Abnormal Activity (2010) - full transcript

In this hilarious in-your-face mockumentary spoof on the handheld movie genre, nothing is what you would expect, or is it? No matter how stupid or boring the footage becomes, Roger and Stacey videotape everything in hopes of seeing the spirits in action. Will they end up with a hit documentary, or will they find what ends up on tape is far worse than demonic activity?

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Why I told him this story.

You see all the pineapples in the kitchen?


We should record something

and then 10 years we can show our kids.

Uh, that's kind of a stupid idea

'cause I don't really like kids

and I don't think we're
ever really gonna have any.

Then they can see how much
in love their parents are

and we can take the tape
and we can put it in a safe

so nobody records over it

and then we can bring
it out and show them.

Yeah and show it to the
kids we'll never have.

Hi kids, this is your parents.

Don't do that.

Keep the focus on me.

I told you to keep it in
a safe place, you didn't,

and you recorded over Whitney Houston.

I won't record over it.

- Okay.
- Just do your message.

Its rolling.

This is your par...



Roger, turn the camera on.

- Its on.
- Did you hear that?

I turned it on.

No but turn the camera
on and go record it.

Its the neighbors getting

into their car or something.

Everybody's gone.

They all went home.

Go check it out.

Check what out?

- You're drunk.
- The noises.

- Noises.
- Go back to sleep.



How bout I move it
front of your face more?


Go downstairs and look, you'll find it.

There's nothing down there.


- Huh?
- Turn on the camera

and go downstairs and look at it.

Give me the camera, I'll do it.

Why don't you just turn on the
camera and go downstairs and

maybe see what it is or...

I'm too fucked up.

I can't do it.

Why won't you go downstairs?

Damn it.

Did you figure out what
those noises were last night?

What noises?

The sounds that we heard?

Ever watch the Discovery Channel

when they have those special...

Demons and uh.

Right, you think the house is haunted?

Fuck, would you put that...


She is.

So don't record over
this because this is...

So what are you
gonna do if this video

isn't here in 10 years?

Probably gonna go on a killing spree.

Hearing doors
slam all night long.

Think about it, is your
nose getting better there?

Here, have a hamburger donut.

Just everything that, everything lines up.

Hey, did you record over that video

of me on the toilet last night?

You better have.

You seriously better have.

Its, I think I'm
using the tape right now

so its probably already history.

- I'm pretty sure.
- Oh my god.

Have you seen where
Stacey went by any chance?

She was taking

a bunch of laxatives.

She was really drunk.

Laxatives, huh?


Because you're always
telling her how fat she is.

She's not fat.

You look like one,

now I think you just sound like one.

I'm just kidding.

- Hey.
- Did you just record that?

- A little bit.
- nice, nice.

I don't know who you are.


Get that.

That you, Lorraine?


Hey uh, didn't they find
Elvis dead on the toilet?

Yeah, let's drag her out.

Why don't you flush
it once I get her off of here?

So you're feeling there's
something in our house here.

I got the cameras, I mean
I can just set them up

- for security.
- Yeah.

Kinda make a little
documentary out of it.

Okay, this is where we
first heard weird noises.

Testing, one, two, three.

Documentary here, strange
noises that are happening,

documentary tape one.

Okay, looks set.

That looks good.

I don't like the angle.

Did you set one up downstairs, too?

Shut up.

All right, so if people
are watching this tonight

and we both died, um...

Shut the fuck up.

Don't say that.

You know I have anxiety.

So if we both die like just,

just call the Fire Department.

Don't fool around, just
like, get the trucks out here

'cause something bad went down.

'cause these noises, like
I know what they lead to

and we've been hearing them

and if uh, if anything bad happens where,

you know, we could be dead tomorrow

when we wake up, we don't know

but if that happens,
whoever's watching this,

FBI, whatever, call the Fire Department.

I don't trust the FBI.

All right, I hate this angle.

It doesn't pick up anything.

I don't know if can use this angle.

Oh my god.

Oh my god.

Did you hear that?

Did you hear that?


Wake up, did you hear that?

I don't want any potatoes.

Its five o'clock.

Wake up.

Oh man.

Potatoes yourself.

Hopefully it will work.

What are you doing?

Just going over
the footage from last night.

I told you I heard
things last night, Roger.

You wouldn't even listen to me.

Yeah well look at 1:16 AM here.

Is that when it happened?

No but look, your
butt is like straight up

in the air.

- Like what?
- What, I.

What the hell are you doing?

I don't remember that at all.

It's like there's
a fricking camel in our bed.

There, its over.

You don't think the demons forced you

into putting your butt
up like that, do ya?

Oh, look at this!

Oh my god.

Oh my god.

Oh my god.

- Wow.
- This is going on YouTube.

Its official here.

This is official.

The demons have gotten into Stacey here.

- Its abso...
- Oh my god.

I don't remember any of that.

- Ah, up.
- I've never.

Its officially.

This documentary is going

to get so much more interesting now.

Its like total...


It's proof.

This is gonna be the
best documentary ever.

I'm gonna sell it to Discovery Channel.

Look at that.

- By the way...
- It's not funny.

Did you take your
seizure medication last night?

I think I did.

Didn't I?

You, I don't know, you
used to give them to me.

Maybe you forgot, I don't know.

I bet you did.

So let's say you did and
this is just the demon.

- Look at that.
- I don't remember that.

All right, we are, uh,

keeping a running check on the demons

as the day progresses.

The day is nearly over.

Just keeping an inventory
of every room of the house

to make sure the demons are settled

and not bothering us.

One more room to check.

Salad, salad leftovers.

I know.

He's retarded.

I don't even, I don't know...

Check out this room here.

Check the...

Get the fuck out of here.

What the hell?

I didn't know you were in here.

- I was just...
- Are you recording?

- Are you recording?
- No.

No, I'm just, I came in
to record the toilet.

Why is the red light on?

- I'm doing...
- Why is the red light

- on the camera?
- I'm doing a room...

- No, the light on.
- I'm not recording anything.

Don't fucking lie to me.

Get the fuck out of here.

Get out of here.

I didn't know you were in here.

It could be when I'm not in the bathroom

- on the telephone.
- I didn't know you were...

Get out of here.

Get out.

I need to document the toilet

What the hell?

Are those yours?


I don't wear...

Those are boy's boots.

Those are your boots.

That is definitely a tripping hazard.

Its not my,
those aren't my boots.

Shut up, those are yours.

Who did you have over?

Are there any guys you've been having over

you haven't been telling me about?

Those aren't my boots.

Those are your boots.

Then who's boots are they?

Are they...

Maybe they're Satan's boots.

I think they're your boots.

Or they're Satan's boots.

When is Satan going to
come and retrieve them?

You know there
could well be demons

walking all over our house
at any given time here.

I heard about this.

Put some powder down.

Satan comes back for his boots,

we're gonna know about it.

The demon comes in.

He's probably going all
the way through the house,

we don't even know it.

We hear a door slam but
who knows where he goes.

But we're gonna know now.

Look at this.

- Now just.
- Yeah.

Tell me you didn't
walk through the baby powder.


Did you go to the bathroom?


I'm resetting the camera so,

okay we already know that
those are Stacey's footprints.

You're going to the bathroom again?

I gotta poop!



Turn this on here.

That's right.

- That's bright.
- Roger.

Don't worry about the camera.

- I got it on now, its on.
- Don't worry about the camera

We're documenting this.

You heard it again?

You don't need the camera.

Is it down there?

I, yeah I heard something.


Don't go down there.

Turn your camera off.

- Okay...
- Don't go down there.

Please don't go down there.

You know what I'm gonna do?

Don't, don't.



Here we go.

Oh my god.

I know the light was
off when we went to bed.

I'm pretty sure it was, too.

- Its on now, though.
- I don't want to go down here

I really don't want to go down here.

You heard what I heard.

I'm going down.

I'm just scared.

I don't want to go, I
don't want to go in there.

You don't.



Looks okay.

I don't see anything.

The door, look under the door.

- Huh?
- Under the door.

- Can't see anything.
- That light is on.

- Its on.
- Why is that on?

There's a light under the door.

There he is.

Can we just stop?

Can we just go back to bed?

Put your lights on, please.

I mean the door is not locked.

- I don't know.
- Don't touch, don't.


Oh god.

Want to be in here, I
don't want to be in here.

Roger, please.

I just want to go back up to bed.


Get away from the door, Roger.

Oh my god.


Its move, there's somebody in there.

I really don't
want to be down here anymore.

There is somebody in there.

I really don't
want to be down here, Roger.

There is a demon
hanging out in our bathroom.

You can only see it on the
camera if you put it down.

Oh my god.

Then there's no on in there.

The house was locked.

There is our evidence.

Oh my gosh.

Do you hear that?

Its peeing.

The demon is
peeing in our house.

Oh god.

There's really somebody in there.

And he had a lot to drink.

Can we please just go to bed, please?

Why can't I, geeze.

God, this is so stupid.



Okay, I don't...

Thank god.

Get the camera off me.

Hey, we're
documenting this together.

You got to be in this, too.

But, hey.


What, like if you go up there

should I like wait for him to come out?

Do you have like a...

What do I do?

We have someone in there.

I'm not calling the police.

I don't know what to do.

This is like
really good footage right

and you're just gonna go up there?

Yeah, that's exactly what I want to do.

I don't want to be down here anymore.

This, like I feel
like he's gonna come out more

but I kinda want to go up there, too.

I'm like...

I'm shaking right now.

Like I want to see who comes out of there

but I don't want to be
down here when it happens.

- I don't know.
- I don't want

to know who comes out.

The house is
locked and there's some...

I don't know.

Please, can we please,
please I'm begging you.

Please, can we please go to bed?

I'm not messing around.

I really..

I really just want to go to bed.

I'm really scared.


I just want to go to bed
and forget about all this.

Here, I'll lock this one here.

Just wait till morning.

We can't do anything.

These locks from the 40s are solid.

These locks are the best.

Push it and turn.

Just shut it, Roger.

It's an old house, give it time.

It just needs to latch

and then we're, then we're
free here in a second.

Lock it up and we're good.

Push in, turn, and it is locked.

Hop in bed, we're safe.

Oh shit.

Time to get up.

Come on.

Look how scared she is.

Oh gosh.

This is what happens when
you witness a demon, folks.

Look at this.

Its not funny.

She witnessed a demon last night

and he was peeing.

He was peeing away when we
went down there, didn't he?

He was just like.

We're gonna call somebody today.

- We need to call somebody.
- Are you paying for it?

Maybe you should stop being
so scared and clean up.

Why does the bed still smell like tofu?

Well when you get your
diaper changed come on out.

This is Stacey Emerson.

I'm just calling to see if you would want

to come to the house because
we've been having some

uh, weird things happen

and I just wanted you to come check it out

and let us know if it's
something that happens regularly

or if it's something that
we should be worried about.

So give me a call back when you get this.

Let me know.

My Numbers 555-2416.

Who is she calling?

Who are you calling?

The landlord.


You really think he's gonna call you back?

Well I don't know but
there's a good chance he will

if I keep calling.

And what do you,
what do you want him to do?

Um, look at the house.

Its his house.

Don't you think he should
know what's going on in it?

You think he's
actually gonna tell us

if he knows anything?


I don't know, Roger.

- I'm just saying.
- it doesn't hurt

- to try anything.
- I called him about

- the late rent.
- Email, just anything.

Its impossible for you to
take anything seriously.

I'm taking
something seriously right now.

Do you see me paging
through this without a clue?

I have no idea what I'm doing
but I'm trying to help you.

I don't know what's wrong with you.

You're not even looking.

You're just flipping through it.

Take it seriously.

- I want this thing.
- I have not,

- any idea.
- Out of the house,

whatever it is.

I have no idea to look.

Its like you, its like you
want it here or something.

I don't want it here.

- Well then try to...
- It's...

Good for you

I'm not the
one with any problems.

I don't have problems.

We get a psychic here or what?

I don't know, I guess maybe.

I don't really believe in psychics.

I don't know, a priest.

I've never done it before.


Demonologist sounds good.

If it gives you some peace of mind

so you can sleep, that be cool.

You're not bothered by
anything that's happened?

You'd rather just let it?

I am.

Let it keep.

Kinda read about
everything a little too much.

Yeah, right.

It's true.

Maybe we'll be putting
an end to everything

that's been going on.

Demonologist is on his way.

Probably gonna cost a ton

and it looks like he's here.

Roger, put the camera down.

The guys is here, its embarrassing.

I need to document this.

John C Kavilas.

Nice to meet you.


- Oh hey.
- Hey.

You got a camera right there.

- Yes I do.
- Got a documentary.

- Oh yeah.
- Oh yeah.

Exactly, you
know what I'm doing.

You know its uh.

So, yeah you guys had an
appointment for me, right?

Asking about the site?

We had some few
weird things going on here.

Yeah have a seat.

We're just gonna kinda
tell you about everything

that's going on.

So how long have you been a storm chaser?

Oh uh.

You know...

Like what do you guys do?

What do we do?


Yeah we don't really.

We don't really.

That's just powerful, man.

We don't really work, you know.

We're kinda, kinda.

You like stick it to the man.

- Yeah, yeah.
- Yeah.

It gives us time to sit home

and record this documentary

that's in progress right now here.


Go to Discovery Channel maybe.


Discovery Channel?

- I uh, I know uh.
- Yeah, uh.

I was going to tell you.

We, we think we witnessed
a demon last night

using our downstairs bathroom.

Do you wanna?

Can we...

What, what are those?

I don't drop.

The guy who burned his ear off.

We've just been kind of working

on this documentary, you know.

Oh you guys are filming.

- Correct.
- Right here.

You know, documenting this demon.

Touche on the camera, man.

Demon operations going on here.

If we solve it today, you know,

you're gonna get some credit
out of this, for sure.

You know, so we're just kind
of documenting everything.

She's been having a rough time with it.

Hopefully something good comes out of it.

Oh, that that, yeah.

- Can we...
- Hopefully we can get like.

- Discovery Channel.
- If it turns out, okay.

You guys are going for the bigwigs.


Well he is.

He's not very good at it.

She won't say that
after its on TV, though.

- And.
- Yeah cause...

Weird stuff has been happening.

Its interesting stuff, its unique,

its raw, its candid, its real.

I don't know why no one
would want to watch it.

Its really scary.


I just, I can't even imagine what its like

to be like your guys shoes right now.

And I can kind of give you

a first hand glimpse if you want.

I got footage over here
we've been collecting.

I've been editing it as we get stuff to...

So yeah.

If you just want to check that out there.

The file is right on the
desktop, I think, there.

Can we get you anything to...

Yeah, uh.

Water, man.

We'll grab you some water here.

We'll be right back.

All right, nice, nice.

Okay, let's see here.




This is.

This is great.

I'm glad we have waterbed.

this waterbed really takes

the pressure off your back, doesn't it?

It sure does.


Oh, look at this over here.

She's doing exercises.

Get out of here.

Look how fat she is.

That's why she's got to do exercises.


Oh my god.

- Oh my god.
- Oh.

You said you would delete that.

I, I just saw something
that wasn't supposed

to be on there and I...

You told me you were
gonna record over there

and delete that.

I did record over it.

I just put it in the computer.

- Oh man.
- God damn it, Roger.

I forgot it was on there.

- Its.
- I'm gonna hurl.

Yeah at least get out of it

so you're not just staring at it.

- Yeah, here we go.
- Oh geeze.

- Can't believe you did that.
- God, there was so much blood

Right when I told you to do it.

The footage is on there, though,

that we do want to look at.

Its just like Lennon said.

Just give peace a chance.

We need to talk later, Roger.

- Okay.
- Um.

You're the one
who wanted to record it.

God I was watching those.

Yeah, man.

Like, have you ever had
any other encounters, like,

I think that's one of the questions

that I'm supposed to ask.

Fucking human resources.

Of meeting with the demons in the past?

I have, I don't know if he has.

- Yeah.
- I definitely have.

When I was like 14, I
went to a girl's camp

and we were all making bird
houses as one of our crafts

and all of a sudden all the girls left

and started filling up water balloons

and shoving them down their pants.

I don't really know why but
I didn't want to join them.

I just wanted to keep
working on the bird house,

I just had to.

So I'm nailing it together

and I realized there was a bird in it.

So then I started painting it and

didn't join them.

So I just kept working
on the birdhouse, right?

What do you fucking know, it flew out

and hit me in the nose, right in the nose.

You mean it hit you in the face?

Yeah, it hit me in the face.

Oh man.

That's just nuts.

There's something creepy about that.

- Yeah, I definitely.
- You know what I mean?

- Oh definite.
- Yeah.

Like, I'll be on a roller coaster.

So what ended up happening
was the bird broke my nose

and I kind of realized that maybe I should

have been putting water
balloons down my pants

but you know, there was just
something about that bird house

that was just calling to me
like I just had to do it.

I didn't feel like I had

to put water balloons down my pants.

I felt like I had to
finish this bird house.

It was very important to me.

But how do you explain...

Completely honest, that story, man,

was completely irrelevant
and just, like unnecessary.

- So I'ma take that as a no.
- Oh really?

About the demon encounters, you know.

Cause you know life,

this is what I see it as.

Life is like a water buffalo.

You just, you don't know if
its gonna charge you or not.

Oh my god.

Did you...

Well we got
like two cameras but uh,

like any given time I just
only use one battery charged.

So its rare...

I just prefer to put it
in the upstairs bedroom

because uh, I don't know,

she's been putting her
butt up in the air at night

and I think its funny.

Yeah, I mean I would do
the same thing, you know.

Uh right here, I believe.

There's a fucking
camel in that bed, man.

That's actually
what I said, exactly.


Joe the cigarette camel.

Exactly, didn't I say that?

Up she goes.

Oh yeah, that's, oh fuck.

God damn, man.

She's got some issues.


Shes, let's go.

Let's, I got to rewind that again, man.

Okay I'm passed now, man.

I mean I think its
all demon induced activity

there if I've ever seen it.

You're the expert though, like.

Seriously some demon induced seizure.

You know, I,

its, ah man.

Should we just go upstairs
and just see what we got

to offer here, like the offering,

you know with the body of Christ.

You know, see what we got.

- Yeah, get your.
- Yeah, definitely.

See what you see that we don't.

You know, get to the bottom here.

Hopefully we
can find something here.

These are some beautiful curtains.

I mean, god.


Who picked these guys out?

All right.

So where do you want to check things out?

Oh tensions are high in this room.

Are they?

Yeah, I definitely
feel this in my jugular,

if you want to say.

- Yeah?
- I uh,

have a strange feeling.

I uh, you know.

I want to say like


Ah, 14 children have died in this room,

believe it or not.

No way.

Yeah, its actually kind of nuts.

I mean I can, I can just,
I can hear a distant noise

in my ear and they're
saying, hey, we died.

I don't know I probably,

I'm just probably thinking shit.

But you know.

Oh man, is this like
the front of the house?

What about it?

Oh god, oh god.

Oh man, its just like an old 70s porno.

You know, with the groovy music?

Oh god.

Oh but for some reason I'm
just getting this feeling.

I touched this window I
feel a kinetic energy,

you know like, I feel something.

And what I feel that is like,

like a school bus full
of kids died in your

front of your house, you know.

You know, its like when Reagan's like

hey I'm not a crook, you know.

School bus is kind of.

- Exploded in the house.
- Oh my god.

Not in your house but outside.

Yeah, I uh, I'm feeling this window

and I, I can just, I feel that

I just, I know that a
school bus exploded in,

outside your house.

How did it explode?

You got me, man.

- You got me.
- That's horrible.

You know its like, you did it,

Keanu Reeves driving fast enough

or was he not driving fast enough?

You know, like, with Speed 2,

was he in it, did he die?

We don't know.

The realtor never told us about that.

It was in the 40s.

You know back in the Great Depression.

Hail chief.

- Yeah.
- probably didn't even know

about it, then.

You had to eat soup back in the day.

God, its aggravating to eat soup.

I like chicken noodle.

I'd go for that any day.

Great shower, man.

Just like water.

Oh hey.

Yeah, uh, this is what
I was gonna point out

to you guys earlier, but I forgot about it

cause I was thinking...

Hitler brothers actually took a shit

in one of these.

Its actually not the exact place

of where he took a shat

but its the same toilet,

if you guys really want to know that.

I think we were happier
before we knew that but uh

Yeah, I uh, light doesn't work in here.

You know its like, uh...

You gotta, tangle it around.

Feeling anything or?

Yeah, I feel like I just
had sex with the Blair Witch.


Just nasty.

Nasty up here, god.

That smell
would be her over here.

No, no, no.

Its, gotta be this thing, man.

I mean, I just, I can't,

I don't know where you get this shit.

Why do you have that?

I guess her wish is to be fat someday.


Like what do
you suggest we do now?


Oh yeah, just, uh,

you know you might want to
throw a couple Prozac at her,

you know, just cause she's got,

she's got some issues, man.

Something I can't even,
I can't even handle.

You know its just, its just like...

I sense it, too.

I live with it everyday.

Yeah, well you know,

- sometimes you wish you...
- Prozac.

- Yeah.
- Answer there.

Its like that, you know.

That's what happens when, uh, uh...

When uh...


Yeah, yeah.

Is like our house haunted?

Is she haunted?

I don't know.

Is it like...

Nah, you know what man, it could be,

it could be.

But you might want to
get the fuck out of here,

you know, just for precaution.


I mean, like what about
these demons though?

Should we like communicate
with them at all

or like do we let em be and continue

- to let them visit us?
- You know its a good idea.

- Its a good idea.
- No, its not

- a good idea, Roger.
- No, no its not.

No offense but he's an expert

and you aren't.

I mean, so you don't think
we should communicate

with it or what?

I mean you can.

I mean if you're successful with it,

fuck its just gonna screw with
your head and fuck you up.

But anyways, well what I did one time,

like I left this pizza out for the demon,

of course, and uh, I, uh,

wanted to see if it would mess with it

- and uh...
- Did it?

You know.

That night was so insane.

I think we should
put a pizza out for a demon.


Yeah something you
might want to consider.

Its something easy to do.

I mean its not something we really,

you know its gonna take much effort to do.

- Like we should.
- Like easy.

Roger, we are not putting
a pizza out for the demon

or anything else.

- Oh.
- Promise me.

- Okay.
- She did say promise.

Promise me you're not gonna put a pizza

or anything else out like that.

Okay, I promise I'm not...


I promise I'm not gonna put out

any popular carry out
establishment pizza for our demon.

- Okay.
- I promise.

- All right.
- Yup.

Makes me feel better.

Still that's something
you want to take note of.

Yup, I'm not
gonna put out a popular

carry out establishment
pizza for our demon.

Now way.

- Yeah.
- Honestly, I think.

Yeah I also was gonna point out, too,

man like like, I feel a sensation.

Like, intoxicated woman named Lorraine.

- Oh.
- Was here, not here,

I just have a feeling here.

Would be the stairs?

Cause if that's the case, I think you're,

I think you're right.

Yeah its right here on the stairs, man.

She was just
there a few nights ago.

I'm impressed.


- Oh man.
- Stacey, did you hear that?


Stacey, you missed that?


Never paying attention.

I'm not even gonna tell you again.

Its your own fault you missed it.

Well I'm sorry, I was looking up...

- Oh just pointer.
- Yeah?

You may just want to um,

leave the house and the girl

'cause like, fuck man, its not,

its not worth even staying here.

- Like you feel me?
- Okay.

No you don't even, you don't even know.

'cause I'm just so.

- Appreciate it.
- Oh you know.

My uncle does um, he's
the guy kinda started this

whole paranormal shit.

I just kind of help.

Kinda came along and
helped him out with it

but you know he's a pretty cool guy.

We run into anything
else we'll give him a call.

He knows what he's doing.

He's a bald guy.

Like we just
want to get this done.

Yeah, just tell him that Jerry sent ya.


That's not your name, though.

That was interesting, huh?

Here's his card, man.

Thank you.

Here, take take take the card.

We will give him a call.

We will, we will rock you.

He seemed kind of disturbed.

Yeah so do you

but I think, I don't know, his uncle,

his uncle is supposed to be pretty good.

Oh yeah, who's that?

Just don't know what to think about the,

you know, 14 kids dying.

- Like the bus exploding?
- Its just..

That's, I wouldn't
have guessed in this house.

That would explain a lot if its all true.

Don't you think somebody
would of told us about that?

He said it was in the 40s.

- Maybe they just...
- That's true.

- That's true.
- Probably didn't

even know about it.

Its just disturbing.

And he called this, you know,

Lorraine on the stairs, that totally is.

Oh my gosh.

I don't even...

I really feel like we got something here.

Like this is compelling material.

You think?

Yeah, yeah I mean like this is,

I don't know, stuff like this sells.

Why do you think that?

'Cause you like,

weird stuff is happening,
we're recording it,

and people are interested in it.

Well you, I don't know.

- I don't know about this.
- Did you see like

what I had together so
far on the computer?

Like I got it all edited together

- and its like.
- Yeah, I did.

Its scary.

Its good, people will like it.

- I, I don't know.
- I think its okay.

'cause you're kind of shaky
when you hold the camera and...

I'm not a professional.

And you can't really focus very well

and your editing...

You could tell what was going...

Your skills are really bad.

You were able
to tell what was going

on though, that's uh,
like, that's all you need

to do, its a documentary.

It can...

I don't know if its clear.

I don't know if its clearly.

Its like
candid, though, its like

what actually happened.

Its not like staged, so.

Yeah but who's gonna care about us and,

I don't know, I just, I don't know.

I really think
there are demons in this house

and they're getting, its
like first, you know?

We're getting eye witness footage of it

and its, that's what it looks like.

Take it or leave it.

I think the more that you're videotaping

the more that you're pissing them off.

That's what I think.

- I don't think so.
- And I think that

your poor editing is
probably pissing them off

'cause it kind of pisses me off.

That's good, that's like,

that's just how it is, though.

- Like I record...
- No but it's...

What am I
supposed to do, stage it

and make it look better?

This is like raw material.

- So its like...
- If you wanted it

- to look good.
- It's raw.

You probably should do that.

Have you even
seen a documentary?

Yeah, I've seen plenty of them in my day

and they were way better

- than what you...
- They look like this.

This is how they look.

Like you see these?

I'm not even gonna say it.

- You just.
- What?

You're gonna be laughing.

The Discovery Channel?

good once in awhile.

Stacey, the neighbors dog is in...

You go back over there.

I'm gonna eat ya.

Roger, Roger.

- What?
- Stop messing with the camera

Did you, did you hear that?

I'm turning
it on here to get it.

You don't need to turn it on.

That's the whole point.

You don't need to go down
there and check it out.

Then why'd you wake
me up and tell me about it?

'cause I'm scared, I'm a girl.

If you don't leave
the yard, I'm gonna eat ya.

Yeah, that's right.

Good morning, flapper.


What the hell?

Do you recognize these, Roger?


Those must be yours,
'cause they're aren't mine.

No, these are not my keys.

These weren't here last night either.

Not yours, is there.

- Somebody left them here.
- How did they get

- in the house then?
- Somebody left them here.

- They're not mine...
- Did you have somebody

here last night?

- Not...
- I'm serious, Roger.

This is really fucking creepy.

'cause we found some keys here.

They're probably Lorraine's.

They're keys that
were not here yesterday.

They got in the house, somehow,

and now they're laying on our counter.

With all the doors locked.

So you're saying
the demons left them here?

I don't know.

- I mean, maybe.
- They are keys,

maybe they're the keys
to the gates of Hell?

You ever think about that?

I don't think they'd
have Yellowstone Park

on it, though, you know?

Just, why don't you

- go back to bed?
- Roger!

- Did you get up too early?
- Seriously.

That your problem?


No, look.

You can't take anything seriously.

I'm really, I'm really freaked out

and you're just making
me feel stupid about it

and I shouldn't 'cause its
a really fucked up thing.

I'll call the other
guy and have him come over

and check it out.

I'm just gonna stay down here.

Sure, we're gonna
check out the upstairs.

I'm good down here.

Here are the noises
we found about 3:27 AM.

Happens right here.

We really appreciate you coming over

on such short notice here.

Yeah, he's coming upstairs.


Thinking over every move
here very carefully,

I think he is, just to not
disrupt any of the spirits

that could be up here.

Its kinda, too, uh...

Oh fuck.

You guys had sex up here.

Was it kinky or what?

We just kind of, we
just kind of hang out spot.

So that's how you guys roll.

Fucking psychos, no wonder you're haunted.

- Oh yeah?
- You don't need

to go in here.

Can you explain this?

That's actually Stacey's.

Questions for you, like we
found some keys and um...

Don't think, 'cause if you,

if you haven't used
those before I wouldn't,

like, I've had two years of training...


Pair of boots that aren't ours

demonic references behind that.

There's nothing here.

And downstairs he goes

and hopefully out of our house real soon.

You put the pizza out for the demon

and then, and the demon will see it.

- Kind of like a welcoming.
- And when the demon sees it

its gonna mess with you.

- Mess, mess.
- I get it.

Make friends with the demons?

You know, maybe they'll,
they'll just stop haunting us.

I promised Stacey I would not go out

and buy some popular carry
out establishment pizza

and I won't but I think
that was good advice

that we received.

How are you gonna really
know what's going on

if you don't, uh, put a little
communication bait out there

and I think the guy had a point.

But look at this way,
what Stacey doesn't know

isn't going to hurt her.

She takes four hours
in the bathroom anyway,

so she might not ever
even see this go out.

I like doing documentaries.

There is our key to communication.

A little bit of a pizza going on here

for the demon, of course.

The whole.

What the hell?

What the hell is this, Roger?

- What's up?
- Yeah, what is up?

This is a frozen pizza here.


Any, any problems with that, by chance?

I have a big problem with that

because you know what, you
told me that you weren't

gonna put a pizza out.

I don't...

You actually promised
me that you weren't

gonna put a pizza out.

I really don't recall every saying that.

However, I do recall saying

that I would not put out

a popular carry out establishment pizza...

Why don't you ever...

- Come on.
- That's so stupid.

- Hug.
- No, I'm pissed.

- Hug.
- I'm pissed at you.

Because I'm doing what our expert said?

We paid a lot of money
to have him come here

for a couple of hours.

You're such a prick.

There you go, demon.

We wake up in the
morning, piece is missing,

we know we are not alone

and I don't think we are.

Stacey's got a problem with it

she can just go...

Okay, tonight I have
put a pizza downstairs

as suggested by our storm
chaser expert we had in.

Shut the fuck up.

Why don't you just shut...

Its happening.

Its happening right now.

Roger, what's going on?

What's going on?

- What's going on?
- What are you doing?

I'm gonna see a demon eat pizza.

Roger, what are you doing?

- Don't go down there.
- He's down there.

Don't go down there.

Don't go down there.

Please don't go downstairs.

Please don't go downstairs.


What are you doing?

Roger, what are you doing?

What do you think I'm doing?

Down here,
Roger, it freaks me out.

Everything freaks you out.

- Shut up.
- I waited for it

and he's here.

I heard him.

Oh my god.

- There's...
- There was a whole pizza

before we went to bed, Roger.

Yeah there was.

Did you eat those two pieces?

Swear to god,
I didn't eat those.

Oh my god, Roger.

You had, you put a camera
down here though, right?

So we'll know what it is,
we'll know what's going

on in this house.

Actually this is the camera.

This is the camera because
you didn't charge the packs

on the other one.

I didn't?

No, you didn't
it and I told you to and.


Oh my, oh.

This is evidence,
this is like hardcore

cold evidence, like, like.

- Oh.
- I can't believe this.

You see this?

Oh my god, no.

See that?

Oh my god.

Whatever it
is, it left us a note.

Yeah 'cause like, you didn't...

You didn't charge the pack so I don't know

what was down here.

But what I do know is like, there's two...

I don't care, Roger!

There's two pieces missing.


And now we don't know what took 'em.

Look at it this way...

We have no idea what took them.

I put my money on
the upstairs camera tonight

just because if you put
your butt up in the air

who's gonna record that?

It's hilarious and I didn't,
honestly I didn't expect

this to happen.

So I didn't, I didn't like
set up anything down here.

Like this is where I would have put it

had you charged the pack.

You're a fucking asshole, you know that?

You are, too.

Like oh my god, I cannot believe this.

I just, I want to go back up to bed.

I don't want to be down here anymore.

Can we please just go
back upstairs, please?

Can you please shut the camera off?

I mean this is just crazy.

Like the door is locked,
there's, I don't know.

Yeah obviously
something was down here.

How it happened.

That was a whole pizza, it was.

Oh my god.

I don't feel good at all
about being down here at all.

Oh god.

We're going back upstairs.

I don't want to be down here anymore.

Its not funny.

I can't believe you still
put that pizza out, Roger.

You didn't even have a camera running

to even catch what it was.

I'm wondering,
too, don't think...

It was a decent idea, I think.

You put something out and
see if it responds to it.

Its like you...

Have the camera set
up to catch what it was

so we're not sitting here wondering

and being so freaked out.

You're the only one
who's freaked out right now.

I'm just trying to get to the
bottom of what's going on here

and you just kind of shoot down...

Well tell me what good
the, what good the pizza

being left out did for
us and the documentary?

It shows that the demon exists

and he's very real.

Look at this, its her first tricycle ride.

This is so cute.

She's on a tric...

I told you it's too small for you.

What the fu...

It's a little small.

Not that bad, though.

Get out of here.

It's fucking disgusting.

It's just a hot dog.

yeah, well you don't put
hot dogs in people's faces.

Why not?

- Its funny.
- No, it wasn't funny.

- It was a hot dog.
- Yeah.


- That's disgusting.
- You should...

Okay, its 2:19 AM

at least I think it is.

Stacey is making some
weird freaking noises.

Demon activity?

You can decided for yourself.

Try and go faster on your little tricycle.

That's hilarious.

Come on, do it again.

Kinda happy I'm not in that bed right now.

This aint normal.

I'll record this 'cause I don't think

she's gonna believe that
she's doing this right now.

Completely unresponsive to
the light on the camera.

What the hell is that?

Fucking A.


You're blinding me, Roger.

Why are you standing
above me with the camera?

Are you aware
of what you're doing?

Did you hear yourself?


I didn't think you would.


I don't know what
country they call that snoring.

What do you mean?

You're just
like, you're really like,

you really kinda sounded demonic.


Like you freaked
me out a little bit.

Are you serious?

I got the camera going here.

Yeah you're gonna have to see it.

Its like really freaky.

- You're just like.
- Oh my god.

You're kidding.

- Are you serious.
- I wish I was.

Like, I was afraid to be in this bed

when you were doing that.

- My god.
- It was really weird.

What did I sound like?

I don't even think I can do.

I'm not possessed so I don't think...

I thought you did, maybe I.

- I don't know.
- That was like,

that was like just weird.

- I don't.
- That's really scary.

I don't even if you
even want to watch the video.

I don't know, I don't
know if should either.

Sorry if that
kinda riled you up.

Can you go back to sleep?

I don't know if I can
back to sleep after that

and I don't know.

I wouldn't watch it.

It's just so scary.

Its okay.

You got to keep an eye it.

You'll be okay.

I hope so.

Maybe I'll have to take another kind

- of pill.
- You're on enough

medication as it is.

I don't think the doctors would agree

to prescribe you anything else.

You're on medication you need.


And only one you need.





Okay, this isn't good.










This isn't good.

Okay, Stacey.


What, what are you doing, Stacey?


Oh geeze.

Stacey, are you okay?


Are you okay?

How many, how many
fingers am I holding up?

Stacey, are you with me?

Okay, you kind of are.

Are you, you're not sleepwalking, are you?


Oh, you're peeing on the floor.


Look at me, are you okay?


Oh no.

Do I wake her don't wake her?

Stacey, you're sleepwalking.

Stacey, go put your shorts on.

Real nice.



Oh the adventures of sleepwalkers, huh.



Stacey, what are you doing?

Stace, no.


Put your shorts.



Did you drink any?

Stacey, did you drink any of this?


Don't drink.

I don't...

Did you drink any?

You seriously have to tell me

cause you have to your stomach pumped

if you drank any.

Did you?


Stacey, don't go far.

Stay right there.

Oh geeze.

What the hell?

Out of the car.

Out of the car.

Put on your shorts,

you're gonna get skid marks on the seat.

Stacey, did you hear me?

You are not in any shape to drive.

You are sleepwalking right now.

You are sleepwalking.

I'm glad the keys are inside.



You'll be good here till morning.

This only happens once every so often

but its happening tonight.

She's been really good, too,

like she hasn't done
this for like four months

and here we go.

So much for that record, huh,

you got to start all over again.

I'm going inside.


Have fun, Jeff Gordon.

What are you watching?

The video of the weird
noises I was making.

I put that on
there for documentation.

I didn't want you to look
at it, I told you not to.

Its so upsetting.

You don't need to see that.

I know it is but.

That's why I kinda didn't
want you to see it.

I've never ever ever...

What the hell is that?

Heard noises like that before

or anyone else making it.

That makes two of us.

I think you should just shut it off and...

Your blinding me, Roger.

Why are you standing
over me with the camera?

That's not, that's not me, that's not.

- Think you would.
- Snoring?

- I
- don't know what country

they call that snoring.

I know what you need.

Just like.

It really like,

it really kind of sounded demonic.

Like, it freaked me out a little bit.

Its a great day.

gonna have to see it.

Its like, really freaky.

You got to put this behind ya.

Its not a big deal.

Look at this way, the demons bothered you

for just one night.

Its not like they're
still here or anything.

You look fine.

Just don't talk to me, okay.



I'm the one who told you not

to watch this footage 'cause
I knew you'd be like this.

You always get like this.

This is really really disturbing.


That's why I told
you not to watch it, didn't I?


Oh, no.

Did you drink any?

What is going on?

Put on your shorts,

you're gonna get skid marks on the seat.

Why is this happening to me?

I just don't even like
thinking about it anymore.


Its too disturbing.

You'll be good here

till morning, actually.

It's only happened...


Thinking about running out to the store

and getting some pudding.

Do you want anything?


I'm fine.

I'll get you
a piece of cheesecake.


God damn it, Roger.

What are you doing in here?

I need to talk to you.

Like when do you ever take these?

When you give them to me.

When I remember.

What if I forget
to give them to you?

Then I don't take them.

Seizures, you're sleepwalking.

This stuff will make that not happen

if you remember to take your stuff.

Its hard to remember every single day.

Maybe you do
take these every night,

it's just the demons.

Maybe I take three of
them a night, I don't know.

Getting ready for
another exciting night here,

aren't we?

Landlord ever call you back?

Did he?


I told you he wouldn't.

Kinda got...

That doesn't mean
that he won't call back

it just means that he hasn't

- called back yet.
- It means he'll call back

when it's way too late.

I say that we kind of start
doing things on our own here.

Got some expert advice,
it didn't get us anywhere.

So I'm gonna, I'm gonna do it my way.

If you're not opposed
to it, I have an idea.

What's that?

I'm not even going to tell you

'cause you'd never approve of it

but I think we need it for tonight.

So you're just...

I am going to
head out for a little bit

and I will be back probably before 11.

Dude, Roger, there you are, man.

Hey, what's up?

See, ya.

Yeah, you know, like when
I said if I need anything

you'd might be able to help me out?

Well, yeah.

Why you got, what's going on?


I need some, I guess you could say

some kind of self defense mechanism.

Some sort, I got some issues at home,

you know what I mean?

Like, you said you could hook me up

and now is kind of the time I kinda

could use a hook up.

So you got uh, you got
some stuff I could look at?

You know I said that, dude, but um,

you know, something else
happened and didn't turn out

too well so I'm kinda like not doing that

for people I really know
cause it can come back to me.

You know, you
know I'm good for it.

I can, like I know how to work stuff.

Yeah but what's up
with the camera, dude?

That's a little weird.

Um, me and
Stacey are kind of shooting

this kind of thing.

I'd tell you more about it but uh.

How is Stacey?

I haven't seen her in forever.

She's good, she's good.

Where's she been hiding at?

Yeah she's
kind of at home right now

and things aren't going so great so she...

Do you...

What's going on?

Why do you need it?

- We got some.
- Like.

You're gonna laugh
but we got some demon issues

if you want to...

- Demon issues?
- Yeah.

I just, we aren't
sleeping well at night,

we just need to have some peace of mind

in the form of a hand gun.

If you know what I mean?

Well I can understand
the self defense thing

but you know demon issues,
I'm pretty sure you can't

shoot a demon.

Man you gotta like stab them or something.

I can get you a knife.

I don't care
if its licensed or not.

You know?

Well its not gonna be licensed.

Not traced back to me.

Whatever you do wit hit
aint that big a deal.

You're like, you know.

You gonna like blur
my face or something.

If I, if the
worst possible things happen

they're not gonna know that
you ever even sold it to me.

'cause I'm gonna...

'Cause I can't the camera thing.

Can you like move that?

If you want me to,
I can like distort your voice,

- too, when I put this...
- Yeah that be...

That's, that's like.

Let's try and hit him.

Dude seriously, can
you put that camera away?

No record.

I'll just turn
the camera off here.

There it goes, its off.

All right you, okay, all right.

I'll believe you man.

Just, you know, its like.


It is off.

Best hiding spot if
you ever have to fence them.

Seriously, I'm not kidding,
put it in the bathroom.

Uh oh, uh oh.

Well this is a good gun.

I really like that.

Its just sleek and small.

I mean, well how much would that one goes?

Cause its you and
you're a fist time buyer,

I can cut you a really good deal.

- But.
- For the smaller one, though.

For the smaller one, I'll
cut you a really good deal.

Oh, oh god.

We're not supposed to be over here.

Just leave it...

Hit up an ATM.


How much can
you take out of an ATM?

Maybe up to 500.

Can I just, you know I'm good for the rest

if that's not enough and I come back

in eight hours and get the rest.

Tell you what, tell you what.

I'll give you the gun for 500 now,

you give me the other 500 another time.

- 1,000 bucks.
- About 1,000.

All right.

We're up for another night
of storm chasing, once again.

Except we have a little
bit more of a plan tonight

and I'll show you that plan.


Where the fuck did you get that thing?

Got it.

Um, do you have a permit for that?

Would you just shut up?

If it comes in here and tries anything,

he's gonna know what.

We should just show the
landlord the tapes that we have.

Like he's gonna do anything now.

We gotta kind take this
into our own hands.

Whoever is watching this right now,

if anything happens to us,

I'm sure they'd agree.

Yeah, I don't think so.

I think we should just show
the landlord the tapes.

We could.

I don't know, the pizza
videos pretty good.

Could show them that

but I think we're gonna
have a better video

tonight if everything
goes according to plan.

Yeah exactly at 3:27 the
night something fucking happens.

Pretty much but tonight we are ready.

Actually remember your uh, the...


Roger, Roger!

All right, that's it.

You are history.


Its history.

Roger, what are you doing?

Trying to get up.

Don't, Roger, don't.

Don't, don't.

I have to do it.

What are you doing?

I'm not,.

Its over tonight.

Fuck what's.

Oh my god.

He's, he's dead.

He's never gonna be eating pizza again.

He was probably on his way to pee.

Oh my god.

You killed him?

Something like that

but it's a demon.

I don't feel too bad, honestly.

Its not funny.

Oh my god.

There you go.

Get the camera out of my face.

He's not going anywhere.

Yeah, 'cause he's dead!

This is what
we were supposed to do.

We're gonna show it to our landlord.

Stuff isn't supposed to happen to us.

I know what that is, like.


- He's not gonna be.
- But you did.

He's not a threat
to us anymore, though.

Get the camera off my face.

Like its totally
not gonna look good

that I don't have a licensed gun.

No, it's not.

I can't believe you did this.

Well what was I
supposed to do, just like,

he could of, he...

Think about what you did, though.

Its, he's not a good person,

if he is a person.

He was a person.

Who, what kind of
person would come in here

at 3:27 AM every day on the...

- I don't know.
- On the dot!

- I don't want to know.
- 3:27 AM he comes in here.

That, he had, he had...

I don't know.

He had an
agenda and I don't know..

Go to sleep and we'll work this out.

We're gonna show the video tomorrow

to get out of our lease here.

We can't live here under this stuff.

Like they're totally gonna see this

and understand that you
don't have this stuff happen.

I can't believe you did this.

I am not happy, I'm not.

It will be good in the
morning, you'll see.





I think that's good evidence.

Don't you agree?

Its really good evidence.

We got everything we need here.

We're gonna start doing it you're way here

cause we're gonna talk to the realtor now.

I think we got our evidence.

Everything we need.

If he wants to come
see it, its in perfect,

just the way we shot it, untampered.

I think we can expect a
full refund on everything

and we're just gonna get out of this place

and I would call the police first

but you know they're gonna come over here

and they're gonna cover it up
like they did with Roswell.

You're taking this as
though its something small

and minuscule like its
not that big of a deal

but it really is.

There's something dead next to our table,

in our dining room.

That's a big deal.

- Just, don't.
- I just don't want

any part in this.

I had, none of this was my idea.

All these stupid ideas were your idea.

You wouldn't listen to anything I said

even though I'm...

- Well you wanted to...
- Way more mentally stable

than you are, even
though I take more pills.

Alrighty, well.

Is it, which one, which building is his?

That one there?

Uh, yeah.

All right.

What we do is we'll,

we'll just show him some
of this footage and,

you know, I think it explains itself.

- Well, not so sure.
- Do you want

to stay in the car or
do you want to come in?

Um, I'd rather stay in the car.

He was
probably on his way to pee.

So yeah, we shot
that video and the demon,

last night here, like nine hours ago.

I mean, this guy

he's gonna come to the house and check it.

He's just like.

He's not going anywhere.

Yeah 'cause he's dead!

Kinda, that's pretty much

what's been going on at our house.

It's this kind of like,
I really don't, like.

It freaked the heck out of her.

Like I wasn't really that
scared, like I was just like,

oh I'm gonna buy a gun and you know.

If you want to see the guy,
like we just kinda like

threw a sheet over him because

like we didn't really want to
look at him during breakfast.

So we like, you know,
just left them there.

We're not gonna tamper with something.

So its like exactly...

This is the dining room?

That's yeah, from the house.

The house that you're leasing
us, the haunted one, remember?

That's Mr. Kingston.

That's your, that's the downstairs tenent.


Like the Kingston trio?

Or some guy named Kingston?

- I
- don't have a licensed gun.

He lives downstairs from
you in the same house.


Well why didn't you ever tell us that?

Its in the lease!

What is wrong with you people?

I think what we
did should be commendable

in some way.

I think because like, we
had a demon in our house

and we took...

That's not a demon.

I mean yeah he
had human form but like.

That's Mr. Kingston!

3:27 AM the door slams.

You tell me that that
is not a demon, dude.

- He works...
- No tenant would do that.

No tenant would come into our house

and slam the door...

He works the evening
shift at the factory.

Well why would
he come into our house

at 3:27 AM?

Because he lives there.

I'm not happy,

it will be good in the
morning, you'll see.

And why wouldn't,

why wouldn't you have told us this before?


Its in the lease!

Yeah so I don't
think either of us read it.

- I thought you did.
- No.

You murdered your housemate.

I just, I thought you read it.

Oh this is your dog, huh?

I'm gonna eat ya.

That's right.

- That's what you told me.
- You said you

were gonna read it

- and like I had...
- Whatever.

I went bowling that
Wednesday that you brought it

I remember you bringing it home.

So I don't think either of us read it.

- I thought you did.
- No.

Actually that would explain
why we have two kitchens.

What is wrong with you guys?