Aimy in a Cage (2015) - full transcript

Aimy Micry, a teenage orphan and delinquent, rebels against her evil family against the backdrop of a global virus outbreak.

(dramatic ambient music)

(ominous electronic music)

- The disease begins at
the navel, and it trickles

its little way into the immune system.

It starts with dark
circles around the eyes,

stiff straw-like hair.

By stage two of the disease, confusion.

Paranoia set in.

By stage three, deliria.

Baby Lewis, son of
Molly and Randolph Lewis

is the first victim of the Apollo Plague.

Baby Lewis, we're all
pullin' for ya buddy.

(dark organ music)

♪ It's not her fault all the secrets ♪

♪ She has been told have to be a lie ♪

♪ It sets her right ♪

♪ And all she wanted to do ♪

♪ Was to chitter chatter
and chitter chatters too ♪

♪ Chitter chatter and
chitter chatters too ♪

♪ Chitter chatter and God said yeah ♪

♪ It's not her fault
all the juices worries ♪

♪ That she hears me to be known ♪

♪ Oh don't they know ♪

♪ And all she wanted to do is to ♪

♪ Chitter chatter and
chitter chatters too ♪

♪ Chitter chatter and
chitter chatters too ♪

♪ Chitter chatter and God said yeah ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪

♪ Ah, ah, ah ♪

(playful orchestral music)

- Softballs, pancakes, chocolate cake.

- [Grandma] Shut up!

- Get outta bed, aunt 'kay?

- [Grandma] Where's Bob?

I've had him for 60 years,

what did you do with him!
- He's not here.

- [Grandma] Open this door.

Arrogant little brat!
- He's not in here.

- Every day it gets crazier in here.

Where is he?

- He's mine, grandma.

- He's mine!
- He's mine!

(gasps) You put holes in him.

What've you done?

You put holes in him.

Oh you outrageous brat!

- No!
- Whoa, yes, yes, yes.

And this?

- Grandma no, I promise.

Remember, I did the dishes?

- Yes, you did 'em terribly,
had to do them over again.

There's more to dishes
than soap and water.

- I'll do them better
from now on, I promise.

McGillicutty Bob is mine, he's mine!

- He's mine, he's mine.

Oh, see this, see this?

- Grandma, no!
- See it?

- No!

- You always got the door locked.

What're you doing in here?



Sick child, open your mouth.

(Grandma yells)

Colorful tongue, rotten teeth.

(Grandma yells)

Your whole life is abhorrent.

You can keep this one.

It reminds me of your personality.

60 years.

- I think you'll be able
to easily fix him, grandma.

I mean I didn't think--

- He'll never be fixed.

Never, never, never,
never, never, never, never.

Never, never!

(sobs) Never.

(ominous music)

- Aimy, I think you've
taken it too far this time.

Why don't you go apologize to her, huh?

- She'll cool off sooner or later,

she always does.

- Aimy, I need you to stop
being so crazy for one minute.

- I'm not crazy.

- Okay.

For some reason, this is how you've chosen

to interact with people,
but really do you think

you could be that way when you're 35, 45?


You think you can get a job
like that in the real world?

I think if you go and sincerely...

But I think if you go
and sincerely apologize

to her right now.

Are you even listening to me?

Here, let me give you some life advice.

Respect your elders.

(alligator roars)

Oh, God.

What did I do?

You know what?

I've got more important
things to do than meeting

at a tiff between you
and your grandmother.

I've got a doctorate thesis.

An undergraduate advisory.

Right now you can't even
trust your own brain.

No, no.

Aimy, Aimy this is not funny.

Aimy this is not a joke.
- It's very funny.

- Stay away, animal.

- [Aimy] Come back you ass!

(Aimy yells)

- What business do you have touching

your grandmother's possessions?

What entitles you, child?

- I had to let him out.

For some air!

- What entitles you to decide
when it's let out for air?

And stop poking your food and eat.

- How much longer do you
think we'll put up with this?

It gets worse everyday.

- There isn't a meaning behind it, mother.

- That's right.

- Nor a purpose.

- I think that sometimes that she just

acts without thinking.

Ow, ow.

- Why can't you all just
accept me for who I am?

- Get your hands outta the candy jar!

- [Father] Sit down!

- Just continue on, continue on.

Just ignore her.


(Aimy giggles)

- Now Aimy.

I don't exactly know what's
happened here with this doll,

but I can see by the way
it's been torn in half,

and by the way--

- Mr. Bohringer, she tore my paintings

into a million pieces.

- Do not talk, Aimy.

And I want you to sit down in that chair.

We're gonna get something figured out,

so everybody's happy and you can grow up

to be the nice, sweet,
lovely girl that you are.

- 60 years.

I had him for 60 years.

- Actually, you've committed a felony.

If this were my court,
I could imprison you.

- I would've stealed after the first day.

I'll steal all the loot.

(Aimy laughs)

- Her voice, I can't take it anymore!

Get down this instance!

I know what you're doing
all day, locked up in there.

- [Father] Order in the court!

- I'll fly away.

- Stop spinning!

Stop spinning this instant.

- No!
- It's outrageous.

- Off with yourself!

- Off with his head!

- Oh no.

Aimy, you need to stop spinning.

- I must spin.

(happy electronic music)

♪ There's something that I see
that I really, really want ♪

♪ And I'll take it
without telling anyone ♪

♪ Is that okay, because
I'm an only child ♪

♪ I use markers ♪

♪ I'm a lonely child ♪

♪ And then I'm all alone ♪

♪ And then I'm gone ♪

♪ Please don't take away what I got, no ♪

♪ Please don't take
away what I've got, no ♪

♪ Mother dear and father dear ♪

♪ He must compensate for the loneliness ♪

♪ They think I must endure all day ♪

♪ See that's okay, 'cause
I'm a lonely child ♪

♪ Everything's fine 'cause
I'm a lonely child ♪


- Good morning!

- Where's Grandma?

- I am Commander Douglass
Harrington Lopchocks.

I heard about you all morning
long over tea and biscuits.

- Am I under arrest?

- Your grandmother makes
the most delicious biscuits.

- She is a biscuit.

- She's trying to get on
your good side, commander.

Don't listen to a word.

And it's all because of these paintings.

I should just burn them all.

- Shoot her, shoot her!

(thunder rumbling)

- Where are the secret paintings?

- If you knew about it,
it wouldn't be a secret.

- I believe she's hidden some paintings

underneath her mattress.

- Oh!

Get up Aimy.

Get up right now!

Or we send you to jail,
isn't that right commander?

- Only a phone call away.

In my early years, I
used to overlook a ward

of a the criminally insane.

These pictures?

They would fit right in.

- [Grandma] Why do you think that is?

- Look at the lines...
- Yes.

- The abstractions.

In my view, these
pictures relate to someone

who is completely unstable.

An unsound mind of startling proportions.

The doctors are busy
at this time, but yes.

- Oh wait!
(clock rings)

- Why are you sitting there like that?

Speak child, say words.

- [Grandma] She doesn't want surgery.

- I'm sure she'd rather rein goats!

But we can't always get what we want.

- Hey grandma, grandma I'm
really sorry about yesterday.

Daddy, it'll kill me.

- Of course it's going to kill you.

It's gonna kill the old Aimy.

The one who destroys my mother's things,

and only apologizes when
she wants something.

- I've been thinking a
lot about how much I need

to work on myself, and
grandma if you delay

the operation I'll make it up to you

for the rest of my life!

- She's been vying for sympathy all day.

This is not how the world works, Aimy.

- But I'm the world too.

- Maybe.

We're being a little bit
too hard on her right now.

Maybe she needs to rest, and
think, and contemplate some--

- I want to paint!

- [Grandma] Who would
ever pay you to paint?

- [Bohringer] Painting fences.

That's the way to get paid for painting.

- Hey Grandma.

- This must be a real
nightmare for you, Aimy.

- It is a nightmare.

No one's on my side.

- I'm on your side Aimy.

- Grandma wants me to get surgery.

- I'll make sure, with all of my power,

that I will not let you
get any kind of surgery.

You don't need it, it's not necessary.

- Tell them that.

Tell them that, Mr. Bohringer.

Tell 'em I don't need surgery.

- I promise.

I'll do everything I can to make sure

you don't get that surgery.

Don't worry about it.

You'll be okay.

- I've been staying up past
my bedtime, and talking back.

I've been watching too much TV and stuff,

and seeing things and
shows that I know I'm not

allowed to because it
would make grandma mad.

- [Nurse] She loved grandma.

- [Aimy] Yes, I love her so much.

- [Nurse] You say you
hate her all the time.

We've found your notebook.

- No, no, no.

I'm so grateful for
everything she does for me.

I know that not a lot of
grandmas would put up with me.

I know that if I was with any other family

they would've put me out on
the street a long time ago!

- [Nurse] It's really good
that you recognize this.

It's going to be very
helpful after the surgery.

- Wait everyone, please!

Cancel the surgery!

Pack up your things and go
home before morning traffic.

It's not even breakfast
yet, so it's not too late.

I'm sure the insurance
companies will still pay you

for all the trouble you've gone through.

- [Nurse] Grandma says
you have no friends.

- I know that I don't have any friends,

but that's because I can't control myself.

But that doesn't mean I have to be

that way to my own family.

Dr. Issie, I realize that.

- [Dr. Issie] Give yourself
more credit than that.

- I'm being honest.

That's why I'll take pills!

I'll take 50 pills if you tell me.

But since I'm being so honest with you,

I don't even need surgery!

If I was crazy, then I
wouldn't know that I was crazy.

- [Dr. Issie] Nobody said you're crazy,

don't torture yourself.

- What's that noise?

Dr. Issie, I'm scared.

Why can't we do it tomorrow?

Can't we just do it tomorrow?

Where's Steve?

- [Dr. Issie] Prepare 50 milligrams--

- Mr. Bohringer said
that I didn't have to.

- Liar!

- Grandma, I'm gonna get you for this!

If you thought I was
bad before, just wait!

I'm gonna ruin everything!

♪ Listen and a go go ♪

♪ Don't quit now ♪

♪ Don't quit now ♪

♪ I don't like this TV show ♪

♪ No I don't like this TV show ♪

♪ You better hand it over right now ♪

♪ Right now ♪

♪ Give me that remote control ♪

♪ Yes give me that remote control ♪

♪ You must not be able to
imagine that cord that you see ♪

♪ You must not be able to
imagine that cord that you chew ♪

♪ Get me mad, not right now ♪

♪ Not right now ♪

♪ I don't like this TV show ♪

♪ No I don't like this TV show ♪

♪ I'm tellin' ma and pa right now ♪

♪ Right now ♪

♪ Give me that remote control ♪

♪ Yes give me that remote control ♪

♪ You must not be able
to imagine that cord ♪

♪ That's your suit ♪

♪ You must not be able
to imagine that cord ♪

♪ That's your suit ♪

(drill whirring)

(light piano music)

- If you see someone with skin peeling,

they might not have
just gone to the beach.

They might have the Apollo Plague.

What do you do?

You want the Apollo strain in your school?

- Baby Lewis' first words
were neither mommy, nor daddy.

In fact, he never uttered a word at all.

- Amy, look up!

- You want it in the meat that you eat?

That you pack in the
lunches for your child?

This is the kind of plague
that creeps in silently,

while you sleep,

while you dream.

- I have ordered the most
delightful chardonnay.

I was hoping it would get here
before my face creams, alas--

- Oh boy!
- Oh, Steve.

You are so wonderful.

It's great to have a mathematician around.

Would you like me to show you how to knit?

- Everybody lift your bed up!

- You would probably be wonderful.

Tomorrow let's have a knitting lesson.

(plate shatters)

(frantic instrumental music)


Can you hear me with those things on?

- On the ceiling!

- What a sweet boy you are.

- Their noses!

(Aimy yells)

- Only yours is real.
- Watch out for the pelicans.

- I bet you'll be very good at this,

you'll be very lovely, Steve.

- Heel storm violent!

(Aimy screaming)

- Are you all right, sweetie?

- [Aimy] Grandma!

Where are you?

(soft bell music)

- My students, they've been
coming up to me and saying,

"Mr. Debinshire, are we all in danger?"

So heartbreaking.

That they're instilling all this fear

into these children.
- I agree, exactly.

- I mean just look at the
statistics that these researchers

who dedicate their entire lives--

- Stupid scientists.

- You can just tell it's going nowhere,

this Apollo virus.

- That's right.
- Exactly.

- The amount of TV exposure it has.

You think it was already here.

- Oh, look who's coming.

- It's Aimy.
- Hello.

- Aimy, Aimy!

You know what century we're in, darling?

- Come here next to me.

- [Grandma] You were so
funny at the surgery.

You had us all laughing.

Wasn't she hysterical?

- She was a hoot.
- Oh, it was priceless.

- Hands off the head.
- Being so melodramatic.

- Really means a lot
how supportive you are.

- Well that was positive.
- A supportive family!

- [Aimy] I'm absolutely normal now.

- [Father] I'd say the surgery
was a complete success.

- I feel it's time for a bath, huh?

Aimy, now open.

- Aimy, I see you're a
very wise investment.

- Open your mouth.

- You're so intelligent.

- I don't even have a desire to put

holes in grandma's dolls.

Hands off the head!

- [Grandma] You put a hole
in my dolls and now I put

a hole in yours!

- Yes, she has a juvenile
streak we're trying to milk out.

- It's time for you to grow
up, that's why I'm here.

- Look at that appetite.

That's the appetite of a sane person.

- This Apollo virsus?

Where do they come up
with these names anyway?

- Oh, it's like hurricanes, you know.

- Because it has extra cheese.

- [Mother] Aimy!

- Yeah, dairy has a lot of calcium.

- [Grandma] There she goes, goo.

- Aimy, how about...
- I think she said good.

She was expressing her delight.

(dinner guests chatting)

- Elena, I put peas in there.

Have some nutrients.

(Aimy yells)

- [Grandma] Good evening!

- [Father] Well my dear,
were those hunger pangs?

(Aimy yells)

- Hands off the head!

- [Grandma] What I worry about
is when she's 30-years-old

and she's still playing with her crayons

and seeing her friends.

- [Mother] I will make sure

that she's well married and pregnant.

Well hopefully by the time--

(Aimy yells)

(Steve laughs)

- Cheers to modern medicine.

- Cheers, cheers.

- That surgery was a complete success.

♪ You don't care about anything at all ♪

♪ Nor the apathy ♪

♪ You're the apathy ♪

♪ Oh the apathy, oh the apathy ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ My lady I must spare you too ♪

♪ And far too desperate get on time ♪

♪ To guess my gosh you're feeling wise ♪

♪ 'Til I might feel you more ♪

♪ I know I must spare you too ♪

♪ And far too desperate get on time ♪

♪ To guess my gosh you're feeling wise ♪

♪ 'Til I might feel you more ♪

- I can get your doll,
it's right over there.

- I'm going to make this
noise until we watch TV!


- Aimy, I told you to stay.
- I am staying.

- No, I saw you moving forward.

- I'm still sitting.

- Don't--

Hey, stop scooting forward.

Scoot southward.

- You're a doll in a dress.

- You're a doll in a dress.

- You're a doll in a dress.

- You're a doll in a dress.

- You're a doll in a dress!

- I'm taking away your doll.

Are you enjoying this conversation?

No, you are scooting more forward.

Scoot south, scoot south!

- I want to watch TV.

- No watching TV.

Everything on TV nowadays is talking about

that stupid Apollo Plague.

(bright organ music)

- My whole house is full of
the most gorgeous antiques.

This is from the sands of Aruba.

And this is from the deserts of Somalia.

- Sit down, sit down!

- This is my granddaughter.

Come on in Aimy.

- Hey, do not touch me
with your grimy hands.

- Hi, I'm Aimy Micry.

- Nice to meet you.

- She's going to be just a little doll.

(Aimy yells)

(light instrumental music)

- The Apollo strain is so
powerful, we don't know

what's in our food.

We don't know what we're eating.

- Then, you don't believe, she
has been coming onto Claude,

dancing with him.

Thinks I don't notice.

She thinks I don't notice?

I know what the little
tart has in her mind.

- We have to learn to be
aware, first and foremost.

We have to be aware of our surroundings.

(soft orchestral music)

- Do you have any friends?

- They stab me in the back.

- What do you care about your back?

You sleep on the floor.

- Did you go through Wolwëurth?

- No.

Do you believe in any
of this Apollo stuff?

- I don't believe it for a second.

- Me neither.

- [Newscaster] Baby Lewis,
the first infant stricken

with the Apollo virus, is now showing new

brain wave activity--
- Baby Lewis!

No more baby Lewis!

- [Newscaster] Shown on baby Lewis' brain.

Full report after the
program, we now return.

(wacky instrumental music)

- Why don't you let me pick you up

a cheesecake for tomorrow?

- It's absolutely unnecessary, Jackie.

I'm baking, you know.

- I just think it'd maybe
be presumptuous of me

to not at least bring a cod.

- Look at her.

Get that spoon off your face!

- I worry, you know,
that Claude doesn't have

what it takes to make you happy.

He's years your junior.

- He has the biggest heart
of any man I've ever met.

You're gonna be a diabetic.

- Diabetic!

- We love you, honey.

- The main course for
tomorrow, I know just the one

to make the most delicious--

- I'm a sugar monster!

- Get off the table this moment!

We have company!

- No, you get up here!

You want everyone to think I'm crazy,

but you're just exaggerating
everything I ever did.

- You're trying to prove to
everybody that you're normal?

You could be a diplomat,
you could be a judge

on the Supreme Court.

- I want to be a snake charmer.

(light sitar music)

- Go to your room.

(Aimy yells)

Oh Jackie, I'm so embarrassed.

Will you accept my dearest apologies?

- [Jackie] Please don't be
embarrassed, absolutely I accept.

- Oh, you're just the best friend a girl

could ever have, and I appreciate that.

Get up, bitch!

(light orchestral music)

- Aimy.

I told you.

I told that you're gonna
battle for your mouth.

You just listen.

I told you that you had to be careful

and you did not listen to me.

Your grandmother is
reaching into your head,

and she's taking out every
bit of your brain cell

and she's putting it
her own head to get in

and it hurts you.

And I don't want that to happen to you.

I don't want it.

If you tell me your secrets,
you tell me what you need.

You tell me what you want.

- [Grandma] Claude, may I speak with Aimy?

- I think you've got to do something.

Aimy, she's been saying
things that aren't true.

If she's gonna keep doing
that, I'm gonna go be

in the bathtub and we're
gonna sign that paper

that we were talking about.

You talk to Aimy, you get it straight

in her mind right now.

- Aimy?



(Aimy screams)

- Help me!

- Shut up!

♪ Got to befriend against myself ♪

♪ Got to befriend against myself ♪

♪ Got to befriend against myself ♪

♪ Meet me go up it will happen sometime ♪

♪ Meet me go up it will happen sometime ♪

♪ Plot ticket against everyone I know ♪

♪ The last one that leaves is me, oh no ♪

♪ I don't know, no I don't know ♪

♪ No I don't know, that must be dumb ♪

(bright organ music)


- Sculpt it in a circle, Aimy.

- But it'll mess up the family.

- I said a circle, do you hear me?

I said you've been
vacuuming the same place

for half an hour!

Chin up!

Arch your back!

Eye contact!

Introduce yourself!

- I'm Aimy.

- Chin up!

You're gonna be the death of me.

Oh, McGillicutty Bob.

Arch your back!

Eye contact!

Introduce yourself!

- I'm Aimy.

I still see dirt.

- There is no dirt there.

No dirt, no dirt whatsoever.

The dirt is in your brain.

Introduce yourself!

- I'm Aimy.

- Are you gonna sit there and do the same

spot over, and over, and over?

- Grandma!

- I have been vacuuming for 60 years!

Stop it, stop it!

I want you to do the whole room!

- Ugh, she's been on the phone for hours.


- Oh Aimy, that won't do.

Turn around, try another.

- Oh Aimy, you look so pretty.

She looks so pretty.

- No honey, that won't do, but thank you

for putting in the effort.

- Oh my God.

- Absolutely not.

Let me get that stupid
helmet off your head.

- Eleanor, let me help you.

- No.

- Eleanor.

- Yes?

- I'll help you, I'll help you.

Lay on the bed, darling.
- No!

- Do you think I want you
wearing that stupid thing?

(Aimy screams)

There, there.

Okay, it's off now.

Stop it, stop your crying this instant!

Do you hear me Aimy?

Aimy, can you hear me?

- [Reporter] Whether we speak on it

in terms of a rising healthcare crisis

or an emerging disease

does not negate the danger
of the Apollo Plague.

It burrows under all conscious thought

and infects its host.

Delirium follows in later stages,

as well as breakdown of the muscle tissue.

♪ It's not her fault all the secrets ♪

♪ She has been told have to be a lie ♪

♪ It's not so right ♪

♪ And all she wanted to do ♪

♪ Was to chitter chatter
and chitter chatters too ♪

♪ Chitter chatter and
chitter chatters too ♪

♪ Chitter chatter and God said yeah ♪

- It's off, it's off.

- Happy Birthday.
- Claude.

- Happy birthday.
- Happy birthday.

- Aimy, why don't you stand up

and wish Claude a happy birthday?

- Grandma was raised by nuns.

- Tell this wild one to sit down already.

- [Father] She does not
need you to reprimand her.

- You do not speak for me.

- She has so much energy,
she needs to get it all out.

- No more sweets, Aimy.

- Yes, more sweets.

- We are worried about your nutrition.

- How about that Apollo, huh?

I mean...

- Apollo is a lot of trumped up nonsense.

We've seen at least 50
apocalypses that have never--

- We have billions of people, coming in,

knocking on the door.

I would be taking myself, I'd
be standing outside of it,

I'd be protectin' my woman, Eleanor.

- Execute them on the
spot with blindfolds.

- Sit down already you disgusting brat!

- Will you stop telling her to sit down!

- Don't talk to me, don't talk to me.

- You know, it's all about the sugar.

It's the root to all of her problems.

- At least my teeth won't rot.

My teeth are fake, I can't make calcium.


- Okay, your teeth are
very impressive, Aimy,

but we were kinda having an
intellectual conversation here.

Can we please get back to that?

- Eleanor my love, the sugar--

- What I've read about the
Apollo is that there's no way

you can even test for it.

It can lay in someone's body for weeks.

- That would explain my irritable bowels.

(soft instrumental music)

- [Girl Voiceover] I think
you're acting this way

because you have no friends.

But that's okay.

I know that must be a really
hard way to go through life.

I can be your friend, Aimy.

If you want.

- Eleanor, of course I...

I want to get married as well.

Just need you to sign that paper.

- I'll do it after we get married.

- Then let's do it right now.

- No, no Claude, after.

- We can go away, we can get married.

- Why can't we get married first?

- 'Cause I need you to
sign this paper first.

- I told I would after we get married.

- All right, Eleanor.

If you don't sign this
paper, I'm gonna walk

right out this door and
I'm gonna not come back.

You gonna sign this paper?

- No.

- Bye Eleanor.

- Oh Claude!

Come back, come back!

(Grandma sobs)

Oh McGillicutty Bob, I love you.

I love you.

I love you, I need you now.

Oh why did you leave me?

- I wish we could eat all food like this.

- Aimy, we're trying
to have a intellectual

conversation here, please.

- So am I.

- Aimy.

- Grandma was raised by nuns.

This is how they spanked her.

- [Jackie] Okay...

- They beat her over and over
again on her stinkin' ass!

Oh, did Mr. Bohringer propose yet?

Oh he didn't?

Well it looks like he's not going to.

I guess you're gonna die alone, Grandma.

- Go to your room and start a written

apology to your grandmother.

- A written apology?
- Yeah.

- With what exactly?

You took away all my pens and paper.

- Oh, she's ruined my night.

- Fuck you!

- Oh yeah?

- Aimy, get out.

- I have an announcement to make.

Little Aimy is adopted.

And do you know what else?

- I have the Apollo Plague!

- Your parents were dope addicts.

You know what else about her?

- I don't care, tell them.

We keep no secrets here
between you and me.

- She was a dumpster baby.

Her parents threw her in the garbage.

And it was the worst
thing in my whole life

that anyone ever found her.

She's the worst thing
that ever happened to me.

The worst thing that ever
could happen to a grandmother.

She's a cancer in my life, a cancer.

Get out!

Get out, Aimy!

- I don't wanna be here anyway.

- Good!

- I'm leaving forever!

- Go!

- [Grandma] You're a cancer, get out!

- Everyone please, just calm down!

We have crabs!

It's a celebration.

(discordant instrumental music)

- Freak!

(light organ music)

♪ Now that I'm getting scared ♪

♪ What if I get found out ♪

♪ What am I supposed to do ♪

♪ What am I supposed to do ♪

♪ What am I supposed to do ♪

- [Instructor] Next, filtration.

A vitally important process.

- Well, how is Grandma's wild child?

Look baby, I brought you some soup.

Ah, isn't that good?

You've always loved your Grandma's soup.

Look at you, tied up like a lamb.

At last I have a lady.

Her head is up, she's sitting up straight,

her feet are on the ground.

Oh Aimy, I am so proud of you.

And you're not throwing things.

What about that, huh?


Are you my little chicken?

(Grandma howls)

What could've been wilder?

No wolf would come in and break my dolls

and break my dishes, and ruin everything.

Yes you do, you just keep continuing

to ruin, and ruin, and ruin my life.

- You have nothing left to take from me.

- You've already taken everything from me.



♪ What am I supposed to do ♪

♪ What am I supposed to do ♪

♪ What am I supposed to do ♪

- The fun's over all right.

It's here.

The plague is here.

They're keeping it under wraps,

but we're directly in the red zone.

We have to go to quarantine at once.

They've already been a significant number

of unreported deaths.

I've done all I can do to no
avail, but it's a promise.

- I have to go--

- Nobody's going home.

- I gotta get dressed.
- No mother, please.

- Mother, mother, mother.
- I've got to get outta here.

- I gotta get my stuff.

It's all her fault.

We could've been ready.

It's all her fault!

♪ All that I wanted ♪

♪ The only child ♪


♪ Yes you still love me ♪

- We've got to real about this, okay?

We're staying put, we're quarantined.


♪ That made me this way ♪

♪ A way of fear ♪

♪ Let me out ♪


♪ What did you do ♪

♪ That made it untrue ♪

♪ Yes what did you do ♪

♪ That made me this way ♪

♪ A way of fate ♪

♪ Let me out ♪

♪ What did you do ♪

♪ That made it untrue ♪

♪ Yes what did you do ♪

♪ I blame it on you ♪

- Wake up.

Wake up!

You've slept enough.

Your grandmother died of
a heart attack last night.

You gave her a heart attack, kid!

(sirens wail)


- We may press charges.

Kelly, don't even look at her.

She's not even worth looking at.

My thesis isn't even nearly finished.

It's lagging due to all
this nonsense, and...

We didn't even get a
chance to say goodbye.

You are a monster.

You are a murderer.

All she ever wanted to do
was to make you a nice,

presentable young lady.

And you just couldn't let
her have that, could you?

Could you?

(dramatic orchestral music)

- Quarantine is such a
terrible, terrible word.

Curfew is more like it.

We have everything, absolutely
everything under control.

This is what your government officials

and leaders are here for.

- (knocking) Good morning.

Have you ever tube fed before?

- [Aimy] Of course.

- Then we make you feel safe.

Family is all about safety.

- Do I see any apricots in there?

Are there any apricots in there?

- Good morning!

- For crying out loud, get
my apricots this instant!

- End of the world, they're all gone!

- I don't care!

I don't care what you do, you go out there

and get my apricots.

- So I wanna take this moment right here

to personally assure you,

you have absolutely no need for panic.

(Aimy yells)

- Goodnight, cow.

- You know you're all gonna die, right?

You know that right?

- Father's rich.

- That doesn't give him magic powers.

Everyone's gonna die!

- Why don't you stop
scaring the kid already?

- You're all getting wiped
off the face of the planet.

- I can't even hear myself think.

- Stupid old lady, you're not my grandma.

- You killed her off.


- Oh, and abusing little old ladies.

That is a new low for you, Aimy.

- Like I care.

Oh no!

- You know, that reminds me.

I'm gonna ask you a question
for scientific purposes.

- [Kelly] Here we go.

- Do you realize just how insane you are?

- Get out.

Get out!

- Steve, you're not helping.

- Hey go on, eat it up.

Eat it up!

- Not eating a thing
out of psycho's hands.

- We've lost the entire
staff at my courthouse.

We had to let all the prisoners free.

- She only wants candy.

- Only wants candy?

Let me try.

You ready?

Oh, oh!

Oh, I'm so sorry.

- Oh, that's so funny.

You're so funny!

That's so hilarious, you
guys are all so funny!


- Quiet.

(Aimy screams)

- Keep going, keep going.

(light ambient music)

- Hey!

- Mr. Bohringer, what're you doing here?

- [Claude] I wanted to know
somethin' from you, Aimy.

- It's been so long since anybody's

wanted to talk to me.

- [Claude] I just need
to know, your grandmother

had some pieces of paper that she probably

needs to put in special places.

Where might those special places be?

- Is that all you wanted to talk about?

- [Claude] I just want to find out

about those pieces of paper.

I'll untie you and we can have a nice

little conversation about
atoms and quantum physics,

dinosaurs, and all those things that you

must be really interested in.

- You'll untie me?

- [Claude] Yeah, I just need
to know where that piece

of paper might be.

- You're not afraid
that I'm gonna run wild

and stab everyone?

- [Claude] I don't care
what the hell you do,

I just want to know about
those pieces of paper,

and then I'll untie you,
but you gotta tell me now.

- What else are we gonna talk about?

- [Claude] Dogs, cats, animals,
eyelashes, ducks, geese,

whatever the hell you wanna talk about.

Just tell me about those pieces of paper.

- You promise?
- Yes.

- Promise you'll untie me?
- Yes.

- I don't know for sure, but sometimes

I would see Grandma hiding things

where she used to keep McGillicutty Bob.

Mr. Bohringer, are we gonna talk?

(somber violin music)

- Are you ready to eat?

- I'm not gonna eat anything from you.

- Why not?

- I don't want to eat
anything from any of you.

- We're worried about you, Aimy.

You have to eat.

- Then I'll starve myself.

- That doesn't sound
like a very good idea.

If you don't eat, I'm
gonna pry your mouth open

and force it down your
throat like a foie gras.

- [Newscaster] Curfew's set for 6 pm.

All violators will be arrested

with one year minimum sentencing.

(static hissing)

- I have to go home now.

No, no!

- Calm down!
- No, no!

- Let me go!

Let me go!

- Kelly, calm--

Everything's fine.

Everything's gonna be fine.

(discordant drum music)

- You okay?

I can feed her, no problem.

- She has to learn from me.

- Yes, but you need
sleep, look at yourself.

What're you gonna need this for?

You don't need this kind of stuff.

I can help feed her.

She's asleep.

- She's faking it.

- I don't know about that.

Listen, I don't care about her.

I only care about you getting your sleep.

- I'll never let you guys sleep.

- Aimy, just give me a second!

- You're gonna have to gag
me if you ever want to sleep.

I'll never let you sleep, none of you!

- Ignore her, ignore her.

She's just in no state for this.

(Aimy screams)

- Stop it!

Please stop it!

Why won't you?

- I'm never gonna eat
anything from you, you robot!

I'm never gonna eat anything.

(both screaming)

- Hey, hey, hey.

Knock it off already.

- Four days!

She hasn't eaten in four days.

- I'll never eat anything.

I'll never eat.

I swear to God I'll starve
myself if you don't untie me.

- Well go right ahead, it's not like

we're getting fed either.

- I'll kill myself if you don't untie me.

- Go right ahead!

What's up with that?

Everyone wants to live, she wants to die.

She just has to be different.

Ken, you're gonna need the tube.

- I'll eat.

I'll eat, I'll eat, I swear I'll eat.

I'll eat!

Get it off me, get it off me!

(Aimy screams)

(sirens wailing)

- [Newscaster] It blows
under all conscious thought

that infects its host.

It starts with black rings around the eyes

and breakdown of the muscle tissue.

By stage two of the disease, skin peeling,

paranoia, and restlessness.

- Thank you for your silence today, Aimy.

It shows me that you're making an effort.

That I'm getting through.

- Don't you even wanna hear my offer?

- No I don't wanna hear your offer.

No I do not.

- I'm eating, I'm behaving.

- From now on, it's me and you.

That's it, no one else.
- Don't say that please.

- I can't even negotiate with--

- No, you're not gonna negotiate.

(both screaming)

- What's this little mutant saying now?

- She's saying nothing.

- [Father] A rehabilitated
serial killer is easier than her.

- Stay quiet, listen to my directions,

and I'll be good to you.

- I understand.

Screw you!
- Screw you!

- Act belligerent and
rebellious, refuse to eat,

and they'll be problems between us.

- I'll try my best.

- People are dying, so what?

Maybe they should.

- Let her throw out her voice.

- Enough with this back
and forth retaliation.

Just go get the tube,
fix it, and feed her.

- Maybe they didn't have what it takes.

You see, as we're being
seized by this epidemic,

we're also being confronted

with social Darwinism at its finest.

- Oh, we feel so sorry for you, Aimy.

Oh woe is for you.

The world revolves around Aimy.

- And we have to take
this as an opportunity,

as a gift, to look in.

- Go on, try another one.

Keep 'em coming.

Keep on screaming!

- [Newscaster] But where is the vaccine?

How much longer do we have to wait?

- [Announcer] They are
behind on deliveries,

but there is enough food to go around.

- [Newscaster] The arrest
of Dr. Issie Vandorf,

head of a ring of underground
surgeons performing

the illegal and dangerous--


(speaking foreign language)

- Let her scream until her throat bleeds.

(speaking foreign language)

(cymbal ringing)

- Here, have some.

Here, you love your sweets.

Here, have some sweets.

- Right now, say this mantra and you will

make it through this.

I have the courage, say it.

Say it with me now.

I have the courage.

(somber piano music)

(Aimy wailing)


- Open your mouth.

- No.

- Open your mouth!

No food?

No food then, okay.

Die of starvation.

- I won't!

- You won't what?

- No!

- No what, crazy girl?

No what?

- No, no, no!

- Oh, no, no, no?

- No!

- Throw it out, throw it out!

(both screaming)

- I'm crazy!

- Are you crazy?

- I'm the craziest person who ever lived!

- She admits it!

- I'm the most worthless
person who ever existed!

- She understands!

- I have nothing to offer anyone!

(light electronic music)

- What could we have here?

- [Aimy] I'll eat!

- I don't care.

- I'll eat!
- I don't care!

- Molly.

- Get out of here Kenneth.

- I have a nosebleed.

- One solid beating!

- No!

- One solid beating is what she needs.

- She ate!

- No, no, no!

- One solid beating is what she needs!

- You never did a thing of
value in your entire life!

- Get out of here Kenneth!

One beating is what you need!


- Hey, hey, hey, stop!

Stop it, stop it!

Drop it!

- Traitor!

♪ Ooh she is such a fool ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ And with the years ♪

♪ She'd withered and faded ♪

♪ But his shadow'd never crest the hill ♪

♪ I'll be good to you ♪

(tense ambient music)

- [Announcer] The virus string Apollo,

classified HRGVX, is uncontrollable.

The condition of marshal
law is to be upgraded

to the highest possible level.

Emergency vaccination
protocol will be implemented

for a forced airway delivery.

(Aimy screams)

(upbeat orchestral music)

- I can't do this anymore.

She's killed my spirit.

- Look--

- I don't wanna live anymore.

- Oh stop, she's just an animal.

Don't let her get to you.

- Let's take her outside, like Kenneth.

No one has to know.

I just want to forget she was ever born.

(Aimy screams)

- Oh let it go, Kelly.

(cymbal ringing)

(garbled static)

- Shame is a healthy response.

It means I'm getting through.

This is good news.

Lift up your chin.

Vibrate your throat.

(Aimy hums)

I think we're making a breakthrough.

Shame is good news.

I think your brain's starting to make

the correct associations.

- I've never had a teacher
as effective as you.

- And I have never met a girl so in need.

The system completely let you down.

It's astounding how you managed
to slip through the cracks.

It's astounding how
lenient everyone's been.

Your family denied the true
extent of your condition.

They deny just how sick
a girl you really are.

(sirens wailing)

- Hand it to me.


Did you look at Steve?

- I didn't.

- Did you intentionally look at Steve?

- I didn't!

- You've crossed me for the last time.

(tense ambient music)


- You have to go.

You have to go, you have to go,

you have to go, you have to go,

you have to go, you have to go,

you have to go, you have to go,

you have to go.

You have to go!


It was inevitable.

There's not enough food for us anymore.

The authorities keep
coming in and grabbing

every grain of rice we get.

And on top of all that, Kelly's pregnant.

Isn't that fantastic?

Bon voyage!

- Where are you taking me?

- None of your business.

But I'm sure you'll love it.

- Oh yes, you'll love it there.

We're taking you to a
place where you'll be--

- Among the rats.

- Yes, they'll eat you alive!

No, no, no, we were gonna eat you,

but we can't eat you, you're too sour...

- Oh, she wants a hug?

- Yes, of course.

There you go.

- Have a great trip to hell!

- Why was I even born?

- Because even God needs a laugh.

- You can't get rid of me, the neighbors

will hear your baby crying.

I can make lots of noise so you don't have

to disguise the noise.

- Shut up!

- Kelly, you're gonna miscarry.

You're gonna bleed to death--

- Know your place!

Know your place, crazy girl!

Crawl on your knees and beg for mercy.

I will throw you out to the streets

and let the plague swallow you alive!

♪ Ooh ♪

(light electronic music)

♪ And all she wanted to do ♪

♪ Was to chitter chatter
and chitter chatters too ♪

♪ Chitter chatter and
chitter chatters too ♪

♪ Chitter chatter and God said yeah ♪


♪ And all she wanted to do ♪

♪ Was to chitter chatter
and chitter chatters too ♪

♪ Chitter chatter and God said yeah ♪

- Doctors, physicians,
teachers, lawyers, politicians,

mathematicians, we all have to die,

and yet you get to live.

That's why I've decided
to give you an out.

Go ahead, kill yourself.


This is hilarious.

Hey, hey everyone.

Aimy's trying to kill herself.

Oh look at you, you're so precious.

- I just wanna walk!
- You wanna walk?

- I just want some fresh air.

- How many people have
died because they wanted

to take a walk?

Kelly died because she
wanted to take a walk.

God help anyone whoever takes a walk.

- Infect me.

- Stay back you animal.

- Infect me!

- No.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

(muffled yelling)

Oh no!

What are you doing?

Oh no, stop!

Not the upholstery!

The upholstery, not the upholstery!

Don't hit the table please!

Not the table, not the table, please!

Oh no!

Who's gonna pay for that?

- Where's the women?

- What women?

They want women!

(taser buzzing)

- Well it's beautiful day
on the town today, isn't it?

I asked you...

You need to raise your
hands when you talk to me.

You do it, but don't say a word, okay?

That's your job now, do you understand?

So you keep a good close
eye on her, she might run.

So we're here, we're
family, we're all friends.

We broke bread, we had dinner,
and look what it got us.

It got us nowhere.

We still don't like each other.

The room is empty, just like my soul.

I told you to take care of him now!

I am so tired of people just
giving me the wrong answer!

- He's okay!

- What the hell happened to her?

- She's infected.

- No, I'm not infected.

- Listen to me, she's infected.

She's gone.

- He's lying, I'm not infected.

I'm not healthy!

- Stand back!

- I want this little one badly, man.

- Just take her!

- I'm sick, I'm sick, I'm so sick!

I'm sick!

- Yeah, I'm a mathematician, she's sick.

- Guess it's all coming
out of your rations.

- Hey, I don't mean to offend anybody,

but she's gonna infect you all and then

you're gonna be taking it out on me.

- Delirium, he needs to be taken.

- No I surely disagree, I surely disagree!

- Do not test me!

- I just want to go.

- You're not leaving here.

So you can get that idea
out of your head right now.

You may not think that I can
push you back in this suit.

It my not seem flexible,
but I assure you it is.

I can box in this suit.

We are taught different
dance moves, like ballet,

the tap dance, and even the Charleston.

Pirouette, look everyone, I'm pirouetting.

One, two, three, four.

One, two, three.

Do you see how I'm doing it everyone?

Can you see it?

It purrs!

(playful instrumental music)

(soft piano music)

(light percussion music)