An Actor's Revenge (1963) - full transcript

Yukinojo, a Kabuki actor, seeks revenge by destroying the three men who caused the deaths of his parents. Also involved are the daughter of one of Yukinojo's targets, two master thieves, and a swordsman who himself is out to kill Yukinojo. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Produced by Masaichi Nagata

The 300th film of the actor
Kazuo Hasegawa


They drove you to your death

Lord Dob?, the retired magistrate

The merchant Kawaguchiya
is beside him

I cannot see Hiromiya

Your enemies, and mother's...

...I have thought of them
for twenty years

Now I see them for the first time

Now I shaII aIways recognize
those faces, even in darkness

No matter how difficuIt it may be...

...I wiII avenge you both

Oh, you are there

See how the girl is Iooking at me?

She is Namiji, Dob?'s daughter

I wiII approach her first

You saw them?

We've got enough - let's go

We'll miss the best part

Never mind the play.
Did you lift enough purses?

We paid to get in; let's have
our money's worth

The play's too slow for me

That Yukinojo is creepy -
he's neither man nor woman

She's wonderful. ls she married?

Her husband would need to be born
under a lucky star

Based on the novel by Otokichi Mikami

Photographed by Setsuo Kobayashi.
Directed by Kon lchikawa

l can't bear the way
our actors are so proud

They always scoff at any
outsiders, however good

But this visiting troupe
were just strolling players...

...until their Osaka success

He's so handsome;
it makes me feel funny

Take any of our actors in Edo...

...they can't match Yukinojo

And they're so high and mighty

l'm supporting this visiting troupe

What are you talking about?

You never go to the theatre

Yes, l do

You're a fine one

You've fallen for this troupe

An Edo man always helps the weak

Let's leave him to his ignorance

-What about me?
-You can go home

l want to see if Yukinojo
is really good

You don't want to be left out

Stop talking and go in

You're a lot of idiots in Edo

l don't know why these people
waste money on plays

They complain enough about
the price of rice

lt's always the same when times
are hard

The theatre was doing badly,
so they invited Yukinojo's troupe

They came to Edo from Osaka

Listen to the expert

Hard times produce good thieves, too

There are many about now,
but you're the best, of course

Then Yamitaro, the Kid, Oryu, Otoki...

...Shime, Hoin, Sumi?,
Chim? and Densuk?

All first-class thieves

There's Hirutaro, too

Never heard of him

Yamitaro's about the only match
for me

Let's see what you've got

ldiot! l told you to dump
the purses at once

Get rid of them. l don't want
people to think l'm a thief

She's not exactly charming

She could be, though

Maybe love would make her
a little more feminine

l thought this might prove
useful to your plan

l'm sorry l cannot help you openly


All your enemies are together

Your late father must be
helping you here

They are all in Edo

Congratulations. You are a master

You have the finest Kabuki troupe
in Japan

We are happy to be in Edo

Your audience's reception has
moved us close to tears

Kawaguchiya enjoyed the performance
very much

He would like to honour you... introducing you to Lord Dob?,
and his daughter

They are very important guests

l hope you will agree to meet them;
it would be good for our theatre

Unfortunately, l have a bad headache

Please give him my apologies

l'm sure he will be very disappointed

But you must be tired. Please rest

Why should you refuse to drink
with your enemies?

You must grasp every opportunity

Learn all about them

Gain their confidence,
then get your revenge

This time l felt afraid of myself

Something told me to refuse them

l am sure this is the
right thing to do

Now l think they will play
into my hands

This is the way, l am sure of it

We should not have walked

My breath of fresh air has resulted
in us getting lost

Why attack me? l'm only an actor
from the theatre

l know you

Wait a moment

Why, Heima?

You have said that our school of
swordsmanship has no secrets

We must learn for ourselves

Why show him the scroll?

Yukinojo studies here,
but he's an outsider

lt's not fair

l'm young, but l am the
assistant instructor here

l should have this honour

You can see it if you want to

But your impatience tells against you

Your very impatience prohibits
your initiation

The honour goes to Yukinojo

lt was only blank paper

Blank paper?

A warning... against vanity and pride

Once we master an art
and become famous...

...we tend to forget our resolutions

Words cannot explain the mysteries
of an art

l merely wanted you to perceive
my innermost mind

Heima can go

He has lost his teacher
and his friends...

...and he has gained nothing

Yes, we know Heima Kadokura

l left Osaka because of you

l came to live in Edo, and now
l hear your name everywhere here

l won't stand for it

You have caused our teacher
much anguish

You and l studied together
like brothers...


Don't call me brother

You won't get away with this

l'm sorry l butted in without
an introduction

Thank you for saving me,
although you are a stranger

For an actor, you're a strong

l felt as though l had the theatre
to myself

But you faltered at the most
important moment

l heard the name Heima Kadokura;
do you know him?

No, l was attacked without warning

Strange... he was too skilful
for an ordinary robber

You're probably afraid of me, too

Why not? Decent people don't
hang around the streets at night

l wonder if he was an
ordinary robber?

There are many masterless
samurai about

Better not walk alone at night
dressed up like that

Anyway, here comes a carriage

May l know your name?


We've got you trapped

Don't let him get away this time

He must be around here somewhere

Are you an actor? Well, it's
dangerous around here at night

Thank you

Where is he?

Here l am

You're not Yamitaro

l'm Hirutaro

Keep out of it

We're out for bigger game

l am big game. l'm a famous thief

Why is Yamitaro so popular?

A wonderful ruby

lt really is the colour of blood

Who is it?

Kawaguchiya is here

Let him wait

How is Lady Namiji's health?

What is it to you?

At the theatre you noticed how
she fell in love with Yukinojo

Now you want to bring them together
and gain her confidence

You want her to curry favour
for you with the Shogun

Do you think l don't know that?

lt isn't that at all

The doctor says she's depressed

So l asked permission for her
to rest at home for a month

But l think she's lovesick,
and it's all your fault

Not at all

lt's all your fault. Everything

l told you to bring Yukinojo.
Bring him here at once

He's much too common for my daughter

Let her meet him a few times

She'll soon tire of him,
and that will be that

Yukinojo is very rude; he has
refused all our invitations

l'll bring him tomorrow, even if
l have to carry him here

Because of Namiji, the Shogun
does what l say

She's important to me

Stop intriguing, or you will be
the one to get hurt

The Shogun is a cold-hearted man

l may be powerful, but the Shogunate
is inflexible

Even my influence cannot help
merchants like you

Let's forget the past

Greed has its attractions,
and also its limitations

Don't become obsessed with
your selfishness

l hear you're buying rice

Very well, buy it all up;
l'll do what l can for you

l would be most grateful for
any kindnesses

l'm sorry l kept you waiting

Actors are so temperamental

He accepts your invitation

Why have you accepted now?

l have been waiting for this

This is an invitation to visit
Dob?'s house

A special invitation to visit
his ailing daughter, Lady Namiji

To visit...

...Lady Namiji

This is far enough;
l'll work here tonight

l can smell the gold already

lt certainly is a fine mansion

So this is the famous home of
Lord Dob?

His treasure house must be full
of gifts from the Shogun

And full of bribes he took
when he was a magistrate

l'll help the poor again tonight;
a little more than usual

Winter is coming, and many are
poorly clothed

A visitor at this hour?

There is no need to be so formal

The Lady Namiji herself wishes
to thank you for your visit

She is waiting in her room

Oh, no, l am already too overwhelmed
by meeting Lord Dob?

l will take my leave now

You must see her. She is ill;
please do as she wishes

What did he say to you when
l was not present?


Not a single word?

lt was rather frightening

He's proud because of the Shogun's
interest in Namiji

Be sympathetic towards her.
lf you capture her heart...

What do you mean?
How can l even aspire to?

Her mind is made up already;
you can win her easily

Her words count most at the Castle,
not Dob?'s

You won't know about business...

...but l'll stake my utmost hopes
on you

ln return, l'll look after you
all your life

You actors live a precarious

lt would be wise to think of
your future

We have met for the first time,
yet he hoIds me in contempt

He thinks an actor is
some sort of prostitute

He thinks he can purchase me
to beguiIe a Iady for him

He is the embodiment of vuIgarlty

Does he intend to use me
to get rld of Dob??

What you say is very true

Your words have made me
extremely happy

l am highly honoured by
your interest in me

l feel as if l were in heaven

l shall do my very best
to please the young lady

As l thought, you understand things

But this must be a secret between you,
me and Lady Namiji

You mustn't forget that

Poor Iady, she reaIIy has
faIIen in Iove with me

Please be at ease

l apologize for receiving you
in such an untidy room

To be with a lady who has attained
the heights of glory... be able to enjoy her favour,
even for a few moments...

You make it sound as though l am
happy to serve the Shogun

What greater happiness
could there be?

Every woman in Japan must envy you
such eminence...

Are you mocking me?

lf l have unwittingly offended
My Lady... is best that l take my leave

No, l apologize if l have
offended you...

...but l am hurt by your reserve

No one seems to know the nature
of my illness...

...but l think that you understand

You have posed a very delicate
question, My Lady

An excess of love, perhaps

Do you think l like my service
at the Castle?

You do not know what the Shogun
is like

My illness began when first l saw you

Your words sound very sweet to me

l am a simple man and apt to believe
what you say

l beg you not to mock me

l have cast aside modesty,
reputation, pride...

Dreams are superficial

l know now that there is
a daytime love...

...deeper than the love of night

lf you really mean that...

...l will do anything, even forsake
my beloved stage for you

But if it is nothing but infatuation,
you leave me no choice

l must die

You understand my love. l am so happy

How can I bear to teII such Iies?

But I shaII have to teII
many more Iies...

...aIthough this poor girl is
innocent of any crlme

This is Lord Dob?'s house;
even the Shogun is afraid of him

We'll lose our heads if we're caught

Let's go and find somewhere else
to rob

Shut up, Muku!

l'd need a hundred heads to answer
for what l've stolen

lt would be a disgrace if someone
beat us to this

You can go home and get sake ready

Don't you need me?

You'll only get in the way

The best of luck, then

Someone is outside

Better go back to bed if you know
what's good for you

Who is out there?

Just my luck!

lt's only me

Do you live here?

You keep out of this

You're strong... you're a man!

Be quiet, or someone else will come

Who are you, dressed up like that?

You're from the theatre

Never mind that

A burglar. He ran when
l shouted at him

You must be careful; l would be
grieved if you were injured

lt is difficult to leave you,
but l must go now

l have many obligations and duties... the theatre and to my master

That's too bad, but what an actor

He rang down the curtain
in fine style

Why did that crook Ohatsu have to
come breaking in?

lt's funny, but l'm beginning
to like Yukinojo

He seems to be more than
an ordinary actor

But why does he humble himself
to Dob??

And to the Shogun's Namiji?

lt looks as though he has
his reasons for all this

lt still hurts

He's given me a great big bruise

You'd never guess his strength
to look at his face

He grabbed my wrist when l had
a dagger

And yet he let me get away

That face, that strength...
what a strange man

He really has upset me

But who could love such a
half-man, half-woman?

l hate him

See what l'll do to him

l won't rob Dob?, l'll rob Yukinojo -
of his most precious thing

Find out where he lives. Jump to it!

Master, l am back

l want to talk to you

l understand

l know why you have refused
their invitation so many times

You were waiting for the right moment

So l said nothing

But this person you visit every night,
who is she?

She is the Shogun's mistress;
she is said to be the most beautiful

You are infatuated. Will you let
this turn you from your purpose?

Have you forgotten your revenge?

Master, why speak to me like this?

l am in torment when l visit
that house

The wine l drink seems like
molten lead

Understand what l suffer,
what l endure

Master, must l do all this?
Must my revenge be like this?

What are you saying?

Who drove your father to madness?

Who drove your mother to suicide?

l will remind you

lt was Dob?, in company with
Kawaguchiya and Hiromiya

They worked together in Nagasaki,
they ruined your father

They set out to destroy your
respected merchant family

They were merciless

Your father lived in the slums,
a broken man

You were a motherless child of seven
when l first knew you

l was young, too, living in
the same poor slum

One cold and rainy night...

...your father hanged himself

When l returned from the theatre...

...l found you clinging to his legs,

l promised

l swore to help you avenge
your father...

...even though it took my whole life

At last we are in Edo with them

Why hesitate? Why not run them through
at once?

Running them through is not enough

They should be roasted...

...boiled in oil

My parents will not be avenged...

...unless these men are tortured
until they become mad

Terrible words

Yes, terrible

l am the lover of Lord Dob?'s daughter

She is now completely mine

Sooner or later she will
abandon the Shogun for me

Dob? will be shamed. Then he will
fall into a living hell

Master, when l think about
this terrible revenge...

...l feel l want to leave it undone
and run away

l heard someone

Probably the inn cat

l have been away on business;
how unfortunate for me

l would have been delighted
to be your first patron

l know quality when l see it

l'm the sort who respects
the best people... they lords or pickpockets

That's why l invited you to my home
without hesitation

One doesn't entertain the best people
in restaurants

Thank you for calling so soon

lt's said l'm one of Edo's
richest merchants...

...but don't be overawed by that

l'm just a simple man with
a wide circle of friends

l hear that you have other
acquaintances in Edo:

Lord Dob? and Kawaguchiya

How very extraordinary

Unlike myself, they are both very
cautious, reserved men

They are usually very suspicious
of strangers

Why should they make an exception?

What is the reason, l wonder?

No doubt they are laughing at me
behind my back

No, not at all

Dob?, Kawaguchiya and l
have been friends a long time

l have no qualms; we're like
one family, really

But l wonder what they said

Nothing about you. l heard of you
from others

What have you heard?

What an unusual clock

lt came from abroad

Did you obtain it in Nagasaki?

How did you know l lived in Nagasaki?

l hear that Nagasaki is something of
a treasure house

Many rare articles can be found there

Kawaguchiya and l were born
in Nagasaki

So l guessed rightly about the clock

To come back to what we were saying

What was it you heard about me?
Tell me

Just snatches of conversation;
l cannot remember exactly

You must tell me

Will you be offended?

No, of course not

They said you are only interested in
quick returns

They said you lack foresight

Who said that?

Officials at the Castle

l heard it when l was there
the other day

What else did they say?

They said that you plan to
expand your trade

They said that you are beginning
to hoard a lot of rice

They said that, too?

This year's rice harvest is poor
and prices are high

lf you were a loyal merchant, you
would bring your rice to Edo...

...and use it to force prices down

Rich and poor alike would
sing your praises

King of the rice market

A popular figure, an influential man
in Edo

That is what they said

l see what they mean

Shogunate officials are
very far-seeing

Do you think so? Surely you would
lose a lot of money

You wouldn't understand such matters

l'm grateful for this information

l've been away on business -
buying rice, in fact

Have you told anyone else
what they said?

Not all actors are great gossips

l didn't mean that at all

l meant, did you tell Lord Dob?
or Kawaguchiya?

There was no mention of them
at the Castle

So, naturally, l told them nothing

l didn't mean to offend you.
Accept my apologies

He rose to the bait

''We're Iike one famiIy'', he says

But in fact he pIans to deceive them

He knows very weII what
Kawaguchiya is doing...

...hoarding rlce, too

Their onIy bond is greed

Even waIIs have ears

It is wisest never to speak of
secrets, even in prlvate

I have something to teII you

I wiII be waiting for you in
the park at ten o'cIock

A woman you know

lf he ignores me, l'll make him
regret it

l'm most grateful for your letter

l am Yukinojo, an actor in the troupe
from Osaka

Save your breath

We're not strangers. Look at
this bruise you gave me

You nearly twisted my arm off

l'm the thief you caught, and you
won't get rid of me now

l've fallen in love with you

Don't be so surprised. l may be
a thief, but l'm a woman, too

l've never known love before

Pity me and hold me tight, just once

l am very flattered by your words...

Don't try my patience. l never know
when l might be arrested

l haven't got time to waste;
let's go to an inn now

l have no reason to dislike you...

...but l have vowed to touch no woman...

...until l have fulfilled
an obligation

The revenge you've staked
your life on? ls that it?

Why so surprised? You came here
because of my letter

One word from me...

...and your revenge and very life
will be in danger

Let's not be enemies

lf you do as l ask, l'll help you
to get revenge

Those three old men won't have
a chance...

...if we two join forces

lf you know so much...

You're going to kill me?

You want to shut my mouth?
That's a laugh

l can be a saint, or a demon

l love you, so l offered to help you

All right, just see what l'll do

l'll go to Dob? and say that

Keep away, or l'll kill you

You won't escape

A ruffian's after me

l must talk to her

Talk? With a dagger?

What a woman!

lt's not a woman

Yuki, we meet again

Heima Kadokura

Edo is not such a big place.
l'll finish you

l must find her. Let me go

lf you don't, l won't hold back
this time

Who is he? An actor?

Whatever it's about,
l'll help Kadokura

What's the matter? Afraid?

What are you waiting for?
You samurai are always boasting

Afraid of an actor?

This is more exciting than
stage swordplay

What a pity. This may be
his very last performance

Oh dear! l seem to have lost her

He won't find me in a hurry

There's a fine moon tonight, Ohatsu


What a place to meet

l enjoyed watching your love scene

Oh, no! Did you see that?

Me and him... you know, that actor...

...we're strangers, but l admire him
in many ways

That face, that strength...
l understand your feelings

l understand why you, a man-hater,
love him so much

When l heard you talk about
his enemies... made things clear to me

He's fighting powerful enemies, alone

lt makes one want to help him,
if possible

lf l were a man, l might talk
of help...

...sympathy with his cause, and so on

But l'm afraid l happen to be a woman

Well, let me tell you something:
leave him alone

Who do you think you are?

Don't you know that love is the
dearest thing in a woman's life?

Are you going to be stubborn?

l can't give him up

Very well, acrobat Ohatsu.
We will have to be enemies

We're in the middle of a river,
with only the moon as witness

Even an acrobat can't escape

Yes, she can - she knows how to swim

There was famine in the Iand...

...caused by coId, drought,
fire and flood

In 1836, the starving peopIe

They rose against a weak Shogunate
and corrupt merchants

lt is so painful not to see you...

...l almost wished we had never met

l have missed you just as much

But l dare not come here too often

But l must see you...

...even though it hurts me not to be
able to visit you openly

Then l shall leave this house

l am certain of one thing

Many women must have fallen in love
with you

Yet, from them all you have chosen me

l don't want to make you sad

l don't want anything to hurt you

l would rather die than return
to the Castle

You are so good

My father wants me to return
to the Castle

Because of all these riots...

...he is going to employ more guards

lt may be easier if l escape now

Lady Namiji...

l cannot bear us to act like strangers
any more

l wish to be your wife

l do not deserve so great an honour

Lady Namiji, there can be
no one else for me

You will be the only woman in my life

So many presents from Hiromiya

You have been so generous with
presents for our entire company

Please do not mention it

l thought that you would like the
clock; l saw how you admired it

Do you remember how it chimed
that day you visited me?

lt is a priceless gift, but l have
done nothing to deserve it

lndeed you have

Do you remember the information
you gave me?

About the rice?

l took action. l brought the rice
here and put it on sale

Other merchants followed my example

Because of this, the riots
came to an end

The poor had enough to eat

The Shogun has praised me,
people respect me

l'm a popular man in Edo,
almost as popular as you

You are a courageous businessman

No, l bought the rice cheaply
from the farmers themselves

l couldn't lose on the deal

Hiromiya, l've caught you at last

Kawaguchiya, why all this fuss?
For business, come to my store

You always pretend to be out.
You've deceived me

Deceived you? How is that?

You know very well

You knew l was trying to control
the rice market

Then you sold rice at
give-away prices

l'm ruined

l'm sorry to hear that

Weren't we business associates?

Business is just like war,

Relatives can become enemies

The rice trade is not for you

lt's for big merchants, not
jumped-up clerks like you

Hiromiya, l beg you to help me

Please help

Why not ask Lord Dob??

You know very well he's not the type
to give any help

He might, though. We've been friends
since Nagasaki days

He wouldn't let you down

Let me in. l have an urgent message
from Lord Dob?

Hiromiya, give me some water

lt's been a long time.
Have you forgotten me?

l am Matsuuraya

Your former master,
now wandering in hell

You were an orphan

l raised you, made you my clerk,
but you were ungrateful

You went over to Hiromiya,
my competitor

Together you conspired
to ruin my business

You forced me to leave
my ancestral home

Forgive me!

Hang yourself and die

Hang yourself, as l did

Become mad, as l did

A man like you should never
have been born

You killed Hiromiya's clerk

You burned Hiromiya's store

You cannot escape falling into
the bottomless pit


Spare me, Matsuuraya

Don't stare at me like that

l wasn't the only one

lt was Hiromiya's idea

He bribed Lord Dob? to
rule against you

You burn my house and now
you blurt out everything

You're raving mad

l should have kept you gagged

l've killed him! l've killed a man!

l didn't expect that

An actor's revenge, dramatic
as a play

One's taken care of, but it's
not easy for the actor

He's not happy in the role

See how lonely he looks now

Revenge is difficult, even for him

Poor man

I was Iocked up in the house,
but I managed to escape

I am hiding in the home of
my oId nurse...

...near the Dentsuin TempIe

The messenger is her son;
you can trust him

He wiII show you the way
to the house

I wait for you. Namiji

l do not understand this letter at all

ls the messenger here?

Tell him that

Give him this money for a carriage
and send him home

Although l have retired, l am still
allowed to visit the Castle

The Shogunate officials pay me respect

l owe this to the trust you place
in me, My Lord

l am sure my abilities are
unworthy of such esteem

l am very grateful and
l cherish the honour

l would never lie to you
about Lady Namiji

l do not know who has
started these rumours

lt is true that Lady Namiji is ill

She remains at my house

But now she is feeling much better

She has spoken of returning to
the Castle in a few days...

ln a few days?

Very well

Money from Yamitaro

Two lots today

No, one's from me

Always Yamitaro

He gets all the credit

But wait and see. He can't provide
for everybody

My chance will come soon

You said you were taking me to

Drawing a dagger?

You'd better put that away

Hide where you like

They'll leave no stone unturned
to find you

You won't escape

l said l'd help you, so why
don't you trust me?

Who do you think l am?

And who do you think you are?

Yesterday you ceased to be
the Shogun's lady

You were foolish enough to love
an actor

So you might spare a gentle word
for me

Or is that too hard for you?

Don't defy me. l've killed one man
already - l fear no one

l killed Kawaguchiya

l was keeping him a prisoner... protect Lord Dob? and myself

Now Dob? says it was merely
a quarrel between commoners...

...and refuses to help me

He made use of me in the past...

...and now he abandons me just as
l've become famous

Very well, if l am going to be
cast down...

...l'm taking his dearest treasure
with me

l found you before Lord Dob?'s
men did. l won't let you go

You again? You're very persevering

Let me go, Heima. l have
no quarrel with you

You won't escape alive this time

Someone's given me orders to kill you

A strange coincidence. lt's my fate
to be your enemy

So now you are a hired killer?
Who hired you for this?

Lord Dob?

Then tell me one thing,
if you know it

For what reason does Lord Dob?
wish me dead?

How should l know?

Does he think that l kidnapped
Lady Namiji?

Lady Namiji? He didn't mention her

Why, then?

He's suspicious of you and
wants you out of the way


When l told him that we had
studied together in Osaka...

...he said that explained all



What does it all mean?

lf Dob? has found me out,
my plans are ruined

There is no hope; my good luck
has run out

This must mean that the gods
forbid me to take revenge

Father... mother...

...please forgive Yukinojo

He has failed in his duty

l can't kill you

You've won again

l fled Osaka because of you.
Must l flee from Edo, too?

There is no peace for me
while you are alive

The gods have not forsaken me

l left my fate to your sword,
but the gods saved me

Don't be so rough

She's the most beautiful girl
l've seen for a long time

Where did you find her?

The dogs were barking at her

lt's a good thing you brought her
to me

She'll be sold later,
so treat her gently

Shut up, we'll do what we like
with her

Stop making such a row at night

Go outside, l'm trying to get
some sleep

You're a tough priest

What are you doing?

Taking her back wherever
she came from

She's my treasure. You can't have her

What's here is mine

Take her and l'll tell that you're
really Hoin, the escaped convict

l'm sorry, but you'll have to
shut up for a bit

She's really beautiful

She shouldn't walk alone at night

Anyone would be tempted
to kidnap her

lt's hard being a priest

l must control the desires
of the flesh

l'm in bed; come back tomorrow

lt's me: Hoin

You know l won't allow any females
in my house

Not even cats

Now listen, you've got to help
with this girl

l think she has a fever

All she says is something like Yuki

That's all she says

l remember you

There's no time to explain;
you must come to my house at once

l have heard many things about you

You are a generous man

You rob in order to help the poor

You saved my life, l trust you, but...

Namiji may be dying

l think l know all about your revenge

Now just listen to me

l somehow feel as though
you are my brother

You may think it strange,
but it's true

l'm an outlaw, so l can't go
anywhere l like

Otherwise l'd help your vengeance

So l ought not to care about
Lady Namiji... doesn't matter whether
she lives or dies

But l feel sorry for her

No, she's not exactly ill; she says
she killed a man tonight

She said it was Hiromiya

Hiromiya wanted to revenge himself
on Lord Dob?

He got his deserts. Now two of them
are taken care of

But she understands nothing
of all this

She's done something beyond
her comprehension

Her mind has suffered; it is like
a string about to snap

ln her delirium, she keeps calling
for you

Very well, l will come with you

She's dying

Has anyone returned?

Not yet, My Lord

l thought she'd die any minute

Please say something to her

Your words may save her

You kept your promise to me

l am happy

Gone, after all?

Namiji... you were completely innocent

Life was unkind to you

You were born to be betrayed

A victim of your father's greed

A victim of my own revenge

You have died without having known
true love

Not truly loved by anyone

lf there is a next world...

...l will try to make good
my false promises

My vow may yet become true
and l will marry you

l will never leave you

l will always serve you

We will be together

Lady Namiji, please do not hate me

Please go in peace

Yukinojo wishes to see you

What is it?

l came to thank you for last night

The assassin

Who are you?

Why do you hold me your enemy?

You are mistaken

Do you think l am blind?

Do you remember your first visit here?

Afterwards, l sent a man to Osaka

You studied under Koken;
your sword-master was lsshosai

Your stage debut was at the age
of twelve

That much l discovered, but no more

Lord Dob?, former magistrate
of Nagasaki... you recall another face
which resembled mine?

What? Nagasaki?

You know Nagasaki?

The Lady Namiji

She is outside

A priest brought her here,
but said nothing


lt is a Dutch poison

One tablet brings unconsciousness.
Two, death

Namiji has returned... dead

You as good as killed her

lt means that you have killed me, too

l don't care who you really are

You have made me lose my power

You must not live

Matsuura's wife... of Nagasaki

You know me now?

Do l not resemble my mother?
l am her only son

She named me Yukitaro

You forced my mother
to succumb to you

You promised her that you would
save our family

You made her suffer

She cut her throat

Thus my mother died

Forgive me

Now l understand

There were three of us
in the Nagasaki group

ln one month we have been ruined

Was it your revenge, Yukinojo?

You must be happier now

Today's performance was magnificent

You may go now

Only two days more in the theatre

We may never act together again

l cannot imagine the future

Do not speak of it

lt was to avenge your parents... caused these deaths and
that of innocent Lady Namiji

l understand now why you wish
to retire... hide from others

But you were my hope,
l depended on you

l know, and l would like to stay
with you

Was l at fault?

lt was my vow

lf l had not sworn to avenge
your father...

...nothing would have happened

You were not wrong; you could
never be at fault

l made you do it

No, l must leave without
repaying my debt to you

Forgive me

l believe it must be my fate
to be alone

l was born under a lonely moon


Well, if you insist

Still, l must admit that
Yuki is a fine man

His eyes send shivers through me

When did he look at you?

Quiet, oaf!

Oaf again?

But you astonished me that time

You stood there aiming that pistol.
l thought you'd kill him

You made me angry that night
when l jumped into the river

And l caught a dreadful cold

l may have been a swimmer once,
but l'm not so young now

lt was a shock. So l've thought things
over; l'm going to settle down

She's become very ladylike lately

That's fine

l've just noticed something

ln profile, your face is
rather like Yukinojo's

You can't see the wood for the trees;
l should have settled for you

No women for me!

l want to be your wife

You'll never reform and be
a decent, ordinary woman

Are you going straight?

l'm tired of this life

Maybe l'll go to Osaka
with Yukinojo's theatre

l'll come along, too

What about me?

Splendid! lf they both leave Edo,
l'll have the place to myself

After their great success in Edo...

...Kukinojo's troupe returned
to Osaka

But Yukinojo was not with them

Many peopIe sought him...

...the greatest of femaIe

Yamitaro searched for him...
Ohatsu searched for him...

But no one ever saw Yukinojo again

One rumour said he became a prlest

Another that he had joined
a tourlng theatrlcaI company

In time, rumours ceased and
peopIe forgot about Yukinojo

Had he reaIIy disappeared
beyond the windswept pIain?

Who was it who remembered
the story of Yukinojo?

Was it Yamitaro? Or Kukinojo?

Or was it Ohatsu?