A Closer Walk with Thee (2017) - full transcript

A homoerotic Evangelical exorcism film.

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♫ All to Jesus

♫ I surrender

♫ All to him I freely give

♫ I will ever

♫ Love and trust him

♫ In his presence daily live

♫ I surrender all

♫ I surrender all

♫ All to thee my blessed savior

♫ I surrender all

- Satan wears lots of
disguises, doesn't he?

He wears disguises of friendship,

of lustful thoughts,

of drugs and alcohol.

He disguises himself as
things that make us feel good

to make it easier for us to sin.

Isn't that nice of him?

He wants to make it easy for us.

Today of all days

we must work together to stay alert.

We must become a neighborhood watch

on the look out for Satan,

and we must let Jesus
Christ be our watch leader.

For as Peter says,

"Be sober, be vigilante,

"for our adversary the devil

"as a roaring lion walketh about

"seeking whom he may devour",

and whom does he want to devour?

Our children.

For Satan is a pedophile,
brothers and sisters.

Tonight he will be roaming
free in our neighborhoods

luring our children into the shadows

with the promise of candy

forcing his burning darkness upon them

and desecrating their
innocence from the inside out.

We must pray for the children,

and we must pray for each other

for we are all God's children.

God doesn't want us to hide
behind masks and costumes.

He wants us to find
our own greater truths.

That is what a revelation is.

It is a revealing of his truth.

I want you to grab the hand

of the person sitting next to you.

Feel that you are not alone.

Let God touch you.

Let him protect you.

Let him reveal himself to you.

Can you feel him?

Let us all bow our heads.

All of those amongst us

who are so moved by the heavenly spirit

raise up your hands

and show the Lord that you are ready

and willing to receive him.

If you want to be protected by his light,

guided by his power,

saved with his redeeming
blood in your veins,

I invite you to come forward

to kneel before the congregation

and to accept Christ as your savior.

(dog barking)

You gonna eat that?

Dude, I was kidding.

No, you can have it I don't even want it.

I just didn't wanna throw it away.

- You know plain donuts
really are the worst.

It's like just bread.

- Actually that was a powdered one,

but I licked the entire thing first.

- Oh, okay seriously.
- No, no, stop, stop.

- Do you give up?
- Yes, yes.

- Ascencion, I'm so sorry.

I didn't realize you were still here.

- (gasping) Help me.

- Talk to me, Ascencion.

What does the demon do to you?

(woman gasping)

What does the demon do to you?

(woman gasping)

I want you to see Jesus
holding out his arms to you.

I need you to go to him now.

Alright I need you to go be with him.

I need you to go be with him.

Go be safe with Jesus,

and leave the demon here with us.

(woman screaming)

I'm speaking to the demon now.

(woman screaming)

We call upon Jesus to banish the demons

of violence and anger from this body.

(woman mumbling)

We lift this inferior curse.

I will leave this body
and return to the pit.

Say it.

(woman screaming)
(tense music)

I will leave this body and
return to the pit say it.

I will leave this body say it.

Say it.

Say it.

I will leave this body.

I will leave this body.

I will leave this body say it.

(woman gasping)

I will return to the pit.

I will return to the pit.

- I will return to the pit.

- I will return to the pit.

- I will return to the pit.

(heavy breathing)

- Jordan, I would like for
you to lead us in a prayer.

- Blessed and eternal God our Father,

we ask for protection for our friend

and neighbor Ascencion.

Jesus sees that she's one of his children

who's been blinded by
the worldly darkness.

He offers her his guiding hands,

his strong arms,

his divine love to lift her up

and walk beside him in the light.


(dramatic music)

- I wonder why we haven't
had any tricker treaters.

We still have like a
hundred tracts to give out.

- Maybe the kids are scared to go--

- Guys, I talked to Pastor Tim today.

He wanted me to tell everyone

that he thinks we're
doing a really great job,

and he's super excited for us.

Guys, this is our first baptism.

How cool is that?

- Super cool.

- Kara,

- What.

- What's up?

- Nothing.

- Kara, come on.

- Okay, that tattoo that eye thing

it's from Martkedejos.

- [Eli] Kedhos.

- What tattoo?

- The one on the back of Ascencion's neck.

It's from Markedehos.

They're a gang and
they're super dangerous.

They kill people with machetes,

and their hand sign thing
is like devil horns.

There was this article in the Times.

- Wow, really.

- Yeah, there was this story where they

kidnapped this teenage girl,

and they made her to be
a prostitute for them.

They wouldn't give her any condoms,

and then they killed her
for giving someone an STD.

- That's crazy.

- Yeah, and then they cut
her body into little pieces,

and they sold her organs.

They ate parts of her,

and they threw the rest into the canyon.

The reason that the cops identified her

was because they found her teeth

in the dumpster.
- Kara, are you having doubts

about the baptism?

- No.

I just think that we
should think about it.

- Okay, let's think about it.

Jordan, thoughts?

- I think that we all came here to

share Christ's love in an area

that has high need for it.

I think that someone like
that has the highest need.

- Exactly.

I mean that's the core foundation

of the neighboring strategy.

- I know.

I'm not saying that we shouldn't help her.

I'm just saying that we
should think about it.

They're a lot of factors you know.

- What sort of factors?

- Like the factor that she
could kill us with a machete.

- [Eli] Lindsey, that's not helping.

- I mean what does the mission
office say about gangs?

Like is there a policy or something?

I mean like what did your dad
say when you talked to him?

- Well, you can call Pastor
Tim back if you like.

- I thing it's awesome that
she wants to get baptized.

We should get those balloons,

you know the white ones,

the little white ones
down at the liquor store.

I'm sure we could like color them somehow.

(doorbell ringing)

Tricker treaters.

Oh, my god.

- Gosh darn it, guys.

Did someone leave the
George Foreman on again?

- [Jordan] I think I might have.

- [Eli] Guys, we have to be super careful

with the breakers in this house.

It's an old house.

- [Jordan] I'm sorry.

- [Eli] The doorbell
probably over loaded it.

- Yeah, I'll go flip the breaker at least.

(lively music)

- [Television Character]
It's like a dream or a song.

It feels like something beautiful,

but you can't hold it in your hand.

Should that make it be less real?

(glass breaking)

(tires screeching)
- Guys on the floor.

(tires screeching)

(dog barking)

(dramatic music)

(television character singing faintly)

(soft buzzing)

- What is that?

- Pipes.

- Sounds like they're gonna explode.

(dog barking)

- They're old pipes.

(car horn honking)

- Should we get a gun?

- You wanna shoot the pipes?

- [Jordan] No.

- [Eli] No, I don't think
we should get a gun.

- It was a stupid idea I guess.

- You only get shot if you're a gangster.

- Yeah.

Yeah, totally.

Why do you think--
- Hey, hold on.

I was getting tired of
talking to your feet.

- I forgot what I was gonna say.

- You know Ascencion really likes you.

- What, what do you mean?

- Yeah.

She was really moved by that
prayer you said for her.

- No, no that was nothing.

- Seriously I mean getting
through to someone like that

it's a big deal.

I don't just mean from the gang aspect,

but when you think about like
the voodoo and the witchcraft

and the blood sacrifice that's
in a generational history

I mean that's power stuff
that you're doing battle with.

- Yeah, but I mean you're the
one that did all the work.

You're the one that really helped her.

- Yeah, you're right.

She probably just thinks
you're cute or something.

- (laughing) Shut up.

- [Eli] Night, buddy.

- Night.

(car horn honking)

(dramatic music)

- [Kara] Guys, guys wake up.

- What's going on?

- [Jordan] I don't know.

- We got robed.

- Oh, my gosh do you think that
they're still in the house?

- They took the folding chairs

and the computer and my phone.

- Heck, the keyboard.

Dude, I am so sorry.

- I mean seriously they took my phone.

What if they call my mom?

- Why would they call your mom?

- I don't know to say dirty stuff to her.

- What are we going to do?

- Call the police.

- No, that's a bad idea.

- Why?

- Because then we'd have a
cop car in front of the house.

- If there's a cop car
in front of the house,

then no one in the
neighborhood's gonna trust us.

- Yeah.

We need them to trust us.

We can't have them thinking

we're gonna call a cop every 10 minutes.

We don't wanna be outsiders.

- They already think we're outsiders.

They freaking robbed us.

We're being targeted.

- Why would they be targeting us.

I mean all we've done is
give these people food

and prayed for them.

I mean ungrateful can you--.

- Ladies, listen to me
for one moment all right.

We are not being targeted.

This is what's called
a crime of opportunity.

We learned about this.

Alright we should've boarded up the window

right after the drive by case closed.

This is an opportunity.

God is providing us with the chance

to be better prepared next time that's it.

- Eli's right.

(woman gasping)

- Oh, my gosh.
- What?

- Oh, my gosh.
- Oh, my gosh.

- That.

(tense music)

- Can you hold this?

- [Jordan] Yeah, sure.

- Got it?

- Yeah, yeah.

(dramatic music)

- Sorry.

- No, you're fine.

- Careful I don't wanna get your hand.

(Jordan mumbling)

I don't think you have to hold it anymore.

- Yeah, yeah.

- Think I got a splinter.

- Oh, no.

Do you want me to try and get it?

- Dude, where'd you get this?

- I won it at MTYC,

the frisbee golf thing.

- Shot that's right frolf champ '08.

- [Jordan] You know it.

♫ We are marching in the light of Jesus

♫ Marching in the light of God

- Dude, please tell me you
still have that hackie sack?

- No, no I kicked it into the river

'cause I'm super coordinated.

- That's a bummer I was gonna
say we should play right now.

- I know.

- Here.

- Okay, let's see it.

Oh, yeah, yeah there it is.

- Think you can get it?

- I don't know it's in there pretty deep.

- Come on.

Use that frolf spirit.

Dude, you would make a terrible surgeon.

Look how shaky your hands are.

- [Jordan] Yeah, yeah there it is.

- You got it?
- Yeah, yeah.

- Okay.
- Hold on to it.

- Yep.


that's a big one.

(dramatic music)

(pulsating heartbeat)
(police siren blaring)

♫ Perfect delight

♫ Visions of rapture

♫ First in my sight

♫ Angels descending

♫ Bring from above

♫ Echos of mercy

♫ Whispers of love

♫ This is my story

♫ This is my song

♫ Praising my savior

♫ All the day long

♫ This is my story

♫ This is my song

♫ Praising savior

♫ All the day long

- Baptism is not about salvation.

It's not a step that you have to take

in order to get into Heaven.

It's about trust.

It's a choice.

It's a decision made by someone

of age to have informed consent

making a public profession of faith.

Baptism is not about getting into Heaven.

It's about living for
Jesus Christ here on Earth.

Have you accepted Jesus Christ

as your personal Lord and savior?

- Yes.

- In obedience to our Lord
and savior Jesus Christ

and upon your profession of faith

I baptize you my sister

in the name of the Father,
the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Buried with him in the
likeness of his death

and raised with him in the
likeness of his resurrection.

(police siren blaring)

Hey, you've room for this one?

- Yeah, yeah.

(soft buzzing)

(dog barking)

(water splashing)

(soft singing)

♫ Rock on the peaceful shore

♫ There we deeply sing with him

♫ Hoping to rise no more

♫ And the master of the sea

♫ Hearing my terrible cry

♫ From the watchers lifted me

(soft singing)

(tense music)

- Oh, my gosh.

Oh, my god.
- No, no Lindsey.



Hey, Lindsey are you okay?

- What's going on?

- I don't know Lindsey was just acting.

She's acting kind of weird so I just

- Lindsey.

Lindsey are you okay?

Can I come in?

- Kara, this is really good.

- Thanks.

- So do you know where you're
gonna go for your MDiv yet?

- I mean Pastor Tim wants me
to go to Southern Evangelical,

but I kind of wanna go somewhere more new

you know like Veritas or something.

It's a long way off.

- They're doing this really
cool stuff like in Boston where

- Yeah.
- Yeah, yeah.

It's this new Lazarus program
where you take your group

and you put it on really strict
budgets and diets and stuff.

Yeah, and then you just give
the rest of your money away.

It's like this commitment to
fighting poverty kind of stuff.

- But I think poverty is a good thing.

- Poverty is a good thing.

- Yeah, I mean you get too comfortable

you forget that you need Jesus.

I'm not a huge fan of all the

social justice stuff on the east coast.

I mean you go to Heaven
with your teeth fixed great.

Go to hell with your
teeth fixed not to great

you know what I mean?

- Yeah, yeah like it's
not the right focus.

- Yeah, I mean it's like the old saying

you know you wanna teach people to fish

not just give them a fish.

- Yeah, 'cause if you just
give them fish then they just

they just want tartar
sauce (laughing) right?

- Exactly.

Anyway I might go to Russia
next year do discipleship there

you know get some life experience.

- Isn't that kind of dangerous though.

I mean don't they kill
evangelicals in Russia.

- Well, it's super dangerous for sure.

But in a way it's harder to be
a missionary here in America.

People hide their demons here.

- I'm gonna get Lindsey a plate of food.

- But didn't she say she wasn't hungry.

- [Kara] No, I'm just gonna go see.

- I could bring it to her if you--

- [Kara] Okay, I got it.

- Tell her we hope she's feeling better.

You know I do like your idea
for the toy drive though.

- Wait.

Wait what did you?

Oh, right.

Yeah the toy drive that
could be fun right?

You had just mentioned the
kids in the neighborhood

and got me thinking.

- You know,

I think you would make a
really great pastor someday.

- Really.

- [Eli] You should consider it, yeah.

- I don't like to talk in
front of people, like groups.

It really makes me nervous.

- Yeah, but that like makes you

way more approachable to people.

You know, you got this whole like

sort of poet soul thing going on.

Feeling better?

- Huh?

Are you feeling better?

- Jordan, I'm going to give you
a chance to explain yourself

before I tell Eli what I saw.

I think that it is your right

and responsibility to this group

and to God to be honest
with all of us right now.

- I don't know what you're

talking about.
- Yes, you do know.

- No, I really, really don't.

- I was walking down the
hallway before dinner,

Eli was in the shower,

and the bathroom door was open.

Jordan was watching Eli through the door

and touching himself.

(nervous laughter)
- What?


No, I mean I was in hall, but...

No, I was there to see if
Eli was done in the shower.

I mean we keep the door open
because of the steam issue.

I mean, yeah, I guess I
could see why you would think

that I was doing that, but...

Was that why you ran off like that?

- Jordan, denying it is
only making it worse.

I saw you, you were you know.

I would not make this up, okay.

Do you even realize how hard
it is for me to say the words.

I mean how do you think I feel.

- I didn't.
- Honestly, I mean

I'm just sickened by this.

Jordan, I'm not trying to attack you.

I care about you.

We all do.

- Jordan,

we're all on the same side here.

Just tell us what happened, okay.

- Nothing happened.

(Jordan stammering)

I don't know what I'm supposed to say.

- The truth.
- Lindsey.

Just say yes or no.

- I haven't been feeling well.

- Yes or no.

- I mean I was in the hall--

- Yes or no.

- Yes.

- We should pray.

Blessed and eternal Father,

- Blessed and eternal Father,

we thank you for your power

to deliver us from all bondage.

We pray for Jordan that he may be released

from this spirit of sexual perversion

and forgiven for his
wicked and vile actions.

We ask that the fire of the Holy Spirit

purge his soul in the name of Jesus.

- Amen.

Thank you, Lindsey.

(emergency siren blaring)

(pulsating drum beat)

(dogs barking)

- Hey, do you need help?

- I'm good.

There was a dead rat in here this morning.

- Oh, really.

I didn't even know that
we had rats around here.

I thought they were just like
around the docks and stuff.

I could get another sponge.

- It's okay.

Kind of one person job, you know.

- Yeah.

Yeah, okay, yeah.

Purify my soul from darkness

and deliver me from the
struggles of my sins

from the struggles my sins
have built against me.

I ask that you empower me
with your power and wash me

and wash me in the redeeming
blood of Jesus Christ.

Hey, where is everyone.

- They went shopping for the toy drive.

How are you feeling?

- I'm okay.

- I stayed behind because
I wanted to talk to you.

- Oh.

Oh, okay.

- I wanted to let you know

that I think I understand your problem.

- You do.

- It's the neighborhood.

- The neighborhood.

- What you're feeling
is Satan's influence.

If we stay here long enough,

he'll enter all of us.

So that's why I think we need to leave.

I mean I've given this a lot of thought,

and I think it's the only
solution that makes sense.

- Have you talked to
anyone else about this?

- No, I wanted to talk to you first,

so we can go to them together.

They're not gonna listen if it's just me.

- I'm gonna pray on this, okay.

- Okay.

- I'm gonna go for a run.

- Can you get some toilet paper?

I don't wanna go out there.

- Sure.

- And Dr. Skipper.

- Why don't you make a
list of whatever you want

and I'll pick it up for you.

(funky bass beat)

♫ I praise

♫ I pray

♫ I stay in your sight

♫ Replay all the light for you

♫ You

♫ I'd swallow all the ocean blue

♫ Please

♫ Make me

♫ Be just who you need

♫ Be just who I need to be

♫ Your seed

♫ Will you water me

♫ There's no other me for you

♫ You

♫ I swallow

(emergency siren blaring)

- You guys Eli found the
funniest head at Walmart.

Hold on I'll show you.
- No one needs to see that.

- Yes, they do.
- Put that away.

No, no, no give me that.

- Stop.

- Give me that.
- Stop it.

Just let them see.

Okay, okay, okay fine.

I just think I'll post it.

(Lindsey giggling)


(Lindsey giggling)

(Lindsey mumbling softly)

(Eli and Lindsey giggling)

(dog barking)

(Lindsey giggling)

♫ All to Jesus

♫ I surrender

♫ All to him I freely give

♫ I will ever

♫ Love and trust him

♫ In his presence daily live

♫ And I surrender all

♫ I surrender all

♫ All to thee my blessed savior

♫ I surrender all

- Thank you, Kara.

I invite whoever is moved
by the Spirit of the Lord

to come forward and kneel
before our congregation,

and to accept Jesus Christ
as your Lord and savior.

♫ All to Jesus

♫ I surrender

♫ All to him I freely give

♫ I will ever love and trust him

♫ In his presence daily live

♫ I surrender all

♫ I surrender all

♫ All to thee my blessed savior

♫ I surrender all

(dramatic music)

- Dad, I am trying.

Yeah, I know what grant
mercy chapter deed.

You told me like a thousand times.

Dad, I'm not yelling at

Dad, I'm just trying

I am trying my best.

- Sorry.

- What are you stalking me now?

- No, I was just taking out the trash.


- I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to.

I was talking to Pastor Tim

you know how he gets.

I'm just in a bad mood.

- Eli,

I'm backsliding.

I can feel it.

- You answered the altar call.

You asked for forgiveness.

You're on the right path

just keep doing a good job.

- I need more than that.


♫ Just a closer walk with thee

♫ Grant it Jesus hear my plea

♫ Daily walking close to thee

♫ Let it be

♫ Dear Lord let it be

- Have you accepted Jesus Christ

as your personal Lord and savior?

- Yes.

- In obedience to our Lord
and savior Jesus Christ

and upon your profession of
faith I baptize you my brother

in the name of the Father

the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Buried with him in the
likeness of his death

(dramatic music)

(women giggling)

and raised with him in the
likeness of his resurrection.

So the guy's in trouble, right.

He's runaway from home.

He's partied with the gentiles.

He spent all of his father's
money and gone broke,

so what does he do next?

He goes
- He goes.

- He goes to a farm to feed pigs,

and in the first century
Greco-Roman culture

Jewish people are
forbidden from eating pork

because pigs are considered unclean.

So that's just a little
bit of historical context.

It basically makes what
he does one of the lowest

most degrading things that
someone in his position could do.

- But do you think he
thinks it's degrading,

or is it something--
- Worse than that

worse than going to this farm

to work with these unclean animals

what happens in the next verse

when he actually goes to feeds the pigs?

- He longs for what the pigs are eating.

- He longs for it.

He yearns for it.

He craves this slop.

- What exactly is in first century slop?

- What?

- Just for historical context

I was just wondering what exactly is in

first century Greco-Roman slop?

- Yeah, I don't know what's
in first century slop.

- Okay, I was just curious.

- If you have an issue
Jordan we can all discuss it.

This is a safe space.

- I don't have an issue.

- Okay, see well I do.

I have an issue with you intentionally

derailing the study group.

I think that all of our
time would be best served

if you went elsewhere to practice some

quiet contemplation on your own.

- Are you giving me a time out?

- I am making a recommendation.

(dramatic music)

♫ Blessed assurance Jesus is mine

♫ O' what a foretaste of glory divine

♫ Heir of salvation

- [Kara] You're packing.

- Yeah.

- Should I pack?

- I don't know, Kara.

I think you should do whatever you want.

- Jordan and I were just talking about

if I should do potato salad or coleslaw.

- Potato salad, right?

It's more filling.


Stop packing.

Come and sit with me.


I've been a horrible friend.

You're going through hell

and I haven't been there for you at all.

- I wouldn't wanna be around
me either if I was you.

I'm a pervert.

- No.

You're someone who's asking for help.

I haven't been strong
enough to give that to you,

but I am now.

- I don't think you can.

- [Eli] I'm willing to try if you are.

- How?

- Tell me everything.

- What do you mean?

- How it started?

What it's like?

Every thought.

Look I know this is kind of awkward.

Honestly this is how I
would counsel anyone.

We'll just pretend that it's not about me.

Really I'm cool with it.

- Yeah, I'm not really sure
how to answer that question.

- Just tell me when you started

noticing feeling stuff like this.

- I don't know it's just

random thoughts will
just pop into my head.

It's like they're not even my thoughts.

- What kind of thoughts specifically?

- No, it's not like I wanna
act on them or anything.

It's not like I even feel
that way about men in general.

It's just when I think...

Like when it's more specific.

- I mean that's great.

I mean you just said you don't wanna

act on it and that is
the most important part.

What concerns me is that you said

these thoughts don't feel like your own.

Do you mean that literally?

- Yeah.

Yeah, I think so.

It's like I can't even
control them at all.

- Do you feel sick in your stomach?

You can't eat?

How's your sleep?

- Terrible.

- Do you hear voices?

- Maybe.

I think so.

- May I?

- [Jordan] Yeah.

- I've never told anyone this before.

When my sister was 13,

she manifested a demon,

a really powerful one.

- She did.

- I won some goldfish at
the fair and we came home.

She took them out of my tank

and put them on the window sill.

She made me watch as
they suffocated to death.

Your heartbeat's really fast.

- So what happened?

- She started hurting me.

I didn't tell anyone about it.

Eventually she took a hockey stick,

and she hit me in the face.

She knocked out my teeth.

That was when Pastor Tim realized

that she had manifested a demon of rage.

They performed a deliverance on her,

and they cast the demon out.

She went back to normal for the most part.

- You're kind of scaring me.

- I don't wanna scare you.

I wanna help you.

- Always night and day
he was in the mountains

and in the tombs crying and
cutting himself with stones,

but when he saw Jesus afar
off he ran and worshiped him

and cried with a loud voice and said,

"What have I to do with thee, Jesus

"the Son of the Most High God.

"I adjure thee by God
that thou torment me not."

For he said unto him,

"Come out of the man thou unclean spirit."

The unclean spirits went out
and entered into the swine,

and the herd ran violently down
a steep place into the sea.

There were about 2,000 of them

and were choked in the sea.

(tense music)

They went out to see what
it was that was done.

They came.

They came to Jesus and see him

see he that was possessed with the devil

devil and had the legion sitting

and clothed and in his right mind

and they were afraid.

(tense music)

(people laughing)

(tense music)

- Can I get you anything, Pamela?

- They're shooting horses out west.

- Excuse me.

- They're over populated out there.

They shoot them from the airplanes now.

I think that's terrible, just terrible.

(foreign language spoken)

- This is my friend Blanca.

- Blanca, mucho gusto.

Any friend of Ascencion a friend of ours.

I hope you guys are hungry.

We have some great food.

Where are you from?

Yeah, so we got hotdogs

and I think some hamburgers somewhere.

Hey, buddy.

You okay.

- You have to submit.

You have to submit to Jesus.

You have to allow him to cast out

them out like the pigs off the cliff.

- Hey, Jordan, listen to me
I think Kara needs some help.

- Okay.

Yeah, yeah, yeah okay.

- You should come inside
and lie down for a bit.

You don't look very good.

I'll come check on you in a bit, okay?

I'll bring you some tuna
mac then we can talk.

- So the old lady yells Acts 2:38

and the robber freezes.

He stops what he's doing.

The cops get there and they say to him,

"All the old lady did
was yell a bible verse.

"Why'd you stop?"

He says, "Bible verse I thought she said

"she had an ax and two 38s."

(foreign language spoken)

- I would've gotten out of there.

- Okay, so basically Acts 2:38
is a bible verse that says

if you repent and you're baptized

then your sins will be forgiven.

- Then you will receive the
gift of the Holy Spirit.

- Exactly.

Anyway we have a ton of leftover food.

I hope you guys will take some with you.

- No, no we can't.
- I'll give you guys extra

so that you can have some for
the people you live with too.

- It wouldn't be a good idea because

then they will know that we was here.

- You know there are safe places.

People can protect you.

I can help you.

- You've already helped me.

I used to live with evil inside of me,

and now I have the love of Jesus.

- I know you do, but

you can't worship Jesus and
live in the devil's house.

You know what I mean?

- [Kara] Jordan.

(tense music)

Are you okay?

(Jordan growling)
(Kara gasping)

- [Lindsey] Kara.

(Jordan muttering foreign dialect)

(suspenseful music)

- Was that


(Jordan gurgling)

- Jordan,

can you hear me?

We're gonna get through this.

It's gonna be okay.

I'm right here.

(soft buzzing)

(tense music)


(dog barking)

(Jordan gurgling)

If there is an evil presence
inside of this body,

I'm speaking to you now.

I'm giving you a warning.

It is in your best interest to leave now.

Release Jordan.

(Jordan gasping)

Do you hear me, huh?

Do you hear me in there?

- [Jordan] I feel sick.

- Jordan,

leave us.

Go be safe with God.

I wanna speak with the demon now.

Reveal yourself you fag demon.

(Jordan gasping)

I pierce you with God's sword.

You want me so bad come out and get me.

(Jordan muttering)

What was that?

I can't hear you is your mouth
too full of Satan's penis?


Submit yourself therefore to God.

Resist the devil and
he will flee from you.

Draw nigh to God and he
will draw nigh to you.

Cleanse your hands ye sinners,

and purify your hearts ye double minded.

Be afflicted and mourn and weep.

Let your laughter be turned to mourning

and your joy to heaviness.

Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord,

and he shall lift you up.

(tense music)

Get off of me.

- Is everything okay?

I heard shouts when I was in the kitchen.

I didn't know if

there was something wrong.
- Grab that belt.

You secure his wrists.

I'll hold him.

Loop it around.



That's good.

You can go close the door.

(Jordan gasping)

You're not Jordan.

What's your name?

Look at me.

What is your name?

What is your name?

- You look nice tonight, Elijah.

- What is your name?

- What do you want it to be?

- What authority do you
have over this body?

- None.

I have no authority.

- Then I command you to release Jordan,

and go back to the burning
pits of hell where you belong.

- Good I want to burn.

- You want to leave this body?

- I want you to come inside and get me.

There's a difference.

- Well, that should be easy.

You're not a very strong demon are you?

- No.

No, I'm not.

I'm powerless

and useless, defenseless, helpless.

- Jesus' love will destroy you.

- Will it.

- God is in charge.

- That sounds good.

Play God take charge.

- [Eli] I release Jordan say it.

- No.

- I will receive say it.

I will receive say it.

Say it.

- No.

- I will receive.

- I will receive.

I will receive.

- God's judgment say it.

- Make me.

Make me.
- Say it.

- Make me.
- I will

fucking make you.

(tense music)

Is this what you want?

I break your curse of
defilement and perversion.

I reject Satan's power,

and replace it with the
redeeming blood of Christ.

The Holy Spirit demands it.

Jesus wills it.

God commands it.

(tense music)

Release him.

Release Jordan.

- Eli.

- Jordan.

(heavy breathing)

♫ Love lifted me

♫ Love lifted me

♫ When nothing else would help

♫ Love lifted me

♫ Love lifted me

♫ Love lifted me

♫ When nothing else could help

- [Eli] Hey, tell me the truth.

- What.

- I picked the wrong song.

- What, no way it was perfect.

- Yeah, but I thought of like

10 better ones like right after.

- Stop seriously it was awesome.

- Hey, have you seen Ascencion?

She never misses Sunday service.

I'm a little worried about her.

- No, when's the last time you talked

- Someone's following me.

- Jesus is following you.

He follows you to protect
and watch over you.

Jordan, would you like to lead
us in a prayer for Pamela?

- Yeah.

- Good call.

Getting kind of chubby anyway.

- You know I was thinking Psalms 28

would have been a stronger choice.

- Are you serious.

- Yeah, or Psalms 68.

Give us your strength
as you have done before.

- Are you serious or are you joking.

- Really any other Psalms would
have been a better choice.

Than the one you chose (laughing).

Whoa, Eli, stop it.

Get off me, Eli.
(woman screaming)

(tense music)

- I'll call the police.

- I'm calling my mom.

- Why?

- So she can pick me up.

I wanna go home.

- Kara.

- Someone give me a phone.

- Okay.

I understand thank you.

It's not an actual emergency,

so if we wanna make a report,

we have to take some photos

and go down to the station ourselves.

- Should we all go together?

- Maybe someone should stay here.

- I think we should all go.

I don't think there's any real danger,

but it's best to be on the safe side.

- My mom's here.

- Hey, Jordan

can you go check my jeans for my keys.

I'm gonna snap a few
photos then we can go.

- Yeah, sure.

- [Lindsay] I just don't feel
safe with him around anymore.

I can't help it.

- Lindsay, I saw the demon leave him.

He doesn't even remember it happening.

What's happening right now
has nothing to do with him.

- At least tell me that
you're not going to

share a bed with him again.

- What does that have to do with anything?

Yeah, I don't see why not.

- Seriously.

- Hey.

We're gonna share a bed
together someday you and me.

I promise.

- You mean that.

- You bet I do.

But until then don't make me
sleep on a lumpy old couch.

- Okay.

(glass breaking)

(Jordan growling)

- Lindsay,


Help me get him to the bedroom.

Run ahead and open the door.

(Jordan gasping)

Find something to restrain him with.

I thought we got rid of you.

- No, never, never.

- You are going to learn to do

what I as a man of God say.

(tense music)

- [Lindsay] Will this work?

- I'll hold him down you tie him.

Tie him tight.

(Jordan muttering)

Grab that belt.

You can leave now.

- No way I'm staying.

- Leave.


- She's staying.

Hey, look at me.

- Eli, what's happening to (slapping).

- I will receive God's judgment say it.

- Fuck you.

- I release him and return
to the fiery pit say it.

- There is no pit.

- I will leave.

Lindsay, grab that cross
from the living room.

(tense music)

(heavy breathing)

(Jordan muttering)

Spirit of perversion come out.

Come out in the name of Jesus.

- Come out.

Leave this body and return to the pit.

- I am light say it.

I release Jordan and
return to the pit say it.

I release Jordan.

- No.


- Lindsay, get a belt
or something stronger.

I don't know if I can hold him.


- Stop.

(tense music)

- Give me that.

Tie him again

tighter this time.

Turn over so she can tie your hands.

(Jordan gasping)

(Jordan crying)

- Eli, help me.

Eli, please.
- Jordan.

- Don't listen to it.

It's just the demon trying to fool you.

- Filthy sex demon.

Show it, Eli.

Take the sword of the spirit
and cut right through it.

Show it that if it doesn't
come out on it's own

we're going to go in after it.

Show it, show it.

- I have committed perverse
thoughts and actions,

and I am ready to receive
God's judgment say it.

- I have committed
perverse thoughts and acts.

- Ready to receive God judgment say it.

- I am ready to receive (screaming)

- God, release it.

Release it.

- Come out demon.

I release you with God's power.

I spill your diseased blood,

and fill you up with the spirit.

I spill your perversion,

and fill you with the spirit.

(Jordan screaming)

(Jordan mumbling)

(Jordan crying)

- I'm telling you Jordan

is the one responsible for the goat head.

I mean you can see what he's capable of.

He's completely manifested.

I think we should call your dad.

- I think we should spend some
time in quiet contemplation.

- Of course you do.

- I'm gonna take a shower, okay.

Why don't you make yourself
some tea or something.

We'll figure out what
we're gonna do after that.

(dog barking)

(tense music)

(water splashing)

- Did you get our messages?

- I don't know what you're talking about.

- Ascencion won't be
coming back here anymore.

Blanca won't be coming back here anymore.

If you're very,

very careful I won't be
coming back here anymore.

You know what I'm talking about now?

(suspenseful music)

(Jordan gasping)
(Lindsay screaming)

(Lindsay gasping)

- No.

(Lindsay screaming)

(loud thud)

(water splashing)

(tense music)

(Eli singing faintly)

♫ Jesus keep me from all harm

♫ Jesus kept me from all harm

♫ I'll be satisfied as long

♫ I'll be satisfied as long

♫ As I walk

♫ Let me walk

♫ Close to you

(door squeaking)

- I command you to get back on the bed.

(tense music)

- Jordan.

Jordan, stop.

Jordan, stop.

Jordan, wait, wait.

Jordan, Jordan no.

Jordan, no.



No, son.

No, son I'm speaking to Jordan now.

Jordan, I'm speaking to Jordan now.

Please stop.

Stop (crying).

Jordan, I need you please just leave.

(screaming) Fuck, Jordan.

Stop what are you doing.

No, no, stop.


(Eli screaming)

(Eli crying)

No, Jordan, no (crying).


(tense music)

(Eli crying)


I forgive you.

Let me help you.

Pray with me.

(tense music)

♫ In the soul cleansing blood of the Lamb

♫ Are your garments spotless

♫ Are they white as snow

♫ Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb

♫ Lay aside the garments
that are stained with sin

♫ And be washed in the blood of the Lamb

♫ There's a fountain
flowing for the soul unclean

♫ Go be washed in the blood of the Lamb

♫ Are you washed

♫ In the blood

♫ In the soul cleansing blood of the Lamb

♫ Are your garments spotless

♫ Are they white as snow

♫ Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb

(soft guitar strumming)

(dramatic music)