A Decent Man (2015) - full transcript

Thomas Engel is always anxious to avoid conflict. At any cost. This compulsive striving for harmony, however, proves to be his road to ruin. He will fight for a peaceful solution. Violently, if need be.

Of course there is friction,
now and then.

About parenting and stuff

All in all we're doing a lot better,
I'm optimistic.

This loss of control, as you've called it,
did it feel freeing? Soothing?

- You might have felt relieved,

having let off steam,
steppd on the gas.

No, I'm not like that.
- I see.

What might be a trigger today?

I don't think it would...
- A disagreement with your wife?

Stress at work?

You can't make that comparison.

It only happened
because I had been drinking.

I just want you to understand what happens.

Why you explode,
when and what preceds it!

I understand that completely

We're going on vacation now,

most importantly to spend time together
as a family

And Martina wants to start writing again.

She missed it all these years.

She needs something of her own.

I think that's important
and I want to have her back.

And I think when she sees
how much I've changed afler therapy...

and what I'm like now...

And? What are you like?

Well, I'm definitely not somebody
you have to worry about.

I'm just a normal...

decent man.

Thank you.

Can you bring the board down too?

We might be on the slope this afternoon.

The weather is great.

I need a new board.
- Jenny, we talked about it.

Did you give Ms. Schwabmann the key!

The flowers won't die of thirst in a week.

You said you'd take care of it.

You know what I read?

There's a night ride on Friday
We'll go, right?

I can't with the old board.

Why are we picking her up?
- It's on our way

No, it isn't
- They'll be here soon.

Why is she coming at all?

You'll be glad Sarah's coming.

Or do you want to play Scrabble
with your folks every night?

I wanted a real friend
and you said 'family only'.

You got along so well last time.
- A year ago!

It'll be fine.

I just want peace and quiet.

I have to pee.

There they are.


You look so rested already!
Why are you even going?

Waited long?
- No problem.

Martina, good to see you.
- Hi.

Thanks for taking Sarah on short notice.
- Our pleasure.

Are you writing?
- I'm working on a new novel.

I hope they let you.
- Sure.

Good luck and have a good trip.

Hey baby.
- Bye Dad.

Enjoy it.

Thomas, call if you need to.
- Sure, don't worry.

I'll look at your concept when I have time.
- Oh, no rush!

Drive safe. Call when you arrive.
- Of course!

Are you good?
- In what?

- I'm okay.

But my dad's really good.
He's won prizes.

Mine keeps falling on his ass.

I heard that.
- It's true.

Have you been skiing this year?

My dad wanted to.

He even rented a cabin
but now he's just too busy.

And your mom?

She's at a seminar in Oslo,
for city planning.

Like streets, yards and stuff.

That's interesting.
- Yeah, it's alright.

Jenny, eat the veggies if you're hungry.

Wonderful, isn't it?

Alright, you guys get in here.

Just one second.

I think it's the fuse.

It's freezing here.
Did you tell him we're coming?

I don't get it.

I told you to call him.
He needs reminding.

I did!
- When?

It's no big deal.
- What's up?

I'm calling him!

No reception?

That's why it's relaxing.
- Oh Thomas.

Hey Thomas, welcome.

Did you guys get here okay?
- Yeah, great.

Come in. Have a drink?
- I would, but Rudi...

the gins are stuck up there
with no power.

No way.

Sevi, come here!

I'm so sorry, really
- No problem.

Sevi, are you crazy?
They're sitting in the dark.

That's what I mean!
- Oh, it's no big deal.

Hey Sevi.
- Hi Thomas.

Hi Sevi.
- Hey Jenny.

You have short hair!

Hi Martina, sorry about the heater.
- Don't worry.

Meet Sarah, my boss' daughter.

- Hi!

Alright, I'll get to work.
- Go ahead!

I've known Sevi since we were kids.

He taught me to ski but now he boards.

He's like a brother.
He's 20 now.

Back then the age difference
used to seem bigger. Weird.

There we go!

So I turned it up.

It'll take a while for it to get warm.
- No matter, we have sweaters.

You want a drink?
- I gotta go.

But there's a party later,
a friend's birthday.

You can come too.

You're a bit young for that.
- Mom, please.

Well, then I'll see you on the slopes.

- Ciao, Sevi. Be well.

Please, Dad.

In a few years,
you can party all you want.

I'll freeze here.

My parents don't mind when I go out.
- Oh really?

I dunno.
Martina, what do you think?

I said what I think.


You see.
I'm sorry, honey.

Everyone goes.
It's not the Middle Ages.

Mom said no.
- That's exactly what I mean.

- 'Mom said no.'

I won't play the police
while you play kindly dad.

Well, if you think they're too young...

So you don't?

Alright, you decide.
Then they go.

- You decide.


Your responsibility.

Please, Dad.

I'll make sure
they don't get into trouble.

Are you going
to start working tonight?

If I'm left to it.

Wonderful... super.

Jenny, should I take you in?


Okay, are you sure?
- Yes!

Then we'll meet here at 11:30.
- We said 12:00!

We said home by 12:00.

But it's almost 9:00!
- Then here at 12:00. Not a minute later.

Thanks, Dad
- Thanks.

Alright, have fun!
- Bye!


Do you mind?
- Not at all.

I'm really sorry about the heater.

I'm happy to see you.
How are you?

Will you have a drink?

No, thanks.
I'm not drinking at the moment.


Do you want something else?
- No, I'm fine.

Sylvia, a pint please.

You don't mind?
- Not at all.

How did it happen?

Pardon me?

You're not drinking.
Or am I being rude?

Oh, no no.
It's a stupid story.

I started reacting badly to it.

Your liver?

No, there was an incident with a colleague.

I hadn't eaten all day.

And then a few drinks
on an empty stomach.

Things escalated.
- Did you beat him up?

No, my goodness.

Just a fender bender.

On my way home, I slid into his car.

That doesn't sound like you.
- I know.

- Thank you.


It was a warning shot.
I was in therapy

That's good.
- I had to.

Listen, I'd be grateful
if you didn't mention it to Martina.


- Well come on!

Have you been drinking?

Dad, relax.
- I am relaxed. Where's Sarah?

I don't care... slut.
- What?

What happened?

Ask her yourself.
- Well where is she?

I don't even know her.

Is she inside?
- No idea.

What's wrong?

Like a hooker.

What happened?
Where's Sarah?

Man, I don'! know!

Maybe she's inside or... no idea.

Okay, listen.
You wait here, understood?

I'll be right back.

Sorry, we're closed.

Nobody inside?
- Closed at midnight.

Excuse me, I'm looking for a girl.

About 15, dark hair, thin.

Hey, Sarah.

Here you are.

What's wrong?

Did something happen?

Did you have too much to drink?

Did you fight?

What happened?

If you don't tell me,
I can't help you.

Severin... he slept with me...

Oh I see...

And I slept with him too.

In his car.


But you only just met him.

He is... I mean...

Does your father know?

I mean, do your parents know
that you've already...

You can't tell anyone! Please.

But... that's...

I never have before.


Did you use protection?

I told him to stop!

Oh shit.

You can't tell anyone.

We should tell the police.
- No.

Sarah, what he did was wrong.

Maybe he thought I wanted it too.

And you really told him to stop?
- Yes!

Sure you don't want to call your parents?

Sit down.

Take off the coat. The shoes.
Give them here.

The other side...there.

Now careful. And up.

Watch out. Lie down.

And covers.

Good morning!

Come on, honey. Get up.
- Leave me.

Listen, I didn't tell Mom
about last night.

So try not to look hung over.
- Oh man.

Good morning.

Hold on...

Hey. It's okay.

Don't worry.
- I'm sorry


Better now?

Better now?

Did you tell Martina?

Should I?
- No.

What're you doing?
- Just a second, Jenny.

It won't go, it's too thick.

I... need the morning after pill.

- No thanks.

Are you unwell?
- I'm fine.

It's a stomach thing.

Yeah right.

Do you want some tea?

I'll take her by the pharmacy
- That bad?

Better safe than sorry.
- When do we go skiing?

You can go ahead on your own.

On foot?

I have coal tablets left.

Don't worry, we'll take care of it.

It's not so easy for her.
She doesn't know the area.

Maybe she's homesick.
- She didn't need to come!

Honey don't make this harder.
-Why can't I come with you?

We're going to the pharmacy
You go ahead, no big deal.

She's just hung over, that's all.
- Honey!

What? You're so gullible.

She threw herself at him.
She'd never have met him but for me.

Things can be different
than they seem.

Do you think I'm stupid?

How about you go ahead
to the sports shop?

Take a look around there.
- Why?

I thought you wanted a new board.

Did you know Martina and I
met through your dad?

He asked me to write about her
when her first book was released.

Have you read it?

You might like it.

It's almost a young adult book.

We were so young then.

So then I met with her...
to ask all about her work.

She expected an old critic
with lots of experience.

Nine months later Jenny arrived.

That was a big change.
Kids can never imagine.

But... when suddenly
you're a young couple...

with a little baby crying all night...

And Martina had to write,
she wanted to work.

Hi Dad.


Yeah, it's nice.

Jenny's friends had a party,
so we went.

Yeah... sure I'll do that.


No reception.

I have money.

Use that for something nice.

Thank you.

Hey Yeah... it's me...

She's on the slopes with Jenny.

Yeah, they're having fun.

I'll tell her, of course.

You too! Yeah.

Until then. Ciao.

Under 16 you need to see a doctor.

I don't want them to call my parents.

I just don't get why they can't know.
You didn't do anything.

Mom's mad that Dad sent me with you.

Something like this happens,
she'll flip out.

And she has custody.

She's forbid him to see me before.

And it's not his fault.

I understand.

Come, I'll tell them how old you are.

I'm sure you're 16.

I should know.

Come on.

Isn't it a little much?

That's how it is.

It's for pros.
You ride once a year.

Please! They're the best.
I'll be really nice to Sarah.

We'll be best friends.

It's wonderful right?
- I'm really bad.

No, you're doing fine.
Looks real great.

And your goggles too, they're cool.
- Thanks.

Let's take a picture.

Hold on...

Look, smile!

And smile!
Can you open your eyes?

Yeah, thanks.
And photo!

Enough for the first day.
Did you have fun?

Yes, it's nice.

I'll go say hello.

Hey, Jenny...

One moment.

Hey. Everything okay with the heater?
- Yeah, yeah.

Come on, we have to go.

- Please.

Hey cool board.
-Thank you.

Jenny, we're leaving.
- Sony

What was that?
- Just come.

Man, what's wrong with you?

Sarah is unwell and needs to lie down.
Be considerate!

Come on.

Let's go.

I feel sorry for her.

What do you mean?

The story with her parents.
It's horrible.

Yes, it is awful.

She hardly ate a thing.

Girls, right?
They eat a lot or nothing at all.

You have to call him, tell him.

Yeah, you're right.


Oh shit.

Sarah! Hey!
What's going on?

What're you doing?
Can you hear me?

Come in.
I'll carry you.

Come on now.

I was so hot.

Oh shit... shit.

Oh God.

Sit down.

Get out of the wet clothes.
I'll get something dry

Don't do that again.
You understand?

You could get pneumonia, damn it!

I'm responsible for you!

I'm sorry.

Hey, it'll be alright.

It's so cold, it doesn't even hurt.

Not until you start feeling again.

It's okay now.


What a surprise!

Do you want to come in?
- Yes, please.

Excuse this, I'm doing taxes.

Do you want a coffee?
- Yes, very kind.

Is something wrong with the house?
- No. It's fine.

The heater's on?

Yes, the heater's on.

You know the first time you came,
Edith was still alive.

I thought you'd be a real German...

bossing everyone around.
No offense.

But Edith said,
don't judge people too soon.

And now you're...

How can I put this...

I'm always glad when you come.

By now I've even forgotten
you're not Swiss.

I have to talk to you
about something.

Out with it.

Well... it's about our kids...

At that party the other night...

I think something happened.

With Sarah,
the girl staying with us.

My boss' daughter.
- Yes?

With her and Severin.

She's only 15.

What happened?

It's not that easy.

Thomas, tell me what's going on!

She hasn't told anyone...
but I don't know what to do.

She said they were drunk.
Severin probably didn't even realize.

He probably didn't mean to...

Maybe he thought she was older.

She said she told him to stop.

And of course he's stronger than her.

And they...then they... had sex.

What? Against her will?

Yeah, that's what she...

That is rape!

Well, I don't know.
- What else is it?

What you described is rape, clearly!

The age difference alone!


Well goddammit!

I know. What should we do now?

All you have...

is this girl's story, right?

Do you know what you're saying?

Severin is finally getting a job,
after half an age.

He's about to have structure.

You can ruin someone's life
with allegations like this.

Without any proof!

Just because some girl...

wants to make drunken claims.

Rudi, I don't believe she's just making claims.
- Believe?

You're about to ruin everything.

Either you know and can prove it...

then it has consequences.

Or you should shut up, Thomas.

Then you should shut up quick.

You should leave.
- Rudi...

Hello? Hello, it's me.

Hi. Yeah, everything's good.

I wanted to talk to you
about something.

Listen, it's that...

Yeah sure.
She's ice-skating.

Listen, it's about the...

Really? You think?

Of course.

Really? That's... great!


It's not just indulgent journalism.

No more PR crap. Something good.

Then it paid off for you, bringing her.

Don't say that.

You help with his daughter.
And get a job in return.

- Did you tell him about her?

He was busy.

She got parked here, like luggage.

She's really unhappy.

Did you talk to her?
- I tried. No luck.

Maybe we should make fondue?

God, I can't believe it.

- You said she can come.

I disagreed.
You said you'd take responsibility.

That I don't have to worry

And when there's trouble
you make fondue?

It'll be fine.
- Yeah, fine.

Nothing wrong.
It'll be alright. No worries.

Might as well tell me to shut up.

I'm not doing this shit for fun.

Jenny too.

I try to help her lose weight.
And you feed her chocolate crap.

She has to get off her ass, set goals.
Instead you...

I said she'd get a board
if she gets a C in Math.

I didn't know.
- We discussed it.

You don't listen.
Boom! She gets a board!

'Thanks, Daddy.
Now Mom is ticked off again.

Let's give her flowers
or even better- a ski trip.'

- Great idea.

I wanted some peace
to write, Thomas.

I said I'd like to go alone.
Remember? Alone!

But I'd already booked.
- Right! He'd have been disappointed!

Can't have that!

"It's so shitty, why did you come at all?

Should I leave you with the girls?
Fine! I'll go home.

Should I?
- That's not what I meant.

So what do you mean?
Say what you mean!


May I have a go?


Like this.

Best you try this fat one.



I was thinking.

I want him to be punished.

He doesn't know what it's like.

Will you drive me?
- Where?

To the police.

Right now?

We could grab a bite first?


You're very brave.

It won't be easy.


They'll ask a lot of questions.
Intimate ones.

I know!

The burden of proof is yours.
Innocent until proven guilty.

But I was a virgin.

They might say you had boys before.

I never did it before!

I just want you to be prepared.

Do you want me to come with you?

Will they believe me?

If you tell them what happened.

But you can't leave out or add anything.

Just tell them exactly what happened.

I can't remember everything.

May I tell you, as practice?

Yes, if you want to.

We danced.
Well I didn't, but Jenny did.

She's a good dancer.

He ordered drinks for us
with vodka.

He said to drink quick
so the bartender won't see us.

I don't know if that's true.

He was really nice...

Jenny had a drink too...

Jenny had a drink too...


she went to the bathroom.


when he kissed me.

I kissed him too, I wanted that.

Then we...

we went to his car.

He put on music.


He started...

to touch me.

What color was the car?


What color was the car?

I don't know, it was dark.

What make?


Because they'll ask.

A Porsche, I think.

A Porsche?

A sports car, I don't know.
- Okay.

Keep going.

It smelled like peppermint in the car.

Did you get in the front or back?

The back.
- Sure?


Sports cars only have front doors.

Then it wasn't a sports car.

Did you get in on the left or right?
- I don't remember!

Sarah, you know when you claim
stuff like this...

It can ruin a life.

Even if he's not convicted.

A whole lot of people suffer.

And not just him.

His parents too. Your parents.

You're not simply mad at him?
- No.

Listen, I lied to your dad.
I didn't tell Martina.

At the pharmacy...

I signed that you're over 16.

I'll get in trouble.
- But...

I asked you to.

Do you think anyone will care?

I'll lose my job, probably. Definitely
Not to mention my marriage.

But don't worry about that Sarah.

I'm willing to deal with it.
If it's really true.

It is true... honest.

Maybe I should write it down first.

For myself, how it happened.

So I know what to say


We can go tomorrow too, right?
- Yes, whenever you want.

What's wrong?

I'm sorry.

About what?

How I am to you.
I don't want to be like that.

Oh it's alright.
- No.

Just finish the book.
Then the pressure's off.

This isn't the life we wanted.

Would separation be so bad?

But I love you.

Yes, I know.

Hey you.

What's your problem?
- You don't understand.

That you came onto him?
You think I didn't notice?

I didn't.

Now you're sad
because he won't call?

Shouldn't have spread your legs maybe.
Not everybody likes that.

Who said that?

Or did you only blow him?

What's worse?

That you're so fat
or you're so dumb?

You slut!

Why do you think you're even here?

Your dad doesn't want you

because you're so damn boring.

So boring your parents

hate your stupid face!
- Stop it!

Are you crazy?
- Did you hear her?

I don't want to.
- She said...

I don't!
- Let go!

She said I blew him.
- You too!!

There's other ways to handle it.
We're not animals, we can talk!

I want to go home, to the police.

Hey Sevi. Hey.
No, come over here.

I really don't care
what you boys did at that party.

I don't want to know.

But look,
Sarah will go to the police.

She wanted it too.
- I don't want to know.

Can't you handle it like adults?
Just apologize.

What's the problem?
It's not that hard.

Talk to her.
Clear it up or she'll go to the police.

Come on.

I'll be right back.


He wants to tell you something.

Go on, tell her.

Yeah I...

I didn't know
that you didn't want that.

And now apologize.

I told you to stop!

I'm sorry.

Say it louder.

- I hate you.

Sarah, calm down.
Severin said he's sorry

You are sorry right, Sevi?

And you apologize.
- Yes!

Look, listen.

I know the problem isn't solved,

that you're very hurt.

But it could be a start.

It could be the start of a solution.

That you start to talk,
to listen to each other.

See the problem from both sides.

Without wanting to take revenge.

Then you do not need violence.

Now shake hands.

Come on, Sarah.

Come on, it's not... come on.


Oh shit.





Hey, there you are.

Don't be scared.

I just...

Who are you calling?
Your dad?

You're not aware
of the consequences.

Give me your phone.

He didn't mean it,
he apologized.

Let go.
- I know it sucks.

Give me the phone.

Give me my phone!

You don't understand...
He didn't mean it.



They've induced a coma.

More tests and then we will see.


What was she doing up there?
- I don'! know!

I went down for 2 minutes.
I came back, she was lying there.


I am so sorry.

I know.

I need a cigarette.

Be right back.


Sweetie, I'm here.

- Hi.

Honey, I'm here.
What did you do, sweetie?


How is she?

Were you writing?

I'll drive back down in a bit.
- Eat first.

You can't sit by the bed
all day long.

They have our number?

They'll call if there's news.

It's really good.

And you? Did you...

You and Sarah,
did you have a nice time?

Yeah, she's nice.

This is horrible.


We'd just got back from the slopes.

Sarah's a great skier.

Yeah, they got along great.

I'm so glad to be with you.

You're a real family, it's so valuable.

You know I worried about you, Thomas.

Oh come on.
- Seriously.

I thought you'd ruin your marriage next.

When Uli told me what you did,
I thought 'Shit, Thomas'.

But you turned it around,

the drinking too.

What happened with Uli?
- Cookie?

Didn't you tell her?


There... was a small...

- I mean...

Well, with the car.

That thing with the license.

Well, I ended up running into him.

Into Uli?

No! Into his car.

Tell me about it.

First of all, I was incredibly drunk.

I'm very embarrassed.

- Uli's an asshole!

- But you didn't do it on purpose.

Just a little bit...
- Dad!

What? He drove me nuts
with his stupid comments.

Like Uli does. Like...

'If you're going to use PowerPoint

then make use of it, don't just use it.'

And I was... then we were having

a rough time too, you remember.

So one thing led to another.

So you just rammed his car.

I went to therapy for it.

Why didn't you tell me?

I'm sorry.

You can't work it all out
on your own.

Won't you pick up?


Hey. Yes...

And how is she?

She woke up.

Yes, I'll tell him, sure.

Okay, you too.

They want to you come down.

Me? Why?


Look who's here...


How are you doing?

Good.And you Sir?

I'm glad nothing worse happened.

We went skiing.

You guys went down red slopes.

At least three times.

Jenny was surprised
you were so good.

I remember there was no power

at the house when we arrived and...
- Yes, exactly.

That's right.

I looked at the fuse,
wasn't so easy

I turned this thing...

and it got warm.

It'll come back.

Excuse me, room 102?
- A wonderful girl. So strong.

Yes, she hasn't had it easy.

Parents aways think that.

This was in Sarah's bag.
- What?

The package for the morning after pill.

What? Oh, it's Jenny's.
Just throw it out.

What can you do?
I have to grab my cell phone...


What are you doing here?

I want to talk to her.

Listen, everything is fine.
She's fine. Go home.

It's between me and her.

There's nothing between you and her.

How did you know she's here?
- Jenny told me, okay?

The doctor said she needs rest.

I want to apologize.

What are you doing with Jenny?

It's what you wanted - that I apologize!

It's what you wanted - that I apologize!

Yes, great.

Apology accepted. Go home.

I drank too much.

I'm not like that.
- I can't believe it.

No really. I lost control.

That's your excuse.

It was the alcohol, not me.

Then you don't have to apologize.

The alcohol does, right?

- Hello.

She can't remember a thing.

You were lucky
It's over.



I'm hanging out in the village tonight.


Dad, please. It's our last night.
- No, really. Seriously.

What was the plan?
- We'll see.

We're finally alone.

I won't see Sevi for ages.

You heard your mother.
- I don't mind if she goes.


You did hear me say
I don't want her to.

Let her go.

I get to be the nice parent for once.

What are you doing?

I just had a thought.
- Here?

What's that?


It's private.

It's Sarah's.
- Exactly.

You do know
you're acting very strange.

You don't understand.

Explain it.

Well, I...

I wanted her to get it back.

She should have her diary
in the hospital.

But you hid it.


What does it say?
- I don't know.

No. You can't read it.

-What are you hiding?


Did something happen between you?


Are you crazy!
She's 15.

I know that. Do you?

I can't believe this.

It's not what you think.

Then tell me what's wrong.

It's... she has problems!

She told me very private things.

And she made me promise not to tell.

What kinds of things?

I promised!

Thomas, just tell me.
Damn it, tell me what's wrong.

She was...

Thomas, tell me.

Something happened to her.


She fell in love with me.

I promised not to tell.

Now you insisted so I told you.

She fell in love with me.

She got confused.
I don't know. Maybe...

because she grew up without a dad.

Nothing happened.

I wanted to protect not humiliate her.

She was ashamed, you can imagine.

She was so embarrassed.

What is it?

You don't believe me?
Then read it, if you must.

I'm shocked.

I'm shocked
you'd think that of me.

I'm so hurt.

Imagine how I feel.

First you want to split up
then you call me a child molester.

Calm down.
What should I have thought?

I'm bringing her this now.


Excuse me,
was Severin here tonight?


Blonde guy with a girl.

Around 15, a bit chubby.

They left.

- A while ago.



Where's Jenny!

Where's my daughter?

Hey, are you crazy?

What did you do with her?

I don't believe it!

What did you do with her?
- Nothing!


You didn't do a thing with Sarah either?
- Let me go!

You call that nothing.

Yeah, I fucked her.
Now what?

Are you jealous?

What's your problem?

Where is she?

The hospital.
- No, I mean Jenny.

I brought her home.

I'm not interested in her.

Have you looked at her?

You calm down right now.

That asshole hit me!

This will have consequences.

I have no tolerance for vigilantism.

You don't know what he's like.
- That's my son.

Anyone who attacks my son
has a problem!

But he...


Get out of my house!

Hold it up.

I'm taking him to the hospital.
And the police.

Like I should've done.

Rudi, we can work it out.

Without the police.
- That's how we'll work it out.

You're insane.

Wait. Stop!

No police.

We can talk!



Stop, asshole!