At War (2018) - full transcript

After promising 1100 employees that they would protect their jobs, the managers of a factory decide to suddenly close up shop. Laurent takes the lead in a fight against this decision. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Those who fight may lose...

but those who don't fight,
have already lost.

The German Dimke group have announced
the total closure of the Perrin lndustrie factory in Agen

Violent protests outside management offices

Booing, insults...

Some even try to break open the door.

What happened to your promises?

The 1,100 employees of the factory
have just had confirmation.

Their factory, which produced
auto components, will definitely close.

They all say they've been betrayed.

2 years ago, management had committed
to maintain full activity... exchange for the removal
of several bonuses

...and a shift to 40 hours a week,
without salary increase.

Working 40 hours for 35 hours pay,

we've slogged like idiots for 2 years...

and this is the result.

The employees are disgusted.

They recall that the company,
subsidiary of the German group Dimke...

...made 17 million euros
in profits last year.

In front of the crowd, the factory manager
blames a lack of competitiveness.

The sector has become
extremely competitive.

The Agen factory has unfortunately reached
the end of its competitive life.


Go and explain that to the people!

Go and explain to them
the non-competitiveness of the industry.

You talk to me about employees...
I'm talking about 1,100 people.

Go and explain to them
how a business...

I'm not going to ask them
to work 50 hours.

No, you're going to listen!

...that has made
17 million euros profit!

Last year.

Go explain to them how they'll lose their jobs
because the factory isn't competitive enough.

Our margin rate, last year,
was 3.3 per cent.

The objective of the group,
in terms of net profit, is 7 per cent.

You reach a point where the books
can't be balanced with a rate like that.

It's not a case of employees on one side,
and management on the other.

We're all in the same boat.

Well, if we're all in the same boat...

...we're in the lower berths
with the rats and the shit...

Would you please
mind your language.

You're not going
to shut me up now.

Anyway, we're not asking
for your pity.

We're asking you to respect
your assurances of 2 years ago.

We respected ours.
You should respect yours.

There's no question of pity
for anyone.

It's just a matter of
going over the figures.

I demand that you
keep your word.

It's easy.

There's one thing on which
we're all agreed...

That is, we regret the closure
of the factory.

The reality is that
the market is unrelenting.

Neither you nor I can do
anything about it.

What I see, what we all see, is,
whether we come to an agreement or not,'ll make no difference.
- Not so!

Yes! When it suits you better,
when it's over...

- that's not the same thing.
- Even more so! It's the same!

So say the opposite...
it's all the same !

It's absolutely not
the same thing.

We've sacrificed 5 hours
of work a week for 2 years.

We've made our calculations,
I'm not making them up...

It makes 470 hours
over the 2 years.

1,100 employees, agreed?

When we give it a value,

that's 4,600 euros
that each employee has given Perrin.

The number of employees is 1,100.

That works out at
5 millions euros.

5 million euros over the 2 years.

The 5 million is just the wages.

Add to that what you call

employer's expenses contributions...

We add 50 per cent
for contributions...

3 million euros, agreed?

It's not finished!

There are bonuses as well.

We agreed to sit on the bonuses,

We remember.
We signed the agreement.

6 million euros, the bonuses.

That adds up
to 14 million euros.

That's 14 million euros that employees
have been sacrificing for Perrin over 2 years.

They're the figures.

I gather you see the 14 million
as being a gift...

....that it would have served
to enrich the company, the group...

It wasn't like that at all.

14 million that went into the pockets
of who-knows-who.

What did this agreement serve... becoming competitive again
and not closing the Agen works?

So we need to thank you
for deferring it until today, do we?

That's not very constructive.

It's a shame as it's not the interest of any
of us to add more tension to the relationship.

We are well aware that things have
not happened as we would've liked.

It's obviously very disappointing,
for want of a stronger word.

This pain, I assure you... something we feel too,
like you.

You'll make us all cry!

It's not about making you cry...

What I want to remind you...

what I want to remind you... that we are all
part of this company.

We have to face up to it.

To not face up to it, is to be in denial.
That will lead us to nothing positive.

Who is in denial?
That's ridiculous!

The people who are trying
to save their jobs?

Or those who've profited
from them over the years...

...pocketing millions of euros?

Who's in denial?
That's ridiculous!

What matters is that we sit down
together round this table...

We're not at all "together"!

We're not together.

I'll say it again...
we're in the same boat!

I'm talking about the agreement signed at
the bottom of the paper that passed between us.

You had committed yourself...

Mr Borderie...

You had committed yourself... protect our employment...

...not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4...
at least 5 years.

At least 5 years!

We were to meet again
at the end of those 5 years... see whether or not
the agreement would continue.

- We kept our promises.
- Yes.

Are you someone
who keeps his word?

Yes, but the group...

No, but I'm asking if YOU
keep your word!

What I see,
it's that we signed an agreement...

We kept our promise
and you haven't keep your word.

You and the group
haven't kept your word!

I've explained the situation to you
as clearly as possible.

It's extremely simple...

Either you keep your word...

...and we resume work...

...or you don't keep your word,
don't keep to the agreement...

...and we block production
and the stock.

There's no other choice.


- Before debriefing, Sebastien...
- Yes.

What's the benefit in insulting
the human resources manager?

No particular benefit.

I'm talking to her...
she doesn't respond.

You insult anyone who
doesn't respond to you?

If they don't respond,
it's an insult.

No, it's not an insult.

I'm talking to her...
she ignores me.

She saw who the boss was.

You're not the boss, Sebastien.

She saw who the boss was,
so she made a point of showing disrespect.

"She saw who the boss was?"

- Are you the boss?
- She saw who was facing her.

She showed me disrespect!

- They'll take us for morons!
- That's how we are!

This'll drive us nuts.

Got to fight smartly.

I won't let them
walk over me.

She has to stop
cutting people down.

Use your head!

- I am.
- Don't insult people.

We need to talk.

I'm not going
to be walked over.

You don't insult management.

Stop repeating yourself!

She has to stop
cutting people down.

She treats us
as if we're shit.

She's not like that
in OUR discussions.

So you're defending her!

Listen when we talk to you.
We know you, listen!

- So, if you know me...
- All we're asking is "cut the insults".

We don't want to be
taken for morons.


Commotion outside
the Agen town hall.

Around 400 workers from Perrin lndustrie,
have mobilised... demand the support
of the public authorities.

Here we are!

After 2 weeks of bringing
their company to a standstill...

...the unions ask the mayor,
a close friend of the President...

...his help to arrange a meeting
at the Elysee Palace.

We need the president of France
to be involved.

It's the only way to get
management to listen to us.

No answer, for now,
from the Elysee or the government.

But the mayor promises
to get the message across.

My struggle, before as a deputy,
now as mayor... for the safeguard of employment
in our city.

The employees continue the pressure
onto the judicial system...

...with a complaint filed
in the high court.

We ask the court to order,
given the non-respect of the agreement...

...suspension of the decision
to close the Agen company.

You have endorsed the agreement
over your signature...

You fulfilled your commitments,
but them, no.

Justice is there to say...

"No to the closure."

After 23 days of conflict, the unions
of the Perrin Industrie factory...

...will be received by the social adviser
of the Elysee Palace...

...who was charged by the President,
personally, to try to find a way out.

A crisis after the announcement of the closure
of the Agen works by the German group Dimke.

A little reminder: freedom of enterprise
is in the constitution.

That means an entrepreneur
can open or close a business.

There are rules,
but it can be closed.

Secondly, you talk
of the agreement.

When there is an agreement,
it's between two parties.

You have conformed to your part,

The employer did
for a period of time...

...and now considers that he can't continue
to make this business work.

They break this job maintenance agreement.

I feel that nothing is binding
on our management.

We signed an agreement,
2 years ago.

The company received State aid,
while committing to maintaining employment.

The jobs were not guaranteed,
yet the company received the aid.

I understand.

But the State can't do everything.

So no one can help us?

This is a democratic country...

The President and the political parties
do not intervene on justice matters.

That would be harmful.

It's not possible for us to
intervene with the judges...

...for justice must be
kept independent.

I'd like to pick up, Sir...

...on what you just said
about the State.

It can't do everything.

But I think that in this case...

...the State has
a moral responsibility.

Because today, if nobody
prevents the closure of this plant...

...what will that mean?

Even with the best social plans... 2 years, given the state
of our region...

...which is affected in terms
of the job market...

...there will be more than 50 per cent,
at least...

...who will be on income support.

There'll be families disintegrating,
as we all know.

It's like that...
You can't close your eyes to it.

It's not easy to understand,
given your situation...

...but a too-strong intervention
by the State...

...would also be counter-productive.

It would risk...

I know it's not something you like to hear,
given your situation, I understand it.

But, it would send a negative message
to investors... to foreign investors...

...and no one denies we need them too,
to create employment.

I understand your situation and I
know you don't like to hear it...

...but we can't make this particular
Perrin case into a global case.

In this particular situation, we can't
do everything in the place of employers.

What I gather you're telling us...

...that we can't intervene
with the court...

...that a business can open and close
as it wants.

That they can ask the help
of the State...

...sign agreements with us...

...and still be able to shut down
when it suits them.

So in actual fact...

...we see that for now,
you can't do anything for us.

What the State CAN do is give you support,
through the president.

Just before coming to this meeting,
I spoke to the President...

...who is more than aware
of your situation.

There is a Franco-German summit
in 2 days.

He will point out
that you are morally right...

...and that Dimke management
should reconsider their decision.

This is not a State intervention
through the courts...

...but it's very strong moral support.

You have the State with you. .

The State supports you
in your efforts.

This is an additional element
to help you succeed.

You alright?


There's everything except
the shampoo you wanted.

That doesn't matter.

Hello Mum.

You OK? I put it on speaker.
Dad's here.

Hello, Dad.

He's been shopping for me.

Coucou, sweetheart,
how are things?

OK.... alright,
it drags a bit.

I moved.
It gave me contractions.

I shouldn't have.

The doctors said
you shouldn't move.

You have to listen
to what they say.

Don't take risks.
You've still got 3 months to go.

I know, but I felt good.

Mathis wasn't here.
I went out to buy something.


I hope it didn't speed it up.

How do you get on
when he's not there?

Well, when he's not here...

How about meals and all that?

He makes Tupperware meals
and I have the microwave in my room.

The grim faces...

...of employees in shock.

For the employees of Perrin lndustrie...

...the court decision
is a new blow.

I know this decision
is painful.

The court rejected their request
for cancellation of the closure of the plant.

A decision that was immediately
welcomed by the management.

All the same, it's a relief.

It's a court decision
which makes good sense.

There's still a chance of a composed dialogue
with our employees...

...which has been impossible,
and to present the next steps to them.

Management promises
redundancy bonuses...

...called special-payments... addition to the payments
already provided by law.

This proposal was already rejected
by the unions...

...who still refuse the idea of closure.

1100 people kicked out!

4,000 people in the families!

Children, fathers, mothers!

Who speaks for them?

Is this closure now unavoidable?

For this economist,
the main problem of the Agen plant

is not competitiveness,
but rather profitability.

A shareholder may require
profitability from his investment.

In this case, we can understand,

...that the shareholder didn't have
sufficient profitability...

...and in a strong enough way
to keep the plant alive...

...hence its decision,
no doubt, to relocate.

Tonight, the unions are calling for
a meeting with the head of the Dimke group...

...the managing director of Dimke.

I wanted to come see you, I called
your union leaders, because...

...I can imagine how
it has been for you...

...that decision of the court...

...and the fact that the company
has the right... pay off staff.

So... I wanted to tell you
that you still have our support...

...that of the French president...

...who continues to indicate,
as he has said...

...that the business is viable...

...and who continues
with his support.

Before coming here, I met with
the Minister of Labour...

...who, from his side too,
did the same thing... contacting Mr Hauser,
the managing director of the conglomerate...

...the German chief... persuade him receive you
and hear you out.

As yet, Mr Hauser has not deigned
to answer him.

You realise what
we're hearing here?

We hear that a managing director
has more power than a minister.

That's what it means,
doesn't it?

He doesn't have more powers.
They have different powers.

A managing director has power
over the business...

...and the French minister,
over the rights to work.

It's not the same thing.

No, it's more than that.

No, that means, basically,
that we have an MD who told a minister...

"Screw you...
I do what I want."

That's what he's saying.

I understand your anger.

Basically, the Minister has no power
to summon the German chief.

The German boss
has his own strategy... avoid getting mixed up
in the French business...

...and that the representatives
of the company in France...

...namely Mr Borderie for Agen
and Mr Censier for Perrin lndustrie...

...should do all the work.

Excuse me Mr Grosset...

I'd like to ask a question
that only just occurred to me...

In the end, who do you serve?

Well now...

If you like, it's normal that we
reciprocate, that's what we do.

You ask who I serve?

I serve as the link... being here today...

...between you, the presidency,
and the Minister of Labour.

And I serve so that your word
will be heard.

This allows the president
to maintain publicly... for your measures
and for you in your dispute.

Mr Grosset,
what we're trying to explain to you... that nothing has moved.
Nothing has moved at all.

We want one thing,
which is to see Mr Hauser... he is the only one
in this affair with any real power.

I understand what you are saying...
It hasn't escaped you

..that the president
who supports you...

...and the minister who demands
a meeting with Mr Hauser...

...have said the same thing.

Excuse me... the president's statement
has amounted to nothing.

It should carry some weight.
It has none at all.

It had to reverse the balance
of power. It didn't affect it.

That'd be like me saying...
"Your movement is useless..."

and "the stoppage of work
and blocking of stocks are useless."

It serves to pressure!

It's useless!

Sir, it's useless.

So you can see that we can have
a common approach...

You have engaged
in a labor dispute...

...and we take steps
for you to be received.

You still have
people like the president...

You never stop saying...

"The president this,
the president that."

I'm sorry, all that I see...

...we've been on strike
for a month...

...and we've been put upon
by everyone.

Mr Amedeo, no, no...
Excuse me...

We could consider if the case
is lost... It is not.

Because when you get involved like I have,
you get exposed to everyone, including you.

So I won't let you think that.

You don't realize...

Mr Amedeo, I do realize...
that's why I'm here.

- Don't fool yourself.
- I'm not mistaken.

- I'm not wrong.
- We're supporting you.

I'll say that again...
I bring our support.

If you do not want it,
I'll walk away.

Yes, that's going to be possible.

Miss, we have a request
to submit...

It will take 5 undisturbed minutes.

If you can tell him
we are downstairs.

We would just like
to submit a request.

5 minutes.

The president is very busy...
He won't be able to see you.

Here is the news
with Angelique Bouin.

They don't stop at anything. A new move
by the employees of Perrin lndustrie.

200 to 250 of them invaded MEDEF,
headquarters of the employers in Paris.

On strike, the employees of Agen asked
to meet the president of the organization put pressure
on his German counterpart.

Their objective...
that the latter convinces Martin Hauser..

...head of the Dimke Group,
of which they are part... come to
the negotiating table.

Listen... I'm asking you
to leave the building.

She's calling!



Tell him...

Let her speak!

We have one request
to put to him.

Then we'll leave.
It'll take 5 minutes.

She's in conversation!

Very well.

I've spoken with the president's office.
They'll see you.

We've been waiting 20 minutes.
What's going on?

The president has been informed.
You must be patient.

It takes 20 minutes?
It's absurd.

Maybe you could phone?

Can you phone?

It's not for me to do.

Ask the ladies
on the desk.

He's been advised.

It take 20 minutes?

He's been informed,
so it will happen.

They have to be quietened.

Calm down!!

Don't provoke them!

Don't provoke them, boys!

Stop that! Stop!

Stop! Stop!

Please! Please stop it!

That wasn't planned...
It wasn't expected.

It's not fair, call them.
This'll degenerate.

Miss, I am calm.

Call them... please!

This is how problems
come about.

This is no good!

- Calm down!
- No, this is not good at all!

Hello, Sir.


We're here on behalf
of the company president.

He entrusted us with the task
of receiving your request...

...and passing it on to him.
We're here to meet with you.

The president isn't coming?
We want to see the president.

I quite understand,
but we're here to represent him...

...and hear what you
have to say to him.

But we want to see the president.

But that's impossible,
because he's not here.

Don't start again!

We saw his agenda.
He'll be here at 11am.

You can't tell them that.

- It changed recently. It can happen.
- Oddly enough.

As my colleague said,
the president is not here.

It's not out of malice.

Wait, what we want
is very simple.

The big boss here
calls his boss in Germany.

...and he calls the bigger boss
of Dimke, so we ca meet him.

That's what we want.
It's simple.

It's simple.

You do that, we go away.
You're rid of us.

Wait... He says he wants
to save work in France...

This is the chance to do it.

Right here.

Exactly, we're here
to collect the documents.

If you please!

- And we'll pass them on.
- We're not giving you any documents.

- Why?
- We want to give them to HIM.

- He's not here.
- He's upstairs.

Stop taking us for imbeciles!

Looks like they do.

We spent 3 hours getting here...

3 hours, 300 kilometres...

We're not wasting
those 3 hours, are we?


We're cool calm and collected.
We're not moving.

We'll wait for him patiently.

- It's crazy, Sir.
- It'll get you nowhere.

It'll get you nowhere.
Waste of time. Crazy.


We'll give you our word.

Alright... that's good.

Ask him to come down.

We are not against you.

Neither are we.

He won't come.

- Who's he phoning there?
- I don't know.

I think he's phoning
the president's secretary.

But not there.

We do things
in an orderly way.

We've nothing against that.

We've no more information
that you. He's not here.

The bosses are never there.

They're always very busy...
on the move.

- Us too.
- We're not trying to be nasty.

Well save our jobs then!

Nobody listens.

Ladies and gentlemen,
we shall forward your visit...

We shall share your visit...

We'll share your visit
with the president.

We don't want that!

You need to quietly go home...
Please leave the premises.

We're not going anywhere.

Leave the premises...
We bid you good day.

We're not leaving!

You're not listening!

You're not listening...
We're not leaving the premises!

It's ridiculous...
totally ridiculous!

Ladies and gentlemen,
step back, please.

The exit is that way..

We're waiting here, quietly.
We're waiting here.

- We'll stay calm.
- Raise shields!.

Why do that?!

It's alright...
we're waiting here, quietly.

Everyone stay calm!

Sir... please stop that!


Let go!

I invited you to have this meeting

...we've always been frank
with each other.

As I see it, nothing
has been achieved.

You've taken some steps
this week...

You thought it'd be expedient to invade
the French headquarters of the company.

Quite frankly...

...even though you know that
the State continues to support you...'re creating a disastrous image
for yourselves.

Nothing is moving...
so we try to make ourselves heard...

...I'm sorry to say, Mr Grosset.

There are things
that can be done...

Unfortunately that was
no more that gesticulating.

Call it gesticulating
if you wish...

But we need to open a dialogue
with someone with credibility.

A spokesperson with real authority.
Right now, there's nobody.

There's no one.

A court decision
has been made.

How do you propose
ignoring it?

Courts are supposed to dispense justice.
Was there anything just about it?

Listen a decision was made...

We're now in a new context.

You want to ignore the decision?

Mr Grosset, if you'll allow me
to comment...

Nobody, including the employees,
can ignore the court decision.

They just don't want to
to be treated... no more than an adjustment
to shareholder profit.

These are not pawns
that can be thrown away... suit the purpose.

- We can't let that be said.
- Well, excuse me.

Nobody thinks that. I have moreover
invited the representative of the company.

I propose that he
addresses the unions directly.

Mr Censier,

...who is the president of
Perrin France lndustrie...

I'm asking you to discuss this
with the unions... help us find a solution.

Over to you Mr Censier.

Firstly let me say that management
and I have been listening.

What YOU need to hear too,
is that it's a business...

...connected to other businesses.


It has to progress
in a particular environment.

And it turns out that this environment
can be hostile.

And the plant at Agen has operated
in a hostile environment.

It can no longer
face the competition.

No, that's not true.

A group like Dimke
has to close this plant.

Sorry, but we all know
that the Agen plant is profitable...

It supports 1,100 families.
What are you doing about that?

You know that we all worked
to save the jobs.

As head of the company,
I don't get up in the morning...

...wondering how many
jobs we will eliminate...

It's quite the opposite.

- Quite the opposite.
- Yes, Mr Censier...

Delighted to know that jobs
are your priority.

What I'd like you to explain
to me, if I may ask...


What I'd like you
to explain is...

...why, in all Th time since
the agreement was signed...

the management only now tells us
that the company was in difficulties.

Well, in a case like this...

Just tell me.
Don't beat about the bush.

No, I read the figures.

Wait, if it's figures you want,
I'll give you some.

We have a copy
of the report to shareholders.

Your shareholders,
the group shareholders.

Wait, you can't say
"your shareholders".

Well they aren't OUR shareholders!

They're not MINE...
I'm a salaried employee.

Please let me continue.

Your shareholders had an increase of more
than 25 per cent on their dividends last year.

Not to mention a rise in the group
president's salary of 13 per cent.

Bringing his salary
to 9 million euros a year.

Does that say nothing to you?

It's different, you mix everything up.

You talk about the Agen plant...

...about shareholders,
about Mr Hauser's pay-packet.

I'm not mixed up at all.

There's a point where these things
are related, Mr Censier.

You know the Dimke Group
is a multitude of companies.

There's the location at Agen,
and there are many others.

Some of these companies do well,
others less well.

The Agen plant had become
a danger to the group.

It's not the group that's in danger,
it's the employees.

You realize that it was 25 per cent
more for shareholders?

Our experts have all said,
and I quote...

Nobody gets near us us.

"No shareholder in the auto subcontracting
industry gets near that. Nobody."


We already talked about it, but
union experts highlight what they want.

Wait...! We don't have time
to play disparagement games!

The experts bother you, because
they put their finger on where it hurts.

We don't have the time.

The problem is always the same.

The reality is that for shareholders,
it's never enough.

They never earn enough.

And to boost their gains,
what do they do?

It's very simple,
they close the Agen works...

...and they transport it
to Rumania...

...into a factory they own there,
where the wages are 5 times cheaper.

I put a question to you, Mr Censier.

What becomes of us?
What do we become?

What happens
to the employees?

- Just listen.
- We're listening.

We offered you a plan...
Nobody wants to study it.

Mr Censier, if I may...

There's something
I'd like to say...

We don't want what you propose.
We want to work.

Yes, we want to work.

We worked hard for you for 2 years,
and now we're being dumped.

How are we going to eat?
How are our kids going to eat?

You know very well
there are no jobs in this region.

You just need to move.


You hear what he's saying?

You realise what you're saying?
Stupid asshole!


- You hear what he's saying?
- I heard.

It'll be a lot better
if everyone stops shouting.

So I ask you... both of you... take back
what you've said.

I take it back. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry if I've caused offence.

We'll continue the meeting then.

I repeat what we
should be discussing...

The court decision...

We have 2 months left...

Some proposals have lead nowhere.

Getting back to the company...

You're determined to do what?

Listen, regarding the proposals
that we made...

and demanded the beginning
of our negotiations...

in our exchanges...

We even developed them
to take care... propose balanced decisions,
that is to say with this objective...

...not to focus exclusively
on the financial aspects.

And also to propose
extra measures for the future.

Not just short term,
but from preparation to implementation...

You can go on repeating
the same mantras...

You see that everything
is blocked.

Seeing it is blocked, can you
as company representatives...

...make sure that the employees
get to meet with the head of Dimke Group?

- We've been trying for ages.
- I'm asking you.

A decision's been made
under French law.

Ye, it's French law,
and a judgment's been made.

We know all that.
I'm asking you about the next step...

Answer yes or no.

Will you pick up your
phone, and call Mr. Hauser?

Because I swear that this time... this meeting today...

If there's no sign
of an opening in the dialogue... will all get out of hand.
Is that what you want?

I'm sure that the resumption of work is the preamble to the resumption of discussions.

- But of course!
- We won't resume work.

We won't resume work.
I've said that 100 times.

I know.
Mr Borderie, listen...

We can sort this out with dialogue.

The dialogue is...
you pick up your phone... get on to Mr Hauser,
and the employees meet him.

I make this request most strongly.

It looks like I'm it.

There, we have 1130.
- Good.

We've 1130 in the box,
between cheques and cash.

That's great.

"Asshole" ?

It means arseholes.

I don't know the word.

From all of us in Sunderland
to all of you in Agen...

I'll repeat...

"We have the same arseholes here,
they are everywhere..."

"Your battle is ours.
We are all Perrin."

"Here's our collection
354 euros."

"From all of us in Sunderland
to all of you in Agen..."

"Don't give up, comrades...".

"Shove your fist up the arse
of those twerps."

"My poetic friends...
you're going to be proud of yourselves."

"We can use more
of your methods."

"You've been bugging
the bosses for years..."

"Whatever happens to you
will be of your own making."

- We'll keep that one.
- We'll frame it.

Oh, this is disgusting!

- Quoin ?

They've sent an envelope
with shit in it.

- Seriously?
- It's shit.

Yes, it stinks!

It's horrible!
Take it away!

- Is it for real?
- I didn't make it up.

- Can you Se it?
- Yes I see it.

It's filthy.

If I run into him,
I'll crap on him.

Do you have his address ?

I'll crap on him.

- Where's it from?
- Doesn't say.

- How old's the eldest?
- 5.

5, and the other one?

Two and a half.

I've enough complications
as it is.

It's been a long time
since we got on.

This just makes him...

- Doesn't he admire you?
- He doesn't think that...

That it's the right thing to do?

He just feels that he has to
manage everything, now, suddenly...

So he's really pissed off.

Your little son!

There he is!

Your daughter, hard at it...

My dude!

My other dude...

My hero!

Alright? So as you know, we were
going to get together tomorrow...

...but we've now decided, with Laurent,
to move the meeting forward.

There's noise from the corridor
which gets a bit disturbing.

I ask Bruno straight out... it true that you met with management
on the subject of special-payment?

It wasn't our idea.
They asked for the meeting.

I'm just asking whether
in fact you saw them.

I'm not trying to hide anything,
and I didn't go alone.

You went to discuss the special-payments,
without consulting us?

- Not you personally.
- That's the problem.

We know very well
what you were going to tell us.

I was going to tell you...
OK, you know my opinion.

I'm not switching sides because
someone waves a cheque at me.

- No one's switching sides.
- Yes they are!

No need to get on
your high horse!

I'm not!

It's about switching sides.

To go talk with management,
as things stand with us now...

is exactly the same as saying
that you agreed with the closure.

Yes... that's the problem!

It'd seem like that.

When things are stalled, there comes
a point where you change strategy.

It's been stalled for 2 months.
2 months of battle.

To what result?

The French management
hasn't changed its stance.

Our requests are still refused,
to meet with German management.

What's the answer?
Stop being stupid.

That's all it takes.

Let's not get fired up.

Francois Olivier, what were you thinking?

It's been 2 months. You thought
they'd give way within 2 weeks.

Now that they're under pressure...

...they start to let go
and you buckle?

- Melanie...!
- Are you serious?

They're not under pressure.
They couldn't give a damn.

No, it's not true!

They DO care.
We blocked the stock, remember.

We blocked the whole site.

Customers are upset...
they're not receiving orders.

That's where the pressure
is coming from.

It would mean that everything
we did was pointless.

- That's what it means.
- No.

No, it means it was pointless!

The proof is that you're ready
to give in!

It achieved something?

At least it served to augment
the special-payment.

I see! You know what?
Out with it...!

Explain how from the beginning you
immobilised the plant to increase the payout.

Don't leave anything out.

No... We don't have
the same problem.

We'd like to keep our jobs.
That's is not the same.

We have to face facts.

It's now 2 months off work.

2 months of fighting...
and people are quite exhausted.

You realise that?

I realise it as much
as you do!

And driven to the brink

- I'm not seeing that?
- You see nothing.

You live in your own world...

Wearing blinkers
with your fan club.

My what?

Your fan club,
pure and simple.

Since you want us to talk about it,
we'll talk about what happened lately.

We go to the Business Council.
What's happening?

We got roughed up
by the riot police...

...thrown out
and treated like thugs.

- And today...
- They were still getting into us outside.!

- Listen!
- Treated like thugs!

I'm listening!
I'm listening!

On the internet, we're described
as agitators.

Look at the internet!

The shots on TV...
Can I not give a damn?

- Is that your problem?
- We're regarded as agitators.

Cedric, the guy was on the premises.

He didn't want to meet us,
so we make a scene?

But what are you doing there?

He doesn't want to meet us!
We should've gone...

- And we're treated like morons.
- Enough!

I wonder who's the moron here!

Cedric's right.

Frankly, the way you talk down...
you're giving me the shits.

You're giving me the shits too!

We explain to you that people...

Management arse-lickers
give me the shits!

I'm trying to explain to you...

- You make me vomit.
- You give me the shits.

Our people are doing it tough.

That's what Bruno and Cedric
are trying to explain to you.

Do you know the amount
of the special-payment?

- We're not bothered.
- No, we don't give a damn.

Maybe YOU are not bothered!

- Maybe it interests some people.
- I want to know.

It was 17,000, initially.

Now it's 25,000.

I think we have to fight
to increase it to 30,000...

40,000, or more.

What are you going
to do with it?

Do with it?
That's not the problem.

I'd rather leave with a cheque,
than nothing at all.

I prefer to save the furniture
than burn it for firewood.

That's my opinion.

Some can't even afford the canteen.

That's what we're fighting for!

I repeat.
That's what we're fighting for!

It's just to pay for
that fucking canteen!

Not just for 1 or 2 years...

For always.
That's what we're fighting for.

You don't give a damn.

Your daughter's grown up.
You've no dependents.

So what?

What do YOU know about my life?

I bought the share of the house
from my ex, I'm up to there in debt.

Want to swap places?

I'm asking you...
Do you want to swap places?

You play the tough guy, but are
you going to listen to the people?

No... you listen to no one.
You live in your own world.

I'm one of you...
I listen to the people!

We differ in opinion.

- Can I say something?
- Let him speak.

I'm sorry, this is my first meeting.

I'm not very credible...
not being at the previous ones.

I'm an executive,
unlike most of you.

Close to management.

What's happening here,
the divisiveness...

...people screaming at each other.
That's what they want.

2 years ago I was a signatory
to the agreement.

- They want to destroy us.
- For sure.

2 years ago,
management's idea was...

"Just wait a bit and they'll
beat the hell out of each other."

They've won.
It's happened.

Your divisions are their strategy.

It's their strategy,
there's no other.

You have to be united.

If a company can come up
with a big cheque... means they're under pressure,
that's for sure.

They're ahead of you.

The Germans keep a tight rein on them.
They're in daily contact.

If they come up with more money,
it's because they're under pressure.

Don't let go...
but we have to stick together.

Tell us how much you earn.

- Is that relevant?
- Just answer the question.

Stop being a pain...
Why give us all the shits?

I'm just asking
a simple question!

Knowing won't change anything.

I'm just asking
a simple question!

He doesn't earn the same shit
that we do.

I'm 25.

I earn 1,400 euros clear.
3 kids.

How am I doing?
How long will I hang on?

He makes 3 times my salary!

It's nothing to do with it.

Stop! Stop! Excuse me...

We have a problem of strategy.

Laurent is giving
his point of view.

WE have another point of view.

I'd like to ask Laurent
a straight question.

Just how much weight
does your union carry?

- Very little!
- How much?

No, it's not little
and it's not nothing!

That's it, we get there!

"How much weight
does your union carry? ?"

Do you realise
what you're asking?

Yeah, and the important thing is that
the independent union of Perrin lndustrie...

...that we represent with Bruno and others,
is the most representative.

Our point of view carries more weight
than others.

More representative than what?

More representative than what?

When you have to make a decision,
you must be united with us.

At present, the unions
don't give a damn.

Melanie, you can't say that.

They don't give a damn.

We break our arses so that
people vote in elections.

She can say that because
when we go on the dole...

...we won't know who belonged
to which union.

That's right.

It doesn't matter if one is more
representative or less than the other.

We signed an agreement
with management 2 years ago.

They betrayed us
and we've all risen together.

Now we have to fight, all together

Otherwise, the plant is closed
and it's all over.

You'll never work again.
You neither.

No more work.

Are you 55?

So what will you do?

You'll get 12 months
for redeployment...

...then 2 years on the dole,
and still out of luck.

And after? 5 years, 6 years, 7 years
before retirement?

What are you going to do
of a morning?

What'll you do with that carcass of yours?
What'll you do ?

There's not a job for 50 kilometres
in any direction.

Some people
will never work again.

That's what you
have to realise.

You mentioned my daughter,
my wife...

My daughter is 21.

The house I sell whenever I want.
And then I go fishing,

I wash my hands of everything.

I'm not fighting just for my sake,
but for everyone's!

That our work is preserved.

I'm fighting for a cheque
but not the special-payment.

A cheque that I'll get
at the end of each month.

That's what I'm fighting for!

That's what we should all be
united together to fight for!

Because when the plant closes,
that will be the end.

Focus on those 2 words...

The mascot!

[1,100 ON STRIKE]

Let's play a game.

You will say...
But it must be said quickly.

I'll you the sentence slowly.

Whoever doesn't manage
to say it quickly, has a forfeit.




You get a forfeit!

You get a forfeit!


Say it quickly!

Say it quickly!


Your turn.

That's good... your turn.

Go on, your turn.

Your turn!

No, say it quickly!



Borderie is here.

I'll call you back.

Hello everybody.

I'm here this morning to ask
the workers who are on strike...

...who are in their right, to allow me
free access to the factory and workshops.

I have the services of a bailiff
who will ensure...

What are you playing at?

I'll repeat my question, calmly.

I'm asking you to allow free access... people wishing
to return to work.

No! Out of the question!

Are you serious?
You're blowing everything away!

Mind your own business.
We say leave the choice to the people.

She doesn't take orders.

Certainly not from you.

Just keep it down.

No, I won't keep it down.

It's quite simple...
Nobody's going back.

What are we exposing ourselves to?
Dismissal for gross negligence.

Because we want
to keep our jobs...

...we face dismissal
for gross negligence?

There's an obstacle
to the freedom to work.

That's a fundamental right.

Because we want to keep our jobs,
that's an obstacle?

You haven't kept to
your agreements.

If you'd kept your promises,
we wouldn't be here.

I'm not accepting
any lessons from you.

And neither are they!

It's already been explained to you
that you're risking heavy sanctions.

What sanctions?
That I'd like to see!

What sanctions?
What sanctions?

There's a court decision,
full stop.

You're to allow us free access...


Stop playing the hero!

He should go home...
stop playing the hero.

Enough is enough!

You're our hero,
don't do it.

Why don't you suck Laurent off
while you're about it!

- What did you say?!
- Clear off!

Look at the result
of your bullshit!

Nothing but shit
results from this strike.

But it's over, right?

- Listen to me!
- It's over!

- The factory is closed!
- We're not finished!

It's your fault!

It's terminated!

You're blowing away
everything we've done.

They're just waiting for us
to beat the hell out of each other!

We're dying and we're
attacking each other.

Letting them win!

That make you happy?

- No, I'm not happy.
- I am!

They're rejoicing!

They've given you a shovel
to dig your own grave.

They're helping you
dig your own grave!

But not you!
Not you!

Clear off!

Immobilise the machine!

Another one there.
Immobilise that machine.

Immobilise that machine there!

Cut off the machines!

Is your machine immobilised?
Where is it?

It's marked with the union stamp.

Are the machines immobilised?

We have to explain to them.
Those guys aren't up to speed.

Is his machine immobilised?
Immobilise it.

It's alright, I'm stopping.

It's just not cool,
what you're doing.

They traveled 500 km
to come to Montceau-Les-Mines.

The strikers from Perrin lndustrie
in Agen...

...are occupying this other plant
belonging to the company.

A demonstration of strength... pressure German management,
4 weeks after the end of negotiations.

We're with the workers
who are following us.

We're with our colleagues
who are helping us sit it out...

And we don't budge from here
till we get a meeting with the Germans.

An immediate reaction from
the manager of the works.

According to him, the occupation
only aggravates the situation.

I think there are who desire
to make the situation worse...

...while management does
everything possible to get out of it.

The Germans do not negotiate
under any threat.

Very well.

OK, so it's pointless.

I did what needed to be done.
They don't want to meet you.

Do you have any authority?

No, I don't.

You had the authority
to make the agreement.

Please calm down.

The orders come from Germany.

We want you to ask them
to come to the table.

Without them, we aren't budging
from here.

- They can't be told what to do.
- We're not moving then.

You won't negotiate
anything like that.

We don't risk anything.

- We've nothing more to lose.
- You have to leave.

What you're doing is illegal.
You are on private property.

This is a private building.

The workers who were here
can leave.

But none may return
after 2pm.

Not one worker!

As you wish.

You won't get anywhere.
This will achieve nothing.

It won't get you anywhere
at all.

You don't have to be here.

You don't have to be here.

We've nothing to lose.
We came 500 km.

But you're on your way...

We want the Germans at the table.
We want them at the table.

- You see about making it happen.
- You're messing everything up.


You hear that?
You hear them?

Mr Grosset...

You've asked Mr Censier... ask the Germans
to come to the table.

Yes or no?

It wasn't to be
a secret meeting.

To be in Paris.

There'd be 15 at the table.

It was you who asked for it.

You were there,
nothing was done.

He didn't make the call...
Nothing happened.

So I'm telling you,
that's over.

We've no trust any longer. Over.

So listen... listen..
listen to what I say...

We are here today on site,
and we're not budging.

Not until we have
this fucking meeting!

There... that's it!

A gesture of appeasement?

You say WE should make one?!

You've been fucking everything up
for months.

But wait... isn't that OK?

But you promised... But...

If I was vulgar,
I'd tell you where to stick it.

I don't believe you anymore.

I only believe people
who keep their word.

Neither Mr Borderie nor you...

Come on, Censier,
show us your bum!

Come on, Censier,
show us your arse!

I have just spoken with Dimke's
international HR director...

who had been in touch with Mr Hauser.

This is not a simple matter... he is presently
in the United States.

With the time difference
it is complicated.

And so...

Mr Hauser is ready
to consider meeting you discuss things with you...

...provided that Agen resumes work.

"Ready to consider" ?
Is that "ready to consider a solution"?

All Mr Hauser is doing,
is having us on.

He's just having us on.

I'm just passing on
what I was told.

Go pick up your phone
and call him back...

...and say that without
an official declaration...


...saying that he will meet us...

...we're not going anywhere.

Wait... I can't take it any further.

You can't go further?
Neither can we!

And as we can't go further,
we'll stay here.

We'll stay. That’s all we can do.

We've got the guys from Montceau on side,
all the guys from Montceau.

It's not the best thing
they can do.

Not the best thing.

You tell them...
"You're not doing the best thing."

I'm telling you...

The Montceau employees
should go back to work.

You are putting this business
into a difficult situation.

That way, he can sack you too.

He'll have an excuse
to close this place down, too.

- Hang on...
- You can close Montceau as well.

Wait on... please!

Mr Grosset...
I'll speak as I want to!

I'm telling you,
we're not leaving...

We're not leaving
till we have a date...

A date, a place and an exact time,
for a meeting.

We're not leaving.

You've been driving us crazy now
for 3 months.

3 months you've been doing it.

Stringing us along!

Let me be clear.
Montceau is not going back to work.

200 more colleagues are coming
from Agen to help us hold the fort.

I don't care
if we go to the wall!

We've nothing more to lose!

We've nothing more to lose,
Mr Grosset, nothing!

So, here we are...

There have been many phone calls
between Germany and the USA!

And I've been asked
to tell you that...

Mr Hauser will meet with
the union representatives

...3 days from now, in Paris.

Let him speak!
Let him speak!

Let him speak!

Please. Please...

Please let me finish.

The French President's office
will also be represented.

United we stand!

United we stand!

United we stand!

Thank you for being here.

I'd like to introduce Mr Barral,
president of Alcam.

Before I pass the microphone,
there are 2 things I'd like to say...

We've finally secured a meeting
with the German chief.

Wait now...
We've secured a meeting...

...with the guy who's always
wanted to screw us.

That's all we've got for now.

For sure, it's a win...

...but there's a long way to go.

If we want this meeting
with the German boss to lead... something worthwhile...

...we must come
with something to offer.

We can't arrive empty-handed.

We realise...

...that the German boss...

...won't let go without something.

If we arrive saying...

"Sacking us like that
was shameful..."

He wouldn't give a damn.
It's not his problem.

So you have to come up
with something solid.

And right now,
we've got it.

This morning, with the unions,
we met with Mr Barral....

...who made a proposal
to take over the industrial site.

I'll give him over to you
in just a moment.

I want to tell you
of something important.

This morning I have been
on the phone...

...with the social affairs advisor
to the French president.

He told me officially...

...that Mr Barral's proposal... use his exact words...

...was "extremely viable".

Just quickly,
I wanted to confess...

...because I've had a bit
to drink, too...

But they've been 3 very complicated months...

as everyone knows...
everyone has their family...

It's very tiring at the family level...

...with the strike and all that.

And I'll admit to you
that I wanted to let go...


- No!
- Yes!

- Be quiet, all of you!
- Let her speak!

We've thought the same.

Yeah... I flinched at times,
then I've thought... more

And I wanted to thank Laurent,
because at those moments...

...he's been...
I'm going to cry.

He's just been...

Bravo, Laurent!

Bravo, Laurent.

For Laurent, hip, hip, hip...
- HuRRAH !

Gentlemen, we should clear the room.

Please... thank you.

Thank you.

If you please...!

Thank you.

Good morning to everyone.

Everyone knows the importance
of this day.

This meeting has been sought,
for some time now.

Everyone is aware
of the situation we're in.

We have 3 weeks
to finalise discussions.

And I think it's very important
that today...

...that we can talk to each other,
and I hope, make progress.

That is why,
to lose as little time as possible...

...I pass over to Mr Peeters...

...Dimke's general manager
of administration and finance.

Mr Peeters.

I am speaking today
in the name of a person...

...Mr Hauser...

...who is particularly, sincerely,
attached to the quality...

...of a social dialogue,
which is, in Germany, a tradition.

He is before you today and rejoices
that this meeting has to take place.

Because there is, it seems to me,
an essential, central question...

...a question maybe
we're all asking ourselves...

The question "WHY?".

Why this closure...

...which may seem
for some of you unfair.

For others... indecent?

The answer to this question...

is not in my brief.

It's not in one of our factories.

The answer is outside
of our factories.

The answer has a name
and a face...

The marketplace inside of which
I battle, we all battle...

...every day.

These decisions are very difficult
to take.

I lose sleep over them.

We sleep badly, too.

Okay, let's stay on your presentation.

I concur, I think
that everyone sleeps badly.

I thought it was important to put
the question on the right scale... tell me why... we can look together
in the same direction...

...for future solutions.

I'll now hand over to Mr Hauser.

Thank you, Mr Peeters.

Good morning again everyone.

I'm really happy
to be here amongst you.

I'm happy to have the opportunity
to have a dialogue with you.

One small thing you may not know...
I am very attached to France.

My mother is French. I have...

Whenever I have the time, I go down
to the Camargue where I have a house...

...and I maintain close relationships
with this beautiful country.

That is also one of the reasons...

...why I wanted the Dimke group...

...of which I have the luck, honour
and responsibility of presiding over... invest in the 2 plants
of Perrin lndustrie... Montceau-Les-Mines and Agen.

That being said... a business leader,
I must have a global vision.

And nobody in this room today
can deny...

...that we are faced
with serious difficulties...

...A degree of competitiveness
seriously lacking in the Agen plant...

...making it absolutely necessary
to close it.

If I may interrupt...
We simply don't agree with this analysis.

Besides, we've tried in vain
to have you hear the message.

I hear what you're saying.

You know as well as I do,
and everyone in the room...

...that the French courts
have not accepted the arguments...

...that you have come up with,
along with the employees, in this matter.

The closure at Agen has been validated
by the French courts...

...and being a woman of the law,
I'm confident that you respect the law.

Yes, but it's about a social dialogue
that's not covered by the courts.

That's achieved by a round table meeting
between management and employees.

And social dialogue, unless I'm mistaken...
The Germans are very attached to it.

What we see is that this
final and brutal closure...

In fact, in this context,
what is Dimke looking to do?

Not to protect its employees.
Sorry, it's not looking to do that.

But to protect the dividends
of shareholders.

What you are saying
is an interpretation of the figures.

It's not based on objective data.

Your points of view
are interesting...

But let's treat the subject in a way
that everyone understands the urgency.

Especially since...

...we have a representative here
of Alcam...

...its chairman and managing director,
Mr Barral.

And the State supports
this bold approach...

...but a reasoned approach,
supported by whom?

By the experts
of the Public Investment Bank.

I think we see each other here
from a different perspective.

So I'll turn to the company's side
and ask...

What are your proposals?

That's the purpose
of this meeting.

Of course we've examined
the Alcam proposal very carefully.

It's a substantial
and very detailed proposition.

Nevertheless, we consider
that Alcam's strategic approach... more utopian than realistic.


It does not display a realism that reflects
the realities of the market today.

Can you be specific?

Yes of course.

In reality, the recovery proposal
made by Alcam...

...does not have any serious elements
to guarantee...

Let me finish.

...allowing to guarantee
the viability of the project.

- You're saying...
- Let me finish.

In actual fact...

...the project is based
on erroneous...

...economic, financial
and strategic hypotheses.

Meaning what?

That Dimke doesn't want to sell to Alcam?
Is that what it amounts to?

- What I'm clearly saying...
- Is what?

What I'm saying... that the project today
is not interesting to anyone.

Why isn't it interesting?

Because it rests on...
In reality it's illusory.

You'd rather a worker was unemployed
rather than working?

No, that's not the point.

That's the whole point!

That's not the question.

The real question is...
"Is the recovery viable?"

The point is that the government experts...

These experts think, and have said...

...that the project is extremely viable.

These aren't our experts...
who tell us what we want to hear.

These are State experts
who say it's viable.

So even if Mr Hauser and the Germans
think that Agen is not viable for them... least allow other people
to think differently...

...and help save a region
that is dying.

That's what we're asking...
that's why we're here.

Excuse me. We take a stand
from the point of view of the law.

And the law, the French law,
imposes a requirement on the group...

...which is to find a buyer,
that' true.

But it doesn't say Dimke has to sell
to anyone who wants to buy it.

Dimke's only obligation
is to look for a buyer...

...and it's up to the Dimke group
to appreciate any proposals.. the interests of shareholders
and employees.

Why doesn't Dimke want to sell
to Alcam?

Because if the project works,
what's going to happen?

They'll have a direct competitor
on the market.

And that's what
they don't want.

This is your analysis.
I have another one.

No, I'd prefer Mr Hauser,
who is there, to say...

...that he doesn't want to sell,
because if the project succeeds...

...he'll have a direct competitor.

I want to hear him.

Let's maintain appropriate behaviour,
given the stakes.

What did I...?

No, that's all...

We've all been behaving.

I just want to hear, Mr Hauser,
in his own words, tell us...

...the real reason
that he doesn't want to sell.

You want me to give you
the reason

I'll give it to you.

You don't want to sell
because you don't care about our jobs.

The important thing is your balance sheet,
your shareholders...

...and so you can stuff even more
into your pockets.

Be careful not to slip into
personal insults.

And for the rest...

I haven't insulted anyone.

We answered the other topics.

If you please, Mr Hauser.

Mr Amedeo has not insulted you.

What he said to you was just
the reality of the case.

In England, in Spain,
even in Germany...

3 profitable factories
have closed in 3 years.

And during that time, we saw
your share price increase by a third.

And you know
what I say is true.

Otherwise there'd be
no reason not to sell. None.

Do you have a reason not to sell?

Mr Amedeo,
you're using business tactics.

You'd be
an excellent general manager.

Alright, if we're going
to be sarcastic...

How am I behaving badly?

What I have better than you,
are employees...

The hundreds I have who support me
and trust me to defend them.

I have them.
Not you.

It's not just about
hundreds of employees...

It's a question of 140,000 Dimke employees
around the world...

...for whom I'm responsible.

Who you don't care about!

Who you don't care about!

I'm talking about hundreds
you'll do away with!

That's who I'm talking about!

Refusing to accept
the realities of the market...

Wanting to return to another world... in another world.

Don't blame me,
but for my part...

...I live in this world, our world.

And I apply the rules
of this world.

In your ivory tower... may not have been told
why we are here.

I'll do it... We didn't tell you.

Do you think we're here
for money?

We don't give a damn
about it!

We want our jobs,
to keep our job.

You have a job?

You have one?

You have one?
Him too?

You like your work?
You enjoy it?

We want the same...
to get up to go to work!

That's all we ask!
Especially when the plant is profitable.

Did I insult you?
Did I use a rude word?

There are no buyers,
because they won't sell.

They've pushed us backwards
since the beginning.

The employees have revolted
against their management

...but also against
most corporate unions...

...who want to accept the last offer
of extra-payments.

The outcome...

...the 1,100 positions in the company
will be eliminated.

The head of Dimke is taken to task
at the end of the meeting.

Furious employees rain insults.

Some try to hit him
in the face.

Once outside,
clinging to his bodyguard...

...he is thrust into his car
amid an outburst of violence.

Around the vehicle, are nearly 100
employees of Perrin lndustrie.

Doors blocked... kicks...

...and garbage thrown
at the windshield.

And then the car is overturned.

Then the kicking resumes
without restraint.

While the German chief, his driver
and two bodyguards are still inside.

It requires the intervention of several
security men, helped by some trade unionists... extricate Martin Hauser.

Visibly injured,
his face bleeding.

It takes some time for him
to get to his feet.

Violent scenes that will send shock-waves
up to the presidency...

We understand the despair
and anger of the employees...

...but we do not accept violence
and aggression.

That's the reason why the president
and the minister...

...are withdrawing
from all negotiations...

...and all discussions.

A hardening also
from Dimke management.

13 employees participating
in these acts of violence...

....are already dismissed
without severance pay.

The company now refuses any discussion
to improve the social plan.

We're really up shit creek.

Up shit creek
without a paddle.

If we're really up shit creek,
it's because a handful of morons...

...or to call them what
they really are... arseholes...

...decided to go over the top.

While we, with Bruno, with Cedric,
it's been weeks...

We say that management
won't move a hair...

...but they continued to go
to the wall, with their ideas.

The result is it's all their fault.

Most of all,
it's Laurent's fault...

...I'm sorry to say.

Most of all, it's his fault.

Those weeks he pushed everyone
to the limit.

Those weeks spent
firing everyone up.

It's no wonder...

It's no wonder
the way it turned out.

To those who'll get fired...
you can thank your friends.

You'll leave with nothing!

Not with a cheque for 25,000...
You'll leave with nothing.

Even worse! Worse!

If he files charges,
prison is waiting for you.

We would've left with 30,000,
even 40,000.

We'll all just get 25,000
because of their bullshit.

Because of your bullshit!

How about calming down...

We're not like you.

We don't need a guy
to tell us what to do.

We have our convictions.

Stop it, all of you!
Laurent never asked us for anything.

Just cool it!

- Stop with the bullshit!
- No, I won't!

He could con us
and talk us into anything.

Laurent has been defending
everyone since the beginning.

Everyone's interests!

- Really?
- Yours, mine, all yours.

Is it your desire to be dismissed
for gross negligence?

That's nothing to do with it!

Does anything else matter
to you lot?

All you think about
is your fucking cheque.

The pictures are being shown
constantly on TV.

After what's happened,
everyone is in the shit.


You, us, everyone.

- Your buddies too!
- Did you see the pictures?

- Your buddies too!
- Did you see the pictures?

Did you see the pictures?
They're all over the internet...

...on TV, in the papers...


Can you ever imagine management
agreeing to talk in these circumstances?

It's all over! Cedric said so.

We could've scored 40,000 euros.

40,000 euros!

We'll leave with crumbs.

They put us through the wringer.

After what happened,
it's all over.

You were happy when Laurent
brought everyone to the Elysee!

- Don't bring that up!
- That's not the point!

What can we do about
all those pictures?

What can we do about them?


- If you stayed with us...
- We're talking about what has just happened.

What happened now!

When we capitulate to management,
no problem.

We shouldn't take too many risks.

You're a real bitch...
It bugs me!

Go fuck yourself!

All you do
is kick up a stink!

Because I've good reason to!

You're really giving me the shits!

Hey, take it easy...!

It's always the same thing!

You always react the same way!

You take your hands off!

You want us to look like morons?!

You want us to look like morons?!

Stop it!


Take back what you said!
Take it back!


- Shut the fuck up!
- Stop!

That's enough... stop it!

Haven't you come up
with enough bright ideas?

That's enough!

I'd like to speak for a moment!

I'd like to speak.

- Quiet!
- Stop it now!

- I want to speak for a moment.
- There's nothing you can say.

Let him speak.

You've been on about me
for the last 10 minutes.

I won't let myself
be dragged through the mud.

I demand a right of reply.

- Let Laurent reply!
- Listen to him.

We'll let him speak,
then he can get lost!

At least I know where I stand.

I'll say something,
then I'll get lost.

I won't take long...

I won't take long.

None of us...

Obviously, none of us...

...wanted to go to this meeting
and have it end in disaster.

No one.
Not me, not Melanie, not Teddy...

not Seb, no one.
And Michel, neither. No one.

You won't make us the patsy!

I'm not playing patsy.

It'd be better if you shut up!

I'm not looking for patsies.

Stop giving lessons Gilles.

You've always been two-faced!

- Stop giving lessons!
- Get fucked!

You can all get fucked!

I'd be quite happy
to get fucked.

You weren't so strong
in front of the bosses and the cops!

That's good!

Nobody intended...

...that it should go haywire.

We came to the meeting
full of confidence.

Everyone knew that.

We didn't get up that morning
wanting what happened.

And it went off the rails.

Yeah, it went off the rails.

It was more than a derailment.

If we'd stayed united,
it wouldn't have happened.

- That must be acknowledged.
- So it's our fault?

- If we'd stayed united.
- Stop it!

- So it's our fault?
- Alright, it's our fault!

Calm down.
I take full responsibility.

I'd just like to say one thing...

- What's the point?
- One thing !

To all those who discussed the cheque
with management...

We'd promised ourselves
that we'd stay united...

...that we'd prevent the closure
of the plant.

We did say that...
and that we'd keep our jobs.

I'll tell you something...

The guys we face,
don't always agree, like us.

They fight amongst themselves
at times.

But when it comes
to defending their interests...

...they’re fused together.

They don't let go...
They protect their money.

They know how to defend it.

You want me to tell you?

With guys like you facing them,
they're at ease.

For a long time.

How are you sweetie?

It's grandpa.

It's amazing to know
it's come out of you.

- Want to hold him?
- Yes.

Go to Grandpa.

He's very cute.

Yes, he's very cute.

Looks like you.

Yes, people say that,
but more like Emma.



He was the emblematic figure
in the battle of the Perrin lndustrie employees.

This morning, Laurent Amedeo ended his life.

He set himself on fire
in a very symbolic place.

In front of the headquarters of Dimke,
in Germany.

A violent death, on which
the German leadership refuses to comment.

The company has nevertheless
made a gesture...

It has waived the dismissal
of 13 employees, for gross negligence...

...following the incidents
of last week.

It has also announced resumption
of negotiations with the unions.

Subtitles by FatPlank for KG