Anna (2019) - full transcript

Beneath Anna Poliatova's (Sasha Luss') striking beauty lies a secret that will unleash her indelible strength and skill to become one of the world's most feared government assassins. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
- Da?
- Your cover's blown.

- Go to the embassy now.
- Okay.


I'm an American citizen.

Is there a problem?

- Madame.
- Call Ambassador Hartman.

- Tell him the code 13.
- Sorry?

I'm a diplomat.
Call him now!

Stay here.

I want you to deliver
a message to your people.

Can you do that for me?

Thank you.


Oh no, I only got three.

There's one spot I haven't
tried though. The market.

A guy I met last night
in the club tipped me off.

Mmm. Sort of
a local playboy.

God knows what to expect,

but it's on the way
to the airport so...

Yeah. Yeah, of course, yeah.


Uh, sorry. I don't
speak Russian. English?

English, Chinese, French,
Japanese, whatever you like.

Which one are you
interested in?

I'm interested in you.

I am a scout for a
modeling agency in Paris.

I find the stars of tomorrow.
So would you be interested

in becoming
a model in Paris?

I'm already busy here
in Moscow.

By selling dolls?

No. I'm in the university,
studying biology.

No need to stop.
We have girls at school all the time.

I know nothing
about modeling.

I'm sure
you're a fast leaner.

And anyway, we take
care of everything.

Training, accommodation,
visa, documentation.

- What's your name?
- Anna.

Anna, please,
can you take off

your scarf for me
to see your hair?



Hello, welcome.
May I help you?

- Oh, yeah...
- Anna!

Welcome to Paris.
Welcome to your new home!

- How are you?
- Good.

Here. Let me take this.
So here is the agency.

- How was the flight?
- It was great.

Yeah? Ah, excellent.
I'm glad to hear it.

So let me introduce you.

This is Dorothee, your booker.
Best in the business.

I'll call you later.
Hi, how are you?

It's two in France.

I've already put
your photo out there.

People are going crazy
about you.

The other girls are
really jealous.

- Ta-da! There you go.
- Thanks.

We do have a number of Annas though.
So I added an M.

Anna M. means love in French.

Our new star is in the
house and nobody tells me?

John McKee,
the big boss.

to have you with us.

I hear Dorothee will be
looking after you.

I don't know which one
of you got luckier.

- I am!
- All right.

Do you want to visit
your apartment?


Welcome to your new home.

Please don't lose the keys.
They cost a fortune, okay?

But first,

most important room,
the kitchen

- with our famous Inge. Hi!
- Yeah. The pissed off Inge.

Thank God for Inge keeping
the place habitable.

This is the dining room

and the salon
with Petra and Sonia.


- Thank you, Inge.
- Fuck you, Inge.

They're so funny.

These girls aren't staying.
They're in transit to Tokyo.

I think your room
is over here.

Oopsie. Wrong Anna.

We've so many Anna's

at the agency.

What? I'll call you later.

Closets, closets, closets.
And here is Renata.

- Hey.
- Hi.

Your room
and your bathroom.

- And this is Maude.
- Hi.



Well, if you need anything,

you know where to find me.

Thank you.

Okay, uh,
let me show you your room.


It may not be what
you were expecting,

but as you start
booking jobs,

we'll be able to move you
to a place of your own.

The fun really starts
when you're on set.

The address for tomorrow.

Your first shoot.

But I thought
I was gonna learn first.

Yeah, but practice
beats theory.

We've lined you up with one of the best.
Mario Conti.

You're in great hands.
I gotta go.

Turn that
fucking music off!

It's not a nightclub here.

Hey, hey. I never saw

white so flashy.

Are you trying to burn up
my retinas? Change it!

I'm sorry, sir.

Welcome to middle age.


Oh, God!
I'm so sorry, girls, I'm late.

I had to take the metro.
Couldn't find a cab.

How are you, sweetie?

- Oh, my God! What's this?
- It's nothing.

I was just young
and stupid.

Find me someone
who wasn't.

Find something!
Hey, Catherine the Great.

Put that on.

And stop lathering that
shit all over her face.

There you go.

Now that's some actual
fucking music!

Get out.
Get out of my frame.

Okay. Get out.
Now! It's okay?

You done it.

Okay, look at me.

And smile.
Please, relax and smile.

Go. Turn. Turn.

It's so boring. Turn.

Freeze. Okay. Tits out.
Push them out. Push them out.

Push your tits out.
Push them out. Okay.

More emotion!
That's great.

Yeah. Okay.


Yeah. Crazy,
totally crazy.

- Ciao, Anna.
- Ciao, Renata.

What the fuck are you doing
in my room?

You've the biggest
fucking bed.

And my bed
is too small!

- Come on, join us.
- No, thank you.

It's just for tonight.

Move it!
Would you stop it.

Here you go.

Oleg, my friend!
I'm so glad you could make it.


Where have you flown
in from this time?

Oh, you know,
here and there.

International man of mystery.
Come in, come in!

We've gotten some
amazing new talent in.

That's Milena,
the Brazilian we swiped from Elite.

A Latin-American
gold mine.

Who's she,
uh, over there?

Anna M.

She arrived from Moscow
a short time ago.

Want me
to introduce you?

Uh... No.
No, I should rest.

- I'm jetlagged.
- No, no, no. Come on. Come on.

The wallflower act won't wash with me.
You're a partner.

Come meet
your newest employee.

- I'll get you something.
- Thank you.

Anna! Allow me to
introduce Oleg Filenkov.

A compatriot of yours

and one of our
partners in the firm.

- Hi.
- A minor partner.

I'll let you two catch up.
Chat about the old country.

It's a crazy party.

Do you stay in Paris?

No. I have
a place in London,

but I mostly live
in St. Petersburg.

The winter to Europe.

In the spring time,

there's not a city
more beautiful.

I throw a party there
every year

to celebrate
its arrival.

I'd be honored
if you could make it.

But we're in September.

I hear you
book up quickly.

I'm trying to beat the rush.

Yeah. They keep me
very busy here.

Everything moves so fast.

And if I invited you
to dinner,

would that be
considered too fast?

No, no, no, no, no.

- No, no, no.
- What's wrong?

Nothing. It's just...
It still feels so soon.

Can I get more
champagne, please?

Of course, but Anna.
It's been two months.

Almost every day
we've seen each other.

I've loved every minute.

But you kiss me,
you leave me.

You kiss me again.
Am I a toy?

No, of course you're not.
It's just...

I'm sorry to say,
but, um...

I don't wanna be
one of the girls

you're just gonna
throw away.

I invite you
to every function.

Every dinner.

Every night I ask you
out on my arm,

so I can show you off
in front of all of Paris.

What more do I have to say
to convince you?

Thanks. I don't know.

Maybe you can tell me
something more about yourself.

What do you mean?

Like, what is your job?
What do you do?

I'm afraid you're a spy
or something.

I've told you

I'm in import, export.
It's boring.

And once in a while I may
step over a legal line or two.

What kind of lines?

There are sanctions
against countries

all around
the world, yes?

Who gets hurt?
The leaders? Never.

It's the people who suffer.
I'm here to help them out.

- How?
- They need food.

Medication. Oil.
Raw materials.

I help provide
these things.

Food and medication?

some weapons.

And since when are weapons
the raw materials?

If they're in the
defense of freedom.

And are there many countries
you help like that?


Libya. Somalia.

Okay, stop. Stop.
I don't want to know.

- Chechnya.
- Stop!

I shouldn't be having this
conversation with anyone.

I take serious risks
in doing so.

You want proof, there it is.

My life for your love.

Where is the bathroom?

Give me a minute.










Piotr! Piotr!


Ah! Piotr!

- Piotr.
- Huh?

I understand
you speak English.

You're going to have questions
and I'll answer them.

But first,
I need you to listen.

We all have turning points
in our lives.

Most of the time,
we can't see them

until they're in
our rear-view mirror.

But I'm here to tell you
this is one of those moments.

Every intersection offers
several possibilities.

You just have to pick
the right road.

And sometimes,
those choices have to be made quickly.


How do you know
I speak English?

A few days ago,
you filed an application

to enlist in the Navy.


I'll enlist in anything

that gets me
out of this shitty existence.

Your father was a lieutenant.

But you didn't write that
on your application.

And you were a cadet
at Omsk Military Academy.

But you dropped out at 17.

After my parents died.

It says here you like chess.

I can play.

Your profile interests us.

You have talents and skills
that we can help you develop.

- Like what?
- A sharp mind.

Calm under pressure.

And a certain amount
of anger can be useful.

Mostly though,
you're a blank key,

which means
you have the potential

to open many doors.

You're offering me a job?

I'm offering you
a fresh start.

One year's military training.

Four years
operational in the field.

And when it's done?

Five minutes ago,
you had no future.

Now you want to know
what it holds?

In five years,
you're free to go.

I've seen your face.

It means
I either leave with you

or I don't leave at all.

You see?

I told you,
you had a sharp mind.


I don't like
any of your proposals.

I think you've made
the wrong decision.

You talk about turning points
and choices.

Those are just pretty words.

If it means

it's gonna take me
to another shitty town,

in another shitty box.

You have a right to make your
own choices in your life.

Go here, go there.
Say yes, say no.

But what you can't do
is reject life itself.

Your life was a gift.

Who gave it to you?

My parents.

And this is how
you honor them?

This is what your father
would want for you?

Their lives are over.

But yours isn't.

Have a little faith.

Last time I put
my faith in men,

look where it got me.

Never put your faith
in men, Anna.

Put faith in yourself.


- How's she doing in there?
- Nervous.

She been pacing at all?

Sitting, mostly.
About an hour.

- She asked for water?
- No.

What about her shoes?
She been playing with them?

Slipping them on and off?

I haven't noticed.

Sorry to have
kept you waiting.

You want a tea
or a coffee?

No, thank you.

Yeah, I'm trying to cut
down on caffeine, myself.

Three o'clock rolls around.

Sorry I didn't
introduce myself.

I'm Agent Leonard Miller.

I'm in Paris
on assignment.

Just helping out
my French colleagues.

I'm nice that way.

So, it's quite the fairy tale
you got going on here, huh?

From a vegetable seller
in Moscow

to a top-flight model in
what, six months?

I sold Matryoshka dolls,
not vegetables.

It's like, um,
a little Russian doll.

Oh, okay.

It's like that story,
The Little Match Girl.

You know that story?

This girl was selling matches
and it's cold and she dies.

I mean,
it's depressing as hell.

But you got out.

What was the
nature of your relationship

with Oleg Filenkov?

He's a partner in the agency

and, um, I bump into him
from time to time.

Was it ever more personal?
Intimate? Sexual?

He flirted with me,
but everybody does.

It must be tedious,
fending off men all the time.

- You get used to it.
- When did you see him last?

- Uh... Last week, I think.
- Mmm-hmm.

Oleg died on Tuesday
the 27th

at the Presidential Suite
at Le Meurice.

It just so happens
that on Tuesday the 27th,

you entered Le Meurice
at precisely 1:37 p.m.

Followed by Mr. Filenkov
at 1:58 p.m.

Sometime between 2:00 p.m.
and 5:00 p.m.,

Oleg and his bodyguards met
the wrong end of a bad day.

You left the hotel
at 2:23. See?

Can you explain that to me?


I sat at the lounge bar
and I waited for him, but, um,

he never came. Um...

He said he wanted to meet me
for a drink and...

Yeah, I knew
what that meant.

Fucking? I assume
it meant fucking?

You're upset.
I'm sorry.

Thank you.

Did you notice
anything suspicious?

Like what?
Like a huge guy

strolling through a lobby
with a machete?

No, more like a Beretta
92 with a silencer.

Can't you look at the hotel
security cameras?

- Oh, you noticed them?
- They're everywhere.

The tapes were erased.

It's like
we're dealing with pros.

Look, I'm new in town.
I'm working.

Making my living.

I don't wanna
lose it all over this.

I have a girlfriend.
She's very jealous.

And okay, yeah,

maybe I would have slept with
him, but I didn't.

Anyway, it wouldn't be
a crime, would it?

I've never seen
a fashion show.

Must be incredible.

I can get you complimentary
tickets, if you want.

I'd appreciate that.

I'm in Paris
for a little while.

We should keep in touch.

I'll see you around.

I don't see
what I can do with her.

She has no
higher education.

She's a junkie.

Clean for a year.

And her marks
are excellent.

Whatever the subject.
Look here.

Marksmanship. Acting.

She's beaten
everyone at chess.

Like I can give a shit
if she plays chess!

Tell me she can fix my fucking
heater, then I'll care.

Knives, 100%. Driving.


Oh, but she's not the
profile we're looking for.

Fuckable, I suppose.
Useful as a honey trap.

But beyond that, I can't see
what I can do with her.

KGB needs smart agents
who can size up situations,

react quickly
and appropriately.

I thought we made
our needs perfectly clear.

She has been trained
with that in mind.

Her general knowledge,

her ability to generate
options on the spot.

She's highly intelligent.

"It takes
more than intelligence

"to act intelligently."


"Like a captive cast to the
bottom of a deep, dry well,

"I know not who I am,
not what awaits me.

"Yes, it's clear to me
that in this cruel

"and obstinate struggle
with Satan,

"I'm fated
to emerge victorious.

"Then mind and matter
shall fuse in perfect harmony.

"And the reign of
universal will shall begin."



Seagull. Act 1.

- The play within the play.
- Your favorite play.

- How did you know that?
- I work for KGB, baby.

She has not been...

I'll take her.

On trial.

It doesn't work out,
I'll send her home in a body bag.



He'll be at one
of the back tables.

And the gun?

Any bodyguards with him?

How the hell should I know?

You want me
to do the job for you?

No. I can handle it.

When you're done,
grab his phone.

Come out the back door.

We'll be waiting
with the car.

You have five minutes.

Three minutes.

That's five minutes,
let's go.

What about his phone?

- We'll find another way.
- What about her?

If she can't
complete a mission,

I don't care about her.

We should give her
an extra minute.

Why? Why is that?

Because accomplishing
this mission

in five minutes
is impossible.

Adversity is a good teacher.

Well, that's the extra minute.
Come on, let's go.


I gave you five minutes.

You took five hours.
Well done.

The gun,

it was not even
fucking loaded!

You should have checked
your equipment.

You set me up.

Do you know
why I have a limp?

Come on. You must have
read my file by now.

A minor accident.
In Chechnya.

That's the official version.

The truth is
that during training,

I was dropped in
the Karakan Forest in Siberia.

There are wolves
in the Karakans.

There are also wolf traps,
buried in the snow.

So I dragged a steel jaw
on my leg for three days.

When I finally
got back to the camp,

my instructor
handed me a screwdriver,

and said, "Trouble never
sends a warning."

I'm sorry.

It won't happen again.

No, it won't.

You have 14 days'
prep time. Use it wisely.

Building number three,
11th floor, apartment 25.

Welcome to your new home.

Thank you.

- Hello?
- Settling in?

Yeah. It's another
grey box.

Feels like right back
where I started.

Patience. It's your first day.

I know. I know.

So, uh,
do you want to get dinner?

I'd love to.

And I would love to see you.


But Olga dumped
a huge pile of work on me.

I have to prep.


- Sure, of course.
- You know I would love to...

I know. I know. Study up.

That's what's important.

We'll find another time.

Yeah, another time.

So, you get paid
to look for girls?

That's what I do.
Only nobody pays me.

It's not so easy.

I'm expected to find
five or six girls each trip,

but now I'm struggling.

You're struggling to find

pretty girls in Moscow?

You're doing it wrong,
my friend.

No, I mean,
it's not just pretty.

We look for something unique.
Pearls. Gems.

And six-foot pearls
don't grow on trees.

Not even in Moscow.

Have you tried the market
in Izmailovsky Park?


- Izmailovsky Park.
- Uh-uh.

You want me
to write it down maybe?

- Yeah, please. Yeah.
- Yeah.

He's entering the market.

He'll be with you
in five minutes.

Sure. Copy that.

Uh, sorry.
I don't speak Russian.

She's in contact with him now.

About time.


Anna M.
means love in French. Cheers!


- How is it going?
- He's showing her around.

You checked out the agency?

Over the weekend.
Fairly typical.

And you checked
the apartment?

Five girls, all clean enough.
Some drugs, minor records.

Have her call me
when she's settled.

- It's me.
- How's your new life?

If I was living alone,
it would be easier.

You're there to infiltrate,
not take a vacation.

They gave me a new name.
It's Anna M. now.

- M for Moscow?
- What else can it be?

Very original.
So how's your roommates?

Nothing I can't handle.

The French girl
keeps hitting on me.

How's the sex?

- How do you know?
- I work for KGB, baby.

Sex is good.
Wanna know some details?

No. No need to stop.

So you know,
a girl on your arm

can keep the predators away.

Just don't let it get
in the way of your job.

Your target arrives in Paris
next month.

- Be ready.
- I will.


Maybe I shouldn't be
drinking on an empty stomach.

- I'll get you something.
- Thank you.

Anna! Allow me
to introduce Oleg Filenkov,

a compatriot of yours

and one of our partners
in the firm.


It's a crazy party.


So do you live in Paris?

I keep
a place in London.

But I mostly live
in St. Petersburg.

The winter to Europe.

Yeah, once
a long time ago with my aunt.

Don't you have
a better angle than this?

We have three cameras.

I'm not asking
for more cameras!

I'm asking for a better angle!

The hell
with these shit pictures!

Telling me
this is the best technology

Moscow has to offer?

I might as well use
my fucking telescope!

If I invited
you to dinner,

would that be
considered too fast?



I'll see you around.

What's he like?

Smart. Handsome.

- A bit of an ass.
- Typical CIA.

- Did he mention the tapes?
- Only that they'd been wiped.

They have the security footage
from across the street

that shows us going in and out
of the hotel.

- And then?
- As I said,

he gave me a light grilling.
Nothing more.

And then he just let you go?

- I'm a good liar.
- Oh, no. No, no.

No, if you'd lied,
he would have known.

- Nothing else about him, then?
- No. Nothing.

Keep out of trouble
'til next Sunday.

You're coming back to Moscow.

For good?

I ask the questions.

- Da?
- It's me.

Pretty nice.

- You plan on keeping her?
- I wanted your opinion.

No family, no attachment
to anybody or anything.

No leverage.

She can turn her back
on us at any time.

She has been well trained.

Some of her choices
are unnecessary.

"Attackers may sometimes
regret bad moves,

"but it is much worse

"to forever regret
an opportunity

"you allowed
to pass you by."

- Lenin?
- Kasparov.

They say you're good at chess.
We should play.

Now, you have questions?

I've nearly
done two years.

One in training,
one on mission.

When my five years are up,
do I have to stay in Moscow?

Or I can go anywhere I want?

What's all this about
"five years," Olga?

With all due respect,

few have lasted five years
in my department.

- Except you.
- Except me.

So what does it
all mean to me?

You work for the KGB
this year, five years, 10.

Be happy and proud
to serve your country.

With respect, I am happy and
proud to serve my country.

I have eliminated 27
targets in two years.

But I've been told that...

There's only one way
to leave the KGB.

Do you want to find out
what it is?

No, sir.

So don't play with me.

Except chess.

Would you fancy a game?

Maybe another day.



- Hi.
- Come in. Come in. Come in!

Hi, baby.

I've been preparing this
place for a week now.

This is the kitchen.

Plenty of Russian
food for you.

This is the salon.
And the most important room...

The bedroom. Come on,
come on, come on.

You see, we book the gigs,
we make the money,

and now we got
our own apartment

just like Dorothee

And it's all ours!
We can sleep where we want.

We can eat where we want.
And we can...

screw where we want.

So what you want to
have first? Lunch or sex?

I wanna go for a walk.

In the rain?

It will stop.

What's wrong?


Just didn't really
have much time

to recharge, to be alone.

How was the week
with your family?


I get it.

You go for your walk.
I'm gonna make some dinner.

And, uh, you just come back
with some wine.

- How about that?
- Sure.

All right, then.

- Da?
- Hi.

Hold on.

Anna, what is this number?
Is it secure?

A nice Japanese lady
loaned me her phone.

So, how's the new place?

It's nice. Stylish.

Something's wrong?

Is this my life now, Alex?

Stealing mobile phones,

waiting to catch a bullet
between my eyes?

Hey, don't let Vassiliev
get in your head.

There are other ways...

You give me some bullshit
speech about choices and path,

and promise me my fucking
freedom in five years.

You thought I was
gonna be long dead

before that, didn't you?

Well, not everyone makes it
through. I'll give you that.

But you've got a shot.
For now, enjoy the moment.

Give yourself time, Anna.
It plays in your favor.

Let the currents
move beneath you.

Powers will shift.
Enemies can vanish.

Do what you can to stay alive.
Time will do the rest.

Promise me
something, Alex.


If I find a way
to get free one day,

would you be on my side?

I'll do my best.

I'll see you soon.

Listen, I know

that you're going through
a very, very rough time.

And I don't know why,

but also don't
want to know.

What I want
you to know

is that I love you
the way you are,

and I'm always
gonna be there

for you whenever
you need me.

All right?

Thank you.

Okay, girls,
let's do this.

Boom! Okay, lovely. Yes!

Very nice, girls.
Very, very nice.

But give me dirty.
Give me dirtier.

Yeah, that's nice.
That's very nice!

Yes! Yes, green dress!
Oh, my God,

you've got a lovely bunch
of fucking legs on you.

All right, next.
Done. Next!

Whoo! Next, yeah? Okay.

Oh, my God,
that was bloody lovely!

We're feeling it.
We're feeling good.

We're feeling good.
Hey! Boop, boop!

Come on,
that was really nice.

It's great.

Do you know that I have
to leave at 5:00, right?

No problem. In one hour
you are finished, okay?


That's nice. Fair enough.

Remember you are princesses,
not transvestites, yeah?

So I'd like to see

your feminine energy
if I could, please. Ooh.

Hello? Yes?

Strike a pose, yeah?

So, uh, did you recover
from last night?


Okay, I had enough.

Maybe. Yeah, I could.

Anna, my love.
Hey, I'm trying to create here, yeah?

So can you please just
strike that pose, yeah?

- Fucking idiot.
- Anna...

Don't move.

Please, Anna,
we need this job.

Bring that thing that
you brought yesterday.

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Tonight.
Ooh, she is not happy.

Oh, my God!

Let's get dirty now.

Smile. Give me
your best smile.

Fucking hell, there's blood.

I said give me
your best smile!

- Okay.
- That's better.

Now be a dog.

Yeah, be a dog.
Woof, woof.

Here's a good bitch, dog.


Put your hands
where they belong.

Okay, that's the good one.

That's a wrap.

Fucking don't touch me.

Don't touch me!

Over an hour late!

I came here
as soon as I could.

Olga's called at least
10 times already.

Give me the fucking file
and shut the fuck up!

Wurtenberg, 49,
German diplomat,

with the embassy in Poland.

All illegal money from the
Middle East goes through him.

He's divorced,
no kids.

We've already made
several approaches,

but it's hopeless.

He can't be bought.
So we have no leverage for blackmail.

He does, however,
have one weak spot.

Let me guess.

Here in Milan,
he uses a service

run by a man
called Stefano.

We've already sorted
things out on that end.

So Wurtenberg
is waiting for you.

Where is the piece?

Behind the second sink.

- Bodyguards?
- Just one. A vicious bastard.

We have eyes
in the hall,

but no way of getting
a wire or camera in.

There will be no backups.
So if there's a hitch...

There won't be.

Bring me the attache
case, keys,

documents, and fingerprint.

Any questions?

Which room?

Go any further
and you will have to pay.

- It's about time.
- Sorry. Traffic.

Fashion week.

- Can I use your bathroom?
- Yes, but, uh, hurry.

- We have lost a lot of time.
- Won't be long.


You were in
there 12 minutes.

Well, he wasn't
very cooperative.

- So where is his print?
- We can lift them off this.

No, you idiot.
Didn't you read the memo?

Yeah, I've read it.

So where's his fucking
index finger?

You expected me to...

Bring back his finger, yes!
Like it says in the memo.

How can you expect us
to compromise him

without putting
his prints everywhere?

You want me to send Mossan?

No. No. It was my mistake.

My mistake
and I've got to do this.

While you're there,
bring back your watch.

Never leave
anything behind.

Why are you still here? Go.


Are we done?


Can I go
to bed now?

Is there anyone else you
need me to kill and mutilate?

What's wrong with you?

I'm just so tired
of everything.

I can't...

- Take break.
- What?

Take a week in the sun.
Wherever you want. Take Maude.

Rest. Recuperate.

Get over this.
Whatever this is.

- Thank you.
- One week. No more.

Hey, girls,
can I buy you a drink?

Unless you're a billionaire,
keep on walking, man.

Geez, it's hot out here.

Do you want to go back
to the bungalow,

and take a shower?

Go ahead.
I'll join you later.

All right.


Enjoy your vacation?

Yeah, it was wonderful.
Even got you a present.

Here, it's a postcard.



Time to get back to work.

What the fuck?


Number five,
can you turn, please.


Gentlemen, perfect,
lovely. Oh, great.

Perfect. Darling,
watch me. Don't move.

Little more Marie-Antoinette.



Good, very nice.

I want fire. Give it all.
Come on. Give it all.

Fire! Fire!
That's it. All right!

Yeah, push it more, baby!
Push it more, more, more!

Give me what you got!
Give me what you got!

Come on! Come on!
Come on!

You've done good
work this year.

You're flying back
to Moscow next week.

The boss wants
to see you.

You are crazy.

I needed it.

Me too.

I confess,
I had little faith in you at first.

Girls who are
too beautiful

become a problem
sooner or later.

That's why we only hire
the ugly ones.

Speaking of Olga,
she has asked

for a medal of distinction
to be awarded to you.

But don't get
your hopes up.

There is no ceremony
or anything.

When your service ends,

your name will be engraved
on the wall at the entrance,

and a pension will be paid to your
heirs, if you have any.

Now, what do you think?

Do you deserve
such an honor?




Grab her!
Joseph, come with me.

Don't look so surprised.
I told you I'd see you around.

Now, you're gonna
wanna know

how I knew
this was going down,

and how long
I've been watching you,

all that good stuff.

And you deserve to know,
you do.

Maybe we'll grab dinner
some night, hash it out.

But right now,
we're in a bit of a pickle

because we have five
minutes to cut a deal

before your friends start
to wonder where you are.

So, how about I give you
a little recap?

I understand
the situation.

Yeah, I'll recap anyway,

just so we're on
the same page.

Right now I can pin you for
the murder of Oleg Filenkov,

his bodyguards,
the clerk at Le Meurice.

The attempted murder
of Frederick Wurtenberg.

Not to mention
the whole espionage thing.

Now, I can have you
in a French prison

inside of an hour,

or I can make a call
and have you hauled off

to one of our black sites
in the Czech Republic

where the fine
men and women

of the United States
Intelligence community

will violate your human
rights until they get bored.

So you see the issue.

Solution one,
we bump you off.

It solves our problem,
but not yours.

Plus, it ruins
our dinner plans.

Solution two, you work for us.
You live.

Dinner's optional.

Is that all
you have to offer?

I don't believe you're in
a position to negotiate.

Fine then. Kill me.

All you're offering
is the same shit

I get from my people.

Be a slave or die.

Or don't you consider yourself
better than the Russians?

Ah, historically, sure.

Then make me a better offer.

My bandwidth with
negotiation is limited.

I won't be too demanding.

All right. Tell me what
would make you happy.

Freedom and protection.


That's a tall order.
All right. Here it goes.

You work for us
for three years,

then we make
you disappear.

You ever been to Arizona?
It's hot, but it's a dry heat.

That's what they say.

I've never actually
been in the summer.

No, I work for one year.

That's the max before
my cover's blown, anyway.

And I want
to live by the sea.

- Vancouver.
- Too cold.

any suggestions?

- Hawaii.
- Hawaii.


All right. Hawaii it is.

- How did you catch me?
- The way you hold your bag.

From now on,
you're under my protection.

And the protection of the
United States of America.

You were in
there 12 minutes.

Well, he wasn't
very cooperative.

So where's the print?

Sir! She's coming back.

Not a word.

I need his finger.

What the fuck
are you talking about?

I need his
fucking finger!

No way,
he's not leaving this suite.

Not him! Just his
fucking finger!

Whoa, whoa, wait!
This was not part of the deal.

I mean,
I can help you.

That's okay for me,
but no more.

All right,
put him on the table.

Don't! Don't touch me!


All right, proceed.

No, no, no, no, no.
I have to do it.

There is a specific
type of a cut

the KGB teaches
us to make

just to make sure
we are not being forced.

If it's gonna come out
any other way,

she'll notice
something is wrong.

Oh. How do I know
you're not cutting it

in a way that
betrays us?

Oh, you want me
to trust you about Hawaii?

You better trust me
about this.

Anyway, there was
already 10 times...

All right, okay!
I understand!

All right,
shut him up!

Take a deep breath, sir.
Give her the fucking knife!

Are we done?

Yes, we're done.

Can I go to bed now?

Is there anyone else you need
me to kill and mutilate?

Take a break.

What are you doing here?

I came to check on you.

You could have called.

At the CIA,
we're all about personal service.

Everything okay?

For now.

Good. We're all good on our
side, and we're all clear.

Trouble never
sends a warning.

Damn straight.

You look rested,
you look tan.

Why are you really here?

I'm on vacation.

You... You put the idea in my head.
You said Bahamas.

I started thinking about
daiquiris on the beach.

Feels good.
Feels good to kick back.

Plus, there is that
dinner I owe you.

I thought that
was optional.

Yeah, it is.

I'm gonna
look after you, Anna.

Keep you safe.

You're with us now.
We protect our assets.

You'll keep your promise?

You'll let me
go after a year?


I already have them looking
for a house in Hawaii.

I can't guarantee
an island preference.

Doesn't matter.

No, but believe me,
it does.

You've never been?


Then why Hawaii?

Postcards on
my parents' refrigerator.

It always looked like
a dream. And you?

Yeah, born and raised.

A real island native.

My dad was in the Navy.
Like yours.

You'll love it.
You'll surf.

You'll eat spam.
It's paradise.

Plus, I will
personally guarantee

that your dream
becomes a reality.

You better get some tan

or you'll look
too conspicuous.

Yeah, good advice.

Well, if you...
If you need me,

you know where
to find me.

In the closet?

And she's funny.

The total package.

So I finally have enough money
to start building.

And it's a beautiful area.

It's not too far away
from Saint-Tropez.

It's not too far away
from the beach.

They have no tourists.

Super peaceful,
you know?

I actually did
the drawing by myself

and I was thinking,

I wanna build the whole
house with my own hands.

Do you actually know
my father was a carpenter?


Did you hear
anything I said?

No. Not a word.

What's wrong with you?

Go ahead, get it.
I'm not hungry anyway.


How's your vacation?

Pretty good.

Looks like a nice place.

You've been here?


Are you spying on me?

I'm doing my job.

I like it here.

I already put a down payment
on a bungalow.

Hmm. Not very funny.

What's wrong?

I figure we're probably

never gonna be able
to have that dinner.

- Yeah, you're probably right.
- So let's fuck instead.


- Enjoy your vacation?
- Yeah, it was wonderful.

I gotta be at the embassy
in a half hour.

You're gonna be late.

She making any moves?


At all?

Not at all.

All right, shut it down.

I have a job for you,
when you're back at Moscow.

What kind of job?

For the last 20 years,
we've had

a relationship
with the KGB.

It's not been friendly,
but it's been respectful.

We're all in the same
business after all.

That all changed

when Vassiliev
was appointed director.

We need someone
on the inside.

You guys want to get rid of
the number one at the KGB?

We know how
to get a gun in.

We know how
to get our operative out.

All you need is the sucker
to do the job?

All we need is a partner to
participate in the mission.

So use one of your American
partners in Moscow to do it.

Five years ago,

we lost nine agents
in one day.

On my watch.

Vassiliev gave the order.

They were just men and women
doing their job.

So you don't have
American agents to do it.

- You have to use a Russian.
- We need the best.

I'm gonna get
my head blown off.

I've been putting this
together for three years.

I've checked every detail
a hundred times.

Nothing's foolproof,
but it's damn close.

We take out Vassiliev,
restore a little order.

I just need to find the right
person to make it happen.

You make everything happen.

I'm not gonna
make you do this.

Anna, if you say
it's a no go, it's a no go.

But you should know,

I got them to sign off
on early retirement.

What do you mean?

You do this job,
you're off to Hawaii.

Total Freedom.
Total Protection.

Everything you wanted.

And they agreed?
Just like that?

I must have been
very persuasive.

What did you tell them?

I told them
I didn't want to lose you.



Will you be in Moscow?

I'm gonna personally
ex-filtrate you.

That's the only way
I know you'll be safe.



- I'm sorry, Alex.
- You're crazy!

You'll never make it
out of here alive.

Lay down.

- You're a dead woman.
- I love you, too.

It's gonna make you sleep.

For your own security,

please back up
at least 20 meters.

Okay, my friend, you see
that door? Right there.

Any second,
my counterpart will appear,

and then your worries
will be over, all right?

- Get out!
- Go, go, go! Drive!


Don't move!

Don't move!

usually, I do these things

with a little
more civility,

but it's been a fuckable week
and I'm at the end of a rope.

You're gonna answer
yes or no,

and don't lie because
trust me I'll know.

- Do you know who I am?
- No.

Right answer.

Are you affiliated
with the KGB, yes or no?


- Mossad.
- I don't know what Mossad...

Yes or no? That's the game.


All right. Anna.
Have you seen her?


I'm gonna tell you
exactly what to do.

If she makes contact.
If she calls you,

if you call her,
you're gonna get in touch with me.

- Understand?
- Yes.

We've already bugged
your apartment.

All right, get out.

I'm sorry
for disturbing your day.

Man of the hour. Congrats.

- Thanks, man.
- Solid fucking operation.

Vassiliev was
a confirmed kill,

and the Russians are ready
to appoint someone else.

Yeah. Hopefully
someone better.

Can't be anyone worse.

Christ, that guy
was a prick.

You made things right.

It took time,
but you got back at 'em.

Nobody's ever gonna
forget that.


And the girl? Any news?

Dead, probably.
If she's lucky.

A girl like her,
up in a Siberian gulag?

- How's that gonna go?
- Uh-huh.

Let's grab dinner
before you leave town.

Yeah, sure.

Great work. Big win
for the good guys. Yeah.

Entering the park.


You wanna tell our guys
to be a little more discreet?

I can spot them a mile away.

Agents 1 and 2, you're too conspicuous.
Move back.

Any idea
who that could be?

We're on it.

To my right,
Alexei Tchenkov.

- Uh, espresso ristretto.
- Tres bien.

Leonard Miller, CIA.

He was in Moscow
when Vassiliev was killed.

All agents stand by
to intervene.

Hey, get me
the fuck out of here.

Don't worry,
we're coming in.

Yes, sir.

Exfiltration procedure

We have movement.

Sit tight, Alexei.

Like a duck
waiting to get shot.

Nobody's getting shot.

in 20 seconds.

Alexei, don't do
anything stupid.



- Five...
- Wait. Wait.

Wait, wait, wait. Hold off.

Hold off. Hold off.

Why? What's going on?

She's here.


It's good to see you.

I'll kill you with
my own hands, Anna.

You know that?

I know, but we
have to talk first.

Any more lovers
you want to tell us about?

No, just the two of you.

What the hell's going on?

I came to say goodbye.

For good.

When I was a kid, I used
to play with Matryoskha dolls

way before I pretended to
sell them on a street corner.

I loved opening them up

and looking
at their beautiful faces.

It's a woman inside of a woman
inside of a woman.

Now there would be a doll
made of me, what would she be?

A daughter? A girlfriend?

A Russian spy? A model?

An American spy?

If you go
to the very smallest doll

buried deep inside,
what is she?

I never knew.

And I would like
to find out.

Whatever we had,
each of us brought me here.

It gave me the will to live
and face to myself.

Something I will
never forget.

But you forgot
the rules, Anna.

Here. That's what
I got from the KGB.

And that's what
I got from the CIA.

- When?
- Your case.

- Nice work.
- Thank you.

So what happens now?

You both got
what belongs to you.

Everything goes back
to normal.

And we part as good friends.

And if anything
happens to you,

there's a copy someplace.

Goes straight
to the press, huh?

I hope you're both as fond
of me as I am of you.

You'll make sure
this will never happen.

That's a lot of faith
to put in people

you don't really
know, Anna.

In six months, the information
you have will be obsolete.

They will come after you,
wherever you are.

I never had
a single day of freedom.

Six months is an eternity.

And I better have it.

Are we agreed?

I wish you the very best.

For at least six months.


It's a bitter
pill to swallow.

I asked you once,

if I found a way out,
would you be on my side?

No. No. I said
I would do my best.

That's all I'm asking.

If you ever
change your mind,

come home to your family.


The only family I have
is at this table.

The bitch! If she thinks
she's getting away with this...

Keep recording.
Keep recording.

You, stay here.

You wanna leave first?

I think I'll stay awhile.

- Buy you a drink?
- Don't push it, comrade.

- Anna!
- Olga?

No one fucks with KGB!

All agents, move!
Move! Move!

Let's go!
Get him out of there!

Let me help her,

What makes you think
she needs your help?

She's gonna die.

We're all going to die
one day, my friend.

I think it would be
preferable if you left first.

You have a clear path
behind you.

I insist.

Get me two crepes.
No topping, just sugar.

I know the Americans
have contacted you.

What are you talking about?

When you came back
from the suite,

you had cuff marks
on your wrists.

That's when
you lost your watch.

I know you, Anna.

I know you
like my own daughter.

For now,

what I know
doesn't leave this limousine.

But you must report to me

everything the Americans
are planning.

What kind of job?

The last 20 years,

we've had a relationship
with the KGB.

It's not been friendly,
but it's been respectful.

We're all in the same
business, after all.

That all changed

when Vassiliev
was appointed director.

They want to kill Vassiliev?

And they want me
to do the job.

What do you want most
in the world, Anna?

My freedom.

Do exactly as I say,
and I give you my word,

you will be free.

Where is it? Okay.

Give me another angle.

From the left.
That one. Zoom in.

More! More, more, more.

Let me see the face.
On the face!

Turn it off.

My dear Olga,

if you receive this message,

everything must have
gone to plan.

You're in Vassiliev's
chair, and I'm...

Well, I hope I'm alive.

You taught me
how to protect myself

because no one else
can do it for me.

And I am very grateful
for that.

But the only thing
I couldn't do

is to delete my file
from the database.

'Cause only Vassiliev can
do that. Or his successor.

I know you'll keep your word,

'cause honor is
very important to you,

and we're nothing without it.

But just in case
you wanna change our deal,

I've planted another
wolf trap in the snow.

I've recorded
our last conversation.

Vassiliev's shelf life
has expired.

Enough with these men
running our lives.

Use the gun the Americans
will hide for you.

All you have to do is
dispatch the son-of-a-bitch.

I've applied everything
you taught me

these long years
and now I'm out.

I hope you'll respect that.

And I hope you're proud of me.

