Ai nu xin zhuan (1984) - full transcript
Ai Nu is forced to work in Madam Chun's Merryland brothel. She is unwilling at first, but soon learns what to do to survive.
Sir, it's quite late!
It's freezing!
Been comparatively colder today
Please give me some
wine and a bowl of noodles
She has been here for three days
Said she couldn't find her relatives
The noodles, sir
Better eat up while it's hot
No need
I've asked her everyday
if she'd eat something
"She doesn't want to;
says she has no money"
I've paid for this bowl of noodles
You have to eat something
That feel a little warmer?
I don't need this blanket anymore
Please eat the noodles
It's possible that I won't see you again
Don't worry about paying me back
You can keep the change
Thank you
Lady Chun...
Come on down! Lady Chun
Drink with me!
You've got to accompany me
He is drunk
Take it easy!
If I drank it
I would die in front of you now
Don't die! I'll drink it
Lady Chun, the officer wants to see you
Lady Chun
Lady Chun
What's the matter?
The county magistrate is waiting for you
All right. You go ahead
Lady Chun, there is a customer waiting
Asking him to wait for a while
Lady Chun, you have to drink with me
I will. I'll drink with you
But only one glass
Tell him to wait
This gentleman has been waiting
Mr. Wong
Take good care of him!
He is our wealth and fortune
Sir, please have some more
Lady Chun, how about a drink with me?
I'll be back in a short while
Wait for me a while, okay
Lady Chun, Lady Chun
Please drink with me!
I've been waiting for a long time
Be patient! I'll be back
County Magistrate, what's the matter?
It's terribly serious
The Imperial court has
dispatched a secret agent
They're investigating
the bribes and corruption
It seems they know we've twisted the law
They knew it all
He sent a confidential letter to Young Chew
and gave it to the Inspector General
Here's a thousand taels of gold
Not matter what happens
tonight you've to tackle this for me
Honestly it's an honor to work for you
I'll certainly take care of it for you
The time and the place?
Yes... it's all here
I've put it all down
God, I've been so scared
Inform me as soon as it's done
Okay, don't worry
I'll leave you to it then
Please see him out
Xia Xie, go and see if Xiao Ye is back
Chew Yun, get my clothes!
Xiao Ye is back
Count the gold here
Ms. Chun, is it?
Who could it be except me?
We've got an assignment
There is a man with white clothes in forest
He's got a confidential letter
which is for the Inspector General
Kill him and bring the letter back
The purple hibiscus I
planted have bloomed well
Xiao Ye's sword... it's always so swift
It's a habit
I'll use my sword on every assignment
Also... before you go for the kill,
you'll need Ms. Chun
Come and take off my clothes then
We have plenty of time. Make it slow
Xiao Ye
This ain't a river or a stream
Why're you fishing here, buddy?
I'm not fishing
I'm waiting for someone to get hooked
Didn't you have a letter...
for the Inspector General?
Who are you?
A person like me can't possibly have a name
Xiao Ye
Ms. Chun
You saw my sword
Why did you still come over?
This is my way of attacking
Just wanted to make
sure that my enemy is dead
I didn't think of my own life
What? Injured again?
It's pretty normal to get hurt
Miss, Miss
New girls are here
I'll be right there after I change
Come here
Go in quickly!
Stand there!
Did you see? I told you to stand there
Go in!
Ju San
Why did it take you 3 months...
to deliver new girls to me this once?
Lady Chun, you asked for the best
Do you know...
how tough it is to find beauties nowadays?
What are you doing?
What a temper!
But anyway... she is nice
"Ju San, here is your gold;"
Your payment for bringing me 30 girls
What's the matter?
We don't want the gold today
Then what do you want?
What do we want?
We want to spend a night here
Shut up!
You flatter me way too much
But I don't want any smell of men...
left on my bed
How about...
we do it on the boat?
The rocking movement of the boat...
is sure to make you go crazy
Looking for trouble, are you?
Fourth brother
If I was you...
I'll take off right this moment
Otherwise you could lose your life
Lady Chun, you're bloody cruel
You just wait and see
Let's go! Fourth brother
Thank you for your gold
Lady Chun, the girl with blue clothes
just bit Madam Hu's finger!
Fucking bitch!
Beat her up!
Why don't you cry?
Why should I?
Does it pain?
None of your business
Your skin is very fair
Oh, you've a nice figure too
Men sure would fancy such a girl
What happened today?
Don't you know!
Lady Chun has got some new girls
We have a beauty pageant tonight
Great! We'll go
Please! Please!
Did you see...
The rules of Merryland
500 per person
First come first serve
I want...
There are a lot of girls
As your wish and we'll satisfy you
I'm coming...
Hey dude, think I'm good enough?
I'm not ready...
Sir, don't be in a hurry!
Just be patient! I guarantee you can do it
Where is the girl?
She is here
Go ahead! Any one of you can begin
Who should go first?
She is very beautiful!
Mr. Magistrate, she is so lovely!
I can't stand it
Go ahead!
Lady Chun, you're marvellous!
This girl is very beautiful
Wait for me
Who should go first?
The hell with him!
She's so pretty
Sir, you go ahead!
No, I can't do it now
You go first
Then if you don't mind
What are you doing?
I'm going to sue you in the court
I'm the county magistrate. You can tell me
You don't need to go to the court
Don't go...
Don't let her go
Mr. County Magistrate, it's your turn
Me?! I don't think I still can
You better carry on first
Go ahead
Big brother, come on!
Let's change the place
Hurry! Go!
You are not human beings
You're bloody beasts! I'll kill you
You are not human beings
What a beautiful skin!
Don't touch me! I want to die
Silly girl!
You'd better wipe off the blood
It's not that easy to die
What's so difficult about dying?
One can die with just a pair of scissors
Also you can jump into the river
Or even with one rope
All of us have to die sooner or later
Your temper is just like
me when I was young
I rather die than give in
It's terrible!
The county magistrate has epilepsy
Let's go and see
Some people force girls into prostitution
Is there anyone?
Of course. What are you screaming for?
Do you know it's still Merryland here?
You only killed who you disliked
However one has got to
make 'death' worthwhile
If you don't like it here...
why don't you leave?
It's not much better
outside than in Merryland
Open the door! Open!
Miss, Miss, Miss
There is no other house around
It's cold and very late
Where are you going?
Silly girl, I'm very old
What are you afraid of?
Let's get warmed up in the house first
You can safely stay over one night here
Tomorrow I'll take you to file a report
Don't be afraid!
This is from my dead wife
You can put it on
If my daughter was still alive
She would be your age
Old Uncle
You're the second decent
person I've come across
You! What are you doing?
Miss, ever since I first saw you...
I want to sleep with you
And you just...
There's just no decency in this world!
Why else would I give you the clothes...
and food to eat?
No one will be foolish enough to do it
They are huge
Be good! We will have a good time
Help! Officer
It's him... he's trying to rape me!
What did you say?
I... Sir
You still want to run
Bloody asshole
You dare to rape a girl
Ever heard of something called ' law '?
I'll not allow you to continue your crimes
Arrest him!
Who are you?
What are you doing here?
You can ask me
She is from my place
Please arrest them too!
They force decent girls into prostitution
That's a goddamn joke!
You must have stolen other's money...
and wanted to run away
Do you know that's against the law?
No... I didn't steal any money
Actually she captured me to her place
Lady Chun
I didn't know she is from Merryland
Please forgive me...
This is a little token
I can't accept it
Thank you! Thanks!
Let's go!
I almost believed what you just said
You said that as long as you were here
no one will bully the civilians
Did I say that?
Didn't you?
Silly girl!
What is the law?
The gold is the law
Don't you get it?
Didn't you see that
the county magistrate...
is here before?
You didn't need to go out...
and seek the help of some other officer
Come, wear something pretty
In fact, the world out there...
isn't much better than here in Merryland
Don't think too much!
All the women will
eventually get married...
have children, get into cooking & cleaning
Working for husbands rest of their lives
It'll be forever
Your happiness depends on him
You can't stay here
for the rest of your life
Take me for instance
I do hope that you can marry a good man
And leave here sooner
You've been poor before
How do you used to live before?
Sleeping on the streets,
and always starving...
isn't that a tough life?
Be patient!
Help me out for time being
I'll call you Ai Nu
Sir, you haven't been here for many days
My dear county magistrate
Is Ai Nu really that good?
She is fantastic
I'll never lie to you
Look! She is coming
Don't be scared!
Mr. Lee, he is very wealthy
You have to take good care of him tonight
Don't ruin our reputation
Be good! You'll have wonderful time
Get it?
Hurry up!
Mr. Lee
Lady Chun, you may leave
Take care of yourself
Do me a favor! Just a favor!
Get out!
No, no
Don't be afraid
Let me take off your clothes
There is still a virgin's sense
Come on
What do you mean?
I'll do it myself
You got lots of tricks
What the hell are you doing?
I'm afraid
No wonder the county magistrate remarked...
'You're different than other girls'
You know how to tease men
All right, it's enough
I'm too old for this
What the hell do you want?
I beg of you! Would you please!
I really can't
What? You can't
No way
Where are you going?
You can't run this time
Everyone out
Inform the county magistrate immediately
What are you looking at?
Ai Nu, Ai Nu
I'm Lady Chun...
Drink some tea
Come on, help me take off my clothes first
I didn't mean to kill him
Ai Nu, it's all right
Don't cry! It'll be OK
Look! No one is in here...
except you and me
Tell me why do our women...
need to let the men play?
Why they don't care about what we think?
Silly girl!
This is the way for us women
Like me
My dad passed away when I was three
And mother contracted tuberculosis
My uncle kicked us out
After that, mother & I
were bound by same fate
We lived on streets and begged
Once a while we would have food to eat
After a few years mother died too
I met the lady boss of Merryland
She took me in
I still recall the first time I was here
I was very curious
Had never seen such a beautiful place
She saw that I was filthy
She took my clothes off
and gave me a shower
Silly girl! You're very pretty
Be a good girl
You'll find a good husband
Since that time...
The lady boss liked me very much
Dressed me up like others
I've always been beautiful
From that day on
I served the lady boss
And also earned money for her
Normally, you'd take
me for a very serious kind
In fact, we have similar background
You have the same story like mine
But you've got to remember
Never cry and ever ask for help
You mean...
Agreed, if it's a bright
future you're looking for...
one does need some luck
Silly girl!
You'll have to handle lots of men later
Could it be said that
you killed each of them?
Let Lady Chun teach you step by step
Trust me, men just love
touching those parts!
You'll get used to it soon
May I know your good name?
How come I've never seen you earlier?
My name is Lin Yun
I was sent here early this month
I heard that Mr. Lee died here yesterday
I'm here to investigate
You're from out of the town
No wonder you're so early
Have you visited the county magistrate yet?
Beg your pardon?
I said, before coming here...
did you go to see the county magistrate?
The investigation is our duty
I don't need to bother him
Especially it's early morning
Perhaps he'd be still asleep
Who says so?
How do you know that I haven't gotten up?
My respects, sir
Get out! Go away!
Officer Fu
Who told you that Mr. Lee died here?
All of us are aware that he died at home
I went to inquire of Lee's family
They told me that he didn't die at home
He died here for sure
And it was a homicide
Did you see it with your own eyes?
So it's just your hearsay
Officer Fu said that he died at home
Why can't you believe it?
No more
Finally, my judgement is...
Mr. Lee died at home
If you have too much free time...
you may go to his home
Question his wife
Investigate how she killed her husband!
That's right, Officer Lin
Do you want me to prepare a sedan chair...
for you to go to Lee's home?
Leave now
I'm leaving
Did I see you somewhere?
No, you must've got the wrong person
Come in, Ai Nu
I remembered that it was a cold night
I put a blanket on her
It's strange
Uncanny resemblance, I'd say!
There was a beautiful girl in the forest
When were the wind bring her back?
Say, if it ain't her...
where did the girl of that windy night go?
Ai Nu
The county magistrate did you a big favor
You have to repay him today
You understand, don't you?
For rest of your life all that jewelry...
would stand you in good stead
Come... Ai Nu. Come quickly
Come to see what you did get
Do you like it?
Look! Ai Nu
This necklace is a gift from me
Do you like it?
This is a gold bracelet. Take a look!
Your skin is so smooth
Is it worth a lot?
Yes, good for the rest of your life
I can do it now. I'm coming
Hurry up! Come on!
It sounds great like you said
It's very easy to make money
Gradually you'll understand
The money can really talk
Is the county magistrate good enough?
Forget it. He made me so uncomfortable
Am I right?
I did say he ain't as considerate as me
No, Ms. Chun
Are you sure?
What's wrong?
Never seen a naked woman?
No, I heard you scream all of a sudden
I thought something had happened
You must miss your Lady Chun
That's the reason you are here
No, I'm leaving
Come on
Don't go
You can't get away
Mr. Ju San
Lady Chun...
It's Mr. Ju San
How rare!
What brought you here?
It's not that rare!
But it reminded us of the scar wound
And also my brother's broken arm
Suddenly we thought about you
Do you really want to sleep with me?
That won't be too difficult
This skirt can be easily removed
This table is like a big bed
Come on, who is first?
Big brother
Lady Chun, you misunderstood!
He isn't fond of women
He likes tracking mountains
Please hand me that guy from the other day
You may leave
Last time I should have killed you
This time Merryland is in real trouble. Go
Xiao Ye
Don't be jumpy!
Take a look! Why not?
For the power and the money
You need to kill more people
Are you a human or beast?
Lady Chun, Xiao Ye...
I know... say it again slowly
You clean it up quickly
And then attend to the customers
Do you always come
here to nurse the wounds...
after you killed someone?
I saw the way you killed others
You didn't pay any attention to yourself
Ever since I was little I
knew it took blood to kill
Also I was ready to die
everytime I killed someone
I remembered the first time I saw you
You said you only killed
someone you disliked
And die for a worthy cause
I don't like anyone that Ms. Chun dislikes
I'll gladly die for Ms. Chun
So she is your real elder sister?
No, you are wrong
We are not related
I remember the day I met Ms. Chun
It was a very, very cold morning
You stupid girl... dare to steal food!
I'll beat you to death
Eat! Mom
Hurry up! Mom
You! Why did you hit them?
Hurry up, sister. Go
This knife saved her
I've been staying with Ms. Chun since
From that day on
We grew up here
The owner passed away later
Ms. Chun became the lady boss
I don't use this knife anymore
I changed to the sword
For the last couple of
years you've used this sword
to kill those people
that Ms. Chun disliked?
In the beginning... only for the bad guys
But Ms. Chun changed
She would kill for money
Do you know...
why does Ms. Chun like you the most?
You look like her when she was young
You're poor, pretty and very stubborn
But not anymore
Ms. Chun has changed, so did I
You will too
Why should I change?
The circumstances are like this knife
And we are like this sweet potatoes
Gold and desire
Bit by bit... slowly
You won't be the same anymore either
I'm getting sick of myself
I myself don't know why do I need to kill!
Sometimes even I get scared
I'm afraid I'll die under
someone else's sword
Xiao Ye, Xiao Ye
Why isn't it possible
to live in the past...
just one more time?
If possible,
I'd like to live in the good old days
Did you have any beautiful memories?
Ought to cherish them if you did
Otherwise you would never get it back
when you changed
Please come in! I'll get Uncle Chang
It's very quiet here!
The owner must be a gentleman
I met a beautiful lass
days back in the forest
Wonder when'd the
wind bring her back again?
Miss, are you looking for our master?
Yes, Mr. Lin is...
He has a business trip
He won't be back today
Can you leave a message?
Please give him back the blanket
Tell him that I'm the girl in the forest
Where have you been? Ai Nu
The county magistrate
waited for a long time
Didn't you say...
I don't need to entertain
the guests anymore?
Do you think that I like it?
He is not some ordinary customer
In Merryland there'd be many an occasion...
when his help would be needed
Come here! Let's put some more make up
You only care what you want
Isn't the rest important to you?
What are you saying?
For example whatever
happened to Xiao Ye last night
He risks his life...
to kill those trouble mongers
When it was over...
you went back to your business
You didn't care for his life
You treat him like a dog
Have you ever thought...
he has been through so much with you
He is so much like your family
The only one you got
And me
You told me that no one will touch me again
It only took one day to change your mind
I was doing it for Merryland
No, you don't care for others
You're selfish
Xiao Ye is right
Year after year
We'll never know
the reason for our existence
It's boring even I don't like it
Or I don't want to see it
But I have to face it everyday
Is that so?
I'm just waiting for it all to end well
And let the time of our youth...
and wonderful moments just slip by!
Youth? Wonderful moments?
When I was young...
I didn't ever have any happiness
That's why I willingly
stayed on in Merryland
Listen to me! Ai Nu
It's no longer important
if you find a husband
Be patient!
It's not easy to find a good man
So you want me to serve...
the county magistrate today, right?
I'm ready. Leave
All right! Go!
Did anyone die here? Mr. Lin
No, I'm looking for Ms. Ai Nu
Who is looking for Ai Nu?
What's the matter?
I knew her before
She came to see me today
Ai Nu
How come...
Lin Yun
Lin Yun
Ai Nu
Please listen to me
Ai Nu
Lin Yun
Lin Yun, please listen to my explanation
Lin Yun
You listen to me
Shut up!
I just want to ask you now
Why did you come to my house?
Tell me!
Because someone once asked me...
If there is the best time of your life...
You need to cherish it
That's why you lie on the bed naked...
holding on to the jewellery
Forget it! We did meet once before...
and I said that you didn't owe me anyway
Lin Yun
Before you leave...
may I ask you a question?
Go ahead
Is it true that once if
you make a mistake...
you won't be able to turn back?
I don't know
I just know that if you commit a crime...
you're forever a criminal
I see
What's wrong with you? Ai Nu
What happened today...
between you and the officer?
I just believed what Xiao Ye said...
last night
If we could turn back our lives...
we would cling on to our best moments
He was wrong
I found out just now
It just ain't possible
to turn one's life around
Ai Nu is in love
I'm telling you. Stop dreaming!
First of all, Xiao Ye
is a prodigal, a killer
He is not your type
Second, the poor government officer
He doesn't deserve my Ai Nu
If I can't find the true love...
then I'd stay at Merryland
the rest of my life?
That's right
There is no other place...
that can accept the kind of women we are
I'll be the second Lady Chun in the future?
You should learn from me
Treat all the customers nicely
Maybe you'll find a husband
It's not difficult to be Lady Chun though
The question is: can the
conscience be ignored?
Except Merryland, Lady Chun's whole life...
without friendship, no friends
No affection without relatives
Also without love
Without love? How about you?
Then it's just compassion and pathetic
Besides being a pastime
Ai Nu, what the hell are you doing?
You said that I only have one choice
So, right now
I'm ready for my only choice
The choice that you haven't tried before
Where are you going? Ai Nu, Ai Nu
Lady Chun wouldn't
tell others what she does
Maybe I'm going to find a man
Ai Nu
Man... oh heck!
Help me get rid of
officer Lin Yun right away
I wouldn't let Ai Nu fall in love...
with 'a man without future'
Ms. Chun
I used to kill those people who hurt us
Then I killed for money
When did you get so nagging?
Hurry up! C'mon, get to it
Where are you going?
Didn't you tell me to kill?
What's wrong with Xiao Ye today?
Who are you?
I don't have a name
What is your relation with Ai Nu?
You don't need to know
Why do you want to kill me?
I don't know either
You are a professional killer
No. Killing is like a
gamble with one's life
The thrill to kill
As a gamble would you
put your life at stake?
I used to. However
today it's for someone else
What happened?
It must be related to Merryland
Xiao Ye
Ms. Chun
Where is the sword?
I lost it
Did you kill Lin Yun?
I did it like before
Risking my life, I stabbed in his chest
God knows why my sword was cast down!
You let go of your sword?
I don't know either
Maybe I don't want to kill the innocent
Or I'm too tired
and don't feel like doing
anything out of weariness
No interest in anything, huh?
You don't want to kill. You don't want me
Xiao Ye, since when
did you become like this?
No, not only I changed
But also you did too
You became selfish, cruel and greedy
I became lonely, heartless and disgraceful
I've never felt it before
Until Ai Nu was here
She looks like you when you were young
I discovered that both of us...
are different than what we were before
Ai Nu again
Let me tell you
In the future...
don't you ever dare mention Ai Nu!
I have what Ai Nu has, right?
From now on you just listen to my order
Tomorrow you go and do away with Lin Yun
What a cruel woman!
Ai Nu
Why does she need to kill Lin Yun?
Why can't she stand me being with you?
Didn't you say before...
I look like her when Lady Chun was young?
What are you doing?
I'm bent on doing what Lady Chun forbid
Let's see what can she do!
Hey, what're you up to?
I heard you mention...
I look like Lady Chun when she was young
Tell me
How was the first time with Lady Chun?
Please tell me
Come on, Xiao Ye. You lay down first
Don't move, okay
Ms Chun...
Ms Chun...
Xiao Ye, Xiao Ye
Ms Chun...
The roses smell so good
Ai Nu, Ai Nu
What are you doing?
Why didn't you ask me...
what I was doing with him?
Xiao Ye doesn't like you now
But he still remembers...
the first time when you
both were in a bathtub
Although it was me in his arms...
he still kept calling out your name!
He said that the roses smell good
Did you just say you got everything I had?
But now whatever you don't have
I'll get it
Why do you choose Xiao Ye?
Why do you need to kill Lin Yun?
I don't want you to
fall in love with a loser
Can't the poor have love?
Ai Nu, what should I do to convince you?
I'm really protecting you
The reason I want Lin Yun killed...
it's all for your own benefit
Hey, Lady Chun
Have you ever gone down on your knees?
Didn't you teach me...
one should have a stone
heart and never begging
Never cry
You'll kill...
to achieve the purpose
From the first day you saw me...
you realised that I had your personality
We have the same background
Even our appearance is similar
Hence unknowingly you've
been taking care of me
If you think that you're protecting me
actually it's protecting your own self
Because I was you when you were young
Not the one you are now
Did you get it?
It's not me that you're concerned for
You only care about yourself
That's why I always rely on you
But you forgot that I've changed
I'm doing what you didn't do before
Maybe one day I'll leave you
Please don't leave... Ai Nu
I'll give you everything
How about love?
Is there such a thing called love?
You don't understand?
Take your time to think about it
It's very windy outside
How's the noodle shop outside the city?
Miss, you might be mistaken
I don't have anything good to offer you
Uncle, do you still remember me?
Are you joking?
To such a small place
No one like you will come
About half a year back...
you remember that girl
squatting beside earth-god?
What? A girl?
Oh, I remember
It was just like today
An officer riding a horse
happened to pass by
Yes, I'm that girl
Have I changed a lot?
Of course
You look so much more elegant and beautiful
It's better than before
Then, you... Why? You...
What happened to you?
I was thinking about what you just said
All of my jewellery is here
You can have it
I want to prove to you
In my whole life...
you're the only person for
whom I cherish some care
It's strange!
Suddenly I think love
isn't important anymore
I like the jewellery more
Lady Chun
What's the matter?
Nothing. I just came over to see you
It's very odd
I've never seen you without any make-up
Yes, it has been more than ten years
It was always in my mind
You were protecting me with this knife
Since that day
You stayed with my mother and I
I remembered the day my mother died
It was cold like today
Mom, you can't die Auntie
Mom Auntie!
I'm dying
Both of us need to take care of each other
Like brother and sister
Mom... Auntie...
My dear, think of
something for a better life
Can't carry on being bitter for a lifetime
Auntie Mom
That was her last sentence
I remembered what she had said
I aspired for a good life
For the past decade or so...
we had been suffering in Merryland
Finally I thought that
our life is getting better
Actually it wasn't so
Today I realise that...
we missed something else
What did we miss?
We miss the love
Love is like a narrow path
It's only big enough for one heart
We have to give up the rest
The weather today is like
that day when mom died
It's very cold and dark
The smell of losing our loved ones in air
Ms. Chun, what's wrong with you?
Nothing, nothing
Ms. Chun
Quiet... please say no more
Ms. Chun
Xiao Ye
Xiao Ye
Xiao Ye, are you satisfied?
I'm sleepy, Ms. Chun. I want to take a rest
All right! Take a good rest!
I'm leaving
I needs to leave you alone
Ms. Chun...
Ms. Chun, I didn't know it's you
I really don't know it's you
I heard some sound at the back
I'm used to it
I know
You would attack when you heard the sound
Ms. Chun
I want to ask you a question
If you know that I want to kill you
what will you do?
I'll never do anything
Xiao Ye, Xiao Ye
When did you get here?
I've been here for a long time
You saw everything
Finally I believe it
I've never loved anyone
except Xiao Ye
You're very silly
Xiao Ye loves you always
It's very ironic!
I thought if I killed Xiao Ye...
it would be an appropriate climax
Who knew it'd be the opposite!
Now on I'll have to go
with Xiao Ye to netherworld
Could you kiss me again...
before I die?
Lady Chun
Lady Chun
Ai Nu
Yesterday there was someone after my life
I found out that Lady Chun wanted me dead
Would you know their whereabouts?
Both of you deserved it
Didn't expect this time
Ai Nu would get the credit
Ai Nu, Ai Nu
Where could she have gone!