Alone We Fight (2018) - full transcript

Facing mounting odds, a small but determined band of American soldiers venture into dangerous enemy territory on a mission to stop an advancing German unit from breaking through the Allied line.

Subtitles by explosiveskull

Hey, Falcone,
you break left?

No go,
he's coming right behind ya.

- Easy.
- Give me this...

taking our shovels.

We'll be all right.

Hey you fucking found
something finally.

You getting a good feel buddy?

Fuck you, you don't even
know what I'm saying.

These Krauts trip or fall,
we jump on them, all right?


They ain't got nothing on us.

- Five of us, four of them.
- They need a fucking...

At some point, they're gonna
take a break,

they're gonna get tired.

- We got these Krauts.
- Or trip or something.

I'm waiting for it.

These Krauts ain't standing
in the way.


- Am I right, Falcone?
- Hang on.

How about that bird
you keep talking about?

You get that guy
before he takes his boot off.

There's only three
guns to five of us.

I think it's worth a shot.

You sure, huh?

Hey, Private.

Digging this grave for them.

Hey boss,
don't dig so hard now.

You're just
gonna piss him off.

You just keep digging,
keep your head down.

All right. Slow down.

Can't wait to see my dog.

I got a pretty lady
back home waiting for me.

I can knock out one of them...

Throwing goddamn
cigarettes at me now?

Hey, hey, hey.
What're you doing? Hey!

No, no, no, come on.

- No, no, you can take me.
- You're gonna get home, boy.

'Ey, you're gonna be all right.
He would've shot you already,

- if he was gonna do something.
- Yeah, you're all right.

Hey, hey, hey, no, no.

- Hey, what's going on?
- Hey, no, no, you can take me.

- What's going on?
- We dug your hole.

Stop, Come on!

Hey, hey. Keep breathing,
you're gonna be all right.

Keep pressure on it,
keep pressure on it.

How, how bad is it, Sarge?

It ain't so bad, buddy.
You're all right.

Ain't bad at all, Goldie.

We gotta keep moving.

SS are crawling all
over the goddamn place.

Run line ain't
but a thousand yards from here.

Hey, Davey, I need you to do
me a favor, all right?

I need you to keep those
eyes open until you got

a pretty nurse staring
back at you, okay?

Hey. Hey, hey, okay, wake up.

Look at me, look at me.

- Okay?
- Okay.

I don't wanna die out here.

You ain't gonna die.
No, no, you ain't gonna die.

I promise you,
you ain't gonna die.

They couldn't kill us
at Normandy,

they ain't get us in 'Nam,
they sure as shit

ain't gonna get us while we're
knocking at their front door.

Ain't that right, Boston?

Couldn't have said it
better myself, Sarge.

Mikey, I need you
to do me a favor.

I need you to carry him,
all right? I'm gonna take point.

- Let's go.
- Let's go, buddy.

We got you, we got you.

We're going this way.

That's all.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
we're the good guys, all right?

- Stand down.
- I thought you boys were dead.

Krauts didn't get so lucky.


- Come on, Mikey.
- Almost there, Goldie.

Just lay him
right here.

- Right here, right here.
- Stay with me Goldie.

- Stay with me.
- Gently,

gently, gently, gently.

Here we go. Just hold on
a little while longer.

Stay with me, Goldie.

Hold on.
It's gonna be all right buddy.

- You're okay, you're okay.
- Move back, Private.

- I'm staying right here.
- No, you can't, please.

Move back and let us do our job.

Private, that's an order.
Get back.

Three bullets.

Center mass.

One behind the left rib.

Two went straight through.

He's got blood in his lungs.

We need to get him
in the tent now.


He's gonna be all right, right?

Come on, Mikey, get
to the other side, come on.

Come on, one.

One, two, three!

We'll do the best we can.

Your boy's not in good shape.

He's gonna be okay, Mikey.

I have a feeling.

He's gonna be all right.

I'm sorry, Sergeant.

They said you've
been collecting those,

sending personal letters
back to their families.


It's an honorable thing you do.

I'm sure it's not easy.

I thought it was hard writing
letters to my own family.

But it pales
in the comparison...

to having to write dads,
tell 'em their boys

ain't coming home anymore.

He feel any pain?

We gave him a lot of morphine.
He didn't feel much, Private.

Thanks, you guys.

We have some fresh chow
in a few tents down.

We heard you boys hadn't eaten
for a few days.

You should probably
go fill your bellies.

Let's go, Mikey.

The only thing we look forward
to around here is hot chow.

If you find a paper,
let me know.

I wanna find out the score
of the ga...

Yeah, you got it.

Archer, what the hell you doing?

God damn,
look who it is.

My sarge took one to the head.

They reassigned me to your unit.

Said you were
getting low on supplies.

Told me to bring as much as
I could carry.

Sorry to hear
about your sergeant.

He was a good man.

We're about to go get chow,
you wanna join us?

I just ate.

Thank you, though.

All right. We'll see you after.

- Thanks, buddy.
- All right.

How you holding up, Mikey?

Just another day in Europe,

I wish I could have seen
this place before the war.

And go to Rome...


Well you already been to Paris.

Is that enough for ya?

Yeah, but it would've been
nice to see it,

before all the swastikas
flying around, you know?


I bet it was pretty
as hell here.

Europe's just gonna
be one big mortar hole

after this is all done.

Ain't gonna be much
to look at, then.

Time, Mikey.

Time heals all.

Does it?

Why don't you tell that
to Goldie?

Tell it to Hickman, Benny,
Cray, and Dillinger.

Hey, I have to carry that
shit around too, Mike.

You're not the only one here.

All I'm saying is,
ain't much of us left, Sarge.

Don't you think I know that?

I'm your sergeant. I'm supposed
to keep you boys alive!

May we join you?

I think we'd understand
if you wanted to be alone.

- Yeah. Sit.
- No, it's all right.

Good to see some friendly faces.

Any word on when the line
might move?

Not gonna be for some time,
I'm thinking.

We're outnumbered, out manned.

This flank is falling apart.

Look around you.

We had some boys
come in yesterday.

They were from the 28th
infantry division.

The word is that
the entire division's down

to a few hundred men.

They were referring
to them as the...

the Bloody Buckets.

The war'll be over soon.

And we'll all go
back to our lives and...

the world will be better for it.

What makes you think
rainbows and sunshine's

gonna be waiting for us
when all this is over?

When, uh,


and men this evil
enter the world...

Private, good men
and women have no choice...

but to battle against them.

For the good of the people...

then the world must change.

And it must change
for the better.

Otherwise, Sargent...

what is all this for?

We have no choice but to change.

And if we don't...


...humanity's still young.

Well said, lieutenant.

This is the warmest
I've been in weeks.

Yeah, you're telling us.

You boys should
really get some rest.

Especially before they
call you out again.

That's the best idea
I've heard all day, huh, Greg?


Sorry, Sergeant.


Morning, Sergeant.


I won't say good considering
you look like hell.

Look, feel.

I'm pretty sure
this place is hell.

No. Hell's warmer.

Hell is empty.

And the devils are here.


Didn't think you ranger boys
were into reading.

Always liked The Tempest.

You ladies get the supplies
you need for the medic tents?


The supply chain got cut off.

Won't get new supplies
for another few days, at least.


Those Krauts are really leaning
into you boys.


You okay, Sergeant?


That soldier that just
died on your table, he was...

he was a friend of mine.



I'm not sure I really have
any left to spare, you know?

Friends or soldiers?


I remember when I enlisted...

Me and the guys at school,
we wanted to enlist together.

We heard that some
of the boys in town had.

And then when Pearl happened...

we thought, "Shit, we gotta go
over there, kill some Japs."

Then Roosevelt's speech.

Declaration of war and what not.

We wanted to go over
there, and right a wrong.

Never thought we'd end up here.

In Europe, I mean.

When we landed on the beaches
of Normandy in Omaha...

those MG 42's,
and the pill boxes, they...

they cut down practically
my entire football team.

Damn near
my entire senior class...

turned into soup
right in front of me.

That's an image that I still
can't shake.

I suppose it ain't that
much different than

going to war in one of these.

Boys just burn in there.

It's like an oven.

What's your name?


Jackie, have you lost
anyone around here?

Someone you know, a friend?

More than a few.

I'm sorry
to hear that.

This is crazy.

How many of our boys have to die
so we can stop one tyrant's...

lust for power?

And when is this enemy
gonna give up?

We have 'em beat,
cornered, on the ropes.

Yet they still fight.

It baffles my mind...

how one man can raise an army...

behind one idea, one...


It's just a piece
of cloth, Sergeant.

You start staring at it,
like it has a meaning,

that's when it gets ya.

The only time this symbol
will be mentioned or shown...

will be in the history books...

as they talk about how free men

fought tyranny and oppression...

and won.


The weather has arrived,
and it's wet and cold.

The kind of cold that
sinks down to your bones

and stings your soul.

Even when the sun decides
to grace us with its presence,

there's still
a chill in the air.

It's as if this forest
were in hate's warmth

altogether, as if it
hates all living things.

I haven't seen a deer
since we've been here.

But maybe it's not this forest.

Maybe it's the enemy
that we're fighting.

The Germans have mustered
their last line of defense

and they refuse to surrender.

They appear to be more
brutal than I remember.

More so than when we stormed
the beaches at Normandy.

They are monsters among men.

I'm not sure why men have
so much hate about them,

but they are unleashing
every bit of it on us here.

Please pray for us.

We rangers are tired. I'm tired.

Pray for me.

Pray that God gives us
the strength and sound mind

to return still whole.

I love you.

Your son, Greg."

I couldn't believe it.

They got hot joe
back at that med tent.

I figured you'd want some.

They got fresh water, too?

- Crazy, right?
- Yeah.

Christmas came early this year.


Writing that thing again,
are ya?


You ever gonna
write home, Boston?

I don't see no cause for it.

I mean, why I gotta put
my pops through that?

We're all ghosts out here
anyway, ain't we?

Just going through the paces
is all.

I still got a heartbeat.

Doesn't look like that
jaw of yours is gonna stop

flapping any time soon.

We're defying the odds
on the daily.

Don't you think?

Yeah, for how much longer
you think that's gonna go?

You gotta will it, Mikey.

You gotta will it.

This is a death factory.

It's a meat grinder for anyone
wearing an allied patch.

I know that, and you know that.

Wait a minute.

You're telling me you're not
the slightest bit excited

to get home and watch
my Yanks beat the shit

out of your Red Sox?

- Not even a bit?
- Ain't gonna happen, Greg.

- No way, no how.
- Why is that?

You got Cronin the Catfish,
and Peacock.


Give me a break.

I'll be damned if any ball's
getting through any one of 'em.

- We got Chandler.
- Chandler? You ain't got shit.

We're gonna make it
through this war, Mikey.

I promise you that.

Yeah, I made a promise once.

Oh, yeah?

I promised your sister
we'd see her when we get back.

That shit ain't funny, Private.

Pretty funny, Sarge, to
see your face right now.

I'm gonna slug you
if you keep talking

about my sister that way.

- Flowers.
- What?

- Flowers.
- What about 'em?

I'd like to make it back,
take some dame out,

and give her some flowers.

Maybe go dancing.

Maybe go see a picture show.

Yeah, that'd be nice.

Got a fire in the hole, Sarge!

You hear that whistle?

Those ain't no 88s!


What's the modus?

Border team's gotta be a few
hundred yards that way

into the tree line.

You got enough
M-Blocks over there?

Yeah. Plenty.

- Boston!
- Yeah?

What do you say we go
find that mortar team, yeah?

Right after you, Sarge.

Right now.

I got one loader, two support.

If there's so much as breath
in their lungs, we fire. Ready?


They're just gonna keep coming
until the last man, Mikey.

There's no surrender
in these boys.

The story checks out, Sarge.

Oh, shit.

Jesus Christ.

They shelled our aid station.

Who does that, Greg?

Huh? Who the hell does that?

That mortar team.

That was a suicide mission,

Ain't no way a three man team
like that gets so close.

This place was a target, but...

for what?

- The colonel's there.
- Yeah.

Grab all the unit leaders.

Have 'em meet me
in the comms tent.

Right away, sir.

Something must be up, huh?

Probably more shit news.

I suppose all of you
boys have noticed

that the Kraut's haven't put
the 88's on you.

It's because they're concentrating
all their fire power

on our second armored
just a couple miles away.

They've been splitting
Sherman's in half like walnuts.

The SS have gathered in strength

just to our north.

They know that we are
weakest on this flank.

We don't have any tanks
coming through save for

a couple of M3s,

but our supply chain
has been cut off

at the River Rur.

Operation Queen is on the verge
of failure, gentlemen.

And we haven't been
moving the line in days.

And even when we do,

Germans are killing 50
of our good men

for every one tree that we take.

The SS are...

they're about to make a push
right through this flank.

We got six aid tents

with wounded soldiers
on stretchers,

and we do not have enough
manpower or supplies

to fend off another attack.

You saying
we need to retreat, sir?

No, what I'm saying
is, if we don't wanna see

our wounded slaughtered and our
nurses raped and murdered,

we need to pull back,

And even then, I don't know
if there's enough time.

Jerries are already
on the move...

marching through
this goddamn forest.

They'll probably be here
by morning.

Now listen up.

There is a, uh, petrol
station about a thousand yards

in from the line.

It's not much, but enough
to fuel German light armor,

and give them Krauts
a jumping off point.

If we gear up right now,
and I do mean right now,

load up the wounded...

we might be able to get
some of 'em out of here

before the attack.

- Colonel?
- Sergeant?

We only got a few rangers

but... I'm thinking maybe we
can contribute a bit more

given the current situation.

Explain, Sergeant.

What I mean to say, sir,
is that...

me and the boys,
we head in them forests,

and we take out
that petrol station.

You know, put a hitch
in them Kraut's step.

If we do that, maybe we buy
these nurses and the wounded

some more time.

There's a thousand
yards of forest to cross.

And most likely, an MG nest
and a sniper or two.

Are you Irish, Sergeant?

No, sir.

If it's luck
you're referring we're needing,

Boston here is a leprechaun.

He just don't look it.

How many men you got left, son?

I got three rangers, colonel.

More than enough
to get the job done.

Well there's your mission then.

You fellas get these
boys all the ammo

that they can carry.


Think they
maybe get us a paper,

we can see the
score of the game?

That'd be nice.

You should get that
arm checked out.

Last paper I saw was
from two weeks ago.


We heard.

We figured we'd get
patched up before we gotta

head back out again.

Not much to fix on us though.

Please. Sit down.

You took quite the beating
there, Private.

The kids in the school
yard back home

hit harder than these Krauts.

Ain't that right there, Falcone?

Maybe kids in Brooklyn.

I don't know about Boston,

Caught a window when we
confronted that mortar team.

Caught me unawares
just for a moment.

I'm sorry.

What you sorry for?

I'm sorry that you
and what's left of your team

is gonna have to go back
out there.

Ain't nothing for you
to be sorry about, miss.

It's our job.

Just like patching us boys up
is yours.

Funny thing, though.

I don't think I could do
this every day.

What's that?


I couldn't do it.

Those boys who go down
in the field,

patching em up,
that's one thing.

But here, day after day.

You got boys coming in
and you're trying to save 'em.

Stopping 'em from dying.

I just couldn't do it.

You do it every day, Sergeant.

I just don't think
you realize it.

You scared, Private?


I ain't got time to be scared.

Second fear visits your mind,

you hesitate.

Hesitation is what gets
people killed out there.

It would be okay, you know.

What's that?

To be afraid.

We all are.

I hope that helps.

Good as new.

Stay safe out there, Sergeant.



My name's Greg.

Stay safe out there, Greg.

Hopefully, next time we see you,

we've accomplished the mission,

and you'll be safe
and out of danger.

Thanks again.

See you when the dust settles,

We got 12 of these grenades.

Four a piece.

Sounds good, Private.

I'm full on dirty out six.

Archer, you should probably, uh,

load up another slinger, too.

We get in trouble out there,

there's no telling if
any help's gonna be coming.

Make sure you load up heavy.

Sarge, you think
we're gonna, uh,

pull through on this one?

We don't got no choice, Mikey.

If we don't pull this off...

and all these people
here, they're gonna die.

Seems like us rangers have
been taking a beating, Sarge.

Even if we do take that forest,

there ain't gonna be no more
blue patches left

in the whole damn army.

Rangers lead the way, Private.

What, you forget that?

Sarge, I think what Archer
means is,

we get stuck
with all the shit jobs.

I volunteered us
for this mission,

so that's that.


I don't have to remind you boys.

We're at war.

Ain't no clean sheets,
no comfy beds here.

We got mud for pillows
and the only thing keeping

us warm is when we're holding
our barrels tight

after a fire fight.

I don't wanna hear
anymore complaining.

We good?

How many Krauts you think
we'll be crossing out there?

You heard the colonel.

There's at least one
MG nest out there.

Falcone, what's that?
Four or five men?

At minimum.

It's not the buzz saws
I'm worried about.

It's the snipers.

This place is like
a paradise for 'em.

I hate snipers.

Oh, yeah? What makes them
so special?

You can't rightly appreciate
an individual

who takes pride in...

shooting another man
from a distance.


It's war, Private.

Just war.


Their feet are a hundred yards.

Don't mean much to me,

as long as my
bullets find Jerry.

Seems like the honorable thing
to do

would be to look a man
in the eye

before pulling the trigger.


The enemy don't got that
word in their vocabulary.

I remember
this Fourth of July, way back

when I was a kid.

My pops bought up
a whole bunch of fireworks.

Wanted the family
to have a nice big show,

you know what I mean?


He had all sorts
of crazy things.

Bottle rockets,
poppers, mortars.

He wanted us
to feel real special.


Puts the crate down next
to my mom's brand new Ford.

And my pops,
he loved the cigars.

And he's puffing on this big
old one like a chimney stack.

Neighborhood's all around,
waiting for the big show.

He's puffing and puffing away,

until it gets down
next to nothing.

He flicks this thing right
into the goddamn box.

Box explodes, colors
are flying everywhere.

Boom, boom, boom.

The fireworks start
to simmer down, and...

realize my ma's car is on fire.

"My car's on fire."

Pops had to bring her
to Atlantic City

to try to make up for it.

Let's make sure we take out
that damn station, yeah?




Let's take a break right here.

Stay low.

Based on the map, we've got
another 700 yards

before we hit
the petrol station.

We keep going at this pace,

we should get there
in about two hours.

Two days.

We're going at a snail's pace.

Better to go slow
and stay low.

Run into one
of those bouncing Bettys.

Based on the colonel's map,

we got patterns and mines
all over here.

Who's thirsty?

Two full.

Thanks, Private.

The first thing I'm doing
when I get home...

is have my girl whoop up
a batch of fried chicken.

She makes the best damn
chicken you've ever had.

I don't care where you're from.

What was your girl's name again?


Blonde or brunette?

Wouldn't you like to know.

This is the only time
I'll say this, but...

I'll take that chicken
over a dame right now.

Well, that's a good thing, 'cause
it's the only option you got.

We'll be home soon enough, boys.

Safe and sound.

Soon enough.

All right, that's enough break.

you take point again.

Go slow. Stay low.

Archer, go.

Sniper, twelve o'clock.

Archer, you hit?

Left leg, Sarge.

can you find cover?

I think so.

Private, just stay down!


Can you get to Archer?

- I think so.
- All right.

- Go, I'm gonna cover you.
- Okay.

Where are you, Sarge?

Stay down, Archer.
Boston's coming to you.

I'm right here.

Stay down.


I'm gonna flank left.

Try to draw his fire.

I'm gonna try to surprise him
from behind.

Archer, look at me buddy.

Where's that sniper?

Archer. Look at me.

Look at me. Look at my eyes.

Look, Archer,
just stay where you are.

Falcone's going around.

He's gonna
get this guy, all right?

I just need you to relax
and stay put now, okay?

We're gonna get you.

Look, I need you to roll
over and get to these

ferns right here and I will
pull you the rest of the way.

- Archer.
- Mikey.

- You gotta come get me, Mikey.
- Just stay put, relax.

- Mikey, you gotta come...
- You're gonna be all right.

I didn't write a letter, Mikey.

- I didn't write a letter, Mikey.
- All right, you don't need to.

You're gonna make
it home, all right?

I just need you to stay put,
all right?

Just stay right there, Archer.

Just come get me.

Just stay put man.

- Save me!
- Archer!

Got him!

He's loaded.

Boston, I'm flanking left,
all right?

Oh, fuck!


Ugh, I'm getting
lit up over here!

Two Krauts down.

Keep your eyes open.


I got a Panzerschreck over here!

Stop. Stop!

We're not them.

We can never be them.

They're savages, not like us.

If we become savages like them,

there's no point
in fighting this war.

It'll be all right, Private.

Come on.

Let's go find
that petrol station.

I'm sorry, Greg.

Hey, you got nothing to be
sorry about.

You have this many
Krauts coming at ya,

you start losing your humanity.

You've got nothing
to be ashamed of.

Come on, there might be
more Krauts up ahead,

we gotta be quiet.

The night's moving in on us.

No way we can keep crawling
through these woods in the dark.

Bound to have
a Kraut step on us,

or worse, stumble upon
a bouncing Betty or something.

- You thinking shifts?
- Yeah.

I'll go first, do a few hours,
then you do a few hours.

Just make sure none
of the patrol sees us.

All right.

I'll go first Sarge.

You sure
about that, Mikey?


I ain't resting much
these days anyhow.

Keep your eyes open, Private.

You gotta open fire,
do so at your own discretion.

Copy that, Sarge.

We're gonna go after
that goddamn petrol station

at first light.

Make sure those Krauts pay
for what they did to Archer.

He was a good man.

Let's finish this mission
for him, huh?


Think they're moving all
those nurses and our boys out?

I haven't seen
any infantry armor.

I think the colonel was right.

They're gonna gear up
and assault the flank

early tomorrow morning.

Get some sleep, Greg.

Ain't nobody I'd rather be
out here with than you, Mikey.

Boston, I got one bag of
grenades and one satchel charge.

I'm gonna go around the corner,

I'm gonna throw one grenade in.

You're gonna have
a couple of guys coming.

I need you to pop 'em
one at a time.

At that point, I'm gonna take
the satchel charge,

throw it at the tent.

I'm gonna also try
to get one of those barrels

with the gasoline in it.

You got enough arm on you
to hit that tent?

I liken' my arm to Spud Chandler
of the New York Yankees.

I think I'll be all right,
all right?

I'll take that as a no then.

You hear that, Sarge?

Light armor.

Can't let 'em refuel here.

They get that to the front line,
our boys are done.

We gotta move fast.

Hit the deck!

Falcone, hit the deck.

Boston, let's go.

I got fire!


Fall back!




- Boston.
- Yeah?

We got over a mile left
to get back to base.

Don't even worry about hitting
the Krauts.

We just gotta keep giving
each other cover, got it?

Hope I have enough M-Blocks
to make it a mile, Sarge.

Use smoke grenades,
grenades, whatever you got.

- Boston!
- Yeah?

Grenade out.

- Boston, go!
- Running!




- Reloading!
- Grenade out!

Boston, out.

- Boston, you good?
- Yeah!



Move out!

Oh, shit.

Shit. No.



Jesus, no.

No, no, no, no.

Mikey, you'll be all right.

You're gonna
be all right, Boston.


It ain't that bad.

You'll be okay, all right,
all right?

It ain't bad.
Oh, I'm out of ammo, Sarge.

I'm out of ammo too, all right?

It's a good thing that improvisation's
one of our strong suits, right?

Yeah, you got it, Sarge.

You're gonna hang on, hey, hey!
Look at me.

You got two hits.
All right, that wound?

The knife wound
ain't nothing, all right?

That medics gonna
fix you up real good.

We just gotta make it back
to the line, all right?

Now you're gonna
get up right now.

Get up right now.
Put your weight on me.

One, two, three!

Gonna come over here.

Alright, I'm gonna put you down.

That line ain't nothing but a
few hundred yards away, Mikey.

We keep this pace up, I promise
you, we're gonna get back.

We're gonna get you out of here.

Keep your eyes open, all right?



You all right?
Keep your eyes on me.

Mikey, come on.

No. No. No.

No, what're you doing?
Come on, Mikey, wake up.

Mikey, wake up.

Do me a favor.


Give this to my pops.

We had a good run, Greg.

We did.


Glad to see you made it, Sarge.

All the way!

Let's go!

Did everyone make it?

Yeah, Greg.

Subtitles by explosiveskull