A Flintstones Christmas Carol (1994) - full transcript
Fred is cast as Ebenezer Scrooge in a stage adaption of the story, but is acting a bit stingy in real-life.
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
(male #1)
Merry Christmas!
Heh-he! Remember the needy
of Bedrock this Christmas.
[indistinct chattering]
Thank you, heh, Merry Christmas.
Hey, Santa.
If you need a pit stop
during your midnight ride
for the kiddies
drop in at the Bedrock
community theater.
Yeah, we're doing
a Christmas carol.
Seven o'clock, don't be late.
Don't you recognize me, Bert?
I'm in it.
[indistinct chattering]
All I've got left
are balcony seats.
I'll take 'em.
All sales are final, no refunds,
exchanges or bad reviews.
...bah, humbug.
Oh, you're gonna knock
'em dead tonight, Freddie boy.
Wilma, am I a great Scrooge
or what?
Huh, you're a great Scrooge,
Fred, but you're no help.
Oh, come on, Wilma,
help me rehearse.
Don't forget,
you are the stage manager
for the Bedrock
Community players.
- And I, I am the leading actor.
- No time, Fred.
'Our costume designer
came down with that awful flu'
the Bedrock Bug, so now
I'm doing wardrobe too.
- In case you haven't noticed.
- Hey, you're doing costumes?
Great, I just pulled a thread.
[clears throat]
"Christmas, a poor excuse
for picking a businessman's
pocket every 25th of December."
Fred, you are really
- Yeah, unbelievable.
- Unbelievable?
As scrooge? Me?
Well, Mr. Scrooge
it sounds like your daughter
needs her diaper changed.
Uh, sorry, Wilma,
I gotta practice my lines.
"Christmas? Bah, humbug." Uh..
"Christmas, baah, humbug."
There's such a thing
as being too well rehearsed.
Hey, everybody's
gotta make a livin'.
There you go, Pebbles,
all better.
'Christmas, bah, humbug!'
Pebbles, don't be so hard
on daddy.
He's trying, very trying.
"What's Christmas time to you
but a time for paying bills
without money?"
[Dino barking]
Oh, no!
Will you stop it!
Now look what you've done.
You better hope Wilma can clean
my costume before show time.
Huh, time?
Oh, nice going, Dino,
now I'm late for work.
Christmas, bah, hum-bug.
Fred, aren't you forgetting
a little something?
You're right!
My lunch.
Wrong, your daughter.
You're supposed to drop her off
at the Cave Care Center.
Uh, right, Cave Care.
And, Fred, don't forget
you have to pick Pebbles
up at four
because I'm going
to the theater early.
'Christmas, bah, hum-m-bug.'
'Did you hear me?'
What a scrooge.
We're running a little late
this morning
Miss Feldspar, here you go.
Mr. Flintstone,
aren't you nervous
about your performance tonight?
I know I am.
Are you kidding?
I've been rehearsing
night and day.
This part is all I've thought
about for the last two months.
- Kiss, da-da, hug, da-da.
- Bah!
So I see.
Bye-bye, da-da.
- Pebbles.
- Bamm-Bamm.
What about you, Bamm-Bamm?
Are you ready
for your part tonight?
"God bless us, everyone."
Hm, "Please, spirit."
- 'Tonight's gonna be a blast.'
- "Show me no more.
Spirit, I'm not the man I was."
Watch where you're going,
"I will not be the man
I would have been."
Uh, hiya, Fred. Ooh!
"Take pity, good spirit."
Well, well, if it isn't
Ebonezer Scrooge himself.
Greetings, supporting players.
Hey, we're in this play
too, Flintstone.
Yeah, but there can
only be one Scrooge.
Well, I guess
they got the right guy.
Uh, gee, Fred, I thought
you were never gonna get here.
Barney, I was rehearsing.
You don't get to be great
without rehearsing.
Yoo-hoo, Mr. Flintstone.
Wanna rehearse
our big love scene?
Happy to oblige, Maggie.
A great actor
is always ready to rehearse.
Ooh, Ebonezer, I love you.
And...and...I love you.
- Huh?
- Ooh!
Flintstone, you're not the only
one on the play tonight.
No, Mr. Slate,
but Iam the star.
Is that so?
Well, I thinkI would have made
a better Scrooge.
Yeah, you're certainly
cheap enough, Mr. Slate.
That's enough,
Rubble, Flintstone.
Okay, okay,
we're going, we're going.
One minute.
So there won't be any excuses
for getting to the play late
everybody gets
to leave after lunch.
Is that time off with pay?
I suppose so.
Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas, boss.
- Merry Christmas!
See, I'm no scrooge.
No, I am.
Well, at least this doesn't
have to be a waste of time.
We can rehearse.
Uh, yeah, sure, Fred,
whatever you say.
"It feels awfully warm
in here, Cragit.
'Have you been using
all my coal again?"'
'Barn? Barney?'
I said, "Have you been using
all my coal again?"
Uh, and I thought we chewed
scenery for a living.
Barney, you missed your cue.
Oh, gee, uh, sorry, Fred.
'Is that what's gonna
happen tonight?'
- 'Come on, pay attention.'
- Hey!
Gee, Fred, uh, maybe it wouldn't
hurt if you pay attention too.
- To what?
- To work.
Oh, come on, Barn,
this is show biz.
We have a shot at the big time.
It's just one night of community
theater, Fred, not Broadrock.
Let's just get
this scene right, okay?
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Okay!
Now then..
'"Have you been using all--"'
Oh, huh,
I think I'm going to be sick.
No, I take that back, I am sick.
Oh, boy, everybody's a critic.
Gee, that wasn't a reflection
on your performance, Fred.
Your bronto
got the Bedrock Bug.
And it's quitting time.
That's what he thinks.
Listen, Barn, I still think
your acting needs work.
If you're not
well rehearsed, buddy
you could make me look bad.
Hey. I know my lines, Fred.
Yeah, but there's more to acting
than just memorization.
Iam Scrooge.
Well, I'm sorry, Fred
but there's more
to life than acting.
Not to an actor.
Uh, maybe not
but in case you've forgotten,
tomorrow's Christmas.
I've gotta go home
and wrap presents.
Why, of course,
o-of course I didn't forget.
What do you think I am?
Some kind of scrooge?
Oh, boy, nice going, Flintstone.
You have nothing to put under
the tree for Wilma or Pebbles.
Lucky I still have time.
Merry Christmas!
Remember the needy of Bedrock
this Christmas.
Christmas, bah, humbug.
- Ugh, what a scrooge.
- Yeah, good, aren't I?
I'm playing Scrooge tonight
at the Bedrock
Community Theater.
I know, now,
what about the needy?
Hey, I got presents to buy.
Look at these prices!
How am I gonna find
something for Wilma
in this madhouse?
(boy #1)
'Wow, I've gotta have that.'
'Now there's a dress,
Wilma's gonna love it.'
- It's an Yves saint Laurock.
- It's on sale.
- Oh, no!
- It's my size.
(male #2)
'I can't imagine
anyone liking it.'
Any more of those dresses?
Oh, sorry, all sold out.
- You should've shopped earlier.
- I'll take this one.
The necklace doesn't come
with it, you know.
I'll take that too.
It's not real sabretooth, is it?
Of course not,
they're an endangered species.
'Now, how are you
gonna pay for this?'
Mesozoic Express.
(male #3)
'I'm sure your daughter
will love'
this stuffed pigasaurus,
Mr. Flintstone.
Yeah, a Jurassic pork.
What'll they think up next?
Thank you for shopping
Uh, gift wrapping is over there,
Mr. Flintstone.
'Oh, boy!'
Uh-uh, no way I'm standing
in some long line.
(male #4)
'Hey, man.'
- Hey, watch where you're going.
- What a jerk.
- Wrap these.
- What's your number?
Number? Huh?
(male #5)
'You gotta have a number.'
Thanks, buddy,
say, what's your number?
Boy, oh, boy, oh, boy, I could
be standing here for hours.
[clock chiming]
Four o'clock
and time for all good boys
to have their Christmas
shopping done.
Oh, well,
it's only four o'clock.. Huh!
Four o'clock! I've got to get
to the the theater!
- Hey, what's your number, kid?
- 427.
I'll make you a deal,
take my number 86.
Get these wrapped for me
and wait here till I get back.
Uh, right.
[instrumental music]
Gotta get to the theater
before curtain time
or Wilma will kill me.
Christmas, humbug.
What a world of fools I live in.
[siren blaring]
Alright, pull over.
Fred, it's me, Philo Quartz.
Didn't you see that
red light back there?
Philo, I'm a star.
I was rehearsing.
I'll let you off
this time, Fred
but you better get the stars
out of your eyes
and watch where you're going.
I know where I'm going,
straight to Broadrock.
But first, I think
I'll stop off for a snack.
(Wilma) Fred, went to the theatre with Betty.
See you and Pebbles there later.
Nothing like a little snack.
Curtain up.
'Bah, humbug!'
[instrumental music]
(female #1)
'Sit still, I told you..'
Well, it's about time, Fred.
Why are you so late?
Last-minute shop..
Uh-uh, rehearsing.
Uh, that's it,
last-minute rehearsing.
Well, it sounds as if
you've got
your Scrooge part down pat.
Well, thanks, Wilma--
But you've got a lot more
rehearsing to do
for your role as father.
- Huh?
- Ooh!
Oh, Fred Flintstone,
how could you?
How could I what?
How could you forget
your own daughter?
- Pebbles?
- 'Yes, Pebbles.'
Fortunately, Barney
picked her up at Cave Care
becauseyou forgot.
But she's fine, see?
- She's playing with Bamm--
- Fred Flintstone!
"God bless us, everyone."
That's right, Bamm-Bamm,
everyone but Fred.
- But, Wilma..
- Don't "But, Wilma" me, Fred.
Ever since you got this part
all you've thought about
is yourself.
Come on, Scrooge,
uh, I mean, Fred.
Let's get you
into makeup and costume.
Here, put this on while
I finish Mr. Slate's makeup.
I still say,
I should have played Scrooge.
You've got a very important
role, Mr. Slate.
Besides, that'd be typecasting.
Perfect, okay, pick up your
chains and you're all set.
Do I look great or what?
Makeup's not bad either, Betty.
Of course, you had
so much to work with.
Well, this is your big moment,
Mr. Scrooge.
You're on.
A-b-I'm-I'm-I'm on? My hat!
My hat!
I say, Wilma,
are we quite ready?
I'm ready to clobber
my leading man, Mr. Brickens.
Cue the snow.
Let's get this show
on the road.
Wish me luck, Wilma.
Yeah, break a leg.
"Marbley was dead to begin with.
'Scrooge knew he was dead.
Of course he did."'
My cane, my cane.
'"Scrooge and Marbley'
'"were partners
in old Piltdown town'
'"for I don't know
how many years.'
'"Scrooge was his sole executor'
'"sole friend and sole mourner'
'"which brings me back
to Marbley's funeral.'
'"There's no doubt
that Marbley was dead.'
'"This must be
distinctly understood'
'"or nothing wonderful
can come of the story'
'"I'm going to relate.'
'"As for Scrooge'
'"he was a squeezing'
grasping, clutching'
'"covetous old sinner.'
'Hard and sharp as flint."'
[door opening]
Uh, Merry Christmas,
Mr. Scrooge.
It feels awfully warm
in here, Cragit.
Have you been using
all my coal again?
One, two, three..
No, Mr. Scrooge.
I-I haven't put any in
since y-yesterday.
'And you'll need none tomorrow.'
It's a holiday,
so I'll save on coal.
But I suppose
I still have to pay you.
Gee, it's-it's only once a year.
And I suppose
you'll want the whole day off?
Oh, please, sir,
it is Christmas.
It's only fair.
It isn't fair! Hmm.
Christmas, humbug.
A poor excuse for picking
a businessman's pocket
every 25th of December.
Well, be sure to be here all
the earlier the next morning.
Yes, sir, Mr. Scrooge.
'Why should the world
take a day off?'
I could be collecting more debts
and making more money.
Master Ned.
Thank you, Bob,
but I think I'll need these.
- What?
- Merry Christmas, uncle.
- Christmas? Humbug.
- Christmas a humbug, uncle?
- Surely you don't mean that.
- I do.
What reason have you
to be merry?
'You're poor enough.'
And what reason have you
to be miserable?
- 'You're rich enough.'
- Huh!
Bah, humbug.
Merry Christmas, indeed.
Tell me, my poor nephew,
what's Christmas to you?
Just a time for paying bills
without money.
'A time for finding yourself
a year older.'
And not an hour richer.
If I had my way,
every fool who goes about
with "Merry Christmas"
on his lips
'should be boiled
with his own pudding'
'and buried with a stake
of holly through his heart.'
- Uncle.
- Nephew!
You keep Christmas in your way
and let me keep it in mine.
- But you don't keep it.
- And I won't.
Christmas has done me no good
and it will do you no good.
Perhaps I haven't profited by it
but I say that
Christmas is a kind
forgiving, charitable time.
The only time
when men and women
seem to open their
shut-up hearts freely.
Though Christmas has never put
any gold or silver in my pocket
I believe it has done me good
and will do me good
and I say, "God bless it."
Are you trying to get fired?'
- 'Get back to your ledgers.'
- Uh, no, sir.
I-I mean, y-yes, sir.
Uh, s-sorry, sir.
Now, if you're quite through,
nephew, be off with you.
But I'm not through, uncle.
I want to invite you
to Christmas dinner
with my wife and I.
- No, thank you.
- Why not?
Why did you marry
that penniless girl?
- Because I fell in love.
- Love?
Bah, humbug.
Love without money
is a bad investment.
- Good afternoon.
- Please, uncle, dine with us.
I want nothing from you.
- Why can't we be friends?
- Humbug.
Who needs friends
when I have all this?
Huh, he's a cold one,
your uncle is.
I'm afraid so, but no reason
we shouldn't celebrate.
Have a very
Merry Christmas, Bob.
You too, sir.
A very Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year.
Good evening, sir.
Do we have the pleasure
of addressing
Mr. Scrooge or Mr. Marbley?
Neither, Mr. Marbley's dead.
And addressing Mr. Scrooge
will be no pleasure.
[knocking on door]
'Now what?'
Can't a man get any work done
on this wretched
holiday evening?
And a wretched holiday
it will be
for so many of our needy
brothers and sisters.
That's why we're here
to collect money
for the Piltdown
Charitable Foundation.
Ha-ha! What I collect, I keep.
Surely, Mr. Scrooge,
someone as well off as yourself
can afford to donate something.
I certainly can, but I won't.
I support the workhouses,
they cost enough.
Those who are badly off
must go there.
Many can't go there.
And many would rather die.
If they'd rather die,
they had better do it
and decrease
the surplus population.
Good afternoon, gentlemen.
I feel sorry for you,
Mr. Scrooge.
Save your pity
for the Piltdown poors.
They'll get nothing from me!
Well, don't just
stand there, Cragit.
You can go too, get out of here!
Uh, t-thank you, sir.
Uh, Merry Christmas, sir.
Remember, be here the next
morning bright and early.
Christmas, bah, humbug.
Oh, missed me.
- Ah, my hat.
- Uh-oh.
My hat. My hat!
There he goes, constable.
That juvenile delinquent
'assaulted my hat
with a snowball.'
You, there!
- Oh.
- 'Gotcha.'
Alright, my lad, come along.
You've got some
tall explaing to do.
- It, it was accident, guv.
- Just look at this.
This hat was made
of rare sabretooth muskrat.
It's extinct.
If you press charges
I'll have to throw him
in the workhouse.
Oh, no need for that.
Bring him along.
Hey, we was only playing
in the snow.
I'll give you snow, there!
You may shovel a path
to my house.
Get busy and be quick about it
unless you'd prefer
the workhouse.
Uh, this is worse
than the blinking workhouse.
Christmas Eve
is supposed to be fun.
Fun, bah, humbug.
I must be seeing things.
Probably 'cause I haven't
had any dinner.
(male #6)
'"And so Scrooge
retired to his rooms'
'"in the gloomy old house.'
'"And prepared to spend
Christmas Eve'
'"the way he always did'
'"eating leftover
'But this Christmas Eve was
going to be quite different."'
[Marbley howling]
Uh, humbug,
nothing but the wind.
Who are you?
Ask me who I was.
Alright, alright,
have it your way.
Who were you?
In life, I was your partner
Jacob Marbley.
You don't believe in me,
do you, Scrooge?
You're just a figment
of my imagination
caused by indigestion.
It's that leftover gruel.
Dreadful apparition,
why do you trouble me?
Do you believe in me or not?
I believe, I believe.
But why trouble me now?
You who've been dead
for seven long years.
Seven years dead.
But the chains, why?
I wear the chain
I forged in life.
I made it link by link
and yard by yard.
Do you know the weight
of the strong coil
you bear yourself?
And, Scrooge, no amount
of regret can make amends
for a life's worth
of opportunities misused.
But, Jacob
you were always
a good man of business.
Mankind was my business.
The common welfare
was my business.
Charity, mercy and benevolence
were all my business.
That doesn't sound like
my old partner Marbley.
Too true, Scrooge.
In life, my spirit never walked
beyond our counting house.
And now, at this time of year
I suffer the most.
No rest, no peace
only incessant torture
and remorse.
I-I'm-I'm sorry things aren't
going well, Jacob.
Hear me, Scrooge.
My time is nearly gone.
- I am here to warn you.
- Of what?
That you still have a hope
of escaping my fate.
Your fate? Wait!
[Marbley howling]
'Don't go!'
You will be haunted
by three more spirits tonight.
More ghosts?
Expect the first tonight
when the clock
strikes midnight.
Wait, can't they all
visit me at once
so I can get it over with?
Not this time, pal.
Farewell, Scrooge.
Expect me no more
and for your own sake
remember what has passed
between us.
Uh, this is nothing
but my imagination.
Like I said, nothing but a bit
of bad leftover gruel.
I'm going to bed.
And when I wake up
in the morning
this will all be
just a bad dream.
Hear that applause, Barn?
They really like me.
Uh, gee, Fred, I think they
like me and Mr. Slate too.
You? Don't be silly, Barn.
I'm the star.
Uh, oh, yeah, I forgot.
- Not bad, Fred.
- Thanks, Wilma.
Yeah, you're really
cooking tonight.
Perfect for ham.
- Places, everybody.
- 'Oh, boy.'
Curtain's going up.
Mister, could you please lower
your head so my kid can see.
Hey, that's me.
Cue the wind.
Betty, where's the ghost
of Christmas past?
Garnet? Gee, I did her makeup
ten minutes ago.
Maybe she's still
in her dressing room.
My word.
Don't tell me..
(in unison)
The Bedrock Bug!
Now, where are we going to find
a ghost of Christmas past.
Never mind that,
who could possibly
even squeeze into her dress?
'Hey, Wilma, maybe you can.'
Besides, who else knows
everybody's part?
Please, Wilma, you must.
'Wake up, Scrooge.'
'You're really asleep,
aren't you?'
'You self-centered skinflint.'
Wilma, I-I mean..
Are you the spirit
whose coming was foretold to me?
I am the ghost
of Christmas past.
- Long past?
- No, your past.
I'm here to help you,
rise and walk with me.
I'm just a mortal, I'll fall.
Just a touch of my hand, there.
And you shall be upheld.
Take it easy, Wilma,
we're supposed to be acting.
Sorry, Fred, you're such
a convincing scrooge, I forgot.
Where-where are you taking me,
♪ Good King Wenceslas
looked out ♪
♪ On the feast of Stephen ♪
♪ When the snow lay roundabout ♪
♪ Deep and crisp and even ♪
♪ La la la la la la ♪♪
'Tom and George
and Bill and Harry.'
I know these boys.
They were my schoolmates
when I was a lad.
But how can this be?
These are only shadows
of things that have been.
They're completely
unaware of us.
They're all going home
for Christmas.
All except for one
solitary child
neglected by his friends,
left all alone.
[instrumental music]
'Do you remember the way?'
I could have found
this place blindfolded.
"It amazed the ghost
"that Scrooge could remember
this place of his youth
after having forgotten it
for so many years."
- How am I doing, Betty?
- In the play or with Wilma?
Yeah, what's wrong with Wilma?
I haven't blown a line,
she should be proud.
Fred, you'd better get changed.
I'm ready for my makeup, Betty.
Nervous, Maggie?
You look a little green.
Yeah, I feel like I've got
butterflies in my stomach.
Well, as long as it's
not that Bedrock Bug.
Poor Garnet,
Wilma had to go on for her.
Ooh. I wouldn't give up
this part for the world.
See you in a few minutes,
for our big love scene.
"Despite Scrooge's fond memories
"the school had been
a victim of hard times
"and broken fortunes.
'"And within the dreary walls
it was just as melancholy.'
'"A lonely boy,
reading near a feeble fire.'
'"Yes, it was
young Scrooge, alone'
'"when all the other boys
had gone home'
'for the jolly holidays."'
(female #2)
'It isn't much fun being ignored
by your father'
and left all alone
at school, is it?
Fanny, dear, dear, sister.
Dear brother Ebonezer,
I've come to bring you home.
Home, forever and ever,
you haven't been forgotten.
Father is so much kinder
than he used to be.
He spoke so gently
to me one night
that I was not afraid
to ask him once more
if you might come home.
And he said yes, you should
and sent me in a coach
to bring you.
Oh, Fanny, now I'll never
have to be alone again.
You won't leave me, will you?
Of course not, silly.
I'm taking you home.
No, I mean forever, Fanny.
We must always be together.
[Fanny laughing]
Such a delicate creature,
your sister.
But she had a large heart.
And she did leave you.
She died as a young woman.
- She had children?
- My nephew.
You loved your sister,
Fan, didn't you?
And when she died, I said
I'd never love anyone again.
- Come.
- Huh, ooh!
But you did love again,
didn't you, Scrooge?
You, you did-don't mean Belle.
Yes, you met her at Fezziwig's.
It was at Christmas time,
How can I forget? Old Fezziwig.
I was apprenticed to him.
Why, that's him.
Old Fezziwig, bless his heart.
'It's Fezziwig, alive again.'
And this is Christmas Eve.
But how is this possible?
I'm only showing you
what has already been.
Yo-ho, my boys,
no more work tonight.
Christmas Eve, Jacob.
Christmas, Ebonezer.
Clear away, my lads,
and let's have some room here.
It's time to party!
- Did you hear the one about..
- You gotta be kidding.
[instrumental music]
A small matter to make
these silly folks so happy.
Certainly no more
than a few dollars.
It isn't the money.
The happiness he gives
can't be measured in gold.
What's the matter, Betty?
Am I that bad?
You're doing a lot better
than she is.
Maggie? The Bedrock Bug?
Think you can handle
another part?
Do I have a choice?
Dance, Ebonezer.
With one of my daughters,
I've never been much
for dancing, Mrs. Fezziwig.
But in her case,
I'll make an exception.
May I have this dance, Miss..
- Wilma?
- Shh, don't blow your lines.
The name is Belle,
and you dance divinely, mister..
Ebonezer Scrooge.
What happened to Maggie?
I'm supposed to be doing
this scene with her.
Oh, you'd rather do your love
scene with her instead of me?
[Fred groans]
I didn't mean that, I meant..
You're so light on your feet,
Miss Belle.
Oh! Ow!
Now do you rember
the night you met Belle?
- Oh, I do!
- You did love her.
I, I mean, I did.
- My time grows short, come.
- Ooh!
Very funny, Wilma, uh, Belle.
None of this is in my script.
I suppose you think...
this is funny.
Belle, wait.
There's something
I want to say to you.
Belle, will you marry me?
Uh, yes.
Oh, yes, Fre-uh, Ebonezer.
- I love you.
- And I love you, Belle.
[instrumental music]
Please, Ebonezer, take it back.
But why, Belle?
Another idol has taken
my place in your heart.
A golden one.
You're a different man.
I haven't changed toward you,
I've grown wiser.
- 'I was only a boy.'
- 'Yes.'
But promised great joy
when you were a boy.
Promises only misery for us now,
now that you're a man.
But have I asked
to end our engagement?
In words, no.
But if you could choose now
would you choose a poor girl
like me to marry?
- Well..
- Say no more.
With a full heart for the love
of the man you once were
'I set you free,
Ebonezer Scrooge.'
May you be happy
in the life you've chosen.
But I do..
I did love her.
(female #3)
'But you loved money
and yourself more.'
Spirit, why do you delight
in torturing me?
Take me home,
show me no more, no more.
(female #3)
'You have seen only things
that have already been.'
'That they've happened
isn't my fault.'
No more. No more.
No more! No more.
No more!
Uh, gee, I-I guess all that
rehearsal paid off, Fred.
You've got them eating
out of the palm of your hand.
Forget about me,
what's eating Wilma?
Those tears looked
awful real, Barn.
- She is a little upset, Fred.
- About what?
You mean besides forgetting
about Pebbles
and being a selfish,
self-centered scrooge?
- Me?
- Yep.
Well, maybe I should go
talk to her.
[Wilma sobbing]
'Oh, that selfish,
self-centered scrooge.'
- 'He only thinks of himself.'
- What?
I don't think she wants
to see you right now, Fred.
- She's a little emotional.
- But..
'And why shouldn't she be?'
Forgetting your own daughter?
Shame on you.
Wilma won't even talk to me.
I don't get it, I haven't
knocked over any scenery.
- She should be proud.
- Take it easy, Fred.
Tomorrow's Christmas.
How can Wilma stay mad
when she's opening
your presents under the tree.
Right, presents.
Oh, presents!
You're on in ten minutes!
Ten minutes is plenty of time to
get to Bloomingshales and back.
'Oh, no!'
If I could get my car out.
Better make a run for it.
Flintstone, you scrooge.
How could you forget
the present?
Wilma and Pebbles
are never gonna
speak to me a-again!
"Closed early
for Christmas Eve."
Oh, no.
Let me in. You gotta let me in!
There's gotta be
another way into this place.
Oh, boy.
Flintstone, you're a genius.
Wow, how does Santa Claus
come down
those skinny little chimneys?
'Where are my presents?'
That kid must've
stolen my presents.
And I thought I was the scrooge.
Well, so much
for Christmas spirit.
If I ever catch that kid, I'll--
- Scro-oge!
- Huh?
Places, everybody.
- 'Don't forget your cue.'
- 'Who, me?'
- Ernie, have you seen Fred?
- Sorry, Wilma.
Oh, just like the great actor.
We're on in three minutes
and he's probably off
signing autograph.
The ghost of Christmas
yet to come.
But it, it can't be!
'You're not, not real.'
Wait, spirit.
I am not the man I was.
I know I've been selfish,
but I've changed.
Please don't hurt me.
Fred, it's me, Philo Quartz.
'I was on my way to the theater'
when I got a silent alarm
about a break in.
Honest, honest,
I wasn't stealing anything.
You can explain on the way back.
I knew you'd understand, pal,
see you in the third act.
Oh, and by the way,
thanks for the lift.
- Well, it's about time.
- Sorry I'm late.
- Listen, honey, I need--
- You always need.
And don't "Honey" me, you're on.
Okay, okay.
(male #7)
Huh? What?
'Who, who...who-who is it?'
Must be my imagination.
I am the ghost
of Christmas present.
Come, look upon me.
I'm looking, I'm looking.
You have never seen
the like of me before.
Never, never.
Spirit, take me where you will
and if you have anything
to teach me
'hopefully I'll profit by it.'
Do you know
what time it is, Scrooge?
Time to eat?
Christmas morning.
Come, touch my robe.
[bell chiming]
- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
- Look at all this.
- Merry Christmas, Miss Meduser.
'It's Christmas morning,
Someone will have a merry feast
of that prize bird.
Isn't it wonderful?
Hmm, delicious.
Come, Scrooge,
there's much more to see.
Yeah, but not too much to eat.
'What's that?'
My own special seasoning.
Christmas spirit.
And it works on any kind
of dinner on this day?
To any dinner kindly given.
And to a poor one most of all.
Why to a poor one most?
Because it needs it most.
- 'Ah, here we are.'
- Huh?
If the poor are so blessed
why do you leave them
in such misery?
I? Many evils are done
in the name of goodness.
But deeds of pride,
hatred, envy, bigotry
and selfishness
must be attributed
to their true perpetrators.
I don't understand.
This is my clerk,
Bob Cragit's house.
Let's go inside, shall we?
- We're home, mother.
- Uh, da-da.
They can't see us,
can they, ghost?
(male #7)
'No, Scrooge, they can't.'
And how did little Tim behave?
As good as gold and better.
'He told me, coming home'
that he hoped people saw him
in the church.
Because he was a cripple
and it might be pleasant to them
to rember on Christmas day
who made lame beggars walk
and blind men see.
Time for Christmas dinner,
you two.
Was there ever
such a glorious bird.
The most delicious
chickasaurus you ever made.
It does smell good.
'And they seem like
such a happy family.'
But it's such a meager meal.
I'm afraid it's all a clerk
in your employee
'can afford, Scrooge.'
A merry Christmas to us all,
my dears.
- God bless us.
- God bless us.
God bless us, everyone.
He seems so...so weak.
(male #7)
'It's no concern of yours.'
Spirit, tell me,
will-will Tiny Tim live?
I see a vacant seat
in the poor chimney corner
and a crutch without an owner,
carefully preserved.
If these shadows
remain unaltered by the future
the child will die.
No, no!
Oh, oh, no, kind spirit.
Say he will be spared.
(male #7)
'So what if he dies?'
He'll just decrease
the surplus population.
I give you Mr. Scrooge,
the founder of this feast.
The founder
of this feast indeed.
If he was here, I'd give him a
piece of my mind to feast upon.
He's selfish, self-centered
and only thinks of himself.
Not very popular, am I?
Phew, huh!
But, my dear,
it's Christmas day.
Yes, only on Christmas day
could one make a toast
to the health
of such an odious, stingy
hard, unfeeling man
as Mr. Scrooge.
I'll toast his health
for your sake
and because it's Christmas,
not for his.
A merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year
to Mr. Scrooge.
- I've seen enough, spirit.
- Come, Scrooge.
There are more parties
to attend.
Why, that's my nephew, Ned.
'Oh, look,
they're playing charades.'
'So that's my nephew's wife.'
'Almost reminds me
of my sister.'
Two syllables.
- 'Fish.'
- 'He's quite good, my nephew.'
Very clever.
(male #7)
'Don't tell me you've never met
your own nephew's wife.'
- 'No.'
- 'Fishmonger!'
- 'Sells fish.'
- That's not right.
Sell fish, selfish!
Oh, very clever girl.
- 'Having a good time?'
- 'Oh, I'm having a grand time.'
(male #8)
(male #7)
'See what you've missed by
heeding the clinking of coins'
'instead of the sounds
of laughter and merriment?'
Screw, uh, Scrooge!
Uncle Scrooge, get it?
Selfish, cheap Uncle Scrooge.
Yes, but he's given us all
a wonderful evening
and here's to him.
(in unison)
'Here's to Uncle Scrooge.'
Uh, they've included me
in their fun.
Nice boy, your nephew.
Ned? Oh, he's a wonderful boy.
He has the good heart
of my sister Fan
who I loved so dearly.
Come, Scrooge, it's time.
Must we go, spirit?
Can't-can't we stay just,
just a little longer?
My time upon this globe is over.
[bell tolling]
It's midnight.
Spirit? Where are you?
I'm in the presence of the ghost
of Christmas yet to come.
You're about to show me shadows
of things that have not happened
but will happen in the time
before us, is that so, spirit?
Ghost of the future, I fear you
more than any specter I've seen.
Oh, but I know your purpose
is to do me good.
Will you not speak to me?
Then lead on, phantom.
[instrumental music]
- When did he die?
- Last night, I believe.
I thought he'd never die.
I wonder who he left
all his money to.
Haven't heard, guv.
But he hasn't left it to me,
that's all I know.
Spirit, what has all this
to do with me?
And why am I not in my
accustomed place at this hour?
[intense music]
[Scrooge gulps]
Where are we, spirit?
Oh, oh, I don't like this place.
Please, can't we go?
'No, no, no, I won't look.'
'You can't make me.'
Is there no one
in this whole town
who feels any emotion
about this man's death?
After you, please.
Spirit, what have these
miscreants to do with me?
It's all I could scrounge,
but it is something
and everyone has a right
to take care of himself, eh?
After all, he always did.
I'm afraid
this is all there was.
Now, who's next?
Please, spirit, no more.
Well, what'll you pay, Joe?
A darn sight more than
he was worth in life, right?
What about these
bed-curtains, Joe?
You didn't take them down,
rings and all
with him lying there, did you?
I sure did.
[clicks tongue]
Got his blanket as well.
He won't need them
to keep him warm
where he's going, I daresay.
He didn't have
no friends in life
'but we'll look after
him in death.'
I see, spirit.
The case of this unhappy man
might be my own.
My life is already turning
in that direction.
Can you show me no tenderness
connected with the death?
Your father's late again,
I think he's walking a little
slower than he used to.
When he walked with Tiny Tim
upon his shoulders
'he walked very fast, indeed.'
He was very light to carry
and your father loved him,
so that it was no trouble.
No trouble at all.
I wish you could have gone,
It'd have done you good to see
what a pretty place it is.
But you'll see it.
I promised him that
I'd walk there on Sundays.
Oh, poor Tiny Tim.
My poor little child.
None of us
shall ever forget Tiny Tim.
How patient and sweet he was
even though he was a little,
little child.
Not Tiny Tim.
[intense music]
So this is what
you wanted me to see.
'Is that the grave of the man'
whom no one mourns?
No! Answer me
one question, spirit.
Are these the shadows
of things that will be
or only of what may be?
No! No, I mean, if a man
were to change his life
his life's journey
could also change.
Oh, please, spirit,
say it's so.
N-no, no, spirit,
no, no, no, hear me.
I am not the man I was.
I will not be the man
I would have been
were it not for you
and your fellow spirits.
Why show me this
if I'm past all hope?
Take pity, good spirit.
Assure me that I may change
these shadows you have shown me
by an altered life.
Iwill change!
I will honor Christmas
in my heart
and try to keep it all the year.
The spirits of past
present and future
shall live within me.
Oh, I will not forget the lesson
they have so generously taught!
I am not the man I was.
I am not the man I..
Hey, I'm alive, I'm still alive.
They're not torn down,
they're here, I'm here.
The shadows of the things
that would have been
may be dispelled.
They will be,
oh, I know they will.
There's the chair where the
ghost of Christmas present sat.
And there's the window
where Marbley's ghost
joined the wandering spirits.
It all happened, it's all true.
Oh, I'm light as a feather,
I'm as happy as an angel.
A Merry Christmas to everybody!
'Happy New Year to the world!'
Heaven and Christmas time
be praised.
Thank you, Jacob Marbley.
Thank you.
On my knees. Thank you.
'You, there. Boy. Tell me...'
I suppose I had that coming.
- No, wait, kid.
- Uh-oh. Mean old skinflint!
I've already shoveled
your blooming sidewalk!
Yes, and you did
a wonderful job!
Now you can do another.
What's today?
Today? What do you think?
It's Christmas Day!
It's Christmas Day.
I haven't missed it.
The spirits have done it all
in one night. And why not?
They can do anything they want.
Whoa, he's not only cheap,
he's crazy as a cootasaurus.
Does the poultry shop still
have that prize turkeysaurus
in the window?
- The one as big as me?
- That's the one. Buy it.
And have the poultry man
bring it back here.
'And here's something
for your trouble.'
- On me way, guv.
- Heh-he-he..
I'll send that turkeysaurus
over to Bob Cragit's.
And I shan't tell them
who sent it either.
No more measly dinners
for that family.
Thanks for being so prompt,
my good fellow.
[coin clinks]
Off to Bob Cragit's house
with that and mind you
no telling who sent it!
Excuse me, gentle.. Heh?
Wilma? Uh, Belle?
What are you doing here?
I'm a card-carrying member
of the Piltdown
Charitable Foundation.
What happened to the other guy?
He's a little under the weather
this morning.
[man groaning]
Now, if you'll excuse me,
Mr. Scrooge
we have nothing further
to discuss.
Nothing to discuss?
But we haven't spoken to each
other.. It seems like years.
I'm a changed man,
Wil..uh, Belle.
Of course you're a changed man.
It's in the script...Scrooge.
None of this is in my script.
Oh, I know I've been a selfish,
self-centered boob
but I've changed.
- Really, Wilma.
- They're making it all up!
Look, I want to start giving
instead of taking.
And I'd like to start
with a little something
for the Piltdown
Charitable Foundation.
Thank you for your generosity,
Mr. Scrooge. Merry Christmas.
But...Belle, wait.
Can't we talk about it
over Christmas dinner?
I'm going to my nephew's.
Would you care to join me?
Is he, uh, anything like you,
Mr. Scrooge?
More like the man I used to be,
and hope to be again.
[knocking on door]
Who could that be?
I hope you like turkeysaurus.
- Surprise!
- Uncle Scrooge?
Yes, it's me.
I've come for Christmas dinner
and brought a friend.
That is, if you and your lovely
wife will have us.
With all my heart, uncle.
So, you're the infamous
Uncle Scrooge.
- It's a miracle.
- You got that right.
Why, you don't seem mean at all.
That Cragit.
You're late, Cragit.
Uh, I-I am behind
my-my time, sir.
I-I was making rather
m-merry yesterday.
But it's only
once a year, s-sir.
Huh? I tell you,
I won't stand for it, Cragit!
You, y-you won't, sir?
Absolutely not.
From now on, you should be merry
the whole year.
- Well, what do you think, guv?
- Perfect.
Well, don't just stand there.
What do you think...partner?
- Partner, me?
- If you'll have me, Bob.
There are a great many
back payments in my offer.
- I assure you.
- Uh, sounds pretty good.
But, uh, how about
"Cragit & Scrooge?"
Fine with me.
[instrumental music]
All done, guv.
Done? Oh, no, my friend.
This is just the beginning.
From now on, I, Ebenezer Scrooge
will always be there
to help those
less fortunate than myself.
And not just at Christmas
but all year long.
"Scrooge was better
than his word.
"He did it all
and infinitely more.
'"And to Tiny Tim,
who did not die'
'"he was a second father.'
'"He became as good a friend'
"as good a master,
and as good a man
"as the good old town
of Piltdown new
'"or any other town
for that matter.'
'"He never saw
the spirits again'
'"but he took their lessons
to heart.'
'"And it was always said of him'
'"that he knew
how to keep Christmas well'
"if any man alive
possessed the knowledge.
"May that be truly
said of us and all of us.
'And so,
as Tiny Tim observed.."'
God bless us, everyone.
[audience applauding]
Hey! What was that for?
(in unison)
For being such a scrooge!
But, Wilma,
I'm not a scrooge anymore.
I understand
what's really important.
[Pebbles screeching]
You and Pebbles
and Barney and Betty.
- Aw, Fred.
- "Aw, Fred," nothing.
Where exactly
did this sudden burst
of Christmas spirit come from?
Well, there were these
three ghosts.
Maybe we really could talk
about it over Christmas dinner?
Just you and me and Pebbles
and, and your mother, too.
Oh, Fred, do you really mean it?
I yabba-dabba do.
[audience applauding]
Hey, listen to that applause
they really loved me.
- Fred.
- Just kidding, honey.
They loved us.
[audience cheering]
Thank you. But these belong
to the real star of this play.
Gee, thanks, Mr. Brickens.
Wilma, I couldn't
have done it without you.
Stage manager,
costume maker and actress.
You...are a miracle worker.
She's a miracle worker,
alright. She's my wife.
Let's hear it for her.
Hear that? Wilma was great,
wasn't she, Philo?
[Barney chuckling]
Dino, you were the ghost?
- But what happened to Philo?
- The Bedrock Bug.
[Philo groaning]
Huh? Ah...ah...ah...ah..
[audience applauding]
Great show, Wilma.
Not bad, Fred.
Very funny, Betty.
Uh, come on, Betty.
We gotta get home.
I've got some presents
to put under the tree.
Merry Christmas, you guys.
"God bless us, everyone."
A little late, but not bad.
Fred, what's the matter?
Oh, alright,
you can have the bouquet.
Well, it's not that, Wilma.
I, uh.. You see.. It's just..
Guv, uh-uh, Mr. Flintstone,
I got these wrapped for you.
Uh, when you didn't
come back to get them
I-I thought I'd better
bring them to the theater.
Oh, you saved my skin, kid.
I owe you a big tip.
Oh, forget it, Mr. Flintstone.
I-it's Christmas.
Oh, Christmas.
You said it, Pebbly-poo.
Come on, gang.
Let's go home and celebr..
Uh, Wilma, I don't feel so good.
The Bedrock Bug. Oh..
'Don't worry, Fred,
I hear it only lasts 24 hours.'
You'll be fine in time for
my mother's Christmas dinner.
This is one Christmas Eve
Fred will never forget.
[retching continues]
Don't worry, honey. I'll drive.
[instrumental music]
[music continues]