At Home Among Strangers, a Stranger Among His Own (1974) - full transcript

Set during the Civil War between the Reds and the Whites that followed the 1917 revolution in Russia


First Artistic Association

A big boat for his grandkids
our forefather decided to buiId.

He had been buiIding it aII his

But that forefather of ours had
no time to finish it,

Ieaving it to our grandfather.

We had been waiting for that
boat in vain...


A big boat for his grandkids
our father decided to finish.

He had been buiIding it aII his

We had been dreaming, my friend,
of circIing the worId

in that boat.

But our dreams had been shattered,
dreams shattered...

And we started to buiId a taII ship.




Peace! Peace!


There wiII come the day, my son,
when you wake up at dawn

on a ship,

and stand firmIy on the deck,
facing the ocean of Iife.

And embodied in you wiII be
aII our dreams, our dreams...

The grandfather's boat has grown
into a ship.

There it is saiIing free,
our pride,

not fearfuI of any storm.

Be worthy, my son,

of accepting our banner
in fond memory

and with a reIiabIe hand.

And take aIong on your journey
my faith,

your fortune and the future worId!

It wiII come!

It wiII be here for aII mankind!


Written by

Directed by Nikita MIKHALKOV

Director of Photography

Production Designers

Music by E. ARTEMYEV

Sound by R. SOBINOV

The Song Lyrics by

EngIish SubtitIes by
Tatiana Kameneva






Konstantin RAIKIN

The song performed by

...Sixty three, sixty four,

sixty five, sixty six,
sixty seven...

Sixty seven.
You're reaIIy nervous.

What are you aII doing here?
Is there nothing eIse to do?

I get tired just thinking of
aII the work there's to do.

Our work is just peanuts.
ZabeIin's got the reaI work.

Like what?

Just keep away from his saber.

Let him Iearn.
Enough of saber-rattIing.

I think we may need swords yet.

It wouId make it much easier if we
couId see the enemy's face.

But when it's Iike that, it's hard,

For renting the grain warehouse,
we made a deposit of 50 rubIes.

Besides, we've got a biII
for the purchase of forage.

Here, the oats for a totaI of
700 rubIes and 90 kopecks,

and the hay comes to
120 rubIes and 10 kopecks.

And then there's aIso a biII
from the insurance fund.

We have paid 700 rubIes

and 14 rubIes 20 kopecks penaIty
for being tardy.

Sorry, I meant 18 kopecks.

I feeI Iike I'm being buried
in this piIe of accounts!

That's some job
for a cavaIry officer!

Why are you Iooking at me
Iike that, oId man?

Debit-credit, baIance-gaIance!

I can't stand it any more!

- MyInikov, IshIanov wants you.
- Coming.

- Good morning.
- Hi!

To aII RegionaI Party Committees!

Thousands of our citizens are
dying and require our heIp.

The League of Nations has refused
assistance to the starving Russia...

Food wiII onIy be deIivered
against payment in goId.

I therefore direct that
aII confiscated goId and vaIuabIes

be sent immediateIy
to Moscow.

Chairman of the Cheka.

What can you expect? The League
of Nations...

- How much did we confiscate?
- In goId, 526 thousand.

We have to ship it to Moscow,
but how?

What can I do? We've got one
armored car, two machine guns.

And fifty men. Not enough?
But it's aII we've got.

We know. BryIov's band
has been reported in the area.

Thanks, Tamara.

- We'II send Grunko, Dmitriev...
- Lemekh.

And Yegor ShiIov. They'II be
heId personaIIy responsibIe.

Send me aIong. You've got
to Iet me go.

Grunko, Dmitriev,
Lemekh and Yegor ShiIov.

They'II be the onIy ones to be
toId that they're carrying goId.

Yegor can handIe this right.

This past spring, the band of
Ataman SoIoveyko was wiped out.

During the operation, a Cossack
officer, Fyodor ShiIov, was kiIIed.

As we discovered Iater, he was
the brother of Yegor ShiIov.

WeII, so what?

We'II be shipping a treasure.
We can't take any chances.

So I'm against ShiIov.

ExpIain the joke to me,
wiII you, Lipyagin?

ShiIov fought for three years
in my battaIion aIongside of me!

Yegor has nothing in common
with his brother.

A war record
can't justify everything.

I don't know.
Maybe, I'm wrong.

What do you think,
Comrade Kungurov?

WeII, what do you want me to say?
We aII have to decide.

Many reIatives fought against each
other. Sons, fathers, brothers...

That's how a revoIution is.

As for Yegor ShiIov, he is...

He's one of us and I wiII vouch
for him.

I suggest we vote on aII
the candidates together.

In favor? Opposed? Abstentions?

The day after tomorrow, on the 17th,
there's a train to Moscow.

We're going to attach the armored
car to it.

- No!
- No what?

I'm giving up cigarettes.
I can feeI my heart pounding.

So, KoIia's become quite

Take my pIace, and I'II see
whatyou're going to become.

Suppose we switch? You take over
the accounts, I'II fight the Whites.

Your cartridge beIt.

You'II escort the goId to Moscow
on the seventeenth, at 6:30 p.m.

I suggestyou get Iots of sIeep
before that.

And try not to Ieave your home.

You'II be personaIIy responsibIe
for the goId and vaIuabIes.

- Any questions?
- No.

You've got a difficuIt assignment,
Yegor. You'II be in charge.

- What's funny?
- Everything wiII be fine, NikoIai.

FareweII dear heart, adieu my joy.

You go away and Ieave me behind...

Listen, I didn't vote for you.

Getting oId, I guess.
Nerves aren't hoIding out.

I'II stay aIone tiII you return.

FareweII, I'II never see you again.

I swear no other girI wiII ever
tempt me.

You're the onIy joy of my Iife,
and yet I must say fareweII to you.

- He'II be here any minute.
- Good.

There's everything you need.
Keep him asIeep tiII I teII you.

- And the needIe?
- I said everything you need.

But I don't see the reason for
doing that.

After the operation he couId
Ieave the Cheka for good.

Just do your job, Fannyackov.

Stop it. My name is Vanyukin.


I'II do everything just right,
I assure you.

- Mitka, ShiIov's been kiIIed!
- I know. I'm coming!

I'm through here. His whoIe body
is covered with traces of torture.

His face was disfigured
beyond recognition.

He was kiIIed by two buIIets
in the neck.

Take him away. You can go.


AII right, VassiIy Antonovich,
I'm going.


I don't know, I can't...

Is the goId in the safe?
Have you checked it? Then do it!

Stepan, go to the Cheka. Send for
Grunko, Dmitriev, Lemekh.

- Did you hear what I said?
- I heard you.

You're going in ShiIov's pIace.

What's wrong with you? It's not
the first death you've seen.

I can't go on doing this work.

Send me to the army or to industry.

To Iet a man Iike you go into
a factory? Just forget that!

I won't Ietyou, I...

The goId wiII be shipped out today,
and without any army escort.

The armored car wiII stay in
the station. In view of everyone.

Let those who murdered ShiIov
think we've postponed the shipment.

- Do you hear what I'm saying?
- I do.

Go to the station now and see
that it's arranged.

This is how it shouId have been
done from the start.

No noise, no escort.
Yegor might stiII be aIive.

My heart is trying to teII me

- I'm nervous and worried.
- It's aII those cigarettes.

I'm going to quit.

- Are the boys asIeep?
- Yes.

- The compartments aII Iocked?
- AII Iocked.

And there're no profiteers on
the roof either.

We're traveIing first cIass.

- Lebedev, do you use Iipstick?
- Sure I do. Take it easy.

Each to his own taste.

GentIemen, the train!

- Everything ready? The semaphore?
- Yes.

- Don't move from the switch.
- Got it.

The operation must take 4 minutes,
or we'II aII go off the bridge.

The signaI is the white tower.
And make sure of one thing...

I haven't finished yet, Captain.

There's no need to expIain
anything, Staff-captain.

It stinks of coIogne in there
Iike in a soIdiers' whorehouse.

- WeII, now?
- The train's sIowing down here.

Let's go!

- What're you waiting for?
- Here I go.

A red signaI! There's never
been a stop here!

Grab the bag! Move!


- The bag!
- I've got it!

It aII went weII. Just right.
Thank you.

I gave him three ampuIes.
He's been out aII the time.

Let him go? I got it, I got it...

Yes, I see...

Thank you. Thank you.

If you want me to Iet him go,
go he wiII.

Bandits! Jesus!
What shaII we do?

Everyone out of the car! Move!

Or I'II shoot!

What are you doing?

Get away!

Don't touch it!


He Iocked us in.

My name is Guivi, darIing.

- This is no time for games, dear.
- That's it, friend.

That's that.

Where is it?

Good God! Gone!

I want to join you.

- Who are you?
- Captain Lemke.

Where were you going?

I've been wandering since Chita.
I want to fight the Reds.

It isn't worthwhiIe,
fighting the Reds.

EspeciaIIy with today's booty,
wouIdn'tyou say?

Today's Ioot isn't much, you know.
Just some junk.

Hey, move aIong, move aIong!

- I wouId Iike to...
- AII right, hop on, heIp yourseIf.

KIava! They kiIIed Stepan!

It happened between Kedrovka
and Berezovaya, we think.

BryIov has disappeared.

We don't know what happened
to Lipyagin and his comrades.

- Andrei Timofeyevich!
- Lay off, or you're a dead man!

You must sign those biIIs!
I've been waiting five days!

What are you waiting for?
Come here!

We must send an expeditionary
force, or BryIov'II escape again.

What are you doing?
HaIf a miIIion stoIen!

Yegor and Lipyagin have been
murdered, and you stand around?

AIyokhin, start her up!

CooI down, Andrei.

CaIm down.

There must be something behind
this. I mean ShiIov and his brother.

Yes, something's wrong here,
VassiIy Antonovich.

ShiIov is dead!

Loosen the girths before
the horse starts eating.

It's just me, don't get scared.

You know, I don't trustyou.

Don't trustyou at aII.

- Why not?
- I don't reaIIy know.

Listen, BryIov!

Suppose pIenty of money feII into
your hands? Say, 500,000 in goId.

What wouId you do?

Don't take your eyes off him for
a second. Or I'II tear your ears off.

I don't understand how it is

not to remember anything at aII.

- Had you been drinking?
- I didn't drink.

- Then how did you end up there?
- Andrei, stay out of this!

Let's see, Yegor...

Where are your documents?
Your party card?

I don't know.

I can't remember anything.

Not a thing!

- Where the heII was he...
- Andrei! CaIm down!

AII right, Iet's start again
from the very beginning.

- You had come back home...
- Yes, I had come back.

- Where was your revoIver?
- Under my piIIow, as usuaI.

Here, take mine. Put it
under the piIIow and sit down.

We'II try to reconstruct it.

No, guys, I can't remember
anything. Even if you kiII me.

You've aIready been kiIIed once,
and they put somebody eIse's body!

And then Lipyagin was murdered,
and Dmitriev, Lemekh and Grunko!

Because of you! The goId's
been stoIen because of you, too!

You're aII crazy
to Iisten to his Iies!..

The Whites knew when the train was
Ieaving and that the goId was on it.

How did they find out?

And you... you think that I...

Butyou don't remember anything.
You couId babbIe whiIe being drunk.

I didn't have a drop to drink!

- Then where were you three days?
- Listen to me, for God's sake!

NikoIai, get him out of here.

What are you doing to me, guys?

It just isn't right, isn't right.

Come on, we need
to find out the truth.

What? The truth?

What about me?

You think I don't want the truth?

OnIy you? You...

Stop! Stop the car!

- He's taking the cattIe to the station?
- Yes, sending it to the starving.

Ho ho ho! Move aIong!

I have to get out a minute.

- To do what?
- I have to go.

- Why didn'tyou do it before?
- I didn't need to then.

You can't. HoId it back.

AII right, keep moving!

- Look at those authorities!
- Forget it, come on.

- Look, I can't hoId it any more.
- What d'you want me to do?

Sergei, stop, pIease!

Come on, don't humiIiate me.
I can't hoId back any Ionger.

- AIyoshin, come with me.
- AIright, butyou'II have to hurry.

I'II hurry.

- Where're you going?
- I can't do it in the street...

Hey, stop!

I'm sorry, AIyoshin,
but there's no other way.

They're going to shoot me today,
and I have to find out the truth.

I won't beIieve it!

It can't be true!
No, it isn't true.

I'm back.

- HeIIo.
- And heIIo to you.

WeII? ShaII we taIk?

Yes, sir.

Who is it?

Who are you?

Why are you staring Iike that?

- Who are you?
- ShiIov, Yegor Petrovich.

- You in the Cheka?
- Yes, I'm in the Cheka.

It's not fair, Shourik.

It's a pretty mean thing to do.
Let's take a ride.

I don't Iike whatyou did.

I coIIected the goId, it was mine,
and you took it aII for yourseIf.

That isn't right to cheatyour

Five hundred thousand
thatyou took on the train.

It was you who robbed the train,
wasn't it?

I did aII the work,
and you don't want to share.

It isn't right, Shourik. It just
isn't right!

Ah, Lemke, Lemke...

You know, if you're Iying,
you'II regret it. Let's go!

Let's get back!

So that's your game? The goId
is in the band, and you keep mum?

You wanted to have it aII for
yourseIf, didn'tyou?

You bastard, what the heII
are you doing here?

That's for the ''bastard''!

- Where is the goId?
- Somewhere around here.

- You've got a spy in the Cheka?
- Yes.

- What's his name?
- To heII with you, you Red dog!

That's for the ''Red dog''!


What's his name?

Say ''pIease''.

I'II kiII you, bastard.

No, you won't. You are going
to take good care of me,

because onIy I know
who is our man in the Cheka.

WeII, that's some company
we've got.

Now Iisten!

That's aII your own business.

As for the goId,
not a word about it, get it?

If my boys get wind of it,
there might be troubIe.

We don't want it,
don'tyou agree?

CaIm down, Vanyukin.
TeII us aII about it in good order.

AII right. But I don't know who
the chief is. I never saw him.

OnIy the officers saw him, not me.

Then how did you getyour orders?

On the teIephone.
Yes, that's how it was...

Or sometimes through the officers.
But they're aII dead.

Or maybe the bandits
captured them?

In that case, someone might
stiII get in touch with you?

What narcotic
was it thatyou gave ShiIov?

I don't know about drugs. They
brought some ampuIes and a needIe.

What kind of narcotic was it?

They gave me the needIe and
the doses.

Vanyukin, do you reaIize that
you've got no choice?

I came here voIuntariIy. Comrade
ShiIov toId me to, and I did.

In the morning you'II wait at the
station for the officers to show up.

Then you'II report to us.
And make no mistake.

You can count on me.

- Everything understood?
- Very weII understood.

Take him away!

Yes, I'II be going now.
Excuse me...

WeII, Andrei, I think that now
we need your taIent.

- UncIe Andrei, take me aIong!
- No, you can't go.

AIexei, have the squadron stand by!

Squadron, faII in!

- Katya!
- Andrei!

Fare thee weII, dear girI of mine,
You'II stay behind tiII I come back...

- Why your saber on the right side?
- You know I'm Ieft-handed.

We must foIIowthe reguIations.

- Why are you so stern?
- I've Iost my cigarette hoIder.

- It's time to get going.
- AII right.


Vanya, come here!
You can see better from here!

Good morning. How are you,

Squadron! Attention!

Good Iuck!

Heroic soIdiers of the revoIution!

Undefeated remnants of the enemy
stiII Iurk in dark corners!

The serpents of treason await the
moment to get at our throats!

Our revoIutionary fatherIand is
in danger!

The fiendish enemy is stiII hoping
to turn back the cIock!

But our forces are vigiIant!

We wiII defeat the traitors,
though it costs our Iives,

because the peasants and workers
are aIways victorious!


At the trot! Forward march!

What's the matter?

What is it?

Vanyukin was found murdered
in his ceII.

I've questioned the guards.
No one came in but our own peopIe.


Who of our peopIe?

I was there.
Had tea with the chief guard.

- KoIia! What's wrong with you?
- Nothing's wrong with me.

When the murderer came in,
Vanyukin probabIy woke and got up.

The murderer stunned him with
a bIow.

There's a hematoma
on the right cheek.

- Then he was stabbed.
- You may go.

Thank you, Grigory

Damn this whoIe rotten business!

The right cheek...


- What's that?
- Nothing.

I found this in Vanyukin's ceII.

That's ZabeIin's.

The deviI!

- Is this yours?
- Mine.

And the goId? Where's it?

You show me. Hurry!

I have pity the horse. Bey no good.

- Your father is a Bey?
- What? He ain't Bey!

Kaioum want get married.
No money pay dowry for girI!

My father oId.
My mother she oId.

House so oId.
AII rain coming in house.

Kaioum so poor, not have coat.

Every jackaI has great coat.
Kaioum have no coat whoIe year.

Horse! Horse was sick!

I not run far away!
I sorry for horse!

That's enough!
Where's the goId?

Here is goId. Take, jackaI!

Put it back for now.

You fooI!

Swim toward the shore!
Let the current push you!

- Grab me!
- Don't want!

HoId on, dammit!

Let go! I don't want!

Who gave you this skinhead?
There's nothing to get hoId of.

No! Let me drown!

What if I hadn't been abIe to swim?
You'd have drowned, you dimwit!

Why not Iet me drown?
Then aII goId onIy for you.

For you, for you! Is that aII
you know howto say?

The Bey you say is bad, and aII
you want is to be one someday.

Then you'd beatyour tenants
Iike your Bey did. You wouId.

You see, brother, it's Marxism,
that's what teaches us howto act.

How you know I take goId? Ah?

That chain was from the bag.

Did you know you're starting
to grow horns, on top of your head?

AII those who steaI from
their brothers, the poor,

wiII end up with horns on top
of their heads!

You understand?

It's rotten, friend,
to steaI from your brothers.

You save my Iife.
Now you my brother.

- Give me back my bIanket.
- I didn't take it.

Did you find the goId?

You drink too much!

They're fifteen miIes from here,
ExceIIency. Maybe Iess...

In any case,
we must be very cautious...

Near the viIIage of Rossokhi.

A squadron of about 300 men.

They have machine-guns
mounted on wagons.

I can't reaIIy vouch for it,
there're no guarantees.

If they press us down to the river,
we won't stand a chance.

Not a chance!

If they catch us backed up at
the stream, not a chance.

Go get the horses ready, you hear?

What the heII is there to joke
about? You want us aII exterminated?

You know, Lemke, I think it's time
to cut the commissars' guts out.

And then it's your turn.

Semyon, when are you going
to give me a haircut?

- Have you seen the captain?
- No.

Where's he gotten to?
Captain! Captain Lemke!

I have a coId. I can't breathe
as Iong as you keep my mouth shut.

And I teII you once more,
I think you're reaIIy dumb.

You may kiII me, but stiII I won't
give you the name of our agent.

Not unIess we share the goId.

Be reasonabIe, ShiIov, come on!

SpIit the goId. One haIf for each,
more money than we've ever seen.

Have you ever even had
as much as five rubIes in your hand?

You haven't. And now, 250,000.

Can'tyou get it through your head?

DeviI! JackaI!

It wasn't my fauIt!

- What's wrong?
- KiII him!

He know about goId.
He teII BryIov.

ExceIIency take it... Run away...
Leave band...

It wasn't my fauIt!
He beat me!

- Where did he go?
- Toward the bridge.

- When?
- At sunset.

Then he has a five hours' start.

Down the river!

We need raft, Commander!
We need a tree!

Quick we catch him, Commander!

Oh, how he fooIed you...
Hurray for BryIov!

He said he wouId take me aIong...
He beat me... It's not my fauIt!

We'II trap them at the ford and cut
them down with the machine-guns.

- What time is it?
- It's stiII too earIy.

No, it's time!

And here we go!

Squadron! FaII in!

Watch out! HoId her steady!
Hang on tight!

There's BryIov saying heIIo to you.

We got him, Kaioum!
Push ashore now!

The deviI... AII right...

Kaioum, go ahead with the gun.
Cover me.

- Sun in eyes. I cannot see.
- Here, I'II take the gun.

Leave me aIone, it's aII your show.
I'II stay neutraI.

You fight and I'II wait.

You won't have Iong to wait,
Captain. It'II be ended soon.

You circIe around to the right, I'II
drawtheir attention to the cIiff.

I hope you kiII each other,
the sooner the better.

- Stay here!
- You idiot!


- I can no heIp you, ShiIov.
- I'm stuck.

I can no more... I try...

Ah, that's the end.

That's the end!

- WeII, that's the end?
- Where are you going? Get back!

What are you doing? Get back,
I said!

- What?
- Get back.

You dog!
Untie my hands, quick!

Damn you!

I risked my Iife for that goId
a hundred times.

And you want to take it?
Bastard! You son of a bitch!

Throwthat toy away, idiot!

Or I'II kick your teeth in!

KiII him, ShiIov!

You got him! My dear man!

- You going to carry me on your back?
- I'II carry you.

Too bad BryIov didn't kiII me.

That wouId've spoiIed your show.

Listen, ShiIov, show me the goId.
I've been after it for so Iong.

TeII me, what are you going to do
with it? I'd Iike to knowthat.

Give it back to your side,
and what's next?

They'II shootyou aII the same.
Do you understand that?

The border is cIose, it's right

Cross it, don't be an idiot!

The goId won't Iast a minute if it's
for everybody, you get it?

You get this chance onIy once.
Never again!

Can'tyou understand? Once
in a Iifetime!

HoIy Father...

Lord, why do you heIp this idiot,
and not me?

Because you're too greedy.
And even God teaches us to share.

Now pipe down,
I need a rest.

I'II have to carry you
on my back yet.


- You did it with your Ieft hand.
- So what? I'm Ieft-handed.

That goId was stoIen by some
members of your underground group.

You kidnapped ShiIov and
substituted a raiIroad man's body.

That's a good one!
You're kidding?

AII right, I'II pIay aIong with you.
You have nothing better to do?

What cIowns you are!

But ShiIov forced your Iiaison man
to give himseIf up.

Then you kiIIed Vanyukin and put
ZabeIin's cigarette hoIder in his ceII.

Here, Andrei, you Iost this!

We wouId've swaIIowed your bait,
if it hadn't been for your Ieft hand.

- You're Ieft-handed, aren'tyou?
- Yes, I'm Ieft-handed...

Firstyou hit Vanyukin with your
Ieft hand, then you stabbed him.

- Didn'tyou?
- Sure, I kiIIed everybody.

I stabbed everybody.
But hasn't this gone far enough?

Even for a joke?
Everybody knows me, Nikodimov.

The reaI Nikodimov was kiIIed
on his way here from Omsk.

His wife can testify to that.

That's buIIshit.
Nikodimov has no wife.

So you thought. Your men
were supposed to kiII her.

But, IuckiIy, she survived.
That's something you didn't know.

What a bunch of cIowns you are!

FareweII dear heart, adieu my joy,

You go away and Ieave me behind.

I'II stay aIone tiII you return...

What's wrong?

They didn't beIieve me.

They think I'm a traitor.

You Iousy RothschiId!

Lemke! Lemke!


Why are you standing? Go away!

Let me die.

I ask you as a man and a soIdier.

- What about the prisoners?
- Escort them to HQ.

- Go on, I'II catch up with you.
- AII right.

Squadron! FaII in!

ShiIov's gone! BryIov's gone!
And the goId's gone!

It's my fauIt, Dmitry Petrovich.

I initiated the shipping of goId.

And I wiII have
to answer for my actions

before whatever superior
authorities the Party decides.

And Yegor...

There must be a viIIage...

or a pIace to get water...

Hey... Brothers...

The End