A Girl Like Grace (2015) - full transcript

Raised by a single mother, a bullied 17 year-old girl seeks guidance from her best friend and the girl's older sister.

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They say beauty
is in the eye of the beholder.

They also say that beauty
comes from within.

When I was a little girl,
I used to turn on the television loud

to block out the noise around me.

We didn't have cable, but...

the sound of static
was better than the screaming.

It all started with me being raised
by my single mother.

She always thought of herself
as this beautiful, Haitian queen.

I'm not gonna do this shit with you.
What're you gonna do, huh?

You ain't nothin'
but a bitch of a man!

- I'm not afraid of you!
- You want to fight me like a man?

I'll treat your motherfuckin' ass
like I want.

Don't move!

Bitch, you lucky I didn't
break your motherfucking jaw.

Stupid bitch.

Fuck you.

I'm sorry, baby.

Your mother is a beautiful woman

but I hope to God
you don't grow up

to be like her.

You motherfucker!

I guess when beauty
doesn't come from within...

...you can call that...


My name is Grace

and this is my beautiful life.

The problem is I never thought
I was beautiful,

nor did I ever
feel beautiful inside.

I used to ask God, "why did he
have to make me a girl

"to even have to care
about beauty?"

Now I just ask God,

"why should I care
about anything at all?"

Best friends forever! Dink!

You ready?

You and that damn mouse.

That thing needs
to hurry up and die.

I know, I shouldn't
be talking about

your little friend
like that.

Is that how
you're going to school?

Aren't you excited
about your first day

of your senior year?

You need to move on
with your life, Grace.

We come into this world alone...

and we leave alone.

Girl, do you hear me
talking to you?

Yes, I hear you.


I'm working late tonight.

And then I got a date,

so dinner's on you.


I was always told my name,
Grace, meant something.

That eventually my name
would remind me of who I am

and what I would need in order
to survive in this world.

But I never imagined
my senior year to be like this.


I go where I want to

Oh, oh

When I'm with you

I smile and I know

It'll be okay

'Cause I can fly away

Oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh...

In this beautiful life,
I'm starting to think

that people take themselves
too serious.

It's like all they care about
is who they hang out with,

how they look
or who has the latest iPhone

or newest pair of Jordans.

It's all about...



But inside...

I bet they feel like shit.

If people were to walk around

the way they actually felt inside?

I'll bet we'd all just be

a bunch of dead zombies
walking this earth.

Welcome back, students!

Hopefully, everyone had
an amazing summer

spending time with loved ones.

I want you all to think
seriously about college.

College education is the
surest way to a better life.

On a more serious note,
I'm sure that you're aware

that we experienced tragedy
over the summer

with one of our students.

May I remind you that we have

a "zero tolerance
for bullying" policy.

Everyone, please respect
and support one another.

We're here to help.

Here's to an amazing first day

and a stellar coming year.

Go, Admirals!

Oh, my God, can you believe
we're seniors now?

This is so exciting!
I am so excited for prom.

Remember when we were ninth graders,
and they used to call us scrubs...

Regardless of what

other people's opinions are of others,

I could say I got to witness

what real beauty looks like
from the inside and out.

I just wish she would have known.

Welcome, seniors.

My name...

is Mr. Walsh.

I am your Honors English
teacher this year.

Before any of you determine
whether or not you like me

or anyone else in this class,
let's take a moment

to properly introduce
ourselves, shall we?

Starting with you.

Ms. Weathers?

Let's see here,
you and your daughter...

Ms. Weathers.

Did you understand that,
Ms. Weathers?

Yup. Makes sense.

I bet.

You know, I just, uh...

I just need a little help,
that's all.

If I have to call Obama

Tell you what.

Why don't you come back
next week like we discussed,

bring all the paperwork,

and, uh, we'll see
what we can work out.

Sounds real good.

You mind if I ask you a question?

Uh, sure, go ahead.

How old are you?

Old enough.

That's all that matters.

Take care.

Please allow me to introduce you
to Mr. Matthew Clifton,

our teacher's aide.

Now, please fill out
the information sheets.

And remember,
this is a very important year.

So please work hard.

I'm gonna need
your cooperation

and, of course,
the support of your parents.

So don't even think about putting

any fake information down
for your parents.

I will find them.


When you're completed
with the forms,

please pass them
up to the front.

Excuse me.

Hey, Grace!

What's up?
How are you?

How you doing?

What are you doing here?

Uh, yeah, I know
I look like a loser, huh?

No, um...

I didn't have enough money
to go to Emerson this year.

So I decided to stay here,

you know, work at the school, make
some extra funds, and, you know.

And, uh, save up for next year.

You look good.

It was a long summer, huh?

One, two, three...

I almost sharted on myself.

Matt, stop. That's disgusting.

Whatever, girl, you know you're
gonna miss me when I'm gone.

You gonna miss me
when I'm gone, too.

No, we're not.

That's a lie, actually.
I'm gonna miss those rides

home from school,
but that's about it.

Yeah well, as long
as you takin' care

of our little Gracie,
here, you're good.

Grace needs to take care of me.

What do you mean by that?

You guys are stupid.

How you holding up?

It was good seeing you, Grace.

All right, Jason,
since you're a senior

and a transfer student,
I want to make sure you go

to the counseling center.

And over here is the auditorium,

and then over there
is the cafeteria.

Mr. Walsh!

Let me talk to you.

- Yo. Who's that cutie?
- Man, that's Grace.

She won't be cheering
for us, boy.

What you mean?

She on the other team.

Other team?

That new boy
in school, Jason?

Super hot.

I love that song.

We used to sing that song
all the time.

That was like old times.

Y'all used to skip lunch.


That was like old times.

Thanks for the ride.

Yeah. Of course.

Yeah, you know,
Andrea would want it like that.

Matt, it'll never be like old times.
Why would you say that, Grace?

It's like, all summer you ignore me.
And now, you know, I come back

and you're cold to me
for no reason.

- Like, why are you--
- Matt. Matt. Just stop.


I'll talk to you later, Matt.

It's true.

People like to forget
the past

that has affected them
the most.

But I could never forget.

It's okay, girl.
I know I'm beautiful.

Jesus told me so,
because that's my homeboy.

Holla. Okay?

But your mom? Oh, my gosh.

She's, like, the black version
of Marilyn Monroe,

and that's true beauty.

You ever wish you could look
like her when you grow older?


Here's your coffee.

You've got your cups
right there.

Hey. I'll be right with you.

Grace, what are you doing here?
I told you I was working late.


I asked them
for an extension.

- Damn it.
- I'm hungry.

Just go over there
and sit down.

I'll get you something
to eat. God.

Fuck you! Douche bag!

I know who you are.

It's Grace, right?

You were my sister's
best friend.

How'd you know?

She sent me
a bunch of letters

with pictures
of you guys in 'em.

She said you were
her "new sister."

How come you weren't
at the funeral?

I mean, if I had a best friend
that died, I'd be at her funeral.

I'm sorry,
did I just

invite myself
to your dinner?

Oh, it's-- It's fine.

That was really sweet of you.

My grandmother said
you're a really sweet girl.

How's she doing?

Well, she stopped talking.

She's getting more ill.

But that's why I'm down here
to take care of her.

You know? It's the least
I could do.

I see you made a friend.

- Share, this is Lisa.
- She means her mother.

Oh, nice
to meet you, ma'am.

Nice to meet you, too,
but please call me Miss Lisa.

Miss Lisa.

I'm, um,
Andrea's big sister.


Rest her soul,
she was a lovely young lady.

Yeah, she was.

Grace, I'm getting off.

I'll meet you outside
in 15 minutes.

So we should probably
exchange numbers

and hang out, you know?

Just get to know each other.

- Butch, I need some help.
- What's up, baby?

I'm a little strapped
for cash.

What can you do for me?

Oh, what do you mean?
What kind of cash?

How much you need?

I need just a couple hundred.
Can you help a girl out?

"Just a couple of hundred."

You know I'm good for it.

Come on.

- Please?
- All right, baby doll.

Oh, thank you.
Thank you, Butch.

- Take the whole thing.
- Really?

- Well, yeah.
- Thank you.

All right.
I'm gonna make sure

that the lights are turned on
by the morning.

Girl, you can tough it out
for one ni-- Are you?

Don't be rolling
your eyes at me.

And you know,
if I don't come home,

that means Chad and I
had a good time!

I miss you, Lisa.

Is that right?


You're so beautiful.

Let's get a hotel tonight.

Now, Chad, you know

I ain't no hooker.

Nor am I cheap.

You know I love you, girl.

If you think
all these compliments

is gonna get you some ass,

you better open your wallet.

I mean, I'm just glad
you decided

to come see me tonight.

Well, any woman
who would pass up

on a seafood dinner
is a dummy.


Let's get back together.

Chad, you know that
ain't gonna happen.

Why not?

Because you ain't ready
for a relationship.

Yes, I am.

Chad, please.

You know I love you.

And the sex...

The sex is real good.

But I can't keep going
back and forth

with you and your bullshit.

- Bullshit?
- Yeah. Bullshit.

Why don't you answer it?

Because it's not important.

Tell your wife I said hi.
How are the kids?

I am in the process
of getting a divorce--

I'm not buying that.

- Just calm down.
- Don't tell me to calm down.

- It's my damn mouth.
- We're trying to eat here.

Then you eat, bitch!

- Lisa, stop.
- Fuck you!


Gra-- Grace?


I can't sleep.

Don't ever trust a man.


Your father was the first man
that taught me that.

I want you all to write
a poem about yourselves.

Everything about yourself
that's important,

write it down.

What if there's
nothing important?

Then write down what
"nothing important" feels like.

Listen, guys.
It's not that complicated.

It's just a poem.


Grace, can I speak
to you?

So, I hear you're smart.


How do you figure that?

I have connections.

When you filled out
the information sheets,

you were the only one
who didn't fill out

information about their parents.

That kind of stood out, so...

I did my own research.

Is that legal?

When it pertains
to your education, it is.

I see you got
a 1539 SAT score.

And I also hear
you want to be a writer.

That's pretty impressive.

What colleges
have you applied to?

I'm not going to college.

And why is that?

So we have to go
to the same college.

Yes, we have to.

You're smarter than me,
so hopefully

we get into
the same college.

Don't say that.

Or if we don't get
into the same school,

we can stay behind
and be strippers.

Imagine that.

Or we could just
live with my sister.

She would love that.

Either way, we're gonna
be together forever.

How about I've already
made my decision?

So, Grace?

You're really planning on not
going to college anymore?

I mean, that doesn't make
any sense.

Well, you're not.

Grace? Listen.

I'm really sorry
about your friend Andrea.

It must be really hard
for you not to have

your best friend
around anymore.

You guys were... really
connected at the hip.

- Aw!
- Mary, knock it off.

Matt? Get a life.

You're not even
supposed to be here.

Or in this conversation.

Yeah, dude.
Get your shit together.

Aren't you supposed
to be in college or something?

- Yeah, don't worry about me.
- I'm afraid I am.

Seems like someone here
is obsessed

with our little Miss Grace.

Like I was saying...

I know you think
I had something to do with it.

- But I didn't.
- Well, if you didn't

then why did you even
have to say that?

Because I know you think
I had something to do with it.

And she had nothing
to do with it.


It's okay, Grace.

You'll find yourself
another girlfriend.

There are plenty of lesbians
at our school.

She's such a bitch.

Hey, Granny.


Let's see.

This beautiful life I live.

This beautiful life I live
with tears I cry from inside

and the misery
of my only reproducing pain.

Let me call you back.

Can I help you?

Hi, Miss Lisa.

I, uh--, I was coming
to pick up Grace

to hang out
for the night.

- On a school night?
- Well, not--

I wasn't gonna
keep her out late.

I just...

I've been really lonely,

- and so I was hoping--
- Grace.


You two have fun.

- Okay.
- And be safe.

- Yes.
- Bye, Lisa.

- Sharon?
- Oh, it's Share.

You ain't no lesbian,
are you?

Oh, no. No.
I'm-- I'm far from that.

Good, 'cause Grace here

needs to meet some boys
and have some fun.

If you know what I mean.



Yeah, I know what you mean.

Oh. Keys.

Yo, your mom was hilarious.

What language was that
she was speaking?

Uh, she's Haitian.

Oh, y'all Haitian?

- Yeah.
- Wow.

Wow, that's crazy.

How come you didn't call
your mom "Mom"?

'Cause-- I don't know.

She never really felt
like a mom.

Thank you
for hanging out with me.

I know it's kind of random,
me calling you.

But you know,
I really did need

someone to hang out with.

It-- It's okay.

Okay, so, let's get out
of the car.

Why'd you park
right over there?

I-- I don't want them
to see the car.

They have, like,
cameras and shit.

So I'm just hoping
that he's not lying,

'cause if he's lying,
I'm gonna be really pissed off.

It's not like
I can be mad if he's lying

because we're not "together
together," But still--

- Hello?
- What's that?

Hold up.

Get off your phone.

Well, I guess you win
that pot.

- Okay, I--
- Didn't I say to get off the phone?

What, you can't listen
or something?

They're gonna hear us out here.
It's gonna--

Hi, Billy.

Share, what are you
doing here?


So you weren't lying?


Uh, what are you doing here?

I knew that you guys
were having a guys' night,

but I was in the area,
and so I just wanted to say hi.

Well, you--

you can't just show up
like this, all right?

You're just gonna
stand there?

I'm okay.

- Just sit down, Grace.
- Sit down.

What? I'm just trying to get
back to normal.

I've been really sad

and you make me
really happy.

Do you have any drugs?

Come sit down.

What's your name again?

- Grace.
- Grace.

- You smoke?
- Grace, huh?

Grace, that's a pretty name.

Yeah, how old are you?

- I'm 17.
- Nice.

- Yeah.
- Cool.

I'm Rod.


Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
She's off-limits.

You want a drink?

- Oh, no, thank you.
- Why not?

Because I'm not thirsty.


Well, I am definitely

I said I'm thirsty.

- Yes, ma'am.
- Thank you. Appreciate that.


Mr. Bartender,
bartending at the table.

Are you going to share that?

Well, I'm thinking
this is the real reason

- you came over here.
- No.

I came to see you.


Oh, I'm-- I'm all right.

Yeah, I know. Drugs are bad.

So am I.


You have to breathe it
in slow.

You're only gonna get
more high like that.

You're funny. It's okay.

It happened to me the first time
I did it with my sister.

- Who's that texting you?
- Just a friend.

- So, did you have fun?
- I mean, if you call

watching you and your boyfriend
make out "fun."

Gosh, he's not my boyfriend.
He's more like my drug.

For now.

You know, I can see why you
and my sister hung out.

You're really cool.


Five, six, seven, eight.

Work, work, work
that cherry.

Work it to the beat.

Now pop, pop,
pop that cherry.

Make it feel sweet.

Now drop, drop that cherry.
Don't you want to eat, eat?

Now pop, pop,
pop that cherry.

Make it feel sweet.

Now drop,
drop that cherry.

Don't you want
to eat, eat, eat?

Don't you want to eat?

This ain't workin'. I don't
like it. Something's wrong.

- And it's you. It's her.
- What?

-What? -You're messing up.
You're not even committing.

- Fine. Okay. Okay!
- Fine? No. "Okay. Okay. Okay!"

- Commit, bitch. Commit.
- Okay.

This ain't no game.

Grace! Grace!

Grace, right?

Yeah, you.

- Shit.
- I didn't like it.

Don't be huffin' and puffin'.
It's her.

- How do you know my name?
- Um...

it's not hard
to find out someone's name

that you're interested in.

I'm Jason.

What is he doing
talking to her?

Not to be mean or anything,

but you kind of suck
out there.


I was just jokin'.
You're supposed to laugh.

Well, I guess
I'll-- I'll see you around.

Yo. Is that girl really weird
like everybody say she is?

- Who, Grace?
- Yeah.

Bro, you can't tell?
She's, like, really weird.

Weird? She's cute as hell.

Yo, you guys really need
to know the facts

before you start talking
about people.

Matt, I know
that's your friend and all,

but you know the truth.

Yo, Anthony, I'd be quiet
if I were you, all right?

Wait, wait,
what're y'all talkin' about?

Look, she was already weird.

But last summer,
her girlfriend killed herself,

and now she's weirder.

Yo, that wasn't
her girlfriend.

That was her best friend,
all right?

What you gonna do
about it?

I'm just saying
what everybody already knows.


You don't go here
anymore, Matt.

You're not a senior anymore.

Yeah, I remember.

I'mma act
like I didn't see that.

Why don't you get out of here
and stop talkin' all that shit?

Why don't you get the fuck out
of here and stop talkin'

- all that shit.
- Wow.



They say you're really close
with Grace.

Is that stuff they say
about her, is it real?

If you want
to get to know her,

why don't you get to know her
for yourself

and stop listening
to these knuckleheads?

Hey, Jerry.
Hold on for a second.

Hey, ma'am, you can't smoke
in here.


Thank you.
Jerry? Hey, buddy.

Yeah, hold
that appointment for me.

Okay, thanks.

So am I, uh... am I gonna
get the food stamps?

Looks like
you are gonna qualify.


Um, you're-- You're not
gonna get the max

because it's just you
and your daughter.

But you should be receiving

- really shortly in the mail.
- Okay.

So, I have some forms
I need you to sign.

Right here.
Go ahead and date it.

Wait, is that right?

Every digit.

All right,
I'mma call you.

Good to see you.

Take care.

In this beautiful life
do we fight

the vultures that attempt
to kill beauty

or die as they prey
upon us?

It's just not fair.

What do you mean
it's not fair?

Everybody's always making fun
of me about everything.

About the way I look,
who I am.

I just feel
like I don't fit in.

Sometimes I wish
I could just disappear.

No. No. Andrea.

Don't-- Don't talk
like that.

What's the point of being here

if no one sees me for me?

I see you for who you are.

I'm your best friend.

Grace, do you think
I'm beautiful?

It's okay.

You can be honest with me.

Yes, I do.
I think you're beautiful.

Do you?


Hey, what're you doing?

Um, just finishing
some homework.

Well, looks like we may
be getting some food stamps.

You better thank
the man upstairs,

because otherwise
you'd have to go out

and get a job.

You know, once you turn 18
you're officially an adult

and I officially

don't have to take care
of you no more.

You know, I met
a-- I met a cutie.

He's a little young,
but we'll see.


How was last night?


Did you have fun?

Something like that.

And, uh, Sharon...

It's Share.

Share, Sharon.

She looks like she's holding up
with her sister being gone and all.

I guess.

I think it's good that you hang
around with a girl like that.

Her being older, she could be
a good example--

I don't need any examples.

Everybody needs examples.

If-- If something
is broken,

how do you know
how to fix it?


You understand?

You're not the only one
that's smart around here.

What are you writing?

A book? About me?


Yeah, no, I'm just...

I'm just doing
some schoolwork.

Yeah. Can I call you back?

- Thanks. Okay.
- Who was that?

Share. She wanted me

to come with her
to look for a job.

You should go.

I have homework.

It's Friday night.

You got all weekend
to do your homework.

Well, I want
to finish it now.

Girl, go have fun.

Do you know what I did
when I was a senior?

Girl, I don't even
wanna tell you.

All I'm saying is you should
go out and have some fun.

All right.

Let's go!

No, thank you.

Come in.

It's a porn shop,
don't be so prude.



- Can I help you?
- I'm looking for a job.

What kind of job
would that be?

A job like this.

A job.

You ever worked in

the entertainment business

So do I have the job?

She looking for a job, too?

No, only I'm looking
for a job.



Who's that?


I knew that looked
like you.

Yep. It's me.

So, um,
what are you guys up to?

Um, just hanging.

- This is...
- Share.

I'm Grace's new
best friend.

Hey, Share.

So what're you guys
up to tonight?

Uh, we're not
doing anything.

What are you doing?

Just got to help my mom.

But after that,
nothing at all.

Well, you should hang out
with us.

Is that cool with you?

Uh, hold on.

Where are we going?

Girl, it's a Friday night.

We can find something to do.

I mean, damn, I got
to teach you kids everything?

Um, I got an idea.
Why don't you

put your number in my phone,

and we'll call you later
and we'll pick you up

and we'll figure out
something to do.


- Cool.
- Cool.

So, uh,
I'll see you guys later?

You sure will.

All right, Grace.

Damn, girl.
He wants you.

He flirts with everybody.

I brought you flowers.

And your favorite gin.

I hope you're hungry.

Get out of here!

Get off! Get...

I'm not getting off of nothin'.

Now, look here, now, you're
gonna stop pushing me away,

'cause I'm gonna finish doing
what I'm doing, you hear me?


Come on, guys.

Do you even know
anybody here?

Yeah. There's a few
old friends.

Is that Grace?

- Holy shit! Damn, girl!
- Oh! Oh, my God!

- What?
- Oh, my-- You scared me!

You're back? What the--

Oh, God, I would've
punched you.

Shit, let's get a shot!

- Let's get a shot! Whoo!
- Come on!

- Is that Jason?
- That is Jason.

You want to dance?

- Oh...
- Come on.

No worries.

No worries.

Yeah! Ha!


Who is that
that you keep texting?

I promised I wouldn't tell.

Nah. But you tell me

This I can't.

Do they go to our school?


- Is it a boy?
- Yes.



I know, I work here now.
It's weird, huh?

Hey, Grace.

Oh, sorry,
did I interrupt something?

- No.
- No, you didn't.

Cool. So, I was wondering

what were your plans
for the weekend?

Um, I don't have
anything planned as of now.


'Cause I was also wondering

if you'd like
to hang out with me.


Cool. So it's a date.

- Okay.
- All right.

- Hey, Jason.
- Hey.

I heard you're going
to that party this weekend.

- I am.
- Great.

I'll see you there.

I got the job!
I got the job!

Oh, my gosh.
Now we can celebrate.

'Cause I can pay
all my freakin' bills!

Share, you know
it's a school night.

Yeah, I know, but we don't have
to leave to celebrate.

Is your mom home?

- She's at work.
- Good, okay.

because that means
that we can, um...

take shots!

Come on, bitch!

You cleaned up?

You hungry?

I'm fine now.


I can look at you all I want.

I made you.

You all right?

Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?

I'm just asking.

Any cute boys in school?

Lisa, why are
you asking me this?

I think it's time you
start acting like a normal girl.

You mean be more like you.

Wow, this is wild.

That's how they do it
here, huh?



Hey, Jason.

When you're done with that,
you should come hang with us.

Yeah. Sweet Cherry Crew really
knows how to throw a party.

- Say what?
- Hey.

Mary always needs attention,
doesn't she?

Enough talking about trash.

I'm happy you came here
with me tonight.

I really like you.

You know that, right?

You want to get
something to drink?

- Uh, sure.
- All right.

- Hey.
- Aww.

You two love birds!

So cute.
Don't worry about me.

I'm gonna make
my own party, okay?

Look how cute he is!


Wait, you have
something on your lip.

Hold on.

It worked, right?

Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!

Look at Share.

I love that girl.

You know, ever since
I met Share, it's like...

- Yeah, get down! Up, down!
- I feel alive again.

Down! Down! Down! Further!

It's crazy.

Oh, oh, oh, oh!

How do you feel
since you've met me?

I don't know.

I'm still
feeling that out.

Still feeling, huh?

That's a good thing.

- Damn, he's about to get it.
- Shut the fuck up.

You're so different from
the other girls around here.

So, when you lost
your virginity,

did it hurt?

So what you call me
over here for?

Not really.

I didn't even like it.

It didn't feel good at all?


I wish it did.

Maybe you should try it.
See if you like it.

Maybe you should have sex
with Matt.

That's gross.
He's like my brother.

Matt would die
if you had sex with him.

He's, like, so obsessed
with you.

Okay, if I tell you something

you promise not
to tell anyone?


You remember that boy
I told you about at school?


You promise not
to tell anyone?

Because if this gets out,
I'm dead.

Okay. I promise.

Look, remember
what you used to tell me.

Just keep walking
with your head up high.

I mean,
none of them matter anyways.

They're all ugly
on the inside.

I see you're
walking differently, Grace.

Who loses their virginity
on a beach?

Sandy, ashy hoes.

Sandy, ashy hoes!

Sandy, ashy hoes!
Sandy, ashy hoes!

Sandy, ashy hoes!

Sandy, ashy hoes.

It wasn't even like that.

You fucking lesbian.

- Boo-hoo, whore.
- She's so ugly.

We're not gonna save you,
and no one is.

Do you want to be
a vampire, girl?

Is that why
you dress that way?

You look so ugly when you cry.

- You nasty.
- Little stanky-ass ho.

You're such a lesbian.

You need
to fucking die, bitch.

Go away.

Nobody wants you here.


You're fucking in my space
right now.


It's okay.

I mean, if I were you
I would just be happy

that Jason gave you

I'd be a ho for him, too.

Me, three.

How the fuck could you
do this to me?

How could you do this to me?
I'm ruined now!

Andrea, why do you care
what they say?

Because I promised her!

I care because
I promised Mary!

You're supposed
to be my best friend!

How could you do this
to me, Grace?

How c-- How could you?

How could you?

How could you keep something
like this from me?

Because you're not being real
with me!

You're not being real with me!
You're not being real

- with yourself!
- What are you talking about?

- We're best friends!
- Do you want to be with me

or not, Grace?

Do you love me?

Do you?

I didn't think so.

I don't know. It just...

It just happened.

What happened?

The fight or the sex?

The fight.

The sex. Both.

You know what, my dear,

that is what you call life.

I just...

It just happened.

I mean, how can you do that?

I want to kill him.

I told you about these guys.
I told you that.

I'm sorry. I'm not--
I'm not laughing at you.

I'm-- I'm laughing with you.

Come on.

You have to laugh
at stuff like this,

or else it's gonna--
it's gonna eat you up.

I don't know what to do.

You know what, Grace,
if I had let people judge me,

if I had judged myself for
everything that I did in Vegas,

I probably would've ended up
going crazy.

I probably would've done
the same thing that Andrea did.

Hey, in this life,

you're alone.

You have to fight
your own battles.

And sometimes

you just gotta
say, "Fuck it."

Fuck it!

So on that note,
was it good?

- What?
- Was it good, the sex?

You're so silly.

I'm sorry, I can't.

- I can't do it.
- Oh, come on.

You're not doing it right.
It's like this.

I just keep saying
how big they are?

- Oh, my gosh.
- Look! Look!

And if they're,
like, pinky-small,

just say,
"Oh, it's so big, Daddy."

They like that.

- Make them want me?
- Make them want you.

Make them want me?

Make them want you!

Okay! Make them want me?

Are you wearing my shirt?

Um, I was
just borrowing it.

What the fuck
is wrong with you?

All right,

what do you want
to do tonight?

Let's go find some boys.

Yes! Indeed!

Um, can we have two Jamesons?

- Yes, you may.
- Thank you.

Come on, let's dance.

Let's get ready to get
on the dance floor.

The dance floor. Uh-oh!

There she goes! Ooh!

Thank you.

To your first night
as an adult.

Whew! Okay, I...


- How are you?
- Huh?

- How are you?
- I'm good.

- Patrick.
- Grace.

Nice to meet you, Grace.

How old are you?

- How old am I?
- Yes, how old are you?

I'm 20.


You think I can
take you out sometime?

Um, depends on how long you
can keep my attention tonight.

Is that right?

Careful, big boy.

She's well-equipped.

Baby, come watch TV with me.

Where have you been?

- Why do you care?
- I said where have you been?

Why do you care?

I've been calling your ass.

Why aren't you answering the phone?
My phone died, sorry.

- Your phone died.
- Yes, my phone died.

You can't just come in here
any time you feel like it.

And why can't I?

Listen, I don't have time

- for this right now.
- Grace, I'm ta...

Talk to me, then.
Talk to me, Lisa.

Wh-- Oh, you know what?

Lisa, I got to fucking
wake up in the morning.

- Wait...
- What do you-- what you doing?

- What are y'all doing?
- O-- Okay. Okay, okay.

You trying to act
like a good mother

'cause your little friend
is here, huh?

You know what,
you're out of line!

- Lisa, I'm gonna take off.
- No, that's okay.

Don't go, don't go,
don't go.

- Yeah, don't go, don't go.
- Don't go, don't go.

All right, I'm out of here.

You need to stop
drinking so much.

Yeah, whatever.

- What is wrong with you?
- I don't fucking believe it.

Got a girl who's crazy.

What the fuck is wrong
with you?

What is wrong with you?

I'm tired of you!

Go. You want to go?


Bye, Lisa.

Yo, it's too late
to be out here.

All right, let me know if you
need anything else, all right?

You know, Grace,
I'm worried about you.

About what?

Matt, what do you
want from me?

It seems like
you're obsessed with me.

It's okay.

Just admit it.

Just come here, look.

Stop being a creep.

I'm-I'm just a guy
that cares, that's...

- That's just...
- Don't touch me.

Listen, Grace,
I kn-- I know

about you and Andrea.

I know, and I-- I'm not
judging about it.

- But listen, you don't know--
- You don't know shit.


All right.

Maybe I don't.

You know, listen, Matt.

I appreciate you

and everything you did
for me tonight,

but I'm tired.

Good night.

You know, Grace,
I just didn't

stay back in town because I had the...

Because I didn't have the money,
you know, to go to college.

I also stayed back in town
to protect you.

You're a very special girl,
you know?

You mean a lot to me.

Yo, where you going?

I'm gonna give you a little
piece of advice, Matt.

Start worrying
about your life.

Not mine.

Your friend's here.

What are you doing here?

I wanted to hang out.


Well, there's
nothing to do here, so...

If she wants to stay,
let her stay.

We just chillin'.


JoJo, why don't you roll up
some of that kale

for the princess?

You want me?


What's wrong?

It's Grace.

She's been acting up.

I kicked her out of the house
last night

and I haven't heard from her.

She's gonna be okay, Lisa.

I've been a horrible mother.

I've been a horrible mother.

No, you're not.

You just have to have faith.

You are a wild one.


I can't even remember
what happened.

Where do you want me
to take you?

Hey, Grace, what's up?
This is Patrick.

I had a good time with you
in the club the other night.

Looking forward
to seeing you later. Peace.

Thank you for dinner.

You're welcome.

So where do you want to go?

You want to hang out longer?


Well, my friends are having
a party at the hotel

right there
if you want to go.

I mean, we could
stay here if you want.


No, it's... it's totally fine.

I just have school
in the morning.


Uh, yeah, I'm in college.

Oh, okay, cool.

I just want to hang out longer
with you, that's all.

- Okay, okay, stop.
- What's wrong?

This is-- This isn't
a good idea.

No? I thought you were down.

You're not down?


Come on, I got you.

I got you.

- Okay.
- Okay.

What are you do...

Relax. I know what you want.

Let me go.

- Let m--
- Relax. Just go with it.


Get off me.

Let go of me.

Fellas, she's right in time
for the party.

Let go of me.

Let go!

Share, it's Grace.

Please call me back.


Grace, I know
I wasn't there for you.

My grandmother died.
I'm sorry.

I've just been
trying to figure it out.

But I want to fix it.

I don't think
we should do this.

These guys are gonna pay
for what they did to you.

Grace! Grace!



Come on through this way.

Hey, I'm gonna call you
right back. Hold on.

- Oh, shit!
- Get the fuck back!

Everybody shut the fuck up!

You think you could rape my little
sister and get away with it?

Where the fuck is Patrick at?

Where is he?

Oh! Hey! What the fuck?

- Get out. I said get out!
- Goddamn. Okay.

Do you remember that girl?

Did you rape her? Huh?

Tell me right now,
'cause I can fix it.

I'll fix-- I'll fucking
shoot them in the fucking face!

Are those the guys
that raped you?

Tell me right now!
Is that the guy who raped you?

Are these the guys
that raped you?

Evelyn, I don't know
where she went.

I don't know what to do.

Bring her home safe.

Please bring her home.




I wanted to give you this.

What's this?

Just don't open it
before I leave.

There's nothing really here
for me anymore, so...



See you later.

This beautiful life.

This beautiful life
of mystery.

This beautiful life
can also feel like misery.

Sometimes it-- it just
doesn't make sense.

Why are we on this never-ending
journey to find beauty,

while beauty never
truly reveals itself?

I once glimpsed beauty

in a friend of mine.

She was beauty,
but the world denied it.

And this beautiful soul
that I denied,

in taking her own life,

took a part of me.

My mother has been told
she's beautiful her whole life.

If you're beautiful
with no soul,

are you even living?

Am I just a walking soul

trying to emulate beauty
like everyone else,

only to have it destroyed

by a man?

A man once destroyed me.

But when it's
all said and done

no one can break my spirit.

This is my journey,
and I will find my way.

Even if I fall short
of finding beauty,

this beautiful life I long
for will reveal itself,

because it's out there

waiting to be discovered.

My name is Grace

and this is my beautiful life.

Do you know
you're beautiful?

* Today

* I feel the same way

* As an empty shell

* Today

* I feel

* As lonely as hell

* In my head

* And I'm so tired

* Of feeling

* This way

* And when I look at you

* It makes me realize

* I don't even know who I am

* But maybe someday

* Maybe someday I

* Will find me

* So maybe someday

* Maybe someday I

* Will find you

* But for now

* I'm still so lost

* And I don't know

* What's missing to me

* But maybe someday

* Maybe someday I

* Will find me

* And maybe someday

* Maybe someday I

* Will find you

* And maybe someday

* Maybe someday I

* Will find you

* I will find you

* And maybe someday

* I will find me,
I will find me *

* I know

* It will take some time

* But I'm ready

* To do

* What it takes

* And I know

* It won't be easy

* To find my way

* Out here

* And I know

* It will take some time

* But I'm ready to do

* What it takes

* And I know

* It won't be easy

* To find my way

* Out here

* But maybe someday

* Maybe someday I

* Will find me

* And maybe someday

* Maybe someday I

* Will find you

* And maybe someday

* Maybe someday I

* Will find you

* I will find you

* And maybe someday

* I will find me,
I will find me. *