A Gift (2016) - full transcript

Three different love stories are linked together, and based on the music composed by King Bhumibol

foodval.com - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Ripped Sub by Andika Surya Putra
Resync by snowball
Srt and Encoded by Tri Altruis

Hanya untuk penggunaan secara pribadi, bukan untuk
di gunakan pada situs HARDSUB atau STREAMING!!!

Sebelum pukul 06.00,
aku ingin semuanya siap

untuk gladiresik.




Setelah kita latihan, kita bisa melihat
gambaran keseluruhannya.



Berapa tinggimu?

Aku setinggi ini.

Aku butuh seorang pengganti
untuk duta besar.

Tingginya hampir sama.

- Kau bisa, 'kan?
- Apa?

"Duta Besar"

Aku akan meninggalkan
walkietalkie-nya di sini, ya?


"Istri Duta Besar"

Namaku Beam.


Berpura-pura menjadi suami dan istri
seperti ini lumayan lucu, ya.

- Bukankah begitu?
- Ya.

Ayo kita swafoto
untuk menghabiskan waktu.

Fotomu ini terlihat bagus.

Ini terlihat bagus juga.

Kau mau?
Aku akan mengirimnya via chat.

Apa trik ini untuk mendapatkan
ID seorang perempuan bisa berhasil?

Biasanya mereka memberikannya.

Aku hanya mengirimkan foto.

Aku tidak akan melakukan
hal apa pun yang buruk.

Sebaiknya tidak, ya?

Apa alasanmu?

Aku hanya tidak mau.


Aku hanya mengirimkan foto.

Anggap saja ini sebagai
hadiah Tahun Baru dariku.


Hanya untuk mengirimkan foto, 'kan?

Terima kasih.

Aku sudah terima.


"Kau memblok Beam."

"Desember, 2014"

Bersiaplah di sini.

Duta besarnya di sini.

Istrinya di sana.

Saat kami memberimu sinyal,

duta besar dan istrinya
akan berjalan di karpet merah

dan menuju kamera di dalam.

Jika kita akan memainkan peranan
suami dan istri ini dengan baik,

kita harus berpegangan tangan.

Band bersiap-siap.
Kamera siap?

Tapi aku takkan melakukannya.

Kau akan berpikir
aku bukan seorang pria sejati.

Duta besar dan istrinya mulai
berjalan bersama berpegangan tangan.


Tetap berada di dalam kamera.

Saat mereka sudah tiba di sini,
mereka lepas dari kamera.


Sedikit lebih lebar.

Baik, terlihat bagus.

Kalian berdua berdiri
di antara para menteri.

Kemudian semua foto bersama.



Kamera dan musiknya baik.

Para pengganti istirahat 10 menit.

Permisi, aku boleh ke kamar kecil?

Siapa yang bisa tahan?
Aku harus bersama dengannya seharian.

Apa dia keren? /
Aku akan menunjuknya.

Dia sangat menyebalkan.

Pangsit udang ini luar biasa.

Tidak ada udangnya. Hanya tepung.
Aku rasa aku suka makan tepung.

Aku akan terus terang
agar kita tidak membuang waktu.

Baik. Aku suka terus terang.

Ini Ploysang.


Aku tidak percaya.

Jika kau akan mencampakkanku,
cobalah lebih meyakinkan.

Sampai nanti, Sayang.

Lebih baik maju ke depan
dan berjabatan tangan.

Itu bagus.


Itu bagus.
Persingkat lagu pengiringnya.

Baik. Para pengganti, kembali ke posisi.

Baik. Bagus.

Ayo kita latihan lagi.

Pacarmu imut.

Aku akan kembali,...


Pergi. Pergilah.

Ploysang, sudah berapa lama
kau bersama dengan Pang?

Sudah beberapa saat.


bagaimana kalian bertemu?

Kami bersekolah
di universitas yang sama.

Sayang sekali.

Sayang sekali...

kau tidak bisa mendekati Pang?

Sayang sekali, aku tidak bisa mendekati...

Lupakan, Ploy sayang.

Eh, Ploysang.

Kau cukup memanggilku Ploy.

Baik. Ploy.

Hei, itu berlebihan. Kecilkan.

Minggirkan ke samping.

Baik. Terima kasih.

Pacarmu cerewet sekali.

"Teruslah mencoba."

"Pang suka jual mahal.
Jangan menyerah."

Sekarang kau sudah tahu,
tidak perlu berpura-pura lagi.

Seorang perempuan
bermulut pintar sepertimu...

pasti berzodiak Cancer, 'kan?

Aku hebat dalam membaca
keberuntungan orang.

Membaca wajah dan telapak tangan,

Aku seorang ahli.

Seorang ahli menipu perempuan
untuk menyentuh tangan mereka?

Kau sungguh paranoid.

Coba aku lihat.

Aku sungguh-sungguh
akan membaca keberuntunganmu.


Kau adalah jenis orang...

yang punya tangan
yang sangat lembut.

Bercanda. Aku akan sungguh-sungguh
membacanya sekarang.


Kau adalah anak tunggal.

Garismu ini...

menunjukkan bahwa kau terlibat
dalam kesenian.

Kau belajar Seni Bahasa.


Garis ini sangat jelas.

Kesehatanmu, kau harus berhati-hati.

Saat tengah malam,
kau harus mengurangi

makanan yang kau konsumsi.

Tengah malam dan masih mengunggah
daging babi, durian, dan ketan...

Aku mengatur Facebook milikku privat
dan kau masih bisa melihatnya.

Bagaimana kau melakukannya?


kemungkinan itu
tidak ada habisnya, 'kan?

Tidak sulit.

Kau sendiri yang mengunggah semuanya
di media sosial.

Internet sangatlah berbahaya.

Orang sepertimu yang berbahaya.

Baik. Bagus.
Kalau begitu kita teruskan.

Para pengganti, istirahat.
Terima kasih.

Kamera, pindah ke stan makanan.


Aku bukan orang yang baik hati.

Aku tak punya seekor kucing dan
suka mengunjungi perkebunan bunga matahari

seperti pacar seseorang.

Membuatku ingin pergi.

Jika aku pergi dengan pacarku
aku akan berfoto dengan judul...

"Aku harap cinta kita berbunga
seperti bunga matahari."

Apa kalian bertengkar?

Tapi kau baru saja mengunggah
foto kalian berdua.


Jika kau tidak tahu, diam saja!

Pindah ke tempat selanjutnya.

Tetap berada dalam frame
seperti sebelumnya.

Hei. Maafkan aku.

Aku tidak tahu
bahwa lukamu masih baru.

Ini. Aku akan mengizinkanmu memukulku.

Tolong periksa cahayanya.
Pastikan semuanya baik.

Aku akan menghapus
nomor perempuan ini

untuk berbaikan denganmu.

Kau gila!

Kau tidak peduli
dengan bagaimana perasaan perempuan itu?

Kami sudah cukup lama
tidak berbicara.

Dia mungkin tidak seserius itu.

Tidak serius?
Kau menuduh dia karena itu?

Dia mungkin cukup serius tentang itu.

Dia mungkin hanya berbicara denganmu,
tidak dengan orang lain!

Baik. Ayo pindah ke tempat selanjutnya.

Aku ingin pengambilan
jarak pendek di sini.

Siapa tahu duta besar dan istrinya
ingin mencicip makanannya.

Terima kasih.

"Daging babi pedas dengan pasta tomat
dari Thailand Utara."

Ini. Nam Prik Ong yang enak.

Ini akan membuat
rasa sakitmu mati rasa.

Apa aku mengatakan sesuatu yang salah?

Nama pria yang kau sindir denganku
adalah Ong.

Jangan menyentuhku.

Jangan menangis...

Seperti itu. Tahan...

Aku sudah bilang
jangan menyentuhku.

Tidak apa-apa.

Aku baru saja menginjak jari kakinya.
Lanjutkan saja.

Pak Mingmongkon Tantichanchaikun

beasiswa untuk magister
dalam bidang Psikologi Pendidikan.

Baik. Jaga jarakmu.

Biarkan orang yang di depan selesai
terlebih dahulu.

Kemudian orang selanjutnya
bisa jalan naik.

Kemudian orang selanjutnya
harus berada 10 langkah di belakang.

Kau ingin membicarakannya?

Asisten, kurasa kau harus menandai titik
untuk para sarjananya.

Permisi, aku boleh pinjam pena?

Terima kasih.

Hei, Kamera Satu, jangan bergeser.

Benar, tetap rekam dengan lebar.


Sekarang aku adalah Ong.

Apa pun yang ingin kau katakan, keluarkan.

Pak Pheerapol Kanjanakhun...

Ayo. Jangan ditahan.

Sarjana Magister Sains
untuk Ilmu Komputer.

Bagaimana jika membayangkan semua hal
yang dia membuat kau alami?

Jika dia ada di sini,...

apa yang akan kau katakan kepadanya?
Keluarkan semuanya.


- Apa?
- Berengsek!

Kau sedang berbicara
tentang Ong, 'kan?

Bu Natnaree Lerkkriangkrai.

Beasiswa untuk Magister Sains
di Sains dan Teknologi.

Dia memintaku untuk mengencani
orang lain.

- Dia memintamu itu?
- Ya.

Pria sejati sekali.

Dia jujur.

- Pria adalah anjing.
- Ini dimaksudkan untuk Ong, 'kan?

Pak Siraphob Pali...

Bagaimana kau memergokinya?

Kau memeriksa teleponnya?

Sebuah chat muncul di depanku.

Aku sudah menduga.
Lalu apa yang kau lakukan selanjutnya?

Mereka berdua pergi makan.

Maka aku muncul
dan makan dengan mereka.

- Kau bersungguh-sungguh?
- Ya.

Si berengsek itu bahkan punya nyali
untuk berbicara manis.

"Pang, kaulah yang paling aku cintai.
Kau selalu yang pertama."

"Tapi aku tidak bisa meninggalkan dia.
Dia orang yang baik."

Ya, dia orang yang baik.
Tapi kau orang berengsek.

Pak Thutchaphol Thitiapichai...


Beasiswa Magister Sains
untuk Mesin Petrol.

Perempuan itu,
dia tidak masalah dengan ini?

Siapa pun yang tidak masalah berarti gila.

- Bagaimana bisa tidak ada masalah?
- Si wanita jalang ini tidak masalah!

Bu Wanitsara Amphon.

Beasiswa Magister Sains
dalam Biokimia dan Biologi Molekul.


Dia tidak masalah dengan ini.
Bukankah itu gila?

Aku tidak tahu
apakah aku harus mengasihani mereka.

Aku pergi dan meninggalkan mereka.

Mereka bisa melakukan apa pun
yang mereka inginkan.

Apa mereka masih bersama?

Aku tidak tahu.

Aku memblok dia untuk selamanya.

Dasar tukang blok.
Apa kau pemblok berantai?

Kau ingin aku memakimu sekarang?

Pak Phakorn Sirichaiwong.

Ada yang melihat
Pak Phakorn Sirichaiwong?

Beasiswa untuk Magister Sains
dalam Fisika.

Itu aku.

Hei, mengapa kau tidak memakai orang lain?

- Mengapa kau memakai seorang murid?
- Maafkan aku.

Saat aku masih kecil dan bermain
dengan teman-temanku,

aku mengubah kotak kardus
menjadi pesawat luar angkasa.

Teman-temanku akan menjadi pilotnya

dan karena aku mengingat
semua rasi bintang yang keren,

aku yang menjadi kapten.

Saat aku dewasa,
aku menyadari bahwa Rusia punya

sebuah Organisasi Pengembangan
Teknologi Ruang Angkasa yang maju.

Maka aku menjadikan itu tujuanku
agar suatu saat...

punya seorang istri orang Rusia.


Aku merasa kasihan
kepada yang mensponsori beasiswa.

Terima kasih.

Tolong, jangan air dingin.
Terima kasih.

Saat mendekati perempuan,
apa kau selalu sombong sekali?

Tergantung dengan perilaku perempuannya.

Jika dia menyebalkan,

sebaliknya aku akan menjadi
orang yang menjengkelkan.

Tapi jika dia sopan dan ramah,
aku juga akan ramah.

Kau benar-benar hebat
dalam berperilaku sinis.

Kau juga cukup cerdas.

Kau dulu punya
berapa banyak pacar?

Bagaimana jika...

coba mengatakan sebuah nama.

Nama seorang perempuan. Siapa pun.

- Siapa pun?
- Ya. Sebutkan satu nama.






Tidak ada Mickey.

Hanya Minnie.

Itu gila, apa kau sudah mengencani
semua perempuan di negara ini?

Kita kan harus memilih yang terbaik
untuk kehidupan kita.


Orang yang kau cintai juga

jika kita tidak berkencan,
bagaimana kita tahu siapa yang terbaik?

Tapi itu namanya
bukan cara mengenal seseorang.

Itu namanya bermain-main.

Kau tentunya telah mematahkan
banyak hati orang.

Jika maksudmu aku yang memutuskannya
terlebih dahulu,

maka itu benar.

Kau tidak merasa bersalah?

Ada seorang perempuan.


- Imut.
- Aku putus dengannya saat Tahun Baru.

Dia terluka begitu parah
sehingga mengambil kelas kebugaran.

Akhirnya, dia berubah menjadi seperti ini.


Apakah ini orang yang sama?

Aku tidak pernah mengajak perempuan
melihat kembang api saat Tahun Baru lagi.

Itu masih menghantuiku.

Lihat apa yang terjadi
saat kau bermain-main.

Itu normal, 'kan?

Orang yang berpacaran putus.

Pada akhirnya,
seseorang akan terluka.

Tapi jika kau mengencani 100 orang,
kau melukai 100 orang, 'kan?

Maka, jika kau menyukai seseorang,

berpikirlah dengan hati-hati.
Pikirkan dengan baik.

Jangan hanya merayu ke mana-mana.

Mengapa kau menatapku?

Aku berpikir dengan hati-hati.

Ayahmu jual permen ya?
Kata-katamu sangat manis. Astaga!


Apakah itu Ong?

Aku belum siap melihatnya.

Kau butuh bantuanku?

Bagaimana kau bisa membantu?

Hei. Dia datang.

- Jadi?
- Aku tidak tahu.

- Berbaikan atau putus?
- Aku tak tahu.



Aku harus kembali bekerja.



Bisakah aku berbicara dengan Pang,
hanya kami berdua?

Tidak perlu.

Dia adalah temanku.
Katakan apa yang ingin kau katakan.


Aku sekarang tahu
bahwa aku makin mencintaimu.


Aku menyadari bahwa...

saat aku bersama dengannya,

itu bahkan tidak bisa dibandingkan
saat aku bersama denganmu.

Pikirkan tentang semua momen yang indah
saat kita bersama.

Itu sangat indah, 'kan?

Saat kau selingkuh,
kau tidak memikirkan itu!

Saat kau ingin ganti, kau ganti.

Apa kau akan menyerahkan pekerjaannya
tepat waktu?

Aku sudah membereskan semua dengannya.

Aku memberi tahu dia aku memilihmu.

Aku yakin.

Aku ingin memercayaimu.

- Tapi aku...
- Periksalah chat di teleponnya dulu.

Pastikan dia sudah benar-benar

Maksudku saat kau membacanya,
apa kau jelas?

- Hei.
- Ong...

Aku boleh melihat teleponmu?

Trik untuk menghapus pembicaraanmu

jika kau tidak berhati-hati,
tidak akan berhasil.

Aku melakukannya satu kali.
Pesannya akan terlewat.

Aku dilempar pengering rambut.


Atau menghapus semua pembicaraan.
Kau tidak akan bisa lari dari itu.


Apa pun yang sudah terjadi,
bisakah kita melupakannya?

Aku tidak memercayaimu lagi.


Saat hatimu sudah membuat keputusan,
kau bisa melakukannya.

Kau bukan seorang pemaksa.


Maafkan aku.

Tidak apa-apa. Aku tidak apa.
Harus berakhir dengan cara ini.

Baiklah. Waktunya untuk latihan.

Kami masih belum latihan.
Apa kau siap?

Lihat, para pelajar sudah menunggu.
Pergi cari siapa pun yang belum di sini.

Ayo kita gladi resik.
Kita akan mulai dari posisi berdiri.

Siap? Ayo, terlihat semangat.

Satu, dua...
Satu, dua, tiga...

Saat matahari terbenam ini

Sinar matahari mengerutkan
Bibir yang samar

Bersinar jauh ke dalam mataku

Harta karun emas di langit

Saat matahari terbenam ini

Sinar matahari melambaikan
Perpisahannya yang tersamar

Seperti cintaku dari kejauhan

Jauh dari hatiku yang berduka

Ada suatu kala
Saat kita berpegangan erat

Siang dan malam
Hati kita menjadi satu

Sekarang kesepian liar mulai tumbuh

Menuju ke langit
Dan menghalangi matahari

Saat matahari terbenam ini

Saat sinar matahari meninggalkan Sinarnya
Jauh dari rumah

Saat cinta kita berlanjut

Hati kita tidak diperbolehkan
Berkeliaran dengan bebas




Semuanya ingat posisi kalian.

Di depan kalian adalah pasangan kalian
untuk tepukan tangan.

Kalian saling ingat.


Kau dipasangkan dengan duta besar
untuk acara sesungguhnya.

Yang Mulia sudah latihan.

Apa yang sedang kau lakukan di sini?

Aku datang untuk mendukung istriku.


Aku bisa menjadi duta besarnya.

Cukup latihan dengan dia untuk saat ini.

Semua pelajar berdiri.

Mari latihan tepukan tangannya
terlebih dahulu.

Satu, dua...
Satu, dua, tiga, empat...


Aku masih tidak bisa melakukannya
dengan benar.

Bisakah kita melakukannya satu kali lagi?

Baik, Pak Duta Besar.

Apa kau mencoba
untuk memenangkan poin?

Kau bisa berpikir seperti itu.

"Duta Besar"

- Aku yang tersayang.
- Ploysang.

Aku boleh minta air?


- Semoga berhasil.
- Terima kasih.

Istri duta besar tidak menarik tangannya
seperti dirimu.

Bagaimana caranya orang tetap menikah
selama 20-30 tahun?

Saling bertemu setiap hari,
tidakkah mereka bosan?

Tergantung kau bersama dengan siapa.

Seseorang seperti kau tidak mungkin bisa.

Kau tidak pernah tahu
kecuali kau mencobanya.

Kau akan pergi dan masih berpikir
untuk mencobanya?

Kau ingin mencoba?

Kau mungkin orang yang bisa mengubahku.

Aku sudah memberitahumu
untuk berpikir dengan hati-hati.

Bukankah berpikir tentang belajar
akan lebih baik?

Aku sudah memikirkannya.

Lalu kau adalah bagian dari ini juga.

Bagaimana aku bisa memercayaimu?

Kau tahu apa yang baru aku lalui.

Aku bahkan tidak tahu
jika aku siap untuk memulai dari awal.

Aku sangat menghargai
apa yang kau lakukan hari ini.

Tapi menahan diri akan lebih baik, 'kan?


Terima kasih karena telah jujur.

Aku harus berterima kasih
kepada wanita itu

yang mengundang kita
untuk menjadi pengganti.

Aku harus berterima kasih
kepada Duta Besar

karena tingginya sama denganku.

Terima kasih.

Senang bertemu denganmu.


Nona Wanitsara Amphon.

Beasiswa untuk Magister
bidang Biokimia dan Biologi Molekul.

Pak Phakorn Sirichaiwong.

Beasiswa untuk magister bidang Fisika.

Inilah para pelajar dengan beasiswa

dari Badan Sains Umum Rusia
selama 2 tahun.

Selamat kepada semua
yang menerima beasiswa ini.

Aku ingin mengucapkan salam perpisahan
malam ini dengan pertunjukkan spesial.

Lagu ini digunakan untuk mengantar
semua pelajar kami ke Rusia.

Silakan dinikmati.

Satu, dua...
Satu, dua, tiga, empat...

Saat matahari terbenam ini

Sinar matahari mengerutkan
Bibir yang samar

Bersinar jauh ke dalam mataku

Harta karun emas di langit

Saat matahari terbenam ini

Sinar matahari melambaikan
Perpisahannya yang tersamar

Seperti cintaku dari kejauhan

Jauh dari hatiku yang berduka

Ada suatu kala
Saat kita berpegangan erat

Siang dan malam
Hati kita menjadi satu

Sekarang kesepian liar mulai tumbuh

Menuju ke langit
Dan menghalangi matahari

Saat matahari terbenam ini

Saat sinar matahari meninggalkan
Sinarnya jauh dari rumah

Saat cinta kita berlanjut

Hati kita tidak diperbolehkan
Berkeliaran dengan bebas


Waktu lagi saat aku diingatkan

Hanya ada kegelapan
Saat matahari terbenam

Seperti cinta kita

Saat kita harus mengucapkan perpisahan

Sampai nanti. Dah.

Permisi, apakah fotografer yang berkumis
sudah pergi?

- Dia baru saja pergi.
- Terima kasih.

Fotografernya, 'kan?

Kau mau fotonya?

Ya. Kau mendapatkannya?

Aku tidak berhasil.


Mengapa kau suka mengambil foto
saat aku belum siap?

Aku tidak cantik sama sekali.


Hapus. Cukup dihapus.

Ini imut.


Aku akan mengirimnya kepadamu.

Aku lupa.

Aku tidak bisa mengirimnya.

"Kau tidak memblok Beam."

Ini. Kau bisa mengirimnya sekarang.

Setelah aku selesai mengirimnya,
apa kau akan memblokku lagi?

Tergantung bagaimana kau bersikap.

Perilaku apa
yang akan membuatku diblok lagi?

Seperti mengirim stiker
untuk mengganggumu?

Tergantung seberapa mengganggunya.

Seperti mengirimkanmu foto "TGIF"?

Meminta terlalu banyak
akan membuatmu diblok.

Ya, Bu.

Kau di mana?
Apa yang sedang kau lakukan?

Aku sedang berberes. Aku hampir selesai.
Ada apa?

Tahun baru ini,
apa kau akan pulang ke rumah?

Tentu, aku akan pulang.

Datanglah. Ibu akan membuat
makaroni dengan udang.


Bagaimana dengan Ayah?

Jangan khawatir.
Dia baik-baik saja.

Dia menunggumu untuk pulang.

Baiklah, Bu.
Aku harus selesai berberes sekarang.

Sampai bertemu di Tahun Baru.

Ya, baik. Dah.

- Sudah tampan?
- Ya, Sayang.

"Desember, 2015"




Apa yang harus kita lakukan?

Mau mencoba
mempekerjakan seorang pengasuh?

Aku akan mencari di Internet.

Membiarkan dia sendirian dengan Ayah?

Setidaknya salah satu dari kita
harus bersama dengannya, Pond.


Aku harus bertanya kepada Jane dulu.

Bagaimana denganmu, Pond?

Jam kerjaku tidak biasa.

Tidak perlu mempekerjakan siapa pun.

Aku yang akan menjaga Ayah.

Lagi pula, aku berencana untuk berhenti
dari pekerjaanku.

Kalau begitu pengeluaran apa pun,

Pond dan aku
akan membantu membayarnya.

Ayo, Ayah.

Ayo pulang.


Ibu belum kembali.

Carilah Ibu. Di mana dia?

Hei, carilah Ibu agar kita bisa pulang.

- Siapa namamu?
- Pom.

Pak Pom, kau tinggal di mana?


Aku tinggal dengan istriku.

Pasiennya mengidap penyakit Alzheimer.

People who take care of him must always be on his side.

Symptoms of the disease will only get worse.

Some people forget their daily routines.

Some people forget the time now. They only remember the past.



Why do not you take a bath?

Father waiting mother.

Father. Dad did not get sick.

Dad's father had to take medicine every hour.

Dad has not take any medication!

- Stop, dad! - Let go!

Dad would drink.

Since my mother died, ...

she asked of him every day.




Lift the leg Dad!

Father! Lift the leg Dad!

Dad, dad leg lift!


What I have to take care of my father all day?

Let the water run continuously it is dangerous, my father know that?

If he needed something, please let me know.

Father did not let on.

Dad did it.

Dad said no.

Dad did it.

There were only two of us here.

If he does not turn it on, then who?

Dad said the father did not turn it on.

Mom is cooking.


Stop talking about Mom, huh?

Mom was gone. He's gone. He will not be back again.

Ayah ingin pulang.

You want to come home and find her.

Dad is at home now.

Then where are you?

- What are you doing? - What is Dad doing?

Dad can not drive.

Mengapa Ayah tidak bisa mengerti?

You're the one who does not understand.

Dad would come home to find my mother.

Dad, listen to me.

Mother is dead.

Father understand?

Mother is long dead.


Mother is dead?

Long dead?

Since Father?


who take care of Dad?

Who cooks for Dad?

I did all of my father.

Dad does not remember?

Father with me here.

I am ...

keeping Dad.

I am ...

who along with my father.

Tukang Setem Piano"

Hi. My name is Aey.

I am a piano tuner.

- Good. Come in. - Thank you.




Ninth Fa.

True, is not it?


Hello, Uncle Poom.

Uncle Pom!

I brought two porridge with pork.

Porridge with pork?

Be careful, this summer.

I bought two. One of rectification.

What are you reading?

- Go. Do not bother. - I'm going to tune the piano.

I'm sorry about your mother.

Bibi Fah is a very nice person.


This is your mother's favorite song.

You know a lot about my family.

A little.

When I came to tuning the piano,

I can not play well.

Your mother taught me how to play this song.

he told

her daughter can not play well.

It is enough. I know you know a lot.

A little.

Mother's back, right?

Father heard him play the piano.

No, Dad.

Not? I heard Mom playing.

- That's enough, Dad. - Wait.

Dad had to ask him something ...

You want to ask him where he put the medicine father?

Bibi Fah out to teach piano.

She had to go to a lot of home and would return at night.

But she said she would go buy ...

rice flour cake for you.

Do you need anything? I'll call him.

Hey! How can you say that?

Tell her to get back, that's all.

I'll tell him to come back soon.

Yes, immediately.

You should not have told him.

Besides, father will not understand.

I just told him what he wanted to hear.

But you do not have to answer the question every day.

You do not understand.


Go. Take your things and go. Do not be repaired anymore.

- I'm going to finish first. - No need.


Come on.

This way, Dad.


Wait here.

Do not go anywhere.

Count from 1 to 10,000.


I'll leave.


One two,...

three, four, ...

We are accepting applications for the driver introduction.


But you are qualified for this job.

It is okay.

I will accept any job

for a father could participate.

We miss her.

Everyone here still talk about it.

Then please fill in the application form in advance.

I will try my best to help you.

Thank you very much.



Sorry, did you see an old man aged 60 years with the glasses?




Why did you bring Dad out to apply for a job?

I told you, if the production,

Pond and I'll take care of it.

I know you're tired.

But if people knew, they would menjelek-things about me.

This song is your mother's favorite song.

Father wants to tell you something.

The first time my father met your mother

The new student orientation at the university,

mother play this song on the stage.

All men are crazy about him.

- Is it true? - Right.

How Dad made my mother like father?

Dad continued to woo her.

But who ever thought

Dad can make him like a father, too?


After graduation, he worked in other provinces.

We rarely get to meet.

But one day, ...

he called from the province of Khon Kaen

and he played this song for my father.

- Sweet, right? - You two are truly extraordinary.

Then at our wedding,

This is the song when we open the dance floor.

Call Mom to play it for you.

It was Dad.

New father knew that Father Alzheimer's disease.

Soon, Dad probably will not remember anything else.

Then why did you ask me to come back?


When I play this song,

My father remember some things.


I want to learn to play this song.

It would probably make the situation better.

You mean you're going to keep playing

even though you knew he was not going to get better?

Thank you very much.

Not sensitive at all.


I want to play

as a gift on their wedding anniversary.

How about this.

I will help you.

Help me, how?

You want to play the piano, right?

You have to exercise, right?

I want to help.

You played well?

Not really. But I know you did not.

Why do you want to help?

I know what you've missed.

I see your mother cry.

I'm sorry I lied to the father at the time.

But sometimes telling the truth might not be as

let him be happy in his own way.


see beloved friends affair

and not say anything?

- What was that? - I am surprised.

All done.

Latihanlah. I will keep your father.

- Hello, Uncle Poom. - Uncle Pom.

- What are you doing? - I was reading a newspaper.

Do you want a massage?

Gee, thanks.

"Pom, Fah"


It is part of Aunt Fah, and this is yours.

You sure you remember?

Who is this?


- Really? - Yes.


You remember this one, right? This is your daughter.

How could I forget.

My daughter, Fa.

- Proceed. - Good.

Your mother and father dance.

When young father, father handsome.

Not bad, huh?

This. It is Fa.

Fa like your daughter.

Or you could use it to call him.



- Fa, as a baby, what do you think? - Dad!

Do not be shy. Why are you embarrassed?

Am I cute?

His mother taught him piano.

Is it I?

My name is Aey.

If I was the tone of the song, I was La.

- La's? - Right.

Seperti "wa-lah".

- Maksudmu "voila".
- Ya?

Then quite remember it like La endorphine singer Thailand.

- You mean Da endorphine. - Wrong again?

Then the easiest as llama cute.

Not. If cute, mean Fa!

Dad going?

Dad will apply Fah.


You can drive, right?



Uncle Pom.

Pom enough alone.

Good, Pom.



Menyetirlah slowly.


Where Mr Yong?

I'm here to pick up my suit.

Jas I message, what is already finished?


Simply follow.

Whatever happens, I'll handle it.

I'm not much acting.

No problem.

My dad went golfing.



- Uncle ... - Enough Pom alone.


Jas what, Pom?

Jas wedding.

- For your daughter's wedding? - My wedding.


Next we will go where?

Shop wedding ring.

I need it before a workout at 17.00.

Stores ring supposed to be here.

Here is the building.

There is a gang.

Gang. Building.


Supposed to be here.


Without the ring, what would I do?


It is okay.

Ring store has just moved there.

Over there. Just weeks ago.

But do not worry.

I had to go and pick up the ring.

- Is it true? - Right.

But you have to close your eyes first.

- Really? - Yes.

Now open your eyes.

Does this ring?


This ring.

There you were here ...

is a good thing.

You just realized that?

In that case...

do not play the piano with a nice first

so that I could come more often.


If I can play well, you do not want to come again?

Next we going?

To where?

Where am I?

Dad, what's up?

Who are you?

How did I get here?

Uncle Pom.


Uncle Pom.


It's me, Fa.

It's me, Fa.

I was my father's daughter. Princess Mother.

The five of us, Father.

Father, Mother, I ...

Pong, and Pand, remember?

Dad must remember me.

Dad promised dad will not forget me.

Dad promised me.

Dad should not be forgotten.

I do not have anyone else.

You should be with me, Dad.

I could not help my father at all.

Then why do I have to continue to exercise?

In the end, all to no avail.

Why everything will be in vain?

Things you do ...

I think that's very significant.

All depends ...

whether you do it for yourself ...

or to your father.

If you do that to your father, ...

when you play this song, ...

Your father is happy.

That was all that important, right?

I've noticed every time.

He was very happy.

Pong, minggirkan slightly to the right.

Well. There.


Watch Out.

How do I look?

Dad sat here.

Mom is not with us anymore, right?

If Mom here,

she will dance with Dad today.

He would never miss this song.

Thank you very much for doing everything for you.

Dad, Dad can say that again?

I wanted to record it.

It is okay.

It is okay.

It is okay.

It was Dad.

Dad found out that my father suffered from Alzheimer's.

Shortly, ...

Dad probably will not remember anything else.

But I want to tell all

that my father was very proud

have you all, children.

Dad was very happy ...

because we have a good family

and warm.

If one day ...

Dad does not remember, ...

it does not mean ...

these things ...

not occur.

Does not mean

Dad does not love all the children's father.

You all always be in the hearts of my father.

I'm so sorry for Aunt Fah.

"Desember, 2017"


Can you tie this?


This is Mr along.

Financial analysis of the new employee.

Forgive me for being late. I Llong (lost).

I Llong.

Sorry, you do not get the map?

This first table Bibi Fah.

Bibi Fah is one of our senior officers.

But he died. You do not believe in ghosts, right?

Ghost Phi Fa.

Come on!

To the right.

Three, two, one. Come on.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight ...

Hey, everybody.

Pose wheels.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, come on ...

One two three four five. Come on ...

Family came here.

How do you know the family?

Because the security guards come shouting, "Fuck!"

"Financial Analyst Firm"

Take back your musical instrument that wreck it!

You're a coward for wasting your dreams.

Since when did you become a loser?

How many sea do you want me rafted

where there is no grain of sand to sleep?

- What is that? - The words of a rock singer.


That is ...

a musician a decade or play songs that are not known.

It's time to stop playing and look for a new job.

You are the slave of a crowd of loners!

- What does it mean? - Shut up, white women!

This. Take back your studio keys.

You've lost your identity. Bastard child!

You do not even have love for you later!

Humans who do not have dreams

it makes no difference to the troubled zombie!


If not, I'll report you because of physical abuse.

Mother. Do not!

You're a musician?

What song do you sing?

You would not know.

Strive for the Sky.


- Strive for the Sky. - What?

Strive for the Sky.

I've never heard that song.

Strive for your dreams

Strive for your dreams

Strive for your dreams

Strive for your dreams

Dive into your dreams

Strive for your dreams

Catch me!

Two three.

Let's give applause for performances of our new employees.

Pak Llong dari band Thau-ma-to-rope.

Please note.

Looks like Mr. Llong will be joining us.

Ms. Kim. What is this?

Sorry, we take your musical instrument to play.

We missed Bibi Fah.

Bibi Fah?

What is this all about?

Bibi Fah

born in a musical family.

So, he can play all the instruments.

What are you recording?

When he came to work here,

he invites us to learn the piano and violin.

But no one is around because we thought we did not have talent.

Finally, I started playing trumpet with him.

From not understand how to play the song Pineapple Apple Pen

be able to play the whole song.

Just, you play a song?

When they saw I could play,

everyone is inspired to follow arahanku.

Kim was the one who had the idea to form a band.

Aunt Fah find instruments for us to play.

We are very happy in the small meeting room.

Until the back room office asking it to put up a pingpong table.

We have to go.

At the same time, Aunt Fah husband became ill.

So he resigned to take care of him.

Not long after that, she died before her husband.

"Financial Analyst Agency"

Pak ship.

Can play music in the room

has more meaning than anything that can be bought by money.

After the table is empty Fah Bibi

up to a musician who actually came to sit there.

You, Llong of thaumatrope band.

It Pak Llong.

We feel Aunt Fah sent to us.

But you have to stop playing music.

We almost lost hope.

So we did something stupid

ie steal your musical instrument to be played.

We may consider this too seriously,

we become too obsessed.

It should just be a hobby, right?

In fact,...

I threw the instrument

because the band is mine made me heartbroken.

It was stupid.

You all have made me understand

Music is for everyone.

Not just for musicians.

My heart can not be compared with all of you.

If you do not mind,

please let me get into the band Aunt Fah.

Gosh! You hurt us. Why do you continue to hang us?

What song are you playing?

Well. Wait a minute.

Miss, you can play the drums while waiting.

One, two ... one, two, three, four ...

Miss Onn.

Do not be angry. I forgot to wear contact lenses.

This is a bad sign.

One two three four...

Bass player, why did you stop at a bar to the 7th?

I forgot.

One two three four...



Are we going to sing?

You're all wrong tone.

Everything overlaps.

Someone played the 6th tone is too high.


Totally my fault. There is infection in my mouth. Wanna see?

One two three four...



This time we will succeed.

One two three four...

Please, note. Miss Supanika here.

We know!

Who gave you permission to play music in the office?

His voice echoed everywhere.

You know that people are working, right?

Look at this.

As slums.

I have a headache because of it all.

If you want to play, why not play at home?

- But it's finished work hours. - I know it!

Did you Llong of thaumatrope band?

Were you a fan of my band?

Strive for your dreams

Dive into your dreams

I hate this song.

I used to hear your voice every day.

My son plays kasetmu in the car since the 9th grade

until college, until he was studying abroad.

I think my suffering has ended,

but now Llong of thaumatrope be here, in my office!

How did you pass the interview?

He scored 100 percent on the written exam.

I also know it!

If only...

we had a music room in the office, ...

then we do not need to be located in the storage room

and has air conditioning.

If we do not necessarily expect.

Why do not we ask for the budget to the music room?

Musical instruments 750,000 baht.

Loudspeakers and 350,000 baht mixer tool.

The walls, ceiling, floor plan of 400,000 baht.

- It's very expensive. - No need to ask,

I knew we would not get it.

The room itself desk 4,250 baht.

Pemukulnya 750 baht.

See. They enjoy it.

As they are trained for the national team.

I know where we could save 750,000 baht.

I could get a lot more musical instruments.

But I need your help.

Come on.

Big, come on.


How can I be at this point?

Knockout phase. Half life and death.

He did not lock it.

- When did you get in there? - Quick.

I think you need help to take the goods.

It's theft.

So, the rest of the production is 750,000 baht.

11 members divided us, the result becomes 68181.81 baht.

- What is it expensive? - Very expensive.

I had no way to be approved. We must increase our numbers.

Do not store your music instrument to enjoy one musician.

You said you played in the marching band?

Hello. Financial Analyst Firm.

You're playing in the marching band?

Yes. I play the clarinet.

- When did you start playing? - Class 6.

I played from the 6th grade.

- Class 6, right? - Yes.

- Go to the 6th floor - You're still playing now?


I'm forming a band. You want to join?

The ...

- Does that mean you agree? - Yes. Yes.

- Agreed, right? - Yes.

- Well, yes. - Forgive me.

Sorry for what?



Where guards who play percussion?

His father died.

He went to the cremation. He'll be back in a month.

How much do you want to contribute?

- Hey. - Hai.

Are you still looking for a percussionist?


- You ever play in the band? - I always play on stage.

You can sing the chorus?

Did you sign up for the band?

You can play any musical instrument?

So, what do you wanna play?

I want to sing.

I can sing anything.



thanks. No, no.

You'd better have a drink.


Who else is really playing percussion?

Pak Book in accounting. He can play.

- But now he is a monk. - Can he leave?

Send a message and talk to him now.

Jump into the band.

You said you would never go

You said we would be together

You said we would love each other

You said we would each have Forever

You said you would never go

You said we'll always have each other

You said you were not going to share your heart

You said you were just going to have


Sing with us.

"Toilet Wanita"

I can also sing.

You said you would never go

Excuse me.

I used to be in bands marching and a winner in Belgium.

Having a professional musician in the team

- make us more sophisticated bands. - But I...

want to play with these musicians.

I have to go.

What are you playing?


This is Mr. Sert, the bass player from the sales.

What? Just say it.

Just say in front of him.

Not. We've got a bass player.

Hey, we could have a double bass player.

You've never heard of it?

Such as wrestling. A teamwork.

You understand? When Miss Chadaporn up to the stage

Mr Sert play with it as well.

Well. Wait a minute.

Let's set a date.

- She's gone. - Shut up.

Beam, why did you first arrived? You're late. My mother was very hungry.

- Sorry. - Do not say you're sorry.


It Beam, my beloved.

Prince charming. He returns.

Who is that?



Hello, Pang. You're here too?

Who is that woman?


His arm around her shoulders in front of his mother.

This is the end of the season.

I'll wait for the next season.

Everything is fine!

All set?

One two three four.

I am a woman Khon Kaen

I have never had a lover

My house is in Isarn

I am still young

I just slept on my side

So that at night I could dream of beautiful

Is there a man who wants a woman like me?

Is there a man who wants a woman like me?

If your dream is

To have me, I'm waiting for you

I was a country girl Isarn

In the morning I plant rice in the evening I was lonely

They said I was from the village of Women of Isarn

With a heart on cloud nine

Please let this man Be nice to me

Help a little friendlier

Love me as much as you can

So I can be met with joy

All my heart for you

I think he plays a wind instrument.

Do not underestimate me

Only the dark kulitkulah

I was a woman Isarn The reverie was waiting

The longing of my heart floats When you slip

I was a farm girl So, you're not going to talk to me

You never offer To pair the ring to me

I waited so long I feel ashamed of myself

I waited and waited embarrassed myself.

You do not like me? Why do not you ever come to me?

Supanika here.

May God help you.

Please, note.

Mother Dragon is coming!

It is certain to come. He is going up!



Attention please. The next exercise will be announced later.

Always me.

They never turn off the lights.

This means that when a band breaks, literally.

Next, let's welcome the beautiful singer

on the part of financial analysts who handle rupees.

Ms. Aruni Bagga

Missing girl sings Love Mumbai.

He had eight vocal cords. He only uses two ribbons.

I waited and waited Unfortunately I

You do not notice me? Why do not you come to me?

Are you guys having fun?


At present our proposal to build a music room

managed to get into the head of the company.

Finally we will have a music room in our office.

I would like to thank along thaumatrope.

Today, Kim spread her smile for free.

What do you want, you will get it.

- Seeing is believing. Kim. - Yes?

- Who. - What!

Do not forget to exercise New Year songs, right?

You forget that we have to clean up? You're going to sweep until you vomit.


Are not you going to say anything?

You're playing.

Hey, Kim. See.

It is a great pyramid cow dung.

What now we close, we can talk about shit?

- Llong. - What?

What we have to play the song New Year's celebration in the cafeteria?

Requesting approval of the budget, to be followed by the show, is not it?

This office fortunate as to have you.

This office is not lucky.

Did you know most people

can not do what they want?

They die first and then someone knocked on their coffins,

ask them to go and be happy.

At the funeral of Aunt Fah,

we decided to do what makes us happy

without someone knocking on our coffin.

Stop shouting "More, more"? No longer.

We only practice one song.

"Happy New Year 2018"

"To Llong"

I saw IG-mu. You formed the band in the office.

I'm happy for you.

When you've got flowers, butterflies will come around.

Additional. Musical instrument you stole

after the New Year, if you do not return it,

I'll report you to the police!

Miss Nongpa-nga secretly sent messages of board meetings.

The council said ...

no budget.

If we want to make another proposal,

we have to wait until next year.

I knew it would end like this.

I've never heard of an office with a music room.

I feel...

we have to do something.

In fact...

we are a financial analyst.

We should know that

music room is not worth fighting.

I do not understand.

Why not?

It's normal.

This makes sense.

It's understandable.


Do you give up?

What is Kim I know?

Even the band Tro-ma-trope-mu or whatever you gave up.

You also stop.

Do you know?

It was the first time ...

I played music and happy.

Feeling like ...

being a child again in the music room with my friends.

I do not want to be disappointed again.

Kim, if you stop playing trumpet now,

you're going to make Mr. kanoon stop playing trombone as well.

You have been practicing for this.

You can not give up now.

Can I be honest?

When you thank thaumatrope Llong,

I am angry.

Because I was Llong of the band Aunt Fah.

Do not give up!

I will fight with you.

Fight for your dreams.

I hate those words.

Kim, when we next workout?

I could not even play our new song.

Then Alongkorn.

This is serious. You've only got five minutes.

Because Mr. Pae must finish before lunch meeting.

He should arrive at the airport at 13:00.

Usually before 13:00, the time Pokemon, right?

This way.

Who are you?

You do not need to know who I am.

Our names are not important.

But notice this is the festive season,

we, on behalf of the staff here,

would like to dedicate a song as a gift to everyone here.

This new year, hopefully

We are all happy

This is an exciting time to be happy

Everyone was happy and carefree

I asked for a blessing from heaven

To be all happy and lucky

Please bless us with kindness

Let everyone Thailand Enjoy prosperity

I hope you all have fun every day and night

All your wishes become reality

And prosper in this new year

Everyone Thailand is blessed with cheers

Healthy all year long

Forever begins immediately

Hopefully there is no sadness Only happiness

Welcoming the New Year

This is good.

I heard the music room was postponed.

I do not know what number they deserve.

How big is the happiness of your servants is fast do you think?

You guys are really great.

From what I see now,

if the board does not approve of your musical project,

it will bankrupt the happiness of all employees.

Look at it.

I hope you all have fun every day and night

All your wishes become reality

And prosper in this new year

Everyone Thailand is blessed with cheers


Healthy all year long

Forever begins immediately

Hopefully there is no sadness Only happiness

Welcoming the New Year

I hope you're happy with your new music room.

I'm waiting to hear your new song.


When you've got flowers, butterflies will come around.

You're lucky to have a boss like Mrs. Supanika.

He took an unusual proposal to the council.

- Bu Supanika, thank ... - Actually, I do not like you.

But I see that by having this music room

will make life more peaceful.

If you do not mind,

This signature is for my son.


New Year's Eve song is like a blessing from heaven.

This is the music room for people who want to be blessed.

Whatever will be,...

Happy New Year.

Happy New Year.

"Desember, 2018"

We get married?



What are you doing?

"His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej the song New Year Celebration

as a gift to the people of Thailand are

for New Year's day in 1952. "

"No matter how many years pass,

the King's anthem will always be in our hearts. "

Only for personal use and not for use on site or STREAMING hardsub !!!

Ripped Sub by Andika Surya Putra
Resync by snowball
Srt and Encoded by Tri Altruis