A Stolen Life (1946) - full transcript

Kate Bosworth and her twin sister Patricia fall in love with Nantucket lighthouse inspector Bill Emerson. Patricia and Bill are married. To forget, Kate returns to painting. Bill goes to Chile; Kate and Patricia go sailing; Patricia is washed overboard and drowned. Kate's boat capsizes and, when she recovers consciousness ashore, she (believed to be Patricia) is told that Bill is returning from Chile.

Excuse me.

Would you mind
telling me

When the next boat
goes to the island?



Nope, morning.

Oh. Could i hire
a boat?

Don't know of one.

Well, surely there
must be someone

Who's going over to
the island tonight.

I'd ask that boy in
that launch down there.


Thank you.

I beg your pardon.

Are you going to
the island tonight?

I beg your pardon.

Are you going over
to the island tonight?

I missed the steamer.

That'll teach you
not to be late.

Could you tell me
whether or not

You're going
anywhere near it?

I'm going to
the island,

But i don't take
any passengers.

It's against
the rules.

Oh, i'd be very indebted to you.

My cousin's expecting me on the steamer.

Please, i promise i
won't be any trouble.

Can't you see
i'm full up?

Let go of
those lines, tom.

I'm not very large.

Well... ok, hop in.

Oh, thank you!

Did you say somebody was supposed
to meet you at the steamer?

You'd better telephone ahead,
let them know you're on your way.

Hey, george!

Will you phone
the island for me?

Fred lindley! He's
renting the craven cottage!

You got that?
The craven cottage.

Tell them
i'm bringing the girl.

She missed the steamer.

Ok, bill!

I've never been
to the island before.

You'll like it.

How long a trip
is it?

Oh, about two hours.

Could i use a piece
of this paper?

Sure. Help yourself.

Thank you.

You like the sea,
don't you?

Mm-Hmm. I guess i come by it naturally.

All my ancestors were
whalers from portland.

Maine or oregon?

To a yankee, there's only one portland
- Maine.

Welcome to
new england, yankee.

How about letting me see
what you did there?

Well, i'm not the world's greatest.

Hey, that's good.

You may have it,
if you like.

Well, thanks.

Thank you very much.

You can see
the island now.

Eben folger,
she's pulling in!

here you are.

Hiya, bill!


Hey, the portuguese are really
whooping it up tonight, huh?

Tony pierre is going
to get married tomorrow.

Yeah. Heh heh!

Oh, thank you.

Here you are.

It was very nice of
you to bring me over.

Oh. You know, you made the
trip much more pleasant.

Thank you.

Here, take it, bill.
Who are you?

I'm kate bosworth.

Well, he ain't supposed
to carry passengers.

You ain't running
no ferry, bill.

Aw, take it easy,

Oh, don't blame him.

I made a nuisance
of myself.

I was very glad
to do it for you.

You ain't got no right
to be glad about nothing.

Thank you
very much.

All right.
So long.


Don't you let eben folger
bother you none, miss.

He ain't as cussed
as he sounds.

Who's eben folger?

He's a lighthouse
keeper on dragonhead.


Been there
21 years.

Does the boy that
brought me out on the boat

Live there, too?

Right now he does.




Hello, freddie.

Am i glad
to see you!

Well, what happened
to you?

You gave me
an awful scare.

The steamer came in
and no sign.

I'm sorry, freddie. I missed
the steamer by one minute.

Oh, have i had
a time of it!

I'll carry those bags, thank you.

Thank you very much.

We had someone
telephone you.

Didn't you get
the message?

Well, of course i got
the message eventually,

After i'd paced
back and forth

On this cursed dock
for hours.

Is pat here?

Yes, she's here.

You'll be happy
to know, kate,

That i've been
scouting around

For likely subjects
for you to paint.

Oh, that's
very sweet of you.

where's dragonhead?

Dragonhead? Well, that's
a mile and a half offshore.

Why do you ask that?

Oh, the dragonhead
launch brought me over.

Do you know
the keeper?

Well, i've seen him,
but i've never met him.

Now, you must tell me what
you're going to do tomorrow, kate.

Does he come ashore
every day?

He who?

The lighthouse

Well, of cour-Maybe-
I don't...

Kate, you do have
a stubborn streak.

Come on, come on.
Hurry up, mind you.

All right.

Morning, martha.

Morning, eben.

I'm aiming to take a look
at this here ship model.


I was sort of took aback
when i heard it was for sale.

That's right.
For sale, eben.

Now, martha, you know druscilla
always said i was to have it.

I don't know
any such a thing.

Yes, you do,

If you set
your mind to it.

Now, go on,
set your mind.

Druscilla's sister writ
me right after the funeral

That i was to sell everything,
lock, stock and barrel,

The best prices
i could get.

And that's what
i aim to do.

Tarnation, woman,
you're holding me up.

How much you asking
for it?



I'll give you
$50 cash.

You're only
wasting your time.

The price is 150.

75, then. It's highway robbery, but-


All right, martha, if
that's the way you want it,

You just keep
that model.

But you let me
tell you something.

If'n you ever sell that
to anyone else afore i die,

I'll haunt you
into your grave!

Mr. Folger!

Please, could i ask you

I ain't talking
to no one.

Would you sit
for me?

Sit for you?

What are you
talking about?

I mean, could i paint your portrait?

I ain't settin'
for no one!

I'll pay you
any amount you want.

If you was pay me $50,000,
i wouldn't be found dead

A- Settin' for no
tomfool portrait!

No visitors!

No visitors

This is government

No visitors!

No visitors!

I said no visitors.

I know you did.

You're the one who wanted
to paint me, ain't you?

That's right.

Well, i told you then i
didn't hanker after it,

And i don't now.

Oh, but you see,

I came for
a different reason.

Well, talk.

I understand you're an
expert with ship models-

In fact, the only one who knows
whether they're genuine or not.

Don't make sense.

I know it's a great
imposition, mr. Folger,

But, you see, i don't know
a great deal about antiques,

And i don't like the idea
that i may have been rooked.

Well, i don't rightly
know as i'm a judge.

Oh, won't you look at it,
mr. Folger?

I understand
it's part of a set.



Well, hello.

Why, hello.

Oh, you be the one he
brung from the mainland.


You see, mr. Folger, i
want to start a collection.

I got the rest of
the set, so...

Now, you're pretty
smart for a woman.

Now, just a minute!

Just what are you aiming for out here?

Look out, eben.

She's a yankee.

Ha ha! I want to strike
a bargain with you.

What kind?

I'll give this to you if
you'll do something for me.


I want you to pose for an
hour every day for two weeks.


You can set the time.

He who hesitates
is lost, eben.

You're getting too big
for your britches, son.

All right.

You be here each day
at 4:00.

But not sundays.

Sundays, too.

Sundays, then,
doggone it!

Tomorrow at 4:00 sharp,
but spang on 5:00 we quit!

He's a tough

You're pretty
slippery yourself.

Ha ha! I know.

Well, now that i've
lured him into posing,

I guess i'd better go.

You're busy.

Yes. I've got a couple
of hours' work left.

I'm sure you have.

Well, see you

Sure thing.

So long.


Mr. Folger, couldn't you
stop fidgeting?

I never did take
to whittling.

Don't see why you have me doing it.

Because it's good color.

Been on this
a week now.

Anybody'd think i had nothing
else to do but sit here.

Please don't talk. I'm
working on your mustache.

Fog's coming in

Have to be going

You always have
some excuse.

Well, i can't control the acts of god.



I'll pick
you up later!


It looks like
you're almost finished.


Hey, that's all right.


What were you
doing all day?

Oh, i've been in
getting a few supplies.


Say, that fog is coming in pretty fast.

You're not going to try
to get back in it, are you?

I wonder.

I think you'd better
stay here for a while.

I'd like that.

But mr. Folger's never
been very hospitable.

Aw, it's nonsense.

He's got a heart
as big as a house.

Come on. I'll take
your things in, eh?

You're sure i won't be in the way?

Well, you'll have to
entertain yourself.

I've got a few
hours' work to do.

Oh, don't worry
about me.

May i come in?

Well, what you want?

Mr. Folger, how long do
these fogs usually last?

Can't tell.
An hour, two hours,

Maybe two days.

Two days?


What does mr. Emerson
do out here?

Checks all
the equipment.

Sorry you got
stuck out here.

Oh, that's quite
all right.

Would it disturb you if
i looked around a little?

I don't know what
would interest you, but-

If you want to,
why, go ahead.

Thank you.

Finding something
to keep you occupied?

Oh, i've been

Make yourself at home.

I'm glad i didn't try
to go back in this.

Does the fog
frighten you?

A little.

There's something so
terribly lonely about it.

I don't mind
being alone,

But i don't like
to feel lonely.

There's a difference,
isn't there?

You know...

I don't mind
being alone, either.

In fact, i deliberately
took this job here

To get away from
too many people.

I can understand that.

You wouldn't be afraid of that
fog if you went right out into it.

I'll show you.

It's like the end
of the world.

It could end
like this.

I don't think i'd be
frightened even if it were.

Or lonely, either?

I knew you'd get
over it out here.

I wonder what
people would do

If the world
should end like this.

Then they'd have time
to say all the things

They'd always
wanted to say.

Then they'd have
the courage to say them.

For instance?

Honest things.

Such as?

Such as telling you i didn't
particularly want to paint eben.

Then why did you go
to all that trouble?

Because i wanted
to see you again.

Lonely people
want friends,

But they have to search
very hard for them.

It's difficult
for them to-To find...

Other lonely people.

The fog's lifting.

It wasn't the end
of the world after all.

Good night, bill.

Thanks for
bringing me over.

Oh, i'll walk
you home.

Oh, no, i wouldn't
think of it.

What's the matter?
Are you ashamed of me?

Oh, no, it isn't that.
It's just that i-

Well, i have a lot of
things to do on the way home.

Thanks just the same.

You wouldn't be holding
out on me, would you?

What do you mean?

You haven't got a husband
or anything like that, eh?

Oh, of course not.

What an idea.

Well, i'll see you

I'll bring the boat
back in the morning.

Good night.

Good night.

What a perfect night.

So beautiful.

I wish i'd come here
years ago.

You were made for
all this, bill.

I- I went to
a class reunion

At boston tech
last year.

Most of the fellas
i graduated with,

They-They have
wonderful jobs now,

Making money
hand over fist.

Some of them
were ribbing me

About being stuck
way off down here.

One of them even
offered me a job

At 3 times the dough
i'm making now.

I guess he felt
kind of sorry for me.

If he only knew
how i felt for him.

You've found your right
place in the world.

I envy you.

You know, you are the first
person that's understood that.

Don't ever
give it up.

I don't ever want to.

Come on. I haven't shown
you the best spot of all yet.

Come on.

All right.

You're the first person
i ever brought here.

There's something
magical about it.

The one time that i wish i
could paint is when i'm here.


Do you suppose that you
could catch all this?

Oh... oh, no.

No, i'm not nearly
good enough.

Why don't you try
while i'm away, hmm?


Yes. I'm going on to
a new job next week.


Well, it's been lots of fun
these past few days.

I know i've had
a wonderful time.

I'll miss you.

I'll miss you,
too, katie.

You know that.

Oh, so this is where
you live, eh?


Hmm. Well, at least
i got as far as the gate.

Good night, bill.

How about lunch

If you want.

All right.

I'll pick you up at
the main wharf at 12:00.

I'll be there.


I won't be away
for long.

Good night, bill.

Good night, katie.


Hello, sis.

Pat, what are
you doing here?

Couldn't sleep.

Thought i'd chew
the fat for a while.

We haven't for
a long time.

I've been busy.

You got a match,

Why don't you tell me
the truth, katie?

That lighthouse keeper
isn't old.

Yes, he is. He has a
beard down to his ankles.

Having fun
these days?

Bored stiff,

Why don't you go
to hyannis?

The gang's all there.

Not trying to get
rid of me, are you?

Don't be silly.

You know, darling,

You're not
a very good liar.

Who is he?

Who's what?

Pat, you have
a one-Track mind.

All right. Don't tell
me if you don't want to.

What did you do
tonight, pat?

I know something
has happened to you.

You were singing like mad
in the shower this morning.

And for an elderly
lighthouse keeper

With a beard
down to his ankles,

You spend an awfully long
time in front of the mirror.

I saw the hunky dory
offshore this afternoon.

Does that mean
tom frazier's in town?

Tom's getting to be
a bit of a nuisance.

You didn't think so
last month.

Ah! But that was
last month.

Of course, he has a perfectly
out-Of- This-World yacht.

That's something
in his favor.

He's a good catch, pat.

I wouldn't discount
him entirely.

Want him?

I know
my limitations,

And i'm satisfied
to stay within them.

Go to bed, pat.
I'm dead.

He must
be wonderful.

I meant your bed.

Ha ha! I can
take a hint.

But i'll bet $10.00 i
get it out of you yet.

$10.00 you don't.

No wonder
i can't sleep.

Such a divine night.

Full moon.

No kind of a night to be
stuck in a house by yourself.

You should have
gone out.

It was warm enough
to go without your coat.

in the dark, dear?

Ha ha!

I wish i'd doubled
that bet.

Oh, darling, just so
you'll feel better,

I will be seeing tom
for the next few days-

Lunch on the yacht and heaven
knows what from then on.



Good morning.

Hi, bill.

What are you doing
here this time of day?

A bit dressed up,
ain't you, bill?

I'm going to meet somebody
here for lunch at 12:00.

Ain't noon yet.

Yeah, but...

Hey, there she is now.

By godfrey, good-Looking, ain't she?

You know i don't go out
with bad-Looking gals, lou.


Good morning.

Katie, wait a minute.

Did you forget about
our luncheon date?


I didn't forget.

Looks like it.
You walked right by me.

How could you think
i'd forget?

I have to send a message
out to the hunky dory.

I'll be right back.

You tell mr. Frazier i can't
possibly come out for lunch today.

Tell him
i'm dreadfully sorry.

Thank you.

Well, now we can
go to lunch.

You know,
for a minute,

I thought you were
going to stand me up there.

Oh, you know
i wouldn't do that.

Hey, you really dolled
yourself up today.

I always doll
myself up

When i have a luncheon engagement.

I have
a wonderful idea.

Let's go to the cottage for lunch.

You know how you've been about
keeping me away from there.

Have i?

It's a woman's privilege
to change her mind.

More coffee?

No, thank you.

I believe
i've had enough.

It was a divine night
last night.

Wasn't it?

It was.

Unusual to have it warm
enough to go without your coat.

That's right.

Let's go up and sit
under the trees.

Proper insignia
for you-


You have all the earmarks
of a typical bachelor.

You got me going around
in circles, katie.

In circles?

I don't know if
i can explain it.

Look, you're-
You're a swell person.

I always knew that,

But, well, it-It seems that
there was just something lacking.

Maybe i can explain it-
Explain it this way.

It's like
you were a cake.

A cake?

Yes, a cake...
without any frosting.

And i guess most guys,

They kinda like
the frosting.

Know what i mean?

Today you think
i'm well-Frosted.

I'll say.

Ha ha ha!

What are you
giggling about?

Your not thinking
i was frosted.

I was never more fooled
in my life.

Katie, i guess you know i
think you're something special.

I'm afraid i think you're
something special, too.

I'd give anything
for a cigarette.

You're not seeing
things, bill. It's true.

Hello, bill.

I see you did keep
our date for lunch.

If you could only see your face!

That's very clever.

Which one of you think
these things up?

I'm always the one.

I swear, katie,
i was going to confess,

But you came home
a second too soon.

Well, it's lucky
for you she did.

You were about to be kissed
by a perfect stranger.

As you can see, it's
very easy to confuse us.

Your sister's a very
dangerous woman, katie.

She could worm the secrets
right out of a sphinx.

Well, i-I really
must be going.

Will you walk to
the door with me, katie?

I have to catch
the 4:00 boat.

Going away?

Yes. I'm going to boston
overnight on business.

Oh, thanks
for the lunch...


Good afternoon,
miss bosworth.

Good afternoon,
mrs. Miles.

Pat's apt to do
crazy things.

It's all right,

You know,
the lippencotts

Are giving a barn dance tomorrow night.

I'll be back
in time.

Would you like
to go with me?

I'd love to.

I'll pick you up
at 8:00.

I'll be ready.

So long.

Boston papers.

Candy, fruit.

All the boston papers.


Thank you.

Boston papers.

Candy, fruit.


Thank you.

Thank you,


Boston papers.

Candy. Fruit.

All the boston


Which one is it?

You know.

I know.

How did you get here?

Flew over.


Lots of people have
to go to boston.

I'll be right down.

Hello, bill.

Which one is it?

Ha ha!

Wish i had a bible.

I swear by my honor.

It's kate.

I just wanted
to be sure.

Are only island people

No. The lippencotts
have open house.

I haven't done a square
dance since i was a kid.

Hope you don't mind if
i step all over your feet.

We'll step on
each other's feet.

Hello, bill.

Mr. Lippencott.

Better get
in there, boy.

Bill baxter's
calling the changes.

Good evening.
Good evening.

Mr. Lippencott, this
is katherine bosworth.

Miss bosworth.

How do you do?

It's very nice of you
to let me come.

Hope you enjoy
the evening.

Go right on in.

Thank you.

All join hands
and circle down south,

And let a little sunshine
in your mouth.

Forward all,
and fall back all,

Do it again now,
one and all.

Forward 4,
fall back 4,

Right and left lunar,
right and left back.

Forward all,
and fall back all,

Do it again, now,
one and all.

There's pat.

So it is.

Out and left
with the old left hand.

Back to your partner,
go right and left grand.

With a right foot up
and a left foot down,

And keep on swingin'
those gals around.

Here we go
with the old left leg

And a hind wheel spoke
in the axle drag.

And swing 'em high
and swing 'em low

And keep on swingin'
that calico.

Meet your partner with an
elbow hook and an elbow crook.

I wonder how
she knew about this?

I probably said something
about it to her in boston.


Yes, i...

Didn't you know that pat
went to boston yesterday?

No, i didn't.

The ladies chain
and chain right back,

And the work's all done
on the breakaway track.

Well, good evening,
kate, dear.

Oh, hello,

Freddie, this is
bill emerson.

My cousin
mr. Lindley.

How do you do,
mr. Emerson?

Pleased to
meet you.

You come with pat?

Yes. Yes, i did.

This sudden passion
for the bucolic life...

Hardly her type
of thing, is it?

Treat 'em all alike
and treat 'em all the same.

And treat 'em all alike,
no cheatin' in the game.

Meet your partner with an
elbow hook and an elbow crook.

All join hands
and circle down south,

And let a little sunshine
in your mouth.

Well, that was
quick work.

Change your partner,

Promenade half 'round
the track.

You promenade,
and you don't come back.

Let's you and i have a nice,
cool drink of applejack, shall we?

Come on.

Everybody waltz.

This is
the genuine article.

It's sort of a combination of
liquid fire and nitroglycerin.

Ha ha!

Here you are.
Drink it and blow up.


Good, huh?

Ha ha ha!

The natives call this
"jersey lightnin'."

The thunder comes later.

Oh, freddie.

Ha ha ha!

You want to dance?

All right, freddie.

Tell me, kate,

Just where does pat fit
into this jigsaw puzzle?

It's a long story,

I don't feel like
telling it.

Want to take
a drive?

It's a fine night.

Can i get you
some coffee?

You can sit here
while you drink it.

Oh, for heaven's sake,
say something.

This isn't like you.

If he means that much
to you, fight for him.

I can't.

Well, then, you certainly
won't get him if you don't.

Why don't you cry and
get it out of your system?

Must you always let that sister
of yours get ahead of you?

take me home.

Why, katie.

I thought of course
you'd be asleep.

We missed you.

Bill looked
everywhere for you.


You know i've never been
very good at mincing words.

What does bill
mean to you?


Well, i might as well
admit it, katie.

I'm mad about him.

He feels the same way.

Then this is it.

I'm sorry.

Oh, don't be sorry.
It isn't anybody's fault.

Bill's so fond
of you, katie.

Over and over, he said
what a swell person you were

And what fun
you'd had together.


Skip it.

Why, katie.

This is so
unlike you.

Pat, do you know bill?

Do you understand the
kind of things he likes?

The kind of life
he likes,

What he dreams of doing?

You've never known
anybody like him before.

When bill's kind fall
in love, they mean it.

Katie, i know the
kind of person bill is.

And i am mad
about him.

You must believe me.

You said yourself
only a minute ago

That it wasn't anyone's
fault, and it isn't.

It just happened.

I believe you.

And i wish you all the
happiness in the world.

Go on to bed, pat.

Go on, before i make
a fool of myself.


Don't look at him,
pat. Look at the camera.

Take it easy,
bill. It's only your wedding!

It'll be over
in a second, kids.

You make a handsome
couple, mr. And mrs. Emerson.

Look at the birdie.

Get ready.

That's it.
Hold it!

Hold it!

Thank you very much.

And now i'd like
to propose a toast.

May i?

Has everyone champagne?



Here's to the loveliest bride
of the year...

Or any year.


To pat.

Thank you.

Any regrets?

Are you kidding?

Ha ha!

Here's to freddie,

The loveliest guardian
of the year...

Or any year.

Thank you, pat, but you've
got a better one now.

To freddie.

To freddie.

Darling, i'll meet you in 20 minutes.

Oh, she's leaving!

Where are you going?

Good-Bye, katie.

Good-Bye, bill.

I wish you
the best of everything.


Oh, miss kate,

If only your mother could
have lived to see this day.

I know, mrs. Johnson.

Hello, freddie.

Is there anything
i can do for you, kate?

No, thank you,
freddie, darling.

That's sweet of you.

Don't worry
about me. I just...

Wanted to get away
for a while.

We both mustn't be
in here, freddie.

You go on back, and i'll-I'll
be out in a few minutes.

Forget it-

Patricia, bill,

There's nothing
you can do about it.

I know there isn't
anything i can do about it.

What will you do,

Oh, keep busy.


Now you're talking.

That's my girl.

Oh, oh, kate, dear?

Kate, this is
sylvester pringle.

Miss bosworth.

How do you do, mr. Pringle?
This is a great pleasure.

I read your column
every day.

In fact, i'm quite
a fan of yours.

And i am now a fan of
yours, miss bosworth.

You have quite a flair for color.

A touch of

I wish that
were true.

I'm a great admirer
of rousseau.

Excuse me for
breaking in here,

But, kate, do you know
that man over there?


Not exactly the type of anyone

You expect to see at a place like this.

I'm going to tell him
to get out.

No, freddie. He's probably
some young art student.

Yes, but look at him.

I was a student myself once. Let me go.

Excuse me,
mr. Pringle.

You're good
at that.

Necessity is
the mother of invention.

You by any chance
an artist?

Enough of an artist to have my
own opinions of this exhibition.

Then you're
a critic as well.

You don't have to be a critic
to recognize an amateur.

What makes you so sure
that she's an amateur?

Who is kidding whom?

Most of the people here don't
seem to share your opinion.

You mean this collection
of friends?

Have you heard the gab
that's floatin' around here?

"They're so divine.
They're so lovely."

I think i might as well tell
you i painted this collection.

I was wondering how long
it would take you to say so.

How did you get in?

I walked in.

I'm surprised
you took the trouble.

I was hungry
and thirsty.

What do you do?

I paint.

Well, then,
you are an artist.

I've never had an exhibition,
if that's what you're driving at.

I haven't had
the opportunity.

If you had the opportunity,
what would you do?

Are you making me
an offer?

I think i'd like to
see some of your work

To find out whether
you're a phony or not.

Come on.
I'll show you.


Now or never.

Is it far?

Not if you pay
for the taxi.

I'll get my coat.

Meet you outside.

What's the matter,
knocked out after 5 floors?

Come in.

Don't worry. This is strictly
on an intellectual basis.

There are some more
on the table.

I've seen enough.

Might have known you
wouldn't go for my stuff.

Your kind
never does.

If you'd stop being
class-Conscious for a minute,

I'd like to
say something.

Go ahead.

I owe you an apology.

You most certainly
are not a phony.

What shall i do now?

Bow from the waist?

What's your name?


Haven't you
any other name?

One's good enough.

If you dislike me
so intensely,

Why did you ask me to come
up and look at your work?

You asked me.

And now that you're done with the
great honor of praising my work,

I suppose i'll have to
start praising yours.

What's wrong
with my work?


Chiefly because
you're what you are-

Stiff, ingrown, afraid.

I bet you're
not even a woman.

I know your kind.

Someone way back
in your family

Was clever enough
to make a lot of money,

And then his son
made some more.

And then his son had the great
problem of learning how to spend it.

That's probably been
going on ever since.

So here you are, the
last gasp of the line-

Dabbling away at being an
artist, with a capital "a."

While someone like me,
who's really got something,

Can't even afford a
decent pad of drawing paper

Or a piece of chalk,
or not to mention paints.

Why did you say...

I'm not even
a woman?

That always gets 'em.

You can criticize
a woman's work,

But when you suggest
she's not a ball of fire,

Oh, boy!

What do you mean?

That's what i mean.

I think
i'd better be going.


Good night,
mr. Karnock.

You're not a hopeless case, you know.

How encouraging.

I'll be seeing you.

your foot still.

Get the glare off
your face, square head.

Boy, you sure got a nerve,
coming in here and taking over.

As far as i'm concerned,
i'm gettin' tired of you.

You talk
too much.

Karnock, you're being
a bit rough on her.

Yeah. I got a right
to my own opinion.

Not with that brain, you haven't.

I won't sit for you
another minute.

a cigarette, diedra.

I think we all
need a breather.

I told you this
wouldn't work out.

Who fools around
with models, anyway?

We should have gone out
in the streets.

We should have painted
what we saw.

It's no good.

We'll have to try
something different.

The pose is all wrong.

Don't say that, karnock.
It's so awfully good.

I wish i could do
half as well.

Cut the compliments.

Look at that.

Just look at that.

Come here.

Just look
at that arm.

It's like the...

Like the trunk
of a tree.

There is a bone
under that flesh.

You're not just drawing a
bunch of apples on a platter.

You're drawing
a human being.

If you want to do a living woman, do it.

I'm trying.

You quit
bullying her!

Shut up!

She was doing all right
until you came here.

I may be presuming to ask
the great genius a question,

But have you ever
sold anything?

Scram. Beat it.
Go home!

I can't get out of here
quick enough to suit me.

It ain't your fault,
miss bosworth.

Karnock, it's time we settled
a few things between us.

You're most welcome to use
this studio, you know that.

But not if you
continually upset

and everybody.

All right. Go on with your
smug little life if you want to,

But you can count me out.

Karnock, stop being
such a pigheaded boor.

I'm perfectly willing to allow you
to humiliate me as regards my work.

I want it that way.

But not as a person.

Nor will i allow you to
humiliate anybody else

As long as you're
in this house.


Go soak your head.

Well, go on back to work.

Oh, i don't know
what to do with this.

Am i in time for tea?

Oh, freddie.

Hello, kate.

To what do we owe
the honor of this visit?

Well, i just thought i'd drop
around, see how you were doing.

Good. I'll see that
you get your tea immediately.

this is mr. Karnock,

The man who's teaching me
how to paint.

Mr. Karnock,
my cousin mr. Lindley.

Good afternoon,
mr. Karnock.

Are we gonna have tea,
or are we going to work?

We're going
to have tea.

Antisocial fellow,
isn't he?

How are you progressing,

I'm not.

Oh, my. Are you
teaching her?

Freddie, you certainly
show your ignorance

When you make
a remark like that.

It's all right,

I'd like to hear what he has to say.

Thank you.

I'm just curious to
know if that's an eye.

I know it's in the
right place for an eye.

It's got to
be an eye.

But is it?

it's an eye.

Now will you run along
and have your tea?

When you're in the mood,
we can go back to work.

Well, i guess that just about
confirms everything i've heard.

What do you mean,

Rumors have been

That you are under
the influence of

Sort of a rasputin
of the paint pots.

That's just about
the kind of rumor

I'd expect some people to circulate.

You may put the tea
here, jenny.

Mr. Emerson's
on the phone.

Mr. Emerson?

Yes, miss bosworth.

Excuse me.


Hello, kate.
I just got into town.

Oh, hello.

How are you?

Oh, very well.
And you?

Oh, i'm fine.

Is pat with you?

No. She's in boston.
I'm here on business.

Oh, i see.

Say, can you meet me
at mccall's department store?

Yes, of course
i could.

You're sure
i'm not interfering?

No. You're not
interfering with anything.

Don't be silly.

How long will it
take you?

I can be there
in no time.

Ok. I'll see you
later, katie.

All right.


Hello, katie.


It seems forever
since i've seen you.

It has been a long time, hasn't it?

How's pat?

She's fine.

What are you
shopping for?

I'm looking for a
birthday present for her.

I thought that perhaps you might
be able to tell me what she'd like.

Well, what about some lingerie or
a negligee or something like that?

That would be
all right.

It's on the second floor.

What are you doing
in new york?

I'm making arrangements
to take a trip to chile.

Face the front, please.

For a yankee, that's a far
cry for you, even to chile.

That's right.

Is this a new job?


Is pat going
with you?

Yes, she is.

Second floor.

Excuse me.

Going up.
Going up, please.

Has your new job something to
do with lighthouse inspection?

Remember my telling you
last summer about the job

My college friend
offered me?

Yes. I... remember
very well.

Well, i finally took it.

It's a good break.
It pays darn good money.

May i help you?

No, thank you.
We're just looking around.

Very well, madame.

Bill, i can't think of you
away from the island somehow.

I had to do something
to make more dough.

This looks like pat.

That is nice.

May i help you?

Hold it up to you,
will you, katie?

It's a wonderful style
for you, madam.

It'll look wonderful on pat.

Am i a prize dope!

What's the matter?

Well, if it's pat's birthday
tomorrow, it's yours, too.

Of course.

I'd like to get you
something, katie.

Oh, that's sweet of you, bill,
to think of it. No, thank you.

Oh, surely there's something in
the store you've seen you'd like?

No, no, thank you
very much.

Are you sure?

All right. I'll take it.
How much is it?

$69.50 with the tax.

Can i give you
a check for it?

Of course. There are some blank
checks on the desk in the hall.

All right.

Would you like it
wrapped as a gift?

Yes, please, will you?
Come on, katie.

You know, i think
she's going to like this.

I'm leaving tonight. I want to surprise
pat and be home for her birthday.

Oh, bill,
how stupid of me.

I completely forgot
i have an engagement.

I must run along.

Oh, but wouldn't you have time for
a drink before i catch the train?

I'm terribly sorry.
I really haven't time.

It's been wonderful
seeing you again, katie.

Wonderful to see you.

And thanks a lot
for helping me out here.

It was fun.
Good-Bye, bill.

Good-Bye, katie.

Give my love to pat.


Who is
this guy emerson?

Karnock, what are you
doing here?

Waiting for you.

Used my charm on the cook.
She got me something to eat.

Where have you been?
It's after 11:00.

Oh, i went to a newsreel theater,
walked around the lake in the park.

No dinner?

No. I wasn't hungry.

Where's the guy?


Come over here. I want to talk to you.

Come on, now.
No guy's worth all this.

Why don't you have a drink?

No, thank you, karnock.

You know...

I've been doing a lot of
thinking about us.

And i've got it
straight at last.

All this art stuff... that's been a
substitute for something, hasn't it?

You'll be glad
to know, karnock,

I've come to a decision.

I'm a third-Rate artist.

Always will be.

So you won't have to
bother with me anymore.

What are you
going to do?

I don't know. Something.

Go somewhere.

Haven't decided.

Always running away.

No wonder you lost him.

We won't discuss it,

You'll never land a guy, all
closed up inside like this.

But i wasn't always
like this. People change.

Remember what i said
when i first met you?

There, in my room?

I most certainly do.

Kind of went for me
then, didn't you?

Only you got cold feet.

Karnock, your conceit
really amazes me at times.

Man needs woman, woman
needs man. That's basic.

Everything else starts from
that-Art, music, the whole works.

Only women like you want to make
something important out of it.

You want a guy to stifle
himself for you-

The grand passion
and all that baloney.

Yes, we do.

Don't go female on me.
Get wise to yourself.

Oh, leave me alone!

Sure you're not
running away from me now?


Now, that's better.

I'm sorry, karnock.

I guess it is "the grand
passion" or nothing.

Karnock, i think i'm going
to the island for a while.

Good night.

How much
do i owe you?

75 cents.

You may keep
the change.

Oh, thank you very much.

Hello, katie.

Pat! I thought
you were in chile.

I wasn't able to go.

Did freddie
get my wire?

Freddie's gone to new york
for a few weeks.

Oh. I didn't know.

You look tired, katie.
Anything wrong?

in particular.

Oh, i read about your exhibition
at the gruen gallery.

I suppose i should have
run down to see it-

Not that i know
a thing about art.

I couldn't tell
a rembrandt from a renoir.

Katie, don't tell me
you're smoking these days?

Pat, why couldn't you
go to chile?

I had a perfectly dreadful cold.
Something like the flu.

What a shame. Bill was so
excited about your going.

Bill's so naive about
a lot of things.

But that's bill.

Naivete's a bit trying
to live with all the time.

Katie, don't you
want to go upstairs?

You haven't said a word
about my dungarees.

I'm getting to be
a big outdoors girl now,

Learning to sail and all
that sort of nonsense.

That i want to see.

Ha! I'll prove it
to you.

Incidentally, why don't you take
off your hat and stay a while?

I thought we'd sail out
towards dragonhead-

Your old stamping ground.

Anything you say.
You're the skipper.

I'll raise the jib.

All right. I'll start on the mainsail.

I'm coming about,

What do you think of
your new skipper?

She's all right.

Pat, how'd you happen
to take up sailing?

You never used to
care about it.

I'd have died of
boredom otherwise.

Got a beau, katie?

Whatever possessed you
to come here, pat?

Oh, i wanted to see
the gang again.

As a matter of fact, we've got a luncheon
date on tom frazier's yacht tomorrow.

It's a pretty stiff
breeze, pat.

Can you manage all right?

Oh, sure. It's exciting!

You'll get plenty
of excitement.

Looks like we're going into
some heavy weather.

Wonderful. I'll give it
a run for its money!

Look out, katie,
i'm going to jibe.

All right!

It's getting
really nasty, pat!

We should go back.

Not on your life.

Haul in your mainsail!

I've always wanted
to sail in a storm.

You're crazy!

So i'm crazy.

All we needed
was some fog.

Tack your sheet!

You were right!
We should have gone back.

Too late now! All we can do is hope
to get in the lee of the lighthouse!

Watch your head!
Here comes a big one!

I should have
insisted we go back!

I'll handle the sheets!

Katie! We're headed
for the reefs!

Well, turn us back leeward!

Hang on!

Look out, katie!

The reefs, pat!

The reefs will rip out
the bottom of the boat!

Pat! Pat!
Pat! Pat!

Pat! Pat!

When did you say you first
noticed what was happening?

Well, i was
listening to the radio.

There was a
terrible high wind,

And i thought i heard
somebody hollering.

Then you went to the window.

Shh! You're
raising your voices too much.

All right, ma'am.

I looked out, and
there was the boat,

Headed for
the rocks,

all torn to shreds.

Don't talk too loud.

She needs all the sleep
she can get.

No right to be out
on a day like that.

They must have been having
trouble with the sail

Long before
it happened.

I put in a call
to the coast guard.

Did you see which one of them
was handling the boat?

How could i? I couldn't
tell them apart anyways.

Talk low.

Yes, ma'am.

When you got to them, were you able
to see the body of the other one,

Or was it under the boat?

No, never did see the
body. Ain't seen it yet.

Oh, no!

There, there, now.
Everything's all right.

It's important that you should
keep very warm and quiet.

I tried to pull
her back.

Mrs. Emerson,
we know all about that.

Mrs. Emerson?


I'm an investigator.

I've just been getting a statement
about the wreck from mr. Folger.

He was the only witness. You're
very fortunate, mrs. Emerson.

It was a bad accident.

Now, your sister came up here to
visit you yesterday, didn't she?

And you took her sailing?

She's all confused. I
think you ought to leave her be.

Yeah, maybe so.

Mrs. Emerson,
try and think of mr. Bill.

Think of his feelings
if it had been you.

You know bill best, eben.
You talk to her.


Just want to talk to you
a little, mrs. Emerson.

Ever since it happened,
you been lying here,

Crying for bill
over and over again.

You keep saying,
"i tried to save her."

Bill ain't going to blame you, mrs. Emerson.
You got to get that through your head.

You got to look at it
this way.

If the good lord had wanted
to take you instead of her,

Why, he'd have done it.

I was real fond of
your sister.

Guess i didn't
show it much, but i was.

But bill always loved you,
never her.

Maybe that's why
you were spared.

There ain't no arguing
the will of the lord.

So you get well
and strong now, mrs. Emerson,

And be a good wife to bill.

She'd have wanted it that way. I
knowed her well enough to say that.

Eben, mr. Lindley's
out here.

All right.

I'm going to leave you now,

But you just kind of be thinking
over what i just told you.

You can talk to her now.

Yeah, thank you.

I won't talk to you very long,
dear. I don't want to tire you.

Can you understand me, pat?

Bill is coming home.

I've been waiting all afternoon
for an answer to my wire,

And it just got here.

He arrives in new york
by plane... friday.


I was sure we were going to
be late, but i guess we're not.

I must look a sight
after that drive.

Well, frankly, under
the circumstances,

I don't think bill expects you
to look like a raving beauty.

Pan american
airways flight number 7

Now arriving at gate two.

Is that bill's plane?

Yes. Yes, it is.


Freddie, i... i feel rather
seedy. I think i'll have a drink.

Yours is a martini,
isn't it, pat?

Yes, freddie.

Are you all right?

Thank you.

One martini, please.

One martini.

Well, there it is.

You stay here
and have your drink.

I'll get bill,
and we'll be back.


Hello, pat.

You really shouldn't have bothered
to come down here to meet me.

Oh, of course i'd meet
you. Don't be silly.

I'm terribly sorry
about kate.

I hope you don't mind if we
stay in new york for a few days

So i can straighten out
some of her things.

Oh, that'll fit in with my plans.
I've got some work to do here.

Did you have
a pleasant trip?

Good afternoon,
mrs. Emerson.

Good afternoon, elise.

Hello, mrs. Johnson.

I'm so sorry, my dear. Thank you.

Would you like to go upstairs? We
have your old room all ready for you.

Oh, no. No, thank you. I think we'll
all stay down here and have a drink.

I know i'd like one.
How about you, freddie?

Well, not for me, thank you.
I have a business appointment.

Oh, but you simply
can't leave us.

Well, i'll drop around
tomorrow, if i may.

Well, you're being
dreadfully unsocial.

Good-Bye, old man. Call me
if there's anything i can do.

Thanks a lot for
your help, freddie.

It's all right.

See you tomorrow, freddie.

Ok, pat.

Shall we go in the library?


You know, it really
hit freddie.

I've never seen him
quite this way before.

I know
just how he feels.

It's very strange
for me without kate.

Would you like a scotch?

You know i drink
bourbon, pat.

Oh, yes, of course.

You look tired, bill.

I was thinking of kate.

You know, i can't believe
she's gone, somehow.

I didn't know she meant
so much to you.

We were very good friends.

Doesn't mean that i was
in love with her.

She knew that.

How do you know?

Well, she... she told me,
just before the wedding.

Bill, i've missed you
very much.

I'm glad you're back.

I'm sorry i didn't go
to chile with you, bill.

There's nothing
any different between us.

I came back only
because of kate's death.

Why the astonishment?

Don't try to pretend
that you've forgotten, pat.

Oh, no. No, of course
i haven't forgotten.

I only thought
that perhaps i-

I know you've been through a lot. That's
why i didn't go directly to a hotel.

It's unfortunate the accident
occurred at this time,

But i think that just as soon as
you get kate's affairs wound up,

You'd better go to reno
and get it over with.

What's that noise?

Oh, uh...
i'll go and see.

25 years, and never once has
anyone used the kind of language you use!

Not to mention the way you order
self-Respecting people around!

A good-For-Nothing
scalawag like you! Why-

Get out, get out! And
keep your meddling paws off my work!

All right, all right!

Oh, miss patricia, i'm sorry,
but when miss kate was here,

She allowed this man to use the
studio, and now i can't get rid of him!

Go on, beat it, grandma.

That's all right,
mrs. Johnson.

Very well.

So you're patricia.

Yes, i'm patricia.

I don't see
much difference...

Except maybe
around the eyes.

Will you come in here
for a minute?


I hit the eyes

I thought yours
were different.

They're not,
not a bit.

Will you sit here?

Look at me.

I used to drive
your sister crazy.

She was
quite a girl.

This way.

It's incredible.

Could anybody ever
tell you and kate apart?

No. Not even bill.

Bill who?

My husband
bill emerson.

So that's
the emerson guy.

Too bad kate wasn't
more of a fighter.

You didn't like your
sister very much, did you?

Why do you say that?

It's true, isn't it?

No, it isn't true.

You two probably
disliked each other

From the time
you were born,

And why shouldn't you
dislike each other?

It's a perfectly
natural antagonism.

She said you were
so attractive,

You could have
any man you wanted,

And you wanted her man.

I- Kate never said
a thing like that.

How do you know?

Well, i-I just know
she never would. That's all.

She didn't have
to say anything to me.

I knew her better
than she knew herself.

Will you excuse me?

Bill. Bill, there's a friend
of kate's in the studio there,

Working on
a portrait of her.

I've been posing
for him.

Suddenly, this whole house
is making me so nervous.

Would you mind very much
if i went to boston tonight?

I can come back later and
straighten out kate's things.

I understand.

As a matter of fact,
i'll go to a hotel.

It will save us both
a lot of embarrassment.

I'll tell mrs. Johnson
to repack my things.

Oh, bill, could we let this divorce
business ride until you get to boston?

I can't seem to think
about it right now.

What's there
to think about?

Bill... i want
another chance.

Do you think
you deserve one?

Maybe not,
but i want it.

That's the first honest
thing you've said in months.

Let me try.

All right.

You'll probably change
your mind once you get home,

But in the meantime,

We-We'll let it
go at that.

Thank you, bill.

Oh, don't bother to come
to the station with me.

I'd rather go alone.

Oh, will you call freddie
and tell him i've gone?


Be sure and wire me
when you're coming.

- I'd like to have everything ready for you.

Good-Bye, bill.

Good-Bye, pat.

Good evening,
mrs. Emerson.

Good evening.

We've been working to
get the house in order

Ever since
we got your wire.

You didn't give us
much time.

I realize that.

Thank you.

Everything looks
very nice.

Thank you, ma'am.

We didn't expect you
back for quite awhile.

Well, i wanted
to open up the house.

Mr. Emerson will
be home in a day or so.

For heaven's sakes! I thought
he was gone for all summer.

Mike's been so
lonely without you.

Mike, go over and see
your mistress.

For heaven's sakes,
what's the matter with you?

Mike seems to have
forgotten me for the moment.

Hello, mike.

Wouldn't you like
to go up to your room?

There are a couple
of messages for you.

Mr. And mrs.
Deveraux called.

Oh, did they?

They're leaving

I'll call them later.

Mr. Talbot
sent the roses.


He's been calling every
day since the accident.

I didn't think you'd mind if i
told him you were coming home.

I think he expects you
to call him, mrs. Emerson.

I'll attend
to it later.

Oh, you-You needn't bother
to unpack until the morning.

Do you want me
to call him?


Mr. Talbot.

He'll be at his regular
number all evening.

I said i'd attend
to it later.

Very well, madam.

There you go.

You're a little beggar.

There. Remember
what i told you, mike.

You've got
to be my friend.

Good afternoon,
mr. Emerson.

Good afternoon.

Here. Take these things
upstairs for me,

Will you, lucy, please?

Hello, bill.


Shall i bring in the
cocktails right away?

Yes. And we'll have
dinner in an hour.

Hello, mike!

Hiya, boy.
Hey, mike.

Well, you look rested.

Yes, i am.

Alma and i have planned
your favorite dinner.

Oh, we're staying
home tonight.

I thought
it would be fun.

Why, yes, it would.

Excuse me while
i go and wash up.

Bill, it's wonderful
to see you.

Oh, mike.
You are my friend.

Help yourself to cream
and sugar, won't you, bill?

All right.

Here's your tobacco.

Thank you.

Isn't alma
the world's best cook?

We're lucky
to have her.

We are.

Mike was very lonely
without me.

Weren't you, mike?

Pat, i know all this is as
difficult for you as it is for me.

Oh, but it isn't, bill.

I love being here
with you.

You do believe that,
don't you?

I want to.

You know that.

What about talbot?

Have you seen him?


you must realize

That's the most important thing
to get straight between us.

I don't want to see him.

Don't you think
you owe it to him

To tell him
that it's all over?

Or perhaps
it isn't over.

Oh, yes, it is, bill.
I swear it.

He's telephoned me
two or 3 times

And... and sent me flowers.

I haven't
acknowledged them.

I- I thought that was
the best way to handle it.

Pat, until you get
this talbot thing

Straightened out
once and for all,

There isn't anything more
we can say to each other.


Good afternoon,
mrs. Emerson.

Good afternoon.

Would you tell mr. Talbot
that i'm here?

I'm quite sure
he's in.

Thank you.

Hello, darling.


May i take your coat?

Oh. Yes, thank you.

How about a martini?

I don't believe
i feel like one.

I know i should have
called you.


Lucy told me
that bill was back.

I must say
i was surprised...

Considering everything.

He came back last night.

And just where
does that put me?

I have something
i must tell you.

I find out i'm still
in love with bill.

I'm sorry.

That's perfect.

You mess up my life,

And you say
you're sorry.

I happen to have arranged to
divorce my wife for your sake.

I suppose it never occurred to you that
someone could say a thing and mean it.

Well, how do you think i
feel not seeing you for days?

There's something
behind all this.

Oh, no!

No, there isn't.
You must believe that.

I love bill.
I always will.

Pat, you can't mean this after
all we've meant to each other.

So it was just
an interlude with you.

Yes, that's what it was.

You dirty little

You're doing to me what you did
with all the others, aren't you?

You didn't think
i knew about them.

Don't think that people haven't heard
about your rotten little scandals.

Things get around,
you know.

You're not a very
discreet person.

I wish i-

Get out.

I can't face him.

I can't. I can't.

Why the suitcase, pat?

I'm leaving, bill.

May i ask why?

You were right.

It wouldn't
have worked out.

I should have known
it wouldn't.

You've seen talbot.

You're still in love
with him-Is that it?

Oh, no.

I don't want
to talk about it.

Well, if you're not
still in love with him,

Then why are
you leaving?

Oh, bill. You can't
want me to stay, can you?

Not after-

You said the only thing
to be straightened out

Between us was
the talbot business.

What about the others?
Much worse.

Surely you knew
about them.

If you didn't,
you were a fool.

Don't you know you've been the
laughingstock of this whole town?

Well, hello, my dear.

Hello, freddie.

Let me take
your coat.

All right.

I have your room ready.

Oh, that's sweet
of you, freddie.

I hope i won't be
a nuisance.

Oh, nonsense.

It's a rotten
night out, isn't it?

I like the fog.

My, you look
pretty well all in.

Shall i get you
some tea?

No, thank you.


Now that i'm here,
i don't know what to say.

I had so many things
to tell you.

You see, i've left bill.

That isn't what
i wanted to say at all.

Freddie, if i were
to tell you-

Wait a minute.

I believe i know what
you want to tell me...


How long have you known?

Well, i suspected
just after the accident,

But i tried to put such
thoughts out of my mind.

And then when you called and
said you were coming here,

Of course, i knew.

It's absolutely unbelievable
that you would do such a thing.

It seemed my only chance
for happiness.

But you were never
a liar, kate.

How could you think
you could live a lie?

I didn't think.

I just let it happen.

Oh, it was
so simple at first.

It wasn't going
to hurt anybody.

But after
i'd found out how...

How pat
had treated bill,

I couldn't go
through with it.

She hurt him
so terribly.

He'll never forget.

No matter what
i try to do,

It will always
be there.

What are
you going to do?

I don't know.

I want to do what
will hurt him the least.

To a man like bill,
the truth is the only way.

Freddie, would you forgive
me if i went up to my room?


You see, freddie,
bill never loved me.

I've never
brought anyone here before.

The one time that
i wish i could paint

Is when i'm here.

Katie, do you suppose
you could catch this?

I'll miss you,
too, katie.

You know that.


Oh, katie.

Oh, katie, i knew
i'd find you here.

Then you know.

Yes, i know.

I can't even ask you
to forgive me.

I don't want you
to ask me anything.

I don't want you
to tell me anything.

You're already suffered
so much for both of us.

Oh, bill. Bill.

Even back at the lighthouse
that night, you knew.

I was the one
who didn't.

I wasn't ready.

Oh, yes, i fell
in love with pat,

But it was
never right-

Not the way that we were
always right for each other.

I know that now.

Oh, katie.

Let's-Let's forget
everything that's happened

As though we never
left the island.

Can you do that?

Oh, katie,
i love you so much.