A Young King Must Die (2015) - full transcript

A DocuDrama exploring the facts, theories, and rumors surrounding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. This film also incorporates a fictionalized element.

(shuddering breathing)

- [Man] I just wanted this to stop!

(mischievous music)

- [Announcer] Time now for everybody's

favorite guessing game, What's My Line?

(TV audience applauding)

Now let's meet our award-winning What's My Line panel.

First the popular columnist whose Voice of Broadway

appears in the New York Journal American

and papers coast to coast, Miss Dorothy Kilgallen.

(TV audience applauding)

That's one down and nine to go, Miss Kilgallen.

- [Dorothy] Do your services pertain to both men and women?

- [Men] Yes.

- Do you do mental type work?

- [Man] Yes.

- Is your work more mental than physical?

- [Man] I don't think so.

- [Dorothy] Do you work in an enclosure?

- [Man] Yes.

- Do you work at all outdoors?

- [Man] Yes.

- [Dorothy] Do you need a special training for your job?

- [Man] Yes.

- Do you use anything besides just your hands

in your work?

Do you work for any branch of any government?

Do you work indoors?

- [Man] Yes.

- [Dorothy] Do people come to you?

- [Man] Sometimes.

- Sometimes you go to them?

- [Man] Sometimes.

- Do you ever have occasion to touch them?

Do you ever have occasion to touch them?

Do work for any branch of any government?

- [John] Ask not what your country can do for you,

ask what you can do for your country.

- [Man] The official story is that every possible safeguard

had been taken to protect the president.

It's hard to distinguish between illusion and reality.

- [Man] No member of the Warren Commission,

no lawyer for the Warren Commission,

ever saw the X-rays or the photographs,

the most invaluable documents in this case

in resolving the classic question,

where did the shots come from?

- [Man] The Warren Commission,

we were told at the time by Arlen Specter,

who was a counsel for the Warren Commission,

that Robert Kennedy, Attorney General,

did not want the X-ray films and photographs

produced for the hearings of the Warren Commission.

- We don't know when those X-rays were taken.

Dr. Humes, do you per chance know

at what phase of the autopsy the X-rays were taken?

Were these taken before the brain was removed?

- [James] Yes.

All of the X-rays were taken

before anything related to the brain.

- [Marguerite] I was sitting down watching the television,

I heard my son, as leaving from one room from the other

with a police officer say, "I didn't do it, I didn't do it."

So I heard him say "I didn't do it."

So I am assuming that he is innocent until proven guilty.

That is our American way of life.

- [Man] How many wounds in the president's body?

- [James] There were two wounds of entrance and two of exit.

- [Pierre] The incision of the tracheotomy

performed in Dallas we examined,

but I did not see a wound of exit

along that tracheotomy incision.

And that was the puzzle.

Having no wound of entry,

with no corresponding wound of exit.

- [Man] Initially, they had caught Oswald,

and they needed the bullet to make the case,

and we were told initially that's what we should do

is to find the bullet.

Following X-rays, we realized that that was not...

That there was no bullet there.

^- [Man] And we were told at the time of autopsy

^that the autopsy should be limited to

certain parts of the body.

For example, from what I remember,

we did not remove the organs of the neck

because of the restrictions.

- [Mark] Commander Humes conducted the autopsy

on the president's body on November 22nd

at Bethesda Maryland Naval Hospital,

and he made notes when he examined the body,

we drafted an autopsy.

- [James] Since it's in the record, let me comment about it,

some comments that I've destroyed some notes

related to this by burning it in the fireplace of my home,

and that is true.

^However nothing that was destroyed is not present

^in this writing.

^Now why did I do that?

- [Man] He was given the responsibility

^of conducting the autopsy for the American people.

^He's a commander in the Navy,

^and the notes which he took are historic documents

^and belong to all of us.

I would like to know why he burned them.

^- [James] And here I was now,

^in possession of a number of pieces of paper,

^some of which unavoidably led to the conclusions

^that I described earlier, stained in part with the blood

^of our deceased president.

And I knew that I had to turn that writing,

the report over to some person or persons in authority,

and I thought it was an appropriate kind of pieces of paper

to be turning over to anyone.

And it was for that reason and that reason only

that having transcribed those notes

onto these pieces of paper that are before you

that I destroyed those pieces of paper.

I think I'd do the same thing tomorrow

if I had a similar problem

that I felt they'd fall into the hands

of some sensationalist.

- [Man] But clearly everything you had on the notes

were in the holographic document before you

which is in the archives.

- [James] Correct.

Now, there are corrections and comments and changes...

- [Jim] We had a young president who was showing signs

increasingly of being a forceful president,

and a liberal president, in the sense that he was going

to make changes that had not been made before.

- [Man] Do you think the Warren Commission Report is wrong?

- If their conclusion was,

the conclusion of the Warren Commission was

that Lee Harvey Oswald went into this project unaided

and without the assistance and help of other persons,

then I would say that I think that the Warren Commission

was wrong.

- [Man] I think you used to describe the state of mind

when you couldn't find the track

and couldn't find the exit wound,

couldn't find evidence of a bullet,

^how did you resolve that confusion that night?

^- [Man] By asking for whole body X-ray films.

- [Man] And what was the answer that you--

- [Man] That there was no bullet remaining in the cadaver.

- [Man] And what did you conclude about where the bullet

must have gone?

- [Man] There had to be no less than four basic points

from which the shooting occurred.

There had to be no less than four.

And possibly five.

I might add, before I even go into them,

that anybody who's ever been at Dealey Plaza,

or has ever seen a picture of Dealey Plaza,

will know that if there was a lone assassin

sitting in the sixth floor of the book depository,

he would've had to have his shot at the president

as the president approached slowly towards him

on Houston Street.

This was the best shot he would ever have.

- [Man] One point about the photographs,

when you saw it in court,

you mentioned you hadn't seen the photographs.

- [Man] That's correct.

- [Man] Is it your custom, in doing autopsies

on gunshot wounds to view the photographs

before you complete your report?

- [Man] That's a good point.

- [Man] Now in terms of the hard physical evidence,

the rifle, pistol, that shot Officer Tippit we're told,

the bullets taken from Officer Tippit's body

and allegedly possibly related to Oswald's pistol,

all of the other stuff,

the jacket Oswald allegedly discarded.

All of the other physical evidence.

Dallas police radio tapes showing

what the broadcasts were on November 22nd,

possibly showing why the Dallas Police

were looking for Oswald

15 minutes after the shots were fired

when there was absolutely no evidence whatsoever

which points toward Oswald at that time,

or why they sent out Oswald's description.

- [Man] The emphasis was put on shooting

from the book depository.

Shooting from the book depository.

But the main bulk of the shots

came from the grassy knoll area,

and 60 percent of the witnesses in Dealey Plaza

heard those shots.

- [Man] But the whole commission case

turns on this question because

all of the shots were fired in less than six seconds.

This rifle requires a minimum period of 2.3 seconds

in order to reload and aim it.

(talking indistinctly)

A hand operated weapon.

- [Man] But the reason they waited

until the president had almost reached the sign

was so that he was in a central point

so that he could be hit from many directions.

- [Man] I think we have a right to know, for example,

why a good portion of the report submitted to the commission

remain in the National Archives

and have been sealed for 75 years

by order of Lyndon B. Johnson.

If Oswald is the lone assassin,

and there is no question regarding national security

in the archives, there can be nothing in the archives

which implicates anyone else or any government agency,

or any foreign power, nothing like that can be involved

because the commission said

after looking at the evidence,

they concluded that Oswald was the lone assassin.

If that's what the evidence shows, why can't we see it?

- [Woman] All of the agents were in Dallas

preparing their visit of President Kennedy.

Since my son had defected to Russia,

he should have been under surveillance

for the president's journey to Dallas,

then President Kennedy would be alive today.

Who framed Lee Harvey Oswald?

That there are a few men in our State Department

who wanted President Kennedy out of the way.

- [Man] The FBI and Secret Service agents

testified they remembered that when this picture

was shown to Oswald, Oswald said,

"my head has been superimposed on that photograph.

That is my head, but I never held a rifle."

- [Man] Generally what happened is this.

An elaborate conspiracy, there were three levels,

of course classification, as I know you well know,

is an arbitrary thing, but for reasons of convenience,

we classified to operating level

individuals pulling triggers, operating radios,

driving cars, intermediate level individuals

providing services, such as David Ferry, Jack Ruby,

and others, and then the sponsor level,

which I can't go into too much detail.

That gets kind of high up.

^- I really don't know what the situation is,

^why nobody has told me anything.

^I've been accused of murdering a policeman.

^I know nothing more than that.

^I do request someone to come forward

^to give me legal assistance.

^- [Reporter] Did you kill the president?

- No, I've not been charged with that.

In fact, nobody has said that to me yet.

The first thing I heard about it was when

the newspaper reporters in the hall

^asked me that question.

^- [Reporter] Did you shoot the president?

^- [Lee] I work in that building.

^- [Reporter] Were you in the building at the time?

^- [Lee] Naturally if I work in that building, yes sir.

^- [Reporter] Thank you.

Did you fire that rifle?

- That's as fast as you people have been getting,

but I emphatically deny these charges.

No they've taken me in because of the fact

that I live in the building.

I'm just a patsy.

I'm just a patsy.

(cheerful music)

- [Announcer] This is the night that Hollywood holds

the world spotlight, the annual Academy Awards,

and the bestowing of the coveted Oscars

has a glimmering audience on hand

to hear Audrey Hepburn announce the Best Actor.

(audience applauding)

- Rex Harrison.

- [Announcer] Rex Harrison of course

receives his statuette for his role of Professor Higgins

in My Fair Lady, chosen as the Best Picture of the year.

- I said I never wanted to hear from you

or anybody else ever again.

The day you pulled that trigger in Dallas,

^you were doing it for a lot of people.

^None of us are innocent,

we all got blood on our hands.

^- It should've rained all day.

^- We know that you don't wear a hat.

(audience laughing)

We couldn't let you leave Fort Worth

without providing you with some protection against the rain.

(audience laughing)

(audience applauding)

- I'll put it on in the White House on Monday,

if you come up there, you'll have a chance to see it there.

(audience laughing)

- That wouldn't have mattered,

we had plans upon plans, you know that Eddie.

If one fell through, we woulda gone on to the next.

It doesn't matter anyway.

It all went perfect from the moment they touched down

at Lowe Field.

^- [Man] Even if you had 10 more commissions,

^you'd never get away from the idea

^that maybe there was a plot.

We just didn't find any traces of it.

- [Announcer] Spirits are high in Los Angeles,

highest of all perhaps among the supporters of the party's

fair haired boy, Senator John Kennedy.

Kennedy's whirlwind progress towards Los Angeles

roused national interest to a new height.

The Democrats hope the momentum will carry over

into the presidential campaign itself,

when they'll face the real opposition.

(upbeat music)

- Hey Eddie.

We need you to do one more last job for us, buddy.


^We need you to go down to Dallas.

Come on, you can't say no to us.

You know what we did for you and where you been,

and how much we helped you.

- [Man] I wanna know more about you, Eddie.

- [Eddie] I grew up on the east coast streets.

My parents died when I was eight.

I had no other family,

and after a while you get desperate.

- [Man] You ever killed anybody?

- [Announcer] The nation's underworld

gets the unwelcome spotlight of publicity

as the Senate's Investigation Subcomittee

begins new hearings on crime.

Arkansas Senator McClellan is at the helm.

Attorney General Robert Kennedy paints a grim picture

of the rise of lawlessness out of the Cosa Nostra, or Mafia.

This he describes as the government of organized gambling,

narcotics peddling, extortion, racketeering,

and controlling of certain trade unions.

He says the income runs into billions.

- You know Carlos, he's got his eye on you for this job.

Come on, why don't you take a trip down to New Orleans.

(steady jazz music)

- All this,

You put a little song about what a disaster this is.

- [John] Let me say first

that I accept the nomination of the Democratic Party.


- [Man] How long you in town for?

- [Reporter] Convention fever grips Los Angeles

where the Democrats convene.

In the arena, a million dollars worth

of communications equipment and a press corps

outnumbering the delegates

will cover the candidates and the politicking.

Partisans of Senator Kennedy radiate

the cheer and confidence of the powerful front runner

who is clearly the man to beat.

- I'm leaving in the morning.

- Have a good trip, huh?

Where you staying this time around?

Doing a job for Momo again?

^Oh Eddie, you ain't never gonna be free of us.

- [Man] What is your relationship to Frank Costello?

- [Man] I have no relationship and do not know Frank.

- [Man] Never seen him?

- [Man] Not to my recollection.

- [Man] How about Nicky Cohen?

- [Man] I have no recollection and do not know Mr. Cohen

and no recollection of ever meeting him.

- [Man] Is it true that you've been known in New Jersey

for a long time as the Al Capone of New Jersey?

- Well, I'll tell you--

- [Man] You needn't be modest about that.

- I...


(guns firing)

- [Man] A major accomplishment of the Senate hearings

the past year and a half has been the ferreting out

of racketeers, hoodlums,

and management-hired union busters

who have infiltrated the union movement.

- [John] Now, doctor, how did the town reconstruct this?

Do you reckon?

- [Jimmy] I talked to the people.

- [John] Who'd you talk to?

You came and read before the committee

the statement that your accountant has been over it,

it is now indicated that you borrowed the money

in such and such year and repaid the money

in such and such year.

Now when did your accountant make this study?

- [Jimmy] When did he make it?

- [John] Yes.

Did he make it in the last few months?

- Sometimes, the last few days.

- [John] The last few days, he made this determination.

And the only people that he's...

And you can't tell us who he talked to

because you, Mr. Hoffa, and the other gentleman--

- [Jimmy] I think you you'll have to ask him, Senator.

- [John] Your accountant?

I'm asking you.

You're the one who made the report to he committee

about what your accountant found,

and now we find that there are no records,

that he merely talked to you

and to the other gentlemen involved.

- [Reporter] The legislative outgrowth

of this long series of investigations

was the Kennedy-Ives Bill,

designed to strengthen unionism

by ridding it of those who would rob the working man

of both his dues and his rights.

This important measure passed the Senate 88 to one,

but was defeated by a close vote

in the House of Representatives.

These were the words of Senator Kennedy and Senator Ives

the day of the House action.

- Only Jimmy Hoffa can rejoice at his continued good luck.

In the meantime, those who defeated this bill

will bear a heavy responsibility

for the racketeering that will continue to go on unchecked.

- Would you like something to drink?

- Sure.

- What would you like?

- Water.

- Water it is.

- Nice place you got here.

- It's not exactly mine.

Let's have a seat.

- Sounds good.

- We don't have to do this, you know.

- I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to.

- I'm sorry about what happened, Lieutenant.

- I guess you know all about it

since it was your boss who got me

thrown off the gangster squad and fired from the force.

Even Chief Parker looked the other way

when I was escorted out.

I feel like Fred Otek.

- [Reporter] Fred Otek, an ex-cop.

- Being a private detective is a dirty job.

There's no two ways about it,

because you're always delving into

the life of an individual.

- [Reporter] And I want to ask is how do you justify

invading people's privacy like that?

- Well, I feel this way, if you can see it or hear it,

^you're not invading any privacy.

^And being in this business,

and I've been in this business as an investigator

about 15 years, including time on the police department...

- [Reporter] From 1945 to '55, you were a member

of the Los Angeles Police force.

- Correct.

- [Reporter] Is it or is it not true

that on or about April 19th, 1948,

you were suspended for 60 days for neglect of duty

and general unfitness for associating with people

of questionable character?

- No, that's not true.

I was susp...

That's very funny.

I was suspended

for watching some very big businessmen,

and friends of mine, shooting dice.

And I was--

- [Reporter] Were you shooting dice along with them?

- Can I take the Fifth Amendment?


- [Reporter] Were you in uniform

when you were shooting dice?

- I was in uniform.

Anyway, I was watching them shoot dice.

^And the game got raided by the vice squad.

^We have a very fine vice squad in Los Angeles.

^- I know.

- And they got raided.

And I was tried in front of a police trial board,

and I was found guilty of neglect of duty.

In other words, I should've put these men in jail

for shooting dice.

- [Reporter] All right.

Is it not true that in July and in December of 1954,

six years later, you were charged with neglect of duty

and that before a police board of inquiry

could rule on your case, you resigned?

- That's not true.

That is not true.

Your investigators did a bad job.

- [Reporter] If I were to say the word supermarket to you,

would that refresh your memory?

- At least Fred walked away.

I get tossed out like a thug.

- Frank was just lucky.

Lieutenant, I'm bringing you down.

He's actually pretty bad at running things.

^Roselli would have been better,

^but I'm sure your gang will bring down

^the bad guys eventually,

and then maybe justice will be served.

- You mobsters are in with everybody.

Can weasel your way out of just about anything, right?

- Not all of us.

- So what's your story?

- I'm a fired, humiliated cop,

betrayed by my own team.

I get tossed into the gutter

and told to pack my bags and get the hell out of town.

- I have a confession to make.

- Well I'm not on duty.

- Yeah, that's funny.

You got a nice smile.

- Thanks.

- I just want you to know that I...

♫ Kennedy, Kennedy, Kennedy, Kennedy

♫ Kennedy, Kennedy, Kennedy for me

♫ Kennedy, Kennedy, Kennedy, Kennedy

♫ Do you want a man for president

♫ Who's seasoned through and through

♫ But not so doggone seasoned

♫ That he won't try something new

♫ A man who's old enough to know

♫ And young enough to do

♫ Well, it's up to you, it's up to you

♫ It's strictly up to you

♫ Do you like a man who answers straight?

♫ A man who's always there

♫ We'll measure him against the others

♫ And when you compare

♫ You'll cast your vote for Kennedy

♫ And a change that's overdue

♫ So it's up to you, it's up to you

♫ It's strictly up to you

♫ Kennedy, Kennedy, Kennedy, Kennedy

♫ Kennedy, Kennedy, Kennedy for me

♫ Kennedy, Kennedy, Kennedy, Kennedy

♫ Kennedy, Kennedy, Kennedy

♫ Kennedy!

- [Man] Is that right?

- [Man] You're the ferret, Eddie.

Eddie will do this job, Eddie's our best guy,

we can always count on Eddie.

Seems like all the bosses think you're

somebody they can trust,

twisting you into doing the sleaziest things.

- I don't do these jobs because I want to.

- You're on a leash, Eddie.

- Shouldn't you be out somewhere doing something?

- Must have been tough when Momo's contract

to work up that blonde fell apart.

- [Reporter] One of the most famous stars

in Hollywood history is dead at 36.

Marilyn Monroe was found dead in bed

under circumstances that were in tragic contrast

to her glamorous career as a comic talent.

On the surface...

- What happened?

Too many people listening in on that day?

Protecting national security for the good boys and Momo.

Trying to get even with those micks.

- Shh.

- Did Mr. Hall give you any tips?

Did you use a pill, chloroform?

Or shut off the (indistinct)?

Flee the scene because a maid walked by?

Eddie, that's not how you finish a job, by getting scared.

- Shut the fuck up, Vinny.

- I almost got trampled a year ago exposing those micks.

But the Brits looked up the letters,

and the little red berry gets sent into the good boys.

Bet Monroe felt like a real piece of meat

being passed around.

What a bust, eh?

♫ Happy birthday Mr. President

♫ Happy birthday to you

♫ Mr. President, for all the things you've done

♫ The battles that you've won

♫ We thank you so much

Everybody, happy birthday!

- [Announcer] Ladies and gentlemen,

the President of the United States.

(audience applauding)

- I can now retire from politics

after having had Happy Birthday sung to me

in a sweet and wholesome manner.

(audience laughing)

- Are you satisfied, Vinny?

- [Reporter] Her wonderful, tragic life,

her famous body, inert beneath a blanket

is wheeled from her Hollywood home

where she was found beside

an empty bottle of sleeping pills.

- You happy I fucked up?

- But everything keeps going to hell, Eddie.

- Good evening, my fellow citizens.

This government, as promised,

has maintained the closest surveillance

of the Soviet military buildup on the island of Cuba.

- And just when you think it's gonna get better,

it gets worse.

You might as well do the thing that benefits you the most.

Know what I mean?

- What's your angle now, Vinny?

- I heard you met up with one of the good boys

a couple of weeks ago.

- Darn it.

If only I had some matches.

- I could find you some.

- They say cigarettes can kill you, maybe I should quit.

- We all die sooner or later.

- Think it's the end of the world yet, Eddie?

- Well, it's hard to say.

I suppose in your world, it would be best if it all ended.

- It's been god awful these past couple years,

but we're in the process of fixing things.

Life can certainly be a Greek tragedy.

- Any particular reason you've been following me?

- Maybe I like you.

- All you agent boys love to jump

from one mask to the next.

- We're all proud lancers fighting the same battle.

- [Eddie] More like wolves in sheep's clothing.


- You move around a lot.

Different places.

You take a lot of trips.

There's always somebody by your side.

Who's the guy?

- My friend.

- I see.

You know, it's still a felony in some places,

messing around with other boys.

- Well you would know.

You like to watch.

You like to watch.

- Trying to get me to admit to something?

- Like you're trying to corner me into doing something?

- A lot's gonna happen in the coming months, Eddie.

The direction of our country,

the actions we take that best represent us.

Listen, it doesn't help to splinter our country's protection

into a thousand pieces and scatter us to the winds.

- I stay out of politics.

- You can't always kill two birds with one stone.

Sometimes you need a team to handle things.

One day you'll be working for us, Eddie.


- I don't think so.

- I'm a good teacher.

I'm patient, considerate,

I'll even bring you a cup of sugar and milk

anytime you need it.

- I think you need to find someone else to be your patsy.

- [Interviewer] As a practical matter, Mr. Oswald,

knowing as I'm sure you do

the sentiment of America against Cuba,

we of course severed diplomatic relations some time ago.

I would say Castro's about as unpopular

as anyone in this country.

As a practical matter, what do you hope to gain

through your work?

How do you hope to bring about what you call

the Fair Play for Cuba knowing the sentiment?

- [Lee] The principles of the Fair Play for Cuba

^consist of restoration of diplomatic, trade,

^and tourist relations with Cuba.

^We are primarily interested in the attitude

^of the United States government towards Cuba,

^and in that way we are striving to get the United States

^to adopt measures which would be more friendly

^toward the Cuban people and the new Cuban regime.

We are not at all communist controlled,

regardless of the fact that I had the experience

of living in Russia,

regardless of the fact that we have been investigated,

regardless of any of those facts.

The Fair Play for Cuba Committee

is an independent organization

not affiliated with any other organization,

our aims and our ideals are very clear,

and in the best keeping with American traditions

of democracy.

- [Man] What we heard convinced us that Oswald's commitment

to communism, and the pathological hatred of his own country

fostered by this commitment,

had played an important part in making him into an assassin.

- [Reporter] In October 1962,

the world was not only disillusioned

with the Cuban Revolution, but outraged

with the discovery of at least 10

Soviet missile bases in Cuba.

Aerial reconnaissance photos revealed

their location and their menace.

Armed with one megaton warheads,

the missiles could reach, and conceivably destroy,

Washington or Lima, Peru.

- Now your leaders are no longer Cuban leaders,

inspired by Cuban ideals.

They are puppets, and agents

of an international conspiracy

which has turned Cuba against your friends and neighbors

in the Americas, and turned it into

the first Latin American country

to become a target for nuclear war.

We know that your lives and land are being used

as pawns by those who deny your freedom.

- [Man] Everybody is in on this job, Eddie.

A lot of people.

They want him dead.

Do you understand that?

- I'm tired of doing jobs.

- You remember what you did to Hoover?

Got all his little dirty secrets?

Yeah, that was a good one.

- [Man] The bosses liked that Eddie.

- The Federal Bureau of Investigation

is waging and will continue to wage

a relentless warfare against crime and criminals.

- You done good.

You made a name for yourself.

- Progress has been made.

Further advances against the insidious activities

of underworld characters and their vicious,

conspiring parasites must yet be made.

- Hoover thinks he can throw his weight around,

but we know how far he can gamble with us.

(fanfare playing)

- [Announcer] We're off and ready.

(talking indistinctly)

- Certainly showed Hoover with his dirty little secrets.

- Fixed him real good, didn't you?

- I'm indeed very grateful and appreciative

of the action that you've taken, Mr. President.

I think after a career as I've had in the FBI,

the most contemplating thing that could ever happen

would be the action that you're taking today

extending my leverages in that organization.

- [Man] Every Republican politician

wants you to believe that Richard Nixon is "experienced."

They even want you to believe that he ha actually

been making decisions in the White House.

- [Man] Vice President Nixon,

I'd like to pin down the difference

between the way you would handle Castro's regime

and prevent the establishment of communist government

in the western hemisphere.

- [Richard] In effect, what Senator Kennedy recommends

is that the United State government

should give help to the exiles

and to those in Cuba who oppose the Castro regime,

provided they are allies for peace there.

We have treaties with Latin America

that there shall be no intervention by one nation

in the internal affairs of another.

I don't know what Senator Kennedy suggests

when he says that we should help those who oppose

the Castro regime.

Now, what can we do?

We are quarantining Mr. Castro today.

We are quarantining him diplomatically

by bringing back our ambassador,

economically by cutting off trade,

and Senator Kennedy's suggestion

that the trade that we cut off is not significant

is just 100 percent wrong.

We are cutting off significant items

that the Cuban regime needs in order to survive.

By cutting of trade, by cutting off our diplomatic relations

as we have, we will quarantine this regime

so that the people of Cuba themselves

will take care of Mr. Castro.

- [Man] What manner of man is this former revolutionary?

What works within the mind of a man

who in April 1959 said...

- I am not communist.

I am not agreed with communists.

- [Man] And just two years later, insisted...

- I am a Marxist Leninist,

and will be until the last day of my life.

- [John] You surely must be aware

that most of the equipment and arms

and resources for Castro came from the United States.

Flowed out of Florida and other parts of the United States

to Castro in the mountains.

There isn't any doubt about that, number one.

Number two, I believe that if any economic sanctions

against Latin America are going to be successful,

they have to be multi-lateral.

They have to include the other countries of Latin America.

(speaking foreign language)

Very minute affect of the action which has been taken

this week on Cuba's economy,

I believe Castro can replace those markets

very easily through Latin America,

through Europe, and through eastern Europe.

If the United States had stronger prestige

and influence in Latin America,

we could persuade, as Franklin Roosevelt did in 1940,

the countries of Latin America to join

in the economic quarantine of Castro.

That's the only way you can bring real economic pressure.

You yourself said, Mr. Vice President, a month ago

that if we had provided the kind of economic aid

five years ago that you're now providing,

we might never have had Castro.

- [Lee] I always felt that the Cubans were being pushed

into the Soviet block by American polices.

I still feel that way.

Our policy, if it had been handled differently,

and many others much more informed than I

have said the same thing,

if that situation had been handled differently,

we would not have the big problem of Castro's Cuba now,

the big international political problem.

Although I feel we could be on

much friendlier relations with them,

and had the government of the United States,

its government agencies,

particularly certain covert and undercover agencies

like the now-defunct CIA.

- [Interviewer] Now defunct?

- [Lee] Well, its leadership is now defunct,

Allen Dallas is now defunct.

I believe that without all that meddling,

with a little bit different humanitarian handling

of the situation, Cuba would not be the problem it is today.

- Here's the Commission's report.

I keep a bible right on hand here,

and here are the various volumes, 26 of them,

and we put in that everything we thought,

the Commission thought was really important

and really valuable to enable others

to reach their own judgments.

And we can't complain if some people

didn't agree with us entirely.

But here are the facts anyway.

- [Interviewer] Some of the papers and some of the documents

that are in the archives are there,

but are withheld from public view by the FBI, the CIA,

an organization with which you have some experience.

Is there anything in those which years from now,

when they may be released, will upset Applegarth?

- Oh no, I don't think so.

No, I think everything that really is vital

insofar as forming a judgment as to what really happened

has been made available.

- [Interviewer] And you're satisfied with the judgment?

- [Man] I am satisfied with the judgment, yes.

- [Man] Eddie, we got a job for you.

- What's going on, Sammy?

First the little man sends Vinny,

then your dad sends Louie.

And now you.

What's this about?

- You're gonna be our little sparrow.

I want you to spend some time in Dallas.

There's a guy now down there named Ruby, Jack Ruby.

That's his card, you keep it.

He owns the nightclub where you're gonna meet him.

He's a well-connected guy down there,

he's got some friends

and he loves to be the center of attention.

- Then what?

- Then you can learn to shoot.

- [Man] One day you'll be working for us.

One day you'll be working for us.

One day you'll be working for us.

One day you'll be working for us.

One day you'll be working for us.

- One of the good boys will show you how,

and you're a fast learner.

- The good boys?

You mean that agent that's been following me?

He's been watching me with Andy?

- So you're leaving the mob life, huh?

- Ah, Captain Hamilton did tell you something about me.

- I believed everything around me was good.

I was so naive.

Captain Hamilton was the only one who knew I was different.

He even told me on the way out.

"Son, you need to find someone like you.

Have fun.

Take an easy job wherever you end up, and settle down."

And that's when the captain told me about this

arranged meeting with you.

- Yeah, my boss said, "do me a favor, kid.

Take care of the captain's boy.

Just try to do something nice for him."

- Fucked up way to be nice.

Can't believe it's almost 1960.

Time for a change, time for a new beginning.

Time for a new president too.

I think this country's in desperate need of a change.

I think Senator Kennedy's the only hope we got.

- [Announcer] This is the Sills family.

Recently, John F. Kennedy visited the Sills.

- Mr. And Mrs. Sills are facing one of the great problems

that all American families are now facing.

And that is the great increase in the cost of living.

- Our rent has gone up, our food,

our cleaning of our clothing, buying of the clothing,

our gas and electric and our telephone bills have gone up.

- [Announcer] Yes, we can do better.

But to do so, we must elect a man who cares

about America's problems.

We must elect John F. Kennedy president.

- 1952, when I was thinking about running

for the United States Senate,

I went to then-Senator Spadden and said

"George, what do you think?"

"Don't do it, can't win, bad year."

(audience laughing)

In 1956, I was at the Democratic Convention,

and I said, I didn't know whether I'd run

for vice president or not,

so I said "George, what do you think?"

"This is it, they need a young man.

It's your chance."

So I ran, and lost.

(audience laughing)

And in 1960, I was wondering whether I ought to run

in the West Virginia primary, "don't do it.

That's a state you can't possibly carry."

(audience laughing)

And actually, the only time I really got nervous

about the whole matter was Los Angeles in '54,

George came up and said "I think it was pretty good for ya."

(audience laughing)

- [Announcer] A hotly contested election campaign

closes with Senator John F. Kennedy

the choice of his countrymen as the 34th

President of the United States.

The youngest man ever voted into the White House,

Mr. Kennedy is also the first Catholic chief executive

in the history of the country.

In 14 weeks of arduous campaigning,

he traveled some 75,000 miles

to make himself known to the voters.

Now America closes ranks behind Kennedy

and his vice president-elect Lyndon Johnson

as the nation moves into a fateful decade

of intensified struggle with the communist block.

- So we need a middle man, and the bosses picked you.

You'll be fine as long as you play it smart.

- I don't like this, Sammy.

Being caught in the middle.

What's this deal about?

- There's a couple of guys down in New Orleans.

- I know those New Orleans wise guys.

God, I saw Vinny last month.

Little man fishing around,

seeing if I took the bait with that agent.

- Hey, don't say that.

Carlos loves you like a son.

- Will I meeting more good boys

to mix and bang with in New Orleans?

- All cats are gray down there, Eddie.

In fact, two of the guys are like you, Clay and David.

I don't know about the other guy, I think his name is Lee.

Eddie, spin a few dice down in New Orleans,

you know, spend some time.

There's a guy, Mr. Banister,

once you get there, he'll hook everything up,

it'll be a blast.

Send Andy to Dallas to check out some locations.

I hear Oak Cliff is nice.

- Who am I gonna kill?

- It's not just gonna be you, Eddie.

You can't see little black cats in the dark room.

There's gonna be a lot of guys on this job.

You're gonna be fine.

- I want this part of my life to end, Sammy.

Do you understand that?


I just want to be left alone with Andy.

- Look, you're someone we can count on.

You don't want to disappoint Carlos,

or Santo, Johnny, or Momo, do you Eddie?

- No.

- That's what I thought.

^Meyer took you under his wing when you had no one else.

^He brought you in, introduced you to everybody.

Feeding you, clothing you.

Making you part of the family.

And he knew you were different.

And he knew you were different.

- You've got no idea what I've been through, Sammy.

The threats, the beatings, the attempts on my life,

on my fucking knees doing favors with countless assholes.

- [Man] Yeah, I want you to do me a little favor.

- Never in my place.

I just became a made guy everybody hates.

- You've got a man now who loves you,

and not some dipstick who you fell for

who doesn't give a fuck about you.

We took care of you, Eddie.


Remember, Eddie?

Look, we need you to go down there to Dallas with your boy,

and we'll let you know when you can leave.

It's all gonna be fine.

In fact, it's gonna be perfect.

Andy's used to moving and he trusts you.

Just like we do.

- I've never done this before.

- You don't act like a first timer.


- What I mean is, I never woke up next to a guy.

- I didn't think you'd still be here.

I'm leaving tomorrow.

- So am I.

- [Reporter] Since there is no doubt in anyone's mind

that the assassin Lee Harvey Oswald was a communist,

having lived in Russia,

having renounced American citizenship,

and having been arrested for communist activities

upon his return to the United States later.

- [Lee] I think that the red herring and so forth

is rather ridiculous.

- Listen, I make observations,

I follow your moves, your habits, your interests.

- No sir, I am not a communist...

- And I select the one who will play his part the best.

- You can toss my file and move on to the next.

- So distrusting.

There's plans for you, Eddie.

You're not off the hook for running all over the place.

I'm offering you a chance to play on a different field,

for a different team.

We're a good group of men to be with.

You'll get a new outlook on life, Eddie.

- Are you finished?

- I was thinking we could spend

some quality time together too.

Maybe not now, but sometime soon.

You and I are gonna get real close, Eddie.

Trust me, my side is where you want to be.

- If you're asking me to fuck over my bosses

for your benefit,

take a closer look at your side.

The grass ain't greener.

- We're gonna make a good team, you and I.

Alike in so many ways.

And if the price is right,

money can smooth over a lot of wounds,

provide other opportunities and connections.

- Were we truly men of courage,

with the courage to stand up to one's enemies,

and the courage to stand up when necessary

to one's own associates,

the courage to resist...

- So?

You playing both sides?

Now Aiden is real good-looking.

Bet he tastes real good too.

Sure you're not cheating on that ex-cop

who is waiting for you back home?

Are you doing all those--

- [Eddie] Get the fuck out of here, Vinny.

- Take it easy, I'm just fucking with you.

- That's rich.

Coming from a guy who blows people's brains out

at the drop of a hat.

- But I'm looking out for you, Eddie.

There's gonna be a big event coming up soon,

and you're not gonna be a benchwarmer among those tramps.

Go for a little hunt in the winter time.

- I have no idea what you're talking about.

- Then why are you here?

You can talk to me.

You're seeing that agent again.

I'm sure you like servicing those good boys.

Always been curious about that.

You like to take care of a man's knee?



I'm just playing with you.

- Pushing my buttons.

You love messing with me.

- I'm catching a plane tonight.

Heading back to New Orleans.

You should come out for a visit.

- How come, when that little man needs me?

- Oh, I'm sure he'll be running to Carlos.

Santo is planning a visit of my Uncle Jimmy.

We could all hang out at the Royale.

You'll love the French Quarter, Eddie.

- Yeah, we'll see.

I might be just too busy servicing the good boys.

- I knew it, I fucking knew it.

What is that white punk offering you?

- Same line of bullshit I'm getting from you.

- Don't get next, Eddie.

Those big jugs are looking the other way

when someone is carrying out the deed,

you're gonna be cutting the dog's head so the tail can die.

- I know where my loyalty belongs, Vinny.

- It's great you're playing both sides, Eddie.

You better have the right tata.

And not the wrong hole.

- You must think I'm a real dope.

- With failed invasions, wars,

missiles everywhere, someone about to take the blame

when the shit goes down.

We all have our agendas, Eddie.

It's gonna get hot and heavy.

You just keep your dick in your pants and you'll be fine.

It was nice meeting you again.

You can keep that songsheet and those postcards too.

Might need some guys for this.

- [Reporter] President Kennedy went to Texas

to take his program to the people.

He had carried the state by only a narrow margin

in the 1960 election.

There was dissention there

over his strong civil rights program.

Ultra conservative elements were critical, literally so,

of the administration's foreign policies.

And yet the crowds that greeted the president

and Mrs. Kennedy were friendly, enthusiastic.

Most newspapers described the trip as political.

Speaking at dedication ceremonies for the aerospace

medical health center at Brooks Airport Base,

President Kennedy sought for unity amongst Americans.

His conviction was, in his words,

that the United States should be a leader.

- For more than three years I've spoken about

the new frontier.

This is not a partisan term,

and it's not the exclusive property

of Republicans or Democrats.

It refers instead to this nation's place in history.

To the fact that we do stand on the edge of a great new era,

filled with both crisis and opportunity,

and era to be characterized by achievements

and by challenges.

- [Reporter] Thursday afternoon, the presidential plane,

Air Force One, departs San Antonio

and touches down at Houston.

(cheerful music)

Mrs. Kennedy is making one of her first public appearances

in several months.

- In 1990, your sons, daughters, grandsons and grandchildren

will be applying to the colleges of this state

in a number three times what they do today.

Our airports will serve five times as many passenger miles.

We will need housing for 100 million more people,

and many times more doctors and engineers and technicians

than we are presently producing.

- [Reporter] Thursday evening, Houston.

President Kennedy speaks to

the League of United Latin American Citizens.

He speaks to his interest in the alliance for progress.

He calls the alliance a chance for all to prove

that prosperity can be the handmaiden of freedom.

The presidential party moves on to Fort Worth,

where the chief executive will spend the night

and deliver several early morning speeches.

- You've got everybody's hands in this.

This is a big event.

Everybody wants this guy dead.

- [Reporter] Friday morning, November 22nd.

^It's 8:45 and the weather is misty.

- We execute the contract.

The other hands distract and clean up after us.

- Our beloved, our fearless leader of the United States...

- You're the only guy we can trust

out of these tramps, Eddie.

- The President of the United States.


- Look, enough is enough.

It's payback time.

The establishment has been fucking us over

for over a decade with these public investigations,

and now they want us to do more dirty work for them?

- But we appreciate your welcome.

This city's been a great western city,

the defense of the west, cattle, oil, and all the rest.

It has believed in strength in this city

and strength in this state

and strength in this country.

- [Reporter] In spite of the weather,

a large and exuberant crowd

turns out to see and hear the president.

President Kennedy is in good spirits too.

He tells his audience...

- [John] Mrs. Kennedy is organizing herself,

it takes longer.

(audience laughing)

But of course, she looks better than we do when she does it.

- [Reporter] Thus begins the last day of his life.

He will live less than four hours from this moment.

- You would be amazed, Eddie,

that when there is one common enemy,

it brings opposites together.

This Irish prick has it coming.

Him and his no good phony brother

don't want to know how much the organization

has protected their family's interests.

- [Reporter] The vice president

and Texas Governor John Connelly

applaud President Kennedy's entrance

as he returns to his hotel for a breakfast

with the Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce.

(audience applauding)

The breakfast party awaits the arrival of Mrs. Kennedy.

(audience applauding)

Mrs. Kennedy's entrance draws another comment

from the president.

- Three years ago, I said that...

I introduced myself in Paris by saying that I was the man

who had accompanied Mrs. Kennedy to Paris,

I'm getting somewhat that same sensation

as I travel around Texas.

(audience laughing)

- [Reporter] On a more serious note,

the president's last words,

reflections of his hopes for the future.

- This is a very dangerous and uncertain world.

We would like to live as we once lived,

but history will not permit it.

The balance of power is still on the side of freedom,

we are still the keystone in the arch of freedom,

and I think we'll continue to do

as we have done in our past, our duty.

I'm confident, as I look to the future,

that our chances for security,

our chances for peace,

are better than they've been in the past,

and the reason is because we're stronger.

- [Reporter] Friday morning, 11:00.

The presidential jet leaves Fort Worth

for the short flight to Dallas,

where the president has a scheduled luncheon address.

- You all want me

to help kill the president?

You're all fucking crazy.

- It's like a varsity, pal.

This game plan isn't gonna go half-backed.

It's not gonna be like Cuba.

- [Reporter] In Havana, acting foreign minister Olivarez

shows diplomats rockets fired from the Cuban raiders

which he claims have U.S. markings.

Meanwhile, at the United Nations,

Cuban foreign minister Gomez accused the United States

of unleashing a war of invasion.

Gomez said the invading soldiers trained in Florida.

But Ambassador Stephenson makes a quick denial.

- These charges are totally false,

and I deny them categorically.

The United States has committed no aggression against Cuba,

and no offensive has been launched from Florida

or from any other part of the United States.

- Breaking a golden egg for the good buys, huh?

The boss is picking me to work with them,

following their lead, yet being loyal to the outfit.

I do what I'm told, and become a sucker for both sides.

Is that how it's gonna work out, Sammy?

Just being a fall guy for everybody?

- You remain loyal to us,

and we'll take care of you like we always do.

- When President Kennedy was assassinated here in Dallas,

Abraham Zepruder was standing on this concrete parapet

with an eight millimeter camera,

and with that camera, he recorded the tragedy.

Mr. Zepruder, certainly no one had a better view

of the assassination than you did.

Did you then and do you now

agree with the findings of the Warren Commission?

- Yes, I absolutely do.

In fact, I'm more convinced now

because of these controversial publications coming out.

I took more of a little interest to read it more carefully,

and I find that the findings of the Warren Commission

are more substantial than their doubts.

They have no facts, no reasons

to believe that there was somebody else.

- Anything can go wrong, Sammy.

- It's gonna be enough time,

but we're gonna be one step ahead of the game,

even if the plans do change.

We got shooters local and abroad,

both looking at the same target, just like you.

If anything goes wrong, everybody's on standby

and we'll just go to the next plan.

- I'm not doing this job, Sammy.

I'm not doing this job.

- You're doing exactly what we want you to.

You'll see it our way, pal.

You won't get caught.

It'll be fine, everything will work out,

and no one will ever be able to figure out who was involved.

- [Eddie] You're gonna have a good life again, Andy.

- True.

But not without you.

It's a big world out there, Eddie.

Tough to find somebody.

- I may have a past following me around.

- I can handle it.

- Yeah, I like to move around a lot.

- We'd make a good team, you and I.

- [Reporter] It looks like a police convention.

We have never seen as many Dallas police officers

in one location in all of our years of covering Dallas news,

but they are here in great profusion.

The security precautions at this luncheon

they're going to attend range from the

distance from the president's car door

to the Trade Mart entrance,

and how many doors and windows are in the building,

and even the method of selecting the steak

the president will eat.

And here is the presidential jet.

U.S. Air Force number one, printed on the side,

and the crowd begins to cheer, which you can't hear

over the whistle and hum of the jet, but...

Packages are being waved, the placards are being held high,

and hundreds of tiny American flags are now being waved

towards the presidential jet.

This is a split second timed operation

for the Secret Service and the Air Force

and the Signal Corps.

Nothing's left to chance,

every possible precaution has been taken.

The reception line is formed,

and there is Mrs. Kennedy,

the First Lady stepping from the plane

wearing a bright pink suit with a dark fur collar

and a matching pink hat,

and the president's wearing a dark suit

just directly behind.

Mrs. Kennedy has been presented her bouquet

of brilliant red roses.

The president's car is being delayed momentarily.

We can't see from here exactly what is holding it up.

But this is the moment where the Secret Service

has its point of tension, as we have talked

with many of these Secret Service men in the past few days

who've arranged for the president's security.

They say when the president stops moving,

that's when we're concerned, because that is when

the possibility of trouble comes to the forefront.

And here comes the president now.

In fact, he's not in his limousine,

he's departed the limousine and he is walking.

He is reaching across the fence shaking hands,

shaking hands with many of the people who have

come here to see him.

He is closely accompanied by Dallas police officers

and of course the Secret Service.

And they are walking along the line of the fence

shaking hands with some of the hundreds of people

who have come here to view their arrival.

And now the president and first lady

are retreating from the fence,

they're heading now for the official limousine

where Governor Connolly stands awaiting their arrival,

but this is one of those impromptu moments

for which President Kennedy is so well known.

So many times you have heard that

the Secret Service men suddenly find themselves

without the president, that suddenly he has left them

and stepped into the crowd.

There's the gun metal gray limousine,

blue and gray, pulling away now from the fence area.

The president and Mrs. Kennedy

seated on the back seat.

The governor and Mrs. Connolly on the second seat

or jump seat, and then the official driver

and Secret Service men are in the front seat.

A fine wedge of some one dozen

Dallas police motorcycles leading the way.

- [Reporter] The president's car

is now turning on to Elm Street,

and it will be only a matter of minutes

before he arrives at the Trade Mart.

It appears as though something has happened

in the motorcade route.

Something, I repeat, has happened in the motorcade route.

There's numerous people running up the hill.

- [Reporter] The President of the United States

turned from Houston Street onto Elm Street

on his way to a scheduled lunch appearance

at the Simmons Trade Mart,

and as he went by the Texas School Book Depository,

headed for the triple underpass,

there were three loud reverberating explosions.

- He was coming down the street

and my five year old boy and myself

were by ourselves on the grass there on Palmer Street,

and I asked Joe to wave to him,

and Joe waved and I waved, and...

- [Reporter] It's all right, sir.

- [Woman] Just as Mary started to take the picture

and the president became right even with us,

two shots, we looked at him

and he was looking at a dog in the middle of the seat.

Two shots rang out, and he grabbed his chest,

and a look of pain on his face

and fell across towards Jackie,

and she fell over on him and said "my god, he's shot."

- And he was waving back...

The shot rang out, and he slumped down in the seat,

and his wife reached up toward him,

as he was slumping down, and the second shot went off,

and it just knocked him down in the seat.

- [Reporter] Two shots.

- Two shots.

- [Reporter] Did you see the man who did the--

- No sir, I did not see the man who did it.

- [Man] The only thing that I did witness,

the look on his face when that shot hit,

the look again on him and his wife's face

when the shots started to ring out.

- Because I remember precisely what my wife remembers.

I heard Miss Kennedy say "they have killed my husband,"

and then she said,

in just an incredulous voice,

"I've got his brains in my hand."

- [Reporter] Parkland Hospital has been advised

to stand by for a severe gunshot wound.

We understand there has been a shooting.

The presidential car coming up now.

We know it's the presidential car,

you can see Mrs. Kennedy's pink suit,

there's a Secret Service man spread eagle

over the top of the car,

we understand Governor and Mrs. Connolly are in the car

with the president and Mrs. Kennedy...

- [Reporter] President Kennedy has been given

a blood transfusion at Parkland Hospital here in Dallas

in an effort to save his life

after he and Governor Connolly were shot

in an assassination attempt in downtown Dallas.

- [Reporter] President John F. Kennedy

died at approximately 1:00 Central Standard Time

today here in Dallas.

He died of a gunshot wound in the brain.

- [Reporter] And Dallas newsman, Mel Couch,

said he was riding shortly behind the president

in the parade.

He said after the shots were fired,

he happened to look up at about the fifth or sixth floor

of the Texas Book Depository.

He said he saw the rifle being pulled back in.

- I have no other details

regarding the assassination of the president.

- [Reporter] Anything about the shooter or shooters?

- No, there's no information on that.

- [Reporter] What's Connolly's condition?

- I understand that Governor Connolly's condition

is satisfactory.

He was shot twice,

once apparently in the side

and once in the wrist.

- [Reporter] How many times was the president shot?

- The president was shot once.

- [Reporter] Where is Mrs. Kennedy?

- In the head.

- [Reporter] Before we put the president in his casket,

the president's wife took her wedding band,

it looked to be like her wedding band,

off of her finger and put it on the president

and kissed his hand.

- [John] According to the ancient Chinese proverb,

a journey of 1000 miles must begin with a single step.

My fellow Americans, let us take that first step.

Let us, if we can,

step back from the shadows of war

and seek out the way of peace.

And if that journey is 1000 miles,

or even more,

let history record that we, in this land, at this time,

took the first step.

This nation was founded by men of many nations

and backgrounds.

It was founded on the principle

that all men are created equal,

and that the rights of every man are diminished

when the rights of one man are threatened.

If a free society cannot help the many who are poor,

it cannot save the few who are rich.

Let all our neighbors know

that we shall join with them

to oppose aggression or subversion

anywhere in the Americas,

and let every other power know

that this hemisphere intends to remain

the master of its own house.

Remembering on both sides

that civility is not a sign of weakness

and sincerity is always subject to proof.

Let us never negotiate out of fear,

but let us never fear to negotiate.

Let both sides explore what problems unite us

instead of belaboring those problems which divide us.

Let both sides, for the first time,

formulate serious and precise proposals

for the inspection and control of arms

and bring the absolute power to destroy other nations

under the absolute control of all nations.

Yesterday a shaft of light cut into the darkness.

Negotiations were concluded in Moscow

on a treaty to ban all nuclear tests in the atmosphere,

in outer space, and underwater.

For the first time an agreement has been reached

on bringing the forces of nuclear destruction

under international control.

The achievement of this goal is not a victory for one side.

It is a victory for mankind.

This treaty is not the millennium.

It will not resolve all conflicts,

or cause the communists to forgo their ambition,

or eliminate the dangers of war.

It will not reduce our need for arms, or allies,

or programs of assistance to others.

But it is an important first step.

A step towards peace.

A step towards reason.

A step away from war.

Together let us explore the stars,

conquer the deserts,

eradicate disease,

tap the ocean depths,

and encourage the arts and commerce.

Let both sides unite and heed,

in all corners of the Earth,

the command of Isaiah to undo the heavy burden

and let the oppressed go free.

I look forward to a great future for America.

A future in which our country

will match its military strength

with our moral restraint,

its wealth with our wisdom,

its power with our purpose.

I look forward to an America

which will reward achievement in the arts

as we reward achievement in business,

and I look forward to an America

which commands respect throughout the world,

not only for its strength,

but for its civilization as well.

Genuine peace must be the product of many nations,

the sum of many acts.

It must be dynamic, not static,

for peace is a process,

a way of solving problems.

With such a peace, there will still be quarrels

and conflicting interests,

as there are within families and nations.

World peace, like community peace,

does not require that each man love his neighbor,

it requires only that they live together

in mutual tolerance,

submitting their disputes

to a just and peaceful settlement.

For in the final analysis,

our most basic common link

is that we we all inhabit this small planet,

we all breathe the same air,

we all cherish our children's future, and we are all mortal.

Finally, whether you are citizens of America

or citizens of the world,

ask of us here the same high standards

of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you.

With a good conscience our only sure reward,

with history the final judge of our deeds,

let us go forth to lead the land we love,

asking his blessing and his help,

but knowing that here on Earth,

God's work must truly be our own.

And so, my fellow Americans,

ask not what your country can do for you,

ask what you can do for your country.


No one can be certain what the future will bring.

No one can say whether the time has come

for an easing of the struggle,

but history and our own conscience

will judge us harshly if we do not now make

every effort to test our hopes by action,

and this is the place to begin.

We would've passed that bill two years ago.

We would've passed that bill two years ago,

but it failed by one vote in the Senate

when the president withdrew his support

on the day the bill was coming up to vote.

That's how important the office of the presidency is.

He shall determine what shall be our policy on Berlin.

He shall determine whether we shall be at war or peace.

This is the key office, and I run for the presidency

because of my view.

I have strong ideas about what this country must do.

I have strong ideas about the United States,

playing a great role in a historic moment.

- [Reporter] The suspect has been taken into custody,


- [Man] Leave the rifle and shells behind.

Get to know the stairs and all exits from the building.

There's an agent who's going to apply for a visa

posing as Oswald in Mexico.

- [Reporter] We received information

he was in the Texas theater.

- Hey, you're not gonna be the only one down there.

- [Man] Tell Oswald to meet you

Friday afternoon on Jefferson.

Tell him it's an important committee meeting.

- [Reporter] Officer India MacDonald

was interrogating his third person

when as he approached the suspect jumped up,

struck him in the face and yelled "this is it,"

and made a grab for a pistol, which the officer

and the suspect both began to grapple for the pistol,

the pistol trigger was pulled one time,

but the gun misfired.

- I don't wonder.

The Warren Commission is accurate

when it describes Oswald's commitment

to Marxism and communism as a key motive.

- [Reporter] The Dallas police have not yet indicated

whether they feel there is a connection between

this man and the assassination of President Kennedy,

but Murphy did report that the man

was employed as a stock clerk in the building

from which the fatal shots were fired,

and there was also a report that two years ago,

he said he would like to have Russian citizenship.

- Congressman, to your knowledge

was the possibility of a conspiracy in New Orleans

ever even mentioned during the investigation?

- Oh yes, the Warren Commission made a tremendous effort

to interrogate every possible individual

who allegedly had any connection with the assassination,

we thoroughly investigated all aspects of Oswald's

period of time in New Orleans.

- [Reporter] Dallas polic say that 24-year-old Lee Oswald

of Dallas is, they believe, the man who shot and killed...

- Shooting that copper Tippit wasn't part of the plan.

- [Man] Freeze!

Get your hands up!

- [Eddie] I'm a friend of Jack's.

He just dropped me off.

What do you mean, where I'm going?

I'm going home.

I'm not answering any more questions.

- [Man] You're under arrest.

- No, I'm not going with you, or anybody.

(gun firing)

- [Man] Shots fired, shots fired, an officer down.

- Jack was full of sweat,

driving me back to Oak Cliff to meet up with Lee, and...

Lee believed that I was part of

the Fair Play for Cuba Committee.

I mean, from the moment that I met him in New Orleans with

that Ferry and that Clay and that Banister...

- [Interviewer] You have never, yourself,

had any CIA connection?

- [Clay] None whatsoever.

- [Interviewer] Any association with the organization?

- [Clay] No.

^I can say to you, as I've said before,

^I am completely innocent.

^I have no knowledge of any conspiracy whatsoever

^to kill President Kennedy or anyone else.

- [Interviewer] Did you yourself ever know

Oswald or David Ferry?

- [Clay] Never knew either one of them, no.

- [Interviewer] You never even saw them or...

- [Clay] No.

- [Interviewer] Came into contact with them in any way?

- Yeah, it was like planting the right seeds

that just spread like a cancer.

- [Man] Yeah.

Ruby tipped off the police about Oswald.

- [Man] Did you ever know Oswald before?

- [Man] I never have known him or seen him before.

- [Man] Have you ever planned anything like this?

- [Man] I was so emotionally upset for three days.

- [Man] Is there any truth to all the stories

that Oswald had been in your club...

- [Man] None whatsoever.

It's just fabrication.

- [Reporter] The murderer slips the net,

but a few blocks away, a man is captured

after he is reported to have killed a policeman.

Meanwhile, the president had been rushed

to a nearby hospital,

where life lingered as a waiting world prayed.

A half hour later, he was dead.

His life crushed like his wife's abandoned bouquet.

- Ruby then went to Parkland

to check to see if Kennedy was dead.

I grabbed your rifle, and snubbed out that agent

who was gunning for you.

- [Agent] Yes sir, not to worry.

Eddie will be eliminated.

- You're welcome, by the way.

- After you finish the assignment,

you need to give me the rifle.

- I told you, Eddie, one step ahead.

- Eddie, you're late.

Wait a minute.

You're not Eddie.

Who are you?

What are you doing?

(gun firing)

- Everything fell into place.

The rides Lee and I would take in Jack's car

bonding over Castro.

- [Lee] We do not believe, under any circumstances,

that in supporting our ideas about Cuba,

our pro-Castro, as you call them, ideals,

we do not believe that that is inconsistent

with believing in democracy.

We do not feel that we are supporting

international communism or communism

in supporting Fidel Castro.

- I don't know, it was hard to tell

if Lee was just a double agent

or playing both sides like me,

or just a poor lost schmuck.

^- Lee Harvey Oswald was the assassin,

^and the commission found no evidence of a conspiracy,

foreign or domestic.

- [Interviewer] Is there any doubt in your mind

that one of the bullets which hit President Kennedy

also struck Governor John Connolly?

- Well I would again agree with the language

which was used in the commission.

That in effect, we said that it was persuasive, as I recall,

that the one bullet theory was the right one.

On the other hand, we did take into consideration

the testimony of Governor Connolly,

and because of that testimony before the commission,

we were not categorical,

but we said that we felt that it was more likely

that one bullet hit both President Kennedy

and Governor Connolly.

- [Interviewer] Well then in your use of these words,

in the report's use of these words,

there is some doubt.

- Well there's no criminal case

where everything is either black or white.

- Do you think that there should be a re-investigation?

- I don't think one is necessary

unless there is some new evidence.

- See?

It all worked out, Eddie.

The motorcade changed route, for our benefit.

Everybody was put into the correct spots.

Evidence left over so hitto would hango.

Others just had to create the evidence to prove him guilty.

- [Interviewer] How do you sum him up as a man,

based on your experience with criminal types?

- [Man] I think he's a man that planned this murder,

weeks or months ago, and...

- Yeah, everything came together.

- Yeah, yeah.

Enough people had their hands in it, Eddie,

to make it happen.

From the hicks all the way up to the good boys.

And you did a bang up job playing both sides

and not becoming a stool pigeon.

You survived, Eddie.

- [Man] Had he told this bunch

he planned to kill the president?

- [Man] He hadn't admitted killing the president to anyone.

- [Interviewer] Mrs. Oswald, looking back over the events

of the past four months, do you have any idea now

why your husband might have shot at President Kennedy?

- No.

- You don't even have any idea of why

Lee shot the president?

Do you know why he did it?


- I'm sorry, but I don't know why.

- You all twisted my mind.

I have to lie to Andy every single day.

I have to pretend that nothing is wrong.

- I need you to do something, Eddie.

- No more, Sammy.

No more.

- I guess you don't read the papers very much,

but there's this snoopy bitch reporter

that's gotta get erased.

- [Dorothy] Hello?

- [Man] Hello Dorothy Kilgallen?

- [Dorothy] Yes?

- [Man] Well, I'd like to know

if you can give me some information

about the personal background of Mark Lane

as a civil liberties defense lawyer.

- [Dorothy] No--

- [Man] I'm trying to get an idea of his integrity

on the matter that he's now defending

as to the death of President Kennedy.

- [Dorothy] I can give you very little about his background.

I have met him on a couple of occasions,

I'm sorry to say I missed his lectures,

but several people that I know have heard them

and thought they were very interesting.

I am convinced of his sincerity.

Whether he is right in what he believes

any more than what I am right in what I believe...

- I'm not killing another woman.

- That dumb blonde?

That was a mess, and it wasn't your fault.

Look, Momo's plan didn't work out quite as he expected,

but you got a second chance with the good boys

to show those two phony Irish brothers

who's got the bigger dick.

- We destroyed our country's spirit, Sammy.

It was my hands that changed America forever.


- Eddie listen.

You and that ex-lieutenant

can be free of this, happy, living your lives,

you just gotta do this one job.

- [Man] $2 left to go, Miss Kilgallen.

- You us a variety of things

rather than just one thing, like a pencil?

- Hey, look.

You know what it's like to not have money in your pocket,

or a roof over head, or clothes on your back.

You like what you have and you want to keep that,

and keep Andy's dick inside of you, don't you?

Well then you'll do this job.

- Mr. Oswald had returned from the Soviet Union

with his wife and child after having lived there

for three years.

Mr. Oswald, is this right?

- [Lee] That is correct, yes.

- [Man] And did live in Russia for three years?

- [Lee] That is correct, and I think those...

The fact that I did live for a time in the Soviet Union

gives me excellent qualifications to repudiate

charges to Cuba, and the Fair Play for Cuba Committee

is communist controlled.

- This fucking broad has been leaking information

from the commission report before it even went public.

The feds are after her, and she got an interview with Ruby.

- Everything pertaining to what's happened

has never come to the surface.

The world will never know the true facts

of what occurred, my motives...

- Yeah.

He squawked.

Dad was right, that fat fuck

could not keep his mouth closed,

and now we're all up Shit Creek without a paddle.

We can't get him to stop talking,

he's just blabbing away.

- [Ruby] In other words,

I'm the only person in the background

that knows the truth that pertains to everything relating

to my president.

- [Reporter] Do you think it will ever come out?

- No, because unfortunately,

the people had so much to gain

and had such a material motive

for putting the imposition on him,

will never let the true facts

come above board to the world.

- [Reporter] Now these people, (indistinct)

- Yes.

- Ruby fucked up bigtime by shooting Oswald

in public in front of everyone.

That's not how it was supposed to happen.

- [Reporter] Captain Fritz.

There's the prisoner.

Do you have anything to say in your defense?

(gun fires)

There's a shot.

Oswald has been shot!

Oswald has been shot!

A shot rang out.

Mass confusion here.

- Can't Joe talk some sense into Jack?

I mean, doesn't he visit him?

- It's not enough.

And now this fucking columnist

has been bragging that she's got the story of the century

about what happened in Dallas.

- What?

- So I think it'd be in your best interest

to take care of this problem

before all your little dreams go to prison.

And you know what happens to fags in prison,

don't you Eddie?

Especially ones who commit the crime of the century.

Andy would never forgive you.

Andy would never forgive you.

But hey, so we ruined the American Dream that day.

It wasn't real anyway.

Don't tell me you were eating up that bozo's garbage

and his fucking charm and bullshit speeches?

- [John] The weapons of war must be abolished

before they abolish us.

- Aww, come on.

Quit having a hard on for them.

- Just tell me what needs to be done.

- Get to know this two-faced chinless fink.

Become someone she trusts.

And insider informant.

Get close.

She lives in New York,

so you and Andy will have to relocate.

- [Dorothy] Hi darling.

- [Interviewer] Hi sweetie.

Well judging from that pile of notes,

it looks as though you have some exciting things

to talk about today.

- [Dorothy] Indeed I do.

I have in my possession...

- You know this place?

There's a meeting tonight at the Cabana,

exchanging money and guns.

Invite Oswald, tell him its another committee meeting.

She's been visiting the Cabana after Jack fed her

information on how the big event was planned.

She doesn't know everything, but if people really knew

all the players involved,

it would tear this country apart.

- [Interviewer] Dorothy's now putting her pen to paper.

- [Dorothy] The accent and speech from the south of France

around Marseilles is too sing-songy.

The accent and speech from the south of France

around Marseilles is too sing-songy.

Well, you know, I told him how I solved my problem.

- [Woman] Dorothy would never reveal a source.

Dorothy was a reporter, so I don't know how she got

the Jack Ruby transcript.

Yes, Dorothy was very critical of the Warren Commission.

^Dorothy would rather die than reveal a source.

^Just remember that big folder I saw...

It was everything she had learned about the assassination.

Dorothy did see a young man.

No, I never met him.

- I'm not shooting her.

- No, no, don't do that,

that would seem like a hit.


Make it seem like an accident, a self-inflicted thing.

No one cares about her.


Come on.

You can do this.

- So killing this woman

buys me more time with both sides.

- You're our little sparrow

who flew over the pharaoh's tomb.

Pharaoh's tomb.

- What information and how early the information

would've been known as to the president's route,

Lee Harvey Oswald went to work

for the Dallas Book Depository

^on October the 15th.

^How soon after that, Governor Connolly,

would he have known that the president was coming to Dallas?

- He could've known it before that time, I suspect.

I believe the time of the publication

of the Baskin story in the Dallas paper

was September the 26th when the story first appeared

that November 21st and 22nd had been chosen

as the dates of the president's visit.

- So he would have known he was coming to Dallas

perhaps even earlier than his employment there.

But he would not have known the parade route until Tuesday.

- I don't think he could have, Congressman, prior,

because up until the very last, frankly that week,

we were still arguing about.

We were still arguing one, whether or not

there'd be a motorcade at all,

two, if there was a motorcade,

whether or not the route of the motorcade would be public.

But that issue was not settled

until that week, the week of the visit.

So I'm sure that...

- Pharaoh's tomb.

- He couldn't have known precisely prior to that time,

because I don't think anyone knew.

- [Sammy] The pharaoh's tomb.

- [Woman] J. Edgar Hoover on 2192.

- [Man] Are you familiar with this proposed group

that they're trying to put together on this bureau report?

- [Sammy] Pharaoh's tomb.

- [Man] I want to get by just verify in your report.

I think it would be very very bad

to have a rash of investigations,

and the only way we can stop them

is probably to appoint a high level one

to evaluate your report.

And put somebody that's pretty good on it,

that I can select, out of the government,

and tell the House and Senate not to go ahead

with the investigations.

- [Sammy] Pharaoh's tomb.

- [Man] On the fifth floor of that building

where we found the gun, and the wrapping paper

in which the gun was wrapped, had been wrapped,

and from which we find the full fingerprints

of this man Oswald.

- The assassin used the window on the far right

next to the top on the same level

as the oval shaped windows.

- [Sammy] Pharaoh's tomb.

- [Man] How many shots were fired?

- [Man] Three.

- [Man] Any of them fired at me?

- [Man] No.

- [Man] All three at the president...

- [Sammy] Pharaoh's tomb.


Pharaoh's tomb.

- [Man] Were they aiming at the president?

- [Man] They were aiming directly at the president.

- [Sammy] Pharaoh's tomb.

- [John] Mankind must put an end to war.

- [Sammy] Pharaoh's tomb.

- [John] Or war will put an end to mankind.


- [Crowd] We want Kennedy!


(clock ticking)