Aan (1952) - full transcript

A Royal Indian family consists of the Emperor Maharaj (Murad, his brother Shamsher Singh (Premnath) and sister Rajshree (Nadira). A poor villager named Jai Tilak (Dilip Kumar) enters a contest to tame Princess Rajshree's horse and after he is successful Shamsher challenges him to a game of fencing. Jai is declared the winner of the fight after much dispute and Shamsher is enraged at losing to a poor villager. Jai then falls in love with Rajshree and tries numurous times to woo her but the princess's arrogance prevents her from revealing her true feelings. Shamsher becomes even more enraged when the Emperor Maharaj reveals that Shamsher is not the heir to his throne after his death and that he plans to free India from dictation and turn to democracy. Shamsher then plans to gain control of the kingdom by killing the Maharajah on the night before he is due to travel to England for a medical procedure. However he is unsuccessful after the Maharajah escapes an attempt on his life by Shamsher's henchmen and disguises himself as a servant in his own palace. Shamsher then sets his eyes on Mangala (Nimmi) who is a village girl and childhood friend of Jai but her love is not reciprocated as he is only in love with princess Rajshree. After Mangala is kidnapped by Shamsher Singh who plans to keep her prisoner in his palace and molest her, Mangala takes a bottle of poison and dies. Jai kills Shamsher in revenge and provokes Princess Rajshree to launch an attack on his village to avenge her brother's death. Jai manages to kidnap Rajshree and sets out to gain her love by taking her into his village and forcing her to live as a peasant girl. Just when Rajshree begins to realise her feelings for Jai, Shamsher Singh who was presumed dead returns to get his revenge against Jai. What will happen to Jai and Rajshree? and Will Shamsher gain control of the Kingdom?

25 FPS

Contribution: pbox67
Correction: Úlairi

Here the farmer who tills the land
in peacetime

and? splits the country in times of war.

Chandan Ay!

- O? is my? p? e?
- Why are you a

if sooner the morning, sir?

Our king hand treatment
? the eye abroad.

We must all pray for him.
Grandma? Re!

I am coming! I am coming!

? Listen, Chandan.

If you always causes me concern,
I'll beat you.

You know I have to go to the palace.

But your neck? Re is appalling.

I have palpitations.

My heart is weak.
I'll have a heart attack.

I can not be the? P? E.

- Oh no?
- No.

Do not you do?

You can still kill me ...

You will not make the? P? E?

Your m? Re told not to do.

- Really?
- Because you re your neck?.

If you have a? P? E in hand,
You? chouerez.

- How did she know?
- His re ch Mangala?.

- Mangala told him?
- Yes.

- I've fought for nothing.
- How has? Take it.

Voil ?, you see? Paintings
in broad daylight!

Gare? you, Mangala.

L? Che me! I will tell? ta m? re!

I will not allow you
complaining? my m? re.

I'll throw you in this well.

I will miss you if you kill me.

Shut up, witch? Re.
You will not fail me.

Ski I'm going to fall!

J '? Tuft, you're gonna kill me!

I t '? Pargnerai that? a condition.

I agree.

Get permission from my m? Re
for the? p? e.

It is impossible. She would kill me.

You shall die anyhow.

- I will try.
- You will obtain.

- Go ahead.
- I will not go!

Help! Help me!

You don '? Chapperas not!

Help! Help!

You can not m? Escape.

What ruckus!

As great a camel
but it looks like a child.

It's always me you scold.

You tell him anything? it,
that is so m? sings.

- You're afraid of a little girl?
- I'm just a kid.

The little boy, look at him!

We must marry,
she leaves the house.

Throw it out,

I beg you,
otherwise I am going to the Himalayas

and I will curse as

it will turn into a frog.

Mr. hermit,
what would you do a? p? e?

Would not you rather not? T need
a rosary?

I will first of me? Rid of you.

You remember the well?
Fetch me my? P? E.

I am going. B? Nis Jai, your son,
he returns victorious.

Here you are now a young man,

stop your pranks.

Are not you ashamed?

We play together
since childhood,

why should I be ashamed

These pranks not suit me
when you? tiez small.

Now I want to get married.

What are you saying?

I '? Pouserai not this witch? Re!

Me a witch? Re?
You think a princess t? Pouserait!

I'll take care. Do the future.

"Someone plays the flute
in my heart

"And sing love songs

"This is an m? Singing boy

"Spring is the? With youth

"Spring is the? With youth

"Spring is?

"Love is reflected in my eyes

"My heart flies

"My heart plane

"There is someone
who stole my heart

"My heart flies

"Someone made him sing
love songs

"Someone plays the flute
in my heart

"This is an m? Singing boy

"It makes me sign
throw me in his arms

"What would the wounded?

"It makes me sign
throw me in his arms

"What would the wounded?

"I will not tell you his name
I am ashamed

"You're lost in your love

"I will not tell you his name

"My heart beats fast

"There is someone who sings
a love song

"Someone plays the flute
in my heart "

I ask your permission, Majesty ?.

People of the kingdom,
those who do not recognize the? p? e.

Each ann? E on this occasion,

Shamsher Bahadur Singh Shamshir
the door,

and his name is? New glorified ?.

This? P? E, once again,
you is pr? feel? By your king.

Who has the courage? Prove his strength?

The king will offer a wide r? Compensates
to the winner.

Why have you contributed? this? p? e?

To combat Shamsher Singh.

You know that the foundation of this kingdom
based on our? p? e.

You forget that with this? P? E,
your anc? tres

jur have? d? cleave this kingdom.

Why Shamsher Singh
we he leads then?

This is our insult.

The? P? E of our community?
d? splits kingdom.

It is our honor.

Who's going? S my pride? P? E?

We have gained some the kingdom
? the strength of my? p? e.

I d? Fendrai? the strength of my? p? e.

Congratulations. I expected more than you.

Have you noticed? Power
the mare, sire?

No one can beat her.

It has no equal in the kingdom.

We always find his equal
in this world.

Someone tries to draw!

It is tr? S tough.
But what he will gain? Change?

What you will choose.

R flute chis well.

I r? Fl? Chi.
Give the order to begin.

However you want.

If there is among you a proud knight,

it pr? feel,

if r? succeeds? train
the mare of the princess,

the king give him 100 ft? these gold
r? compensates.

100 '? These gold!

I have a big house, a wife,

two son, four daughters.

Try first to master the mare!

What are you saying? I could to master
in less than two.

But I would be afraid of leaving a widow.

I '? Pouserais in this case!

Jai, be t? Moin. Stand pr? Ts.

I will go and.

Go ahead. I prefer bumper ointment
for the blows you receive.

You insult? our community ?.

What? The honor of our community?
is safe.

I insult? my community ?.

What is so funny it?
Guard these bracelets.

It is I who'll draw this horse.

Sit down.

Put these bracelets
and do not go near that horse.

Madam, he is to be emp? Expensive!

The farm!

He looks? S finished ?.

What say you, my brother? Re?

This lout!

It would be funny on it succeeds.

I lost.
What will be the r? Compensates?

Why so h? Te?
I do not want? tell you now.

You owe me this r? Compensates.
Sit down.

Here is the lout who picks
his r? compensates.

You're going to offer you-m? Me.


I am your humble servant, Majesty ?.

My f? Congratulations.
Your victory delights me, Jai Tilak Hara.

My sister, it is the farmers who,
in times of peace, till the land,

and? the kingdom split
in time of war.

Show them your gratitude.

They are the guarantors of the realm.

This is why our ancestors
have given them? the title of "Commander".

? Station Move the horse of my sight.

If you of my victory? Pla? T,

I do not want the r? compensates.

I'll take the mare that I gained e.

I'd kill her.

She belongs to me
now that I dress? e.

For dinner, split your good,
you need one? p? e.

When released their brave? P? E,

a t gravesite you.

This is only a playing field.

Do not take this duel? S rious.

It's just a matter
which is measured? his king.

Not enemies, friends.

Your willingness? will be made, Majesty ?.

I Have! I Have!

You're lucky

it is a game.

Why did you do that? A?

Why did you call? ?
Why have emp? Ch? ?

He did not lose.
I will tell the king that he has not lost.

Jai has not lost.

Majesty ?, he has not lost.
He expr? S.

I swear. I say the honest truth ?.

He ob? I to the orders of his m? Re.

Majesty ?, I saw with my own eyes.

I beg you to justice.

Majesty ?,
you saw the strength of these hands?

I defeated my kingdom? P? E.

And have backed up?
? the strength of my? p? e.

You're lucky, prince.
Without his m? Re, I would have seen your strength.

To defeat Jai,
you would not have been enough seven lives.

I'm not afraid.
M? Me if we should cut my t? Te.

The honest truth can not be denied ?.
You would not fight Jai, never!

Let her.

Jai is for you?

Nothing for the moment.
But it will become


My m? Re wants me the eye wife

but he said he refused
to? marry a witch? re.

But I want to tell him that mare.

Otherwise it will be in a bad mood
and? s not nera.

Take the horse? the eye curia.


Ch? Re sister, you have to pay your debt.

You insult your sister by taking part
for this set? rable.

This is not an insult.
It must? Be right.

This is unfair, Majesty ?.

I break it? sound? p? e
and have overcome in public.

You? Carriage too silent? to see

he had broken? sound? p? e his m? me,
to keep his pride ?.

The girl told the honest truth ?.

You can take the mare.

You are a god, Majesty ?.

No, my child, I am human,
like you.

Will serve? eat dinner? Jai tone.

You have dress? E so quickly.

Like I amen? E.

Why did you look so d ?? u?
You have not lost.

The king acknowledged your victory.

"Shamsher Singh, you lie"
he said.

"Mangala said the honest truth."

"Whether it takes the mare."

My dear subjects,

I you r? United

to see the games

because I have to talk to you.

You saw that my fr? Re
Shamsher Singh

has shown? the power of his? p? e
? Through its habilet ?.

And my sister Rajeshwari,
showing you his arrogant mare

a tent? to show you
his talents cavali? re.

You saw the? P? E break
and arrogance subside.

I will now pr? Submit

something? everlasting.

Never beaten,

never apais? e.


"My body and my heart are on fire

"God knows when I'll find love

"My body and my heart are on fire

"God knows when I'll find love"

Raj, why this collar? Re?

Many paris can? Be won? S
apr? s one? s done.

But some lost paris
are actually wins.

This is not my d? D done to me? Range,
but your principles.

What do you want from me?

The m? Me something
the time demands of us all.

He demanded? Let those who
dared not look at us once

us? visagent today

as if we? tions theirs? Gaux?

I have everything organized? Travel,
Majesty ?.

Your boat is pr? T.

According to pr? Visions,
the wind will be tr? s favorable.

But the tide can turn.
Who knows when it will change direction?

God bless you for? Be
our king thousands of ann? es.

Your op? Ration will be a success? S.

You'll soon be back, my fr? Re.

Ton en? Re, possibly master,

but not the king.

Before I d? Hand,
everyone has r? cup? rer of his ?.

It will be your responsibility ?, Shamsher.

Shamsher live the king!
Shamsher live the king!

The people is mistaken.
My h? Heir is not Shamsher Singh.

Who is it then?

My subjects. Long live the people!

You will sign this, Shamsher.

As you wish.

N If your feelings? Were not
those of a fr? re but those of a p? re,

would you be so unfair?

If my feelings? Were those of a fr? Re,
it would be an injustice.

But my feelings are those of a p? Re.

P? Re who has known injustice
for thousands of ann? es,

and now wants to? be fair
to his children.

My children are my subjects.

They are slaves
you call your children.

Do you want to? Destroy honor
of our ancestors?

Ch? Re sister, honor
accompanied them? s in the grave.

They do permit? some portraits
in frames dor? s.

V? Rit ?, in this palace dor ?,
we are living portraits.

But these portraits
have? p? r es well? them.

And they have the power.

God has given you?
the strength to carry the? p? e.

But never forget
those who support the cruelty?

are stronger than those
who r? gnent by it.

The kingdoms are made and d? Do.

The? P? Es shine and break.

But aspirations? Clear? Es

never can? be? crushed? es.

Forgive me, my king.

You wanted to make the king a subject,
and go about a king.

Mangal Singh! You will go
as king in the land? trang? re.

But Mangal Singh
shall? be recognized by the princess.

The princess will want to see the king.

She can not see it.

You filled out your mission.
You've given? your life.

You sacrificed? your life not for your king
but for the people.

"The princess has arrived fields? E

"I am the queen, the king is my ch? Ri

"? A is nobody

"I am the queen, the king is my ch? Ri

"? A is nobody

"I r? Gne in the realm of love

"Because I'm your wife

"Because I'm your wife, my ch? Ri

"The palaces belong to the rich

"But the kingdom of hearts belongs to me

"My kingdom is the kingdom of love

"I have given? My heart? The one I love

"? A is nobody

"I will never give my ch? Ri

"I will sing for the one who has conquered

"I will sing for the one who has conquered

"My heart and my? Me

"I am the wife of King

"Who is my ch? Ri"


This wildflower
has spines venomous.

I know how to? Avoid
the thorns flowers.

Paper flowers, probably.

But the bravest
will not dare to approach it.

Kallu, the? Ve-you. You are wounded? ?

God? Loigne that blind!
Poor blind!

Come and meet him!

Imb? Cult!

These scoundrels p? Rissent!
They d? Truisent the work of God!

God starves them!

What are you looking at?
Cut the tree

and put it across the road.
We'll see if they continue to spend.

I will break their t? Te!

Who did? A?

That's him, right?

No, he did not know.
Was shot? the tree to block the road.

The car of Prince had renvers?
the grain wagon.

Hey, take it back trunk.
What are you looking at?

One would need multiple donkeys
to remove.

? you alone, you are worth ten donkeys.

Me? I am the eye does love.
I only wear the weight of love.

Your luck seems to turn.

There is a problem? Me.

Do not you see both? Paintings
that approach?

When the royal carriage is stuck? E,
the cart is useful.


Bring up the princess
in the tank? oxen.

"I will set fire
in your c? ur stone "

H? ! Why do you take the mare?

Va tie! Nobody should
d? stain without my orders.

"I will set fire
in your c? ur stone

"I'll teach you what love is"

Forgive him, princess
He went crazy.

- I can gu er his madness?.
- He does not laugh gu?.

If you beat him,
? A will worsen her? Tat.

You better go now.

I have to go?

If you called me after? S tonight
I will not come.

Samad, we shut up!

These people understand!
They do not trust myself with you.

Madame, show kindness ?.

Spread advance a car for me.

You abuse the poor man.

He '? Was not pr? By ?.
It is I who have brought him.

Why did amen? with you?

Like that. He sings tr? S good.

As we were spending the night
in the jungle,

he will sing for me.

I call him?

"The kisses of love
revive youth

"So we don '? Person costs

"The kisses of love
revive youth

"So we don '? Person costs

"She's so beautiful

"How controlled? L my heart?

"She's so beautiful

"How controlled? L my heart?

"I see glittering in the distance

"And my heart d? Sire

"The moon and the? Star
are pr? s of it "

What are your orders?

Do you want to keep him in jail
or lib? rer?

? Costs. Am? Do it.

"If you call me after? S tonight
I will not come. "

He can not afford
to refuse me anything.

"The kisses of love
revive youth

"So we don '? Listening person"

Come on, open.

Chief, the princess invites us? eat dinner.

No? dinner,

? sing.

? sing?
Tr? S well as qu'invit? S,

we will sing too.

Say? Princess my songs
are not for it.

Who then?

For a tr? S beautiful woman.


- Really?
- Yes. You are beautiful too.

Go ahead. Go ahead.

Ferme? cl ?.

No, leave open.

"The kisses of love
revive youth

"So we don '? Person costs

"When you don '? Not cost
Advice people "

He refuses to come

and said that his songs
are for a tr? s beautiful woman,

not a princess.

What did you tell him?

"The love revives youth kisses

"So we don '? Person costs

"M? Me the moon
trying to steal her beauty?

"We can not refrain from watching

"What attracts me so much
towards her?

"M? Me the moon
trying to steal her beauty?

"We can not refrain from watching

"What attracts me so much
towards her?

"Night in his eyes
is still young

"The kisses of love
revive youth

"So we don '? Costs more person"

I feel lagging's degree in thy words.

Arrogant eyes
push me? r? volte.

The king did not want links
between the royal family

and your community? break.

I try to strengthen these ties

for they c? tooth ever.

I forgive you.

You seem a little disturbed ?.

This look a touch? the bottom of my heart.

Intoxicating eyes have plunged me?
in a stupor.

You lie!

The princess is more terrible
that? p? e.

It Conna? T yet my love.

Varun, accompanies Tilak Jai!

And the fa? Which you have encouraged me?
today ...

In memory,
let me take your scarf.

I will kill you!

I always get

I d? sire.

Run away from here before causing
the wrath of the princess.

Why put your life in danger?
It could kill you.

Does not cause his neck? Re.

She does not know she provoked?
my love.

My God!

What a tyrant!

The Hara is also a courageous thief?

Not a thief,

a Daco? t!

Who have you invited? ?

I waited.

Admit you? Tais angoiss? E.

You wanted to? Prove my love.

You pull on me a scarf.

Your royal ego you emp? Che

to confess your love for me.

- You love me.
- I hate you.

You mistreat your? S lips
? make them lie well.

The fire of your eyes
wants me to sacrifice myself.

But before you burn,

I'll wear this scarf and ...

I will make you ex? Cuss in public
for having insult me? e.

In d? Truisant walls of arrogance
this palace,

I'll emm? Nerai to huts

you d? as tested.

I'll teach you? love them.

Arr? Tez it!

Whom thou hast taken captive,

who else can arr? ter?

What did he pass? ?

"My body is on fire

"And I have to master my heart

"God knows when my love returns

"My body is on fire

"And I have to master my heart

"God knows when I will meet
my love

"My life is tr? S calm today

"My heart is like a fish
out of water

"My life is tr? S calm today

"My heart is like a fish
out of water

"Come kiss me,
God knows

"When I meet my love

"The memory of my love torments me

"My tears make

"My makeup useless

"The memory of my love torments me

"My tears make

"My makeup useless

"I could? Be diffam? E,
When will you come back?

"I do not find excuses

"Everyone knows my heart

"I will not give excuses

"Everyone knows my heart

"I do not know what is
the cons? quence of this love

"God knows
when I see my love "

Anyone ...

You think you can hide your feelings
by hiding the face.

You saw? What is it?

- A wedding dress.
- For who?

- The fianc e Jai?.
- Who is she?

One that will bring this dress.

O? ? Tais you?

I'm all? E looking
a tr? s beautiful thing for you.

I do not want anything. O? ? Tais you?

Calm. If m? Re to r? Day before
it will twist your neck.

Go you.

I will continue to m? me fa?.

- O? ? Tais you? O? ? Tais you?
- What nerve to ask me!

I'll show you something.

Go ahead and watch.

- You know what that is?
- What?


- You see a?
- What is it?

That's me.

M? Re. I knew
that you r? would ensure shouting.

I love my life.
And with the Princess ...

I Have!

Yes, m? Re?

Make the mare? Princess.

Otherwise, we will pay
the cons? quences someday.

Your victory has made Raj
our enemy forever.

"I will remember thy cruelty?
to me

"I will change your hatred into love"

Yes, mistress?

What is it?

You call me? E?

Why did you come?

Like that ... The memory of someone
amen I? e so far.

- Gives scarf or I'll throw you in.
- Go ahead!

- I'll throw you in.
- Agis instead of talking!

Leave me alone, will you!

You can still give me the scarf.

You hold me by the hand.
I can not take it.

I will you? S expensive one hand, then.

Chandan, arr? Te! Arr? Te!

Arr? Te, Chandan, arr? Te!

Mangala, come down!

I do not give!

"Let's play with the colors
This is the f? Te color

"Let's play with the colors

"This is the f? Te color

"The colors run before my eyes

"The colors run

"I will play the color game

"My heart wants to see my love

"My heart wants to see my love

"Look at the color of my scarf

"They are the symbol of my love

"The colors of my scarves are beautiful

"They are the symbol of my love

"Come dance and play with me

"Throw it on the colors

"This is the f? Te color

"This is the f? Te color

"Come, my ch? Ri

"Play with the colors with us

"I will cast thee
thousands of colors

"Today there is neither king nor queen

"There is only one love story

"Today there is neither king nor queen

"There is only one love story

"I came to offer my love

"I offer my love

"Today there is neither king nor queen

"There is only one love story

"Neither the king nor queen

"One love story

"Joy is more sadness ?,

"The f? Te color is?"

Princess, Jai Tilak is input?
in the palace. He is dangerous.

Do not leave this pi? This
as long as we did not arr? t ?.

Nobody is supposed to?
enter this palace.

Forgive us.
He '? Chappera not the sentinels.


Not dangerous,


And you?

Are not you afraid for your life?

This? Scarf is more important.

You play with fire.

Fire also plays with me.

Do you know the cons? Quences?

I d? J? seen the effects of fire
on bashful lovers.

You will not be able t '? Escape from here

I would be unlucky
if I can 't? escape.

All the colors of the festival
melt into you.

You look so beautiful

I would bathe
in rose water.

Arr? Tez it!

Tell the sh? Rif whip him
on the market place? before the crowd.

The subjects of the kingdom Thambe
are pr? come

that their well? being and their lives
d? hanging from the mere fact

considered to aerate the kingdom as supreme? me
and ob? ir? his orders.

If any of you are too arrogant
the tent? s proud,

will it be? crushed? up? death.

for having insulted? Princess,

the commander of Sameera,
Jai Tilak Hara,

will fouett? on the market place?
before the crowd.

No! No! No!

- Who are you?
- Me? Anyone.

- From where? are you from?
- Princess, I am your servant!

Your servant!
What harm have I done to you?

They want to kill me.

By order of the princess.
Leave him remove the cart.

Everything is your fault.

Arr? Te!

Come down.

You can leave!

"I hide temp? You love
in my heart

"I ach? You my needs for death

"I hide temp? You love
in my heart

"We'll see who overcomes

"On the path of love

"If it is fi? Re in his honor

"I ach? You my needs for death

"The d? Cision of the game of life

"Will that? Destination

"He who wants to kill me advance

"I ach? You my needs for death

"I hide temp? You love
in my heart "

My wild flower,

Do you love this palace?

You gave me batteries? a day

playing with paper flowers.

You said I did not know
as in the for? t Sangnera,

there was a wild flower

who flute trit waiting for me.

This flower will decorate
the vase of the palace today.

This is what you wanted, right?

It is tr? S good! Before? Be by? E,
I will remove the pine?.

Take her? Sikarwadi.

Do you know why I've amen? E here?

It's your r? The slave.

The honest? Te man
is a slave to his principles.

By bringing you here, I wanted to do
send this message? your brother? re.

If he has principles,
he respects girls

and women of others.

Me too, I'll give you
a lesson that you will remember.

is not yet finished? e.

You do not have me ?, fouett
I have not emmen you? e to the huts.

You will not live long enough
to see a.

We always come to the place

o? our destiny awaits us.

The brave man? S Place
with death in his hands.

? Card up, Raj. ? Map yourself.

My fr? Re!

First I want revenge
the insult that made me.

It seems that this is
not the time.

If it is not today,
it will come one day.

Attach it and whip it
up? it is silent.

Let me!

Princess, why do you do? A?
Let him go!

He said he enl you? REMOVER
if you whisk.

Arr? Te! Arr? Te!

"I fell? In love with you

"You can me to? Destroy

"Or give me life

"I fell? In love with you

"My heart is wounded?
Why does he not cry out?

"I fell? In love with you

"My heart is wounded ?,
why does he not cry out?

"She hates the word love

"And I love

"She hates the word love

"And I love

"How r? Solve the problem? Me?

"This is a problem? Me hard

"I fell? In love with her

"My heart is wounded ?,
why does he not cry out?

"Do not think so this cruel woman
my heart

"Do not ask about it

"Do not think so this cruel woman
my heart

"Do not ask about it

"It is a criminal

"Who Conna? T not pity?

"I fell? In love with you

"My heart is wounded ?,
why does he not cry? "

- O? Jai is?
- I have everything arrang? for your d? part.

- Emm do me? I Have.
- It is impossible.

- Emm do me? him.
- Let us start right away

or we will you? s.

Here you are, finally, confused.

I knew it.

I came to order
of you lib? rer.

The punishment? T? sufficient
to put you? your place.

This punishment was pleased t reinforced?
my courage.

Now I will take you with me.

Didn? T take you on my pity ?.

Go away before I change my mind.

- That I never see you again!
- My life and my death

are in your hands.

How leave you?

Do not approach.

why are you afraid to leave?

This is what you wanted.

You could give the order
of the lib? rer the palace.

Mangala! L What do you do? ?

I heard you sing.
I saw you make you fry.

- Are you crazy?
- Yes.

Otherwise I would not spend my life
? you expect me mouse.

Arr? Te! Are not you ashamed?

It's your princess
who should be ashamed.

It sounds the horn of his vanity?
in public!

And lurking in that prison,
? Tale his love openly,

slapping a face with hatred,

and kissing in private ?.

O? is the honor of your family?
The pride of the authority? of others?

I will r? V? L this love story
rather unusual!

Jai, save now!


Shamsher Singh Extruded Cut? Mangala
for Shikarwadi.

Chandan, take care of Mr. Surma.

No! No!

Come Back! Come Back!

Majesty? !

Let me!


Who are you?

A woman without d? Fense, like you.

Can you get me out of here?

I'll help you, forever.


Here, drink this
and you will die honorably.

Otherwise, p? Release button will kill you
as it kills me, me.

Why make him risk his life
? him too? He can not help you.

He can. He came to save me.
You hear?

It's me he calls.

Thou hast made him his life.
What are you going to do now?

You'll laugh and dance in my arms.

My honor is dearer than my life.

All the girls have spoken? so
before the door opens.


before the door closed,

they all found? refuge

in my arms.

You come, too.

You did not have me to? Deliver.

But I te d? Deliver
from the clutches of the monster.

I will avenge the death of Jai.

Do not be afraid. I'm not a lion.

I promised to make you my queen.

But you refused ?.
What I said is happened ?.

You're coming to sing and dance
in my arms.

Wait, I have a wish.

By The.

Jai died.

And if he's alive?

I want his t? Te.

I will ask? your feet.

Right now.

? Would you like to?

I will shoot it.

As rejection? my love.

Does not cease to ring
your anklets.

I r? Pondrai? Bless you.

I rejected ?.

Look how I rejected ?.

Asks his heart.

I'm satisfied.

You all right now.

- Throw him to the lions!
- No!

? Has not enl him? Vera not his pride ?.

Cut off his t? Te then.

You can kill me.

But the community? Hara
avenge my death.

It is I who give you death

There will be no revenge.

Go, if you like? show your face,

show it? those of Sangnera.

They will be ashamed
to call you Commander.

They spit in your face.

Throw it out.

Let them set the t? You down
a? ne for Sangnera.

Seize him.

Princess, my unfortunate destiny
emp me? che to lift the t? you.

Shamsher Singh brave
a? t? seriously injured?

by misguided hands
Jai Tilak Hara.

He is dying.

Jai still alive?

Excuse me. He saved ?.

I'll take care of her death.


your b chew fun? rary
Always ignite our heart.

My love is tourn? to the? p? e

and comes to measure? I
the tinkling of? p? es.

To prot? Ger honor
our commander,

we offer him all that
we have on the battlefield.

Brave Hara, the victory is yours.


I can not allow you
to lift the? p? e against the Kingdom.

The arm? E of the? Tat comes to attack us.

Will you let our Commander
be pi? tiner by horses?

The life of the commander is ch you? Re,
but? his m? re too.

Instead of love for the commander,

do not forget your love
for your land

which has? t? fertilis? e? the sweat of the brow
your fathers and grand-fathers.

On these? P? Es your hands carry

they jur?
prot? ger dynasty.

M? Re Commander, death Mangala
made this obsolete oath.

The family that has defiled? our honor
will be erased? e.

If you persist,

Then pr? adorn my b chew fun? rary
to c? t? s Mangala.

Give me your r? Response.

Tell me.

So come with me.

I leave the mud Sangnera.

Master, I am a m? Re.

Give me the courage to bear

sacrifice my Jai.

M? Re.

But what do you want?

What wilt thou?

For you, I want to kill good
the master of the people

Are they not my children?

Do not they call me m? Re?

But where? can we escape?

Before crossing the border? Re,
the arm? e we will be attacked? s.

M? Re, we have committed no crime.

We flee as criminals?
Tarnish the honor of our fathers?

M? Re, m? Re,
we are left with only one solution.

We must fight
and sacrificing our lives.

Give me your b? N? Diction. Give it to me.

M? Re, give me your b? N? Diction!

There is a means
save all those lives.

M? Re, you will lead the caravan.

Up? that arm? e coming? thee

remain hopeful that I'm alive.

If soldiers are attacking you,

I think they are pass? s
on the body.

O? look Jai Tilak
it through? the boundary? re?

O I will follow? he goes.

O? would I do without you?

If I was afraid of the guns and? P? Es,

I pr me? senterais not before thee
here alone.

And do not think

I need your pity ?.

I await death.

I do not want to accuse you
you for giving me ?.

Your arm? E is sufficient face? I.

The arm? E going to punish you
for violating the laws of the realm.

And you?

I d? Truirai everything hurt
? the honor of the kingdom.

Alive, you're a threat.

I make you so scared.

Kill me then.

I will grant you no
an honorable death.

You shall attach?
the legs of a? l? elephant,

the whole city will spit on you.

You will beg you to kill you.
Death m? Me you will flee.

For the honor of a country,

you on their hands the blood of a prince.

I am a rebel.

And raising this? P? E,
I lib? re my loyalty ?.

I remain alive

and I will avenge Mangala.

I'll teach you something.

The honor of a country
worth as much as yours.

I will avenge Mangala.

If one of you has,

risk that the princess's life.

I t '? Pargnerai not life.

You are in a strong position, pulls.

Weapons do? S not cideront
My love and your hate.

? Unless you become a woman,

becoming rustic.

Until the ?, I'll emp? Cherai die.

I n? E princess
and I will die princess.

You are now a helpless woman,

? thank you for a man.

You can do nothing against me.

What is left?

My honor!

It? S fights under my feet? pr? feels.

But I'm a prisoner of your cha? Nes.

I could do nothing against you.

This repr? Feel a wall
which pr? servera intimacy? of each.

Go to sleep in peace.

It also avoided me at d? Goal.

She loves me now.

I learned how to love humans,

but you are an animal.

"Accept my love, silly

"I love you

"If my eyes do you appr? Not ciaient

"Your beauty? Would be useless

"I love you

"Accept my love, silly

"I love you

"You could me ha? R

"You could me ha? R

"You could perhaps? Be hiding your love

"But I know I'm in your heart

"Do not deny your heart is on fire

"I love you

"If my eyes do you appr? Not ciaient

"Your beauty? Would be useless

"If you do not belong to me one day

"I will not be Jai

"It is easy
change water stones

"Stop playing this game
and accepts the d? made

"Because I loved you? E

"I made the favor to love you"

M? Re, I have amen? Mangala.

Maya, why do you use this wheel?

? that it serve else?

Your wound is still open.

Blood will flow? waves
if you do not you rests.

Let me work.

I have to sacrifice myself? my new life.

Get back to work.

What are you doing, princess?

It's not your job.

You will not sew.
Give me a.

Why can I not sew?
I want to do it.


if you want to go ...

I can help you.

Who could I emp? Expensive?

I'll leave.


Do not wear these v? Ments warriors.

They will not bring you peace.

They need you para? Be
of very poor quality ?.

But life enti? Re a m? Re
these control? es matter? t? tress? e.

I made them for the wife Jai.

Why have you contributed? S here?

The cookie! I do not want it!


This color is not pure.

It is fading slowly.

How is it
an impure color fades?

Go away.

Well, I'm going.


This c? T? -l? !

Why are you looking at me neck? Re?

You tell me to leave. That's what I do.
Why? Be are angry?

Is it my fault
if the color fades?

Give, I'll wash these v? Ments.

Needless to wash these new v? Ments.

So I'll put them in the sun.

The sun couch ?.

No, m? Re, it will soon be rising.

A new sun will be born
and show its true color.

Its color will not be impure
like our tank? oxen.

Well, Mangala, true or not?

Leave me!

Do not you see that poison

has r? pandu in the wound?

I br? Lerai poison
in the heat of my blood.

M? Re, be s? Re that I will not die.

"Come, sing and dance

"The night is coming as the young husband?

"Joy is everywhere

"Dance to the music

"The drums beat
and the bracelets jingle

"The drums beat in my heart

"The bracelets jingle

"The eyes of my love
were injured? my heart

"I will not dance
and r? v? Lerai not my secret

"Spring is?

"I permit? Music palaces

"For me? S doom? Your love

"I quitt? Palace for your love

"Only the flower

"You will accept the love
when you recognize him? tras

"Sing love songs

"To the rhythm of hearts

"Dance the night fell? E

"Dance and sing to the rhythm of love

"The honor and wealth
do sleep peacefully

"The one that flies high must fall"

He insulted? Princess
our kingdom.

With your permission,
t? te be cut it.

I shall not die
nor by the fl? che or by? p? e.

If you want to kill me,
a look suspicion onneux is sufficient.

Who are you?

Passion tells me I am
an admirer of beauty ?.

Sometimes nightingale, sometimes bee
sometimes love.

The moon and the? Star
have the eye shine of my heart.

M? Me the flowers keep their fragrance
my love.

The beauty? S looking for me.

It sacrifice their heart for me.

Are you po? Te?

This is not a po? Te.

This is my prisoner.

Now it's my prisoner.

You do not have the right to love.

Is she in love with you?

She said nothing,
but his heart is restless.

His eyes show
she is in love with me.

I love you.

You owe me respect.

I am the Princess of Thambe.

If you do not surrender,

I will bring a whole arm? e
to d? destroy your kingdom.

Do not say a word!

Or I'll emp? Cherai talking.

To calm arrogance
this vain;

cut her hair
and cast out of the kingdom.

A great loss, master.

P cloud? Ch? S appalling
infest the eye tat Nagsheela.

Flowers that were re? U fragrance
our? s devotion

should not? be pi? tin? es
by an enemy worthless.

Our ch? Re princess is taken
in the nets of love

and loses it.

Show him the way.


I'll put the flowers of love
the feet of my god.

Master, why do you say the word?


love is it p? ch? ?

Love is a quiet wave
in the oc? year of life.

It is not encumbered questions

of? ge, of beauty ?, color,
and castes.

Love is guarantor of unity? of the world.

People who like s'? L? Wind.

The p? Researchers

m? snuff love,
yet is if pr? heavens.

- My re en?
- Infamy!

Leave him alive.

Your d? Desires made you believe
that I? silent death.

The wall that was
between you and him has broken ?.

You knew I n '? Silent not dead.

You wanted my death.

Instead avenge my death,
are you all? e to this monster.

The work he? half? finished
it is I who will complete it.

Now your place is in the mud,
with him,

l? o? you buried? our honor.

This mud, I ch? Laugh.

Before you ch? Risses too,
my horses pi? tineront.

He is my life, my? Me,

you can not be the s? adorn me.

I will unite you both,
it will be a festival.

My hunting dogs
d? voreront his body.

They will not refuse
eat you too.

Zalim Singh, the clip
with slaves Sangnera.

"I lost you after? S have you gained?

"I lost you after? S have you gained?

"I have not ceased? To think about you

"I had not known
the sorrows of the s? preparation

"I did not understand
the meaning of love

"But I suffered apr? S tone? S hand

"I suffered

"I have not ceased? To think about you

"I have not ceased? To think about you
since your d? share

"You're in my eyes

"Your face is in my heart

"Your name is on my? S lips

"I think? You

"I belong to you

"I think? You

"I knew what love

"Why did fate it makes me? A?

"I lost my life after? S have you loved?

"The joy forsaken me? E
apr? s have liked? "

O? Jai is Tilak?

O? Jai is Tilak?

I will ask him? my mani? re.

I will kill you! I will kill you!

Tell him. Tell her o? Jai is.
Do not think? I.

Do not think? him. Do not sacrifice yourself
per thousand son like him.

Prince, I'll tell you
o? is Jai.

Promise me
Will you let him live.

I'll tell you o? is my son.

I'll tell you.

Considered? Re up dead.

Now thousand m? Res
d? as she lirantes

will not save your life.

There is still time,

my life is yours.

I d? J? d? cid? your death, Majesty ?.

?, Majesty Majesty Majesty ?,? ...

Bhairav ​​Singh, o? is the king?

- In the beyond ?.
- You've sent it? with your own hands?

- Yes, hell.
- So also goes to hell to greet him.

And you in heaven.

D? Pose bombs
in the tunnel of the fort.

By the time? the crown
will be placed? e on my t? te,

make the bombs explode.

Jai Singh, beat the drum

and announced throughout the kingdom

that the king died in England.

Deewan Singh,

tomorrow before sunset,

you owe me pr? submit Princess
and Jai Tilak dead or alive.

Majesty ?, placing bombs
under the fort.

Who is the? ?

It's Chandan, Majesty ?.

Loyal subjects of the eye condition,

we are here to say
the king is dead.

In fact, it? Was long dead.

His hands had not weakened
the strength to hold the? p? e of power.

It? Was sick,
and this is how he died.

His death saddens me.

But I am more attrist? again
when I see the living princess!

The glow of our family,

on which our honor
and our dignity ?,

the foundations of our pride?
? Were bottom? Es,

throwing himself at the feet of a slave

a tach? r? reputation of our? golden age.

Taking advantage of his madness,

tra? very foment a conspiracy.

For year? ANTIR the authority? of that kingdom.

They probably forgotten?
that Shamsher Singh,

h? s heir? gitime the throne,
is alive.

As long as he has the strength of his arms

and? p? e? the hand,

King will remain king,
and subjects remain subjects.

Now I am your king,

I will fulfill the will? the god.

Shamsher Singh live the king!

Do not you dare move you,

I'll emp? Cherai touch
? that crown.

This traitor
is not h? heir of the throne.

Which then?


Do you recognize this?

This paper
is so important? your eyes?

These are the last? Res willingness? S King

and vell? it? s the people.

These vell? It? S have? T? carriage? es
with the king.

The kingdom itself m? Me to prostrate
before the one who carries the? p? e.

We must know how to speak to the people,
not submitting it.

- I am the voice of the people!
- His voice ...

I'll you br? L live before his eyes.

And these bloodthirsty insects
can not m? me not cry for you.

In the kingdom of Shamsher Singh,
Only his voice is heard.

Br? Lez so that rebellious
the realm name is sacralis ?.

This is not me rebel,

but you, who have the blood of the King
on the hands.

People, this is not the h? Heir
but the murderer of the king.

It is you the properties? Tions of the realm.

C? Was what the King wanted.
All is? you, the crown too.

The king was sacrificed?
for you to have those rights.

You? Your the h? Heirs of the kingdom,
This thief ...

Demand your rights, fight for them,
for justice.

If only one of you moves,

it will be you? on the field.

Tire canon, if you have the courage.

You do br? Leras not.

Wait! When an approach ant
of death, its wings out.

He flies away and comes.

The ant comes
like a snake v? n? nous.

It is necessary that the day arrives,
and today.

You hide your hypocrisy

derri? re your cannon and your weapons.

The king lives!

And prisoner of Shamsheer Singh!

Let them do the high jump!

No, the king is dead, you will not see
never the face of this death!

I am your king!
I am your king!

I d? Truirai anyone will
on my way.

Your bullets can not
arr? ter temp? you.

I will not need that one bullet,
and we will not see anyone here.

L? Che, if your? P? E rusts,

then you also testeras strength
your arm? e

these thousands of people not arm? s.

I am going t '? Crush
like straw s? che.

Withdraw! Was launched? a d? fi
? the? p? e of Shamsher Singh,

who has never known? s done.

The king is dead, you will not see
the face of this death.

I am your king!
I am your king!

"I year? Antirai everyone!"

I lost,

you are the winner.

No, Raj. This is not my victory.

It is the victory of our love.

Long live the king!

Long live the people!

Long live the people!

"There is a love story

"There is neither king nor queen today

"There is a love story"