Above and Below (2015) - full transcript

From Mars to Earth and underneath. Above and Below is a rough and rhythmic roller coaster ride seating five survivors in their daily hustle through an apocalyptic world. A journey of challenges and beauty in uncomfortable places: Rick & Cindy, Godfather Lalo in the flood channels deep down under the shiny strip of Sin City. Dave in the dry and lonesome Californian desert and April in simulation for a Mars mission in the Utah desert. Through the hustle, the pain and the laughs, we are whisked away to an unfamiliar world, yet quickly discover the souls we encounter are perhaps not that different from our own.

As you can see,
there is nothing here, right?

Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing...

That white image was right about there.

It was a life size image.

And I saw her clear as day.

I mean, I could see just the white
coming towards me.

But the worst thing about it
is I could hear no footsteps.

I started hearing the whispers,
shshsh and shit.

I said this is good enough for me,
'cause if I can't kill you...

and I can't do nothing to you,
then you won, I'm done.

What happened is that a family

made their little hut in this tunnel.

And when the rain came,
well they figured they were safe,

they never thought that this is
where the water came through.

It took them.
It killed them.

But only the little girl
seems to be coming here for some reason.

30 seconds count.
30 seconds.

You're clear to open outdoor hatch.

Opening hatch.

EVA 3, prepare to move out!

Roger, I copy,
the EVA hatch is now closed and secure.

Enjoy your EVA!

Solid copy. Over and out.

April, it looks like you got
your first sample of the day.

Yeah, it's awesome.
It's muscovite and biotite.

You should come over here and see it.

April, you are not gonna get very far
if you keep picking up rocks now.

I just needed this one!

Sorry, Charlie.

And HabCom to EVA 1: What is
the weather situation on the ridge?

HabCom, this is EVA 1.

Weather is stable;
winds seem to be dissipating slightly.

Looking for a possible quick way
back to Hab

in case that situation changes.

So far, all crew members
have clear visibility

and good body temperature, over.

Thank you for the weather update.

From your location
there is no easy way down,

so in the event of a retreat,

please retrace steps
back the way you came.

I've had an ant problem,
for quite a while.

Have you ever been bit
by one of these ants?

Oh man, does that burn!

That's why they call them fire ants.

Let me stir them up a little bit.

Get everybody out and runnin'.

Once you've been bit
by one or two of 'em,

you kind of get a little resentment here.

They just keep on coming right back.

With a vengeance too, I tell ya.


There you go.

Candlelight dinner.


Where'd the mustard go?
Do you know what happened to the mustard?

They should both be in a box.

I can tell you...

How about ranch?
-We have ketchup, don't we?

Oh my cookies!

Oh my God!

Where the hell is Derek going?

Derek, no one on the team
has a visual of you.

Where are you located?

Say again, over.

You need to be in the line of sight
of at least one person.

Finding anything interesting down there?

Negative. No visual of Hab
from that location, over.

April believes
that it's probably on the next ridge.

Roger that.

HabCom, EVA 1, come in over!

HabCom to EVA 1, go ahead!

Be advised, monitoring weather
moving in a little dark.

Keeping an eye on it.
Report back in 30 minutes, over.

You can see here, right?

You see how this is broken?

This right here is part of that.

I'm gonna draw a quick outline
of what I think you're saying.

Yeah, that's good enough.
This is so exciting.

I'm extremely excited right now,
this is fucking amazing.

That is the imprint
that we're looking for.

If they're not dinosaur tracks,

then they're definitely
fossilized something.

If somebody takes that...

it will be an act of God!

Nobody, nobody comes through here.


Nice, huh, a clam.

You know how you feel like sometimes,
you're ziggin' and zaggin' through life.

I was like, I got to go, somewhere.

Sometimes there is no plan B.

Do or Die.

So much for solar power, huh?

I smacked the pavement hard.
-I know, baby.

Startin' to feel better?

Still fuckin' dizzy.

My eyes hurt when I come out here.
It's too bright.

You get used to the exercise
when you live like this.

It's tiring.

Our bed gets washed away every time
it rains, we have to go and get new ones.

Now Rick's got a place to sleep
in case we have an argument,

he can sleep on the couch.

Starting to look like a house again.

I think the cushions
are heavier than the couch.

Oh, yeah!

That's comfy. That's a good couch.

I'll be sleeping over here.

And we can just do this, watch!

Take the table,

roll it over next to the couch.

Fuck Suzy homemaker,
I got Cindy homemaker.

That'll be a cool lamp when it's lit.

What do you think, Rick?
I think it's cool like that.

You almost forget
that you're in a tunnel.

It's like being able to touch the stars.

That'd be nice. To get a home.

To actually have a couch in.

Where I could have a guitar
hanging on the wall.

Somewhere where we could watch TV.

Not have to get out of bed
unless we want to.

That would be nice.

To have a home.

HabCom this is EVA 1, prepare
air lock chamber for our arrival, over.

HabCom to EVA 1, roger.

We have personnel standing by
on your arrival.

Good to be home.

HabCom to EVA 1.

Repressurization is complete
and inner hatch now opening.

Welcome back.

I guess, April never stopped smiling
that entire time.

Is your air off yet?


Okay, your helmet is detached.

Good to go, you can lift off.

I know, a toothbrush is super-low-tech,

but I think even if I was on Mars,
I'd probably still use my toothbrush.

It's just as good as anything else.

Part of me thinks, we shouldn't move on,
we shouldn't go to another planet.

If we can't make it here,

we should just die off
because it's our own fault.

And that's an awful way to look at it,
but it's kind of true.

You know like what, we go to Mars
and we destroy that, too?

It took me a while
to justify this to myself

because I feel like there is so much
that needs to be done here.

But we're learning a lot
about how to sustain life

without using as much resources.

We're learning a lot about using less.

But eventually the sun is gonna burn out.

Hopefully not tomorrow...

I think we got like
fifty thousand years or something.

At least.

Charge, baby, charge!

Charge them batteries!

No wonder I'm wondering
where is all my power.

Here we go.

God always tells me,
Dave you think too small.

To get up and running again,
to get my life back in order.

Starting from zero.

Pretty much.

First of all I gotta find a place
that I wanna live.

I'm gonna have to pay rent

or a mortgage.

And then...

... gasoline to get there.

Upgrade the vehicle
because that ain't gonna make it.

Insurance, gotta have insurance
before you drive your vehicle.


gotta eat a little bit of meat
once in a while, right?


all things totaled here...



my offerings to God...

would be of course ten percent.

Ten percent goes right to God
right away.

You can...

find somebody...

in need...

and change their lives and say:

Here's some cash,
go get yourself a motel room,

get cleaned up, go get a meal.

Or you can go to a church

and say:
Here, pastor, I want to tithe...

to your church.

Here's ten percent...

of what I got.

So, cool.

I need...

7,000 dollars.


Very good.

Hey, there you are!

No jumping!

I know.
-Walk down.

Walk down.
-It's like my own personal jungle gym.

Walk down.

I said no jumping.

No jumping!

Rick dumpster dives girl-things
and brings 'em to me.

Usually I have five different colors
that I like to use.

But I don't have them right now
'cause they got washed away in the rain.

My middle fingers will tell you
what kind of mood I'm in.

My ring finger will tell you
how my relationship is.

Sometimes it's blue or black.

I'll do it when me and him
are not getting along very well.

Right now it's pink,
so we're doing good.

And the middle finger
I like to do a dark color

'cause that way
if I have to flip somebody off,

they'll see that color.

The index finger...

Well, right now it's green,
'cause we're gonna gamble.

So, I wanna, I wanna get money.

Try to see the snow that's on the roof.

It was falling down this morning.

This is the kind of stuff we wanna see
with the rover first

before we actually go out.

Oh God.
-Keep it going, don't stop!

Oh God, son of a bitch!

Oh shit!
-You get stuck?

I think so.

It is not moving.

That sucks.
So we need to go out and get it.

A full mission profile is in, so yes,
I'm authorizing the EVA recovery.

We'll go get it.

Right. It's too valuable to leave out
there in the elements, so please recover.

Air-lock sealed.
Time is 14:37.

Five minute countdown.

EVA 4, you are clear to exit Hab.
Time is 14:42.

EVA 4, we have visual contact
with the rover.

We are approaching.

Let's stay within arm's length

until we determine
that the parameter is clear

and then we can go and inspect
the rest of the zone.

Yeah. Sounds good.

I really wanna go to Mars.

And I think
that for the first time in my life

I feel like I'm not running
from something.

I wanna see as much as I can see.

Even if it is risking my life.

It looks like it got caught
on one of the rocks here.

It's not the comforts
that I worry about giving up.

You have options here, right,

you get bored doing something,
then you go do something else.

You get bored on Mars, what do you...

no, you're gonna get back out
in that space suit the next day.

There's not gonna be any amusement parks
or any...

... anything to take your mind off
of the fact that you're there.

EVA 4 to HabCom, over.

This is HabCom. Go ahead.

It's just gonna be you
and the people that are there with you

and lots of terrain to hike on.

And it's really not safe to go out there
if there is no mission.

Preparing to secure rover
and return to air chamber.

That's a good copy.
Bring her in.

Okay. So let's grab this bad boy.

I think it might be too cold
for these batteries.

So I guess you hope
they send you things.

You hope they don't blow themselves up and
then you're stuck up there by yourself.

You hope that maybe you get to
communicate with your family sometimes.

Lots of hoping involved.

Almost every tunnel is inhabited.


Mostly towards the strip.


Below Maryland and Flamingo,
they have a whole city down there.

They have their own stores,
their own laws

and their own way of life down there.

But I'm scared to just like
barge in on it or anything

'cause I don't know,
I don't know what the laws are.

But I'd like to check it out sometime.

When you're deep in the hole
like some of us are here,

it's hard to get out.

Anybody can fall into it.
It doesn't matter who it is. Anybody.

Doctors, lawyers,

professionals of high standards

end up in gutters.

At one point,
we had eighteen people in here.

Bed by bed, bed by bed,
all the way to the back. Eighteen.

They had a new sergeant and he wanted
everybody out of the tunnels.

It was never gonna happen.

One time they did come down here,
and I went through the tunnel.

I could hear 'em talking.

I changed my voice to very deep
and I said:

"Come and get me!"

But they can't see anything,
they can just hear some shit going on

and he's like: "Hell, no,
I'm not gonna come and get you."

"You can go wherever the fuck you want.
We're out!"

They were gone.
They didn't come back.

I don't know
when I became the Godfather,

but evidently I've been the Godfather
for some time.

It's tough
because everybody has their attitudes.

They got a problem,
they're fighting over there,

they have an issue, they come
and ask me to go and figure it out.

And I always try to figure things out
without any violence

or any disagreements.

Come to a closure...

Kind of like a big brother would do.

Who is that?

Sorry, I got a lot of people
that come by.


Come here.
-Who is that? Who?

I got you a beer.

Oh, I just bought beer.
Okay, I'm coming.

It all rolls down to respect.

Respect someone else's home,

whether it be a hole or it be a mansion.

You have to respect the person's place
where they consider a home.

And I guess for now
I consider this a home.

I love you, baby! I'm gonna come back
with all kinds of nifty swag.

Right there it is!

Sun bleached and all.

A clam, clam shell.

In the middle of the desert.

We'll put it right back
where we found it.

What on earth...?

Out in the middle of nowhere.

How long
has this been sitting here like that?

Untouched until now by human hands.

And look,
you can even see a little bit of moss.

See the green tint?


Just some small piece of moss.

I mean just a little coagulation
of a couple of cells.

That's what the rover up there
is looking for,

is any kind of organic material.

And that would tell us
what the potential was for life

on that planet
and possibly life on other planets.

Should we colonize?

What's the risk associated with
destroying a potential life form

that hasn't even come to be yet?

There is just too many people already
and it's growing exponentially.

I think that's probably the worst thing
that's happening to this planet.

I mean because that's gonna affect
resources and climate change.

As long as people
are comfortable and have food,

they're gonna continue to populate.
Education is the only way to stop that.

But because of the younger generations
taking care of the older generations,

you can't really have less
than the rate of growth we already have.

The rate of population
is one woman has two kids.

One for her to replace herself
and one to replace her mate.

So any more than two kids and...

I mean, three kids isn't bad, four...

I don't know,
I don't wanna sound like awful, alright?

HabCom to Observatory.

Observatory to HabCom.

Please bring back the red light
that was flickering.

I'd like to try it
in the engineering hatch.


If you look carefully,
it's that direction

and you have to go around...

What if we go into World War
or the world came to an end?

I know how to survive.

I can survive.

You've lived,
if you've lived down here.

'Cause down here it's reality.

Everything above us...

It's not that it's not reality,

but there is still some sort of...

dream like living.

They see the lights and the glamour
and they think

this is
the greatest place in the world to be.

People come here to sow their oats.

This is a playground for adults.

It's a giant candy store
in the middle of the fucking desert.

Who would have ever thought
some guy would come out here

and say: This is a good place
to stick a nice casino.

Someone forgot to tell him:
Dude. we're in the middle of nowhere

with no water, no nothing.

With money it got started

and it grew to this
and it's still growing.

In the background of the city,

it's really
not a very nice place to live.

There are slums everywhere.

The housing is old, run down.

And people still live in them.

Flees won't live in them,
the fact that they're so bad.

But people still live in them.

It's a horrible place to live.

Reading material for later.

National Enquirers and stuff like that.

It's in the gully.

I know where to find it.
I can pick it up later.

Uh, Benadryl. Allergy pills.

Somebody kept their pot inside here.
That's awesome.

These things sell in the store
for about forty bucks.

This is from April 2005.

Rick dumpster dives them.

I like to read the interviews
with the celebrities

that they have in there.

Okay. Let's see.

Paul Giamatti...

I don't know who that is.

Is star sex better than regular sex?
You be the judge.

I used to be a feminist
until the first time

Tom Arnold grabbed me by the hair,
threw me up against the wall

and fucked me in the ass,
says Rosanne.

Pre-1989 I pretty much fucked everybody,

but it was
because I had to get breakfast somehow.

Courtney Love.

Me and my husband
do quite good together.

We're both Scorpios, so...

we're professionals at that.

We can also go the park,
we can go... all kinds of places.

There's swings at the park, so...

And merry-go-rounds.

And slides and gear tires
and monkey bars.

Most people don't pay attention
to the little things.

Like making out with somebody, you know.

You'll do that at the beginning, but...

a little less and less and less.

You still gotta do that.

We still kiss all the time and...

tell each other we love each other.

On a bad day, oh...

we're screaming and yelling
and the cops will show up...

or I hit him in the head
with one of my banana bottles...

I was throwing it towards him
and I wanted it to break near him.

Instead it just 'wham'!

Got him right in the forehead.

That was terrible.

He was seeing stars from that.

That's a little expression.

Just some... freestyle,
whatever you feel like.

No big deal. No rules.

Always play like you're celebrating.

This one here has a pad on the inside.

And I call this the "No Zone".

Jesus of Nazareth...

loves me this I know.
Wait a minute!

Because the Bible tells me so.

This one here...

is for my granddaughter.

Don't you leave my heart, Galileigh!

I've seen her via the Internet.

But I have not been there personally yet.

It kind of hurts, it's almost like,
oh boy, I should be there.

I should be there,
I should be holding her

and taking her to the Dairy Queen

to go get an ice cream or something.

Something that grandpaps do.

She's a little young for that yet, but...

I don't know.

I will see her, I will see her...

in person.

Be quiet for a minute,
that's all you hear,

you hear nothing.

Hear a train whistle or once in a while
a dog bark or something.

It's pretty desolate.

I've gotten used to it.

Hello, hello, hello.
Unlimit yourself.


Hey Matt, it's Rick.
Hey yeah, this is Rick.

Have you seen Gino around, man?
Yeah, I'm here.

Ah, fuck, lost one Asian in Las Vegas.

Alright man, shit!
If you see him, dammit...

No, just tell him
that Rick's looking for him, bro.

Alright, alright.
Okay, see you later on, man.

Trying to make a buck.
Try the honest way first.

If that doesn't work,
then I tend to be a go-between

scoring people, drugs, pills,

kickin' out some cash,
so the felonies aren't free.

It's not the way
I prefer to make money.

But, whatever gets us through...

Trick or Treat!

Oh my goodness! How scary!

What kind of candy do you want?

-Go take a couple.

There you go.
You're the scariest one all night.

Thank you.
-Happy Halloween!

Finally we found
a house with decorations.

Take a handful.
I got lots.

Oh my goodness, it's Moses!

Who is it? E.T.?

No, I'm a grandpa.
-You're a grandpa!

Happy Halloween, gramps!
-Thank you.

How cute is that!

I'm not saying just because we need it,
it's justified.

Far from it.

Every time I have to go there,

I walk out feeling
like I should be kicking my own ass.

And if I'm not doing it out loud
I'm doing it in my head

and calling myself a little punk.

That's what I am at that point in time.

I'm just another freaking punk
and I'm taking what I need

and there is no excuse for it.

I can be your best friend.

But if you steal from me,

I take that very strongly.

That's the one thing,
that's the principle of things.

It's not what you steal from me,
it's that you stole from me. Period.

And that's just
a really bad sign of disrespect,

and I don't accept that.

You guys coming?




Are you coming in?

Happy Birthday!

I forgot to make a wish!

Oh, there you go,
you get a second chance.

Ooh, magic!

Hope you're making wishes.

Try having all candy for dinner.

You really get a sugar rush.

Put some water on for coffee.

Anything ever happens to me:

This is what you want.

All my papers are here.

The discharge paper.

U.S. Army.

I was trained to be a medic.

Fix people when they bleed.

Have you ever seen
what an M16 does to a human body?

Not good.

Not good.

Sometimes you can still hear
people screaming.

All you can tell 'em is
help's on the way.

There's a lot of damage
in war time, brotha.

A lot of damage happens.

Everybody goes their own path on it.

I don't believe
in any kind of higher power.

I don't believe in God.

I grew up hardcore Pentecostal,
one step away from snake handling,

people talking in tongues,
passing out on the floor.

But they could never answer the questions
that I had about God.

I got tired of being afraid

that rapture was gonna come every night.

I cried myself to sleep as a kid,
'cause I thought the world was ending.

When I was in Iraq I definitely felt

I wished that I could believe
that there was a God.

People always say
when your life is on the line

you're gonna believe and I'm like,
no actually,

I already thought I was gonna die and...

you just can't fake that, you know,
like you believe or don't believe.

I was supposed to get out
in April of 2003.

In February, they were like,
hey, you're going to war.

You can't get out now.

When I was over there,
you start to look at those people

that live there
as being subhuman.

You have to,
to deal with all the death and...

and what you're doing to them.

I mean it was just terrible, it was...

You'd be driving down the road
and there would be like...

I mean there were times
where you could see like...

people in pieces
on the side of the road.

It smelled so, so bad...

You could...
It was hot out there.

You could smell the rotting bodies,
it was...

It was pretty disgusting.
And so...

to deal with it you start to feel
like they're not really people,

because otherwise,
I don't know how you deal with it.

I'm kind of ashamed of myself
for feeling that way.

But yeah, I guess that's how you
deal with it, that's how you cope.

I'd like to think I'm a better person
than that but I wasn't, so...

It's a lot easier to do it
with Rick here, but...

'Cause he grabs an end and we twist.

Oy! Hello...


Love you too. Bye.

He's probably up gambling.

Need more water, Rick!

Hey, Cindy.


Have you checked the weather report?


So you can go get something to eat.

Love you.
-Thank you. -You're welcome.

Where are...
Where are we at here?

You know you always lose a sock.

Tell me you don't.
I know you do.

Yeah, I think we go with these two.

You must be willing to go further
than any human has ever been.

You need to be adaptable, resilient,
resourceful and a team player.

You would be
the new Christopher Columbus or Magellan.

But there are downsides.

No oceans, no trees,
no morning cup of coffee.

Instead: Dust storms,
barren desert volcanoes.

No human has ever set foot
on the red planet.

It could be you...

Welcome, UFOs and crews.

Kneepsheep nknock ip nknook.

Sounds like French.

Come on man, you gotta believe
there is something more than just this.

Who's to say
we're the only living organisms

in the universe?
Well, first, how big's the universe?

Looks pretty big to me.

I've got a couple of charts
from previous crews' notes.

Your EVA, the next one,
is planned around this area.

We've allocated up to four hours.

April, who's in charge...
-We'll definitely use four hours.

But the only requirement
is that you must be back before dark.

And this road is GPS located,

because the weather does change
the landscape significantly around here.

There's theories that say that Mars
used to be a planet just like Earth.

It had water,
maybe at some time it had life.

But what happened to it?

We might be seeing the future of Earth

if at some time
the iron core of Earth solidifies.

We lose our atmosphere.
We lose our atmosphere, we lose water.

We lose water, we'll lose life.

I think humanity is worth saving,
so let's please get off planet.

I think if a private company does it,

then we probably could do it
in like fifteen or twenty years.

I mean realistically I don't think
it will be before then.

I also think that that would only be
if it's a one-way mission.

I just don't see us having enough fuel
to get back...

That won't be socially acceptable.

It's like committing suicide.

I think maybe one-way mission

after you've done the hard exploration
and brought people back.

I don't think that private organizations
have to worry so much

about socially acceptable
if they have people willing to do it...

Well who's gonna pay for it?

But I think the public as a whole...
-I think it's 500 million right now.

500 million for your one-way ticket.
They're already selling them.

But I'd like to just add one thing,
just a slight change of tract.

One of the main reasons why I'm here is,
it's called dreams.

I will never personally get to Mars.

But I'm here to help
maybe fulfill someone else's dream.

Five minute countdown.

mankind's constant thirst for knowledge.

Where do we come from?

People wanna control.
People want to go...

where maybe
they're not supposed to be.

I figure if we get to go in my lifetime,
it won't be many people at first though.

If you wanna start a colony,
you need about 30,000 people.

If something happened to Earth
and you had 20 people there,

you couldn't manage to reproduce
the human race out of that.

That's not enough genetic diversity.

I'd love to have the first baby up there,
wouldn't that be cool?

God, no!
I'm never having kids.

Scorpion tracks.

See 'em?

April, I may have found a meteorite,

Confirmation, meteorite found.

Looks like something
from out of this world, over.

My hair is in my face,
it's driving me crazy.

Are those cows?
-Oh my God, you're right. Oh my God.

Do you see the cows?

Can you see the cows?
-Oh yeah, there's cows!

Isn't it too cold for cows?
-They're all year round.

Mars cows.

Let's keep formation.
Because of the ice.

Alright guys?

I'll stay here.

I'll stay here. This is fine.

This is good for me.

I don't know.
Mars wouldn't be far enough.

Hello world.


I really don't have any dreams.

I just live day-by-day by reality.

If someone asks me
what can I give you right now

that would make your dreams come true,

and I said,
there's nothing you can give me.

Everything that I get,
I get on my own and I make on my own.

What I have here,
I can have anywhere in the world.


I'm still gonna need this air to breathe.

I'm still gonna need that water
to purify my body.

I need everything that this Earth has.

But if I go to Mars, I don't know
if what they have I could use.

I don't know you might have people
that are an inch high or ten feet tall.

It's different.

Who knows,
one day I might go to Venus

and it'd be nothing but women

and I could fuck all day
and it's different.

But what am I fucking?


He's being stupid.

He wants cereal,
he can come and get it.

He knows where it's at.

He gets one box instead of two
'cause he's a dick.



What? You want your Pop-Tarts?

I'm talking down the hole.

-Wait! -Cindy!

-I can't...

No, it's right here.
-I don't give a fuck.

I'm stoned, okay?

I can't fucking hear you
when you're mumbling.

Fuck you!


Nasty little bugger.

People lose limbs
when they get bit by these fuckers.

Brown recluse, very poisonous.
I killed it.

And Cindy is in a bad mood.
She took off.

She'll be back sometime.

She's being a bitch and I told her so.

She didn't like that. Oh well...

So she's off gambling her money
or something. I don't know.

The worst experience in here
was the flood where I almost lost Cindy.

We lost most everything we owned.

One minute we're eating pancakes
and the next minute we're floating.

And it sucked.

You ride fast, you die hard.

Yeah, things weren't perfect.
No, uh, uh.

They never are.

28 years of truck driving.

I kept a roof over the head
and food on the table.

I was away from home a lot.

Miss a birthday or two,
that kind of adds up.

When we got divorced
there was six years that uh,

basically I stayed single.

And then I met my second wife.

We was living in Wisconsin.

And I was working up in the area.

I was running hazardous waste
out of the twin cities down to Chicago.

Wisconsin was right in the middle,
so it made it real handy.

I could run out, stop,
run out, stop at home,

grab a quick shower and a meal.

I treated the woman like a queen
this time.

The second time I'm gonna do it right,
you know what I mean?

So we had the lake house,
two new cars,

pedigree dog, the whole deal.

Life was great, but...

at the end of the month
we're bouncing checks

and I'm putting a couple thousand dollars
in the bank a month.

I couldn't figure it out.

I said, hey...

Francine was her name...

I said, hey, I went to the bank
and got a bank statement here,

try to figure this out.

What's all these withdrawals?

Crack ATM machine,
you know what I mean:

Go get ten bucks, go get ten bucks,
go get ten bucks, go get fifty bucks.

All that my wife wanted to do

was smoke crack.

And it's not all her fault,
it always takes two to tango, you know.

Me and her, me and her,
me and her, back and forth.

Here is the starter. Chevy 454.

Done deal, brotha.

Here we go.
It's a tight squeeze.

I'm glad I've not eaten today.

What I was doing wasn't working.

Me taking the lead, it's disaster.

I surrendered to God.

Okay, God, you're in charge.
I'm not.

Just kind of went with the flow
and ended up where I ended up.


Whenever you get to thinking,
ah, it can't get any worse,

believe me there is plenty of room
for it to get worse.

It's a vicious fucked up circle.

I'm just hoping
that Cindy comes back in a better mood.


It's the old patch that is leaking.

She wanted
to see us get married here.

She was gonna be my bridesmaid.

A lot of people
are still married after 33 years

but not in love with each other.

Those two were in love still.

They're gone now.

I miss 'em.

This is his dad's hat.

It's seen better days, but...

You can still smell
dad's hair right here.

His heart is believed
to pass through this one,

and his spirit passed through this one.

The Indians believe
that it helps the soul

when you're passing.

When I leave this world,
I hope the same way as my father did.

And my spirit will pass
through the crystal as well.

I played in some old abandoned mines

that I pulled out those crystals.

I was Rockhound Rick.

I quite often call this the cave
instead of the tunnel.

These are the things

that we won't let get washed away
with the water.

It's just a piece of leather
and a couple of rocks.

It's not things that are worth money.

I didn't really know my dad
until I went to Iraq.

When I went to Iraq, he called me.

He was like,
you don't know me, I'm your dad.

I just remember the part
where he was like,

I'd feel really guilty
if you died over there

and I never made an effort
to talk to you.

I kind of feel like
if I didn't go to Iraq

I probably still wouldn't know him.

He was in a biker gang.

He said that he didn't want us
to be part of that lifestyle.

So he just left.

I don't know whatever that means. So...

My mom was pregnant when he left.

She blamed me.

I ruined her life because I was born

and he left her
because she got pregnant.

Which is really stupid, right,

'cause it's not my fault
she got pregnant.

She doesn't remember
any of that, though...


should make...

Eleanor Roosevelt said:
No one has the right

to make you feel inferior
without your consent.

That's exactly what life is about.

No one has a right
to make you feel bad...

because they said so.

If you feel bad
it's because of something you did.

The actions and the decisions I made

are not because someone else
made them for me

or forced me to do them.

I made them because I made them.

I would have...

I knew that was gonna happen.

Hold on, I got this.

Most of my family is on the East Coast.

That's at least 3,000-some miles away.

I pray for 'em, God bless 'em,

bless them with all the love and kindness
they can take.

But I know where I stand with 'em.

I'm okay today.

Yeah, I'm okay.


It's all good.

If they really wanted to be with me...

I'm not hiding.

Here I am.

I'm not going nowhere
and they know it.

I could have, should have,
would have done better, sure.


I know for sure my one daughter
is very happy, my youngest.

I'm not quite sure
about my oldest daughter, though.

I'm just not quite sure about that,

because she doesn't want me
to call or anything.

Her husband told me straight out,

don't make no more contact
with your daughter.

You're interrupting her life.

I thought
the holes were being patched up,

but I guess not.

You don't know
how many nights I went to bed

teary-eyed, man, you don't know.

Everything's for a reason.

So is this ungodly sight here.

It's for a reason.
Don't know what it is, though.

It's the most beautiful thing
I've ever seen in my life,

but yet it's the most horrifying.

Sends chills through my body.


Those two little girls, they call me Tia.

Tia in Spanish is aunty.

So, I need to get
those little girls their clothes.

They get all the clothes
that are too small for me.

And they give us barbecue stuff.

He makes Carne Asada.
Oh, it's so good.

They're dried.
I washed them on Saturday.

I think this one's neat.

It's got the wings and...

then you got the... little legs.

I think that one's cute.

My daughter collects dragonflies.

One of my daughters
lives in Santa Barbara.

The other three live in the Bay Area.

My son lives out in Missouri.

My mom lives in Missouri.
My grandma lives in Missouri.

I'm a grandma and I know all their names
except for two of 'em:

Annabelle, Dylan, Benjamin, Jason,

Skyla, Noah, Oliver,
Anastasia and Leopold.

Sorry it makes me cry
when I think about 'em.

My kids know.

I told 'em they can look up
Las Vegas tunnel on the internet

so they wouldn't be so scared
and then, that scared them more.

I was like... Oh God!

Only when the rain comes through
does it get really bad.

I mean, other than the city coming down
and cleaning us out.

They're all on Facebook.

One of my daughters
doesn't talk to me, though.

'Cause she's mad at me
for not coming to California

instead of staying here.

They wanna tell me what to do.

Then they wanna put conditions on it.

They want me to not be with a man.

They're my kids, not my parent.

I can't go without him.

He's been a part of my life
for too long.

He's my spiral and my loop-de-loop.

Oh, and 'cause I love you.
And I don't wanna be without you.

Your, uh...

Where is that thing that looks like an A?

"And" thing.

We're loading right at the moment.

There she is. My granddaughter.


Oh, here is a bunch of pictures.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, cool!

Cool, cool!

Samantha. My daughter!

Oh, and my dad!

Holy smokes!
I didn't know my dad was there.

Hi, dad, how are you?

Here we go!

Look at all that.


Galileigh, what are you doing?

Hi, mama dog.

How are you, girl?

Hey David, I was hoping
you would confirm me as a friend.

I think it's time
we get our divorce finalized,

don't you agree?

I can get the papers filed
if you just sign.

Should be a 100-percent
no-contest divorce.

I'm sure you would like
to get on with your life,

as I would.

Francine, good to hear from you.

Hope all is well.
Yes, I agree on the divorce.

Here's the deal,
I have no mailing address.

Legally I am homeless.

I get food stamps only.

So let's come up with a way
for me to sign the papers.

I live in an old military bunker
in the middle of the desert.

It's a good place for me now.

God has been very good to me.
I was baptized the other day.

Yes, I was dumped in the water.
Praise the Lord.

Let me know, okay?

They're not outside.

My entire upper back is tattooed.

There is no skin left.

My dad actually has a lot of tattoos too.

He told me not to get tattoos,
that they're stupid.

I guess I'm probably a lot more
like my dad from what I hear.

Yeah, from what I hear
I'm probably a lot more like my dad.

I don't really know, though.

I look more like my dad...

than my mom...

She's fragile.

She's fragile
because she has nothing but us.

And she knows
that she didn't do a very good job of...

being a mom. So she's...

I don't want kids.

I never have wanted kids.

I basically grew up thinking
that children ruin your life,

so why would I want that?

And now that I'm older
and I know that I just want to explore

and that's not a life for a child.

I couldn't give a child the kind of love
that it would need.

And I don't want to.

My mom
pretty obviously didn't want me.

Not until I went to the army.
And then...

she was really proud of me.

Even when I was an engineering technician

making really good money
and had a sweet job,

she still told people,

this is my daughter,
she used to be in the army.

You know,
it's such a big thing in America.

My kid's in the army
or was in the army or...

It's such a big thing to be proud of

that my whole life has been relegated to
"she was in the army."

No matter what I do,
that's all that matters.

The Mirror.

When you get what you want
and you struggle for self

and the world
makes you king for a day,

just go to the mirror
and look at yourself,

and see what that man has to say.

For it isn't
your father, your mother or wife,

whose judgement upon you must pass;

The fellow
whose verdict counts the most

is the man
staring back in the glass.

Some people may think
you're a straight shootin' chum

and call you a wonderful guy.

But the man in the glass
says you're only a bum

if you can't look him
straight in the eye.

He's the fellow to please,

never mind all the rest,

for he's with you clear to the end.

And you've passed the most difficult,
dangerous test

if the man in the glass
is your friend.

You may fool the whole world
down the pathway of life

and get pats on your back
as you pass,

but the final reward
will be heartache and tears

if you've cheated
that man in the glass.

Tree of Souls.

The old direction,

not working out.
Gotta go new.

Alright, folks, hang on,
we still got a couple more acts to go.


Good drumming!

I like the drumming!

That's some really cool shit.

Alright. Thank you, Don.
Freddy, you're up!

And you said your name was...?
-Joanne. -Joanne.

And you're David.
-You have beautiful hair.

I got enough for three people.

So you have a camper here?

I'm always packed up,
so if I get uncomfortable

I can just turn the key
and I'm out of here.

Sure that's good
you have the facilities to do that.

Don't you have kind of some shelter
from the heat and stuff?

Yeah, yeah,
I got room to stretch out.

How long you gonna stay?
For the winter?

-I'm glad.

It's nice meeting you.
You seem like a nice fellow.

Well, the night's not over yet.

Well, how about if they do a slow one,
you wanna dance?

I'd have friends I guess, right?

There'd be people there.

I don't know that I'd feel lonely.

I would miss my nieces and sister

and they're like the closest connection
that I have.

But I think
I'd make friends there on Mars.

It's gonna be fine. So...

Hey John, it's Cindy, I'm at the tunnel,
I need a...

Yeah, I need to talk to you about...
I need an emergency, uh, you know...

Call me or come by the tunnel
if you can. Bye.

Got his voicemail.

Let's get stuff moved out.

Get that fuckin' thing in there.

I gotta get the stove ready to go,
that's thirty dollars.

I'm gonna do that first.
-Which stove are you...

I heard you...

I'm worried.
-Yeah, so am I.

There's a bag right here to pack in.

Okay, here.

Put them in this bag.

No, it's not gonna stay dry there.
-I don't give a fuck, I'm just trying!

Man, I hate this shit!

It is actually, unfortunately happening.

If anybody falls down,

especially if they hurt themselves,

simulation finishes.
We deal with the emergency.

It could turn into a blizzard
and I don't want anybody getting lost.

We all stay together.

Cindy, get out of there!

My wedding dress.

There goes the radio.

I can reach the fucking ladder.
Thank you. Love you.

And my laundry cart, man,
That was an awesome laundry cart.

Think, think, think...
What pants was I wearing yesterday?

What pants was I wearing?
My teeth...

They were in my pants' pocket.

The pants
that you took off me last night.

Here it comes.
-Be careful!

Oh boy!

Rick, get out!


Don't worry about it, baby, get out!
The water is picking up.

They're gone.

It's my own stupidity.

I'm sorry, baby.

I never miss a sunset.


'Cause the next day is not promised.

We just assume
that there'll be a tomorrow.

I'll get back to Pennsylvania some day.

I'll see my family again, I know I will.

If not here on Earth,
I'll see 'em in heaven.


We'll all meet up again.

Now we gotta start all over again.

See how the lights turned on?

They take pictures of you
and then you buy them.

Twenty dollars
for a fucked-up picture of yourself.

In the fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast",

a grotesque human-like creature
hosts the heroine in his home.

Treating her like a queen.

And she accepts his hospitality

but rejects his constant request
to marry him.

Eventually he collapses from heartache.

Moved by the depth of his suffering,

she breaks into tears
and confesses her deep affection for him.

This shatters the spell
and magically transforms the Beast

back into the handsome Prince
he originally was.

Your life may have
parallels to this story

in the coming month, Scorpio.

You might be tested.
Can you discern the truth

about a valuable resource
that doesn't look very sexy?

Will you be able to see beauty
embedded in the rough and shabby form?

We already do that.

I love you.
-I love you, too.

I like your company.
-Thank you.