Along with the Gods: The Last 49 Days (2018) - full transcript

In the afterlife, one guardian helps a man through his trials, while his two colleagues help a former guardian on earth. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
A 'paragon' is an entity,

who led a just life

or suffered an untimely death

for an unknown reason

before his allotted span of life.

- King Yeomra -

Why do you cry?

Out of sorrow?

Or do you feel wronged?

Guardian! Sir!

Please wake up! Guardian Gang-lim!

Gang-lim! Gang-lim!

Sir! Are you okay?

How does a guardian

get KOed with one hit!

if your power nap is over, could you help?


Holy cow!

Good day, sir.

Your Majesty,

these guardians are terrorizing
the Afterlife!

How could they terrorize their own realm?

With a vengeful spirit,
who should be incinerated!

Please approve the trial of KIM Su-Hong.

His Notice of Death clearly
states that he's a paragon.


This vengeful spirit

is disguised as a paragon...

Did you ever consider!

That he could've been wrongfully murdered?

No! He's just a victim of
a mishandled accident!

An accidental killing!

Stop sucking your thumb and kneel properly!

Get it together!

I'll uncover the true nature of his death.

Allow him a fair trial.

The crime of unjustly
using your service weapon,

the crime of

accompanying a vengeful spirit,

who caused turmoil
in the living world and here!

Gang-lim, you are the one

who should be put on trial!

Do not forget that!

We'll accept any punishment
you bestow on us.

So please grant KIM Su-hong's trial.

- There is a truth to be uncovered.
- Why?

- Why should we accept his punishment?
- If I fail to do so,

we'll accept your punishment.

We'll accept the punishment!

Please allow him a trial, Your Majesty...

So there's truth to be uncovered?

Let me ask the prosecution.

Your Majesty.

Are you absolutely certain

KIM's death was accidental?

- Your... - We'll risk our necks!

Our necks?

Very well!

- Pardon? - I'll accept that as well.

Why you little... lt's my neck...

As for the guardians,

if you cannot prove his
wrongful death claim,

what will you risk?

We'll risk our guardianship.

I will follow Gang-lim's wishes.

What's the matter, Hewonmak?

I'm so moved.

Moved to my knees, Your Majesty.

Of course I'll accept, that's my duty.

There is a condition.

Within the 49 days of his trial,

ascend a soul.

HUR Choon-Sam.

You've already met him in the living world.

He has already surpassed his allotted time

on the registry.

HUR Choon-Sam!

His ascendance is revoked
by a household god.

So you're the household god, Sung-ju?

Humans worship him,

who is enshrined in a pot.

Damn, he's so cute.

In order to ascend HUR,

I've sent many guardians

but none have come back because of Sung-ju.


He even revealed himself to the humans,

and is actively helping HUR's family.

Sir, don't push yourself.

He's an outlaw of the Afterlife,
eliminate him,

and ascend HUR

in 49 days.

Regardless of KIM's trial,

you'll forfeit your rights to
reincarnations if you fail to do so.

Is there ever any doubt?

LEE Deok-Choon, let's go with a smile.

Find Sung-ju's true form,

it'll be in the house.

I hope this is your last order.

And I really hope this prick's
our 49th reincarnation.

I want my reincarnation.

Let's get a move on.

Hey, isn't that yours?

You gotta watch your stuff.


is murder...

Just leave...



Hyun-dong, come here.

Sit here and look at the sunset.


Sung-ju was a court painter

in his previous life.

He painted the king.

He turned this redevelopment town

into his private gallery.

This will be an easy job.

It's so pretty, the town's a gallery...

No, Hewonmak! He's with a kid!

Hyun-dong, come here!

How is it?

You're the best, uncle Sung-ju!

Where is the destination?

If we ascend his grandpa,

what'll happen to him?

Please don't eliminate him

in front of the child.

These lives are our own

Let's secure his true form first.

The world you see,

only soaks my heart

- Our love! - So good!

Our beautiful love

Say it again!

You'll only go to applicable trials?

Afterlife Law Article 3.6!

A paragon suspected of an unjust death

can choose to only take on
applicable trials.

I was told it's a law created by you.

I urge you not to break it.


Are there any trials applicable

to the vengeful spirit's death?

Yes, he's applicable in 2 trials.

His crimes are considered grave,

one for not accepting his death,

and turning into a vengeful spirit,

and after his transformation,

he unleashed violence

on those in the living world.

Guardian Gang-lim.

You'll need to cross 4 hells

with the vengeful spirit

to reach the first trial.

Do you get it?

Hell ghouls will swarm in

to get a piece of him.

Very well.


Let's have it your way.


If you cannot prove his unjust death,

you won't be able to

clear his charges,

and he'll be immediately
sent to eternal damnation,

and you'll lose your guardianship.

Will you accept?

Yes, I accept.

Wait, wait, stop!

Why do you get to decide that?

Non-retro activity of law!

A ruling can't overrule past decisions,

National Assembly Law, Article 92!

My apologies!

I know the law too! I studied it!

Article 92!

Should I rip his mouth out?

I could rip him to shreds...

he'll be incinerated even before his trial.

With a vengeful spirit in the Afterlife,

storms will be prevalent,

and what's that big hell ghoul's name?

Yeah, the big ass hell ghoul...

That thing will come out!

Prepare well for the trials.

Your necks are on the line after all.

Initiate the ascendance rite.

His true form will be a pot,

it won't be fun if it's too easy to find.

Found it! His true form!

Either break it or drink it.

Be gone, household god.

Ascend him at once, he'll wake up...

Look who it is.

Let her go, or this breaks.

Leave that alone,

it's the boy's piss pot.

Why did you drink his piss?

Buddy, let her go, that's child abuse!

“Buddy”? Where are your manners?

Don't remember me?


Let her go!

You'll wake him, be quiet.

Come on!

Uncle Sung-ill!

Hey, Hyun-dong.

I'm sorry, sir,

please forgive us!

I was the guardian

when you two died a millennium ago.

Have some respect, you pricks.

You really don't remember me?

You know us?

Wait, if you were a guardian,

then you ascended us yourself?

How could you be so rude
while kneeling before me?

You're polarizing.

So Yeomra completely wiped your memories.

You poor things.

Too cruel.

Yeomra's a cruel king.

Does that idiot still grow his hair?


Listen up.

Wait until that kid enters primary school.

He couldn't go yet
because of how things are here.

He can go in the 2nd semester.

Wait until the gramps takes him

to the school in August.

After that, do what you will
with the old man.

I don't care about the old man,

Hyun-dong is the problem.

Until then, I'm keeping this.

If you're so desperate, bring your captain.

Yeomra himself will do too.

How could he wipe your memories,


If this is the way you do things,

I can't cooperate.

Look here, guardian.

You say I was accidentally killed

but now you say otherwise,

a secretive one, no less.

So when asked what that is,

you tell me to wait for the trial!

Why? Why not?

Because you won't cooperate if you knew.

It's too much for you.

But if you're my lawyer,

why can't you answer your
client's question?

Are you even a certified lawyer?

I'm starting to get suspicious.

What's wrong?


Because of weather?

Never mind, I'll just continue.

Don't take what I say the wrong way.

You and I both practice law.

I could tell you're a public defender.

As you know,
I passed 1st round of bar exam.

I just want us to be faithful
to the basic principles.

That's why I'm curious about you.

Why? lt's not weird for the
defendant to question

the court-appointed lawyer
about his background.

I don't even know your name

or age.

This feels a bit tight.

The phrases I heard to death
over a millennium are

'Please save me,' 'Reincarnate me,'

without exception, but not you.

You're one of a kind.

Reincarnate and work like a dog?

I'll pass. Also,

I'm already dead, why'd I need saving?

If I ask you to save me, can you do that?


As the keeper of secrets,

I want to know about you,

and whether you're a capable lawyer.

That's all I want to know.

Save me!


See? No exception.

Help me!

Did you retrieve the pot?

We lost the Notice of Death.

Are you boasting?

He's a millennium old household god,

even Hewonmak was no match for him.

Why is he protecting a dying man?

Our subject has an adorable grandson.

Sung-ju wants us to wait
until the boy enters school.

For the sake of the boy.

Then he'll return the Notice

and walk out of that house.

Also, captain...

- Don't! - When will he enter?

10th day next month, which is in 40 days.

We'll go back down and find
another solution.

How many days till KIM's deadline?

48 days.

48 minus 40 is?

8, I think?

Help me! Please!

So what's the problem?
That's plenty of time.

Just sit tight.

Mathematics is tough...

lt's basic arithmetic,

addition, subtraction.

Right, arithmetic.

Sir, in our past!

We did wonderful work in the past,

why boast?

Go and keep an eye on him.

Beg, plea and threaten.

- Got it? - But it's...

Yes, sir!

And if you find the pot, smash it at once.

- You two. - Yes?

Don't come back without the notice.

- It's a warning. - Understood!

Don't come in!

You sons of bitches!

Get out of here!

You bastards!

Don't you dare come inside!

You can talk to me.

It's his debt, none of your business.

He's my uncle!

I know how much

you've been patient with him.

Why is he suddenly so gentle?

As a household god, he can't hurt humans.

He's supposed to protect all mankind.

There's good news though.

The mutual funds I invested in

are showing signs of hope.

So just be patient for a few more days.

- We can talk about this... - Move aside.

You can talk to me...

Move aside, damn it!

You shouldn't barge in...

Stay the hell away!


- Grandpa!
- Sung-ju!

What are you doing?


Someone pull him out.

- That's...
- Shit!

He touched human feces,

he'll become weaker.

KIM Su-Hong.

I'll explain for the last time,

so listen carefully.

First, I cannot tell you the secret

behind your death

- until the trial...
- Until the trial!

No! The trial... I'll go...

I'll wait until the trial...


who am I?

Just like you,

I was wrongfully murdered
by my selfish brother,

I was General Gang-lim of Goryeo dynasty.

That's the extend of what I can tell you.

Let's get a move on.

Can I help you?

What did I tell you about coming back here?

I have an irresistible proposition.

It better be good.

Or you won't ever return to the Afterlife.

We'll wait till the boy's entrance.

That's already settled.

In addition, even after ascending Mr. HUR,

we'll continue to find a solution
for the boy,

a special 1-on-1 service
until he can stand on his own.

Instead of a funeral right
after his first day at school,

this is far more humane way.

No strings attached.

Tell us about our past.

I knew this'd happen.

Let grandpa go!

What'd be like for him to limp to school?


How'd you feel?

Son of a bitch!

I'll kill you!

Has this old man gone mad?


What's with this place today?

Who are you?

Look, from loan sharks to demolition crew,

people are lining up to ruin
the boy's life.

Miss, who are you?

You don't know her either?

I know you can't hurt humans.

Hewonmak! Hurry!


- Who are you talking to?
- Decide now, deal?

- Hurry! Hewonmak!
- Deal?

Do you see someone there?

Please hurry!

Fine, deal.

Okay, deal.

Attention, please!

You're gonna do what to the boy's legs?

Who here had their legs broken?

It actually hurts more than you think.

Where are these rats coming out of?

Who are you?

What the hell?

Show off!

I'll break your arms,

then your spine,

and lastly your neck.

If you'd like to tour hell,

come back 3 more times, okay?

My leg! Ow! My leg!


Hold on!

As per our deal,

who was I?

Let me wash my hand.

Who was I?!

Goryeo dynasty's

fiercest warrior, Hewonmak!

Looks like you still got it.

Do you know what your enemies called you?

White Wildcat.

It's White Wildcat!

You were a terrifying warrior,

who defended the Northern border.

When you appeared on the battlefield,

the Jurchens lost their morale,

and fled to save themselves.

Retreat! Hurry!

Sever the Achilles heels

of our prisoners and send them to Gyekyung.

White Wildcat...

You always wore white wildcat fur scarf.

So that's why...

My neck always felt weird,

as if it's lacking something.


With a C, idiot.

Not WILDKAT, it's wildcat, like a cat.

He'll be in school soon,

but he can't even spell properly.

Sever Achilles heel!

This tendon right here.

Right here!

White Wildcat, eh?

Sever. Sever it!

What's with him?


lndolence Hell,

it judges

those who wasted away their lives.

People like you.

Wait, you failed the bar 8 times.

I passed the 1st round,
it only took 8 tries.

I scanned your past,

you were quite lazy.

Never did any work,

and took the money
from your brother to study law.

You'd have easily gotten
a 20-year sentence here.

And run alongside those people.

But we're merely passing by

thanks to me.

You'll get a fair trial.

And be reincarnated.

No, I don't want it...

I don't want to be reborn.

Do you get it now?

This is why you became the security expert

in the Afterlife.

Goryeo's greatest warrior.

Right, I was a warrior!

I'm quite moved,

even though it's my story.

How could he turn like that?

What's wrong with me?

I became like this
after saving worthless souls

fora millennium.

Uncle, grandpa's awake.

Bring him his pee pot and go to sleep.

As per our deal, let's hear it.

What'll you do with him?

What's your plan?

That special 1-on-1 service.

Why did you take human form?

Let's hear that first.

The boy's mom died after giving birth,

and his dad fled to the Philippines
due to gambling debt.

So that's why.

To lend a hand, to help them out.

I didn't want to, I knew I shouldn't,

but at the end of the old man's
natural life,

demolition crew moved in.

We only got a small compensation.

You took the money, get out of here!

And the boy got sick too.

In the modern 21st Century Korea,

how does he get measles?

I couldn't help but come out of the pot.

Where's the compensation?

For selling this house!

It's not much, don't mind that.

It's $100,000.

I bought mutual funds and
stocks in emerging markets.

When the old man ascends,

I have to leave too,

how could I leave the boy
with petty change?

$100,000 isn't all that much nowadays.

I barely convinced the old man

and made the investment.

But the value halved...

No, almost 70% loss...

So that's why you took out private loans.

The mutual funds will recover.

It's a temporary liquidity crisis.

A minor setback.

A god getting involved
in mutual funds? Liquidity?

How could you say that?

That money could've gone

to buying an apartment!

What the hell do you know about

real economy?!

I lived through the IMF,

and Lehman Brothers crises!

Apartment? That one? That one too?

Real estate market will crash,
it's a bubble!

It's still worrying.

Yeomra said not to meddle
with the stock market,

even he can't figure it out.

To cover up the losses,

you're $300,000 in debt!

The mutual funds will rise, they will!

It's a waiting game!

Isn't that obvious?

Fine, then what do you propose?

Let's hear it!


Come on, let's go!




So, if his father

is still his legal guardian,

the boy can't be accepted, right?

So his father has to

forfeit his custody?

But he left the country,

and we can't find him!

That's the rule, we must follow it.

Let's go.

Wait a minute.

If his father can't raise him,

can you obtain a document proving that?


Where do we obtain it?

Straight from him, of course.

The father.

That again?

Let's go.

Then his grandfather!

He's listed as a cohabitant,

but he's a senior, right?

If you can prove he's physically incapable,

the town office can put him on welfare.

At least he won't starve.

His guardian is needed
to send him to the orphanage?

If he has one, why bother coming here?

It wasn't all useless though.

That info about welfare

is pretty sweet.

Even after a millennium,
she has not changed.

When Goryeo cavalry
ambushed a Jurchen village,

you took all the children to safety.

Even in a dangerous situation,
you only thought of them.

I knew it, she felt like a barbarian type.

Barbarian style.

You were leader of the orphans,

a ray of hope to kids who
lost their parents.

The day after the attack,

you brought them deep inside a mountain,

where Goryeo soldiers

wouldn't come looking.

Very deep in the woods.

You died at the age of 18,

so you were their mother for 3 solid years.

You didn't care about yourself,

only the children...

You sacrificed for them.

Why did you mention that?


You feel pain but no scar,
isn't that weird?

KIM Su-Hong!

I'll tell you in time

why you died unjustly.

No need to find out early.

What will you do for me?

If I comply, what'll you do for me?


You'll be reincarnated.

I've told you again and again,

either tell me what happened,

or who you are,

but you say the same crap,



I don't need it!

KIM Su-Hong!


I'll tell you my story.

My father...

was a general of Goryeo's special army,

and commander

of the war against the Khitans.


Brave and sympathetic,

he earned respect and trust from everyone.

When I was old enough to ride a horse,

he led me into all battles,


And hoped that I'd follow his footstep

to become a general.

His special army was a huge threat

to the Khitans.

Facing inevitable defeat,

they knelt before him.

Let them go.


Khitans' fate is all but sealed.

There's no need for unnecessary bloodshed.

He was wise and benevolent,

but I didn't understand why he needed to

show mercy to our enemies.

I bet you butt heads a lot.

A thoughtful and humane father

and by the book son.

You even analyzed me during all this?

You're strictly

by the book type.

Am I right?

Got a question.

So what about your petty brother?


Wait! Wait!



“Don't suffer anymore,

I'm sorry,” he said.

I'm sorry...

What happened to his parents?


Where are your parents?

They passed away...

He doesn't have any.

Father took in the KHITAN orphan.

That was how everything started.


Try writing consonants and
vowels separately,

so you don't get confused.



Okay, kiddo.

I don't believe this!

Old man! The other way!

What's with him?

How many times do I have to tell you?

You got no hearing on the right,

and a little bit on the left!

But I hear you fine, idiot.

That's why we're practicing!

Let's go again.

Sgt. KIM's body was found
behind the base 2 days ago,

and crime scene recreation
took place today.

His brother's body is barely cold...




What in the world...

Why isn't the Grim Reaper

taking those guys away?


Who told you to kneel in front
of your brother?

Sit comfortably.

Yes, father.

After he moved in,

I had to give up many things.

Spread your legs widely

to maintain balance,

and the sword should be pointed

towards the enemy.

For a single reason of not
having any parents,

father favored him more than necessary.

Just stick with facts!

Leave the judgment to the listener.

Got it?

What happened next?

Why does this old story feel so fresh?

It's like a page turner!

So what happened after his lessons?


Out of check.


Out of check.

Why don't you ever attack?

Why do you always defend?!

Out of check.

What strategy is this?

A barbaric tactic?

How long will you just defend?

Answer me.

Answer me!

Father never taught you to attack?!

In all battles,

our victory is determined by the enemy.


Always remember,

don't be fixated on winning...

Don't be fixated on winning,

nor my tactics.

Read your opponent...

Reading my opponent
and analyzing his tactics,

are the virtues of a general,

father taught me that.

Barbarian's survival instinct!

So you're saying you died

because of an orphan kid?

By the way, what's with the sword?

Are you expecting company?

All thanks to you being a vengeful spirit.

Hell ghouls will pop up constantly.

And this place will be crawling

with everything you're afraid of.

Just you watch, you idiot!

That's why you pulled it out.

Put in away.

I'm afraid of nothing.

Mr. Guardian, get used to your new client.

Don't you know me?

I was a vengeful spirit.

You sure?

I'm not scared of things that exist.

If there was, they'd have come already.

Everyone's leaving.


Do it slowly, kiddo.


Live a good life, don't get sick.

She doesn't have to

wait for her sons anymore.

Granny, be well.

Those who meet...

Must part at some point.

Those who part shall meet again

Sure, they part...

Those who part shall meet again

Focus on the topic,

you're the only holdout.

Those who part, will return.

Right, we'll meet again,

it's a cycle.

Those who part...

Whatever, how did we meet?

How did a Jurchen orphan
and a Goryeo warrior meet?

Thank you so much!

It's a Jurchen kid, boss.

Are you from Goryeo?

Thank you! Thank you!

I came to look for food! Thank you!

Take me to your hideout.

They're Jurchen children,

we should root them out.

I'll do it myself.

Come here, help yourselves!

Even if you're hungry,

you must cook the meat.

Grind the bones

and use the powder on wounds.

Give that tiger fur to whoever

is going out to hunt.

And never,

ever come back down south.

Uncle, tell me more!

Why are you up there?

Stop being a poser, come down!

Douche bag.

Stay back.

Good to see you.

It's been a while, I was getting worried.

Leave, just leave, get out of here!

If you're worried, just leave!


Oh no!

Oh no!

You're bad!


Back again?

Came back for a tour of hell?


It's not them! Stop!

Who are you?

It's not them...

We'll pay back the debt once
the mutual funds recover,

and the interest will be paid

once the Chinese market recovers.

I broke your arms as I promised,

so don't ever come back here.

We're the demolition crew!

Hired by the city!

I told you...

We aren't the loan sharks!

He attacked the authority, that idiot...

When I think carefully, I do have one.

Something I'm afraid of.

No, no, you're wrong.

No need to think carefully.

Just relax.

This nagging thought...

No, don't do that.

You said you're not afraid
of anything, right?

At least the things that still exist.

But there's one,

a reptile that's extinct.

You're not a fan of frogs?

Frogs are still around,
and they're amphibian.

Is that right? Let's get a move on.

Have you seen Jurassic Park?

I got no time for movies, let's go.

Dinosaurs that are extinct.

Especially the raptors.

They're carnivorous...


I get goosebumps even when I'm dead.

Raptor? Just one?

No, they hunt in packs.

They were expert group hunters.

Do you know how fast they were?

Their top speed is 70 km/h!

KIM, don't look back,

and don't move at all!

What's wrong?

Don't ever look behind you!

What is that?

What?! What the hell?!

I can't hear you, I just don't!

Not a damn thing!

Then sir!

Aside from hearing problem,

do you have any other physical problems?

If you have a lot of problems,

you could get a lot more welfare...

My knees ache, it's unbearable.

That's an understatement.

What about

the big nail injury you got some time ago?

I'm fine, I got a shot and
got medicated too.

Do you suddenly hear whispers?

No! Nothing at all!

I don't hear anything again!

So give me the welfare check!

Give me a sec.

You there! Mr. HUR's companions!

Three of you! Come see me!

Don't pretend to be deaf!



He wants you.

Foreign adoption?

He'll adapt to anything at his age,

it's a good chance.

Local adoption will be hard

due to his age.

So we should send him abroad?

Either his grandpa or guardian
has to sign off.


I'm offering an option
because I know his family.

- Guardian. - Yup, legal Guardian.

KIM Su-Hong! Close your eyes!

Your eyes! Close them!

KIM! Stop right there!


Yeah! Stop!


Is there anything bigger?


Are you all nuts?

I'm still alive,

why should I give my child away?

That's why you must stay alive...

When I was young and penniless,

I raised the boy's father
with my own hands, you pricks!

You should've worked hard

when you were young,

you wasted away your life,

that's the cause of all your
misfortune now!

Let go!

- How dare you!
- Stay back!

Your sight is bad, right?

It comes with the age.

Do you know why you get farsighted?

As you get older, you must look far ahead.

Big picture.

Let's look far into Hyun-dong's life.

Foreign adoption is...

HUR Choon-Sam! You insolent!

Do you know who I am?!

It's a divine secret! Don't do it!

You're just a child!

You're a petty soul! I've had it!

- No!
- Shut up!

HUR Choon-Sam!

I helped redeem so many guilty souls

over a millennium...

Don't you even have a father?!

I'm sorry, sir!

He acts up whenever it rains.

He got into an accident on a rain day!

He injured his head.

It cracked opened, sir.

I'm sorry!

Him being my grandson isn't important.

It's the fact that I'm his grandfather.

Inside a dinosaur's belly...

Inside mosasaurus' belly,
the biggest dinosaur ever.

I must be the first.


so many firsts after arriving here.

I hope I don't get digested.

It'll take us safely

to the edge of Betrayal Hell,

we'll get off there.

Edge of betrayal...


KIM Su-Hong.

How'd you feel

if Lt. PARK and Pvt. WON betrayed you?

Are you implying they betrayed me?

They're not the type.

WON was on the suicide watch.

His body was frail, so was his mind.

He was shunned by those came after him.

How tragic was that?

Pitiful bastard.

I can't do it...


Of course you can.

Get up.

- 2nd platoon!
- Yes, sir!

- You can do this.
- March forward!

And look at Lt. PARK,

he was the first orphan to
graduate from the academy,

and led a tough life.

He invited me to his home one time.

He got a commendation
because of me, or something.

Sgt. KIM Su-Hong!

Su-Hong, we're having a baby.


Barely making ends meet, a baby on the way,

promotion to captain in a month...

I bet you,

both of them thought a lot

right after the accident.

It was a bad situation all around.

Snap out of it, WON Dong-yeon!

He'll understand!

Let's bury him.

If they knew I was alive,

they wouldn't have buried me like that.

They're not the type who'd betray me.

Betraying isn't something so simple.

My son,

tomorrow's battle will seal the fate

of the Jurchens in this area.

Yes, father.

We'll enter the battle together,

but you'll be the vanguard.

Father, but Gang-lim should.

If he leads the vanguard,
we'll win the battle,

but we'll suffer devastating casualties.

I can't accept that

when the victory is certain.

But father,

I can't replace him on the battlefield.


those who weigh lives of men differently

cannot become a great warrior.

So your father betrayed you?

A father betrayed his son.

Even if he doesn't trust his own child,

how could he side with a foster child?


he must've really messed you up.


What's amazing is that,

to catch the barbarians,

he brought his barbarian foster son
to the battle.

Using their own to conquer the enemy.

Father took my brother to
the fiercest battle

against the Jurchens instead of me.

That was the last time I saw my father.


50,000 of my men perished

on that battlefield...

And I lost my father.

The royal court appointed me
as the commander

to defend the fortress.


should I guess your first order

as the commander?

As the one responsible for
the father's death,

you dispatched your brother
to the most dangerous area!

Should we bet?

I'll bet what you seek, my reincarnation.

Me? Be a guardian?

Salvaging junk won't solve your
debt problem!

It's $300,000!

The mutual funds will definitely recover.

So instead of adoption,
let's find another option.

Find what?

Why look for an oasis in the desert?

You gotta look for a way out of the desert!

Aside from foreign adoption,

there's no real option!

Miss, am I getting adopted?


Can you tell me a story again?

Life goes around!

So why get into stocks

without knowing anything?!

You know nothing about the stock market!

How is sending him away the best option?!

Best option isn't an option here!

You gotta pick the lesser evil!

Go to the court tomorrow,

Excuse me! Sung-ju!

And be his legal guardian!


What happens to me?

Go home already, take the boy too!

No, my past life!

Did I ever go back south?

She was spotted during our patrol.

I told you to never come back south.

I spared you because...

I'm so sorry...

A child...

a child is sick...

I need herbs...

I have to find herbs...

Getting any better?

Yes, her fever is down and she sleeps well.

I was asking about you.

Deok-Choon who looked
after the Jurchen orphans,

and lonely warrior Hewonmak.

The beautiful story of
Haewonmak and Deok-Choon,

this is where the story ends.

Thank you for listening, Hewonmak,

LEE Deok-Choon.


HUR Hyun-dong!

I thank you for listening,

cue anthem, roll credits, let's go to bed.

Bed time!

Wait a minute!

I think you left out a lot of the story.

I want to hear it all, sir.

The story has an ending
but not a beginning.

Why was I sent to the border?

That's where my story starts.

Recent wars are incomparable

to what happened to you.

Let's drop it.

Who sent me?

On a border defense mission?

Who was it?

Answer me.



A man named Milgnag sent you?

He's my superior.

He sent me to defend our northern border.

Were your parents soldiers?

They were ordinary farmers.

Separated during the war?

No, they both died.

To a terrifying exiled warrior

called White Wildcat.

Always covering his face with white fur,

he killed every Jurchens
in sight without mercy.

Peasants or soldiers.

Without mercy...

When White Wildcat came to my village,

he killed my parents...

Do you think he had a good reason?

To want to kill Jurchens like that?

Humans in the living world,

and the souls in the Afterlife,

they must be wise to a limit,

and react only to the given situation,

but if you keep asking about the truth...

At last, this is Injustice Hell.

During this trial,

I'll spotlight the truth

behind your wrongful death.

Screw that.

Spotlight on your story

after your father's death,

and why you suffered death

in the hands of your brother.

I'll tell you

why you're a paragon,

and why your death was unjustified.

You didn't die in an accident,

it was a premeditated murder.

By the brothers-in-arms you
trusted the most.

You write so well now. Oh my...

What's wrong, grandpa?

Don't say it's time to die again.

No way, my boy.

Aren't you starting school next week?


Keep studying.

Keep studying.

You're going to the bank?

Yes, sir, I'll be back.



Will the mutual funds recover?

Sure, you've waited so long.

Those have to go up.


Assistant guardian, LEE Deok-Choon.

Can we talk?


Are you a Jurchen

or an assistant guardian?

Keep in mind, I'm your savior, kiddo!

How could I call my parents' murderer

my savior?

It was a thousand years ago!

You never begged
for forgiveness while I was alive!

Afterlife Law, Article 1.3,

those who aren't forgiv...

Hey! Stop it!

Come here.

You really want to know how it really ends?

You brought it upon yourself.

We're going to the court,

but why are we going there for?

To make you the boy's guardian.

The real guardian was you

from a millennium ago.

Got one!

Got one!

Hewonmak, you tortured yourself

with the guilt of killing her parents.

It wasn't that you didn't
want to ask for forgiveness,

you didn't have the courage to do so.

Next case is 2017-256,

Mr. HUR Sung-ju.

Come forward.

You've requested to become

HUR Hyun-dong's legal guardian.

Are you HUR Sung-ju?


Hold you breath...


You knew you couldn't stay
with them forever,

so you taught them how to survive

on their own.

I hereby approve Mr. HUR Sung-ju's request.

The only thing you could do

was to become

the children's guardian.

You were a guardian angel
to the Jurchen children,

but you failed to serve your country.

You paid less attention to
the border patrol.

Extended war and severe cold

costed you lives of your men.

You also became tired,

but you couldn't stop helping the children.

You spared what little ration

you had to the children,

and you continued to write fake reports

to Milgnag.

You were a guardian angel to the children,

but a traitor to your country.

Does Injustice Hell that punish
unjust souls

still exist?

Due to overflow of criminals,
it's currently inactive,

but it'll sometimes punish souls

with vicious pasts.

Do they still freeze offenders

for several decades?

It's a horrendous hell.



lt's been a while, Gang-lim.

Let's begin.

Defendant KIM Su-Hong

has not accepted his accidental death,

and became a vengeful spirit,

and became a vengeful spirit,

and caused havoc in the living world
and here!

The prosecution

requests a sentence of

500 years frozen solid in ice.

500 years?

You idiot...

KIM was wrongfully murdered.

If his death was
why he became a vengeful spirit,

then his charge at this court

is also undeserved.

Got any evidence?

Bring up the Mirror of Karma.

Upon his transformation,

all his records and registry

have been erased as per protocol.

What to do...

How will you prove your claim?

I request summoning of the one responsible

for his death.

Summon a witness from the living world?

Who might that be?

An English-speaking country
would be ideal for the boy,

but so long as it's not North Korea.

anywhere would be better than this country.

If you live honestly with a moral code,

you end up living on the streets.

Hell would be more accommodating.

“Stay hungry, stay foolish,”

Michael Jobs is an idiot.

It's Steve, Steve Jobs.

If you're hungry and foolish,
you're a beggar,

so stupid.

You can't trust those who
already live well!

They say these crap to protect
what they have.

Now do you understand

why I convinced the old man

to invest under the boy's name?

Yes, I really hope the stocks recover.

- And they have to.
- Yes, of course.

Look! lt's him!

Hurry! Drive!

Go! Go!

Step on it!

The demolition crew!


Get up!


Uncle, uncle!

- Grandpa!
- Sir?

Uncle! Hurry!

Sung-ju! What's wrong?

- The pot...
- Your pot?

Stick to your time.


WON Dong-yeon!

Sgt. KIM?

Yeah, bud, how are you?

Is this a dream?


I get to see you in a dream.

Pvt. WON,

the person you see...

Something over my heart

A watch badge...

The person in front of you

is Sgt. KIM Su-Hong,

am I correct?

Yes, that's Sgt. KIM.

Does he have a mental disability?

He was on a suicide watch,

so he needs attention,

and extra protection too.

He needs plenty of unconditional
reassurance too.

On a suicide watch?

Do you remember

the gunfire incident on April 30

at the sentry post?


It fired by accident...

That's correct, it wasn't your fault.

It wasn't intentional, am I right?


Good, then later that night,

in the hill behind the base...

You buried him alive. Am I correct?

Alive? He was alive?

Guardian Gang-lim, what's going on?

Am I correct? Please answer, witness.


He was already dead.

Right, that's what you thought.


I was just following an order.

No, when you were burying Sgt. KIM,

you knew he was still alive.

That's why the two of you

stopped and stared at
Sgt. KIM's twitching hand

for a long time.

Am I wrong?

Gang-lim, what's going on?

Gang-lim is insisting on the
witness' perjury.

His mental stability is in jeopardy.

Guardian, you're running out of time.

This is a dream...

Why is it so vivid?

Yes, this is a dream.

You can at least be honest
in your own dream.

Just one answer, be honest.

Pvt. WON,

when you were burying Sgt. KIM,

did you or did you not see
his fingers twitch?

Hey, Dong-yeon! WON Dong-yeon!

Tell him you didn't see it,

he's wrong, right?

Say you didn't see it!

Never waste...

new tears on the past...

Bud, why did you say that?

Why mention that... here?

Hey, come here.

KIM! Stop!


What's wrong?

What the hell are you saying?

You knew I was alive?

Of course not, say so!

What's wrong with you?

That crazy bastard is saying you killed me!

Sergeant, I'm sorry...

Sorry for what!

Tell me he's wrong!

Sleep paralysis

is inevitable, Your Majesty!

Please wake the witness!

He's in danger!

Dong-yeon! Snap out of it!

That's his fate.

Sgt. KIM...

forgive me...

A murder of the witness has been...

added to his list of charges.

How is she so naive?

How could you

put your true form with other pots?

The best hiding spot is in plain sight.

Important evidence is put by the trash bin.

Take care of the boy.

Teach him to write well.

You won't get eliminated today,

so don't say stuff like that.

Why should you worry?

The mutual funds...

Those will never recover.

Do you understand?

They never will.

They're as good as trash.

To elaborate,

Korean Won has reached the point

where it'll not recover.

Stock brokers got a whiff of it

and are dumping it en masse.


That's why.

I'm sorry.

I really am.

Like you said,

I should've bought an apartment.

Or bought some Bitcoins.

Your majesty!

When in doubt, I was taught

to carry out the punishment,

and reconsider it down the line.

I recommend freezing him.

Does he feel catharsis
during moments like this?

A man is dead, what a pervert.

I was taught that
all deaths must be inevitable,

and none should be wrongful in any way.

His crimes have not been proven.

Please give this soul the benefit of doubt,

he could still be a paragon.

Gang-lim is right.

He really is.

With the witness dead during trial,

evidence could not be obtained,

so continue this at his next trial.

Release him!

You killed Dong-yeon...

Damn bastards...

One time we were away from home...

Things like this happen
when you least expect.

That particular day
came unexpectedly like today.

A millennium ago...

The arrival of your superior,


Milgnag found out about
how you siphoned the ration,

and brought his royal guards

to slaughter your men.

The ration you gave to our foes

is like our people's blood.

We'll break every bone

in your body as punishment.

Break my bones and burn my skin,

I will not tell you
where the barbarians are hiding.

I'm sorry, captain...

As soon as the day breaks,

we'll attack the hideout.

Hewonmak is an enemy of the state,

tie him and his man up
and feed them to the wolves!

Milgnag is bad!

He's so bad!

- So...

was I fed to the wolves?

It's been a privilege serving
a warrior like you...

Beard, stay alert.

You have to stay awake.

Beard! Beard!


Your majesty!

We've suffered an unexpected death

of a witness in the previous trial

thanks to Gang-lim's intolerable


If he continues to...

Your majesty!

Please withhold the ruling
until the Murder Hell trial.


Do you know what that means?

If I do not prove

the defendant's wrongful death,

I will lose my guardianship.

No, Your Majesty!

He mustn't be allowed to deceive...

I'll forfeit reincarnation!

What a load of crap!

Reincarnation is least of his worries.

I'm referring to my own reincarnation.

You'll give up

all the work you've done over a millennium?


Your condition?

Summon Lt. PARK Mu-sin
as the Murder Hell trial witness.

In addition,

please summon King Yeomra,

he will be

KIM's trial's final witness!



Listen carefully to what I tell you.

After walking through the snow

for almost 8 km,

you got the children to flee,


And stayed back to buy them more time.

I'll catch up with you! Go now!


do we do now?

Leave at once.

I can't...

I won't leave.

Get going.

Go and protect the children.




I'm sorry...

I'm so sorry...

That's how...

you begged for forgiveness.

So that was the day...


killed me?

Do you resent him?

While in the living world,

I served many households

and observed people,

and I still don't get humans.

But one thing's for sure.

No humans are innately bad,

only bad circumstances.

So when you feel resentful,

angry and can't understand,

try to read and think everything backwards.

It'll make sense then.

These people,

this world,

and the space...

So did Milgnag kill me?



Stay alert, KIM Su-Hong.

Should I...

ascend him?

Should I do it?

HUR Choon-Sam!

- No! Please!
- HUR Choon-Sam!

No, Hewonmak! Please don't!

- HUR!
- No!

Where's my uncle?

Where is he?

Uncle! Uncle!

No! Hyun-dong! No!

- HUR Hyun-dong!
- No!

Uncle Sung-ill!

Uncle! Where are you?!

Milgnag is bad!

He's so bad!

Milgnag killed me?

Do you resent him?

Why are you so hell-bent on this?

Yeomra has nothing to do with my trial.

Why are you using me, asshole!

So when you feel resentful,

angry and can't understand,

try to read and think everything backwards.

It'll make sense then.

These people,

this world,

and the space...

You're trying to erase

your memory and get reincarnated
by using me.

Am I right?

It was your reincarnation
that you cared about.

Shut up.

I'm right.

So what's the memory

you're so desperate to erase?

What's the memory?

You can tell me.

What was the memory

of your wrongful death?


Stop ignoring me,

and speak your mind, you asshole!

What strategy is this? A barbaric tactic?

Reading my opponent...

- towards the enemy.
- are the virtues of a general...

Those who weigh lives of men differently

cannot become a great warrior.

You've been charged

with all 7 mortal sins of hell.

But I will give you one last chance

to redeem yourself.

Will you comply?

Did you train our enemies
on military tactics?

They were starving children...

They are innocent...

Your first crime

is not protecting my father from
the Jurchens.

You've also committed treason,

by distributing precious ration

and training our enemies.

Let the children go...

It is unnecessary violence,

and a sin of murder.


I never...

once thought of you as my brother.

A KHITAN bastard!

Why do you cry?

Out of sorrow?

Or do you feel wronged?

I'll ask again.

ls it out of sorrow?

Or do you feel wronged?

Let's move.


What is it?


What are you doing here?

Sung-ju has been eliminated.

So what?

I have something to ask you.

With him out of the way,

what must you do?

Mr. HUR...

We have to bring him, right?

LEE Deok-Choon.

What did you learn from me over the years?

What have I taught you for a millennium?

A millennium...

lt's been a millennium...

Looks like I wasn't the subject
of this trial.

Let's go.

To the next trial.

Whether it's mine or yours,

let's get it over with.


This is the last trial
for defendant KIM Su-Hong,

whom the attorney claims

to have died a wrongful death,

and in the outcome...

Cut the chitchat and get on with it!


Begin the trial!

First of all,

I'd like to ask Lt. PARK.

Did you or did you not murder the defendant

even after finding out

that he was still alive?

In other words, did you and Pvt. WON

see KIM Su-hong's fingers twitch?

Gang-lim, is that everything?

Then I'll answer for him too.

No, that is incorrect.

Your Majesty, I beg of you

not to fall for fallacious arguments

and make unjust judgment!

Is the prosecutor correct?

I first met Yeomra,

a millennium ago as I was dying

after committing murder.

You offered me guardianship,

who'll uphold laws of the Afterlife.

Do you remember?

Must I answer that?

Yes, please answer.

Tell us what you said

when you offered me the role.

Your sins are grave,

hence your memories will remain intact,

while erasing that of these poor souls.

If you reincarnate 49 souls

in a millennium,

with these 2 souls you've killed,

I'll reincarnate you in any
form you desire.

In addition,

I'll erase your memories then.

Will you accept?

Why did you force me

to live out a millennium of pain,

please tell Lt. PARK
directly in the witness stand.

How dare you!

Paying for my sin of killing
an innocent girl,

and my righteous brother,

was this the reason?

I'd like to once again ask King Yeomra,

if this was the reason.

I've given you time!

you gave me a millennium to pay for my sin,

and beg them for forgiveness.

Am I correct?


have you begged for forgiveness?

No, sir.

I did not, I could not,

so I live every single day with
guilt and pain

while having them by my side.

A question for Lt. PARK!

Do you remember almost dying

in the sand whirlwind?

Why do you think
I broke the law of the Afterlife

to save your life?

To prevent another victim...

Shut your mouth, PARK Mu-sin!

I did not save you

to spare a pitiful soul,

but to atone for your sins
until the day you die,

I've given you time, just like Yeomra did!

So you don't make the same mistake!

Gang-lim! How dare you!

Open the pit!

If you intimidate the witness once more,

I'll toss the defendant in without warning!

This is a dream!

It's a dream!

Your Majesty! His time is running out!

He will wake up soon!

He needs to be sent back!

One last question for King Yeomra!

Remember my father

GANG Moon-jik of Goryeo,

who died fighting the Jurchens

a millennium ago?

State the truth,

not how you wish to remember!

He didn't die in the battle,

he was murdered!


Yes, then tell us why

his death was not recorded as murder

in the history books.

It was covered up.


Right, that's correct.

It was covered up by someone.

I was that someone.

I knew my father was still alive.

Retreat at once,

and return in the morning!

Yes, sir!

Why did you not

save your father?

Let me rephrase that!

Why did you turn back

and left him to die?!

I was scared.

Son, always remember,

your strategy is not important...

I was afraid of losing my position

to my righteous brother,

I was afraid that he would take

honor and authority away from me.

After retreating to the barracks,

I realized my folly
and returned to the battlefield,

but he had already passed on,

and I still live with regrets

to this day.

Did your life of regret feel like hell?

Did the thousand years of regret

feel like hell?


The fact
that I cannot beg for his forgiveness,

and that I cannot be forgiven...


that has been my biggest hell.

I'd like to let PARK know

unlike me, he still has a chance.

Were you aware

that when you were burying him,

Sgt. KIM was still alive?

- I'll rephrase,
- 127, wake up!

Did you murder KIM Su-Hong?

Let's bury him.

It's too late to bring him out.


I murdered KIM Su-Hong...

I'm sorry, Su-Hong,

I'm so sorry...

I'm sorry...

This concludes my witness questioning.

It has been proven
that defendant KIM Su-Hong

died an unregistered wrongful death!


I order his immediate reincarnation!


Had we known he'd be adopted abroad,

we should've taught him
English alphabets instead.

Ascend HUR and let's all reincarnate.

HUR Choon-Sam.

HUR Choon-Sam.

HUR Choon...


can you forgive captain?

You said

I'm not the same girl
as I was a millennium ago.

Sure, you decide, it's your business.

I bet...

you won't though.

I don't really know.

Hurry, I'll be late!

- Happy, kiddo?
- Yup!

Let's ascend him when the boy graduates.

And our reincarnation?

The thing is, we have...

we have some time left.

Let's head on up,

we're assigned to a weirdo.

Weirdo? Again? Who?!

He's been roaming at the
Gate of Afterlife for 3 days.

Fine, we reincarnate after him?

Hello? Is anyone here?

Stop it! That's scary!

Sgt. KIM!

Where am I?


Another paragon?

It's a year of paragons.


lt's scary here!

Let's go.

I need help!

Please help me!

Hold on!


I actually

have something to confess to you two.

I... when I...

A millennium ago...

Anyone here?

At that time...

I have done...



We're busy here,

why bring up a millennium-old story?

It is indeed a year of paragons.


Sgt. KIM!

Hey, soldier!

- Stop right there! Don't move!
- Stay back!

It's alright. lt's your first time dying.

Who are you people?

Here, eat this.


This will help you grow.

I don't like veggies.

China announced expansion

of finances and infrastructure,

What is it?

Which led to rise in KOSPI.

KOSPI? Is it a plaything?

You'll find out when you grow up.

What is it? I wanna know!

We're saved...

Sung-ju, thank you.


what should I reincarnate as?

Pardon me.

So you failed the bar 8 times?

I passed the first round!

Passing first round after 8 attempts?

You have an interesting history.

Like hell it is.

Would you like to work together?




GANG Moon-jik!

GANG Moon-jik!

GANG Moon-jik!

I'd like to offer the role of Yeomra

to commander GANG Moon-jik.

As my successor...


Where are you, father?



As my successor,

would you like to govern the Afterlife

for the next millennium?

It's all my fault...


I accept.


allow me to

change my appearance.

I'd like to retain your appearance.