these gimmicks“.

I got it right when I stepped in

Nothing is ok here.

Now the onus of that being othenwise

ls yours..


First take some rest...

I didn't come here to eat and take rest

Got to take a look at everything rig ht away

So... Any issues!

No problem...


Yes, Doctor"

Please show him around..

Please come, Sir..

Thank you..


If anything odd shows up,

I will report

One patient.

Just one patient.

Just one sentence

is enough

That will end

Sir, May I hold the bag?

Morning, Professor..

Come in, come in..

How was sleep?

Did you sleep well?

What do I say“.


To meet my son and daughter

I started from New York to Chicago.

I had to wait three hours in JFK

Flight was late..

Then the journey..

Five and Half hours.


How do I sleep?

Did not sleep a bit!

Who the hell are you?

I am P.Subramaniyam lyer..

I am so glad to meet you, Man..

Do you have any difficulties here, Sir?


Schaden Freude

Schaden Freude

Please tell me the meaning of that..

Doctor, shall we..


By looks it appears you know

You don't know..

Schaden Freude


At least tell me

And where are you going?

If he doesn't know, he doesn't know

Schaden Freude

Why did you tear off?

He writes letters to home

ls there any law that says

no writing letters to home?

There is no body in Professor's home..

Wife and children died in a car

accident in Chicago

Years ago

This is Hussain Bala..

A painter

You saw me coming, isn't it?

I didn't meet you on the way.

Were you hiding somewhere?

Hussain doesn't speak with anyone.

Though he has been here for 4 years

He has never stepped outside

He has that special power ..

Sometimes draws events that are

yet to take place

This is what he drew yesterday"

Sir, shall we..

Now, Sir, did you get

Unlike what is being spoken outside,

there is no issues here

Please com e..

When you see the rest too,

hope you will be convinced completely.

Sir, where in Thiruvanathapuram

are you from?

My mother's home is in Thiruvananthapuram..

If I tell you about them, you may know..

If you've come to guide me..

Then do that.


This way..

What is the noise there?


I didn't hear anything"

You must have felt so..

This is a mansion build by the Britishers..

Even though it has been

about 6 years since I came

I have not seen everything here

Please come...

Where are the rest of the patients?

I will have them assemble in the hall

Don't repeat the show

that you put up downstairs

Stay quiet

Whatever is asked

Just stay silent

If you are facing any problem,

You can speak to me openly..

Anna Maria

I am fine here

Nothing is lacking here

This place is better than paradise

Vadakeddath Kamala Laxmi

Sir, if you face any problem here

Let me know

What happened on your forehead?

Five patients are being treated

is what you said..


If I were to say there is a sixth person

Would you be able to deny that?

It is not that way, Doctor"

The sixth person is not a patient

She is my daughter


Whoever it be, I got to meet her

And right now..

So... Any issues!

Not at all


She is autistic

Who said Autism is an illness?

It is a developmental disorder..

Is that why the girl is locked up?

It is complicated

I shall explain

It ain't necessary..


Is that needed, Doctor?

I won't suggest that.

Open it UP"



He woke up... Ah..

I will support.


When she knocked you out,

it was day

Now it is night

That is the only difference

Sir, she is a martial an expert

She has killed 4 people and is here

Sir, you haven't lost any part

of your body"

FonunatenAnyway nothing to be afraid of..

Hot rice porridge is here

Have it and go to bed

Car will come early morning

And you may leave straight

to Thiruvananthapuram

it is very cold and raining outside

So I will be here to pep you up.

For what? give a company for you..

No.. that is not needed

By the way is it because you think I mind

What to do!

0k.. if it is not needed, so be it..

Well then learn the hard way

Day One

From the moment I stepped in here

Somethings odd have caught my attention

Quiet mysterious are the things here

Quiet ancient and unscientific

are the treatment practices here

While getting acquainted today

Benjamin attempted at hypnotizing me

Without giving an inkling of

what is happening, I dozed off


Is very strong

and dangerous too..

Why did he lie about

Nithya being his daughter?

Is anyone here?


This is the first time

a doctor has come here

Did anyone see you coming here?

I am Lakshmi

I have been locked up here

Someone is coming..



She needs to be rescued from here

at the earliest

Othen/vise" Benjamin..

She was not like this

After coming over here,

Something has happened to her

That he only knows..


You need to discover that

How did Nitya reach here?


Open it..

But Sir...

Is that needed!


May I ask Benjamin Sir's permission?

Open, Man..

Sir, I will lose my job..

Whether you open or not,

you will lose your job..

Then isn't it better to open


How lovely you look!

Why did I cry?

Look, don't believe anyone here..

If you need anything...

Let me know

I have got some thing"

Shall I get that.

I will be back soon

Shall get that thing..Now..





- Take a look - Where?



Dr. Kanan Nair


Doctor, notice the brightness

on Nitya's face..

This will not harm

Rather it is good for her

So long the problem was the Father's

method of Treatment!

Now thatl am here

Sister" Need not

There are others who need the medicine

If you didn't understand,

then just ask him..

Doctor, did you fall for his performance?

It isn't difficult to establish

who Nitya is..

And that is his motive too..

Five years..

It took me five years

In five years..

I erased Nitya's memories..

Now whoever tries it will not come back

This confidence is good

But he is smart

Unlike the doctors who came before him

There is something different in his eyes

If his report goes negative

Not just Nitya

Everything will go off our hands

For someone who came from somewhere

What is his business here?

I am not saying this to worry you

Be wary of him


Do you recall Jayanaryana Varma

of Nadakkal Kovillakath? (a lineage)

That is my elder brother"

This is Nitya..

My elder brother's only daughter

Oh s.. Thampuran (Noble)

Yes, we have met once..

He had come to discuss

his daughter's condition

He was very upset"

I told him that skills like martial arts

will be of great help to these kids

Autism is not a disability

It is a..

Different ability

Don't underestimate them..

My brother has left us..

There is no one in the house..

If anything happens to him,

To leave Nitya here

ls what my brother had told me

before his death

My brother's notings about Nitya is in this

These are the documents of the

property assigned in Nitya's name

Including this Bungalow in the High Range.

You can use it for Nitya's treatment

To trust and handover

her in this condition,

I do not know anyone else, other than you

Doctor, you must bring her up

like your daughter.

Nitya.. Nitya..

It is on my asking

that you have been brought here

The thing you gave me when you had left

I have kept it safe..

Now when will you give, what I had asked

I have felt that it is him who has

understood my daughter more than I have

The deficiencies others found

in them were their similarities

Nadakkal Nobles lorded over the

land called Edanad..

As a continuation of that lineage came

Elder brother Balarama Verma,

younger brother Sekharan,

Younger sister Lakshmi and me

Elder brother who's being

disabled by birth...

...and Sekharan who was

not blessed with kids,

The opposition to me for being

the custodian was natural

But my daughter who lost her

mother at birth

Was stamped mentally retarded

And was demanded to be abandoned

By elder brother and Sekharan

Opposing them, I brought her up

Standing by me, were younger sister Lakshmi

And her only son Vinayan, that's all..

The time I spent for

Nitya turned into years

As time passed with the realization

of my efforts going in vain

I discovered it

Gathering back the confidence

that was ebbing

I wore the martial dress for my daughter

The changes in her surprised everyone..

The Nadakkal ground get prepared

for Kanhika Thirunal Nitya Lakshmi


We have been watching Elder

brother's expertise over the years

It is not to see this

they are all assembled here

Isn't it been some time

That a sick girl is being trained

in to this an

Let her come

The Master...

What all has he trained his daughter into

Let the world know

Call her

Princess Nitya

Ones who are mentally sick

are not to be pampered and spoilt

Rather got to be chained

Principles and Techniques..

Martial arts is for men..

Isn't it?


Steps been learnt

Grace is also mastered

Common man will applaud for any gimmicks!

Isn't that their habit!

On the compact arena, techniques

are to be known

Got to fig ht

can you?

In Nadakkal Martial training there is no

room for mischief..

"Dear, sleep"

"My sweet, sleep"

"My prosperity, sleep"

"Dear, sleep"

"Dear, sleep"

"My sweet, sleep"

"My prosperity, sleep"

"Dear, sleep"

"Sweety, swinging in the cradle"

"Like the pearl in the oyster"

"My dear baby"

"I will always adorn you and fondle you"

"I'll put a bindi on

your beautiful forehead"

"Seeing your smiles"

"ls very lovely"

"if you cry, it is darkness in my heart"

"In the throbbing kettledrum of my heart"

"There is no rhythm"

"There is not enough tune

to put you to sleep"

"O small bud, growing on my flower tree"

"Bloom slowly, the spring is waiting"

I am stepping into more hazards

Today's murder attempt

is a warning

One thing is certain

They have started getting scared of me

Kanhika Thirunal Nitya Lakshmi

Do you remember anyone in that picture?

What happened in that house that day?

You know who did it, Nithya!

Excuse me..


Nitya is here

Take her to the room

Hmm.. Come on..


Sorry Sir, it is bed time

Here punctuality in sleeping

and rising is mandatory.

Why are you looking unwell?

Are you sick?


Temperature isn't there!

These are just stress..

A little relaxation is enough

Are you always like this?


Don't you laugh a bit?

Benjamin Sir has specifically asked me to

take care of all of Doctor's needs

Just consider you are on a vacation here..

For any of your needs..

I am available

By the time you leave here Sir,

All your misgivings about us

would have been altered

Thereafter you will be writing

a good report

lam sure

Then why those files

Hand them over..


You are dealing with a wrong person

People with greater guts have come here

They have not returned

Record that too..

Listen carefully to what I am saying

That person who has come,

must not be seen here tomorrow

That is it

Oh..My...Electricity has gone

Oh...The wind and rain

of yesterday had me feel

that electricity will go today"

Oh. Jesus..

You are so compassionate

Bless.. Bless..

What to Bless..


A mansion bigger than a central jail!

Must have been born to some beggar,

a dirty guy...!

Jesus... Protect me!

Good morning, Sir..

Yesterday that guard

Carried you like a rice

sack and dropped you here

The way he carried and left you,

I thought you were dead

Are you looking for the file?

Move a bit..

That file has goddamn nothing in it

After being tortured,

"I was tortured", Would

anyone note in a file?

This is really silly, Sir

If you intend to walk out from here,

Decently shake hands and must leave

Wasn't that how the doctors

who came earlier did!

Why needlessly seek...

Was there a visit to the Police station

with the file yesterday?

Come with me, Sir

Isn't that Police station a branch office

of this mental asylum?

The policemen there live on the Crumbs

offered by Benjamin Sir

Don't show stupidity...


You being a Government employee,

nobody will do any harm

That guard scared you with an unloaded gun

He is one of the Patients here

Oh my Jesus!

I bluffed and ruined my livelihood

So Sir, neither have I told you

anything nor have you heard anything

Please come

2nd Murder Attem pt

This time,

the intention was definitely to kill

Nithya's Medical records are also lost

I can't leave Nithya to Benjamin's cruelty

Aworld beyond these walls

She got to know exists

Through me, she must know!

That mark hasn't still gone!

Do you remember how it got caused?

How many beatings I got, that day

It is to remember me

Until this mark fades,

you will never forget me

Attention Deficit Disorder

Doesn't allow attention on anything,

But will be hyperactive

That is Jeevan

Once he decides to get something

He will go to any extremes!

They both are good friends

A long period of closeness!

Nithya is his life

For her too


Hussain is ready for the treatment

Yeah coming



Almost forgot

Didn't get hurt much!

Dogs can't know that you are a doctor!

Please join me in the

evening if you are free

Don't tell anyone

...Tell only me... Okay

Only me...

Sir, changes taking place are good

But be wary about few guys

By the way.

When I walk like this,

I see Heaven and Hell

Am I in Heaven or Hell now?

You are at the end of both

Don't doubt

Sister, take Nithya to the room



She is my girl

You think I am all wrong, isn't it?

No Doctor,

Nothing like that

Handle carefully

lam someone who took

pan in the '62 China War

A battalion burning down totally,

I had to stand watching

That day even I was to die

But got rescued by an Assamese Sepoy

He is still with me

He is my guard now

Combat Neurosis

It's also called Shell shock

Many who have fought in a

War are affected by this!

Something that can never

be erased from the mind!

A Mental Shock

Slowly it turns into Neurosis

Unwanted thoughts got to

be taken out from the mind

It was on this Guard, my first Experiment!

And it was a success

He is my living proof

That man is ready to do

anything for me now!

Even a Murder

Without any guilt

What actually happened to Nithya?


Do you believe she did that?

I don't know anything about the killings

Then why have you been, all these while

torturing Nithya under the

pretext of treatment?

I have an uninvited guest

A Fox

I hate uninvited guest, Doctor

Can I also join?

Sheep don't hunt

They are to be hunted

You finish, your poison

Come on Jack


You left this in my room!

You don't speak, isn't it?

"Like the seventh colour of yonder rainbow“

"A magical beauty on your soft cheeks"

"Today in my path, your tender footsteps"

"In your musical notes,

this silence is eloquent"

"The earth and the sky

echo the twilight tunes"

"And the witnessing black

clouds give blessings"

"0 coral rain, will you shower"

"Will you veil her today"

"She is a white full moon

in her beautiful flower-like rays"

"I stood waiting to see

the stars scattered by my dreams"

"Like the seventh colour of yonder rainbow“

"A magical beauty on your soft cheeks"

"Searching for your soul,

unsearched by anyone"

"Embracing desires unseen by anyone"

"I'll come as a shadow wherever you go"

"We'll spread our wings

and go searching for shores"

"Will you give consent with a sweet smile"

"Will you come as my mate,

removing the railings of your heart"

"When we join together

today in the boat of time"

"A thousand enchantments

spread their wings allover me"

"She is a white full moon

in her beautiful flower-like rays"

"I stood waiting to see

the stars scattered by my dreams"

This is all your fault

You should have finished him then

Are you scared of him?

What a shame!

How dare he hit me!

Can you do anything or not?


"The brighter the light,

The darker the shadow“


What is this 21?


Who else do you remember?

Achu Aunty..Achu Aunty

Who is Achu Aunty?




Haven't I told you several times..

Not to fight like this

What was the need to pull her hair?

I am fed up convincing people

This guy..

Should not be spoken to...

Lock him in doors

Wayward !


Move you, Useless!


Showing the same behaviour as his dead dad!


Girl, leave me


Leave me

Come on...

Stay there

Where is dad?

As many as the dreams and desires we have,

That many are the eyelashes we have..

So when you intensely desire something

An eyelash just falls

Then what you do, dear?

You take that eyelash, hide it in your palm

Without exposing the sky

Come straight to dad

Then dad will take it from you

And fulfil your desire!

Now release him

Let the credit of killing Thamburan be his



Everything you see around

you is all fake, Nithya

Benjamin is not your dad

He is no one to you

Many truths have been hidden from you

This ain't the place for you to live

I will take you from here

Just forget that

Didn't you attempt that once?

She needs her Papa


Listen carefully to what I say

I will take Nithya


Listen carefully to what I say

Never make promises

that you cannot keep

Got it!

Doctor, Please come upstairs quickly

Jeevan, leave her

Don't come closer

- Don't come close.

- I say leave her

I Will kill her

No one will do anything to you, Jeevan

Son, don't do any blunders!

Is it for this you took the knife from me?

Don't come closer, I will kill her

Kill, Would you?

If you can, go ahead. Do it!

Kill her



Don't come closer...Don't


Didn't I say, don't come close?

Don't come closer...

What do you need? I will give you

I want her

She is mine

...mine only

I cannot leave her any more


If she doesn't want you...

You..Don't you ever..ever do this

What are you doing?

He is a Patient and You are a Doctor

Will you stop?

- mine..

- Take him away

Benjamin, don't give her away

I will not let go of her...l won't

Shut up

I will not let go her

She is mine only

Shall not let go her

Shall not let go..

She is mine

Only mine

I won't.

Hey, This... my Hospital

And that.

...Is my patient

Can we leave?




Did you see Nithya?

She is not around

Do you know where she is?

So you know where she is

Where is she, Doctor?



Where is Nithya?

I am asking you, where is Nithya?

She is not around

Didn't I tell you to rescue her from here?

Didn't I?


Where is Nithya?

Doctor, if you are done here, you may leave

Here there are only 5 Patients

And among them Nithya...

Where is Nithya?


Its ready

"Schadenfreude - the emotion

of pleasure in other's misfortune"


Didn't I tell you to leave this place?

Those people shut up in that box

Have not seen the outside world!

Death is certain

Ours is some unwanted lives,

The feeling of belonging came up

Only after seeing Nithya,

There is nobody to come enquiring about us

But Nithya dear, shouldn't face that plight

Doctor, somehow got to trace her

Lord, free me from the hands of my enemies

Lord, take me back from

the hands of savages

Oh Jesus, protect us



Hey Man

Not that way

I am here

Come on


Mad am,

Are you going to put down Nithya?

Burn all these

Rig ht away

Oh!! What is this!

Do what is told to you..




Kamala, don't lock



What the hell are you doing?


Come Doctor, up


Trust the Shadow

Only the Shadow

Look into your shadow



Wake up, Doctor

It was all your fault

You had a choice

To leave the place

But you..

There are other patients too here

Why only Nithya?

She is my treasure

Little Princess!

If it had not been her you wanted"

I would've given you


You are not listening to me, Doctor

She is gone..


I built all this for her

You think that I am Insane, don't you?


I am different

Insanity is my favourite sin

I shall free you from

the burden of memories

It's a Wonderful experience



Welcome Home


Where is the doctor?

He is inside

Sir, Please come




We are coming from Thiruvanathapuram

For the Inspection

This is the Order for

transferring the Patient Nithya...

...belonging to Nadakkal Kovilakkam

He is Dr. M K Nair

Mooledhathu Kannan Nair

Head of Psychiatric Department

Medical College Trivandrum

Dr. M K Nair

Mooledhathu Kannan Nair

Psychiatric Department

lam Dr. Kannan Nair

Head of Psychiatry, Medical

College Trivandrum

This is the last time I

am going to tell you

Put it in this

One man impersonating me came here

and took away the girl

named Nithya, isn't it?


Now tell me

If you know the person who had come...

Do you have any id or photo?


Some clue

Sir, can you come with me?


Why did you bring me here?





5 days back, he escaped from

Medical College Psychiatry Cell Ward.


To say it in local parlance,

Nithya's cousin and fiance

That is...

Nithya's Dad Jayanarayana Varma's

Sister Lakshmi's son

Is this Vinayan!


Here is his box, his Hat, his Coat

His recorder too

I suspected him then itself

That he is up to mischief!

These are mine

Don't you guys have the habit of

reading newspaper here?

It had appeared in all the

newspaper in big fonts!



Come on guys, give me a break

He had delusions




Seeing things that did not exist

Huns himself, creates wounds on ownself

Why all that...

His dead mother Lakshmi speaking with her

Oh no!

It was a clear case of Schizophrenia

And you, being a Doctor

After seeing a person with so many symptoms

You failed to diagnose that he was mad!

A London Degree from the white man's land

Army Medal

As if that is not enough,

Grandma's Hypnotism!

But Sir, that man seemed to be quite normal

He mastered it

While under treatment too,

He seemed really normal to many

Excuse me Mr. Kannan Nair,

Patient is a Doctor's responsibility

Your irresponsibility

Don't place it on my head


In case if anything

happens to that Princess

You can neither claim her guardianship

Nor any right over the properties

of the Kovilakkom

This Palace which you are enjoying

living in now, 500 acres of land,

Movable and immovable properties,

Your Pets and including your Wheel chair,

You will have to surrender all

this to the Government

And move back to Goa

Hope you understand the seriousness

of this case!

Nithya is gone along with a murderer


Not one...

But four!

All the heirs to the Kovilakam properties

Without letting a drop of blood spill

He is dangerous

Not allowing anyone to come between

Nitya and him.

Let him have the credit

of killing Thamburan!

Hey get away!

Dead end! Haven't got any clue!

We will... We will definitely get

No one knows him better than me

He wasn't meant to be limited

in that name

To be a partner in loneliness...

To add hues to memories

to share imaginations be the never ending love be the word - MINE

The him she got as a boon

With what name to address?

For her...someone who is everything

He... Athiran (Limitless)

Vinaya..You keep running

Whatever limits you keep crossing

Subtitles Exclusively Arranged By:-

Samaksh ~ Varsha ~ Pankaj Jain