Acrylic (2020) - full transcript

A colorful neighborhood salon is threatened by a new addition. The pot is stirred by a local magazine competition and a long standing rivalry. Which salon has what it takes to win the grand prize? - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
There's just something
about the sunny blue sky

in this town that makes them shine.

The power, the draw, the expression.

The enchantment of a woman's hands

when they are well taken care of.

It really is hard to resist

the way nails feel when gently
grazed against your skin.

The way a perfectly primp set of toes

looks in the right pair of heels.

I've always loved it.

I had a teacher in school
who always tapped her nails

on things when she was
trying to make a point.

I would watch her run her
long acrylic french tips

through her hair as she put it in a bun.

Some might say I had a crush on her,

but really I was completely
entranced by her hands.

It was as if she was
conducting a symphony,

and her fingers played
the role of the baton.

I would eagerly await the holidays,

because she would switch to a deep red

that looked like fresh blood,

perfectly painted on her fingertips.

No doubt, my passion for nail
care began during that time.

I knew the possibilities
were endless then,

and the nail world still
never ceases to amaze me.

- The phone ringing off the hook!

When are we getting help?

- Mimi, I have a new
person starting today.

- This bitch better not
be shady like last bitch.

- So, tell me about yourself.

- Being completely honest with you,

I absolutely hate that question,

because I can honestly take
it a million different ways.

So let's just cut to the
chase, I watch your space,

and I have a lot of clients.

So you don't have to worry
about having to fill the books,

or anything, 'cause I have my own clients,

I'm gonna bring 'em all over.

Now, I am really busy, so
I'm only gonna need the chair

about like maybe two days a week.

Like maybe like a random Wednesday,

and then like the last
Sunday of the month,

or something like that, I don't know.

- Interesting.

And what's your name again?

- Oh, Annita.

- Annita.

- With two Ns.

- We have a interesting group,

and I actually think you'll fit right in.

When do you wanna start?

- Oh, yikes.

Let's see, I have the restaurant,

on Wednesday I have the water aerobics.

How about, honestly?

Screw it, let's just do tomorrow.

Does tomorrow work?
I could do tomorrow.

- Okay, and you do know the rate?

- Yeah, it's--

- It's 200 a day.

- Yeah, that's what I read.

Yeah, that's fine.

- I will probably need you
to give me that in cash,

is that okay?

- Cash, yeah.

In advance.

Before you move in.

- You got it.

I got that.

- Okay.

Well, I think you will fit right in.


- Oh, thank you so much.

- She stole our tip.

- There won't be any issues.

- Good day to you, feminine
creatures of the divine.

What do you need today, Boo?

- Besides getting my fingers on the fly?

I'm the kind of guy that's looking

for a goddess from the sky.

And yo miss Mo, if I might say,

you're looking mighty fine.

Boy, sit down.


Pick a color.

- No actually, I'm here for work.

My name's Amethyst, I'm
the new receptionist.

- Amethyst, welcome.

Come on back, I'll get you started.

Hi, this is Sam.

Leave your name and number, and I'll get.

- Mom, I'm here!


Wake up, Sam.

Mom, how long is this
gonna be your routine?

Come on, it's been weeks.

I think you should talk to someone.

In fact, you have an
appointment today at noon.

Come on, get dressed.

- Thank you so much for this opportunity.

- Do the girls make you nervous?

I mean, there are some strong
personalities out there.

We've just been through
a lot, and the last girl,

she was just full of some real shady shit.

- I mean, I wouldn't really say nervous.

I am an anxious person, and it takes me

a moment to warm up, until
I'm on, and at work, I'm on.

I really do enjoy working with people,

and being in a place that
makes people feel beautiful

and accepted for who
they are is just for me.

And girl, I am all about my glam jam.

- Well, based on your resume,

which I looked over very thoroughly,

and our phone conversation,

you seem like the right
piece to our puzzle.

I just wanna know, can
you handle the pace?

And the drama?

Monique is hands down
the best nail tech here.

Girl takes her work seriously.

She's been here the longest
and tends to keep things

in check when I'm not around.

Now Mimi, she's pretty nuts.

It don't take much to set her off.

Honestly, if she weren't such
a loyal, hardworking human

that I love sort of like a daughter,

I'd have her ass deported.

Kelly who you met, she
might seem like a hard ass,

but she cares deeply about
this place and our family.

You should check her
out on the turntables.

- Yo, my feed is blowing
up right now about this!

Check it out!

- Excuse me?

Whatever happened to knocking?

What's got you so worked up, girl?

- Well, I got booked a DJ at
this upscale fashion event,

and it turns out that Elite
LA is gonna be in the hood

looking for the top nail salons

to feature in their upcoming issue!

- Kelly, we've been in LA Elite before.

- I know, that's not all.

I wanted to know more, so
I copped the last issue

and found out it's a contest,
and the winner gets 50K.

Linda, I seriously think
that we could take this!

You know we have the
best talent in the area,

and you know we could use that 50 Gs.

- Well, you're right, we
could use a little facelift,

and a holiday bonus would be great.

This has to be legit.

- Oh my god, okay.

We've got to get started on this.

Don't worry, I'll DM the
magazine, I'll set it all up.

OMG, we're gonna kill it!

- You know, she's right.

We don't have a lot of
competition in the area,

we could really do this.

- Let's win some money, mama.

- I really want to commend
you for coming here today.

I know how difficult it
is to walk in that door,

sit down, and bare your soul.

I do.

- My daughter did this.

I'm wondering how old your kid has to be

before it's too old to ground her.

- Your daughter seems to
be a wonderful young women.

I know she really cares about you.

Is there anything specific
you would care to talk about?

Any particular feelings you're feeling

that are more present than others lately?

- I'm not specifically
feeling like talking at all.

I'm deliberately isolating.

I'm keeping to myself in
order to process my pain.

There's nothing wrong with that.

- No, there really isn't
anything wrong with that.

We all have ways of processing pain.

But we can get stuck in a loop,

and that can be quite unhealthy.

- Well, I do feel like
I'm spinning most days.

- Right.

Your daughter tells me that
you sold your business.

She mentioned how much you
loved being an entrepreneur.

- I did.

I was really good at it.

I was so passionate about that business,

but my ex fucked things up on every level.

So eventually, I had to sell the business

to sever all ties with
him, and to save my ass.

- The situation with your ex husband

sounds pretty complicated.

- Not going there.

- I understand.

I do.

- Good.

We understand each other.

- When you're ready.

Why don't we talk about what's
making you feel whole again.

What are you doing to embrace
this new path that you're on?

Any self care?

- The new path I'm on

is pretty bleak.

My friend group is tarnished,

and I don't wanna gossip about my ex

and relive this nightmare of a divorce

that I'm just trying to survive.

I just don't fucking care.

Get it?

- I do.

I do get it, it's very complex.

I think the thing to do
is to take a deep inhale.

Stretch your arms out.

Stretch a little to the right,

stretching up to the spine,

just letting go of all the tension.

And you will.


- Yeah, I know.

I guess it's been a while.

- Where you been?

I mean, I heard what happened.

- Well, I've been in a loop,

according to my fancy new shrink.

- I saw your daughter a few days ago.

She still comes in a good amount.

You two have been coming
here for so many years.

- Gosh, I know.

I used to bring her in here
with me when she was, what?

Four years old?

Was she the cutest thing ever?

We used to let her get a mini-mani.

Not too short.

God, she used to love getting

her nails done with the ladies.

- Did she tell you?

- That's a loaded question with her.

- We're planning to close
our doors next month.

Business just not the same.

- No, you can't!

That's insane.

Just when I was beginning
to feel like I could

rely on something being there for me.

- It's a shame, honey.

Go wash your hands.

Can I get you a water or tea?

- I brought my own.

Everything is bullshit.


Thank you.

Much better.

Now this is what's up.

I'd pay extra just to have
someone bring me a glass of wine

and some cute little snacks.

While I sit back and relax

and tell the entire world to fuck off.

Except for you, Miriam, not you.

You're the best, you're so awesome.

- Miss Sam, I like your thinking.

Is the water too hot?

- See?

Is water too hot?

You're the only person
that cares about me.

You pay attention to details and you know

that if you're having an emotional crisis,

you just need a drink.

- Well, honey.

You better get in while you can.

This baby is moving on with her life.

To tell you the truth,

I was trying to get a loan
in order to buy this place.

Fix it up a bit, and bring
in some luxury clientele,

but bank said no.

- No, no.

You can't just let it go without a fight,

you can't just let it turn to dust.

What about all the memories?

All the tiny toe nails?

Banks are stupid.

I'll give you the money,
how much do you need?

Bank of Sam.

My ex would squirm.

- That is very kind of you.

I think in the end, it's for the best.

I don't really wanna take the pressure

of running a business anymore.

- No, you could do it, you'd love it.

I loved it.

I loved it.

- Just let it all go.

Relax into the sweet sound of my voice

as I tap, tap, tap you into serenity.


- You are surrendering to
the touch of my soft fingers.

Purging into the sacred space.

I will keep you safe.

Baby, relax.

- Sorry.

- Who the fuck are you?

- Hi, I'm Amethyst, I work here.

- And what are you doing in here?

You're costing me money, girl.

- Yeah, I was just looking for supplies.

- Supplies are across the hall.


- Oh, and let Linda know I
need a lock put on that door.

- Hello?


I am calling from City Collections.

This is an opportunity
to resolve the debt.

I am looking for David Garcia.

♪ I love you, I love you,
I love you, I love you ♪

♪ I love you, I love you,
I love you, I love you ♪

- Oh crap.

Hey mom.

Hey baby.

- You sound excited.

How did your
therapy session go?

It was good, I was
hoping to tell you all about it.

Are you home?

- Yeah, I just got back from the gym.

Great, I'll be over in a few.

I've got the wine.

- Okay, sure.

Showering, then I'll
make some iced tea, okay?

Take your time.

- Everything okay?

- Oh, shit!

Well, she's on her way with some big news.

Seems like the counseling
session went well.

- Wait.

You still haven't told her, have you?

Sneaking around like
this feels so strange.

Kinda hot, but mostly strange.

- Of course I haven't told her.

No way, not with everything going on.

She has been completely unstable.

The last thing she needs are the details

of who I'm sleeping with.

Now go.

- You know they're both gonna find out

eventually, then what?

- Go.

I'm good right now.

- More for me.


How was it?

- I never thought I'd be
into that talk therapy thing,

but I'm starting to embrace her
words and take my life back.

- Wow, that is so nice to hear.

How so?

- Well, I went to our spot today,

and I treated myself to a mani/pedi.

Felt so good.

- Gosh.

Yeah, I am so bummed that
they're closing down.

That place has been a staple in our lives

for quite some time.

- I know sweetheart.

Miriam told me that they were
gonna shut the doors soon.

Well, it broke my little
already demolished heart,

so I bought it.

- What?

- Well, I couldn't just let it disappear.

And my therapist is telling
me I have to do things

that make me happy.

You know how much I loved
running that business

with your dickhead father.

- Mom!

- It just felt right.

I want to create something
beautiful and unique for people,

and I need this, baby.

- Of course, mom.

You know dad is gonna freak, right?

- Bingo.

- Great, honey, isn't this exciting?

Oh, these ones next.

- Don't worry, I got it.

- Kristen, sweetheart,
time to go get the keys!

Do you need some help?

- Girl, we're running out of time

to get our entries dialed in.

- I don't know if I
have time for all this,

I'm trying to work.

- Hello, winning thousands of dollars

doesn't sound like working it to you?

- You really think we can do this?

- Duh!

But not if you don't
practice some new techniques.

Besides, I have a photo shoot tomorrow,

and I need to look fly.

Come on, I'll tag you
online to build some steam.

- All right, sit down.

You're too much.


I need to talk to you, in the back.

- Coming.

- I got a phone call this morning

from a bill collector looking for you.

- Oh, shit.

- They want me to garnish
your wages from some old debt.

Now of course I told them to fuck off.

But listen, I'ma need to cut your hours.

If you're full time, my hands
are tied, and they will do

whatever they need to
do to get their money.

I don't know what's going on,

but you gon' have to get it together.

- Thanks, Linda.

- Ooh girl, these look fly as hell!

- Thank you.

- Thank you.


Oh, like Picasso nails.

- Girl, you are so talented.

- They look really good.

Thank you.

- Thank you.

Ooh Linda, have you heard of this?

- It's just another nail salon popping up.

Seems like they come
around, and then poof,

they're gone in about six months.

- Great.

Like we need to slow down!

- Mimi!


- We need to run an ad or something,

maybe pass out some coupons.

I could create a discount
code and share it online.

- That, and how about we
win ourselves some money?

- Ooh bitch, yes!

- Let me know what you girls
need, I'm here to support you.

- Okay, we're doing this.

- We're totally gonna win.

- What?

Can I help you?

- Yay, I've been waiting for this package!

- What is that?

- My clients are going to love this.

- Well, aren't you gonna open that?

- Yeah, of course, but not
until the cameras are rolling.

- I'm not sure I follow.

- I do all of my unboxing on camera.

It's all about sensory play.

Close your eyes.


Get lost in the soothing sound

and let my voice guide you.

- Oh, shit!


So that's supposed to
be like relaxing, right?

- Some find it relaxing,
some find it stimulating.

It's all about specific
sounds, sights, and feelings.

ASMR is quite magical.


- Autonomous sensory meridian response.

It's meant to make you
tingle up your spine,

back of your neck.

Those warm, fuzzy feelings
that come over you

when you experience bliss.

I can control that in people.

Direct the experience and
take them on a journey.

It's really quite profound.

- And people are like actually into this?

- All about it.

Imagine being able to just
turn the world off for a while

without using drugs or
alcohol to tune things out.

- Food for thought.

- We give the best mani/pedis in town.

Let me see your hands.


- Oh, we could buff your nails up,

give you a nice shine,
maybe massage your hands

with some silky smooth lotion.

- Oh, you need pedicure!

Nasty toe, hey I heard you!

- Yo, Mimi!

Yo, Mimi!

I don't think your approach is working.

Come on, let's go get a drink
and try a different spot.

Let's go.

What is this?

What's sticking out?

- Come on.

This is crazy.

Oh my god, the chairs look like thrones!

- They're not messing around, are they?

- This means war.

Oh my god, that place is crazy!

I know, so crazy!

How are we
gonna compete with that?

I don't know about this!

- These coupons better work,
or we're totally screwed!

- You girls get worked up so easily.

So what?

There's a new nail salon opening up.

That's why we're getting out
here and getting new business.

- Yeah, but this place is off the hook.

They have these crazy
chairs, and so many mirrors.

- Yeah, and all the polish!

- They're decorating right
now and holding interviews.

- Okay, okay.

Would it make you all feel
better if I go check it out?


- All right mom, where do you want it?

- I say right in the front door.

- Linda!


Come on in.

- Hi, Sam.

- I couldn't help but
notice a bunch of folks

peering into my window.

Who would have ever
guessed it would be you.

- Yes.

I just heard there was a little salon

opening up down the street.

I thought I'd come check it out.

- Yes, this is my new luxury nail house.

We're just adding the finishing
touches until we launch.

My daughter Kristen's
going to help me run it.

Isn't it beautiful?

- It's okay.

- Kristen!

Kristen, sweetheart.

Meet the regular nail salon owner, Linda.

The Linda.

- I've heard a lot about you.

- I bet you have, Kristen.

- Listen, I'd love to stay and continue

this precious little talk,
but I have things to do.


- I don't know how we're gonna
complete with that salon.

Our coupons better work,

or we're totally screwed in this contest.

- What we gonna do?

Those bitches gonna
snake all our business!

- We don't know that for
sure, just relax for a minute.

- Yo Linda, Mimi has a point.

We're all starting to trip.

- I mean, who the hell does
this girl even think she is?

Just rolling up in on us like that?

Acting like she owns the place?


- It's Sam.

She always has to have
her way, at any cost.

Always has.

Sammy, Sammy, oh my gosh!

Look at what Kyle left in
my locker this morning.

Oh wow, Linda.

- I know!

- That's exciting!

- I know!

- I wish someone would leave
a note for me in my locker.

- Oh!

- Well, other than Chubby Ronnie.

- I think this means
that he wants to take me

to the house party this weekend.

You know, the one with the
football player's house?

Okay, okay.

You can come too, you
can totally come too.

We need to go shopping!

Oh my!

Shit, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

I should probably go
pee before we head out.

Oh, I wanna go pee too.


I need to get him some water too.

- Good idea.

I got him.
- Pee-pee time?

- Buddy?

- Yeah?

- You feeling good, or what?

- Yeah.

Yeah, where's Linda?

I'm thirsty.

- She's gonna go grab you some water.

- Yeah?

- Why don't we have a bit
of fun in the meantime?

Do you like touching these?

- Girl, what are you doing?

Hey, what?

- It's fun.

- That's it.
- A massage.

- Do you like touching these?

- Yeah.

I like touching.

- That bathroom was small.

Well, here's his water.

- Oh, hi babe.
- What?

Fuck you!

- Get your hands off of me you jerk!


- What?

What is happening?

- Any time she's had the opportunity

to tear me down or outdo
me, she's all over it.

- What a bitch!

- The ultimate bitch!

- I kill that bitch!

- Mimi!

Don't do that!

- Look, we need to take her down proper.

- The magazine contest!

- How's that gonna work?

She doesn't even know about it.

- Not yet.

But there's one spot open,

and you know as soon as she
knows that you're competing,

she's gonna be all over it.

Come on.

- Okay, Vivian.

Looks like you've worked
with Miriam before.

She is currently our lead
technician, and we need to hire

a few more solid people to join the team.

- I do nail very well.

- Great.

See, we are aiming to offer a
very special experience here.

What else would make you a good fit here?

- No happy ending.

I do very nice nail.

- Of course not.

But we are not looking to offer

that kind of service here, no.

Just something a little more personal,

like offering a glass
of wine with a pedicure,

and a choice of scrub.

That sort of thing.

- I not a bartender.

I do nail.

- Excuse me a minute.

How's the
recruiting coming along?

- Great, yeah.


- We thought you might be interested

in this little contest coming up.

Might help you build a reputation,
bring in some business.

- Okay, why are you showing me this?

Knowing there's beef
between Sam and Linda?

My mom was a hot mess last
night after that run-in,

not to mention what this is
doing to my personal life.

- We're just trying to make sure

everybody gets a shot here, okay?

And hey, maybe we could figure
all this drama stuff out,

through a fair and square competition.

Plus, the winner walks away
with a chunk of change.

- Gee, thanks.


- Hi.
- Hi.

- I'm here for the job opening.

- Great.

Have a seat, I'll be with
you in just a minute.

- Hey you!

- Ben, hey!

What are you doing here?

- Thought I'd come say hi.

Besides, you've been
pretty much living here

and I miss my girl.

Figure I can check out the space.

It's looking good.

- Thanks, but seriously,

I don't think you should
just be showing up here.

I mean, what if Sam sees us?

- Come on, this isn't high school.

Who cares if she sees us?

- You just don't get it.

Your mom might not care about us dating.

By the way, have you said anything?

I mean, a couple of
Linda's girls came by here

and they said some things
that made me worry.

- Just lighten up, okay?

It's gonna be fine.

- You better go.

I have one more interview

that should be here any moment, okay?

I'll call you tonight.

- Kristen baby, the next girl is here.

- Great, thanks mom.

- Yes, hello, I'm calling to report

a violation of nail salon.

Nectar Nails, N-E-C-T-A-R.

Filthy, filthy, dirty.

I've been going there for years,

but it's gotten out of control,

and I feel like it's
my duty to report them.

I'm 99 % sure that I got
my toenail fungus there.

My left big toe.

And also, I'm almost
positive they have illegals.

Illegals working there, yes.

Thank you so much, I just
think someone should really

get over there as soon as possible.

It's urgent.

You're so welcome.

- All right, we'll see you later today.

Okay thanks, bye.

It's gonna be a busy one today.

I guess those coupons you
ladies hustled worked after all.

- Sometimes you just gotta
put yourself out there.

Show the world who you are.

You should never be afraid to shine.

- Girl, I'm not trying to
be all up on the internet.

I know, again, just
trying to build some steam

for the competition that we're gonna rock.

- Okay, girl, okay.

Thanks for the press and all,

but I have got to get mentally prepared

for this contest and my first client.

Mrs. Hamilton's coming in today.

Oh my god, that woman, she
thinks I'm her therapist.

Story after story, drama after drama.

- Goes with the territory, boo.

- Mrs. Hamilton, nice to see you.

Pick a color and come on back.

- What?

I don't want the color purple,

and I want a pedicure too.

- Okay, hon.

Pick a color!

- Oh, have I got a story for you today,

you will be just die.

What are you up to, new girl?

- Oh, just ordering some
supplies for the salon.

And Mimi, I've been working
here for a while now,

you don't have to call me new girl.

- You're still new girl,
and I can't say your name.

- Understandable.

Is there something you're looking for?

- No.

I usually like to smoke some weed

before my first client come in.

- No thank you, I'm already
anxious enough as it is.

- Chill me out.

Mimi, you're
next client's waiting!

- Damn girl, I'm coming, I'm coming!

- It's another fine day, and if I may say,

you are stealing it today.

- I got you today.

The usual?

- Yes.
- Okay, come on.

- Hey hon, it's gonna be
a bout a 30 minute wait,

so if you just wanna
pick out some colors--

- Actually, I don't need
my nails done, thanks.

Sam actually sent me over here to tell you

that we accept your challenge.

You know, the nail contest?

- Oh bitch, I know.

- She wrote a note.

Linda and her girls
better bring their A-game,

we plan to take this by a landslide.

There'll be no doubt who
has the best salon in town.

- She sent you?

- Now, now ladies, let's not
go and kill the messenger.

She delivered the news, and
now y'all got the blues.

Can't you see this is
predetermined and meant to be?

Sam is just trying to
steer the pot, hear me now.

Finger and finger, and toe to toe will go

until the winner will go to the throne.

So create from the heart,
'cause that's the start,

and true art will prevail.

- Thanks for that?

- My pleasure, pony.

- Pony?

Pleasure pony?

What do you
go by on this Earthly ground?

- Are you asking me my name?


Aurora, seems I was wrong all along,

my dear, you are dancing
light, a prism of rainbows,

and unicorn out of sight.

- Thanks for that.

I should go back to work.

- Until then is now, may your
day be filled with much wow,

my mythical creature.

- God, that looks delicious.


That can go to voicemail.

- Seriously, what's the deal with you two?

Like, how long has this been going on?

- Ever since your dad and I got
together, it's been a thing.

- Speaking of dad.

Hey dad.

Good, good yeah.

Oh, you are?

Well, I'll be around, if you wanna stop by

or grab a cup of coffee.

Great, dad.

Yeah, I look forward to seeing you.

Okay, bye.

- I take it your dad
is coming through now.

Did you tell him about the salon?

- No, I'm sure he already knows.

Plus, I don't wanna
contribute to extra drama.

We have enough going on.

- Did you tell him about
the boy you've been dating?

- Mom, I--

- Sweetheart, it's all right.

It's all right.

How long did you think

you were gonna hide it from me anyway?

You're allowed to date, for Christ's sake.

Just because your father and
I couldn't hold it together

doesn't mean there isn't hope for you.

And besides, from what I
could tell, he's kinda cute.

Give me some more ice cream.

- Okay.

- Just promise me something.

If this gets serious,
I wanna meet him, okay?

- Sure, mom.

- Cheers.

- You got this.

You need this.

It's all gonna work out.

It's all gonna be fine.

leave your message.

- Hi dad.

It's me.

I know it's been a minute,

I could really use somebody
to talk to right now.

You know, like family.

I hope you understand that

I'm still me.

Could you just call me?

- David.

My son.

I struggle every day with
the choices that you've made.

Don't support it.

Of your life, which is
why I've cut you off.

My fucking dad!

- Okay, David.


Tell me a bit more about your experience

in a beauty salon environment.

- Well, I've always been a fan

of all things beauty and fashion,

I actually went to school for design,

and I've worked for a couple salons.

I'm all about glam.

- Okay, great!

Are you okay with working weekends?

Right now we have a part time opening.

- Yeah, totally, that's fine.

I'm actually also
available for after hours,

or any extra time.

- Perfect.

- Hey loves, it's your girl, Kelly Styles!

And I'm out here in beautiful
Los Angeles, California.

I'm so excited to tell you
about this upcoming event.

So the nail salon that I work at

is in this dope magazine contest,

and we've got a chance
to win some big bucks.

So, we could really use your help.

Come on down next week and
witness all the fun for yourself.

Yours truly is gonna be
throwing down some sick beats,

so that you can shake
it while we all watch

who will be Elite LA's top nail salon.

Make sure that you guys like this video

and share it with your homies!

- Yes.







Yeah, come in.

- Hey girl, you got another package.

- Just sit it over there.

Hand me a towel?

- Slime, how is that
supposed to be relaxing?

- You don't get it, do you?

Anything can be ASMR
if presented properly.

- Is that right?

- I make these custom videos
for some of my clients.

They basically get to write the script,

and choose what medium I work with.

- Okay.

- Pays really well.

I might need an assistant.

You into weird shit?

- I could be.

Don't mind if I do.

- Dive in, baby.

- Finally, the time has come!

- Smile, mom!

- Did you get it?

- Yeah.
It looks great.

- Thanks, baby!

Let's open the doors
and pop that champagne!

Oh, I'm so excited!

♪ I'm gonna take you to the top ♪

♪ I'm gonna make it to the top ♪

♪ We're gonna make it to the top ♪

♪ We're gonna bring our hands up ♪

♪ We're gonna bring our hands up ♪

♪ We're gonna bring our hands up ♪

♪ We're gonna bring our hands up ♪

♪ I'm, I'm, I'm gonna ♪

- Dead in here.

♪ Never gonna take it off ♪

- The new salon opened today, huh?

♪ Gonna make it, never gonna break it ♪

♪ Gonna make it, never gonna break it. ♪

- The place looks great.

- Oh yeah, thanks.

It's a little messy.

- Nah.

How's work going?

- It's good, yeah.

It's been crazy busy, but we're managing.

- Yeah, same here.

And how's your mother?

- You gotta say it like that?

She's been okay.

- That's good, I'm sure she's probably

drowning herself in her sorrows.

- Yeah, she's embracing life.

- Sure moving on then.

- Something like that.

- Yeah?

Well, I caught wind of this
recent acquisition, actually.

- Dad, about that, she's--

- Oh no, no, I don't want
anything to do with that.

I'm moving on, I'm trying to be separate

from your mother and her antics.

- You okay?

- I'm all right, honey.

It's really good to see you.

- Yeah, it's so good to see you too.

- Girl.

- Good day to you,
fabulously friendly female.


Welcome to Unique Nails, do
you have an appointment today?

- No appointment necessary.

You see, I will wait patiently
for my unicorn to appear,

and when she does, I have no fear

that the magic will manifest right here.

- Okay.

Have you seen our list of
luxury mani/pedi services?

- The only luxury I need is
the touch of that noble steed.

- Okay.

Let me check her schedule, have a seat.


- Oh, girl.

You okay?
Everything okay?

- Well there's this guy, he
wants to work with Aurora,

it's super busy, and yeah,
I just need a minute.

- I got this, go take a break.

- Aurora's next appointment
isn't 'til three.

- Here is where I will be.

- Hello, welcome to Unique Nails.

You have an appointment
with us this morning?

- Hello.

The name is Mandy.

- Yes, Mandy.

You have the Deluxe Mani/Pedi
with snacks and champagne.

If you wanna follow me this way.

Take a seat.

Our chairs offer 20
different massage settings,

and I'll be back with a hot towel

for your legs and some champagne.

Vivian here is gonna be
working with you today.


- Pull.


Put your feet in the water, honey!

- Hot, hot!

- No, no, no!

Sorry, sorry!

I make it colder!

I'm so sorry, but I make it colder.

This water not burning you!

- Yes it's hot!

I say hot!

- No!

It's not even hot!

- You pay me, or I pay you, huh?

I wanna talk to a manager!

I wanna talk to a manager!

- Ladies, ladies, ladies,

what seems to be the trouble here?

- Your worker burn me,
now she shouting at me!

What kind of business you running?

- Miss, please lower your voice.

I assure you, this must be an accident.

Vivian would never try to hurt

one of our clients, right Vivian?

- I do good nail.

She crazy!

- She called me crazy!

- I will take care of this,
we will make this up to you.

I'll take care of everything.


What's going on?

- Pump her service, bring her
another bottle of champagne.

There was some little mishap with Vivian,

I've gotta go talk to her.

- Well, here's a towel for our legs,

and I brought you some champagne,

I'll be right back with the flute.

- Oh.

And good one, Mandy.

- Here's to the blossoming
of your colorful heart.

Let it become a visual work of art.

- I've never seen anything like this.

Thank you.

- Same, same it's true,

the only difference is
I se the flower as you.

♪ Aphrodite ♪

- Okay, girls.

We need to get this place looking fly.

Let's get it.

- Clean it just so people
can mess it all up?

- Mimi girl, we get to host a party.

It's gonna be so legit!

Let's just put on some
music and get it started.

- Ooh bitch, yes.

♪ Now give me that dum ♪

- My question is, where
do we put the DJ booth?

- Oh girl, let me get those for you.

- How was your day off, new girl?

- Oh you know, groceries and laundry.

How was it here?

- Good, good.

Oh, your manicure's so nice.

You do it?

- Of course I did.

- Hello!

Hi, my name is Latoya Smith,

and I'm with the LA
County Health Department.


- What can I do for you Mrs. Smith?

- There's been a complaint filed.

May I have a word with the owner?

- She actually left, but I'd be happy

to relay a message to her.

- This here is a write up notice.

There have been some
concerns come our way.

Public health concerns regarding
dirty tools and fungus,

just to name a few.

Now, you guys have five days

to get this place in ship shape.

We will be stopping by
as we deem necessary

to make sure you're not sending
people out into the world

with funky fungus feet.

Now you see, we've had a
real problem around here,

and it would be a shame to have

another local business close down.

Be done.


Get it together, girls.

- Okay.

- Yeah?

- Sam.

It's Linda.

- Linda?

- Look, I know there's been some heat

between us for many years,

but I'm past it.

I'm past the nonsense, and
I just wanna be in the now.

- Yeah, I really believe
in the power of now.

Live your best life.

Just do it.

Live it big.


- I know you had a really tough year,

especially with the divorce and all.

- Are you calling just
to rub this in my face?

Because I'm doing just fine.

I don't need your pity.

Oh, a little birdie told me that you

had the Health Department
pay you a little visit today.

In some hot water?

- Are you kidding me?

What is wrong with you?

Does this behavior really
make you feel good?

Fine, be a bitch.

You're so good at it.

- Really?

You wanna talk about the now?

Okay, I'll talk about the now with you,

this is what's happening now.

Elite LA.

You and your little crew are going down.

And after that, your entire salon.

Bye-bye for now.

- I guess some things will never change.

Bring it, bitch!

- I'm taking my life back now.

- Hey mom!


Everything okay?

- I wish I could say yes,

but this shit with Sam,
it's draining my last nerve.

First the salon, then the competition,

and I know she called the
Health Department on me.

- What?

Why would she?

I knew she was an ass, but really?

- This shit is draining me.

I'm always trying to take the high road,

but she's wearing me down.

This stress is affecting
my business, and the girls!

- Look ma, I'm here.

I got your back, and I
know the girls do as well.

- Son.

I know you have a relationship
with Sam's daughter.

- I think that's run its course,

especially after all this.

How could I trust anyone
involved with Sam at that level?

I wanna focus on being there for you, mom.


- Thanks son, I really appreciate that.

- Can't be drinking
alone, let me refill this.

- Tomorrow's the big day,

and I am beyond stoked
to be a part of this.

Come down and witness all
the magic for yourselves.

I'll be dropping beats and posting Tweets.

- Okay you guys, tomorrow is the big day.

We have a chance to put our lovely

new beauty bar on the map.

The Elite LA featuring us
as the top salon in town

will change the game for all of us.

Not to mention the
pretty penny we will win.

- Penny?

I don't work for a penny.

- We've been practicing.

- Kristen, ladies, how's it going?

- We're just getting pumped
about the contest tomorrow.

- Wonderful, because
losing is not an option.

- It's times like this that
I miss having that man.

- Mom, I'm here!

Mom, are you getting ready?




Holy shit, mom!

Mom, get up, mom!

Mom, wake up!

Wake up, mom!

Mom, wake up!


Mom, come on!

Come on, mom!


Yes, there it is, there's Sam!

Come on, mom!

- Can we stop and get coffee?

I need coffee.

Don't you?


- You know you're lucky I found you.

Passed out drunk.

And all that glass, just seriously Sam!

You sound
just like your father

when you call me Sam.

Besides, I wasn't even that drunk.

I slipped, hit my head,
it was an accident.

- I called him.


- Are you kidding?

- No mom, I'm not kidding.

Okay, the drinking, it's a thing.

It's sad and it's scary.

Okay, I don't think I can handle

finding you like that again.

- Oh great, just great,

one more thing for him to use against me.

The two of you are ganging up on me.

- Look, I have done
nothing but support you

and put my life on hold to
help you get back on track,

but you have to be willing
to help yourself too, mom!

Okay, I want to see
you happy, and healthy,

and able to move on from
your struggles with dad.

I mean, there's so much more out there!

Let's just get through this day, okay?

Win this contest,

and figure out a plan, okay?

- Can I have some coffee now?

- You know.

Coffee does sound good.

- Nothing beats good
coffee in the morning,

does it sweetheart?

Don't you think?

What is it, sweetheart?

- Ben just messaged
me, he broke up with me

thinking I had something
to do with Linda's shop

and the Health Department?

- That seems overly dramatic.

Wait, wait.

Ben, Linda.

You've been seeing her son all this time?

Kristen, what the fuck?

- Listen mom, we met at school, okay?

And I really liked him.


I had plans to tell you,

but this whole thing just
got so crazy just so fast.

I mean, it's obviously over with.

I don't even know what he means
about the Health Department.

- You know what?

You're right.

Let's just focus on today.

Let's just get through today.

They're probably just messing with us,

and we've got a contest to win.


- Let's kick some butt.

- Yes.

- Elite LA in the house, yo!

We are here today to
witness these lovely ladies

going toe to toe, nail to nail,

to see which one has
the skills to be named

the best manicure in Los Angeles!

That's right, and the winning salon

will be featured in an
upcoming issue of Best In LA,

as well as taking home a hefty cash prize!

My name is Rogan, and
I'm your esteemed host

for the evening, and I have help

from the lovely Miss Kelly Styles--

And how can we forget about our esteemed

nail-savvy panel of judges!

And of course, all of you,

so please show us some love!

♪ La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪

♪ I love you like ♪

♪ La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪

♪ I love, I love, I love you like ♪

♪ La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪

♪ I love you like ♪

♪ La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪

♪ Oh! ♪

All right, all right,

you think we should get
this party started, or what?


These lovely contestants will be judged

based off of quality,
creativity, and speed.

And of course, all of you out there

can cheer them along for round number one.

And in the final two,
we're gonna go head to head

for that grand prize!

Okay, here we go, the timer is set

and we are ready to rock and roll!

So technicians, on your marks, and


Time is ticking down
here, and it looks like

we're wrapping up round number one!

These ladies are not messing around,

check this out, y'all!

All right, the judges
look like they've made

a decision here, but we need
you guys to help us vote.

So who's it gonna be?

Is it gonna be this team right here?

Okay, it looks like a decision
has been made, so judges?

- You are out.

- For this last round,
remember that the ladies

will be judge based off
of quality of skills,

creativity, and speed.

This is the lightning round,
so you will have five minutes

on the clock to finish your manicures.

Okay, here we go.

This is for all the marbles,
baby, are you ready?

Who's gonna take home that prize?





It is down, okay!

It is now time for the judges
to make that final decision!

- I'm sorry, you are so wrong here!

I can't help it, I'm sorry.

- Are you kidding?

This is absolutely the right choice.

- Girls, girls!

It's really pretty simple.

We know who has what it takes

for the market we're looking for.

- Ooh, it looks like
there is some tensions

going on right now between the judges.

- Talent is gonna speak for itself!

♪ Aphrodite ♪

- All right, it seems like
a choice has been made,

can I get a drum roll please?

And the winner.


- Bullshit!

There is no way.

You cheated!

- Sam!

This has nothing to do with me.

We won fair and square.

You need to stop it.

- I demand we do a redo!

- Have you lost your damn mind?

We won, you lost.

- You cheated, Linda.

They cheated!

They cheated!

They cheated!

- Loser!


- Would you all just stop with this!

Everyone, calm down!

- What the hell are you doing here?

- Who you're telling to calm down?

- Sam, our daughter called
me, and for good reason.

We're worried about you.

I came here to talk to you,

and I walk in on this madness.

We're concerned about you.

- I'm just trying to do my own thing,

and take my life back.

- Honestly, I don't
think anything's changed.

I don't know why you're always

gonna take things away from people,

instead of building
something for yourself.

- I mean it's abusing, it's sad.

I mean, I couldn't handle it anymore.

The mind games, the constant
harming of the mind.

- Sam.

We used to be such good friends.

But you couldn't handle us
growing up and growing apart.

It really hurt me.

And you're hurting me now.

- Linda!
- Mom.

You hurt me too.

It's time to stop
depending on everyone else.

It doesn't mean you have to do it alone.

We all support you and
love you as an individual.

I just need my own life again.

- Okay.


I'm sorry.

I know I've been on this

path of destruction most of my life,

but I don't wanna hurt anyone.

I just seem like I just.

It just seems like I can't stop

hurting the people I love.

Maybe I don't know how to really love.

Kristen baby, I am so sorry for
dragging you into this mess.

To everyone else, I truly apologize

for being kind of a bitch.

- Kind of a bitch?

- All right, I got a healthy check here

for Linda and the team at Nectar Nails!

♪ My name, I'm never gonna drop it ♪

♪ Gonna take it, take it, take
it to the top, top, top, top ♪

♪ Gonna make it hot ♪

♪ Gonna make it to the top ♪

Linda, we did it.

- You're fired!

Mimi told me about your other job.

Real clever, but it's
a conflict of interest.

- Shit, I'm sorry.

I didn't really know what to do,

I didn't have any other options.

- Don't worry.

There's no hard feelings.

Lola has plenty of work for you to do,

and that way we can keep you around.

But just know, I'll be watching you.

Or better yet, Mimi will be watching you.

- Oh, so sorry

- Thanks.

- So proud of you, what you did.

Talking to your mom like
that helped her a lot.

- Thanks, dad.

- Mind if we have a word?

- Sure, yeah sure, I'll
talk to your later--

- One sec, dad?

- Yeah, that's fine.

- Hey, I am really sorry
about all this chaos.

Honestly, if felt like my body
was possessed by some alien.

- An alien named Sam?

Really, I should have
been paying more attention

about how much pressure you were under,

helping your mom and being
sucked into the nail vortex.

I apologize for accusing you

of the whole Health Department thing,

I know you didn't do that.

- Linda, I'm sorry for everything.

I just wanted to say congrats.

- Thank you.

- You're not mad at me.

- Well, I was, yeah.

- And Linda, don't worry.

I guess the only scare was over

some sort of kimchi gone bad.

- You sure it was bad?

I mean, you can never
really tell with that stuff.

- Sam.

How about we go grab a
cup of coffee and chat?

Or better yet, let's go to a yoga class.

- Oh my gosh, that sounds
so great, I would love that!

I could use with some
balance, I think.

- A little balance.

Yeah, I need some balance.

- Thank you.

- Oh, I'm so glad we're talking.

Oh, we're friends again.

- We're friends again.

It can be hard to see the
light in the darkest of nights.

I've learned that life will put you

exactly where you need to be.

I think we all learned
something, despite the chaos.

Be true to yourself, work hard,

and in the end it'll all work out.

Embrace the unseen.

You might even help
someone else along the way.

♪ Whoa ♪

♪ Whoa ♪

♪ Whoa ♪

♪ Whoa ♪

♪ Whoa ♪

♪ Whoa ♪

♪ Close your eyes with me ♪

♪ Start imagining ♪

♪ Of love ♪

♪ They can't chase ♪

- Welcome

♪ With our hands ♪

- To Lola and Amethyst's.

- ASMR hour.


- Damn girl!

With those french tips, you'll
get more than just the tip.

- Yes.


♪ Oh whoa ♪

♪ Is we gotta believe ♪

- Slimy.

♪ I'm a tropical ♪

♪ The time is always right ♪

♪ To open up your eyes ♪

♪ And be the flicker in flame ♪

♪ We can light the corners ♪

♪ Shine through all the borders ♪

- Oh mama, you want some
nail with that cuticle?

♪ But no, no, don't worry to them ♪

♪ They won't stop singing ♪

Ooh, those are shiny!

I guess you could say
I'm at a gloss for words.


♪ And all I am saying ♪

♪ Is we gotta believe ♪

♪ And a travel boy ♪

♪ But you know together ♪

♪ With the absentee ♪

♪ Hey ♪

♪ Hey ♪

♪ Hey ♪

♪ Hey ♪

♪ Hey ♪

♪ Hey ♪

♪ Hey ♪

♪ Hey ♪

♪ Oh the world the world is changing ♪

♪ Hey, all I am saying ♪

♪ Is we gotta believe ♪

♪ I'm a tropical ♪