Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahani (2009) - full transcript

A statue in a town's square narrates to a journalist the story of 9th standard-failed, unemployed, trouble-maker and stutterer Premshankar Sharma. Premshankar, cons Mr. Pinto into buying a dilapidated flat to pay for expenses of the Happy Club over which he presides, much to the disapproval of his restaurateur father, Shivshankar, who wants him to wed Shakuntala Mishra. Premshankar's life will undergo many changes after he falls in love with Pinto's adopted daughter, Jenny. He believes that she also loves him, and even helps her to elope after her parents force her to wed wealthy Tony. Premshankar ends up in despair when he finds out that Jenny's true love is Canada-based Rahul, the son of wealthy politician, Pitambar Jalan.

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Anyone there?

Where is everyone?

What's the matter?

Who is it?

Who spoke?

Look here. -Where?

Here. Behind you.

Stupid beggar. Look upward now.

Hey, you? -l'm lord Walington.

Why are you here?

lt's a strange city.

People are absent and stones talk.

What are you blabbering?

l'm a reporter. l
came for a scoop.

But where are people of this town?

There is a story behind it.

And it's hero is Prem.

A strange funny fellow
that boy was, Prem.

Come here.

Wipe the crow-shit of my back.

What, sir?

Crow has made me dirty. Wipe
it of my back, dumb fellow.

Prem and problems are
like twins. Twins.

Prem and problems are
always together.

Move back! Move!

Nobody will come in front. Move!

Move! Move!

Move! -Help!

Move! -Move!

Help! Help!

Move! -Move! Move!

Oh no!

Oh no!


Oh God!

Prem. -President!

Great, Prem! Great.

You've caught the dacoit so
bravely. Superb, president!

Great work, pal!

l won't spare you. -You
were wonde_ul, Prem.

l won't spare you.

Great work, Prem!

He's a brave fellow. -Hail
President Prem!

Hail! -Shut up!

Don't praise me!

Baldy outsider!

Why are you hiding, baldy?

You again gave me a cycle
without brake.

Thanks to that man..

l ran into him and got
saved or else..

..l'the have had an accident.

-No, Prem.

Hear him?

He ran into the dacoit because
of cycle without brake.

We thought he caught the
dacoit with his bravery.

Leave him!

Hello, Prem Shankar Sharma..

..President of Happy
Club speaking.

You want to be a member
of Happy Club.

No, sir. There is a big
demand for membership.

We've 6 months waiting period.

Hello, you can get it
on special case.

Yes, you've to pay
only 4999. -Right.

No cheque only cash. -Correct.

You'll pay next month.

You beggar, don't waste
president's time by calling.

President, we are
beggars, not him.

Happy Club has no money.

Even our dads don't pay
us enough money.

Why do we have dads? -Exactly.

Every old dad is enemy
of his young son.

You're my enemy, rogue. -Dad.

Shut up, fool!

Thank God l found all
the rogues together.

l brought these worthless
chaps here. -No, uncle.

We brought this worthless chap
to you to convince you.

At that time you looked
innocent and said..

Uncle, we want to start Happy
Club to keep this town happy.

Give us place of 2 coffins.

All five of us will adiust there.

And today, your Happy
Club has expanded..

..and my coffin shop has
shrunk to a corner.

Uncle, this is fruits of
our thoughts and deeds.

Which thought and deed?

Close the club! And get lost!

No, uncle. We do good deed.

We protect young girls.

We guide misguided
youths like him.

We unite lovers. -Shut up!

l got many complaints against you.

Now your dirty club can't
run in my shop.

Uncle..-No, no.

This is uncle's place
and he'll decide it.

You're too good. Just great!

You're iustice. You're king.

You're wise. You're pope.

Now you'll decide whose work
is dirty. Yours or ours?


Uncle, happy wants people
to be healthy and happy.

And you want them to die
and rest in your coffin.

Who work is dirty?

Think before you answer.
Your God is watching.

By the way, uncle, membership
to our club is open. -But..

50 percent off to old
people. -Listen..

Only 2999. -But..

Uncle, we take only
cash, not cheques.

David, your dad has
become a member.

Hug him. -Dad!

President, you've saved the club.

Now save this Romeo too who
is in love with his Juliet.

Chandar, tell me. What's love?

You say you get lost
in her thought.

Where do you get lost?
How do you return?

Laugh as much as you want.

You'll realize when you'll
fall in love.

Come on, pal. You're getting
serious? -Obviously.

l was shouting for
Iong to help me.

lf l don't get Divya tomorrow,
l won't get her ever.

And l'll commit suicide.

Don't worry, Chandar. You're
member of Happy club.

And it's our rule to unite lovers.
-Right, friends? -Right.

But friend, you've to
pay wedding expenses.

l'll pay. -Commission
of Happy club too.

l'll pay that too. -Listen.

l can see that your love is true.

But do you've evidence or letter..

..to prove that her love is true.

l've her lots of letters.

She write to me new letter
daily. This is latest.

Lucky boy.

lt's blank.

Love doesn't need words.

Feelings. Only feelings.

Kunu, why did you park
the vehicle so far?

l told him. l can't go close.

There are 4 woman like gents
bodyguards. -What?

-l mean there are 4 men like
Iadies bodyguards around Devi.

They're very dangerous. Once
they thrashed me brutally.

You fool, how will
we recognize her?

l've brought it.

Will you celebrate honeymoon
with binoculars?

Tell me.

There she's. Near book shop
in yellow dress. '

ls she your love? -What
do you mean?

Does she really love you?

Yes, friend. Didn't l tell you
about those love letters?

Yes, those of feelings? -Yes.

l can't believe it.

President, let me see too.

Near the book stall
in yellow dress.

Oh! So are marrying
her? Are you mad?

She has gone mad to elope
with his pauper.

She'll elope with her. But
is he mad to marry her?

Fool, you're pitying him and
l feel sorry for her.

What are you saying?

lf you don't kidnap Devi today,
we won't get another chance.

Look, no guard is around. Hurry
up! -Yes, we are going.

Did you explain to her that
we'll come to kidnap her?


Let's go. -Hold this.

Listen, code word is 'Are
you coming to Khandala?'

President, she's a bit angry
with me. Handle her.

As Chandar has said, guards
aren't around.

lt's a good chance.
-Go from there.

Tell her the codeword and kidnap
her. l'll come be there.

Yes, President.

Are you coming to Khandala?

lf you pay 3000, l'll
come anywhere.

President, do you've
2000 rupees? -Why?

l've 1000. Chandar
is saving money.

Devi says she'll come
if we pay 3000.

What are you saying?

Yes, look there. She's ready.

Fool, whom did you approach?


She's not Devi, Devi is here.
Sit in van, l'll get Devi.

l've been here 5 times,
Mr. Daruwala.

lf you can't arrange puppies,
please return my advance.

Madam, consider that
we got the puppies.

They're in demand now.

Manager has kept them with him
so that nobody takes them.

l don't know where he's.
l'll check and call him.

Are you coming to Khandala?

Khadnala? -Yes.

Do l've to come to Khandal
for that dog?


Look, madam. l know you're angry,
but don't call him dog.

Ok. Not dog, puppy. -Puppy?

Ok, call him puppy. He's yours.

Where is he? -ln the van.

Let's go. -Come.

How many nails he has?


Not you, but that dog. -What?

Sorry, puppy.

Puppy's nails. -lt
must be 19 or 21 .

10 of hands and 10 of legs.
Look, he definitely has 20.

Oh! Listen to me. l'll pick him
by his ear and check him.


Call him puppy or dog, he's yours.

You can lift him as you want.

Wait. l'll get him.

He's bringing her.

Dog..-What are you saying?

She said that.

She's very angry with you.

She said she'll lift you by
ears and check you. -What?

lt's very tense situation. Come.

Devi. Devi.

Where are you going?
She's Devi, puppy.

What nonsense!

Whom did you kidnap?

Kidnap? What did you mean?

She isn't your girl? -No.

Very good. -What good?

No, our Happy club has erred.

We came to kidnap a girl..-Kidnap?

You mean kidnapping? -No.

Kidnappers! Police!

What a girl, pal!

Silky hair, milky cheeks. She's
like a vanilla ice-cream.

What are you doing, President?
Look, my Devi is leaving.

Those guards are with her.

She went in the mall.
What will we do now?

Don't worry. l've plan B
to make Devi your wife.

Oh God! How dare you tease a girl!

You fool!

Dear, this colour will suit you.

'Are you coming to Khandala?' -Ok.

What happened? What's this sound?

Devi was here. -How did
this Pathan came here?

l'm scared.

Hey, you're Pathan's wife,
yet you're scared.

Small wife. Fat wife. Let's go.

Where is Devi? -Nobody will leave.
We'll check everyone.

Oh! Disgusting!

You stupid man! l don't know
if you're a man or a woman.

You want to see the
face of wife of..

..Sultan Salman Shahrukh
Khan Tublak.

You want to see face
of Pathan's wife.

Even l didn't see it clearly
and you want to see it.

Wait. l'll call my brother Asama.

He'll blast bomb on your head.

Brother..-No. You can go.

My dear wife! Let's go.

That's Devi. Nab her.

Let's run!



This encounter king has killed
98. Terror Tej Singh.

l'll complete my century
if l find..

..Devi and her husband by evening.

And if l don't find,
l'll get four.

l'll kill four of you.

Now garland each other.

Thank you.

Wedding is complete.

Don't worry. Terror Tei Singh
won't find us. Let's eat food.

We've no money. -Don't worry.
We'll eat for free.

Again? Here?

You've come again. -Talk with
respect. President is here.

You're talking as if you're
country's President.

We'll become that too one day.

Don't talk too much.

Take the order.

Bring 4 grilled chicken.

2 fried brains. -One mutton gravy.

One kebab.

Again the same.

l told you to eat vegetarian
food when with me.

l detest smell of chicken
and mutton.

Mr. President, maiority
is of non-veg.

Yes. -Eat it. You'll be sinned.

Get cottage cheese and
fried lentils for me.

Pay 1350 rupees. -What?

You want money in advance?
What's this rule?

lt's a good rule for free
Ioaders like you.

Actually, dad. Today we
are in tight spot.

We are father and son
at home, not here.

Ok, Shiv Shankar.

Shameless, you take
my father's name.

l can't call you papa or take
your name. What should l say?

Don't say anything. Pay the money.

David, give the key. -But, dad..

Your dad is a great
man, like an angel.

Yes, l'm a demon.

The car is worth 8 lakh. Tomorrow
l'll pay and take car.


Give them food.

Fresh, don't give me yesterday's
stale food.

Don't give me the look.
Bring the food.

He fooled me again.

He ate for free and left
with the van. Cheater!

l've tolerated him a lot.
It's enough now.

We can't stay in the
same house together.

No, dad. Please don't say that.

l won't change my decision now.

lf not for me, don't
do this for mother.

Not for anyone.

Sharda, tell him. l won't
change my decision.

Papa, please. l beg of you.

No matter what you do,
my decision is final.

We can't stay together.

But where will you go in this age?

You'll wander around?

Neither your old bones nor
your voice is strong.

You can't even beg properly.

Madam. one has to
shout like this.

Shut up!

l'm talking about you, not me.

lt's more shameful for you.

What will people say? -What?

That a young boy is
enjoying outside..

..leaving old parents
alone at home.

You can't enioy. One
needs cash to enjoy.

Worthless, you can't earn a penny.

lt's better to be without a son
than have a son like you.

Papa, you're insulting sons.

Don't forget that only sons
have earned fame, not dads.

What this new rubbish!

Mr. Gandhi. -Mr. Gandhi?

Mahatma. Real He-man.

He drove British out with a cane.

Do you know his father's name?

Mr. Shastri. Lal Bahadur.

He was small, but he did great
work and became Prime Minister.

Have you heard his father's name?

Michael Jackson. Entire world
dances on his steps.

Have you heard his father's name?

Hello, look at me.

Prem Shankar Sharma. President
of Happy Club.

What does his father do?

He works hard to earn money.

He isn't a free loader like you.

Cool. -Cool, my foot! Fool!

You gave you studies and work.

Why don't you leave the house now?

Don't give me the look. Get out.

What are you doing?
He's young..-Quiet!

Your pampering has ruined him!

Get inside.

Get inside.

And you go out.

Come home, son.

No, mother.

Don't mind your father.

Prem. Prem.

Mo, because of me you too
get scolded by dad.

His intentions are right.

He iust care for you.

l know.

He worries what l'll do in life.

On top of that sometimes
l stammer too.

Who says you stammer? You iust
take pauses while talking.

That's called stammering, mother.

Only when you get emotional,
you've difficulty talking.

You're very good, mother.

Look, some day for you, l'll..

..only for you, l'll do
something to get..

..my photo published
in front page.

Then you and dad will be happy.

Now l've to work to earn money
to get my respect back.

l've been telling you to find
a tenant for my uncle's flat.

We'll get commission. -That
Heaven Apartment.

Third class flat of second
class building?

Nobody will rent it.

We'll find some fool. -What
if we don't find one?

We'll fool someone.

Come, uncle Pinto. This
is your luxurious flat.

My flat. l didn't even
see it properly.

Then look. Window!

Spacious. Comfortable. You
won't find such a flat.

lsn't it first class.
-First class.

This is first class, Raiu.
Only a fool won't like it.

How did you like it, uncle?

lt's good.

Heard? He has chosen it.

Pinto, you liked this flat?

Why? Isn't it first class?

Only a fool won't like this flat.

How did you like it?

lt's good, but..-Even
madam likes it.

Give our commission. 10,OOO.

But we fixed 6000.

Yes, 6000 for flat and 4000 to
become member of Happy club.

When did you say so? -Now.

No. We don't want to be a member.

Fool! If you want to be happy
here, you've to become a member.

What's going on, dad?

You? -She's that girl!

How did they get in? Dad,
they're kidnappers.

Kidnappers! -No.

That day they came to kidnap
a girl in mall.

That girl wanted to be
kidnapped? -Nonsense.

Pinto, drive him out quickly.

Give us our money. We'll leave.

Don't give him any money.

We won't leave without
taking the money.

He won't listen like this.

We won't listen even that way.

Why won't you listen.

Munna is getting the luggage.
He'll talk to you. Call him.


Munna is coming.

What's going on?

Who are you? Why are you
standing on stool?

l'm Munna Raia.

Don't be scared. -They left.

What? -They left.



No problem. l couldn't
understand them.

Now that you're here,
l understood them.

Good afternoon, madam. This
is your lovely puppy.

l wanted to give this on your
birthday. He's getting it now.

This is your wedding gift.

Thank you.

Sandra. -Bye, Jenny. -Bye.

Sorry, madam.

l'the have brought it, but l'm
being harassed by police.


The day you came, some boys
kidnapped a woman.

Do you know whose wife she
was? Of Terror Tej Singh.

Those boys fled with the wife.

Now Terror Tei Sing
is harassing us.

l know them. Call Tei
Singh to Church.

We've come to you with
my lonely heart..

Run! Run!

Run! Run!

Lakhan! Get lost!

Wait! Why are we running?

Terror Tei Singh. -Tell
us while running.

Tei Singh is coming. Run quickly.

But how did he come
to know about us?

Jenny has called him here
to take revenge with us.

Wait. Wait. -Why?

We came back to the place
from where we started.

Where did you go?

We ran to live, but now we'll die.

He came to kill us.

ls the information right? -Yes,
she called us at the church.

She has come too. -Who?

Daruwala, Church is here. Did
she call us here? -Yes.

She must be on her way.
Let's ask them.

Hi. -Hi. She came.

She's madam Jenny.

She knows the boys who
kidnapped your Devi.

Who are they? -They.

They..-No, they're good
boys from Happy Club.

They help others.

l'll find the boys
with their help.

Daruwala, you said the girl
knows their address.

l did. -When did l say so?

You didn't. Come. -Sir,
she said it.

Jenny. Jenny.


What are you doing here? Terror
Tej Singh just left.

We know. Jenny had called him.

But we met Jenny and
told her the truth.

She's Devi.

Prem kidnapped her that day to
save her from Terror Tej Singh.

That butcher used to keep her
forcefully and hit her.

But we love each other,
so Prem got us married.

Now if you want, l can take
her back to that butcher.

But please don't get
Prem arrested.

Thank you, friend. -Come on.

Not even our relatives do
what you did for me.

We are going to Goa.
We'll settle there.

Take care of Devi.

Oh sorry, uncle Pinto.

Why did you come here? -To thanks
Jenny for helping us.

Jenny made a mistake. Forgive us.

lt's all your fault, Jenny.


Today that rogue came to
our door with flowers.

Listen, tomorrow he'll enter
the house through the pipes.

Mother, what is my mistake?
l didn't know.

l didn't call him.

You'the a good chance to
get that boy arrested.

He acts like a President.

Darn Happy club!

But dad, he helped that girl.

He's a good guy.

Heard, Pinto?

That rogue and cheat
who insulted us..

..has become dearer to her today.

And we are strangers. She
arguing with us for him.

Would she've done it if
she were our blood.

Bloody orphan!

Mom, why do you always say so?

You're my parents. Monty and
Daisy are my siblings.

lnstead of raising her, you
should've raised a dog.

At least it would've
been loyal to you.


You really scared us in
front of Tej Singh.

You know we almost had
a heart attack.

Anyway, it was a nice revenge.

Oh! -Happy Club.

At least we became
friends this way.


Why? We aren't friends.

We'll become friends.

But l'm scared as you might
play any prank on me.

Yes, we do that.

Honestly, if we had known
your problem..

..we wouldn't have done so.

My problem? -That you're orphan.

Who said this to you?

When l came last night with
flowers l heard Miss. Pinto..

She's my mother.

We are a family.

l don't even remember the faces..

..of those who gave me birth.

l'm sorry.

l'm stammering..but it's true.

ls blood relationship everything?

lf l too..

..don't consider them my own..

..then how can l live?

Tell me, Prem.

l'm sorry, Jenny. l
didn't mean to..

You're mocking me? -No.

No. l'm..

l hate you.

Please wait. Listen to me!

My heart says to you..

..don't punish me for no reason.

Don't away from me getting
cross forgetting the love.

Come to me, my desire.

May we never be separated.

Come and be a part of me.

All the time l miss you.

Where is life taking me along?

l'm totally lost in love.

Unseen and unheard feelings
are aroused.

This had never happened to me.

Believe my love today.

Come to me, my desire.

May we never be separated.

Come and be a part of me.

That fatso Mrs. Pinto
came to inn..

..with her dwa_ husband.

She insulted me publicly
because of you.

You went to meet her with flowers?

No, dad. Are you crazy? Will
l take flowers for her?

l went with flowers for
her daughter Jenny.

Shameless! You climb pipes
to woo girls with flowers.

No, dad. l took flowers for
Jenny to thanks her.

You got flowers!

Why do you thank in a way that
people come to abuse me?

l'm ashamed even to walk
with you. Give it to me.

l feel like slapping you.

Then slap me. Where are you going?

Jenny slapped on one cheek.
You slap on the other.

He wants to slap me.


Get lost.

What did l do now?

You too? -What?

You stammer like me.

Yes, only when l'm upset..

l'm so sorry. That
day l didn't know.

l thought..

Come on. You slap me today.

No, l can't do this.

Please slap me iust once.
l'll feel better.

But how can l, Jenny? No.

lf you don't listen to me,
l'll get angry again.

Jenny, tell me something
else. l'll do it.

Promise? -Yes.

But don't tell me anything

Then treat me to spicy fitters
and mint sauce.

Ok. Ok.

Come. Come, Jenny. Welcome
to Happy Club.

Don't be sorry for past, don't
worry for future. -Be happy today.

This is the rule of our Happy
Club. Right, friends?


l envy you. -Thank you.

What did it mean?

lt means..No.

lt means l wish l were like you.

You've become like us. Now you're
a member of Happy Club.

That too, for free.

And we all are of one
colour. Happy colour.

And this club will always
keep you Happy.


Thanks. It's a great place.

What's this?

Something is fishy.

No, it's me. Look at my face.

Yes, but body is of Salman Khan.

No, it's mine. l clicked it here.

Prem, l'm Salman's fan.
l've his many photos.

Maybe this one too.

This one is mine. l can understand
your problem.

Actually our bodies are same.

l'the trained him.

Jenny, l'the double
flu two months ago.

Jaundice and malaria. So the
body has squeezed a little.

lt'll become like Sallu
in 2-3 months.

Sallu. You really know Salman?

Do l know him?

He'll be Salman Khan for
you. But he's my friend.

l can't believe it.

Look, she doesn't believe me.

She recognized you quickly.

lt took us years. -Shut up!

They all are kidding.

Prem, introduce me to Salman once.

l'll take you to his house.

l'll say, my friend Jenny
is here. Serve her pilaf.

That will be the best
day of my life.

Really? Phone Sallu, l'll
talk to him now.

Let it be. He'll be
busy in shooting.

So many books.

You aren't allowed to shout here.

So many books? Does
anyone read them?

lt's written to be read.

What will he do by reading it?

Why did you come here?

Actually l was passing by. So
l thought of meeting you.

Jenny, how do you work here?

Don't you feel suffocated?

ln fact l like it here.
l feel safe.

All my books here are my friends.


Yes. Books are best
friends of humans.

They're always with us.

They neither demand nor complain.
They just support us.

Just like me.

Really? You too will support me?

Always, Jenny. No complaints,
no demand.

You're mad. -Thank you.

You're funny. -Thank you, Jenny.

What happened? -Salman
Khan has come.


God, how did he come here?

Prem, your friend Salman
is here. Prem.

Come, Prem. -Yes, Jenny.

Please introduce me
to him. Please.

Yes. Why not? Sure. -Then come.

Jenny, we can't meet him in this
crowd. We'll go to his house.

God knows when we'll get a chance.
He's here so call him.

Really? -Yes.

Sallu. Sallu!


Who called me Sallu? l'll see.

He's coming. He's coming.

He's coming.

Who called me Sallu?

Your friend.

Friend? Let me see my friend.

l've seen this face
for the first time.

Sallu, l didn't come home
once, so you're so angry.

Hey, when did you come home?

Don't be angry, Sallu. l'll
come home to eat pilaf.

Forget home, even if
l see you on road..

..l'll change the design
of your face.

Did you see our friendship?

Jenny, go and get autograph
book. -Ok.

This will go on. -One minute.

Brother Salman, sorry. Actually
l like Jenny very much.


And Jenny likes you.
She's your fan.

Ok. -l lied that you're my
friend to impress her.

What else did you say to her?

That l taught to body building.


Your thighs are loose, Sallu.
Don't you do what l taught you?

l'll do that too. Won't you
introduce your friend to me.

Yes. Jenny, Salman Khan.

You're so scared as if
you're introducing..

..my girlfriend as yours.

Did you see? He's mad
and funny like me.


Jennifer, he's my good friend.

Such friends are rare.
Don't lose him.

Take this.

Listen, come home with Jenny
to eat pilaf. Bye.

You're very good. l like you.

My God! Oh my God!

'You're very good. l like you#

'You're very good#

You're very good. l like you.

You're very good. l like you.

You're very good. l like you.

You're very good. l like you.

Did you say something?

You're very good. l like you.

Thank you, son.

You're very good. l like you.

You started in the morning.
Our son will hear you.

Our son has said that.

He told me l'm very good.

What? -Yes. You can ask him.

You're very good. l like you.


Tell Jenny how you feel
as soon as possible.

No, it will be dangerous.
What if she refuses?

l'll be heart-broken.

She might say yes too. -Yes.

lt's more dangerous. What if my
heart fails because of joy?

Come in my dreams and steal
my sleep, damsel.

Come in my dreams and steal
my sleep, damsel.

Charm me and steal my heart.

l see you wherever l look.

Take my love saga to its
destination, it's up to you.

Take my love saga to its
destination, it's up to you.

l've been waiting for
Iong for love.

Should l use magic to
show my love to you?

Take my love saga to its
destination, it's up to you.

Take my love saga to its
destination, it's up to you.

How should l tell you
how l feel about you?

lt's time we exchange
our hearts.

l can in a dilemma how to
express my feelings.

Take my love saga to its
destination, it's up to you.

Take my love saga to its
destination, it's up to you.

You're no match for Jenny.

She's a graduate and you
failed in ninth grade.

She has a class..

..but you don't.

Friends, what are you saying?

You're vegetarian and she's
non-vegetarian .

What? -Chicken, mutton,
she eats everything.


She even eats trotters.

You can't even hear it,
but she relishes on it.

Tell me, how can you two unite?

Tell us.

You can do it.

Hurry up!

Yes, that's more like it.

Wow! Great Kebab!

This is very tasty. Eat it.

lt's raw. Tell him to cook more.

lt will melt if he cooks
more. Eat it.

lt's tasty. Very tasty.

l told you, man.

That's why my Jenny likes it.

Oh God!

Sharda, don't let his hand
light my funeral pyre.

lt's holding a chicken leg.

Don't say that. It's made
even in your hotel.

Business and religion
are separate.

This fool was idle! Now
he's defiled too.

Oh God!

Good evening, Jesus.

l'm Prem Shankar Sharma. l
came for first time here.

You're Jenny's God. My God..

..is Lord Shiva in the
temple at the corner.

You know Bholenath. Ask
him. l go there daily.

Jesus, for Jenny l'm
eating mutton.

l've desecrated my religion.

Bholenath is angry.
l can't go there.

You know, Bholenath
has three eyes.

lf he opens his third eyes,
l'll be finished.

Jesus, l like Jenny. l love Jenny.

lf you help me, l can marry Jenny.

Please help.

Jenny is beautiful and classy.

l've no class. Poor fellow.

lf you don't help me, who will
help, Jesus? Please help.

Somehow fix me in Jenny's heart.

Fix it permanently. l thank you
from the bottom of my heart.

Jenny darling, l can't live
without you. It's a clich?.

l love you. It's outdate too.

Jenny, l like you a lot. Correct.

Jenny, l like you a lot. Will
you marry me? Oh no!

Jenny, l like you a lot.

l'll always keep you
happy. Correct.

Jenny, l like you a lot. l'll
always keep you happy.

Practicing to say
l love you. -Yes.

Even l'the practiced here a lot.

l waited so much that
l became a waiter.

That fool broke my rhythm.
So what was l saying?

Jenny, l like you a lot.

l'll happy keep you happy. Will
you be my life partner.

First class.

Happy birthday, Prem.

Oh! Happy birthday.

lt's your birthday.

Yes. Thank you.

Where are your friends?

They..-Happy Club. -They'll come.

Let's sit and talk.


You were saying that you wanted
to say something to me.

Yes, actually Jenny..


Water regular or mineral, sir?

l like mineral water a lot.

l'll get it, sir.

Stupid fool!

l'm very hungry. Let's
eat and talk.


You start with salad. l attack
chicken and mutton.

l eat chicken, mutton and all
the non-vegetarian item.

My friends always say,
you should've been..

..born in a Christian,
not Hindu family.


My friends say l should've
been born..

..in Hindu not Christian family.


l'm a pure-vegetarian.

From childhood.

ln fact l don't even like the
smell of non-veg food.

lt's not it.

Anyways, you were
saying something.

l'll kill you.

We talk you to eat non-veg
food, not to kill anyone.

We made a mistake.

Did you say l love you or not?

How could l? You told
me to eat mutton.

Sorry, pal.

Your birthday plan failed. You
couldn't talk of marriage.

She talked about it.

Wow! -She talked about
marriage. Congrats.

What did she say?

Tell us.

Tomorrow my friend Sandra
is getting married.

There is a dance party.

Will you be my dance partner?

Your dance partner? l dance
very well. Come, Jenny.

lt's tomorrow.

She made you your dance partner.
Make her life partner. -Yes.

Hi, Jenny.

Cool! -Even you're cool!

Let's dance.

There is a problem, Prem.


Daddy is coming.

lt's good. He'll dance
with aunt Pinky.

No. Actually his friend Briganza's
son Tony came from Goa.


Daddy wants me to take Tony along.

We will take him too.
Aren't kids allowed?

Tony isn't a kid.

Hi, Jenny.

You're looking gorgeous,
baby. Beautiful.

Tony, this is my friend Prem.

Oh! l'm sorry. Hi, Prem.

We are getting late now.

This is for the beautiful girl.

Bye, sweet boy.

Come on.

l'm sorry. Bye. -We are going to
have absolutely great time.

Who was he?

Let it be, friend.
My mood is ruined.

lt has to be. If someone else
takes your girlfriend.

That's fine. But he called
me sweet boy.

ln front of my Jenny.

He insulted President.

Jenny, l've touched many
girls in my life.

But only you've touched my heart.

l even know that l'm the first
boy to have touched you.

Your mother told me you've
no boyFriend, no lover.

You know, Jenny. l'll marry the
girl whom nobody has touched.

Hi, uncle.


l'm not your uncle.

How? You called me sweet
boy, so you're my uncle.

And Jenny, we've to
respect our elders.

Bless me, uncle. Until
you don't apologize..

Sorry. Sorry.

Sweet uncle. Good. Very good.

Ok. Leave us alone now.

He's a strange fellow.

l was saying..the touch..

Oh, Jesus! Who is this boy.

l'm sorry, darling. l'll be back.


Thank God you came. Tony
is such a pain.

Don't worry, Jenny. l can't
Ieave you in problem.

But what if he returns?

No problem. l'll drive
him away again.

lf you wish, everything is easy.

Hi, Sandra! -Hi.

You look beautiful. -Thank
you. Enjoying.

Prem. He's my friend.

Hi, Prem. This is
my husband Peter.

Hi. So you're Jenny's
dance partner.

Hi, Sandra. -Hi.

Have fun, guys. -Bye.

Prem, there is still
time for the dance.

l know, Jenny. l was warming up.

Your party is over, man.

Bye. -What a party! What
a stupid friend you've!

Shall we talk alone?

Jenny! You must come to Goa.

Hi. -How are you, guys?

Tony. -Sorry.

You fool!

You know what? l've to..


Beautiful lady, come.
You look great today.

A flower for you, beautiful!

What happened, darling? -He
kicked me. -Mistake.

You kicked colonel's wife.
-lt was a mistake.

Donkey. -Sir. -Come out!

Hi. -Hi.

Get up, you rogue!

Why don't you understand, Jenny?

This boy doesn't deserve
to be with us.

How did it come here?
Sorry, Jenny.

l'll be back. Please.


Tony, why are you walking
like this?

Ah! l'm very busy.

His trouser is dirty.

No, l think he has
stomach disorder.

Hey, man!

Rock the world, friends!

Come on! l can dance
and stun the world!

Come in my arms, baby!

Rock the world. Spread
your charm!

Rock the world. Dance
merrily, dear!

Rock the world. Spread
your charm!

Rock the world. Show
it to them, dear!

Come if you've the guts. l'll
dance and woo everyone.

Oh boy! That was so much, fun!
Did you enjoy it? -Yeah!

Yes, Jenny. Did you like my dance?

You were rocking. You're
not less than a hero.

What happened? -Nothing.

Jenny, l feel elated
when you're happy.

You happy. l happy.

Today l'm very happy
for Sandra also.

She found a nice boy.

What do you mean by 'Nice boy'?

l mean, the boy who has a good
job and does work on time..

..and who is honest and gives
time to his family too.

That's it. This will make any
girl ready to get married.

Yes. Any girl will be ready.


l'm going to work, mother.

Hi, Prem. -Hi, Jenny.

l want..-l got a iob. And
l've to reach on time.

Ok. Bye.

Hello. -Prem, l've something
important to tell you.

Jenny, l'm on duty.
l work honestly.

And during work l don't talk.
Sorry, Jenny. Bye.


Sorry, Jenny. l go home on time.

lt's important to give time
to family too. Bye.

My first hard earned
money. 5000 rupees.

lt feels nice to count
them, friends.

Jenny will be happy too?

She'll be very happy.

Go and talk to her. You've
not met her for a month.

l stayed away from her to get her.


Lakhan, where is Prem?
-Wait. l'll call him.


Jenny, wait. Coming.

No. l'm in a hurry.
Daisy is with me.

Why is your phone turned off.

Jenny, battery of my
phone..-Take this.


Jenny gave me something.
-What is it?


She threw stone. -Something
is written on it.

She gave me a letter.

l've to tell you something
important about my life.

Come to Boat club at 1 1 tomorrow.

Oh! Very good.

She wants to talk to me about
her life. What could it be?

That same thing that
you couldn't say.

What are you saying? Really?


Hi, Jenny. -Hi.

You wanted to talk
about your life..


Tell me.

By the way, Jenny..

..even l'the to talk
about my life.

Tell me.

You go first.

You first.


Jenny, l..l like you a lot.

l'll always keep you happy.

Will you be my life partner.

Jenny, tell me.

What can l say?

You've said what l
came to tell you.

Now that you've proposed to me..

..l too feel like saying
l love you.

l'm falling in love with you.

l'm losing myself
since l met you.

l'm falling in love with you.

l'm losing myself
since l met you.

l yearn to touch you.

My heart beckons you
to come to me.

Come for dewdrops are
showering too.

The season is gesturing
you to come to me.

Take me in your arms.

l accept, l'm in love too.

l'm falling in love with you.

l'm losing myself
since l met you.

You broke my dream. Sorry.

You should've ring the
bell like this.


How would a blind man know a
blind man is approaching?

l'm not blind.

Prem. What happened?

What's the matter? -What happened?

Jenny didn't come to boat club.
Even her house is locked.

l don't get it.

lt's Chandar. Talk to him.

Yes, Chandar. It's Kunnu.

What? Jenny is in Goa?

Yes, Chandar?

l was surprised to see Jenny
in Goa. So l phoned you.

Jenny shouldn't be with
that rogue Tony.

Later l learnt that she's
getting married..

..to Tony day after tomorrow.

You want money?

l don't want it. -Leave it.

Dad, l've always listened to you.

l never said no to
you for anything.

But marriage..

lt's my life.

ls your life different
from ours, Jenny.

Please don't force me.

Why don't you want to marry Tony?

He's handsome and dashing.

And he's rich. Briganza will
make our present and future.


l love someone else.


Daddy, l love someone.

Daddy, she has a lover.
l won't marry her.

Mrs. Pinto.

lt's not so. Jenny
is a clean girl.

She has no boyFriend.
No love. She's lying.

No, it's true.

l'm telling the truth.


Briganza, gives you two choices.

Either say 'l do' in front
of priest tomorrow..

..and become legal
wife of my Tony.

lf you say 'No' tomorrow
night Tony..

..will forcefully make
you his wife.

Do you understand?



Jenny, don't worry. l'm here.

Jenny, control yourself.

Come on, Jenny.

l was iust thinking about you.

And you came.

Why wouldn't l come.

How can l leave you in problem?

They want me to marry Tony.

l heard, Jenny.

Say yes for the wedding.

Don't worry.

When you go out with them, we'll
kidnap you on the way.

ls it possible?

Double possible. We are champions
in kidnapping girls.

You know.

Yes, Jenny. Leave for
church with a smile.

l promise, we'll make them
weep and flee with you.

Then you and l..

Rahul. Inform him too. -Yes.

l'll..-Who is Rahul?

Rahul..Oh my God!

l'm so sorry.

Rahul Chalan. We used
to study together.

Then he moved to Canada.
He returned last month.

l tried to tell you about
him many times.

But you were so buy these days,
l couldn't meet you.

And that day even in Boat club..

..l wanted to tell
you about Rahul.

He's a nice guy. You'the like him.

He loves me very much.

l love him too. And
we want to marry.

Prem, are you alright?

How far is the church, Tony?
-lt's very close, Jenny.

Really? -Even l'm impatient
to get married.

But this new driver
drives so slowly..

..that dad's car went ahead.

Which fool hired you?
-Your dad, sir.

l'm sorry.

Drive faster. -No, slow.

l feel giddy when it's fast. -Ok.

Don't worry, madam.

l'm Chalu Chaplin, driver
of Happy Club.

Hey, l've seen you before.
-Sure, sir.

Snap of my boss, Charlie
Chaplin is everywhere.

Yes, correct. Even l
saw it. -You too.

l'll take you to your

..by short route and you'll happy.

And sir will feel giddy. -Ok.

Lily! Lily!

You blind fools! l
won't spare you.

l'm sorry.

What have you done? -You
told me to drive fast.

Yes, you did. -My children,
Lily, Bily..

Small kids..-Kids? -Hen's chicks.

Two went here and two there.

Police. -No.

Give me your license.

License? l don't have it.

Park the car this side. -Officer,
it's my wedding today.

l'm already late. -You can't
drive without license.

This is a rule.

Correct. Rule is a rule. -What
a rule! l'll pull over.

Quick. -Nonsense! You're driving.
Ask him for license.

How can l get license, sir?

l'm Chalu Chaplin.

l learnt driving by stealing cars.

But l didn't steal license yet.

Oh God! He's a honest
boy. He's confessing.

Spare him and arrest him.

No..-Get out! -Save me, God.

l remembered. l've license.

l keep it under the seat.

Correct. Why did government give
you license. -To drive.

And what are you driving?

-He's enioying with
madam in back seat.

You don't drive even though
you've license.

You're insulting the
government. -No.

l'll arrest you. -Today
is my wedding.


You've license. So
you'll drive? -Ok.

You don't have license, so you
enjoy with madam in back seat.

Great, rule! Tony, take
your cap and come.

Ok. Let's go.

But who will look for my
Lily, Chily and Bily.

Yes. -They went this side.


Jenny. Jenny!


Dad, Jenny fled with
the driver. -What?

Prem, Tony might follow
us. Drive fast.

Meet at Karbali bridge
in 15 minutes.

Drive fast.



Prem, help.

Jenny, hold this!


Brother, there they're.

Stop the train. There they're.

Drop the rope!

Jenny loves someone else!

She told you this last night,
but you didn't tell us.

Why did we take so much risk?

For you and not for that Rahul.

Jenny loves him, Raiu.

Jenny used you and betrayed you.

lt's not so.

Jenny never told me
that she loves me.

But she knows that you love her.

How? Even l didn't tell her.

l couldn't say it.

Listen, Happy Club's rule is
to unite lovers. -Great!

We've united many. We will
unite Jenny and Rahul too.

Shut down such a Happy club.

That's Rahul.

Hi, Rahul. l'm Prem. -Hi, Prem.

Do you go to gym? -Gym? Yes.

l go twice in day. -Twice?

How many rounds do you pe_orm
of dumbbells. -Round?

Oh! You mean sets. -Yes, sets.

Not much. Only 5 sets of 20.

Total 100. That's all.

But your style is wrong.

Give me. l'll teach you. -Really?

Take this.

What happened? -Nothing.

l'm doing 'Push-ups'. -Like this?

Yes, it's my style.

By the way, what problem does
your dad has with Jenny.

Jenny is Christian and we
are high caste Hindus.

You know my father,
Pitambar Jalan.

Pitambar Jalan?

One contesting MLA
election? -Right.

l'm ready to elope
and marry Jenny.

But he's afraid that if l marry
her, he'll lose Hindu vote.

Rahul, this is a big problem.

lf you marry Jenny..

..your dad will lose the election.

And those with respect..ls your
dad respectable? -Yes.

No, not at all. -What?

He can't tolerate this defeat?

l've seen many losers
commit suicide.

No. l won't let this
marriage take place.

But Jenny..-You've called
me friend. A true friend.

l'm thinking about you. Is Jenny
dearer than father? -No.

You'll get many Jenny's, but
you get only one father.

And iust once.

We even fall in love only once.

l love Jenny. l'm going
to marry Jenny.

l don't care.

Wow! You've become big.

You don't care for your father.

You've made body and muscles.

But try to look farther. Yes.

Yes, that's it.

A small toddler, that's Rahul..

..is holding his father's big
finger with his small finger..

..and he's learning to walk.

But my nanny taught me
to walk, not my dad.

Really? -Yes.

Then look farther.


A scared, frightened and
small, but fat Rahul..

..is holding his father's
shoulder and pedaling.

He's learning to ride cycle.

But Ramu taught me to ride
cycle, not my dad.

Did your dad teach you
anything? -Yes.

To play cards. Poker.


Your father is so great.

He cares a lot for you.

He taught you poker.

He'the have thought even if
you become worthless..

..you won't starve to death.

And you're leaving such a
great father for a girl.

No, Rahul. l won't let his
marriage take place.

But..-Not even if you cry.

Jenny. -Don't worry about her.

You've called me friend.
A true friend.

For you, only for you
l'll support Jenny.

What? -But become a support
of your father.

Wait. l can't leave Jenny.

l'll marry Jenny only. l don't
want dad's property.

l'm an MBA from London.

l'll get a iob of 2 lakh
salary in a snap.

How? -ln a snap.

Now tell me, will you let
this marriage take place?

2 lakh per month? -Yes.

Come at platform number 2.

Did you tell him the right
platform? -Yes.

Why isn't he here yet?

He'the be on his way, Jenny.

Did you like Rahul?

You met him for the
first time today.

Rahul? -Hey, Jenny.

Rahul. -l missed you so much.

l missed you too.

l'm sorry, Jenny. -lt's ok.

lt's fine. -You were in problem,
but l couldn't help.

Now l'm here. Trust me.
l'll take care of you.

l missed you so much.

Thank, Prem.

We'll marry in temple tomorrow.

Wedding will be very
simple, Jenny.

And for honeymoon l'll take
you around the world.

London, New York, Milan, Paris.

And we will settle in Frankfurt.


-My friend is offering me a
partnership in his business.

And l've booked a car
for you. Ferrari.

What do you think, Prem? Ferrari?
Frankfurt? Good plan?

Konkan Express is about
to leave platform 2.

Come on, Jenny. Let's
go. We'll be late.

Which is the compartment,
Prem? -This.

Yes. -Ticket.

Thanks. Take care.

Let's go, Jenny.

Prem, come along.

l'the have come, Jenny.

But God knows what problem
Tony will create here.


Your name is written
here with Jenny.

Yes, that..

So that nobody comes to know,
David gave my name..

lt makes no difference.

God has written your
name with Jenny.

Prem, you should've told her
once how much you loved her.

l'm sure, she'the
have..-Let it be.

Let's talk about something else.

l couldn't say it to her.

So wasn't it love?

ls it important to say in love?

Hey, what did Chandar use to say?

Feelings. Only feelings.

Love with dictionary?

My feelings too were in vain.

Let it be. Let's talk
about something else.

Rahul is a nice boy.

He's from a decent
family. He's rich.

They talk in English.

Pe_ect match.


..both are vegetarian.

Let it be. Let's talk
about something else.

He'll keep her happy.

l too would've kept you
very happy, Jenny.

l liked you a lot.

Will you become my life partner?

Why don't you understand..

..my feelings.

Let it be. Let's talk
about something else.


Why are you back?

l'm happy.

l'm your friend.

No complaints. No demand.

Prem. You're like this..

You're drunk?


Jenny, in English we
say drink. Drink.

Why are you so upset?
Are you drink too?

Prem! Prem!


You're really here?

Why and how are you here?

l iust came.

And you..

You're drunk.

No, Jenny.

Actually to celebrate your
wedding, friend served me.

But how come you're here?

Where is Rahul?

l don't know.

He got down at a station
to buy books..

..and then, l don't know.

He didn't come back.

Where could l've gone?

You did good by coming here.

But Rahul..

Jenny, can l say something
if you don't mind?

These rich and spoilt brats
are like this only?

For them love is a game.

Time pass.

No, l was iust kidding.

l'm sorry.

l'll find Rahul anyhow.

Don't worry, Jenny.

You won't understand.

l'll understand. Tell me.

You won't understand
even if l tell you.

Why not?

l'm very smart. Why
won't l understand?

Because you've never loved anyone.

How can l tell you
why l love you?

l can't even if l try.

My eyes express the feelings
of my heart.

You don't realize it.

Shooting star!

You don't realize it.

We couldn't unite even after
meeting. God knows why.

We are miles apart.
God knows why.

These are strange circumstances.
God knows why.

My dreams are woven around
you. God knows why.

How can l tell you
why l love you?

l can't even if l try.

My eyes express the feelings
of my heart.

You don't realize it.

You don't realize it.

You don't realize it.

You don't realize it.

l've said a lot to you
in my thoughts.

But l couldn't say it
in front of you.

You weren't a stranger to me..

..but you couldn't even be mine.

l regret, even this
heart mourns.

But yet this crazy
weaves dreams.

lt thinks we had meet,
God knows why.

We are miles apart.
God knows why.

These are strange circumstances.
God knows why.

My dreams are woven around
you. God knows why.

How can l tell you why l love
you? l can't even if l try.

My eyes express the feelings
of my heart.

You don't realize it.

You don't realize it.

You don't realize it.

You don't realize it.

You don't realize it.

You don't realize it.

You don't realize it.

Your son hasn't returned
since last night.


He didn't even phone. -He'll come.


Mr. Mishra is ready to
get his Shakuntala..

..married to him after
l implored him

l thought this worthless
is living off him.

Later he'll live there.

They're coming to see Prem.

Whom will l show them?

Oh God!

Good morning, mother.

What are you doing here? Come in.

Mother, someone else is with me.


Who is she? -Je..


Did she flee her house? -No,
mother. She's not like that.

l helped her flee.

You'll elope and marry her.

No, mother. Not for me,
but for someone else.

What's this new business? -lt's
not a business, but help.

But why did you bring her here?

The one for whom l brought
her, has fled.

And she came to me.

So we came to you.

Hide the girl for 2 days, mother.

l'll find that boy. -Oh God!

They're coming to see the boy
and he has brought a girl.

What are you whispering?

She agreed. Thank you,
mother. -Thank you.

Jenny, get in.

From here? -Yes.

My dad is outside, but my
mother will handle it.

Pull her, mother. Pull her.

Use more strength. -Oh God!

Eat this and get ready
quickly. -Why, mother?

Mr. Mishra is coming with
his daughter to see you.

Mother, what's this new trouble?

That's ok. But where is
the trouble brought?

Jenny is bathing. -Oh God!

Your dad is going to bathroom too.

Mother, stop him.

Where are you going? -To bathe.

What's the rush? Please wait.

What happened to you, Sharda?

Mr. Mishra would be here and
you know l'm never late.

Be late today.

Look into my eyes.



lt's been years since l heard
you sing. Please sing.

What is it, Sharda?

Please sing.

Which son? -That one..

Damsel, your beauty is full of..

Mother, which beggar is singing?

Turn off the radio.

Prem. When did Prem
come? -Just now.

Go and bathe. Don't waste time.

Hurry up, Jenny.

Don't rush me.


Oh my God! In hurry l forgot
my top in the bathroom.

Darn it!

What's this? -This..

This belongs to a girl.

You wear these too?

lt's not mine.

Where did you get it?

l didn't brought it. -Me neither.

l found it in bathroom.
Whom does it belong?

lt seems to be of a girl. -Mother.

This..-Mother, did you see my top?

God knows where it's.

lt's here. What will
you do? Give me.

Beware, lover..

You wear this. -Yes. It's latest
fashion. Do you like it?

l'll get for you too. Two.

Mother, l'm going to
a big interview.

Bless me.

You'll go out in this? -Yes.

How else will l get two
for you? -Shut up!

Bye, mother. -No.

lf you go like this,
l'll b defamed.

Mr. Sharma. -l'm defamed.

Hello. -Hello, Mr. Mishra.


What is he wearing?
-You liked it too.

l'm getting two for dad. l'll
bring two for you too. -What?

What a cool top? Get one
for me too. Please.

Of course.

Shut up!

Make your father wear this top.

l don't mind.

Shankar. -Yes.

Get him treated by
a good doctor. Ok?

Let's go. We came to see a boy.


Laugh as much as you want.

l'm sorry.

l'm troubling you a lot.

Yes. That's true.

But for this smile, l can take
any trouble. No worry.

l'm Prem.

Prem Chopra.

What a big house Rahul has!

lt's a mansion.

That Christian girl wants
to be daughter-in-law..

..of Pitambar Jalan?


Thank God Bhairav Singh
saw him at station..

..and brought him here forcefully.

Or else l'the have been defamed.

Sir, it was good.

And it had to happen.

Because in your horoscope your
stars have return home.


That will bring me profit.

But this fool will take everything
from this house.

This trouble had to come
during election time.


Now he'll return to Canada.

This is unfair, dad.

Bhairav Singh. -Sir?

Don't think that he's my son.

l'm Raiput, sir. l promise.

After club house function
day after..

..tomorrow, l'll take
him to Canada.

And he won't return to India until
he doesn't forget Jenny.

She's a great girl.

l love her a lot.

l can do anything for her.

And Bhairav Singh can
do anything for me.

Right? -Sir.

lf you say, forget him l can
even behead his father.

Narayan! -What did you say?

Change this ringtone.


Future chief minister..

..Pitambar Jalan's present
secretary, Sheshadari speaking..

Give phone to Pitambar.


Sir, for you.


This is Saiid Don.

You avoid my phone.

No, Don. It's not so. Actually..

..l was busy with election.

Beware, Pitambar!

At my one gesture, my
sharp shooters..

..are ready to shower bullets.

When are you sending 1 billion.

l don't have the money, Don.

l'm contesting election
with donation.

Then collect donation and send
1 billion to me too quickly.




Pitambar hung up on me.

Dial again.

l'll behead him.

He hung up on Saiid Don.

Don boss, Pitambar
didn't hung up..

..but your phone got disconnected.

You've no balance.


l'm your boss.

At least recharge my phone
on time. -Yes, sir.

You all are fools! You carry
pistol without bullets.

We've neither money nor bullets.

Hello, sir. -Hello.

Who are you?

Sir, we've come to meet Rahul.

What do you want from Rahul?

We are Jenny's friend.

Rahul and Jenny love each other.

Don't dare to take that girl's
name in this house!

Get out of this city
before evening.

lf l hear that girl's name, l'll
get you and that girl killed.

Now get out!

What's the matter, inspector?

Where is Jenny? -Jenny? Who?

Jenny isn't here.

Jenny is our daughter.

Your son Prem has eloped
with her from Goa.

From Goa! -Goa?

Yes. -My son has never
been to Goa.

And we never heard of any Jenny.

Right, Sharda? -Yes.

Only we two are in this house.

Jenny isn't here.

We will search the house.

l said, Jenny isn't here.

We've to search the house.

No need, inspector.

Look, even the girl is saying
that there is no need.

What's your name, child? -Jenny.

Jenny. Jenny!

This goon spoilt our wedding.

Arrest him! -Arrest him!

How can you arrest him?
-Just a minute.

l won't spare him.

l'll break your hands.

No fighting. Please don't fight.

You tell me the truth.

Sir, these people have raised me.

And l'm very grateful to them.

But l didn't want to marry.

And she forced me to marry Tony.

You love someone else.

Don't worry. She doesn't.


Who is that boy?


Did you see? He eloped
with the girl for her.

Prem, you lied to me.

Daddy, saw? They're lovers?

Tell me the truth. -He
does everything..

Peter, why don't you shout?

You too shout.

Your son didn't give me
the right to shout.

Calm down! Why don't
you keep quiet.

You tell me the truth.

Or else l'll arrest you.

Tell them how much
you love me, Prem.

Tell everyone.

What can l say?

How much l love you?

l can only say..

..for Jenny l can..

..do anything.


..is everything for me.

She's my ioy.

She's my life.

That's enough. You're over-acting.

lnspector, did you hear?

Lie! They both are lying.

You're intelligent, inspector.

Get Tony and Jenny married.

God will bless you. -Shut up!

l'm an inspector, not a priest.

Don't waste my time. Go.

Let's go.

Sorry, Prem. l couldn't
say Rahul's name.

You know why?

Never mind, Jenny.

Why don't you talk to Jenny.

About what, mother?

That you love her a lot.

No. l don't love Jenny.

l was acting in front
of inspector..

..but l did over acting.

Shut up! l'm your mother,
l understand everything.

Jenny is a nice girl.

l too like her.

l'll talk to her. -No, mother.

Jenny loves Rahul.

Rahul is from a big family.

And he's giving him a car..

..what is it..

Fafari. -Ferrari.

Yes. That's the one.

Mother, l can't even
take that car's..

..name and he's gifting it to her.

Jenny will live like queen
there. -Let's wash dishes.

Let me talk to her.

Mother, don't torture
her emotionally.

Jenny considers me her friend.

Don't break our friendship.

Jenny is happy with Rahul.

And my happiness is
in her happiness.

Are you really happy?

Yes, mother. l'm very happy.

We've to arrange the
money quickly.

l won't spare this Pitambar.

This son of Pitambar..



We'll kidnap Pitambar's son Rahul.

Wow! -Great!

Rahul's birthday function
is in this club house.

This is our chance, friends.

Our dress will be black
pant and white shirt.

With black pant and white
shirt, white bow.


And everyone will sport
French beard.

With French beard,
a black mole here.

Right. This will make
our gang unique.

And there won't be any confusion.

And we'll surround Rahul
slowly and slowly.

And we will kidnap him
when we get a chance.

Any doubt? -No, sir.

And Jenny..


l'll turn her into style
queen Katrina Kaif.

Touch me!

Rock the floor and don't stop!

Dazzle everyone and don't stop!

Rock the floor. Spread
your charm!

Rock the world. Dance
merrily, dear!

Rock the floor. Spread
your charm!

Rock the world. Show
it to them, dear!

Everything that's mine
belongs to you.

Nothing else is left now.

l want to talk to
you all the time.

Nothing else is left now.

This love is a meditation.

There is no way to avoid it now.

We forget everything else
when we fall in love.

We forget everything else
when we fall in love.

Rock the floor. Spread
your charm!

Rock the world. Dance
merrily, dear!

Rock the floor. Spread
your charm!

Rock the world. Show
it to them, dear!

May l be with you all the time!

May you rule my thoughts too.

l should always think and
talk about only you.

Beloved, in love we can't
see anything else.

We forget everything else
when we fall in love.

We forget everything else
when we fall in love.

l got you, this is the
result of my love.

You're my destination.

My happiness lies in
your happiness.

Every trouble is wiped now.

Love is unrestrained magic.

There is no hurdle before love.

We forget everything else
when we fall in love.

We forget everything else
when we fall in love.


Bhairav Singh, where is Rahul?


Jenny! Rahul!

What? What did you say?

My son!

Dear, don't mourn.

Nothing has happened to your son.

He has iust cut his vein
and maligned us.

My son has cut his veins!

Tell me, where do l've to come?

Yes, we won't inform the police.

We're coming. Take care of him.

Come. You're late.
-Where is my son?

Here. Follow this red blood.

You'll reach your son.

Rahul! My son!

Blood! -Hello, sir.

We called the doctor, but he
fainted on seeing so much blood.

He's lying there. Look.

Narayan! -You? -Yes.

You kidnapped Rahul from club.
-Yes, but to help him.

l didn't know he'the
cut his veins.

So l phoned you to help him.

l don't need anyone's
help. l'm dying.

Don't go anywhere, sir.

Don't go anywhere, sir.

We know your dad is very lowly.

But listen to your mother. -No!

l love Jenny. Jenny is my life.

She's my life. She's
everything for me.

What are you doing, Jenny? Body
doesn't have so much blood.

But there is in bucket.

l can't live without Jenny.

lf you bleed so much, you can't
live even with Jenny.

l told you that we will
get you married.

We won't marry without
dad's blessing.

Listen to me. -l'the
enough of you.

ln your quarrel, you'll
Iose your son.

Blood. Who killed whom?

Who are you? -l'm a reporter,
Tainat Singh, of a news channel.

No! -Get him out!

Get them out of here.

Don't worry, uncle. l won't let
a decent man be defamed.

You know how great he's? -No.

Let it be if he doesn't
know. -How could l?

l can't see Pitambar Jalan
getting defamed.

Oh! So he's Pitambar Jalan.

Who is he? -At least leave
him, son. -Don't worry.

l won't tell anyone your only
son Rahul has cut his veins.

Really? His son has
cut his veins. Why?

At least leave that.
-Don't worry, uncle.

l know what this reporter
wants to get out of me.

That Rahul loves a Christian
girl and you disapprove.

But l won't say anything about it.

You told everything harping
'Don't worry'.

Now this tape will be telecast
on all the news channel.

Breaking news. Enemy of
Iove, Pitambar Jalan.


Sir, stop him.

lf this news is leaked, you'll
Iose the election.

Give me this tape. -No.

Don't worry, uncle. l won't
Iet you lose the election.

Come with me. -Yes, get it.

Congrats, uncle.

He's ready to give the
tape. -Very good!

Thank you very much.
Give me the tape.

But he has one condition. -What?

Rahul and Jenny should
marry with a pomp.

With dance and music.

And you should announce this
marriage on all news channel.

Or else l'll lose my place
in the community.

lf this marriage doesn't
take place..

..you'll lose public's respect.

Now tell me, what do you want
to save? -Public's respect.

Sir, it 'S not a point if you
Iose community..-Enough.

Ok, fine. l agree.

But tape shouldn't be telecast.

Don't worry, uncle.
-Again don't worry.

This tape won' t be telecast.

Now wedding tape will be telecast.

Congrats, uncle. Congrats, aunt.

Congrats, Rahul. -Thank
you, friend.

Congratulation on your
wedding, Jenny.


l thank you too.

How is it? -lt's beautiful.

What's the cost? -Forget
that and wear it first.

Come on.

Tell me.

What are you doing? Someone
might see us.

Nobody is here. Cafe is closed.


Oh! So sorry. -Prem. Come.

Where were you?

This is for Jenny. -Prem, look.

Rahul has brought it.
-Beauty. Beauty.

lt's worth 150 million. -What?

l liked it, so l brought
it for Jenny.

Yes, you were saying something.
What did you get for Jenny?

Spicy fritters and mint sauce.

Jenny loves it.


l'm sorry.

Rahul! -l'm sorry.
One minute, Prem.

l iust remembered. l got
a phone from USA.

This is the list of VIP. Keep
their seating separate.

Nobody should've security
problem. Ok? -Sir.

Sir, phone for you.

Hello. -Preparing for the
wedding, Pitambar?

But the bride is with me.

And this time we've
made no mistake.

We've kidnapped original Jenny.

Talk to him.

Uncle, please save me.

Uncle. Uncle.

Did you hear her?

Now send 1 billion quickly.

Or else l'll send the girl's
corpse at the wedding dais.

This is a big problem, Sheshadri.

What happened, sir?

Saiid Don kidnapped Jenny.

Sir, this is very good.

What's good about it?

Wedding is tomorrow and bride got
kidnapped today. -What's good?

Sir, our public is emotional.

Your daughter-in-law is kidnapped.

People will get sentimental and
vote for you. Sympathy vote.

You'll surely win.

Wow! Great!

Jenny's life is in danger and
you're thinking of money.

lt's not that. -Forget it.
Arrange for the money..

..we'll free Jenny first.

Prem, you don't understand.
1 billion is a big amount.

lt would be. But it's not
more than Jenny's life.

Who are you? -Yes, who are you?

Sir Pitambar has send ransom
money for Jenny.


Show us what's in the bag.

We don't talk to servants.
Call your boss.

l'm the boss.

Don't give me that look.

l'm boss. Look.

We boss have personalities, auras
and strong voices. -Yes.

Right, gang? -Yes.

What's right?

Who gives you food?

You do, sir. -Right.

Then tell him. -Yes.

No matter how he's, he's our boss.


Give them the bag. Money
is in the bag.

Give it to them.

Don't dare to touch the bag.

Big boss, tell me where is Jenny?


Jenny, come.

Prem. -Jenny.

Prem. -Jenny.

Prem. -Jenny.

Prem. -Jenny.

Prem. -Jenny.

Prem. -Jenny.

Prem. -Jenny.

l knew it. l knew you'the come.

How can l leave you in problem?

Let's go, Jenny.

Big boss, we've kept the
money. We're going.

Bye. -Stop.

l'm Saiid Don. Don't
act smart with me.

Those who cheat me..

l don't spare them.

First l'll check the money.

Count it. -Yes, sir.

Sir, the amount is correct.

The amount is correct? -Yes.

Yes, the amount is correct.

Correct. -Yes, sir.

lt's 1000 rupees currencies.

Big boss, the amount is correct.
Forgive us now.

ls there any mistake?

No, sir. We've counted the money.

lt's hard cash..

..fresh out of bank, sir.

We got it from there.

l forgave you. Go.

Gang, big boss is distributing
cash. Come.

Sir, the best thing is that
all notes have same number.

There won't be any problem.

Same number on all
the notes? -Yes.

My foot! Nab them!

Sir, what are you doing?

We had only 5 bullets, not it's 4.

4 bullets are enough for
4 people, Robert. Come.

Let's run! Run!

Come on. Hurry!

Prem, stop or l'll kill her.

Stupid fool! Get me down.

Get me down, fool!

Get me down, fool!

Jenny, what are you doing?

Sorry, Prem. -Ok, be careful.

Jenny. -l'm sorry.

What are you doing? -Help.

Helping me? -Yes. -Sit
in that corner.



Jenny, on whose side are you?

On your side.

ls there any confusion?

Should l lock it?

Give it to me.



Dad. -Stop.

He's my dad. -Hello.

How come you're here? -From pipe.

Not that. Why did you
get in danger?

You can stake your life for
a love of a few days.

You're my own son.

Can't l risk my life for you?

Wow! What a dialogue?
Say it again.

You can stake your life for
a love of a few days.

You're my own son.

Can't l risk my life for you?

Ok! Risk your life! Let's
do it together.

Oh my God!

Oh! -Sorry.


Jenny, run. Come on.



Hold it!

Hold it!

Don't leave it!

What are you doing, Jenny?
-Sorry, Prem.

Turn it down. Down. Yes.

Slowly. Carefully.


Thank God!

Look, sir. Look.

Nobody will move. -Jenny.

Nab them! -Stop. The
police are here.

Thank you, Prem.

You've got a criminal
like Sajid arrested.

Don't leave me. l'm giddy.

Shut up!

Tomorrow our photographer
will click your snap.

lt will be published in front
page of newspaper.

Well done. Keep it up.

President. -Wow, Prem!

Your dream has come true.

Your photo will be published
in newspaper.

Your mother will be
very happy, son.

And you, father?

l'll be double happy.

Don't give me the look. Hug me.

Sir, Mr. Agrawal is here.

Come, Mr. Agrawal. Welcome.

What happened, Jenny?
You're looking lost.

You should be happy today.

You're marrying the one you love.

What more do you want?

Hi, Jenny. -Hi.

You look great!

Mother and father didn't come.

They'the be on their way.

And our Happy club.

They've come.

They'the be around.

Congrats, Jenny.

Hurry up, Jenny. It's time
to take the nuptial round.

Bye, Jenny.


l've some important work.

More important than my wedding.

God bless you, Jenny!

At least we made friendship.

No complaints. No demand.

How can l leave you in problem!

lt makes no difference, Rahul.

God has written your
name with Jenny.

For Jenny l can do anything.

Jenny, what happened?

Nothing. -You ok?

Listen, media wants to meet you.


We told media my dad
and l saved you..

..and rescued your from Saiid Don.

They want you to say
it. So say that.

But Prem..-We know Prem
did everything.

But you've to say what we said.

Rahul, this is wrong.

Prem has done it.

Now you think about this
house, not Prem.

You're daughter-in-law
of this house.

lf you say so, dad will
gain in election.

He'll win.

Rahul, Prem always helped
others and us selflessly.

He even got defamed because of it.

Today when he's getting fame,
we should snatch that too.

Don't argue, Jenny.

We've talked to Prem. When he has
no problem, why do you care?

What did he say? -He said,
it's Jenny's house.

He can do anything for
your happiness.

Why did he say so?

Come on, Jenny. He cares for you.

Come. -Congrats, madam.

Congrats. -Tell us, who saved
you from Sajid Don.

Tell them, Jenny.

He's a great guy.

He has always supported me.

He's my best friend.

No complaints. No demand.

His name is Prem.

Prem, president of Happy Club.

But Jenny, about me..-Yes.

He helped him too.

Prem saved him too. -Jenny..

Yes, he saved him from him.

He locked his son so that
he can't marry me.

Because l'm Christian.
-But dad agreed.

For his gain.

But now l'm refusing.

Because l love Prem.

And l'll marry him.

Jenny, please don't leave
me. l love you.

No, you don't. You like me.

You don't love me, but like me.

Try to understand. -Yes.

Love, like..l iust
don't understand.

You've gone mad.

Yes, l've gone mad.

l'm madly in love with Prem.

Goodbye. Good luck.


Where is Prem? -We
don't know, Jenny.

Don't know?

What do you mean?

You came late, Jenny.

He left.

We don't know where he went
and when he'll return.


Good afternoon, Jesus.

No, my son. l'm an actor.

l'm playing Jesus in a drama.

l'the to reach on this address
quickly so l left in costume.

l lost my way. Can you
please help me?

This is inside the city.

And l'm leaving the city.

l've decided not to
return to city.

Prem, you help everyone.

Help me too, please.

God will help you.

Come on. Come inside.

Come on.

Pull over. We've reached.

Address is of Church and he's
playing role of Jesus.

What an actor!

Sir, bye.

Hold this, my son.

Sir..-Take care of it.

Sir..-l'll be back.


Where did he go?

l don't even know his name.

Stop, dear.


Jenny! -Prem.


Jenny, you're here?



Prem, didn't l fix you in Jenny's
heart permanently?

So this was the strangest
Iove story of the world..

..where Prem got Jenny without
saying l love you.

Love story without l love you.

This is the biggest story.

And today people of
Madwali have gone..

..to wedding of our hero, Prem.

You too go. Move!

You're not coming. -You
rotten dumb fellow!

lf l go, who will stand
here? Your father? -No.

Or my father? -No. -Go.

Excuse me, sir.

Sorry. l mean thank you, sir.

Now you two sign here.

First sign.


Jenny, l wanted to say something
to you. -Go on.

l love you, Jenny. Will
you be my life partner?

First sign.

But you..-First sign here.

Raiu, l've said l love
you to Jenny.

He has said it now.

lf you'the waited 2
years more, even..

..your kids would've heard it.

Garland her.

What are you doing, shameless?

Dad, don't give me the look.
It's allowed in Christians.

Right? -Yes.

Now that you've proposed to me..

..l too feel like saying
l love you.

l'm falling in love with you.

l'm losing myself
since l met you.

l'm falling in love with you.

l'm losing myself
since l met you.

My heart used to weave
dreams of love.

My heartbeat used to sing too.

But now l never felt
this before.

Whatever has happened to you,
has happened to me too.

l too feel like saying
l love you.

l'm falling in love with you.

l'm losing myself
since l met you.

l'm falling in love with you.

l'm losing myself
since l met you.

l yearn to touch you.

My heart beckons you
to come to me.

Come for dewdrops are
showering too.

The season is gesturing
you to come to me.

Take me in your arms.

l accept, l'm in love too.

l'm falling in love with you.

l'm losing myself
since l met you.

l'm falling in love with you.

l'm losing myself
since l met you.