A Voice in the Night (1946) - full transcript

The son of a Victorian hangman is driven insane by thoughts of his father's profession. The young man emulates his father by strangling young women. He then meets and falls in love with a woman but can he suppress his urge to kill her ?

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Subtitles Nostromo adaptation of T-G for 1h 41m 55s

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Excuse me, please.

-Would you like my seat?
-Thank you.

We're not there yet.
I think the current's failed.

-That's quite alright.

Excuse me, but didn't you used
to go to work on a 13 bus?

-Yes I did.
-Yes, I thought so.

I used to be on that route.
I'm a conductor.

They transferred me.
I'm on the 24'th now.

I often used to see you.

Don't you remember me
punching your tickets?

No, I'm afraid I don't.

-What's the trouble?
- Breakdown.

-How long will we be held up here?
-Can't say,Sir. Not long I hope.

Do you think we'll get to
Hampstead before eight?

-Doubt it,Miss. You may have to walk there.
-Walk there? This young lady's in a hurry.

No one must leave the train
until I get instructions.

We may be stuck down here for hours.

Oh don't you worry Miss.
The boyfriend will wait for you.

-Not so sure that he will.
-Well, if he doesn't wait ..

"You see my head,
and you see this loop."

"You put your head through the loop."

"Then you'll be hanged."


-Nope, he's not here
- Well, you're over an hour late, you know.

Yes, I know. Thanks awfully
for coming up with me.

Well, that's alright. Aren't you going to
have a look round while you are here?

-I think I'll go home.
-OK, I'll walk along with you.

-Wouldn't you rather stay at the Fair?
-No,I'd rather go along with you.

Alright then.

What I told you just now
is the truth, you know.

I'm not in the habit of talking
to strange girls on trains.

As a matter of fact, I don't
go in for girls very much.

-I've heard that one before.
-No,it's true.

Shall I tell you something?

When I was on the 13 bus, I used
to look out for you every morning.

When we got to Swiss Cottage.

-How many other girls did you look out for?
-Only you.

I remember you were
away for a week, once.

I was terribly worried because I thought
perhaps you were ill or something.

That's right. Last June.
Fancy you remembering that.

I remember it alright.

You did give me a dirty
look on the train, though.

I'm sorry .. as a matter of fact I
thought you looked rather nice.

-Did you really?

Do you know, I seem to think I've
seen your face somewhere before.

Not in buses or anything but .. I know.

Wasn't your photograph
in the paper the other day?

Aren't you the bus-conductor
that was decorated?-Yes.

Come on you two love-birds.
Have a go. Mother won't know.

-What about it?
-Well I ..-Good.

That's the idea. Have your choice.
They're all thoroughbreds.

Now come along.

Pass along the car there.

-Any more fares please?
-Same lodge.

How do you like being a
bus-conductor again after the Army?

It's alright. There's always plenty going
on inside a bus. I'm interested in people.

I've got other ideas. I only look upon
this as a temporary sort of job.

-What are you going to do then?

I should be a fully qualified
engineer if it hadn't been for the war.

But I'm making up for lost time.
You know, night classes and things.

-How long will it take you?
-About a year, if I work hard enough.

-Do you live at home?
-No, I'm in lodgings in Victoria.

Do you do your own
cooking and everything?

No. I can always get fish
and chips round the corner.

-That's not so good for you.
-What's your job?

I work in a gramophone shop in the city.

Doesn't it get on your nerves,
all that music, day in and day out?

No. I love it.

What do you like? Classical or dance?

It makes me feel sad and yet something
wonderful just round the corner.

I can't explain it, but Victor understands.
He's the friend I was meeting here tonight.

I suppose he takes you out to
theatres and operas and things?

-He does sometimes.
-Sounds as if he's got a lot of money.

Yes. I suppose he has.

Bang go my hopes of taking you on the
Balcony and tea at the Corner House.


-Would you like some ice-cream?
-I would. I love it.

-Ordinary ice or choc-ice?
-Choc-ice please.-All right I'll get it

-Oh. What did you say your name was?
-I didn't. But it's Anne.

Anne .. mine is Jack.

-Hurry up there. Room for a few more.
-Don't go without me.

Now, you sir. Don't be shy.

Two choc-ices please.




Victor .. Victor!

-What's the matter? Victor, are you ill?
What is it?- You're late.

Why didn't you come
when you said you would?

I couldn't help it. There was
a hold up on the underground.

-Has anything happened?
-What do you mean, happened?

Nothing's happened

expect I've been hanging about this dreary
place for an hour and half waiting for you.

I know. I am so sorry, but the
underground broke down.

-Have you been at the Fair all the time?
-I told you I had, didn't I?

I gave you 3/4 of an hour then
went into the boxing booth.

Came out and went straight
back where we said we'd meet.

I was there a few minutes ago.
I didn't see you.

Are you trying to tell me I'm a liar?

No, of course not,Victor,I said I was there
a few minutes ago, and didn't see you.

For heaven's sake don't
make a scene in public.

Victor, what is the matter with you?

Stupid fools of women. Let's get out of
this place. It's getting on my nerves.

Just,Victor,I was talking to someone on the
roundabout. I must say goodbye.

I've told you I can't stand
this place another minute!

Alright Victor. Alright.

-Hello Jock. Got your trains running yet?
- Yes, it's all right now.

-Unlucky night, tonight.
-You're telling me.

That's right .. saw you coming out.

-Nice looking girl you had with you, too.
-Thanks. She's been back?

-You're sure?

Yes, I'm sure. Wouldn't be
likely to miss that one.

Why? What have you done with her?

-What's the matter with you?
-Oh, nothing.

What's this? An ambulance?

-What's up? Been an accident?
-I don't know.

-Has the last train gone?
-No, you're all right. Get in the lift.

What's happened? Do you know?

A woman has been found
murdered up on the Heath

Murder?Oh. Horrible.

Never mind the murder now. You'll read
all about it in the papers tomorrow.

Come on, come on.

-Lovely day, Johnson. How's the wife?
-Fine, thank you Sir.

Woman found strangled.
All the horrible details.

Another murder! Another murder!
Woman found strangled.

All the horrible details.
Another murder.

Another murder.

-Hello Nelly.
-Hello Sir.

-Your usual Mr Colebrooke?
-Yes, please.

Here is a beauty.

Thanks .. and could I have
that spray as well, please?

Certainly, sir.

Oh, Mr Colebrooke, I confirmed that
appointment for 3:30 this afternoon.

Good, Miss Willis.
What about a spray for you?

Thank you very much.
I'll have that one if I may.

-That's alright, Nelly.
-Thank you very much,Sir

Thank you.

-What a nice gentleman.
-Much too nice.

I'm sure the wrong sort of
girl will get hold of him.

-Good morning.

Let me see.

What was the name of the record
I wanted? It's a jazz record called ..

Are you my baby, boogie-woogie?

You mean "are you my boogie-woogie
baby" don't you, Madam?

Well yes, I suppose I do.

Miss Vaughan, would you get"Boogie
-Woogie Baby" for this lady,please?

-The other assistant will attend to you.
-Thank you.

Can I help you, sir?

Good Morning. There are one or two
records I would like to hear please.

Yes,Sir have you got the
catalogue numbers?

I'm sorry about last night, Anne.

I don't think we have that in stock,Sir

I'll see. If you go in
the booth over there.

-Have you a record "Voice In The Night"?
-We might have. I'll find out.

-I'll take him in for you, dear.
-You'll do nothing of the sort.

You are an old meanie.
Keeping him all to yourself.

Yes Miss Fielding, can you
find the record you require?

Yes I can, thank you.

I've got it.

-Am I forgiven?
-Yes, that's all right Victor.

Though I was rather upset.I'd never
known you so bad-tempered before

Look I'd better put this record on before
Her Ladyship starts snooping round.

I was bad-tempered. How would you feel
if I kept you waiting an hour and a half?

It was only an hour

and I wouldn't have gone on snapping
your head off once you'd explained.

-Just to make you feel better.
- Oh Victor, they're lovely.


-Dark red suits you.
-Thank you.

-What about coming for lunch?
- I'd love it, Victor.

We'll take a cab to the Savoy.

I didn't come here dressed for
anywhere like that.

Nonsense, you always look charming.

Not only that,I always feel I'm going to
make a fool of myself in those places.

So do I, but I enjoy it.

It's different for you.
You've got an air about you.

As though you're from
some grand family.

Oh yes, very grand.
Very grand indeed.

-What are you laughing at?

Just something that came into my head.

I'd like to lunch you know
I'll be free in ten minutes.

- Yes?

You know, there is something about you.

Something that makes me feel
quite differently towards you.

You mean .. than you do
towards other girlfriends?

Yes. You see, they're not friends,
merely acquaintances.

Miss Fielding

will you please come and see

that these catalogues lying
about all over the counter.


Paper! Scotland Yard still baffled.

Read all the latest.

Scotland Yard still baffled.

Read the latest.

Scotland Yard still baffled.

Hello Benson .. Conway here.

I want the newspapers
to repeat that request.

You know .. anyone who was near the
spot where the woman was strangled ..

Communicate with us at once.


Have you got that letter
from the tramper?

Yes, Sir.

My missus always says you can never trust
a tramp further than you can throw him.

- She gave one a sixpence once ..
-Quite a character, this man .. come in.

-I've got him, Sir
-Oh, good.

Mr Glover,we're just talking about you
I've got your letter here

My name is Conway.

Don't come too near,Mr
I've got a nasty cold.

Really? I'm sorry to hear
that. Come in, come in.

Come and sit down.

Take your coat off.

Take your coat off.

Yes, perhaps I'd better.
Otherwise I won't feel the benefit.

Well, I'll take my summer coat off.

I keep my summer coat on top, see.

You probably caught a chill being
out so late on Hampstead Heath.

-Have a cigarette.
-Thanks very much.

Thank you.

I'll keep it to have with
my coffee after dinner.


Sorry to have dragged
you out of a warm bed.

If you'd gone to the police
when you found the body

you would have been spared
all this inconvenience,wouldn't you?

It gave me quite a turn. I reckon
it was that that brought on the chill.

I went all of a sweat when I seen it.


What were you doing on the
heath at that time of the night?

-Only collecting,Sir.

Yes, Sir,cigarette ends and such.

Yes, I've seen cigarette ends.How about
the site?Did you find anything else?

I didn't find nothing else Sir.
You know it was very disappointing.

There was nothing worth speaking of.


That's a very good linen
handkerchief you've got.


-Oh yes. That's right,Sir
-Where did you get that handkerchief?

I can't remember where I found this one.

Ah .. so you found it .. where?

Come on. There's nothing to be afraid of.
Where'd you find it? Hampstead Heath?

Yes. I think it was.

-Last Monday night?

-Are you sure of that?
- Yes, Sir.

Did you find it near the body?

Did you find it near the body?

Well it wasn't exactly near

Yet,on the other hand you
wouldn't say it was far.

It was what you might call,
within a radius of the body.

I felt a cold coming on and
this looked fairly clean,

So I picked it up and I've
been using it ever since.

It just come in handy.

Put it on there will you.

Lovely job for you, Ellis.
Lovely job for you.


Take this and wash it,
or get it washed.

And check up on that laundry mark there.

Yes, sir.

Oh. It's you.

-You'll be too early one of these days.
-Yes. But not for you.

Saucy monkey.

It was the laundry, Madam.

That seems to be all right.

I expect Mr Victor will be in for dinner,
Florrie. And my sister is going to stay.

Oh, then I'll have to
make another sweet.

Mrs Copper doesn't like my
raspberry blancmange. I'm out.

No. Give her the blancmange. I don't see
why she should turn up her nose at it.

Who is turning their nose up?
Are you talking about me?

I was just saying that you always turn
up your nose at Florrie's blancmange.

Don't you let her put
you against me, Florrie.

-Nothing of the sort.
-That's alright, Madam.

Victor doesn't usually stay
in to dinner when I'm here.

-I don't think he likes me.
- My dear, what nonsense.

-He's always rude to me. You watch.
-Sheer imagination.

If Victor doesn't kiss me when he comes
in, I'm going to have it out with him.

No you won't, Mabel.
You'll do nothing of the sort.

Why not?

I wouldn't say anything to a person's face

that I wouldn't say rather
behind their back.

-I know that.
-Don't always pick me up.

-You know perfectly well what I mean.
-I will not have you upsetting Victor.

You've always been the same with
him,ever since he was a boy

keep him under a glass case.

He mustn't be disturbed,or annoyed,upset.
Why shouldn't he be? Other people are.

You are frightened of his
temper. That's what it is.

Do you remember those wicked
paddies he used to get into?

-He was only a child.
-He still is.

[ telephone ]

That maybe the man who telephoned
to know when Victor would be home.

Mabel, stop flicking your ash into the
sugar and come into the sitting room.

How you can live with the kitchen so
near to the sitting room I can't think.

You know perfectly
well it is to help Florrie.

Every time you come into this house
you criticize it .. and me .. and Victor.

Now, you're imagining things.

Well, I suppose if I'd married a man whose
father made a fortune out of pickles ..

I should have had a large,
modern apartment like you.

If you start sneering at Hector's father

I'll have something to say something to
say about the precious Colebrooke family.

Yes .. how about old
William Colebrooke, eh?

Mabel .. if you ever dare mention
that, I'll never speak to you again.

Mr Conway, Madam.

-Mrs Colebrooke? I spoke to you I think.
-Yes. How do you do.

-This is my sister, Mrs Cooper.
-How do you do?

Victor ought to be in any
moment now Mr..

-Won't you come and sit down?
-Thank you.

Hello mother .. sorry I'm so late.

Alright darling. But I hope you
haven't been working too hard.

-Auntie Mabel dropped in to dinner.
-Hello Aunt Mabel.

-Oh .. thank you, Victor.
-You see?

-Here's a friend has come to see you. A Mr

- You haven't forgot me. We never met.

We haven't.Have we?
Still the name sounds familiar.

I hope I haven't come at
an awkward time?

-Not at all.
-You two want to talk.

I'll take Mabel into the kitchen. We'll
see that Florrie doesn't spoil the dinner.

Don't bother about me,
mother. I've got to go out.

-Oh Victor, not again?
-I'm afraid so.

Oh, what a pity.

Well, come along Mabel.

-Perhaps we'll see you later.
-Oh yes.

-A good photograph of you.
-Not bad is it.

-Do sit down won't you?

-Have a drink.
-No thanks.

-A cigarette?
-No,I don't smoke

Well, what can I do for you?

As a matter of fact, I happen to be
connected with Scotland Yard.

-Oh. What am I supposed to have been doing?
-Oh, nothing like that.

I'd rather hoped you might
be able to help us.-Yes?

Of course, you've read about
these murders in the paper?

Yes. Who hasn't?

Well, this "strangler" fellow does
us rather guessing, you know.

And I'm very anxious to
get in touch with anyone ..

I have reason to believe was in the
vicinity when the crimes were committed.

This last girl, as you know, was murdered
on Hampstead Heath on Monday night.

Not far from the Fairground.

What part of the Heath exactly
were you on, Mr Colebrooke?

Oh, so you know I was there then?
How on earth did you find that out?

We get to know a lot of things.
After all, that is our job.

Well, there is no need to beat about
the bush, Chief Inspector Conway.

If you want to know if I went near to the
place where the woman's body was found

I did.

As a matter of fact, I went to the
Fair,stayed there for an hour

then I got bored and went for a stroll.

I wanted some fresh air.

I did pass quite near the
scene of the murder.

I recognize the spot from the
newspaper photographs.

-Was anyone with you?
-No. I was alone.

Take a look at this photograph of
the murdered girl, Mr Colebrooke.

It may give you a clearer idea
than the pictures in the paper.

A striking-looking girl, isn't she?

-She was the fourth, wasn't she?
-No. The sixth.

That's if you include the two last year.
Obviously victims of the same man.

Of course, I was forgetting them.

Throwing your mind back to that
walk of yours Mr Colebrooke.

Can you remember seeing her
or anyone like her on the heath?

I'm afraid I can't.

It's not very surprising, really.
According to the press ..

She must have been murdered
about an hour before I left the Fair.

Yes .. but before then,
when you were at the Fair?

No, I'm afraid I can't remember
seeing anybody in the least like her.

During your walk, did you keep to the
path, or did you cross the grass at all?

-The path.
-Are you sure?-Yes.

I may have wondered off to shortcut a bend
or two,as a matter of fact,I believe I did.

And you are quite positive that during
the evening you never saw this girl?


Ah .. that's that.

I'm afraid I haven't been
much use to you,Inspector

No fault of yours, that.

But you might have
saved us a lot of trouble

if you'd come to us, instead
of leaving us to find you.

After all, we did put an appeal
in the papers you know.

[ telephone ]

Excuse me



-Inspector Conway?
-Oh, it's for me.

Thank you .. hello. Yes?

Speaking .. don't you know my voice yet?


What do you mean,
we had a postcard?

I mean a postcard
from the murderer,Sir

It is addressed to
"Scotland Yard .. the Big Four."

"The Big Four."
With a query after "Big".

It says "You poor half-wits. Six
murders and you haven't even a clue."

"They'll be another corpse tonight."

Alright. I'll come straight back.

I'm so sorry. I had to let
them know where I am.

Look here .. there is one way you
might be able to help us.-Uhuh?

Well, we keep a record of all the ladies
and gentlemen who go through our hands.

-The Rogue's Gallery?
-A part of it.

Would you mind coming along
to the Yard and having a look at it?

You might just spot a face you
remember on that walk of yours.

Of course. When would
you like me to come?

I would have suggested tonight, only I
heard you say you've got an appointment.

I have as a matter of fact, but I should
be free about ten. Is that too late?

Not a bit of it. Scotland
Yard is always open.

-We'll leave it at that then.
-Thanks Mr Colebrooke,I appreciate it.

-There is one thing I would appreciate.
-Really? What's that?

Your telling me how you know I was on
Hampstead Heath last Monday night.

Ha, that would be giving
away professional secrets.

But people are very careless, you know.


He seemed a very pleasant
man, dear. What did he want?

Yes, he's gone.

I know that dear. I asked
you what he wanted.

What he wanted?

Nothing in particular.

Was it .. business?

Yes, it was business .. in a way.

Yes, business.

Nothing important.

Nothing important.


Yes, mother. What is it?

I know it is a bore, Mabel
coming to dinner, but ..

I do wish you wouldn't
go out tonight, dear.

-Why not?
-I don't know.

Just a silly feeling I have.

You are never at home now, darling.
Always wandering out at night.

Why call it "wandering" mother?
I go out .. I don't wander.

Alright, dear.

Take care of yourself, darling.

I will.

-What's the matter with you?

Mr Victor won't be in for
dinner after all, Florrie.

Very good, Madam.

-I told you, didn't I?
-Nothing to do with you, Mabel.

Victor was very nice to
you when he came in.

Isn't he getting like his father more,
Maud. There's something about his eyes.

No! I don't think he's in the
least like Harry .. I never have.

Victor has never taken
after the Colebrookes.

He belongs to our side of the family.

He is completely an Elliston.

-But I am worried about him.
-Oh why, Madam?

She's just a fusspot. She treats that
boy as though he's made of glass.

He is so restless, Florrie.

It seems as if he can't
stay in the house.

He is wandering about by
himself, almost every evening.

How do you know he is by himself?

It's such a lovely summer, Madam.
Probably wants to be out in the air.

I wish I could think that, Florrie.

There he is.

He's Jack Williams. Been with
since he came out of the Army.

Character, excellent.

He came out of my station with a girl on
the night of the murder. About 9 o'clock.

And he came back at midnight. Alone.

-And he was in a state, too.

Now don't say another word
until I've spoken to him.

-Hello, what are ..
-Mr Williams?-Yes

-You were off-duty last Monday night?
-That's right. Why?

I'm from Scotland Yard.

I'd like you tell me exactly where you
were and what you did on that occasion.

Monday night? Not likely to
forget that in a hurry. That was ..

Exactly .. you were with
a girl that night.-Yes

-What's her name?

Anne who?

I don't know

She didn't tell me,BTW,you see,we
missed each somehow on the heath.

-Where does she lives?
-I don't know.

You know where she works?

That's strange, isn't it?

So, you can't produce anybody to
vouch for your movements that night.

She could do that alright if
only I could find her again.

Do you ever remember seeing this
girl in the underground before?

She always comes to work by bus.

-Your bus?
-No such luck.

She did when I was on the 13,
but I've been transferred.

I do know she works in a gramophone
shop somewhere in the city.

She does, does she? She works in a
gramophone shop somewhere in the city?

On the 13 bus route.

And she answers to the name of "Anne".

Right .. well, if this
is the girl, I'll find her.

-Good, can I come with you?
-You are coming with me.

Does that mean I'm under
suspicion for something or another?

Oh .. yes.

If that shoe hurts, why don't you
sit down for a bit and take it off?

Oh yes .. thanks, Tom.

I don't think I could have walked another
yard without giving my poor feet a rest.

Oh .. I wish now I had taken the bus.

But it would have meant
breaking into my last pound.

What so funny about it?

Think of it, Tom. Walking five miles
as if it was an inch. On hard pavements.

And Mabel told me I would not
do it because I was Scotch.

The cheek of it! She
was only Irish herself.

-Why do you bother about her wretched job?
-Oh, half the people made me go.

Didn't I tell you I could get you dozens
of better jobs than you could yourself?

I know Tom .. and I
believed you .. only ..

The girl that shares my room at the
hospital said you were having me on.

And I was a fool if I thought
I would ever see you again.

Oh, so you told her about me, did you?

-What exactly did you say, Jeannie?
-Oh, just how genteel you were.

Did you say anything else?

No .. just that your name was Tom Mahon.

How you are a motor engineer,
known to get out of your own

Did you tell her what
I looked like at all?

Well .. I said you were
awful kind-looking.

You don't mind my having
told her about us, do you?

No, of course not.

Did you tell her I had a
little scar here on my neck?

No, Tom. Why would I do that?

Isn't it lovely here, with the
moonlight streaming down.

I never dreamed I could be so happy.

Though what an educated gentleman like
you sees in a girl like me, I do no know.

I'm not pretty, I know .. nor clever.
And I haven't any nice clothes.

Whatever you are, whatever you aren't.

You are the sort of girl
I was looking for.

Oh .. do you really mean that, Tom?

Of course.

What's wrong?


-You feeling rested now, Jeannie?
-Yes thanks, Tom.

Do you want us to go on?

No .. stay just where you are.

Plenty of time .. no hurry.

Oh .. look at that big cloud up there.

-It will hide the moon.
-Yes. In a few moments.

-I've been watching it.
-It's such a black one, too.

It will make it nearly dark.

Yes it will.

How green with envy all
the other girls will be.

When I tell them I'm going to be a
waitress in such a grand, big hotel.

And that it was you that
got the situation for me.

Me? Oh yes

Oh look .. the cloud is just
beginning to cover the moon.


Just beginning to cover the moon.

And I'll be able to send
some money home again.

I do not know how they've
managed since I've been ill.

And it's all due to you, Tom.

Ahh .. [ singing ]

I've had this tune on the brain ever since
I heard you whistling it the other day.

-Do you know the words?
-Of course I do.

[ singing ]
"I hear a voice in the night."

"So mysterious and deep."

"I'm under its spell."

"Wonderful night of the .."

"I don't know why you wanted to leave.
The joint was just beginning to hop."

"Oh, it was too crowded.
There was no room to dance".

-Old faithful erupts every eight days.
-Oh come on. You've smoked enough.

I think I'll go down there and
ask that guy for a light.

Nick, you can't.

-Why not?
-No, Nick.

Excuse me buddy, got a light?


Thanks a lot.

I hope I .. didn't disturb you.

See what I mean?

-What's the deadline for getting home?
-I must be in by 11 or Mum will be wild.

Oh no, Nick. Not here.


But where?

Here we have the nastiest piece of work
in the whole Chamber Of Horrors.

In fact, quite the nastiest type of
gentleman you could possibly ever to meet.

I hope none of you here
ever have occasion to meet

the present holder of the office.

Very well then.

During his lifetime,
this highly respected citizen.

Was paid by her gracious
Majesty's government.

To do to death by strangulation,
45 human beings. Men and women.

He became known by the
title of "The Happy Hangman".

Owing to the fact that he took
such a liking to his work.

That he was never happy, unless he was
strangulating somebody by the neck.

Until they were dead.

Now then, before we close.

We've just got time to pass along to
the "Camden Town murders".

Where she cut the throat of her
rival and the four little babies.

She pushed the bodies in a go-cart
all the way up Haverstock Hill.

And dumped them in Belsize park.

Why do you haunt me?

Why do you come back from the past?

Why can't you leave me at peace?

I .. hate you!

-Williams, thanks for coming along.
-I didn't have much choice.

Sullivan, show Mr Williams
off the premises.

By the way, are you on duty
at the same time tomorrow?

Yes, sir.

Well, if we find this girl Anne,
you won't mind coming along again?

It will be a pleasure.

-I understand. Goodnight.
-Goodnight, sir.

There is a bus-conductor coming
down with Sullivan. Have him tailed.

-Have you checked up on those people?
-Yes, sir.

Stone was in Brighton. Mike Holden was
celebrating his wedding anniversary.

How about that fellow Mugsy Knight?

Cast-iron alibi. In hospital recovering
from an appendix operation.

Alright, Ellis.


Colebrooke? He's here, is he?

Alright, show him all the photos
of our possibles, will you.

Did they let you have those extra men
for covering the parks tonight,Sir?


It is maddening .. the Commissioner
thinks some crank sent this postcard.

Why should this fellow write
and tell us about it beforehand?

That's what I've been trying
to explain to them upstairs.

Being a murderer, he knows we think
of him as the lowest type imaginable.

So he sends us this sort of thing to
prove that he's cleverer than any of us.

-Far beyond us, in fact.

-Yes, it's a theory,Sir
-Thank you, Sergeant.

Excuse me,Sir. There was
something I wanted to tell you.

I happened to be talking about
it to my missus last night.

Talking about "it"?

The strangler case,Sir.

You have to tell her everything?
Why don't you keep your mouth shut?

I only happened to mention the
name "Colebrooke" and ..

She said she's certain

she's heard that name before somewhere
in connection with murder or something

She's a great one for
murders, my missus.

She can give you all the
details of Jack the Rip ..

What do you want
to tell me, Sullivan?

She says she's certain

she's got the name"Colebrooke" in
the back of her mind somewhere

She may have it in the back of her mind.
We haven't got it in records.

-There is one other thing, sir.

Of course you can take this
for what it is worth.


My missus says she is certain there is
going to be another murder tonight.

Your wife isn't "the strangler",
by any chance, Sullivan?

Not that I know of, Sir. Only
she's got the feeling, that's all.

She's septic .. uh, psychic.

I'm sure there is something
the matter with her.

Mr Colebrooke thinks he saw this man
on Hampstead Heath last Monday night.

-Where is he?
-He's outside.

Well, show him in.

Come in, please.

-Good evening Mr Colebrooke.
-Good Evening

So good of you to have come. Seems
to be a lucky break for us.

Sergeant Sullivan .. Mr Colebrooke.

-Do sit down.

Give me those, Walters. Come back
for them later.- Very good,Sir

-Have a cigarette?
-Do you mind if I smoke a cigar?

No, not at all.

I say, something seems to have done
that a bit of no-good, doesn't it?

-I'm afraid so.
-Here you are.


So .. so you think you've
seen this fellow before, eh?

Yes, I'm certain I saw
him last Monday night.

I'm sorry.

I'm afraid this man
has a very solid alibi.

You don't suppose

I shouldn't be very chary about identifying
anybody in a case like this

Unless I was actually positive.

I'd swear on my oath that
I saw him or his double.

Last Monday night in Regent's Park.

-You mean "Hampstead Heath".
-Oh yes. Of course.

Oh well, bad luck about
the clue, Mr Colebrooke.


I hope you had a good
time in our Rogue's Gallery.

Yes, it was most interesting.
Quite an academy.

I'm afraid we've trespassed
on your good nature as it is

bringing you here this time of the night.

So, I won't keep you .. goodnight.

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.

-Oh, that's alright. Goodnight.

-Who did he think he'd identified,Sir
-Mugsy Knight.

-Mugsy Knight?
-Helps a lot, doesn't it.




Alright, I'll be right down.

What now,Sir?

Another strangler murder. Get your hat.

Excuse me, sir. Have you finished
with the Mugsy Knight file?

It's on my desk.

Well Sir, my missus tipped it.

Perhaps your missus
would like to take my job.

-Where is it this time?
- Regent's Park.

Regent's Park?

-Evening Wilson.
-Evening, Sir

-Been dead long, Doctor?
-About three hours at a rough guess.

-Is that as near as you can get it?

She's been dead not under
two hours and not over four.

No doubt about the cause
of death, of course?

No, that's pretty obvious.
Manual strangulation.

-Who found the body?
-The Park Keeper here,Sir

What time was that?

About a quarter or twenty past eleven,Sir

Found out who she is?

Yes sir. We found her
identity card in her bag.

She was Jeannie McLaren from
the local Working Girl's hostel.

Did you take her shoe off
for any reason, Doctor?

I noticed it was off Sir,
when I found her.

No sign of any struggle.

No footprints either, of course.

This fellow has had all the luck so far.

Found something,Sir?

Yes. I think so.

Can you remember what was in
my ashtray when we left the office?

-In your ashtray?
-Yes. Look at that.

-Looks like a bit of dried leaf to me,Sir
-It is .. a cigar leaf.

Now, we might be getting somewhere.

-Who the devil has been in this office?
-Only me,Sir I must have dozed off.

Did you take a damaged
cigar from that ashtray?

No Sir. I didn't even see it. Is anything
wrong,Sir? Was it very important?

Important enough to hang a man
or I'm very much mistaken.

Come on, look for the
blasted thing. Look for it!

-Yes, Sergeant. Where will I look?
-Just everywhere. Everywhere.

Well, so much for the
clue of the battered cigar.

Funny thing I was saying
to my missus yesterday ..

Yes, you'd better talk to her in bed.

I'm going to get some sleep.
You better do the same.

Suits me,Sir

I'll get up early and find that girl
Williams was on the Heath with him

-Bus-conductor, sir.

Oh yes .. alright, goodnight.

-Goodnight, Ellis.

-Excuse me,Sir.
- Oh, Walters.


You were in this office when I
left with Sullivan?-Yes, sir.

Did you see a broken
cigar in that ashtray?

-Why, yes Sir.

I thought you'd finished with it, so ..

What .. did you do with it?

I smoked it,Sir .. it's gone.

Now the next place is the fourth.
You never know. You might be lucky.

Excuse me, Miss.

Have you got a young lady working here
who goes by the name of Anne "somebody"?

Why yes, Anne Fielding.

Miss Fielding,

Will you please not put records down
on chairs. Someone will sit on them.

What have you got there?

These are the only records
of this symphony in stock.

They are not made anymore,
they are extremely precious.

Put them back on the shelves at once.

-Excuse me, Miss. Is your name "Anne"?

I'm from Scotland Yard.

Did you by any chance happen to be on
Hampstead Heath last Monday night?

Yes. I was at the Fair.

Did you by any chance

happen to meet a man named Jack
Williams, a bus conductor, there?


At least he said his name was "Jack"
and that he worked on the 24 buses.

What's the matter? He's
not in any trouble, is he?

So you are Anne. I've been
looking all over London for you.

Miss Fielding, I don't know what you
think these booths are meant for.

Go outside at once! I shall report
this matter to Mr Osborne.

I'll trouble you madam

not to interfere with The Police
in executing with their duties.

But .. what did you say?

-I'm from Scotland Yard.

Hello. This is a surprise.
What are you doing here?

-What happened that night at the fair?
-My friend turned up after all.

I didn't get the chance
to say goodbye to you.

-Oh,so that was it

I've been thinking about you. I was to
write to you care the Bus Company.

-Were you?
-Yes, but I didn't like to.

Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

All this is for later
on. Miss Fielding ..

Is this the young man

you say you met in the underground and
went on the heath with last Monday week?

Yes.-You sure?
-Yes .. yes.

Is this the young lady

you say you were looking for
on the Heath from 9 until after midnight?

That's right.

-Oh. Just too bad.
- What is?

Well, it means we won't be
able to hang you after all.

-Can I drop you anywhere, Miss?
-No thank you. I think I'll go back by bus.

-24? Going my route?

Sorry to disappoint you. But thanks
very much for finding her for me.

That's quite alright.
Always like to oblige.

Anytime you want anything,don't forget
give us a tinkle,you know the number

Whitehall 1,2,1,2.

Well this is my lucky day.
-Is it? -Uhuh.

-A pity you have to get off, isn't it.
-I must get back to the shop I'm afraid.

Yes, I suppose so .. well,
that's where your shop is.

-Oh yes .. I haven't paid my fare.
-Oh, don't worry about that.

-You know, I really must pay my fare.
-You are having this one on me.

Well, what would you like to do tonight?
The pictures or The Palais?

I can't make up my mind.

-What's on at the cinema?
-Some sloppy, love thing.

-Who is in it?
-I don't know. I've forgotten.

I haven't been to The Palais for ages.
Is the band good?- Terrific.

Now, what do you think
you are playing at?

-Meet you at the corner house then?
-Alright. See you tonight. 6:30. Bye.


Yes, Mr Colebrooke?

Right away, Mr Colebrooke.

Miss Willis, would you take a
letter please..-Yes, sir.

It's to Johnson and Company.
You have the address. -Yes

Dear Sirs.

With reference to your
letter of the 19th instant.

For which we thank you.

We are glad to inform you that
we shall be in a position ..

To complete your order,
in a very few weeks.

We much appreciate.

How is Wimbledon?

Fine thank you, Mr Colebrooke.

It's quite a relief in this weather to
get out somewhere a little bit countrified.

-Do you live far from the common?
- No, I'm right overlooking it.

I always cross the common
on my way home at night.

Where were we?

"We much appreciate .."

[ door knocks ]

-Are you expecting someone, Mr Colebrooke?
- No.

It must be a stranger knocking
on your private door.

-Would you mind using the other ..
- Excuse me.

Hello Colebrooke.

Forgive me for barging in. I was in the
building, so I thought I'd look you up.

That's very nice of you.
That's alright Miss Willis.

Sit down, won't you.

No. I have only a second. Have a Cigarette?

-No thanks.
-Of course you're a cigar smoker?

I'd rather expected to see a high pressure
businessman with a cigar going full blast

I reserve my vices for
after business hours.

Oh, I don't know if I thanked you for
looking in at the Yard the other evening.

-You were more help than you know.
- I'm glad.

I wonder if you'd mind coming along
again this afternoon. Say about 4 o'clock?

What exactly do you want, Inspector?

Well, unfortunately as you know.

That gentleman you picked
out had an unshakable alibi.

Yes, it was a pity. He was
a shifty looking customer.

But we don't want to hang the wrong man,
do we? Whatever his personal appearances.

So I want you to look at
some more photographs.

I'm still interested in that man you
say you saw on Hampstead Heath.

Just a moment,

No, I've nothing particular
on this afternoon.

-Good. You're losing your handkerchief.
-Oh, thanks.

See you later.

I'm still intrigued as to how
you find out I was on the Heath.

I'll let you into the
secret one of these days.

Do you remember taking a man
to New Scotland Yard last night?

-What time?

Well, I had my grub about half
past nine .. just before ten o'clock.

That will be the man.
Where did you pick him up?

Just outside Madam Tussauds, there.
I was coming back to the rank.

A slim, good-looking fellah?
Without a hat or overcoat?

Well, he was slim-looking alright.
But he had a hat and Macintosh on.

-You sure of that?
-Yes. I tell you why.-Why?

He kept me waiting so long outside
the Yard, I thought he'd gypped me.

It was hardly the place for that.

So I had a look around and I see he left
his hat and Macintosh in the Cab here.

-Oh he had, had he?

That might help quite a little bit.

We've added the hat and raincoat.

Is that the effect you
wanted to get,Sir?

Yes .. yes, that's fine.

A nice job, that Sir.

Alright .. pass those off
to the local chaps.

See if they can place him anywhere in the
Regent's Park area last night.

Very good, sir.

[ telephone ]


Oh good .. send him
straight up will you.

-He's here .. Ellis.
- Yes,Sir?

I want you to tail him,that is
if we don't hold him.

He didn't see you when
he was here last night,did he?


Alright. They'll tip you off downstairs.

Not that way, idiot. He'll see you.
That way .. and Ellis.

Try and disguise those
handlebars of yours will you.

Yes, Sir.

-Have the Regent's Park couple arrived?
-Been here half an hour, sir.

What do you make of that
young woman's statement, sir?

You now the woman that shared
the dead girl's room?- Why?

Don't you think it's funny that this man
told the girl his name was Tom Mahon?

-He wouldn't say his own name, would he?
-But why the name of a famous murderer?

Just the sort of thing a man
with a warped brain would do.

How do you like the name
"Colebrooke" though?

My missus was only saying last night
somehow connected in her mind with ..

Crippen, the brides-in-the-bath
and the Camden Town murders.

No other pearls in the
Chamber Of Horrors.

Mr Colebrooke, sir.

-Good afternoon, Colebrooke. Do sit down.
-Thank you.

[ telephone ]

Excuse me .. yes?


Oh .. do they?

Hang on a minute.

There's a couple downstairs who
may give us a clue to the murderer.

It might be amusing to have
them up. Don't you think?

Yes. Very.

Alright. Send them up right away.

This will give you an idea of what we
have to put up with at the Yard every day.

Sure you don't mind?

Not at all.I'd rather enjoying the chance
to see how the wheels go round.

As a matter of fact

These people swear they actually saw the
murderer last night in Regents park.


And they are positive
they can identify him again.


Looks as if you're getting a
lucky break at last, Inspector.

Yes, it does, doesn't it?

Come in.

Come in will you, please.

-Good afternoon.
-Good afternoon.

-Miss Kemp .. Corporal Mappola.
-Uh .. Mappolo.

Indeed .. Mr Colebrooke.

-How do you do.

You on leave?

Yeah. I've got to be back
with the Krauts in four days.

-The Krauts?
-Yeah, you know .. Germany

Yes, of course.

Well, I must thank you both for coming
up with your information so promptly.

Oh that's alright, Captain.


Now, Corporal.

According to your statement

You took Miss Kemp to Regent's
Park last night for a walk.

Yeah .. for a walk.

And you passed the exact spot
where the body was found?

Yeah. There was a couple necking
on the grass as we went by.

Yes, that's right. Then Nick went and
asked the man for a match. Didn't you?

That I did.

And you heard the church clock
strike nine a few moments later?

Well, we heard it strike.
We left the dance at 8:30.

Hadn't been gone more than half
an hour. Couldn't have been ten, so ..

Must have been nine.

-Sounds logical.

I see you both state, that you believe
you would know this man again.

Sure. Like a shot.

Despite of the fact you
didn't see his face?

I don't need to see his
face. Just his back.

You show me that back,
and I'll show you your man.

Why, was there anything
very distinctive about it?

No, not exactly. But you see,
I'm used to sizing people up.

Yes. Nick's a tailor by profession.

I'd know that back any place.

-Wouldn't you?

And the man in question was wearing
a soft hat and a lightish raincoat?

That's right.

And would you say he
was an elderly man?

No .. on the young side.

So that's by his back?

Uhuh. And by the hand he gave
me the box of matches with.

I tell you another thing too

He's not the kind of guy that
have to dig up roads for a living

-Well, judging by his hands anyway.
-A gentleman, then?

Could be.

I've got an idea.

Sullivan .. get my hat and old
raincoat out of the cupboard.

Now, I'm going to suggest the Sergeant
here, puts on that coat and hat.

Then perhaps you can tell us

in what way his manly form differs
from the fellow in Regent's park?

I can tell you that now. He's too fat.


You mustn't be unkind to
the Sergeant. He is on a diet.

Oh .. no offence.

Well .. suppose I try.

No .. he was a different build to you.

More like our friend here.

-This gentleman?

It may be very useful

to get a really accurate idea
of this fellow's size and build.

Would you mind if we tried out this
impression on you, Mr Colebrooke?

It seems rather silly to me.

Do you mind, sir?


Why should I?

Would you sit on that desk
with your back to us?

This is all very stupid.

We're forgetting the hat.

And his head was bent
down, wasn't it .. excuse me.

Anything like him?

Take a good look. Don't say
anything unless you are sure.

No need to hurry.
There is plenty of time.

Well .. how much longer is
this nonsense going on?

It is worse than being photographed.

Anything like the man?

Yeah .. very.

-You are sure?

The guy we saw was exactly his build.

-Wasn't he?

Except this gentleman's shoulders
seem a bit broader to me.

I wouldn't say that.

-Of course, it is not the same back.
-Oh no, it's not the same back.

Well, thank you very much.
You have been a great help.

Haven't they, Mr Colebrooke?

I'm glad you think so.

Hey! You fed up with life?

I'm convinced he's the man we want.

"A" - he was on the heath the
night of the Hampstead murder.

"B" there's that slip he made when he said
Regent's Park instead of Hampstead Heath.

And we have that cigar on him.

At least we would have if
that idiot hadn't smoked it.

That would be "C",Sir.

That, as you say Sullivan,
would be "C".

Then there's the taxi man who
brought him here last night

after the Regent's Park
murder was committed.

Listen, Sullivan.

That girl was killed about nine.

But that taxi man told you he picked up
Colebrooke just before ten. Didn't he?

-Did he?- Well, didn't he?
-Yes, of course he did.

Colebrooke's not going to
hang about in Regent's park

after he's committed the murder.

So he probably went straight to
Baker Street where he picked up that Cab.

But that leaves three quarters
of an hour unaccounted for.

What did he do in that time?

Well, there are one or two pubs
around there,Sir. Restaurants.


And your wife's second home.


The Chamber Of Horrors.

Here, who told you to interfere
with those curtains?

Who did that?

It ought to have been taken away, but
it's holiday time and we're short-handed.

Who did it?

I came in her last night to lock up.
And I found him, just like that.

Some madman, I dare say. Didn't like
the way he stared at him, perhaps.

Funny how he always seems
to stare at you, old Colebrooke.

The "Happy Hangman" eh.

A proper strangler,
he'd have made,Sir

A strangler with a government license.

It makes you think, don't it?

It certainly does.

My missus says ..

-A great woman, my missus.
-Is she,Sir? What did she say,Sir?

-Your missus.

I haven't got one.

Oh God.

Set me free.

Set me free

-Is that you, Victor?
-Yes, mother.

You are very late, darling.
Are you alright?


I'll get up, and make you a hot drink.

You'll do nothing of the sort.
I'll come in and say goodnight.

-There you are, darling.
-You ought to be asleep.

I know. But I thought you might
feel lonely when you came in.

I would have been.

I want you to feel that I am always
here for you to come home to.

-You understand now
-Yes, mother. I do.

There is something so sure and so safe.

Safe? Of course it is. What
a strange thing to say.

I only meant that no-one could
come to any harm in here.

-Have you been out with friends, dear?
-No, alone. Walking.

Just walking.

Is everything alright at the office?
Nothing has gone wrong, has it?


Only you seem so worried.

It's chilly in here. Do you
mind if I put on the fire?

No, dear. Of course not.

Good old Prince. Do you
remember him in my nursery?

Yes indeed. I've several things
from the old nursery in here.

-Do you remember the day I won this?
-I should think I do.

I shall never forget that day, Victor.

And the fat boy who got stuck
in the barrel in the obstacle race.

-Yes, dear.

What was father like? I mean,
I was so young when he died.

In what way, dear?

Was he at all like I am now?

-In looks you mean?
-No, not in looks.


You always say that I seem
to be worried about something.

Was father like that, too?
Always worrying?

Yes, Victor .. yes he was.

But I shared his worries.

I knew what they were,
and I helped him fight them.


I know parents can't expect their
children to share their worries with them.

It's against human nature, I suppose.

Now Victor .. don't you ..

I've often wanted to
say this to you before.

Don't you think you'd be much happier

if you found some nice girl,
who understood you?

If you got married and settled down?

You must know a lot of girls, Victor.

Though you've never brought
any of them here to see me.

But amongst them all,
there must be one

Surely, there must be one.

Yes, mother.

I believe there is a girl.

Wasn't it sweet of old Osborne
to let me leave early.

Going out with your
bus-conductor friend?

-You're a snob, Muriel.
-A snob? I only asked a civil question.

It was just the way
you said "bus-conductor"

It's a bit of a come-down, isn't it?
After that other fellow, Victor.

-Have you broken with him?
- No, but I am going to.

-There is no point in it now.
-Okay. Pass him on to me.

-Tell him you know a smashing blond.
-I'll think about it

-Hello Anne.
-Hello Victor.

-You leaving already?
-Yes. I'm leaving an hour earlier.

-I want to talk to you. Very important.
-But I'm just going to meet a friend.

-Can't you put it off. I must talk to you.
-I can't I'm afraid.

-What about tomorrow?
-Yes, I might be able to manage that.

We'll have some dinner and
then I want you to meet my mother.

Look Victor .. why don't we
just go for a walk in the park?

We can talk just as easily there.

What's the matter? You do
want to see me, don't you?

-Yes, Victor .. but just this once.
-What do you mean, just this once?

I'm afraid it will have
to be for the last time.

I can't explain now. I'll explain
everything tomorrow.

Anne,where shall we meet?

Let me think

You know that big statue near Hyde Park
Corner? The man with the shield?

I'll meet you there tomorrow
evening at 7:30. Is that alright?

-Yes, that's alright.
-See you tomorrow then.

I thought you said you weren't
going to see him again?

I couldn't help it. I didn't
know he was coming.

-I don't like the look of that guy.
-I didn't expect you to.

Any more than he'd like the look of you.

Anyway, let's hope that's the last we
see or hear of Victor Colebrooke.

Well .. I'm afraid not, Jack.

I promised to meet him tomorrow
evening at 7:30 for the last time.

Why? Couldn't you have
said goodbye just now?

No, I couldn't. He's been
awfully decent to me.

There is no reason why we
shouldn't part as good friends.

-I'd rather you didn't see him again.
- I'm sure you would.

Don't worry.

I don't like it, Anne.

But I promised him.
It will be for the last time.

I know Jack.

You've told me a hundred times
you don't like Victor Colebrooke.

And you told me a hundred
times you do like him.

Not as much as I like you,
otherwise I wouldn't be here.

Oh .. yes.

-This looks good. Hors d'oeuvre or soup?
-Soup please.-Two soups.

-Roast beef and Yorkshire?

Steak and kidney pudding?

-Well, it looks like boiled gammon.
- I like gammon.

-Look, what can we have?

Fried eggs, I suppose?

-Two omelets.
-Two omelets.

-Ice cream to follow.

If there is any left.

If not, baked apple.

-What can we have to drink?
-Beer, red wine.

Half a bottle of red wine.

You shouldn't have ordered wine.

Why not? Can't we celebrate
the same as anybody else?

Now, if Colebrooke had ordered wine.

If you mention Victor Colebrooke's
name once again

I'm sorry Anne.

I know it's foolish to be jealous as we
have only known each other a few days.

Don't forget, I've known you
for months and months.

I know it sounds silly but ..

Ever since that first day on the 13 bus.
I knew you were the only girl for me.

I felt that way about you too, Jack.

Ever since that night I lost
you on Hampstead Heath.

You see, I'm scared I might lose you,
Anne. That's why I dislike Colebrooke.

He's got so much I haven't got. Well,
I'm afraid he'll take you away from me.

He couldn't do that.

You see, everything is different now, Anne.

Once, my ambition was
simply to be a good engineer.

Now there is a reason for that ambition.

I love you Anne. More than
anybody could love you.

I know every boy says it to every
girl, but you must believe me.

I love you with all my heart and soul.

I love you, too.


Nothing out of the ordinary.

It might be a report on
anyone's movements.

Where is he now?

He was at home Sir, when Barnes
took over from me last night.

Alright, Ellis. Don't let up on him.

He's bound to give himself away sooner
or later. Only a question of time.

Very good,Sir.

-Morning Sir.
-What do you want? A cigar?

Well, what is it?

Another of those "strangler

Why didn't you say so?

All right

Oh Sullivan, I'm flattered.

It's addressed to me personally
this time, instead of the Big Four.

Just what I've been waiting for.

Get me the Assistant Commissioner, please.

What does it say, sir?

"Poor old Conway .. not
getting very far, are you?"

"Seven months of murders,
and another tomorrow."

-That is today.
- Yes.

Good morning,Sir .. it is Conway here.

Can I come around and
see you right away?

Yes, it's urgent.

Another "Strangler" postcard.

Thank you,Sir. I'll come straight over.

As you feel so strongly
over the matter Conway

you shall have all the cooperation
or men you want.

-Thank you,Sir.
-I hope you get him this time.

But if you think you know your man,
why don't you arrest him at once?

And make sure preventing
another murder.

We haven't got enough evidence,Sir.
We simply haven't got a case.

Although I intend to prevent
him committing another murder.

I do want to catch him attempting one.

But if you don't and he
succeeds killing again tonight?

We'll have to take that risk,Sir

We haven't had the fellow
out of our site the whole time.

-He's been under observation.
-Very well

More news on The Strangler.

New threat by The Strangler.
Another murder tonight.

More news on The Strangler.

-You've not been long, dear.
-I've just been to get the papers.

-You will in to dinner then?
-I've got to go out. I'm late already.

I'm just going to the post,
Madam. Shan't be long.

Oh very well, Florrie.

-Anything wrong, Madam?
- No.

I'll keep that one.


-What's else come over you? What's wrong?
-What do you mean spying on me like this?

Creeping in the room and watch me
all the time. Why are you staring at me?

The look on your face
frighten me,my dear.

Ah yes, the look on my face. I know
that look. I'm like him aren't I?

I must have stared at you
as he stared at me so often.

But he won't stare again. There'll be
no trace, no trace. I'll smash ..


Now you'll be able to tell everybody,
that you know I am mad.

-Not that you merely think it.
-Don't darling, don't.

You do think it, don't you?
You are convinced I'm mad.

Well, perhaps I am.

I don't know.

I just don't know.

Oh, mother.

-I wish I were dead.
-My dear boy.

What is the matter?
Saying things like that.

How can I care about it? I know I am
doing it, but I don't want to do it.

I just can't prevent myself.

It's just that you've let your
nerves get the better of you,dear

-Oh .. that's all you think it is,dear?

I'm sure if you'd only
see that nerve specialist.

He'd make a different
man of you in no time.

Different ,I don't want to be different!

I want to be as I am. As I was born
As I was meant to be.

Not like somebody else.

Where is my notebook?

Have you got it?

-Where is it?
-No dear, I haven't got it.

Perhaps you put it in your pocket.



Victor .. don't go.

Victor .. come back .. come back!

Oh no! It is .. impossible.

I've got the search warrant.
Anything from Ellis?

No Sir. Nothing.

I don't know if it means anything,Sir
but according to his report here ..

That fellow Colebrooke sometimes goes to
a gramophone shop in the city.

-What's wrong with that?

Remember that bus-conductor fellow we
had up here over the Hampstead Heath job?

This shop happens to be
the one his girl works at.

You may have got something there, Sullivan.

Perhaps she's the very girl
that Colebrooke intends ..

-Look up the number in the phone-book.
-No good.It's Saturday they are closed

-Have you got the girl's private address?
-No. We didn't bother to take it.

Blast! That bus-conductor fellow, he
lives up Victoria way, doesn't he?-Yes,Sir

Look up his address. I'll put
out an all-stations call for him.

Madam, are you in bed?

Oh Madam, whatever has happened?

I'm alright, Florrie.

I'm alright now.

It can't be true.

It can't be true.

What can't be true, Madam?
Is it something to do with Mr Victor?

He's mad, Florrie.

-He's raving mad.
-No. Of course he's not.

He is, he is.

It's what I've been dreading,
ever since he was born.

But he can't help it, Florrie.
Whatever he's done, he can't help it.

It is in his blood.

I'd never have married
his father if I'd known.

It was there .. that same terrible look.

It came into his father's
eyes sometimes.

But I helped Harry.
I helped him to fight it.

But I never thought ..

I've watched over Victor.

I've tried to guard him.

I must go to Hyde Park at once.

He's gone there Florrie, and I've
got to find him. I've got to at once.

I can't let this happen again.

My bag .. somebody's stolen my bag!

Mugsy Knight. You've recovered
pretty quick haven't you?

I'm not feeling so good now.

Take him away.

Mrs Colebrooke?

Anyone in?

That's odd .. have a look in there.


A good dinner getting
spoiled, that's all.

Come on.

This must be his room.

A smashed gramophone record.
I wonder what has been going on.

You think he's bolted?

He won't get far, with Ellis on his tail.

Another murder tonight.
We'll see about that.

-Hello. Unfinished whiskey, here.
-Leave it unfinished.

Someone has been burning some papers.

" ..aren, Regent's Park."

-That would be Mclaren, Regent's Park.
-Can't get away from that.

-Torn out of his diary.

"Strangler threatens again."

-Someone has started to cut this one out.
-I think I've got something here.

-See that?-Hm.
-It fits.

Here, look.

Same type of postcard.

Yes. We've got a case
against him now alright.

The next time Ellis phones.

I'll get them to tell him
to make an arrest.

Hello Smith .. has Ellis ..?

What .. where?

He's an idiot

Was the girl with him then?

Oh, the fool.

Inspector Morton, put me through.

What's happened?

Ellis followed Colebrooke into
Hyde Park and lost him in the crowd.

Morton? I've just heard about Ellis.

Yes .. will you warn the local stations?

Well, do it now!

Yes, every man they've got standing
by and all our own too.

And send out a general
call on him. Right away.

Take this down .. "Wanted for murder".

"Victor James Colebrooke."

"Age 35."

"Height 5 ft 11 inches."

"Medium fair hair. Blue eyes."

"Wearing grey, single-breasted
suit, light raincoat."

"A grey hat pulled down over his eyes."

"Wanted for murder.
Victor James Colebrooke."

"Age 35. Height 5 ft 11 inches."

-Here you are, sir.
-Thank you.

-Jack Williams?
-Yes, what's the trouble?

-Your girl, Anne Fielding.
- Anne? What about her?

-You met her on Hampstead Heath,didn't you?

She had another appointment
that night and missed it?

That's right.What happened?

Any idea who was the man
was she intended to meet?

Yes,a fellow named Victor Colebrooke. Why?

-He's wanted for murder.

Wait a minute. Not so fast.
You know where she is now?

-She's to meet him in Hyde Park.
-Whereabouts in Hyde park?

Achilles statue. You know.Hyde Park Corner

-Wait where is your phone?

-Not late, am I?
-Only a few minutes.-I'm Sorry.

If you're considering I kept you
waiting an hour up on the heath

Well, what would you like to do?

I don't mind.

Let's stroll over here by
the lake,shall we?

"Wanted for murder.
Victor James Colebrooke."

He's not here, Florrie.
We're too late.

-Madam, let me take you home.
-But I must find him. I must.

Quiet can't you? And
give the music a chance?

Are you serious about what
you told me yesterday?

About what?

That this would be our last meeting.
I can't believe you're serious.

Victor, I am I'm afraid.

Look Victor, there is something
I've got to say to you.

-It's this, Victor.

I don't see any sense in us
going on meeting. You see ..

I've found somebody else.

And I must say it sounds wonderful
for you. I congratulate you.

Who is he?

Just an ordinary sort of person.
A bus-conductor as a matter of fact.

He is going to be an engineer.

And you prefer him to me?

Yes .. you see .. I love him.

I thought I'd rather tell you than write
or anything like that.

You do understand, don't you?

Of course, Anne.
I understand perfectly.

Well .. we can spend the rest of
the evening together, anyway,can't we?

Alright then. Where shall we go?

Let's cut across there.

Oh, there you are.
Switch that thing off.

How did you lose him?
Moustache get in your eyes?

Well sir, it wasn't for ..

Sergeant, what has been done so far?

A complete cordon thrown around
the park, and we'd a message.

Jack Williams, the bus-conductor says
they were meeting at the Achilles statue.

That's good. That narrows the field a bit.

He won't go far. He
won't get away this time.

-If he hasn't done so already.
- What are you talking about?

Have the park cleared from here
to Hyde Park Corner and Marble Arch.

Anywhere where there's a crowd.

Sorry, you can't clear the park without
permission of the Office Of Works.

I'm the head keeper.

I don't care who you are. Those parts
of the park are going to be cleared.

-Now, you start at the statue.
- Yes, sir.

You'll do no of that
sort without permission.

-He's right,Sir
-I know.

I must have it in writing. It's
more than my job's worth.

-Now look here.
-Don't worry about him,Sir

Let me hop on one of those motorbikes.
I'll get the blasted permission.

Oh, alright.

Can we have a boat, please?

-You've only got twenty minutes,Sir.
-It hardly seems worth it.

We might as well, now we are here.

It's getting cold, too.

Come on.

I've had enough of this

Don't stare at me.
Go and clear the path.

Not until I have permission
in writing,Sir.

Permission be blowed!
There's a girl's life to think of.

I'm sorry Sir. I can't do it.

Saturday night. The Band concert
half-finished, the park full of people.

- Yes, sir?

Get the Band conductor to play The King,
and no back-answers from him.

Right sir.

And if you don't do as I tell you.

I'll have you arrested for obstructing
the Police in executing of their duty.

I protest Sir.

Protest until you are blue
in the face, but do it!

Don't go too far. We
won't get back in time.

You know, I've wondered what
that little island was like.

Let's land and have a look
round,before we go back

It's forbidden.

It doesn't matter. I'll pull around to the
other side where the boatman can see us.

The King.

What's going on here?

Clearing the park now.
Come along now.

-Come along. come along.
-Would you believe it?

Do you think it is worthwhile?
It will soon be dark. Let's go back.

We may as well look round,now we are here

Move along Ladies

-Come along, mum.
-Yes, we're going.

Oh, no. I can't go. I must find my
son. He's somewhere in the park.

Sorry Madam.

Then I must see Inspector Conway.

What's that?

What are they calling?

Never mind about that.

I want to talk to you.

I brought you here because I don't want
anybody else to hear what I'm going to say.

What is it, Victor?

Anne, I understand
you better than you think.

I know why you're giving me
up for this bus-conductor.

This "ordinary" sort of
person as you call him.

It's because you thing I wouldn't
marry you. That's it, isn't it?

Supposing I did ask you to marry me.

That would alter
everything, wouldn't it?

-Wouldn't it?
-Don't let's talk about it here.

Let's go back. We can talk about
it just as well on our way back.

Well .. I am asking you to marry me.

I want you to be my wife.

We'll go away together somewhere.

Right away.

I'll give you everything you want, Anne.

And I'll be safe .. safe with you.

My mother knows. She understands.

She knows what she saved my father from.

You will marry me, won't you?

No, Victor. No, I can't.

Help me.

Help me, Anne.

I know what you mean,
but I can't marry you. Ever.

-Why not?
-Because I love Jack.

Oh, so you prefer him to me, do you?

-You think he's better than I am, do you?
-I didn't say that, Victor.

You know quite well he isn't.

You'd rather have me but I'm too far
above you. That's the trouble, isn't it?

-If you like Victor.
-Go on then, say it!

Say it then .. you know
I'm better than he is.

You know I'm worth a
hundred fellows like him.

Go on! Say it then. I tell you.

I can't, Victor.

Let me through. I got to go in.

Nobody can go in.The park is being cleared

My girl is in there with
The Strangler. I'm going in.

That's right .. I thought it was funny
taking a boat out for twenty minutes.

-He's out there somewhere.
-He must be on the island.

Here, you leave that boat alone!

Come in Mrs Colebrooke
and sit down. Now, what is it?

Mr Conway, it's .. it's my son.

-He's on the Serpentine island,Sir
-Don't let them hurt him.

Whatever he's done, he can't help it.

Calm,calm Mrs Colebrooke.
You stay here.

Look after her, Sergeant.

Why are you trying
to put me off like this?

What are you trying to do? Make a
fool of me? You heard what I said.

I can't think when you talk
like that. You frighten me.

-What's the matter?
-So, I frighten you, do I?

You don't like the way
I stare at you? Is that it?

Go on, tell me I'm mad! Tell me
I'm mad as my mother does.

Why am I frightening you?


You are mad.

Let me go. Please let me go!

You silly little fool. You think
you can treat me like that?

You're the same as the others.

You're the same as the woman on the heath

The same as that little
fool in Regent's Park.

Victor .. it was you.

No, it wasn't me .. it was him.
William Colebrooke.

They paid him for doing what I did.

You'll have your chance, Anne.

You're the one girl who could have
saved me, and saved yourself too.

But it is too late now.

Anne .. Anne, where are you?

Anne! Anne!

-Anne .. Anne, are you alright?
- Yes .. yes.

-Island surrounded, Sergeant?
-Yes, sir.

He's in the water,
making for the other bank.

Mike .. the other side.

Let's have that spotlight.

Come on, Colebrooke .. it's all over.

You won't get me, Conway.

You'll never pay anybody to hang me!

It wasn't me, it was him.
William Colebrooke!

I only did what he did

-Better take her straight home, Williams.
- Yes.

And you be more careful who you
walk out with next time, young lady.

You bet she will.

-It's alright Sir, I've got it.
-Got what?

Permission from The Office Of Works.
You've nothing to worry about.

You can clear the park.

Nostromo adaptation of T-G for 1h 41m 55s