Acteón (1967) - full transcript - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
In this area, consecrated to Diana,

there was a quiet spot
within the rocks and undergrowth,

better than any
artist could dream of.

The goddess of the forests,
when she grew tired of the hunt,

would often come to bathe herself
in this enchanting bath.

Meanwhile, Acteón,

interrupting his hunt,

was carried by cruel destiny
to the spot where Diana bathed.

As soon as he arrived, the nymphs
crowded around the goddess.

But she, so tall and beautiful,
made her face seen.

The face of Diana blushed

when she saw herself surprised,
naked before a man.

Close your eyes.

- How beautiful you are.
- I don't want you to see me.

- Close your eyes.
- There's barely any light.

Close them...
close your eyes.

Diana then made
a strong gesture.

Not in reach of her weapons,

she was forced to throw
water in Acteón's face,

while telling him
the fate caused by his actions.

To not dare tell others
that he saw Diana naked.

- And now?
- I'll go with you.

Will you tell anyone?

I'll sew your lips shut
so you cannot speak.

So you cannot...

I'll change you into...

I feel comfortable
at your side.

I knew some day I would
truly find you, forever.

I couldn't know what you were like,
but I hoped you were like this.

Now I am with you, and will
remain beside you forever.

The shadows look at themselves,
and one stands alone.

You want to reach the end,
where all that is left is silence.

You should never have
seen me, hunter.

Instantly, Acteón began
to change into a deer.

His neck and head grew long,
his hands became hooves.

What's wrong?

Nothing, sorry.

We can get
off for a bit.

- You're tired of being with me?
- I thought you'd want to.

No, I'm fine.


Together, together, together...


Never, never, never...

Should I turn
off the light?

If you want.

- It's nice, don't you think?
- Well, it could be better.

- Look, this could be fun...
- Leave it. Let's go hunting.

- Come on, you'll like it.
- Or this one.

You'll like it, I promise.

- Try this.
- I don't like to.

May I? Just a bit
of friendly advice.

Your hand...

That's it.

You know the trick.

You'll see.

Press the button gently.
Like that.

Get in there, little ball. Great!

Don't go...

And up.

Watch how we're
doing it, right?

Watch out, stay calm.

Get it! Get it!


You'll see.
Easy, right?

Come on.

Let's go.

Come on, little ball,
hit the other one.

Let's go.

- I'm winning, I don't want to leave.
- It's late.

I don't care. I'll come soon.

So, you want to keep winning?
Take care.

He was overcome by a strange timidness
that made him feel the need to leave.

He saw himself in the water
and froze, frightened.

There were no words
to express himself.

He was nothing more than an animal,
destined to be chased.

Fear and shame
drew close to his side.

But what's come over you?

How can you ask that?
Why do you think I'm here?

You should know.
I don't want anything to do with you.

- But you accepted me.
- And I can stop too.

But what more? What else can I give?
What do you want? My boat?

Why would I want your boat?

Then I'm through.

I don't want you to leave me.

- I don't want that either.
- It's just that you have no right.

I have no reason
to be with you.

- I don't want you to leave.
- I don't either.

But I have no right?


I don't know
why I'm with you.

I don't want you
to leave me.

I can't leave
you any more.

Are you sure
you're not lying?


I don't know
why I'm with you.

As soon as they saw them,
Melampo and Innovate started barking.

The chorus of barks started at once,
as soon as they grew closer

as quickly as the wind,

eager to sink their teeth
into the captive prey.

Acteón groaned desperately,
ran and fell,

he thought of falling to his knees
to ask for divine help...

May I?

But Diana's anger
did not wane until seeing him inert

weakened, destroyed.

"According to the FAO, up to 70% of the
worid's population lives in hunger."

"An American eats as much in one day
as an Indian eats in four."

"Up to half of the children in the worid
live in a state of misery.

10% of all people in the worid
possess 81% of all wealth."

Disgraced, Acteón contemplated
how to make her understand.

It would be enough for Acteón to scream:
"I am Acteón, your brother."

But he could not use words
to make himself understood.

A Belgian woman whose husband
disappeared at the hands of the rebels,

had her nose broken by a blow,

and her son, only 5 years old,
left all alone,

showed his hand in a cast.
Pope John XXIII has died.

His strong heart has
stopped beating.

In the last hours of his life,
the Pope did not regain consciousness.

The temperature rose above 40º,
and the pressure dropped to 95.

He was pope for
4 years and 7 months.

Do you know how many goals
the visiting teams have scored

during the last Sunday of play?
10! Only 10!

14 teams did not manage
to score even once.

The statistic, taken by itself,
would tell us startling things.

The launch of a multiphase Soviet rocket
is planned for the 30th of March,

toward the planet Mars.

A woman, apparently demented,

has stabbed a police sergeant,

- leading to his death...
- This is nice, right? questioning, she refused
to give her name or other information.

It is known that she was forced out
of her house several months ago,

which was torn down to
make way for new construction.

The American government has
announced a new device

that can reveal the location of
enemy soldiers, hidden in the night.

...the young woman was presented
as Rosa Martinez Puerto,

and later it was discovered
that it was not a young girl,

but rather a young boy,
disguised in the clothing of a girl

because he did not own boy's clothing,
and his mother made him dress that way.

I feel cross-eyed.

A woman who's suffering.

But why?

Or maybe she isn't,
and it's only that way in my mind.

What is she thinking?

Where is she going?

She senses my gaze.

She also knows
that I'm alone.

We are united
in solitude.


Get out of the ring!

Knock his head off!

It's rigged! It's rigged!

Stop right there!

Let me go!

- Let me go!

- Don't put your hands on me!
- Shut up, you criminal! Thief!

I'll shut your mouth!

- Let go!
- Come on, walk!

Go on, dog!

You don't want
anything, dear?

Give me a light.


And thanks.

Welcome, dottore.

- How's your life?
- It's a struggle.


Ciao, Jimmy.

Hi, Alberto.

What's up? How are you?

- Still with the beard?
- Yeah, and my music.

- Look, Yvonne, it's Jimmy.
- HI. - How are you?

You know she's an important girl?
She's in the newspapers and everything.

Yes, in all
the newspapers.

Shall we dance?

- Bartender?
- Right away.

- What did you order?
- Four whiskies.

- Shall I charge everything?
- Yes.

No, no, no. The rhythm
with the piano.

More, more, more...


Come on, dear.

One turn.

- And one more.
- I never remember.


I'm getting old.

- Hey, let's go.
- Yeah, there's nothing to do here.


- What do I owe?
- Nothing, the gentleman paid.

Come on,
we've been invited.

Oh, sorry!
Really, I'm so sorry!

- Come, leave it.
- No, it's not a big deal.

Bye, and thanks.

- Chao.
- Bye.

You want to talk?

What do you want
to talk about?

I'd like to know what
happened between us.

- Why are you with me now?
- I'm yours, aren't I?

No, it's not possible.

Oh, so many questions.
You don't want me now?

Do you want to dance?

It's like we're lost
on a dark river.

On a dark river
that's carrying us along.

It flows quickly.

I'm trying to think, to figure
out what's happening,

but there's nothing to think.

There's nothing more than
this street that never ends.

If there were only something,

a window or a door,
to leave this nothingness.

Now before you, Acteón,

there is only the
night of your thoughts,

of your shadow,
further away.


Search within yourself, Acteón.

You would only win peace
with the sweat of your silence.

"A large amount was played
In the most recent lottery.

"3,135 million pesetas.
Madrid, as always, led the spending,

"playing with
973,5 million pesetas.

"Barcelona was next with 615 million,
Valencia with 271,

"Vizcaya with 185,
and Oviedo with 66.

"In the lottery's history,
Madrid has won the main prize 52 times,

"Barcelona 25 and Sevilla 12.

"After the second prize
is announced, at 9:25,

"the monotony of drawing the
25.000 peseta prizes will begin.

"New groups are entering the hall
for the drawings, now nearly full,

"Two 1 million pesetas prizes
will follow, corresponding

"for 21.826 y 43.555 pesetas.

"Their drawing fills the hall
with murmurs of voices."

What can I do?

Put me in line.



But wait for what?

Do the same every day,
in order to do the same every day.

Journey without answer into myself,
to fall into the nothing.

I see myself walking.

I see myself suffering,
and I don't feel anything.

I want to feel
pain again.

To cry out.

Feel uncertainty.

To end it.

Even if it means dying,

but truly die, living.

Yes, Acteón, you were carried
along by your cruel destiny

- You don't want to see me?
- Yes.

So then?

I don't know.

This city.

You own city.

So easy and so far away.

All of the moments have passed,
and they seemed neverending.

This will also pass.

It won't be more
than a memory.

And I'll come back to
think the same thing.

One hundred,

a thousand times, until death.

Close your eyes.

How beautiful you are.

I knew some time
I would truly find you...


I couldn't know how you were,
but I hoped you were like this.

Now there's nothing left
but to be together always.

The men look at each other,
and the woman is left alone.

You want to reach the end
where there is only silence.

Don't talk.
It's bad to think.

Now you can see me.
What are you scared of?

- I don't know anything.
- What do you want to know?

- You're not the same.
You're not you. - No?

Then, who am I?

I have you. You're here,
but I know you're not here.

I can see you.

You've opened the window,
but the window remains closed.

I've wanted this
moment for so long.

I believed there was nothing left
but finding your will, your happiness.

- I don't know what you want.
- You don't want to know.

It's easy not to know.

Don't ask. Don't want to know,
don't want to ask.

Fall in line and pass by in darkness,
in fear at the response.


- What do you think? I'm scared of you?
- You're scared of me!

Why do you want
to escape?

I want to find you again.
Why do you escape?

Don't think.

- We're together.
- You're escaping.

- With you.
- No.

What do you
want from me?!

What do you want?
You torture me with your words!

Questions, questions, questions!
Why question if you can live?

Live without
knowing anything!

It's too easy to conform
and pass by in the dark.

Too dark.

If only I honestly knew
there was no response.

I have to go.

- Like always.
- What are you going to do?

I don't know.

Will you go back to
your life from before?

I don't know.

You have to go.

Like always.

What will you do?

I don't know.

You'll never be
the same as before.

I don't know. Bye.


If things go on
like this,

what choice will I have\
but to flee?

Flee from myself.

Trick myself.

Hide myself behind whatever truth,
in fear of being destroyed.

Passing the time,

slowing down,

imagining myself a
victorious millionaire.

Waiting to hear another story
where I turn out as the winner.

Waiting for someone
to choose me.

Fleeing from mirrors,
to not know that I exist.

I don't know why
I'm here at your side.


I was...

a goddess...

and you just a man.
An interloper.

And now?


now, I'm still a goddess.

But I'll take you by the hand,
so you can know everything.

Did you know there was a god
who told secrets to man?

He was called Prometheus,
and he brought sacred fire to earth.

What's wrong?

Nothing, just
listening to you.

You said that Prometheus...

Prometheus brought fire
so that mankind could see,

but the gods were angry
and they chained him up.

They also chained me up
to be with you.

Don't laugh. It's true.

Don't you know that the gods
don't want to hear questions from men?

It's dangerous.

- Dangerous? For whom?
- I don't know.

If I knew I would still be a goddess.
.I would have to kill you for seeing me.

I don't want to
be a goddess.

I want to be a woman,
to be with you.

The goddess's face blushed
when she saw herself surprised.

And of this terrible vengeance,
nothing was to be spoken.


Subtitles by: droid