American Commando 3: Savage Temptation (1988) - full transcript

Orphaned and alone, Nora and her kid brother are unsuspectingly thrust into a world of drugs and prostitution. A world without hope. Until two American Commandos, members of the most decorated, most elite and most feared of the special forces in Viet Nam, come to their aid. From the first seconds until the harrowing finale, Savage Temptation will keep you on the edge of your seat! - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
(film roll rattling)
(dramatic music)

(upbeat techno music)

Come on, let me have it.

We'll try it now.

It's not working, boss, look.

Go and check it.

Come on, let's go.

(explosion bangs)

(tense music)

Take a good look at them.

The three Caucasians are
Roland, Bud and Stuart.

A real nasty bunch.

They deal mainly in
drugs and prostitution.

Roland is the head man.

[Stan] This is our case, I suppose.

You suppose right.

[Keith] And these two?

That's Cheng and his man, Richard.

They're sort of business
partners with Roland.

We don't have much on them right now.

I want you two to work on it
and see what you can dig up.

[Stan] Right.


I have an appointment to go to.

You two know what to do.

What's the matter, Keith?

Remember the old school
friend I told you about?

The one that's moving here to the city.

What's the name, Nora?

Yeah, Nora.

The friend of our father who's supposed

to take care of her, it's Cheng!


You gotta be kidding.

I wish I were.

Do you think she knows
what kind of man he is?

I'm sure she doesn't.

She's just a country girl.

This is the first time
she's been to the city.

You know what that means.


We gotta put him behind bars, fast!

So, what are we waiting for?

[Keith] Let's go.

(train screeching)

(people chattering)

(tense music)

(tense music)

Hello, Willy, how are you doing?

Long time no see.

Fine, thanks.

I won this at the fair the other day.

I thought your kid might like it.

Thanks, that's real nice of you.

I'm sure he'll like it.


It's all there.

Not a hair missing.

Oh, yeah.

I got a letter for you.

Here you go.

You bastards, using a child's
toy to conceal your drugs.

Shit, it's the cops!

[Stan] That teddy bear is
as full as shit as you are!

[Keith] Freeze!



[Keith] Freeze!

[Keith And Stan] Hold there!

(exciting music)

You better just drop that
and come with me quietly.

No way, pig.

You ain't taking me in.

Go on, use your gun, pig!

I don't need a gun to handle you.

Come on, come on.


(shovel clanks)

(strikes thudding)


(strikes thudding)

I got the bugger.

Look at the condition of this bear.

I think we should take
it back for an operation.

You know, I think you're right.

Get up, punk!

Jesus, I not working with men now,

I'm working with goddamn pigs!

Three men watching one girl
and then let her get away!

That's right.

The people ran away and
only the pigs are left.

What did you say?

You get this straight.

You smart-ass me and you'll feel

the other end of that razor.

Hey now, boss, doesn't
do you any good to get mad.

Hey, boss, it doesn't matter
if Lily's ran away or not.

Leave it.

A man with your talents, boss,
can find someone real easy.

As easy for you to say.

Why don't you just go get one yourself?

Huh? (Chuckles)

Boss, you leave it to me.

I'll find one for you.

I swear it.

Lily isn't the only woman in the world.

The world's full of women.

But not as sexy as she was.


Lily was sexy.


Man, nobody was sexier
except for Betty Wang.

- Yeah.
- Nobody can replace her.

(melancholic music)

[Nora] Let's go round the back.

[Eddie] Okay.

[Nora] Excuse me, hello.

What is it?

Oh, I'm looking for Uncle Cheng.

[Bruce] Huh?

Tell me, is Uncle Cheng here?

Ah, now you wait
there and don't go away.

I'll go see boss here, just wait there.

Hold on.

Nora, what's wrong with his hair.

Probably fell out while
he was taking a shower.



Uncle Cheng, do you remember me?

Oh, yes, of course, I do!

I've seen you before.

You're, who are you?

I'm Nora Hung.

My father's name is Alfred.

You used to visit our house
every New Year holiday.

Of course, this dreadful memory of mine.

I should've recognized you immediately.

And this is?

This is my brother, Eddie.

- Oh!
- Say hello, Eddie.

Hi, Uncle.

I haven't seen your
father for a long time.

Come in.

My father died recently.

The cancer took him quickly.

He told us to come here to you.

He said that you'd help us.

Of course, of course.

You did the right thing.

Well, now.

You didn't really know

your father's relationship
with me, did you?

Pretty, isn't she?

Young too.

We were just like
brothers until he insisted

on going into farming.

It broke my heart when he left.

You know that, don't you?

Makes me cry to think of it.

We were so close.

Now, he's dead.





Cancer, cancer.



I'll take care of you.

Think of this is your own home

and I don't want you to
worry about food or clothing.


Eddie should go to school.

Papa said that was important.

Oh, ah, yes, of course.

Study real hard then go to
college and get good grades.

Graduate school in the
states, get a master's.

Now, come on with me.

I'll treat you like my own child.


There is nothing like a good work out.

Boss, I'm afraid I have
some bad news for you.

What is it?

Bud was caught with the
goods while making a drop.

Damn shit!

Stupid son of a bitch!

I don't like it.

He could squeal.

Get him back for me.

Dead or alive?

No, I want him alive and kicking.

There's some questions I want to ask him.

Very well.

And by the way, have
you spoken to Richard yet?

I spoke with him once
but he's still undecided.

Do you think he will
come through for us?

Taking over Cheng might
prove to much for him.

We'll have to wait and see.

All right, go and talk to him again.

You'll have to make him do it.

No problem, boss.

(steady techno music)

Hey, man, where are you taking me?

You're a very popular guy, Peter.

We're not the only ones who want you.

I'm sure Roland would
love to get you back.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Sorry, you don't.

Come on.

Get in, let's go.

Have you thought of what
we said the other day?

Help us now or Roland and
Cheng won't let you easy.

Last chance, what do you say?

Fuck off!


All right, we'll do it the hard way.

We'll let Roland know
that we're moving you

to a new location through
one of our informers

and that doesn't draw
him out, nothing will.

I hope you got life insurance, Peter.

What's the matter?

Got a hair caught.

Gotta go bad.


Come on, get out.

(suspenseful music)


Oh, come on!

(tense music)

[Keith] Whoa!

(gunfire rattles)

(gunfire rattles)

Where the hell they come from?

I didn't know we've been tailed.

- I know, I'll hold them back.
- Right.

(gunshots bang)

Come on, come on!

(gunshots bang)

[Thug] Let's get them, come on!

(gunshots bang)

Ah, come here!

(gunshot bangs)

(gunfire rattling)


A bomb!

(explosion bangs)


[Keith] That was close.

[Stan] Yeah.

(jolly music)

Is this quiet enough for you?

(speaking in foreign language)

Your French is very good.

Sit down.

Why are you so scared?

There in the nightclub,
you seem quite different.



I'm sorry.


(Nora gasps)

Don't do that.

Stay away from me!

But I can pay you.

(knocking on door)

Hey, don't answer.


Find out who it is first.

Who the hell are you? How
dare you touch my sister?


That's your sister?

She's just come from
overseas and she's engaged.

Didn't you know?
How would I know that?

There in the night club, she, she.

Nora, I'll see you home.

And him?

Don't worry about him.

You love him?

Go on!

All right, all right, you can go.

[Bruce] Come on, Nora, let's split.

She's just an innocent girl.

[Man] It's all a mistake.

I'll go now.

No, you won't.

Stay there.

You've got two choices up to you.

It's up to you.

You can make a public apology
admitting your actions.

Well put it a newspaper
in a personal column.


What kind of joke is this?

(Fatty sniggering)

Second choice, give me some compensation

to pay for my sister's humiliation.

Well then, how much?

Well, let's see how
much you got on you first.

Including your ring, your
watch and your lighter.

So this is your little game, is it?

Shut up!


Oh, let's get the flower.

How come?

I really don't wanna do this!

Taking advantage of people.

I'll make money and I'll
pay back when I owe you

but I don't wanna keep the
clothes that you bought me.

Has anyone touched you?

Have they?

- Uh-uh.
- Nope, no.

- No one's ever touched you.
- Then why do you wanna quit?

Because I don't like it.

Hey, Nora.

We need you to attract the men.

Your extremely beautiful.

We'll move out tomorrow.

Huh, where will you go, begging?

Don't be silly, you can't leave.

Don't be so selfish now.

Think of Eddie, not only yourself.

You must think of others.

I'm not selfish.

Because I was a good
fried with your dear father,

I've been trying to look after you.

Believe me when I say
I'm only thinking of you.

You must consider your future.

Now, Nora, Uncle wouldn't hurt you.

It's only with your help now

that I am punishing those evil lechers.

(lively music)

How pretty you are.

Go take a shower.


Hey, are you coming?

You first, my dear.

Let's go together.

Don't try and push me now!

Be a good girl, I'll go first.

And you follow me later.

I'll be inside.

All right.

[Richard] Come on.

[Fatty] Come on now.

Yeah, this one, come on hurry.
[Staff] What are you doing?

- Oh!
- Oh, oh.

[Fatty] I was looking for a friend.


[Staff] Well, what's
her name and room number?

All right, I just
remembered, she said room 112.

[Bruce] Yeah, that's
what I remembered too.

(lively music)

(Nora gasps)
Oh, what are you doing?

Hey, why are you still dressed.

I thought you'd be waiting for me in bed.

Oh, what are you talking about?

I'm gonna call for help!

Get away from me!

What's got into you now?

Hey, you told me to go take a shower

so I went and took a shower.

You're playing hard to get.

If you come near me, I'll
break this over your head.

Please, put it down.

Put it down.

If you don't, I'll take this off.

(Nora groans)
(camera clicking)

Hey, what are you doing?

That man's horrible.

He tried to get me into bed.

What a sucker.

What's he saying?

[Fatty] I don't know.

It's the oldest trick in the book.

Maybe so, but it still
works, don't you think?

I know exactly who you are.

You're a company chairman.

And very happily married.

That's makes this roll of film valuable.

Copies to your employees and your wife?

(twangy music)

How much will it cost to buy the film?

If you offer us enough then,

I might even throw in this camera

complete with the flash unit as well.

[Richard] Go on, you go.

(lively music)

(tense ambient music)

[Staff] Please.

(tense music)

This is beginning to look good.

(romantic music)

(lively romantic music)

Here, come in.

Shall we have a little chat then?

What about?

About where you come
from, about your family,

what your name is, why you do this?

We can talk here.

It's better inside.


Could we keep the door open?

All right.

I've watched you for a while.

You're very pretty.

You're innocent as well.

Too bad you have to do this.



You speak French, you
have foreign costumers?



Don't call me that.

Why not?

So what?

Go take a shower.

You go first.

- I want you to take a shower.
- I took one at home.

You're just being difficult!

Just wait.

Wait for what?

There are three men there.

Are you waiting for them?


To make you look bad.

Hurry, he's in there.

[Fatty] We gotta see, come on!

What are you doing here?

What are you doing with my sister?

Her sister's engaged, you know?

[Bruce] Yeah, did you know that?

Oh, stop, he knows it all.

You told him?

Hey, you can pay us compensation!

For her humiliation.

[Fatty] That's right,
anything you've got.

All right, how much will it cost?

Oh, whatever you happen to have.

Now, this will do.

Diamond ring and a watch.

But I borrowed the ring
and the watch as well.

I'll give you cash.

- Oh, all right.
- Ooh, neat.

Here you are, vice squad.

You're all under arrest!

Quick, shut it, shut it!

Oh, my gosh!

(lively music)

Go, quick.

Let's get out.

Get off me!


This way!

Oh, they're coming!


Come on!

Oh, no, oh, gosh.

Oh good lord, oh, no.

You go that way.

Come with me!

(lively music)

[Man] We'll bring the
rest of it next time.

Not yet.

Thank you, bye bye.

[Man] All right.

Young lady, what do you want?

They're very nice.

Did you make them yourself?

No, I bought them from the factory.

I sew them all together.

That's my work.

Would you sell one to me?

If you like them, I'll give you one.

Would you really?

Oh, that's really kind of you.

I like you.

You seem like a nice girl.

Hey, tell me.

What are you doing in my house?

(motorbike revving)

[Police] Excuse me, have you seen

a young lady around here?

A young lady?

I haven't.

[Police] Thank you.


That's my son.



Mom, who is she?

Your mother doesn't know my name.

I'm Nora Hung.

I'm Ken Chi.

Ken Chi?

Chi Ken.


Well, you see, my surname is
Chi and my first name is Ken.

That is not like chicken.

Oh, and it doesn't matter if it is.

I've got a good friend called Rose Duck.

Rose Duck? (Laughing)

Rose Duck.


(tense music)

[Peter] Thanks for saving me, boss.

[Roland] Did you talk?

I would never go against you.

I didn't talk.

I wouldn't be just saying
that because you're afraid.

I want the truth.

I didn't talk, it's the truth.

I swear, boss, I never talk.

All right, all right,
now, get out of here.

And next time, be more careful.

[Peter] Yes, boss, I will.


What do you think, Stuart?

I think he was telling the truth.

Yeah, I think so too.

Now, what about the business with Richard?

I haven't had a chance
to see him again yet.

Stuart, when I tell you to do something,

I want it done right away.

And if you value job
security, you will do it now.

I'm on my way, boss.

It won't happen again.

Come in, come in.

Hey Cheng, now listen.

Please, sit down, enjoy.


Uncle, I've been waiting
to cut the cake all night.

Sure you'd like some.

Please, don't say
anything in front of the kid

about this, huh.

Now, cut a piece and go
on up to bed with you.

[Eddie] Uh-huh.

[Police] Come on,
you gotta come with us.

There are question to answer.

There's a lot of evidence against you.

You've been dealing outside the law.

We've got a warrant for your arrest.

I'll get a lawyer for this, I will.

[Police] Well, in the meantime,

you'll come to the station.

Let me celebrate first.

It's my 60th birthday.

Well, bring the cake with you.

Now, take him away.



He's strolling abroad.

Why on earth did he go today?

Today is he's birthday.

And I'm his goddaughter.

He couldn't just have left.

He had no choice.

Hey, how can you take a cop for a playboy?

It's all your fault.

(suspenseful music)


(Nora shrieking)

Go on, give him one!

Get him again!

Hit him, hit him!

Get him!

Go run!

(exciting music)





(Nora grunting)

(Nora grunting)

[Bruce] Hey!

Stop it!

Stop it!

What are you doing?

What are you doing?

You're supposed to be in charge here!

[Richard] Shut up, it was nothing.

How can you say that?

The boss never did
anything like that before!

Shut up!


Eddie, get packed, we're leaving here.

(tense music)

Eddie, you stay here,
I'll get the tickets.

[Eddie] Okay.

[Announcer] Attention,
bus number 14 scheduled

to depart at 1:30 and now...

[Bruce] Come on!

[Eddie] Nora, Nora, help!

Help, Nora, Nora!

[Richard] So, Roland really wants me.

That's right.

But you know, we just don't take anybody.

You've got to prove yourself worthy.

I can dig what your saying.

Roland thinks you got more
guts and brains than Cheng.

Are you ready to take over his business?


[Eddie] Hi, sis.

When did you learnt to smoke?

I don't know, I just started.

[Nora] You!

(Eddie groaning)

Why did you do that to me?

You old witch!

Looking at this too?

So what if I am?

Don't talk back!

What are these?
Uncle gave it to me.

He won $10 from me!

[Nora] Oh, you!

I've been teaching you to be better.

Are you look at yourself?

Sir, this way.

Sir, now, would you like
to start with a drink?


What do you say?

Oh, would you like
to start with a drink?

I'm 88 years old now.

Well, you look good for your age, sir.

Yeah, the weather is good.

Hey, sit down here.



[Ken] Excuse me, your coffee.

Hey, Chicken!


It's you!

I didn't know that you worked here.

Sure, I work here every night.

I've been here almost two years.

Oh, well, I went to your house.

Your mother wasn't in.

I didn't know how to find you.

Oh, she went the to factory, you see.

You want to see here?

Hey, get on with your work.


[Nora] Oh, no.

You clumsy idiot.

What you think your doing?

Pick up these one.

Any broken dishes?

Come out of you pay pocket.

What the hell you think you're up to?


I'm sorry, miss.

It won't happen again.

It's all right, he's my friend.

Now, about Eddie, I...

Your brother?

Get back to work, you hear, idiot?

Hey, how could you be so rude to him?

Sorry, miss.

I wanted to ask you if Eddie
could stay in your house.

Well, the apartment is rather small

but I'll talk it over with Ma.

Now, stay here, I'll be right back.

(romantic music)

(old man groaning)

Miss, I can see you're
very nice, friendly girl.

Can we be friends?

You're rather old, aren't you, sir?


I wouldn't want to hurt you.

What did you say?

I don't wanna hurt you!

You want me?




[Ken] I'll see you to the door.

[Nora] Thanks.

What she doing with the waiter?

Hey, that's far enough.

Your boss will get mad.


He's always like that.

Anyway, don't you worry about me.

I'll see you at the door.

All right, thanks.

So long now.

I'm sorry.

[Richard] What's this?

You're making a date with a waiter?

He's got more class than you.

Who the hell do you two think you are?

What gave you the right
to take our prisoner out?

[Keith] It seemed like a
good idea at the time, sir.


You two are in big trouble.

The commissioner's got
my ass in a slingshot.

[Stan] So no, you
gotta take it out on us.

You're damn right, I am!

You two are responsible for what happened.

We know that.

We'll get him back, and Roland too.

Just give us a second chance.

Second chance?

This will be your only chance.

Now, get your asses out of here

and don't do anything without
confirming it with me first.

(tense ambient music)

This really stinks.

What, the sandwich?

Yeah, that too.

I was talking about the
mess we got ourselves into.

We were lucky we didn't get killed.

Boy, did we fuck up?

Yeah, say, did you locate Nora yet?

No, I didn't with all the shit going on,

I have not the time!

Those are the fuckers that got Pete.

I'm gonna kill them, man.

Those two are dead.

Don't fuck up.

[Thug] We won't.

(suspenseful music)

Watch out!

(gunfire rattling)
(Keith and Stan grunting)

(gunshots bang)


Who the hell sent you, Roland?

(gunshot bangs)

(gunshots bang)

(gunshot bangs)

(suspenseful music)

But we've only met once.

Are you sure you trust
me and won't worry, huh?

[Nora] I trust you.

Sit down.

I know we've only come to know you

but I feel that you're a good person.


Auntie, my brother and I, we're orphans.

No mother?

She ran away.

[Auntie] What about your father?

He died recently.

[Auntie] Poor child.

[Nora] Eddie, come over here.

[Eddie] Sister, we go live here?

Kneel down now.

- What are you saying now?
- Please, Auntie.

Will you be our mother?

We'd like to move in here with you.

He's just 6 1/2 now.

He's go to school and I'll earn money.

I'll bring you money every month.

Eddie, you must be a good boy.

I want us to stay here.

It's the only chance for you.

All right, I'll be good.

Don't cry, Nora, please don't.

There, come on up.

Hey, come on.

Ma, I hope you let them stay here.

[Auntie] You don't need to
tell me that, now, do you, huh?

Good evening, gentlemen.

Where is Ken Chi?

Oh, he's out the back.

(Ken whistling)

[Fatty] Ken Chi!

Ken Chi!

Ken Chi, I wanna talk to you.

You do?

[Fatty] Don't go away.

You've been seeing Nora, haven't you?

Yes, you're friends of hers?

[Fatty] Last time she saw
you, she didn't come home.

Talk, where is she?

I don't know.

You don't know?

Where you've hidden her?

Tell me or you'll get
it, come on, come on,

come, on, come on!

(punches thudding)

Get him!



[Bruce] No, it hurts, it hurts so much!


(strikes thudding)

Get him!


Damn you, I'll teach you a lesson.


(light mellow music)




I swear, I didn't mean to do it.

I tripped and I fell you by mistake.

Honestly, I did.

Well, don't just lie there
on top of me like that.

I'm sorry.

I forgot myself, I didn't mean it.

Hey, your eye.

[Ken] Nora, three guys
came looking for you

tonight at the restaurant.

Well, did you tell them where I was?

I said I didn't know.

I'm sorry, I got you into this.

[Ken] Nevermind, they only have one.

I've still got the other one.

Hi, Kenny.


Auntie, I'll leave in the morning.

Ma, the new maid, what's the name?

What's it to you?

Just curious.

I was just wondering.

(lively music)

You're welcome.

Go on and eat.

Hurry up.


You can quit.

After dinner, you can quit.


I'll pay you for today's work.

I'm not here just for today.

The agency said this would be permanent.

Is there something wrong with the food?

Ma, don't send her away.

She's better than the others.

Prettier too.

That's the trouble.

You can go home.

(lively music)

Cut it out!


Stop it!

Hey, hello, Mr. Lee, long time no see.

How are you today?

Hey, what are you doing there?

Hurry up!

Get going for god's sakes.

Hurry up.
All right, yes, sis, I will.

(man shrieking)

Hey, hey, what's going there?

What's the problem?

What's the matter?

Hey, hey!

What did you do?

What's your problem, lady?

Hey, I'm so sorry, sir.

What did you do to him, huh?

I'm not working here!

[Boss] Hey, I'm so sorry, sir, please.

Will you, oh, just shut the fuck!

Please tell me, what do you want?

Calm down, I'm only trying to help you.

I'm doing this for your own good.

You stayed with Cheng and
Richard before, right?

So what if I did?

Can you tell me anything
about them, like where they are?

I'm not living with them now.

So, please, leave me alone.

Okay, okay, I didn't know
you get is touchy about it.

Listen, Nora, we're still friends.

If you need anything,
get in touch with me.

Well, this is an escort company.

You'll be a tour guide, all right?

Have you done anything like this before?

No, I used to work in a factory.

[Man] Come in.

(women laughing)

Hey, hi there, Paul.

Lily, you look after her, huh.

All right.

She's pretty, huh.

Take a look at her.

Hey, what's your name?

I'm Nora Hung.

Hey, get out of here.


(women shrieking)

Why aren't you running?

Are you the boss here?

No, I just started working here today.

[Police] Don't give me that shit!

But it's true!

And I just started as a cop today.

Don't give me any of
your shit, young lady.

Take here away!

[Officer] Sir!

No, I, wait!

Thanks for bailing me out.

[Fatty] It was nothing, really.

[Bruce] You know, after you left,

I have to drive a taxi
because we had no money.

But it didn't worked out very well at all.

[Nora] Oh, really?

[Bruce] Yeah, just
wasn't my line of work.

You know with I mean, see?


Well, thank you for bailing me out.

Goodbye now.

No, don't say goodbye yet.

Have you got any work?

Come and see the uncle.

He's got some work for you.

- He's in this building?
- The uncle lives up there,


Just up the top.
That's right.


Oh, I see.

[Fatty] Follow me,
just around the corner.

[Nora] Right.


Uncle always asks about you, this way.

We keep in close contact, you see.

What did you say?

I've left them.

I'm not staying there.

You've treated her badly.

You better watch it!

You do her wrong, then you do me wrong.

When I get out of here,
you'd better watch it!

No, Uncle, it was
decision to leave them.

But I'm worried about you, Nora.

It's a dangerous world out
there for a girl alone.

You're young and pretty.

So vulnerable.

Lots of me will want to
take advantage of you.

You better watch out.

They'll protect you and help you.

My getting out depends on you.

This is the best way for everybody.

You must believe me, Nora.

Without you, they're done for.

[Warden] Your time's out.

Okay, okay.

Make money while you're young and able

so you can support your brother.

I'm going to appeal and I need money.

I need your help.

No, you mustn't disappoint me, daughter.

What the hell did
you go and do that for?

You no good stupid son of a bitch!

If you want to work for me,
you don't even blow your nose

unless I tell you to do so.

Boss, I.

You don't just go and off cops.

You've got to be crazy.

It's bad enough when you succeed but now!

Boss, I think those are only gonna cause

more problems for us.

Have you got any suggestions?

I think we should get rid of 'em.

Yes, see, boss, that's
what I was thinking too.

Arrange it then and don't forget

we got a transaction coming soon.

You know what to do.

(lively music)

[Thug] Get 'em!








[Keith] You all right?

Yeah, I'm all right.

We must be getting close to something.

They really want us out of the way.

We better find out why and soon.

Yeah, let's go.

(upbeat music)

Come on, girls!

Come on, yeah!

Get some energy, one, two!

One two!

That's it, come on, that's it!

One, two, one, two!

Get up now, make wave, oh, yeah!

Now move it, come on!

Now, no, altogether now, girls.

Come on, yeah.

Shake those hips.

[Emcee] Bride and groom, bow
to the master of the wedding.

Now the floor show.

(guests applauding)

(guests chattering)
(upbeat music)

Better not look or
you'll have that dream.

Hey, you kids, go away.

You shouldn't watch this.


Now, Auntie, we've
agreed on this, remember?

I've taken it, now, I'm
returning it, thank you.

Auntie, please, I can't let you do this.

My brother, he eats and sleeps here too.

He's a good boy and I
like to have him here.

And he eats just like a
little bird, you know, Nora.

Tell me, where have you been late?



[Nora] Your home from school.

Hey, why haven't you come
and see me for so long?

Hey, Nora, look.

Here's my report and for the last month,

I got A pluses in four
subjects and B pluses for two

and that makes me second.

Some dumb girl's come first.

Eddie, please don't
speak like that, all right?

Some girls are nice.

Yeah, guess so.

(discorded somber music)

Oh, what's all these?

Is it for me?

Yes, it is.

I've bought it all for you.

Whatever you need, you just tell me.

Oh, oh yeah.

Hey, Auntie, we got a
mother and sister meeting

this Saturday.

Which one of you is going to it?

Well, I'm not your real mother, Eddie.

Your sister will go.

Mum, oh!

Oh, Kenny, don't be so clumsy, huh.



Don't you two have names.

Hi, hi?

Where are you working now?

I haven't seen you at the restaurant.

Did you want me?

It's hard to get hold of me.

You see, I travel a lot.

So, Richard, what's the problem?

I thought you would've taken
over Cheng's operation by now.

What are you, nuts?

I can't just waltz in there and take it.

But Roland is getting impatient.

(upbeat music)

[Ken] Don't move, don't move!

Oh, Kenny, you should've told us

before you took a picture.

We weren't ready.

Hey, take one of me, will ya?

Hey, Eddie, that's dangerous!

[Eddie] Okay.

[Ken] Now, sideways.

That's it.

Hey, what are you doing?

Go back and take our pictures.

Go ahead now.

That's what's it, certainly.

Excuse me.

Would you please take a picture of us?


Thanks a lot.

[Man] You got a lovely family there.

Thank you.


[Cheng] Good girl, coming
to visit me so often.

Boss, we got good news for you.

We've made a lot of money lately.

You see, Nora's dancing is really popular.

I'm glad to hear it.

Such a pretty girl.

And I've got some bad news.

[Nora] What is it, Uncle?

My case came up two day ago.

It went very badly.

I'll be sent to one of the island.

But that's terrible.

What will you do?

There's nothing I can do.

I'll just have to go along with them.

There's no other way out, I guess.

It's hopeless.

Go and see if Roland can help me.

[Bruce] Oh.

(tense music)

[Roland] So what's
happening with Richard?

I think Richard is backing out.

I don't think the guy's
gonna come through for us.

We'll worry about him some other time.

Right now, we have to get
ready for the big transaction

and the two cops.

I want them out of the way.

This time, I'm gonna do it myself.

You don't have to worry about a thing.

[Roland] Good.

Go for it.


We're not gonna ignore the past.

He did a lot for us, however. (Chuckles)

I think I should be the leader now.

Of course, with your agreement, that is.

Well, I don't agree.

That's only one vote
against three others.

I don't agree either.

All right, then it's two against two.

I'm sorry, I don't agree.


Then it's three against just one.

Fatty, you've got connections.

Find someway to get the boss out.

What good is he to us there?

Come on, why don't you just try?

No, I don't one, go away!

Hey now, try one.

They're fantastic.

It makes you feel real wonderful!

Come on!

No, stop it!


Oh, no.

Right, I'm not wanna hurt you.

It makes you feel nice.

No, just like a bird.

You can fly too.

Oh come on, snow flakes.

- No, no!
- Try, try one!

It's wonderful.

I don't want, no!

No, go away!

What's going on here?

Go on, trust me, try!


Give it to me!

Now, let me see it.

Oh, my god.

You're taking drugs here.

Richard got them so
we could dance better.

I'm afraid.

I'm gonna die!

So, it's Richard again.

That bastard.

We'll see about this.

No, no don't.

It'll only make it worse.

If Richard finds out, he'll beat us up.

Please don't.

Please don't tell anyone, please don't!

He get rough with you, huh.

Well, I can get rough with him.

[Richard] We didn't
do so bad this month.

I'm giving you all a bonus.

Why give out bonuses?

Will pills do instead?

You're just a piece of shit.

A monster, you'll kill them to get rich!

Kill her, what are you talking about?

As if you didn't know.

You get them all these
drugs to get them addicted

so you can control them.

So they'll dance and
strip of you everyday!

Until it kills them!

Nora, be quiet.

I've given them quite a lot.

They like those pills.

Those girls are trash.

You're a family.

So I didn't give them to you.

Bastard, I'm not your family!

Do you think I'll help you
to destroy those girls?

Hold it, will you?

I agree, Richard.

But then again, I don't agree.


You agreed to take the money.

You're all lying!

You just say anything.

This stuff will kill you if
it doesn't drive you crazy.

You're just parasites
exploiting all women.

You're nothing but pimps, all of you!

You dare say that?

Without us, where would you be?

I'm finished with you.

As of now, I quit.

If you're smart, you'll do the same

'cause I'll report you to the police.

Try me if you dare.

Come on, girls, quick, come on!


Trying to ruin me, huh.

We'll see, we'll all go.

Don't touch that, it's a time bomb.

Hit that switch and it goes.

(tires screeching)
(horn blaring)


I'm warning you!

Fatty ran away.

If you do, you're dead.

Yes, Richard.

It's boss.

Yes, boss.

(timer ticking)


When did you turn that on?

Boss, I don't know.


(Bruce whimpering)

[Richard] Hurry up!

(explosion bangs)




- Boss!
- You fool!

(explosion bangs)

(upbeat music)

Uh-oh, that's one on our tail.

Damn, this is a dead end too.

Get your gun ready.

Pull up round the corner, okay?

[Stan] Right.

Okay, we're gonna run through it.

[Stan] Mm-hm, right.

(gunshots bangs)

(gunfire rattling)

(gunshots bang)

[Keith] Come on!

(gunfire rattling)

[Thug] There he is!

(gunfire rattling)

(gunshots bang)

Stanley, how's your arm?

It's okay, let's go.

From the first time
you came to our house,

I thought to myself, how nice
if they would stay with us.

And at last, that little
dream will come true.


Hi, Nora.

I feel extra good today
so I came home early.

[Auntie] I've got
good news for us, Kenny.

Nora's just decided that
she's gonna with live us.


It's true?

Me and Kenny welcome you to our house.

[Bruce] Hey, Eddie!

Hello, Bruce.


Let me buy you some ice cream.


Or how about this?

What about it, come on.


Come and get it.

Here, here. Up a bit, a bit more.

Nearly got it.

Come on, Eddie, over here.


Hey, do you remember that
day when we're all out together

and that guy said that we
were just like a family?

Of course, I remember.

It wasn't so long ago.


What are you thinking?

Well, I wish it were true
but I'm afraid it isn't yet.

Why are you afraid?

Tell me what it is you're going to say.

Oh, what can I do?

If you refused me,

if you got angry and left
me or something like that.

Nora, I'm not just making a
small talk, please listen to me.

I'm listening.

So are you happy I'm moving in then?



I'll blow her up!

Hey, boss, I brought Eddie back.



Are you gonna blow up the kid?

My target is his sister.

She ruined me, now, I'll ruin her.

Hold it!

(punches thudding)

School more fun than being with me?

Oh, I was second in class last term

and you know, next term,
I'm gonna be first.

That's great.

Nora must be very pleased with you.

(Bruce grunting)

Do you know if she's home?

Oh, I've been in school all day

so I haven't seen her yet.

Eddie, I know how much you like cake

so I bought this for you.

Is it really for me?

Take it home to your sister.

Be careful, don't fall.


Go on then.

You be very careful

and go straight back home.

Everybody says you're
a bad man but you're not!


Thanks a lot.

(steady tense music)

Ah, excuse me, I'm lost.

Can you tell me how to get to post office?

Sure, see that road down there?

What do you have for me?

That road?

Roland's got a deal coming up on Friday

at the Eagle's Patio, all right?

That'll be tomorrow.

That's all right?


Remember, all right?

Thanks very much for your help.

- No problem.
- Thank you, I'll find it.

Thanks a lot.

So, you're back.

Did he ask you?

Asked me what?

He didn't ask me anything.

But, you've been gone for a half the day

and now, you forgot to ask her.

It isn't like that.

I just didn't have the guts.

Hey, you're hopeless.

Auntie, where is Eddie?

He isn't home for school yet?

He usually gets back by three o'clock.

Hey, but it's after four, where is he?

Oh no, oh no!

It's just like before.

I gotta go find him.

Hey, I'll go too!

Richard, Richard, where's Eddie?

[Richard] Beats me.

(Bruce grunting)

Wait, oi!






Where's Eddie?

I don't know, you bitch!

Get out!


(strikes thudding)

(strikes thudding)

(strikes thudding)

(strikes thudding)

(strikes thudding)

You, you!

You hit her, watch it now!

You stay back or I'll kill you!

(strikes thudding)

(punch thuds)

Come on, come on then.


Okay, Bruce Lee.

(strikes thudding)


(glass shattering)

(glass shattering)

What have you done with Eddie?


(strike thuds)

(suspenseful music)




(Nora grunting)

Keep quiet!

I'm home!

What's been going on here?


Richard, what's been going on?

Where are the others?

Tell me!


We broke up.


Your Nora led a rebellion.

Fatty quit too.

What about Nora and Bruce?


I'm the boss here now.

[Cheng] Bullshit!

The escapees get sent to the island.

You're a bully but you're just a coward!

I know you will!

How dare you?

So who's the coward?

Not so sure, are you?

Who's the boss?

A bomb, a bomb, it's about to go off.

It's with Eddie.

Richard made it.

Gave it to Eddie to give to you.

It's gonna blow up in five o'clock, go!


Shut up!




Go on if you're man enough.

Come on, Richard!

Fire, fire!

(gunshot bangs)


(suspenseful music)

(tires screeching)

Hurry, please hurry!

Hurry up!

- Yes, hurry!
- Come on!

What now, what?

We have to get out!

- Right, come on!
- Come on!

Hey, hey, hey, stop, stop!

Hey, ambulance, stop, stop!
There's a bomb in my house,

someone's planted a bomb with my brother.

You gotta help me get home!

Turn right here and then
go straight on to the end!

Then turn left to the lights,

then it's just around the corner.

Hurry, please!
She's crazy.

Oh, hurry up, go.

Oh, you gotta hurry. Hey,
whether are you taking me?

This the hospital, I
don't wanna come here.

Oh, what about my brother!

No, I don't wanna come to the hospital.

Oh, no!


[Nurse] Hey, where's
the expected mother?

[Doctor] It sure ain't her!

(timer ticking)

Where have you been, Eddie?

Why are you so late?

I, well, I...

Where did you get that?

Somebody gave it to me.

Hey, take me home,
there's a bomb in my house.

What, a bomb?

Yeah, come on, quickly!

Come on!
Oh, really?

Hey, why are you taking
me to the police station?

My homes back there!


Hey police!

But Auntie, I wanna eat right now.

Just wait for your sister.

She'll be right back, huh.


(suspenseful music)
(timer ticking)

(suspenseful music)


(suspenseful music)

Hey, Eddie!


I told you not to touch it.

You can eat it later, wait
until your sister comes back.

(suspenseful music)


Who are you?
Just let me in!

I've gotta find that cake!
Hey, get outta here!

- Where's the cake?
- Where are you going?

- I've got to find the cake?
- Comeback here!

What are you talking about a cake?

What are you doing?
Where is it?

- What are you, a thief?
- Oh, there it is!

- My cake, my cake!
- Let of me, it's important!

Let go!

There's a bomb in that cake!

Don't eat those!

(suspenseful music)

I told you!

There's a bomb in there!
Get out, get outta here!

It's gonna explode any minute now.

Get out of here, get out!

The clock!

Get away!

[Bruce] Get off me, please!


[Auntie] Wait, wait, let go of him!

[Bruce] Oh please,
lady, give me that cake!

[Auntie] Oh, no, no, get away!

[Bruce] It's a matter of life or death!

You gotta give me that cake!

- What are you doing?
- Get off my leg!

Oh god!

Oh, I told you!

[Auntie] Oh, get outta here!

- Get off!
- Get away!

[Bruce] Hey, it's got a bomb in it!

(timer ticking)
(suspenseful music)

[All] Nora!

[Bruce] Throw the cake away!

Get rid of it, Nora!

Nora, throw it away!

Don't be stupid!

[Ken] Go on!

Come on, Nora!

[Auntie] Please, stop, it's a bomb!

Hey miss, throw it away at once!

Put down that bomb!

You hear me?


[Nora] Whoa!

- Nora!
- Lady!


[All] Oh!


(explosion bangs)

[All] Oh!




(somber music)



Listen to me, I couldn't tell you before.

I didn't wanna scare you
and I thought you'd say no

but now, I gotta tell you.

I love you, Nora.

I want,

I wanna marry you, Nora.

Nora, Nora!


(lively music)



(tense dramatic music)

They're late.

Everything's ready, right?

Those fuckers are going to die today.

Yeah, Peter's all set over there.

All right, then.

All right, I'm here.


No way, Roland.

Okay, if you don't
cooperate, you will face

the consequences.


Just wait and see, Roland.

(gunshots bang)

(gunshots bang)

(gunshots bang)

(gunfire rattling)

(gunshot bangs)


(explosion bangs)

(gunshot bangs)

(gunfire rattling)

- Stanley, are you all right?
- I'm okay.

Get the bastard for me, will you, Keith?



(gunshots bang)


(strikes thudding)

Hold it!

You're a dead man.

(gunshots bang)

[Keith] Partner.

Got him.