Aile Arasinda (2017) - full transcript

Life of a singer, her daughter and her friends change when they meet with a divorced man. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
How are you? What’s up?

Well, not much. I’m so bored.

It must be because of the dull weather.

No. I’m bored of marriage.

Mihriban, what are you talking about?

Right. I’ll divorce you.

I mean... Just because...

...things have been going slightly bad at
work, and I had a few cheques returned...

...and the debt collectors came in,
is that what you’ll do, Mihriban?

No. I don’t want you to think
like that, Fikret.

But it is like that.


...not feeling well.

Where will you stay tonight?

Are you telling me to pack up and leave?

Oh no, of course not. Please.

I’ve already packed up your suitcases.
They’re in the bedroom.

At odds with my destiny

My heart never gets what it wants

My dreams are made of three words
Here they are:

Married, happy, with children

Put your hands in the air!

A kiss goodbye before the storm The shadow
of reason is within my heart’s reach

I’ve broken many hearts
because of my troubles

But I can’t break this bad fortune

How did this bad fortune find me?
I break my oath every Monday

I’ve broken many hearts because of my troubles
I can’t get along with the flow of life

At odds with my destiny
My heart never gets what it wants

My dreams are made of three words
Here they are:

Married, happy, with children

My dolls! I love you.

I’ll take a 15 minute break.
I’ll be back in 15 minutes.

I’ll leave you with Solmaz!


The heartbreakers are always loved

Those who love are always heartbroken

I’m losing my faith in love

And I’m losing my fancy

All sorts of people are settling down
Why can’t I settle down?

At odds with my destiny
My heart never gets what it wants

My dreams are made of three words
Here they are:

Married, happy, with children

Amen! Let’s hope so!

I would like to introduce
to you our master musicians.

On the guitar, Yaşar!

On percussion, Fatih!

On the violin, the Artman brothers!

And on clarinet, Neco!

Solmaz, Neco’s gone!

- Where did he go?
- He went home. He said he’d pack his stuff.

Is he going on tour?

No, he’s got a 25 year old chick!
Didn’t you know?

He said, "I’m leaving Solmaz".

Son of a...

What? It’s not like you’re here to
listen to a symphony orchestra!

Get out of the way!






Yes, Solmaz?

What are you doing here?

I’ve got a fever. I’m so sick.
I came home to sleep.

The boys said, "He’s packing up his
stuff. He’ll leave you!"

They’re on your side.

Why are you so easy to fool?

For God’s sake, make some soup for me.

Are you really feeling bad?

I swear to God I am!
I’m aching all over.

- Come on.
- I’m dying...

I hope you die soon!

I can’t believe you’re hiding your
suitcase under the blanket!

Are we making a sitcom here, you idiot!

- Solmaz, I only have one request.
- What?

Could you pass me my beer?

To hell with you! Tell that young
woman too give you your beer!

- Who is that?
- That 25 year old prostitute!

- Shame on you!
- Solmaz!

Shame on you!

In principle, you’re absolutely right!

I’d spit on your face in practice too, but
we’re a family! I know you’ll come back.

We’ll see face to face again.
So I’m acting like a lady. You rascal!

- Let him go!
- You stay out of this!

Let him go. He hasn’t married you for
21 years, and you’re still waiting.

- You should have some dignity.
- I’ll tear your mouth!

You’ll stitch it with a needle!

There, your dad left!

He just drove off.

It was a long time coming.

He doesn’t want us. You can’t force him.

Shut up!

He wouldn’t leave his family behind.

He’ll come back. I know.


He’ll come back.

Mark my words. He’ll come back!

He didn’t.

It’s been a month, and he
hasn’t come back!

Well, he always leaves. He drags his ass
around a bit and comes back.

I know what he’s like!

He’s an alcoholic! I know what he’s like!

He’ll come back again. He’ll come back.

He will.

Solmaz, Necati rented a
house with that girl!

What? Son of a...

What? I’m sick and tired of this!

The girls at the beauty parlor told me
he put a ring on her finger!

A ring? He put a ring on?

A ring!

I don’t think that’s a ring!

It must be something else!
They must have misunderstood.

She’s talking nonsense!

No, the girl came to the parlor the other
day. She wanted her eyebrows plucked.

I said, "I’m not doing it!"
I sent her away.

- She wanted it done like yours?
- Yes, like that.

You should’ve done it!

You’d have done something good
for me for a change!

Hello. Are these ones made in China?

Miss, we have no Chinese made
products. Definitely none.

- All our products are...
- They’re all made in China.

Where else could we get them?
It costs too much otherwise.

These are so cheap.

- Have a nice day.
- Have a nice day.

And you’re smirking now, uncle?

Why did you say they’re made in China?
Say Italy! Be a salesman!

Haven’t you known me for years? Please.

The lying chip in my brain is missing.

That chip must have been
seized back in the day!

What are you saying? Stop mumbling.

Nothing. There’s an envelope for you.

- What envelope?
- From Mrs. Mihriban.

Mihriban? What did she send me?

How am I supposed to know? Come and see.



I wonder what she wrote.


She says "Fikret"!

Look at that! Is it a love letter?

Is she offering to make peace? Is she?

- I don’t know! Just open it and read it.
- Perhaps she is.


She filed a divorce suit!
It was supposed to be a love letter!

- Who said it was a love letter?
- You gave it to me like it was a love letter!

You gave it to me like
it was something nice!

It’s a notice!

I’m so relieved! This was
really good for me.

I don’t care.

I did say he wouldn’t come back this time.

I did, right?

- You did.
- Of course, you did.

- You said that.
- You said he wouldn’t come back. You always said that.

This was so good for me. I’ve been
with the same man since I was 17!

I can find someone new. It’s alright.

Like they say, if you like it,
put a ring on it.

- Of course.
- Let Neco watch you from afar!

Let him eat his clarinet out!

Let him eat it, right?

I can find someone new.

I can find someone right away, right?
I’ll find him today!

Perhaps not today, but...

What will I do now?

Get a lawyer.

A lawyer? My marriage is
falling apart here!

She filed a suit. What can you do?

I know a fine lawyer lady. I’ll call her,
and you’ll meet her today. Okay?

Do you think the lawyer can reunite us?

- The lawyer?
- Yes.

I don’t know, brother.
Go and talk to her.

By the way, where will you
be staying from now on?

I’ve been staying at your place
for a month, you know?

That’s what I’m talking about. You’ve
been staying at my place for a month.


There was that man you were talking
about. Who was he? Call him!

Who’s that?

You said "A middle-aged gentleman
saw you on stage and liked you...

- He wants to meet you."
- Right.

And Solmaz said, "Did that old fart
think I was a prostitute?"

- That’s the one! Call him! Tell him to come.
- I don’t really know him.

He came to the club once.

He wears glasses.
He looks like a decent man, but...

- What are your criteria, Solmaz?
- Does he have two arms and two legs?

- He does.
- Fine! Call him, tell him to come to...

...Taksim, for a coffee.

- Coffee is fine, right?
- Coffee is fine. It’s civilized.

- The gentleman with the glasses. That’s you.
- Right. Please sit down.

- Welcome.
- Good to see you.

How are you?

As you might imagine. It’s divorce
psychology, you know.


We’re young people, after all.
And life is going on, right?

But it’s not easy after 21 years.

21? I can’t believe that! My 21-year
relationship has just ended!

So it’s a coincidence...

I have a daughter in her second year in
university. I’m an early bird.

- God bless her.
- God bless us all.

I don’t have children.

I have a cat.

That’s so sweet!

He’s not sweet at all.
Just a cheap cat with plush patterned fur.

He’s ugly. Bad.

Plush pattern! That’s so funny!

Yes, dear?

Solmaz, he says he’ll be late.
He’s stuck in traffic.

Oh, we’ve already met with the gentleman.

So he’s there?

He’s here. Don’t worry.
I’ll tell you later.

She’s asking if we’ve met.

- Okan?
- Behiye.


So, well...

I feel depressed, and
they recommended me to see you.

-What for?

For what have I been recommended?

Well, just to be frank... I’ll be clear.

- Please.
- My wife has filed a divorce suit.

Yes. When? When exactly
will you be divorcing?

That depends somewhat on you.



I don’t want to get divorced. But sure,
we’ll get divorced if we’re meant to.

There’s nothing I can do
about that, but...

...but I was wondering if we could deal
with this, you and me, without a divorce.

Without a divorce? What am I doing here
if you’re not getting divorced?

Well. So...

Perhaps I can pay you for the day.

Money? What money?

I really don’t know! I’m very sorry.

Do you get paid by the hour?
Or is it per appointment?

What are you talking about?

Who do you think I am?

No, miss! I meant I can
pay whatever you want.

I’ll mess you up!

- This is your profession!
- I’m not a prostitute!

- I didn’t say that...
- I’m not a prostitute!

- Of course not.
- Do I look like a prostitute?

- I just want to pay you...
- Do I look like one? I’m not a prostitute!

- Sorry. I didn’t mean...
- I’ll mess you up real bad!

- Don’t do that, miss!
- I’ll break your nose!

- I just meant to ask what it costs...
- I’ll...

I’ll tear your mouth! I’ll have you shot!

I’ll have you shot!

- Blood!
- I’ll...

...kill you!


- What?
- It’s cerebral bleeding!

- Don’t be silly.
- It’s really cerebral bl...

Wait a moment.


Wait. Wake up!

Wait a minute!

He’s dying! This man is not okay!

Someone help!
No way! For God’s sake!

What’s going on? He’s dying!

Someone help me! Hold him!
Help, he’s dying!

I’m sorry, sir. This is a very
sensitive issue for me.

- Perhaps you thought I was a frivolous woman.
- I thought you were a lawyer!

When I understood that, I was proud.

But I couldn’t understand what
was going on. I blacked out.

I think you had a panic attack.

Perhaps we should go to a hospital?
Get a drug prescribed?

I’m not going to a hospital. There are
flesh eating bacteria there.

- Flesh eating bacteria?
- Microbes. They eat your mouth and nose alive!

You just lie down.

And cut, cut, cut, cut... get eaten up to death.

So let’s meet sometime. Your words are
really heartwarming!

I should get going!
God bless you.

- Get well soon!
- Thank you.

- What will you do now? Where will you go?
- I don’t know.

Like I said, I have no home.

My next door apartment
is up for rent, but...

That’s nice.

- It’s close to my store. I can walk.
- Yes.

I left the car with my wife.


So, it’s all good, then.

An old wooden building.

Yes, wooden.

It just takes a match to burn these down!

Do you always think of the best
side of everything?

No, that’s not a good attitude.
You should always consider the worst case.

- Yes.
- Yes.

In your bright shining eyes
I can see you putting on the ring

- My love, you’re really flirtatious today!
- I’m a young man!

- I’m taking a fancy on you!
- Is that so?

My love!

- Oh!
- My love!

What’s going on, my love?

Your mother is Mrs. Solmaz!
And your father is Mr. Necdet Balcılar!

I’ve finally learned their names!

Who told you?

I’ve got my secret sources of information.

- I looked at your ID when you were at the toilet.
- You’re kidding.

No way. You’re a real psycho, Emirhan!

How can you secretly look at my ID!

We’ve been together for six months.

You don’t introduce me to your family.
You don’t talk about them.

You don’t invite me home.
I got suspicious.

But I’ve finally figured it out.

Your father works in law enforcement!

That’s what the mystery is about, right?

I searched for "Necdet Balcılar" on Twitter
to find out what he does and so on.

Some funny looking musician guy with a
pony tail came up. That’s not him.

It’s not. So?

There’s one more Necdet Balcılar.

No photo. There’s a police
emblem on his profile.

I thought, "So, that’s
what this is about."

That’s okay. I respect that.

Emirhan, why do you care
about my father? Why?

- Okay, what do I care!
- What do you care?

Okay, what do I care?

Is he a police commissioner?

Look, the less you know about him,
the better it is for you.

Is he an intelligence officer?

I’m tired of this!
Pull over! I’m getting off.

Alright, it’s not like I’m a Mossad agent!
I just want to get to know your family.

Fine, whatever. Subject closed, okay.

When shall I come and meet them?

Never! Pull over.
I’m getting off, Emirhan.

Look, Zeynep. If I can’t have
you, you’re my buddy!

That’s "If I can’t have you,
neither can anybody!"


If I can’t have you, I’ll call you "buddy". We’ll
be buddies! This relationship will be over!

It’s over, then! Pull over.
I’m getting off!

Pull over! I’m getting off!

There, I pulled over!
If you get off, it’s all over, okay?

Get off if you can! Come on.

She got off.

She got off.

Good, you’re already settled.

It’s been 21 years since
I last bought a bed.

Don’t worry, it’s still
bought the same way.

You choose one, you pay the money,
you get the bed.

In films, people jump over the bed
and go wild, but...

...I guess you aren’t in the mood now.

The pharmacist said it’s a herbal pill.
You’ll be fine.

- Here.
- Wait a minute. Let’s not hurry.

It might go to the wrong place.

The wrong place? It’s not a suppository!

If it’s stuck in your
throat, you die right away!

Haven’t you ever swallowed a pill before?


I’ll soften up that spot.

I’ll prepare myself.

Test one.

Good. Test two.

This pill is the size of a slipper!
I can’t swallow that!

- It’s so big! Look at that!
- Okay!

Alright. Fine, then.

Enjoy your new place.

- Solmaz.
- Yes?

How can I ever pay you back...

- Oh, don’t say that. I didn’t do much.
- Of course you did.

Rest in peace!


It’s seven o’clock! Are
you going to bed already?

What else can I do?

I can see the bygone past in front of me

- Great!
- Me and my lover, we have fallen apart

What did we do wrong, to be separated?

I’ve lost my sense of self, I’m devastated

My sadness is filling up my heart

No reproach is too much for my destiny

My tearful eyes have
forgotten how to smile

Remind them of happiness, wishing stone

That was great.

Congratulations, Behiye.
You sang it very well.

Thank you very much.

But if you’re a singer, perhaps you should quit
smoking. The building is wooden too, so...

- I’ve never smoked in my life.
- Your voice?

I’ll explain later.

You’ve come to the strangest building
in Cihangir, Fikret!

- Welcome. Welcome.
- It’s good to be here.



What’s going on, love?

When I get married and leave,
I’ll miss this balcony so much.

- I hope so.
- Are you getting married?

The proposal is coming any day!

It wasn’t in Solmaz’s destiny to start
a family, so perhaps I should do it.

That’s great.


You said "Start a family",
and he’s getting divorced, so...

He gets sensitive when the
subject comes up.

Zeynep, what happened?

What happened? Are you alright?

I’m fine. I’m great!

I broke up with Emirhan.

What did he do?

He looked at my ID! He keeps asking me to
introduce him to my family.

But you said you were very much in love?

No more. I’m letting him go.

You shouldn’t have lied to much to him.

What should I have told him?

- What happened?
- It’s a family matter!

Don’t let him drink any more.

She said "Family", so...

Mr. Fikret, come to your senses, please.

What’s going on with you?

I can’t help it! I get touched!

Mr. Fikret!

Who is this?

We’ll get through this together.

What’s going on?


Fire! Fire!

It’s a fire! Fire!

Fire! It’s a fire!

- It’s a fire!
- What’s going on?

- It’s a fire?
- What fire?

It’s burning!

It’s not a fire! My guy
is proposing to me!

Say yes and let him put it out!

Solmaz! He wrote "Will you marry me"
with flames!

He’s crazy!

It’s definitely her guy.
He’s misspelled "will"!

Nobody knows how to spell anymore!

Don’t you have a fire extinguisher?

What are you doing here still?
Get out! This man is going crazy.


- Zeynep!
- Emirhan!



What’s going on, buddy?

Zeynep, don’t mess up this beautiful
moment for the sake of humor!

- You’re burning down the neighborhood!
- No.

- I’m burning us both this time.
- Oh, it’s serious!

Zeynep, I love you.

Will you...

Oh, good evening, miss!

It’s a wooden building, you see.

Mom, go in!

At least introduce us!
Let me say hello to your father.

Dad isn’t at home! And the firefighters
will arrive in two minutes!

My love, dad will kill us!
So leave now! Come on.

Zeynep, I won’t leave before you
say yes. I swear!

What did he say? feeling at this moment is...


Yes. Yes.

Stop it, girl!

No fire extinguisher in
the whole building!

Not a single one!

Is it the smoke?

Run out, you idiots! Out!

I think the worst part of that
night wasn’t the fire.

It was your pajamas, Fiko!

- Why?
- The anti-sex pajamas!

The birth control pajamas!

You idiot!

You’re a decent looking
man, but you’ve let yourself go.

- Right?
- Yes.

I do have charms, but...

...where are they?

Grow that hair, Halil Sezai!

This one.

It’s too hot.

- You shouldn’t have worn a sweater inside.
- What sweater?

He says...

Fiko, I’ve got that.

"What sweater!"

- It’s not bad for health, is it?
- No. Behiye had it on her chest and back.

Behiye, did you have hair on your chest?

My God!

Well, okay. Okay.

I’m on fire!

What did you do to him?

I overdid it.

The setting was too high.
It might have left a scar.

Leyla, what are you talking about?

A man’s got to have a scar! Like he was
attacked with a Rambo knife! Oh baby!

This girl is stupid.

You don’t concentrate. You don’t
immerse yourself in the music.

How can I immerse myself?
You burned up my chest this morning!

And five minutes ago I learned that
Behiye was actually Behiç!

You killed me...
When you said she used to be a man...


- I thought you might mean reincarnation.
- No.



Three, four.

- It’s excellent!
- What has he done!

Now this looks like a house!


Mom! Emirhan’s family is coming
to ask for my hand!

Let me see!

I wish you happiness.

You see these fingers?

I don’t have fingerprints.

If I were to give my fingerprint instead of
signing as Haşmet Kurt, it wouldn’t come out.

Why, Kahraman?

I lost my fingerprints checking to see
if these kebabs are well cooked for years!

Why? So that the customers can eat
them cooked exactly right.

There. This is good.

I’ve listened to this story
a thousand times, dad.

You have, but it’s done
you no good, Kahraman!

All seven branches of our restaurant chain
have been missing the look of your face!

Didn’t I tell you to
inspect them every day?

I inspect them, dad. That’s all I do.

Answer that. Put it on my ear.

- It’s mom.
- Oh.

It’s mom.

Yes, Mükerrem.


What did he say?

Emirhan wants a girl?

Tell him to find one!

He wants us to do that for him too?

Get married?

Dad, I don’t like the girl at all.
She’s some indecent type.

Mükerrem, hang up! Take that.

Look, Kahraman. Your brother
Emirhan is an adult.

He’s 25 years old, and in sound mind.

Doesn’t he know it’s not him who decides
who he marries? It’s me!

- Right.
- Don’t make me mad!

Close it!

He’s the son of a decent family
from Adana, right?

And he’s serious about this.
A decent man.

Don’t get me into this.
Just do as you like.

But they’ll come as a family!

What are you doing over there?

Googling "decent man"?
What are you doing?

You can’t find that on the internet.
It’s got to be in you!


Go away!

I’ll get angry in five minutes.

I always give you the timing, you know.

The countdown has started!


Why did you go to him?
I don’t want Neco to be there anyway.

He may drink up and come there
in a basket or something.

You’re exaggerating. He only came home
in a garbage truck twice!

If he drinks up, he’ll get in a fight
with the whole family!

If you had a decent, well mannered relative,
we could’ve told them he’s the father.

I’m surrounded by all sorts of silly men.

I don’t have anyone who looks like a
family man around me.


I found some great curd cheese at the
street market. I got some for all of us.


Here comes my Fiko! Let’s go in.

How long have you been
sniffing nail varnish?

Just two hours of asking for her hand, and
two hours of wedding! All in the family.

- I can’t...
- You just say you’re letting her marry.

- I can’t say that.
- You come to the wedding and...

- ...say "I’m letting her", that’s it.
- No. I’m under risk of a heart attack.

- I’m just a neighbor here.
- But...

- I can’t. I live here.
- Aren’t we like a family?

- Like a family...
- In three weeks? It’s not so easy to be a family.

That’s what I’m talking about.
We’ll save the girl’s life!

I don’t want her to be like me.
I want her to have a proper place.

- Have a home, a family.
- I understand.

- Two hours of asking for her hand, two hours of wedding.
- I can’t.

I’m a man who can’t even
bluff in a card game!

- Did you know that? I can’t do it.
- You can.

- No.
- Don’t you say to me...

... "How can I ever pay you back"?
Here’s your payment plan!

No I... I’ve got to go. Thank you.

- I can’t.
- Where are you going?

Well, my wife called. I guess
she wants to make peace.

- So.
- Oh.

But, like I said, I like your
thinking. That’s good.

But I can’t do it.

I’m not that kind of man.
I’m not like that at all.

I’m not what you think I am, and
I’m not actually like that either.

See you.

Why are you getting married so young?

Because this is true love!

If I don’t marry Emirhan,
I’ll never get married.

I’m not like that. I can’t do it.

I know what kind of person I am.

- How are you, Mihriban?
- Thank you. I’m doing alright.

It’s hard to be alone, of course.

No, my parents are next door.


Fikret, look.

I know. You’re very offended with me.

But you know, it’s not easy to
start a family.

- I mean, I’ve always...
- Fikret.

Shut up for a minute.

Of course.

My father told me to have you
sign these bills of debt.

- Bills of debt?
- My father paid the debts...

...but it’s your debt after all.

I could’ve paid it month to month.

There was no need to rush this.

I’m a businessman, after all.


Anyway. Did you call me for this?


God damn you, Mihriban!

- I’m leaving this here.
- Okay, we’ll eat it.

God damn!

Fikret, wait a minute.

Yes, Mihriban?

Don’t step on the carpet fringes.
They were just cleaned.

Greetings to your dear father!

These are the fringes, right?




It’s for your father this time.
Since you never introduced me to him.

I understood that, but my love...

...we’re embarrassed in front of
the neighbors!

Dad isn’t at home anyway.
Put it out.

Doesn’t your family want me?
It’s not like I’m not fit you.

I’m the honest son of a good family.


Hello, miss! How are you?

Thank you, dear. We send our regards too.

You’re left standing.
Why don’t you come in?

Sure, I’ll come in right away.
Now that I’ve given the message.

I’ll spray some water
on the dirt over there.

Give me the hose, I’ll do it.

You burned it on the other side last time,
so we were caught unprepared.

Leave it to me.

- Sorry to bother you.
- No problem. Leave it to me.

Do it over here, dear.
Zeynep, get away!


How are you doing?

I’m fine, thank you.
How about you?

Fine, fine.

We’ve removed the stuff here, as you
can see. Spring cleaning, you know.

A detached house... It’s hard.

- Very hard.
- Yes.

It’s a historical mansion we inherited,
so what can you do...

Oh, good evening, sir!

- Good evening.
- How are you, Mr. Necdet?

- Necdet?
- Fiko!


...we call him Fiko in the family.
You couldn’t have known that, of course.

His middle name is Fikret.

That’s why.

I don’t know what I should do.
Should I call you "Mr. Necdet"...

Or "Fiko"? Or "dad"?

It’s early for "dad".

What’s going on here?




Hey, son...

What do you think you’re doing?

How come you disturb my daughter
late at night?

Isn’t it too late?

Right? That’s a shame.
That’s such a shame.

- It’s a shame, right?
- Right.

- A shame, right?
- Right.

And here you are, trying to talk
to me in the middle of the night.

Why are you doing that?

And he asks me, "What should I call you?"

What should he call me?
"Shall I call you dad? Or Fiko"

I don’t know what you should call me.
Call me an idiot.

- I didn’t mean that, sir.
- Since I can’t...

He’s right!

Since I can’t protect my daughter,
I must be an idiot.

You’re right, sir.

- This won’t happen again.
- Of course it won’t.

What happens if it does?
I’ll beat you up.

And then I’ll be sorry.

Don’t make me angry.
You’re too tall anyway.

Get out!

Come on, son!

Get out!

- I’m leaving.
- This way.

- Okay.
- It’s late anyway.

Let’s not get our dad angry.

- My parents send their regards...
- Thank you, dear. Thank you.

Two hours of asking for her hand,
two hours of wedding...

It’s all in the family!

In the family...

In the family? Just asking for
her hand and a wedding?

No way, son! We need a henna night,
wedding bundles...

An engagement ceremony.
It should all be complete.

Don’t put us to shame, son.


Did I allow you to get married?

Look, your brother doesn’t like the girl.

You’ve only seen Zeynep once!
Why don’t you like her?

The moment I saw her, she was dead for me.
A silly type with tattoos and so on.

Get up, I’ll sit there.

Let’s go and see her. If we don’t like
her, we’ll have some tea and leave.

We’re not going to a betting shop, dad!
How can we drink tea and leave?

That silly girl will leave you behind
on the second leg anyway!

No way! Zeynep is a true family girl.

But what’s her family like? That matters.

Her father is an esteemed police commissioner.
They’re an old İstanbul family.

They have a mansion in Cihangir.

Look, son.

Do you know how many top quality people
in Adana we’ve promised to marry to you?

How many, dad? How many people did you
think I could marry at the same time?

You gave her the ring already!

I gave her the ring! There’s no way
back. I’m getting married!

-There are other girls, Haşmet!

- There are other girls!
- Not for me!

- Sit down!
- These father-and-son arguments...

...are really depressing me!

It seems we’re going to that betting shop!
The cat is out of the bag.

It’s not!

Cats don’t come out of the bag
without my permission in this family!

You let us down once.
We won’t get let down again.

Never mind, Haşmet.

We even got Gülümser in the family
because Kahraman wanted her.

Sister! Do you think you should cut down
on the tranquilizers?

I’m as usual, Emirhan. I’m rushing
around all the time.

If only I saw her rushing once...

Dad, let’s go to İstanbul this Friday
and ask for Zeynep’s hand.

They’re a very well mannered family.

You should see her mother.
A real lady!

This is not Zumba. I’ll
recognize Zumba every time.

Come inside! The real Zumba is inside.

- What?
- Come in.

- Where?
- Come here. You’ll love it.

What’s going on? Where are we going?


Isn’t this your...

- Olive oil dishes!
- Olive oil dishes.

You said, "I really miss seeing
olive oil dishes when I come home".

That’s what I said. Olive oil dishes.

- When you closed my eyes...
- Yes.

I knew it would be something like this.

You did, right?

That’s my friend! Come here, sit down.

The mourning period is over!
Your wife and my guy are dead and gone!

- Right.
- Of course. We’re not stupid.

You’ll find someone new.
I’ll find someone new.

I will! We’re ready now, Fiko!

To set sail for new horizons!


It’s very hard to get to know
someone from scratch.

- What?
- From scratch.

It’s very hard to get to know
someone from scratch.

It’s easier if there’s a friendship.

If people have supported each
other in hard times.

That makes it easier...

Just hit it straight.
That’s what you should do.

- Yes, that’s right.
- Look at me.

- Right.
- Do I look back?

- Right.
- I’m all good. The past is in the past.

- Right.
- Get up, let’s dance.

- Oh, I...
- Come on.

- I can’t.
- Why can’t you? Please, come on.

Please. For me. No.

Look what’s playing! I love it!

The 90s! It’s great.

So great. Times when love was real.

It was.

They told us tales and
lullabies about the world

We were fooled
That’s not what the world is like

So many generations crumbled

So many generation...

Solmaz, are you alright?

I’m fine! I’m having fun.


Perhaps we’re not ready yet. It’s fine.

You cried a lot.

That wasn’t crying.

I was experiencing a catharsis.

What? What’s that?

Don’t worry. It’s not a disease.

Catharsis... I mean... outburst of all the emotions
that have piled up inside.

Oh. Is that catharsis?

Yes, dear. That’s called catharsis.

I thought it was loneliness.

Emirhan’s family is coming this Friday!


- This Friday?
- Yes.

This next Friday?

No other Fridays in between...


What? Where are you going...

You see, dear? It’s all
about the catharsis.

Fiko is having an emotional outburst.

Fiko. Fiko!

If I don’t like the family,
I’ll go right back!

Right, you’ll go in, take a
look inside and just leave!

Come in!

You’d actually make a great
aunt for this family!

Aunt Behiye!

No way! That’s not going to happen.

A chandelier vendor as a father...

A singer as a housewife mother...

And a lady of the third
kind as an aunt. No way!

I don’t support this.

What do you mean, third kind?
Is she Martian or what?

I don’t know how to put it politely.

You should call her a trans individual!

Oh, individual.

Trans individual. Sorry, Behiye.

Don’t look at me, I’m getting anxious!
My heart will start throbbing.

Look, I might die here!
And you’ll say, "Fiko is gone!"

"Fiko is dead!", you’ll say.
I’m going. Fiko is gone.

Yes, I’m ready.

- Yes.
- Fiko. Good.

Fiko, Fiko! Calm down!
It’s very simple.

Now, your name is Necdet...

- ...your nickname is Fiko.
- Fiko, right.

"Our children love one another, and they’ve made up
their minds. All we can do is wish them well"...

- ...that’s all you need to say.
- That’s all.

- That’s it.
- Right.

It’s very simple.

- It’s very easy.
- And, you’re a police commissioner.


I was just about to tell you that!

- A police commissioner?
- We had no choice.

I’m a man who has three alarms installed
because he lives on the ground floor!

- You’ll make me a police commissioner?
- You are.

I don’t feel well.

- What?
- I feel very bad. I can’t do this.

What’s this all about?
I can’t do this.

I’m quitting my job.

- I can’t do this.
- Now, look at it this way.

This is even better! You’ll
stay for half an hour.

We’ll say you were called for an
operation, and you’ll leave!

You say so?

You’re a police commissioner, after all.

I’m a police commissioner!
I’ll say it’s my national duty.

Of course.

But I’ll just leave.

Why say this just now? I could’ve
watched some detective series for a while!

- That would’ve been nice, but...
- Mom, they’re here!


- Yes?
- Okay.

- Seriously?
- Be calm. I’ve got this.

- Don’t worry.
- Okay.

Don’t forget, your name is Fiko!

How many people are out there?
You said it would be in the family!

That’s the family!

The family is the smallest unit of society.
Half of society is at the door right now!

I say let’s not open the door.
Let them leave!

- You like the idea?
- Do I like the idea?

Stop acting silly! That’s enough!

This is the very last part!
For God’s sake!


Come in!

Welcome! I’ll take it. Welcome.

- Dad.
- Welcome.

- Hello.
- Come in, dear.

- Welcome! Welc...
- I guess the servants are on leave today.

- Welcome.
- Good to see you.

- Good to see you.
- Welcome.

We’ll have to show ourselves in, then.

- This place is falling to pieces.
- We like it too, sir.

No, it’s an old house.

We’re getting into the construction
business. We know about these things.

You should give it to a contractor. To build
a new building. You’ll get three apartments.

Right, but since we’ve been living in...

...a mansion since our childhood...
An apartment would be tight as an...



- How long will it take?
- Shut up.


Sit down, dear. You’re left standing.

She’s left standing...

So you’re a police commissioner, Mr.

- Fiko. Fiko!
- Yes, dear.

The gentleman is talking you.

Sorry to wake you up.
So, you work in law enforcement.


Province? District? What department?

Well...’s about crime.

Public security?





Not that either.

- Narcotics?
- No. Not that.

So do you work in intelligence?

No, not that either.

Some matters are state secrets!
You can’t talk about them in public.


It’s about national security, sir.
I can’t talk about it.

Courage is not here...

Not here either...

And not at all here...

- It’s here!
- That’s right.

You got the courage?


- Alarm!
- My God!

- What alarm is this?
- I don’t know!

The bell is ringing.

Who is it?

This idiot installed a
fire alarm in the garden!

What’s going on? You go over there!

Come here! You stay here.

Behiye, Behiye!

Get up, get up!

Hands in the air!

That’s "Hands up!"

The ladies said they were relatives.

Sorry to disturb you.

I was caught without a combination.

- Welcome. Welcome.
- Hello.

I’m Behiye. I’m Fiko’s sister.

She is.

And Leyla is my sister.

And therefore, Zeynep’s aunt, of course.

The alarm went off when Leyla
smoked in the garden. I hate smoking.

I’ve smoked for years.
You can hear it did to my voice.

They live with us too.
But they wanted to leave us alone...

As this was going to be in the family.

So, how are you doing, dear?

We’re fine, madam. What about you?

Thank you.

It’s an honor to meet such a nice
young man and esteemed family.


Thank you, madam. The honor is ours.

I’m glad to witness Fiko and
Solmaz’s happy days.

Welcome, once again.

- Welcome, everybody.
- Welcome.

- Good to see you.
- Welcome.

We too are glad to meet you.

I’m Mükerrem. This is Mr. Haşmet,
and Kahraman. And this is Gülümser.

Sir, you look more like Emirhan’s
older brother than his father.

I mean, you look that young!

I’m his brother already.

I’m his father.


...I thought he was the father
and you were his grandfather...

But anyway, you look
young as a grandfather!

I was going to say to you, "You look more
like his father than his grandfather"!

If the lady hadn’t presented
her husband as "Mr. Haşmet"...

...none of this would’ve happened!

But okay. He’s the fath... the brother.

That’s the grandfather. Okay.

As far as I’m concerned, all the pieces
have fallen in place now.

You can continue.

Leyla is a beauty expert. She had her
brain replaced with a make-up sponge!


So, my sister... Have
they asked for her hand?

Her daughter means so much to her.
I don’t know how she’ll marry her.

Yes, we were going to ask
for her hand, right?

What’s the rush, son?

Dad, everyone’s waiting. You’re still
sitting there!

We, as Haşmet Kurt...

...find their ages too young, but our children
have already put their rings on in a hurry.

I’ve got the rooster, after all.
Let the owner of the hen worry!

It’s no problem for me.

Perhaps you should make a
more conventional introduction.

So, let me put it this way.

The children love each other.

This is all a matter of fate and fortune.

We don’t know how it will end up.

But as tradition goes...

It’s up to us to say...

God willing...

The children love each other. And
all we can to do is say good luck.

You didn’t have to interrupt me.

We’re here to ask for her hand, dad!

It would be nice if they
listened to the end!

Well, we can start over.

Mr. Father-in-law, you say something...

And I’ll respond to that.

I feel we have agreed in principle here!

Where there is love...

...there will always be agreement, dear.
What can we say now?

Let’s wish them the best.

If wishing were enough...

This is the first round.
The game is not over yet!

They forced us to get the
girl in a rush, Haşmet!

You see?

Anyway, we’re lucky about our brides in
this family. We like all our relatives.

Mükerrem, enough with the stand-up. Talk
about the bundles and the henna night.




They said just a wedding
would be enough...

What, just the wedding?

Won’t there be bundle days
for the groom and bride?

We’re not poor people.

I don’t want bundles, dad.
It’s not like I’m going to elope!

If it’s hard for you financially,
I can buy the bundles of both sides.

It’s no problem for me.

There’s no need for that!

No need at all!

We can do the best bundles.

- Fiko!
- Wait a minute.

- We shouldn’t...
- Wait a minute.

We know the customs and traditions.

The bundles is important.

What exactly is in these bundles?

I mean, do you buy a bundle for them?

Here’s how it goes.

You get clothes, perfumes, underwear, a
wardrobe for our son, and we for your daughter.

You buy for us, we buy for you.

Not only that, but we’ll open
the bundles here with a ceremony.

We’ll see who has bought what for whom.
Underwear and all!

We’ll take a good look at them.

It’s a nice tradition.

Come on, come on!

I hope the girl starts wearing
the proper clothes we’ve bought!

The mother is no better, I’m telling you.
Like mother, like daughter.

Emirhan said, "The man shakes
the ground when he shouts!"

The guy shakes himself when you speak!

He’s been put on vibration mode!

And he’s in law enforcement!

We’ve been gossiping all day,
but it was relieving, right?

We couldn’t get so relieved in a spa!

At least the girl’s
aunt is a proper woman.

I like the aunt too.
She’s a man-like woman!


Tell me like it is.

Do you have a crush on Solmaz?

Of course not!

What are you talking about!


...and me? Who, me?

There’s no way that can happen.


If you mean the bundle...

...I did that as a favor, as a good deed.

Anyway. I’m not here for lady gossip!

Good, so let’s talk man to man.

Are you talking as a man right now?

I have to. I have no other option.

If you don’t have boyfriends to
talk about these things...

What things?

There’s nothing going on!

Look, brother.

Women expect the first move from men.

I know that well!

- As a man?
- No. I’ve switched to woman now.

If your heart is beating fast...

...get to the action. Life is too short!


Fiko, what are you doing!

I wanted to make a surprise!

You can’t do that in Tarlabaşı
at 11 o’clock at night!

I wanted to see you after work.

After work? Like I’m working
at a business center!

Are you hurt?

You made a hole in my foot!

Let’s put some ice on it or something.

I’m going to an extra job. Come with me,
we’ll put some ice there.

Right? And you can watch me sing.

The regret never ends

The roses in us are fading one by one

Fear not, my crazy heart

Let them go, keep singing, never mind

Fear not, my crazy heart

Let them go, keep singing

Your voice is better than all of them.

You’re much better than the lead singer.
But you know what?

You’re left in the dark. They don’t put
any light on your face.

They never put the light
on the backing singer.

Fiko, how can we ever pay you back...

You paid for the bundle...

No, it’s nothing. I’m a
businessman, after all.

If you need a kidney one day,
I’ll give you mine!

I need a foot right now.

My foot is killing me.

- You donkey!
- You’re the donkey!


- Donkeys have the most beautiful eyes.
- Oh, that’s why.

I’d appreciate it more if you called me
a horse of a woman, though.

So... Good night, Fiko.

Good night.

Thank you very much. It’s great!

You’re welcome, dear.
Wear it out on your ass!

I’ve really put my foot
in my mouth, right?


Gülümser, take a photo!
We’ll put it on my page.

Gülümser, photo. Photo!

Now, when our son couldn’t wait...

Gülümser, not yourself!

Photograph the bride!

I was saying... When our son couldn’t
wait and insisted...

...that we do the wedding this summer,
we brought a few wedding dresses...

...from Adana in a hurry.
This is one of them.

Did you like it, dear?

It’s like someone ate
lacework and vomited on me!

We can try the others.

Right? We can try the other ones.

Let’s see the other ones!

You shouldn’t have bothered.
Thank you very much.

Sir, in what department
exactly do you work?

We have many departments.

We have departments in every neighborhood.

I don’t go to the department.
I go to operations.

What kind of operations?

Criminals, you know...

I go to operations for
bringing them down.

So is it counter-terrorism?

It’s counter...

They can call me any moment.

I can leave at any moment.

- I mean, they can call me to an operation, right?
- And he has to go right away!

- Day or night, it can be any time.
- I may have to leave right away.

- I don’t wait.
- It’s very hard and stressful work.

- Yes, it’s hard on me.
- I tell him, "Why don’t you retire?"

- Go fishing.
- "You can go fishing", I tell him.

"You can play football"...

- Emirhan, which team do you support?
- Yes, dear?

I’m a great fan of Adana Demirspor.

By the way, I guess the wedding dress
is made of whipped cream!

Couldn’t it be plainer?


We’ll have a crowded, legendary wedding.
Don’t you think it should be flashy?

That dress is flashy enough!

It’s burning my eyes, actually!

Did you say the wedding would be crowded?

The bundles are done now, so we thought
a wedding ceremony would be enough.


What’s going on? We’re
not poor people here.

You didn’t want an engagement ceremony for
financial reasons. So let’s have a proper wedding.

And let my grandfather see his
grandson get married.

A three day and three night wedding
in the August heat in Adana...

...with a henna night, music and eating...
I hope he can live to see it.

Wait a moment. Will the
wedding be in Adana?

Of course.

- Three days and three nights? Is that certain?
- Three days and three nights!

Of course.

That’s great, but I can’t come.

Because Adana is too hot.

And you have to fly there.
I have a fear of flying.

- Just a wedding here would be enough.
- Just a wedding won’t do, my love.

Don’t get into this, son!
The elders are talking.


Look. My father is the crown of our
family. Nobody gets married without him.

And in any case, as Haşmet Kurt, we aren’t
so insistent that they get married!

It’s no problem for me. If you come
to Adana, you get the best wedding.

If you don’t, you’re a happy bachelor.
That’s the end of it.

- We’re leaving?
- It was a bit too sudden.

That’s how we do it.

Have a nice day.

My love!


I need to tell you something.

Tell me.

I was thinking...

...perhaps I shouldn’t get involved in
this Adana thing.

What’s that?

Perhaps I shouldn’t come.

Did you bring me here to tell me this?

You’re letting me down!

- Let you down?
- You’re letting me down.

- Of course not.
- What?

You said it would be just four hours.
Look what it’s come to.

Okay, okay, I’m coming.
I’m coming.

Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile.

- Take what? What did you say?
- Well...

- Take a mile. I’m taking a mile.
- I gave an inch.

Right, because I ruined your life.

- Okay Fiko, don’t come.
- I told you, I’m coming.

- No, don’t
- I just told you, I’m coming.

- I don’t want it.
- I said I would come.

- Don’t come. I don’t want it.
- No.

Don’t come. I don’t want it.

Okay. I’m not coming.

To hell with you! Don’t come.

Don’t come.

We ruined your life, right?
Shame on us.

I should get going.

Don’t come!

Thank you very much.

I’ll get going.

Whatever I say, whatever I expect

Of my creator, or my destiny

You can’t get what you want

Unless you’ve fought for it

Like it...

...strangles you

Like it casts you out...

...once again

At times... if you were dying

If you haven’t suffered for it

In curls around your neck

All scattered up...

Waiting at your door with curious eyes

My resentful memories

In curls around your neck

All scattered up in your soul

Waiting at your door with curious eyes

My resentful memories

In curls around your neck

All scattered up in your soul

Waiting at your door with curious eyes

Waiting... resentful memories

- Fiko, the...
- Solmaz...

How can you ruin my life?

You’re like the light in my life!


- How are you?
- Fine.

- We’re standing here.
- I heard you weren’t coming.

- What?
- I heard you weren’t coming.

- Oh, to Adana?
- Yes.

I’m coming.

- Really? Are you coming?
- Yes.

He’s coming.

He’s coming!

- Catharsis.
- Catharsis.

Solmaz, you gave him a quarter, right?

- What, the pill?
- Yes.

- I gave him a full one!
- What?

I gave him a full one.

My doctor friend said,
"Give him a quarter dose".

It would’ve been great if you told
us that in advance!

- All the blood...
- I think he’ll be fine.

Fine? He’s going to Adana in reverse!



We showed the gentleman
around Adana, and...

...I don’t know what he’s on, but
he may have thought he’s seen Tokyo!

Like I said, sir...

As my husband has a fear of flying,
we gave him a special prescription pill.

We got you a two-room suite.
Go and check in.

We’re expecting you here
for the henna night.

We had arranged a night with music at the
fireside restaurant for the gentleman, but...

...perhaps we should have him picked
up from the hotel in a stretcher!

No, I’m fine.

So we come here for the henna night,
and he goes to the fireside.

Dad, someone broke into the car!

What! What were the guards doing?

It must be some rascal. Perhaps he
just took the stereo. It’s alright.

Mr. Officer...

We have your superior here,
a police commissioner.

Mr. Necdet.

I don’t think he’ll recognize me.

Do you know me, son?

Do you know me... you?

Please ask Mr. Officer if he did
all that needs to be done.



Son, what have you done? Have you
done what needs to be done?

- I wrote a report, sir.
- What did you write?

The rear window was broken.

That’s obvious. I saw that.

That’s it.

That’s it? That’s all?

They’ve broken the window!

It’s a very strange case.

I thought it must have been
a glue sniffer, sir.

A glue sniffer? You guys learn police
work from TV, right...

"The guy is a real jerk, Mr. Rıza..."

Like they say there, you know...


Did you have any enemies?

We don’t have stupid enemies that would
take revenge by stealing a car stereo.


Don’t touch it! That’s evidence.

Does the car run on LPG?

I can see no evidence of murder.

Murder? There’s nobody around, sir!

Don’t interrupt me! I’m testing you here.


...with murder, the most
important principle is...

If there’s no body, there’s no murder.

You heard me, young man?

Come here. You have a lot to learn.

- Come here.
- Dad, brother!

Look, it’s definitely the Aladağ family.

It’s not theft. They want that land.

What the hell.

He means, "Leave the land to us, or
we’ll come in and shoot you".

He had asked if we had an enemy.

Perhaps he figured out
something was going on.

So the best kebab is at the marketplace?

He definitely figured it out.

Fiko is a top class man.

He knows.

Perhaps he had the right idea.

What’s that?

- Run away!
- It’s just water, sir!

Run, run!

Haşmet’s late mother embroidered this
kerchief 70 years ago.

We had given you a matching one on your
henna night. Do you remember?

Thank you very much!
That’s very kind of you.

Don’t kiss my hand, dear.

It’s been five years! That’s way overdue!

We’ll give this one to Zeynep.

Keep that in mind, dear.

This is for Zeynep.

We won’t give them that land. We didn’t
reach this fortune by fearing others.

That maniac Selahattin Aladağ has had
his eyes on me for 25 years.

He used to sell milk. He got into
construction, and he looks so proud.

I guess he has a complex.

You’ll take care of that, dad.

But we need to talk to this guy...

...about the attire and
manners of the women.

- Right.
- Of course.

I came to Adana because I thought
there would be men...

...but there’s nothing but women here!

So when is the date? I
hope you set the date.

Your ass is sweaty!

Come here!

Turn around.

- What are you doing?
- I’m putting a kerchief there. Shut up!

Behiye, is your foot size 42?

- 43.
- Wow!

That’s so big!

I was an athlete when I was young.
I ran all the time.

And my feet swelled up
and stayed like that.

I don’t run at all.

Fiko, you’ve got to have raw meatballs.
Open your mouth.

- No, no.
- Open your mouth!

- Really, no.
- Open it!

It’s really spicy.

We have a little request of you. Now that
there’s an intention of becoming a family.

- I have to say it.
- That must be really hot, sir.

Now, Adana is not like Cihangir. Mrs.
Solmaz and Miss Zeynep are used to there.

So they dress relaxed.

- In Western style.
- That must be hot too.

But we should take the good sides
of the West, not the bad sides.

- Yes.
- Please tell them...

...not to dress so silly. People say
all sorts of things.

Those pickles must be hot.

He’s on fire!

Fiko is burning! Bring him ayran!

Oh look!

Get up! Get up!

Dad, come on!

- Come on, dad!
- There you go!

Come on.

The lights are on in their home

- I’m bleeding up, all torn up inside
- She’s singing it wrong.

She’s on the wrong note. She’s on A.

She must sing it on E, right?
She’s out of tune.

Sing it on E, love.
She doesn’t hear me.

She’ll go out of tune.
Wait, I’ll show her.

- Solmaz!
- Wait a minute.

You’re singing it wrong, love.

You’re singing on A. Sing it on E.
You’ll go out of tune.

- Their home...
- Their home...

See, it’s A. Start from E.

The lights are on in their home
I’m bleeding up, all torn up inside

That’s better.

All who see me think I’ve gone crazy
I would rather die than leave you

All who see me think I’ve gone crazy
I would rather die than leave you

Come on!

Painted poles are in front of their home

Fate, you’ve dragged me through the worst

Painted poles are in front of their home

Fate, you’ve dragged me through the worst

My heart can’t suffer this pain anymore

I would rather die than leave you

My heart can’t suffer this pain anymore

I would rather die than leave you

I would rather die than leave you

You were out of tune.

- That was nice, right? She was out of tune.
- Great. It was really great.

What a coincidence. It’s the
only song I can sing!

- Such a coincidence, right?
- That’s fortune!

You’ve got a good orchestra. And I can
only praise the acoustics of your house.

- It’s good.
- Mom!

- It’s not there!
- What’s not there, Gülümser?

The kerchief!

So why are you smiling, Gülümser?

Like it came alive and walked away!

God almighty! It’s a family
heirloom from 70 years ago!

- Or did you blow your nose in it and throw it aside?
- What is lost?

The brocaded kerchief my
mother-in-law left me!

It’s a 70 year old family heirloom!

It was on the tray over there.
We were going to give it to you.

Haşmet will go crazy if he hears this!

Is it this?


It’s this, right? So...

...we’ll wash and iron this,
and give it back to you.

Let’s keep this in your bag...

...we don’t want it to be damaged.

It’s done. Connect it.

It’s worthy of your splendor, madam.


We produce these in Italy.
On the island of Murano.

As you know, it’s the world capital
of chandeliers.

Gülümser, take a photo.
Let’s put it on Instagram.

Let me help you.

Give it to him.

- Come over here, dear.
- A little request...

Could you please tag the photo with my
store’s name? #aydinlatmasarayi

So I’ll be your brand’s face for free!

- You can see the chandelier, right?
- Ready!


- How is this?
- It’s too conservative. You’ll sweat in the heat.

It’s got a very gentle back cleavage.

But that’s enough!

Mrs. Solmaz, we have rules in this family.

This dressing style is no good.
You’ll be represent our family too.

What are you talking about?
What do you mean?

Are you trying to say I’m a frivolous
woman who’s no good for your family?

- Of course not.
- Do you mean I’m indecent?

Not at all.

Are you calling me a prostitute?

- For God’s sake, look...
- Stop it! You can’t call me indecent!

We’re embarrassing ourselves
in front of people.

No, in front of me! Decency
isn’t here, it’s here!

- Yes.
- Even my husband never minded how I dress.

I’m talking about a man who kills
people with his bare hands!

- Mr. Fiko?
- Yes, Mr. Fiko!

He’s even got a Rambo knife
scar on his chest!

A man who has fought hand to hand
with knives and daggers!

Even he never minded my cleavage.
Who are you to talk to me like that?

Who are you? Who...

Mr. Haşmet...


Please, don’t let Fiko hear
about any of this.

He’ll be very sorry and he’ll get anxious.
I’m saying this for your own good.

You really had me carried
away a minute ago!

I really got carried away.


- Hello.
- How are you?

We’re fine.

You came to Adana in the hottest season.

- We have a wedding, so...
- Come on.

- You’re here for a wedding?
- Yes, we’re here for a wedding.

- Where are you staying?
- Where...

I’m at the... Palas Hotel. Yes.

- Palas Hotel. Nice hotel.
- It’s nice.

If there’s anything you like inside,
your wish is my command.

- My friend is inside.
- Would you like some bici bici?

Leyla. Leyla!

- Have a nice day.
- Have a nice day.

This woman had such a great voice.

What’s that?

The lady. She came here a few years ago.

To the Afrodit Tavern. I swear...

...she’s got such a great voice.
It’s hardcore.

What are you talking about?

Perhaps you mistook her for someone else?

- Right?
- Did I mistake her for someone...

Lots of people come here. I must have
mistaken her for someone else.

Welcome, sir. You can wait over here.

- Welcome.
- Greetings.


You must be Emirhan’s grandfather.

You look really fine and healthy.

I’m not fine at all.

I’ve got stress. I can’t sleep.

- I haven’t felt well since winter.
- Really?

Isn’t this light too raw? The room might
be stressing you out.

My eyes are dazzled.

Of course they do. This light
can even cause insomnia.

It can cause headaches.

It’s a toilet light!

It can cause prostate problems!

Thank you, this is really comfortable.

It’s nothing.

Welcome, sir.

It’s me, the bride’s father.

I know. I was kidding.

Oh. Right, see you.

Gülümser, turn on the TV.


Hello. This chandelier
looks badly mounted.

- What?
- The chandelier. It’s not well mounted.

Never mind.

Our son was swinging around too.
And then he ended up with Zeynep!

It’s destiny.

You know, marriage is very boring.

There’s only one good thing about it,
and that’s the wedding! I like weddings.

Mom, come with me.

What happened, son? You look
like you saw a corpse.

Oh, my father!

What happened?

His pulse is low.

Did he get too much of his
blood pressure medication?


- Dad, he took this too! I don’t know what it is.
- Give it to me.

Oh, no!

- Did you give him tranquillizers?
- No.

No, we don’t give him that.

- Gülümser.
- Yes?

Gülümser, aren’t these pills yours?

I gave him his own pills.

Don’t lie! Who else enters
this room except you?

The bride’s father.

Or did that jerk...

...give my father his own
special prescription pills?

My father is unconscious!

Did this happen because of you?

Sir, here’s what happened.

He told me he was under great stress.

He said he couldn’t sleep well.
He said the light was getting in his eye.

So I just wanted to make
him more comfortable...

It’s none of your business! How can
you do this without asking!

Why should it matter? The poor man’s
eyes were bloodshot.

He said they were dazzled.

So I just wanted to make him comfortable.

Just a single bulb.
It’s not a big deal.

- A bulb? You mean vial? What was in it?
- In what?

Did you make him swallow the drug
or did you inject it?

- What?
- Dad!

I’m sorry. We lost him.


- Oh no!
- We lost the wise old man!

- I’ll kill you! I swear!
- Mr. Haşmet!

- I’ll kill you!
- Calm down!

- Haşmet, stop it!
- Please, Mr. Haşmet!

- I swear, I’ll kill you!
- Let’s not go overboard, please!

- God damn you!
- God!

- You maniac!
- Mükerrem...

God is great...

I’m not that kind of person. I’m not.
I don’t use that kind of medicine.

- Just water soluble multivitamins...
- God is great...

Our wise old man! We
buried you in the grave!

Our wise old man!

Mrs. Mükerrem, Fiko says he
didn’t give him medicine.

He says he did nothing of that sort.

The doctor said it wasn’t the medicine.
His heart was weak. It was expected.

The wedding! So the wedding
will be put off now.

For at least 40 days, Haşmet says.
And Emirhan’s libido has hit the peak!

He keeps saying he must get married!
Like father, like son.

They’re looking at us.
We should cry a little.

I’m eating my father’s halva...

- I’m hurting!
- O father!


I’m eating my father’s halva...

I’m so sad.

Solmaz, what are you doing?

- I’m fainting.
- Why are you fainting?

Because it’s your tradition?
I don’t know, everyone is fainting.

They’re professionals! You pay them and
they get everyone in the mood.

You just sit down. Just don’t start
singing, that’s enough.

What can they do, Fiko? They’re
looking for someone to blame.

They’re still mourning.

Everyone seems to be mourning here anyway.

It was a natural death.
He was 98 years old.

His father died at 112!

- The emergency service?
- No, that was his age!

So this one died early.


Look, I’m telling you.

That drug addict Gülümser must have
given him the wrong medicine.

- Is Gülümser a drug addict?
- What else is she?

I thought she was like that
because of her husband’s smell!

She didn’t do it on purpose.

She just put the pill next to him.
It’s fate. What could we do?

We were really unfair to Fiko.

We blamed and mistreated him in our anger.

Nobody tell about this to anyone. Or
we’ll be the talk of the whole town!

But we won’t wait 40 days
for the wedding, right?

He died of natural causes, after all.

Natural causes?

Is that all you can think of?

Your grandfather died, you idiot!

- Dad!
- Stop it!

Kahraman, take your father out
to get some fresh air.

Call Mr. Necdet too.
Let’s it make up to him.

- Where can we go now?
- I don’t care where you go.

Go to a tavern or whatever, I don’t care.

Just let off your steam!
Don’t stress me out here.

I’m really on fire here!

Get up! Come on.

My God...


Would you like to go out
on a drive with us?

Of course.

I swear, I didn’t give him any medicine!

I swear! I swear that I didn’t!

Mr. Haşmet, is there anyone around the
house who likes taking medicine?

Someone in the house who takes medicine
all the time? Emirhan?

Where are we going?
This place looks deserted.

We’re going to a place you’ll like.
We’re in a bad mood.

We thought we should blow off some steam.

Mr. Haşmet, please!

Shall we go over to the
moving target range?

- Welcome.
- Shall we go over to the moving target range?

There’s nobody there. That’s good.
Come on, Emirhan.

Oh, shall we do target practice?

- Come on, what are you waiting for?
- I’ll just watch.

- Come in, it’s good for stress.
- No, I’m fine.

You start, and we’ll follow you.


If you don’t run, we might accidentally
shoot you from behind. We don’t want that.

Come on, Mr. Commissioner.

It’s sensitive! Too sensitive.



Emirhan, lie down!

Lie down! He’s coming!

Fiko! Hey, Fiko!


Emirhan! Kahraman!

Don’t stop! Don’t stop!

Don’t come over here!

To hell with you!


That’s it! I hit it!

You’re firing on us!
Have you never used a gun before?

Give me that!

I’m used to live targets! I couldn’t
concentrate with paper targets.

This guy isn’t a police commissioner.

He definitely isn’t, dad.

And his shameless wife keeps ranting about
him, but I think they’re full of lies.

Maybe he’s a traffic cop or something.

If only! What if he isn’t a cop at all?

Who knows what he is!

Our son rushed this.

We couldn’t get to know what this
family is like, Haşmet!

Call him here.

Let’s question him in person. Let’s
learn what kind of commissioner he is.

You’re in too much stress.
Perhaps you should go back to İstanbul.

We don’t know yet when the wedding
will be, after all.

We can deal with the rest on our own.

I can’t go back to İstanbul.
I can’t do that to Zeynep.

And if you stare at me with your donkey
eyes, you’ll make me feel guilty.


So you aren’t going back?

I can’t leave you.

And Adana is so beautiful.

Isn’t it? It’s a beautiful city.

- Very beautiful.
- The sunset is great.

It’s like a fire.

A beautiful fire.

The kebab is delicious.

It’s a fire that burns you.

The turnip juice takes
away the heat, though.

We’re on fire, Solmaz.

It really burns you up.


- What?
- Must we open it?

Let’s not open it, then.

My God...

He’s really insistent!

What’s going on?

They’re calling you for tea.

At this hour?

They said they have a few questions.

We can’t come now. It’s not a good time.

Thank you.

Who was that?


I have to take you there.

What is this?

What’s going on? What is this?

Why are they calling us with their guards?

- What is this about?
- Will they question us or what?

Like we killed someone! That’s enough!
Get out of the way.

Wait a minute. Please, calm down.

- Don’t be too...
- That was the best moment of my life, Solmaz.

They shouldn’t have spoiled it.
They shouldn’t have done this.

- That was my red line, you understand?
- Yes.


Get out of the way.
You’ll get stuck.

Maybe he works at a desk job!
Does he have to know how to use a gun?

If he’s a cop, he must.

We’re about to learn now.

What is this?

Selahattin Aladağ! Welcome.

- I wasn’t expecting you.
- I left a note in your car. Didn’t you get it?

Selahattin, look, that...

What’s going on here?
Will you lynch me?

Fiko! Wait a second.

Don’t get me started! Come on, ask me.

Yes, ask me. Yes, I killed him.

Right, I killed him!

I kill people in my spare time!

I’ll cut you all in half here!

I swear, I’ll cut you all in half!

I’ll cut you into fifty pieces
and go bury you on a hill!

You’ll go searching like a puzzle,
"Where’s my arm? Where’s my leg?"

Don’t get so nervous...

I’m a real bad man!

I’m a police commissioner!

I report to the very top level!
The top! Directly.

I’ll kill you all here!
It’s no problem for me.

I’ll tell them it was self defense.
You attacked me. I’ll serve my time.

I’ll eat my sunflower seeds and
watch my 37 inch TV!

Go and sue me! Sue me!

Sue me if you can!

What’s that scar?

I had laser hair removal.


Dad, you misunderstood us. We...

We called you here to
decide on the wedding date.

- Ah.
- Yes.

For that.

We requested you to come here, sir.



Selahattin, meet Mr. Commissioner.
He’s also my son’s father-in-law...

...Mr. Necdet.

Mr. Commissioner.

Take that.

It’s an honor to meet you.

I’ll put you all in your place!

Don’t bother me.

The tables have turned.

And get this door repaired!

I wouldn’t like to bother you,
or an esteemed statesman.

We know each other well, don’t we?

That plot of land isn’t so important.
No need to offend each other.

Thank you, brother.

So you’re getting married, Emirhan?

Yes, hopefully.

You grew up so fast.

I wish you the best, son.

The old milkman Selahattin Aladağ...

He turned innocent as a kitten!

Fiko is really something.
The man is fearless.

He has a Terminator inside him!

I knew it, dad. He has a crazy side.

You shouldn’t step on his toe.

He said he reports to the top.
What does that mean?

Let’s not dwell on it, dad.
He’s the former commando type.

The type that fights hand to hand.

- He’s obviously on a key assignment.
- Definitely.

Did you see the Rambo
knife scar on his chest?

He said it was laser hair removal!
He was kidding us.

Like we’ll believe that!

- Tell me, I want to hear more!
- You had to see him!

That stone-faced man
turned into a silk shawl!

He softened up and melted down!

- Oh my God... Fiko.
- Yes?

We have to play well in the second half.
You know that, right?

- The wedding?
- The second half of our lives.

The first half was really bad, you know.

I want us to score the goals
in the second half.

But fitness goes down in
the second half.

That’s great!

You always see the worst
side of everything.

I do have some good possibilities
in mind this time.

Like what.

- I do.
- What?

- I do have some.
- What is it?

- What is it about?
- I’ll watch a film in the next room.

You keep talking.

- You say so?
- Right.



- Yes?
- Come here for a second.

My dreams are made of three words, here
they are Married, happy, with children

I think he came to elope with me, but...

- ...bad luck.
- Right.


I told him I couldn’t wait 40 days!

It’s too much. I just
took off and came here.

What shall we do with him?

What can we do?

We’ll take him inside, and he’ll sleep.

Where? We only have two beds.

We only have two beds.


At odds with my destiny
My heart never gets what it wants

My dreams are made of three words
Here they are:

Come on, dad!

Married, happy, with children

Married, happy, with children

Married, happy, with children

- Dad!
- Married, happy, with children

- Happy...
- Happy...

- Happy...
- With children

With children

He kept grumbling, and then he left at night!
Do you think he eloped with the girl, Haşmet?

Let’s do the wedding
and be done with this!

We shouldn’t make them think we’re
wasting the girl’s time, you know.

Do as you like.

Invite some relatives for Saturday.

Let’s have a modest wedding and
finish this in the family.

All our products are hand made in Italy.
In the island of Murano.

Here is one of our designs.

We installed a large chandelier
in a villa in Adana.

- We’d like to order...
- Just a moment.

Just a moment. I’m sorry.

Mihriban, he’s posed for a
photo next to the bride!

I called the client to ask who he is...

...and they said he was the girl’s father!

They said he was the father!

I saw the woman with cleavage next to
him before. She came to the store.

The wedding is in Adana.
Go and face him.

- What are you talking about?
- Sure. You should go and face him.

- It’s great to see you!
- Mr. Haşmet, look who’s here.

- Welcome, Mr. Necati. Dad.
- Good to see you.

- Mr. Necati, how are you?
- Congratulations.

Welcome, dear.

Zeynep, do you have a second?

- Of course.
- Fiko, how do I look?

- Beautiful.
- I know!

I just wanted to talk to you.

Play well in the first half.

- The first half?
- Yes.

I will.

Your mother and I couldn’t play it well...

...because we were alone.

But you’re not.

I will always be there for you.

I know, dad.

There are people around, so...

Yes, yes...

So, if you’re ever in trouble...

...even if you have nobody else...

...I’ll be there for you, dear.


My dear...

Neco is here! Neco! My father!

What? Who?

- Mom!
- What?

Mom, come here!

- Where have you been? I’ll talk to you later!
- Hello. Welcome.

- What’s going on?
- Neco is here!

- What? Where is he?
- Over there!

Solmaz, shall I leave?

- Leave? Don’t be silly.
- Don’t be silly.

You can’t leave me alone.
You can’t leave us alone.

Where is Behiye?

She’s there. Shall I leave?

- No, for God’s sake!
- Mom!

Okay, don’t panic.

I’ve got this. I’ll deal with him.
Don’t go anywhere.

Sister! Sister!

- What is it?
- Just a second.

- Neco is here.
- What’s he doing here?

I don’t know!

- Don’t run! We’ll take care of it.
- Okay, calm down.

- Are you singing, sister?
- Shut up! Get out of the way.

- Solmaz!
- Neco, look!

Let’s serve our musicians, please!


This is Zeynep’s wedding.

- Zeynep’s?
- Yes.

Wow. What a destiny.

You said you didn’t want
to be involved, so...

This is a very uptight family!

They think I’m a housewife.

Okay? Please, play along.

Keep it low, just play your music.

- Who is that with Zeynep there?
- Who?

- I don’t think he’s the groom.
- He’s a neighbor.

- What neighbor?
- Well...

- Neco, why do you dwell on this stuff?
- Why?

It’s a coincidence. It’s your daughter’s
wedding. And you’re here to play in it.

You’re fortunate to be here. Enjoy it.

- Good luck. Please keep your mouth shut.
- Come on.

- Come on, let’s hope for the best.
- Let’s hope for the best.


What do you think of our beautiful Adana?

If it’s beautiful, why are you asking?

You ask the question and answer it
yourself! That must be so easy!

With your hands like that...
That’s a great pose.

Neco has been drinking a lot,
and he has his eyes on you!

We shouldn’t stand side by side.
It’s done, right?

- No, it’s not done.
- Thank you. With Gülümser, yes.

Yes. Yes.

- They’re here! They’re coming!
- Gülümser, the bride is coming!

Dear guests...

I’d like to welcome you all
to this happy occasion.


We have come together to see these two
young people off to a happy future.

Miss, your name and surname?

Zeynep Balcılar.


- Your mother’s name?
- Solmaz.

- Your father’s name?
- Necdet.

Here! Necdet Balcılar is here!

But come on, Mr. Commissioner!
Applaud them.

- Come here.
- Oh well.

Why are you going away? You’re anxious?

Fiko! Fiko!

- He’s a bit... Emotional.
- Thank you.

I’ll get angry in five minutes!

Now, the groom.

- Here, my love.
- Your name and surname?

Emirhan Kurt.

Go ahead!

- Emirhan! Emirhan! Emirhan!
- That’s my brother!

Yes, your mother’s name?


Your father’s name?


How can you marry her without me?
Who is that?

What, who? Is something wrong?

- Could you please...
- Let’s speak outside.

- Let me go!
- But sir, please...

You have stated your intention to
get married in writing.

- And now...
- Oh!

Oh, no.


Now, unless they state that they want to get
married verbally, they can’t get married.

That’s interesting.

You see?

He’s a musician. An old
neighbor from Cihangir.

He’s both schizophrenic and alcoholic.


When he drinks up, he
gets silly like that.

Okay, okay.

All the pieces have fallen in place
as far as I’m concerned!

- Please continue.
- Yes.

Now that all the pieces are in place
in the best lady’s mind, can I continue?

Mr. Emirhan Kurt and
Miss Zeynep Balcılar...

Go away!

- Go!
- Your daughter is getting married.

Not my daughter, I assume!

What are you doing here? A friend’s daughter
is getting married. What’s wrong with that?

That makes a lot of sense. Look at me!

I’ve given you my life!
So all these years...

- had a mistress and a daughter?
- What’s going on here, Fikret?

What are you talking about?
Please, leave!

- Go away!
- Fikret!

I understand, Behiye.

Please get me some coffee.
I’ll drink it and then leave.

No way. I won’t let you mess
up this wedding. Go away now!

I understand, Behiye.

I won’t mess up my daughter’s life again.

- Don’t worry.
- -...your intention to get married...

...and I will legally
join you in marriage.

- Miss Zeynep Balcılar.
- Bravo!


Our boy and our girl!

- Our boy and our girl!
- Hey, darling.

- Will you sing after the wedding?
- What’s going on? What did you say?

- What is this about?
- I don’t know.

The singer is a friend of mine.

- What singer?
- He must have mistaken me for someone else.

Oh, aren’t you that rascal
in the marketplace?

I don’t know how he mistook me.

Where is Fiko? Kahraman, where is Fiko?

Call Fiko here.

Fiko! Fiko! Fiko!

That woman is her mother, right?

The big-eyed frivolous woman
shouting "Fiko", right?

I can see in your face that it’s her.

Yes, yes, yes!

Miss Zeynep Balcılar.

Don’t get me wrong.
What I admire Solmaz... an artist, you understand?

- I don’t understand.
- What artist?

A vocalist.

- One night at the Afrodit Tavern...
- Yes!

Did he say yes? They said yes!

Haşmet, come here!

- Oh, I’m falling!
- Sorry.

He said yes... My God...

You’re not man enough to cheat
on me all these years!

Who do you think you are!

Mihriban, that’s enough. Stop it!

I’ll explain everything.

I’m too drunk, Behiye.

Get me some coffee, please.

I’ll walk down and find
some kind of transport.

And I’ll get the hell out of here.

Well done, Neco. You’re
doing the right thing.

I’ve never done the right thing.

- I’ll get you some coffee.
- I didn’t ever get fatherhood right.

She’s my neighbor. She said her
daughter was having this bundle thing.

They invited me, so I went there.

The girl has no father. What could I do?
They took a photo or something.

- You came all the way for that?
- Oh, Mr. Commissioner!

Where have you been?

Your wife has been looking for you.
Your daughter is getting married!

Sorry, whose daughter is getting married?

- Mr. Commissioner’s. Our bride.
- ...accept her as your wife?


Where is that rascal?

I’m looking for that rascal you
replaced me with!

Who the hell are you?

Yes, yes, yes!

Look who I am.
Necdet Balcılar!

I’m the bride’s father!

Isn’t Mr. Commissioner Zeynep’s father?

What commissioner?

Police commissioner Mr. Necdet!

Are you from the groom’s
side, or from ours?

- I’m only on the side of the truth.
- Tonight, both sides are...

- ...really good at cheering.
- Welcome.

Let’s see who steps on whose foot first!

I’ll pull mine back!

Are you the father now? You show an
ID and you’re the father?

I’ll pull back my foot right away!

Solmaz, stop this! You crazy woman!

- What are you doing!
- Who do you think you are!

You continue, please.

Sir, a fight broke out.
Perhaps you should intervene.

Let us continue. Fights are a tradition in
Adana weddings! Right?

Yes. So, let’s continue.

Did you just remember tonight
that you’re a father?

You haven’t been there for her for 21
years, and you’re the father tonight?

I’ll go out there and tell
them everything. You’ll see.

- No, Mihriban!
- No.

Never forget: The truth has the bad habit
of taking the stage sooner or later!

- And finally...
- I’ll put you to shame!

- Mihriban, please!
- Get out of my way!

And do you bear witness?

Yes, yes, yes!

Look at them!

Congratulations! You’ve been a great
father to Zeynep once again.

- To hell with you! Get out of here.
- Wait a minute!

Get out! the authority granted to me...

- Get him out of here!
- You!

Husband and wife...

- Stop grumbling, you loser!
- Haşmet, wait!

Brother! Brother!

Where’s that rascal you replaced me with?

What did I tell you? What did I tell you?

What? I told you, "I’ll smash your face!"

Didn’t I? Didn’t I?

Get him up!

I mean, help the gentleman up, please.

One, two...

Well, good evening.

I would like to share
with you some facts here.

- The bride’s father...
- Mihriban! actually my husband.

- What is she saying?
- Fiko, Fiko!

This girl is his illegitimate daughter
from her mistress.

Yes, madam, I’ve learned this today,
after twenty one years.

And I think he has introduced himself
as a police commissioner.

He’s definitely not a police commissioner.
He sells chandeliers.

He had a store, and he went bankrupt. He’s not
a man who would make a police commissioner.

Who are you to become
a police commissioner?

Dear guests...

...the wedding has been called off!

Called off!

The wedding is called off!

Apologies. These young people...

...were on the verge of a great mistake.

But sir, you interrupted me.

- We listened to you, madam.
- But I’ve been waiting for an hour...

- have the word here.
- You’ve been talking...

- ..all this time, madam.
- I haven’t said much.

I had a bit of information to share...

...with the guests, so I shared it.

Information! You messed up the wedding!

As Haşmet Kurt, I will speak now!

What a shameless man.

- Oh, I’m shameless now.
- Ohi no.

Haşmet! What shall we do now?

- Gülümser!
- Gülümser, go near your husband.

- This way please. It’s destiny, after all.
- They’re leaving! What’s going on?

You have no idea what’s going on, dear.

It turns out her mother works at a tavern!

I’m a singer!

- A singer! I’m not a prostitute!
- It shows!

Fiko, where have you been?

You’ve embarrassed us in front of
everyone! You trickster! You son of a...

What’s going on?

Listen to me.

We have our traditions,
our customs, our rules.

We’re a well-mannered, honorable family.

We don’t marry our sons to those like you!

We can’t live without our honor.
The family is an important institution.

It’s nothing like you think it is!

What’s going on? For God’s sake!

- Mr. Aladağ! Why did he come here?
- Goodness!

- Selahattin, what are you doing here?
- I came to my son’s wedding!


Emirhan is my son!

What are you talking about, Selahattin?


Tell him whose son Emirhan is.

Mükerrem, tell him.

With the milkman!

It was just a brief thing!

He’s the milkman, after all! But as
far as we’re concerned, it’s over.

I’ll kill you!

- Fire it!
- I’ll fire it!

- I will too!
- Fire it!

- I’ll fire it!
- I said, fire it!




Your father is fine.

Which one?


And the damned milkman, he’s alive.

You called me 12 times...

Mihriban is fine.

Where have you been?

Where were you during the wedding?

Your wife came, and you were
with her all the time!

I told you not to leave me alone!

You left me alone, and
it’s all a mess now.


Did I leave you alone?

Haven’t I been there for you
since the beginning?

Who else was? She almost died!

Shouldn’t I have visited her?

What more can I do for you?

Nothing. It’s all over now. You’re free.

If you hadn’t left me alone for
just another half hour...

...this girl would have started
a family by now.

It’s not so easy to start a family.

It’s not as easy as you think it is.

I’ve been trying to start a family
for twenty one years. Could I do it?

And you? You tried to start
a family. Could you?


A singer mother, a substitute father...
That doesn’t work out.

A makeshift family just doesn’t work out.

We couldn’t become a family.

It just doesn’t work out.

You’re right. We’re good for nothing.

Who knows if there’s a way back


From this road I’m going down

Who knows how long I’ll be watching out

Waiting for you to come back

Will the sun setting on my horizon
Rise again tomorrow?

Who knows how sad I will be

Down in my heart?

Who knows? Who knows?

Who knows? Who knows?

That was beautiful, Behiye.
You sang so well.

I’ll clean those up tomorrow.
Good night.



What’s going on again?

Is it your guy?

Of course it is. Who else can it be?

At least this one knows how to spell!
He wrote the last word separately.

What are you doing here? Come on.

Oh God. Wish me luck!

She’s crazy.

Come on, let’s watch from the window.

Fiko would have been screaming
if he was here.

What happened?

Solmaz, come here for a second.



- Fiko!
- Did you read it?

Who are you asking?

I’ve been in love with
Behiye from the start!

You know what...’re really crazy, after all.

What will you do? Burn
down the neighborhood?

Life is short.

Let’s burn it all down!

Well done! Congratulations!

- I’m on fire!
- He’s burning!

I’m on fire! I’m on fire!

Dad, water! Dad!

- Pour it, son!
- Come here.