A Whisker Away (2020) - full transcript

Miyo Sasaki in love with her classmate Kento Hinode and tries repeatedly to get Kento's attention by transform into a cat, but at some point, the boundary between herself and the cat becomes ambiguous.

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I want to help you.
I want to hear you say, "I love you."

Where am I?

What is this place?

Where is everyone?

Are you lost?


Could you tell your father
you want to live with me?

We can be together every day.

He's going to marry her, right?

Maybe. She's already living with us.

- Oh, man.
- Not a single fish.

- You're all so selfish.
- Miyo...

I don't blame you.
You have every reason to be angry!

But there are just some things
you won't understand until you're older...

Then stop telling me things
I don't understand!

Miyo! Wait!

I hate this.

I hate this stupid world.

I hope the world ends soon.



Welcome. Do you want to try one on?



Oh, hey. What is it?

Grumpy as usual, I see!

- But gorgeous as always!
- What are you talking about?

What's the matter?

- Sorry! Take care of my bag!
- You really shouldn't...

- My older sister is awful.
- Oh, yeah. Really?

I did it!

Hinode Sunrise... Attack!

Seriously, knock it off.

It's an expression of love!

Hinode, wait!

- Wait up, Hinode! Hinode!
- I can't wait.

That was unbelievably sexy!

Did you hear that?
He said, "I can't wait."

That sounded so suggestive!

Like, "Can I kiss you?"
"Wait!" "I can't wait."

- And then our eyes met! It was crazy!
- Morning!

- What?! That's awesome!
- And then what?

That's it, unfortunately...

I got to hear Hinode's sexy voice.

I can die happy right now.
You get it, right?

- Not one bit.
- Hinode, you should be nicer to Muge.

I agree.

- You should whisper in her ear...
- Ignore them.

...with that sexy voice of yours and...

That hurt! What's your problem?

Shut up! Zip it! Stuff it!
Shut up, shut up!

Hey, Hinode!
Let me record your voice on my phone!

I'll listen to it before I sleep.
My dreams will be amazing!

No wonder everyone calls her "Muge,"
Miss Ultra Gaga and Enigmatic.

"I can't wait." He actually said that!

This is just sad.

What is?

He clearly isn't interested,
but you won't give up. It's depressing.

I see. But still...

No other girl is as close to him
as I am. That means I'm special, right?

You're speaking like a true stalker...

Tell me. Why is it Hinode?

He used to give you signals to back off.
Now he just ignores you.

- Yori!
- What?

Are you curious?

Remember that time it rained
during the festival?

The one I couldn't attend because
of my grandmother's memorial service?

That day... We huddled together,
just the two of us.

It was so quiet you couldn't tell
there was a festival going on.

It's like everything else has disappeared.

You're right.

The world is filled with things I hate
and things I don't need.

But if there's nothing
when I step out of here...

I wouldn't want that.

Who knew you were such a romantic!

I wouldn't want that to happen.

That tickles!

You laugh like a little child.

I was sick of this world,
but now I know it isn't so bad.

Because I met Hinode after all.


- Your ice cream!
- Get a grip!

You're getting your fantasies
confused with reality!

And there goes my ice cream too...

This is just sad. I don't like it!

Earth to Muge! Come back to us!

It really happened, though.
Why won't you believe...

I didn't know you hated cats.

It depends on the time, place, and cat.

Later, Yori!

Don't forget to be
my friend again tomorrow, okay?

Don't be silly. See you.




- Hello...
- Are you all right?

Oh, my! Have you lost weight?

- No, not really...
- You're all skin and bones!

I haven't lost any weight...

You don't know how sorry
I feel for you, Miyo.

- You don't have to, really. I'm...
- Is she feeding you?

Yes, of course.

She's living with you, right?

Is she forcing you
to eat food you don't like?

- Not really...
- Miyo.

- Oh, my! Hello there!
- Hello.

Bye now, Miyo.

- I have to go now.
- Goodbye.

They can't stop nosing around
once they reach her age, huh?

I'm back, Ms. Kaoru.

Welcome back, Miyo.


The weather report says
it'll be sunny tomorrow too.

I'll be airing out
the futon mattresses, so...

- You don't have to worry about mine.
- It'll be fluffier after I air it out.

It's fine! I'll do it myself next time.

- I shouldn't trouble you.
- I don't mind at all.


I'm back, Kinako.

I guess you have to raise them
from a young age to make them like you.

There's ice cream in the fridge.

Thanks, but I already had one
on my way home.


You should help yourself, Ms. Kaoru.
You and Kinako.


- I'll let you know when dinner is ready.
- Okay!

Kinako, do you want a snack?

I know she's trying to be nice,
but she should just leave me alone.

I have my own plans.

Where is it?

I have my own plans.



At least help me fold the laundry.

Do I have to?

I'm home.

Welcome back.



Explain yourself.
Why didn't you hand this in?

You're going to Ichi High, right?

I'm still thinking about it.

You have to take this seriously.
We're depending on you to support us.

You're expecting the son to
feed the family? That's so old-fashioned.

You haven't contributed anything.

- I'm home, Dad.
- Okay, okay...

If you're going to your grandpa's,
finish your homework first.

I don't have homework.

- Mom, your panties are huge!
- Be quiet!



She isn't here yet?




You smell like the sun.



What are you doing?

She has a lot on her mind.

Don't worry about it.

You're a lot smarter than I am.

I can see why Sachiko
has high hopes for you.

But I think you're cool, Grandpa.

The state of your heart
will always show in your work.

Yes, sir...

Are you hungry?

I'm going to borrow your kitchen, Grandpa.

Okay, let's take a break.

Today's your lucky day, Taro.

You like Ken's cooking, don't you?

She never grooms herself
or sharpens her claws.

What a strange cat.

So scary!

You're Taro's reincarnation, aren't you?

I bet other people are feeding her too.
She'll get fat.

I prefer chubby cats.

They shouldn't be obese, of course.

Taro, you're leaving already?

I bet she has plenty of homes
to go back to.

Oh, shoot!

Oh, my gosh! That was amazing!

"You're leaving already?"
Oh, my gosh! He's so dreamy!

Oh, shoot!

Yes... Wait...

A cat! It's a cat, Mommy! It's so cute!

What? Why didn't you tell me
Taro was here?

I bought a treat for her.

Hey, are you still here? Taro?

She left without greeting her owner.
How rude!

She isn't our pet.
And I found her, not you.

That rainy festival day, right?

You skipped out on cram school,
and our dear mother blew her gasket.

I'll be going now!

Okay. Thanks for today.

Thank you!

Shut up.

I didn't say anything.

That day...


Fine. Then I'll stop going.

It's just a waste of money, right?

I don't really care.

I don't even want to go to cram school.
I'm hanging up now.

That was the day I met Taro.

I wish I didn't have to go
to the bathroom in this body.

I'll fight you, you brown tabby!

Oh, it's just you.

You should have gone to Hinode's place.

You'd get to spend more time with him.

No way! I have to wipe my butt, okay?

Cats don't need toilet paper.

We clean ourselves with our tongue.
It's eco-friendly.

That's disgusting!

You have to be more open-minded.

You should enjoy living like a cat.
It'll be such a waste if you don't.

I'm having a blast, okay?!

Oh, really?

In that case, you can keep that mask.
Give me your human face in exchange.

- What?
- You don't need it anymore, do you?

No way!

I sell cat masks to humans
who want to be cats.

I sell human masks to cats who
want to be humans. That's my job.

You have a wonderful cat life
ahead of you now.

Stop following me!

Throw away your tiresome human face.
Enjoy your sweet cat life!

Huh? He disappeared.

What's his problem?
"Enjoy your sweet cat life," my butt.

I'm rooting for you.

You should tell Hinode
who "Taro" really is.

Tell him, "It was me, Muge, all along."

He'll lose the frosty attitude
and fall head over heels for you.

No way. No, that's never going to happen.

First of all, he'd never believe me.
And even if he did,

what if it backfires
and he ends up hating Taro instead?

I should gather more information as Taro,

and then use what I know
to get closer to him as Muge.

If that's your plan,
it doesn't seem to be working.

Shut up! Shut it! Shut up! Buzz off!

You know what? You're so shady!

You don't charge anything
for swapping cat and human masks.

What's in it for you?

I'm just doing my best
to reduce, reuse, and recycle!



Wait, what?

Boiled potatoes! Boiled potatoes!

Oh, Miyo.
You really like these, don't you?

Now, open wide!

- Hey!
- Open wide!

- It's so good! I love it!
- Really?

Miyo, have some boiled potatoes.
You like them, right?

Is it too bland?

Not at all. It's delicious.

It's healthier this way.
It tastes like haute cuisine.


Right, Miyo?

I've never had haute cuisine.

Kids like me prefer fatty meat
and strong flavors.

You'll get fat.

Hinode said he likes it better
when I'm chubby.

Hinode? Who's that? Is he your boyfriend?

None of your business.

He is, isn't he? What's he like?

Did you know about this, Kaoru?


You should bring him home
and introduce him to Kaoru!


You're both women. She'll be
more comfortable discussing this with you.

You can talk to Kaoru about anything.

Is he in the same grade?
Or is he your senior?

Who confessed to whom?

He isn't my boyfriend, okay?

Don't be shy. Right?

Just leave me alone already.
I know I don't belong here.

That's right!

I'm going to marry Hinode...

and move out of here as soon as I can!

In order to do so...

I can't let this chance slip away.

I love him,
and not just because he took me in.

He named me, a female cat, "Taro."

That was the name of his previous dog.
He's so loyal.

He's smart,
but he doesn't take it for granted.


I know what he's really like.

He ignores me when I'm Muge,
and that makes me sad.

But when I'm Taro, he's so sweet to me.

I love you, Taro.

You always smell like the sun.


I... I'm actually...

What is it?

I can't do it.

I don't have the courage
to tell him I'm Muge.

You're so lucky, Taro.

What's wrong, Hinode?

How can I help you?

I have to make my lunch for tomorrow.

He's making his own lunch box?

I want to eat it...

Hinode! Sunrise Attack!

Come on, Muge...

It's time for lunch.

Here, 50 yen.

My father made my lunch box today.

So you're having rice ball bombs
for lunch today, right?


Lucky you!

Are you kidding? I'll have to
dislodge my jaw to eat them.

And the seaweed is always soggy.

Miss Ultra Gaga and Enigmatic.
Pesky, barbaric she-gorilla.

Why's she so obsessed with Hinode lately?

Who knows?

It's getting on my nerves.

I feel sorry for Hinode.
This is "the Muge" we're talking about.

- I know, right?
- What's their problem?

Let them talk, I don't care.

Speaking of Hinode,
he's been acting smug lately.

You think so?

All high and mighty.


His grades shot up. It makes no sense!

He must have cheated on the tests.

His grades were like mine back in...

Muge? What are you planning to do?

- Food food!
- Thanks for the food.

No, don't!

Muge, calm down! Muge!
Someone stop her, please!

What was that about Hinode? Take it back!

- What? Are you crazy?
- What is she...




What's with you?

This is so much easier when I'm a cat.

- Blood! I'm bleeding!
- Are you crazy?

That's my line!


Hinode is always...

He works really hard!

- Stop lying about him, or I'll...
- Muge!

Are you okay?

"Are you okay?"

- Hey, let's go.
- Yeah.

I'm fine. I'm totally fine!

Were you worried about me?

You should go to the nurse's office.

- It's nothing, really...
- Let's go.


You don't have to do that,
I'll clean that up myself.

You can have half of my lunch box.

What? What? Wait, really?

This is... boiled sweet potatoes!

I didn't know you could cook.

- You made all that yourself?
- Yup.

That's incredible!

My dad should learn
a thing or two from you.

Look at that color, that shine!
I bet it's really salty.

Don't complain.

That was a compliment!
It tastes just like my mom's.

You should have ignored those two.

I agree.

They can say whatever they want about me.

But I won't let them
slander you like that.

These boiled potatoes are amazing!

- Hey!
- Muge, what are you doing?

Hinode's boiled potatoes are...

really salty!

You should say it's delicious.

"Really salty"?

I see. Okay! Then...

- Hinode's boiled potatoes are...
- Knock it off!

You don't have to redo it!


His rice may be salty too, Muge.

Shut up!

Did I just make Hinode laugh?

Don't go jumping off
buildings again, okay?

You're not a cat.


She has the same scent.

Eat up, Hinode. Don't be shy. Open wide.

It's my lunch box, okay?

Miyo is my daughter, not yours.

How can you be so cruel?
Stop hurting her.

Hinode Sunrise Jump!

The door is unlocked.

There we go.

Welcome home.


What happened to your leg? Are you hurt?

Oh, this? It's just a scratch.

- But...
- No, really!

- I'll leave my lunch box in the sink!
- Okay.

Onions? That means we're having...

Curry? Or maybe meat and potatoes?

Did something happen?
You seem to be in a good mood.

Oh, no. Not at all!

"Are you okay?"


Oh, man. I want to see him laugh again.

Purr-fect landing.

It looks like he isn't home yet.

You can't be serious!

We can't afford to keep the studio.
It's too expensive.

At this rate, we won't be able to pay
Mr. Sakaguchi his salary.

But Grandpa can still...

Don't be selfish.
His eyesight is getting worse anyway.

I wanted to continue, but she's right.

Are you sure about this?

I'm sorry, Kento.

You should focus on your entrance exams.

If you want to use the kiln,
you should do it soon.

Hey. Are we really shutting down
the studio?


- What about Mr. Sakaguchi?
- He'll be quitting.

Are you serious?

Listen, I have an idea!

We should ask Mr. Sakaguchi
to start a pottery class.

There are already too many
pottery classes in this town.

That won't help.


All the girls in town will be interested
if Mr. Sakaguchi's the instructor.

- Well, I'll join the class too.
- Overruled.

Oh, come on!


The sweet and sour pork is delicious.


Right? The onions make or break this dish.

Why is it so good?

It has a strong flavor,
the way you like it.

I'm glad you like it.

Hinode looked so sad.

But I can't help him.
Not as Muge or as Taro.

And the sweet and sour pork was good.
I hate this!


Huh? Did you injure your leg?

So you did.

Are you okay?

It's just like her injury.

I wish I could speak my mind like her.

I want to continue doing pottery.
I know the studio isn't doing so well.

I want to tell them,
"I'll be in charge of the studio."

But I'm not that confident myself...
So I didn't say anything.

I don't know how Grandpa does it.

In his hands, ordinary clay turns
into all kinds of shapes and colors.

I've always wanted to be like him.

But I couldn't say it...

If Muge were in my shoes,
I know she would have said it.

Hinode. I'm just like you.

I can't say the things I really want to.

You're amazing, Hinode!

I used to wish the world would end,
every single day.

But now... after meeting you...

after falling in love with you,
the world seems so beautiful to me!

I... I want to help you.

I want to hear you say, "I love you."

I have to study more pottery.

There's nothing special
about my creations right now.

I have to go to Tonomori High School.

I have to tell Mom about my plans.

Let's go, Taro.

Did you tell him the truth?

Of course not!

I see. So, at this rate,
if you're never going to tell him,

why don't you...

stay a cat forever?

No way! I can't do anything
for Hinode if I'm a cat.

You can't help him as a human either.

- That's not...
- It's not true?

Are you sure about that?

As a cat, you'll be able
to stay close to Hinode!

You'll be able to observe him,
sleep, have him feed you, sleep,

poop, sleep...

Isn't that wonderful?

Hinode will be happy too!

Shut up! Shut up! Shut it!

The world is filled with things I hate
and things I don't need.

But if there's nothing
when I step out of here,

I wouldn't want that.

I wouldn't want that to happen.

That tickles!

All right.

Something doesn't feel right.
Was Ms. Kaoru in my room?

Her shoes are still here.
She must have gone out the window.

At this hour? Without her shoes?

- Oh, shoot.
- She's been sneaking out lately.

What do we do? It doesn't feel right
for me to scold her.

I know how you feel.

Wait! What?


What is it?

Miyo, did you go somewhere?

I wanted to have tea together,
but you weren't in your room.

- Well... I was up on the roof.
- What?

Sometimes you just want to feel
the wind on your face, you know?

Well, good night!

- Night...
- Good night.

Hinode Sunrise is...

I don't want empty words
to protect myself.

I'd rather have Hinode's
scathing honesty instead.

No, that doesn't sound right.

Who needs Miyo Sasaki?

Miyo Hinode...
Let's watch the sunrise together.

Did you stay up late to study?
That's so unlike you.

I was thinking about my life.

- Morning!
- Hey.

- Morning.
- Hey.

- Morning.
- Morning!

- Morning.
- Morning!

What is it?

What's going on?

- Hinode?
- What is it?

This is for you!

- What?
- What?


Is that a letter I see, Miss Muge?

It's none of your business!

Is it a love letter?

- Give it back!
- Niibori!

- Got it!
- Muge!

Miss Muge, Miss Muge! Over here!

- Confession time!
- Knock it off!

How about I read it out loud?


- Cut it out, you two!
- Are you really going to read it, Bannai?

She went all out! How pathetic can you be?

"To Hinode.
I feel happy whenever I see you."

- Bannai!
- "Hinode Sunrise isn't just a pun."

Give it back!

"It's how I feel about you.
You're my sunrise."

- The letter isn't for you!
- Give it back!

- Give it back!
- "Hinode Sunrise is

when the sun rises above the horizon

- and warms my soul."
- Stop it!

Give it back!

Why are you so desperate?

Is this too embarrassing for you?

Why should I be embarrassed?
Don't make fun of my feelings!

Are you going to accept
her love confession?

Mr. Sunrise?




Confession time! Confession!

Shut up!

I just wanted you to cheer up.

I'm just like you.
I can't say the things I truly feel.

- So...
- I'm not like you!

This is embarrassing for me.

Have you considered my feelings?
He read it in front of everyone.

I hate pushy people like you.

But... what if I told you
in person instead...

Just leave me alone!
Didn't you hear me? I hate you!

You hate me?

I really hate you.

I see.

You hate me that much, huh?


That's too bad.



I told you to give up on him!

I should be the one crying, you know.

Give up on Hinode already.

What? I can't.

Give up on him,
or we're no longer friends.

I don't want that either.

- Yori?
- You're such an idiot!

Miyo? Are you there?

- I'm here.
- Would you like to have tea?

I'll pass.

Can I come in?

What? One second!

Okay, come in.

I can't have tea,
I'm trying to lose weight.


Do I make you uncomfortable?

What? That sounds like a soap opera!

No, of course not. That's ridiculous!

Why are you smiling like that?
You always do that.

Are you forcing yourself
to be someone you're not?

- Miyo, I...
- So selfish.

What? Selfish...

You're all so selfish! So self-centered!


So what if I'm forcing myself to smile?

I do it because I want to!

A stepmom? So?

You and Dad already knew
I wouldn't be happy about this!

But I'm doing my best
to live peacefully with you, aren't I?

And now...

you want me to stop smiling
if I don't mean it?

- It's all about what you want, isn't it?
- Miyo!

Don't get me started on Mom.

She abandoned me and walked out!

And now she says
she wants to live with me?

I don't care about Mom, Dad, or you!

I couldn't care less!

I don't need any of you!

- Miyo!
- Miyo!


Come back!


I don't care anymore...

Ms. Kaoru, Kinako, Dad, Mom...

I don't care if they all hate me.

Hinode is all I need.

I'm such an idiot. Yori was right.

He didn't mean anything
when he shared his lunch with me.

But I got ahead of myself
and wrote him a letter.

And now he says he hates me.


I want to hear him say, "I like you."

I want to hear him say, "I love you."

Hinode Sunrise is

when the sun rises above the horizon
and warms my soul.

When I'm with you,
I feel warm and fuzzy inside.

I know other people feel the same way too.

Even if things don't go your way,
please don't blame yourself...

I'm just like you.
I can't say what I truly feel.

Why did she say that?

I never told her about my troubles.

Isn't this a little late for you?

Remember that plate you stepped on?
You left a paw print.

That was genius. Grandpa was impressed.

"I'm not like you..."

The scent of the sun.

Her scent.

She didn't seem like the type
to have trouble expressing herself.

Wait, what?

I love you!

Why didn't I see it?

"I love you."

So if I was Taro, he'd love me?

Hinode Sunrise.

It was always my dream
to see the sunrise with Hinode.

This is...

Oh, right. This is Hinode's house.

What? Oh, shoot! Look at the time!
I'm late for school!

Oh, yeah. I'm a cat. I don't have to go.

Mask Seller!

Everything's better when you're a cat!

It's all sunshine and rainbows.

I'm a cat, so you can take my word for it.
There's no doubt about it!

I'm done.

What do you mean?

I'm done with being Miyo.

Is that right? Good, very good.

I'm done.

- Thanks!
- What's that?

Your human face.

It comes off when you're sure
you don't want to be human anymore.

You'll stay as a cat now.

What? I can't go back to being human?

You can.
If you put this mask back on, that is!

But you have to do it
before you turn into a real cat.

It'll take a little more time
to complete your transformation.

When the time comes,
I'll take you to a wonderful place

to commemorate the occasion.

Wait, I'm not...

Goodbye, Muge.

Fukase, Hinode, come with me.


She ran away from home?

Do you know anything about it?


- Are you Hinode?
- Yes.

- Are you going out with Miyo?
- What?

Miyo mentioned you once.

Did she go to your place?

- No...
- Please tell us the truth.

We won't get angry.

They're not a couple.

But Miyo has been sneaking out
of her room every day...

They're not a couple!

I should know.
I walk home with Muge every day.

If you know where she is, please tell us.

If I knew, I...

wouldn't be such a useless friend!

If you'll excuse us...


What did they want? Is it about Muge?

Yeah... She ran away from home.


Bannai and Niibori must have gotten
under her skin this time.

I'm not so sure about that.

She would never run away from home
because of losers like them.

You think so?

You've been her friend
since grade school, right?

She's Miss Ultra Gaga and Enigmatic to us,
but not to you. You understand her.

I'm going to look for Muge!

- What, now?
- What?

- Isami, tell the teachers...
- No!

- Don't! I'll look for her alone!
- What are you...

- You can't look for her!
- What?

- Hey, what's going on?
- Wait! No!

- Isami?
- I came to check on them!

Okay, let's go back to class!

I see. I didn't know
about her family situation.

Her mother walked out on her
when she was in grade school.

She was ostracized by
our classmates because of that.

I was her close friend until then.

But she didn't want them
to bully me, so...

Yeah... I guess that happens.

You guess?


Yoriko's walking home with us. Right?

She says she doesn't need you,
Miss Ultra Gaga and Enigmatic.

- I bet your mom told you the same thing.
- Let's go, Yoriko.


That hurt!

Are you crazy? Why would you do that?

I'll tell the teachers about this!

This is bullying!

I don't need you either!
I don't need Yori or my mom!

I don't need you!
I don't need anyone! No one!

Wait up!

Muge, wait up!

I need you, Muge!

Maybe you don't need me, but I need you!


Muge, I'm sorry!

Muge, wait!

I'm sorry! Muge!

That's when I realized that...

Muge always puts on a brave face.
She pretends she's all right...

even when she's hurting inside.

Hey, Hinode, did you mean it
when you told Muge you hate her?


If you meant what you said,
I want you to ignore Muge.


Don't get her hopes up.


What? Wait! Don't say anything!

I need to be sure.
Do you actually like Muge?

If you do, she has to be the first
to hear it from you, not me.

Well, I don't actually hate her.


Her friend called Miyo "Muge."

Yeah. It's her nickname.

I had no idea. Does her mother know?

- Oh, man...
- What's the matter?

She's coming over.

Wait, that's Mom's bike.

I told you to get her a smartphone!

Why did you go to her school?

Have you thought about what
her classmates might say about you two?

We figured her friends
might know something.

You could have called her friends, then!
Don't you know who her friends are?

I don't.

You call yourself her father?

She didn't go to your place, Ms. Miki?

What are you implying?

Miyo is...

She can't be herself around you!

She's too kind to be honest with you.
But what would you know about that?

You forced yourself into her life
and into this family.

You obviously wouldn't understand!

That's my line. Did you
stop to think about her feelings

when you abandoned her?

Excuse me?

Don't you know how much pain
you've caused her...

- Hey, hey!
- What was that for?

I want to be her mother again!
But you're just in the way!

Hey, knock it off!

- I just want Miyo to be...
- What the hell!

This isn't the best time to say goodbye...


Where are you?


I looked all over for you, Fukase.

I'm sorry.

Did you find Sasaki?


I see. We'll let her parents handle it.

- Let's go back to school.
- Yes, sir.

Where's Hinode?

He went to the train station
to look for Miyo.

Wait, Hinode is looking for me?


That's all we know.
I know you're worried about her,

but please leave this to the adults.

Kento should be back soon.

You must really...

I didn't catch that, Grandpa.

Could you repeat that?

Sorry, I don't know what to feed you.

I'm home, Grandpa!

Welcome back.

Mom isn't back yet, right?


I have to go out again.

Could you make up an excuse to Mom for me?


Maybe you'll be able to find her, Taro.

Next, please.

Where did she go?

Wait... Is everyone looking for me?

I didn't know anything about her.

Where does she usually spend her time?
What does she like? What's on her mind?

I had no idea what she was going through.

She was always smiling and laughing
around me. She did it for me.

Compared to me,
she's so strong and amazing.

It's an expression of love!

I see.

I was afraid she would see me
for who I am, a nobody.


I have to apologize to her.
She'll come back, right?

You're amazing, Hinode. I know you are.

You care about your family.
You're loyal to your friends.

You're gentle with animals.

That's why... I love you!



I should have been...


Her letter... if only I had...

I don't understand what he's saying.

So, I really am turning into a cat.

I messed up.

I should have told him to forget about me
before turning into a cat.

I want to go back to being a human.






It's been three days since she returned,

and she hasn't executed
a single Sunrise Attack.


Something's off about her...

Is she still hurting over
that thing with the letter?

You apologized to her, right?


Oh, my God, it's so cute!
Where did you come from?

I've seen it around town.

It's looking at us!

- Look at those eyes.
- Come here, kitty!

I'm in trouble.

Add "ing" to a verb, and you get a gerund.

What does the first example say? Sasaki?

Let's see... "I hate dry rice."

- What?
- I'm not too sure...

They're laughing at her joke.

I have to do something.
That fake Muge is actually...

Hey, Mask Seller!

Show yourself! Mask Seller!


I'm home!

Miyo? Yoji, Miyo's back!

What? Miyo!

You're back! Are you all right?
I was so worried!

Did anyone try to hurt you?

- You're soaked.
- I'm fine.

You'll catch a cold.

Here. I'll fill the bathtub.

We'll eat once...

Oh, my. I haven't...

Thank. You.

The feelings of others
are a mystery to us.

The best we can do is guess.

You shouldn't assume
you have someone figured out.

See you.

Okay, bye!

What? Muge, wait up!

I completely forgot we were
supposed to walk home together.

Are you all right?

Of course I am.

Hey Hinode, I think I'll stay
at your house tonight.


What are you talking about?

I'll go to your house, eat your food,
and then we'll sleep together.

- What?
- Wait, what?

Are you nuts?

Is this some kind of prank?

- I can't do that?
- Of course not!

What's wrong with you?

I can't believe I was worried about you.

Let's go, Isami.


She really is
Miss Ultra Gaga and Enigmatic...

I admire you for
being her friend for so long.

- Thanks.
- Later!

He rejected me.

What did you expect?

Oh, well.

See you.


Why, hello, little kitty.

What? I can understand you!

Well, I'm still half-cat,
not yet fully human.

You're Kinako, right?


Kinako, listen...

I want to go back to being a human.

Give me back my face, please!

I can't understand what Hinode says!

That's because you're turning
into a real cat.

Don't worry.
I'll make your dream come true.

I'll go out with Hinode.

Wait, are you sure you're okay with that?

Hey, Kinako!

I prefer being a cat, to be honest.

Then why did you...

I did it for her.

Who? You mean Ms. Kaoru?

She gave me happiness.

I want to return the favor.

Humans can live a lot longer than cats.

I'm almost at the end of my lifespan.

I want Kaoru to be happy,
even when Kinako is gone.

You'll live your life as a cat.
I'll live your life.

And I'll take your place
as Kaoru's daughter.

No... No! No! No!

I want to be with Hinode...

It's too late for that.

The Mask Seller and I

will each get half of your lifespan.
That's how it works.

No... How do I undo this?

Where's the Mask Seller?

He's usually on the other side.

The other side? How do I get there?

You should be able to see it
if you're a cat.

What's that? A path?

If you can see it,
your transformation's almost complete.


I can't wait for the festival!



I'm sorry, Kaoru...

What's this?

It's a cute Torii gate. Is it for cats?

I want to go back to being Miyo.

No, no. No can do.

Mask Seller!

Why go back to your miserable human life?

Lick your butt like a good cat
and have Hinode take care of you.

Where's "the other side"?
And what's this "festival"? What...

I heard about it from Kinako!
Kinako took my face!

On the day of the next summer festival,
you'll become a real cat.

The summer festival?


Wait! I... I...

I want to go back to being a human!

I want to tell Hinode
how I feel about him.

You should be able to see it
if you're a cat.

What?! What's that?



What on earth is that?

I have to go there.


How do I use this again?

- This one?
- Hello?

Yes, hi!

- Are you used to using your phone yet?
- No, not yet...

Which rock have you been living under?
Anyway, about the festival today...

The festival...

Isami called me.

He's inviting both of us to join him
and Hinode at the festival.

Festival, huh?

What are you going to do?

I think I'll go with Ms. Kaoru.

What? Really? What about your mom?

She doesn't know my number yet.

I see...

Ms. Kaoru, are you all right?

Miyo. Are you going out?


Kinako still hasn't come home.

She's never done this before.

I don't mind if she forgets me.

I just hope someone else
is taking care of her.

I'll go look for her.


"Ms." Kaoru...

Kinako... Kinako...

would never forget you.

Kinako is happiest when she's with you.

She loves you.

I hope so. Thanks.


I see.

You should come anyway.

- I'll be there. See you later.
- Later.

Hey, Kento.

Let's go to the festival together.
You should invite Mr. Sakaguchi too.

I'm going with my friend.

Well, how about you invite
Mr. Sakaguchi anyway?

And then you can tell him
you can't make it.

Do it yourself.

Seriously? Oh, well, I'll get Grandpa...

Muge isn't joining us?

What are you doing?

I need to ask you something.

What is it?
Come in through the front door.

How do you feel about me?

- What? What do you mean?
- Do you like me?


What are you talking about?
What's gotten into you lately?

You'd never say that.

I knew it. You saw through me.


You know I'm not the real Muge.

Would you stop teasing...

What the...

"What the..."

Let me get this straight.
You don't want to be Muge anymore?

I made a mistake.

I can't replace Kinako as Muge.

I underestimated
how much Kaoru loves Kinako.

So Taro is Muge...

That explains why
they both smell like the sun.

I love you!

I wish I'd known about this earlier.

I feel sorry for her, though.

Her mom is so irresponsible.
I don't blame her for wanting to be a cat.

It must have been difficult for her.

She can't imagine anyone ever loving her.

Not even her own parents.

So that's why you're the only one
who can save her.


Save her? Me?

You can do it, Hinode.

I feel like I'm being used.

Cat Island?

That's right.
The Sacred Tree will awaken today.

Its power turns humans into cats

This is a lot to take in.

- Give me your hand.
- Okay...

Don't let go, okay?

That's Cat Island
on the other side of this bridge.

What bridge?

Don't worry, I can see it.

What? What do you mean?

Something's there.

You'll fall if you let go of my hand.

You'd be able to see this bridge
if you were a cat.

This is too much for me!

What's taking Hinode so long?


The festival can't go on
in this rain anyway.


- Do you want to go to a cafe instead?
- Wait, is that...

It's Yori.


Muge, where are you now?

On a bridge, I guess?

What? I saw Ms. Kaoru.

She was looking for her cat in the rain.
She didn't even have an umbrella.

I see.

Are you alone?

No, Hinode is with me.


Wait, who invited whom?

I invited him, I guess.

Say no more!
Go for it! I'm rooting for you!

You have to tell me
all about it tomorrow, okay?

Yeah. Muge is so lucky.

What are you talking about...

Hey, slow down!

What is this place?

Everyone's a cat, and the sun never rises.

No time to wonder. I have to find him!

Excuse me,
I'm looking for the Mask Seller.

Mask Seller? What's that?

- Is it delicious?
- You should eat something before you go.

Yeah! You'll like our menu!

Our rats are fresh, you know!

No, thanks.

Are you sure? It's really good.

Somebody, anybody, please!
Where can I find the Mask Seller?

Mask Seller!

Mask Seller! Where are you?

- Hey, Miss...
- Who, me?

- You're half-human, aren't you?
- What?

Your face was taken from you, huh?

Do you know about the Mask Seller?

Please tell me where he is!

I have to see him.
I'll do whatever it takes!


Come on in.

We have a newcomer, you guys.


So... this is Cat Island?

And everyone in this bar used to be human?

That's right.

You want to be a cat too?

You must have had an awful time
as a human being!

Humans are horrible, aren't they?

Well, that's a little extreme.

- Hey, you.
- Yes?

If you want to go back to being a human,

you should leave as soon as possible.

But I can't talk to humans as a cat.

I need to tell someone how I really feel.

- So...
- Why are you still here then?

Once the Mask Seller takes your lifespan,
you'll be stuck here forever.

You won't be able to go back
to being a human.

That... would be a problem.

- Is that a human?
- I haven't seen one in ages.

- Brings back memories.
- Is he a cat-person?

Watch your head.

- Too late.
- Sorry.

Excuse me!

He isn't here.

How about this one?

All right, now do a somersault!

What is this place?

I can see my surroundings now.
That means I'm a cat...

Only your hands? Why?

How should I know?


You must be Hinode.

- Mask Seller!
- "Mask Seller"?

Hey, listen!
I want to return this face to Muge.

- So...
- What was that?

You mean you don't want
your share of her lifespan?

In that case, I'll take your share too.
No complaints, right?

No, wait!

I have a question.
Don't you regret turning into a cat?

I do, but what's the point
of dwelling on it?

It just makes it more depressing.

We ran away.

All of us here chose to run
from our problems.

That's right.

Take me, for example.

I ran from my responsibilities
as a mother.

I was having doubts. Was I giving
my children the love they deserved?

I began to feel like they knew
I wasn't up to the task.

So I ran away.

Me too.
I didn't know how to love or be loved.

My insecurities suffocated me,
and I had to escape.

We've come to terms with our decisions.

But you still have your life ahead of you.

Tell your special someone
how you really feel.

I know you can do it!

- Thanks!
- Too bad, so sad!


Hinode isn't in the human realm.

- What?
- I locked him in my shop.

What? You did that to Hinode? Why?

He came here to look for you.

What? You're lying.

Hinode doesn't even know I'm Taro.

The cat that has your face...
Kinako, was it?

She was with him,
so he probably heard from her.

Kinako was with him?

Yes, siree!

Why couldn't they wait a little longer?

You'll turn into a real cat soon enough.

Hinode was looking for me? Why?

We must not let them derail our plans.

Let's hurry and get going
to the Promised Place now.

Stop it.

She's still a kid.

Children have longer lifespans.
Much longer than you!

I want her lifespan!

We have to save this Hinode.

Let's go to his shop.

Yes. Thank you. All of you!

- Hurry!
- Okay!

Hinode is your special someone, right?

- Yes.
- So he came for you.

- I'm not so sure about that.
- He must be very brave to come here.

It won't budge.

We're here.

Is someone there?

Open the door, please!

- Hinode.
- Please!

Thank you very...

Taro! No, wait. You're Muge, right?

I can understand what you're saying!

Your hands...

I put on a mask,
but it didn't turn me into a cat.

Just my hands...

That's so like you, Hinode.

What does that mean?

You can have your face back.


Go back to being Miyo Sasaki.






This is bad.
The Sacred Tree is about to wake up.

- Let's go!
- Okay!

- Wait! You run so fast!
- Hurry!

- Come on, hurry up!
- I'm running as fast as I can!


Why didn't she turn back into a human?

Deep down, she believes turning back
will only bring her pain and suffering.

It's up to you now.

At this rate, Hinode will turn
into a cat too.

Or maybe a half-cat? Whatever!

I'm so happy!

Hinode? Hinode!


- Hinode! No! Not Hinode!
- Hey! Behave!

Stop that!

I have to go back to being a human!


Hey! You have to
take better care of your life!

It belongs to me now!

Hey, hey! Come back here!

What's going on?

Hinode shouldn't be here!
He has to go back!

He said he wants to study pottery.
He wants to be like his grandpa!

Hinode! Over here!




Excuse me, is that going up?

What? Oh, yes.

Can I hitch a ride?

Oh, sure thing!

Is that going up?

All clear!

- Is that going up?
- Go!


Hinode! No!

Go back!

- Seriously?
- What?




You can do it, Hinode!

Let's go home, Muge.


Hinode, I...

I'm sorry.

Why are you apologizing?

I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed.

I only realize who's been supporting me

behind my back when they're gone.

I've always been like this.


I finally realized the truth
when I learned you were actually Taro.

You cheer me up at school.
It was always you.

Wait, really? Do you mean that, Hinode?

And that's why I have to change! I...

You should stay the way you are.

Mask Seller!

I'll take your lifespan too...

- as compensation.
- Let go of him!

Welcome to the Promised Place.

There's no way out for you.

The two of you will turn into a cat
and a half-cat soon enough.

Your lifespans are mine!

Just a little more! Just a little more!

Your lives are mine! I'm a happy cat!

Cats are always happy forever and ever!

If we get out of here...

and find the whole world gone...


I don't care either way.

I don't want you to disappear, Muge.

Me too!

I don't want you to disappear, Hinode.

What?! That hurts!

- Ow, ow, ow! No! You...
- Turn Muge back to normal!

- How do we undo this?
- Hinode!

- Tell me!
- She doesn't want to turn back!

- I want to turn back!
- Your face doesn't want to go back!

Even if you become human again,
nothing will change!

That's not true!

Once we turn back, we'll...

We'll do better!

Yeah! We'll do better!

The Sacred Tree has awakened!

- My body...
- What's happening...

If you'll excuse me...

- What?
- Very nice!

- I'll take yours next and...
- Stop it!

No! My lifespan!

Wait! Hold on! Wait, wait!

- Hey! Wait! Wait! Wait!
- I'm taking Muge with me!

How can you do this to her?

She didn't do anything wrong!

- Come come!
- It isn't her fault she's in so much pain!


This is all my fault!

I have to do something,
or I'll regret this!

I want to return his feelings!

Not just Hinode!

Ms. Kaoru, Dad, Mom...


I never told them how I truly felt!

- Give it up already!
- I...

I hate this place!

I want to go back! Let me go back!

- We... have to go back!
- Hinode!

Behave, or I'll tear you to pieces!


I told you not to mess with them.


Get him.

No! Stop!

Sorry we took so long.

Thank you...

They saved us.

- Muge...
- Hinode!

I want to know more about you.


Your Hinode Sunrise Attack, for example.

You do the craziest things.

But I want to see every side of you.

Not just your smiling face.
I want to see your angry face.

And your face when you act
like a spoiled child.

Are you sure? How can you love me
if you see me at my worst?

And I want to tell you, the human you...

that I love you.

I want to see you smile again.

Me too.

I want to see you laugh
like a child again.

I want to tell you...

that I love you.

I don't want to wait to be loved.
I want to tell you how I feel.

So, let's go back... together.

Back to where we belong!

You should go home too.
Treasure your owner.

I will. All right, let's go!

- Yeah!
- Yeah!

Thank you for everything!

Thanks for everything!


Take care.

Hinode, Kinako, thank you.

I made you both worry so much.

It's not just us.

Fukase and Isami were worried
when they heard you ran away.

Bannai and Niibori too.
They tried not to let it show, though.

Your parents were worried sick.

You may not know it,
but a lot of people care about you.

I shut my heart to everyone.

Ms. Kaoru, Dad, Mom...

I told myself I didn't need them. They
were just scarecrows in the background.

But now... I know I was wrong.

I'll try to like them too.

I'm human again!

Me too!

I hope everyone on the other side
can be happy too.


Muge... I love you.

Me too. I love you so much, Hinode!

I'm home.



I'm so glad you're back!

Kinako likes me now.

Oh, come on...


I want to be a potter.

I guess the kiln won't be
going into the shed.



I love you...

Oh, but I...

I'm engaged...


Oh, man...

Hold it!

You held hands?

You told him you love him!?

He loves you too!?

I'm so happy for you!


See you!

See you...


- Morning...
- Morning...

Have a good day!



What is it?

Oh, nothing.

Stop staring!

Don't mind me.

There's nothing between us, okay?

If you say so.

No, really!

If you say so.

Hinode Sunrise...



Hinode Sunrise is when

the sun rises above the horizon
and warms my soul.

Subtitle translation by Zensho Yamamoto